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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 5

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 5

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i i ii llll ITlTsnrllT 111 1111111 ai iiii.mniii 1 1 frit 1 1 J3KJ HOARDING var aiKn HLP TmBUB.ri aUESTIONS ANSWERED. iiilllHTWT at n. pwt I nip 1 1J a Hirmwi, a tn or thirty yaw, EMtiiory wrtM i oor reoUy, sola private parBoi wd token p. It If mm that doiUom of the fraauj ware loet a loona. i II ii niirr I nnimiTlfl AND MTTSIOAL, of aMomaIni6t, i i.

AirvUoli aw iKiamjaillbinl I JL DRA ATIO AND' BUSIOAli of Inventow for whioh taa new atttefprUn liberal rfM The following list ft POLICE WIRES. ij5 The Wtr ig of th Polios Telegrl? urea'Cti Superintendent Plaoley Report for the Vesr, Some'Tlmol In the abstract of the police report of tho published a few days ago In the Eaoe, tbo tele graph bureau, one of tho most important branobaa oi deDartment. vu nvprlnnVorl. The rirmit (a 1 bureau ombrocea Superintendent Flanloy, Operators McKolway, Qoau, Williams, CoraoU and Koenauand Linemen M.nee and McOonnelL Not only does Flanloy and his offlolal assoolatas receive, and transmit massages, but also a full record of the arrests mad awry precinct ia caroiuny complied iromaay; to Tbo offlca la not cloaod lor a single ralnulo' during the year, and without a gmootb worklrig of tha telegraph machinory thore would bo an Immediate to tha good pollco work. Af at present managod i no branch of the department which morlta unqualified commendation.

IN HIS LATE 'BESOM Flanley gava tho followto details Inasmuch as tho business od thls oBlce requires being open during the whole twoDty fonr hour vry day in the year, I bave arranged tbs tours of duty ot the operators so tbattboy alternate to night and weekly, tw0 operators bolbg roquirod on duty daring the aw lrom a A. to and to immediately meet any troublo liable to occur to tbe outsida lines. I require one or the linemen to bo on duty day aud nl ht. My rosidanca ts tn dlreot eopimunloatlon with this office ao tbat any aAiarrangsr ont of the llaia instruments during tba night tima am immediately notified of. During tbe or.scnt year a large portion or our oola lines having bean impaired from long earvios, I bay obtaluod permission from tolegrapb companies having; tho right of way through our city to placa our wires their notes.

Tho changes so made bars uot only given UB'boltor facilities of doing business, bat have also greatly reduced tbs axpsases of this bureau of tba, aepartmont. as it has obviated mo necessity oi rebuilding our worn out lines. EECOMMENDATI0N8. That tolephonlc connection be mado with the District Attorney's office and all police courts. A great saving time could thus be secured, a.

members of the department required at court oould be notified whan wanted, as well as complainants or witnesses; atprcn cut tbey frequeutly tako prisoners to court to find on their arrival there that tha oourt Is adjourned or tho Justices are abient, etc. Tbat connection bo made betweon all forrloa and tha Central ofllea by telephone, ob officers stationed there could call for the ambulance, sond out alarms of fire, and wo should be enabled to promptly notify them to be on the lookout for thieves leaving the city with proceeds of robberies when we have beeu apprized of auolx things ocourrlnfr In tha outlying preclnots. And In tbo event of the establishment of a rivor pollco, they could bo used to transmit orders, and placa us In a positiou to bo iu almost constant oommunioattou with tht rlvor patrol. I would also reeommand that TELEPHONIC STATIONS be established on certalu posts in preclnota wharafald posts covor a large extont of territory and ara remotely located from tho atatton house. In order that patroli toon could, If necessary, uaa the telophoues to summon, assistance or report fires and other occurencas raqulr fng prompt action, which, at present, necessitates tha loavluR of such posts uncovered for long Intervals whllo he goes personally to his station on business uf this kind, It could bo arranged so that offiora and pa trolmon when on patrol duty could call up their reapae tivo stations at any time ond receive instructions or make reports.

Tho locatlona for eueh stations to tw selected by tho Commissioner ot Pollco. TBE PEKSE of connecting tho various courts and ferries with thla office would be For construction of lino, about $73v; leose or telephones and transmitters, about $320. Tha exponso of maintaining tbeso oonnsotions, after tba first year, would be, for rent of telephone and trans nutters, about $320 per annum. I would respectfully state that my annual report tnA ing with tha year 1881, will show AN IgOBEASE 07 BUSINESS over that of any previous year. In tbat report I will oadeavor to, so far as possible, elasally the message.

Bent and received during the year. Tho total number of tho.e mossagos will oxceed 108,000. During tho present year I have placed telephone In several of the station houses which I have used In conjunction with our dial Instruments. Tba resulta attained from theso additional connections aro highly satiafaotory, particularly ao In the receiving of elaotion returns ou the night of Novombor 8, a. wa were rrniuh tha nrm of onr'cltv with tboreturng ao promptly that.they publisbod tho result of the elOr Hon In advance of any city in tho State.

PLYMOUTH PKAYEK MEETING. Dir. Headier ou tlio Story of Mr. B690h6r spoke Fiiday Plymouth prayer mooting, ou the "Bioh Men who Cast of that Aifluaj lato 3 Trtasafy, and the doV wita Gavo Two elites." namoo oi i Beochor, wero left out. Tha rich gave ostentatiously.

This iuslgnlfloant, little, dried up widow, (I auppoee, said Mr. Beocher, tbaro ia no barm In thinking 89 J. if won't hurt her,) ave two mitos, which made a aiming, whllo tho rich men's gold went rolltug Into tbs treasury as if its baaa waa a drum to sound their char ity. Tho widow's two mites went down faintly, and no ona thought anything about it, I beg pardon, Bald Mr SINGIB BOOMfid newly tarntsiiea, at iw uommoia neiguw. OABD FUtiNISHBD LflT, to ona or two aentlemen.

th or Without board. No Hoy st, first floor. OARD 150 OlilNTON ST, NEAR L.1V ingston Large, pleasant rooms, farnuhad or uafur nlihed also, a hall room. OARD TWO LARGE ROOMS WITH or without board, in a private family da Mercy av, DeKalb single gentlemen preferred. Address Hi.

A. ltagie ornoe. OARD TWO LiAKUJS UOIMJN1SUT1WU rooms on third floor.with hot and oold water and large oTosots i southern exposure Iqoation conventout to forries i nrnnfla orohsnged. 341 Union Bt. OARDPLEABANT, SUNWY ROOMS, .11 a.

nnmrnrfa rArtna frnm Hfi trt placp. OARD SECOND STORY ROOM WITH board; botai irflntlemen roomims hot and cold water; heated; aultablo for two wming together, or a married couple i also ao. a for single gantlomon. Oall at 137 Cllntca St. oommodation for single gani With board, a Jargo handsomely furnished front pot water and closet; in convenient and few minutes' walk Iroin Wall St.

and South Henry st. near Amity. ROARD 532 BEDFORD AV, NEAR DE Kalb Two larce, rooms, nicolylurDijhodi Seated: running wator exoellont tahlo; home comforts, suitable for four single gentlemen or two gontlemon ana wivus convenient to all cars; terms reasonable. lOARD TWO LARGE AND SMALL rooms, very comfortably furnished; table oxeellont; Ciation between two Knee of cars, and within five minutes ot tho City Hall; terms reasonable. Apply at 39 Wyokoff st.

liOARD NO. 196 WARREN ST, NEAR 13 Olinton A lady owning hor houso will let, with first board and attendsnoe, a seoond story room, southern exposure, nowly oarpoted and papered also two rooms on third door; all th. iaiprovomonts; conven to cars and lernoa; reterenoes, BOARD PLEASAMT HyUAxtxS tiviunx for gentleman and wife, and rooms for single gentlemen, withTlrBt flaw board half a square from street om lines, and fifteen minutes from ferrios; references er ohangeo. no. 10 ijawronuo OARD A PLEASANT, NICELY FUR ni.hari nmmrB room to let.

with board, to one or two aiugl inglo gentlemen or gentleman and wife twenty rmnutos rom ferries five minutes' walk from Tabernacle. 77 1 ort from ferries Greene plaoe. BOARD A NICK, LAKU. xnnvi story front room, with or without hall room adjoining, for lady and gentleman, or two single gentle en: house and table first olass; one minute's walk to oars, to all ferries twenty minutes' ndo. 00 Sixth av, near Flatbush av.

TLOARD NO. 96 STATE ST, FIRST 3 door from Henry Large back parlor, with extension, aoltable for a family or gentlemen wiiliiiRto room together, and two pleasant hall rooms, with excellent tabla board ana gooa attonuanoe; ra ubiw iiw. table ooaraers tasen. BOARD 11G HENRY ST AH 15.TKA largo second Btory front room, southern exposure and oold wator. steam heat and grate tire: lurmshed or unfurnished; oonnooting room if dosirod: also largo ana small rooms on third floor water and heat noar fe rriea terms reasonable.

"TJOARD OIS THE HILL A PLEASANT mn.v. aornnri ilnnr rniflflflfl Or Unflir iTiflhod. suitable for ainglo gentlemen or gentleman and wire; also, itrga nan room ou tmru UUUi: Doauro; tonns reasonable; reforencae oxebangea: tame boatdQ.B deaired. No. 13 WiUoughby av, near Cumber.

at Board at no. 93 johnson bt, ten i. rmm irn (nti. i nr.narina ana iron mom nn second floor, modern im provements, hi ntod and with gas: suitable for gentleman and wife or Binglo gentlemon terms 1 1 per waelc Also a largo front hall room, second floor, Buitablo for one or two ine rentlemon terms, $10 for two or SB for one highly roiioootable neighborhood and a home for aesiranie per BOARS TIA'TED. OARD WANTED BOARD AND A 9 partly inrnisnoa room, inr nroforrod.

Address, atatiufl fall pqrtiomarB. a. dui p. ttaio mm BOARD WANTKD IN XJtiBi viuinni of Prospect Park, either two rooms on socond story, front room on seoond story and one on tmra story, witu board for gentleman ana two laums uo.j. Ill ha Von.

Address, stating! terms, M. EaRle office. rniTRrJISHEb ROOM FliONT BASE ment for housekeeping, with or without hall room; $7 weekly, aoi IUKisTSHED ROOMS LARGE FROJS 1 room or hall bodroom, neatly furnished, convenient to all lines of cars: terms low; retorenoes exchanged. Ap ply at 32 Third av. JnnTRNiSHED ROOMS TO I.ET ICE ly furnisued rooms in a strictly private family, no ildron: Bontlomen only; st.

flvo niinutos from City Hall rereronce strictly required and given. An dress L. Kagle oltico. BURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, WITH. mil.

hoard, two connectine rooms, suitablo for ono or two gentlemen house occupied by small family of adu Is tho Tjost of reference givon ond required. Address uv Duffiold st. fiSURNlSHED ROOMS TO LET THREE nr tar nicelv furnishod moms, with hot and cold water, hoat and aaa, oonvoniont to Fulton ana Hamilton ferries: terms moderate. Apply at 342 Ninth st, between Fifth and Siith TO HOUSES. TO rooi LET HOUSE (T WO FLOORS) it Waahinirtod av.

ond Borcrn st: two linos Of cars; root to n. mnmi: new: well auapieu mi uouiuiuM eood tenant 835 per montn. Aloo, largn store ana coi or, suitable for any business, with largo now Also, new house: eight rooms; adjoining samo, on Wnahuigton av; rent 825 per month. Apply to owner, W. K.

FULLKK, waiao nouse, namuwa TO PAIITS Or BIOBSES. TO LET PART OF HOUSlfi ul ton st, betweon Troy and Albany avs, second story (tour o. and oold water; unfurnisjied. mo LET PART OF HOUSE A LADY will lot lower part of house, two parlors, two basements; shades inoluded; all modern improvements ton. minites' walk from South or Wall st, ferry rout SJ15.

No 152 warren st. TO LET rLATS. LET FLAT A DESIRABLE FLAT, JL flvfl rgPgy', Atlantic av. 81jjlrat floor. mo LET FLA 5I M6 RS AV F1VE J.

rooms; all improvements: to a Bmall family, without onildren, preferred. Inquire 7 Putnam av, riO LET FLAT BECOWD 1 ja.t, isy. 84 Clinton av: soven rooms and bath: improvement and in perfect order would furnish to suit for satisfactory teuant. Inquire of janitor. moXET W7ATSTHEFAlHVIEW.

$40, 842, $40; the A gnaw. 5, tho Franklin, $22, 823, $20. and pthora at 20: all abovo llata are de located, hAVo 7 to rooms latest improvements and con vepioncMi farnishod lialln, janitor, etc; floor plans gratti. mtJ LET FLAT ON EL pis iaft. batwnfin Sixth and Sovenkh avenues: St.

Marks av. near Fourth and Fourth Bt, between St. Marks' av. and Bergen st; 78 rnoin, hard woodfmlshod: door oponor3; speakln tube balls fnrnished janitor, Ao. For keys aud particulars apply to THOMAS H.

BRUSH, No. 74 Foartu avenue. I'O LET FOB HJSIN iSS PCBPQ8E8. OLET BOOMS WITH STEAM POW er. Applv corner Front and Pearl ate.

Brooklya, aat at 204 aid 04 Hast Twenty third at. New York. WM. BURDON. mo LET EVEKETT HALL FOR PAR I lor entertainments, concerts, private dramatic societies, sociables, etc.

rooms for literary and sooial lodges and societies in general also, vory des.rablo musio rooms. No. 3bB Fulton st, betweon Smith st. and Gallatin place, TO LET STOKES, mil LET STORE AND BACK BASE JL ment, 435 Court st, 5P foet deep. Inquire of the ownor, J.

ABRAHAM, 1U2 DoKalb av. fjlAO LET STOUE 300 ADAMS ST A M. a tew feet frora Myrtlo av, well calculated for a tailor, shoemaker, barber, plumber, butcher or other small busi ness. IO LET STORE CORNER OF NAS jau and Dumeld sts, in a thickly popuiatea n.iaupor hood rent ohoaD to a live man also, aecond floor of three rooms in name bouBo; both will bo ompty the iirst of January. Apply to ownor, 72 Skillman at, or 22 Sands st, real estate.

FOB SAI.K I OCJSES. IOR SALE HOUSE A FORTUNE Nan 5 onmnr hi idtr hnildincr. 2a40. ODOOaite ru iA henrle. ant Innfltinn in thn A lirHJW Itt Jl'l.

lOliWIl uuima. uv i Anfloi world lor rosinurant ana bOAramg doubb or grocery Lirica, 87.5'JO: ciBh $1,000, balance easy. Inquire on proralBes, HEW Thirteenth st, cornor of Sovanth av. IJOR SALE HOUSE OR EXCHANGE for a house. A farm of acres; housos, barni, mmOiinnrv.

rnnrfl. horaflfl. flto: t0 callona of wine and BO gallons ot cider, laat yoar; average of barrels of iweet potatoe and 83 bushela of corn per aero; orobards of poara, apples, grapes, and niulborry trees for silk worms; equity difference oash. No. 505 Pearl at, N.

Y. 710R SALE HOUSES ON EIGHTH AV, between Lincoln and Berkoler places, fronting Proa out Park; three left of the handsomo throe story ond a.Hinnni. hrawn ninna fronta. alee of each 30x50: lota inn dflAn t.haRa houHU contain every modern con venience, built in the very best manner: two flight, of hard wood staira in eaoh house; parlors with cabt net trimming basement and parlor halls vralnscotted in hard wood butler's panlry in back narlor. For particular dy to owner, on premisei, or ai omoo oi u.

n. uuarift 2B0 FlatbuBh ay, corner of Prospect place. FOR EXCHANGE. ilOR EXCHANGE LOTS THREE large, unincumbered lots on latousu av, near tue for improved property unlnoumborod atone front n.i lr fnr IRrffnr on Hill fine OlaceB ab WhitO ntone. Passaic and elsewhere for Brooklyn exobangos ot all kinds.

MAOOMBKB A BI0HARD80N, 70 Fulton street. FOR SAl MISCE 10Ija. T7IOR JP Ish SOW'S I HALE VEGETABLES LONG Island turnips and oabbago, for sale. Vessel Globo, a FIKK, root Atancio av. lRSALE LOT IN GREEN WO Jj Cemetery, near Firemen's monument, au indepon 334 devonteenth Bt, mar Jfifth av.

JSSBY. WjlOR SALE BUSINESS A UKUUlStlX Hi fltnrn domff a line cash business: for solo on aocount of poor health of owner. Inquire of A. H. BRAUK, 378 Plyrtio av.

TjORS ALE BOTTLES TO THE LIQUOR Bl t.nQ rfamfiofn. and flasks fit the lowest cash price. all order, delivered freo of charge highest price paid for all kinds of bottle! G.MURRAY, ilonry at. iO tSALE MORTGAQKA SEVEN nisr cent, mortgage for 82,600, on a thirteen roomed house and lot, 80x100, It on Hart et. expires in July noil.

Apply to w. suana hv, 1DOR SALE PORTRAIT, U. FU troit in oil of Mme. Adelina, gilt frame, oheap alao. largo mosio dm.

pays Uhristiiias prpsonw. vi a office. CSOTT SALE FURNITURE AN EBON iiod French plats mirror with oornloea to match, 845. worth $75; Turkish chair, covered with raw Bilk, Sl, SArth S30 Bornton folding hed.slngle size, made in wal nSt! 930, ort 9SU JP. MoMAilON, 101 Oourt st, corner Boh'ermerhoru.

FOR SALE BUSINESS A LUMP CASH bueiness, patented in all countrloB established two roars .000 now Invested; domestic sales and foreign natonis will Day 100 per oent. on gradual mvostment of 8" 00 Principals iuve.tlgatlng, oddroaa MONOPOLY. Box 12, Kagle omce. TiiT'i baTh KITStNESS ON ACCOUNT of slckneas. $1 ,500 will buy the good will of the buei Hiss of a first olasa boarding Uousa on tho Hill, including furniture throughout, which is aU now, and coat 2,000 throe months ago.

AddreB. 0. O. Box N. Y.

P. O. jORSALB FURNI' URE GREATSALE of furniture in consequence of Intended alterations i.Ai,t. 1. I intend olterlnir to ttloRQ desiring bargains in furniture and oarpets.ttie grandoat ohanoe tbey will ever have.

50 potior suits from. 815 to 850 eaoh; 23 bodroom suns, woou top anu mwoiu 820 and upward 500 carpets, boa, mussels ana tapooity, iromouo. iuo. vthinir offeraa. but it will bo a regular slsugh.

prioos for avsrytuing one tar. P. MoMAHON, 1 horn opening evenings lAHON, 101 Oourt St. oorner of Sohormer. till iv uiuoa.

FOJ SAI iE PIANOS, tec tOR 8ALE PIANO WILL BUY A eood 7K octove plonoforto, all now improvements. Pasl oall and iamlnV our flrst olass Hardman square UDri bt Sia Tat '7SW IWn at. Jpen even. ings. Offlee, PIAMOS WEBER' i inlrAn imnnv for these unrivalsd Dianos.

io aro offering them at extraordinary low prioos for oash or installments, during the balsnoe ol this month. Ihoso ALE PI AN OS THK ADO PTION JL" of the Krauich A Baob pianos by our bost musloians and singors ia the best guarantee of Kjeir eterling merit. After seolng a 1 others, oall ana oxaiuine tneio lnsiru HKLD'S PIANO WAHKROOMS. 114 Living Bton ut, oorner Boerum place. Prices and terms reasonable.

FOR SALE PIANOS GREAT INDUCE montafor tho Holidays: elegant piano, every improvements, soven ootavi), rosewood, only $160; good piano 925; roniB ond instollrnenU fit upward; open ovon Inss until Uhrlstinas: please call and examine. U.L"; DLB'S pianoforte warerooms, 5S7 Fulton at, btanoli ot New York. uMi THK TjADY WHO JL eot In oar corner of DeKalb niifl Hodson address to lady wbu.4id bar fiwo, Address A. 1L, L5'8 officii. EOR SALE TIANO OKHAao sjo, J.u, 815 eaoh month until fully paid: rent.d, exohangod.

I son wawroomS Wasmr toa at, next to Post To 1,600. To used day this To on of by To of the foot of two as 8S3 611 To the the ye of a enoe and nerjry. B.M.H.D..oi. 7 WANTKD LADiisa flu YuunuAusxi BTRUOTlor? oB SWWn at, Brooklyn; 8 Park Row. York.

WAWTBP AKTBD BRIOKMA80NS rNON SO olety mea.rnetplSU th av. andFoartaenth St. nnrseai and a wrrin qTTTT ATION AS A NURSE forohUdren.bya,w Amerloap wom: lekhjd ia ntry. Address K. Kagla offlca.

Obani bermaWauWt'eMos, fcc. WANTBD SITUATION TO DO UP is a good ironer; willing to niakahar. aaKgenJauaefal Wsloep home. ArM. 73 Main Cooicb, waMnejwana iron era.

WANTKD SITUATION A SCO washer and Ironer, by a respectable young Swedish a nb "iTT nriy ir WANTE1D SIT A iwi 1. kj uuuiv, wash and iron or as laundress ia a private family, a respeotsble colored girl 1 can furnish reterenoe. Ap. at an rnnoo st. GenerainojasjeworU.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO OBN aral housework, by a strong competent girl having raforanee not atralQ w) wora. KwrijU 1 MENT 203 South Oxford st. Ladies suited at notloe. rV a xrrrrSTrtnfATlOlf TO DO GBN eral housework In a small family, by a reapeotable vouni girl: is a good plain cook and washer and young giii. 10 noBa tQm nrflSflnt nmnbror.

cood city references from present omplpyor. at Union st, between Fifth and Sixth ironer; nu for two days avonuos. TO DO GEN in asmnll family or a. houMkeeper, arospoctabls middle sued wiaow: ia a good cook washer and irono wishes to take her daughter, 9 years of with har has good city retorenoes. Oall for two day.

MO Bridge at, in tho tancy storo Hr ANTED IV xrxn iii.i homework, in a small family, by a rospoota. Jnnng Tiorninn irirl: or as onambermaid and waitress; wScitv refePreM Call for two days at 28 Forty. st. WANTED SITUATIOWS MALE8. WANTED SITU A iy as aii In a Drivato family or restaurant.

Call on Monday BORBIIL'S market. I0uimionst. 7ANTED SITUATION IN A HOTEL, WW nralfturant. bv a vounir man: under' stands bartending and waiting on table; willing to mako lumsell osem.l naa a "ii iV Frenoh. uau or aoureBa WAN'i'EP MABIES.

WANTED BABi ft ttari7iAi SsSr TrMJlwi! TT worn SXJe nrso at vnu hvv. arlTEB WISIHre, Bll. ANTED WASHING BY A RE spooUble woman, by the day. Please oall tor two days at 855 Paclfio st. XJSJ ANTED WASHING TO GO OUT BY WW wnnhimr liome: has oltv references.

Mrs. RUMF lw u7. QBn. Iln. l.nhlr 'UUUl, no.

room. A1D WASHING BY A YOUNG woman, work by tbo day is good washer and iron neat and competent. Please cab for two days at No. 7 Porry place, betweon Bedford sndNostrand avs, top floor, back room. ANTED WORK BY A RESPECT A bio colored woman washing and ironing by tho month or doon or week, or would Imo a few gentlomen nf dnva' wnrk: can five ffood rof washing, or would PloosecaTor address, .320 Gold it, near John eronoo.

Bon. WAirrEP PK''l' PHAE ANTED DRESSMAKING A dressmaker, a few more engagements to go out by tho day. Pleaso call atatis Atlantic av, tmra uen. ANTED ENGINEER A PRAGi'l cal onEinoor wislieB a situation at moderate wages. Address KMUlMKau, om.o.

15rANTl KOUS tJsl A truai i.n,inanr,i,r in a vridovrer's family, or would as lady's companion, enuor u.yr roferenoea. Apply lorthreo day, at 87 Eleventh St. S.Bj WANTED DllESSIHAKIJNti A llb. ish dressmaker would like a fow more customers will go out by the day or tako work home suits made from 4toS8. Address D.

13 Wllloughbyav. ANTED DK KSSM A KING A FIRST mftntB to co out by tbo day, in or outof the city; oattmg HraiDmslrar WrtlllQ 11 lift B. IQVT more IIK Ktt' and fitting a specialty; terms, 8l.SU a day. AaareBS m. Box lo, p.agie oraco, W7 ANTED ORGANIST Bx ST.

fAUbb Episcopal Church, Flatbush: one accustomed to tl.n nua lilied to train a choir; salary must be moderate. Apply by letter to Rev. J. W. BRADIN, Jit.

Flatbush. WAtVTED PAKTS OI HOWSIM. TTTTT WW nAir.lilmr)innrt urifli nrivnt family and within walking distance of three or four rooms, suitable for housekeeping: modern conveniences, for young mor riod couple; no children. Address giving full particulars ond amount of vent, B. 8., Kogle ollico.

ROQn rlKNIHED. WANTED KOUMJ ita a i.NUi., i.nif iiur'R ivnllfintr distance of rulton Ferry. In any respeotsble locality, two or throe rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. Address, with terms which must be low, ECONOMIST, Eagle office. STANTED iT FURN1SHBD YT Two furniahed rooms in Brooklyn, or a smalr house or plrtof house, furnished, in country, for Winter, for or part ot nouse, lunuaneo, in couuvrjr.

ui Cr fa and one ohi ref i fcY tTf erenoes; stato price and particulars. ANTED REAL. ESTATE. ANTED LOTS CORNER LOTS, 75 vim tn fact.nlT, muat be wel locstea unrl onnvenient to forries. Address CORNER LOTS.

P. O. Box 1,40. New York. WANTED MISCEM'AWEOIIS.

AKTRII LADIKK' AN GENTLE Vff ni. na1. nrf lnlliino nnH flATDfltS. for which will pay ISO per oent. more than any othor aatiat All order, for go of.amjU Jota MUi4l tended to.

Oal on or addrtST MTSL MAUN, 405 Hudson rtli. av, ono door from u.mtpn St. ST. PAUL'S M. E.

MIHHIOJX, VAjN Tlmnt at. linLVfnn Kinff una fcttllltVan K67. M. A. fnnxir rv n.n.ii.nt nf Vii.

rivr ThMfilncripnl KAminarr. DDI I aetiA iau ui B' i will preacn i uai, uvtu iuuiuiuii uu to COPAL UHUIlOIl, corner of Henry st. ReT. JOHN K. UOOKMAN.

P. pastor, will preach on hUMJA. UOOKMAN. D. D.

nrninir nK 10:30 and II mnrnin. nK IDr.lO and in too ovemnff a. oiook. ana dayaohoal at 2:30 P. fiOrtDe) tumDorancB moetine this (auafty ovouw cordially invited.

fyaturdayl oveuina at 7 :30 o'clock. Seats freo. Strangers 1 7 PwUKKNR UWUAL MEETING TIIF.RDAY. at It o'clock. Gospel tttrnporfliico addreaa TNrAV KVKNING.

by Miss GKKKNWOOD, at tho OH UKU11 UI 1 Hr. UUVfiflAni iuuiiHraiwii3ii, vitw wour Pnrlr ntripn Temnorimco meetinc for men Thurtt fly evonini: at 7:30 o'clook at V27 Franklin av. near I a ilnivfnrrl Mot.littr'a inunMnfr ftririnv. at A o'clock at 127 Franklin av. Those rafletmR undor the auspices oi tne lemporanuo umon on inn nin, HRO( 1,44" vices TO I a ir 1 LV I 1 PTl Tl 1 1 Wt HOflKLYN REt'ORMETTPRESBYTER' f)l'T71)H a)' Hvnrson SI.

find Lfllavottoav bor DAY(Sabbnth) 10:30 A. M. ond. 4 P. by ODN GRKGATIOJNAL, fi niiirtii'ii pMilln st.

oaat of Bedford avPreacbinx TO DAY bv Rov. A. R. THOMPSON. D.

at A. anu uy tun laitiut, 1 Kit, LI. 11., nt I in. uuqmi bijuuui u. OK THE MEDIATOR.

OR l. at. Rnv. .1. W.

SPARKS JX, ui FIIIinTH SIINDAV IN ADVKNT lw oolobra'ion 7:30 A. M. morning prayer, 10: choral litany, sermon and high oolobration, choral vespers, 7:30 P. M. All Boats IroB; "IIiINTON HTRKJ IK HIKIAIN ninmnil.

Rnv. Dr. VAN DYKR. Dostor bervico at II o'clock A. M.

and 7:30 P. M. Iu the evening Dr. Van Dyke will, by spociai reuuesr, repoat iuo discourse on unirlnai reconuiy uruacucu a cuursu on popular theoloRy whioh he is now delivering. rLASSON AV.

PKBSB YTEKIAN CHURCH, OJjiBson bt. corner Monroe at Preacliinji on SAhBATH, Docember 18, by tho pastor. Rev. l. K.

i rt ft Nrc r.A at umu a. m. ana r. m. also, preachinc at DUI YKA MISSION, Clermont av, near Atiantto.

av, ai r. in. IIRST KEFOKMBD BUTCH CHURCH. 1 at, near City Hall Rev. D.

N. VANDEK VKKH, pastor, wul preaoh in this cnuroh TO UAV, at 10 and i ramt ra uiu.i.uj iutiiou. IjMRST BAPTIST OHURCH 1.1 PIERRE 1" Dont.treet, corner ot Clinton Preichinj; 67 the pastor, Kov. J. B.

THOMAS. D. at 10:30 A. M. t.

in RKhhath sohool and adult Bible alaases at 2:45 P. M. All cordially waloome. (Seat, free. iRAOE METHODIST EPISCOPAL Ij'ItUn.

'Il, OU)ni VMW. uomi UOT IIVU IWJ. GKORUK P. MAINS, pastor, (rill preach at P.M. only.

Sunje "Some Hobberiea that are Koing on in JjrOOKIyn. ouuuay buiiwi av i.njoi iiitwiiui frou neaaay evening at uum.i muteu, XI ANSON PLACE BAPTIST CHURCH, fi corner Portland Rev. M. ALTjAHKR, pastor, preach TO DAY (Sunday, December 18), morning and evening. Services commence at 10:30 A.M.

and 7 3oP. M. Prayer and cooforence meeting Friday even All are coraiany weiouuieu. OLY TRINITY CHAPEL, DUFPIELD Mvrtln iiv. Ror.

WILLIAM SHORT, nantor Tn.nAV (Sunday) at 10:30 o'olook A. M. and 7 HOP M. Seals free. Sunday school at 3 P.

M. Postponed election of Ohuroh Wotlc Committee on Wednesday erening. INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC SAVIOUR OHUROH, Bridge et, near Myrtle'air. Rev. ale.

NAMEB, paator. will preaoh this kvmnihu, at 7:30. Union Social Meeting at 3:30. Her. Father DKKINo ol nonara.

n. wm iuu iumuji t. "What the Irish Need." Brinx Moody ond Sankey hymn boots. ANES M. B.

CHURCH, REV. I. SIM a I moNS. oa.tor PreaohlnK TO DAY at 10:30 AM by Rev. A.

H. WTATT.and at 7:30 P. M. by the paator theme, "Law and Grace." Young people's prayer a AEAYETTE AV. CHURCH, REV.

DR. preaoh TO.DAY, morning, and intne ovening will give tho next ol Bis leoturoa on Bible Lands Subject: "Oliios and Its Kartnqnakea, Patmos and KnhMiia." Seats lor strangers. ATAROY AV. BAPTIST CHURCH, COU VI Rov. H.

O. PBNTE008T. nastor. wlipreaoh DAY. ominf and evening.

Sunday sonooi mu ttuui v4 free ana everybody cordially welcome. IDDLB REFORMED CHURCH, HAR ri.on near Oourt Rev. Dr. INUBRSOLL, pastor, wiirnroaoh. 8orvloes ot 10:30 and 7 o'clock.

Subject uv. VlNfi: "Exnerionoes and Imnrosaionn in Krot including an Acoount of Some of tho Wonders of tbo Great Pyramid URltAN CHURCH (CONGREGATIONAL) Lafayette and Maroy avs. Services at 10:30 A. and7 30P. M.

Freaoning uy nev. bamuki, uuij OORD. Sunday School at aiw r. di. rrayer meeting Friday ovening.

ST PAUL'S M. E. MISSION, VAN Brunt st. botween King and 8ulliyan, Rev. WILLIAM BUHT aator Preaching TO DAY.

at 10:30 A. president of Drew'theologleal Seminary. AUwo coin T. STEPHEN a El UUUHUH, JEr tT5 fenon St. and HWiaiH.

reotor. Bev. U' ROFT. of Ohriat Ohuroh. villi preaoh in tue VUO vn." NO.

Servioes at 10 :30 A. M. and 30 P. M. Subioet for ins liaptiem oi we." Kvoning, Tnl stron hold Services 10:30 A.

and 7 .30 M. Strangers are cordially welcome. mABERNAOLE BAPTIST CHURCH, m3fPw 5oT ffiSSt. "Tho ovaning, 7 Bubeet, 'The h'k fiwfisk5 "5f'c I dlally invitedj ana on imoiuiw TTNITY A 8 SON AV, near Lsfferfs plao Morrjlpg service at 10:30 sermon vtBe ator7 Rev. S.

H. OAMP: a Creed, leu Tohureh ivV! fSnday achMiaia o'olook P. M.rsoata free. All ara cordially invited. WESTMINSTER PRESBYT BRIAN Vf OHDROH.

earn.r OlintOn st.snd Rrst Baoe Thj. ff: zsti tS. win a ssiona of Patmos," received in a recent visit. A. pressions IQASONIC.

ILLGROVE LODGE, NO. 540, P. AND A. M. Bretbren: You aro hereby summoned to attend the annual oommunicatlon of the lodge at thonr rooms, corner of Myrtle and Kont ova.

on MONDAY P.VICNING, Deeomber 19. 1B81. at 7 :30 P. M. Buaine.s Klootlon of offioors, payment of duss and amendment to oyiawa.

iir Ult itun IT illl. iAuii a u4aat, J. 11. QtFFOBD, Secretary. ITIBETINOS.

IDOWS" AND ORPHANS' FUND. W. D. Tho mcmbor. of tho Board of Trustees will al riinm In Ilia h.iinmmiL of thn flltv Hall: TO DAY, al o'clook sharp, to attend tuo funeral of MM11AR1.

KKNN1SDY, lata member ol the board. By ordr of the board, BAHU uunuun. oooniary. JT near ts.t JJ First TO JT cold tion: 350 JT their J3 walk class hall ient hot or the vessel wa launched, and enouga suaini ijw Beiejfww oia small cowifag craft. Its armament consisted sovonty four, gans and lta dimensions wero as fol Length, a little 0701 19iJ' feet 63.

feet 22 feet; ballast, 1T0 tons water, 96,000 gallons provisions, four months. Tho North Carolina waa the flagship of Commodore (now Admiral) John Rodgers, the Mediterranean squadron from March 27, 1825, October 8L 1825From 183T to 1839, it waa the flagship of Commodore If. E. Bsllard, of the Paclfio Squadron, and after 1839 was the receiving ship at the Brooklyn Yard, until it was roplaood by the Vermont, has been succeeded by tho present receiving ship Colorado, RAPID TRANSIT. Does tke Elevated Railroad Srstem UXoct the Gone? sior or the Brooklyn Ewlo: Wl 1 mi 1 P.yi'f8 speaic of rapid transit it seems h('r systems exist but the two Lro'okti OlS.

light, ohstruoting tne street and tnlunna i nnni mill hv nrnnratlon whini, property, amo'numeitof inJustlceVod the murderous surf ace road ot AtlaX avenue which Mike Flnnegan calling bis gi "hSui signs over wooden steps informing tho publlo thai thu a "rapia irauait aianou. But there are othor means of affording rapid tranBl elsewhere employed to tbe satisfaction of all. I refer tho underground road, so ia London, and what may bo called the "'cross block" roads' in London and Philadelphia. Both are unobjectionable to moat people, ana a comuinauou mo mu uum JUBt suit tho topograpny OS rooaijr. j.uv uuuw ground neods no doseription.

The "cross blook" has lonn boon in uso In London. I rode on ono In 1856 from East India docks to Fenchurch elroet, if iTomem ar right. It ran ovor houses, between uousos, mrougn hmiRAn and atroftta on arches, but never going along a stroet. A more recont ono, that from Charing Cross to London Bridge, I rodo on in 1865. It is built the same prlnolpie, supported on substantial ma Bonry and provided with a gravel road thus avoiding noise.

Were it not for tbe chimneys of houses you would tulnK you wero on a sun boo roau. This system, I think, is still bettor adapted tothe regular square blocks of American cities than to the Irregular stroets of London. In Brooklyn, for in etance, aftor tunnelling undor the high ground near the river, instead of defacing Myrtlo or Fulton avonue with homely hardware, would It not be better lo build the road in the middle of the blook next to either sldo the avenues, simply spanning too oross streets 1 This would supply rapid transit. Evory ono will admit that a railroad forty feet from one's rear windows Is les. objoctionoblo than one wlj.htu aim's length of tha front.

Then there would bo ercuuo for building stations ou the strcots, liko those on the Socond avenue road between Division and Third streets. Thoro would 110 obstruction of thoroughfares; no obscuring of lieht: do dronplDff of aBhes. crease, bolts, on pass ers by; no miles ot empty cars standing over tbe street, etc. Thoro is, however, a great objection, 1 admit. 11 is that the companies would havo to pay for tho right of wav.

This is precisely what I had in mind when 1 said that such roads would bo unobjectionable to most peo ple. It Is much cheaper to stoal watch tuan to ouy one; much cheaper as railroad mon kuow to Bteal a highway or a street man to pay lor private proporty. In the counties of Now York aud' Rings some of tbeso men bave bad their choice, and we all know wbft It has been. Lot thom now be oompelled to pay for the watoh or da without It, and you will see that they will pay here as they have done elsewhere. The waterod oapltal of the Now York "LV roads would have beeu twice more than onough to build an honest road, and a permanent one, while it la neither the one nor the other.

A Taxpaveh. Has Property on Stxtb Avenue, New Torb, Increnacd lu Value To the Editor of tht Brooklyn Eagle If the benefits derived from tho elevated roads In New York outweigh tbo damage they came, it does not follow that It would bs bo In Brooklyn, Tho cases ara wholly dissimilar. One of the counsel for the roads hero, tn his argument before tho Mayor, la reported as saying tbat the value of property on tha Sixth and Third avenues ia New York, had advancod nine millions by rapid transit. If this is true it is only a part of the wholo truth and ia misleading, and if so intended is oreditable to the astuteness and professional shrewdnosB of the ablo counsel iu behalf of hie clients. What are tho facts We Ond that at the genesis of the elevated roads in Now York, the stagnation or business and depression of prices owing to the monoy panio wero BncU that the vacant Btoree, even ou Broadway, could be counted by tbo hundred.

Yi'o bad reached bottom prices for everything. Since thot gloomy timo tho marvelous volume oi prosperous uuBiness tnat uas followed tho bard timeB, ha. carried up valuos generally, norhans. to tbo othor extreme. Tbo proportion of this" advance in values fairly applicable to tbo property oa tbe Third and tjiitti avouuoa is immensely in uxoob.

of this estimated ulue millions. The robots from tho truo advance of value is tho amount of dam ago to the abutting property ou those aveuuee and reduces the veal Increase In value to the nine millions, which 1b no doubt au overestimate, Again, tbo samo counsel says "The interest of tbe publlo at large should not yield to tbat of the Now, the owners and occupauts of property on Fulton street, Myrtle avenuo and other streetB, opposed to these roads running iu front of and depreciating tha value of mllea of Btores, dwellings, churches, etc, are not few In number, and to theso 1 am Bur. can be added a good, many 8 who mm lorego any prooooi, par. oonvouioaC8 or benefit ratherjhfta a80I.y to the financial ruin of 6ny citizen. To call this multitude of per sons a few is to throw into confusion all our idoas of numbers.

Ownors of property should not relax their opposition in tho vain expectation of obtaining damages, unless guaranteed by the city, as proposed by tbe E.uile. If damages could be secured, thoy would necessarily bs partial. A proximate estimate might bo msde of a store in ulton street for inBtanoe, of the immediato depreciation of value by the erection of tbe road In its front but (hat danisge vyotild not compare ia matfni tjja with that of tbe falling off of trada and annual profits year after year Indefinitely. Ari3 finally, the scheme of running a highway through Brooklyn to Coney Island for the benefit of Nesr York, fairly interpreted, Is a plan to Injure tha fair name of our olty, to crush its retail trade, and to mako jubilant the proporty owners and the store keepers on Broadway, In New York. It ought to be resented as treating Brooklyn contemptuously, in fact, aa thn more scullery of tbe great metropolis.

We aro having quits too much of this. Tho measure finds favor with a junta of atook speculatora in collusion with bribed ofUolals. It is dishonest, scandalous and corrupt to tha core. Clean Hamds. WIIO SnAliL BE 8 PERIMTE DBST OF SIMOOM I To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Brooklyn, as a leading city, has fostered and matured a system of freo schools fully cqna! to any othor.

Tho instructors employed in our great system of schools are, in many inatanooa, eminent iu their oalllng, aud tho election of any one of I hem to the super lntenuonoy would insure a proper administration of tbo offoirB and responsibilities of that moat important office. From so extond.d an educational field It would be to Bend to one smaller and mora limited for a superintendent. Iu St. Louis, Chicago, Buffalo, Washington, Baltimore and Now York City the chief auporlntendent and his assistanta are selected from among principals of schools who havo beeu tried and not found wanting aa progressive educators. To prouioto tho welfare or ilia soboolB, the most eligible of the available candldatea should for the highest offi.o in the department of instruction, without regard to pollticul or religious afllltationfl.

If one of the highest purposes of true education ia to unite and qualify the peoplo for usefulness to each other, it is certainly an humanitarian Interest no faction should dominate or oontrol. Among representative, who have lvou oharacter to the cducatloi i.h.1 "J9SJ fe29 to5u nu6 the elate, bv and constituents, as candidates for the supeilntenneucy, is mat oi uaivin I'attorson, one of the foremost principals of Brooklyn. Ha was formorly profossor of mathematics lu the Buffalo Normal School. About nlno years ago ho came to Brooklyn and waa ejected principal of School No. 13.

Under bis oliargo this school Eas proSpered (jnd IJ.B0W ono of tbe largest la the olty. Mr. Patterson wasior several years principal qf tbo evening high school. In the positions be has hold he has tghown great executive ability, practical knowledge and organizing power. Ho is aninparativdy a young man and conceded to be possessed of rare abilities aud attainments.

James Crtilkabani, principal of Public School No. 12, Is well knowo, not only in this city but throughout the Stote, in connection with the founding and development of our great State and municipal school interests. Connectod with the Stato Department of Kdncatlon at Albany for somo years, though uot a politician, bo draftod laws now on the Btatute books, which in the interest of sohools and instructors have proved to bo wlssly framed. The school blanks iiBed In the Now York City and Brooklyn schools were devised by blm. Soma of the State papers proparod by Mr.

Crulksbonk, and issued from tbe Department ot Education havo been liberally quoted in other States authority in connection with school legislation, Tbe enrollment of nearly 800 students tn tho Evening Central High School, tblspait month, speaks well for Mr. Cruikshank'e management Large experience and natural and well trained abilities of a high order are In bis caae fully Bxempllfled. Mr Leonard Dunkley, who Is also named as a man In every way wall fitted to grace the ofllce of city superintendent ot sohools, Is tbs popular and officiant principal of Public Sobool No. 16. The reputation of this sobool ia woll known.

It is quoted trom one and or tho country to tho other as a modol school, not only in appointments but In Intelligent methods of Instruction, syBtematio organization, and tbo tnoronghess of tha work. For twenty Jour years Mr. Dunkley Uaa been recognized as one of the leading educators of Brooklyn. Mr. Jacobson, principal or Publlo School No.

15, is a gentleman of rare scholarship, broad oulture and great earnestness. No. 16, under Tils management, is a model institution of learning. These, with a dozen more of tbe prinoipala of Brooklyn who might be named, ara praotical, thorough oducators. mon of exeoutlva ability and enthusiasm in their profession, who comprehend tbo defeoto in our school system, and who would work persistently and Intelligently to ralso tbe scboole to tha highest standard of excellence, and make them tha pride of our olty and tbe models of tba oouutry.

P. COLONEL MC LEER, OSTHASTBR. I'd the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Mr. John A. Nichols, who is himself au officeholder, Is reported in yonr columns of Wednesday ovening as saying.

In regard to tbo reappointment of Colonel McLeor tbat "So would not deny that ho was opposed to his rstentton in office, hla oppoeltion being based on purely political grounds," This, bear In mind, ia tho utterance of a Republican olUoi.l who has token up hi. auoae in nrouaiyu iuuk muuu mo umu when Colonel MoLeer, when only a boy, wont forth twenty years ago to battle for his country'a life. Tha time will coma when Mr. Niohols will wlBh that ha oould get awny from tho memory of this utterance. TblB spirit of party factionalism was pretty soveroly rebuked in tho eleotlon of Mr.

Seth Low, as Mayor. If Colonel McLoer wero a Democrat, with blB war record and his empty coat sleeve, he would dcBerve retoDtiou at the bonds of President Arthur, and I believe bo would get it, too. Lot Colonet lcLoor return to Brooklyn, aud let all politicians wboArs oppo.ed to him, for tuo roason givon by Mr. Niohols, start at onco. for Washington, lay siege to tho President, and "joy wl 1 conaeBoeuu to gracions.y porioriu t' will bo sent baok by tbo PreBidout with Colonel Mc Leor's commission In their keoning for aofe dellvcr auca.

At any rate, thla la the Dsm ROW AT A PARTY. Auioug the company assembled nt a sociable given at a private residence on Ninth street, Kostern District, Friday night, wero Michael Walsh and bl. wife and James Boyd. Tho affair wound up with a freo fl ht in whioh ohalrs and tables were used as weapons James Boyd devoted part of his attention during tbo fight to Mrs. Walsh, and aB tbe result of hla band! ork sho exhibited to JiiBtlca Kenna In the morning a blackened eye and brulsad face.

James was fined ttvo dollars, with tho alternative of flva daya in jail. CAUUUT 1M TBE AtJT. Officer John Corcoran, of the Fifth l're rn Vrldav afternoon, cautrbt a man in Edward Mulligan's apartments on tha second floor of the tenement, No. Bl North Sixth street, with snlt of A companion elothea on belonging, to Mr. Mulligan.

of tha prisoner's escaped. The tnievo. an with tbe aid of keys. At no escribed blmsolf aa Joseph Heuoy, of No. 73 Hudson avonue.

Jco Naeher hem mm for examination. TUB TBRROR OF POI.1CT MEN. Mr Anthony Oomstotfk, thn agent for the society for the Suppression of Vice, ia still wag lott an active warfare ngalnnt the dlsroputablo colloymen who ply their nefavious occupation in this My nnflBomeof the big men in tho Jjusmeas will bo surprised lu a fow days wbon they Aisoovor whit ho bi been doing for the past two or throo months. On Fdday Mr. Comstock arrested Henry Van of Irarwonty flrotstrcot, for selling slips.

Tho prisoner, who i 05 years ot aao. won Hold (or oxamlnation by Justice Borgen. year, tho all la day. atop thera mora Mr. day or on of Brooklyn ParK XUeater The numbar of light operas with whioh the publlo has entertained of lata phenomena of the present season.

Doubt the counts of the Engli. isaUre must be held responsible A mora ogreoable form of itt.ment, however, it would be to son eolve.audh. oethe policy Of ont rtV York ia looking oat for these musical attreo ton, steadily adhering to thorn ctnuot bo 'WgMy Braised. From Franca wo bave already bad several, best and moat popular of all being the works of the composer Audrao, whose Ollrotte" was the first of which, If the standard 1. maintained cannot be long.

The Bijou Theater lu Now xork has dona teat service to the country by mounting and cast i. BS IV Ti these operas ll. HUGH a end when the cru.h ha. come public approval, transferring them to a larger no the course pursued wil not brilliant successor the Mcl former bronoht to the easily the peer of Mr. llowson'.

Captain and the of KM Searle rank, with reigning Olivette, Miss I. gratifying to that tue first regular production of the "Mascotte" Brooklyn, will bo given by tue original company gave the opera vffality in Now York, and which now played the picco 208 times in tho United States, always to brimming bouses. Aa to the chorus, tho scenery, the costumes and so on, It ia only necessary ssy that they will to morrow eveuiug at the Park, iioat. while the cast spoaks fur itself: r. I Pnllnkn llrtmmilO Illl.l TV J.

ii. (Jouly Seiuni Purafauto juuu orauu lid. Chaptuan G. M. I'almor J.T.

OrKTen lCd. Morris liouiso Sonrlo juvt Ohysieiaa li. LllO JlllbCUlll. 7, iUin wt rtautflitP of I'nnCQ L.OMUKO MlS3 lJ "Ml V.Mins SjaloKirwin Anttna Puola iV'tro Luitfi Carlo Tiiulo Bfippj Uoltu Mui liinio Mttiu Utuirxie Uucia MUs Kiiith Kvurho Rosa Marlou BlftQCO Deli Burker Miss Moliie Powora Pearl livertio Lilly Waltors Toasant I5oy. Vase i.

Olara Bowles Hnvcrly's Urooklya Theater. Wheu llossrs. Itobsoii nud Crane formod a dronintic copartnership, anybody who had seou them apart could have foretold the success of tholr venture. Admirable comedians, both, of utterly dlfforent schools acting, thov constituted, as tbny continue to do, a of tho theatrical road could hope to pass. Their scheme has been entirely successful.

After exhausting such plays as made a double comic eVmeut necessary, tboyset to work to build laj where each should sustain a part ot equal interest with the other, and by so doing move than quadrupled the fun that each alone could ti, raiinnu merriment of tho farce comedy, our Bachelors," which tliey have boou playing Bt Haveriy's Brooklyn Theator for tbe past week, has andiBucos lu roars of laughter. The man agement have taken race, howovor, that they shall not leave this city until they havo made sldo aches opidemio, and consequently the twe comedians and tholr capital comody company remain for eight performancoe more. Tho piece lu which thoy will bo seeu this week is one nd cartalnlv In many respeots tho best Ucm comoaj oi Its kind on the boards, if lncosBant .....1 TTlBla" Will laughter Is a tost oi merit, oiuiiu bo ulven al! through the week, with the following cast: uutler Miarp, o. inu smart Robson DuntL.1i'l'V,lV,'Vi tliu prosiitive v.aululE to ii bull or fura Wra. H.

Crane Caiitain l.ejiin iCmrion. U. b. A l'uiiibjrttin, a buar Knttlf, .1 hull iiot clerk Iiev. Pert Uusliti, a Harroj Singe, hrokor nui'tlfiir a.

a. Karrv Alurddith Mavblo N. Rolierta li. Ambrose Mrs. LUf.

iiuii. mi, vain am! iory dropsy Muriim rombertuu. HliyiKiajd OiiUj Dull who 1'ai. Dullatom 's lis Alisi Alice Robson liiar of Mi Adelo Waters Mary Myers Kellie Flat. ilimgtitur Miib orjoe U.

Thome Hyde BoHninii' TUeutor. An inviting holiday bill is offered by Messrs. Uyde Bohman at tholr handsome aud commodious theater for the ourrout week, with no less thau twenty one stars. Jeppo and Fanny Dalauo in their flirtation and musical sketches, George Wood iu Ethiopian acts, the four Bolsset brothers in ground and horizontal bar athletics, Williams and Sully in tho "Ethiopian Picnic," Professor Parkor with hie niarvcl ou. troupe of trained dogs, Kelly and O'Brien, the "Four In Hand" song and dauco team, Halleu and Hart In Billy the Tailor," the Ryaus aud others will supply all tbe amiisomeut that can reasouably bt orowded into one performance.

StanttarU I'lieaier, At the Standard Theater a treat will be given tho Brooklyn pnblio li) tho return to tho looal Htage of Mr. Frank ll'iohe who, togother with the stock company will support tho will known author and actor, Mr. C. W. Barry, iu a new and iiuusatioual drama entitled Broken Fetters." Tho piece deals with a great cxprofs robbery and will be Dot off wlfhnew sconery and appointments.

Donnelly and Drew, Miss Daisy Norwood, the Maxwells and others will supply the specialty interlude. Grand Opera Hoitve. A Celebrated Case" has uot by any means lost its popularity, aud will, no doubt, draw large sudieucea during the prssont woek at tho Grand Opera House, where, with new sconery aud costumes and the original music, It will be played by Crosson'a combination. i.l nifiiiflnrM" Abroad. Messrs.

Hyde Behmar have eevoral excel lent companies on the roa, all thriving as lnuch as tka could possibly aesire. ine orgamzaiiuu whose specialty is tbe laughablo farce, Muldoon's Blunders," appears to have bton especially woll received. Last week the organiiatlon played lu Detroit to large houaos, and tho press notices lndicato that thoy wero received with enthusiasm and completely captivated the olty. Novelty Tlieater. Mr.

Robert Griffin Morris' play in four acta entitled "Old Shipmates," will bo produoeit at tue novelty Theater oa Monday night uost. This is a comedy drama iu lour acta, and Introduces a lot of quoint New Bedford peoplo to New York aud Brooklyn in a very pleasant and tomditust love Btory. Tbo comedy is furnished by the characterization and untoward inci dents and the methods by whioh tho tntorest is sus tained are easy and legitimate. This le the general Tordict of Ihi pvoas of citios In which "Old bhlpmates," ha. boon played.

Mr. Frank Mordaiiut has Deen re markably successful in the principal part, that of cap fain llnrlim Wcatfierjagn. la tact both piece and actor have beon triumphant during tho Fall ond rogu lar season. Tbo fun is continuous and contagious. I.cs HujrucuotK.

The opera season in Brooklyn has, so far, boon entirely successful, and ha. given the utmost nleaaure to thousands of our most cultivated citizens. It is, therefore, with a feeling of keen regrot that they will learn that, with the performance or "Los Hugue nots," Meyerbaar'a masterpiece, on Thursday evening, tho sea.on of opera for 1881 will end. A sooonu aoasou will probably bogiu in Maroh, but, for many weeks to come, Brooklyn must be content to do without its fa vorite entertainment. Colonel Mapleson and tho local manager, Mr.

David Taylor, have determined to put 'Les the stage with a wealth of acces sory matter soonory and chorus boflttlng tho work and the occasion, and the public may Judge from tha cast how eicellent will be tho representation. On account of the length of tho work, tho curtain will fall ofter the grand duo in tho fourth act. The oast la Ranul di N'angis Sijrnor ltavelll 11 (li ixovurs II Conto b'an Xlol ruento TnrAuufii Signor Riualdinl Signor L'osta Signor Orazr.i Signor Monti Signor Novara Mllo. Lelia Lanri Sllle. Kmma Juch Ml'o.

Valerga Mile. Paolina Rossini llo Ki Do (Josse Maurevert Marcello Urbano Margherita di Datna d'Ouoro Valentin D'Oyly carte's "Patlouce" Company. Among tho attractions billed to appear shortly at tho Academy of Music la "Patlouce," by a company nnder the managemout of Messrs. (Joiniy ana Barton, the gontlomou who flrBt produced "Olivctta.1, They eeud to this office a card from Mr. D'Oyly Carte stating, that theirs is the only company authorized by Messrs.

Oilbort aud Sullivan to play the opora outsiuo of Now York, and that tho ecouory and costumes aro reproduction, of those used In London. Second IMiilburiuouic Concert. To those whose good fortune it was to lis ten to tbo second concert of the riiilharmouio Socloty at the Academy last evening and thoy wero many, the house being crowded a moat delightful aud, In every way, thoroughly onjoyable performance was vouchsafed. The programme has so recently been considered in detail in this column that othor than a reforonce to lta beauties is uncallod for at this writing. No more complete and pleasurablo porformance of the "Ilhenieb Symphony" of Schumann, the first number of the selection, could be asked, marked ai It waa by all tha grace aud finish which is characteristic of the Inenmnarable orchestra of the Tho from Gluck's "Alceste," In which Signor Oalassl, MIsssb Schell and Winant and the Philharmonic cho.

ms took part, introduced tho latter most happily to a concert audience for tbe first time this Reason. Its performance showed marked Improvement over the rehearsal of tbe prevloui aftornoon, precision of attack having given place to the aomewhat nervous hesitancy of tho forinor occasion, and the niolo volcoi having been roiulorced In number, the parts were tnoro evenly balanced. Both In this number and the intensely trying festival music of the "(juoen of Sheba" selection, which concluded the ooncert, the chorus commended Itself to critical appreciation. Signor Ga iassl's noble voice was heard to excellent ad vantage in the aria, Die Frist latj um, from Wagner's Flying Dutchman," which he delivered with a vigor and spirit which awakened the utmost enthusiasm. The gem of the concert, however, after the delioious string Quartet of Beethoven, to which we have before alluded, and which was delightfully played by the oroheitra, was tho "Btatrlce and Benedick" duo of Berlioz, tflven by Ml.s Bcholl and Miss Win.nt.wlth a giaoe of expression and delicacy of nbraslnit.

calling for the warmest commendation. The audience was as appreciative as It was large, Mr, Thomas was in hi. bappkat mood, and la.t night's eon'cert will long be remembered as one of tho most notable In the history ot the Fhllhannonlo Society. An Imposinir Cliurcli Choir It will be remembered that when the vacation season lu tho churches eame round Mr. A.

0. Caswell, the brilliant organist and musical director of St. Stephen's church, took a bnof trip to Kuropo, combining business with pleasure. While in Porls ho studied uudor M. WIdor, tho organist of tho grand old churoh ot St.

Sulpioe, tho musical system there in vogue, and having loarned It thoroughly roturned to Brooklyn with a full deliiiiulnatlon to do no lens for St. Stephen's aud the worshipers lu that favorite temple. After dls ausslons with Fathor O'Reilly, who entered into the plan with all the earnestness and zest With which he I proteoutes evory improvement, he proceeded quietly to organize aWolr of thirty men and twenty boys. This admirable innovation suecaoded perfoo'tly. Tho choir, 1 which la exceptionally strong aud trained, evidently under a waster, 1 situated bthlud the high Har, with alnglug and leadorB Frank A tbe already worthy Uvoln for Church lo'rol'lest tant eminent.

Sevlllo," Thoator, which anco tha olded conslstB art well ing that organs tions room full nue is to mor varloty eocond thotic of and about Is by to E. this, one A To our the the to to the his fix of iu led or Oarrtspvndentt should not etl disappointed itluto iMrqutiHom art not answenid mvudiatily, at A information nlioited ftaqiuntly requirei eoniiicrabU mtarchifor which ample time ijtujf bi allowed. the Editor of tht Brooklyn Eaglt "What is the sitting oapaoity of the Brooklyn Tabarnaole; also of Plymouth Church 1 M. W. The Tabornaole will seat 8,500, and Plymouth Ohuroh tht Editor ef tht Brooklyn Eaglt Will yon please inform me through, the columns of your paper the kind ot laee i intended to be around tne tame uesonuuu ami.

Issue? COSBVkUT BUDSoaiBKIl, Mr.i.Ama. tlinve are soveral establishments in olty whero the art of making can be learned, the Editor of tho. Brooklyn Eagle: rpi.A rJ nt "Wir, Wnhnrrl 111." Wllen put A I. i WUg WfcW r. the Btage often ooDtalns In Aet V.

Scene in. tue words: "lllohard is nitnBeii again. words in tho text. Will tha Eaolb muaiy miorui tholr origin A Dbsobid u. 'Richard's hlraoelf again 1" was a phrase mterp oiaien John Kemblo from Colloy Olbber.

tht Editor of tht Brooklyn Eaglt will von holri to settle a little dispute by stating In tho Eaoe on Sunday at what point the Olty New York, or Manhattan Island, is widoat botween two rlyors avib Th wiriest nart of Now York Island Is bstween tne of Twenty third street, North River, and the foot Tweuty thlrd street, East Kiver, tho distance being and one half miles. Tothe Editor of tht Brooklyn Will voukindlv publish tho vote in this State for eorotory of Htato.last November; also tho vote for President In the year previous, and sccommo date an anxious wi'. The voto last Novopibor for Secretary of Btate was follows: Carr, op.) PurceU, (Dem.) 1U3, Howe, (areonbiokor), 16,016. For President in 1880 Gsrflold (Rop.) Uanoook, (Dem.) 634, Weaver, (Greonbaokor), 373. the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: Will you kindly answer, through the col iimnn nf Hnnfinv's Eaole.

the roBocntive salaries of President, Vioo President and tho various OaDlnet officers or this uovornmont; aiso, oi vua sj ui Brooklyn a. a. The salary of the President is $50,000 a year that of Vloe Prealdout $8,000, aud of eaoh member of the Cabinet $8,000. That of the Mayor of Brooklyn Is $6,000. tH o(i Brooklyn Eagle: Has the Eaolb any way of finding out whether more was at any timo a epeaaor oi tuo uruwu Housb of Commons named Abbott? An answer of this question will probably decide a very important matter, which is at present in doubt.

Ellas Abbott. Charles Abbott, appears to have been Speaker the Houso of Commons from 1801 to 1812 inclusive. This was during the reign of George III. Hie Imme diate predecessor waa Henry Addlngton, and bis lnunsdlate successor was C. Manners Button, Esq.

To the Editor ot the Brooklyn Eagle: Vnn will obltce me very much by letting rne know through the Sunday which has tho largest seating oapaoity, the Grand Opera House or Hyde it Bbhman'B oamib a. an The seating oapaoity of the Grand Opera House is 2.258. withouAiucluding the boxos. It is divided as followa Osaheetra and parquet oirole, 714 first bal oouy, 612, and gallery, 900. That of the Volke 1.

1,302, divided as follow. Orchestra, 2J3 emlly circle, J08, aud gallery, 791. 2'o (ft. df(or of the Bmoxtyn Eagle you decide a bet in regard to tho way in the first captain ot tuo ureal astern sicaiusuip ls death At tho samo time, will you please glye is date of the oocurrenco 7 baim Captain Harrison, tho first commander of the Great Eastern, waa drowned off Southampton, England, on Saturday, tho 21st of January, 1860. He was sailing on the eIr of tho Groat Eastern from Hythe to South ampton undor sail, when the boat was upset, and the party pltohod Into the wator.

Captain Harrison tried to right the boat, and falling, became exhausted. threw up bis arms, and falling baoK Into tho sea, waa drowned, To the Editor of the Brooklyn I observo that the poet John G. Whittier, In declining on acaount of ago to write a poem, eaya to his petitioner, after referring her to Oliver Wendell Holmes, "ho, despite hi. yoars, oould do admirably what thee ask. Was such a form oi speech over oor roct No.

ha "thee and thou" Btyle of Bpeech of our ancestors required, as our "you" style doos to day, that the nominative should govern the verb. Therefore, "what thou askest," is the correot form otherwise tho poot might as well have said to nolmee, in transferring the requost to him "Thee oau do admirably what me ask." Both sentences are in the objective, not to say objectionable, case. lo the Editor of the Brooklyn Oau yo teii me who "Ouida" is and what org considered hor best novels also, what the general tono oi mom let au answer in replies to corresponu onts' column of Sundsy will much obllgo Eeadeh. Oulda 1b an infantile corruption of Louisa. The full name is Louise de la Ramoe, the authoress you allude Probably her bost novels aro those jmtltied "Signa" and rider fwo Flags!" The style oT tSs writer Is sensational and is rather fascinating.

Her description of aceuory arid character is most oharmingly complete, As to the tono, it Is not doing her works any In Justico to say that they are licentious. To tht Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Is it customary to oall within ten dayB after the wedding on tbo parents of the bride, if tho bride is sUll out of the olty 1 la so, do you leave your card only, or wait to see aorao monxbot of the, household 1 Ploaso answer lu noxt Sunday's paper. A DAii.y ADKB. These are Chesterfield Ian point which tho reader must determine according to individual taste, or the artifiolallty of the customs of that circle in whioh lie or she moves. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: Will the Eaolb kindly inform a regular reader aud admirer what facilities there are for free musical Instruction, especially singing, in Brooklyn or Mow York A Student.

Vocal musical instruction is given in our publlo schools. By becoralnp; a member of tho Young Men's Christian Association you become entitled to inHtruo lon in vocal musio as woll as in other branches of learning. We know of no other means of obtaining tuition of this kind frea. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Can you give tho nam of the ftuthor of tho following poetical linos and atato tbo work from which they are takon Woo i Woe 1 otornal woo Not only tho whl.por'd prayer Of love, But tho Imprecations of hate, Rovorbojto Forever and over through tho air Above This fearful ourse Shakes tho great universe. CABB.IE.

The quotation is taken from Loilgolloty'a trauelatioii of "Tho Golden Legend." Tothe Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Will you kindly inform mo as to how the mechanical labor of convicts In our State prisons IB controlled If by private concerns how do they obtain the franchise and to what extout do they control tbe prisoners? Should alno be pleaBcd to learn from what sources I con obtain gonoral information ot our prlsonB? F. W. In thla oountythe Penitentiary authorities let tho prisoners' labor out by contract, tho connty receiving a stated prioe per diem for their services. The same method obtains In all our Stato prisons. You can obtain full information on this subjeot by communicating with tha Inspootor of State I'rlsona at Albany.

To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eaglt Will you please give an old roader of tha ai.K the number of Btata and National bank, in Brooklyn, aud tbo oapltal of eaoh Mohtaque. There ara three National banks, as follows First National, oapltal, $300,000 Nassau, $300,000 National Olty, $300,000 total, $900,000. Tbe Stats banks ara Meobauioa1, oapltal, $600,000 Long Island, $00,000 Brooklyn Trust Company, Brooklyn, Manufacturers', Atlautlo, Fulton, $200,000 Commercial, 108,000 Meohanies' and Traders', $100,000 total, $2,40,000 grand total of both National and Stato banks, $3,360,000. to the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle The Eaob will confer a groat favor upon a corresnondout who many limes has laid It under aou trlbutfon for Information, If It will now state whether Lacordatre, the groat preaohftr of Notre Dame in France, ever had an opportunity to flu aa important position In the United Statea aud if so, when Hisionioos. It was about the year 1829 that tho Abba Laoordairo, feeling a desire for a wider field In which to oooupy his evaogolloal zeal, formod tbe proleot of oomlng to tha United States.

At that time the then arohblshop of Now York offered blm tho title of vicar general. It waswhllo theso negotiations were pending that tha Revolution ot July broke out, and the Abbe felt tbe moment to bo opportune for announcing openly to the people tbe reign of politloal and religious liberty. Tho oareer of Lacordalra from that point In the history of Franco was of the most interesting oharacter. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: Will you pleaso answer the following What year did the first steamboat cross the Atiantto and what was her namo Cokstakt Reidbb. ThlB question wsb asked and ausworsd May 10, 1BS0, and the answer was as follows Tho flrat steamer that oroseod the Atlantio was tha Savannah, in 1818, a vessel built in Now York and designed for propulsion by both ateam aud sails.

She went to St. Petoraburg via. Livorpool, roaobing the latter place dlreot from New York in 20 days. Tha flrst rogular passenger steamships which orosBOd the Atlantic wero the Slrlaa and Great Western tn 1838, just twenty years after tbe demonstration made by tbe Savaunab. The Slrlua oama from London to Now York In 17 days, end tha Groat Westorn from Bristol to New York In IS days.

To the Editor of tlie Brooklyn Eagle "In the midst of life we are in death," and In the midst of great light we are, many of ub, In dark nos Would you pleaso to chase away tha shadows and let in tbe light of knowledge enHlolont to inform a few, at least, of your readers bow tnuoh money Is paid to mombers of Congress for their eorvloes to tbe people? It would bo, pBrbaps, to tell just how much members of Congress aro paid for their serf loos, In view of tha Immense amounts whlob It Is said somo of them save out or thoir earnings, but the payments provided for by law are as follows Mombers of Congress, Ssnatora and Boprosentatlves, receive as aalary $5,000 per annum, twenty cents per mile of travel aaob way. between tbalr homes and Washington, oaob annual Bea alon, and an allowanoe for atattonory arid nawspapera of 125 per annum. As tha distance between Haw xork and Washington is 238 mllea a Congros.mau la allowed for that distance both ways $91.20. A San Franclaco momberof Congress, having 3,307 mllea to travel to New York and 228 mora tcora Now York to Washing, ton, must racolvo for mileage tho sum of $1,140. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle I remember in my hoyis'n duys of frenuontly being takon to tho Navy Yard aa a reward of mori' good behavior and proficiency in 'V t'iiM The great man of wav were pot tad S2i rest 1.1 rov out aim uiuiu, uanamn or til 1 North Cavomla.

Can you toll "Xy, rSd fauious old roproBontatlvo of tbe American also givo its lie old tiovlii wblcb, we boHava, was the than of Iowa bold, lu until which as la like 1. to tho on of be letters patent haw baan graritefl ta rwldenM or Brooklyn during the week, enolqg December 13, 1881, furnished for the Eaqlb by the Pheulx patent office, Court street, Inventors. no. Abbott, Philips 250.6 0,008 230.780 250,835 350,901. 450,124 250,8:3 250,10 250,48 350.T71 19,803 jisraou, Airraa.

Oblsholm. J. Oartruok Dunn, J. Pari. Fire esoape.

Oorman, asowaru. Gray, Gonzales Sunshado bat Green, Nannio Skirt adiustor Mnrphy, Wm. Game table Young, Jefferaon Jr Horse boot DKBIUHS. Oviagton, Edward Pitehsr HANSON PLAOE it. E.

CHPBOH. A mnninaland literary will be and given under the auspices of the Men's First Gospel Temperance Onion la the looture room of the Han Place E. Church, next Thursday evening. address oy Ror. Dr.

Peok, pastor, win ue ioi lowod with flinging by Miss Starkey, if r. Foster L. Backus, and Mr. and Mrs Drysdsio. prooooue ontortalnment are to bo devoted to tho purohase of new organ.

CADIZ I'AHP. Aii elaotion of offloera took plaoe in Cadiz Camp, No. 63, 1. O. 0.

at their headquarters, in the Sixteenth Ward, on Friday. The result was as follows Horman D. Duls, high patriarch Frederlok Gerhke, priest; William B. Hentze, senior warden Jaoob Lang, junior warden; M. uongstior, eo.rowij treasurer.

Justice Klehl was eleoted eproaonta to the State enoampment, with A. Helaler as alternate. JuBtlco Klehl waa also olected trustee. ALLEGED BUBO AH ABKBSTKD. Henry G.

Hankin, a sailor, who has no fixed residence while ashore, waa arreBtod Friday on charge of burglary. Henry Vobs, tho stepfathor of prisoner, is tho complainant, and alleges that Hankin entered his house, at No. 782 Third avenue, on Fri. afternoon, during the temporary absence of tbo v.miiv. atole somo articles of olothlug and a Bilver watoh, valued at $45.

Hankin was arraigned before Justice Bergen, and hold for examination. FIRE IN JKFFKBSOM STBEET. Afire broke out in tha two story frame dwolling, No. 804 Jefferaon street, at o'clook yesterday morning. The owner and oooupant, Mr.

Charles Rumpt, gave an alarm. The engines promptly responded, and the fire was extinguished. Loss, $200. Fully insured in the Continental Fire Insurance Com pany" DIED A VERS In Brooklyn, on Thursday evonini, December 15Aaftef a long and painful Illness, WE.feNntu loven wire oi usoruu ihn fTmoral Relativos and fnonds are invited to attend too funeral from tho Brooklyn Tabornaole, Hobormerhorn st, at 12. 4j BANKS Wednesasv, December 14.

THADDEI7S OnANB Banks, asod 5a years, 1 1 months and 0 days. The funeral will be hold horn his late residenoo, 453 La fayette av, on Sundy, tho 18th at I P. M. BltOWN Ou Deuomber 14, after a short illness, Edmund A. BnowN, ogod 58 years.

tap Funeral services on Monday, lath at r. m. rnmains "ill be convwad to the Rural Cemetery at White Plains, Wostohoster County, for intorineiit. BUTLER At 28!) Jay st, uecemoor daughter of George W. and Kate M.

Butler. Funeral private. OLARK On Friday morning, Deosmber 18, BENJAMIN aemAvmbo hold athis lato residencB No. ni Mondav. tho lth at 1 o'clock, P.

M. DOUQIiAS RntBroil into rest, yesterday morning, at nasty, consonipi.o., mu. In hr4th llouglai ouu uauijiiiiii u. Punaral from bor lato residence, 218 Washinston et Mon. day, at i O'ciocn, tr.

iu. ifi to attend. ir.rrnnvOn Wedneadav. the 30th on board the stearasliip City ot Mortda, oorainK from Vera Crus to new Orlean" Oolonel Gkokok Rot Oliddon. of 58 Cheever plaoe, in too oist year 1113 agu.

GRAFlr On Deceinuor i.i, at tue u. ents. .7.1 DoKalb av, Lii.a May, youngest aaugnter oi George and laabolla Grail, agod a years ana li'nnpral nrivate. IIISYWARD At his residence in this city, 458 Decatur on lliu omnfir niuuro uu.u iwiiw, Stenhen P. H.

Church, corner of jefforson st. and Patehen av, on Sunday, 1 o'clock P.M. Intormont in the liver 8 The member, of Crystal Lodge. No 2.588, Knights Honor, are hereby aummoned to meet at their lodge rooms, cotnor Troy av. and Fulton st, on Sunday, the 18th at of sister lodges "fj" JOHH E.

Burnett, Reporter. LAMAROHB In Brooklyn, Thursday, Decembor 15, Mary, Star of tbe Sea. Court and Nelapn nt, on Monday. tho tli at iu ciocb, t. m.

nnt tn us. flfl tlowfirfl. Societe BKI.OE DF. BiENFAISANCE The members of the sooiotyare invited to attond the funetjil semceof VH 'Shff 10 thTchurch oi St. Mary Star of the Hea, Court aad Nelson Rt Miiiv's Hospital for WoMES The Trustees of thollosoltal oroinvltod to attend the funeral service oi thoirlate Vice Prosidont.

Mr. 11. T. Lamauche, which will bo held at the Ohnroh of St. Mary.

Star of the Soa, on Monday next, at 10 o'clock A. M. palrtnt. ivT rJ Ia MARTKKSE On Fridoy morningC Decembor 10, Jaood V. li.

Maktkkse. in tho 57tb year of hia ago. Relatives aud friends are iiivitod to attend the funeral from lna lato residence. Flatbush, on Monday. December lBth at 2 o'olook P.

M. Ploaso omit ilowore. PF.OK On Friday, Docembur in, F.liza feos, wue or PrS? 'Mom the lato wunam u. i eca, agou Oitl.tivpa anrl frinnris are ronoclfltlly tne lunorai irom iuo muiuur.oi iifnn hnlnon Fifth and Sixth avs. at 3 P.

Mon day. 10th inst. Ploaso omit lowers. SOUDKR WATSON On Friday, the 18th Mrs, Louisa Soudeb. Watson, aged 78 yoars.

Funeral from St. Stephen's P. K. Ohurch, corner JefTer. eon at and Patehen av.

on Sunday, Dooomber 18, at i IPhiladolphis papers please copy. vnvSuddenlv. of congestion of the lungs. W. A.

VOY, aged 159 years, 5 months. Rolativoa and friends respectfully invited toxttanal ru neral from his late residence, 302 Court st, Sunday, December 18. at 2 P. M. walk EH On Friday.

Deoomosr hahua i in thiR7th VA.rnf hriura. fnvited to attend on Docembor la.lrom her lata re.i dence, 'J Douglass st, at2 o'oloolt. suarp. OBITIIABY. 4T A MEETINU Olf Xillfi BOAitu TRUSTEES OF THK WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' OF TUB OITY OF BROOKLYN, W.

D. (lata Volunteer Fire Department), bold at their room on Sat urday ovening, December 17, 1BS1, the lollowing resolu tions wore uuuyiou. wi url ranaXmaA tha tntnllienco that tne 1 A 1 In l.h nriniB Of life SOd usofulnoss. our worthy brother member and associate, MH1HAKL wuo was lor ira vi oais member of this board, and for niany years a mem ber and omcer or tue iuwj 1 Resolved, mac we sopiy a, departure from among us oi uo earnest tnena ana trustwortni ri? for many years sorely atllicted, honestly and faithfully per formed nis auty as a meraoBr oi a In'a fak inr off tho meiilbiirs of this board and of the late Volunteer Fire Department nave to mourn tbo 1ob of a most worthy inomlior. Hosolveo, mat we roBpectmuj wuuo.

.3 their sad boroavoroont aim amicuou ou, omio Resolved, That a copy of thi foregoing, duly authenti aatnd. be forwarded to tho tamily of the doeeaaed, and published in tuo xuiookivkm Tl MnN AMI RA. tt F. CAMPBELL, Committee. TUOS.


A RTIFIOIAL TKKTH. liood and reliable work, skillful treatment and reason able pnariies. Dlt. llartPnn, tuo oia oauiiiioa Three door, from Fulton st, throe blocks from Olty Hall. D1 YaM ON I) LACK PINS.

EARRINGS and studs from S1J up. Ladies' com tein wmuinis watches from i eentlemen's auto 840 up. An elecanl aljinlc of fine iowelry. Milvor and platod waro.ot Bpecially low prices for the holiday, at OliOKG O. HUH Al Ubt' 4U1 Vitllnn St.

TVTONB KQUAL TO THE JAVA COFFEE roastea, grouna anu uy LO0K1TT HONS, At. I.l,n,r 55D Fulton st, 50 Atlantic av, Fulton at, corner Orange, 183 Myrtle av. DeKalb av, corner Nostrand. A DEN STaWOOI), MinirriAnTiiHiNii AND WATOHMAKKRS. Or.

FULTON ST, The cheapest place in tho olty to buy reliable Holiday reaoniB oi uiamonui, naiuum Factory, US and B7 Nassau st, Mew York. IRDS AND CAGES FOR THK HOLIDAYS. M15NSE ASSORTMENT. it. til, An 1 1 tv i OAGRS FROM GT, CENTS UP.


Fulton, corner Jay. EAL ON EARRINGS. MOUNTED IN 1 KAKAi UVLU. vnn mi r.n iiPWARn. Also, a full assortment of onyi neoltlaoni, lockets, loee uim, sleeve huttons.

studs, Ao. Open ovening ui December. HART BROS, ai3 and 31.1 Fulton t. oorner Johnon. HORDES, CARKIAOBS.

etc LIGHT ROAD WAGON WANTED, with or without top, Incooaworamroraer, at a OLARK.750 I rOUNTRY BOARD FOR HORSES, BEST oare, foea ana attention; terms roaaonanie; reior ences Iirst class. F. B. SMITH, Olarkson at, Flatbush, h. I.

CJUPERIOR HORSES FOR THE ROAD, Kt carnaae or ooupo ror sale at ins 1'ort ureono place: also, a first claas road wason and a Brackett A Tuttle open waeon, with pole and A1? BLACK TROTTER FOR SALE 17 1 2 hnnrtn. hich. 7 vBunt old. sound and kind, trot in i. also, nne also, nne pacer, 16 hands high, years old, paco in this ia a handsome horse several uanadian uomea.

I cheap. Uoulorard Stables, 321 Park place, near Olasaon av, F. 1HNB, proprietor. A CANADIAN CHUNKY PONY, ALSO black horse tor sale; suitable for butcher, baker, grocer or any business 8 aud $55 must be sold for want of uao, or will trade tor wagon and harness they are kind near Sands, top floor. in BUlJEie OT UUUUIM IIUIUOIIS.

nauoillDU, IW, im vuu ot, A COMPLETE TURNOUT FOR SALE XL bay Iiotbo 5 years old, ia ninaa nign can trox, ciosq to i .50 Brewster, of Broome st, N. toy wagon only in bay horse 5 years old, IS hinds high can trot close UHO OU HttObim; ui.ifiiniiiu iiv a stiii oii ji 8600. Oan be seen nt R. R. BKNNKTT'S stable, x8 lireono av.

LEIGHS. SLEIGHS. SLEIGHS. a nnd nlnirant. R.snTtmnt of Portland Outlem.

Trotters, Tub Comforts, Albanya, Oppenhoiuier Jump Boats alao two, tour and six seat Albany and Portland J. OURLBY. (Jornor of State st, and Boerum place. LOST AND FOCHB. LOST 85 REWARD FEMALE GRAY hound.

Return to PIOKFORD, 11 Nassau St. 1 OST 1J5 REWARD DECEMBER 15, A I i lot nttnnfl. ffnlnor frnm Ninth St. and Fifth iVin Ninth st. oar to HaAilftn ferry.

Apply at 401 Wash. injtonat.N. ui urt aai'UUUAH, aauurauun, i in or near Loeaer1, a smalt black enameiea i.ays goi KOiri nnnting ease vva'i h. uoerai rewara pam uj J. OH lt ara Place.

OUT LEFT IN SOUTH FI5RRY WAIT ir room, Brooklyn, on Saturday, 17th in.t., at 8:15 A. an old OASH BOOK, wrapped In brown naper of no value nut to aoveriisar. rinuor pieaaw uuluj, ngir. TICK SAH1UU, mii uergen at. OST ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14.

in ffoinir from BVanklin av throuch Fulton st and ir i. a ih. WATOH, hunting cose, blook anainoled. stem winging Alliberal roword will be paid upon return to W. O.

HIOK.8 niton st; LEAGUE MEETING BRANCH i 4 airil. 'r uMiril, nrflKl wl bi nub in mooting on SUNDAY F.VKNINO, at 8 o'clook, at TMM PHKANOR HALL, Hamilton av, near Ulaks St. Ad drnssua will bo inido by K. H. FALKS.

of tills martin MpMAllON ana Senator olBot JAMES FITZOHIIALD, of Now York JAMKS V. O'SULLIVAN. Prosidont. HnwAim Haydf.h. Socrotary.

I RANCH It) TlUSH AN LEAGUE, "fi inolnding I'liird and Tenth Wards, will hold Its rogu j'rinocMliK TO DAY (Sunday), iu OASKY'S at o'clook. Irish ronidonle in tuo above wards who have nut attenttuil thoce t'nostiniis ara oxpoctort ltobopro.pnt lo dAy. 0, B. TOltMKY, Pre.idont, Bar. (few vtt VV.

tanoe bv ply short Call bv age at 1,1 first at er, go 'it the WJ 1 lm, at wper8. 0n Chriet iSiSrtt ta Maggie Mitchell Mr Charles 0. I ookwood, who are Btill renumbered at St Stephen's, will take tho nolo num. barn. The of the choir are, on the Oospel ildt, Mr.

O. Smith, and on the Eplstlo side, Mr. Doasert. Brooklyn Debutante In Florence. Tho positiou which Brooklyn ooouptea in world of muslo 1.

such that any addition to tho long Hat of eminent vocalists from this olty I of notice. The lateat aohlovement by a fair fellow oltizan 1. that of Mlas Eulalla RUIey, whose family Seoond plaoe. Before ehe wont abroad she waa aoine yaara a resident hero and sang at St. Paul's lu New York.

Her musio teacher, Professor fhi oltv. deolaros that nbo has tho voice ho ever hoard, and that In the not dis future her talents and vocal gilts wiiimaaou.r Her debut as Jtost'ia waBtnado early In November, at tne niooum Florenoe. Tho looal papers, extraota from havo beeu eonl to thw city, oi uor in terrna of glowing oulogy, remarkable even for olty of euporlative, critical admiration. Bunnell's IttUDOUm. Tim Iloman students have made such a de that they have boon retained at this Institution another week.

The new feature for thla week or the nonpareil colored Troubadours, xuey said to bo oxcollont singers, and have but recently returned trom a soven trip abroad. They aro educated, and tholr voices, in addition to much natural harmony, have boon cultivated so they fully understand how to draw upon tho vooal to produce tho best results. The oth.r attrac aro equally aa good a. usual, iuu to question that every visitor will reoelvo tho value of tho amount investod for admission. A HEW OROAH OX THE HILL.

Tha new orcan which has been in course of erection for a week or two past In the Nostrand ave M. E. Ohuroh, of whioh tho Rev. Ueorgo iweu pastor, is now oompleted and ready to bo used day. In building thla instrument, Rouben Mid Son, of thla olty, have combiuod tho greatoet of useful effects possible, proauciug to none other on the Hill, In a rich and sympa tone.

It contains 1,078 pipes and 34 com flut h.rmonio. forming a perfect imitation the orchestral fluto; bourdou treble and baBs, open doublo dlopaaon Btops, dulclana, metoaia, irum eornot. vloloncollo, coruopean, gnmba. and bassoon, with various othor stops, averaging fifty pipes to each. The framework of this organ highly ornamental aud artlstlo in aosign, Panlte architects, of Nostrand avonue M.

E. Church. Jaboz Burns, organist, 18 aipemuu day, a ootnett.t to lead tho singing. Rev. George Roed, pastor, Is mooting with desorved success in his new field, having a aougrogalloa Oi nearly thousand persons at eaoh ssrvlce.

CIUBITi. View oi tuo Orcanhscd BlotUOlW Ot BclloTintr the Poor. the EiW.t of tht Brooklyn Eagti On bohftlf of the many worthy poor in city, allow me to protest against tbe aotiou of the uiauegers of the so callod ABSOuiation for Improving cSndition of the Poor, as reported in a lote issue of vour napor. 1 refer to their resolution of not only re rnsiug any 'rollof to tho Buttering ones, applying to thorn personally, but trying, through the modium of miblio prosa, to induce those whoso hearts might soften to the appeal for immediate help to turn from their doors tho hunger sick or disease worn applicant the tender mercies of a dry bones built publlo charily, where tho saorod mlnutla of their private livs must be laid bare, and tholr uamea, ocmgMon, antecedents, registered, by an offlolal, for future reference. Pity the man who, with wife and fnnil and Are.

ho uuablo procure either, enmmouiiig up tho little apark of courage remaining (aud it requires courage), pulling thin collar his threadbare ooat up round his taco, fearing to be seen by any who once knew blm. Willi a "Wife, darling, bear up uutil I return," leaving poor dwelling in search of aid for his loved eaaks the neighborhood of the brown stone homoB the wealthy, church going, inorol lecture attending members of the community, whoro surely charity must dwell. After many attompts to bring himself to ring, and with a gulp to keop down his quick beating, but Btill proud heart, he timidly approaches the door and low and bashful tones, and with averted face 1m nloies tho help ho BO much needB. If his fortune has him to tho homo of one of those who belong to the "eoctoty or one who has been infiuoncod by their peculiar notion, of charity, ho will hoar "My good man, yon ebould not soek assistance, you. should work, rather than bog I would put in coal, split wood, do auvthlnc there should bo no paupers iu thla eonntry It must bo your own fault you aro so nuieb reduced.

One of your appoaiauce oould certaiuly not havo fa Ion Aimaa on vour DBl't." "Well, If what you say Ib true it i a sad case I sympathize with you really the ways of Providence are mys terious," "your who very iu nut i vmi hilt ulio needs food more wilt euuu uu, than medicine of course, a. usual. Well, I will give you r.n order on tho aocloty. A poison will be sont to inveotizato your oaso. If he roportB favorably you may nt ti, nminclation buildinc 'tis an bumble affair now.but we will eoon have a handsome one.and bo put on record Then if everything is saiiaiaoiory wo win siat you.

Vou want to know what your family will do n. i sure, mv cood man. I oannot tn hn vflrv unreasonable. I do not olve anything to any one (on principle), and It would lower you very much in your own estimation were you to receive anything tn this manner. We know Lnoh butter than vou.

what you require. Now cood night, xoy man. Don't detain me longer. You should be very grateful this night at tbe proBpoct Ob what does this sort of thing mean 1 Improve the condition of tho poor I Can a man, a father, see his wife and little one. starve before bis eyes while all this red tapo is unwound Will be not take any risks to supply their wants? Can ho havo any feelings of love to bis fellow man, who, knowing his dire distress and having tnomeani nw i fT aert a rocord of his past life, or oertifloate of charao.

ter? No. The want was immodiata aud so was the assistance glvou. Lot these managers try and put Ibemaelvos in the poor man'B place. It them suppose (but bow o.n i they) having fallen Into poverty, with loving and suffering wlfo aud children dying before their oyes, no friends to help: no human aid or kindly voice to oheer, forsaken and alone. How would they fool if, having subduod the heart to bog, thoy would bo referred to a publlo eharlty.

May Qod opon tholr eyes to what chsrtty reallv moans and instruct thom to uso the moanB which He has given them to the real benefit of tho poor He has left in thoir caro aud uot to mako any broader phylacteries. Do not refuse tbe cry of the sufferer nor put him off till a more convenient season. Holp tho man (and with a kind word, too,) when be hungers, that he can turn to God and thank Him, and feol that even he, poor as ho is, is not forgotten by the all seeing ono. Better be deceived many tlmon than that one deserving one flhould suffer. Remember that those to wnonimucn, is glvon much will bo required.

THE IltOOUOIS BALL. Last Tuesday evening the Iroquois Sooial Club gave its annual Invitation ball at Eugono's Hall, nri verv nniovablo time was passed. The officers of tho asBOoiation aro William Harrington, presidontj J. Callahan, vice president G. Wheeler, secretary M.

Morris, treasurer and W. Lawlor, sergeant ot arms. LAND LEAGUE MEETING. A meeting of the Laud League of the Sixth and Twelfth warda will be held this evening, at Tern peranoe Hall, Hamilton avenue, near Hicks street, and addresses will be made by Messrs. W.

E. 8. Falos, Oeneral Martin T. McMahou, Senator elect James Fitzgerald, of New York, aud James F. O'SullIvan.

The most beautiful place to spend an hour Is in the roinodeledandrearrangodbasemontof Wechslee AnitAHAM. Hlogant art goods, in magnihcent variety, surpassing in oxhibit anything ever soen in this olty. Pa ties deBirinp! the Stjhday Kagxs loft at thnir can Bood tkoir aadreass. to ui oflioe, end they will bo given tothe carrier who serves the Baoi iu Ikeirdistrict. Ladies in quest of Holiday presents will be surprised to soo the beautiful goods exhibited tne uaae mont of Wkchsi ib Auiuuam's establishment, now more beautiful thau over.

Thb largest and choicest assortment of use ful and ornamental articles suitablo for holiday prosonU evor exhibited, all at our well known low prices, K. Iiohton Fulton and Smith sto. The greatest display of Holiday goods ever seen in Brooklyn now exhibitoo at Wecusler adba. ham's. The establishment of Messrs.

Ovinoton BnoTnnns, Fulton and Clark eta, will remain open to tbo yublio every evening until Christinas. A maqnificp.nt display of art furniture,, bisques and lateBt foreign and domestic novelties of every description in the newly refitted and rearranged basement at Wecusler Abraham's. Do not fail to call at S. Weoslhe 303 and a95 Fulton et, and examlno thoir 810 ladles' suit, in all colors. 250 Best Black Nap Beavers, tho Berlin, the best shapB out.

This lot will be soldstiBl.wS each on Monday. H. M. Baum, 131 Myrtle av, between Bridge and Dutfiold st's. Our Wamsutta Dbess Shirts with bosoms three lily, made of heavy Irish linon, and reinforcod.

are guaranteed to be the best ovorofforod at the price. Ready made, witli different longtli oleoves to oacn sizo necu, six to order, six for 87.50. UabuinQ MANOFACruiUNCl 476 Fulton st. No Cbbistmab table should be without a bottle of Angostura Bitters, tha world renowned ap imtizor of oiauisito flavor. Beware of countorfoits.

Ask your grocer for the genuine article, manufactured by Dr, J. G. B. SiEOgivr A Sons. Thk Pbinossb A new style of front piece A large and lino assortment of switches in gray, blond and all shades at moderato prices.

Wigs, half wigs and touoeos. Kophalia and botauio cream todross and pretorvo the hair and provont It from tailing out. The largest and oldest establishment in Brooklyn. W. Metklsri, iucooe sor to W.

R. Cameron, 827 Fulton st. Skal sacques and dolmans. Still greater reductions In genuine Alaska, London dyed soaiaacuucj and dolmans: S105 BaOQUOI to Bl'iJ BJlWsaeauoS t03t 800 saoaue. to 8155: S231 sacquoa to $175, and higher cost tho same relative reductions.

8M dolmans reduced to 8105; 350 dolmans to 8375 $370 aolmans to 290. Weoubleb A AUbaham. Pabties looking for furniture for tho holl days not fail to call on Jons Wood 17 to 161 Fnl ton st, corner Orange, and examine hi. large and hand' some stock, suitable for holiday piesonls. LtiioQES, Faionce ware, Sisque figures, Bar berliue, Katomeda crackle and Bohemian ware, real bronze.

vas, curios and rioh art furniture In tho romodolod base' ment of Wr.CHBi.Elt A Auiuiiam'h oxtenslv. oalabllsh' mont. Toe Brookliw Eaole Job Printiko Offiob prepared to do every description of printing in the high entstvloot the art at vory low prices. Call and get esti mates. Papor ruling, book and pamphlet binding, electro typing, Ac Silk fur lined garments, inch Riborinu squirrel circulars reduced from to S3S, circulars to 47; JOS circulars to 450.

Fur linoil dolmans, hair trimmed, 'reduced from 9J15 lo $IS. Dolmans, inolii.a loiiK. hair tnoim.Ml, reduced from 47'J to "5. A AUUAIIAM. Is 16 son An the a high Biri, tivs a tho day WITH SUPPLEMENT.

SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1881. EVENTS IN BROOKLYN. Summary of tlic Week's Local News. Monday, December 12. The Bethel ship Norwegian Methodist Episcopal Church, was dodi oatad on Sunday.

Th. church Is on the corner of I resl Mead, how ion mu Th9 of tho daughter and sister Julia C. memory around and cost $16,000. Blahopa set 'Apae useway has bean completed from tower to tower of tho Brooklyn Bridge, and workmen are pass lng back and forth between tho two cities on it. John VanNoatrand, of this city, died at Lake wood, where h.

had gone for the beaoflt of his health. A motion was made before the General orm tho Supremo Court, by the attorney of the Brooklyn Hallway Company, to modify the po of th commissioners so as to allow the company to then to confirm the report as inod.fiou. ih com Mloners reported against the road. The matter waa postponed uut.l another term of tho court. John Baker, old of Brooklyn, died at f'nUtlCll the aao of 75 years.

He sat uie ago a mem. Chamber uearjy i ori.y At tho time of his death bor of the Btate Legislature, lie Mechanics' Insurauco Coui lie was president In the Coney Maud llailroad, pany, and was a dire. In toe Peoples' 0 a Company and lu the liu KaUi Gas The Beard of Aldermen held a regular maetin and reoolraa a communication from Controller Soulier apd resolution appropriating $15,000 for the purpose of enabling him to employ expert accountants to irn prove the manner of keeping the accounts of the arrear of taxoa and assessmenU. He will employ twenty experts at $150 each, and tho work will be com by the iirst day of February. The board adopted resolution.

Tuesday, December IS A. special moelw Of the truateesof th. East Biter Bridge was hold cm Monday, and addresses by several Na lork members epposed to th. passage of freight trammer S. bridge, among others by Mayor Grace ana Hon.

R. iit, A financial statement was made by the president and chief engineer. A conference of the charitable workers of Brook waa held in tie hall Of the Long Island Historical MMUt, under tho auspice, of the Brooklyn Bureau of Charmes. were made by President Mayor Low, Mr.

Beeoh.r and others. The Board of Control was olected for tho ensuing year. Right Roy. Bishop John Longhliu urged tho Mayor to veto the Calvor scheme on the ground that he $100,000 worth of property on the proposed route which b. represented would be greatly damaged if wore nf 'rtermen procured the Grand Street M.thodist Protestant Church building for Justice Kenua's new court room.

The basement of the huron will b3 leased as a l.cture room by trusteod. Tbo total roceipt. on account of the taxes of 1831 ro about $3,000,000. The total amount received by tho KcgiEtrar of Arrears for arrears of taxes, assessments, during the weekending December 10 wa. Tho work of the Police Department for the year has boon reported, and it shows a steady improvement under General Jourdan managemout.

With the exception ot the removal of ex Captalu Johu Klloy and the appointment of Detective Folk to the command of the Tnelftn Precinct, thore have Iwon no Important ohaugoa lu the penomut of tho daring tho year. VJIDNES3AT. December 14 A special meeting of the Board of Education was held in response to call signed by a number of the members, for tho purpose of electing a Superintendent of Puulle Instruction The propriety of calling a special moeting was doubted by Mr. Doaae, who movod tUit the board adjourn The motion was oarrled. A potltion wa.

received by the board signed by a number of loading cit ltens of the city, protesting against uuduo baste in the neleotloo of auperintendent and associate superlntend Tbo Board tf Supervisors affirmed the action ot tho Bllasville Bridge Committee In the discharge of Bngluoer MoDonougn. The Arrears Commissioners held a meeting and ward petitioners for relief under the new law. President Booth presided. The Central Democratto Association held a meeting in Jefferaon Hall and adoptod a resolution inviting a oonferenoo with the Democratic General Committee, and In caw of failure that tho Central Association pro ooad with reorganization alone. The Kings County Republican General Commlttoo of 1881 held lta final meeting Tuesday evening, and transacted conaiderablo business.

A resolution ws adopted requesting President Arthur to reappoint yo.tm6or Molaer. Letters of thanks were received from tho secretaries of Mrs. Garfield nud President Arthur thanking tho committee for the memorial reso lntions paaaed by it. Hon. Thaddeus Crane Banks, business manager of amu York Forrest and Stnam, died at bis resi denoe in Brooklyn to day in hi.

sixty second year. t. w.lsh. whoso oonvlction of the murder of Barbara Oronenthal was affirmed on Monday by the aeneral Term of the Supreme Court, was sentenced by Chief Justico Barnard to oo uuKUU The caeo fa to be taken to the Court of Appeals. Cuarlos Beokar, the convicted forger of the 1,000 trano notes of the Bank of France, was by Judge Moore to the King.

County Penitentiary for six ,0.7. and six mouths. Application li to be made for stay of proceedings pending an appeal to the General Term. Thursdat, December 15 The special in TUtlgatiug committee of the Board of Supervisors, appointed to Investigate ex Keeper Hbovlln'a admluis trattonof affairs! of the P.nilentiary, hold a meeting at that building Wednesday afternoon. Figures were glveu Which indicated remarkable discrepancies between the number of prisoners actually In the institution and the number credited to it.

The thirty flrst annuBl donation party and fair at i tbe Oraham Iustitnto was opened and waa well attended. There aro seventy old ladles in the institution. A aubsorlptlon has been Inaugurated by the Grand Army posts of the EaBtern District for General Abram Dally, oommander of the War Veteran's Association of 1811, who is in want. He is 88 yea" old, and the alxty flfth anniversary of his marriage ocaurs next Wednesday. It is proposed to oelebrate the event by a gift of purse of money to tho aged couple, both of whom are too old to work.

Miss Sarah Bedmond, of 111 Reid avenue, died eruciaenly of heart disease while attending a party laat avening. Chief of Police Campbell haa received a number of Utter, from tho Woat asking for a description and in formation concerning George W. Stuart, the abscond log ex secretary of the Board of Education. Friday, December 16 Tho report of the Health Commissioner show, a total of 14,027 death. lor the twolve month, ending November 1.

Tula 1. tho highest number reported since lam. Tho Arrears Commission has not yet filled the vacancy caused by tbo death of Andrew Cunningham. The position will most probably be giveu to an Eastern District man. Assoond meeting of the Shovlin Groon Inv.sti aatlnK Committee was hold at the Penitentiary.

Doeu menu wero submitted showing commitment, which were hot filled up, and others upon which the names of the justices were forged. Ono lnRtanc was men tlonad of prisouor who sent a substitute to servo in hLi behalf. Tho reception of to3timony rogardlug commitments was closed. Tax Tanner gives in his annual report the fact that the sum of $6,831,313.90 was received durlnK the year for taxes. Jacob V.

B. Martense, ex Supervisor ot the Town of Flalbiish, and one of tho host known cilizons of tho town, died this morning la his 67th year. He leavos widow and three ohlldren, Deputy County Clork Georga G. Barnard has been aubpenaed to go to Washington to appear at the Gnl teau trial with the offlolal record, of the dlvorco oh tatned against th. assassin in the Supreme Court in this county in 1872.

Satobday, December 17 Tho report of the Registrar of Arrears for the year was sent to tha Mayor to day. Tho total amount roeolved from De oember 1, 18S0, to November 30, 1831, was $2,975,961.93, and with the collection, of the present month the amount is The Mayor ha. vetoed tho aldermaulo resolution to tbo Brooklyn Elevated Hallway Company the right to construct, maintain and operate a railway. He opprovod the Culver scheme which gives a fran ahleo to tho Culver or East Rlvor Bridge and Oonoy Island 8toam Company. Mayor elect Low ha appointed Mr.

Franklin Al Ion htii private Mr. Allen wa. formerly asor.tsry of tho American Bilk Association, and re side, at present in New York. Mr. Austin Corbln has bought the Litchfield prop exty at Babylon upon which he will erect a new botel at a cost of 150,000.

The Board of Education has reported to the Mayor that the total amount of .11 the expenditures for school buildings and lands belonging to the board Is five mil llona and tTtonty ntne tuousand five hundred dollars. Toe Mlarios of toacbors for 1881 waa $703,35. 00, and the itwt of tuitioupor papil was $M50. There ro 30,000 children of the city who roocive their education ill ita parochial 3,023 children are educat.d In fourtooa orpUon asylum, and Industrial schools aupportod by societies and private besevo. tenee.

Sarah Nolan, aged 18 yean, of No. 103 North aayenth waa run over and killed by on. of the largo wagons Of Clausen brewers, of Hew Xork, A uafiled thief wb.0 triad to enter the residence of Ir. Vn llarllng'ton, of 160 Dufflold atreot, ou Thurs Oil afternoon, returned Friday, and on tho servant'i apposrlng at the basement lit answer to tho bell threw vitriol In ter face. Forty four permits to oroot new buildings wero (luring the week by the Commissioner of M.

JOHH'H COM.EOK TUMIiS. The pupils of St. Johu's College wero ex jtmlnod on Friday. Tho Rev. Fathor riuukolt gave as a prixo a uandsomo slod, aftor delivering an eloquont ad dress.

Brother Bruno, l'rofeesor utininiings mm iir, MoGeoghegaD, lilts of Bt. Mary's Collego, San Fran clsoo, alto moos appropriate auurwuro, New and the too lug in was ue find in which has to uv HUlL Tito of uot Beochor, since Ono did Jesus, He was a groat ooaeiyor, In that reBpect Socrates bore aome resemblance to Ordinarily Christ's dlssotirees oama from a text in Oman life uoforo Hun, I Imagine I aeo Him observing ail thai waa going on In the temple. Ho saw theao rich man one after another oast" In their gifts, and then thla 111 clad, solitary little woman advanca and slip in a frt ing. Hero wa9 a contrast, and Jems thought It worth while to gather bis disciples around Him and make discourse. "Ibis poor woman hath done more tba tbey all." If all the rich men wero put together, thera was not so much of tho spirit of giving as In this lonr poor widow.

Thoy gavo of tholr abundanoe, aha ot bar nonury, oven all that she had, and probably wont fart ing tbo rest of the day. Tbo relation of twomltas to. her property was larger than tho relation of all'the men gave to theirs. There few men dt whose charity It oan be said that it bears any proper relation to their power. Thero aro few whoaa mioda work out all tho benefits for other wblcb thoy might, in solacing, tu.tructlng and helping.

Men. ars, selfish in kuowloago. Tbey acquire It Willi avidity and aro living tombs of knowledge, and shed no light. Mou have thousands of opportunities In private Ilia and oarry a hundred fold more than they use. Yot hovr often do thoy get tired of doing even tba llttlo whlc thoy do.

Many persons who are best qualified to do tho work of God don't do anything. I have known Bonis mou make a divine art of giving. A man In Bos ton whom I knew resolved that when bis fortune reschod a certain point be would give everything no mado during tbe rest of bis Ufa to charity, and ho did. How many persona with largo incomes buy off, lost by oontinually wearying thay should be luduood to givo more. How little goes out in expression or genuine charity.

A poor woman oamo to uio, Mr. Beocher said, aud said her was on the point of suicide, aa they bad just oonio from tbo South and wero starving. I belpod them a little It wos the poorest sort of a room they had aud bare subsistence, and yet within a week I found tbat they had taken in another, worse Off than themselves, liduTn item, buf thoy outdid me a thou.and W. Mr. Itopos told how a collector foj i.8?l4lX for Improving the Condition of the Poor oallea on a wealthy gentleman for aid, and how be sternly said: "I'll givo nothing." Tbo next a an.rnrt ThS fiaxt year ha.

oafie and tbe geutleman said "Woll, you're vory per ooverlng. Here'sSlO" Tho next year be gave $80 and" this year ho gave $100, and $100 more for a building. Pastoral Holpor Holltday said it was not only tbo podt who needed holp, for thors wero m.ny in good cironai staucs who needed worda of cheer and consolation, and thare was enough for all to do who bad a heart eugsge in tbo work of bolping their follow creatures, TUE OVEat'OAT FIEND. A sneak thief entered the third flat of Ncr. 83" Atlantio avenue on Friday and atols an overooat, valued at $10, be'ougioff to Qnstar Caralson.

MONEY MARKET. Sudden Cbange froiu stanntiora to ActivityFluctuations for tUo Weeli, Wall Stbeet, Saturday Evoulng, December 17. Tho market was very dull until Thursday, when there waa a little moro aotlve speculation in the sf tornoon, On Friday thoro was a sudden ohango. Tbs latest addltloua lo tho Hat, inolnding tha Southern stooks, were sharply advanced, and the movamau promised to carry upward the remaining properties on tbe list, when it waa observed that thore was a free eelling movement In Donvor and Kio Orande, and In tbe afternoon this stock broke, heavily anaottliDg tba wholinist. Tho markot was panicky this mornlnff, but wa.

a recovery tn.Donver and Bio Grande In lbs aftornoon, and had it not boon for a raljjupon tbo bashes aud Mlobigan Central doubtleDa tone wonl havo beon atrong at the close. There ia an Imptoaalon this afternoon that Mr. Gould and bl following scooped in enough Den vor and Bio Orando to contro tbo road. This was the story oursent aftor tba oloe of tbe markot, aud If It la true higher prioes for somo of the properties may bolookod for noxt woek, Tho following table shows tbo blghost and IO Oafc sales of Government bonds and loading stocks oaob dar during the week. Tbo blanks tn tho table lndloato tnat; here wore no transaotiouB: ioo.

V. S. 6s. 1831, ox U. S.5a, 1881,01 U.S..

1891. If. S. 1891. U.S.

of 197''' O.a sof IO07'0 V. S. 1007, eml U. S.curronoy 0a Omaha Omaha prelerred Wab. St.L4Pao.

W. St. L. Pf Phila.4 Heading. Mo.

Kan. A Texas Canada Soutbsrn Missouri Paoific. Cen. A 10OKI 102 lOMje r. 103 102X1, 105i.f 14 114X fi, 114 114 1 ii iri my.

ma. im. i iliilal. 1 18, 111 ish 39M 391 3Hi 39 103' lOS 10J! 411. V4 mi 82iu 8IH 8l5Jl 68 I 68J 4t 40Jtl 0 loeSI 109'i' 39lt 38 1(B 10 JK 4 82 ii 10 2W.

toad 102MI 101UI am ana 40 40 i ei i Irtiriirflrtiifii Titla. .8 UW" rt 5 So. w.3 1 1 5 1 i iuom 1 Yi'ri i i Yo3li Yu' I 103 10S I I I I i aoti auisv.rcii a. 'i 8v 81W Bl TOiiJVv 40 jbB SOU ,89.1 bu in, owia 107 106fl liwjcf iruii tr ltVi 105J.I 105I1I1 139S 1S8 137JJ 1341. irut innul 100 t38ij isas 'tsgh rios 137X I37 i i Sf igdSt! fJPj vil iJ3 nrr 107 i 108 Loulsvillo.

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