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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TAB BfiOOKLlN ISlPROVMENr CO. BOAtlMMUo THIRD EDITION, HEXjP WANTED. MtST EDITION. tfttp Sottas ndr ossif bnl the direotora are of settling favorably with Mr. Catherwood, and coming out In the ond with near $100,000 of aotual assets.

AtUVSElttEMTS. OFFICE, 8 1 8 IB, BOARD AT 36 SANDS ST. A JM1UJSUX furnished front room to let, with board board and lo oatlon tlrftKJiass; referoaeei given and required yju rj', T36ARDaE42 FOURTH PLACE, NEAR Mb rnnmn tn pt. with hot and Cold water and good bonrd, in a private Frenoh family; tarnw moderate; icfcrencea exohanged. lOARD TWO GENTLEMEN, WIL ltnninrnnm tmrethor.

oan obtain stood omrd and a pleasant front room, by applying at 179 Livingston at. anSSt WTn ATJT9.t7 RRIDDE Hi 111 JLilSi. front room, on socond flour. 1815; also, hallbed roorn tho modern unpiovoments; dinner at OARD NEWLY FURNISHED roomB. en suits or single, with hod and oold water, for gentlemen.

Reference required. 60 Stato street, near Henry. W.ft HOARD ROOMS, FURNISHED OK with or without all modern ira Srivementt, good table, bath, piano, eto. Inquire at lf7 ultonat. iySlm' OARD FURNISHED ROOMS, I 1st.

trfth board, for sentlsmon and their wiyes, or single gentlemm terms muderalo. No. BO Boorum street; witnjD rnree romnxes' want oi uiui ou, i UOARD A NICELY FUrtNiSHBU Bll mnm nn nurlnr floor: also, a hall bed room, for one gentleman. Firat clatstablo; bath; day boarders. Terms very moaerate.

liijguiioust. tOARD IJ8 A PRIVATE FAMILY A SJ pleasant, neatly furnished baok parlor, with extension, to let to one or two single gentlemen, with board location choice, and convenient to tbroellnesof oars; terms low. Call at 158 Carlton ave. near Willoughby. DOAKD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE plcaatmt roomn at 102 Ooogreaa et, three doors trim Hunry fioaBe has all modern improvemeuts and tabla first olajs; i ao nn: Stt 50ARD 249 OLIHTuN ST.

BKl'WBKN Hamson ana uegraw bib, buioo or Lunuwimm, iu. nisbed rooms on second floor, to lot, tozother or separately, to gentlemn and their wives or lamilie? houso, looatitm and table nrst olaBB; retereneea reqnitea. TJ OARD 77 STAT ST, OPPOSITE SID J3 ney place Gentlemen and iheir wives, and a few siDgle gentlemen, oan be accommodated with nicely furnished rooms house has aU improvements. Dinner at Bi. au2 12t" BOARD AT 94 LAWRENCE BB tween Hulton ave.

and Willoughby at. a gentleman and wife wishing board and pleasant rooms, oan be aocom mnrlBtprt hv calling no obiootion to children dinner u. O'CIOCK. BOARD FIRST CLASS GENTLiri.iVll!iJ!i nd their wives, or single gentlemen, oan be aooom modated with board at 86 Htoks at; this houre has all the modern improvements; day boarderacanbe aooommodated. jysu Yi OARD TO LET WITH BOARD fj nandsomely furnished rooms, on second and third floors, with ample closet room; location very desirable for the enmmer months; terms moderate.

Apply at WS otiu ton st. aua 6t BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS LE AS ant rooms, with good board, to single gentleman, or gentlemr and wives; dinner at near Wall tt. and Fulton ferries: family email; terms low to perrnanonl parties. Apply at J27 Pierrepont st. BOARD TWO GENTLEMEN CAN BE accommodated with a pleasant furnished front room and breakfast and tea in a family where there are no boarders: Roman prefemd: Bhort walking distance of ferries good city roferenco given and required.

AddreBsT. P. Fagle office. BOAJhD AT 04 WEST BALTIC ST. BE tween Henry and Clinton Bts Handsomely, furnished rooms fora gentleman and wife, or a party of single gentlemen; hnuse first class, with modern improvements, and where home comforts caa be enjoyed; also, a baok parlor and extension room.

au3 2t BOARD AT 199 BRIDGE ST A FEW gendemen can have rooms to themselves, with honrd, at $fi pi week, or to room with another gentleman, in a room with two bods, at $5 50 per week. Also, four la dies i nn havo good rooms, with board, at (Bl per week. auij 6im fy st and Houthfarrips i 'irst cliss board for families and Binelo gentlemen; nouse nowiy iunra and elegant; all tho modern improvements; location uu eurnassed; superior table termB moderate references ex. changed. au33f BOARD AT 209 HENRY NEAR Sloto, lo let, wlh board, two largo seoonit story rooms to a gentleman and wife or two Bingle gentlemen, or to a patty of gentlemen rooms are nicely furnished also.nall rooms within Bix minutes walk of Wall st ferry and three A BD GENTLEMEN AND THEIR JIJ' wives, or singio gennomen, cau uavu a buujud ui ai.j rooms; houe and table first class; contains the improye monfa laH.ammninfl) frnm t.hA fprriai terms moderate: references exohanged.

Please call at 113 Adams st. iy3l tit BOARD AN AMERICAN FAMILY, living in their own house, will lot, with board, a neat ln aonnnri alnrv Crnnt ftnH hllfllf rnnni. tO Sin! gentlempn House has all the modern improvements: hot and cold watfr in rooms; no children. Dinner at 'A o'olock P.M. References exchanged.

31 Donglass st anJ BOARD AT 118 SECOND PLAOR Nlcely furnished unites of rooms, and sinlo rooms, rii sf.MnRR linnrrt. nt.rRRRnnahln nriuHa: tahto lirst class hnnse has all modern improvements; half a block from Smith and Court st cars, two blocks from Oirroll Park; where tho comforts of a home can bo touna jjescot rnri'r ence given and required. au3 6t OARD ON THE HILL FIN ELY furnished rooms nn the second floor to lot. With board, to a gentloman and wife, or a party of single gsa tlemen; houBe has all improvements; 20 inutes' walking distance from Fulton ferry; locnti jn first cla3s terms mod erate dinner at o'olock. DoKalb ave, second bouse above Carlton, nOitn side.

auiijt' OARD ON THE HILL TWENTIETH Sy Ward Purtioa wishing pleasant rooms in a largo double house, with modern improvements, table first class, will find it to their advantage to call at 126 Adelphi street; hnu is Bnrrounded by a luree garden, making it a desir able home for tho Bummer; twenty minutes trom terries. au3 6t' OARD ON THE HILL TWENTIETH 39 Ward Parties wishing pleosant room3 in a largo double honse, with modern improvements, table iirst clus, mill finil iMnthnir ndvnntAirn Call at tf Ado oh( street house is surrounded by a large garden, it a desir able homo for the summer; twenty minutes from femes, au3 6t BOARD TWO GENTLEMEN, WITH their wives, or two or throe single gentlemen, oan ficd first class accommodations and board, ma private family nrcnntlni, a hnnRo onntalinff all tbo imDrovempnts. and very desirably located five minutes' walk from Fulton ferry; referenco exchanged. Apply at 61 tsanas st. jy316t BOARD HANDSOMELY FURNISHED rooms, with h'rst clnss board, for two gentlemen and ibotr niooc nr ninnlo (rnntlomnn hnnse contains all modern improvements; newly fitted np and furnished and most pleasantly located; five minutes from Wall st.

and JTulton ferries. Apply to W. UUUK, 43 Nassau Bt, Detweon wasn mgton and Adams fits, Jyz BOAKD OR ROOMS WITHOUT board If you want furnished or unfurnished rooms, and save time and expense, apply as under, where you can onitort nil localities, frnn of obarffo. Parties who de pire lioarders, or having rooms to lot, olease call at the BOARDING KOOM AND HOUSE AGNO 161 Monta gue st. KBtablished 1867.

jynim BOAKD "ALNWICK 242 244 and 246 Fulton st, near Clinton, Brooklyn Heights, is ihe ooolcBt and most airy summer boarding house in tho two citieB; five minutes' walk from Fulton and Wall st. for rios. A few very fine rooms not yet engaged. Street oars to all points pass ine aoor ever; minute uaj ituu uiguu. jy7 8m BOARD A LADY ANp GENTLEMAN of first class position, having a house larger than they require, (vt ry elegantly aDtl complete! furnished, in the boat street, closo to Prospect Park,) will receive a married couple of high reeoectability, to board with them upon a superior scale of comfort and onlv three in family, nnd no children.

Address tf. 0 Eagle office, au4 3t BOARD TO LET, NOW, OR BY SEP i ember 1st, a choice of two suits of very handsomely furnished rooms, in a strictly first class house on Brooklyn Hdtflits; the rooms are newly papered and piinted, have hot and cold water, lame clc seta. tc. tho beds aro oi the best, material, and everything will bo found perfectly nent nnd clean; tho table is supplied with tho bont the market few rnardnrs taken. Pleaso call in the afternoon or evening, at 160 Joralemon st, between Uonrt ana uunton.

"OOAPD WANTED BY A LADY AND JL? gentleman, in a private family, a nicely furnished iu utivu louuwoii jutjuimiive AddiessX. L. Eaglo office a'u UOAllD WANTED FOR A GENTL Jf man and wife, in a private family, or where there are iew poaiaera. Aaaress, stating location, terras, cn. w.

engie omoe. OOARD WANT KD IN BHOOKbYN MP for gentleman, nife, threo children and nurse; or a bouse or part of a bouse, furnished, in a respectable noign Dornoou. QoreB3, agie omce. axciw BOABD WANTED IN THE TWENTI eth or Twenty.first Ward, for man and wife and two children. 13 and 15 years of ago, throe rooms.

Addre. for two onys, stating location and terms, A. B. MSaglo otiioo, au3 2t OARD WANTED BY A YOUNG MAR' 0.9 ried couple, from November 1st, in a respectable inmny, strictly private; convenient to Wall s. ana Fulton ferries, Addiess, Btatlng terms, for threo dayB, G.

Eagle office. au42t BOARD WANTED BY A YOUNG AN in a private family, or where there are but foiv boarders; must oe convenient to the Wall sc. or Fulton ferries. Address. Btating terms, whioh must bo moderate, box BOARD WANTED BY A GENTLE man and bis wife, by the beginning of Soptombor, permnnant board in a private American family; must bo convenient to ferry.

Address for threo day3, statin? location and terois, which must bo moderate. B. SMI TH, 534 Brodaway, N. Y. aul 2t 'oujvsy noAitn.

C(OUNTRY BOARD AT MILTON, ON tho Hudson Pleasantly situated on high and commanding ground lino river view and of saToumlingcoun ry; easy of access; two boats daily, to New York, Apniy at 343 State st. aul6t" TO LET BaOJJiiJIiS. TO LET FIRST FLOOR AND BASH ment; seven rooms. 81X Cranbcny sr. aul 41 TO LET FOUIl IlOOMSj TH minutes' walk from Fulton Ferry.

Inquire at No. 17 H'gllEt, rjlO LET A SECOND FLOOR, PART M. ly furnished, in a private family, for lighr, housekeep ing; terms moderate. Address Kagle olBce. rpo LIlT HANDSOMBLY FURNISHED A rooms, with all modern improvements.

Apply at 289 Fulton St. au38t" TO LET A FUlSNlSHED FBONT room and bed room, for housekeeping, at 15 Vino st, two blocks from Fulton Feny; rent $14. au2 6t rf0 LET HOUS NO. 58 CLINTON J3 ave. with all imnrovemonto.

in firsb olass crdor: nos session immediately. Inquire of E. SHERWOOD, 52 Clinton ave. au3 2t rilO LET LARGE ROOM, WITH BED JL room connecting, neatly furnished, suitable for one or two gentlemen; small family in the house; oonvsaient to tho ferries. Call at 169 Adams st.

au3 2t" mo LET PART OF THE HOUSE 228 Penrl St. conaistinflr nf nir rnnmn. tvlt.l, trim unit renter' none but a email respectable family need apply, Cau be seen at any time possession Sept. 1st. au3 2t TO LBT TWOWELL FURNISEfED rooms, suitable for honsokeening.

or to sinirla irnntln. men without board water and gas. Inquire at 296 Fulton avenue. ou4 2t TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen only, pleasantly looated and only three minutes' walk from terry, at 8 Bands st. P.

3. Oall arcer f. oi. an4 et" TO LET OR FOR SALE ON'EASY terms A two story, frame house on Sixth avo. near Twenty second at rent 81 per month price $2,600.

E. H. BABCOOK, corner of Court and Montague sta. au4 2t TO LET TO A MAN AND WIFE WITH ont children, three rnnmH. nowlv fnrnifihnd.

comnleto for housekeeping; five minutes' walk from Oity Hall to a desirable tenant the rent will be very mouerate. Address E. Eagle office. au4 at" HO LKT SECOND FLOOR, CONSIST I imr of two rooms, furnisnod. tn a sontloman and wife only; hot ana cold water, gas and bath room; bouse occupied flrthe owner.

Apply on the premises, 297 Navy st, between Fulton and DeKalb aves. au35t TO LET FURNISHED A FAMILY who wish to leave tbe citv for some mnnthft. denim t.n let their bouse and furniture until May next, resorving the second floor 8 story, brick; plainly, but noatly, urnisnod. AddresB MlNNlfiSUTA, Fagle oulce. auS 2t' LET A FURNISHED HOUSE, ltorv.

brick: handsomely famished thronffhnnt! In cation, Brooklyn Heights; Henry st, between Clark and Pierrepont. Kent $200 per month. Address Eagle office. aul at mo LET A 3 STORY, ENGLISH BASE ment brlek house, in first rate order, nut nr nn three gas throughout, rent low; parlor oarpsts, heater and hall oil cloth will be sold at a fair valuation. If desired.

Apply at 689 Atlantic st, Brooklyn, or 82 and 84 Nassau street, room M. N. possession on or before Sept. 1. au4 6t To Let a large HfrontIioom and hall bedroom nn the second flnnr.

t.n a and wife, or single gentlemen, without board, in a private family; referenoe exohanged rooms newly furnished. Apply ot 33 Prospeot st, four blocks from Fulton terry. au44t TO LET TO NICE COLORED FAMI lies, in Hudson ave. between Tjiirjivetto efe. and Do Kalb ave Three rooms on the parlor floor, three rooms on the second floor, and two rooms on tbe third floor; house in first rate order: immediate nossesBion: rent very reason able.

Apply to H. JONES 253 Myrtle ave. au4 iSt TO LET A HANDSOME BROWN etinn hnnse. tn nnrfanr nrrlnr. with all modem im provemontB, within seven minutes' walk of Faltoaferrv; rent very low to a pood tenant; posswn immediate: an income if properly managed.

Address BROWN STONE, ann.i. lO LET TO A GENTLEMAN AND wife, for llo ht hoasekeeoine. a second floor. rnnnin with convenience, gas, hot and cold water, bath and water oloset on floor; marblo mantels, large olosots, family pn.

vate. referenoeB must bo unexceptionable: rent SIB nor month. 90 Pacific at, near Grand ave. au2 Bt, nnO LET TWO NEATLY FDRNI8HED JL rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, without board, in a quiet, private family; bouse has all modern improvements; quiet, respectable neighborhood about eight mia ntes' walk from ulton ferry; terms moderate. Apply at 93 Prospeot Bt, between Jay and Bridge ets.

iy30 6t WANTED A YOUNO GIRL. TO TAKB care of a baby. Call at 32 Jelterjon st, no ir Or mood place. WANTED A BOY, TO OPEN OYS ters a ad wait on tables; Gorman preferred. dl atKJIMyrtloave.nearOlassonavo.

WANTFD A RESPECTABLE GIRL for gercrnl housework must have good reference 4 appiy oral iineappioBu W7.ANTBD AG1RL TO OOOK, WASH TT and iron best at 801 Wa thin Eton avo, and iron: best of city referonoo required. Apply oetween ureeue WANTED ONE OR TWO GOOD 8BO ond hand coa' carti. Oall at 162 Montague Bt, atthe ooal office. au32t WANTED A LAUNDRKSS BY THE month ono who can do plain washing and ironing well, may apply at 20 Clinton at. auS2t WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; goad references raqniro.

Apply at 363 Statejt; "3 2t WANTED AT THI5 HAT MANUFAO tory, cor. Raymond nnd Wllloughbi Bta.HfW.rar and wool bat trimmers, and girls to loaro. jv3t WANTED TWO COMPETENT GIRLS In one house, en the HeiehU one as oook, wa9hr an! ironer. the other as ohamhermrtid and waitress: with good references. Applyat7fl.Ioalemon nK ANTED FOR A RESPECTABLE bat store on Fulton ave.

a bos about 14 years of age, to make himself generally naefnl; a good boy wi nuaa permanent place. Address HA I'B. Eagle offlce. au38t WANTED AT TBB HAT MANUFAC tory, cor. Raymond and Willoughby sta, five good operators on Wheeler Wilson's sewing maoaines, for binding skirts, jy29bt WANTED A BOY ONE WHO CAN speak German; a Protoatant.

IB vnira old; in a down town house, N. Y. Address O. Y. R.

Eagle oifiee. au4 2teod WANTED AN AMERICAN OR ENG lish girl, as seamstress and child's nnrse. Also, a agirlforchamberworkandtoassitinwaiihm? and iron ing. Both Protestant. Apply at 290 Adelphist.

au4 2t WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENHRAL muBtbe a good washer and ironer and come well reco nmended one lately from Ireland praferrod. Apply this afternoon or to morrow, at 201 Fort Greene pi loe. WANTED FIRST CLASS COOK must thoroughly understand br business, ant be well recommended. Apply immediately at 148 Lafayette ave, below Adelphi ft. ANTED TO HARNESS MAKERS A irood seneral band, one nsed to attend in store and repairing generally one 'hat suits can have a constant job.

Apply to S. LOWREY, 231 Conrt st, nearDegraw. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, who understands cooking, washing and ironing well; also, a young pirllo nsnist with ohl'dron; wrgeg. $10 and $6 per month. Apply, with reference, at 4t3 Summit st.

XXTANTED IMMEDIATELY A IN (hiotrinnn unman as chambermaid and laandntss, to go a short distance in the oountry; must be a first rate washer nnd ironer and come well recommended. Apply at 320 Pacific St. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL, to do central r.ouBework: rouat be a good cook, and ironer; good reference required. Call from 10 nvpnuo. ticiwoon Jfutnam ana uates avos, eighth house from Putnam ave.

aa3 2t 7TTANTED 50 OPERATORS TO MAKE WW anntinl Rhirt.qnn Whpplpr A Witrt in's and Simrnr'B sowing machines, in and out of the house: none but good nanoa neea apply, uau ior one wees at ro jiaan nr street. an'1 2'" WANTFD TO DRUGGISTS A G15R man who spoaks Enr hsh well and is an edncted anotbecarr, as partner in a drns store a very advantageous connection is offered. AdaroEB PHYSICIAN, Bn Brooklyn P. O. au2 3t ANTED A YOUNG OR MIDDLE flcnil ffnmnn.

nitlior Knolisb. Scotch or Ameriom. to assist a lady with ber infant, and make hers if otherwise useful: only two in family ami part of a houe. Anyone wiehine uood home ano fair compensation, may inquire in store 2T9 Fulton Bl WANTED A GOOD AMERICAN nurse, competentto take entire charge ot a ohili 15 months old must be wiilini; and oblicing; best of reference reaoired ni)l meet with a good homo and liberal wacee; also, a first cmss servant, to cook, wash and iron, Coll at 342 Stato st, oor. of Novins.

WANTED 100 EXPERIENCED SER vants and girls lately landed superior situations of all kinds now in abundnncn. at HP.NnRIOKRON'S 05ice, 191 Atlantic street. All rnsnootableflrirls tvsntinff Bituations. free of oharge. should anply at this olfloe.

the best in Brook lyn; crowded daily witu Indies wanting netp. au.iat' AKTED LADIES CAN ALWAYS find snneriorhelD at 211 Flatbush avs. near Bornon Bt, none Deine aamnteo to lais oroce witnonr reenmmenna tiorsfrora their last placeB. excent girls who have novr lived cut. Girls nover pay until suited, but oan always got good situations ana gooa wages.

jyrfi inr ANTED IMMEDIATE LY WBT nnrses. for first class situations, and women to tako babies to board wet nur6es preferred. Inquire at LOUIS A Mtb. HANSEN'S Nurse Agency. 6 xth st, between Bowery and Second avo, New York.

N. B. Board by tho day. on reasonable terms, if reou red. ivl5 Im" WANTED LAD1 ES TO LEARN TO nnnratn on all kinds of sewinsmnchines: all tiranobes taught perfect, and recommended lo work.

Afaohines for saleanato rent. Operators sent out by the day or week. All kinds of family sewing and quilting done. Cloi, stitched fer the trado. Over Lewis' shoe store.

Apply a 167 Mjrtln avenue. Bret, floor. jy8 1m SITUATIONS WANTEB. TTTANTED A SITUATION, AS DRUG TV oieric. AaaioBS ii.

ti, ahi; wiix, jua atsie at. au32t' ANTED A SITUATION. BY A RE spectaoie young woman, to ao general nousewnrK; is a gooapiain cook, wasner ana ironer; nas gooa cuy reier ences, ices. ua Cfali for two days at Prince et. tlTANTED A SITUATION, BY A RB nectablo voinc womin.

to do teneral housework has good city references. Call for two days at 1j7 Harrison Br, Dotween micks anaHenry sts, 17S7AH ED A SITUATION BY A RE snectable woman to de general housework, is a good plain cook, wasner ana ironer; nas goou ouy reioronces. uau ior two aays an ao. a aenryst. lXT ANTED A SITUATION.

BY A young woman, as nurse and chambermaid has no objection to doing housework in a small family. Apply at ner present employers, 114 resiaent Bt. ANTED A SITUATION. BY A RE Rnoctahle voune eirl. to do un9tairs work and Dlain sowing or would tako cure of children.

Apply at 100 Union st, acuta urooisiyn. TS7ANTED A SITUATION. BY A RE spectacle young woman, as chambermaid and wait reeB; is trusty ana nas gooa oity reierencos, Uall for two days, at ner last place, its willow Bt, "ANTED A SITUATION BY A rennectable girl, as seamstress has no objection to assist in light up stairs work. No. 76 Congress street, near ilicks st TSTANTED A SITUATION.

BY A RE' snectable young woman, to take caro of a baoy, ordolightchamberwork. Annlyat the residence of her parents, 247 Atlantic at, near poprum. aul 2t 'ANTED A SITUATION. BY A RE SDOctible woman, with a fresh breast ot mi'k, as wet nurse in a private ramuy. uan ne seen at mr room.

315 Hicksst, near Amty, back au32t' ATED A SITUATION BY A vnun? rrirl to take caro of a baby and do litrht house. work, and oan give city rsferonce. Call at i01 Washington ave canoe aeen ior two onys. 17I7ANTED A SITUATION. BY A RE pnectablo woman, to do housework in a small fam.

ily. Inquire for two days at 315 Court st, corner of Butior, nrst. uoor, ironr room, TXT AN A SITUATION BY A RE speclable pirl as dok, washer and Ironer, in a small gnvato family; nas goon retcrenco all for tn days at 75 Clark st. from her last place, YITANTKD A SITUATION BY A RE TV snectable sirl as nurse or nurpe nnd seamstress nnderstancs cuttmc and nltins children'anna vountrla lies1 rJrssns; has pood reference. Can seen for two days at hi iabi vvtrrensr ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE snectable young woman, to do general housework is willing and obliging and kind to children has good oity references.

Call at her present employer's, 81 High st, neat WANTED A SITUATION A LADY going to tho country, wishes a sitnaiion fnr m'rl to do cbamberwork, or general housework in a smim jumi'y sne nns over lour years' recommendations, uan nnni rrioay ar. oi ivesii warren st. WANTED A SITUATION BY A GOOD, smart and willing girl, to do general housework: would I ke to so in tbe country for the summer; will be found respectful and wil'ing to work. Can be Been for two aays at toft aecona sc, VYiiiiamsDUrgn. MTA1S TED A SITUATION BY A young French girl, 15 years old, Bpoaks perfect Kngljsh, in a respectable family, either to wait on taMo or to mina cnnaren.

oan oe seen rorDwo aays at nulton ave. in iue secona uoor, near uami xon st. ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE snectable widow woman, withont, children of Iibt own. a child to take care of and bring ud. aero from ona year upward.

Call for two days at 44 Uatroll st, in the base muni'. 57ANTED A SITUATION BY A FIRST class cook, either in a hotel or a largo boarding xiuuse; a superior launaresB; also, seamBcress can do naa, with reierences, at tho Home, in Bergen Bt, ninth house uasroi i earaitii si Jvll tm "17STANTED A SITUATION AS GOOD cook, wasner and ironer can bo seen at her pros ent employer's, by whom she will bo hiohlv rncommfinded. Call for two days at tre largo frame houso on tne west side ot anueront. ave, near Atlantic. au3 at' ANTED SITUATIONS BY TWO efficient crirls np cook, wnshfir and irnnrr nnd clum.

bermnid and waitress citv or cnuntrv bv mr. lnfcnlv hnd. tu, to ustiiHt nouBeworii; anu oy two small gins to caKo civro of children, go on exnuida, eto. Apply at vlj uixjx'B 4 ouuub bi, uuur juuiiion au.1 61 TAJSTED A SITUATION, BY A RE pnectable vounrr woman, as oook. wAsbflr nml ironer, or to do cuamberivork and waiting in a privito fam ily, ior iwo aays at aiyrti ave, corner ot oan st, overtlin iw 3rug Storo.

Four years' ciiyrefereuco if rsquired, au3 2V AN TED SITUATIONS FOR A NUM ber of excellent, neat and trustworthy cnrls. Pro. testantB and Catholics, with Orst alass fofironcoi. far cnnlr. ing, washing and ironina chamberwork and waiiinc, ami Ion 9 nnnn I i t.l.

UUUDblTUin, l.l 1UI DUTIIH UUUlt Olll.llU (ILIIli ately arrived, at MAJfWIWG'S, 15 Court st, nest door to joratemon. ami at" "ANTED BY A RESPECTABLE WO man. a few aentiamp.Ti'a ar lading wanhrnir. jzr, hor own house, or would out by the day. Call at 2a Clermont ave, Detweon rant and flushing aves.

7ANTED A GENTLEMAN, WITH A oiuau ictiuiiy, ueuires a uanusomeiy lurnisuoa house, a arst class location in Brooklyn. Address 8 Box 6710, New rorkCityJ aui 2t" WANTED IN about a fortnight bedroom and sitting room, or large bod room only muBt be near ierrepont Hotel, Brooklyn. Address, giving particulars, F. H. BRADY, Box 6.S74 Now York.

au3 3t ANTED TO PURCHASE, OR PAIR exchange for COod bmmn and frmr In ftxrnnfv Infa. first class location; convenient to Brooklyn horse oar3: ffion i aJi tw xjj l.i. it iiv.4?,.S!r.".',lil ituvu. AuuisiH, mui iqu paruouiars, FRENOH, Kagle office. au3 2t" WANTED A RESPECTABLE WO.

man would like to take in washing at her home; the beBt of reference as to eompetonoy and security can be given. KesidencolSS Butler st, between Hoyt and Bond. Mrs. CALLIN. WANTED TO PURCHASE A 3 story and basement, brick or frame house, with all improvements, in a good location prioo not to exooed Address, stating particulars, F.

DAVIS, Kagle office. ANTED UNFURNISHED HOUSE A gentleman, with small family, wishes to rent a moaorato sizou none, in urooKij n. must oe unexceptionable. Address, stating terms, location, W. DESPATCH, 291 Broadway, W.

Y. aaL2t WANTED A GENTLEMAN OF GOOD addreBs and seme abilities, may hear of a rare opportunity of purchasing one half or tho whole of a well established real estate offioe. Address, with reference, for two days, AFAYET I'B. Eagle office. au2 3t WANTED TO PURCHASE A MBDI tun size brick or frame house, in a good location; price not to exceed 810,000 Also, a furnished house, in a good neighborhood.

Artdross, with full partlotilara, or apply to VAN BENSOHOTEN 4 160 Montague si. au3 6t" WANTED TO PlrjILCHAEOlXSlBi AhouBB, with Bome extra ground, Bituoted in the vicinity of Clinton, Washington or New York aves, Brook Unj. only first class property will be accepted. Address Box 2958, Y. P.

with full description and price. Oilers oj property considered confidential. au34t S7AN1ED A MECHANICAL A' architectural draughtsman, who understands making working drawings thoroughly, desires employment at his own office. Builders who need plans, or machinists who Sl8Dw.kJPtd?r&wiJ'II, wil' Please address J. 8S.

WOOD, Box 8,122 N. Y. P. O. jy37 lm TOTANTKD TO PURCHASE, A FJRSTN I class brown stono or brick house, near Prospoot or Washington Park, worth from $16,000 to $25,000, for whloh will be given a bouse and nearly one aore of ground, with fruit in abundanoe.

stable and coaoh house, wortb 810,000, situated in New Utrecht; balance to ba paitf in oaab. To exchange, two houses on Atlantic at, botw een Hoyt and Bond lie, lots 60x90, for a good stone front or nriok.houso in Bouth or Kant Brooklyn. J. E. CORNELL, oorner of Court and Joralemon sts.

jylOly BOARD ROOMS FOR GENTLEMAN And Wife, nr RincrltX irATlt.lnmnn. wrffh vlraLnlagn knnrrT at 350 Clinton st, OARD TO LET A FRONT HALL ucuiuuui, niuuuooui portor, witu or witnont boara. Please call at 255 Jay Bt. au32t BOARD 19 ELLIOTT PLACE, NEAR Fort Groone PlBfiRAnn rnnma Kn.rf. terms reasonable.

an3 2t BOARD 42 WILLOUGHBY ST FIRST olass hoard for a gentleman and wife, or two single gentlemen. Also a ball room. jvS0 6r BOARD NEAR OTTY HALL FUR nlshed rooms to let, with boardjat 107 Lawrenoo at; house twelve minutes walk of Wall at. ferry. iy29 6L BO ARD TO LET, WITH FIRST CLASS board, at 87 Nat Ban Bt, two rooms on tbe second floor, furnished or nnfurnlthed alio, baok parlor on the first floor; bouse bag all the modern improvements, hot and oold water, bath, 4o.

an46t ie Ottxer Side ot tho luJtion A Pctitlon in Favor of tho Thlril Avenue Britltro. A petition has beon presented to the Wiiter and Sowerage Commlssloneri advocating tho constrne tion of a culvert under third avenue where tho Br.i.ik lyn Improvement Company are now at work, slgnod by Victor Bchullz, Edward Buckley, and oovonty rcfidents and property owners adjacent to tho awatnp lands ljiog tost of Gowanua Canal Tho potitionor belicvo that Iho lands of tho Improvement Company aro unfit fur Ibo eroctlon of dwelling houses, and that tbo completion of the proposed works will add Trom tbreo to len millions of dollars worth of taxable property to the city; that the lands are now covrred with stagnant watr, and during tho hot season aro a coumon nulsanco; that iho proposed work cuu ond will bo prosecuted without inconveni'neo or danger to tho nublio, and tho improvement Committee should be permitted to plaon a culvert ae proposed under the avenue, and build a tubslontle) stono or iron bridge; nnd that the land under TbiTd avenuo is so soft that it is not Judicious to extend the public sewers underneath. Thoy thoreforo hope that the Sewer Commissioners will refrain front building a eewer through Third avenue, betwoon First and Sixth until the facts matorial to tho question can be presented to them. THE FENIAN MOVEMENT. niectiug ttlio Hmnlltoii Avcauo ninr ltcl Speeches, A meeting was held last night at the Hamil ton avenue Market, under the auspices of the "Circle of Erin," tho object being to recruit Co.

IC, Fourth Beglment of the Irish army. The meeting waB opf ned by Mr. Bennahan, who introduced Prof. Mc Eenne, the first speaker. He said: You know what is to be done.K is tno emancipation or Ireland.

An army has to bo met a great English army. But with a complete, whole souled, thorough interest in the great objeot which has called us together, tbe Fenlau organization nas noining 10 iour, 11 you uru nut to do all that you can, then give up and forsatto your country. Do not let this amount to nothing but a scare. IUther disband aud confess in humllUtlon that ou are not the painots that you said you wore. Say jou have deceived yourselves.

Do not make yourselves laughing stock. Sjy what you mean and tbon dolt, liimer ne uownrigunn eornoBi, ur give up vuo contt et altogether General O'Neill was the next speaker, but as bo was 8iifferiug from tho asthma, he eaid ho would not bo sble to soy much. He felt ho was not in the right place. Ho said enme timo ago he had decided not to uppour again biforo tho puofio until his groen flag should bo unfuiled tbe field of battle. I feel that my placo is nnifrc the Fol.iu rn, and not with iho orator.

Wo havo talked enonnb. we havo parad' our valor, now lot us show that it is not ail fallr, show whether you aro hypo crites or patriots. et America uuow tunc wuuc wa have so long been eaEajiug to do, now wiU have a sptcdy consummation. Start to ntgkf, right hero by Bigning the roll, and giving your ateady support to tho company wbtcti is to be forniea. He was iollowfcu by Mr.

Putrick Daly who said: I care not how many failuri'B havo beeu made in tho past or any objections that may have been urged, wo aro going to act veiy different and go on a new lino in future. I can say wo otaud ready 10 put a inusket joiirhand and if you r.fuse you aro unworthy the iiuuie of au Irishman, unworthy 10 ba clabsod as citizens among ibis free republic (Applauaed He was iiilloucd by Mr. Gi oro A. Tyner, in a brief ediirrpi', and Mr. W.

Howe, who sang tho song "Feniau Brotheihood." The Will tho liuto Mv. Hooblinir. Tho will of the lato John A. Eoebling was admitted ta probate in the Surrogate's Offlce, Trenton, N. yeBterday.

Tho executors aro Washington A. Rosbllng, Charles Swan, and Freaorlck MoiBsnor, of Now York, nophow oi'deccBBid. Tbo following aro the bequosts: To his eoub, Washington A. Eoebling, Fordlpand Roebling, Charles Roobling and Edward Roebling, to bold in common all tbe factory buildings aud tho ground wbich Ihey occupy in Hamilton township, N. together also with all the fixtures, machinery, In case Charles or Edward should dio boforo the age of twenty one years, tbo propoity shall revert to their survivors.

To Charles Swan, the business manager of the deceased, to Mrs. Wilhelmiua Warreck, of Laxaburg, Butior county, to Mrp. 'Eleonora Reiael, of the same placo, to Mrs. Felicia Overman, of Camden, N. to tho Union Industrial Homo Association for destitute children of Trenton, to Rov.

William A. Pas3avant, Mr. William HolmoB and Mr. John Harper, to hold in trust for tho oqual benefit of the Pittsburg Infirmary, tho Orphans' Farm bchool at Tehouople, Butler couuty, and the Marlbury Orphans' Farm School, near Mount Vernon, to tho Widows' and Single Women's Homo of Trenton, 530,000. The remainder of tho eBtato is bequeathed in equal proportions hetwpon iho widow and bovo i children.

The eBtato iu estimated to bo worth $1,250,000. Moro Yellow Fever rat Qnaratino Mr. Cyrus Curtiss, President of the Quarantine Com misBionere, received tho folloniug telegram to day: "The bark Gtrtrudo arrived last night from Matan zas, with Captain D. H. Alberlon and Becond mate J.

Noys ill with yellow fever. We havo admitted thorn to hospital this morning. ''James O'Roubke, Superintendent." Moving Laege Tbees atPbospeot Pabk. The success which appears to havo attended the mov iDg of larso trees on tho Park has been very satisfactory, and the machine las attracted tho attention of those interested in such matters in other cities. It adapted for the economical and caref 18 We" of trees too largo to be move' transportation and its constiucK" the ordinary bnndled IB 88 to ouable lrflB3 td 00 facility even in difficult localities.

Between 400 and 500 trees, rauging in diameter from 5 to 15 inches havo been thus moved. Of these we understand not moro thon five or Bix havo diefl. In one instance a large elm was moved last spring, over twenty inches In diameter at the butt; the bal! of earth attached to the roots weighing over fourteen tons. This machine was invented in 1867 by Mr. J.

Y. Culyer, one of tho Park Engineers, who has bad occasion to give much attention to the subject of moving large trees. It was his intention not to pateut it; but some other parties having combined Iho peculiar features of this with eorne slight details which have long suggested themselves to tho Park Engineers, are, it ia said, about toptitenttbemachiup. This is wrong, as Mr, Cnlyer's prior invention is clearly shown by' Operations in moving trees in the Park. Second Avenue Hailboad.

Our Brooklyn itcs teem to bo not vory successful iu running New York Railroads, The Second avonue Railroad Company is ihrcaicnCd wilh another strike, The drivers complain that notwithstanding tiiuf Mr. Queen promised that he would not discharge the mtn for their participation in the former strike, ho is doing it very rapidly; that after agreeing to pay tho drivers $.50 per day, ho reduces it to 8, by deducting 12 cents for tho dri vci'. i faro in going to and reluming from tbo work Thise complaints have been mado to Mr. Queeu and ho has promised to lay them beforo tho Directors. Tho men pay that is there if uot a change Ihoy will striko on Thursday night.

Benefit to a Beoottlyn Fatobite. On Saturday night, a Brand complimontary benefit will bo given to an old Brooklyn favorite, Mr. George Motkiff, at tho Talk Theatre. "Colleen Bawn" aud the "German Richard" wi" bo presented, and the company will be made up or tho vory best talent, all of which have kindly volunteered. Additional Appointments.

Mr. Allaben, United States Assessor, has mado tho iollowlug adli removals and appointments: District 1, Tnomas C. Moore vico II. L. Murray District 4, James John sou vice A.

V. Williams. District Julius Wiommn vice k. C. Mnrgau; Muhen vice A.

Vuu Darwer iu, iu tho offioe aud supervision 0 Taxes aud Legacies Andrew A. Foster vico John nodgius and Philip Brcmliin vico Asa Wiliry, Assessors at Lcrge. The only members of Williams' deputies returned aro Joha MeDiarmid, of tbo Seventeenth Ward, L. Frost of tbo Tenth, and Mr. Hubbcll, Assistant Assessor at Large.

lite SixtcemSi Wawl Sewerage. A number of the citizens of the Sixteenth ward met last eveniug at tlie Turner Hall on Mesnrnlo slreef, to further discus Ibo imperfect condition of the eewer that drains their ward, and to lake some action in order to have the serious evil with which ihe ward ia afflicted remedied as speedily and as effectually ai possible. Besides tho leading German citizonB of tho word theie wero present Aldorman Fisher, of tho 19th, Col. Adamp, Eogineer of tho Board of Water Commis eioners, and Dre. S.

J. Brady and S. N. Fiske, of tho Metropolitan Board of Health. H.

Guck, Alderman of the Ward, was also preaentfa took an active part. This ward is very thickly Settled, and tho rate of mortality, especially during this season of tho year, has always bocn greater than that of any other Ward in tho city. Erom statements made at tho meeting it appears that the sewer, particularly tho one lu Graham avenue, fouBii ucted by Ibe late Water Board, is sadly defective. During the recent heavy rains that we have had, the sewtrs have bet filled and the water haB been forced back into in several instances actually throwing (he coverings to the manholes in the streets from their places BDd flooding the streets with filth. Ry the discussion at the meeting, the cause of tho difflculiy did not Beem to be clearly understood.

Colonel Adams was of tho opinion that the difllculty was occasioned by a want of Buflich nt elevatic in tbe grade and that tbe tido bacied up into aud obstructed tho sewer. But when it was explained to him that the pamn difficulty was rxperieuci ut the highest points In Graham avenue, he concluded ttiat there tnut be some obstruction in tbo eewer, perhaps a collection of silt somewhere that created a barrior against the free outflow of the refuse water. Times. SUPKEME COUKT KINGS COUNTF aniel Brinclrerhoff, plaintiff, against James H. Scribntr, Charles 8.

Scribner. Kdmnnd Kimball an1 alary S. Jiirobjllhis wife, P. Adams Ames, John B. Kimball, Cliarles Wnittemore.

nenjamin W. Mernam, Thomas W. Whittcmoro, John West fall. Diedrick Wcstfall, William Paiin Sims. Jnhn Wnnifjr.

ri na John E. Worster, Mary Trahcaun, William Michael Slatteri and Patrlok Molncrny, defendants. Summons I' or relief (Com. notSer.) To the Defendants: You are beretiy summoned and required to answer the complaint in tbiB action, which will be tiled in tho office of tB Clerk of the Cotintv of Kings, at tbe Court House iu the of Broob, and to serve a copy of jour answer to tbe said complaint en the subscriber, at his office. No.

281 Pearl street, in the Citj of New York, wdhln twenty days after tho service of this snmmons on you, exclusive of the doy of such service; ond if you tail to answer tho eaid complaint within tho time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this aotion will apply to tho Court for tho relief demandud in the complaint. Dstfd March Iflth. IfMft, 8THPHEN W. GAINES. Plaintiffs Attorney, The complaint in this action was duly filed in tho otHco of the Clerk of the County oi Kines, at iho Court House, in tho City of Brooklyn, on the 8d day of August, 1869.

aui ta6wW S. W. GAINE8 Plaintiff. Att'y rYSY CLERK'S OFFIOE, MONDAY, July ISth, 18ti9. The Common Council of the Oity of Hiooklvn do beretir ordain as follows.

Ohanr4. Section of the City Ordinances is hewby.emenaed as ''No noraoTfl ahatt sift or screen anv axhaiL limn hi le 7, or Band or shake any carpets on any honee tup. Btreet, ave nun nr ntihlfn rronnd. or ncrmir. rral7rp nr Amnfnv tlm to be done." Adopted Jnly 19th, 1E69.

Approved byhi Honor tne juayor, duly BIBt.iHiU. an lot WM, G. BISHOP. City Cleric OFFIOE OF PBBMAHBNT BOARD OF WATER AND BEWERAfiR nOMMroo.nwwaS BnboB TH, July 10th. m.

1 PBOPOS Al FOR B.EPAV1NG FUMON BE PmnnRnla frill be received on nr vr. a gustSltbu for repaving Fulton avenue, bs tneen button tt. and Bedford ave. Tbe above to be ropaved with Belgian pavement blocks of ordinary size, or BitbEarrtera granite blocks ot the size of tbo ordinary Belgian blocks, or with TTnttlm srsnitn hlnMra of a similar size to those nsed in repaying Broadtray, New York. Blank form of with tho specifications for dolus tbe work, are now ready at this office.

The board reserves the right to reject all bids not coaid ered advantageous to the city. ruwLKK, resident, OommMener, AECB1BAXD M. BIAS 8, ant 20. EAOKiE OFFICE 1 ffla Wal SsT, Annst 4. GovernmentB opened strong on tho long Bixea of '81, 6f, and.

registered lO.O'fl, and off on Currency bonds were also firmer, and the baianoe or the Hat steady. The following wera the prloes on the first call: United States 6'a 1831, registered, 124al24J" do. cou pon, 124 bio 6 20's 1802 conpon, 125 a 1861 a 123 1886 coupon, 12 a 123 do. 186 npoEB, 122. a 122; do.

1867, 122. a 123 do. 1868, coupon, a 122 10 iO'B registered, 112 bid; do. ennon, 115 a 116; enrrenoy bonds, llxj. a Gold opened this morninR at 136, and fell off to 1357., contiprjing steady to this boar between these flgtirea.

The market is dull and quiet. StocK Exchange sales First Board, NBWTOBX, An, 5,1869. 200 Wells Faruo 20 450 do 19 66 Am Un 43 BO US Ex 6SH 100 Cen OVIH 800 do 810 loo ao aioif 100 do. 210 200 Harlem it 16134 800 163 800 do WH MReaaingB 93 400 Lit Shore 4 Mioh Southern 10SM 100 do 10856 100 III Cent I4U. 42 do 142 25 Panama 230 87 laoo do sin; 1000US6s81rbt 0..

IOWA do 1UJU0U6 6 20 0 64 SOOOO do 20fl US 6 20 0 67 8001 0 do 3... 21(30 US 6s Our 40000 do. SCuOO US 66 new 600Ui5 20o68 7000 UH 5B 10 400 240C0TennBtt'8 8010 VaStfrjxo 17000 NOBt 6s 4(H0MoBtU IdHOIxmesLB 1C000N YStB I I(WMichOen8sn b. EIW Mich So 2d 6C00ichSoa bda 1100 Alt AH In 10(10 TolA Wab 8d tCOOCABIAPRI's lOlOGtWesSd 100(1 MorA Ks 40ffl Olev Tol 8 Fbs 60u0PitFtWO8d. 1010 Mil A St 8s 1st 5000 Col OA In 1st.

10000 Gen Pao Gold bonds bt call IBBUStN 44 Konrlh Nat EOl'enthNat 8l0 West 100 Paciflo Mail. 300 do 100 60 Adams Ex 200 do 126 126 123J4 124 tM 122 11IM 11 122 I22ij 116 63 68 61. 87 64 109 132 93 sa 78 88 Qi'4 mis 95 101 9054 83Ji 0Tk 112 104 103 89 84JS 84M 100 H7S 100 20D do 114 SO do 111a 100 Mil. A St 80 100 00 Wx 100 80 600 80 100 83 80 100 Mil A St Ppf 830. 89 100 do 89 3 200 do ISOOOAInd HH 2U0 Tol Wall A West.

74 25 Chi A Alt tt 167 200 Del Lao 112 HON JOenB 102? 100 do W. 800 do 103 Han A St prfd 121 1011 do 123 100 MA Essex 83 14rmBAS)ltyii 1044 691 69 TO LEX iaOUSfiSS, Asc. fj0 LET ON THE HKIGHTS, IN A vory ricsirablo loeaiioD, a partly furnished, 3 atory, briclc liouse, to a private family who would boirl a gentlo man anil nifo; reut taken in board; poiaossion immedi real name and addrass, to AIjIjEN, Eaijle office. au2 6t mo LET A NICE SECOND FLOOll A of four rooms; two large clossts, with pres3 and driw era in passage between large rooms, papered: cas and water; flrsi elasB neighboihood about 20 minutes' easy walkincr distance, and witblo one block of tbroe oar routes to all 1 lie ferries to a suitable tenant will be let reasonable. Inquire at 6t Hoyt st.

au3 3t riWLBT TWO fcjTOKKS ON MYltTLB JL aw, ooar Roymond st large store; would make a rplerdid tailor or milliner store, or any such business; rent about $10 per month. A small storo, suitable for a cbrar, itiilionery. shoe shop, or any liishl business; rentnbnut $16 per month; immediate possession, apply to JONRS A 252 Myrtle ave. aul TO LET THE MAN UP A ill propertv near N. K.

cor. Brid(tV''n4 John Bts; two story and dry cellnr briok building, ii6x85, with about 3D horse powei both first floor and collar can bo entered with a cart. Also, a blacksmith Bhop, 2618, two Krouch burr stone 4 ft. diameter, complete, for sale low. Auoly to G.

H. BLISS, 8outhst, N. Y. an2 t' rilO LET THE LOWER PART AND reo rooms on third floor of the new and neatly finished bouse in Floyd street, noar Tompkins avenue, containing all improvements; bar windows; will b) liitlow toacood tenant; owner's family, consisting of throe adults, will occupy the second floor. Possession given on the 1st of Sao tembcr.

or before, if required. Apply to tWO. R. LONG LEV, 40 Lawrence et, or toB. HORION, directly opposite the house.

auj 61 TO LT A STRICTLY FIRST CLASS houso on Brooklyn Heivhts. in porfect order and thorouebly clean has every improvement and water in all the rooms, o. It accommodates from ten (10) to twelve (12) flrst itass boarders, and brines a cash incomo of six hundred an'1 sixty (fiCd) dollars per month, of which over three hundred (300) dollars is net profit above tbe living of tho proprietress, who would like to sell tho business and furniture, wcich is now indhandsomo, fortwenty flvD hun dn (2,500) dollars, cash. The two invaluable servants will remain in the house if desired satisfactory reasons given for Belling. Address CASH, Ea.lo olB ce.

TO LET AT 298 CLERMONT AVK, near Greene, two blocks below Clinton nvo, a floor of five rooms, to two pi riors; fenirate gas mefr and door bell; all improvements, bath, Ac fnrnimrefor sale; compete for hi.usekeepitg; prioo of furniture inoludiog c.u, lains, crockery, cutfory. Ac. ib very low ond ront oi rooms much below others with fewer advantages; price of furm ture complete, rent of rooms $S0 per month. Call before 10 A. or past BP.

M. Rini? tne upper bell. Only (those wishing to buy the furniture need up. ply. jy31 fit REAL EMXATE fOU SALE.

T710R SALE CHEAP ONE LOT ON JP Putnam ave. near Broadway; part cash. InoTreat 113 Maiden Lane, Room No. 7, N. au4 2twAS XjAOR SALE FIVE HUNDRED FARMS Jf or exchance.

Purchasers are invited. F. fLA't'AU, Ifo. 4 New Chambers Bt, N. Y.

au3 6t FOR SALE A TWO STOKY FRAME house in Baltic st, 100 feet fro Bond st; rents for $30 per rronth; price part cash. Apply on tbe premises. au4 6t FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE The irame house, on the north side of Van Buren st, fourth house cast of Bedford ave; lot 20x100. Apply to S. S.

POWELL, 118 Fultonat. orVVilloughby at; jy23 12b FOR SALE THAN COST, THRER houseB, eleven rooniB each, marble mantels, water and gas on each floor, withpiazza; only 91,000 eooh; $1,000 or more cash. ApplvtoWM. WOOD, Twenty second street, between Fifth andSixth aves, South Brooklyn. jy4 12t FOR SALE $550 AND UPWARDS FOR Brooklyn city lots, on and near the Fulton and Atlantic avenues and tiroad way railroad linos: straets paved, water pipes laid terms easy.

W. BOBOKEL, 211 Broomo st, Kew York, FOR SALE LOTS AT A BARGAIN 4 full lots, on north side nr Madison at, 11)0 feot west of Marcy nve a nice location. For further particulars, terms, Ac, apply to owner, ou4 4t" E. A. FRENCH, 108 South Bt, N.

Y. C.OR SALE ON EASY TERMS FIVE now brick two storv and sub oellar houses, on Lafay ette ave, near Patohen, with all improvsmenta. Apply to BURT1B RIOIT, 206 Water St. N. or WELLS, HOL uiA, ast new xorn.

jyvw F6RSAXiE bR EXCHANGE A GOOD two story, attic and basement sub cellar house; in good order, with Bix lots of ground, on cor. of Green st, and Wyekoff avo, near Myrllo avo, Ridgowood. Inquire of M. fURDY, Agent, cor. Gates ave, and Broadway, Brooklyn, Bua S70R SALE A RARE CHANGE A B.1 farm of 20 acres; 12 acres clear, with house and good well of water; ono mile from Amitvville.

and one and a half from Farmingdale. Apply to AMES LAUGHLIN, on the promises, or to PETER, RYH'N, 49 Hamilton ova. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE NEAT frame cottase house, two story and basement, nine lot; 200feetlrom Atlantic ave; carB run to all the Brooklyn ferries; pi ice SOJO; cash. Apply on the premises, Pacitio st 100 feet west of Schenectady ave, Brooklyn. au4 4t rOR SALE A DESIRABLE TENK moni house rented at fte6n per cfiflt fld the nrloe; situated near nuge at.

terry; win no som cneap; nouse contains cwenty tnree rooms ana cornor store; goou location for business: water on each Uoor. and all in izood or der. For full particulars inquire of j. 8. ACKAY, Real uroKer, zu viouru st.

am tst TCTOR SALE ON QUINOY ST, SOUTH east of No8trand avo Philadelphia brick front houses, brown stouo basements, stoops and trimming Size 20x40 lot 100 foet containing thirteen rooms, with all the modern improvements, ono connected with sewer; location very desirable; ono street to Gatos uve. o.irs. For particulars inquire on the proniiBea, 01 0. 1. UlswUiU au46t 170R SALE GATES AVENUE PROP fl ertv.

The doflirabln hnliRp nnd tnn full lnl.s. nnrnftr Gates and Raluh aves. 12ii feot on Gatnn. runninir thronch to Monroo Behaving a front of 200 feot on Ralph ave: will mil the bouse and four lots by itself, if desired by sub divi ning tuere can oe maoo ten or 211x70 iset eacu on west Bide of Ralph ave, leaving tho house and 60x200 feet, with a irame exauie ana nam in tne rear tne nouse is in gooa or tier uuifuuu uiu wuiur luruugiiuuij gut, every room kath room and water closets twelve rooms besides cellar fi arden in finn order, fullv nlantod with vret.n.hlftq, im nhiin. danco of small fruit; cars pass the door; po333ssioa when desired; wilt be sold on reasonable terms, as owner is going 10 leave town, or iuruier particulars inquiro or.

it. rem BBKE, on tho premises, or at 18 Vesoy street, New York, au 2t" FOR OR SALE AN OLD BUTTER AND DMrlnAr. Of n.n )nin A.l n.nn T. A 1 vxvtv, wtuiu MiDaD.f uuiaa jjuit luut uuu a loch, iikui. oa aayrue ave, near oruaamsr amx IjOR SALE A LARGE WHITE GOAT.

JL' wagon and harness: sold because tbe boy is getting too old. Inquire ofABTHUB QUINN, No. 9 Lawrence st, ITIOR SALE A MILK ROUTE CHEAP for cash supplying 195 quarts daily. Inquiro of AMliS FOSTER, 779 Myrtle avo, in butohcr'sshoo, from 10 A. aui 2t 07 OB SALE ONE OF THE BEST FAN JL? cy Stores in Brooklyn, ssven years estaolished low wouio 00 boio on reasonable terms to a good customer.

Inquire at Fulton ave, near St. Felix. Bt. aul 2t 7OR SALE AT A GREAT SACRIFICE, an improved twenty acre farm in tho villago of Lake innu, cioae to me aepot nouse, orcnara ana crops; prioo oniy ppiy to ine owner, au aimanst. au3t" IiTOR SALE THE STOCK AND FIX SL tur.

of an old established millinery, dressmaking and uim'i kuuuu Biruru. ppiy lib uu corner 01 uuic au3 lit SALE A VERY FIN ROSEWOOD JL cicno. nuDcrb tone and finish, and in brat rate ordor will be sold for $2U0, cash the owner obligi to leave town. No nealers need annlv. Parlicnlars nt No.

4 Wil tougnoy umiomgs (uuiton ave), near uity oall. au4 Bt BALE NEW PIANO FORTE lniHt Cinsn nnvnn otn.VAi nvprat.rnni nass; uonasorao rosowooa case, carvoa tegs; maqmao cured by ticst clttsa oity maker, with Ave years' warranty; abar oiiGli Anr.l n4 Tn.l n4n fCQ JO aa zv IJIOR SALE A A AI S500 JL1 worth $1,000 The Block and fixtures of a Grocery otore, aomg a gooa business must be som tms weea, on account of the owner havine other business to attend to. Apply at the Btoie, 1295 Mjrtle ave. aul 2t OR SALE CHEAP A SEVEN OC tave Rosewood Piano, round corners and carved lea.i. toe owner being obliged to seH and will sell it cheap.

Call for two days at E6 Clermont avo, between Myrtle and Park avonuea. au3 2t, FOR SALE STOCK, FIXTURES AND ffood will of a fPffar fifre. looatfid In one of the beak linrn'riaea afAi 1 1 Vii.nn, persons to live in. Apply to W. F.

163 South st, N. from 9 A. M. to 12 M. au32t IJIOR SALE A GOOD CHANCE THE stock and fixtures of a cigar, newspaper end stationery store, nn thn hRKt nramln in Urnnklvn: nwnor coin on a farm; price half cash, balance tn installments of $5 a week.

Address PHGNIX, Kagle offloo. S. B. Over two thousand papers a week Bold. au4 21 FOR SALE TO SOAP MANUFAOTUR erR Thnrnmnlotn firknraa nf rt Flnnn Ifnntnrp tnn boiler plate kettles, boiler tanks, frames, racks, Ao.

Would s'nplo merchandise. AddresB SOAP, Post offlce Box 3,415 New York. au3 3t" FOR PALE MUST AND WILL BE Bold nAnriflcn. nnanf fhn nldnflt, and ho Ovfltnr. IcoOream and'sConfectionery iSaloonsin Brooklyn, ladies' saloon up stairs everything In complete order, inquire of n.

i.i'uuuiw, cor. 01 myrtle ave, ana vyaBuingHra bis. UUD Ob OR SALE A TEAM OF GREY PO JL nies, suitable for carriage or other light work. Inquire ot BEIALEIN. ihirdavo, near Twenty fiist st, South Brooklyn.

au36t OR SALE A SIX SEATED ROCK A Wav wairnn. in aond order, built for the nreaonfc own er rur country use; will De sola oueaD. Jtnquira 01 u. o. FISHER.

272 Washington ave, Brooklyn, or 120 Wall street, New York. jy31 6t FOR SALE A GREY MARE, 16 hands high, 7 years old, sound and quet either under saddle or in harneiB. Can bo seen af tor 12 o'olock at JO HN YOUNG'S, 26 Kent ave, near Willoughby. Bast Brooklyn. FOR SALE CHEAP A BAY MARE, 14 hands hich.

8 years old, kind in single or double harness; trots inside of three minutes $200. Aboypac ing pony, 14 hands high, seven years old can beara :40 price, $160. A very stylish BOrrel, long mano and tail; would make a very good saddle horse; a lady oan drive him; price, a three quarter seat top road wagon, latest style, nearly new, and harness; price. $220. Inquire su4it 171 OR SALE A PAIR OF BAY HORSES IM bands high, long tails and manes, perfectly sonnd and gentla a lady can drive them, and show 2 :50 and trot a mile any dj in 8 minutes also, a very fine black mare, five years old, 16 8 hands high, very gentle and promises groat speed will be shown by addressing Box 354, Brooklyn P.

O. au48t ELEGANT CARRIAGES Constantly on bond to let IiOBO I8LANJ) STABLES, HOB. 9 and 11 Hoyt street, noar Fulton avontu. No carriages to let for pleasure riding on Sundays. jeBSm JAMBS M.

ROWAN. nf. FIRST OLASS TOP WAOOSB, Made of the very best material and in tne best workman, like mauler, and warranted in ityle, durability and finish, be equal to ANrWADjB. EAOliB OFFICE, 3 ISi murder in Hoston. Boston, August 41b, 18B9.

Mrs. Kate Hobbs, the wlfo of Dr. Alvah Hobba of 120 Washington Btreet, was shot and killed at half past ten last night, in her own parlor, by Major Thomas L. White, who is about thtrt nars of age, and a native of MlSBiBBtpjt Major White has been boarding with Dr. Hobbf and was under medical treatment.

It doo not uppear that there wire any suspicious of bis design on ihe life ot Mrs. Uobbs until about tho time he shot hi r. Iwo shots were fired by Major White from a revolver, tho second one entering Mrs. Hobbs' loft breast. Her death was instantaneous.

The murderor wis immedi ately arrested. Mrs. Hobbs booamo acquainted with White nt tho South, and he become infatuated, and endeavored to obtain her affections. Failing in this tne tragedy of last night occurred. Tho murdered wom and was the second wife .1 dootor, and was thirty, five years of An examination of the room of tho murderer after his arrest, revealed a Bccno of the wildest disorder.

Books and papers were scattered about in every direotion, and Innumerable letters were found in a partially consumed condition, LATER. Major Whlto who shot Mrs. Hobb last night studied law in this city and during tho rebellion won a major ship in ihe 9th Mass. In 1868 ho was a del gate to the Chicago Convention from Mississippi and a fow weeks ago he returned from the South Buffering from some lung disease. Being an intimate friend of Dr.

Hobbs and his wlfo he was invited to tho houso. White had been idolatrouBly fond of Mrs. Hobbs for many years and in 1861 he attempted to take her lue with the knife. He wo then sent to the Insane Asylum. On his return to this city he was again invitod to Dr.

Hobbs. He was arraigned before the Munloipal Court this morning and waived an examination. Uailroad Accident. AugUBt4 th, 18G9. Yesterday morning, about 8 A.M., the trostlo work on the Fishkill and Providence Baiiroad, about four miles east of; Danbury, gave way with a train consisting of four dirt cars with seven men upon it, pitching the men about fifty foet.

One man was killed instantly. A carpenter named Quiok, and a man namod Kelly lived about half an hour, both being very badly cut about the head. Still another is not expected to live. Tho rest ate not dangerously injured, though ono was taken from under the cars. marine Disaster.

Fobtbess Monroe, August 4. The schooner Addlo Murohio, from New York for Alexandria, in ballast, off Smith's Island, on tho night of the 31st, parted hor wheel ropes, and beforo a uow set could bo rove she Blruck on the beach, Tho wreckers have gone to htr assistance. Weather Reports. 9 A Piaoo. Wind.

Weathor. Port Hood tiassy Halifax Clear llostun NW Ulear New York 8W Die ir PhilnriPlKhin RW Clear M. Tber. 7i ill 19 71 75 Wilininumn NW Clouds. 81 Washington NW Hnzy Foitiess Mcuroo iVK T.ichraoDd NK Cloudy Oswrgn Cluar Pitfsburgb Clundy CbicuRo llasy 1 oniBvillc 8 Clear.

Mobile Culm Clear Hew Orleans Calm Clear Key West Clear Havona 7 78 8U 7'2 71 7.1 7 H2 8J LiBEBAi. The congregation of tlio Ro foimod ChurcL at Flushing have voted tta pastor, Rov. E. L. Foirchild, a summer vacation, and vory considerately.

to defray tho exponses of such vacation. To say the loast of it, this is generouB. Seeiotjsy Injured. Edward Gormley, of No. 377 Third avonue, New York, and keopor of ''the Shades" at Far Bockaway In the Bummer, attempted to jnmp upon a train that was in motion, at Jamaica, tbo other day, and fell.

The wheels struck hi leg, terribly lacerating tho flesh and cutting off the reat toe. Dr Hendtickson waa called aud attended to his wounds. He was then taiieu to Hunter's Point, from whence ho was removed to New York. A Young Woman J3tjend to Death by the Gabelsb Use of Kerosene Ono of the moat deplorable accidents reported from Long Island in some time past, comes to hand this morulug. Early this morning tho wife of George T.

Sammls, of Amltyville arose and proceeded to make the fire for cooking the brtakfast. Bho then repairod to her chamber to look alter her little eix weeks old child, and returning in due timo observed that tho flro was not burning wei'. Taking hold of the kerosene can Bhe began pouring the fluid on the smoking coals, and Instantly a blazo burst forth, communicating with tho stream from tho can and caus ing an explosion. The clothing became saturated wilh oil and instantly wbb burning in soveral places. Seoing that sho wsb throalened with a horrible fate, sho threw the infant from her arms and rushed madly into tho street, hoping perhaps to meet a rescuor.

In this she was unsuccessful, and before assistance arrived Bhe waa literally burned to a crisp. The child was saved with but a few slight biulses. The young woman had been married but a year. The affair has caused much sorrow, as ehe was generally respected iu tho vicinity. Watched.

The employes of the Continental Gold Pen and Pencil Company, No. 3 Stanton Street, this city, visited the residence of their Superintendent, Mr. G. W. Grandjstreot, Jamaica, and pre sented him with a splendid goid watch and chain, val ued at $150, and Mrs.

Sullivan was presented with a handsome boquot. Mr. Wm. H. Boich made tho presentation speech, and Mr.

Sullivan responded for himself and wife. 'Jflio BogG ft Case. The court martial in the case of Bt gort will assemble at the Navy Yard to norr(Wi j. following officers win. i.onBtltute the CQUr.

0apt J. Almy, President; Commander Sbufeldt, Paymastor J. D. Gibson, Paymaster W. W.

Williams, Commander A. E. K. Benham, Lieut. Commandors Hatfield and O.

D. BigBby. PoymoBler G. B. Barry will bo Judge Advocate.

The prisonor is at present confined on board tho Vermont. Ho has a room on ono of tho lower decks with a sentry stationed beforo it to prevent all communication with any one except tlwee having an order from Bear Admiral Uodon, None have obtained such order except iiia (tho prisoner's) counsel and nearest Vc Tiio Uiri alleged to been embezzled is and tbo operations of tlio prisoner aro said to have extended over a period of eighteen mouths. The trial will tako place under the law of March, 18(13, which giviB the court martial supreme jurisdiction iu such caste, with a power ot iuflieling pjiDishmont, in tho event of conviction, lo any extent short of hanging. Unknown Boy in a Fit. A boy whose narno is unknowp, aged about fifteen yeavs, was fouud Buffering from a fit, at the corner of Grand and Seventh streets, E.

this Officer Jam is Lee, who removed him to the Forty fifth Precinct Station houso for medical treatment. POLICE INA'XfiliV Committed. Thomas Hugaw, who, as reported in these columns, was arrosted by Ofiiiior Mara, of the Forty first iy afternoon.charKOd witb having robbed Mr. Thomas Curtio, a fellow bojrd crat No. 18 Hudson avenue, on tho 8th ultimo, subsequently arraigned beforo Poltco Justice Wah, when he plead "guilty" and was committed to nwalt the action of tho Grand Jury upon a charye of grand larceny.

The property stolen by Hugaw, who la a mm about forty five years of of pocket book containing ninety dollars, and a silver wit and gold pen valued at ten malting an aggrogato value of one hundred dollars. The pocket book, nineteen dollars and tho watch were found upon tho person or Ibo pritoner at tho timo of the arrest. A Deaf and Dumb Prisoner at the Polios Couht. oilicer irby, of tbe Forty Precinct, a rather rough looking young man apparently oxiimui Ing d'ffcreijt hall ways in Fulton street this and ordered Ihe examiner to "move on," which he did. boon alter tnat, tne ollicor again Baw tlio young niau acting iu similar manner, und subsequently saw him enter a jeweller'B Btore.

The officer followed tiiiu mlo the ttore ansl learned that he had offered gold neck chain for sale, whereupon 1 tcok him into custody. Tho prisonor, who pro. to beMeaf and dumb, was taken before Pjlico Juti WalBb, when iho following correspondence to jk pi 100 Dotween uim ana tne Justice, tne prisoner writing 1 ibly, rapidly, and showing fair proficiency iu orttijg pby and elymology Justice What is your name and occupatioa? Prisoner Dennis O'Brien, and box maker. Where did you find this cliaio? I found it on tho pavoment Iu do not know what street. Did you find it in Now York or Brooklyn In Brooklyn.

Where do you live I livo in Now York, at No. 4T Catharine Btroet. With whom With my mother. What were yon doing over here in Brooklyn 1 1 want to seek to get work. Where did you work last? In Ann street, New York, I can't tell you tho number.

How long ago did you work there? Two doye, I will try to find work anywhere. When did you find this chain? A few days ano. Have you any objection to taking the officer whore you iso, sir, Ib your mother at home? Keg. sir. The ofilcor will keep the chain to seo whether ho can una an owner.

All right, sir. The prisoner, who Ia rather a simple appearing young man, twenty two or twenty three years of age, then left tho Court room In company with au officer. CitUELTY to Animals. Charles Campbell, sixtf en years of ace. was arrested by Officer Morrel! of me i orty eigntn recincr, yesterday, and nnea ton dol lars Dy justice ueimar, ior anvniK a lame anu dlseaica borae, which was attached to a cart heaTily loaded with Etones.

Mora; Lead Pipe Stealtng. Officer Bab cock of the Forty ninth Precinct, saw four bovs en ggod in Btialing lead pipe from an unfinished house 111 Willoughby avenue, vesferday afternoon. Ho suc ceeded in capturing one of the party, John Walih, thir teen years of ago, who was onenmbored by thirty pounds of tho pipe, Johnny will bo taaen beforo Justice Lynch. A Peszsien Hand Caet Man. Ono John Alott, a hand cart man, poreisted in trundling hia handcart upon the Bidewalk, in Myrtlo avenue, yeBterday afternoon, after Officer Payne, of the Forty fourth Precinct, had warned him agamBt bo doing.

The officer thoreforo orreatod John, and this morning he waa mulcted in the sum of ten dollars by Police Justice Walsh. The House Thieves. William Dwire has bctn arrested as an accomplice with Crook and Lincoln in Ibo disposing of two horses and wagons hired from J. W. Coe and Henry Hamiltlon, respectively, last summer, which they failed to let the ownern agin get a sight of or the Dwire and Crook were committed by Justice Eamea to await examination on Friday morning.

Lincota, it will be remembered was sent to the Grand Jury on Monday by Justice Voorbies Chattels in Dispute. A search warrant was issued by Justice Eames, at the complaint of August Miller, who alleged that SoboBttan Doeher and Lena Delgert had removed and feloniously taken away from No. 80S Broadway, E. a quantity of bedding, toweling, together with a gold watch and chaiD. in all valued at g250, and on the recovery of a portion of the property by Officer DitmarB, and the arrest of the accused parties, they were arraigned this morning for a bearing.

The defendants not being prepared for trial, obtained an adjournment of the case for two weeks. 1 Obstbtjoting a Street Oab. One Charles Fink thought proper, yesterday, to stop his vehicle on the track in Graham avenue, E. and a oar with a number of passengers as well, at the same the purpose of examining a bale of hay which he had an idea of bnyiDg. The people in tbe car stood the delay as long se possible, and Fink refusinx to more on, was told to to do by Officer Poole.

He at once showed fight, and on appearing before Justice Eomes, to day, was fined five dollars for his persistency. 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, ATOUT 4. Death Under Remabkabm Oibotjmstnob. Notice was rccdvcd at the Coroner's Offloo tUU morning of Ibe doatb 01 James Davosing, boy olevon yoari of ago, at io Hospital at Flatbush, yesterday, under remarkable circumstances. The lad Had boon placed In the hospital while nfforiogfrom an attack of smau Fox.

DurlDR his (Uos l.o became delirious, and while In that condition Jumped from an elevated window, at too institution, and attained severe njuries, wbich aonbtlesa acceVraied death, and may havo bn the chief cause of a fatal termination. An inquest will bo hold by Dr. Jones. Feix fbom a Debbiok. Henry Hooper, twenty throe of age, fell from a derrick to ths df ck of the steamship "Atlantic," at the Erie Basin, yesterday afternoon, a dialanro of forty ot, sustaining severe but it is believed not fatal injurios.

He was convfyed to Ma home In Elizabeth stroit, near Van Brunt, by Officer Irwin of the Forty third Preolnot. Left Behind. A disturbance oocurring among several men in Gold street last ovoning, Patrolman Lawrence Smith, of the Forty flret Precinct, advanced on the party, which thereupon incontinently fled. Ono of the brawlers loft behind a large sword cane, which, the officer captured and bore in triumph to the Washington Btreet Stations a trophy, Woodsheds Bubhed by Chieen Playing with Matohkb. At half past three o'clock, yesterday sfternoon, the woodshed upon the premises of Mr.

William Broslan, No. 10 Union stroot, was destroyed by fire, together with that of Mrs. Margaret Stewart, No. 21 Union etw et. The damage in each case amounted to about fifty dollars, ana the flro was originated by children playing with matches.

WiiiiiiAMSBUiiQH Sosuxzen Cospb. Yesterday afternoon a large number of poople gathered at tho High Ground Park lo bo present at the opening of the festival of the Wtlltam3burgh Schutzen Corps. Tho day was given ovt more to festivities than to shooting. To day tbo prize ahooting takes place, and from the exhibition made in the practice yesterday, is reasonable to BuppoBB tht it will be an interesting contest. Yesterday afternoon the graceful female gymnast, M'llo Toumour, gave one of her extraordinary performances, and will give another to day.

OvK0.KD AT FuiTON FeBBT. iXGEB OP Jcmi ino The number of pcrsODS who fall or Jump overboard at Fulton Ferry, always largo, seems to be od tho increase, even women, as in tho caso of Mrs. Smith, night Veforo lift, indulging in the involuntary baths. Last voning, Mr. James Eocd, of Poplar street, in his anxiety to ieacb homo speedily, attempted to jump ni bo'p from boat, but.

instead of jumping upon thnbiidge, jmnr ed overboard. He was fished up by tbo ferrymen, who, from long and frequent practise at elimination, have become remarkably cool and expert in tho business. 4 MovrNO Grain without an Elevatob The Journal of Commerce mentions a recent invention, which, if louiid practical, would save a largo amount of money at tho Atlantic Docks of this city. It is a plan for oviDg pram without tho use of an elevator. It is constructed on the partiil vacuum principle, the air being portly exhausted from tho receiver, and a ateady flow of grain in and out being thus maintained.

BitcomCYN Cnss Pys Messrs. Brensia and Delrnar, too ci lebratcd chess players of Brooklyn, won resi eiely the fourth and fifth prizss in tho grand cbces tournament which has just closod at the Cafe EuropB, in New York. Central Tejipebanoe Association. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Kings County Central Torupcranco Association waB held laBt eveuiug at No. 0 Cour: ftreet, Fro' idom, A.

A. Roberts, in the choir. After the tram action of some uuimportant routiuo business, ft discussion took place as to the best means to be employed to induce such persons as sign the plcdso at tho Jout door meetingB, to connect themselves with some tomperanro organization. Tho Chairman called the attention of the delegates to a statement in a Now York paper, that tho Excise Commissioners would refuse liquor sellers if tho neighboring residents protested against such licensing, and proposed that a committeo bo appointed to watt upon tbo Commissioners and find if it bo true. The President was appointed such a Committor.

Some discussion followed as to the policy of using force to enforce tho Excise Law. Some arguing that inas. much as the majority wore opposed to the Exciso Lw 1 that it could not bo strictly enforced and that educi ion and moral suasion should bo the means to bring the people to lemperenco and then a vigorous Excise law, Btrietly enforced, would follow as a matter of courf othi rs arpiied that force should bo applied and that it could be, until every rum shop was closed. Finally tho discussion was closed by the adoption of a resolution offered by Mr. A.

W. Gloason, that a committee of three be appointed to confer with tho District Attorney for the purpose of dovising some means to on forco tho law by Becuring the conviction of violators thereof. After tho appointment of Messrs. A. W.

Gleason, John Davis, and B. E. Halo bb euch a committee, tho mooting adjourned. Seizure of Spanish Gunboats. Some time ago Mr.

Delamater, tho Shipbuilder, took a contract to build thirty gunboats for the Spauieh Government, and for three months past the work has progressed rapidly. Of these, four aro being built at Poillion'e Ship Yard, in thiB city, three at Stack's Ship Yard, Greenpoint, and the balance in Mystic, and Now York. Not long ago, Marshal Bari.w received information which led him to believe that they were to bo U9ed against the friendly government of Poiu, and consequently their building here would be in violation of the Neutrality Laws. So, yesterday, he ordered his deputy marshals to seize them, which they did. Tho four at Poillion: Yard arc on tho stocks, aa aro tho threo at Stnck'a yard, Tho balance are in various stages of completion.

Tho seizure does not interfere with the completion of tho work, but tho eeizuro simply pats them in charge of tho United States. Tlio Neutrality Laws have boon on the Bide of tho Spanish Government so far, but now it has a taste of it Tho Cubans aro in high gleo over th seizure, and take it that tho action portends a favorable policy on ibe part of tbe Government to tho Southern Eepublice, old and new. The Thtbd Avenue Trouble. Acting under the direction of tho Water Board, tho contractors lor building a sewer on Third avenue sot a gang of men to wor tuis morning, cliggtag a trench on the street. About noon (hey reach! Fourth street, where the Brooklyn Improvement Company's excavators wore at work digging under tbe avenue to form a canal.

It is plain one of tho parties will have to give way. A considerable number of citizens interested in tho oper ations were attracted to the spot. Scalped with a Pot. Yesterday noon, bo says the Forty third Police return, Patrick Duffy and Mrs. at No.

30 Carroll Btreet had a flgh The number of rounds or time thereof is not given, but the squabble was speedily termiualed by Mistress Eelley sinking Pat on tbo top of bis pate with a pot, which had (ho effect of partialfy scalping him. What kind of a pot was used by Mrs. Keliey, whether a bean pot, a coffee pot or any other pot is not stated, hut as tbo wound minded was BUiucienlly severe to nnce38i fate the removal of tho partially scalped individuals the Lodb Island College Hospital for treatment, it is probable that an iron pot was used as a scalping knifo. What became of the victorious Mistreas Kelloylsun known. A New Fibe Laddeb.

At noon to day there was exhibited at tho corner of Itemseu and Court Elreets, a very ingenious contrivance, known as Watson ad Ptrry'e truck and ladder. Tbo Firo Commission ers, Chief Engineers Cunningham and Smith and many oilier gentlemen witucsscd the trial made of its capa bililies. The truck consists of a frame in two parts, and runs upon four wheels. To the hinder part of tho imck is attalched tbo main ladder upon which a slide ladder works, being raised by moans of a winch at tho foot. Each of these ladders is ao foet in length, and a socket ladder at the top 10 feet in length.

The pipe for tbe hoso is aihxed to tho Bide of tho sliding ladder and is projected with it. From tho top of each ladder extends a guy wire rope, the other end of which is fastened to a windlass on the frame. By moans of this con trivanco the laddor is given any degree of elevation rcqnired, and sustained in that position in the same manner as a builder's derrick. When about to be used a pin is withdrawn which conuects the two parts of tho frame and the ladder, with the hinder part turning on tho axle of tbe hind wheels, comes to tho ground at an angle of 45 deg and thus may bo whoelod into any po sition by two men, and raised to any height, having tho ground for its base, instead of working from a platform as do others which have aiso to au oven spot for their operations. Tho ladder may bo worked by two men, and elevated to its full heigh within throe minutoa.

It less space in the engine house, and in running its oxtreme length, horses included, is only thirty two feot, which permits it to bo turned with facility in auy street in tho city. It doeB not require a tiller to the hind wheols, and while it carries a ladder that can be elevated to a ieight of sixty six feet, it is eeif supporting. The pipes affixed to the sides of the slido ladder have a screw top and boftom, to wbich the hoso and branch pipe may bo roadily attached bo that two streams of water can be thrown into any window from an elevation of from tweuty fivo to sovoutj feet without carrying therewith a current of air to feod tho Are, as is dono by tho present method. Ilic Atlantic 5iiK Defalcation Nothing definite or conclusive has transpired in regard to the affairs of tho Atlantic Bank. Negotiation with tho parties to whom tho late Mr.

Bush more loaned money on doubtful, er inadequate, or non existent security, has been going on ever since wo last mentioned tho matter some Becuritios havo turned out bettor than was expected; somo debtors havo made arrangements for pajing mere than was hoped could be got from tbem. But the affairs aro not yet straightened enough for tbo Bank to know within a hundred thousand dollars how it will eventually stand. Meanwhile the Bank applied to tho Board of Assessors to reduce the amount of personal property assessed on It to ono half. The President could not undertake to state how the Bank bIoou, but that it had certainly loBt its $100,000 surplus and something like half its half million capital. The valuation was readjusted on this basis, which, however, was not the result of a settlement of accounts, but merely the best approximative guess that can now be made.

The completion of the Newark and Patorson liullroad, and ita relation to tho Erio, havo brought up the value of the 5100,000 of stock of that road which Mr. Catherwood deposited in tbo Bank. But Mr. Catherwood claims that this stock mast be givan up to him. As yet he has not settled with tho Bank, but tho accounts in dispute will probably soon bo referred to arbitration.

Mr. Cathorwood's position is, that ho is willing to pay every cent the Bank can prove be owob it. But with Mr. Bush xnore dead, only Mr. Catherwood himself can tell how matters really stand; tho Bank people simply know that their money Is gone, and Mr.

Bushmore's roal estate and Mr. Catherwood's railroad stock left In their bands do not BUfflco to fill up tho void in the treasury. There are oil Blocks and minestooks and all sorts of 0nanclal trash, which may turn out worth something tome day. The Bank has written to Washington to get pejtaisaion and preliminary iostrnctlons for reducing FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, August 3.

A PRINTING JOB. One of the most useloss printing Jobs of whloh there is any recent account is now in course of execution. In conpequence, it is said, of numerous calls baying been made for copies of tho "Agricultural Beport for 1807," the Commissioner ordered 221,000 extra copies to be printed. No donbt tho numerous calls could be responded to by requisitions on. paper makers and iusty phelvee of libraries.

EL CTION EMKO CLERKS. Boutwel! is unselilBb. While interfering himsolf in local politics he is quite willing that his subordinates shall do the same. The Seoretary of tho Treasury will grant his leaves of absence to clerks employed in his department in such a way that all from Tennessee or any other State maybe allowed to participate in tho State campaign. THE CONQBEGATIONAI QTJABBEL was settled, it will be remembered, by an agreement not to settle it ot all, but to divide Boynton's sootety and form a new one.

The Second or Central Congregational Church has finally been fully organized, and will begin operations on tho firat Sunday of September next. The membership now numbers 139, and the our rent expenses for a year have been anbscrlbed. The hall of the Young Men's Christian Association, capable of seating fifteen hundred people, has been secured, and the system of free seats established. Dr. Boyn ton is the pastor, and most of the members are sece ders from the First Congregational Church, of whioh General Howard is the leading spirit.

SUFIEBBS FBOM ECONOMY. Bobinson, third class clerk; Campbell, fourth class clerk, and Barry.flrst class clerk, are removed from tho Bureau of Statistics, their services being no longer needed. THo others need the vacancies axe not to be Med. BETBENOHED PEINTEBS, Slackness in work and a consequent cutting down of expenses have seriously injurod some unexpectedly retrenched printers. On Saturday ten compositors were discharged from the Congressional Printing OiQce, as IoIIowb: From tho specification room, document room, piece department, job room, 1.

THE COUNTERFEIT SCARE proves to have been without adequate cause, or at least to have been exaggerated beyond reasonable proportions. Only two counterfeit ten dollur greenbacks have been received at tho Treasury Department, and one was found among the uotoa on hand, making three in all that have been discovered. The early detection of this dangerous counterfeit prevented it being extensively circulated. THE PBICE OF WHISKY. According to reports received by the Revenue Department from New Orleans and Cincinnati whisky has advanctd there in tbe lust Bixty unys from eighty live cents to one dollar and fifteen centB per gallon.

There ate no illicit distilleries to undersell those who pay the internal revenue dues required by law. MUNICIPAL CONSOLIDATION, The papers hero are warmly advocating consolidation of the municipalities of Washington and Georgetown. LONG ISLAND MARINE BEBVICE. hc revenue marine, marine hospitals, lifo Baving stations, coaBts of Long Island and New Jersey, ond a'eaiiiboat inspection divisions have all been merged into one division, and ProfoBBor N. B.

Dovereux has boon appointed chltf of the division. rERSOHAIi. RotcEon is having his department cleaned and repn percd. TurpoD, of the Capitol Postoifice, has been mado Superintendent of the Washington PostoiDce. Cox and Kawlms aro tho only riomotra of tho Cabinet now here.

Sherman was among thoee bored by the Misalssipp politicians who have just gone home. He declined to take sides. McGowan, Faunce, SUcer, Wheeler, Dalo and Pulsifor are the naval officers appointed to examine steamboats to be purchased by the Government. Bogurt, abBConding Paymaster's Clerk, will bo tried by court martiul at Brooklyn to morrow. Vernam has been appointed consul to Ein KIang.

Ames' friends hero deny that his polloy is disapproved by the President. FBOM EUROPE. FINANCIAL AND COMMEBCIAL. London, August 411 A. M.

Consols open at 93 for both money and the account United States Five twenty bonds are quiet and steady ut 83; Erie Railway shares, 19: Illinois Con Iralf, S4. Fkankfoet, August 11 A. M. United States Bonds 8bJ. a London.

Aug. 4th 1 P. M. CopboIb for money, 93; Consols for account, 93; Unitod States Five twenty Bonds, 83 quiet; Illinois, 94 ISrio, 19; Atlantic and Great Western lUilroad 25. Fbankfout, Aug.

41 P. U. S. Bonds 8 a 88i. LrvEnrooL, August 411 A.

Wt. Cotton opens firmer. Estimated sales at 12,000 bales. Middling Upande, 12 Middling Orloaua, 13 a 13X. Eentes Paris, 72, 92.

August 4, P. Cotton unchanged. I0VE ivED SUICIDE. Attempted. Self Poisoning' hy a.

Young Wcmii Se Johnny tlio Co.uso Eflappy Termination, An interesting ease of attempted self des truction, the facts in connection with which Involve the revealing of ono of those skeletons of society existing proverbiully in every family circle, occurred last evening in the Eastern District, tho ciroamstancca of which appear to be as Btated below and were chiefly gleaned from statements made by the would be suicide after her partial recovery at tho Fourth Btreet Station house. The subject of this brief narrative wuo gave her nnm.i. aj auo souicrs and residence at No. 372 Tent. otrtcf, New York, is a young woman of twenty two it ib said was married about three yeara Binco to a man Htfing on Statou Island, who separated from hor for some cause not stated, upwards of a year ago, siuco which timo she has been residing with her mother in New York.

She subsequently became groally attached to a man named John Kelly, who, according to her own story, did not reciprocate the feelmg as lieai'liiy aB she desired, though she foolishly persisted in Boeking Dim out, yesterday, she says, tfioy weut to Hoboken on a pic pic and while thero had some slight dispute about some trivial matter, and she waa left to find hor way homo aloDO, which so worhed upon her sensitive nature as to induco her to effect tho destruction of her own life, and with thii ond in view she procured five drachma of laudanum from the drug Btoro of W. B. Fielder, Ho. 73 Broadway, which she swallowed, and eat down on a stoop in First street to awnit tho efl'ect of the poisonous drug. Previous to doing this sho had inquired for her friend Kelly at a saloon he frequents, and not gaining tidiugs of hie whereabouts, doubtless concluded ho had deserted her for a moro Bttractive fem.ila companion, und served to strengthen her resolvo to commit tho rash act.

Officer Fiste, in patroliug his boat about nine o'clock, passed along First street, and fortunately discovered Mies in 0 reclining posturo. On attempting to rouse her, ho found her insensible to everything, her muscles somewhat contracted, and failing to delect any Bigna of alcohol about her, was in a quandary as to the cause of her stupor. He at once concluded to remove her, and half carrying her to a car, with tho assistance of a citizen, he conveyed hor to the Sintion houee, and pending tike arrival of the Police Surgeon, who was instantly sent for, Sorgnaut Bunco applied a restorative agent at hand, whioh served to revive and counteract the iufluoDCo of tho ljudanum which was soon ul'tor entirely romoved by the adminia. tration of an emetic. Had she been permitted to havo remained undisturbed for half an hour longer it is presumed that all eflforts to resuscitate her would havo been fruitless, and there would have been ono moro unfortunate added to tho already long list of those who have taken their lives in their own hands.

Miss outers was lodged at tho Station all night, where sho was visited by the man Kelly, who showed anything but a lover's spirit in his conduct towards ber, he not having the manhood even to offer a conveyance to her home or any other place where sho could obtain proper attention at the hands of those of her own sex. Her mother having been notified of the sad affair this morning called for her indiscreet daughter and took her home. Tho lady stated that this was tho third timo a Biniilar course had been pursued by the daughter and expressed her beliof that the brain of tho daughter was somewhat affected. The victim is, as stated, a young woman just merging into womanhood, of fair and pleasing exterior and manners, has good conversational powers, and the only sur. prise expressed by those conversant with tbe circumstances is, that one apparently so well informed should allow her fancies to so take possession of her good sense as to lead her to adopt such an unfortunato course of action.

A Case op Ltoaoy. Proceedings on writs de lunatico inquxrendo appear to be on the increase. A commission was recently issued out of the Supreme Court to inquire into tho mental condition of Mr. John A. Bush, and on the oxecutlon of the writ before thres Commissioners and fifteen was found to be of unsound mind, and incapable of the governmeut of himself or tho management of his affairs.

He owned property to the amount of about 815,000. On motion of Edward H. Sponuer, counsel for tho petitioner, the Supreme Court at Special Term, confirmed the finding of the jury, and appointed a Committee, oa giving bonds in tho Bum oi 30,000, of the person and property of the lunatic. A Sad Oase of Dissipation, Destitution and Death. Between nine and ton o'clock last even ing Coroner Jones was notified of tho death of a Mrs, Shields, of Jackson's Alley, between Gold street and Hudson avenue, under oirouniBtances demanding in vestigation.

The dootor proceeded to the locality named, and in a single room, upon the top floor of the house, he found the corpse of the woman, together with the husbond and two little children. The room was almost totally was over run with cockroaches, bedbugs, and other disgusting vermin. The children wero dirty and in tatters, while their father was of repulsive appearance aud in a state of semi intoxication. It appearing that the deceased had died unattended by a physician, Coroner Jones Inquired of the man why he had not Bought a to which he replied, "And how in II would I get a dootor without money?" Nevertheless the man seems fo have been able to get rum onough to keep drunk, and his deceased wife became intoxicated shortly before death. The man stated that he had found a bottle of rum under his wife's head and had thrown it away, but one of the children had informed the doctor that their father had drank the rum before throwing away the bottle.

Doctor Jones approached the corpse lor the purpose of making an examination, wnen ne touna it morally covered with lice and tmqs, and in a shockingly filthy state, as were ao the ragged bed clothes by which it was partially covered. An inquest will be held, and the verdict wu probably be in accordance with the foots: Bum and rage. HooLEi'a Minstrels. Notwithstanding the hot weather, Hooley's Minstrels have been playing to good houses. The performance is so good that people are willing to Buffer little inconvenience to enjoy it.

The same bill will be repeated to night and all the week. The Bike. Another most excellent programme Is to be performed under the condnotorshlp of Mr. Do a worth at the Blnk to night Tbo lovers of good music and who does not lilt good music 7 have found out that while they are listening to Dodworth's rauaio ihoy are enjoying a refreshing' well aa lia ttulDg to Rood music Attempted Buholaby. About 1 o'olook thip mornincr, an attempt was made to break into the clothing Btore, No.

663 Columbia street The panel of tbo back door leading from the store into the hall way was cut out, leaving room enough for burglars to effect an entrance. This is the third attempt of this nature that has been made on this store within the past six months. Private watchman, John Paine, made his appearance and disappointed the burglars. Board of Superintendents of tho Poor. The Board of Superintendents of the Poor met at their office in tho Almshouse, August 2, 18B, at half past tbreo o'clock; present, Supt.

Corr, In the chair, and Sapts. Seller, Ferguson and Scott. The minutes of tho laat meeting were read and approved. Tho annual report of the general storekeeper, together with those of the several heads of departments, were received, and on motion of Supt. Seller, approved.

Supt. Ferguson then moved the Clerk be directed to forward the reports to tbe Board of Supervisors at their next meeting, which was agreed to and tbe Board then adjourned. Kings County Boat Estate Transfers India st, north side, 150 feet east of Wash inrton6troet, 50xlOO $MOO. Joseph H. Walte to Konrad South PifthBtnorthsido, 20 feet west of Seventh st, lot and building, Kdwin Gateson to Andrew South Third et.

north side, 21 feat west of Sixth st, lot nnd building, 21x72 $7,100. Raymond A. Dominge to Laura Herman. Stockton st, south side. 120 feet west of Throop ave, lot and building, 20x100 $4,700.

Joseph Connelly to Edward Eighteenth st, north side, 37 feet east of Seventh ave, 17x 80 $1,900. Patrick Campbell to ifesse Povey. ninn diin 977 Ar. 11 innhpft ftnnrh of Harri son st, 60x55x25 nominal. H.

Van Ingor to Alioe Van D'Pvf'nty third st, sonth side, 475 feet oast of Third ave, 26x 100 'JhoB. McComb to anry O. Maxwell. Adelrbi Ft, west side, 20 feet south of Willonebby ave, Int and building, 30x100 $8,600. Lima Lpomis to Ann 18e7f nth st.

sonth side, 317 feet wost of Sixth avo, lot and building, 2ox 100 1,800. Eliza N. Wilson to Catherine i ncnlv econrt St. nonth side. ft.

west of Fourth ave, 36 xirfl Eliza N. Wilson to Catherine Mulledy. De nn st. south side. 2 5 It.

east of Sobenectadp ave, 75x It 7 2 I 226 Sarah Bridges to George Evans. North itb st, i oath s'de, 660 ft. east o' Second st, 25x60 $1 Henry 8. Carpenter to August Fassehund. S'uivr santavo, west side.

80 It. south of Pulaski st. lot and building, 26xtO0 Albert ronn to Thamas W. vmt b. Fas' Wnrren Bi.

snutb side, 250 ft. east of 8mithst, 25x 13P.6 $3,400. Sarah Onderdonk to John Nillson. Jay nnd Concord sts, northeast corner, lot and building, 26x'ir $16,500. William Spiott to Ann Ward.

Vanderbilt ave. west side, 427 feet south of Fulton aro, 18Mxl(0 (ope fifth part) $500. Alex. H. Shipley to Sophia 6 Gate ''ave, sonth aide.

85D foet wost of Tompkins avo, 25x It'll $2,150. Augustus D. Kuggles to John Prenderiraifc. Lafayette ave, foutb side. 4i'2 feot 6 inches west of Throop lot and building, 18.9x100 $7,000.

AuRUBtus D. Rumples to John Frendereast. Storktnn st, north side, 105 feot east of Throop ave, 20x100 8500. F.lias T. Hatch to Richard W.

Adams. pVnrlst, east side, 75feetsonh of Concord st, 39.6i7o 000. Charles H. Johnson to John Johnson. Henry st.

east side. Kt feet 7 inohes north of Pineapple Bt, lot and ImildiBg, 22rlUO $6,000. Charles H. Johnson to JchnG. JohnBcn, Important to Mothers.

Mrs. Winslow's Sootliinc Syrup, for all diseases with whloh children are afflicted, is a safe and certain remedy. It alliys all pain, softens the EUUiB, reduces lmflammation, sure to regulate the botrels, and cures wind colic Depend upon it, mothers, it will relievo tho little suffer immediately. Perfectly safe in all cases. Be sure and call for "Mrs.

Wins low's Soothing SyruPi" having the facsimile of "CUBTI8 Perkins" cn tho outside wrapper. AH others are base imitations. Cramps, cholic, cholera, summer complaint, djsentcry, diarrhoea, and all aifeotions of tho bowols, are cured promptly and effectually by Dr. Jayne's Oabmina tive Balsam. Being pleasant to tbe taste, it is readily taken by children, and bavingraaintained its popularity for over thirty years, the proprietors confidently rooommend it as a standard household remedy.

Sold by all druggists. To Prospect Park and Oonet Island Take tho O. I. and B. R.

R. Oars from Fulton ferry (loft bund side), via Jay and Smith sts. open cars. my8l tf VIED. RUHisKTT On Tuesday, August 3d, 1869, Mr.

AWBED BnitKETT, need 45 years, 1 month and 18 days. Heliitivesand friends of the family aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral from hia lata residence. No. 76 Adams et on Friday, the 6th at2i o'olock, without luri ntr notice. wi zi De WiTT On Monday, August 2d, after a severe illness, Hhjby C.

De Witt, aged 21 years, Tbo relatives and friends of the family aro respectfully invited to attend the funoral, from tho residence of his mother, Fnnklin ave. Brooklyn, on Thnisday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. an3 2t" Guiuovle In Brooklyn, on Tuesday, 3, 1869, after short and severe illness, Cornelius in the 85th year of hiB arte, a native of tho city of Dublin, treland. His relatives nnd friends, and also those of his brothers. John and James, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his lato residence, corner of Gold and Plymouth Ftreots, on Thursday morninc, at o'clock, to St.

Ann's Chnrcb, corner of Gold and Front sts, where a solemn re quiem mafs will be offered np for the repose of his soul; and thence to Calvary Cemetery for interment. KEAnsnfG Autfust 3d, CliftObd youngest sotTof Edwin F. and Julia A. Kearsing, aged two years and 10 months. The funeral will take phce at 245 Smith et, to morrow, August am, at.

3 o'ciock r. m. Kastenmck In Brooklyn, August 3d, 1889, Bmdbet, wife of John Kastendick. Relatives and friends of the family are moss respectfully invited to attend her funeral which will tako plaoefrom the cor. WrJcottand Van Bruntst, South Brooklyn, Friday aftr moon, August 8th, at i'A o'clock.

aul 2t Pinnev At Great Neck, L. on Tuosdav, August 3d, Kstrr. Loder, only child of Joseph S. and Emily A. S.

Pin ny, aged 1 year and 3 months. TlplntiiveR and rind, nro mvited to attend the femoral. from tho residence ot bis parents, 2S4 Jay at, Brooklyn, on Thursday, the Etta at 11 A. M. Pruden In Brooklyn, AnguBt 3d, 69, at his rosidence in Atlantic ave, opposite Clinton, Geoboe B.

Peuden, in the g(h year of his age. Notice of funeral hereafter. Emch On Tuesday. August 3d, Willtam WlLEy.yountr. s' son of William and Henrietta H.

Ritch, aged2 years ana 1 months. Ihe friendsof tho family aro respectfully invited toat tendthe funeral to morrow (Thnrnday) moraine, at ten o'clock, from tho residence of his parents, on Gates ave, near Marty, ihe remains will be taken to Greenwich, for interment. Siodper On Wednesday. August 4th, DeWitt Tal magk, youngest son of Edward and Fliza Stoddor, aged 5 m.ntts ai.d 18 The relatives and friends of tbe family aro rcspeotfully invited to attend the funoial trom the residence of his pV rtntp, 322 Dean st, on Thursday afternoon, at 3o'olook, without further notice.

Walker August 3d, in her 49th year, Elizabeth Walk eh. Tho friends of tho family are respoctfully invited to attend ihe funeral at ber late residence, Concord place, Acgutt jth. 1869. JREliIGlOiiS KOTlCfcS. PlEIiEEPONT ST.

BAPTIST CHOROH, coiner of Piempont and Clinton sts Pubho service THIS F.VKNING. at 7 o'clock. Proaohiog by Roo. G. F.

1'KK'I KOOS of Covington, Ky. All aro oordially invited. PERSONAL. WIPE. MARY DAILY, HAVING left my lied and board without instcausonr nroro cation, notice i'b he reby given to all oartios, not to trust or harbor ber on my I will payno debts of her con tncting, JAMES DAILY.

au2 3t AND FOUiVIE. LOST S5 REWARD A BLACK AND tan PUP about 6ir months old. The finder can have the abovo reward by leaving it at U6 Atlantic Bt, hotween Clinton and Henry stB. LOST $2 REWARD A BRINDLE dog, with white nnd nsws, an! answers to the name of Juke. A reward of S3 will be civen to the person returning tho dog to mv residence, 167 East Baltio ft.

near Bond. GREGORYG1LL. au2 3t LOST DOG WHOEVER HAS MY DOG "Jack" (a liver colored Bettor), will please return the fame and be rewarded and no questions a iked; whoorer keeps him af'cr this wartiintr, wi'l bo prosecuted: ho left homff about July 21st. R. STEARS, 1210 Fulton ave.

LOST ON ATLANTIC ST, BETWEEN Clinton st and South Ferry, about 7 o'clock Monday eve ning. 2d a small California gold SOARIf PIN. 'J 'he tinder will bo suitably rewarded by leaving it at tho oilice of HliNRV HAUNER, No. 9 Willoughby Bt. SPECIAL, NO'I'ICHS.

FROM 8 TILL 11 TO NIGHT, AT THE SUMMER KVFjNING CONCERTS, you can hear tbo "Overture to Somiramide," "On tho Beautiful Blue Dnnutio," Trombone Solo, by J. HARVEY, Fantasia "Fra Dmvolo," Violin Solo, from "Trovatore," by OSOaK oiULiKiviflit, "rvatnteon Blavournoen." Bolo Cornet by i Diiijviijju, ano an ior cents aamlssion. OWARD HOUSE. EAST NEW YORK. having been renovated and nnwlv fnrnikhnil.

Innnnr ouen for tbe recoption of guosta. Gentlemen doing business in tho city, can bo accommodated with rooms, with or without hoard. Fulton, Atlantlo ond Williamsburgh cars i mi iaj iii uuux. 1 ERR OSCAR STOOKMAR, SIGNOR JUAN BALCEDO and Ma. JOHN HARVRV.

nil perform favorite Solos TO N1UHT, at tho SUMMER FVKNING CONCERT. Be earls to nitit. Illnminited Fountain, splendid decorations, flrst olass refreshments, Glass Blowers. Concertfrom 8 till 11. Admin.





"WARRANTED PURE SILK AND WOOL, GREATLY REDUOED PRICES. Tfiyf" ADAME LEON, OLATRVOY A TJ IT A the greatest wonder of the age foretells your future destiny, and past and present events in Ufa. Gam i. initterJ. 149 Front st, near Jay, basement.

Hours 10 A.M. to i) P. M. ani 8t mHE PROGRAMME FOR TO NIGHT AT the RTTMMER EVENING OONOERTS. fc f.ha nir.

mont ave. RiDk. is certainly the beBt of the season vrv Siece a perfeot musioal gem. Tbreo Solos, by STOOKMAR, ALOKDO and ABVEY. Be early; you wilTbe delighted.

Conocrt from 8 till 11. Admission ii oonU. FBI OB $60 j88.

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