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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


1891. SIX PAGES. THREE CENTS. DIED AT A FEAST BARREN ISLAND fonr members of the cabinot and he became almost dictatorial impressing upon the President his views. Mr.

Windom had not entered doeply into the discussions and ho said but little TO WIN SOULS, by their counsel, as well aa his brief, all point to but one complete remedy for the abatcmont of the alleged nnisancca, namely, the removal from Barren island of the various manufactories thero situated. It ib conceded that moro or less nuisance is mado by these factories. It ia not conceded, however, that the nuisanco is such aa to be carried the distanco claimed, from fonr to six miles, as appliances are being nsed by the manufacturers to minimize the effluvia, and somo of tho works stopped during part of the year, the nuisance is not bo great as stated by tho petitioners. All of the factories holong to that class known aB offenaivu indiiftrieB, of the kind usually driven out of (he cities or villages on account of tho nuisanco they become to the inhabitants. When the factories first started on Barren inland there wero but few houses in the neighborhood which could bo inconvenienced by tho smolls, and no care was taken to prevent the creation of a nuisance, but' as persons began to settle along the Beaboard it became uocessary for tho manufacturers to prevent being closed out of their busi neso to tako measures to control tho odors arising from their works, and from time to time moro or less has be.n tlone.

The population growing, meanwhile, about seven or eight years ago, the state board of health waa appealed to and made certain recommendations for the better care of the effluvia which somo of the industries: followed out. At the superphosphate works, owing to the pungency of the otlors arising from tho mixing of the various ingredients, Hues and coudensera were put in. and Mr. Cot inado iirraiieemeiits whereby ho would not run the factories during the three summer months iu order to lesson, what ho evidently considered, was an annoyance to the Manhattan Beach hotel. Consultation of authorities upon such matters gooi to show that with proper exhaust fans, itttoa, conduits an 1 coudensera, the nuisanco made by tho superphosphate works can be si controlled aa not to givo annoyance or discomfort beyond the works themselves.

Theso conduits and flues ami tho sheds whero tho product is stored must, however, be carefully luokod and kept in proper working order. If thill is done and Mr. Coe conliniios not to manufacture, during the summer mouths, the state board sees no reason wliv tho works should he dispoBed of. As has already been stated, at Mr. White's rendering establishment all the doad animals anu offal rrom the c.ty of New York are handled.

During the year 1X80 the following table shows the number of dead animals, offal and bo forth removed by th. con tractor from the city. 1'he number of dead animals removed from the streets and the quantity of offal, removed irom the markets and slaughter houses by iho contractor during the year iss'J was: domain. Contrast theso Brand results of onr liberally developed domontio commerco, oper attne upon our protected industries, with tho present shameful condition of our foreieu carrying trade, which has not only been sadly nee lected bnt sometimes treated with actual hostility by the covernment. There was a time when wo stood first among the nations in shipbuilding and Great Britain alone excelled us iu ocean ton nasre.

Once 05 per cout. of our imports and 80 per cent, of our exports were carried in American bottoms, and our merchant ruarino became tho boast or every citizen and the onvy of the world. Now, so far as foreign trade is concerned our shipyards are comparatively silent and our flag lias almost disappeared from the high seas. Tho relative decline in our foreign shipping has been constant and alarming, until in 1881) only VZM per cent, of our imports and exports was carried iu American bottoms, being tho smallest percentage in any year since the formation of the government. Time will not permit mo to trace the rise and fail of this industry, or to point out iu detail the causes which have resulted in our prosont humiliating and unprofita able condition.

Suflieo it to say that the fault was not with tho founders of our government. Thoy fully appreciated tho value and the necessity of it strong and healthy merchant marine and left ou record no doubt of their purpose to protect the interests of the republic ou tho wator as well as ou the land. The socond act passed by the First congress July 4, 1 780 provided for the protection of American shipping by the im Eosition of a discriminating duty in favor of teas rotight in American vessels, theroby signalizing the first Fourth of July under tho constitution by a declaration of oommaroiat independence, as a supplement to the declaration of political independence, niado thirteen years before. Tho third act of congress, passed sixteen days later, imposed tonnage duties as follows: American'.s, per ton SO. Oil Amerieiwi built vessels bi.lonjjinp to foreigners, per ton All other ve.

po. ton oO On September the same year congress prohibited any but American vessels from carrying tho American Hag. By Iho tariff act of 1704 an additional discriminating dutyof 10 per cent was levied ou all goods imported in vessels not of the Unit cdlStates. And in all change of the tariff prior lo the war of IHl'J this discriminating duty of 1 0 percent, was re enacted. So great was tho de veloiiincnt of our ship building ami shipping interests under the fostering influence of theso acts that wo sold ships amounting to hundreds of thousands of tons to foreigners, and sootrtook rank among maritime nations.

Voicing tho national pride in lS'Ja Daniel Webster said: "We have a commerce which leaves no sea unexplored: naries which take no law from superior force' How liko hitter irony these words would sound in 1M01! The brilliancy of our achievements on the ocean begat over confidence, and listening to the siren voice of free trade we gradually yielded to the seductive phrase, "reciprocal liberty of commerce," which at that time became very popular, until in IStiS congress swept away all protection to our foreign shipping interest and opened our ports to the ships of all nations ou tho same terms as to our own. So strong had our position become tinder the protective policy of tho first twenty live of national life that our merchant marine continued to be prosperous so long as wooden vessels were the only vehicles of ocean commerce and other nations refrained from heavy subsidies to their ships. But when wooden vessels began to be supplanted bv iron steamers, and European governments poured their contributions into the treasuries of their steamship companies, tho decadence of American shipping began and has continued ever since. How could it bo otherwise? The American people ask no odds against any in the world. Give them an even chance and they will distance alt competitors, hut how can they be expected to compete, unaided, against foreign shipyards and shipowners, backed by the port er and the treasuries of their governments 1 Tho amount which has been thus contributed to sweet) our commerce from tho tioan cannot be accurately stated, but it is known io have reached hundreds of millions of dollars.

Too mischief and its cause are both apparent. What is the remedy? It can not bo found in the re enactment of the legislation of 1780, because treaties stand in the way and it would not now bo expedient, even if there were no treaties on the subject. In my judgment, the remedy is plain and easily applied. If wo would regain our lost prestige, reinstate onr flag upon the ocean and open the markets of the world to American producers, we must make the contest with the same weapons which have proved so successful iu the hands of our rivals. No nation can better afford this kind of contest than ourselves.

Surely no object is of greater importance than the enlargement of onr foreign markots and nothing will contribute so much to that end as the eoni and thereby intensify the stringency? Exactly the reverse occurred. At the time when it is argued that every body who could would avail himself of this safe and convenient place for hoardine money and draw 4 and 5 per cent, interest on it until the storm should pass, the money actually flowed out at the rate of millions a day, until on Deccmbor 1, 1803, $59,427,000 had come out to tho relief of buuiuess, and a commercial crisis bad boon thereby averted. I commend this item of history aa of more valne than any theory. The quality of circulation is. even more important than the quantity.

Numer 0U3 devices for enlarging credit may and often do avert tho evils of a deficient circulation, and a redundancy may sometimes modify its own evils before their results become universal, but for the baleful effects of a debated aud fluctuating currency there is no remedy, except by thocoBtly and difficult return to sound money. As poisn in tho blood permeates arteries, veins, nerves, brain and heart and speedily brings paralysis or death, so does a debased or fluctuating ciirrenoy perineato all the arteries or trade, paralyzo all kinds of business, and bring disaster to all classes of people. It is as impossible for commerce to flourish with such an instrument as it is for the human body to grow strong and vigorous with a deadly poison lurking in the blood. Suoh a currency is bad enough iu domestic trade, but it is absolutely fatal to tho prosperity of foreign commerce. Tho nation that attempts to conduct its foreign trade with a currency of uncertain valne, or of inferior quality, is placed at a fearful disadvantage.

It would soom superfluous to irapreBS this universal and well known oxperieuco were it not too apparent that this nation has been in danger of ropeating the costly experiment with Just such a curroncy. Tho tendency of evonts has recently been in that direction, and tho ap prohension of danger created thereby has caused the loss, since December 1, of of gold from tho treasury and of probably a much larger amount from the circulation. I am happy to say, however, that this peril seems now to have passed great applause, and it is to be hoped ita evil effects will soon disappear. The sober second thought of tho people is assorting itself as usual, and lights of safety are here and there becoming visible. Let me speak very plainly on this most important mibjeei.

Believing that there is not enough of either gold or silver in tho world to meet the necessities of buHiuesH, I am an earnest bimetalist, and doucedb to no one a stronger desire than I feel for the free and unlimited coinage of silver, as soon as conditions can be reached through international agreement, or otherwise, by which such coinage shall be safe. But it is my firm conviction that for this country to enter upon that experiment now and under existing conditions, would be extremely disastrous renewed applause, and that it would result not in bimotalism, but in silver mono metalism. Such an experiment would, in ray judgment, prove a greater disappointment to its advocates than to any one else. They insist that it would expand the circulation and permanently enhance tho value of silver. I believe it wouid produce a swift aud severe contraction aud eventually reduce the market value of silver.

Let me briefly suggest some of my reasons for this belief: Free and unlimited coinage of silver by the United vhile the other groat nations pursue an opposite policy, would invite all the owners of ihat metal throughout Iho world to exchange 371J4 grains of pure Hilvor, worth about cents, for grains of pure gold, worth everywhere 100 conts. Nearly all the nations of Europe are anxious to exchange their silver for gold, and they would at onco accept so tempting an offer. Tho mint statistics of the treasury department show that tho stock of full legal tender silver in Europe amounts to $1,101,400,000, and that of this amount the banks of France, Germany, Aiistro Hnngary, tho Netherlands' and Belgium hold 4t8, 8(i(, 0(15. A largo part of these vast stocks of silver would bo ready for transfer to us at once, and tho swiftest steamers would bo employed to deliver it to the treasury, in order that with the proceeds the owners might buy gold ox change on Europe, boforc our stock of gold should lie exhausted. Would our own pooplo await tho arrival of theo silver argOBien from Europe before acting? Not unless the Yankee has lost his quick scout of danger and forgotten his cunning.

Bank depositors, trust companies, the holders of United States notes and gold certificates would instantly lock HP all the gold at command, and then join the panic inspired procession to the treasury, each and all anxious to be in time to grasp tho golden prize beforo it is too late. Probably beforo tho swiftoat ocean greyhound could land its silver cargo at New York, the last gohl dollar within reach would be safely hidden away in private boxes, anil in tho vaults of safo deposit companies, to bo brought out only by a high premium for exportation. This sudden retirement of $000,000,000 of gold, with the accompanying panic, would cause contraction andcoinmercial disaster unparalleled COUNTY CONTItACrs. Supervise Jacobn Want. Them Mado More Explicit.

Yosterday's meeting of the board of supervisors was made even briefer by an agreement to dispense with tho reading of (ha mtntitos, and yet the business transacted was of some imparlance The first thing done was to accept an invitation to attend the firemen's ball at the Academy of Music on tho ad of February. Then came a com munieation from tho sheriff, anggesting that niimeram repairs woro needed at the Jail, and this was referred to tho jail committeo with alacrity. Sup. Jacobs prosontod a communication from William O. Cooke, a former counsel to the bnard, detailing the progress of a suit brought by the state against the county for arrears of taxes, with interest, since 18S4 and in which tho county had jnst come off victorious.

As the attorney general had just recommended the legislature to do something in tho caao to help the state Sup. Jacobs moved to havo tho communication printed and sent to the county's representatives in that body. The committee on laws, through Sup. O'Rrien, recommended that the counsel to tha boird pre paro one or more bills looking to a remedy for tho almso of the feo system among the justices and constables of tho county towna. It was unanimously agreed to.

Sup. Fitchie brought up tho first of his proposed amendnionia to the rules of the board presented by him at tho last meeting. Ii provides that tho counaol to the board shall paas on the quality of the surety to all bon is given by contractors. Sup. MeGnire said that such a proposition was already part of the rules and moved an indefinite postponement.

Sup. Fitchio ma le an effort 'o speak, but found that tho ra jtiou prc entod Sup. McGuiro was sustained by his party Sup. Fitchie offered his second amendment providing that the stipe rintendc nt of repail'SBhall passu, on and verify the character of proposed repairs to county property. This amendment w.

made up of several sections, but Sup. Fitchio resignedly said ho would put them all at once, for ho knew it would be sooner over. He was right. Sup. McGuire had it indefinitely postponed in a jiffy.

Sup. Jacobs then smilingly wondered whether he would come out any luckier as ho presented the following preamble and resolutions: Whereas, The expenditure at the county farm at St. Johtilaud, notwithstanding that this board has, so far aa projected improvements and expenditures aro involved, no power beyond that of accepting or rejecting plans and specific itions prepared and submitted bv the board of co inissiouers of charities and correction aud the residentstato commissioner, and the awarding of contracts to the lowest bidder therefor after duly advertising for proposals; and Whereas, After the acceptance of such plans and specifications aud awardal of contracts by tins board tho said board of commissioners of chanties and correction possesses the absolute Iiowcr to determino the locations and sites of and for such improvements without consulting this boar I as to the advisability of such locations and Bites; and Whereas, In respect to the locating of sites for brick buildings now in courso of erection at St. Johulaud, the said board of commissioners of charities and correction, after the acceptance of plans and specifications and the awar.dal of contracts, and without consulting this board, selected a gully of some forty feet in depth as the site for some of said bui. dings, and requiring beforo the said contract work could bo commenced the filling up of the same with millions of brick, great quantities of concrete and tons of earth excavated and hauled from a distance, at an estimated expenditure of several hundred thousands of dollars ovor and above the contract prico for tho buildings themselves; bo it Resolved, That hereafter this board will not accopt or approvo of any plans or specifications winch do not in themaalvos or by explicit reference to maps specifically and definitely fix and detormino in nnmistakablo terms the looat.ian and site of the improvement proposed by said plans and specifications, and tits committeo ou county farm is hereby instructed to report to this board whether said plans and specifications comply with tho terms of thia rosoluiion.

Resolved, That the clerk of this board bo instructed to transmit a coay of these resolutions to the board of conimiisTonera of charities and correction. Sup. McGuiro consented to have the resolutions referred to the law committee. Ho made a motion that hereafter all bills shall be reported a week before thoy are approved by the board, except that any member may have a bill acted on separately if necessary. Sup.

McGuire explained that (he law committee wore considering Just such a proposition and the question was laid over till the next meeting, tho chair to tho floor, partly snppnrted, I think, by General Tracy. He was breathing heavily, and as 1 placodone hand on his wrist to ascertain what tho action of his heart was, I used the other hand to remove his tie and collar and open his shirt band that they might not interfere with respiration. Thers was no pulse percoptible at the wrist hen I first endeavored to find it. Soon after I requested some of the men about to aseiBt me in removing him to an adjoining room, where he coald have rash air and where we could use means to revive him to better advantage than in the dinino; room. By that time several other physicians had reached him, and wo carried him into tho adjoining room and laid him on the table where his body now rests.

The only sign of life observable after he had been so removed was a weak and irregular pulsation of tho heart and one deep, spasmodic breath. In my opinion he died at 10:11 o'clock. The symptoms wero those of cerebral homorrhago, and but for the previous history of heart disease, as given by his private secretary, no other canse of doath would have been thought of. About twonty minutes after bis death a consultation was held by the four or five physicians who were prosont, and tho diagnosis of cerebral homorrh was unanimously made. Two of the doctors signed this certificate: We hereby certify that tho Hon.

William Windom, secretary of tho United States treasury, died at Delmonico's, corner of Twenty sixth street and Fif tli avonue, New York city, at 10 o'clock 11 minutes P. on January 20,1801, and wo further certify that the cause of his death wan first cerebral homorrhage; second, coma. E. J. Whitney, M.

100 Eafayotto avenue, Brooklyn. 8. A. RoiUNBON, M. West New Brighton, 8.

1. Hon lbc Ncwi of the Secretary' Heath Uai Received in Washington. Wasiiinotoh, D. 0., January 23. The announcement of thesudden death of Secretary Windom in New York to night gave almost as groat a shock to his official friends aud associates as did the shooting of President Garfield to the members of his offic ial household.

It was so terribly sudden and unoxpeoted that all who heard tho nowa wero profoundly shocked and so overcome as to bo unable to express the grief they folt. As Boon as the telegram beariug the sad intelligence was recoivod by tho Associated press its contents were immediately communicated to President Harrison at the White House. He was in tho library at the timo talking with Mrs. Harrison, and when the message was read to him ho was greatly distressed and almost completely overcome. Ho immediately ordered his carriage and wont at once to tho house of the postmaster general, but a few blocks away, where a cabinet dinner had been in progress aad from which ho had returned but a few minutes before.

A reception had followed tho dinner, so tho guests had not all dispersed. Mrs. Windom and hor two daughters and Mrs. Colgate of Now York, who in visiting thorn, were among those present at the reception. As soon as the President arrived he had a hurried conversation with Secretaries Blaine and Proctor and the postmaster general, and told them of the grief that had befallen them.

They then privately informed Mrs. Colgate of Mr. Windom'B death and she, without exciting tho suspicions of Mrs. Windom and her daughters, succeeded in getting them to their carriage and home. The President, Secretary Proctor and Postmaster General Wanamaker enterod a carriage and followed directly after.

Whon Mrs. Windom aud her daughters reached tho house Mrs. Colgate gently broke tho dreadful news to the bereaved widow and her daughters. Mrs. Windom was completely ove rcome and had to bo assisted to hor chamber.

Tho shock waE a terrible one as, when tho secretary left Washington this morn iug, he seemed in the best of health and spirits. Tho President and tho members of his cabinet who were present extended their sympathy to the stricken family and offered thoir BerviceB to thorn. Official information of the death in a telegram from Secretary Tracy and Attorney General Miller who were present at tho banquet. It said: "Secretary Windom, having concluded his speech and while tho next speaker was being announced, sank down with an attack of heart disease aud died within ten minutes. His death occurred at 10 o'clock.

You will know how to convey tho sad intelligence to his family." To this tho President immediately replied, saying that ho was greatly shocked, and asking them to take charge of tho body aud briug it to Washing until Mr. Blaino declared unless there was an extra session thero would probably be a panic. Then' Mr. Windom quietly said that he could settle the whole case without a special session being called if the Presidont give consent. Mr.

Blaine was asked for his opinion, which was ihat nothing bat a special aession COUld Overcome the diffienltv. TTft RAfimerl ninnod and he insisted Upon carrying his point. Mr. Wiudom explained hia method, which was a proposition to force the banks to refund their bonds. The previous oongross had passod a law providing for tho refunding at 3H per but "Presidont Hayes had vetoed tho bill.

Mr. Windom showed how he could have the banks refund at 3 per cent. Mr. Blaine still objected to the scheme. The President ashed for Attorney General MoVeash's opinion which was that thero was no statute pro venting Mr.

Windom from carrying out his plan, and thereupon tho Presidentaid there would be no extra session. Mr. Blaine still protestod, but Mr. Windom oarriod the day aud met the responsibilities ho assumed in such a manner as to bring to himself great praise. His influenco becarao great in the cabinot, and it was thought that ho would probably bo Garfield's succossor.

When the Preaidout died Mr. Windom resigned from the cabinet and soon after was elected to the Miunesota legislature to fill an unexpired term in tho senate. He met a strong opposition to himself iu tho Republican party, which so bitterly attacked his politics that he was driven from the leadership. Ho dropped out of politics and was ridiculed by the leaders who took his place. Ho felt hurt at this and came to Now York, although ha retained a legal residence in Minnesota.

In New York city ho devoted all his time to railroad and other financial enterprises, keeping aloof from politics until President Harrison called him to take tho position of secretary t))f the treasury. Tho Jll. Pntll Vioncer PreM' Communis Upo tUo Dead Secretary' Crtreur. St. Paul, January no.

In an editorial on the death of Secretary Wiudom the Pionetir this morning says: "Mr. Windom has been a conspicuous figure in public life at the national capital for twenty fivo years. He made his mark there, not so much by great ability as by zealous, untiring, conscientious industry. He devotod all his power to his public duties, mado himself master of all tho details of the business before him, took counsel of tho best exporience and tho best ability about him, and his honest purpose to do the best he could, guided by Bound common sonse, mado him a wise legislator and one of the most successful administrators of tho public finances who was ever at the head of the treasury department. Ho was a far bettor statesman than many a greater man.

His death will be a severe blow to the administration. It will bo deplored by tho people of tho whole country, but by none bo deeply as by tho people of Minnesota, whom he bo long represented" in tho two branches of congress and to whoso interests he was always devoted." A PLEASANT EVTERTAlXaENT Given by the Wiuhiiigloa Youufr I'eople. Baptisl The Young People's association of tho Washington avenue Baptist church gave a very pleasant and successful concert last evening at Association hall iu tho presence of a large audience. Tho entertainers wero Maud Morgan, harpist, Fred Emerson Brooks, humorist, who readB his own poems after the manner of James Wtiitcomb Riley; Perleo Y. JerviR, the Brooklyn pianist, and the Columbia college gloo club in their evening coatB and mggt mischievous frame of mind.

Not all Brooklyn audiences are apathetic, and that last night was of tho enthusiastic kind. Double encores soon became the rule of the evening, and a programme that started out with fourteen numbers was lengthened until it extended up to tho thirties. Tho performers were extremely good natured and didn't Beem to mind doing double or treblo duty, perhaps because thoy had an audience that was houcstly enthusiastic, and the audience certainly got the worth of Its money. The entertainment opened with "The Revelers," by the glee club, with tho familiar "Man in Our Town" as an encore. Mr.

Jorvis played a "Morn ing Serenade," by Henselt; "," by Godard, and "Skizzen," by Bird, throe brief and dainty numbers. Miss Morgan played "Autumn," by J. Thomas, with full, firm tono, and gavo an encoro pieco, besido tuning her harp on the Btage, an operation in which the audience took only less interest than in her playing. Mr. Brooks might almost sing the Bong of the pretty maid, "My face is my fortune, Certainly without his homely, winning smile, his recitations would lose half their effectiveness.

As it is thoy go straight to the popular heart. Last evening Mr. Brooks was kept upon tho Btage most of the timo when tho glee club wore off from it. He.gav "0ld Ace," "Auy Kisses With tho Roses," J.ioil Hoss Como Home," "Oh, Ge os," in which lie reminded ono of tho days when Sol Smith Russell used to ho a concert entertainer; "Jenny," "Tho Tramp and tho Cur," The Orthod Ox Team'" and two or threo other encore pieces. Tho glee club sang "Edite Bibito' and Flamings," and then hit tho funny bone of their church audiouco Dy singing tho adventures of tho good little boy who goes to Sunday school "and scoops the Christmas presents." They gave a Bocond encore for this and afterward sang the screed of "Tlio Cannibal Maid and the Missionary," "Just Seven." "Dar's a Lock on' do Chicken Coop Door," "Sans Souci," and one or two other numbers.

Mr. 0. L. Rogers, of tho club, also sang a Bong. Misa Morgan playod "A Fairy Legond," by Oberttini and tho "Greek Pirates Chorus," by Albara.

Mr. Jervis played "Silver Spring." by Mason. Tho entertainuiout committeo of the young people's association, under whose direction tho concert was given, is composed of Mr. Frederick W. Thompaou, chairman: Misses Emma L.

Harvey, Marguerito Holt, Lillio F. Angell, MayE. Mangam, Florence Baldwin, Mabel II. Randall, Gortrudo L. Barnes, Fannie V.

Sterritt, Ella M. Weaver, Mildred Hawkins, Graco M. Deacon, Corinne A. Leslie, Sallie Field, Sophie S. Hunter, Margaret E.

Hope, Mcusra, Robert Harding, Edward F. Stevens, William A. Cotton, Walter H. Babcock, William Cheney, T. Harry Grimlcy, Scluiylor W.

Leslie, Warren B. Thompson, William S. Greene. CYRCS P. DURHAM'S DEATH.

flc Was Once a. Well Kuotrn Railroad Contractor. Funeral services wero held yesterday ovor the remains of Cyrus P. Durham, a onco well known railroad contractor, who of late yoarj has been engaged iu the trucking business on Btreet, Now I'ork. who died at hiy home, Rogers ave nue, of paralysis on Wednesday.

Mr. Durham constructed a largo portion of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad and also built a number of Southern roads. Ho was born in Wilton, Saratoga comity, New York, in 1809. Ho came to Bro iklyu in 1834. About twenty years go he went West and engaged iu tho shipping business in Chicago.

He returned to Brooklyn about three years ago. He was a staunch Repuij lican in politics. Ho was also an active odd fellow. A widow, three daughters and one son survive him. The remains wero removed to tho DurhamviUe cemetery, Oneida county, for interment.

THE AI.THAX ASSOCUIIOX'S The annual reception of the Altman assoc ia tiou, a social organization composed of the members of Altman lodge No. 140, F. and A. was given last evening at Phillips' turn hall, on Mes erola street. There was a good attendance, a sociablo party, haudsomo decorations, pretty women and all the othor qualifications that go to mako a successful affair.

From the timo tho opening march began, which was led by Louij C. Metzger and Miss Lena E. Gaebel, until the early hours of this morning when the tired dancers began to disperse for their homes everything moved along pleasantly, greatly to the credit of the committees in charge, which were aa follows: Louis C. Metzger, floor manager: Frank Mayer, assistant. Floor Joseph Benjamin, Jacob Ernst, Louib Keller, Lotus Opp.

Harry Redfield, William F. Grotz, John ltoemmele, Aloxandor F. Nimmo, E. Jurgeiis. Arrangements Louis F.

Schaefer, Charles Roemmele, Oliver J. Moussette, William Schindcle, Louis Haas. Reception Henry Platte, chairman; Frederick C. Youmaus, David Acker, Adolph Wilson, John A. Zimmerman, William Schildknecht, Charles II.

Gaus, Charles Maurer, Herman Weber, William Ulmer, H. Gniidmm, Charles M. Kriek, Frederick Borgel, John J. Wolf, Jacob Rueger, George Zolinhofcr, Charles Wag ner, I'redenck'Koemmele, Charles Bethon, Peter Yolkmar. Anton Vigelius, Jacob liossert, Charles A.

Schumacher, Charles Lemke, William Herdt, Phillip Volkmar, tho president of tho association. A PLEASANT Sb'ltl'RlSE. There was a pleasant surprise party last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.

S. Walker, on Fleet street, the occasion being tho twelfth anniversary of the birthday of their daughter, Miss Cynthia R. Walker. The tablo on which the pres ents wero displayed was presided over by the Rev. W.

A. Priagle from tlio. West Indies. Among the guests were Fannie Davis, Maud Cook, Sarah Delamar, Fannie Dyer, Isabella Hargravos, Liilio Davis, Florence Cook, Ebba Nelson, Rosa Carr, Julia Bayne, Mauiio Carr, Clara Scott, James Browu, Arthur Rainoy, Sidney Painter, Amos Col lins, Richard Bayne, James Richards, Willie Brown, Frank Fisher. KlhlUIH AID (iOMFUKY TO FKH1T.

San Fhanoisco, January .10. Kilrain mado his appearance at tho California athletic club rooms yesterday, aud the large collection of sports assembled were enthusiastic over his appearance. He was accompanied bv Williani Muklouu. and after introductions ail around Kilrain and Godfrey signed articles for their battle, booked lor soms night in the latter part of March for a purse of 1,000. THE C1IKSS C1UMPI03 IS ALBASY.

Albany, N. January 30. Mr. Gnnaberg, the English clioss champion, who is the guest of the Albany chess club, playod against ali comers last night. Outoftwenty threo simultaneous games he lost but one to Mr.

Rogora, president of the local club. Two games were drawn. 'Alio Kaarlo Almanuca Jtml Out. Can Bo obtained ol ttonsdBaliira, Adv. Secretary Windom Expires After Making an Address.

Falii UreUn Frm His Ckair at tha Bar4 jii Trade Banciit at Djlweaieo's Reataaratit Tht Moarnfnl sMaiit Immediately the Aft.r Pin rroesediBZ Yia Eirorti or rnjs ieIaai Grir Secretary Traej aaa Alt.rnov Oneral Jfill.r Prwidant Harrio Shacked by tha Sad lutein Etnee Mr. Window Prostrated tha Jtewi Doctors fortify That tlio Causa of Bitth TTa Apoplexy. William Windom, secretary of the treasury of tho United States und a member of Presidont Harrison's cabinet, was Btricken with death lint night in a sudden and awful manner at the animal dinner of the New York of trade and transportation, which was hold at Delmonico's, corner of Twenty sixth atreet and Fifth avenue, loan instant a scene of brilliant festivity was changed into one of sorrowful mourning, as before the eyes over two hundred of the leading businessmen of ibis city and the metropolis a man occupying a position in the confidence and esteem of the community passed in an utant from wlmt Becmed buoyant and vigorous life to death. The tragedy took place in ttie new Bold and white banquet hall of the famous New York restaurant, which was brilliantly illuminated for the occasion, shining with an almost oriental splendor under tho combined (flare of war tapers and electricity. Before the dinner began Secretaries Wiudom and Tracy, ox Secretary Thomas A.

Bayard and other di.itin gnished guo ts gave an informal reception to the members of the hoard of trade and their truest. Jr was noted by thoso who knew him well that Mr. Windom appeared to bo in most excellent health and spirits. Anions others he greeted tlio representative ot tho Eaolk most warmly and turning to Secretary Tracy, who stood beside him. asked him if there were many Brooklyn men members of the board of trade and lralisporlation.

Mr. Win loin's face and figure are familiar to nearly ereryone in this part of the eonntry, for, although a Western man, he resided in New York for a lout: time. He was of medium height, strong and sturdily built. With the exception of light side whiskers he wore his face clean shaven in the English styie, and his rotund person and round, full face made him not unlike George W. Childa of Philadelphia.

Previous to the banquet he talked with Erastua Wiman and otbors about linanco and transportation and ho discoursed pleasantly upon politics and the silver bill with General Stewart L. Woodford and Darwin K. James. At 7 :30 o'clock tho doors of the banquet hall wero thrown open and the cucsts liled in while the Hungarian band, stationed in the gallery, played sweet music. Secretaries Windom and Tracy walked arm in arm, and tho step of tho former was firm and elastic.

Upan a raised platform at the end of the diningrooin were seated President Ambrose Snow, Secretary Wiudom, Secretary Tracy, J. W. Longley of Canada, Murat Halstead, Joel B. Erbardt, Marvel SV. Cooper, ex Secretary Thomas F.

Bayard, Attornoy General II. H. Miller, Wilfred Lanrier of Canada, General Stewart 1,. Woodford, Key. Dr.

D. Parker Morgan and 0. B. Potter. Among the Brookiyuites who were scattered about tho room at tho (intercut tables were ex Congressman Darwin II.

James, George L. Pease, Sttii frea Coffin, Dr. E. J. Whitney, T.

M. Spellman, John W. llaudren, William 13. lioorum, jiheodoro Rieksecker, T. G.

White, Andrew 33. liters, S. M. Giddings, W. 1).

Ferns, J. W. atkius, ex Commodore Loring and Thomas T. rjD. White.

Nearly every well known transportation man in and around Nevr York was in tho ini. The dinner was an elaborate one. Sccre Windom seemed to enjoy his dinner. The was the toast list: Invocation liev. D.

Parker Morgan, D. D. "Our Country's Prosperity Dependent Upon Its Instruioents of Commerce" Hon. William Windom. secretary id' the treasury.

'The Comity of the States and the Comity of Nations as Related to Tradu and Transportation" Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, ex secretary of state. "Our New Navy Hon. Benjamin F.

Tracy, secretary of the navy. "Bettor Relations' Hon. J. W. Longley, Q.

attorney general of Nova Scotia. "The Tarii)' and American Progress'1 Won. William McKinky. of Ohio. "'I he New South'" Hon.

William C. P. Breckinridge of Kentucky. "The Future of Half a Continent" Hon. Wilfred Lanrier.

leader of her majesty's opposition in the parliament of the Doiuhimu of Canada. "The Newspaper as an Instrumentality of Commerce" Hon. Murat Halstead. Ail the speakers were present except and Breckinridge, but as Mr. Wiudom'a sudden death occurred immediately at the close of Lis oration, his speech was the only one delivered.

Just after cigars were lighted Ambrose Snow, tho venerable president of tho board, rose and made a brief but appropriate, speech of welcome, at tho end ol which he introduced ex Judge William Henry Arnoux as toast master. Tho little judge mounted a footstool and began bin work by reading a letter relating to the greater Now York from Mr. Andrew H. Green. He then introduced Secretary Windom, tho first speaker of tho evening, and in doing so said that, although Mr.

Windom came from the great Northwest, he was well known ami liked in New York. The secretary was cordially received. He had his speech prepared, and followed his printed slip closely, talking with great deliberation. It was remarked that he was making the speech of his life, and as his remarks touched upon the currency question, the silver bill and other important questions of the day. he was listened to with deep attention.

Onco or twice he apologized for tho length of his speech, but cries of "Go on. go on," in'erriipted him, and ho smilingly proceeded to the end. Again and again during his address he received loud applause, which became a veritable iiumoiistrutioii when he quoted tho saying of ibe wise king of Israel: "Ho that loveth silver shall not be satisiied with silver." The full text of Mr. Wiudom's poech is as fol lows Mr. Pre.

i lent and gentlemen of the board of trade anil transportation Early association with the charter members of your board and full sympathy with the objects and purposes of its urbanization make tin an occa ion of peculiar interest to me. The country owes you a ileht of gratitude for what you have done in the interests of hotter and cheaper transportation. Fifteen years ago, when your board was organiz. ami untereil upon its work, our fuei.ities for the interchange of products were quite inadequate and freight charge Were more than double whattheyare now. improvements made by the transportation ooin te uies themselves have been Very satisfactory, but though much has been accompli.

he.l in the cheapening of rates much inure remains to be done. If I might bu allowed to suggest, parenthetically, another very desirable improvement, it would bo that more water he put into our harbors and canals and les, into (im railroad 1 am to sin ah briefly of the instruments oi commerce in iheir relation to the wealth anil prosperity of our country. The subject is very Ijioiid and my tunc very limited. I shall, there' lure, eoiiliiu inv rem irks lo the wo cb ief instru j. iii.

i and money, by th. former commodities change p. an i l.y the latter they exchange owners. Even as to ine. must content myself with the bare blutemeiit of a few tacts and deductions.

A nation's wealth and prr. al usually in proportion to tin; extent and success of its commerce and commerce liseli is pendent upon the adequacy and adap. anon ot th, two u. tl inatniiiiQ.its. The history ot an civilized countries attests tho fact that the nation he equipped iu these rc M'fets rapidly comes the most powerful, the richest ami the most prosperous.

Our own eonntry i nn exception to tins rule. No nation has cvci more liberally, or more carei llian we iiavi us internal and coastwise trade to lie and the resultant mamiit.n.l. llllfl i l.elieve, iiiiont world. For tip i our ilotnestic commerce is, I a parallel in the history or the leconimodation and if our none tia ie. we have htntr lm.

i.i. vie nave more miles ot railroad than Lurnpe. Abja Mric combined, lie lloaliug tonnage of ihu United States engaged ni mast true commerce and on our Hue and rivers, very fur excess of that anv other nation. One or two comparisons will convoy some id. a ut tins stupendous commerce Tub tOllliage lanil tlirun.di alone during tin T.

days of i i xK1 exceeded lie tons the entire British which entered and cleared and fore gn tonin; at London and Liv. rp: mat year the foreign and coastwise trade. Tho fraiiht whien itA thr. ugli th canal 1H90 exceeded St. falls l) i ,8 ton Iho entire tonnage ot all nations winch passed through the Suez Canal

The ii iglit carried on railroads of tiie United Stai l.S'.jn exceeded by over 30, 000, oou tons the 'ic rate carried on all the railroads of the King loin, Germany, France and Uu. aia in lNtfii. luies are interchanged among our people witli greater facilitv and at i heaver rat being consi hnedi aii.v other country on earth. The increase of tonal pro. penty, largely due to this system ol i io'ieeiioii to nut home uiaiKcts and domestic li.

'He, an i to tin generous developmont of these of coinnierce, has become the marvel of ti.e. world. Take a few comparisons. Oasi.d upon (he Lulled States actum issn idui.oii iii.n. turni.shed by Mr.

Miilhall. tiie Liiglisn I (ileil It; can. in manufactures we exceed Jlu 111 1N.SII bv Sl.o7!l..i7(l 101. I nice by i i.OOO.OU'J and Germany bv .1.000,000. Iii ot agriculture wt; eiieil uieat $1 It wi i icnimny iv iiicnnifi fi l.syo Irtni Ui0.

ur t'jiriun 'eicult uru i( i i the carrying trade and banking, eve 1 of Great iirilaiu troui the Mu. i o.O OHO Po, (100. 00(1 mol Germany iy 000. Ono Our tucreaye of compared with wealth Irom ltiiO to 1KH0 thai, of nations was: United States, treat 1'rit lin. e'rauce o.

ID.OUU 1.47."i, 000. 000 In inao our htime mar ets coiiKumed abunt en bldloii dollars' worth of our own product iinount equai to the entire aectiamlacsd irealch if Spain, three times the increase of wealth in Britain for ten years and seven times the ncreasc of France for the same period. Our ionic markets that year absorbed tivu times as nnch of our lnanufatttured prodtictB as (ireat inlain exported of hers to all the maraets of tho orld. Of course, 1 do not claim ihat all this narvelotis development of wealth i.s due to rail oas ship, hut without them it would cer ainly have been uiipossiiilc. But foi these in Iriiinentaliiies of commerce the rich farms of he West and South, and even of Iho middle tates, would hare slumbered iu primeval and the myriads of ahops and factory's would iitfvui haru cxi ted.

Were the hip and the railroad withdrawn, business ould bo paralyzed and desolation would eiuu supremo over more than half of our broad Uet the Similar Eitjlc Thobewt auil choapsnt Sunday paper published. Prioo oeata, Adr. in oi set Be The State Health Board Re ports TTpoa Ita Industries. TThat tho Inraitiratte lata Iff Smalls BUaloiod The HUckawaj ImpvoTement Company' ComiIail Recow9Hda tioas for the Abateraaal of tha Odors. Correspondence of the Eagle.

Aliiaxv. N. January 30. The stato board of health has submitted to Governor Hill thoir report upon tho investigation of the alleged nuiBanceB said to result from the fertilizer factories and rendering establishments on Barren island. The potition upon which the investigation waB made was presented by the Itockaway park improvement company, limited.

The petition embodied the following statements: Your petitioner was incorporated for tho purpose of purchasint' thii Jaud, developing it. la nig out parks, walks, drives and villa plots thereon, and it has oxpondod largo sums of money in improving said land and has laid out streets and avenues, graded and paved, on said property and beautified it in mauv ways, rendering it an attractive locality for residence purposes. There havo been erected on said property a uuuibor of cottages and residences and a number of your petitioner's lota havo been told and disposed of to private persons under restrictions limiting their uso to residence purposes, and by reason of the situation of the land in quostion ou the Atlantic ocean and adjacent to the large cities of New York and Brooklyn, your petitioner's property and franchise areof great value to your petitioner. The chief attraction of tho premises to your petitioner and to those persons who have purchased its land and erected houses thereon tor themselves aud their families is the pure air and healthy character of the surroundings. At ins entrance to Jamaica bay.

which bounds your petitioner's land on the west, and about a milo distant from Rockaway park is located a small island, about a mile in length, known as Barren island, shown on the official government chart hereto annexed. This island is occupied by certain factories, tho offensive character of which is notorious and which threaten tho destruction of your petitioner's property and tho property of thoso who havo located thereon, and which seriously endanger tho health or the entire population of Koekawav Beach and the ad loiinn" villagos of Far Rockaway, Lawrenco, Lcdarhurst and Woodsburg, in Queens county, as well as Coney Island, Sheepshead bay and other localities iu tho county of Kings. Repeated complaints have been made by your petitioner, and by the inhabitants of the localities named, against the operations of these factories. The local board of health of Flatlau'ts, in tho county of Kings, in whose Jurisdiction Barren island is located, have been importuned to take Borne action to Boppress tho nuisanco created by the business carried on at the island, but without effect. Petitions havo been heretofore addressed to tho honorablo the atato board of health, signed, as your petitioner is informed and believes, by nearly all tho property owners from Rockaway Park to Woodsburg, and as yonr petitioner is informed and believes, tho Baid state board haa caiiBed an inspection of Baid island, and has endeavored to compel Baid local board to tako the npcesaary action to abate tho nuisance coui plaiued of, but without relief to the complainants, and this petition is addressed to 5 our excellency, as well on behalf of all those persons heretofore complaining agaiuat these factories as in tho particular interest of your petitioner, ono of vuo cuiei sunorers troin tho nuisanco complainod of.

Barron island iB occupied by a factory conducted by the firm of Poter White's Sons, consisting of Andrew J. Whilo and Thomas F. White; by a factory operated by E. Frank Coe and J. D.

Fair child, and by focturies operated by the Barron island oil aud guano company, or tho Barron island fertilizing oil company, tho true naraa being, unknown to your petitioner, tho businesB of which is carried on by ouo Goodkind and Stern fels, as superintendents, and by one Wnrfuruier, their first names being unknown to your petitioner. At the factory of Peter White's Sons all the dead animals collected in tho streetB of tho city ot New York are deposited; the refuse of the abattoirs, garbage, decayed vegetables, condemned moat, offal and refuse of every description is brought to this factory and rendered and disposed of in various ivay. On an average there aro over two thousand hogs kept on tho factory premises and in tho carrying on of tho business referred to tho dead animals aro dismembered and boiled and oils extracted therefrom. In handling and treating thia animal matter and other refuao material moat foul and sickening vapors are created aud carried on the wind to the surrounding territory. Your petitioner's laud is peculiarly exposed to these foul odors, and along Rockaway beach and as far away as Woodsburg these vapors and smells are carried on the wind, rendering tho inhabitants sick and destroying the comfort and enjoyment of then homes.

The same is true of the factory of E. Frank Coe and J. U. Fail child. This factory manufactures fertilizers, and in tho operation of its business uses the refuse from ail the other factories on tho island, which is treated with sludge acid aud other conipouuds, producing a most sickening stench, which can be detected at a groat distance from tho island when carried on the wind.

The other factories, two in number, carry on the manufacture of fish oil. Large quantities of fish are brought to the island and deposited on exposed unenclosed platforms, to be thereafter boiled and rendered. The fisli is allowed to accumulate and rot on the platforms, and tho operation of boiling is carried on iu open tanks, all causing a most unhealthy indescribable Oder. The smells from those fish factories aro so powerful that it la imposaiblo to keep tho doors or windows of dwelling houaos open when the wind blows from thorn in the direction of Rockaway, and many poisons have been made sick and Bubjected to all possible discomfort by reason of the olfensivo transactions complained oF On July, 1800, tho grand jury of tho county of IviugB having Investigated the complaint of youi'i petitioner and other residents in the vicinity of Barren island, made a presentment, a certified copy of which is annexed hereto. By said presentment tho aaid grand Jury declare the factories complained of to be a public nuisance and call for tho suppression thereof.

Your petitioner, therefore, prays that your excellency may. by appropriate ordor in pursuance of the Btalute in such case made and provided, diiect tho abatement of tho nuisances herein complained of and the suppression or the unlawful businoas above described, or that the matter bo referred to tho honorable, the state board of health for examination and report, to tho end that on the coming in of such rnnm l. above prayod for may bo issued forthwith. Ana your petitioner will over pray, occ. Dated Nkw Yoiik, October tsoo.

The Rockawy Pauk Improvement Company (Limited). By F. W. Duxtox, Presidont. Accompanying the potition was a certified copy of the preaentmout found by the Kings county grand jury, rno matter was referred to the stato board of hoalth with directions to investi gate.

The report of the board aays Barron island is situated in the souf hwostern part of Jamaica bay: is about two niiies long bv three quarters wide; distant from Canarsie, three and one half miles south; from Lawrence and Rockaway about six to four and one half west and a little south of west. From Manhattan Beach hotel it is two railea east and a little north. From Rockaway Park it is two miles weat. The factories on the island, from tho tiost southerly one, are fertilizer works (superphosphate), operated by E. Frank Coe; a fish factory by B.

Sternfols; rendering works and pig pcub, owned by Messrs. P. White's Sons and the Barren island oil guano company. At the latter factory fish scrap is mane. school, two boarding houses, a club houBe, and somo dwellings, complete the buildings.

In all about four hundred people livo upon the island. The fertilizer works Here ia manufactured a superphosphate, mado by a mixture of phosphate rock, wood, blood, bone, fish scrap and sulphuric acid. 'There is no nuisance from anyone ingredient when by itself, but in the mixing. The parts aro mixed by weight and give off a pungent aei 1 smell, very disagreeable to sensitive stomachs aud very penetrating. In former yeara, when sludge acid was treated on the island and used, the nuisance was greater.

But no sludge acid has been treated there for three years the manufacturers buying sludge acid from which the tar bus been separated previous to shinment, thereby doing away with much offensive material. After the fertilizer is made it is stored in sheds from which, as needed, it i.s barreled or shipment. In 1SS4 the state board, then investigating tho nuisances on Barren lakiiid, recommended that woo Ion conduits, furnrlTied with a fan blower, bo so constructed that all fumes arising from tho mixture bo carried to a condenser. This was done, but owing to an agreement entered into by Mr. Coe with the Manhattan Btach hotel, whereby the works nere not to be operated during June, July and August, those fines were allowed to get out of ordor and the fan was not kept in regular running.

The boarding of the storage sheds and the flues from them were also neglected. On the day of the secretary's visit, and ou that when the committee examined, much tho same condition existed. Tho works were cloan and the fan working, but not satisfactorily. Stern fel's fish factory By steamers generally, fish called either menhaden or moss bunkers are brought in great qualities during tho months from May until November, boiled in open wooden kettles by steam, pressed for the oil and residue, or "scrap," spread upon platforms in the rear of the works to dry. In wet weather the scrap is placed iu a shed and wot down with sulphuric acid.

The fumes from the cooking and from tho scrap shed are allowed to escape into the open air. There was a marked difference in the condition of this place on the firh of Novomb from that on tho il 1th of October. It had been improved by cleaning, but. tho main conditions remained the same. Coniliciiiig testimony was given concerning this factory, it being contended that tho scrap waa allowed to rot on; tlio platforms on the one hand, and on tho other that no such tilings took place.

Tha state board rccom mi nded, in its former visit, that the vats oe covered and alt vapors condensed, but no move iu this direction haa ever ben made by the manufacture rs. White's rendering works This firm has tho contract with the city of Now l'ork to remove all dead animals and offal from the city and with several of the largo hotels ta take their garbage The matter is brought to the island on what is called the horse boat, the dead animalB on deck and the olLil and garbage in uncovered tubs or boxes. Tno boat generally reaches tho island abunt 10 A. tho load is taken to the second floor, the cutting up room, where the animals aro skinned, cut up and, with tiie oifal, put into the iron tanks, closed hermetically and than boiled. Each tank i.s fitted with oscane flunH.

rimniiin a conduit which carries the fumes to a condenser, and irom the latter the remaining fumes are taken undor tne ooncr urns ami there consumed. The wet scrap, after boiling, is put into patent dryers, aud in a few hours ia perfectly' dry and reauy io oe soreati on tne noors to cool, rue garbage is nut into wooden vats fitted with covers and woolen flues connecting with a conduit which has an exhaust fau so that tho fumes may bo carried to a condenser. After cooking the Bwiil is takon by ti amcar to the pig pens. Tho fat rendered in tho kettles is taken to tho oil houao iii tho rear of the rendering works and then ceiutiressod for its oil, the Btearino beinc barreled and tho oil prepared for market. No fumes aro created in this part of the works.

Tho rendering work. haa been enlarged bv the addition of four more kettles, in order that all matter received could be handled ou the same day. Formerly scrap was dried on platforms, but the use of patent dryers rendered the slower process unnecessary and did away with the hooping of wet scrap from which more or loss odor always came. As soon as the dead animals are cut up the floor is washed (own, the hides washed and salted, and all evidence of the work removed. The board made several recommendations concerning this factory aud ali were promptly carried out by tho owners.

Tho pig pons contain over five hundred pigs. Tho sties aro kept oloan, and to insure further cleanliness tho old wooden troughs aro being roplaced by iron. The Barren island guano company Fish are here handled in tho samo manner as at atei'iiTel's, aud tho factory ib in about the samo condition. The description of one supplies for both. Noth ing is done to render any nuisanco created loss, or to Abate it.

The petition recoivod from the Rookavrar Park improvement cofapaar, the testicaoay adduced A rarocinal fl2.Lg31.oa at Em. 1 maauel P. E. Churc It Will be Cendiictod by Father Bttti i and Una tho of Bishep Little jolm An Appeal to Jiaason and tk t'f mcisnca. This evening a mission will be started at Emmanuel P.

E. church, on President street, conmr of Smith, the Kov. Henry Orinond Rid. dell, pahtor, and will last until Sunday, February ti. it Win oarried on in accordance with the rules and customs of tho denomination, and the fact that Emmanuel church ha always been a lor of Protestant Episcopal churches in this city 111 regard loelaboratescrvices will lend assurance to tho bright hopes for a grand success that are entertained by the promulgators.

Tho pastor of the church, the Rev. Henry Orinond Riddell. was visited by an E.vii.e reporter at Ins home, 37 Second place, and in answer to some inquiries in regard to tho exact nature of tho mission aud the programme he said: "Yes, a mission is going to'bo preached at onr church, beginning on Friday night, January 30, and it will bo completed ou Sunday night, February H. It will be a revival oi religion, a time of unusual activity and excitement. Amission, as understood and practiced among ourselves, is a special effort to win souls to Christ.

It differs from the ordinary Protestant revival in being less onjo tional and more doctrinal. Of conrao the preaching is of a stirring kind, calculated to arouse men, but it intended to set thoni to thinking, to appeal to (heir reason, rather than to their emoti ins. Another groat difference between remvals and missions is the introduction in the latter of the sacramental element. The appeal ia to come to Christ. How? By forsaking Bin, by confessing sin, by receiving absolution from sin, which the church teaches ua 'Almighty God hatli sriven power and commandment to His minis, tera to declare and pronounce to Hia peoplo, being and further there are frequent celebrations of tho holy communion, whero tho blessed sacrament of Christ's body and blood may bo received for tha strengthening and refreshing of the soul.

In other words, the paat must be righted by pardon of sin and tho future must be guarded by grace which will protect from sin." "How old an institution in the Protestant Episcopal churcti is the mission?" "In their present for .11 they aro only a few bun dred old. It was St. Charles Borromco of tho French church who first organized and preached a mission such as we are going to have. The English church haB loarned by practical experience tho valuo of this moans of reaching numbers of poople who without it would novel' havo 'the truth as it ia in Our American church has been slow in adopting missions: as a part of her system, but you may remember general mission was held in New York several years ago and was greatly bleased." "Who. in addition to yourself, will conduct the mission "Father llcttw, an Irishman by birth and a man who has the eloquence and perBuaBivonosa so noticoable in mon of his nativity, will conduct tho services.

Ho has been a most successful parish priest, being rector at different tnnss of prominent churches in St. Louis, Kansas City and Louisville. He ia now roctor of Grace P. E. church of Louisville, whero he has succeeded ill building up a strong and healthy work." His letter of Acceptance of the invitation to conduct (he mission ia printed here: Dkak Fiiiexp.s i.v CuiiiHi At tho request of your rector and with the approval of (he bishop I hope very soon to conic among yon with a special message and call from God, to conduct a uussion in your parish.

Some of you may ask, What is a mission It is an organized attack on the strongholds of Satan, a great conllict with the powers of evil, a special ellort to win aoula to God. It is a call to tho ainner, "Awake, thou that Itooent. for t.i, is al It is a call to tho righteous, "Proparo to meet thy God." "Judge yourselves, that ye be not Judged or the Lord." Jonah preached a mission to Nineveh, and the whole city repented and waa aaved. Lot and the angels preached one night to Sodom, but they would not hearken, and woro do atroyed by lire. What is a mission? It is a time of special grace.

Numbers are praying for your soul. Jesus opens Ills arms to vnu. Angels watch anxiously to see what you will do. The church is open, and there are many sorviccs. What can you do to help tho mission? You can pray for it.

You can come every night and bring your friends and neighbors. Before the mission ia over, if you want to get some real good from it, como and talk to the mis niouer a notu your soul, or any dilhcnlties you may have. He will bo most glad to see you and to give you counsel and advice and all tho help uu can. I earnestly ask you to pray for me, "that utterance may be given unto mp tti.if. 1 mnv known the mystery of the gospel, that therein I nitty speak boldly as I ought to speak," ami that uiose tnat iieoi; tne Lord may not be confounded through me." Relieve ino to bo your faithful friend iu the Lord Jesus Christ, Geouoe C.

Butts. "Does Bishop Littlejohn approvo of tho mission 7" "Certainly he does or it would not bo preached. The bishop, has given the effort his cordial sympathy and blessing. He wrote to me iu rogard to it aa follows: Garden City, October 21, 1800. Kkvkiiend a.vp Deak ItiPiiELi.

Alisenco from home on a visitation haa prevented an earlier reply to your letter informing me of the proposed parochial mission iu Emmanuel church. Brlieviug that it will be under wise and prudent direction I am glad to assure you of my sympathy and approval. I will venture only ono caution in connection with it and that perhaps is hardly needed. That the mission may bring forth fruits of permanent spiritual value thiro must go, linnd in band witn tho uso of extraordinary means for awakening deeper religious feeling, equally extraordinary efforts to instinct tlio mind and conscience in the doctrines of our holy faith and in the dniies of the Christian life. With the sincere prayer that tho mission may be abundantly blessed to the good of souls and to tho strengthening of the church, I am faithfully and affectionately your servant iu Christ, A.

N. LlTTblUOlIN "And again, ou January 10, ho wrote that ho would be unable to. ittond tiie opening serrico on account of a bronchial (rouble from which ho is a great sufferer, but he says, wish you Godspeed in the work of tne mission anil pray that it may do great good in arousing tho cat el instructing the ignorant, oalling in the wanderer and edifying tho devout. Tho following programme has benn decided upon for tho two Sundays that the mission will be in progress: Holy Communion, followed tiy live minutes 7:31) A. Matins and litany Holy orinon 11 A M.

M. M. in, en a service an 1 iiidtrletioii Sp oi il address lo 1: See. iAl ad Ire lo lu 4:1. M.

M. M. M. sermon HP. "On week days the services will be held aeeord ii'g to this airangem iit: II Comni'iniDii, by five min ites a l.lress ins And ins! ru.

ion Kv. itl.t f.lel in eliutinn Mission sermon, followed by minora in .7 A. H. I 1 A. M.

I'. M. ti 'U P. M. "Uf coin no, the most popular service will be tlu one at 8 o'clock every evening.

At this service the mission hymns will In sung by the con gattoii. no choir bomg in attendance. tioni are now all practically completed. Handbills and posters arc telling the news on tho streets. I have divided my parish, or what would be my pariah if we had bouuda! in this country, into districts which have boon liioroughly and systematically visited.

Ab.iiit eight litKidre 1 calls havo been made in connection s'ith tiro mission." "Do you look for great results Trotn this special effort 7" "Yes, I do. If one onl is brought nearer to our dear laird that surely will be a gain. If tho truth as it is in Jesus is made clearer to somo poor doubter, the mission will have been a success. Some will doubtless be lo. 1 to obey the commands of that Lord whom they profess to lovo by seeking holy baptism by repenting, by receiving holy communion 1 by 'hearing tho The chief results may not be immediate.

Tho sued will be planted at that time in many soul where it may tike years of tender caro to develop. I don't anticipate great crowds of ver.ious or new church members, but I do oxpect and pray that the faithful liny be strengthened and confirmed, that the icke may bo turned and softened, the careless aroused, tho penitent restored and the truth of Jesus Christ advanced to H's honor and glory." UK UK I'll 0.1 TO TASIOlt HKMtl. Pastor A. J. Henry of the Nazareno Congrega lion il church held a reception list ivrnhig, which was largely attended.

Father Freeman made an addre appropriate to the occasion and was followed by Professor W. Johnson and Itev. W. A. Merrill.

A short programme waa added as follows: Anthem, "Come Unto Me," by the choir; paper. "Reunion of the Heart," Miss Annie G.isoway; solo, "Strangers Yet," Mil's N. E. Davidson; duet, "When on the Plains of Zton," Misses Davidson and Stone; paper, "Talk to Young W'onien," Miss Davidson; anthem, "Under the Shadon of the Wing," choir. A report and pleasant conversation filled up the honr.

Mr. Henry received his literary education at Marysville college, Kentucky, and in 1878 ho graduated from the theological department of Howard univeisity. He has had charge of tha church on Adelphi street threo years, in which time the, membership has increased '00 per cent. HOIEI, AUKiT.WS. Sr.

Gkoii.ii:. W. Harmon, Mrs. Harmon. New Y'ork: C.

Lockwood, Boston: E. L. Watz, Plainlicl.l, N. F. B.

Vandegrift, Philadelphia; L. M. Evaus, Baltimore; W. W. Woizley.

Philadelphia; J. II. Fish, H. S. fitiwart and wife, New York: Thomas Boniiis, Mrs.

J. B. Morgan and daughter, Brooklyn. Clakenpon Mr. and Mrs.

Edward 0. Rochester. Elinira; F. W. Miillcr, Galveston: E.

S. El dredge. Chicago; F. L. Blanchard, Norlhport; J.

W. Little, F. J. Bartlctt, Mr. and A.

P. Irwin, Philadelphia: Miss Hattio B. Wilson, William Friday, F. S. Webb and wile, 11.

M. Tolar, Fred crick Baker, M. Strauss, John G. McClennau, I. 3, Hiller, H.

Woodliousc, William Kecport, Brooklyn) Edward Jerome, New York. Thii Etiffle Almanac, Jnst Oul. Can nV.i.ln ii iumbor of hor.uii Numliiir of colls Nnmljor ot don'oys and Niunuer of htcurs Number oi eows Number of calves Nuiubor of bulls Numtjorof bheep Number ot ileor N.nnber oi hi.gsaml pins umber or ilo.s irom pound Number of eats ami ilos lroui umber oi itoats Number of bears Number of Number of khs of pigs' feet Harrola o. poultry llarrels ot lisli lioioBoi ti.di Pounds of Hill boxes of orTa! IJoxes of eh of ehoeso nod sardines llarrcls of Ili rrels of U.HUU duos of teuderloius. founds ot eauuod (foods (juarlorH oi jof (quartets of voal QuartorB of mutton I'ouuds of hpnu Pounds of iruit and voxotabios' to tu 10 i S.

tli i 1 (mo jo li.CISO Wti.l 1 1 1 1 1 IK 4 lil. 3,4.11 1X4.0(10 017 iy.i 50 tioo 5 701 740 10.000 A.y io uioiiny couceuoit tnat thero is no nuisanco proceeding from those works, except at tho time of the cutting up of the cargo which ia mir morning irom tno uorse boat. 1 his may be removed by the carrying of conduits from tho roof of the cutting up room, the oou uuiii loenig supplied with exhaust fans, and the all from the l.w either paasod under the furnaces or through con uousers or over some disinfectant, and disinfectants should also bo used iu the room during the hours tho material ia being piepared for tho kettles. Ihis would creato an inflow of air into the cutting up room and instead of allowing the OtlOl'S Of til A dn.ul ntiim ilu 1 u. uil 1U 111 Ilk; 1LII the outside air it would prevent their escape and nun mint is cousuiereil tiie only cause Of comDlaint nnw Yiuf ,1.

i.; iwi.t. In regard to the fish lactones, which do not run in winter, it is claimed that tho odor made by the cooking is evanoscunt aud not carried to any distance. Iho state board cannot agree with ne latter statement. The cooking of oily fish, though fresh, in open kettles makes a grease lauou ateam olteuaivo to many, which mingles 'n, to the general effluvia of tho island.

The board, at its former visit, recommended that the cooking lis done in a closed vat. lherti is uo reason why this should not be enforced and the fuinea carried to a condenser or underneath the furnace fires in order to bo consumed. It is claimed that the fish cannot be eoolted iron kettles. It is not necessary that the woo len should bo changed for metal, for wooden linoda or covers can bo made over tho kettles, connecting with wooden tubes to a wooden conduit above, the latter fitted with ait exhaust tan, so that all tiie fumes from tho kettles can be controlled and carried away. More care should be shown in keening the places cleaner; much nuisanco of decaying particles or scrap would bo avoided if so much was not allowed to lay around the place.

It appears, from all the state board can gather, that there is no way by which tho lish scrap can bo properly dried except upon platforms by the action uf the sun. It is stated that patent dryers, whilo excellent for meat scrap, scorch or burn up the lish scrap, it being lighter in substance. It is also stated by those having experienco in tho business that the hslr scrap spread upon tho platforms docs, not create a smell if properly carod for and there la not mora upon the platforms than they can curry. If, howevor, tho lish scrap has to be put in piles awaiting its turn for hprcadiug it is liable to docay, the inside of the pile heating, aud when opon, giving off offensive odors. It appears from the evidence that ono or two inspector in private pay have been upon tlio island during the summer mouths for the past two or throe years.

It is understood that these mepeotors were tu seo that the manufacturers carried out such recommendation's aa have been tuade by tho atato board of health and in oth ways to generally supervise the nuisance question. But it iloes not appear from whero thoso inspectors receive authority to enforce any ordor or Biiggtation they might make. The board ia In doubt aa to what they did have and certainly can see uo particular good that they did. In order to secure strict conformity to the requirements of stench producing industries on tno part of the manufacturers and to carry out iiuthluJly all the rules or suggestion mado by this board, it is advised that the board appoint an inspector whose duty it uhali be to visit the island two or three times per week, or hb much ottoner as may bo considered necessary at unexpected times, and that ho report to tho board any violation of sanitary rules. That he have the power to direct tho immediate suspension of ny one of the variouH industries which may neglect to carry out the provisions for the protection of the peoplo from tho otlors arising therefrom, reporting tho same to tho board at once, and that his salary be paid by tho vavious manufactories upon the island.

The state board, in submitting its report, has thought host not to burden it With quotations from authors upon stench producing industries, or io waste time upon inoro minute descriptions ol the island itself. In forming its opinion and making its recommendations aa to the manufactories ou Barren island, it haa been guided by tho knowledge acquired ou personal inspection i many ol ita members, by the reports of its inspectors made from time to time during scvor. il yeara, as well as by tho evidence adduced. To have been guided alone by the latter would have been to place the board in such a position as to make th. rendering of a decision an lmpodsi wi nj.

riaicnieiit, ut an nVO Oeeil glVCIl consideration; tho annoyance caused inhabilanis near to the island by the i fll ivia coming therefrom: the fact that, notwithstanding mis, tno number settling in tho vicinity ban steadily increased; taking all theso into consideration, the board teela that its recommendations are just and based on sound principles. I1EC02I.MEXI.ATI0;. First That the conduits, exhaust fans and condensers at tho aitper phosphate works of Mr. L. Frank Coe bo kept in proper running order and used whenever manufacturing; tuat the same recommendations bo made about the conduits and fans drawing the air frum the atora 'e ahoda of tlio manufactured fertilizer and that the side boarding of these sheds be kept ti dit and in condition.

Second That at Mj. White's rendering establishment conduits with an exhaust tan be run from tne upper portion of the cutting up room and the all therelroui pas i eithorover or tn rough disifflectaiitB or bo carriod under the furnace fires for destruction. That disinfectants be exposed ttie cutting up room. Third That at tho lisii factories both at Mr Stenitels' and tne Barren island guano company's tho hsh be boiled in covered kettles, having Hues, exhaust tans and condensers, and that uo more lish be received' in ouo day than can be properly handled and dried upon tho platforms. Ihat tints and exhaust fans befitted to the shed whern the tret scrap is placed trnoii the weather does not permit ot its being dried upon the plat forma and the fumes from the shed ho condenaed or destroyed undor the furnace lirc s.

Fourth That the state board of health appoint an inspector who will report to it tiny violation ol sanitary rules and regulations by tiie various factories upon tho island: that ha shall visit the island not less than twice a week and as much oftener as may be necessary; that hia salary Bhall be fixed ny the utate board of health and paid by the various manufacturers concerned. If these recommendations are enforced the petitioners will bo relieved of tho nuisances they now complain of. Respectfully submitted, Thumas President. Lewis Balch, Secretary. Accompanying the report is a transcript of the testimony taken at the several hearings held by the special committee of tho board at Ihc Everett houso, New York, during the early winter.

It ia voluminous and full of interesting information about the Barren island industry. LEWIS L. H12WT0N DEAD. Aa Old Lang Island Itcaidont E'anea Away in tllis 71tl Scar. Lewis L.

Newton, an old Long Island resident and a once well known New York importer, died altera brief illness uf pneumonia at his home, 1,4011 Pacific street, yesterday. Tho deceased was a member of a well known Long Island family. Ho was born at Lake Roiikonkoma in 1817. His father was a farmer aud owned many acres of land along tho nonh shore of tho island. The family of tho deceased ven non own most of the properly from Lake Roiikonkoma to tho aouth shore.

The early life of the deceased was passed upon his father's farm. In 5'ouug manhood ho went to East Moriches, and found employment in Miller'B tanning establishment. Ua was married in that town Terry, also of an old Long Island family. After hie marriage he took up his residence at Bridge hamptoti, and opened a general store. Ho waa postmanter of Bridgohampton for several years.

In 1830 ho removed to Brooklyn and embarked ill the wholesale fihoe trado in New Xork. He was a resident of Washington avenue for a number of years, His wife died shortly after his arrival in Brooklyn, and in tho deceased was married by the Kov. Henry Ward Beecher to a MUs Judscn. About ten years ago bo retire i from active business. He leaves two sons and four daughters.

Mr. Newton was a regular attendant of the Central Congregational church. The Rev. Dr. llehreuds will ofliciato at tho funeral servijea to morrow afternoon.

JSARitOVTIiir ESCAPKB HE1X0 H.ILLKD. At about 0:30 this morning, as Charles V. Gin dors of 228 Sandford street waa crosaing Myrtle avenue from the Frauklin avenuo station ho camo very near meeting with serious injury, if not instant death. A train was being pulled into the station at tho time, and a large brass casting which carries tho driving wheel of tho ongino fell within a foot of his nose. Had it fallen a sec oud later haye beon killed.

Xko ErkIo Aliuaunc, Jsiat Out, Cau 6 obtained of all atntlealvtr Adri lnaml ot direct and ample facilities for reach ing tiieiu. lie iony ami the danger of depending Upon onr competitors for tho means of reaching competitive markets can not be expressed. Aid to our mircnaut marine is not aid to a class, hut to tiio whole people to the farmer, the merchant and the manufacturer, quite as much as to the shipbuilder and the shipowner, lint it will cost money. Will it pay? Yes, an hundred fold. The aggregate of our foreign carrying trade for the past twenty live years, while not mure than one tenth our domestic trade, has, nevertheless, reached the enormous sum of listiniatiiiK the cost of transportation at 10 per cout.

of the valtto of me goons, we nave an expenditure of about at least 80 per cent, of which SU.4UU,000,000 has been paid to foreign shipowners. If we add to this $o(i, 000,000 a year paid lor pa.sage money, wo have a grand total of paid to foreign labor and capital during the quarter or a century, a sum larger by nearly ihatt tno maximum of onr bonded debt growing out. of tho late war. Are not the benefits which would accrue from paying these sums to our own people svorth saving? During that period we have exported of gold and silver, to pay balances of trade against us, an excess of 000 more than wo have imported. Hud we carried a fair share of our own foreign commerce iu American ships, owned by American citizens and manned by American seamen, this vast stun, aud much more, might have been retained at home tu enrich our own people.

Suppose that for twcnty.livc years we had given $:, 000, 000 a year in aid ol onr foreign shipping, and reduced by that amount the prepayment of our bonded debt, should wo not have been far better off than we arc now Is it not high tituo theso vast interests receive attention? llavo we not tried the do nothing policy long enough? Shall we give tiiat protection aud support to our foreign merchant marine that other nations give to theirs and which wo freely give to all our other great interests, or shall we accept as inevitable our present shameful position 1 regret to say that the uniform record of indilfor ence, if not actual hostility, during the last fifty years affords little reason for encouragement, in fact the tendency of late has been to surrender to foreigners even our domestic commerce rather than to assert ourselves upon tho ocean. Discriminations of the most astomshins character have bean made, both by congress and by treasury regulations, iu favor of Canadian railroad lines and steamships against our own. One instance of this kind may servo to illustrate the nature and extent of many other discriminations ot like character. Asiatic merchandise destined for New York, it brought iu American vessels to San i'rauctsco, must undergo all the forms and delays of entry, under the strict scrutiny of customs officers, and bo tnen placed iu cars heavily bonded for transportation through our own country to New York, while tho same merchandise, if brought in Canadian or British steam.hips to Vancouver, is transferred at onec, and without any substantial surveillance, to Canadian railways, which are not ri quired to give bond, but are permitted to pass onr frontier and proceed to New York or other Eastern purts un vexed by any of the disagreeable attentions of customs ollicers. The same discrimination has existed for years in favor of European goods Linden at Montreal and transferred to Cana adian railroads for Western American ports, against landed at Ne.v York.

Boston ami other Eastern ports, to be transported wholly tnroiign our own country to their Western destination. Tiie result of the.e unfair aud unjust discriminations against our uwn people and our own transportation lines has been, not only seriously to jeopardize the revenues, but also to build up foreign traiiaporiittioti interests at tho expense of our own. "Jiociproeal iiberty ot commerce" is a high sounding, seductive phrase, but tiie kind of liberty uur foreign shipping interest has enjoyed tor tiie last rift vears is the liberty to die under unjust discriminations ot tiie JUiu.lou Lloyd's register association, the crushing power of treasuries and the utter neglect and indifference of onr own government. Iteciorocitr itself is a most valuable thing il kept within the lines of protection, but reciprocity by which wo surrender our merchant marine to aur rivals or give away a homo market worth tun tinios mom to us than all the other markets ot the world, in the vain attempt to grasp an uncurtain market abroad, is a policy freighted with immeasurable disaster. Presidents of the United Stales have repeatedly ex pressed tho national humiliation and appealed to conirre rf foi aenon in behalf of our rapi lly vanishing merchant marine, but thus far tnoir'words have fallen upon deaf ears.

Let us hope that the urgent appeals of President Harrison on 1 his sub ject may bear fruit, iu Boino svell devised measure of protection and encourageinont. Pardon a few words with reference to the instrument by which commodities, exchange ownership. It is as essential to commerce that the currency with which it is conducted be adapted, botn in quantity aud quality, to the wants ot trade us that the vehicles of transportation should bo adapted to their purpuses. If the cir eulaiion be deficient, trade is criopled, prices fall, obligations are dishonored, disti'u. is created and cjmuiercial panic and disaster ensue.

li, on the other hand, circulattion be redundant, prices become temporarily iullated, wild speculations are stimulated, debts are contracted, credit is dangerously expanded aud for a time trade seems to float upon the high tide of success, when suddenly the failure of some large lirm or banking house discloses the irno situation, and the entire fabric of lictitious prosperity falls with a crash even more disastrous than can be produced by a deficient circulation. The ideal linanoial system would be one that should furnish just enough of absolutely sound currency to meet the legitimate wants ot trade, aud no more; and that should have enough elasticity of volume to adjust itseif io ine var.vnrg necessities ot the people. 1 know this seems dinieult of attainment, but I believe it is substantially possible. Could such a circulating medium bo secured tho gravest commercial disasters which threaten our future might be avoided. none disasters have always come when activity iu business has caused all abnormal demand for money, as in the autumn, for the inuveineut of our immense crops.

Thero will alaay.s be great danger at those times under any iron sy. doin of currency, such as we now have. Had it not been for toe peculiar conditions which enabled tho United States treasury to disburse over $7.0,000,000 in about two and a halt mouths last autumn, 1 am firmiy con vine, that the stringency, iu August and den. temper would have resulted in wide spread linanoial rum. Like commercial ouditions will ticqtientiy occur, but it is nut at all probable tnat they can be encountered and tneir consequences averted by like action of the government; nor is it desirable that such power should be lodged witii ibe secretary of the treasury, i am thoroughly convinced that a better nittliod can be devis.

d.wliich will, in a large degree, place tho power oi expansion and contraction in iho hands ot tin people them Tho opportunity for securing such a currency may be found in our bonded debt, which should, iu my bo part exchanged lor inter convertible bonds, bearing a low rata of interest, and always interchangeable for money at the will of the holder. Of, I cannot now outer upon an argument on this subject, but 1 may he excused for briefly mentioning tho unly objection I have over hoard to the plan which has any apparent weight, that it would cause an out How of money from the treasury when speculations run hign, and an inflow in times of threatened panic, and would, tpcrctore, lend to 'inflate inflation and contract Ihu objection was conclusively answered and tho pulicy triuui onaiitiy vindicated in 180S and 1SC3, under the a imiinstiMiion of i'. Chae, who was one ot the ablest secretaries of tho troasurj we havo ever had. Mr. Chase had urged and congress hail authorized what ho called tho savings bank of tno people, whereby they could deposit in the treasury up to tlio limit 1100,000, 000, an.

1 receive an interconvertible bond, drawing not more than percent, interest, which bond was again convertible into cash at tno will of tho holder, on leu days' notice. It is well knewn that the year ISU'3, and the first half of was a period of most active speculation, and yet those deposits continually increased, until on June lsqy, they had overrun the limit and amounted to In August aud September of 18(j; the unusual activilyof business had placed the country iu the name condition it was last autumn. A severe 'stringency in and panic was threatened. Did this vast tie posit of over $100,000,000 remain in safe hiding him The Kagdu Almanac, Jliat Oal, C'itu obtaiued of all newsdealers, Adr, it to in for Mr. Ou the by into had torn ihat but of who is then.

fully an not the the asked heart as York what some my good left to Tracy could hall Men pared dead. the Then night, out half dent S. sent man's tied coffin on which avenue Dr. tho expres! his time in human experience lapplauseJ: anil our country would at once stop down to the silver basis, when thero would bo no longer any inducement for coinage, and silver dollars would sink to their bullion value. When the nilver dollar ceases to havo more value than the bullion contains, there will bo little inducement to coin our own silver, and tho cost of transportation will prevent its coming from abroad.

How then will unlimited coinage either expand the circulation or enhance tho value of silver. As if determined to omit nothing which might accelerate these results, the advocates of present free coinago insist that it shall not await the slow process of mint operations, but that tho printing press shall be set to work providing certificates be issued for silver bullion at one dollar for 1371 grains. When thi3 consummation Hhall bo reached, as surely it will bo if unlimited coinago be atlopted under existing conditions, tho too ardent and impetuous lovers of silver will sadly realize tho truth uttered by the who King of Israel; "He that loveth silver shall not be satis tied with silver." Great applause. Mr. president and gentlemen, my subject has tempted me to impose upon your patience.

I will close by merely calling your attention to one thing which I deem very important both to our commercial and financial interest, viz. the passage of the bill now pending iu congress for tho establishment of an international bank to facili i tato our exchange with and Central and South America. Now York is destiuod, at uo distant tiny, to become tho financial as well as the commercial center of the world, and such an institution would in my judgment bo a long step toward that end, as well as a most valuable instrumentality for tho promotion of commerce with those countries. Give lis direct and ample transportation facilities under tho American flag and controlled by American eitiz. ns; a currency sound in quality and adequate in quantity: an international bank to facilitate exchanges, aud a system of recopricity carefully adjusted within the lines of protection; and not only will our foreign commerce again invade every sea, but every American industry will be quickened and onr whole people feel the impulse of a now and enduring prosperity.

An ovation was accorded tho secretary as he eoucladed. The Hungarian band playod a lively air, men rose in their seats, waved their napkins wildly in tho air and gavo three cheers for Secretary Windom. VYlnlo the cheers were echoing his cars death oamo to tho secretary, for aa General Tracy, who sat next to liim, leaned over and shook his hand in congratulation his face became deadly pale and he fell over backward into tho arms of his brother cabinet officer. General Tracy seemed to realizo at onco that something serious had happened, and he called assistance. Collector Er hardt and others rushed over and together they laid tho stricken man upon the floor of tho banquet hall.

General Tracy sprinkled a glass of water over Windom's face, but it did not reviyo him. the contrary his face began to assume that terribly ghastly color peculiar to thoso who die suddenly from heart disease. The revelers iu room had no idea that anything moro than a mere pausing fainting fit had occurred to the secretary, and they laughed and chatted as if nothing had occurred. A few nervous ones jumped from their seats, but they wero ordered President Snow to Bit down, and most of thorn did so. Upon the suggestion of ono of the employes of Delnionico, Mr.

Windom was carried a small room adjoining tho dining hall, that been used for a wine room, and laid upon a table there. Dim. liobinaon and Bishop, two members of tho board of trade who were present, hurried to his assistance. His droas shirt was open, and ammonia and other restoratives are used in cases of kind wero tried, without Secretary Tracy canght hold Mr. Windom's hand and felt his pulse, then, turning to the representative of tho Eaoi.e, stood besido him, said, "It is no use, the man dead," but tho doctors did not give him up Thoy worked and labored over him for ten minutes applying, among other things, electric battery.

Mr. Windom's private secretary and General Tracy held the unfortunate man's head during this operation, but it caused the faintest flutter of life. The scene about table upon which lay tho still warm body of dead. secretary was one that can never be for gotlen by thoso who saw it. Secretary Tracy, Attornoy General Miller and Collector Erhanit walked about the room wringing their hands and exclaiming, 'This is dreadful, dreadful!" When whether Secretary Wiudom was subject to disease, Attorney General Millor Haiti.

"I never knew until yesterday that he was, but we were Hurrying to catch tho train to New I noticed that Mr. Windom seemed to breathe somewhat hard, and upon inquiring was the matter, he replied, 'Oh, I havo slight muscular trouble in the region of Secretary Ttaey said Ihat Sacretary Windom, Attorney General Miller and himself left Washington for New York together at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, that tho head of the treasury department appeared to be perfectly well, was iu spirits and seemed to enjoy tho trip. When it was known that there was no hope for Windom, General Tracy and Miller Delmonico's by a side entrance and hurried the Fifth avenue hotel, where they wero stopping, and at onco communicated with President Harrison and Mr. Windom'd family. General seemed deeply affected and said that he not toll when he would return to Washington.

Meanwhile tho dineiB in tho banquet were becoming impatient, aa rumors that a tragedy had occurred were circulated about. looked at each other aghast, and were pro for the worst, and when Toast Master Arnoux rose, thero was an omnious silence. "Gentlemen," ho said, "Secretary Wiudom It is my sad duty to dismiss this gathering. Silently the diners drifted out of the banquet hall. They talked together for awhile in groups of two or three in the ante room about terrible disaster and the suddonness of it all.

thoy driftod away into tho storm and the leaving the doad secretary still stretched upon tho tablo where thoy laid him, his shoes off and his white Hhirt open at the throat. When most of the guests had departed Presi Snow appointed a committee, consisting of himself, Darwin It. Jamca, James Talcott, F. B. Thurber, W.

H. Wiley, Soth Thomas aud Norman Beutley, to act as escort to the bdr during its journey to Washington. Two undertakers were for, but it vas 12:50 A. M. whtn Undertaker Oilman of Grace church arrived r'ith his assistants and a temporary coflin.

After the dead watch, money and other valuables had been confided lo the care of Collector Urban! who thorn iu a napkin, the' body was put in tho and borne through tho atdo door opoqiiot Twenty seventh street to tiiiTtJtntd wagon awaited it. It was coiiv.yi t0 the Fifth hotel and placed in room lAdams, who sat near Kec rc. Windom at banquet, said to a vorJ few minuten, after he had concluded hlg speech perhaps five minutes I saw a Biiddeii chanre iu the his face and that hk Bank down in hi, reaching 1,3 from tho cha at once ran to hi wenty seconds or ll I observed the chi Jlgd in lus reached him sank from iiimniiiic, Can II ncnsdoaltrt. Aur, BIOU. 01 JHt which will occur in two weeks.

CHARLES MUIH.AUUH DEAD. The Celebrated Knilir.a.1 aud HcCormur I'lissc Away. Lonuos, January 30. Mr. Charles Bradlangh, member of parliament for Northampton, who had been critically ill some time past, died at 0 o'clock this morning.

Mr. Bradlangh was born lloxton, London, September gdi, 1833. Owing to the extreme pov ertv of his parents he ceased attending Bchool before he was 11 years old. He developed au early taato for polities, tor at tho ago of 15 he appeared aB an orator beforo street audiences turmoils of 1847 4M. Tho origin of hia atheistical opinions dates from the Bame period.

Studying to fit himself for a Sunday school exhibition beforo the biahop of London, he became skeptical and declared his inability to reconcile the thirty nine articles with the fonr gospels. His father, influenced by the clergy, gave him three days in which to change his opinions, on penalty of losing his situation. He accepted the penalty and quitted tho situation and hie homo fdrovar. For a year ho earned an inadequate support by selling coal on commission, and then, becoming slightly involved in debt, ho enlisted in the service of tho East India company, where he remained until a Kuiall logacy ouablod him to purchase his discharge. He then secured aclorkshiD in a Bolioitor's office in London and entered at onco upon his life career of a political and atheistical writer and speaker.

Iu ltjoS 39 he gained considerable notoriety by editing a journal called tho Jnrfstiuator, which was soon suspended for want of capital, lie became well known under the appropriate name of "Iconoclast," which ho signed to all of bis writings, and was met with tho fiercest opposition on all sides. A year later (ho Ileformer was established, and Mr. Bradlaiigh became tho editor. In the conduct of thia his mpiitation for ability was greatly increased. Systematic attempts wero made to suppress bin journal, but thoir only effect wai to increase its circulation.

Hia sympathies for the oppressed were not confined to his own country. When Italy was lighting for freedom he raised by his own exertions 100 guineas and sent them to Garibaldi. Ho visited Ireland, conferred with tha advocates of home rule and raised his voice in their justification. In the year 1800 an attempt was made by the Gladstone ministry to suppress hi journal because ho refused tu have it licensed. He argtiod his own case aud won a victory.

lu lKSOMr. Bradlangh was elected to parliament from Northampton aud his refusal to take the oath aa a member of tho house of commons brought him prominently before the English speaking worid. His refusal was based on atiieistical grounds. He demanded that he be allowed to affirm, but parliament refused him permission on tho grouutl that the law madu no provision for dispensing with the oath. The seat waa declared vacant alter a time and a new election was ordered.

The Northampton electors again chose Mr. Bradlangh and again he prevented himself at the bar of the houso of commons. This i i nte he was ready to take tho oath, but the house refused to admit him and upon hia insisting on his right to take his seat ho was removed by the police. A lou contest followed, but eventually Air. Bradlaugh was permitted to take his seat.

Of late vears the sharo,o bij have been blunted and he has been in, ire conservative in his views. Several years ago Mr. lirad laugh made a tour of the United Slates and de livered a number of lectures. ST KT A II IU Miss Louise Lockwood ISryer. daughter of Mr.

Bonjamin Bryer, of 84 Lexington avenue, and Harry S. Sturtevaut of Portland, were married last night by the Rev. Dr. Bacchus, at the Chin ch of the Reformation on Gates avenue, near Classott, iu the Dreseneo of a large number of rel atives and friends. The church, which was elaborately decorated with potted plants and cut flowers, was crowded to the outer doors.

The bride were a dress of white faille and brocade, trimmed with pearls, and a wreath of orange blossoms, held iu placo by a diamond crescent, the of the groom. A diamond pendant, a present from her father, fastened her tulle vail. The brido carried a bouquet of orchids as she advanced up tho aisle of the church on her father's arm to the strains of the wedding march from "Lohengrin." The bride's sister, Miss Marie Bryer, was the maid of honor and Frank A. Smith, the best man, George B. Ad.

mis, 11. F. Hub bard, J. II. Carlton and G.

P. Dewev acted as ushers and a younger sifter of the brido controlled tho satin ribbon which indicated the path of the bridal party through the church. Following the ceremony a reception was hold at the residence ot the bride's father, where soma of the best known residents df iho hill section of tha city gathered to congratulate tho happy couple. A profusion of daisies, in which at inter vals other flowers wero intermingled, decorated the parlors. There wero many handsoiao and costly presents.

After tho reception the newly married couple started upon an extended wedding tour South. Among the guests present were J. II. Carlton of Portland, E. de B.

Le I'rolion, Franch and Spanish consul at Portland, James S. Sturtevaut, Mrs. George Gibson of Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. Aloxandor Barrie, Miss Lillian C.

Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Bryer, Mr.

and Mrs. John W. Graynor, Mr. aad Mrs. John II.

Caawell New York city, Miss Bessie 11 Bryer, Miss Suaio H. Gardiner, Frank A. Hoyt, Miss Adelo Sturtevaut, Mr. and Mrs. James A.

Sturte yant, Miaa Sarah Bryer, Miss Lizzio liryer, Miss Stoddard and Miss Cowie uf Newport, R. Mr. and Mrs. I. P.

Irwin or Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Bands of Now York; Mr.

and Mrs. Charloa F. Sturtovaut, Mrs. G. M.

Palmer and Miss Lulu Palmer of Koine, N. Mr. aud Mrs. F. W.

Randall. Masters Edwin F. aad Freddie K. Randall, Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred Walker, W. II. II. Hewitt, J. H.

T. West, Mr J. Gooilenough, J. O. Goodenough, the Gardiner and Mr.

and Mrs. James S. Sturtevant. IIIK AJiKEK Of AFnilAXISTAN. London, January 30.

The Calouttacorrespondeut of tlio ffuictdenies that the ameer ia dead. He says that the latest advices received from Cabul are to the effect that the ameer has Deen aufferiug from a dangeroua attack of gout, but is now rapidly recovering. I'bn Eatclo Almanac, Justi Out Oak Be obtained of ton as early aB possible. It is oxDrossed that the remains will be brought hero to morrow morn ing. Telegrams have been sent to somo of the late secretary's relatives informing them of his death.

The news of the death spread with won derful rapidity, and, although the hour was late quite a large number of friends went to the resi. dence of Mrs. Windom to express their sympathy with her and her daughters. No official action will bo taken to morrow. Probably no member of the President's official family was more highly esteemed than Secretary Windom, and tho expressions of sorrow from the President and those of hiB cabinet who are in Washington indicate how highly they prized his friendship aud the value of his counsels.

As the bulletin, announcing in detail the secretary's death, was read to the President, whilo still at the postmaster general's house, ho covered his eyes with his nand and moved away without uttering a word, so greatly was ho moved. He subsequently said that ho regarded it as a great calamity which afflicted him sorely, Secretary Blaine, speaking of Mr. Windom, paid he was a very valuable member of the cabi net and had worked wilh intense zeal Binco lie had entered upon the duties of the office in con nection with finances. Hib death was a groat lo to tho administration. Ho was exceedingly popular with the members of tho cabinet, Mr Blaino said, and ho did not think that one of them had ever had an unfriendly word with him since the cabinet was formed.

secretary Proctor said that words could not oxprosa the fooling that all experienced in the secretary's death. Their personal relations had been most friendly. "Mr. Windom," ho said, was a man of such a pleasant and amiable (lis, position that bo endeared himself to all of Secretary Noble, who also called at the houso during tho evening, said that, of course, the secretary's death was sudden to all. Ho was tho moBt delightful and lovable man wliom ho had evor mot.

1'ostmaBter General Wanamaker said: "If iu tho first break in the cabinet and groat loss to the country. With his graat ability there was eyery quality and graco lo make an ideal man. Everyone loved him. lie had a bright mind largo experienco and a gontle heart. He was the oldest man iu tho cabinet and had the youngest heart." Secretary Rusk waj at tho Wisconsin Republicans' reunion and did not hear of Mr.

Wiudom's death until lato in the evening, whon he at onco repaired to Mrs. Wiudom's houso and tendered his services and sympathy to the family. Tho President, Secretary Proctor and Post master General Wanamaker consolod Mrs. Win. dom with what oxpression of sympathy they could, but each of them was so overwhelmed and unnerved as to be able to say but little.

While the President was at Secretary Windom's ho received tho following telegram: Nkw Yomt, January 20. To the President of the United States Secretary Wiudom, having concluded his speech, and whilo tho next speaker was being announced, sunk down with an attack of heart disease and die I within ten minutes, his death occurring at 10 o'clock. You will know how to convoy too sail news to ins tamily. Signed W. H.

H. Milleii, 1). F. TltACY. Standing with ono foot on the stairs the Presi dent wrote his reply, resting the telegram form on his kuoo.

In effect it said that Mrs. Windom had concluded not to go to New York, but do sired that Secretary Tracy and Attorney General Miller should accompany tho remains to this city by an early train. Ilconveyed an expression of sorrow which the community felt and tho shock the news had been to this city. It was a Bad scene at Secretary Windom's residence. A few friends stood in tho hallway.

Hind heads bowed in grief, while from the parlor they heard tho pitiful sobbing of Mrs. Windom and her daughters. Tho old colored servants, who worshiped the secretary tor Ins kindly traits held thoir handkerchiefs to their eyes whilo they offered a silent prayer for their departed master. As Mrs. Wiudom, thoroughly prostrated by the news of her husband's death, ascended tho stairs to her room, she stopped for a moment as tho President endeavored to speak words of comfort and gavo way to sobbing.

The spectators bowed reverently. Secretaries Noble and Rusk called at the Windom residence later in Hie evening and expressed their heartfelt sympathy for the family in their deep affliction. Mr. Wiatlom's Career an Iroprcucnliui ve, SenatoraadCabiiici Officer. Mr.

Wiudom was born in Belmont county, Ohio, sixty four years ago. His parents were natives of Virginia, who migrated to Ohio some time previous to his birth. He was a typical farmer's boy, working for his father and attending tho common scIiooIh. Ho was rather studious as a boy. Ho went to the academy at Mt.

Vernon, 0., and thou studied law, being admitted to the bar in 1850. In 185:2 be was elected prosecuting attorney for Knox county. Ho moved from Ohio to Winona, in 1855, and iu this Btate he lived iho greater part of his life. It was hero that ho crowdod himself to the front ranks of public men, and it was a Minnesota constituency that supported him to such an extent that he vraa considerod as an available candidate for tho presidential nomination. He joined the Republican party and became known as a stump sneaker soon after he moved into the Btate, and when he had been there three yeara he was sent to con gross.

Ho was congressman for ten years, doing important work. His naino became familiar throughout tho world from tho work ho did in tho committeo on public lands and the committee of Indian affairs, of which ho was chairman, and the snoeial comuiiUee of rebellious states. In 1H70 he was appointed United States senator to fill an unexpired term and was elected to fill tho two following terms. In 1881, whilo he was still in tho senate, ho was selected as secretary of tho treasury by President Garfield. Hero ho showed himself a thorough financier and by ono act ho established himself as a financial leader aud an opponent to Mr.

IJlaiiie, who was also in tho President's uav. Mil without providing for the refunding of somo maturing bonds and tho situation was considers! critical. Mr. Illaino insisted upon the call niftqf an extra session to Bettle the question at in ft 01 an cxti sevCsl' cabino Tha bit and oi .1 Ally, fl cabinet meetings. He was supported by ict tlio SiuitLiy Eagle.

Sunday payee published. Trice.

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