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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 5

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 5

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


WANTED HLEr.P FEITIAl.KS WANTED WAIST HANDS; FIBST class only, who can trim; to thoroughly fjood handa best waea and hineat Beaaou. llACKKIT A McELGiX, IVi Clormont nv WANTED A "FOREWOMAN IN A dres3makius eatabltehiuont; none noed call except those hn have dd such a pORition in a flrdt class houso. A. B. 23 Elm pi.

female ho3pitaU in tbo city of transfer its powerd and property to tha St. Mary's maternity and infanta' homo iu said oity." Tho bill provides that any beanest or devine to St. Mary'3 femalo hospital in any will Jierctoforo made or which may hereafter be made, tihall not lapse booauio the corporation haa ceased to exist as a body corporate, but thfl St. Mary'ri maternity and infanta' home aa the successor of tho corporation shall have full power and authority to tako Buch bequeat or deviae aB if the aanio had originally been made to it. OAllD NICE PLEASANT KOOMS with board all improTomonts; near elevated station.

054 tiroeno av, Brooklyn. BOAHD ON THE HILL 382 VANDER hilt av A third story back room; all modern improvements: nicoly furnished suitable for two gentlemen orpentleiuan and wife; references oxclianged. BmtL)452 OLASSON AV, OPPOSITE Monroo st To lot, with first class board a large, do eirab)e front room, gas, heat and water; ample closet room: terms moderate. BOARD TWO" LADIES DESIRE three or four old invalid ladiej to caro for and board; references exchanged. DKUKY.

caro 1,003 Bod ford av. OARD SECOR HOWlCLINTTrN and Wnrren stf, Brooklyn Do3lrablo rooms and first clapboard for families and gentlemen table boarders Accommo latod. MONEY MARKET. The Condition of tho European Grain Crops. A Dflciency of Ab'snt Fsnrteen Million Quarters The Truck Fariains lHdntr7 ia tlto United Stntos Stocks Opn Strong lint Fall Off ob Kws ef Ooia Sliipmci' ti and then Rocomo liull.

For Later Financial News see Four o' Clock Edition, Sixth Page. Wall Stkekt, Mnrch 17. Tho Mark Lam' Erprcss notod favorable weather fur tho crain crop. In Great liritain, but lcs i favorable on tho continent. In Franco, Spain, UclKium, Holland nnd German) there will bo a cood yearly aveniKO and 7,000,000 quarters of wheat aro imported, a decline of por cent.

AuBtrie, Hunsia, India and America will have to supply 14,000,000 quarto for tho currant cereal year, ovonin tha oront of uood crops. Iu Austria nnd RukvIu there in a promise of a uood yield and in America of fair crops, while in India mi inoreaKo of 1,000,000 Quarters is looked for. It i. i probable that upeculators here will tako advantage of tho shorUce ou the continent of Europe and will neek to advance tho price, iu which cane they will invite tho competition of Hussia nnd India, no they havo heretofore done. iiThe ceriBiis bureau report that orer 100,000, 000 are invested in truck fnrmmi; in tho United States, nnd tlie annual products reach a vnluo of $7U, Nearly 75 per cent, is produeod from a belt alone tlie Atlantic coast lyini; east of a lino drawn frum Augusta, to Macon, from southern Georgia, Alabama and Florida and from the celery districts of aiichiaau nud Ohio.

Stocks onenel strong and the feature was a sharp riso Now York, Ontario and Western, based ution the that tlio Now York Central and tho Canadian l'aeilic were both seeltina control of it. The Alelii.ione were and thero was cood iu the Gould hpecialties. Toward 10 news came uf tho cngauomcut of il, 000, 000 old for upon which the market foil oil', and it was dull with a fairly strong undertone for the nest hour. T'he following sho transaction ooaM this At Pmoiiip Ills Mn Kan A Atob loptettv i dun Fo YCat it 1, 1. too 44i S.rlVii Atlj TopeKaA U.ia 'j tSnr lc Ifkyln Kl tat .1 l'J Col Mi.l Clios.t Ohio OJloO's ilOO IP HlSif i tOllti yd Mhtfi Chi li 4 dab.

11:1 lti.adiiu' ui Den ltio (i is. Fast Tonn 5.. Kriayd WthftUlat. tlouH Tax iu Iron Mt as Lake KiV 1st. 10 Si 1'anl 1011 1st Scimo Vat 1 it 2U i'olAnn Arb.S: Miuii Iril Loais It A A Chienao Tei Iao V.i Worn Va lht.

Wosi A Wofil Slioro 4j Vjiuaali Isl joli I. tc Nnsli 115 MalalOhln Is Mil Lake Sli 1st Mo A 'M 40! y.M. ...10014 of tiia The tatdu the coura3 stock market i ii nioriiiiifj: Oiim ItiKk 77K 8iiM '4 I r.ii'ti 5tJ T'H K)IM 00. ta 45 Ml tit! 1 10's' 10 (is ua KH 10V1( 1. 'l'i la.

a 1 1 av. tvi I Law est. 711 Closing at no)a. 'il inc. Am.

Ilufinini: Co. Am. Kulinini: Amur. (Jot. Oil I'rii.

Atch, Top. A Santa K. OtuntlR I'. iciiiv. Ciinndft Soin h'irii.

Chert. A Oiiio 1st pfd. Rtir. ijnincy. Chic.

Kins Trust O. O. A Colorado Coal Oulavvaro it Ilu.lou.. Wh.h... Denver ltio 4 O.

F. Kriu Hiekln Vnll iT lilinoia I'ential Laktt Slioro Lo'iiivillM Munluittn Il, Minn. A St. i Ivan. A T.

MiHuoiiri I'acilin National Tr i Now York Cmt rd N. Y. dt S. N. N.

Sns. Vo3t. pf North wtiator ii Northurn NortliL rn Pnjimt pf 1. North American Ontarlo.t Oro'ii 1'iH lm: Heading Hiclinmnd Tt Hock IflUnJ t.lyan) St ( nroffrrn i Silver ItulHon IVsas A Pa. tic di ion Pacific; WAheib p'i'ffrroti Vruntei a Uuiia tiii! 6 Hi 77 rosi O'J 711 415 (11 llil win oi'ia j.i 115 no 7 ltS J05 4 Jl' 10" 1H i 7 74 lis vols 44H (it KI4V Itiliii 45 i ''j 115 1 10 71U 111.) 4 HV4 nru in ma 105 7.Na 1H IV IS n7m fid IK! 1 1 IS 4 bt'ii 1H JiU Mi 'l I 115 1 1 I i 7 1M 111..

4 'IK (IS 10 i ihi i 74 a'l" V.i'i 5'1 li. a 1 MS I '( ItitOORl.lS SKCUaiTlHS LATESr Ql'ttTiTIOSt, J. M.ui,;!l 17. Hi AoUol. i oii 107 Allanlicav R.

rt. Cn. toal: 114 171 1011 100 lie) 100 1.10 i 111'! 107 M.l 101 101 ni J. K. 1.

i i ls Allnntluav K. R. 11... 5 p. (i.

hon Hrookln K. II. acU Hrou.ijn('it H. li. t.

5 o. t.oa.i Unsiiwick it. It. o. ijuiia i Itruniia It.

flu. It. It. 5 Inm I H. H.

Ou. 5 o. homls 11. U. MetYtomi It.

it, On 5 in li (j. I. an 1 II. (Smith it) it. ll.

Un. atojlt 0. I. anil 11. It.

it Co. 5 ii. a 1 i K. It. (J i.

o. Ivj 1) Sn. Brooklyn i it. it. k.

Co. 7 o. 1. in li So. Br.iok'rya t'ent.

It. It. Co. 0 p. e.

h. li tiraml st an.l NL It. It. Co. 5 p.

j. boniin ttroolyn lim Co. 'a. oak CitlzoiiH' (Ins 1 1). 5 o.

Imn 1 i nlton Munialpal Has (lo. stoclt I' niton (ins Co. '1 p. o. houa jVIotrorioIitftn (hts Htoak Mi'trupoliicti das Co.

p. o. lirat ti Artssau tii i Co. sf.oi l. 5 o.a.

1 ooplc's tj.i.i (J i. 1 1 (Ii 5 p. bon is I'ooplr'd ias i 'o. ii p. c.

Iiontls lilaun.l'uri.'h Cas Co. stnuk illiaaiiiMintii Cai Co. p. o. oon ts Unioniia, I.

it lit Co.of K. V. (I o. b.l, Unifin (lus l.i llo. 5 coat, bonils.

liiooklyn tunk i o.i Jlroa.lwfly Itriiik siojk Ho ilor.l (tank Coiniiniri ial l.anK lit 11 Av.aino U.t,:k stoo't l'iil Natiorml Itnuk stocll alton Hank st.i tc Iinifh Uonul Bank KtocI Hamilton itinK tana' t. Jtanntaiaiir irs' Built iloak s'an 1 Hank atook M. clianit s' IJ.iik slotit riftK.rin Vat'oaal iNitl.o. ial 'ir, U. iok ito.

Ta nty siith War Banic stocit t.pi Hti Hank stock Bink Brooklyn Tr is! ink Fi ankilu Trait 1 1 Kooa, 'Croat Co. onu Islan 1 I oati ami 1'rusl Co. sloi ir. in flo, sloolt f't ill's Broolilyi lit. i I) v.o il 1 oiik Islan i ifo IJa posit.

Co. stilt Kiiiits Coamv liH'iranoo tjo. 1. In inr.VHV. I Hoi NaBiin Co.

stout. Ph' nix ttu irMioa Co. sio. iVillifiiiiHhinati ltisnrntioo Co stook. A.tailciay oi I.

l.ion Korrv til N. iv Vork ovr ork on B'klyn Matik ipal n''r'l'o r.i'a'h'r I 'd. itlrons' it i. jtotk KinitsCo. itor Siip, 'to.

'I o. a. In ilt Hatl.tisli IV Co. Hp. o.

lion Houtll Mill On. Iirr It i'i. Y. ami S.i. forry t)o.

V. ari.1 So li a 'nrry Ol. 5 i. a. 4 If Union I'urryOo.

Ht por coat. Ii ttu no 10:1 CiO 105 100 tod 101 CIS 10) 1:15 145 101! 100 ItiO 550 1 17 14 tO i.i jro jro 1.1:1 1 .0 is:) CO L'ttO i i'! i.i.j 17) "slid v.sii 1 ltf't IS', lli. i 105 10.) li') I'I'. wig THE DAILY EAGI.E is published overt afternoon on ihe working days of tno wcok autl on SUNDAY MOUN 1KGS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.

810 per year; for six months; $1 por month; single copies cuius: Sunday odilton $1.50 per yoar; postage, included. RATES FOR ADVERTISING. fcOLIU AUATE MEA9UKE3IENX. Per lino. Third faco emits Editorial or Local Partes or, contd price for Composite Lettor Display.

Local Notices, rii'lli cents Ixic.i Notices on h.dltorial anil last pages $1.00 lxci Notices Ht foot of news columns Amusements and Lectures 'Yj' cents T'l centa fcicurmons ,3 cl.aU HOMO apd Cirria rt c0ut9 Advertbioments undor tho following heads, measuring five lines or less. ty cents for first Insertion and .10 cents for each succoHsive msortlon: Tor Sale, To Lot, Hoard, lfnc" coats per lino in excess of Uvo Personals. Marriages. Deaths, Lost and Found. 81 for each Insertion, when not oicoodinB live line i.

Uoliixioas notices, i0 cents for each Insertion of lire lino, orlesl Situations wan, od, malos, cents: fomales, 15 cents. Wo deviation iroui theso rates. Cash in advance in all cases. CORRESPONDING POSITIONS IN SUNDAY PAPER SAME PRICES. Principal office, rnn KAGI.E BUILDINGS.



no havo established agencies for the sale oi tho IiACLB at somo of (ho principal business points in New York City as follows: Afetor HoLhu steps. Back Number Broadway. C. P. Roaxw.joJ, lirand stroot Ferry.

W. 11. Clinch, I South streot. niton stroc and llroadway, Knox Builtllnr. James llf clny streot aud llroadway.

tha Manhattan News Company, on tho Ele vatod ltallrotil. News staiid. at Fulton, Chambers. Wall. Soutn.

Haul ilton. Peek Siip. Roosovolt, Orand and Twonty thlrd street forrlos. And at all the North River ferrlos autl tin Jersey Oity Annox. Grand Central Depot, Forty second nt: waitinc rooms of tho Now York Central, Uarloin and llle New Ilnvuu railroads.

I UK SUNDAY EDITION ONLY. Is for sale c.l I ho ws stands of the folloa intr ho els: Fifth Avr nn 11. Hoffman House. St. Hotel, Ooleman Hons Cilsoy House, Imperial ilntol, llartholdi Hotel, Orient.

ii Hotel and Everett House. THE EAGLE IN WASHINGTON AN!) ALBANY. can bo found on sale in Washington at the news hi the Arlington Hotel, ill lii'oniiiain and Wizard's, and in Albany at thj news iu tho Delevau llo so ml St Hall. washing roN news bureau. 615 Fourteen; a i Xeivspabor Row), Wa dim at on, L.

O. till. IN" F.Utttll'!.. GilliuV I Stales Exchange. II 1, Charinii ati TrnvoUtrtt' Readill Ro I i.auitha'n laa lianao Club, 115 Ne.v ilond alriiit; Oro Amen i pheo; A.

it. I'. Cable News ciicup: I lioui'i Now Brldan, at Son, Ludoato cir'. tts. Loudon li'to Ncrlho.

and iIunroe .1" d. llaukiu t' Jiii Ntiiy', Olnussee d' Autin and rict til Avenue oe i rare; James T. Bat t'reneva, Swtt zet'i i d. and tho Traui.irl iiitlc Exehango, 8 i'rtcdi iclistrasse, v.

It (. that contributions vnnccoiitpanteb vstth Mauw.t ieelopca to guarantee their return if unute uy. nof ypQarded by thuir xci'Uers as worth recon'riiiy. The Eaqle eonna: uiid8f(aW to send back tuch manuscripts. THIS LVKM.MJ.

BROOKLYN, lie icail 'i 1.) tAN's Vat lvties. IN'i i Kit Tho Iron Maxtor. KKrrivate Secretaty. ft: Varietb'. Lost in New York, NEW YORK, sic The Old llomcitead.

ATttit Hicheliou. The Nottitnoe. Jonathan. A Off. Itoro.

SrjtKKi TiiKATKn Irish Minstrel. Ai Ktt Love ami War. a iIousk Thatcher's els. Ilellly anil the 1U J. Coitifoi ts of Houie.

A Xorv.ts. TtlKA'XClt Tito MeKotina's Flirt 'ttioti. r. Wealth. A Straight Tip.

Tiif.ateu Wurnert. Varleiles, I'uw jr of lrejs. 'i'ltic Tho County I EVSNT.i. AMI DION i' Hvdk Lke Avk NovKi.rv Ti Tii fSTAit Xll'l 'S ACADKIV BltOADWAV J' BlJfur i Casino iii Edf.n Mr GAHDf.N 1 GllAM HKUllMA. Lyckum Nim.o's PAr.M::!ts Ti P.tttK 'I'll I Twkntv hi: KTANDAitn KTAH TltttAf! UNIljN Forry Fcv.

dinner ol" tho P.ttr iclr Rocic ty tit' Iho.iKiyit, at tho Hotel Cijore, to nifbt. Loetuvo Ly r.rttrc F. Vallstlc, on "liuuiblet '1'lir Frnnco aii'l 8i.ifu,' eveu int'. tit Turn lit'il, Miinlittttnn uvcntp First I'tiii of the T. aSHOcititioti Wintcr'd Toutonla lir.l 1, Uarri ttveime ttitd IJai tiett stroot, to niu'itt.

Lecture I)? William G. Ft.rlo of Howiird university bL tho (U partraeiit of i of tlie imttitiito, nt the Brooklyn huU'Htti seminary. Montnt'tte att'eet, Ltis ftvotun. ijubjuut, Iliiistvr.t. lecture this cvtuini: Professor J.

E. Dotiton ui tii institute of before the of oiitiiii'. ci inr; of the Brooklyn inst'tutc, in the Y. M. A.

on The Coi.sti'i'.ction of the Nevr Crotott Aiiue Annual invitation ball of the To: E. rence ast at Vfe inlander's a. Court atroet, t.i Second vf set ica of mueical recitals hy Miss Annie Burt fheltis antt iliss Auutie M. Fischer, at 117 Second phicc, this ovenins, at o'clock. lieftdinsr ijy the ll'rincess Jftittlni on Lii 'iiiture," to morrow afternoon, at 3 o'clo at tn lit.

hoiel. Second inviMtton ball of tho Tutti Fvntti base ball and cltib at Turt Sixteenth street, to tttiir. MasTj. of the Surma circle at Sac user bund hall to niht. Lecture tii: evetiinir on li Play" at by Thomas J.

Tiltioy at mouth church. Entertaimtiont br Herbert council Ntr. C. T. at Dr.

litill, nerbsrl stvjet an I land aventf, tt C'IobIiii: ox rcists of the Y. M. C. A. elaoes at hail this evening.

Locturu 1 tho liev, Jotm Xt. Tiidf 1 to nipht on "St. Patrick's Legacy," at St. Stmli 's church, Bumtnit Hi' Ics atreets. Dinuer of the knichts of St.

Patrick rt tho Hotel Bost nn lledford avenue, titi tv Tho Brooi.lyn tociciy of art trill liave a siiejittl of embroitlerits uttd iiovoltio'i a1, it; rooms, 15 Greonc, beyin liinc Friday, IJO, ami continuo: tltroujh next week. Kev. Yt'. V. ill speak lief.nv the Brooklyn literary union lo niyht on "Christianity and Jlrs.

K. A lams will read a jap on "The Women Shui. to morrow, at 10:30 o'c! ck. In the Johuston for the benelit. of too home for consumi'lives.

Beoei.tton of the V. II. tiub ct Bttck 3oy lVo Jtrjlo hall, Much avenue f.a:l Fifteenth strc'it, ilii. evenitifr. Fifk in tho Strong Baptist clinroli this FiitSi' it.

XKi'ItON GF Tlill I Ij. Sis luitial Slow to tho Public The Ken hil. i of yomiK ws or Brooklyn, ftaro its first ii'iolie roct.p ttoi! ai academy, Court and State streets, li eveniiij. The clnb is compo ed of IK.ipIe of t.otlt exes, whoso object to promote i jeial and litcary taites. The affair la oven was ti.or 1 1 3 succeesful and I well for the iu eiforts of Ihe socieiy.

lite Fi.rure and proved very euj ivablo titroii J.Jacob; iio.o direc an I assi tcd iu duiie; hy Jay D. oikart, Morse, Jacob Baron, B. Wolll' and Paul Louis, lilt reception committee included Vi. P. Mian Xiittio V.

an, Xi tiier Mis nor, Mins l. Anna Levy, i. Joseph Olivers of the club ate J. 1 Coifiti pre. iem JUss t'.

Twt i prcsi Al i Levy, vv Jay I). ro.Mi'iUn; se. a ay; ti: Baron, rau: Amoui; pre. nt vtero Mrs. J.

Coieman, Pe. ideufc of VoUlio mt ll'ri ILia ew wit! ilaklyn; Mis J. i 3. Sa! ic i)'. the youn a'.

I iebt ew JL Mtir i Lu a Mi.r r'. ('. WoliT, A. Levy, y.i, A. L.

vv. B. Wolif, MHs ii. J. Ba.s.

J. L. Joai it. a' uKart, Mass Atii i i uuml Julia I' il ia Mi I'iora l' x. Miss Ba I'lora jii aiits liaiti laisscs i.V.ia aa i Bay iMarks, Bet.j a aa the a e.

Kf atl ja Z. tie: Mhrc C. aaa Anni Canto: M. J. Misj F.

ii. It. J. Mi C. JMefard Jaa and i).

Mewui David Sv 1 iij.non 1. Davis. Miss K. li as Aia a Sadie aoio.aa.., a At a.a.i'e Mr. an 1 I i naiou a Jtr.

an i Mr. A. Mitnh Ila Miss i. joyen, aavalJa A I li. D.tTU.

i Ir. Mt Ti.eiiael Jouej, A. iiiid. Mi ji. Jac a ii: L.

a't'a f. Mariitt, S. a M. 'S. ikon, Mi M1 a Gen Colaaa I.

W.e an 1 Levy, Mr. 1 Mrs. i)avi', Mr. an.l Mrs. LhiMi I)avi I.

Lavis, I. A. Wenier, d'rs L. Wer it. Jo jab Miss Mary C.dair.

Miilf.a'J, j'hnaia jltiii'ord, H. Ny. C. franar ort, M. 31.

Mi B. Twoivc: TK Hi Mii. A onlei tiuniuiuit Te'l Mr. Jl.irry Uy ho Jl iut tvv: niht, A tl.e 1 friontlri of M.irioii aaen led, vir' well p'jrl'onnaiioo ry hi'n chiraotcr. 'l'h prorftiiima hu.m witii a huli' hour ol iuyvf aud Fi VooJ.s, v.

ho ia body huw could m.i'i tlii.i and I'll ills L'CClt illitl Cll). 'lillSjU followed, with uvlto rocit.i ti jji.s; f. Abrtuna sani; mimer sclo To.i w.u decidedly haiuo: ILn ry Kftveral popular i S. lma i veciuJ. hoiuor iu S. Hid iil.tur diircr Mit arid HI Miisr. lw.rd J3rock Irdinorun.i di tlt: iwitiiuun: nnd sTpf J. jj. Kerr playad till ijj of in 'iitiK'M TJockatu danced thtt sidri i Oorjip.rly and trilbert aud danced and IIj jc, "'on Koso coucludc.l tlio ont 'itiinuiiufc with a if. tcli eulitlod, "Tat Thin to Yoiir tr." Pfiucini: to by l'rtjfesjr OilrieiiV.

crohestra. a aiLL becomes t.viy. AmortL' tin, bin that became lav.v ycN 'rday was Senator Jj.cnbs' to amend chapter 3 .3 of thulawa fl88y.eiitiiIodMAi;act to authorize ihcSt.Mary'f rfiO LET FLATS SINGLE, 7 AND JL P. rooms; all improvements, co janitor, 411 State 8t, near Nevin.t. fWXM' I'LATSIlgiSTLLIM JL provcment.s; 0 roomH and batli.

Pitt lin av, near Broadway, off ut ttold or Koajiuslto staliun. ripO LT ATS JK AVT TOWN UY OAUY A HTKVENSON. 1'ultrm at: US Ilcorjr st, tiiir flat, 7 rand bath, all imp SiW.OO I'M Fulton at, tiratjlat, (1 rand bath, all imp. H.OU ralO LET FLAT 33(J SUMNKH AV Elegant third flat, 7 it.omB and batli, all improve inentB. vory de.iirablo local 1 rent IH.

Apply to oiruor, iu Btoro on promisos. frum 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.

mO LKT AT VTbM'iTAPAIlT ment house, Grand a. v. corner TJateri; olovator, etoam coal, telephone, degraph and raetisenijor call; pleasanteat. apartment houso In Brooklyn. Apply to GEO.

II. (iOOK, 0 Broadway, Now Vork. mOLIflT PLATS HANDSOMELY I)EC: orated on Vandorbiit av, near road and five linos of surface enrs; 7 roomH and bath; all improvements; all light rooms; special inducements; only tight minutes from Brooklyn Itridgo. J. 0 KTOALKE, 400 Myrtle av.

rjlO LET FLAT.S THE NEW," HAND JL BODio. commodious and light flats, steam heated, 741 Maruy av, 7a teot from Tompkins Park; 0 rooms; all improvomonts; reut to Nosirand av elevated station thirteen minutos to bridge. ApDly to anitor. TO LET PLATS BEAUTIFUL 8 ROOM flats in Oceanic Iluildiug, Fctlton st, between Rook away and Stouuuvs; only twenty two minutes to bridge inside and corner llats from $18 to ig'JO. Janitor on premises, or TO LET PLAta IE YOU WANT AN apartment of any description call at headquarters and save time aud money; over throe hundred on our list.

HAV1LANU A SONS, 300 CI as son r.v and U.S'i Pulton st. mo LET PLATS IN BROOKLYN OUR own property, at 1 tl, $'J0, and within litteen mliiutea of the New York Post Office. Inquire of N. T. SPRAGUE, 14 Platbnsh av, Brooklyn.

nnO LET PLAT.S A VV JL ninfrlo flats for tliroe families; rooms and bat hf with privato halln. eloctrto bel's: all iinorovcra'mts; janitor's tervico. Owner, J. It. STOHV, on premises.

43 Tenth street. TonCBTKL ATS IS LBOASTS llRts. steam hoatutl, rooii, all improvement, olo tnc btdis, 1,1 IK, 1,1 1.1:1, Fulton Bt, near ranklin av fatation possession. Ap on promises or to II. (J.

VAN AUKEN, 71 Rroailwaj. New York. rfiU LET PLATS ON PROSPECT PARK B. bill, near Sixth av. lid Prospect pi, beautifully loraunl btoivn btono 10 tooioB, all boated, neicliborhootl lirr o'ass: nveniont to all Tries; im mtdiato Apply on prctnise or to H.

O. Vrt 71 New York. rf0 LET FLATS DESIR A I3LE PLATS on Ctimhorland st, ii ontin Fort Oioono Park boau tiful location 7 rooindoach; all improvemttnts, janitor service, etc. poossiou at onco; roduujd. Apply to jauitor, 1U1 Gutuberlaud bt; owner, XiJi) VanderbtU ayenue.

rf0 LlW jrESIG 3 od for a nfi or doctor, having it own main hall steam heated, in tho now apartment houso, Myrtlo and Waverly ava other tiatB in main house. Inquire of S. YUUNG, lyrtle and WahiiiKtou avs. HMO LET PL ATS RI VER SIDE: new buildings: fireproof Ktairci.ccs; ail sun lighted rooms ei. arato water ivt, and tub for each apartment; Private nark; only a tew choxu rotti stiil vacant; rent: to 4 send for illustrated pamphlet.

Agent JtivurH'do, '20 dora'omon nAO "LET KLATS S28 TO" i5 PER JA. month; location in th city; PI!) OeKalbav, frontiiq; 1 orl liretmo park; 7 rooms and bathroom, with every modern improvomant halin an.l trairi turuiahod with nioouelte c.rpets; ianitor, etc. Apply on premises, or to GKOltGI'I II. HliUWN, Court street. Fp I.CT TTT'iio VliR fi.

month On Prehiden, sl, near fifth av pood location eh'ttatit flats room ami hatliruom; alllinhtel; every modern improvonicnt, dumb wtiiter, eh ctric bells, spt aking tube.) throuiihoui; door opeu hrdis and Htair. i furnished with moiiutitto carpots, lifjiitod. Apply to janitor. President Hat. rjncTLET JI.

anaitmetn Kensington Saratoga; suits of looms haudoiuoly decorated halls heate excellent janitur Kirvico every room liKht; possession at once; tents rciluiol. Apply to janitor, on pieinit es, 450 and 4D0 'I hroop av. or PAUL O. GKENING, 42.1 Gates av; oj(mi TO KT PL ATR )Cf jlS" 8 ALL Improvomn'n; in those new story bao meut prlvjitu hoitse i only two tamilieH in each hoirs line location lifteen min tiles from throe ferrim. twenty minutes from bridge by clovatiMl road.

Owner on pr 'mist's, 1 ,1 HO llnl. oy at, two blocks trnm Ilaint at elevated station and llroadway, open Sundays, r() LET PLATS P1RST AND SECOND flats in the Hrcwster, WnahlnKton av, between (iri'ono and Gates avs all modern iinprovo ami 'innace hea. privato hall; bath, electric litiliti; services all lijrht d.ecorated yard in rear location un G. JJ. IlltHTZ, Pt unk tin lini.iiinH, IStI Keinon ht.

Or lilt Jauio i pi, near rt. nno LET PL ATS C. P. IIEY VA1Id754 Park View, 7 arid bath.decorntod intoriaKen, iiraivi h.itn, uccor.itL x.t.av Gccili.t, rand b.tfb, il UlUM la Junta, 5 rand bath, dc oratetl JiM.OO Sunny Shlw. 4 tiibti, i.

nirt.r servi. etc Throop and Putnam avs, (i and b.ith Jifi.tJO Tompkins and Gatos av li audbath iintl Mar.y avs. (i and path JtlbOD GreoiiC an.l Sumr.T av 7 an! io.iin heated 40.00 Tia LET APA RTMESTH VHNDOIWE noire corner on suit al! rooms; olevator. ti itm heat, and me: Grand av, witca shown oniy by permit from GEO. H.

COOK, 50 Broadway, Now Yorrf. mO LET APART.MJCNTS WASHINO JL ton av, comer date. corntir all im lirovtunents, rent also ono corner l.ufay. tt" av and itycr. 'n st.

the Evuritt. steam hcato t. Ilat, rent $40. Apply to y. II.

WltAV. fi st, corner Botlfortt av. THE ELE i cant apartment house ii" Oninrynt, Xostrand eitition, ontaiiiintf irior, library, innsio rooni, chambdis, kitchen, iiii'iK, bath oorvants' room el vator, steam heat, telephone. Owner on premises. rglO LET APARTIENTS JIANDSOME apart jnta in the and If enH'nt'iu, or it rooms; haate privato hallf, 4t, door also back htairti for servant all Huht rooms; ono block from two elevated hint ions or suv'tico linen.

Iuiuiiouf HKOiit, 33d Ent.iyetie av otiico, J00 iitotiben st. r10 LET APARTMENTS IN TIIi" ji. bort, 5J3 1 firoonn av, the finorit and best arranged fiats in tlm city nil outside liyht rooms ervanis' stairs and inib waiio separated from livin rooms by brick walls; wood mi i coul lut'iiidiied for ranges rooms beared throuho'it; janitor at all times In attendance; take Lexington av to Grccuu av station, inquire of janitor. KT APA TtTMENTS TIIE Bltr? voort apartment house, cornor Fulton Bt and Bedford av, Brooklyn, entrance on Brovoort pi, tinot bulldine in Brooklyn, is now open for inspection the Brovoort contains all tho modern improvjiiieii: a restaurant, steam heat, two Oils elevators and ojectilo apcTiiiiir and oiectrio buds in each apartment call and ceo it. HO LEI LOFT OOliN'KR SACKETT and Nevins tilt third ift.

1 Ol) fn 't. soioire lbdir, nn all sides; sLcam power aud elevator. rniO LET PII )TOO RAlM rOALT7rcit A JL photograph estaldished for the hist thirty years and in biminoas jtbico. 117 Sni'ih st, in qnire within. nnO LET STORE PLti 6 RAN I ST JL loft, 33" Adams ritToyevher or eeoarato iinmo diate possession.

liKjuiro ot lli.NUV A. KOEUS, 33. Adams st, Brooklyn. mO LET PIjOORS 2 UI'PKR FLOORS 01sr, in factory, comer Marks and Underbill avs; lirepruot tults, abundant power. Apply on or to GEO.

W. luboity pi. Now York. mo'LET PJjOORS IN ONE JL ortv.o iloor', with or without power; well Jtl ou ll riitloH; i.e ot elevator; iojiif if desired; lll and r.Vi Willouffltby st mWc: 74 Court st. A.

P. A'l VEXS A O'b TH10 LET WITH P'OW Jl. l'jrst and 1 lo ts, raeh 30il'30; ground tin ir, '2'i al 4 tory brick budlmst, 10. also a. id ebjv.itOr.L on pntmb'oa, 2uti Plymouth or CAUV l'J UN, llij hui ton st.

rpO LET FA Z. prr.i'.'..' ty, c.Mitrally lots oi did i i 'i Milt 0 eout OUY A 0 (.) City :) iS'jbermurhnr 4 a repository or 4 elevator; idorie inh ou icnt'. a reckon to a li'tii to GEO. hiruiiFlELD, inert. orii tt.

TC KJ 5' Cfi 52 J25 It '3 TRIO Til LKT HOU.SES FLATI3U8H (JOT t.s bi best locations, furnirhod and a tew ery coitao and It dldiiK for si'o on easy rms. Apply to JOHN l'iaibush av, up jiositc G'aiou, I'ia loih. IpU i i iu SES ORAN FO Ji. Nov. derH' (i jmr il Railroad, forty five mint.

tin fmm Now York, four from depot; so ii room laundry lino" batiiroom; yt acrei (. ardun, fruit, slaltle, co.v hou.Je, nood wtttei cl. one.v rooms aud hath lcoiu, Hanitiu jtlumbin and ove ryihiiu: 11. ho ciata. iiLpiiro of K.

d. ELY, 7:2 Broadway, Now York. L. il. ELY, Oranford, ii.

J. rgO LE STORES PAKLOJ I SIIO7 room, nsw front, est locality on tho Ilili; attractive from Pulton st two iloura above if desired. Inquire ai i I Laiayeuoav. rgO 'LET STORE 321 COURT ST JJ. Plate occupied as a barber sbop; also and tliird iluui; lii class budnes.

jdnce. to Molhor or mpaiutuly liom I.I ay 1, Apply rpO LET CORNEK SfOJlE FOH Ji. provision meat imtrk'H, etc. plat front; opuo. lte Wi.sou ir.o pier.

tii'm and teoplo in vnt 8.l pcrmomh: mm i fo, ilhiHtrr.ted pamphlet. Affeut rJor o.uon si, ilronlyn. r'310 ST(JRE RAKEIvY, 3 Va' 'ft TDu a wit i.o cieam parlors, colla. lirht chtobo Lpiendi coo 1 prtitji. HAYiLAM) 3D.) Mavon av.

rO J)RES EIJEriANT, LAROE7 Jl. v. 41 liirbte 1, 1,1 KS, 1.V2 Vn ton st, 1' t.v tilaiiou; I hreo cmi i li own into 0:20 store immo.ii.Lte pobseadon. Appiy premises tr to il. C.

YAii 71 llroiidway. Now Vork. rrnO LET STORE SEVENTH AV, OOR IL nor Secoinl at; nc wr.nJ rb iirabio lo. n. tn for any bu.iiiie..s 0 plaio; puir.e ji.m teJO.

O. M. CRAUI JOEY" REAL EriTATK 0) Limit 1. 'OV rpo Liit" ST i i ay a fev fl. tore.i in Ote.n.ib; Iliihii'i hoi Lt.r.'ar io.

ka nv, v. id' wi'i roi.ivd Ht ifib'c p'i: at a rent unti: h.i It to en nrcuii or iV ii ti I i iTtii nvfiiue. I K'3' Ji i ''2 zli Vi, ATAirrMENTS IN PIHVATE si housj. wn by V.r eery I; if includ ii i i dr ery u. ionre inr (ion itud wife, or a Flint! t.t ifts tnly nr; "out, iiich.di.i heat, ner ni'inth.

iS'tT) lii. r.v. i i i nos SALE PIANO 0L85 UPRIOJll fi. new; i teriiis; Sttluway; b.iriin. Wl i 'Si'' I2i', 'JUS tit; opeu iu; OH SAL AN! )S SI, IT Ji.

Grand, fi 1 piauort 'e'j monthly pa mcuU. Ufi'ULE'ri, Pulton at. 1 SA Pf A VO A Mil I II pianos; and s'. on.l hn l.t. RiMt f.t: o.

ut. prices, eji tuj: tc. Ic 'ir. iy ion jo Now York to buy your pitny. IIOItAOii WATEKJ A 00., loi Fifth ar.

ueav ii.hij ntli nt. Xow Vork. SALE PIANO FAM.LY Ll, IL mu i 'ell their upright i now bint Joly cost 1) and lolly wnn il by i very d. luipi ovomontK, e. peifoci In ever prico f.P 0.

i Juniior in to. million (ntdiC'iS OAt lOl'A, oii o. oE s.iij.: pasot'jcei'B'v. ITtOlt SAli la To US ANlV "Oitou I corner ol Cbirlitiou und ava, I'hicbtj. ih ho has all imiuo orients, 2 library, din.nroom, kitchon.lj bath briok In: r.a:ira,v bolls, brm.s ana ii a tares; uyoriliims completo ior a homo.

Apply to HE.vuy w. court st. "OOR SALE HOUSES AND TO AT fi Uppor iMonrr.1T, N. h'bes! an 1 cd trogt ticbiirboi York; elevation 40U letd, co. bitriier the "Ojiuii.

100 iQ'it lii ut 1 iir sitiuitud on tbe eastern slope ot tho thirteen miles by thu Erie. Send for lhr to W. II. PAU.iOS. OOico opposite depot, Upper Mont HALE FARMS SMALL FARMS JL? and Imiidius oti at Wtnlow, N.

J. low pi an easy tonus; luvKhy and delight! ul climate; iad roadf; direct commuuRa' ion with i'hila lelpiiia. New Yo; and u'ery Now Jersey coiht resttrf ree md for ies. i'or nlan.i au 1 aopiy to or address WILLIAM H. POX, Proii lint.

Win slow. N. M. IL HAGEftry, IWoetor, 10 I'lutt ht, No Vork or ,1. II.

Onatrman It. E. (lummittee, V.lii Walnut st, Philadelphia. On luisoo av, JOOxtS.i, with htram po er. In ((itrcof MAY, LEV' A itAY, doiin Jou Av laughter lloiiae, I OR $AL ii lAJTViAYC' 1 00X125," northwest corner Macon st aud Pa'chcn av also, plot on llroadway a'so, Newtown propoity.

Addrcui OWNEll, Box 1, Eaalo olllce TPOU SjLE L)TS Ht and Third nv, HOxlOO: al fiOx 1.00 on Stalo st, noar Bond; elegant buiidlnif terms easy, but mubt bo Lold. DLJKOAX. it) lUira Urooklyn; bofora li nr avtur P. au Chnnibcrmnlds and Waltrcsaes. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM hermald and waitres.

or to do licht houaework. by a Gorman girl has good city references. Please call for two a ays at 101 nanus at. nrrft noor. i ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bennaid and waitrofis.

bv a vountr cirl willinc and obHginjr; has good reference. Call fbr two days at 00 Carlton ay. Brooklyn. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bormnid and waitress in a nrlvato family, by a younir Hootch girl. Please call foP two days at 24li Van dorbilt av; ring janltor'a boll.

WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid in a private family, by a roapeetablo young Gorman girl: host references. Pleaso addrosa A. Kafflc av. branch. 7ANTED SITU ATION AS A bermaid and waitress, by a respectable clrl: is capable and trustworthy; has nrid rnfnnmnnii: HO oh joction to a Doardinfl; houto.

tion io r. pel ye et. loaso call or addrosa 70 ttai WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM hermaid and waitress, or chambermaid and. sea Bfroas, by a neat, reliable young Swedish girl is willing and obliging and can famish best ot reference. Please call at 4K1 Pacific st.

WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM l.ernittld and waitress in a strictly privato family, br asuperior young nirl willing to asnlBt with tho wanning If roiinireJ no objection to leaving the city. Please call for two days at 700 Sackett at, second flat, left; no cards notiood. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bormnM nnrl nitron nn tiLbti a at a of children, or elderly lady or as a seamstresn, by a Pioteatont German woman; food city roteronco. Please call for two days at 51H Vandorbilt av, in tho Btoro; no cardu. WANTEI) SlTUATION AS A CHAM bormnid and waitress, br n.

rospoctablo would like to go in country diiriiJB Summar; has pood oity ref eroneo. Please call for two days at lli8 Uikoman st, near Van Brunt no answered. WANTED SITUATION AS ACHAM bermaid and waitress, or to do general housework maoniatl privato family, by a young colored girl; can give good city reference. Callat or address TJ1 Navy at, top lloor, K. HUOK.KH.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stalrs work, by a young girl of 17. Pleas call at 17 St. James pi. 57 ANTED SiTUATION Btairs work, by a rc.ipectablo young girl; host city reference. cnll for two days at Myrtle av, near Clermont; 6ocond boll.

i WANTED SITUATION TO DO" UP stairs work in a small family, by a respectable young girl. Please call for two days at 351 Court st, seoomi lloor. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP MliLir jwnrlc nnii mnlt' hni Mdlf nnoful. bv a resnecta ble yo inK' Sweli di clrl; has good city reference Call for two days at Court st, second floor. 7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP Hlaiiswork and plain sowing, or would like to do bonework in a small family, by a young girl; has good reference.

Please call at H23 Carroll Bt; no cards. RANTED SirUATION TO" DO UP stairs work and wait on table, by respectable young woman. Please call for two days at 41 Herkimer at, Brooklyn av ANTED SITUATION T( DO UP Vy stairs work nnd waiting and assist with children, ly a young 'rl is willing to go in the country. Call tor two days at 01) i Piicltto ht. ANTED sTffcATION TO DO THE upfitaiis work in a private family, by a young Kor weailau girl; references If ro.iuirod.

Address IIS faum mit st, Brooklyn. art tr it and rimer. WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, by a young woman; uinler jtands first class French and English cooking. Ploabo call at or addret (KM A Uaitic st, city. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, wanner and ironor, by a rospectablo yonng colnrod woma i.

with best city roieroucjs. Addio or can at 445 ilud.J in av. RANTED SITUATION AS A COOK nnd laundress, bv a irirl who understands hor busi ness; no objection to a boarding; has goon city roferoncotj. Call for two days at 1 17 Wyokoft st, gocoiid floor, front. Tn7ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK 7 and to nssiet with tho washing in a Kmall privato family, by a reliable steady woman is a class baker of bread and pastry; beit of Call at Pulton Bt, utore.

757 ANTE TUATION AS" A COOK and to do thu plain washing, by a neat, experienced woman; willing and obliging: no oiijoction to tho country; of roleronco. Pieaio call at 134 Third av, sucoud lloor, over store. WAKT'BU SITUATION AS "A COOK, or to do general housework in a Rma'l privato family, no children, by i Swudith girl, six years in thi country; wage? $lti nood leforcncoa. 45 Floyd st, near Nos trand av, lirst tloor. OT ANTED SIT ATION AS A GOOD co ik and laundress, by a yo inv girl has good city reference.

Call for two days at 18H st. ANTED ITU ATIO AS A GOOD in ashing if 1 in a privato family: has the boat of city rufenmce, Ple.i:0 call for two days at 15'iM Colombia at. AN'TRD SITUATION AS A OOOD plain cook, washer and irouer, by a young girl; has first class city rofLronco. Please call at b5'J Myrtlo av, in tho store. 757 ANT SlYSvTION AS AGOOD cook and laundros, by a Swedish girl last employer can bo uoen wuge.j 31H.

Pleaso call at 45 Smith st, in baker's s.oro; no ANT I SIT AT I ON ASAD I It or order conk in a restaurant, by a girl has no oli jeetion to a idans boarding has the beat of city referunse. Can be soen unt il suite 1 at llari tsou stroot. 7ANTKT) pei ience'l cook, or would couk, wah aud iron for a small fauiily. a rfupeetablo girl; haa the best city rnfepmce. Please call at 450 Park av, near Franklin, top lloor.

7ANTKlV SITUATION AS'IfJAU'E" timt cool; nni laundress, by a woman. Please call for two days r.t present employers, St. James pi. ANTED SITUATION AS A COMPE ut cook, washer ami ironsv, by a respectablo young woman, lias good city references. Call for two days at Hudson av.

top lloor. 57 A NTED SITUATIONAS A FIUST class cook, by a respectable young woman; nndor stftnds hei bo hiutss; has good city references. Call for two days at 401 State st. VT ANTED SITUATION AS A EIUST cbiHs cook in small family, by a rnspe tablo young woman, would help with washing; has good city references. Ctill for two days at 1 1 7 North Portland av.

57 ANTED SITUATION AfTA i'TRST class laundr 'fis. or would do cooking and washing, bv a Gpeotable young girl can furnish tirnt cluss city refen ncos. Address li. Ha.lo oitico. 7 ANTED SITUATION AS FIRST class cuok and laun, by a yo ing girl; best city reference, tor two days at 485 Hicks at; no cards.

'ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class in ti privato family, by a respectable young woman; best city reference Apply for two days at 81 Congi iSi st, second tloor. AN I SITU A ItITn as" a first clas'co iii a boarding houdn, l)y woman; thoromdily compoteut: would assist with washing; has good i efureucej. Call for two days at lliidtoii av, near Myrtle, basement. ANTED SITUATION VS A "FIRST ola js cook in a small private family, by a girl no objection to the country best of city roreronco. Cnll for two days at 7211 Butler ut, corner Chiton av, third lloor.

fANTEI SITUATI()N AS A PLAIN cook, washer and ironor, by a respect iiblo wo nan or will do hous jwurk in a small family; bo city refer eueus. I'leate call at 'J41 Naiy near DoICulb av. ANTED SITUATION EAUN7 drus? and assist with np tairs work thu latter part of the by a competent young girl no objection to tho country ior tho iSuminur months. Please call oo or addrea LA UXiJKK.iS, HSU UeKalh av. ANTED SITUATION TO COOK, wah and iron, or would do housi'work, by res iect abio woman; has the best of diy d'oi euo fvin her last piaco.

Can bo seen at ut, In the storo. VT ANTED SITUATIONS ONE ASA cook, washer and itourr. tlie otlior as a first dads lann Ireas, by two respeotabln girN; sepiraif; lC3t of city rou nice from last employer. Ploaso call for two day sat 4 iUJIicka at. (tnerul Iloicjeworlt.

ANTED SITUATION DO GEN ernl housework or as by a woman. Call at 2,2 titato st. ANTED TO DO'OEN oral liousewoik, by a smart young colored boy. Address or ail at 'I ahumi st. D.

ON' ICS. 'if ANTED SITUATION TO DOTTliN7 eral housework in small family, b.v a young Nor ifOiian girl. Itupelyea st, Brooklyn. ANTED SITUATKJN TO DOTOEN7 err.l lioutiework, by a ronpeutable young Scotch girl. Call for two daya at 444 av.

AN TE IT ATI TO 13 0 GEN oral houework, by a Cerman girl good cook aud laundress sleep home. 07 7 Cates av, Brooklyn. Wr ANTED SITUATION TO 30 GEN erul honsov.ork, by a young girl. Plea io call for two days at in st, Brooklyn no cards. TAN'J'ICD oITUATlON TO DO GEN: eral housework, by a resno.

table young eolured girl. Please call for two days at 1,004 Fulton st. Ti 1TANT ii SIT ATIO TO 1)0GEN housework In a small privato family, by ro fipuo table young irl. Cuil ior two at pr'esJiit etu ployer'e, Putnam av, noar tiraud. XJ ANTED SIT ATION TO" DOG KN oral ho iowo in a i mall Amorican family, by a young Swedish girl.

Pleas call at 05 Fourth av, top (loor. ftftT ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral hons jwork and plain cooking, by a rc.ipecta ble middle ae I womaa; has nood city refc. eiices. 147 Twenty seventh at. anted toTdo" gen oralhousowoi in a small tair.ily, by a respcctablo young girl bos' of reference.

Pleaso call for two dayt; at 7i Fort i ir iw pi no cards. ANTED enil iu a sm.ll fair.ily, by a woman; good re Call fur two days at iS.i st, in iiloio; no cards. ANTED SITUATKIN TO DO GEN 1 i' ra housework, or would do ohamberw.irk an 1 waiting, a r. speetab! young girl has" gjod city refer once. Call for two days at ISo Sackuit st.

ANTrCD SITUATION TO DOG eral houeowork in a family, by a Kwudi3h giil. Call Wudiiei.lay at iiackotL st, Brooklyn, top lloor. nTANTED slTUA erjtl housework in a small family, or will cook, wa and iron, by a re. no; two days Hi f'iiird av, in svore. i'AN riiO SITUAlOo'nO OE eral lion 'work, by a young (Icrman girl; a pla' cook, unslicr and irouer and has good lrom last place.

Plea. call at 'ili'J Snokt st, Btojklyn. WTANTED SITUATION TO DO tiEN ertil or do downstairs wurk in utnn'1 lanuiy, oy a rcnectaiiio yimug girl. I'luasr) call .17 ANTED SITUATION TO DO (iEN eral bo by a respo dablo yo is a gnu il t'n cook, and; ha 1 city reier e. call for two days at 1104 lloud st; no rvrANTED SITUATION T(J DO GEN" M'ti' h'Hi.

vwork for ftindly of adults, by a yo Uoiim.u girl. A iJrosj 11. Faglo Bcdturd brunch. "6 AiiTEi SIT ATION TO IJO 'i a young an girl; Iwis food city of renter Cail iur two dys nt 0 Kapolyo st. ANTED IT AT TO DO'CEON eral houaework for a privato family, by a ro opec.atjl" yo.

girl; will bo wi'lin iind can get good refereni o. PIosbj call ior a. 441 Wur fon noar Bond, 7ANTEV.r TutuaY 7 oral housework, by a rnspocLiblo woman; is a n'a'in wa h'jr and ironor want to gyt with a ntco pUin family. Call lor two days at 500 Soveutcuuth st, Brooklyn. ANTED eral housjwork in a nice, plain family, by a re spL ctablo woman, is a good cook, good washtt, and honor; has bes: city refcrcncL's: modoratj agoo.

Plea call for two day3 at at, near Hoyt. V'TANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowurk, by a roopoctablo woman a good plain cook, wnshor and ironer; wonhl prefm to livy iu the bi tgdod reference; is willing and obliging, PIo.iso cull at 11 itato st, basement lloor. 'rtTANTBft SITUATION T()1)0 OKU eral housnwork or up it airs work in a small family by a voting girl that is neat, willing anJ obliging 1 can get or' city reference if required. Please call for two day to 171 Kuokett st. VJ7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT by r.

yotm rioolch girl. Call for two days gt luiii, nt. AN li I'FU ATI ON 1X3" DO LIGHT l)o u.nwork, by a rospocta'do has goo city Ctdl for two day.i at U5 Columbia Bt, near Baltic, top lloor. ,7 AN TE if "ATION TO LIGHT housL'wo or to ashist in gauerftl housework, by a girl. Call for two davs at 3,0 Pacitlo al, first door, V7 A NT EDITUAT ION TO DO DKiiif VV l.oisowor by a respectable young Swedish, girl has i t.o i ciiy rm'ereuces.

Call ior two days at 047 Catca avenue. ta si'r uat Ion7 do lYght hfy.isw.voi'k and with children in a private family, by a rospo tabbi young girl, (1 years old; can furnish good city referonco. Please call fot two days at 1.080 Fa st. WANTED SITUATION TO DEEP IN general housework, or lo take caro uf children, a rospectablo young girl 18 years ao, not long in tlio coinitry. J'ioaBo call for two days atiJH4 Paoiflo el, ANT ED SITUATION TO DO THE housework or upHtaira work In a small family, by rospoctablo woman, call at 01 Dolialb ar, 71 OR SALE HOUSE 42 STERLING PL 1 fl atorV.

hifh Hfnnn hmirn nlinn Oflvjlfl fmat. wtl uiit and In (rood orior; prico X7IOR SALE HOUSE NIKTH HT, NJ5AU Fifth ar fnr frame dwnllinBiS foot lot. qu qt Loy ei't tc court at Xttll SALB HOUSK Ott KXOHANOK Anooil chrinoi to build lonro tlat Uous'j and lot ui host part of Jay st: hoa6fi Is Hruall lot 'ax 107 0 frco and oloarAddross A.JJ., Uox 4, L'airld oIKco. IjlOB SALE IIOU315 A JI. rented, for downtown double flat, 2iz74x 00 almost now and in tl no order; ail improvotncniH OKO.

E. LOVLTI' Court at. OR SALE HOUSES OR TO LET7 with or without extra ground; ntonn, brick and frame; Twenty third and Twonty fourth ward. C. J.

SAXUS, 1,1 0 Pulton Bt. TfOR SALE HOUSE 3L8 JAY RE" 5 twoon Myrtle av iind Johnston nt, for this this 3 Etory ana uasoim nt nricu aweiiinir, 100. tu. r. i i uu 50 Court nt.

HTIOK SALE HOUSE PRINCE STVN 15 AH fi. Fulton Frarno dwollintf, rented at prico loot iront. oiiU. it. LUVi.IT, Court street.

FOR SALE HOUSES 2 STORY ARTIS tio stone fronts, woo imntols; 171 and Decatur st. noar Sumner av; always open: eacy terms. Inquire on promises or of ownor, G. ll. STOUTENIJURG, Jolferaon a v.

piOR SALE HOUSE Sl.OOl) CASH IS all that ia required to buy ono of tlio hantlyomo it 2 story and basement briok hotidos in Uedford district, lirico 7.000; situated P.irlr pi, wost of Bedford av; onco daily. TALBOT'S, l.L'tiO liodford av. F()U) ALE HOUSE HaLSEYTST 7HB tweon Throo:) nnd Sumnor ave Klo ant 'A story lil'h atoop utono direlling i prico term. oaRy. I.

PHCKNIX INGHAIIASI ,1 I Uoiiar st, New York City. "H7 71 OB SALE HOUSE 155 iJKRGEN ST i' Il etory bric. dwellie. lloase: liaudsouiclv decorated niodorn plumbinK; se.Tcr ventilntiou prl03 Apply to L. BLUJIkSaU, ltil Smith sl, or at tho house.

Oil SAD3 HOUSES ON ALL THE streets and avenues in Bedford sm tmn. tuw Men Comor Fulton st and liedtord av. SjlORSALE HOUSHS OLO COLONIAL, lean at, near Bedford avj artibtic homrcH; best vMu Inn lot the monoy in brooKlyn clioico location excellent neighborhood. d. I'or terms, otc, apply GEO.

II. COOK, i)0 Ilr. to atlway. Now York. TJ710R SALE HOUSE OR LEASE 1G Hponcer pi.

nuar Fulton at, 3 Btorios and baseinonl brown stono, 0x4r10D; 10 rooms; choico location; twenty minutes to Oily Hall, Now York. Apply to owner, M'Si 'ator Bt. Now York, from 10 till 2 P. M. IOH A I i USES 1 09 1 1 1 DKCA A tur st, lr ar Buumer av, ono block from inpcs Co.

olevat id station; mo own utono hmihua, (ls45xl0t); P. rooms hard vood fiuish, hard wood mantol and mirrors; InrK'J mirrors In front parlor; brick inriKico tn collar, open Sundays. WIUjIAM SHI ill) EN. Decatur st. OR SALE HOUSE A 2 STORY AND lf.iir rnnf livi.

rimisn Inf lOl); IU roonis; all inuiroveiin nt.s; if not by hist of tho mouth i ili lei. Apply on fl 1 Lalayetto avenuo. 'ff OR" "SALE HOUSE I)H" EXCllANiTK a 3 story and basement brown stono front houne. (Jiftnd av, for bouyo or etoru pcoiorl and liouo, 110 av. Call at J.

WEDKMEYKK, til Raymond nt. SALE HOUSES TWO STO JL frnint', bro basement. 8 room hon os bodar, rantre, tubs, siukfj. an extra near Prospect Park. Inquire of GEORGE EiKht cnth nt, Brooklyn.

OR SALE HOUSE ES ANT JL1 nv, 3 utor.v and b.i.sfiuenl brown stent;,, lo ion, hitttse; near Fulton tit ana ti' a av ulcvat sl jtplyon proniieH. GOKUON, Ownor od Iluildur. 6iVsALlfi HOUSE 2' STORY EASE a' men' an 1 extension frame, 870 Halsoy tit, near to de; tr twenty minutes irom brith; rooms; imruoveini iits line order; dirtuhuap; ili.ODO; 81 or moro can runiaiu. Roy and owner's a ldies 8J1 Ilalsey st. HOR sale Ih)Oses yt loft: will c'OfiO thorn at a bargain: eleant .1 tnrv ieant JI bro ntouo; tlrrft class; "lilf! and 'i Madison nt, bo twfou Ltiwis an.l Stuyve.

ant nv. CHAKljKJi IHUIliL. owner, on premi io. or at 40 Putnam av. gjTOR sali: house story E' brown iitonf.

on Ha'soy st, nonr Bedford av 'scn! lont locality a'covo i oomn, as Io nvorythinc In hcf ot repair: property 1 7' x4.x LUU. Priujipala only nuod atl'lred ICuulo o.tlce. SjOR SALE IRHJSI'j ON TEN TII ST IP between Eighth and Ninth av, 3 story ami lnown stone, I'm i died with all tho latent impiovemauts; price 0 1 1 In purr ou pro mi sen, or of THOMAS M7 Tenth Ht. SALE IIOUS13 STORY AND Ji. ba iomont arranged for two or more famlliAs; will acccjit caah b.ilance installments r.

nt will pay your inter, tax 'tc, inw vour rent V1 LLf AM W. HKBiiKitD, l.HOi Fulton fit. I'OR SALE HOUSES AN FLATS; Lots i'or 8lo iiy J. N. its; MOODY (JO tt an 1 "il.

I'titli av. 157 OOIISALK HOUSKS THIS AO. 9J then It on' STjOO (or and monthly Dtiyti mo sutry nnti nnio uuiacueti irani in B.oulilyn; Improv adjuluiin lots each. Addroas HOMELIKE. Eaile 3,1 OR "SALE HOUSE 2 STORY, EASE ment and nibeellar, Philadhdiia brick, blown st'.

no toop and rim 10 rooms, hn ludin; bat all improvu iiientH; b'tilt ouo year ao by dnyj" work, at Imralu, Kfi.tirjO; or more cush; seen any day or tirnt'. t')" 2 llano tit. it? on SAL II it IS A RUAIN l.afiivntte nv: 'J story b.i. cmout frame: 1) rofmiti; ail impruvenicntnj recently lino condition; noai j.j. at onco.

tixJli Baf.iyot to r.v, nyir rxostrfttul. jOR SALE HOUSES 5100 TO i fiOl) rihI si's t.t, t.i riiootlilv will pifllitiiii.n (7r inru Eldert nt. te'OU; Albany. ritockton, Coopu, fi O. Ilili, Ebs 'x, sc.i tionw (cut ibiK mailed fiut.

Add, GOUlJ 1'AITII, Ealo "p'oR Tale ii oi 'ses or 'id let Detached or semi tic ached first vhut d'u Hlnus PiL dforl and St. Mr section th" health if itt attractive and accc sibla part oi Brnokiyu ci! limbtinji sltcn. G. J. SANHS, 1 1 D'J Pulton st, near Hod ford ut.

east. TjS'Olt 'SALE HOUSE ISHOWN STONE fi house, t2'2! flaneoo5; t.t, near ircy pt i a fine, inotbn hard wood trimmed hons mol will bo sold at a mtitlurnu? price if sjI.I tiurty othnrwirf it will be renrjd. Apply ou the piei.iiio i any day but Sunday. 7OR HA'LK Tl(hlKES TWO i1 fttone, southwest co: iior Spencer aud Hancock st and 7 Spcncor id; these two lirat darn bouses' will bo cheap hard wood trim and hnnds.tmely decorated throuchout; t'jruid to (J. J.

SANDS. Kulton at. 7iOHSALE HOLTSE ONLY ONE LEFT ft. of the livii now story, front, brown utono iiouseR, hard wood trim, 333 irat st open dai'y autl tSundays; otaniiiie beioie buyiiiK oLowJie. o.

Apply on premicet, or adiirej WALT EH DELEKEE, il South Elliott pb 7lOR" A i )'' I US Er I HAVE fi. new 'J story and haiomnnt frame for ono or two families, welt built, on ,) hon av, easterly trom Eveiincm nv, on In an oxpert and JAS. u. 10 Kalph av, "g7 OR SALE MOUSE ST." MARES fi. av A 3 story and attio brick and nlone bouse, buiit in tho most thoro inb initmur by ilayi' vork nry ini hr.r lwoo 1 linidi; just ic.T.'.tOtI und o.i ly lor oecupatiey no rtiaonatle ol.or rofua jJ.

ui on owno: 0 ii) St. av. K)R SALE HOUSES NEW STORY brown Htono. om.4y ilecMiitel: a'so ft 'ZYi front, 3 rear; lor pan iculars and term? on premirie, 070 and CS1 Putnam ill': very cll u. location.

T. V. SWI.MM, bull lor und vner, Iit num av. 'HORSALE Vi(')DSES AV, oppotite $1 i ho ises now in cru tion: stoy and liati "lit bron fitom all improvemmit.s; bantiHoine'y and njtpeu' i vely no finer Iiousj on my book. nr 0.

1'. Ili VWAiiM, To.upkiita a v. p.AOirSALE JIOUSE VJi) LEWIS AV SL Make otter; e'e rant ntory brown stou 10 lo o.i. li, urn. ice, al! lm ore vemnjil a idly decorato.l; itcjid jd barnin; enly it.000; irto ea3yteimri.

'Zy IJKiiGKN A Pulton TiORSALE DOUSE SOUTH ELLIOTT 3. id. brown stou ri t.rilKi; i onto I to 1 r.t '00; 3 torv an I basement, mod tii trim. mirioi et a UJ no iol.l this price i a tie money (it.iokly. GI5t.

E. f.OV ET1 tit. fOR SAL12 IIOUSE Oli LEA Hi Hponcer pi. near I'ubon 3 Morie.i and brow ti Mono, I ti t4." I DI'; IU roonirf choico local ion twenty nitti Hull, Xt York. Apply to the nwntr, 12:7 Vt'iit ji at, jNew York, from 10 UU 2 P.

M. rT7U)R JL bv6t near ocom ronbloneo; TJ looms; improvouient newly Pap ed pn n' sion at onee no 1 barn; room ttr tv, hor.ei; futni hod room; vnry t.u Apply oil or to JUM HEIS, lv. av otip. t. atou, L.

I. SALE iU)IJSE I Si1 iX)jc100; frame cort.i. in i with i riv'k, niul j'ory coa bou. bous ha i fci romud bi'ide iaumlry, batiiroom ami coni thirty min i ores from New York City Hall; term.i to unit, Addi 'td i V. II.

fOR SALE EOUSES ON ll. ijbts Two jfi, and pi, i n.jAJ Eighth av, 3 hlo. and buauoieni atul fiaM woo.i i rim nnd Moors; open tst'. um and inipnnemont title by Title Gnanitit. r.ud TrUht Guiii; any Jm him every dav.

A. O. Garhold pi. WOK SAL II IT. i ES liOS, 072 AND IL' (jti av, Houth, batwotm Lei is and Stny b.ory iuid ta tonu fronts, trimmed oak and cherry; booktan bat ra and op iircpiaeo on carlor inlaid tlonr In ilinturoom eltctric etc.

Iiuiuiro on prentia oi E. AGOIl, li i' Hainbridyo A. TLM)R SALE HOUSE STOKY COR It ncr and htono df;: Kirle buy v.l nlow pier mirror irjw eeiiB an tloor.i pro omenta n.r.te lasri font dooj decorated ami in pi" co. ntr sun oun iud by tili.iu on Oiiinw 1, ouo bloek fr I. JAS.

C. bh 'li ft 1 pn Eiis at a bar M. 10 Uiibdi av. a AOR 'SALE ilOUSE (J jJ. sale A 4 st i.

t.woil fitmt hrowo bne; i with bftrd ou thru) ilnois one wil'. Pro iit jet Park a. tbiity j. New Vork OHy Jfo I. prioe.

Si. ".,000: on EXEGUl Post, 3 jx TIOK SALE HOUSE STORY PRICK, iL narrow. i stoop an 1 tiimmin: ins, pbinty oi 4 r. v.i'i;; roo nii. 'j for a f.nniy; in vtHUjieMi pf; iront.

to ptircb.iB 1: hou. 'i in I old itr. A to oiv on 1 Put nam TLMR ALE liOCS: 1 "J1 lorv li 'lit MO: tit LU'ti It Vli.E! AM I. ue, av. TLMR DOi tvtL MN a nch.

:r.n!!if, wl' El i 'er; i or eiity any afo.i njon. jL1 ry E'lnrli. li ii 1 ci bh cu I pi ice i' KOiy iis.ii 1 a votiuo. H' OR A IIOU.SH TWO AX!) (L' i a itioiso. ntt Km a i a i a.

7 al. in.p ri i a al1 a A 'o. to K. 1). tioxt Al oilir it, a a hoi; 0 tj(C a).

A. II. a. pt oit o.c tpatit, ot (1 1'. o.Tti ol ola.

10 pit. sl, York. 'H'Oii fiAI.Ia i i Ol SK. 0 HUMHUli I fl Only two I' 'l ol the i attt no.v liiittM'i. s. ail i iiio o. tot lo i.t i liito; ininol 's lion, thin fcrrlcst ill i ii I 1 1 i, i'lta'i iloivn, in i stt't atijti 1 pi I i iirr tin jo mi a 1 1 i'i 1 1 1 ev I la in I Hlila sl loval'id tiia.ui ail It www, ii: io t', titioti li.iiitliiy a It SA Liil loriSiaS i iii'. KAS. AU i atni htip; Cftiria.ty our for a row of Ma i rtcii l.c or. ot.

iialall a hot oot'ti i us st anil pi, iaily ai'tanaoit to aiaaitn ino. lam t.Tti .111 ilirco lat.atltt.. Itnitt ot tint ciioi. it I'tni throja'otnl tn th last tnniitosr nifl.ti tho oapi.r luion ot tho t. lparinl oalitnt oi tho i company; lao toi alio.i is oi ttij in tint i i li at nojt on i hi.t'.i St.

point i Mn ti'. laocl; 11m I'iit. tenia st (ia: rtiiio to Bio pat aatl 1 nattily tiy fol owin rooti si, hovtaii ll av, Mnlh ay nail 1 I th raicil jniets low an.t oa.y; aarantOc tilioi to pinch auitrii wah i lionsrti all tioips will i.o by tat. uatahiaan on pro uisud. Ajiply to ii.

II. llAi.IiltTl', I'll Biuotit, II. MUW.AUKY, Vico'lVjs'i JA.MKS UOUKK, Treasurer, 40 i vrtjrs! fit JvAIjH HTO li )'IU)i V. 1 IT a. 1 rick pioprtrlr; lost tocaiio.ion dyrt'oav.

t.dr.. ui LliiOKtiK Xtvi Yo.i; fl.lOH Vl'Olli riioi'Mui'Y coi: inn .110:0 aim itin tt, t.p tliato Sl); only 1 ro inircd.,0 0. Fl 0 i (. If on 11101 Ittnito a 1 i lot iitoao oi ti inon'ty an 1 rapi jly aihan in vatao.

UCI.lA.'iI W. Itliil lililtl), Fatton st. Kj0 8 A laF STOiUt) lBOl RUTY Tl 1 ii 11 NASSAU LAKD AND I I'ltO VI! ICN'T Ullil 1'AN olfer two mw ot ntn stortirt on t'iali r.v. rtininr of tit and pi, a iioitniilty for tlio im rry and bakoiy l.nsinos.., ah 1 ohiK now actually ii.nt.iod to aajinly an alitady Itirao and in and noit'n ti linsiiiostf in tii li'tiiriiboiliooit'. Tirioaa lo and a iv trnist aiiaraotoiid titlos to purchaserii without oliarao; inll a allowu Lytttu watchman on premisoi.

Apply (o M. II. Piasiiloal, 80 Union it. JAMES H. MULLAUKY, Vico 1'itisiilonv.

40 Sovonttt tv. JAMliS RORKE, Trj.tonrcr. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework or kitchen work, a rosnoctaolo girl; ha good city references. Call at o9 Tillary st, near Adams, In basement. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE houses ori upstairs work, by a nicf! young girl: has nood r.i' reference; good home preferred to wages.

Plonso call at 150 Garnet at, near Hamilton av. ilrs. OVDEA. 7 ANTED SlfUATION TO DO THE honowork in a small family, hy a rospcrtablo young girl; willing and obliging; reference from last placo. Please call for two days at ii'27 Park av, near Many, second lloor; no cards answered.

ANTED SITUATIONS TO DO THE housework, anl othor positions, by a number of girls; all nationalities. Swedish and Gorman especially, with Parties in sonreh of such and requiring Borvice call Brooklyn Ladies' Diroetory, 07H Atlantic ANTED SIT ATION TO A I with or do llht housiwork in a plain family, by a Protestant woman; a good homo preferred to high raj9s; (rood city rofereneas, Coll at Tillary st. ANTED SITUATION AS A HOUSE kponnr in a I family, by a sn actable yonnu Herman 2trl: has good city Call for two days at UK Seventeenth st. ANTEU SITUATION AS A WORK lug ho.isok. oper in widower's family, by a neat joung woman, good cook and sewer; lias good references.

Please address by letter, giving particulars, to AI. ISagle otfico. ANTED SITUATION HELP with housework. Apply at Myrtlo av. Employment Aency.

WANTED SITUATIONS MANAGED by ladies Brooklyn Employment Bureau, 2 10 Washington st, near Concord (formerly at 20 Concord at). Servants of all nationalities. We do not promise "perfection," but try to select tho best help. B. "Ye4 nurso.

ANTED SITUATIONS 200 SERV antj. citv. country, (ierman. hwodo. Irish.

Scotch. cohrd; re erencos investigated; greenhorn girls SO to S10. HJiNDHICKSOWS Old ltoliablo Agency, 109 Fulton st: largest, best In Brooklyn nirls1 lodirinKS.clean beds, IS cents. ANTED SITUATION TO LEARN typo setting In a printing ofTlce, by a rospoctablo hoy, aed 14 years. Address J.F.

rttato Bt. ANf ED Sif "UAT ION A any light trado, printing preferred, by a young man of0. Addross" STEADY, Box ti, Kagle otueo. ANTED SITUATION AS A JAN1 tnr fnr nttir.nw nr flatn. bv n.

colored man. Auoly to Jr ouu Union st, city. ANTED SITUATION AS A STEAM VV p.nd gas fitter, by a young Swedish man who understands tiie busineis; willing to do any kind of work; host of reference. Ncvini st, eocondjlo jr. back.

Wanted" situation As "a EiitsT ola.s I'artonder, by a young German mm, nged to sleep home. Call on or address JOHN MUUDlirf, 08 Troy av, Brooklyn. ANTED SifUAlICTNOW IN a stable as second man, by a man; years' experience good reference. Call at Llf Atlantic at. Ij A 1).

ANTED AS A E1HST c'ass butcher in a hotel or first class market; aged yfj. Address 13. KCBAL, 1.C4U Third av, Brooklyn. TJ7ANf Slf rATION AS A COACFI man, by a young married man; can furnish host reference; last employer can bo noon. Address JOHN WYNNK, Nincly stcond ut, L.

I. JET ANTED SIT Gr AT ION A A COACH YV man. or driver tor doctor; willing to go in tho country tlvo years' referonco. Call on or address F. 1C.

UUO OoKaibav. A I'i AT I A A BAU tender by a young man of of city refer ence. be tioen at tno ciud nousc, uj First pi. JU A NTED SE WIN 13 AN EXPEUI onco 1 seauiHtress, to go out by the day. Call at Zlili Bridge iit, near Coucord; ring three timed.

A 7 '5' 5SAK1l TfMwiADY BY A KESPECT A TV llo widow, to bring upon a bottle; or a couple of growing children would give them a mother's caro. Harris tit. IT A FiT I5 it KSi BONA 3 i iousiaCEErUNG lady would like a posit ton as hou iokeoper for an old gentlt man. Call from 0 A.M. to P.

M. at 4'X Warren st, top llo front. 5l7 ANTED PUPILS MRS. MATTIE S. DOHBON will take pupils vr goneral tfaiuing in song singing an.l vocal oxpvff.s!on.

or for special in ttruclion in church "and conctirt work. Apply at her residence 81 Johnson st, Brooklyn. ANTED VVASIIING AND 1 i JONING 7 To take home, by an oxport hand. 14 Collego place. WANTED WAS HI NO ANI I KONING By a Gcr.nan woman, to go out the day or to take homo.

2ld Twentieth al, fioub ANTED WASHING liY A DANISH woman, wash or houseoloauing. Pleaso call at Court si, top t'o i ANTE 1 WAS il I NX! AN ItlOXI SO 7 By a joung woman to tako homo. Call at 4 i4 Third av. vashingey a iiespe'c VV tublo vvonmn, to out hy thu d.iy or to take borne. U01 nv.

Mro. WASHING ASOIRONIXO By a ro woman, to take families' or K' nth'iuen'i w.tshins; is a lirr clasi niun lresii; has good city reforenoe. Call at or addru. i Llii st. S7 ANTED WASHING AND IRONING Or housocieaninK, by msji ctabio youns woman, to go out by th.t day.

l'leao call at ur addrosa av, hoiiHO. ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, To take home, bv a tirst class launlt ei; lino wash in fr, 7i" cents yer dozen plain, oO Ci.uia. Please addrcsQ mrs. dux r.iiiu ouiuu. )ANT ASHING AN 3)1 il I By a ro ipectablo Swoilidh woman, to take homo; haH t'ood city reference Call for two dyd ut tlcr gonat; rm bell twice.

ANTED WASHING AND IRONING Bv riirtiipetib'o vouni' Gorman woman, to to out by tho day or lo mie, or lrms iclonnin hna jood city reference. Call for two days at 45 Tompkius avenue, WAN TE 1 A I II 1 A FlRVi' class laundro s. a "ew more da in the wnokj would take washing at homo; un lui tiiands line work best i'ledo call at liGl OaiL av, uUo ili(jiit, iu back, ANTED WASHING AND IRONING II a tirst chsh laundruris. to iro out by tho dav or will takJ lionu iwwaiiitf; htm oi city reiei enoo tfiven. i'iease call or address Maroy av, over store.

WXNTE1) W0RK A II 1 OR to ko out by tho day, by a young woman. Cail or nioread Atlantic av. ANTKD WOIUC BY A KESJ'UCTA hie woman, to co out by tho day washing or iron iu or housjclvanin. Baltic near Third av. ANTED WORK WASHING, IRON ilia and cooking, to co out by no day; wou'd do housj; leaning or ttko wasblup homo.

st. 7 ANTED WORK A HI AND ironing by a respectable woman to out iry tho dnv, or boiise oleituing has jood reference. Call or address for two days at Mrc. Couoy Island road. ANTED WORK JiY A RESPECT weman, washing and irouiniror Iio Hcluaninc is a tfoo! lauudress; hiis good reference.

Pituso call at (iG3 Cites av. ANTED WORK WASHING DY A re pectablo colored woman, to take home or co out by the day or ho iH cleaning, i'lenso call ior three days, on Mra.OKOi IiJIANA I 1 Coucord pi. WANTED WOUK HY A RESPECTA" bio colo I washing aud iruulug, oiit by tbo day or to t.ii:u homo or Pioae call ior rour days on Mij. i'ltUltMAN at ht. Murks av, noir Utica.

TS7ANTED WORK IJY A RESPl JCTA 7 ble wido I1, washing and ironiir: or to out the of tho week or takehomu; ti ret elr.s.i 'auiidress has the be. of city reference. I'loasu cail at rft, one lhght, front. ANTE 1 WORK UY A RES'PECTA ble woman, who is a hist clis3 laundress, washing at licmu or to g.i ou: faintly by do.u:i, week and al fiotdrecieau Call at or address LAUN DHFS.S, Baltic ut, lirst lloor. V5T ANTKD WORK WASHING A Nl5 Ironing, or houbocleaning, by tlio day or week, by a competent woman; can do good cooking if required; pood reforoncos.

Pjeaso call for two day.i at 17 iltio st, lirat lloor. rear. WANTED WORK Oi'' A KINI)S7 byawonmi; ronih wiished, 4') juii's por dozen lious 'cleaning, taking earo of llats; has goo I city ici'er once lino washing, 75 cents per dozen; lakon to hor home. Call all. week on Mrs.

151 Finh av riu cioo oud boll. 1 ANTED EN(AUEMENT AS URSE loan in lady, by a Protectant womau tonus modoraxe. P.eioo call Franklin av. TA NTED ENG AG A AS I htresfl would like a few more engagemeats by the day oi vvoett. Lull on or addros l.GoG Atlantic av.

a ifja a ANTED lju'ESSM AK I jFY A oldld'a di essmaJicr, i ngagcmeiits; hand hunt rolcrenco Addi I). Fuilo Bui.iord branch. i WANTED A I A 7 young girl dojires to out by tho tlay or wo 'k to iw, or to work with a UrOL.aiii.ilier. 'lea call at ji: ANTED DREHSMA KING A TjOR ougbly firs', elps.i drcismakei' ivoitld lil.o a ie.v un gagem nit.i by li. ib lifer liui.iher; itij it of given.

Addruaj b. liujc Bale oihee. XirANTED HOUSliS STORES, FLATS, Tf to a 11, ro'it and coil 'Ct est car. azed. WILLIAM T.

Fi.SH, J55 WiUongiiby W7ANTED HOUSE IN LOCA tic JO rooms and bath all i.up: ovononti ur 1 nt ion rout about Jr'i'0 per year. fiumner av, Brooklyn. AN'iM'iD HOUSES TO SELL, RE nn ''j: Hrooklyn'd tao eantivi) of lico ior ma: ui 1,1.1:1:1 it of aie tuinlo iv iti.JU.diJihty do i loiveat rjui yiiiAjI 11. CltACi eornei niou; and A 'l i' wnrln o.a di a r.i..v.' i.r.)p in tho 'e nun 'I in iifim 'i n.i cutlet lor LY ia Imnd at a ad or tine erif.iblhd ISi'lb BULK Li A ilUKTJ. 4UU Myrtle av, near anderidlt ooeu ev 'iuii.

s. V.V ANTE!) HOUSES OWNEiiS HAvr VV ing ho is in Iford section, ibio brick, frame uv niou to 1 1 1 1 mo full a 1 am having a lare ib iu for sptcial ftttontioii paid 10 tinting and cuiic.tmg. MA il U). lilt! i.l.'il l'ul toil st, cotujr 1 n.uklin av; open ovenings. 3 OH "(1 2 '3J IHZZ.VIim 7ANTKb RO(MS ED UNI SHE With in a fitnctly private famiiv, hy two youiig;es, employed during th; (by.

Ad ire'. L. or.u ANTE I) ROOJNfS "i'LNlTwiElT ir pat tly f.irni. dieil a phvfiuunn'it on Ncher nierliorn si, Bond iit aud Th.rdav, Adiire.i.i Box oiit '0. 7 "ANTED ROOM YOR A AD A n'ce.

pb aant, fnrnish'Ml room, with privilege of light lHus if do fobliug bed pre it jd. Address B. Budford biMi. dr 7 ANTED ROOM AN OlTD LADT v.i he an unfurnished room with a nice family; rout not to exceod $0 or (j a mouth. Addreja l.HH lioid av.

A. NT EI itob MS 'Q UI ET' y1 want a largo Bistro or alcove uiifurni died roud story room or Ihe entire lloor in rohnud private hou.e; Idui's, Union, Henry, Carroll an I Clinton ati. A'icliosD J. H. Station corner llunry and I'roai denf sts.

WAX IT I .152 'ITS 1 51 0 USZiS. X7 ANTED PART OP DO US TO by a young couple; a a ond tloor brown htono houso unf in iiellor 1 POiition won It al.i'j liiio board in fame house; rjf 'ronuij oxchangud. Ad.ln.'Ss S. B. La Jo Bedford branch.

ANTED PART rR part and one room on third floor; i'mt no: to exceed 0 it iifteou mi mites av Fulion si; references exchanged. Aus.te, B. F. Kagle oftico. 4 VU ANTED PART OF HOUSE LOWER part of house; IliUhOcliou.

noar County road by a very 11 all family v.uh esct'p re fore nee 5 poH. OJ U.u April p.iim. rent not to Call or addreaa N. ti. ALULKTriON.

117 Pi OipOct pi. 50 355 8 SfJ IE 3, 5, A KOUS. A 'i LE b' (JLOi'GlNG Ladius' and contlomen's; I wiil iy o'JO per cent, morr. than any dealer in tho city. Call or address J.

PHILLIPS, 01 Smith st, botweon Sohoimerhorn and fit a to. r)0 LET PART OE HOUSE PUR JL ulshod Elegant second floor, 1 roon.p; all improvements; onmpleto for housokoapin; folding bed ana sowing machine prioo; party goiue away. Owaor 8Ji Wavorly av, WANTED APPKENTIORS, IINIPROV ers and good sowers, parlor irla; also, ladles and girls to learn dressmaking and cuttins. Call on or writo all the we jk to Mmi. OLAHIv, dri'ssmaldng parlors, Fulton st, noar Tillary st elovatcd station.

WANTJSI) LADIES POR'THEKTltUS can Art a beautiful, constant homo employment; eood pin money at loieuro hours. Call of addrosa, with stamp. liTKUHOAN AHT "West Fonrteonth Bt, Now York. "ANTKD TO CALL UPON CUSTOM orii in llrooiihfn and flnbnrhan Dy an Ola established hmi two ladies of somo buriineBS eipen once; 1.0 and expenses. Apply from to 1, to 15.

W. WALK Kit Court st, Brooklyn. Nui'fics Weamatrcsfies. W7ANTRD AS A NUUSE AND CHAM berraaid. a competent chl, with bout of city references.

Cad ior two days at H7'4 Carroll st, nsar Ninth avenue. WANTEDt(TlnNT CHILDREN, A littlo Call at 1Q! Baltic at, ia the store. WANTKDTO TEND A BABY, A youn? girl preferred; fcJwodlah girl in the houso. Calf at Id8 Macon ut. ANTED TO GO IN THE COUNTRY 3(1 ye.irs of age; waqes 30 month.

Apply all tho weeK at mm rort (raeno pi. Chamber maids and Waitresses. "VST ANTE I A COMPETENT CHAM Tf bermuid and waitress; wiping and obliging best of roforouco. Apply 145 LottertJ VANTI) A CHAMBERMAID AND TV waitre. in a private boarding house, with good referonco.

Crinmo av. "rANTEO UPSTAIRS GIRL AND and cook, a competent trirl; roferonca rotiuired. Coll at Xe York av, near St. Mark. ANT I A THO ROUGH LY COMPE tent chambermaid and waitroaH.

Call at 81 Columbia AS CHAMTjEICIAiD AND v.aitr. fn assist in earo of ft ro npo tont iiirl v.itb yood city reference; 20u fat. Johns pi. TSrANTEU AND toashitin waiting, a smar', willins nirl; would jirefpr h.ev to deep iit homo; must liave ood 10'Oroneo. Apply at 11 8 Clermont ay 'ANTKD AS CHAMBERMAID AND aitr' ss in small private family, a competent fcirl; one who unier.stamla plain; 1 lotestant preferic city ivfcrenced ro'imred.

Call thin evening afrer o' lo. or Wydnuadny m. ruin or nftornoon at VI 7 5 Union ANTED TO WA IT ONT ABLE AND 7 help with iiDstairs work, a fjirl. Apply at ITS Livingston bt. ANTI'iD T() DO UPSTAIRS WORK ami a ompetent colored trirl muft havo i or ait jr this evening dtI Bedford av.

VVnsherrt niul iroiers. ANTED A COMPETENT COOK AND futni! rhrnii rnfi'i'nncc rCO Hired. Inquire at 1 st. WANTED AS" COOK, AN" 30XPIRi; eno Apply, with city refei euce, at II 'Jj Oiintoii 'tT ANTED AS A COOK "AND 'LAUN dross in it mnali family, a irl mnsr have pood vragen. Call edneidny at olu Madison street.

A COllPEt'ENT COOK, with io'd city reference, willing to 'O into tho country for uuiuior. At 1513 'oUunuia Iits. ANTED COOK AND 7 liinnilre. a yirl; dther Swedish or German; must havo gco 1 terenee. (Jail at 50 Seventh av.

Vj? ANTED A COMPETKNT COOK AND lni ndi eso in a private family; shirts, collars and cutTa Eeut r.ut. bo neat and hr.v.' i ferunuo. Call al MM A del phi st this aftornoon and veiling. i 4 ANTED FOR DOWNSTAUIS WORK, 7 a compel 'iit Klrl must bo a good plain cook; German proferro l. 15U fjiiermerhom si.

KAl ED ONE "AS A COOK, WASHER and the other as a waitress in a finall family, i.i'erman women, cttmp jtnt and with Apply altur 5 o'clook thii tftcruoon and o'clock tu morrow moruluii, at Henry btr ot. (ciicral tlllSl'oru. "TiTAKTr'I) FOH GENERAL HOUSB 7 iu a hint rinll family, an experienced girl: must be a liicr clays coo'c, washer and ironor Apply to air3. It Ait 1 I'niBpect pi. near uPii av, tniro hoe.

TO DO GENERAL "HOUSE YV wo in a srrail tainily, a omptent girl. Apply for AO a i(3G ilavl.fion Ht, ner ledur.l av. ANTED Tt) DO'GENiiRAL' HOUSE Yf Cer irnn ci'l an American family of three. 75 mu n. i.

i iaD TO ikraiiiN UOU.SE k'b reference re jniriid. Apply at 4 Cumberian ANTED TO'DO GENERAL "HOUSE wf a German ur Proieiiant Call at 107 c. Mid ci. 'uT ANTED TO DO GENE UAL UOUSE work and a in taking car. i of children, a Go.jiir.ii clrl.

Thirtoen st, near IrIftii a 7 A TED DO GENERAL HOUSE oik ior a fa nily oi fo'iv. nn ojpt rienced girl, not Irish, d'oreneus. 1 pi. ANTED TO DO GENERAL IIOUSE ork. a g'rl wanes Call af.

or o'clock, 59 i too JAVl ED TO 0 7 7 work tidy Swedidi girl. Apuly 5i; Mourou fd, noar hv. WANTED TO DO GENEPwAL HOUSK wor In a family of iive, a Kirl; must bo a good ivu her and irt irjr, and have city reierene js watfos i I 1. Apply at S7 TO DO ISNEitAL HOUSE work ior a amlly of four, a girl: mu 4 boa good plain cfjfik r.inl l.iundr.'ri i also a giil about 14 an nurde; German or Sw di Appl; ir Sw di Apply renin til. ANTKD TO DO GENERAL HOUSE w.irk i i a private family, a woman must bo a coort coo: la mur rcloioncea ruiiuirud.

Call for days at Djuiuid Ht. ANTED TO 1)6 GENERAL MOUSIi 7 work, a rir.a Kn fi'lj'Hh Tirl of waues VhUl; three in family. 0.) et, Urookryn, 11. u. TJ.97ANTM!) TO DO GENERAL HOUSE yf tiinll fnmitv.

a comnrtont i rl must no ii gC'd co. w.islii'r nnd iion iv lia: si, trand av. 5r ANTE! TO DO 7 work in a privato family of rmrn poisons, thor irl; colored preferred. 11 iit. Johnd place.

tT ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a thoroughly compctL nt and willnii; plrl nono oi ii ii noed aiiply ue. jfuttuoea roipMired watjed ijil i. Monroe st. 7 ANTED TO DO GENERAL co 'tent girl must havj good HOUSK reorem (rood tottieri; 'JOS Ilaldey uvar tit oorsti: Call for two daya at tlarey av. "C'7 ANTE TO DO GENERAL UOUSE wor iu pri ato fnmily, a girli good waffoa to coni petent patty; reucos reiiuired.

vandurbiit aven iu. UT ANTED TO "DO GENERAL HOUSE work whoi i another girl is kept, a girl r.blu to do cooking, an 1 ironing: miint have good references. App! at Siato nt. near Bond. I ED TO DO (iEN LiRAL HOUSE ior in a 'hit, a compel nt girl must be a good cook.

v. an 1 inmer ami nave lirdt class roiorences. Culi at lo Carroll si, l. SIEliKRS. U7AN TED TO DO GENERAL HOUSES' rk in of hroJ, a respo.abio girl: must be a 1 iv tier ivnd ironur and phiiii took, an have good a from la pbico; 14; North of Irkm 1, lUv.

we.i;iiui nv Gorman preferred. Apply at S7 Caiubri pi, near Gatos av. t'aN I'ED TO DO HOUSE a I'roU'Stant about Sivudtsh pr derred; be good c'lok and laundiesa and be a'do and willing tn do the for iive a lulls; wago.i ndoroneo i'Jl Halit between Lewis an.l Stayvcsaut avenuua. A TE THELlGtiT HOUSE wo; if. un r.ii'ko herself generally in S'nall apart nr nt.

1i.mi!y ot two, it joniii: girl; call 401 tt. Smith aiiiljinjt, a NTfUD TO" "ASSIST" NVTfR" vV r.i!ho,:.iev.ork,n hl ubuut Call at 17 Docatur d. ANT' 'iO TO ASSrST WiTri LIGHT Yv ho. sework and car. oi' baby, a young girl; no washing; small family; wages 'U to ii'S.

7i)'i Quinoy. it, Brookln. A TO MAK 13 II i i EL and in wa.diing and ironing In uimily, a girl iuitiiw inquired. o50 l.eai t. XT ANTED SERVANTS AT THE Bureau, IrVnuhiriglon Concoid tormcrly Concord st).

Situationa ready in city an 1 country. Many rirls who havo nover bi at an otiico. by iaiijs. Va'. Yir" ANTED A STRONG BOY, COLORED or 1:15 Loi'fei pi.

YY ANTED A YOUNG MAN THAT HAS If ivur ni at pain' in W. ItKliVKS, i nj av, huh uionin mtivli ana 7ANTEO TO i apby, a o.t LJ5AJIN OTOG iS: nt bp nctivo. willing and iut i a ft I nur day and cnam to idiflnee. Ad diebs ACIT li 't, kae branch. 7ANTED POSITION IS bPENTb one or two experienc jjalunmen in furniture and personal aiipiicaiion to L.

Z. MUHKAi', dO ami 3 Myrtle av V)7 ANTKD' AN ACTIVE MARlVlEl) iii.ui, abo it who uudi taudfi 'tail trnflo and niL'iit of abs noii. or who h.vJ theabil ii and could quickly. Apply pe; oiiaily to II. ij.

T.V I' I'A juaie. Nuw York CU. ANTi A "GOOb," STRONG "TuY ii i li id years old, used to oui.iooi work, living nith ui io a Apply il l' morni ng before o'c oji: Oi'l Aiit CAKi'El CLiJA.ViA'G J5i.i Ciiirou i t. "Tl 9 properly th work for mysdf, wi'; nn tiirf hif i' co' m.luisii or girl: to one who i wihing nnd r. youd home, tn auni'iit. 15 pi hii ia youi Au.vtir, g.v ng namo and adiiroso. J. ll. branch. 14 Llro'idway.

Vt.TANTED NURSING 11 A 1 would liitiaf'Mv inoro onpamiifntfj to at! be in coutinuinjiit. 17 raud si. JJiO.J.ijil. VENTED SITUATION and a h. r.

r.l. by A young German Auui'ican It; oid. DH I ANTKD SITUATION" AS A 'NURSE, VV by mid Hi; r.geJ woinan, to lull oii.Trgo rgo li.iby; tvit nVuibl aid in genu: any tii.ii; ot reier'j. e. Can aeon ior two dayri SJo.m nt.

A IT AT I i A "a'NGRs'i IV hyr I'rotestaut ounu, component of taking enli.e char.z 1 ot young baby lirojglu up on bolt hi; reliable; bes: Carhon av. and i'ar. I v7 A NT'i 3 1 i SI HJ ATFbN nN WANT'S ipii by iniish Proto.ita;;t woman; can lake c.riro birth; guol iy Vt 2,11 H(, top iL i cird. an a sriru ation a a In7 futl a wom iu v.dio is t.iorou;rii!y e.t E. riencHl in cu oi ehibinMi and iy reliable; Cit, en Can iu eon lrom lOAM.to4 1 at av, corner Adulpni si, third Hat, left bide.

A NTK!) aaTU ATION irO All care o( cbibir. ii an I willing to aisi any kind of hou. by young girl. Can be e.Mi at I'i. av.

TAN'rED iilTUATION 6 A circ of children or do upstairs work, by tv respectable otmggirl; has good. city ruittronco. l'lease call for two dnyn ai 1'aciiic at, near Claajon av, ilat. 7ANTED SITUATION A care of children in a olh1 lmuse, by a nvddlo (Jc.rmau tivo yara' city lefonmcos; up b.jillo baoies. b.

IIKUG, '11 liighty nrbt hi Nnw York. CiiitiuUci iiiittdri l.Vtiitr;)fi.cJ. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM in iitl and or to dHbit with chiblreii a i T.n,l city :nf.M Gail for two days at lf." Cohnn Jaltio. top lloor. ANTH I i i AT I AS A CilAM bi rmaid wailr i.

i. by a. young girl; city reference J'ic i. for dayi at 100 fiaynioiid 3t, near Myt tie fi r. nici iioo.

"i Ari'ED S'JTGATlON "As" ACilAM;i:. and waitres by a young girl has bo. refcrcnio. 1'ujbo ca il at el ring senond bell. "'ANT ED SIT ATION ASA OliTvM barmaid anrt waitress, by ri Vpcntablo young girl no ten to downtown yeai a' refuromv, 1'leaae call lot two at av, near lleikimor tt.

TANTBO AS'A 0HAM: bcrinaid muJ wftltroas, or will do genera', housework in a small by young colored woman rofei once. Aupiy at '1 i' i 1'earl bt, second lloor. 7 ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM barmaid and waitress, by a rosnrc'able young Nwediuh girl had (rood city roferouco. Call for two days at 'M Kyurdon at: no cards. Ah Toxixi colebrated Italian Sa lad Oil.

Tho finoat for Baladfl. Onco tried ahvayB uaod. For ialo pverywhore. Aak for thia braod onJ Ukono other. Funs, and rcpaim.

deal carmonta redyed equal to Loodoa Jyo. A perfeot iit t'aarinto id G95 Kulton etroot, tirit iloor. F. O. LiXDEit, uiaaa faoturer.

Get the Sunday Eaqle Tho boat and cheap sstBunday uopcr pablifihod. Pi'loo a conlj. MUD. BABKE On March 15, ISOI.AVilliam Darhe, BRod 10 Funoral educsday, March.

18, private. BOLANDKIt On Monday evening, March 10, 1801, Caiii. Cr. i landeh, in his SOth year. Relatives aud frienda aro iuvitod to attend tho fuueral services at, tho re.sldonco of hie a.m, John O.

IioUn dor, 41 Ulintou at, Brooklyn, on Wodnoaday, Maroh 8. at li o'clo P. M. Interment private. BUTT At.

rosklcmeo, SOI Qutos nv Brcolilyn, on Sunday, Mr.rch 15, GEOnan W. Butt, a native of Portaniouth, iu tho 05th yoar of his Fnneral aorvicds on Tuesday evening, Mhrch 17, at oVUok, Hehitiveti andfrionds invited. lotermoal at of lamily. Vii h'tiiia papore plcaso copy. CUUKAiV On Sunday, March 15, Mauy bolovod wiloo: V.

Ourran, and daiihtor of Michael and inn, aed 30 yara. Relatives frieiuli aro rospeotfully invited to attend tbo funeral iiom hor lato redidoncs, 779 Gatos av, on Weduojiiay uio. nlng, March 18. at o'clock; thoncD to iho Church of St. John liaptlst, anl Lorfin ava.

whero a ro(iuiLm maa.nviil hy red lor tho or so.j1. Interment iu Jloiy Cross Uometoiy. UAINKo id on Sunday, March 15. lSftl. at his rtskioncy.

SrJH Bt, Jamks Uain'KS, ho.ovud hua! aad ol i.liza (lainos. Relativoa and friun id are invited to attend tho funeral Eervices, on March 1, at 2 P. M. HOB RT KTA On March 17, Emma, the beloved wit'o oi U. L.

llohart, in the 37th of her ago. Ii Utfl reidtneo. i Jt iIV rsoa ftv, on llmnidio, i' P.M.; frien Id incited. II'JQAUT Kud lenly, on Sunday. Murjh 15, 1S01, CjlAiil.K II.

Uohakt, oon of tliu Tho.uas llo bartot Now N. J. Fiioudsavu invitodto attoad tho fiti.rra! services at hid latv i. ih. nc 'I'M Adolphi Et, Wtiuiijvday even iiiK.

l.ith at o'clock. Kindly outi ll i.vcru i'lii Itilphift naperj please copy. JAMKSi)n March 1S01, Uetta i t'u lighter of C. William aud tho Into Oliiior 11. I 'uaoral suiticcj at her Into ic.iidoncn, 'ill Cailton av( Tuesday c.uiiin, at 8 o'clock.

Intormeiit ut tho o' the family. LKWhS On aid i.v, March 10. 1.HD1, I.otriSK, daughter and th late Jordan Funeral tmv ice the ro.iidenco of Her nnclo. Wright F. Lowi.

ITS" McDonouKh fct, AVednesa March IS, at 3 P. M. Ititcrmont at of family, LOK8EU At Notherwood, N. March 15 V. John Feudisanij Funeral survio.M on Wytinesday, M.ircli 18.

at hid liUu re idoncc. Traiud on the Jer. Con tral H. K. lea.

jot of Liborty st, Nov Vork, 11 o'clock A. MAXEK On Ti March 17, at 0:115 o'clock William MaNkk, in bis 55th yoar. Funeral from hi. latu rcaidonce, 11 l'ourtli i.v, Brooklyn, un Tiims lay, o'clock. Fricu.lj and relatives respectfully invitL J.

iVoCOY On Mnreh 10, Andhkv; McCoy, auod (IS yoard. Funeral finm his retddenco, 17 Columbia jd, on Wcdnebd.iv, March 1H, at 2 1 M. O'CALLAHAI t' On Monday. March 10, Ro? Ff.lix S. inidtor of St.

Francis Lu Soles' Church L. I. Funeral from St. Anthony'3 Churcb. Manhattan av Brooklyn, a 0 A.

aca Tbo cli ryy fjlendi are invited to atltnd. O'DQ I.Ii nday, March 15, Uuuii O'Doxhkll, ac 7:1. Ftiiieia! i o.u ruii'j residence, Bcrjjen st, Wcdiics la 0 o'clock; theiuo to fSt. Piiui'j Church, of roqtiioai will v. hold for tho repci3i ui hi.s luteruu nt at 1 lai Ijinh.

O'KICKFK At re idoncc, 1G tJKORfli: W. )' fC bol jve I pom oi' r.nd Ann O'Kci fo, yoar and Hi day: Kelativi'H nd ro spoctfully invited to attend the from lit. Paul'tJ It. (J. church, ou day JNth at 10:30 PA FF On IU, 1301, Jaml's M.

ago 1 52 years 1 ii. Re) itive f. aro rcjiccirnily I to attend HirTtoe i in late ieaiili lljij it Hrook lyn, o.iv. evening, March IS, 7:110 o'clock. Intei at Hempstead, Jj.

Tiiurijday, March 10. I A7e3 Hatbiuh av at 1 1 oMojk A. M. PF.RKIN:S March 15, 1. 1' UMQral ricrvicos will ho held at his lat; residence, H4S Union st.f on Tuesday, March 17, I hi) 1.

at 7:30 P. to which liLived and friends are e.jpoctfully iu vited. PRKKDliViljliK On March 17, Eliza Kin. beloved vdft! of Pren lovillc, natio Co laiy mead, Ir a'Oil 51 years. Relatives uul inlrf uro respectfully invited to atleiid ttie Thursdny, March 1 ut o'clock, Iroin he 'a i i 510 Warren lutur.neut at Holy 0.

FlMbuuh. ROBERTS yiCuKSK S. Roijertf, in the I 'Tth year of his Rolaiivo i ami friends aro Invited attend tho frmn tiie of hitt hrot'jor, 80 J.e;vi. av, Brooklyn, on Wednesday, March IS, 'o'clock. TllO.MPO.V (ldonly, March 17, at his rosidcnco, 71(1 jr rit, ClIAULKS S.

ced 50 yeari. Notice of funeral hereafter. TREDWELL In Brooklyn, on Monday. IGth inEi Al.s.'ss.i::, son of Alansou and riarah Trcd Fuuorai ac. at the rrsilenco of his fr.thcr, 540 Franklin av, corner LcITerts on Tuesday, 17th ir.rti., at 5 P.

M. VIGELIUd On Munday, March 3 1801, AXTOM, tin) bolnvod husband oi Mary Yie liue, aced i ar.i 7 months and 'M ihiyn. Rolatiye.i and friends, also Oltman.s lodye No. 4d(i. F.

and A. M. LCrsthor chapter No O. S. Stamm NVj.

50. U. O. It. M.

dirr.c.o: of the Ger roan fiai an I Bro.idwtiy Hank of Brooklyn also tlie Ar; Society, aro i i ipocifully invited to ait iMtd tho funeral from lii. ila' 10 Ntuy waaui av, Brooklyn, Thursday, March 3 9, at. 1 P. M. FSI.VI.

LOST t)N SATURDAY NKUiT, A ItGD t'i hof.vcon a 'corch cull'u: mil puz, an of Don. A liboia! ruwar.L ii rctui ncd H' i Hi'ti il dyn. LOST SI i EH MOUNTKi)" )iual)F)(i 11 on av or in tlpi To. of Flat hush hcitablo reward if ivi trnod to A. A., OST SUNDAY MOlVliTiJ, ENU liah MA nnvcrH to black oli t'i biiikes; lib PIj i fcu, av. watch, villi about (j P. on Pr.ini'.lin av, between L'ltifjhin I regard. 30 Franklin av. O.N MARCH" 'n Island Oity, Sinnuoi and avs, a clotliin, Finder vfili bo unit ably rott.rniuj; to35i Sumner av.

LOST OX I ecu 5 ti o'clock, on f. Cmirt st car or on Oraiign xt, ii i iimie dia'iiond S'I'tiNF. Finder will liberally ii aicd by returning it to the 73 Orange lAY AI() MVBXINtJ AUj Titi'J YEAR. JiHOWXK'S Htr.SINKSS WJIAC' 3'd fi Fulton st. opposite dobiij ui, 1 City Halt Hoin any tiinn.

ats a i'ts. rii 'y isons to alt. A liv tudy Di i uue uiaiod in complete i. All tho details of busiin.i, Bookk cpi trrtiiondene'1. short In.

Uaiuf Wrlii.iK. uu. or 11 AND and TYPK lNii, cot positions vfun Kra 'uatod. TELKf i ii i'il Uo 'fiivuu by Hound, o. Alone, only 5.

U' S' A MIS AT IONS ont.S red for. bT. "militahy soaooij, JO MANUU8, N. Y. Civil Clanslt'S.

lUisincv s. SumiiiPr JlLdico). Ad.lrei WM. VKltlJF.UIC, Suptrinl ndent. VACATUR yoll "liOYS JULV A XI) AUGUST AT WKSTIIAMPION, 1..

I. Outdoor d.iilv Ficncli Gr riiiaii: DA '1I AGIE, 1'ATiJ N.J. Tii i i a iii ii fi'su a TUT NAM JK In O.imtuoii :1, eion, Mrr USUI. AN OUUIN V.M'K TO RENUMf.Fy NORTH KIIMC OF PUTNAM AV KNU1C. FHOM Ml)): TO MICY A KNU That the i im: or north ur.l9 of Punnrn aviijiuo, lrom No.m rand av to Marcy a its on by ilu 'irnmi i un of Citv Vo.

ka, i. i 'try ordinan ailopU'd. i aid Kteejf, frurn Xo avouu:) to M.irey diall bo re ijuinhe. vii aci 'anc; with plan, a ut the 'oni jni i ne. i'i(y i mid he (iMtdoi io i and da re 1 flpj no; ill ri of Pu( rnu aj on t.1:, ua LojUc, on in tho parirnul) oi.

i 1 1 ks. i't 1 in i idi 1 Ttu ij ordman h.i on i i.e of M.U'jii. 1 i ton (ill) day, in th Muyo's i bi.i approve I or divtppov:) t. M. Oity 01 rk.

(Ji.nti.K'i Ctiv Mf.rv.! It, do hy en Li that ilw foro.ioiiu; ia 'v tr i oriima i. on in this I i. liol of I GUMMING. t'ity Olr rk. ii a Ok city v6 fj k.

Room 15, il lluildinif. va: IHiU Propuvih w.jr. his day pub li lv om ii lor i v.x i lamp pol3 un NinMi btvn'. 'ii Union iwn! 't'hird to i ar hiiup PJjI, 3 "5: biir jli L3 o. ton ti ll P.

AH MS, tor 1). S'lisnii'i', it t'i y. mh 1 7 tit 1 i vkk paiit ii 1 tbo N. d.iy A. 10.

1 1 'i ow.ntf propuaal i rre rm Livvd, jnibii opjiie 1 i.i I by the CoutHii.vd tin Firo 'lit 'Viook uoon thi d.a.y, (Jiasd A. Mi eJbini'ni Cavanah and John Loii nrj). for sum of A. liobbins (mji 'rank T. and li.

i hurbor), for ih'. sum rtt Uariy 1,. Urkp H. JJ. id ou Co! for i ho a1 1 in ol i II.

ilc (" ns. A. 'nack enb'i (' cca TkeubuHh for rJie or Vint li, da' for id pair Hiiop PniJiu l4anl (snr ti i. 11. l'.

1 and Francis Lauuij, iV he sum of Cla'i ('. for Oarp3iitcr Shop f'ijo Jjinips Ilirki'lt Manui.ic! Company (tunvt.evj, Oco. ICu. gvdl and John A. Si lil.iy i.

or the sum of Hairy L. Jiriwit i (s.ireties ll. It Hubbard and ob Coi fur the hsnoi li T. Walirmiin (liiirolica. A.

ln i. ubush 3. K. for tho ouni Patrick i Jaiues Lbni and Jo ip hoiijrhrau), for thu sun Cla i I l.uni 1 0: Co. v.

re! CIis. H. I) nd.iy an I 1 (i.vler), tor he sum tii jj Po a uv hit tie.s F. nnk T. Wall jj i 1 ll.

K. Tluiib i oi igl.H'.l',': Patrick Cav.ina;zll i i.mj.j Juhn fj j.ijdiian). fur lb di'ni or si CI. hs! S.ipH(M 0. W.

Knpnui. (nreites, A KlU MO.T..; thu ill til OI i0.0(); lo. aud A. i. i.

IV. nd nnatjli, 1 1 for tho uum Ma il.v..". Patri Cj. vameli, tir Frank 'I'. Wilt ar.i 11.

i. htuin rt. lor tlr jj 1 dobn II. I ureties. Jorm li.

i i.sinc.sV rvid M. ivnn of tf mii' A. mi ((Kiibtt an. I C. i.

idT l.r St.ppUe Fie.h'ix' IVvtrcn, (sure t.c William Kj. fir thf snn 0" A. Kot.lun Frnuk T. it. id M.

i rir jir), im ih'i i i i la i U. Kub io. id Suttion. iiti iinl.h.'i 'i u. in C'lioatiy.

(umtits, Alou.o K. in i mi i i i T' i for ill" of J.y,!j?55 i ompany, (uurf tiei AlonZi K. Lynch Bud Jam IV; rd tor the stun oi I 1 1. it'iy Amorican fStation i Company fmireitc 31:3 Ii.iisl and 'I'homa. A.

tViI lor tljo 8fim o' 700 John T. Mo'Mi. t' John M. Dutfv an i (J. for thj huiu oi Itr.ndad P.

Wljiim N. rn tl nnd 11. I. 'fhirtui the Sinn ot $7ii')i Itriek (Huretii, Ij.tiie and Juiin in), for li sum oi ffcHIJi: Tow M.ant:faettir;ui; and Oom yauy, bid in'Oi iiMil. JOHN (Jommiasioner Firo l'' par'inent.

Attest: NKilmam I). Deputy jnimiHdionor ami OWefClerk, mhl7 b't BOARD 134 AMITY ST, NEAR CLIN ton Han'ieomoly ftirnishcd large room; also hall room snftablo for families or gentlemen; reference required. "OARD LARGE SQUARE ROOMS, nicely furnished, or two roomn on parlor tloor, with all conTenlonco3 tor a physician leforencoB exchanged. 102 Putnam av. BOAHD EUR ninhod rooms; excellent table polite attendance; a Oheerfulliomo for a fow at modorate terms; within tif tsen mlneted of New York; tablo board 44 per week.

Ill 3outh Oxford st, Brooklyn. jL ARD CLARENDON HOTEL On tho European plan; Waihinirton, Johnson and Falton sts; roons 31 par day and 1 1 speoial ratej for families by tho ooaaoa. FHANKEL LAN KING. ZJaKD UPTOWN, A PllETTILY FU1! nished room on third floor; very bright and choir fnl and cool all beautiful, healthful locaiion and very convenient to everything; references. B(5 Sixth 6 AJtD MANSION HOUSE.

jmOOIiT lyn Hoighte, directlyonposite Wall N. Y. min QteIi, walk from Fulton or Wall st. Ferry and the bridge terminus; superior accommodations; reasonable rata scloot family and transient hotel; 200 rooms. BoOId parties i3Tga pleasant aocond stry front and third story front room can find the same by applying at 'JIB LoITorts plf pitth houso from Franklin av, one short block from County Franklin av station.

OARD 55 TO 6, OTaND 95 I'lNEAP pie fit Sunny front room ou socond floor: also, a Bingio room; runuin water; eicollont bio; location very convenient within livo mtnutos' walk of liridgo and ferries; boarders accommodate. Ij OA RD TO LET, WITH BOARD, IN A M.y rohned family owning, a square room and ballroom; alo an unfurnished squire room. Call at 41 Ilalsey st, near Bedford tv, ouo block of Pulton elevated. tween Court and Clinton Choico of rooms in brown Btono ho nowly painto.l, papered ami furni.shoii with all references; ton minutos' walk to bridge and ferries; table boarders accomruodatt d. 1 OARD A I'RIVATE FAMILY "WILL rent, with board, a large, squaro, third story front room; all modern fonvenit ncos and nouly futuisliod; tine location reason Tinii; rotcrmces.

7 St. James pi, noar and (irand av 1( stnt'on. Bt )ARUV UPTO WKS 'J t'j Greene av, family boarding house ainlo or eonnoct in roomu; alf back parlor for or deutidt diu inroom on parlor tloor; near Kid av station; liberal tablo; good attendance; ablo boarders taken. i OAlUi 354 "AND35(i HKNIIYKT Jl Ji Handsomely furnished Btory front room. mm MiKiiuK i a (, inn room convenient, location tew to omh i and Wall at ferries and City Hull.

OOARD ON THE HILL 355 ADELPHI SJ st, between do Mie and Lafayelle aM To let witli board, toto adult. a large square, very pb aant, thirtl fctnry front room, handbomely ut ui. ihed loi ution, house an.l tablu tiist class tablu boardeiu accommoilatod. A LA HOE, SUMJY, HQ AUK second story front room, ample closet, handsomely furnished, sultablo for one or two genii mon, with or without board, a privato Frouoh lami'v tablo tirst class; re. rences.

31J4 State st, noar Uoyt; couveniout to ferriB bridg f. a hd thF'h otel HT. g13()KGK jil? attracted by tin succors of the unfurnished Imtiif avatmonts in New York, havo just completed 10') similar now ready, furninhod or nnfurui.shu'J, at oue br.lf tnoir prices. Corner Olnrk nnd flicks qs, Brooklyn Heights. American or European Plan.

"B.OARO HEIGHTS 117 STATE ST, Ji tear CHntou Nictdy furnished liryo and small rooms, with every hot and cold water; French board in a very dordrablo houso; only fow minutes' walk ferries rmd bridge; torinn reasonable; table boarders acvommo.lated. TOARD ON THE" HILI)uTWIl7 illoiighby av, near "Washington Largo and small newly furnished, wit every convenience; ftuitablu ior mar lied ei tuples, or young gentlemen excu.l'. ni table ntnl home Qcomiortt a low table hoarders accommodated, ft! 3R WA. V'fl'KD. I yOARD" VANTED 0 11" A GENTLE JiTm.m anil wife; seconil story room preferred; tonus not to exceed Vi.

Addres.i Box 13aglo ollico. JiJAKD WANTIOIt lJY A GiiNTLEMAN 0 0u a private family or whora thorn nro one or two hftardorrt; between jtinih anil Sixti onth nt 'third and HixtliAV3L Ad lro is Kaglo l'ittli av bian.h. pOAKD' 'WANTEO RY YOUNG Ji couple atul vhiltl in a refined family highest rolerences given and required. Address HBLINK MKNT, Box fi, Kagle "OOARD WA.STED IS jj) blind dasire.i it comfortabbi roo'n with permanent board in a pihnto family; terms 35 iier woede Address XiiBSON, Box Cr.iie otneu. OAIU) A NT ED HY A "PAHTY" '()F iive ad In a respectable neighl orlu od rooms must bo nicdly fui uisln d.

witli htnno comfort it a mo crat price; and wife, two ladies aud one gentlemen; present lan 11a ly retiring. Adiiru.iS A. B. Hi Ashland pi ro'erences exchauod. ITOAlli) A NT li I OUN MA UK IK Ji iJcouple rosi'Hug in story brown stone liou will give 1 largo unfurnished including fmnt parlor, in exchange, for ttoiinl no small ehildren referenced required and given.

McDUNOUCil ST, Kagle Budford biauch. TOURNISHEI) ROOMS WITH ORWITH JL out boa to let. App'y nt SM Bed'ord av. BURNISHED ROOMS 'J HARRISON Hf. near Court A nico front hall bedroom.

l.f.O a woek; aKo a la ge front room Ior two gentleman, a week no ladies. r.UUNISSIEO KOOMS LAKGE (iOM 3. io! table, pleasant loninc, at moderido prl in Iiouho opMOKiio park; ten minutes to bridge. P'ro sident street. TjURNISlrED" near Ncins argo alcovj room, nicely furnished, with or without board also, two hall rooms for gentlemen; tonus reasonable; roierunco oxchaiigod.

W7 i IN 1SHED ROOM II AN DSOMEL i. good attendance; near City Hall; prico inodei ate; riiiit able for one or two geullemon only; no moving. 170 Livingston st. IURNISJIED ROOlrs JB. st To adults only; a second floor urn tailed complete forliou.xekeeping good location: modern improvements; hix inluute walk from bridge; can bo seen froui It) A.

M. to P. M. BURNISHED ROOMS LADY OWNING handsome house on Carlton av. noar Lafavetto.

v.ill lot IJ rooms to gentlom 'ii or gentleman and wife; breakfast and 'iluni'f it desired. Address for throe days Alt Ul.VC'iO.V. Box 0, Eaglu oitiee. JT rOLETHOUSE 3 STORY EASRMENT at MI Pacific st, between New York aud Brooklyn avi; beautiful neighborhood rent rtIO LET HOUSE LOOK AT 874 if USiI7 JL wick av. '2 iory and Imatmicnt frnulc, a'l imicovo mauls uuo tliu tjost lucatiantj on Buslr.vica uv rout U.

P. HKYWARD. Tompkins av. To Let iousii 20 1 utn am a near Hodforil. story front, 4 story r.

ar, exioiiBioii ho uao contains 11 rooms; aUo batiiroom and storeroom dininitroom on parlor lloor; nosm baioii in April, Owner, Madinou ht. rijO LliT A 2 STORY ERAME houso; 0 rojms; water and wash tuba; two blocks from Kulton r.t 1, litation in gotjd order rent 1 S. In iinire ou tho promises, 11 fit, near Ualph avenue. jlOLETiloWjF Sl'ECIALi' STORY and basement brown dt.o ti nted two blocl.s from 1. station rincai location in the Twenty dirdt 'iS'ard; rout qlOOU.

Willougiiby av. C. P. UKYWAltD, 251 Tompkins av. nno LET HOUSE UOTTAG AT SHEL terlfbinl; nicely furni.shed, comainiug rooms and all Imp: located on tho I'ropect groumls; rout very modeiato.

Apply id tlie cashijr's dw'ak, Kagle otiico, ca.ihiur of (7ommercialBank. mo LET HOUSE EJMCK Sl house; three minutus1 walk from Brooklyn brido; will retain back parlor as physician's otbco; d''. location and reasonable terms. Addre. Dr.

V. li)' Di'. ntur rpO LET HC USE 7 8 1 PUTNAM AY, 3 near iieid 2 story, basement, brown storio, 10 roointi Lath; all imnrovcmonlri; Hiilendld order; three minutes irotn atatfon rent $40; free forilarch; others, $27 and upward. Ii li. V.

A. HOLLENdirOK, 44(t Gates av. ftp 6 ET HO USE A GENTEEL 3 STORY JL nnd bftsoinont brown stono front, Aruity st, botwoL'n Clinton and Henry, to a small private family nice noixh borhood modern improvom' uld; plenty oloactd; 1570 por month. l. MARTIN, 31 Broad ct.

Now Yorlt. rgO LET HOUSE ti i GRAND AVRE M. tween Delvalb and f.afayotto: a nico modimn Kiz'id li story and basement, 10 room brown aton) houso; con all Improv ments; just deconited; Immediate pos f.osion; ronr ijfSoi). Inquire at Ji.ifi. ri Bit Litf UOOSBS A SMALL, NI5AT 8 ji story brown stouo, St.

Jium pi, noar LelfertM; ei coflent order; all improvements i au be occupied before May; al story brown siono ou Leilerts pi; 11 rooms; ak ovo; exc ilent order and ready for ocoupancy. Call at ovr uer'd ofiico, iit. Jami il, corner Attaniio avenuo, riW ET OUS KS I RE I ISO JI. ti'm: conveni uit to Fulton st road; r.ond for printed list; open uveniiige lulenhone Ileilford. I'OWLl Mt Corner Bed.ord av am! r'td ron st.

fE'iO 'HOUSEON THE IIEi( HTS Ji. A lady owning a 4 tory brick dwelling on a pronil nt corn on tho Heights and occupying rooms will b.ila;i' 0 ot the house ti roomo' to a i p.soou. tiblo 'nant and lake part nayiient of rent in ima d. other boanter. allo'ved; tirst cl.iHo refemnces gnenand qnirod.

Apply to F.UWAKD II. Qt.1 AKTI O'i and Court lit, corner of TWb Lia, H()lSES DOWN IWN DiT A CAItY A lib! Pulton tt. Sri SamN torv brick, 1 room.s "I Clr.rlot, ntni bi lOrtntois liu) Amity olo. br.jwn s.tono, I'i roonu l.Oi'O 'A Hi Clinton ht, fory stone, room: l.JOu liiekH n'jar Clark, rtioins 1 rcj'K) let houses paric" slope Sterling pi, nr riafbu av, 3 ivnd bait a. $m'0 Fifth st, nr Seventh av, a bar ri HO Piesidimt et, nr lujihth av, II a and Sixth nr Sisth 4 and bast jt 4' 0 S.

coud nr av, IS a au I ijr0 tMici nd Sith av, 'J aud bat i Ti 40 st, ur until av, II and ba jL roll bt. nr av. :1 ami b.v a 1 Mi) 'I I kiit in Six! nv, i and bait i b'O 1 nr av, and 40 Union nr Kii av, '2 Ur LJuO UAHIiKNBKoOiC, Real KstaJe. 1 10 Sc I ar. mu fiET i.6 us i I'irtIti, HI Filth av, on Park Berkeley pi, ll tii and Park pi, nearSiJC.h av, and ba o.

IB J00 Bergen bt, near 1'iMh 'i i. 0 4'jO I t. ion st. near F.fih av. 'J' i bt and b.

isn. 1 4'JO Pa! tic ft, near lit f.v, iit and Ifiue, If iVopi'i't pi. near Sixth at and bii.i:;, "i0'.) Ht, nea. Peiil L'Vi and babe, 11 4r0 t. M.tiks av, near st and 7ti) bt, no.

ir Calton nv, r.inl base, fps'O 1'rysMe't pi, near av, ft and bace, 1 1 ii M) Sl. l.irki av, ntiiir liixib, bt and 1 C'itt Varton at, near th av, nt. Sttrliug pi, near Sixih av, at and base, II 700 Any of ibe. f.o.isca will bo put in coud'tiou to mt ri.bpoiirjible tenants. For full iutbi maaon and pertuiia apply to Bl'KLLE HKiUG, Sl Fiftuav.

TO rpo LET HOUSE kuunishkd a de JL tachod cottage on Monroe at, noar Tompkins 0 rooms; haiitl tomoly turnis'ned; cozy home; I've jy improvement; ownor going South; rent mo4ei ate to bmal! iami.y. Apply to WILLIAM P. HAi i 1 Gates av, corner Notrand. mo LliT "HOUSB lfUKN 1 3 if A IL family uf two will let a furnished 4 story house, in class neighborhood, near tho fenins, to a ijuiet co or sinftll family ot In exchange for board no boarder 10 be taken lady mubt boa thorough liousnkeeper. Address OWKKlt, Bo.i 'V20 A'ow York P03I Otiico.

iO S.K 3 aA13'B'S sawBJ. SuS. niW LET PART OE HOUSE A PINE JL lower part; good locality for do. tor. In.itilin on promises, 'U4 rieclaent streot, beten Chuton and rgio LET IRTOF .0.

lioi.o ojtcojt parlor lloor rooms and bath; ioe. i tio witcin five minutes City Hall fnrniniro will bo hold. Aihlreiii HlCJiiJi 1S, Bo.i Jiaglo olrica rnio Lii part olTio use LOviiIt tt. part of brown stouo house, with 4 on third tloor three minute to Nostraud av I.sti'.lon; posso3 r.iuu April 1 if iIio. 320 Ciiftou pi, between Bedford and Nobtrand avs.

pi) JjIOT PART OL 'llOLSIC Ji and bath (all improvnmouts) in i aca' story an 1 basement liou at I Hancock fit, between Broadway and av ouo block Jioui llaioy st station; ohuap lent. rgio LKr T'AUT or iibi'sK u.v Ji. opporiouitv, with owner; aecnd floor, saloon pnr lurs, caitinel iriuiino 1 niautitl mirrors, incl ba: with two rooms ou third tirnt, neighboi iioo I rent reasonable to right parting; roferuncos. Mailt Hon st. mO LET PART 6V 6 1 8 1 TrL 6 It Ji.

floor ami largo rooms and heater, register and all otlinr improvements; in elegant new story bacinent jirivata houses; only two families iu each house; lino louatiou; lifteon minutes from three terries; twenty two from bridge by elovatod road. Owner on premises, l.lUG Hale sl, two blocks from Hidajy bt elevated utatiou aud Broadway, Brooklyn; opou tauudaya. 5 i i MKl OF THE LOT OWXKHS OF THE CEMKTKHV will Im iiol at tiirt ollirs. of llio CL'aio' ary, t.v.v York, oa Cm IStll oi 1 r.Vloik. linnn, to rcc iTa th nnimal r'tiui 1 Oi 1 ha trasUuj, ittr siiiHit to tlni prin jsious of tho cl.arur.

March 10, ISill. r. So ta a y. SHRtHHlAT IS rBi'm i I'noi'Mi; Tii sr at a oi'N'ew York, tho ara of fio.l ( an 1 in lopcn lon To Mary Hoar a hV.rroll fo i i. r.

is. Acnes arra 1, tiloCilyut" l'r lol.lyn, aas ioti i i. iito's Court of liic inas to halt, a i in trnnu'lit ill Ij. arii a ll' i ir a lull a July, ISa.S, rt to roal p' al 'i al io ki, tho la. will tin a (csis io lit A.

I) i 'A ltl.l, lato ot" ta.iC.tyot 'i ii. 'yn, yon an.l cll ol yo.i ll oa. ll I ro toil 1 Io ar 1,0 lor a c's I oori o' i Cio ty i to ba l.oi.I at tlt. ot a. orii in ly oi li n.

on tilt 1 nt v' iimi til ion o'clock ill I ho tor. ito 't a an i 1 i.fto to tho ir a i.t tiu sli'iI last i an. I sun In titn oiy uh.a.s.f v.o hlivo tint oa! of i Sorioaat' 's t'onrt to ho li. i r.itix 4. Hon.

Cl.tor,:.: B. Ir.o oii.t ot o. i Mill sl im Brooklyn, Cttti ia als rh, in l.nt tir oaa thoiistuai la ihIai i a vi nav ty on. w. I VI ('Itirk irto loSTATJ AND BUSIN i.SS i i.vji i'AcroBY t'cwcit ct.

(t.t.ii MarW.1 aivl tin and Kiatl av. pi ront. 'r aniitiin. cut. v.aa oi an itn r.

ii i io io ptaiMily. Sloe. l.l ais. LD iliio. niniairoit.s.

I it. ('O Mi', rn 11. (i.i l. 'it, PatSK 11. I.

Aill'tMJIt 1H7MT, A lip.iti ia. it'll i po aiat; tor 1 nil ia sr.ri;o Ct",! .1 ah ttl'li cat A. al. MCI jpUliCIIAailaiCi Oa 11K.1I. CAN' iC'l'AIN' I.O..

to thi.c' rcr.CH'.tif l.N!' V.VIV. UV INTIillllMI from tho tnr.MAN i RKAI. CI'itMAN A.ol.illlJAN TlTi.K UKltMAS AMKU1CAN I CiCK.M AN AMiClttO.VN COMfASV. Ca Half Mylton Dollain.

io ocitT r.aoovu.YN. OliOokl.YX f' )M I'ANY, 8 and 1. 1 ott st titt's lirooktyn, Mt.ich 1 11, Sill or ti i o. piyini; divitli'iid on Ci.i 1st pro l.s for 1 1 1 1 aiso ot Monk this 1 1 M.otitho Hint in.i ri op a 10 i. it on ih I ocaitr uf thu lisaul ui llir.n io, s.

il. toy, 1 i nsry. sta ji.iott' "A 1 1 is. tl1 att.l itoro ho i aitti dwi ltina tn a'. 1 i tMt loi iali a ii on; all oird m.v.

limit i.U'i v.irv si rs.t.i's'iioot thatr tat. cl a wi li ilot'ippol ins list is Itaat'til in laisino. i' 4 tat i 50 l. nv v. t( a I mii a hriii in, cs "a stt.Ubta no a hvory tro' 0.

vol iy ir I i io ii a on co ill oi 7 i.i. a I is A.ipi..' 1 1 oon. 'l 1 'a 11 a 'sj aOli. KALi; Fi.ATm TlilKH n' iiil', A lea walk lo in a' nnntl tirotii'. ty; 4 rtory ll ll 'ina'i all rooted .11.

to holla, l.d liay. i Iti'iuueof ana tr, 4 I 1 sl, ir oiarral 1 11 c' ti't, a v. llro.i ZjUlt AlA'; OA llil pots of l'" 1 notCaliiio intud 10J sl, tnurCt lAtlll I. UXITl JIK AT A 'OK! ov.i 1 en it, vx t. this wo t.

i ii j. w.ud A.

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