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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1892. TWENTY PAGES. that ho wanted his danghtor to wed an American, TO LET STOHES. BIURO WANTED, COUJST VON SIERSTOBPFF. tins roport was corroct, it remains to be seen noAuoi nnO LET STORES MYRTTTC AV.WRA FURNISHED KOOTH, DOARD WANTED 2 LARGE AND wnetiier or not Mr.

luiowltou has become recon Advertisements under this heading are SO eentt OARD 48 HKOOiHD PL A.ROOM. JL Lawrence et, uioo store. SHO: 241 Ftdton st. oxtra largo store; 1GH Ellery st, noar Tompkins ar, store and JI small rooms, Cor fivo adults, in Twonty third Ward, Address FOWL nil, KkIo Bedford branch. for each insertion or Ave line or leas.

floor; hot and coldrtator; Sl with board, on second also, table hoarders taktsu. ciled to tho trorman count. A Miss Knowlton is of ace she haB the priT otiiora, ooicoj.eto. wiijiiiAm it. uaauis, "jwatuuj at, corner oay, anu st.

OARD WAITED A GENTLEMEN BJOAKD CHOICE ROOMS AFTER Jl ARD 43 OR I A HBKo or marrying the count if she wants to. The ON THE HILL ITlSnQH room nnrl in.rd in fl( (Inlnn mo LET STORE THE LAKE AKD JL commodious storo corner of Franklin and tiBiinf uia iiaignis. Aaaress ju Box yu, Eagle nmoo. all conTeniencoa: ani mr 6'luar! ruoms Something About the Man Who is to Marry Miss Knowlton. pm vnn nrBi cjass ooard.

(Greene r. BOARD li MbNTAUUlTTRACE Desirable rooms with board; references ro ton a splendid location fordruefftst prospects aro that the weddine will take placo somewhere near May 1. The date has not been fixed, ostensibly for the reason that the consent OARD WAITED SINGLE (JENTLE OOAKD 218 ADELPHI ST A LARGE man OGSlrnna ilnmfnrtlh fnvViicl.n.l mnm nnA AHvertlsements under this heading are 60 cenfa for each insertioyi of Ave ltne or less. FURNISHED ROOM 101 PRESIDENT st, suitable for twa J71URN1SHED ROOM 0 MACON jSf A'icely furnished, in prirate family referencae. 571 KN IS HE KOOiSlii 1 8 AN SO Handsome large and small rooms for gentlemen.

IITRNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH JL out board, to let; near most lines of cars. Addresii i 417 Cumberland st. U1 K'ur; large piate glass snow winuoTn: rni prOTomants lu store. Apply on premises; pon Sundays. ff room on fa oiiiI flnnr.

fltfiiiGiai ooara wiui a small fMnuy; convenient to bridiCO, miur; an improvements ploasantjiomo for Iwo or the German emperor has not yet been ob nnO LET STORE FINE PLATE GLASS, o. liable onica. S3 OARD ON THE HILL 1 77 JDBICALB Tl WashinK'0n park, lareo aunny front room B3 OARD TWO JL dOnblO frrmt. lr. AiUnffn nw nnr Clinrnri tained.

When a German officer wishes to marry NICELY FURNISHED OAKl) WANTED A ROOM, WITH A rooms, all improvement, with or without na must, apnly to tho commanding officer of OOHra. IT IV Vnnnv At nmn)nvn1 st, with fixtures if demrud alBO third floor of 5 rooms in bmiditiff; Trillborcntod separately or tojothor; terms reasonable. st BOARD ON THE EIGHTS tho day prico not to exceed nor irotie: oonvnloot to tlie bridge. BOARD. Box 10.

liairls ins rogiment, after which the application is i uoup busoou tenant. pARD 2'0 HALSKY ST, NEAR IiEI 1 ford atr Fir. v. inuK.Ii ava nwuoauAuau ui iOIUlllUB H. HUWii, Atlantic lorwardod to the emperor for his consent.

nr0 LET STORES ELEGANT. LAHOK IT URN IS ED ROOMS 1J OARD WANT 141 FOR FIVE ADULTS H.J 'n tho Tironty tbird or Twentr fifth Ward: three A NererlheUss, the wedding covrn is known to bo ble boardara aocommo lated; rotoronces. A .11 147 Henry st. BOARD AT '10 1 STATE ST, EXT TO Bond. Gintrle.

KUnnv frnnt rnnma umMi (nM! JL licht. 1.110. 1.112. 1.114 Fulton st. netr Franklin lallril Mlnm I a.

si; av staiiqiir can bo thrown Into one storo: also 1.200. "Olitt en riTrnriflrit. mirl art sjj vac 7 I ntti luiuujfi lCUD, BOARD ON THE HILL 35fi" ORBKNB av Desirable rnmE unnnni n.i well under way and many of tho Brooklyn set are already talkine of tho srand reeeptioa which is ruwnm, iarffe ana small, re.iulrod (food (able and reasonable term. Address B. Kaitle Bedford branch.

oy: immediate possession; reduced renta. Inquire There Are Lots of Money In nis Farailr and Bo lias Heaps of Ancestors Who Can tie Vouched For Mr. Knoirlton Is Said to Uuve Been Opposed to the Match, bat It Looks Now as If He Had Become Reconciled to His Daughter's Choice The Count is Here, lint the Emperor's Consent Has Mot Arrived Yet, The German count who in to carrr off to Gor tnanr oh his bride one of the richest prizes in near tho Franklin station and two lOARD A NICE, PLEASANT ROOMT soon to take placo in the Knowlton mansion. OARD WANTED BY A OBNTLEMAN cars. u.

VAN AUK EN, 5o Broad waj, New York. n.jr rlin Ooard. a 1,11 ort Unless it transpires that tho dount ih waiting for nyerson HT10 LET STOfiE THE PARLOR ui4 ujton at, tamper ana Koid ars, ArtdrHS, with OARD GKNTLEM AN AND WIFE, OR single centlcmftn will JL IlOOrTVlfh Uro A hnri(iririntv r. 414. TtnM.

u.ftll nl more than the consent of tho Gorman emperor orfcncn, nroaaway. URNISH 1) ROOMS 2 NIOELY FIIR 'onnoctinir, in nrirato house: modor ato. ln iiretl near Ud1(( SJ BURNIsiliCl) KOO.M 45.S "STATiC ST oom; dne location; conyonioni to ortdie aim lerrios; a week. LTUKNlSil Kl) ROOMS ROOMS FOR a list; can be seeu any time: reference required. a3a St.

Marks nl. HrookWn. UAliu UN HEIGHTS 27 MONROE pl conneotine roonn. nrlrar. corner Fulton st; rooms: in good order: suitable for Kood table, at Pierrepont et; tablo boardors aocom UAKD WANTI3U A ROOM, WITH any ncnt business: immediate noasession.

Aunlv tn ujc nnumurt "in occur witnin tne next nvo or six weeks. Life ia responsible for the statement tril.hin minutes of Oity IUU. New York: sUte pricti ON THE HILL AN LCOVE OAROON THK "HILL 248 OAHLTON "i ieif it ork that it will take place in the latter part of April, after which the bride and groom will take a trip room. southern einoauro: well furnished in a smat I npO LET STORE 196 FLATBUSH AV iiiults; referonces exchanged. Apply at 107 beat toferencesgiTon and reiiuired.

family oi Gates ay, OARD WANTED A 9 hoard for CO hrnt.hnrn nr1 ciator in rmfinnA of aereral weeks duration throneh this country ROOMS, JL iwo plate windows; a feet wide; reasonable rent to rood tenant; fino location for a restaurant wo OAR1J ON THE HILL 382 VAUDKlF EH7RNISHED ROOMS 1 OH 1 furnished or unfurnished, to let. In i hood. Apply 5I, near 1 tiroo uooQ. Apply at Alacon aad then embark for Germany, their future iJroofcij is at the Hotel St. Georee.

Ho is Count Johannes von Francken ijjomorpff, first lieutenant of the Second dracoont of the imperial gnard of Berlin. Ho ia eneaged to marry Hiss May Knowlton, the only daughter of Edwin OA UD AN 10 ELY. FURS I HI! 6 i 3 Klinirirnnmnn (1 Ii i. i Tir "'oncooi nomn perry or or age. Aa dr3 Ho oiRoe.

uiil ay neconn storv back room also thiri utn, iicou a cooa one thtfieection. Key from home. square and hall rooms; references. JS. O.

BrlOOKo. tflatbuah av. Open erenintfa. Opposite L. I.

R. depot. "Jnu iiuui lu lOU, WUU or WIlUDUl. 0 or lwo Persons; uoar eurfaco and roada. OARD WANTED IN THE VICINITY 'UUNISHBD KOOM a room in rii lM ti familr.

UAitu 131 HACOOK ST A HANCOCK ST A ot th.i Uitr Hi II with mUifa SOME IIEAYK SLUGGING mo LET STORES VERY DESIRABLE frnt alcove room, unfurnished 'except carpet. ar sistion; reference reotilYcd. AS Irvine .,1 OARD OM THE HILL A LA RGK COTOrOOmou smennrl Orxnr U.a finest locstion in city; table boarders taken. Jl J)BW. larP.

lio hf. VIM 1.1K anrt 1 1 Pn tn wmvu must uo rcxdooioie, ni. u. At the Mtw Club JLaal FURNISH KD UOOM.s 59 STi FE'iTIX Lame room nn cAml ti, a mil a.f uikUUD, i DrOTemftotf nt. r.

'J4o Hoard FIRST CLASS BOARD, Voru Alblelic ISijjI.I. fit, corner KrankHn ar, 20x75 each; can be thrown into one utoro or will be altered to suit tenant; om of tbe fin wm i00s io the city for liquor business. Apply to house. tilitea n. OARD WANTKD ROOM WITH GAS small rooms; terms $5 and roral un third floor; coiiTeuient to alfcara.

S(l. u. uAMvr, ii, on preniiseH. OARD AN ALCOVE ROOL 2 flnntu rn lo Ui 1 The fourth subscription boxing entertainment LET STORES 432 TO 438 MYR tance of britlpo preferred; state terms and particulars; no lotters considered unless tonnsare stated. WALTlSK.

nox Kijeio o.lice. BOARO 152 SOHKHMERHORN ST 2 ainflo rooms; roforeuco eicbanced table boarders tle ar tnT dinnn T.ftk(ttn ftrv. Mv M. of the New York athletic club was attended last HKD ROOMS EAGLE" HOTEL, n4. rnlton Bt, Brooklyn; good larco ooms; steam iioat terms reasonable.

JyUR.NISHhD KOOM A "pLKASANT" fwrSl iP thB l'rliifent)eineu pro accoinmudatod. evening by nearly 1,500 people. The big gvm 6ipm utsaiou ream onjy vov Mu OARD WANTED AND A iMI KEriVfTTj OOAHD ON THE HILL 124 ST. FELIX R'V 'll'UGHTS WILLOW HOUSE, st. between nfrn nn, 1 i i JI 14 Willow at 11 a hall room), in a private family rnsldmie catofjsen, harness malcer or barbershop.

BVLKuEY fc nasium of the club house at the corner of Fifty fifth Btreet and Sixth avenue, New York, was iiuAUH, iud MytUB at open eveoinf Binall rooms on second lloor. Psur. well furuishod, to lei. 'with ex 2 and terras, 27, Eagle office. Jl largo, snuaro front room to let, with hot and cold water; convenient to tuidge ami ferric.

IU Sidney URNI.SHKD KOOM LU ST. FKIAX'ST; furnishod hall on seooud floor froat. with folding bed, gas, utc. rolVrenoe required.

Bimply jammed. The referee was Maxwell uuwu, aiea lauio board. mo LET STORE THAT FIRST CLASS iL GtflrA On nnrt.l, Mn nf Vnltnn nl. na ON THE HILL 130 SOUTH OARD Oxford More. The judges were E.

W. Kearney, and Square room; all eonTeniences; house uuiuuor. mr nrrninn nftifflrnr invMnur FintnaD nv BOARD WANTED LAST OK by mail anrl ifn a nnA .1 r400 VANDERBILT AV TO and appointments first oiaBs: one block lrom Kinirtf James M. Motley. R.

C. Fisher, and S. I), oept Honor or butcher; rent $5J0. No. 2.28U Fidton street.

cl1' 'u: uuexceptlonauie reteronces. nished or uafiiminhed. near Fulton in 'ricinity of lOStrand aTI boirll in lir nnnr BURNZSHED XtOO.MH 3 FULLY KUR r.isliocl rooms to let. 'J lartrr, small, in strictly pri near Kints County iroad cow See were timekeepers and Mike Donsvau was the F. IT.

CAKKUTHER3, waioj ii JtOM THE 1ST OF APRIL A exceed 512 per month. Addrons X. 01 orii. master of ceremonies. Tne first men to step 2riU fdcDououch.

1.307 Fulton t. Yate family reference, exoiianired. street. OAKU 2 VERY PLEASANT SUNNY bait roams tn Int witv, i i into the ring were John Dundon of Jersey City out sarai. in a family of thre adults; larms raasoaablo OARD WANTED A A I OF four adnttu 't moduvions; ten niinuiXs' wait Fgisuu.

pyiy av rmton st. best oi reference siren if regmred. lii'3 Joralcmou TO LET STORE BEDFORD AV, HEAR Fulton st: also, flat orer store two plate show win dowa: first class location for business; flat has 7 rooms; exceptionally pleasant; one other family in house immediate DOISflfllinn flftll Attrnnr (ri mno anct jonn uoian ol XNewaru. They were light weights and had a rattling bout of six OAKW 179 CUMBBRLAXl) ST, OP Btreet' a radiun pf about eight or tan blocks of City Hall. Ad offioiElTmE particulars, C.

(5. Box 1M, Eaelo n.r poauo tne rarK Handsomely furniahed roomi on lecond ami third llnnru nth.F ALCOVE ROOM. lOldill h() twnnri r.lil., rounds, the victory being awarded to Dundon, who proved himself to be very clever in the manly atroot. fccuncmon uoubo, iauie ano location nrdt alasi. ImproTemenrs: alio, hall V.

MHO LET STORES A GRAND OPPOR art. Pete McNally and Andy Kelly, both of WAKli 1 1 K1UHTS rZ KN tt.V RT terms; i. ni fa iv7 uT near Kemsen. Tnrv inwrwm n.n or two. tialsey st.

Brooklyn, sort of tired out the patience BOARD WANTED IN A PRIVATE family (owner preferrod) by a ladj: third storv iront or hark room: southern exposuro; Hot and cold waterand liejt; homo comforts aud cood tabln preferred lo style. Address, statiue loontioa, oiioo and reference rjifardiue table. 412 Eagle Bedford branuh with excellent table at moderate terms; table boardora driiff more, corner Fulton st and Nostrand ar; rent $4: alSO those tvn haw Kknrrnn north )f) rtf rnlinn nt. rm oi tne spectators, and there were cries BOARD 57 SOUTH OXFORD st. MKAR Lafayette aT Hanasomel.v furnished alcore also larire sntiare ron.

i lareo square rooms uew'y furnished ui ituHbrnan ar, is iu vor montu also, ulton, et, neat of "Take them out!" and "Put them off! JOAHD 90 STATBST 2 SUNNY, CON amp voroaa, gf.ju per moDta. I'. W. UAltKUTHEKS, closets rUKNISHBli" ROOMS AT 322 Lti'INtV Kevins, 2 larse and hall rooms. $3 and l.i)ll poi all conreniencefl; location handy to eiv on; or ivj par; of ifrooltiru.

IUUNISHED ROOM LARGE KO OM on third tloor to let to a seiuleman only, in private house with oernnr; referonoe required. 'MX Cumberland st, near CJreeno av. BUKNISHKD KOOM KKONT ALCOVB s'titable for Kentleman and irood table bnaid diroctiy opposite. UD.j Monroe st. atiove loinpkius av.

IURNISHEU KOOM 289 Cr.INtONST fi. second story front room nicely furnishod. for two (ten or ceutteinan and wife; all uiiproioments; term rea iuiiabe. URXISHE(r itiVATlS a. family villi let nicelv tumishe convor loacss and tarnw, I 8S.S0 par wo Apply at 40.. ottr .1 v. IITHNISHED ROOM SStT SCHBRMEH horn iii A l.r. a 11 roorflfl. well rnrn 4 iDH 1,357 Fulton at. DOARD WANTED IN A sTKIflTIY tablu; moderacc Neither of the men were scientific, but they evidently did tho best they could and McNally waH j.

miming water; eicellont prices; reference. rooms for gentlemen; eicelleut board 9tti'o; also JLJ prirate family by i KBTitleman anil wife, will TO IF.T FOIt BWSlJIWt PlKPOSES mlnn.J nd suadesonly; within ton OARD IN A i'RI ATE a I LY 3 H.m ininalv .1 I 1 OARD 421 H1WRV ST PH'irict mO LFT FACTORY 102 NORTH SEC declared the winner. When their six rounds wero ended, President Weeks stepped into the ring and called down those present who had 8 roninar mnl rlnaof "'anuii acconu stnry roam not ana cold water losiU: heat: i.tli. on sii less terms aiid full particulars are stated references ex A pst UfBco Box ,07.1.

Brooklyn, N.V. few miimteaVwalC tosinah BL ond st, 3 story and extension, witli, orTrithout stablo tan.e tlrst clau; for tiro cnutleuieii or and wife: references. owuo vary yard; four blocks from depot. 89 South OARD WANTED ABOUT MIDDLE Of Anril. hv tVl ntnttn ,1 11 ruuriii hi.

93 OARD ON THE HILL 223 GREENE BOARD A'l'HYSIOIAN OR DENTIST nished nirnm. famni r. i' rv0 LET LOFTS 2 LOFTS, 50X180: noar amuriajie pi A Jareo pUasant alcore; cood Iieht: Iienred elevator snd DOWfir if rlnnirr1 a few table boarders uviuur courta ar aua runic at. inquire on mo prem there aro but few other b'oardors; ffood table and srrice a necessity; must be nitbin ten miBHtes walk of the iie6; oxchanuod; terms to be moderate AddrOHS. With full i ikeu; references.

lendancD id a renned t.rirate family of duita, wid a.ldresa M. t. Earle Bedford Ui aucli. COUNT SIEH8TOXPIT. uakuOX THE HILL 432 VANDER "LET BASEMENT 3 ROOMS, SUIT nisue.i.

iitable for tiro ffnriomen or jfcntJettnau and "otween (ireene and llr.tts: two minutes' OARD 125 SIXTH AV, 13 KT NT Vafk and St.i tJn i able for inY Kroall hiifiinRRs fnrmnrlv fw nnnind station lar rooms prettily 6 AUD WANTED IN" REEINED J5 ii I nlnmhmr. rant 4 Inniiir. nr. ar 'lOI ROO.MS SOHRKMER and surface cars; an alcove aud umi i' 1 onms. with all Mnprorcmeiits tnce( fm i.

IUU1U3BU JUUUlIIfi ew doors' from Atlantic av. a horn st A lare s.tiiaro room; also hack uarlorY. hot rooms or lort akofii; pleuty of closet room: inuot l.i orsiairly; table; tsrma modo'rate. BOARD ON THE HHIGHTS 9 MON tasme Terrace A rv hnnHcomn LET BUILDINGS 03 AND 3 05 iu on il water, neat, Eas. etc.

ample closets; housnd nicejy lurnisflcd, and all conveniencna. situated htn hissed and passed remarks. He said: "The management of the New York athletic club does not want to hear any more such remarks as were made during tho last bout. They aro not only disagreeable, bnt. uncalled for.

If there is any gentleman here that is not satisfied with entertainment presented the best thing he can do is to leave." The president's expressions wore heartily applauded. John H. Clark of Philadelphia and William Young of Washington, D. were then introduced by Mike Donovan. They engaged in a set to of four founds and did somo heary slugging as well as displaying a great deal of Bcience.

Their efforts were frequently applauded, and as they were well matched it was a pretty close race between them for points, but finally Clark won tho hon i uvu iirhi class. Pnrk ar. near bulldinrs with OARD PLBASAXT LARGK SQUAHR tfconnectinE hall jonm, with hot and cold water, will be Bedford and I'liroop ars, Lafayette av and l'ulton st ine uest ot references Riten and reuuirad erntieman oi poiier.ior or O'lsmoas purposes. ly'bKNI. ED ROOM LAKOB PKONi ill CiaSS nnUSA on lanti ut vwwvi Lj famus jearins town reteronceii.

AOatran.I ar; oxcellotil terins. SSI per week 1 a rouin. uiiru lloor; closets; all improvemrats: 5 OARD ON HE1GHTS 124. HIOKS RT! rark ar and Ko.ll st. lwo, or sii per ween one.

hnsl nl reimired. Address I I tg Bedford 3 of Clark; pleasant front rooms, for KPntlo man and wife, or a family; labia boarders accomino COWHTBY HOAKO WANTE. find Xl Wi'llmir Miu at nn tnn flnnca well liKlnod on all sides; hiu ceilinEs; etoam 3 oat ele Ttffif tin. It A U'PO'XrcMU 1. rr sonuiirn erposiire: Lafayette av, uotr Franklin.

Ad dro. Hot hacie Bedford branch. EUUN1SHED ROOMS DOCTOR'S OF JL lire and waitinc room to let in ho'ise that has haen by physician for tho past seventeen years Ollntuu st, near Cousre.B. IUKNISHED ROOM 1 FRONT HALL room, niih lurrA COUNTRY BOARD WANTED A GEN tleruan. wife, nlnlrt w.

I it OOARD 171 MADISON ST PLEASANT thlrd story from room, rn exposure, all cnnveniences;, iarn lull room, th loMiiic bed' ejccllent table: lioiisn and lival convenient to and sunau.j cars: tfrins veiv moderain. Bwaku AT 171 SEVENTEENTH ST, Brooklyn, lareo and small furnished rooms, to let. F. Knowlton of 201 Columbia heichts, who is known as one of the wealthiest men in Brooklyn. Miss Knowlton is of ace and has some in her own name, together with prospects of considerable more wealth in dayB to come.

She is handsome, graceful, pleasant and American throuuh and through. For a number of years she has been a prominent Genre in New York and Brooklyn society. In both sets she has been soueht after and. courted by numerous American admirers. In hath she is well known and well liked.

Her receptions dunnir the past few seasons hare been the swellest of the swell. New York society turned ut to attend them and it is rare that New York's 400 does cross the river. The Knowlton mansion, at the corner of Piervepont street and Columbia heights, once the residence of ex Mayor Both Low, by the way, has accommodations for a thousand guests, and on each occasion when this fair Brooklyn bud extended invitations to her social friand and 4 Uoart st. mer on Island, about one hour of New York pr Tata family preferred. VRASOIS.

Box 4, Eaelo ofSce: Wtttl or without Hoard; bath, hot and cold water; larce nanfrv rnnm f' ll nll .1. L. mp LET STOUE iuii purposes, store and basement, 2.rxl 00. with tin OA'V 514 LAFAYETTE AV, Nl litdford Pesiralde rooms with wwi OARD ON HEIGHTS 117 STATE ST, COUNTRY BOARD WANTED BY TWO i Island, where ther nr, t. ors.

Walter Egerron, wh calls himself the Koutucky rosebud and is a colored man who tips iiuiuu rioasant rooms: nlofilv tnrm.hed. handy to bridge and ferries; near City Hall. 380 Jay wf.h Hoard and all improvements: 1'renoh table; SStW1 in pluassnl lachod house, with erooudii, in etocl.eut looaihy; first ulasa tablo dlnineroom on parlor Ilooi terms reasonable llou utiuBo au jerries. best of accommodations; wanted from latter part of Juno within fortv milea of New York City. Address H.

F. Eagle offlco. mo LET SHOP PLATE FRONT. LIV )ARD LARGE AXIi sr.r.l. WV.i'.f.

BOARD ONE OR TWO GENTLEMAN can find a ploiBant room, with lorco olosoiK, iiot ruirii hiuDeziouja, at ia at. oicellont botrd; especially nice lor parly men; Hnp house and ishborhood ciiuvcnient to (rlllne andlerritis: mn.Urnt. jL rooms in rear; 10 per month for tailor, barber, lamps, arlaus, hoHaefurnihtnt, 1,000 tenants in building; send for illustrated pamphlet. Asent RiTer side, 20 Joraleraon at. TO LET WATER FRONT A FINE Kost Kiver water front, also canal water front, to 1JOARD 300 GREENE AV A LARGE OARD THB HEIGHTS 194 JO ralemon 6t Second storr front alcnvn mnm oudpL H.J' room Trilrd tlnnr Int J.

i ences. OOARD SQUARE ROOM, WITH EX: ou lirdt floor tcaec for a term of jearn. Appijf 20 Court at, or 70 11 tension, hot anil coM wntn, lot and co'd water, OARD 537 the nettles at 128 pounds, was matched against Billy Peterson of Philadelphia. They were to have boxed six rounds, but Peternon fouled the darkey duriDg the second round and was called out of the ring. The colored champion fought well enough, but he was somewhat monkeyish in his actions and created considerable merriment.

In the second round his white antagonist knocked him on his bands and knees and while in that position continued to pummel him, thus Making a foul. Peterson, when he was called off, tried to explain, but the crowd would not listen to him and he had to go. The next event was between Edward McCloskey of Philadelphia and Arthur Hulling' unknown, who refused to give ittinuj'; lauieooara; coaToniem to Franklin ar station. OOARD ON H1LL 2 0pNNINtt FRANKLIN AV, OPPO 'Z largo second story rooms, with ht; laiver ouice open eTenmjjfl. 4 JONAHX) MOODY.

Joal EaUto, scmare room on seoond floor, with larirti "ood table; oleaaaut hcniKe o.v Lefferts pl; all ooureuieaces. fW0 LET FLOORS ITH VCiW W.H. or City Hall. 1H7 Baltic near I'lintou sa. bat.VjXU convenience; ort Greon? pl.

Addresrt liox hajflo uihce. IURNISHED R'OOMS 245 "t'jUAlBER land st Nicely furnished trout room; hot aud cold water us? of bath fohlinn bed (, heat; iarae cloaets; also, hall room tor ceutlcinan. II.RNISHEl) HOOMS PRONT ROOMT a. 1. lare fr loom, floor, suitable for two sent.emen.

IS Coliiinlii heights, i ko ininutra' wal iroui ultou fcrrj and Brootiyn bridue. IURNrsHKD ROt)M ALOOVE ROOM7 'i0' ro.d water, for one or two trentlamen; pri vute houaa: rnn ren. es aicimne.l few minutes to Kalph av stitiou kincs l.oumy 1.. iiUll Herkimer ROOMS VERY 7 rooms to let. lurnishod, iu brown stone lioiise on the IleiKhts; referon' ea eichanxod As ply at Ilonry ut, near r'iorrot'onl lUKNISURD ROOM A WELL" FUR iL mailed front room to let.

suitable for two in a desirable ne.L'h'iorhood; a few donra trora bounty station terms 47U Grand ajenue. BURNISHED'" ROOM 125 CLERMONT 7T bandiomoly furnished room: well heatid ea. hath hot and water: fvmily private convni ent to load: oiceliiinr. tahla running water; aiBincroom on par I i i i cr iii uiusB luuanun wiuiin ono mill PUTNAM AV A THHID steam hentaod elerator; twenty firo windoira on i yj liiucjiia ij gnu Hnrrtvoo mm a 456 Washington av.

OARD IN l'RI A I'A MILY: NO other lioai rtr.1.. in i. .11 room, eithor toffethoror between Jreeno and aton. aJstory front room and separate toinis Toaaonable. dhuu noor fiujtamo ior manuracturuiff purposos.

In huildinj: 50x100; osntrallr located; near City Hall, fnrnihd froat alcove room: all B3 OARD A HANDSOME ALCOVE wuufio na lorries. JOi ana jo.i St. closets; runniai; water; sir niiniiio. l.i bridce by Kmes convonient to all surface cars. room to fantlemnn iti.I Twifn 1 v.n rfO LET FLOORS WITH POWER room tor a sinetn utMitleni.T, iimi.a Portland av.

JL nrst and second lofts, each 30x120; also smaller ulMO aiai pi titular. Appiy at ui ooutn uztord st. iioor; steam noat and eierators. Apply on the premises 2. II) Plymouth st.near Jar, or OAKY A STEVENSON, OARD HANDS OMELY KIT KN IS 1 1 room.

(art7a. uit.lili rtr 1 830ARD 11)7 OTiTN'TOM KT a r.ilinp MS rOOm. Ullitahln for a muTT iarl onnnla nT. .4 1 j.uo ruuon at. ucvfju; not ana cnia water and hath; thrrte uiinutea to ifth I.

his name. Arthur Mullins was present and ho said to the Eiaia reporter thai his unknown was a young amateur. Both men were light weights, but while the unknown showed considerable mO LET OFFTOES DESKS. ANODRSTC hridge; convenient to park; tablo bou'd TJ accoramo dated. ourih st.

acquaintances it was filled to overflowing. In New York Miss Knowlton was taken under tho wing of Mrs. Kernochan, than whom no sooiety woman in that city is better known. Mrs. Ker noclian is a recognized loader, and with such influence as sho wiolded to serve as a basis it is little wonder that Hiss Knowlton, with her good looks, her pleasing manner and her immense fortune found naught but plain sailing where so many others had struck clioppy seas and snags.

So successful was Bhc, indeed, that her name was included lu Mr. Ward McAllister's list of 150, which was supposed te embrace the creme da la Ci enie of New York and Brooklyn society. So matters have stood for the past couple of years. Miss Knowlton was at the top of the heap, as far as rank and wealth are concerned, rnd sb a natural consequence there was much speculation, regarding her choice of a husband. She had any number of admirers, here and elsewhere, bnt none seemed able to win her.

U'he goasipers picked out this one, that one and the ether one as tho fortunates. 'Jiattnce to oriace ana lerriea. jy OARD A PRIVATH room, fully furnished, telephone, electric light, gas neat; only a faw desirable tenants taken: in laree real 1 7at It WXIGWKT' srp TTrm BOARD A FEW 51 'T A BITS nan bo accommodated central location. JSd htatest, betnoen Smith and Hoj t. BOARD A LARGE BACK PAltLOK, olosetB; hot and oold water: unfurnished; suitable for physician or dentist 10 A.lelpbi st.

BOARD THIRD STORY BAOlrTROOSr: sunny exposure; all improroments; two more table ooarnerscan bo accommodated. 308 Livingston st. IURNISHEI) ROOMS 3.9 a. linrnst A front and hack parlor to let; suitable for a doctor; also other rooms: references eichanxed. BOARD 41' SOUTH OXFORD ST 2 bright cheerful third story rooms, newly furniahed and papcrod.irith excellent table beard term moderate BOARD 113 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Handsomely furnished rooms, with board: hot and Pying its own house at Clinton st would rent a uewtiu unices; x.iiiuu nrst uoors moaeratfi rental: "St 7 i 7 u.i 1" fUl PUlt of rooms on annnml terms moderate references.

opiy ti. uiiAiyH, wiuouchbj st, corner DOSUre: Stlitabln inr fmlK i.L.W..' way, una iiloucasue st. jL1 URN IS i ED ROOMS 1 LIVINGSTON fi st. one bio from Kulton. near llanovor d1; front nno LET FACTORY ON WEST SIDE Kontlomon; also two hall bedroom one eitralai would like remainrne in tha ritr nli snmMuar.

JL Jt.ent ar and north side South Ninth at. with en house and lov aiion biuiuly tint rlncs rirRK clolet; all xvu.ivctu, liauar erery conrcnienue, with or without board references exchauced. BOARD 61 "D( )VVNiN'G ST, N'baITput nam ar Lnrre and email rooms, second or third tloor; nsivly furniHbed; excellent table: uuiet mmules' walk of Oraud ar. station; table boarders. BOARD 149 PIRRREPONTST HAND some lareo second front room: float horn ex niurj aiso oari: ratun.

tsree wed furnished; hath mom: board oatioual. eine, boilers, shaftine, story and basement; JOARD HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 'front room, rith boar) nrival skill and pluck, it was evident from the first that he waB outclassed and he gave in at the close of third round. Four rattling rounds wero than fought between Walter Campbell of Philadelphia and Frank Mooro of Elizabeth, N. J. They wero in the pound class and there was no fooling about the way in which they went for each other.

It looked at one time as though the gloves would become bloodstained, but no claret was drawn on either side. Moore was knocked down in the third round, bnt recov ui auuut square leet ana lounary adjoining, with cram, about U.125 sauare feet. Inuuire oi ten minuiea wolk to bridej rahln and uarrim tti t. P. TKUSLOW, 45 Broadway, Brooklyn, second DftSt: terins vrrv mnrlfi i i.

i.u noor. DOfllire: nurf'nct nrrinr rcnllont tnHln cooTenient to or two rentlemnn. Call or'io wook at 8 Court su. third bat, near Viiy IlalJ. bridire, ferries and all car lines.

TO I E'JT HO VS ICS 17 I 1 D. i ii couTonieni to urldee and Jerries. Call all week. Board XprTvfTfaIml at Frauklin ay. near LefTert nl.

will inh i. 3 OARD ON PROSPEiTT YiEIGHT A mO LET HOUSE FURNISHED A 3 a fltOTV and linimnnf dot mf rhd hnimn witK ri lariro alrovo room on nfrnml ilnnr with .11 BOARD ON THE I Gl SOUTH Oxford st; rery desirable lare and small rooms Also Urge back parlor, (o he vacated first of May: tablo boarders accommodated; references. ered himself within the time limit and pluckily bcrnished rooms nicely" fur Jl nisbnil rooms to 1st en suite or sinclv. 58 Adelohi house' av caiB (tolepbone in tho ipURNISHlSD "ROOMS K19 AMITY STT betiieon and Ilonry Sicond story front room, nicely ftiruinhud also lull room seven mluutoa from ferry. ISH ED ROOMS I FULLY FUIt fl.

nished rooms to let. lsri o. 1 umall. in private family; near elevated station tn minmt to briilge, references oichaticdd Ityeisoc st. nfar ar.

'burnishkd RooM.s souTi icl II. liott pl I.arKn and small rooms, neatly furnished with every convenience; terms reasonable; good table, board near by. roon to Bentlcmon, or gentleman and wifa: home comlorts. Kreund. furnishod or unfurntuned, to prirate responsible noes; also hall room on third floor two blocks from 1 rosoect Park and conrenient to care to all ferries and bridge; house and locatiun lirni.

cln, iui.auua uruL uuss, i rrospect pi. raced his opponent, Campbell was the better npO LET HOUSE FURNISHED CAM OARD 350 JEFFERSON AV LARGE PfifiCOnci RtnrV slnnVA frnnt. rnnm I man of the two and was so adjudged. Both the bridge pi, rooms, to small family of aduito only; if acrocatilo owner and wife would retain rooma. Address contestants vrevo thB recipients of generou tiemanand wife or two gentlomeni'furuished or unfur street.

BOARD IN NEHJHBORHOOU Jorl; A''olnotfistlipiscopl Church Ccheer 'nl, wall fill nisued. second lluor conneL.lii,c rooms in detached house occupied by owner: dinina room on parlor lloor; house, table and lo. iuion uneicoutiouablo. Address M. Kagle Bedford branch applause as they left the ring.

"Sport" r.agie olsco. Jackson of Jersey City, and the "Hat POAKD 170 HICKS ST WlLBITre; opened about Anril esDeciallv dnsirnhln oinln rpo LET HO USB FURNISHED 2 1 2 IL story brown stone biiBe; conTeniently located for lm coffee cooler," two stalwart colored BOARD A NICE SQUARE ROOM Ojf second floor, front room, also 'J very pleasant rooms on third floor, with iirsl class board table hoard ill 50 per weok, and sii meals for $1. U.V Lirineston st. OARD 20 SIDNEY PL AN OPPOlF tunity is now offered of securing a quiet, pleasant and cotnfortablo home which is under the successful management of Mrs. PITTS for twenty six years.

OOARD 51 SOUTH OXFORD ST ON Stho Hill A souaro roam on second floor, with board; location Tory dosiiablo; terms moderate rofor enoES, H30AKD rooms: until April 15 application can Ue raada ut 50 i How st. men, were next on tho list, but Jack IJU.RSlsHEh HOOMS GOLi" OOLD Mouitiyii or aew 1 or nerer jec oerora: conipiocely furnished; only small family accepted; referoacea required, Address B. 0., Kaele Bedford branch. ST, son wasn't in it. They wero to have faced each other for four rounds, but tho "Coffee R.

no.rFuUon l'aniiy owning liotisn ivill let i rill POAItI) 20I BALTIC ST, NEAR CLIN" Pton 1 newlr fttrnlRhnd frnnt T.r a Caoler" knocked all the wind and ambition out of one after another, butonu after another the goB BiperB dropped them and finally speculation coated on this most disappointing subjeot. It looked vory much indeed as if the wealthy heiress had no use for any of the yonng men with whom she had been thrown in contact in New York and Brooklyn society. Soma months ago after a serieB splendid receptions at the Knowlton residence, it was announced that Misa Knowlton would mako an extensive European trip. Then the heights and hill tongues began to wag with renewed vigor. Long before sho started it was settled beyond a possible shadow or doubt that sho could not run the gauntlet of the foreign nobility.

For igners always have beau given credit fr knowing a good thing when they saw it and for invariably doing their levol best to obtain possession the same an accomplishment which has cheated more than one American fellow out of in an American family terms reasonable; table boarders accommodated. sport" in the first innings, lie had tho Jersey City man terribly rattled, bo muoh so that ha npO LET HOUSK FURNISHED A 3 A tUory an(i haRement brown Rtor.e, on "MoDor.etigb. st, near owoor and wii'o nonld remain or not if desirib.e: hue tn elexfciit order. Address Engle Bedford branch. gave up before time was called.

The wind up JOAKD 124 GOLD ST A LAROE snuare front roam vrit.h nil imnMMam.ntr. iiiiorovrnirnis. 10 re tie I dentte iimn; terms moderate; houso hrst class in every partico URN IS ED ROOMS 1 SOUTH fl iitt pl: second slory front alcoio room, two closets; also, thiad slory front room: suitaiile for gentlemen ot man and wio; will reut tor light call all the wet'lt. FmiNlSHED ROOMS HANDSOMELY was oet.ween cnarieg McCarthy of 1'hUadelphia lar ffe clpseta: half bloc from Loeser's table boarders ana j.oiu neiiy oi jxew jersey, it was very lively and scientific and was witnessed with ennuirf. taken; lunches reasonable.

mo LOT HOUSE FURNISHED A fi, lareo, tirat claBhouse: every room full of boarders; choicest and most accessible part oi Brooklyn furniture for Rale: leaso; this is Al. oi) Liberty st (Room 0) New York. erable interest. Kelly nas the victor, after a very K)ARD 17( LIVINGSTON ST LARGE 9 and small rooma to InUith nf1 r.n.rH aura struggle ior supremacy. 1 OARD ON PHOSl'ECT EKJHT.S A li handnome alcovo room, irith thrcn closets open nreplace, all Improroiiients also a fen other rooms' at reasonable rates for the Summer: house and appointments nrst class in ever roanect; len minut to indite table boarders accommodated.

10tl Borkisley pl. KORGK. CLARK io, Br.001'? HeiEhts Rooms rrith nri ata hath; eleotrlc iwhtei. hfated; American and hurmiean plan; table d'hote bre.lifast, 7, laid" d'hote oUc; tablo d'hote dinner mus'c dinner. WM.

TL'MBlil DC WC. "OAlKD ANO li HO US 300 A My. LiviyKston st; nice, neivlj and nainted roorae to let (furnished or "nturnished). with board in illH jiiBt landed to aoconiniorlate tho piessinc trad. of the Hanoror House; boarders eet hotel tare at boardine honso pricos; transient ials, SI to room and 1110113 'ic: "Ta mcal tickets 41.

E. 11. OARD SMALL FAMILY OP ADULTS will let, with board, to refined parties, suite of u. inriiisned trout and back parlors; suitable for doo and third floors; house has all improTcments; table tor oftice in one of tho hest I uoaruern accommoaateQ. on the tlill; terms r.

between Clinton and 7 moneratf. LiSl Wiliouchbj Vjiahinptoo. JOARD LARGE, PLEASANT, ROOM for Eeutlnman and wifn. or Hinirl trtiinmyn HE DIDS'T WAST BOARDERS, But William SSjtrio'v Wire Say Bida't Support Her Properlj unnton ana Jlenry family of two adults owning; house will lot nicely furnished rooms, with first olasi board. B'OARDN 53 SO Elliott pl Very plossant lariro and small room, with convenience; suitable for two or threa gentlemon uith reference tablo board given.

BOARD ON THE HILL A SECOND story square room, weil furnishod and heated running water; good taldo; near I. and surface roads. 204 Clermont av. BOARD ONTH "i lUTLT A "SUNN front room, with ruuuini; water; heat; fits; ample clor3ts; house brown stone; tabic boarders. 305 Gates at, three miuuteb to Franklin av station.

OOARD LARGE Jlwilh hot, ami cold water, cloiut and heat largo rooms connecting if desired; fovr minutes' walk to mo LET HOUSE FURNISHED 1 2 fl story brown atone house in best location on Hill, containing Iti rooms notvJy famished, filled with boarders who wili remain If desired; parties eriring up on account of health will dispose of furniture on easy terms Address W. J. Box JaKl6 office. He erery convomwneo and home comforts: raforencos." Tha aolr of ItiHt uicht contained a referenco iOARD ON THE HILL HANDSOMH 'larire and small rooiim; alt BURNISHED ROOMS 4 NKATLY "VUR: fl nished rooms, comidcto for houselteepinj socou'1 story, bae water in rooms; uriviiero rpf bath and lautl dry; references; rent Ashland pl, near Lafayette av. IL1 URN ISH ED KOOM A NICELY FUR: tt.

nis'ifd front room to let bath, heat and ess one. bloi from Kiucs ronreoient to cur; terms reasonable; trentlemen only. to the tillit for sonaraiioii which Fatmio Bario minutes from Kines County station and car routes choice location. 4 t8 Olasson av, opposite Madison st. lias brought asainst lier husband, William C.

Barto, ip. the supreme court before Jadce Bart mo LKT HOUSE FURNISHED I fl. tho Twenty fifth Ward: new IJ and basemont hrown stone I rooms and btth; all modorn improvements and eloeontly fnrnished throusrhout; neiffhbor hotd firnt class; must be seen to be appreciated; call and coBTince yonnself. ADaM KLINU, Broadway, near Willoughby tw. TO LET HOUSK I Laree brown storm liotmn in rtnliirhtfiil lnifinn 'OARD 138 MONROE ST, NEAR RED ford av Pleasant, la ruoms, nun lurmsneu, trout room a dclirhttil Al lett.

Clinton B. Smith, who ia connsei for tho cove; or will lot in separate!) also s.nioro room on ntr Small room on mnrinl tlnrti hath hf nA brulee and lerries; terms moderate. Clinton plaintiff asked at the hearing yesterday for 12 ning water; ample closet room; terms jn oil era to. per week alimony anil a reasonable counsel fee. DOAKU 356 SCHEHMERHORN ST OARD ON THE HILL 31S CUMBEI land fit.

bet we fin (irpn inrl InfmvnHB hnilfisoiliel furnished cnr.vnnlmnt. tn fnrrv nrl Uriiioa Jb.P Micely furnished Jsra rooms; O. Inn Mull room nn. vuiiiuni iu bjim riurraco roauri; nue ciiutrai location and where thore aro a boarders, a Tory pleasant alcoro iater and ample closet. if agrpeihfe, the owner would accept part payment boaril for self and wife with pririleco of other boarders; a arrangement can be made.

Address X. Y. OBsirahie; good tablo aud torms reasonable; also tablo his best girl in days gone by. When Miss Knowl ton left Brooklyn for Europe, Jlrooklvn Life, a imblieation devoted strictly to tho doings of society people here, predicted that she would return with a title. Life was correct.

Mik Knowlton came home.a couple of months since, engaged to Count Sierstupff. The count immediately got a six months' leave of absence and followed her to Brooklyn. Ho and his valet took quarters at the St. George. Kaorns wee engaged fur two montliB.

with the privilege of retaining them for two months longer in case the count decides to stay so long. Count Sierstorpfl" talks broken English. His valet cannot and will not try to talk anything bnt German. The count spends nearly all of every day out, and, as might be expected under tbe circumstances, every eveiiins also. He is pretty close to the six foot mark in htight, of muscular build and wears his light mustache waxed to a point on either side.

During the recent cold snap he wore a heavy overcoat uvarui'i b. iur it tiro ffentlornon a tes table Hoarders can be aeroinmodat location tliirtv seconds from hrankllll ar station, l'ulton st I. Apulyat Spencer p). near Hancock st, one blocs hclow Uadford avenue. llotir.ltriir BOARD F07i SEVENTEEN VEARS V'K have supplied Uio b.

st 1 o.rdinc pla. es and rormn all over Hrooklyn: no chaijc to lmarder: on'r se! boardvae anencv and reaister for Inraishod rooms. I latbnsh av, opposite llausjn pl. FljK.ISIIFJ OARD 1CS MADISON ST, NEAR BED ford ar Pleasant 1ircp rooms: hnnsn tnl.ln imi OARD FA MILY OWNING HOUSE AJ? will let, at moaerxte terms, square or hall rooms on "SO LKT HOUSE FURNISHED unfurnished on Columhlst. hinhts SlSTilf ctnru ocation iirsr cln.

ta coiretiient to Land surtace cars: aecouu or ifiiru noor; supcrmr taoio; House and loaiion riftckltn iiv. Iurntshed" rooms nickly' kur niuhed (toKiiit phy. icij.nM.ack parlor and room ad l.i stnall priTi 'iniili ruod location: in ven tiith ar i cod re ni urrn attendance; roference.i ozchaiisud. Ad.irv. S.

Hoj Kaelo ottlcc. IURNISHED ROOMS A HANDSCniE fl back parlor with twn adjoiiiiui: rooma; rnuuing hot anil com! uater; fnri.dce or grate next adapted for doctor or pari; reasottahlo terms. HJ SL'hcrni rhoru nt. aiiov Stuttd. JUKNISHKD JiOO.MS I "HAVE LIST fl of rooms in Strong pl.

Warren st, Pacific i t. Clinton fit. and iihin distance oi South ant? ilftttiilton terries; from to $." per week. W'JLh I AM J. i.OWII KJS Court st.

TMJRNISHKD ROoMS ON HEIGHTS iL A lariifv room and hall r.ora coniirctintf to let would let sinijly or tojfeiber, furnished or uu fnrn ishod wter, bath anil ample closets; taimlj ln.juirnat llenrr erins very raoderato roferonco exohauirod. and basement brown stone; 10 rooms and bath; boauti rouned and convenient. o. iiiii tstate st nuar Third A IOUUB. OARD MACON ST A SECOND 1 storr front.

Alrnm huotnH. hnt muy uecoraiea oy oeorce naiDeri: win De rented, furnished or nnfurninhed. for a trrm of vcara: a raro nhancA The coudIo liTe at Flushing. L. and, aceord inc to the statement of counsel, the whole domestic trouble is the result of the plaintiffs proclivity for keepttiE: boulders.

Mr. Smith opened the hearine bj ntatinz that his client was married August 2(i, 1 8S3, to the defendant, by whom she had children. The ground upon which the suit was based was cruel and inhuman treatment aud failure support, There wero many apecifio alleeations, hut the principal one was that on December QO, 1891, the defendant had choked his wife and ill usad her shamefully. Iu fact, counsel said, this statu of affairs had C3ntinued for the last six months. Mr.

Barto had cursed his wife aud called her vile to secure a small house at a moderate rent in thin nun. folding bod: also, third story rf'tnarn room; fuliiing bed; BOAKD HEIOHTS 1G4 (LINTON ST" opi.oeite iSohormerhoru Desirable laife room, 1 lenient locality; everything in perfect order and will be kept bo. Apply to FKANK A. BAR.VABY, cioMtitft. not ano coiu waier.on aeiiond hoor; roiivcnierit to cars, ferries and bridce; table boardora aocommodated tiiiauiua oi tua ivincs oouniy I' iovatou.

OARD WILL LET A nished, second story, oack room; somlirrn exposure; sultahie for two eentlomen or irentipmnn wifw nj MonUKUo st, Brooklyn. fij' itJN 1SHED ROOMS FINELY KL'R K. nished rooms on second lioor to lyt in private fum ilj. St hermerhorn st. BURNISHED ROOM A NICE FRONT JL hail room with nas to let; first lloor; 117 Court st tiro block, from City Hail.

13 0AKD 7(i ILLOUGHBY ST FIRST TO LKTPf ANON, AC. table; torms moderate. 312 Macon st. a. class larne set ond story room, handsomely fur nied.

buitablo for uvo irentlemeu or Kentleruan aud and wifn; vriih or iriihoat board: heat, ttaa and hath; lO LET PIANO A VERY FINE sqnare piano irill be rented Trr moderatelv onio. jiUKMSHKD A PKI A 1: fam'dv limine on A uhlan r.l ner K)tnn will jnUHNISHED ROOMS lt. STATE KT near Clinton Sunny rooms, ainplo clo.o'.s, hot an OARD ON 1 THE HILL LARGE AC Vor Other To Lett See Jng 14. cold water; talile bond nearby. TURNIHKD ROOMS NICELY FUR Jl nished sinvle aud cnnueetinir rooms; rcforenoes given and required.

1 iviiifston st. core or square mora all eonvuiiences; newly decorated; hsndsoracly furnished; table und appointments cImsh; rofci ences; one block irom road and surface carK. Qutucy st, near Bedford a. 3 OARD 5 RAINBRIDGE ST ONLY A iii few minuter from the Kin; county elevated station and the Fulton and Sumiior av surface cars; nicely furnishod rooms, eecoud or third tloor, with board; mod era improvements excellent tablo. STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY, OIG arettes and tobacco, circulating library, for OF lURNISHED ROOM A OHOICK It laree or small hnll ro fn nUhi has Bu liuaiUDDti im liniRlJUUClillDd Hpftr three Hrhools thifi w.

a pond stand and rh tr.nt.lai allimprovomont.s; aear HariPou pl, 1 st. of looking at. 52 New York ar. BOARD 8H2 PUTNAM AV and small room suitable for ono and two coutl men; two minutes to Held station; torms modor OA Yl PLEASANT 'lNTLWR6b y'ff JJf with first class hoard, in conTeniont location; ipw mlnutos1 walk to W'nii and omh and tJity Hall; cable boarders accouimodatod. 354 and 35C Henry street.

O6ARD 205M NIcAR'NO fi strand ht, in a vritatfr family. larjre second story room; also small third tloor room; coayenient to and surface cars; terms BOARD ON PKOSPKCTJEIGimi 333 'i'welfth st Newly fiiruislind rooms on second floor, tor sinsle yonnc men, with substantial table and home era forty; conrenient to elevated and surface cars; referoace, BOARD 47 PUTNXSIAVXTaUGK square room on lecoad floor, hack, to lot, with or without hoard also, a hail bedroom on third floor, front conrenient to station; home comlorts table boarder accommodated, A liD 720 A RC PPOSltli JUTomnkins Dark A larne iront alcove BURNISHED ROOM.S N1C15LY EUR nished atoms, for nno or ti in 1,. i. r'ut a la'ce frou: roo ai. io larsf back room a third llooi.

All coiiveijb och; rffereri'icrj Addrci HO.MK l)OMb)M. Hot othce. BURNISIKD ROOMS OJS UNKUP fl iKyhod, to let. rooms on thir i of a detdrabb ho'ine in Uxf. rd kit tablo board t( drtsired.

can tn lia i neir ho'o, to a siuail family of adults; runt Tor; low. Apply li. lint Ka a 'dice. pleahani large S'liure rooms: handsomely furnishM for litfhi' all ini proryni' uth mall private laniil for Rent 'email Arid clilUien term.) moderate tc party. Hsliic ml.

near Court. Iuknishkd noons 117 I IK ML unut ht, on tht heights, lare and small room fouttiem ei poure hounH ly locatior uiv.iceptitnable; excellent table board near by; goatlo mon only; reierei.L terms reasonablo. IjM'RMSHED ROOMS IS7" JORALE t. bet ivpi'n I 'onrt and Cbnrou woothern oxpo L'41 DUFFIELD" ST, NEAR OARD C' lOMPLETE SET OF ELEGANT FIXT I ures for sale, suitable for butter atom or hnrnhop names in the presence of straneers and of the children. In October ho had taken tho lamos out of the hotiBO and refused to support his wifa and family, with the exception of paying the rent and providing the fuel.

It was true that tho wife had saved up eomc $1,000 by takins boarders. C. A. S. Van Nostrand, for tho defendant, denied that las client has abused his wife.

On December 20 Mr. Barto was attacked by his wife with, a stove hook, and had only UBed sufficient force to protect himself. That wa the ouly al Ie cation of auy specific chares. The whole trouble was the outcome of the wife's determisation to keep boarders. Mr.

Barto did not want hor to do anything of the kind. She allowed them to brinff in beer, and the rooms were kept in a filthy manner. There was one boarder who lived there I parlor, suitable for phriciin. iH'J Henry ht. Ji.J? rulten A larce front socond story alcove roprn, nowly furniahed and in fins condition, to Met.

with beat of tablo; number of boarders limited; terms BURNISHED KOOMS A NH'ElY'fUR" Uiflhed. decorated front a lent a Pnnv. umi.i.i. shop will sell in lots, if required, at iMit Koyt st, Monday afternoon. for pirticalarfj at BOKHMOKK VJo Warren at.

JVew York, or 33 Union et, Rrooklyc. two; aloohall room; all improvements. rene ut FURNISHED ROOrs A PRIVATE famllv has a larre uhaitrfnl mnrn FIRST CLASS BOARDING HOUSE to let on Brooklyn Helehta: full of hoardm A cleaetB and runaine water in room; also hail bedroom 18rooms doiac a sood business established Beron iu; Laiayette av. a rs 10 i BOARD 115 FORT GREENE PL, BE tween Hanson pl and Lafayette av Largo rooms, with extra Jarco closets; ploasant location; convenient to and surface roads; terras tnoderattj; table boardora taken. BOAKD ZiEf WEEN NOS traad and Matcj ava Niieb rooms; eicolleut tablo; home comforts: convenient to brida and ferrien by aud surface roada; also tablo let to responsible party who can adya good curtty for S37o per month rent and 25 for use of fur.

BURNISHED ROOMS US LAFAYETTE t. one laro iuare ruom. n'niah'n fnr nr. nitura.Addreaa office. wiujuicu wim mr ana a suk nat.

He in better known in Now York than Brooklyn, having been introduced there on the occasion of a former trip to thin country, about three years au'o. Indeed, it was then that he first met Miss Knowlton. It is said that the count called on her while Bbe was at school in Farmingtou whan ho was here before, and that he fell in lovo with heist that time. However that may be, Miss Kuowl tou has been almoBt ever since then in the center of the social maelstrom, and in spita of the way she has been whirled round in the midst of the bubbles and foam which go to make np the swirl of Now York's 400, she has rejected every chance that has been offered here to becomo a xtnre in the current, and has given her hand to the German count who called on her when sho was a school girl at Farmington three years ago. The count is a very agreeable man and.

despite his mannerisms and brosen speoeh, he has that well bred air about him which makes a Sood impression on a stranger. He is a knight of the order of and, as this honor is conferred onJy on members of old Catholic families who eati count thirty two ancestors in a direct line, there is no doubt about the genuineness of his linoage. The title was conferred in the twelfth century and the family estates lie in Bilesia and Westphalia. Tbe count's father, Count Fedar.was a member of parliament and l.m dschaf directoire, and commanded a brigade of hussars in 1SGG. He died two years ago, and the estates fell to the count's oldest brother, Frederick.

His mother, who is very rich, and who now liree lu Berlin, was born Countess Henrkel Donners niark. Her father left her a fortune of about "7,000, 000. Hev mother's father was Count Carl irentlenjen al', ono hr.ll room; both in front of houe within one block 0 I. atttion; family private. LADY WANTED WITH CAPI tal to take.charfo and manage branch of a Broad oBonoor; cmpift Ciosev room an modern fonremenres plensaut homo and good table; nomoriut in May; ref srences.

TUKNIHMED ROOMS GK.A.MiKKKY st, near Ujckfv; frout a'cTe and hall rooms Mv.itti BOARDA LARGE," DESIRABLE AL core room in a small priwte family of sdults ownine prii cipusnro new inrii ui an unproi enieiits coatd uient to bridce und ferritis: moiieralr ru'e. way House in Ohioafo; interest ctTen and money secured; rare chance. Call Monday or Tuesday on Pro fedsor IA VIXiiti'L'US, ii'JT firoadway, near Twenty first st, York. IQU 1 1 1ST OR oTTlALETjLSr jLJ rood bnsiuess; bic hall aad four pool tables; fiye years' least. cheap reut; must be sold on account of owner harinc other butanes to attend to.

inouiro at XiU iVinth Ht, South Brooklyn. hoiaao; ample close tH ho; and water; ooiifenienl to htation; terms inoJeratu. U'J'O Msaoa bt, ear av. iiro; no beller Jocanoti near City itali stiuaro frcti rt'om for on ft or two t'nrieinen housM strictly first clasn iie in 1 11 ij tes to bnde and ferries moderate charsea; 1 de. iired, eeu Sunday.

jURMSHED ROOMS 2 LARGE ANI 1 1 rojrn ri let, finely or en suite, suitable fo housekeopific or wo lt to two centlemea; ver pleasant O' iou con (O irfa and roada rent for rooms ft wesk. MA'S Bedtord av. jURNISHKD ROOMS 54 M. horn st r.arjce froat room, nicely furnished, tor on or to pcrnons; tolditi he.i. hot and cold wator, larg ciopettt; a.

no tleiirabln hall room on second tloor Ior gentleman table board vory JjlURNlSHED ROOMS 3 LA RG ROOM; to let to and wife; all conTCBipcrse. i riviIB6 of panorrj; with tdow iady ooonpyinK her oiv i 10 would taVe board if aureeabln: nivhin walkin distance of ferries aud bridco. mj() Doorlasi at, noa saaiu. BO ARD ()N THE" HILL 19 SOUTH Oxford st (in house with owimr) A handsome back parlor and Miens on, very desirable for a nhvaiclm altve, Iar'o frout room aud hall room, single or en sui; BOARD MC DONOUGH ST SEC ond story frout, with hot and cold water southern exposure; also other rooms at. reasonable convenient to Kincs (bounty near Tompkins and Brooklyn ars station tabic boarders taken.

FURNISHED ROOM LARGE SQUARK furnished room to let. with or without board inna OOARD lrft" .1111 ON THE HILL 441 LAFAY tie ior mo eeuuemon; convenient to rri l(j Lawrence st. between Fulton and (iicior KFuucmwu; conTBnicni 10 nri Ido Lawrence st. notween 1 ulton and Yn.iournbr S.P ei ette ulcisint rooms on fcond tlonr 1 nr uudr an assumed name, and, after bavins some trouble with one of the servants, the latter had been discharged, but the boarder was allowed to remain. The defendant had, on one occasion, ordere.

I a constable to put tha boarders out, but the plaintiff had refused him admittance cluiminc that she was running thr house, and not her husband. Mr. Barto admit that lie i eninved the lamps, but it was only lor the purpose of setting the boarders out. he defendant was ready and willing to take care of his wife if she would give, up the boarders. Judge Bartlett, dnrins the hearing, remarked that the wife conld not insist upon having othcri in the house if her husband furnished her with proper food and clothing.

His honor thought that counsel ou ght lo adjust the differences, but upon their expressing inability to do so, took the papers. on third: all improvement; good location; bonthern ex tURNISHED LaRCF: room on second iloor. in brown ntou SQUARE lioiii trifli of ner hndsotmO.y furniahrii and ptp, cod trntrnc a pleasant nuieV hom for ore or tiro gcaVntncti reibon able terms to permanent 1 7 I elix ut KNISiiED ROOMS rcoms; chiMrTi in th let at ttr 1 board to let: bark parlor aicly inrmsbed private inmily; house trrrns moderate uthcr rooms OARD 1 ,2,59 iiEDFOKl) AV, OPPO jiP site Brevoort pi 'J pleasant square rooms, 1 on the second and I ou the third tloor: all improvoments ample donets, cto. locattan desirable and convonient to Testation; terms moderate; reiereace. BOARD A COUPLE OR two cutlrmen can obtain nice tack parlor or story room and board with pleaFaut A mart can family, upon very reasonable terms; opportunity for those desiring a comfortable home.

tiTl Monroe i OARD ON HEIGHTS 101 HlCKsTf larce. ploasant rooms, on ipcond iloor hall room conuecLiUrT with front square room; all conveniences: oleasaut location; cood table; rive minutes' valt to bridge and ferries. TTNDERTAKING BUSINESS FOR SALE vJ well and paying well office aioly dtted id: new wacon ererythiuc complete; the best of reason forBellinc; must, be sold. Call after (j P. aL at "4.4 Quincy st.

cabi st for sale: pood stock and fixtures and trade; aUo horse and clone out the estate of the lato Bernard Keilly; a eod for th rifibt person. Apply at 113 Columbia st, Brooklyn, N. Y. CONFECTIONERY, SEGAU AN I) STA Kytionary store for salo, uoar school; good reason for sci'ine stock aud lixtuies can be bought cheap Third ay. SACRIFICE; LA fUi ir4STORYANI) LAbasement boardinc house, tilled with permtnunt boarders, for sa'e; cLar; convonicnt to bridce and ferries; object or" disposal, owner retirinc.

BClA.RD,liox 11. liable oflico. jorxer 'L'icjuo kStork Ys'the" six V. cove ront room, forotipor L'outlsnwti. wid, hnt ot.rt.

RMS ED ROOMS 42.3 STATE ST 5 corner houm: owner will rent, wlih or withou board a very pleasint. uicely aud hated ond stoty room; alio a third storv room; tn blocks from toro; first cUs.1 rcfarenoe ex cb a Hired IM; RMS I KOOMS 3' '4 LI INOSTO st hT licht sunny room on parlor floor: ae pi rale or tocethrr; elet'nt toldiug bett hoit and ca. every con renience priritfe of kitchen, i tfcijn.rei! rent reaonaule to pormaueat tiarties; auitablo lo LET S'S'OKKS. rid cold water, heat. xt and bath nnvn Niin hauBe.

occupied hyowuer; terms moderate. IStuy vesiint av. fURNISHED ROOM 251 ORAND AV Nicely furnished room, witn or irirhotit or for iitht hoaaeke pine rerun. prr wce)i unt hlo 'k from Pratt Institute aaI; a rrom and posure: rery coureuient to surtace card and ij fetation references. BOARD U)7 HENRY ST PLEASA.Vi cheerful, neatly furnished rooms on second and third with alt improTemnts; clo.iets, rood table, moderate terms; tive minuto' walk to bridge three to Wall st ferry also table board.

BOARD 112 PACIFIC ST DEsTRaIjTjE sevond lloor; 'A large rooms, unfurnishad; liffht houholieepinu or tabk board mth family, ttlsnvy oi storaire room nluo, haii room on third flcor, furnished tife minuted from or Wall ht terry. BOARD 101 A flue larce alcoTe room, sultai'le for two or thro persons; table and appointments riint clafs; location centra! tortus moderate table boarders accommodated. OAHU DESIRARIjE ROOMS CAN 0 now secured permanently by pentlemen and wives and stusio ho and surroundings first cias references eiiliaiiEtd uue minure from Kings County Oij.nd ar htation. Ill Cainhridffo pl. BOARD 537A QUINCY ST 2 LARGE alcoTe rooms on second lioor to let, with or without board, one block from road, ar tation conteniept to seTeral lines of surface cars; board and accummo lation.s first printe family; raier once exchanged.

OARD GENTLEJ.lAN AND WIFE OR M. two or three gentlemen can hare eiejrant second tory roorn, with board; all modern itnuroremeats sin Ml prWate fnmiiy can have all the treudooa and comforts of home; three minutes' walk to station. 'JoiA Monroe st, ahoto Nostrand av. OARD ON THE HILL HANDSOME and room. huat.

hot und nA water, with aruule cl' aet room and cinveniant to 1 surface and Lroad; aud wife or lwo centlu men prererrod. Address U.f Kadford branch. wentn narurorBaie; only one on four cora rt business. A voir atr 1 f) A. Af.

at. the Limited, OARD MANSION HOUSE, BROoK SOAK office of JOS. I'AuhEHT fiitKWING SU boriojer ft i.y lyn 11 dtreot Iv onuoslte Wall ates' Kulton or Wall st. Forry and the brirtve 13 ESTAURANT ON A LEADING AVE attood buaineas. for eittv For further Au.

nue, doin uo.uor. IU KN ISHED ROOMS ON" HeTgIITS fl. In private frn1ly of location: 'J larj iccfii'i Mory ioms', 4 closet; hot and crid wolr; fi and linage h0t. maii room; (food table hoar by ret' reav ev Apply to owner. 1C2 btat htroet.

URNISH KO()MS 2 VERY PLEAS fi an; lia rooui.i, erery conr aieno4; hot nn co'd rt ate i wji bath iu private family vrith. or withou bojir.J. rery teram; ea. waJkint distanoe jt: Sue i.nd ferri j. 114 licrgcn st.

between Smith an Hoyt. jURNlSHED ROOMS 4 ROOMS, FVh M. ni tbrd complete for licht houcekeepine, prfvat hotii. bath snJ l. iuu'lry: aIo front alcove room; hoai it ten initiutcB' ride to bridce and ferrlev, ee li 1 1 uai t'tbultUn and LJoKftl address II.

0., Box 7, office no inrormation affonttt. surface carf; all improvements: refeien es. fjlURMSHKD ROOAIS LlVIN(iS: ton ft large S'juaro r' let. with or will nut board for man and i or two cu veBient to ell cars; uer.r ijiiyliail. itiO Littr.zstoa at, apposite tiallatm p).

gURNISHKD PvOOMK ASHLAND I nl, nr Fulton st. to a itiniU tAtni.y oi or 4 htod ionir room i till i iimslie 1 tor hoahe'trrping all imrorr fneii tne of laanriry, bath, laree closets; location desirable; convenient to City Hall reut low. 1MURSISHKD ROOM SBCOND fl story stjuar" room closets, cas( ath, hot and cold water; nice for or privilege nojse keepinK i.n:l ifcindry; neighbor ho'jd near all i surjav aud cars; three minutes to 1'lton ot. 4tH Pacitic Urratlius; accommodations: reasonable rates elect family and transient hoto :00 rooms. DO AR ON THE HI IjL SbllTH JD Oxiord st To be vacated soon, a himbomo second fioor.

lare alcove; occupants uaexpecietjly leaving city; family wishing a permauenJUonjo preerred also pleasant back parlor May 1 retereijce t. Luznriis. a wealthy Silem. ui and knight of tho black eagle. Se it will be seen that the count comes of good stock, and, whether ho has much money of his own or not, thoro is enough in his family to preclude the i.lea which lias been advanced, in accordance with the usual custom in inch cases, that he intends to marry Miss Knowlton for her money rather than herself.

In direct contrast with the count's long line of uicestral history, with stories af family estates ind heraldic order, of titles and military fame, tho simple record of Edwin F. Knowlton's life. Eis fathnr was once a straw dealer on a small icale in New York. Tho business prospered, and ue became a straw dealer on a larje scale. He aaado some mouoy, which he left to his son, together with tho business, by this tims we'l wtablishod.

Tho son. Miss Knowlton's father, otitinued in tho straw business and piled up the 'online which he now possesses. Like nyist self mule, hard Americans, he is miosteutu ious, level headed and inclined to be ntlicr than ii sthetic in his ideas and actions. Tot long after the iiniiouncciiieiit of his dauah er's engagement to Count Sierstorpfl" it was aid, and on good authority, that Mr. Knowlton vas displeased with her choice and would never live, his consent to the match.

Humor had it rpo LET STORE AND BACK ROOMS; Jl Bedford storo 'J'J feet wide. Oniior, l.0 Madison st. mo LET STORE fl sevemh Ml, nenr Third ht, with iirinff roouiv; siiit b. for grocory. or slioo store riiture itn Apply on rJvTh KT li U' Ii SIRABL 'ii ST 6 1 t'E iu new bui'dii'i; ou Seventh st.

next door to tbe corner oi Twelfth with liars aliorcif wanted. J. 11. DOHRIt Y. JSli Flarbu.

on near Serenth. mO LET STORK ill SANDS ST, THREE blocks from bridge; loir rent with lease will alter to suit. Iniiuire in druc store, No. t7 Saudi st, corner Jay. OHO LET STORE CORNER PULTON JL st and Clinton ar lYill be put in first clasi order; csu bo seen DcUALl.V, 7 fine st, 'ev York.

rg Sf si' 6 re" ii Eton st," "ar JSl lledford ar; splendid business location line lario store, Mutable for am tiuainoss; reut reasonable; iinuie diate possession. JOHN W. DOIKili, 1,210 Fulton st. rjp6 LET STORK U07 FULTON ST fi lleut only 1,000 Rood location for any business; particulars from S. C.

13KOOKS, Flatbiisii av. Open evenings. Dpposito 1. 1. H.

It. depot. TO LET STOKES ON FULTON' AND tTashitidt'in sts, near City Hall; rents from to 4.1,000 per year. Apoly Court st, or Vlai busn av latter ouice open evenings. LEO.N'AKD MOODY, Real Estate.

LARGE HOUSEFURNISHING AND toy for sale; fstabliohed ten years; ior selling, poor health. Inquire of L. Bedford branch. CJOAIiU i92 CLINTON AV. CORNER 11 Orenf.

the Breucklvn )rslrahln rnnm ra tin I'TItST CLASS CORNER LIQUOR store for sale cheap. Apaly at 95:3 Dean at, ilrook LD "ESTABLISH ED 'HbUSlfRNistF in ir and hardware Mtoro for nsf ADiti rooms elegant ai K' ROO MS ELY FU fURNISHKD r.iare und hiUtoms. inst pkwW lurnisbei 1 ni h.d l.rce. BOARD PARLOR AND BEDROOM two adulti, Sl'i; also room, firs: class bcaid i.ith prirate couple; two blocks to HaHev si twt'BVy JWe ml ei to briJce. fifieen lo Broadway ferries: refereme slvii ttuiiday.

liriUUKij, McDonoufc'h t. OARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE S'lunre room snmnd ihuir nr week: nlsP. ivro rooms on ton floor tim'tibi ir.oderu impromnta pleuty oloeet room hot ar coid Tater spleu Ji i loci ity convooiDt to 1 onlj, a a line basement in return for lie! for Jicht housekoopin tf de. ire I. pur wet ftll improvements in tho ust.

Pacitic st, n.r iftii I tl Hedford av. secrr'ra tor tne seaeen or year; a pleasant ivull for threw or fo jr house detached aud pleuty of shade i table good and abundaut; references. BOARD ON THE HILL ONE ELOCK rom Kings County Land one block from horn ira to Ferry, to hndre, a ccond floor I larce corner rom, three windows, boihern nvposare, in r. modern stono house; smat. cultured atailj eniiio outfit uow nd the bg; larce one mclooiaj marble toilet, where is alway.

hot anl cold water; or rotftin this room and lei any otUr, ech evry conrenicn, to people who aro UnwiJj i ir.g oven to receive homo comfort nad pririlexe without i paying a just price for same, ownrr, Oxford svreeu avenuo. UKNlSHKIi ROOMS GENTLEME; lroolyn; oil daie 200 giJlonperweeli. Call at. tatore. WE GROCERY AND" LEASE fi.

of buildttie. lSi Myrtle ar. for sale. In inire of a ijrneo an preiriiaes. OT'TSTO LET "ST EAJ00 WB HE AT and elevator, 'Z'2 Division at, near Myrtle aT.

A "FIRST CLASS FISH AND OYSTER market forsle cheap. libO Reiday. Brooklyn IURNISHKi) "ROOMS HACK I'AItLOR JU with all conver.iencns t.i let, hot snd cold water, can he accommodated with handome. comfnrtah (mm rr nfi nn fn.rrl ill rvs r. i Turn ti jfi uiriaT new, )ZTgtr lirst class houa on Prospect hoight.

nesr tur park; would Hie to )nt, with board, entire x'ond or third llor, furnished, to pont'eman and wilt? or tw jfentiumerj. irho would Aharfl the home with tho a lrcrriser; fine, priratr location: Alt moceru prorements; conremaut to car lines and roads; roer ucea oxchansad. J.k Box. 14, liable fifth 5t bunch. v' 'uoiiaiirii, woiiii, uniurntsne i aiso, mil room name pririlece third Htoif ha.ll rnm nicely turninh'sd.

conve i private family cuss al Car ntent to i Htation, twelve ininutea to bridce. l4o I tm it. bond brown sIo jb from Pacific rahU hn; CJre ne av..

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