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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


near 1 20'aOCKEDITM HONEY MARKET. JL square room over It, to let furnished with or wi thout noard: excellent neighborhood: convenient to ferries and SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Baw Dull. Splendid Plat and an Exciting Contest. No Mobe Kiokino The return match botween tho National and Rochester teams, which took place on the Union Grounds yesterday, attracted double the number of spectators to tho field that wero present the day before, and the asaer blago would have been Btlll larger sua Saokettst, near Smith. TK7ANTED A GOOD OPERATOR ON new Iforae machlns also, girl to do hand sawing. Apply at onco at No. 285 Paolflo st. nurse and Seamstresses.

FRIDAY ETEAUfG.AEGUST 18, 1880. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 163 JO ralemon at Two hall rooms; the bonse contains all mo LET rHOUSE THE THREE STORY JL ar.d basement high stooD brick bouso, Wo. 87 Clinton niwi yuiviuu, rouiiu; good iiruwr; im wuuvuuiences ana turn comiorts ui a uuuje rerer EAGLE OFFICE, AUGUST 13, 1880. roarlous opnlarfss.J Thoy want to control the deloga: tion tn tha Interest of Mr. Chittenden or somebody else whom they want to send to Congress.

If they want to do that, there is a war to do It other than that of resorting to very darit tricks In a very dark way. En thaslsstlc cheerfng.J The amendment to the effect that a committee of Ave be appointed was lost, sod the resolution adopted by a rising vote 44 ayes, 10'nays. Mr. M. Page moved the appolntment of a committto of five to demand tbe return of the roll book.

The motion was agreed to, and Messrs. M. E. Pago, O. E.

Houghton, 8. B. Nichols. E. F.

Page and J. Bummerfleld were announced as tho committee. Messrs. E. F.

Page and J. B. however, declined uiumate poBBUBsiuu, ibuiv iuw. uwner, No fi uunton avenue, Tom or row's 13 a rile Htfjtement. KOARD 115 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, mo LET HOUSE SJ24 PER MONTH IHTORTAXT TO sfbscribers.

The IOagle will be to all points of Stales for $10 pr year, or $1 par uiontu for Jess period than six months, free of postage. vu Kuuurjiutui uau wiitj nuu uutu guutiO' but for tho threatening aspect of the weathor. Tho obango in the make up of tbo Rooboster team, by which tho noted one armed pitcher of Baltimore was substituted for Woidinan, greatly adflod to the interest of tbo contest, the novelty of a one armed playor plttylng, intuit and lloldiuff. and doing all of those things well. M.

namo at, near stories and basement, has nlnB rooms, ragjlffibatluioom, water closet, stationary tubs, etc DOREMUS, agent 129 Baltic at. Office For Late Telegrams in the Two or Pour O'clock Edition, See Fourth Page. WANTED AS NURSE. FX) TWO young children, and do qhamborwork (n a small family, a noat, competent girliGermsn, Swedish, or Amor, loan preferred. Call for two days, with reference, at 105 CumberjandBt, near PeKalb av.

WANTED TO MIND A YOUNG BABY, a girl good references required. Apply hnmedi. ately. 797 Lincoln place. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS AT NO.

69 in im? cnvniont to the ferrfca, one or two rooms nonra 8 to 9, 1 to ana to a. TO LET HOUSE ANSONIA HOUSE. Tlie French Jestival at the Iron JPier. I A Jffooni: ht Kiffht tipon the Sands A Feast of Lanterns at Mauhattau Beacb. The Cercle Francais de I'Harnionie Fun, Music and Laughter Tbroiiifli the Summer Night.

ibvi "iuu' Huou uonrri m. Tonnnnitti wiwi iwmio. men. JL 448 Twelfth st, consisting 13 rooms: water on each proving to bo ono of tho attractive features of tho match. The contest began at 3:45 P.

M. yesterday, with the Nationals at the bat. and though Morrieoy to serve, ana tno names or iij lmoro and A. Hayden were substituted. A large number of propositions for memborship bav Idb been received.

Mr. Timotbv Crouln floor: very auitablo for a boardjnff houso; rontiJWper rapDth. BUBBILL'S real eatattt offlce, 453 mttb av, near Au Miniate of Wlih it Will S0ir Efforts to Cirewlato tfV Staiiuaril Dollars. Slocfos Uiisottlcd. JOARD NO.

23 MYRTLE AV. 4 PER Chambermaids. etc. got in a base hit, the aide was blanked on the other OTTO STJND AY, F.DITIOX. The Eagle is now publisliod every in Kieweek, Sunday includod.

Order vonr carrior to ieave or scud your addrosB to this oilio Price cents, Adyertisoiente or Sunday Elision weired at tlieo ice Opto 11 o'clock Saturday evening. THE CAMPAIGN. eue, uowever, one run woa scored, a wide twow oy iri? for bousekoeping a nice room auitablo for tha association. He said it was a matter of common talk In tbe oity that bplirtS "IXT ANTED FOR HOUSEWORK, OR AS mo tET HOUSBON PROSPECT Brauthora bis second base, and on Howes' good base TJ cook, washer and ironer for a family of two, a girl Hill, 'rom ffnrries and SO minutes referenoes. from Oonoy Island elegant and new, 2 baso uoara.

uaij an me wbbjt. T30ARDTW0 VERY DESIRABLE good Inquire at W2 Union st. THE TWENTIETH WABD WAS DOB 'ANT. story, attic, lnent ond subcellar, brown stone, 12 rooms, full modern hit ho came in. From this time np to the ninth in mw nuiMsBoi rooms, also slew ainclft rnnmii.

within flva He was glad, however, to see that it was springing Cooks, WauucrN una jroncrs. allies, linji clams minutes of wallst. Ferry house and appointments unex. ceptionable. 177 Columbia heights Republicans and Democrats S' rally lurulshod, QO.

Ho. SSONintli at, South Brooklyn. auu us uudou mat it would not db long oeroro they would bo vigorously ot work. How, bo asked 130ARD 144 nor.TTMHTA August 13. Considerrsble interest is in speonlativo cirelos regarding the condition of t3v associated baufci of this city, and estimates are msvfo the extent to which the surplus has bean reduced elt.

ring the woek, If the banks reported thoir actual evwii "0D every Saturday Instead of reporting the" avowgo of the various WANTED A COMPETENT LAUN imRI Pl'fu iti4aunnn Jvnrl tr.nlo at. 7.1.1 fit. ning, nowover, me ifocnoscers coma noc aaa a single run to thoir score. Deaaloy mads a two base hit iu tbo second inning, after ono man was out, but splendid fielding by Geruardt and McClolIan caused him to be left on third base. Ewlng also made a baso hit in the third inning after two men wore out, but a fine pick tin bv ftfaClftllnn cauitflri htm to bo left.

Kennedy, too. mo LET HOUSE OR LEASE THE Larra front mnm thlwi inA uu Dalna 7 Did they not BOO tbo hanawririno on th uull 1 at Work. Marks av cornor ot Brooklyn, iiftor 0 and before 10 A M. unuusdtate i possession: also, handsome suite of rooms to JL mansard roof fsoml dotaobed) house, No. 854 St.

Marks av, betwoen Kingston and Albany lot 37x130 ALLUDED OBAKP LABCKXV. Johu 0. Brown, aged 17 years, of No. 154 Olivor stroot, New York, was arrested last night, by Officer McKonna, of the First Precinct, charged with stolon thirty brass faucets, valued at $S0, which be was trying to sell for $20. BOCK'S FALL.

Thoy tnight be as willing as possible to bury the issues. iSIii If "T8 walk from Fulton or "17 ANTED PV anii; iuipiojh.PI) BACUangCQ, A FIRST CLASS COOK. washer and ironer, with good oily references; no nV. H4 1 flnHtfin huLotABn t.lla 'items, a calculation might be an do tf tsrly as each iOARD 85 HENRY STREET NICELY I luraiahfid rooms to lot. wif.ii m.

hK um. i moil uonso in uenow wiuori aowiy painted all oonvenlen. cesj extension kitchen: J4 rooms thoroughly supplied with water and Kas, ana in all respoots a desirable location and home rent 8iKJ per annum by Atlantic av. oars 35 rain utos from Woll st. Ferry.

Apply at 952 St. Marks av or xV naa msao Itself solid aud bado tbo North deflanco. Tho Democrats started in with a certainty of 188 electoral votes, but tho Republicans would eay.como weal or woe.come old Issues or dbw tbev WOUid make a solid North, and hul tbf others noed apply, nnnd niinlv The two extremes of Coney Island last evening presented points of capital Interest, aud addod diverse elements of attraction. At Manhattan Beach thoro was a lantern festival, and at tho West Brighton, at tho Iron Pior tho Cercle Franeaia de 'Ilarmonie hold a Summer night festival. Paul Bauer's also was brilliantly illuminated so that what with the myriad lights, which always stud the beach, a stranger would havo thought that some gorgeous lUumlnatod festival was In progress In the City by the Boa.

The moon also approaching her saoond quarter added hor soft brilliancy to the scene, and ponolled a silver pathway across the heaving sea, until sho swung low down Tlie Republican Campaign Committee Pro hours of 1 and 8 P. for two days. FiTm very desirable, within flva mtn4A. Walt Bt. ferries: table boarrlnm irAn.

rmo videufor Three Wisrwams Ward Meet (jiexterai Housework. They wero putting a Union general In 'a Democratic naw TO MET JCXATS. mo LET FLATS ANDTjNPintNIR ings and Genoral Issues. iu ooouro tno uovernment. Dut tne country would Place ltS future in th nf tha ROARD ON THfcl HILL 111 SOUTH Elliott nlaoa Brown stnnn hnnea ha an u.n.nn John Bock, aged 10 years, residing at No.

289 Front street, climbed to the top of the pump, oornor of Hudson avenue and Front street, last night, and white WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, a young girl. At 887 Lincoln place. VTIT ANTEDFOR GENERAL HOUSE place fcfid Fulton a class neighborhood: two large rooms with front hall room, nicnlv fnmishai imnnn Tha Kings County Republican Campaign 1 rooms to suit. Apply to JAS. 8.

HALL SON, 349 Applause. For tho first timo a soldier and a soldier only had hoen plaood In nomination. McClolIan was an engineer, Grant a tanner applause), Hayes a general, but a man In olvil lifo and Garfield applause wob menu, with family of adulta references exchanged. uommittea held a meeting last evening at the rooms of Apply wors, a steady woman Gorman preferred, ot 477 Pacirio st. sndeavorlng to turn a somersault on the apex of the pump he fell to the.

sidewalk and received a severe tno sings County Club, in Plerreriolnt Btrsst. Mr. crunKiin av, neat mwim rilO LET FLATS ELEGANT FLATS LN now stono front apartment house, 182 Washington OAKD 35 POPLAR ST, BETWEEN Hicks and Willow Lame Bnonnii flnnr mnfranm hota VIT ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE luwnium, x. was ui very wen to aay tnat Hancock gash on tlio forehead. and cold watar.

a ui table for ceemtlemnn anriwita torn Joseph Keevs presided, In tho absence ol Albert Daggett, the ohalrman. Mr. Samuel Maddox offlolated as ni luiuiiu to ia stars ana atripos. Bo was McClolIan and he was beaten. Applause.

Mr. Cronin i' rmay, witn some aegroe or acenracjr me oxoiuir, on the following day. Instead of this, however, the averages rei'orted glra only a bint as to actual condition. The sta'tevnent may be made np on rising or falling averages, amt Cthe banks may have more or less reserve than appears tho statement, and also differeat amount of e.posita. loans and circulation, Tho operations of the Treasury during? the cveesr afford somo guide for eatlmatlng the condition rf vth banks as regaras reserve, bat not always.

Iktrt vmrVr, for instance, the Treasury payment for brads pp. chased on Wednesday was made befoa Friday mtrnlng, yet the banks showod a decided redaction of iwervu, oausod by the drain of currency ond gold to tbe Wesftj This woek the Treasury receipts were nearly in exoess of payments up to yesterday. The disbursements' were in excess of rocelnta yester Binglo gentlemen three minutes1 walk from Fulton and "i uofcweuu jujiwo wiu iw iiiwuKuoy ova: rent, 8'a to fflzo. Apply at new buildings on Myrtle av. fino LET FLATS DOWN TOWN.

BY an st, lemej. secretary. Among. the members present were Messrs. B0DT SVATCUKUS.

liiouou uy insiBui ig upon a tnorougn organization. A resolution indorsing Garflold and Arthur brought the meeting to a close. A few minute sftnr tiiA mem Charles W. Goddard WiUlom Leaycraft, Hobbs, Her fa. UA1VI Oi OiarAtl'DUM) 1UU UliOu SC.

BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A large handsomely furnlshod front room; also hall Sergeant Freuch, with eevorol officers of 102 Orange st, first flat, 0 rooms, all imp $360 work for a family of two, a girl; must bo a good washer and Ironer, Apply at 378 Union Bt. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a girl, who understands cooking, and to help ui waehing and ironing reference required. Call for two days at 859 State at, next door to the ennrch. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work a girl must be a good washer and come well recommenuod. Apply for two days at 183 Frank hp av.

oars uanarioKBon, Linton, Blgas, cotton and others. rooms, alt imo 9mt got in a single baso bit in tho sixth inning after two men were out, but ho was not permitted to score. Dossier mads a good grounder in tbe seventh Inning, but lost bis chance to score by bad baso running. In tha eighth inning, too, Brauthers hit a pretty, grounder and earned his base, but by tbe fine pitching of Derby to Gerbnrdt bo was forced off. On a dropped third strike ball Snyder doubled up Brady and Ewlng very handsomely.

At tbo end of the eighth inning the Rochester scoro stood exactly where it was at the end of tha flrBt one, at one run. On tbe National side the batsmen wore neatly pitched out by Daly almost In one, two, throo order in the first three ininngs. In the third, however, Maneell opened with a base hit, then Morrisoy had a 111 given him by Brady, who failed to mako the double play on Hawos' good fielding in throwing out Morrisey. Tho latter was afterward finely thrown out at second by Ewlng, who caught finely throughout the match. Derby oreated quite a sensation by making a fine three base bit to right field after two men wore out, but Powell rolled to bat him in and he was left.

In the fourth inning the Nationals went in for a rally at the bat, Snyder leading off with a good line ball to left field, earning his first boss, Farrell following with a Bbarp bit to left field, which cave him two bases and sent Farrell to third. Bskor then hit a high ball over second base, which Brady made a good effort to got, but Bakor earned hlB base and Snyder came In. The next man retired on a catch, which kept Farrell at third base. Baker afterward ran down to second to draw the ball bis way in order to let Farrell run In, but the dodge was not quite successful, though Baker secured bis Becond by It, Brady throwing to Hawos to catch Farrell, who got back safely, Mo Clellan then fouled out, and on Mansoll's hit to bers had dispersed an Eaoli reporter had an interview ioo xrutioa at, uroi uitj room notn contain running water ana closet location first class and doairabln: fow mmutea' walk tram WaI! at DiiBinesa transacted was flxiuir unon the loca wun ax tsnerin uaggett, who declared his utmost willingness to do everything in bis power looking to the tho Now Lots police, has been energetically pushing tho search for tho supposed doad body the sergeant saw man carrying over his shouldor, on Wednesday morn South orrios. No.

350 Henry st, near Amity. tions or wigwams to be opened during the campaign and making arrangements for campaign banners and AB.Ul 111 ID UU UUUX. 4r rag lost. So far, however, Ihcy nave made nut uttlo equipments. uranoorry sc.

nrsc uac, rooms, com water, eto. 216 Also houses, stores, steam powor. offices and apartments. TO LET PARTS OF HOUSES. TO LET PART OF HOUSE PARLOR and basement floors, eight rooms, with private bath, room, Warron range, heator, tubs and soparate gas meter firo minutes from Wallst.

and South ferries pleasant Tnrentr fifth Ward tVarfieia Campaign It was decided to have throe wigwams ereoted. with BOARD NO. 93 PINEAPPLE ST, NEAR Henry, 73 Henry, corner of OrauRO, a large front room and hall room; largo closet running water: excellent table; only iivo minutes' walk of Fulton and wall at. ferries teraajS: table board $3.50. OOARD TWO GENTLEMEN OR A JLf married couple oan be accommodated in a private Club.

progross, and tho affair la exciting a great deal of com. ment in the town. AS EHBEZZ1.ER. a seating cspaolty of 1,600 eaali, ono to be In fioulh upon the western sky and dimmed her beams with tho haso of a Summer night. Crowds of people thronged either end of tho Island, for tboBO were the attractions.

Brighton Beaob had Its inning during tho day, with tho races, which are else whero reported, and In tho evening the current of travel flowed to either baud. AT MANHATTAN BEACH tho scene was one of peculiar beauty, that ncedod to be seen to bo thoroughly appreciated. The esplanade in front of the hotel was brilliantly illuminated, and It woo done with consummate skill Tho edges of the grass plats and the borders of tha flown beds wore markod out with rows of tiny lamps. They woro grouped about tho fountains and fostooned In diverging linos over and around tho ehrubbory. As yon stood upon tho hotel piazza the ground Boemed outlined and crossed in all directions with linos of colored light.

Along tho seawall in front rows of largo Chinese lanterns hung thick, swaying gently in tho light breeze. Festoons of smaller lanterns clustered about the main steps to the piazza, and off at tho loft the buildings about the bathing pavilion wore outlined with lanterns against the darknesB. At a meeting of the Twenty fifth ward Gar location immediate possession. A Brooklyn, one in east Brooklyn, and tho third in tho Eastern Dlatrlct. It was further dooided to formally piy at no.

uiuow No. 70 Maiden Lane, field and Arthur Campaign Club last night Colonel iuloriniit Agreuciesi. WANTED SERVANTS FOR THE countnr, at the BROOKLYN EMPLOYMENT BUKKAU, 29 Concord st, near Fulton, three btooks below City Hall, Savings Bank on tho comur business managed by ladlea. WAHTED HELP 3U LES. plane Brooklyn, or to B.

UUUULiA Ifew York. lamuy wit a a large second story front alcove room modern conveniences; ilrst olas. table; terms reasonable. Apply southeast corner Bond and Pacirio sfcs. Bishop presonted a oarof ully compiled paper of statistics open iue oampaign in September by a mass meeting at day, and the account of the week shows loss by the) treasury of $120,995 which meana again to the backs; There has beon a steady drain of legal tenders and coin' westward during tho week.

Uuleas the banks had mors? reserve last Saturday than appeared by the otatemeuft; of averages we may look for a further reduction in surplus reserve to morrow, on loss there should bave been uorge Wright was brought before Justice Gertum in East New York, yesterday, by Constable mo Academy of Music, the date of which was not fixed. on tne commerce, production, resource, wealth, of TO WET STOKES. A number of dealers in equipmonts for marching cam tho North and South, and briefly argued therefrom the Dlokiusan, on a charge of embezzlement, made by Ma employor, John Van Oatrand, a harness maker, on tho OOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 142 MON JD tagne st Largo and small rooms connecting if desired, to families of adults; houso and location first olasa; ono room with private bath; thras minutes' walk to Wall St. Forry. mo LET STORE CHEAP SUITABLE fi for ErOceiT: nOne in thd Wllnln nnlirhltnrhnnfl Innl.

paign emus woro present, displaying samples of goods weakness of tho claim of the South to rule. Mr. F. B. Van VIock was then Intrnrl iinrl In an ana, tne prions but tho committee made no selections.

Jamaica Plank Road. The accused pleaded guilty to corner Myrtle av. aud Palmetto st, E. an Important decrease In deposits during the WANTED IN SHOE STORE YOUNG man. Apply (503 DeKalb av.

WArVTEP SITSJATIOlVS FEMAIyES. able and forcible manner discussed the political ques It is understood that there is a proposition before the ne of the United States is maklntr anolhsi BOARD TO LET. WITH FIRST CLASS board, a nice I famished flflcand tnrv ihivrl t.nrv committee to have a monster barboouo during tha cam effort to circulate the standard dollars. He offers. IET OKBIWIWESS moTOE'T ROOMS WITH appropriating fourteen dollars, which ha had collected, Ho was sent before tho Grand Jury.

A BOY DKOWNKD. vi iud uay. Mr. Duggin rocited with spirit a poem composed by Genoral Garfield, aud thoro wero two other Bhort ad paign, but tho matter was not discussed last evening. front room also, ball room hot and oold water, house VflrV Ol ftflantlv (nnated within nnav Wftllrmo dinfftnoc nf auo commicteo aajournoa to meet again next Tues iL.

APE1 PaarI ste, Brooklyn, and ofSM and SOS East Twenty third st. New York, WJl BUR uresses ana music ThO audlOnCO ClOSO nttAnHnn frai tiiAntl on. Hawes the latter had a llfo givon him by Hawos' low throw to Brauthers, no orror being fairly chargeable to a base player on any ball thrown to him out of hlB fair reach or ou tho bound, which he falls to hold securely. On this Farrell scored, tho totals at tbe ond of tho fifth inning being 2 to 1 In favor of the Nationals. In tho sixth Inning tbo Rochesters sent Daly to centre field and placed Woidman in tbo pitchor's position, and the Nationals scored two base hits in the tnnlns and a upon tho receipt of a certificate of any Sub Treasnry or National Bank depository, showing the deposit of currenoy, fractional currency, subsidiary silver coin.

National Bank notes or a check payable in New York tn day night, and every morning thereafter during the ferries and one block of oars. Call at 29 Ijivingaton Bt, op posito HauoTor place. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS, ICG STATE planding, and at the olose gave a vote of thanks to tho campaigu, opeaaers. iuo ciuo naa a large, bandaonio wigwam, TO LET FLOORS WITH STEAM POW Gilmoro had an especial musical programme in honor of tha event, and tho orowd In attendance was very Mw at, between Uoart and Clinton, fourth door from Olinton Very desirable second story front room, containing hot 50x200 oach: first loft 50x50; anonnA nft tfiv liin Ulcetinp; of tlio Fir I Ward Republican Association A Rush of Now Num goad hit to right field on which Powell earnod his first wiiw, nrat iioor tno coiior; auxiuu; ana ole Cornelius Buiidick (colored) oged 11 years, living with bis parents on Douglass atreot, near Buffalo aveuue, was drowned about one o'clock yesterday af tornoon, while bathing in the pond corner of Rochester avenue and St. Marks place.

Tho body was recovered and taken to tho residence of his parents. The Coroner has bceu notified. ana com water ana ampM closet room; newly pamt.u and papered; location first class; convenient to principle for am het Artnlv steam neat Apply Hancock and EitolisU in the Fourth vRiura; wm rent suparauHy or wgetuor. to il. M.

the order of the Treasurer, to send standard silver dollars from the mint to any point in tho United States reached by express lines. The coin will be sent in sums of $500 or any multiple thereof by express, or'ih sums of $os through tho mail at a cost of ten cents. large. Tossy that the music was boautlfnl, would be saying that which is always understood, and the crowd onjoyod it as only Gilmore's mualo can bo enjoyed. raua; mrpiu iaqairare.

aTKVENaON, 18G riuuiT.ii, on premises, or xjjhx Ward. bers) A Carfioia and Arthur Club to lmuon st. bo Organized. A meeting was held last evening in Jeffer The trombone soloist was encored more than onco, and BOARD AT NO. 283 HICKS ST.

TWO large connecting rooms, with ample closets, on second story; also, large front and rear rooms connecting on third Btory; suitable for gentleman and wife; special inducements to permanent parties also, hall room table first fOIl SALE HOUSES. Now that the crops are moving it is annnoaed th Nurses and Scaumrcea. WANTED SITUATION AS NURSE. "P'tiirs work, by a girl willing and obliging. 02 Washington av, near Park av.

XXT ANTED SiTUATION AS CHILD'S nurse, by a re3poctablo young girl, 15 yoars of age nan good city re Terences. Call for two days at present em ployer's, 184 Atlnntio av. WANTED SITUATION TO A KB care of a child, by a respeotably connected young Amsncan woman would like placo in tho country or oity. Please call at 255 Hoyt st, Saturday afternoon. Cliauiberaiafds.

Waitresses, etc WANTED SITUATION AS A bermnkl ond waitress, by a respectable young girl, not long from tho old country. Call for two doysatSI Douglass st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO CHAJVI berwork and waiting in a private Protestant fami. if, by a North of Ireland ProtBstant irirl good roterence, it required. Ploaao call on JAMES B.

LEE, 274 Seventh Bt. betwoon Fourth and Fifth avs. son Han, corner Willonghby aud Adams streets, to per A special mooting of tbe First WarS Repub the favor with which he was first received by his audience BeoioB to have increased rather than diminished. roOR SALE HOUSES Ott EXOHTANOR tho standard Oliver coin will bo in demand at tho Wmt HOP SINU'S COHtfLAtXT. fect tbe organization of the Fourth Ward Hancock and JLv Business corner lot, three houses and two shops at ciaas; nvommuros to wan at, or south terry.

lican Association was held last evening at their headquarters, in tho bosomont of tho Art Building, In Montague and South, and under this regulation of tbe Treasury Aavy ru aVv premises, iai nuaaon vr, Levy's music was excellent, and in keeping with his reputation. They may introduce new features and fresh attractions, but when Levy trills out aomo of the uuiin ji.juux. laigu amount oi it may De put In circulation. EngiiBh Club, undor tbe auspices of tho Central Club of Kings County. Mr.

John Wood was made temporary Chairman and Mr. W. H. Sutton Secretary. A number BOARD IN A PRIVATE FAMILY AN American lady occupying her own house will let two Daso, giving mm tnira oy ujapp a error mere, iieruy scoring.

On Snyder's long hit to Daly on which tho ono armed field made a good catch Powell scored. This left the totals st 4 to 1, with the NatlonalB In the van. In the next three innings neither Bide scored, sharply fielding BUpport of tho pitching, especially by the two catchers, preventing runs getting even when base hits were made. In the ninth Tuning the Nationals added two unearned runs to the score on two bass hits and errors by Hawos and Brauthers. This loft tho total at to 1 in their favor and the game rather one sidod.

Now began A VERY EXOITINO INNINO play. Hawes opened tho last inning of the Rochester team, with o. sharp to McCleuau, who picked up tbo ball handsomely and throw him out. Then Kenneday hit a pretty Grounder and earned his baso. Clanl) fol street.

The attendance of regular members wsb slim, lhe stook market was unsettled In tbe earlv tradn Dut mere was a large batch of candidates. In tha ab or uirce pioaaant rooms wnu class, nomeiiKo uoard parties seeking a quiet, comfortable home, on reason nblo Stories that Gould had been selling Erie in huge blocks old favorite airs from that cornet tho orowd is going sence of Mr. H. D. Perrine, tho President, colonel E.

L. FOR SALE HOUSE AT A BARGAIN No. 12 St. Felix St. Elegant new 3 story and basement brown stone dwelling; 21 feet front: replete with every improvement.

Apply to PAUL O. GRKNING. 420 Gates av, near Nostrand. terms, will rind this a desirable opportunity. 310 Warren of names woro enrolled, and it was decided to bold a publio meeting next Thursday eveuing, at which it is to listen and call for the thing again.

at, near uourt, caused an uneasy feeling, and orders came In to sell not only this stock, but others on the list. Tbe bears helped tho market down by a raid upon Erie, tha Langford waa called to tbo chair, but Mr. Perrine came in just as tho proceedings bogsn and took his accustomed seat, Mr. Chanuing Frotbingham officiating as expected a formidable array of names for membership will be presented. Somo good speakers havo been in A HOP AT THE ORIENTAL.

The parlors of tho Oriental wero the scone of a bril lOH SALE HOUSES THOSE FINE wbcu. x. woe also aeciaea tn.ic a nra. ii.nan.Mn.. JL1 new two story, basement and subcellar Philadelphia BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A large front alcove room to gentleman and wife or two rojng gentlemen; honso newly furnished; a family ot oul ture desire only tboso who are weary of boarding houses and possess moral worth; twenty five minutes from Hall iu the lovolieut part of Brooklyn.

Apply for one woofc buis wi pm I OU bUO UUllUlUg. liant bop last evening, tendered to tho guests of the hotel by the management. The ladles were in full dress viivm. uuuboh, iu ruuiuB, mi impru Yemenis, on xenLti st, De twoan Kirl and fioventh ara neritnna winMntv a hnv txrill Grangers and tho Southwesterns, and the tone was at times very weak. At the oall there was a firmer feeling, and tho market advanced, but it was a little fever ANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT hoUSewnrk.

hv fknrtnh rrlrl tplin to rlavitlnrr a nar. find it to ttieir advantage to call and examine them price ffii.500; terms easy. ItURRILL'S Real Estate office; Preparing: for a Grand Hancock Ban and Borne very brilliant costumos wero seen. Saucing began at 9 o'clock and was kept up until half past 10. ish during the remainder of the day.

tionof her time to the study of music; where she could cum ay, near Hi run au tot inuwuuuuHU noAitn WAWTEP. ner Raisin? in the Ninth Ward Co Hop Sing, Chinese laundryman, of No. 1G0 Fulton etreot, entered the Second Precinct Station Souse last night and told the sergeant at tho desk that one oneThad maliciously broken afpane of glass, valued at one dollar, in his store window. The police told Mr. Sing that if tho perpetrator of tho outrage could be found he would be locked up, and then tho Mongolian quietly returned to bis laundry.

Bl'BOLAKS ISSTATB STBEET. The residence of Mr. A. 3. Powell, No.

542 State street, was entered yesterday, during tho temporary absence of the family, by forcing open tho front basement door, and a seal Bkin sack and a green dress, valued at $150, were atolon. Captain Mackollar will sparo no effort to captnro the thieves and recover tho property. This Is the first robbery of any importance which has occurred In his precinct during the Bummer. ASOTUEU DROWNED BODY. The following table saowa the course of tha stook The spacious parlors and corridors made an admirable operation with Other Clubs.

mark etfor tins morning: EOR SALE HOUSES ON SIXTH av. between Union at, and Flatbush av, several very rable tiiree story, hifih stoop brown stone dwellings in uiu a yartoi naon any Ui uerfeif; experienced aa ctiara bennaid and jd waitimj on table. Flease address SCOTCH GIRL, KngJo offlce. CooKs, and Iroucra ballroom, and a promonado upon the piazza by the light OARD WANTED BY A GENT LEMAN and wife in a nrivate familv; fitato tnrma. AdiirARji A meeting of the Hancock and English Uoemner' Wat sta ilflc of tho moon was a fitting ending to a valse.

The hop was a very Bnccossf ul affair ond woo thoroughly en ucuwr. ax ioiiuwiug ynuua; Q1U.UUU, BliJ.UOU, 812.000. ffilO.500. $10,000, 8U.000, 89.000. 87.500.

a.500 Wabnah PaoiUri to Tiiix I) II. gll) UiUCH. campaign emu ol tue Ninth Ward was held last night Centra) and Hniiwin fntir eomo bargains; several witn possession photographs and OARD WANTED AND ROOM, BY A Joyed by the gnests. It wsa got np in that perfect way mil particulars oi yy vn uxru 132 Jaibusn in Paciflo Hall, corner of Grand avonne Bnd Pacific Blroei. It was under the auBplcss of tho Hancock and MJf young man, in an A.moncaiiiamny sontnox aeven WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and ironei, by a respectable Swedish girl naa igood cty ref otencfiB from last place, Oall for two days at JIG Smitu st.

XXTAN TED SITUATION AS A flOOK. veanca Bt. AQaresa kka, nagio omce. Oiuu ula Erie 41 Erie preferred Union Paoin Lake Share If a In which thoy do everything at Manhattan Beach. PROJECTED IMPROVEMENTS, The Manhattan Beach Company soom tu find plenty riJfirvDSHEO kootis.

English central Campaign Club, and was hold for tha special purpose of making arrangements for a banner raising to take plnco on Thursday evening of tho weok oftor noxt. Thero was a largo attendance. Mr. James T. washer and ironer.

by a respectable Scotch Protest. FOR SALE HOUSE THE THREE story, Knglish baaemont briok house, 281 Navy at; it contains eight rooms, bath, room, etc. is within five minutes' walk of the City Hall, and is witniu half a bjook of two lines of cars; price, $4,000, of which 82.5W or 83,000 can remain on bond and mortgage for tiro years, at 6 par if desired. Apply to JOHN F. HENNEbSY, fdlO Morris and Essex 106! Lacii Wesfn.

81J Northwestern GU, ant WOmnn country preferred understands the of lowed with a hot ball to Derby, which was handsomely stopped, but a wldo throw to tho basemen gave a life. Then Doasloy came to tbo rescuo with a grounder to left Hold, and on Mansoll's long throw in over Snydor's head two inon came In amid exalted applause by tho spectators. The Nationals did not get "rattled," however; and the next batsman retired on a foul fly well taken by Morrisey. Now It was that ono armed Daly came to the bat, and to the astonishment of all he sent the ball flying to left field over tho head of Maneell, and on this two base hit Deas iey ran home, leaving the totals at i to 6 only, Brauth er'8 was next, and he hit a rallying old "conker" to left centre field, on which ho mado his second and sent home Daly. Here It was that tho excitement increased with every stroko from the bat.

Brady ollowod with a baso hit and Brauthers reached third. With two msn out and two men on tbo bases, it only requirod a good hit to tlo tbo game if not to win it. Derby, however, steadied himself for tho emergency, and pitching tho next man out ondod the contest with the score at 6 to in favor of bis team, "Pretty work, boys," was the exclamation of the crowd as the playors walked to the field. Aud well might they say bo, for two better played games or more interesting contests have not been seen on the Union Grounds for several years past. Darby, of this city, umpired tho game excollently, and not a growl or a ''kick'' was heard from the "bitter" team on this occasion, which is crootiv to their credit, as their "IjIURNISHED ROOM TO LET, A LARGE A1 third story front room to ono or two gentlemen.

Ap butter and milk references if required. Please call at 34 care a. wau presiaea ana Mr. Pnlllp A. Smith was in his place at the secretary's desk.

aiiiauKLU av. eeorotary. Tha reading of tha minutes ol the previous meeting was dispensed with. The following named persons presented themselves as candidates for membership, moat of them being vouched for by olther Mr. It.

B. Sedgwick or Mr. Daniel Ward: Louis D. Borg, 74 state etreet Samuel Parkhill, Municipal Building John Dolton, 63 Hicks street Wm. FitsBimmons, 35 Doughty street; JameB Corley, 75 Cranberry etreot; John TonkB, 62 Middsgh street; John H.

Studley, 40 Olinton street Norman Mo Loud, C3 Hicks street August Du Bols, 93 Pineapple street; John Morrison, 03 Pineapple Btroot; John B. Perry, 72 Mlddagh street Gwiu Hall, 10 Hicks Btroot Henry Borsniau, 15 Hicks Btreet Milton A. Jones, 12 McKonnoy street John Steele, 12 McKennoy street Geo. yr. Brodle, 15 Doughty street W.

W. Phoir, 15 Willow place Charles W. Kircbner, 44 Henry street Chas. Flugge, 128 Fulton Btroot; Klchard Church, 3 MoKennoy Btreet Elijah Lowis, 160 Montague street JameB 8haw, 82 Middsgh stroot; Kobert Sample, 82 Middagb street Henry Loot 30 Henry street Dudley Gaston, 89 Hioks street W. H.

Miller, 162 Fulton Btreat; W. D. Koiber, 54 Middngh street; John Cook. 66 Middagh stroot Thomas Crofts, 11T Hanry Btreet Isaao F. Bisslll, 117 Henry street Christopher MInkle, 35 Doughty street; W.

B. ParklnBon, 107 Henry street Joshua J. Jones, 173 Hicks street John Hal lersley, 118 Court stroet; John J. Lynch, 82 Court street John H. Dsan, 40 Henry stroet Frank Day, 79 Orange street Wm.

Crooks, 148 Clinton Btreet Granville F. F. Miller, 198 Joralomon Btreot Ed. Thistle, ICS Fulton Btreet JameB Lahey, 40 Hloks street. Tho names were referred to the Investigating rxorui western in Rock Island 111J4 St.

fan! 88 i St. Paul nrotensirt 1IW inS7ANTED SITUATION ASA HlBhew. Txnresl At noon 4o4 ij tof 7()'i 69i 70 131JX UU4 1312 ji 4M 4l)f 70 BM4 10 93 yji 10i l7i IOhjJ IDO i IO0V 83J4 845? loose my, joj? 113 118 119 111)4 I11K IN? l.H li 100 32'; 3Z'i JU4 JJi 73 74 )J iz i a 7. T73 ttr. van 41 41 113 lCJi 0 H4 QW, siai 80 )ij 112" n' 25 unus ot, near my run av.

GOOD TT cook willing to assist with waihidir and ironimr irininiy Tho chairman staled tho object of the meeting, and then the following names were proposed for member ship: P. Shorlden, 827 Borgen street; Thomas Mc soraoly furnished rooms on second and third floors complete for housekeeping. Apply at 32 Sands st, corner FOR SALE HOUSES ON GREENE A V. bctwaon Rtuwesant and Uniti. nm atm nnr afrAfArnnrn 1.

of reference. Call for two OhioanO Mis days at prosont employ has best er', 270 Adelphi st. oi vraaningwn. oriuy, tuj rospect place; Patrick Forrell, Alfred Mc basement brown stone fronts; large eiuffle window in parlor and baRBmnnt front, with nijifcit trlnsn thomn Yinuaaa rnn. uunaiu, awrenco 1'owcrs and Owen Matthows.

jiowiiora uy lyenirai tlsnnibai St. 35 a amuDa; st Jo pid. 70 Western Union .1 ji.i. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET LARGE front room, with hot and cold water, to a party that to do in tha way of improvements, and now havo In contemplation some changes which will greatly Improve the beacb and Its surroundings. Tho work wlU prob ably begin thissoasonandbo completed duriug tho Fall and Winter.

Tho great pavilion for tho picnickers is to be moved northward toward tho Marino Railroad, leaving an unobstructed view between the Manhattan and Oriental hotels. Tho balloon inclosuro is soon to bo removed entirely aud tho grouuds filled up, graded aud sodded. It Is In contemplation also to build an orcado aomo 230 or 300 feot long, with fanoy shops ra the main floor, about 150 bedrooms on tho floor above, and In the basement a billiard room and bowling alley. bit. amitn.

or tno Banner cammittnn until im Jacob Poal, a watchman, in the Navy Yard, found the body of a drowned man thio morning at the dry dock. Deceased was about 40 years of ogo, 5 oet, 8 incbea in height, sandy hair and partly bald, with drab pauts and vest, light calico Bhlrt, blue and white cboek jumpor, bluo socks and Congress gaiters. Tbo body had evidently been in the water a considerable time. It was taken to the Morgue to await banuer could bo obtaiuod for from 25 to 1170 ono tain all improvements and are built and finished in tho very bost manner; size of each 1Si4o; lot 100 one block from Elevated Railroad. Apply on premises or to J.

H. DOHKRTY, U80 iflatbttsh r. corner of Prospect woum ta.o par. uoara preierrea. wan at aw Estate 8t second nouse from Flatbush av.

WANTED SITUATIONS ON AS A cook, washor and ironer, tbo other as cliarabor jnaid and waitress, by two rcspuctoblo young girls havo tbo best oi city reference from their last place. Please call at 148 Navy st. General Honseirora. without pictures, 18x25 in size, for the former amount. A banner of this size would mako a fine display, aud WOlllA 1...

x. O. O. 4 I Central." Miohujan Centra) J3 Delaware Hudson SO A A P. Telegragti Illinois Central 11 2 FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, WITH privilege of parlor, pi mo and bathroom private fam gu i v.

mu iiuiLi ii uru to uuuccs tauu that tho supporters of Hancock were not heliinH tho nyi nouso cool, no nres nor cooking during Summer; con FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. mark. trol location, convenient to ferried; terms very moderate. Manhattan Elevated unuiurono tab ouuiukiaiu TiOR SALE REAL ESTATE DESIR Oi. 1.

Klevared Mr. Curran moved that tho question of purchasing a banner be roforrod to tho Executive Committun with action tho day before was the reverse. The full score is appended Metronol'n Eler alorf. ElURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, ONE HIS MOTHER IX LAW. A' able cornerproporty piying good rental good invest ment.

ALBERT O. MCDONALD, 60 Broadway. JL or two neatly furniBhod rooms to let, to single gen HiTIONAL. 1 Northern Pacific 29 No. Pacirto ototerred.

Mo. Rl nTtiM ROCHESTER. si power 10 ace. The motion was carried, and the following gentlemen contributed $5 cacU toward paying for tho banner, and n. U.H.


P.O. A. B. tiemen; location very ten mtnutea walk from Wall st. and Fulton Ferry; small private family; terms MoClallim.i.

1 O.Brauthors. lstb.l 1) J. S. Davis who resides on Alabama avenue, aat Now York, was arrested by Officer Howard, last St. fjonia I.

Ti4' 54V X. Ridge, L.I, a plot of ground (ljtf acres), deairable uiuuuraw, ppiy ttiod uuunson bl, nuar jaams.iL 2) 5 3jlf 54J 1 1.1)4 25 43JJ 8i( Liouisville Nasnvuls ll.iJJ Iir.Js Reading sOHl N. Ont. A Wdit'n 25, mo expenses auonauig tue raising or it Messrs. Gel son, Deloney, Mtttthaws, Walsh, P.

A. Smith aud L. Powers. evening, on a charge of disorderly conduct, made by bis T71URNISHKD ROOM TO LET LARGE JD furnished front room to lot on second floor, suitable for ono or two gentlemen. Anplv at 47 Nevins st, second door from Scharmnrhnrn fit.

nnn half hlnnlr frnm Timna J. M. Armstrong was recammeaded hv tho Senrelnrv WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral houBeworli by a girl not long in this country. Please oall at 22o Twentieth st, near Fifth i. WAN TED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework by a TeBpoctablo woman reference required.

Call for two days at Johnson st, top iloor. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GBN oral housowork in a small private family, by a re Bpectable womnn is a good cook, washer and ironer; has good city references. Call for two days at 73 York st. 2.i 2." 81 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 5 Mansell, I. 0 Morrisey, 3d b.

.0 Derby, 1 Powell, 1st 1 rinydor.c 1 Farrell, r.f 1 Baser, c. 1 Gerhardt, 2db. .0 3 i a 3 3 2 0 1 1 Brady, 2d 0 0 F.wing, 0 0 Hawes, Sdb 0 OlKennoday, 1. Clapp, rl 1 OjDeiuloy, s. a 1 c.

2 Daly, 1 St. Paul A Omaha 4:1 St. Paul 81 FOR EXCHfiANGE. of the Eloventh Ward Ropublloan Association, and on Mr. Rlker moved that a flnanoe committeo of three be appointed by tbe Chair, but an amendment was moved and carried to tho effect that it consist of five ri i 1.

uiuuuu uu uia was pm uoo. on bUO VOIO. CHOR EXCHANGE A NICELY LOCA motnor in law, Mary Coonoy, who alleged that he made much disturbance in and about the house, as to drive her almost mad, Tho accused pleaded not guilty, said it was a case of too much mother in law In the family, and requested that his trial should conio off to morrow. Bid. JL ted Brooklyn lot and cash for a brown stono hoiisn.

TJ1URNISHED ROOMS A SUITE OF A GARFIELD AND A BTHOB CAMPAION OLUB. worth about 810,000. Also a low priced cottage in northern niomDers. ino unair appointed as such committee Messrs, P. J.

Gelson. Patrick Farrell, Wm. H. Biker, Owen Matthews, Peter McGuiro. Ktocli.

Excliauso aaics First Board. Other changes aud improvements aro also contemplated. Passing down the beach to THE HOIEi, BBK1HTON, one found tho throng of people there somewhat lessened by tho attractions above and below. Tho crowd was a moderate one, and matters were quiet. To night whon the weekly display of firoworks lakes place at Brighton Beach the crowd will be large enongh, and people who wish to get good eeats had better go oarly.

WEST BRIGHTON. But it was at the West Brighton that the main attraction of the evening was presented. As Boon as tho darkness had fairly fallen tha sky In that direction began to be penciled with rockets aud bombs which, bursting in mid air. hung momentary tassels of goldon and silver and purple firo ogoinBt tho darkness. The display Mr.

Sedgwick said that it was tlmo the First Ward JL front rooms on parlor floor, suitable for gentlemen or light housekeeping, to let, together or separata; also a new xortcana casn ior low pncea awemnga. jUiiJX ATM AN. 200 Broadway, N.Y. Total 6 6 27 12 3ITotal 5 1127 HUSS EACH INSINO). 123456781 did something In tho way of organizing a Garfield and Arthur Campaign club.

There was much work to bo The request was granted by Justice Gertum, beforo WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN era! hniiHnwnrlr in nm.11 f.mlln uwm iui uiuuoraifli aha Committee on Speakers reported, through its Chairman, that tbe Control Organization had promised ppiy ax iuu tv asnington Bt. wuom tho accused was taken. done and no tlmo should be lost In getting tbe Repub FOR EXCHANGE A 4 STORY FRAME tenement house, well rented, for four lota in ono plot, with or without improvements, within tho neighborhood of XflURNISHED BOOMS TO LET. NEAT licans of the ward in good shape. lie moved that the National ...0 ...1 2 6 45 lannpu willing and obliging.

Pleaao oall at 58 Fulton Bt, third floor. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN JL furnished front room with hall hndronm.Al na? 5 Park Bk 125 SOW Dist Oolinb 3 ojj. coup sis' 4000 Ohio A Alton 1st. 123 1117 coupons 120 50OUNew Jar Centr Chairman appoint a oomin Ittea of hvo to nominate ALLEGED KOliOKlll. uuuioru ana mooKiyn avs, anairom tit.

Mama place to fa week; aleo one room, ample closet room, complete for housekeeping, $2.50 per week: all improvements; seven minutes from tomes. At No, 108 Nassau st, third door borne objection was raised to this nlan of organizing New Your. August 13. 20 Clevo 4 g'd. 1 20UC Bur b3 137U lOCCOAIO 162 20U ao 16? 100 Cen olN ao 7i 4uo ao 741J 80U uo 74.

200 do 74! iUO do 7jJ 300 ao 71 '4 100 Chic I R. UlX 900 CM 4 StPR.bc irom ony. tne oiuu, out ins motion oi Mr. beilffwlcK nrevaued bv FOR SALE ist con Assented 10W: a vote of 15 to 9. 6000 do s3 108 OR SALE BUSINESS A FIRST Tho meeting, than adiourned until next Monday even HOTEL uu (jemiumuu iu me coming ratiucation meeting who were not only competent, but who would do honor to any club by their presence.

Mr. Biker said that a quartet of Eingera had kindly volunteered their services for the occasion. Mr. Philip A. Smith sold ho had beon requested to ask the club to co oporate with tho Hancook Legion of Ings County.

In connection therewith, Mr. Biker ottered the following resolution, which was carried unanimously Resolved, That wo, the ofilcers and momberB of the Ninth Ward Hanooc and English Campaign Club, bo lieving that our ward can be reorganized on a higher level than it bos been in the past, invito all the orgaui 1 class liquor Btoie on Fulton st. Inquire st 303 Atlan ing. CLINTON HOUSE. 254.

25fi ANT) 2RR Firiit tiase by orrors National, Rochoster, Karned runs National, 1 Rochester, 0. Urapiro Mr. Daly. Time of game 1 hour 45 minutes. The League Championship.

Six mora games have been ployed in the League arena thus far this week. On Wednesday the Clovelands defeated the Woreesters by 3 to 2, and the Troys beat the Buffaloa by 4 to 2. Yesterday the Providence club won their first gamo in Chicago by a score of to 4, and the Bostons wore defeated in Cincinnati by 11 to 2. Troy again defeated Buffalo this time by 5 to 1, and Cleveland again polished off the Woreesters by 8 to 3. This loaves X.

Fulton st The Tiublio are informed that via h.iv. erai nousoworir in a private family, by a respectable young girl has good city reference. Call at No. 727 Bergon st near Underbill av. WAN TED SITUATION TO" DO GEN oral housework, is a good cook, washer and ironer, or as cbambormaid ond waitress, by a respectable girl has good city references.

Call for two days at No. 27 Park place. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GBN oral housework, in a small, private family, by a competent girl is a good cook and first class laundrossiis a good bread and biscuit maker; is willing ond obliging: has tne best of oity reference from last place. Please oali lor two days at NaB If arpers'court, one door from Jay st. EigUtecntu Ward Republicans.

few nice rooms, with or rithnut hnivTrl. rtw ny nb 200U Cen Income, err 3UXI do 81)4 tilXKJ Milwrk St Paul con 114J uOOO Donvr Rio lir'd Istm 1MK 2000 Denv Rio con 6000 Krie7's consol'd. lUK 1WJ BurUedorK 1st 09, fflEETIHtiS. dUU do RIW reuuueu raw npuuiai arrangomen Wltn lamiUOB Sua Joseph Zabiewiski, oged 17 years, a clerk of No. 970 Atlantic avonuo, was arrested yesterday by Officer Michael Byan, of tho Central Squad, on a war raut Issued by Justice Walsh, in vjnlcb be waB charged with forgery.

The complainant was Mr. W. B. Bun tor. Secretary of tho Brooklyn Trust Company, to whom tho check was presented, for payment.

Tho namo forged was that of F. E. Dana. The accused was arraigned before uatice Walsh, pleaded not guilty and was held for examination. The forged check was for a mall amount.

ACCIDENTS. The Garfield and Arthur Campaign Club 25 "IT IS EARNESTLY REQUESTED THAT single gentlemen uy ino weoK. was a part of the attractions of tho Summor night festival of tho Cercle Francais de I'JIarmotiie, which was in progress upon the Iron pier. was a steady stream of people setting westward, and when yon arrived at West Brighton, tho scene was especially beautiful. Paul Bauor, not to bo outdone by his neighbors, had Illuminated hie hotel, and had a lantern festival.

Tho exterior of the West Brighton BeaoU Hotel was very of tho Eighteenth Ward, held an unimportant cession JL all memours oi tne IJL.U15 attend a S7iME KESOUTS. 600 400 EUU 400 tkf do sgij do 87fS do 88 do 881 do 682 Jo 83J an oak. last evening at No. 01 Beaver streot. Mr.

John Ten st, on WF.DNF.8D Ay EVENING, August ')B, 1880, as louuimet ltievaceaist iw'i mo recora to August 13 inclusive, as follows uuauiBww is to oe iransacbou. bj oruer oi HotclB. tno rresiuent. sxAixt ion 101)0 do. Iil5i nont ocoupied the post of ohalrman, aDd Mr.

Olando Bennett recorded. Tbe proceedings comprised tho usual routine of business, including the election of Chlhs. Wrtn. Iaf Played. in iu wacu su aiuuatu wun us unuer tno banner of Hsnoock and Engliah, and that a committee be appointed to wait on the several organizations with a special invitation to join us.

As such committee, Mossrs. Riker, Gelson, Smith, Walsh and Matthews were annotated Omi ilh mniuiiioa lii.s 111 loon Ohio Miss 1st. JpROSPECT PARK HOTEL, ot iua 100 ao brilliantly illuminated with strings of Chinese lanterns, POLITICAL. several new members, after which an adjournment was To play 2J HO 31 31 30 turlnstield Div'n Q'i uraorou, tor aau weot. otw Bl a Vv K.00 MM mHE Vft AjN TED SITUATION TO DO GBN oral hotisework, by a respeotabls yonng woman la a good cook, and a first olass waaher and ironer; would go as a laundress in a boardinghoose: is willing and obliging; can got the best of city references.

Please call for two daysat ISO Navyet, near Myrtle av, in tho rear. liuploymcm Agencies. Chicago 44 11 Providence 32 22 Cleveland 81 22 Troy 28 25 Worcester 23 20 Boston 25 8(i Buffalo 19 38 Cincinnati 12 40 Kr. Gelson was requested to invite delegates from the central organization to attend tho grand ratification stretched from post to post about the plaza and along the porches. Conterno's band was playing its best, and meanwhile out from the Iron pier came floating tbo 54 S3 SH 54 55 57 52 iB a.

x. ACCOMMODATION FOR 400. First class in overr reanect hteh eleva(. n. mnnntun 10000 Ohio Central 91 2t WOO Southern Pac of Oallst 10000 Kansas Twentieth Ward llenubllcaiis Pro CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Olf THK REPUBLICAN GBNERAL COMMITTEE olf KINUr tOUNTV havo established thoir haadmartoni at No.

150 Pierro. 29 27 31 1111 ao 800 ao 200 do 200 ao 400 do loe ao SCO 0 St 100 do scenery unsurpassed in the world no malaria or mos Denver uiv 6'a. I ssenten i with ftnnn IfM mooting on i uursaay evening or the weok after next. The mooting thou adjourned. Fifteenth Ward Democrats.

A businoss meeting of the Fifteenth Ward WANTED SITUATIONS FOR LATE lUOOD Pao 1st con. 06M oont street (near Fulton stroot), and tbo chairmen of all GarHold and Arthur Clubs and other Republican ssBooiations in the several Wards of the Oity of While playing on sheds in the rear of No. 12 Emmett street yesterday, Charles Bower, aged 7 years, residing at No. 19 Columbia street, fall a dis tanco of fifteen feet and received sovere cuts on the head. His wounda were dressed at tho Long Island College Hospital.

liizzioTeban, aged 7 years, while playing qn tho atoop of her residence. No. 85 Summit Btreet, yesterday, foil to the sidewalk and received a lacerated wound sf tbo forehead. her of clean, intelligent eirls, who can wash and iron well. miuu t'ac li ot fllo 107 testing Against tbo Beteutloa or Their BoU took Colonel W.

W. StepUensou Denounced 'fbe nook to be Demanded front the General Committee. A special meeting of the Twentieth Ward nrooiciyn ana towns or Kings county are requested to OPEN TILL OCTOBER 1. P. P.

HOTEL L. F. BOQARDU3. Manager. I0UU St oms Iron 1st 117 i Hancook and English Club, bold at the hall corner of near Fulton.

umiii lu Liha.j 4u uoncora st. mauageu uy lames. Ewen and Maujer streets last night, was presided over sana tne names ana aaaress oi tne omcers or suon associations to the secretary of tho oommittee at tho headquarters. ALBERT DAGGETT, Chairman. S.

T. Macdox, Sooretary. 0(W St ouis i Irou 2dm 10 3 100(1 Tol Wab 1st St Ixlui.q Division InK by Mr. Wm. McKoe.

The committee daleiratnil to nm. AT PROSPECT OROVE, SHKI.TKR lSI.AMn cure a banner reported that arrangements hRd been Republican Association waa held at tha corner of Atlan lOOW Mobile Areal eBtato agency bss been established for the sale of tic and Yanderbilt avenues last evening, Captain Lewis ui rouure uuo ana nave ltraisoa witmn two weekfl It will be placed at the intersection of Grand and ArcUerr The Bbooklyn Archery Club Getting Ready fob Boston. The finest exhibition of archery yot eoen on the beautiful grounds of tho Brooklyn Ar chory Club at ProBpect Park, occurred yesterday on the occasion of tho inaugural practice shooting, In which the newly elected olub member, Mr. Peddlnghaus, took part. Tha sport began Bhortly alter 4 P.

M. The olub could not have bad a moro favorable afternoon for shooting than that of yesterday, as clouds obscured the sun and there was na breeze to mar the accuracy of the shooting. Two targets were assigned for the team practice, and at Target the team of three inoluded Messrs. Peddlnghaus. Hoyt and Horsman, while at Target there were Messrs.

ConBtablo, Parker Htou tenborough, Pcareali and French. The shooting was done under the rule of the "York Round" which re ooti ages ana iota ana tno rnntinir nr ror.r..r.MR k.m aeoent 81 2000 Mobile Ohio 2d 200 ao 43C 200 do Sa 100 do 03 43V 800 ao 100 do 4 (fiJC 100 do R3 200 no S33 200 ao aa3 100 Denver 4 Rio be 70W: 101) Keokuk he oi! 8M) st Josepb a Oc 84 lOU do 35U p0 ao oz 36 300 do u4 700 4 St 03 pit 0 JOTTIXGS ABOUT TOWH. A. Myers, the Vice President, ocoupylng the chair In JmUiTH WARD ON DECK THE FIFTH WARD REGULAR HANCOCK AND BNGLISH AMPAIC1N OLUB will hold a meetinar at TEMPER ANOH HALL, Concord st, near Gold, on FRIDAY, August 13, 1880, at 8 o'olock. The oitizens of the ward are invited ohance8 are offered to parties seeking a lucrative investment or a Summer home.

Correspondence invited. A aonent 48 4000 Chess Ohio 1st the.absenoe ol President A. 0. Barnes. In calling the time capie ot all routes of travel to the place will ba sent Genesis.

671J euusra streets. ii mo recommendation of the Executive Committee the headquarters of tho club will be oontlnued at the present placo of meeting for tbo campaign. The Finance Committee reported oncouraging results Irom tho efforts put forth to raise a campaign vu npiiiiuauvu. meeting to order, Captain Myers said they had assem WAN TED ITUATION WE DISH servants of all kinds, experienced and lately landed, BUSpJi.ed,',t.PR0SSK:s Employment BuSKAU.Bi ond 83 Court st. and 330 Navy st, corner Fulton Swedish help a specialty an intorprotor constantly in attendance.

A largo number of reliable servants of other nationalities always on hand. w.i wr. rr A'i 1 a a i. es WANTED SITUATION iNAROCE ry or fruit store or to drire a wagon, by a rospoctablo noy; has good oity references. Please call for two days ot 83 Congraas at, near Hickt.

WANTED SITUATION IN A HOTEL as cashier and chargo of cigar stand, or as bar atrouu bdu enroll tneir names. PATRICK AUBREY, President. bled to consider the eubjoct of tho re enroll lent of the vr. aiuij, Prospect Grove, Shelter Island. N.

Y. uniioii oiuiks li'A) Ceu Arizona M'g be 8 strains of waltz and quadrille. Paul made a brilliant display, and later In the evening a ball was held in tbo hotel which attracted a largo orowd. Feltman'a also presented the usual brilliant appearance, and at the Sea Beach Palace thore was a good crowd. Mnsic filled the air in all directions, and if you stood still and listened a Uttlo you could hear the strains of half a dozen different composers blending into a media) that is not down tn any score.

THE BALL ON THE IRON PIEB. The ball of the Cercle Francais da l'Harmoule, on the now iron pior, was the chief attraction and was thronged with crowds of men and a fair sprinkling of women. Although a French soolety, tbo attendance was very largoly made up of Amerloans, and tho English tongue was moro frequently heard than the rippling accents of the Gaul. Tha pier was brilliantly decorated from end to ond, and xiresented a most gorgeous speotacle, Accross the front was stretched tho tri colors and on tho main floor whoro the festival was in progress there was a Bcene of fairy liko splendor. Overhead blazed tho electric lights softened by tho colored bunting which hero and there intercepted their glow and making a light like sunshine in their immediate vicinity.

The gas jets upon other parts of tho pier TWENTY THIRD WARD HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CAMPAIGN CLUB will hold a meeting at HALL, MANHANSET HOUSE, SHELTER ISLAND, assooiatlon. They proposed to take steps to ascertain why the roll book had not boon turned over to the association by the Ke enrollmont Committee, They all on FRIDAY KVKN1NU, August 13, at 8 o'olock. Tha on FB Sixteenth Ward Democrats. An adjourned meeting of the Sixteenth JAMllS BL.A.115K, OF THE BERKELEY, NEW YORK, PROPRIETOR. SOU do 700 do 4IX) do Suo do 100 do 1, 0 Del Hud Cauai oc 60 Western Un Tei ujijuu0 ui tuu waru aru iiivihiu ui a tccna ana enroll tnoir 700 8Sl 80X1 75i JO 78 do DJ 7fi quires 100, 80 and DO yards distances.

At the close of the shoot the respective soores were found to bo as follows names, HENRY 8. BELLOWS, President. understood that thoro was CONSIDERABLE DISSATISFACTION do 70 )J 13 AY VIEW HOUSE, GOOD GROUND, JJ L. is NOW OPEN; this Una Summor resort is Ward Democratic was nold last night at Military Hall in Scholes street, Mr. Charles Dower 1 00 2IHI 100 3ou lou on the subject, and he would only ask the further 77 TABOFT A Mn.

HOYT'S TPAM. 100 Yds. 80 Yds. 6(1 Yds. HEHBY V.

8. DEFOREST, Bsorotary. TWENTIETH WARD HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CAMPAIGN CLUB auxiliary to tha Contra! Hancook and English Campaign Club, will hold a znoeting FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 o'otook, at VAND15R. ao. be 105 1 100 do lusts wHiiJoi.uj auuiuBimuwiu yunng man; can lurmsu refer once.

Addrces T. II. Eagle oiSce. WANTED WASIaHYC. Etc.

situated on Shinnecoek Bay, ono ana a half milea from Good Ground station, on L. R. R. good shooting, boating, Stillwater and surf bathing closo to tho bouse. For do.

pleasure of the meeting. Mr. George B. Elmore offered the following two do low I 100 an It. S.

H. S. H. Hits. Scoro 3,0 do 200 Lako Erie i' artiouiors aaaress fil.

WilfLlAmH, Good Ground. Mr. 78 sas .10 180 do lOtiki i. STANTED WASHING AND LKONING. Whereas, In the early port of the year a committee of five, composed, according to parliamentary custom, of uiiji kutkjj, oornor ot vanaernut and ueKalbavB.

Ex Governor E. LOUIS LOWK will addrcBS the mooting, P. V. KKARNV. Prnuirt.Tnt.

li ztl ill 31 111 24 147 20 118 70 10 3B 12 42 29 111 Mr. Peddin .21 87 Mr. Horsman 7 31 Cin A lnd K. by tlm month or doron bost city reference can ba TjUDD'S HOTEL Hi OUTHOLD, L. mree iru i mo majority una two rrom rue minority fac Oc 71)1: 60 do given.

Besldonce ISO Bond St. Mrs. WYANT. Total 30 200 Pacific Mail SSOo 1 arge. airy nouse, one mile rrom tbe Hound good bath uuu, iu rvriau us rou oi cue association, wossppolntad, and the minority refused to co with the mainr.

presiding. Reports were received showing that an organization had been formed consolidating tho first, second and third districts and also tho ninth and tenth, and that two clubs bad beon permanently established. Members from tho seven other districts roported progress. Mr. Chris.

Schmidt, on behalf of a committee appointed at the previous meeting, stated that a consultation with the Board of EloctionB bad convinced tha committee that tbe formation of election dlatrletsln tho ward oould not well havo beou moro equitable. The report was accepted and tha meeting then odjourned. Nineteenth Ward Hancock Club. The Nineteenth Ward Hancock and English ing, Doacmgana nsmng: pecontc oy close by huuso; extensive grounds, plenty of shade; 2U0 feet of piax ss ao TABOET IS MAJOB CONSTABLE'S TEAM. 100 Yds.

80 Yds. CO Yds. oommaasto auouc tn ooaraers; timu trom new xorlc, turee WANTED WASHIN AND IRONING, by a respoctable woman at hor own homo, or would go outby tho dayat reasonable terms; can give the bost of referenco. Please call at 1,712 Fulton st. near Stuyvesant ay, second floor, back room.

VfT ANTED WASHIN aTYY TWvTr 35 36.5 3J' ity, and appealed to the General Convmlttee for a re enrollment of the ward, and tho General Committee nr dered re enrollmeDtaod appointed a committee who, after numerous sessions, completed ite work In the DC 4014 25 do 89? 200 ao 40ll SOU do 200 do 11 Rbc David T. Lymph, Secretary CAMPAIGN EQUIPMENTS OF ALL kinds manufactured and for sale by HERMAN FORCE, 288 Broadway, N. Y. HEADQUARTERS. FOR POLIT I A banners, transparencies, portraits, guaranteed 2a par cent, lower than auy other bouse in the trade; Bond Iot estimates.

B. NlLaON, Bridge, corner Fulton etreet. H. 8 rr. iTr a nours terms 91 per wees: 100 Marietta 4 lr prd a 200 Mo 'l ex It bo 200 00 loo ao '00 ao a a do 2ut) do 600 ao looNortneru faoino oc 100 Northern pret be SCO ao HX) ao 300 unt i'w 'b! PROSPECT HOUSE, SHELTER ISLAND NINTH SEASON.

eariy pan oi otay ana maae its report to the Exooutive BTIfl .1... ..,.11 1W 00 S3 131)4 li ai 13 1 27 l()r 31 10 84 11 51 27 115 13 8 23 8 40 24 82 8 12 7 33 7 35 14 08 Mr. 1'nrkur a Mr.rjtoutonborough 7 Air. Pearsall 8 Mr. Frenoh cenent laundress, to go out the first two days of tho week, or would take family washing home for SOoontsper 100 do.

131? jrorcy aaaitionai rooms. orgo parlor, 94x45. WILL OPEN. JULY t. Address L.

BURROWS. Prosneot House. ShelUr Talanrl 4ij: wuuwui uuir ivii ua uu ltvored to tho association, and the Executive Committee have been prevented from taking action in the matter 600 LEi VI. 00 2UH) ao 17U) or FOSTER PETTIT, 130 Water Bt, New York. Association Railroad tiokets for sale at Foster Pettit'a, 136 Water COUNTY STATEMENT.

62S 5i irom wauc oi a quorum at its meetings and tbe factious opposition, when a quorum was nresent. of one of the orion a bnanera, ton raarxet, H. M. Whiting 4 1S Fulton st. Brooklyn.

DUO 000 800 150U ao. do do b3 do do do STATEMENT OF THE TREASURER OF Kings County of receipts and disbursements for the fourth quarter of tho fiscal year commencing August 1, Rankin Post, No. 10, G. A. will make an excursion to Mount Pleasant flrovo, August 26.

The barges will leave Fulton Ferry at 9 A. It is settled that Alderman Wm. F. Aitken, of the Third Ward, is out of the Aldermauic race this jear. Complaints of dirty streets are continually sent to tha Eagle.

The sufferers may get local relief hj applying to the Alderman of their ward. A rumor is current that the clerk of Justice Semlor'B Court, tbo Hon. John Dailey, has been left a tiandaome legacy. The Gates avenue horse cars jolt so terribly that a petition is to be presented to the company asking repairs to their vehicles. The indignant census enumerators have not jet called tho public meeting at which they proposed to make revolatlonB concerning tho reduction of their pay.

Thoy are still very angry. Mr. George McCurrach, of this city, was married at Rossie Ochll, Scotlaud, on the 20th of July, to Miss Janet Trotter, eldest daughter of Mr. John Kair. Tho happy couple loft for Brooklyn yesterday.

The friends of Mr. David M. Stone, editor of the oiirnat of Comnyerce, will regret to bear that hs mot with a painful accident at the Wall street Ferry yesterday afternoon. He undertook, with others, to asebJt a haavily laden truck up tho bridge by pushing It, but whon tho truck started forrft. Mr.

Stone caught his foot against the Iron edge of the gangplank, and was tripped up. He fell forward, and his foot was sprained. A number of prominent citizens who are attached to Justice Sender's court, last evening organized a "Bald Headed Men's Union," of which Mr. B. TP.

Mayers was elected president, Counsellor Rockwell, secretary, and Joo Winters treasurer. Mr. Harry Chapman, the well known hotel keeper, was appointed atoward. A number of new members, including Counselor Parmenter, Associate Justice Rogers and Mortimer Earl, wore initiated at tbo now wigwam, corner of Gates and Bold avenues. It is a bona fide organization.

LOXO ISLAND NOTES. iiutin itnu rrestaent. 8 3 2J 100 ao sjii 300 do 3 2500 41 41J 70 representatives from this association, in tho Executive Committee, not by election, however, but through a barter of offloe unless such action was compiled with, tbe oondition that no further enrollment should be had before the first of September, after which date, by rule of tho Genoral Committee no person can be en oTIEORGE HOTEL, ON THE SOUND. TT Black Rock Beaoh. 2 miles west of Bridgeport, Conn, WILL OPEN June 10 fishing, bathing, sailing.

Una drives. 100 NY 1LU Mich Cen uu u. n.u Aumpsius av; entrance on Greene avenue. WAN TED SWASHING AND IRONING, by respectsblevonng woman, in her own house, or woul go out by tho day as a first class laundross referenco if required. Con bo soon for two days at No.

1,197 Atlantio avenue uv WANTED WASHING BY A RESPECT ablo young woman will go out the first of tho woek or would teko homo washing has tho boat city references. Please call at 518 Vanderbilt av, near Atlantio, in tho candy Btere. ANTED WORK A RESPECTABLE womanwisheBtogo out the Urst two davs of the tion 7, Laws of 1877. nXNEnAL 93: Pioneer Campaign Club held its regular meeting ot tho headquarters, 105 Wythe avenue, last evening. Thero was a full attendance of members and many new names were added to the roll.

A little difficulty that bad ariBon at former meetiugs caused tbo presidont, vico proeidont and secretary to tender thoir resignations, which were not accepted, and aB a proof of their ability to fill tbo various poBitlonB they were unanimously reelected, as follows Major G. W. Thompson. President Henry Everding, Vice Proaidont Colonel Harry E. Gotleb, Secretary.

The meeting was called to order by p. Fitzpatrick (Treasurer of tbe club) who ablv acted fls chairman S3 200 do no mosquitoes less than two hours by New haven Railroad also by boat transient, S3 ner day 810 to Slt.50 per week 3SX 47 iwu uuiu it miss it. 4 200PhUAKeaaingK be loo St 4 San prfd 300 tit li 1 4 tjontb KMi be lOTi ruuuu iu auy wara as aociaiion ana lou 1. 4 favorable arrangements for families. Diagrams and oircu.

100 ao Total joo aaa Mr. Pearsall shot at 100 yards only. Mr. French shot at 80 and 00 yards. It will bo seen that Mr.

PeddinghauB's score of 350 uosrly equaled that of tho whole of the opposing team's full record. The best shooting done at tho 103 yards' distance was by Messrs. Peddlnghaus, Hoyt and Pearsall, who scored, respectively, 2187, 1039 and 812. Major ConBtablo was next to Mr. Peddlnghaus in tho 60 yards' shoot, Mr.

Hoyt being second in the 80 yards. To morrow the club teams meet again for practice, whon the champion of the United States for 1880 will again handle Ills bow, as only he apparently can at present. Dr. Hoagland and Mr. Tlce were present, but did not participate in the shooting.

Mr. French was a visitor from the Manhattan Olub of Now York. Mr. Hauway, of the Bay Side Toxophllltes, was also trnereatt, 'xaere aro many uepubucans who are desirous of joining but have been urevented bv the fall. lars at 20 Maiden lane N.

Y. MILLER WELLS. "Pro lOi. inoiora. otage meets tne a.

Br. trains 'rom Fortyacoud street. DC uro of tho Executive Committee to take action in tha S4ht 1000 lou 400 200 300 10U do RANDON HOUSE, weet is a good washer aud ironer can givo first class citv 103 lOSif llB' KB.1," reference RE EN WOOD I.A.KR. Oranro V. rrom uer last employers.

Please coll st tl'J Hud pro fern. OPEN for thn nniuuin. 11 hnnni iTom Nnw VfirW flU.w Cash on hand May 1 1880 beceipts. Penitentiary $13,018.88 Interest 80.00 County Court 100.00 Surrogate's Court 20.14 Town ofNewLots 1 ,743.70 Town of Flatbush 3,304.23 Town of Gravosond 139.84 Town of FlatlsndB 109.31 Town of New Utrecht 1,332,68 Bast New York School Loan 350.00 Jurors 168.90 Commissioners of Obsritiessupplies 3,158.50 Flatbush Sohool District No. 8 1,350.00 City of Brooklyn County bonds 52,783.50 Armory sits for Thirty second and eon av.

liw ao b.7 otn Un) do 54 300 do 63if 800 ao 53Q 100 do sj Ml? 600 do L'OO ao 63l manor; tnererore Resolved, That tha assooiatlon protests, in tho namo of falrnoBR, the interests of tho Republican party and of those gentlemen who havo been thus prevented from enrolling themselves against any further delay, on the part of the Executive C'ommltteo, and demand Immediate action la the premises by tho Executive Com 3M 10U IU9 Telegraph office in hotel. Accommodations excellent. As nex boats connect with trains from Krie depot. Address OLQSK A WATBBaTONtf, Proprietors A oommitteo was appointed to escort the newly elected olilcerB to their respective Bests, and after thanking the members of the olub for the honor con. ferred upon them the President.

Maior Thomn.on 100 Bur be 60X1 vu racmo ru 1 boo ao ATTSKILL HOUSE. WAN TIfiD WORK BY A RESPECT" able Protestant woman, to go out by tho day or to woshing to hor own homo; understands all kinds of line washing, flntingond ironing; can givo referanoe if required. Please call at 378 Atlantio av. botwean Hoyt and Bund eta. WAN TED WORK TO GO OUT BY the dav tn nrjinli.

irnn i said that from his boyhood up he had always espoused lueovub, IU. U1U UUb euuod. JooKed dull and yellow by contrast. Along tho sidOB of the pier between the columns were hung rows of Chinese lanterns, while Bhlelds and banners hung from the posts, and red, white and blue bunting woe wreathed about tho girders sndjoross beams. Half way down the long strotch of floor was stationed tho orchestra which furnished the dance music.

Max Schwab wielded tho baton, and the dancing programme showed schedule of twonty four dances with promonado music as interludes. This last was furnished by Wernig's Seventh Regiment Band, which was stationed away down st the ocean end of the pier. The arrangements wero perfect in evory respect. There was an efficient police force in attendance and the committee in chargo seemed to have done all In their power to add to tho comfort of their guests, and to mako tho first festival of tho society ot Conoy Island a success. The festival was supposed to begin at 0 o'clock In tho evening, when the baud gave a promonado concert, and tho crowd gathored as tho shades of ovonlng feU.

Tho festival may bo said to havo been fairly opened when the display of firoworks began. This was chiefly on ajrlal display, and tho piecos wore tot off from a float anchored oO at one sido of the pier, put outeldo tho surf lino. It was a very brilliant display th only set ploce being a copy of Bartboldl's Statue of Liberty, which closed the exhibition. The bombs, rockets and bouquets of colored firos wore ospoclally beautiful, and the entire pyrotechnic display waa thoroughly successful. THE BAL OHAMPETRE was snnonncod for 9:30, and the dancing began ecme whero about that tlmo, fcnt it was nearly 12 o'clock before tho terpslchorean part of tha festival was at its height.

Meanwhile the crowd was as orderly and decorous as could bo desired. Tha dancing was mainly carried on in tho space about half way down the pior In front of tho orchestra. With every Bet a fringe of spectators formed about the danoors, throo and four deep, and there they stood until the set was over. There were no especially goad dancers and nothing peculiar about the dancing, yet people stood about and watched as though thoy expected to eeo them break out into a KATTSKILIt BAY, LAKE GKORGK, N. Y.

mittee. Jiesolrcd, That Iho oonduct of the leaders of th Kcuiui.iiiw lauu, ami an no grow in years tnat feeling manifested itself with creator stronrHi minority faction merits, as it receives, the condomna ao llo do soo do. 14i0 do 600 do loo ao soo ao 200 Chi 4 MJ 1W) ao 64M 600 do 545 3M 200 do 64i 600 ao 62 (Wir aoo ao 641 9W 200 do S45 9Slil WU do 66 be SVi(l 100 Wab'h 4 8 For 1 oforennft call at lir RJivIh a)P MnAfnrA rortjr soventn Kegiments oo.ww.uo yany mans ana teiegrapn. uuu vi iud (MiBum nuua, Resolved, That theBe preambles and resolutions bo spread upon the minutes, and a copy thereof, attested The osndldotes for President and Vice President wore one of the finest selections ever made by the Democratic party, and he hoped that tbe Nineteenth Ward, always Rapublican. would cast their votes In NnumhAi.

spectablo colored woman is a first class washer anii ironer" baa best city references. Can bo seen all week at 100 Navy st, sooond floor. VON BEAOH HOTEL, BATH, L. I. VAY.1 kwns; a paradise for both cnildreu and adults.

ANTED WORK TO GO "OUT BY the dav ashino' unrl i next Bolldly for Hanoock and Engliah, who throughout the entire Union were duly acknowledged the people's xlxhh xl noi proprietors. uy we oooroutry, uo sent to cue fjuoirrasn oi cue xeuu tivo Committee of the Genoral Committee. The reading of the resolutions was GREETED WITH APPLAUSE. Kr. Clarence Barrow didn't believe there was any evidence implicating either Mr.

Stephenson or Mr. Nich i uuiuo, jliid i reniuoui uuuuiuuoa uis remarss oy Btat Ing that at the regular to be bold ou Tbnmdav good washer and ironor; would liko tha firat ot tho wook would take washing to her own house; bost of roference from present employer's. Pleaso address WIDOW Eiglo ao bo 89StS ao s3 9.1 I 300 do s.Ti ao 93'i, 7ou ao is ao do jjJJ do 99'i 600 ao 29K Uo 9ajtf 200 do b3 40 do 99s; 200 do do 100 1 200 do low do IWIJfi too ao Kit do 100 i 100 do S3 40 do loo loo St i prtd 600 300 200 loo 200 2U) HKI 100 100 300 400 200 Private Housci. CEAN HOUSE, EAST MORICHES, L.I. Finn Itathinir.

n.1 linir. Ao.i inrmm ehnnn IS evening next, eminent Bpeakors would tho meeting. Tho club then adjourned. Cricket. Boston yb.

Canada. The Longwood Club of Boston, which ia now In Canada, wero BuccesBf ul up to tho time that ou accldont to George Wright obliged him to retire from tho field. At Hamilton they won by the following Bcore: Longwood First Inning, 48 Becond inning, 77 total, 125. Hamilton First Inning, 63 second inning, 63 total, 110. At Toronto this week the Boston team were defeated by the appended score Toronto Firat inning, 55 second inning, 104 total, 169.

Longwood First inning, 68 second inning, 57 total, 115. The Boston team were without the services of George Wright ia their second inning, Parti3 deBirinR the Bundai Eagle left at their residences can send their addresses to this office and hey will be given to tho carrier who serves the Riaut in their district. WANTED WORK A COMPETENT woman wishes to go out by tbe day is an excellent Washor And ir nnnr in (n l. au DDY, Bast Moriobes, L. I.

4t German Democrats A Liarge and En. ols and to adopt tbe resolutions would be to condemn thoBO gentlemen without trial, Mr. Edwin F. 1'aga thought the language of the ro solutions unworthy of tho Republicans of tho ward. He thought, also, that thoy were unfair and should not 8 UN SIDE FARM, AORA, GREENE county.

N. is one of tha heat nlaoes for KntTirnnr ilutar along; willing to go out all tho woek; first class cHv andobl no objection to work in laundry, uo no 7o ct 117 400 do 10 Ct 117 Penitential? Intorost Oity Court County Court Surrogate's Court County Treasuter Board of Supervisors Court House Coroners Town ot New Lota Town of Flatbasn Town of Gravessnd Town of Flatlands Town of Now Utreont East New York Sohool Loan OnmmisHionora of Morgue ConBtni ion and Repairs General Storekeeper Almshonoe) Advertising stationery and Distriot Attorney Contingent Fund Jurors 400 4 lease oall all thowook at 101 TUlary st, in the rear. board in the Catskills; tonus, ono to a room, 80; two to a room. $14; no deductions. For ciroolarand card address thusiastic Meeting: In the Ttvcnt firsl Ward.

A meeting of the Twenty first Ward Derao uo no llal ao 70 do ma, 100 ao 7o2 do 100 no. 70iJ ao 100 do 70 do 119 joo ao 70ii do 1185i 100 ao 7II4T 600 2V0 100 100 lull OBO. O. MQTT. OUNTRY BOARD LARGE, FIRST olass private placo, on Central Railroad; every JMOTED HOlStS.

De Mr. Major Page asked that tho resolutions be read again, and bis request being complied with, Mr. Barrow wanted to know how tne framer of the resolutions knew there was any barter" for offlce. He believed that It was a willful falsehood to make such an allega cratlo German Citlzous' Association was hold at No. 250 Ellery Btreet, last ovening.

Mr. Cohn, tho Presi WANTED HOUSE A TWO STORY and hfWBmnnf. hmn otnn a i i it connor ana convenience, ikaarosi muni Ujua, r.u. 11.338.30 33.7S8.21 8.710.S4 5,014.04 4,374.82 2,106.02 6.740.78 3,610.01 7,415.32 1,053.07 1.O3T.40 2,317.41 24.45 70,20 40.08 4,252.50 3.300.16 274.41 833 .12 090.06 2,914.18 4,003.84 2,134.01 10,400.00 303.00 12,339.75 4,897.74 1,333.04 6,059.14 209,583.91 1,187.80 1,850.00 1,23.00 400.00 280,000.00 50.110 711.23 8,801.75 500.00 010.60 1C0 ao 300 A Alton R. 815 118 I loo do 7o)J be 1 60 do 70r4 U4 loo ao 7o2 dent, ocenpiod tho chair, and Secretary Wolde recorded the proceedings.

There was a large" and enthusiastic irjAKKfED. Agteofflce0011 1 borate rent. Address TNB OR TWO SELECT FAMILLES WILL 401) do ia attendance. bo taken to board on farm, north side of Long Island two hours from city; new house; high and nealthy location good still water bathing; $6 per week. Apply to H.

WBLLS, Wading RivorTL. Mr. 8. Cohn mado a vifforous imper in f.vor nf Rev. S.

Bourne, who in 1854 was pastor of tho Cougregational Church in Flushing, la now visiting friends thoro. William Bridge, prominent Republican, hit boen appointed Postmaster of Long Island City. Ho took possession of the offlce yesterday. A Hancock and English legion was formed at Bowery Bay, Long Island City, on Tuesday evening, with the following officers President, August Rossiga; Vice Presidents, George Crook and Max Lelsenberg Secretary, Louis Fricko Treasurer, AdolpU Stoble. Congress devoted $15,000 for the building of a dyke in Flushln Bay.

This makes $35,000 appropriated. It will take four years to build tbo dyko, under such small appropriations. Covert is making an effort to have part of the appropriation expended in deeping the ohanel by dredging, that some immediate benefit may result to ehippiog. WANTEp HqUSE BYSWTEMBER bys family of three, a small Iiousb. in good or dor, with improvoments.and in a good neighborhood, or lower floors in house with owner.

State locality and tnrmo Address HOUSE. Box 12, Eagle offlce. ana torms DECISIONS AGAI5ST BASK TRUSTEES. Hancook and English, which was received with applause. Mr.

A. Wild, the interpreter of Justice Sem )HP'R Cmifr. alt TTr.nnlo .1 ler's Court. Mr. Francis Bach and others also AKB GEORGE BOARD IN A CLER mno BYKRS DAVIB B.

tho Rev Br. Cnllan, Samuei. A. Bxxbs to Mrs. Davis, all of Brooklyn.

No oards. HARPRR At Salem, August 11 1880, by the Rot. Hugh Elder. Myba, rlaugb Li of tne Iau William B. Parker, to Hobatio RrTlAH "EH, of Now York.

MCCURRAOH KERR Jnly 20. at Rosste Ochil, tbo Rev. Johu Rpbb, Forgandenny, assisted by the Hov. Vm McQueen. Pathxtruio.

GEonnK 'tiTntiAi wild can can. As the evening drew into tho night tbo orowd thinnod gyman's family, two minutes walk from Fort William Henry Hotel: terms. 8 to SltO rter week aocammn. tion. Mr.

Elmoro geld evory effort had been made to Induce Mr. Stephenson to return tho roll book, but without success, and the consequence was that many Republicans In the ward could not be enrolled. It was simply disenfranchising them, and it was well that such affairs should be made known to the public. As to dickers or barter ho was prepared to justify tbe language of tbe resolution. The question was, bow long wore thoy to submit to such treatment Mr, M.

Pago said that they all understood that the roll book should be on hand. Right in the midst of the campaign they were witnessing the strange spectacle of the strongest Republican ward in tho city being lmnlv in a ohaotlo condition. He didn't, however. spirited addresses in favor of the Demoeratio nominees for President and Vice President. About twenty.

WADTTED PABTS OI HOUSES. dations unsurpassed referenoa, Chas. D. Miller, 134 Pearl st, Now York City. Address Box 189, Lake George, Poor witnesses, Board, olothiog and tuition County Jail Newtown Crook Bridges National Guard.

City of Brooklyn State Sohool nio'uej. Justices of Sessions Flatbush Sohool District No. Flatlands School Loan Shore inspection County bonds Sohool Commissioner House of Good Shepherd State abaritabia institutions now ammuBin woro unroueu. ana ins mnerinrr nri. jvuimvu i.u iroeaa.

T3 0CKY BOWER HOUSE, CATSKnL MERRICK CAMP MEGTI.VG. Miuuuiaiua i no auove nouse is now open lor tno ac commodation of boarders, pleasantly situated in thevil. WANTED PART OF HOUSE BYA family of three adults, 4 or 6 rooms in upper part of house, with all improvements for housekeeping, with a 3 uiet family; within fifteen minutes' walk of ferries. Ad ress, stating terms and all particulars, H. J.

Eagls ofiicu. WAiyi'EP iTglSC'ELLArTEOUS. XTANTED PARTNER A MAN WHO A Splendid Oronnd Wooded, Watered, tM TUISt AQuroaa Mm. BRUNT, Tannersrillo, Greene County, Now bellovek that anything so Indefinite as the resolutions York. Shaded and Filled with mosquitoes.

N. to JANKT Tbotteb, oldest daughter oi John Korr Esq. NOTMAN HOWARD On Thursday. August 12, ot the Ohurchof tne Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, by tbo Rbv! iMwsT H. Hall, D.

Geoboe Notman to Kathabine Parker youngest daughter ot Samuel B. Howard, Eiq. UPDIKB QUIRK On Thursday, August 12, at the residence of the bride's undo, by Rev. Goo. Lansing Tav lor.

D. Edwin S. Updike, of Jersey City, N. to Kittisj (juntK (niece of Unolo Lam), of Brooklyn, N. Y.

HOI'MBS On Thursday, August 12 1880, by the Rev. J. J. Wbito, FBAJJE B. WlI.ouaUY Jehme V.

Holmes, all of Brooklyn. No oards The Meetings Sad "allures Scarcity COKOISEll'S NOTICES. Judge Van Yorst gave two more decisions yesterday in I'ue New York Supreme Court, on demurrers to tho complaints iu actions brought by Willis 8. Paino as receiver of tho Insolvent Bond street Savings Bank against its trustees to recover for the losses resulting from alleged breaches of duty in the manogo mont of tho bank's affairs. In tho suit of the receiver against Erastus F.

Mead ond others, Judge Van Vorst hold that a loan of $25,000 made by tho trustees to Benjamin W. Wright, payable on demand on tho security of bond and mortgage on premises callod "BoBCObel," in Westchester Connty, was an ill ogal and grossly negligent act, for tho reason that the sum loaned exeee idod tbe amount that tho charter directed should be invested in that manner, and was upon vacant and unproductive land not worth twice the sura loaned. In tho suit of tbe receiver against Robert Irwin and othors, tho complaint contained two causes of action. In the first, the defendants were sought to be held liable for an alleged breaoh of trust in appro A TBIB0TE. of Ministers.

were ehould bo adopted. If Colonel Stephenson was ro sponstblo for tbe demorall ttlon ol tbo Hopnbllcans of tbe ward then he should be specifically ohsrged with It. He did not believe in inferential or vaguo condemnation. If thore had been any barter for office then tha nubile should know it. and such resolutions should ba unaerstanns tne stove traae snd would like to i ffo County Auditor Law Librarian Now Jail Armory site for Tbirty aeoond and Forty seventh Regiments Heating and ventilating Court House COM MIBSIONEBS OF CBABITXES.

Nassau Water Department Kxtonsian to Baby Ward Transmutation. Ao 67,400.00 33.30 SB.80S.01 ohance. Call all To ttus Editor of (he Brooklyn EanCi: paixner in tne pluniD buainoas good tho woek on J. CLARK. 32 Walworth st.

od ont a little. At about ten o'clock, whon tho throng was at its height, thore wore porhaps three thousaud people ou the pier, and as they tramped back and forth you could feel tho huge structure rock and sway poroeptl bly as It vibrated under the tread of so many feet. The restaurant was well patronized, and tha crowd eaemod to be enjoying tho beauty of the scene. By twelve o'clock the fun began to quicken, and the noise increased as tbo waltzors threw themsolves into the spirit of tho dance. A couple tripped and went headlong upon tho floor, amid the laughter of tho bystanders, but picked themselves up quickly and dashed again into the mazes of tbe dance.

The dancers would not wait for the regular dance mnslo, but when tho promonado Interludes began would at onco set up a waltz to that. They oared not for Urns or measure so long as they could dance. After midnight the bad bocame more genoral tn its character, and it waa well toward daylight when the programme was ended, and the last boat loft the pier for New York, CORONERS' OFFICE. BODY OF A drowned man found Augusts, 1880, in Vandorveer's Creak, Town of New Lots; about 45 years old; 5 feet inches in height; stout build, dark hair, smooth faoe had on dark Kentucky jean pants, gray coat, brown vest, checkered shirt, congress gaiters: carried a bamboo oane. Body I have just returned from the eleventh an adopted as oould be regarded as consistent In tho light of all the facts.

1,058.00 HOUSES, CARRIAGES. nual camp gathering at Merrick by a tedious journey on the Long Island Railroad. It is a tame, dull, flat Mr. J. B.

snmmorfleld didn't believe in condemning at aiorgue ior laentmoation. 141.UU 328.20 23,538.25 24,803.71) HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP: WAR' ranted S7O.I20 Skillman st. HENRY 0. SIMMS,) O0Mn. FRANCIS NOLAN, "eroners.

and unprofitable meeting. At onn assembly there were District offices' rent Salaries Supplies Mechanics' services, men unheard. If Mr. Stephenson waa the man to bo blamed, why wasn't he named In the resolution 7 It there had been any twenty five, at another forty, and at another seventy. SIX SEAT PHAETON BUILT 837.33 BY LEGAL NOTICES.

The attondonoe is almost as poor as that at Sea Cliff. Brewster, of Forty seventh st, for ealo in Derfeci, TTT order great bargain. J. CURLKY, 244 State at Total $970,081.77 UNDBBHANDBD WORK, It is dlffioult of approach, tho only means being on a IlEOArlXULaTIO.V. It should be found out, Mr.

mora I sav uialulv. that Mr stnnhan. $1,100,436.30 A ROAD WAGON FOR SALE, MADE 7 S'wersj nearly new; in good order. Price )ji7j. Can be seen at 27 Dean st.

rc i oiy uLogo, mrougu ciouus or dust. Hew mauy ouncos of blood ware stoieu from mo I don't know, by Receipts Payments Cosh on hand August 1. 1880 rrnusx ruNDs. son kept back the roll book. Applause.

I am iree to 12B.854.S3 priating tho moneys of the bank in tbe purchase of five bonds and mortgages for $8,000 each, made by one Donnelly, the mortgages being upon property say mat. uiuuiiuuucu, wui i are large, leuows, Tho rats aro ol good aize, too, snakes not many, hut tho katydlda abound, and are noisy beyond degree, Merrick Camp Ground stretches far in all directions, aud the cots, cottages, tents and othar aeoommodatlonB are FlltKflEX'R Balanoe on band May 1. 1880, in real estate, bonds, mortgages, desposited in trust com tr. m. sge xnen name wm in the resolution.

Voices Yes, yes. Mr. W. B. Bromol.

Who is not rnemVinr nf thn Kfltincl, panies, savings oanxs ana caau 13.74 in Vanderbilt avenue, Brooklyn, These bonda and mortgages wore owned by George a trustee of the bank, and wero purchased from by tha ataon, was allowed tho privilege of the floor, lie said ecived since. 24,508.0) iu a sigzag ronn, uistributea in circular design. Tho Rev. Mr. McAllister andBev.

J. Simmons woro the only two ministers of note on the grounds, and they both iuai uo ix au lormoriy Deen connected witn It, ana on his return to the ward had sountit fn ro.umn that con Total Payments, TTEW AND SECOND HAND WAGONS brlainfg'giid0)? truck a A JUMP SEAT WAGON IN COMPLETE order will be sold very cheap, as tho owner has no SrtE. ar use for it. Apply st sUble, 655 ond BS7 wlrren BAYMORSE FOR SALE; 15 1 2 HANDS bigh 7 years old; Isa good steoDer warrantor) sound end kind; suitable for docter or temily horse "alsd fine buggy. Apply at 846 Navy st, "muynorse, also, TWO OLARMNOES, IN RUNNING OR dor.

for salo. to roakB mom mill h. bank with its funds, by the direction of the trustees. The testator of the defendants, who demurred, voted neoUon. He found, however, that while it bad a name tJUPRBME COURT, KINGS COUNTY IkJ Jane Wothorspooh.

sole surviving executrix ol James Wothorsnpon, deceased, against John H. Eurioh and others. T. Gbaff, nlaiutia'a attorney. In pur.

Buanco of a jadgment order ofthis oourt, made in tho above entitled aotion, bearing date the uth day of August, 1880, 1 will soil by publio auction, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the ealeBrooms, No. 38 Willougbby street. In rho City of Brooklyn, on the oth day of September, 1880, at 12 o'clook, noon, tbe following described land and premises: All those tbree certain lots, piecies or porosis of land, situate, lying and being in tbe Ninth (formerly Sovonth) Ward pf the City of Brooklyn, known and distinguished on a map entitled. "Man of valuable property situate in the Seventh Ward of the City of Brooklyn, lately belonging to Garret Nostrand, Esquire." and Intended to be filed Tn the office of the Clerk of the County Kings as Iota numbers (12) twelve, (13) thirteen, (flS fifty eight, and taken together are bounded and oontaiu as follows, that Is to say: Beginning on the easterly side of Bedford avenne, at the southwesterly corner ot lot number 11 on said map; running thence easterly along the southerly side of lot number il one hundred foet, and tbenoe BOntberly on tha westerly side ot lot number (3D) fifty nine twenty fire feet to lot number (58) fifty eight thonoe easterly on the northerly side of lot number (58) fifty eight to spencer street one hnndred feet: thennn flOufctiArTv on thn n.ilurtn iireucuuu goou sormous.

waou i inquired where all tho burning and Bhining lights in the Methodist church DIED. FRraCKSHAUS Drowned in tho Ohio River, at Pitts. bnrg.atUraetant Krsebi A. A. FniCKEHHADS aged 25 yoars and 2 monthn.

Relatives and friends are rospectfnlly invited to attend thefunoral to morrow (Saturday) afteraoon, at 3 o'clock sharp, from tho receiving vanlt. Greenwood Cemetery. McMAHON At tho residenoo of her narents, 64 Undor. hill av. Liluf.

MoMahon, bolovod child oi Miohaoland Annie MoMahon, aged 3 years, 7 months and 4 days Funeral Sunday, at 2 o'clook P. M. MOHAN Ja this city, on Thursday, August 12. John MrJRAH sgod 2B years. Rolativos and friends, also members of the Firo Department, are respeotfully invited to.attend his funeral Irom his lata residence, No.

284 Tenth st, uoar Fifth avenue an Sunday, August 15, at2 P. M. avonuo, on PENNY On Friday, August 13, RonsnT Penny aged 72 years. Tha raltttives and friends of tho orally sto respectfully invited to attend tho funeral on Sunday, I5tu, from his late residence, 568 Myrtfo to Greenwood. SAMSON In Brooklyn.

August 12, Elizabeth O. Saat son, aged 3 mouths ana 15 days, youngest daughter of James and Loanna Samson. Funeral to day at 2 :30 P. M. SPECIAL NOTICE.

IAMONT SETTINGS JLJ' MADE TO ORDER FBOM ORIGINAL DESIGNS, ON l'HB PRRMISES, All made of 18 carat gold, and at short notioo. TV A DT TITlOa it uau no local uauitauon. no naa come to reDreBont Total $569,090.43 Balanoe August 1, 1880, as follows, vis. tour voters in one house, liko himself. Republicans.

for and approved the purchase. It was alleged, in tho complaint that fche mortgaged premises were not nro. aud doslrlng to co onorate with the association. Thev naa gone, 1 was torn mat "tney nad gone to the fashionable watering plaoea to bid for calls to rioh pastorates," that "Merrick was unpopular to many, because there was no fishing, boating or surf bathing." The oould not enroll themselves, simply for the reason that duett ve property, and that its value was nnoortaln, contingent and speculative, dependent upon the completion of building thereon, and that tbe premises were) isot is mat tuore a great wont of comfort, aooommo taere was no rouooog. If any gentioman naa neon tne moans of putting an obstacle In the way ol tho association it was their business to remove both the obstacle and the man.

fAnnlsnse.) He would simply ask what In Donas ana mortgages In real estate In New York Life Insurance and Trust Company In Brooklyn Trust Company In Dime Savings Bank In Brooklyn Savings In WiIliamsburgh Savings Bank. In South Brooklyn 8aviogt In Manhattan Company Also, an open carriage very ligbt; hiBt tho thing for Conor Island. At ARTHUR'S StaTjlo, iMyrtle and Tompkins not worth twice the amount of the mortgages. $342,948.02 26,656,40 79,114.77 0,244.53 78,580.10 2,526.05 6,77.85 159.59 631.18 .09 10,410.29 REFINED SOGIBTY AT MEBBICE. he was to do to ogsin become a member 1 Judge van Vorst assigns the following as the reasons sod ministers of high degree aceuBtomed to luxury At it regular meeting of the Washington Club, held last night at their rooms corner of Ninth street and Fifth avenne, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously passed Whereat, The grim destroyer, death, has removed from our midst our esteemed associate, Mr.

Johu Moron and Whereat, Thl association has by hit untimely death riustained a great loss tberef ors be it Rrsalved, That bo sorrowful an event as the death of our bc'oved associate deserves, and should receive from the members of this association, a befitting and appropriate recognition. Kwofowf, Xhat wo mourn and deeply sympathize wltu els sorrowing wife and parents in this their bereave xnent and Irreparable loss. Unsolved, That wo will remember bim as a friend and oosoolate, and point with pride to his flovotion to the JntorosW, the welfare and honor of the association, aa on example for ourselves and our successors. Rualved, That the members of this association attend the funeral in a body, and that the club rooms be draped with mourning for thirty days. Reeolved, That the secretary be requested to transmit an engrossed copy of those resolutions to tho wife and parents of the deceased.

80PP OSED FATAL INJURIES. Slecorlvea by a Wine Klorcbant When lueavlua a Car. About eight o'clock last night an accident coourred on tbo Broadway lino of ateam motors, by whloa Mr. Francis Bailey, aged 40 yoars, a win merchant, residing on tho oornor of Floyd street and Lewis avenue, received injuries which are expected to provo fatal Mr. Bailey attompUd to leave the car while it was In motion, and be missed his footing, and his head ptruok tho ourbstono.

Not only was his forehead severely out, but ho received Internal injuries of a serious nature. It Is surprising that he was not run over and killed, for ho jumped from the fore part of the car, and cams within on ooo of being struck by the side platform of a second car is the rear. Mr. Bailey removed to his home, and his wounds were dressed by Dr. Davidson, of Troutmau street.

This morning the injured man was Improving, although not out of English governesses in Paris have founded club wbero thoy can meet and enjoy social pleasures AH tha privileges and comforts of an Engllah olab aro' provided. AN ELEGANT YOTJNG JET BLACK more for sale tell msne, and tell within one lnoh at voico go to car. utepnemiu Lappiause. Mr. Philip Suiter If It Is proved that Colonel Ste.

for holding that the purchase of the mortgages were. proior uuior places mora conaucive to ease ana enjoyment. The tabernsole is the best striiatiim nn thn ttie ground can be driven by a child afraid of nothing; iheuson is gnilty of keeping those bookslb.ick from us, et us pnt him out. Vigorous applause. in Atlantio anx In Mochanios' Bank Cash ir Bom at onco, will bB sold oheap.

Apply at LOWDEN1 Spencer street twenty.flpa. feet to lot number (57) fifty, seven on said map; thence westerly along the northerly A I l.nMinlMH 1.191 ,11, .7 groundv.but that is exposed all around, and subjects the roung ladles to cold and tore throat, to they do not ultra vires: "They were puroh. od from a trustee. Suoh dealing by trustees with a co trustee, 1b, fn Itself; open to Just objeotion but the tranEactloo Is la viola tion of the prohibition oonlatned lnseolion tlx ol tha mug u. jivnaont near Atlantio.

The members of Neptune Engina Company No. 1 held their annual baaeh party at Kockoway Beach yesterday. This company is tho pioneer are company of New Lots, and was organized many years ago by Mr. Bomuol Palmer, a gentleman who Is ono of the most highly esteomod residents of New Lots. The apparatus used by them, prior to I860, bolonged to this city, and was used In tho volunteer firs department, it was known as No.

7. It was purchased by the town for the englue company, wbloh at that time was entirely made up of the leading men of tbe town, for thirteen hundred dollars. It threw tbe highest stream of any engine then in tbe oity department, and, when water can ba obtained, la now erjual to all tho other apparatuses in the New Lots Fire Department. The members of the company, with their friends, went to the Beach by way of the East New York, Conarsie and Rockawsy Beach Eod, They spent (he day at Ruland's Seaside Pavilion, and had a very fine time. The committee Foreman Kiobard Carran, Assistant Foremen Stephon Ml), ler and Edward Sogers, 8oeretary Jamoa Decluo, Trees nrer Philip L.

Jardin, Charles Oraham, William Blaok more, Charles Truax and Charles Lewis woro vory attentive to their duties, and left no courtesy to their guests unperformed. Among tho guests wers Chief Engineer Thomas Foran, Assistant Engineer Edward ItlchardB, President of tbo Fire Board Edward Dunn, Richard Pickorlng, Matthow Cooper, 0. Warron Hamilton, Justice Sherlock, Samuel Palmer and many others. w. wuuu.u i.

gui buu lonrtoen on fit 175 WILL BUY A LADY'S PONY7T4 vTr? handhi.h.7 iti. X.i Zrl" turn, out oi tueir cottages, ana the men and women wrap up In shawls, to. There was no sensation thero because every thing, was fiat, cold and unlnterosting. There were no conversions, and no wonder, for thero 8M9.990.43 0,411.31 6.00 MrLITASI UHI. Balance May 1, 1880..

Iteoeipts siuee Total Payments. charter of the bank, to the effect that no trustee shall directly or Indirectly borr6w any ol the funds of tha 313 and 315 Eulton Bt, corner Johnson. aaiu lump iwu uuuunm log, to mo easteriv side of Bed ford avenne i thence nqrtfierlf along the easterly Bide of Bedford avenue fifty feet to the place ot befrluninu exeeptlng and rose rviii therefrom all that part of said lot number (68) flftymlght, bounded and dasarlbed as follows, Baalnnlng on the westerly side of Spencer Btreet, st the sputheaatetly cornor of lot fifty sight) on sold map, snd rtmnlfiD LhAnnA .1... I rot. An 1 1 uaruass, Ar 'ior hefn' Bwster; horse SilPSS''it KVa Also pair of carriage horsot, Axtvn.

sion top phoeton and double liarnoss would sell seuoratelv Mowbray's Commission Stables, 233 US power, iirn pin man wno is tho presiding elder Is reserved, distant, selfish and vory unnonular st Marrlolr. hAnaiifis 1)ia tiAnt'iTn ih.M i.l bank or fn any manner use tho eat except to pay noo 80.418.81 4,650.13 esrsry currant expenses. Trusties who sanction toot) aso of the money by co titWteo equally with Mm vio is rilled with spiritual pride and consequence. Ho does per fifty seven on Bald map, eighty six feet tbenoe norther Total. 1UWM E.OST AND FOtni uu uug uui miu tuo announcements and beg clamor, ously for tho collections.

Thnnrenehe. ly paraTlol with Spencer streot, twenty five foet: thence easterly along the southerly line of lot number Hfty nineon Said man elghtr BlX feat to tbA urn.lArlv nl NninM, wiw Augutt 1, loeu, tooreuvfcvi vut louowing military onranlz.lfmi. v. MR WOLF, FORMERLY OUR oolleotor aud agent for Brooklyn and vicinity, has severed connection wilh uB. All claims are therefore df.

JtwYork 8 East Fifty.fourth New Yok August 10, IB80. CHEAPEST BOOKSTORE IN THE WORLD. almost given away. Now catalogue. Tbo Book Boom free, send stamp.

LKRGAT BROS 3 Bookman ion 1 w. late the law." In tUs'case'aiso judgment Is gtyea, foe the plainUff on the demurrer. Thirteenth for iu tbelr cottages, Bind their appetites am Umply extravagant. With the exception of Mr. McAllister and Fonrteenth TwentT.tlilrrt lfnl auu wiuuoa auusiieriy siong tne westerly siae or said Spencer stroot, twenty.five feot.

to the point or place at be ginning. Dsted Brooklyn, August 13. 1880. Air. Aiouois tnougut tue resolutions wore NOT 8TBONO ENOUGH.

If Mr. r.tophonson was responsible for keepiug the book bock, then be should be banished from the assooiatlon. He would go further and rooommend the appointment of a committeo to demand this book. Applause. Mr.

M. Page Don't let us pobs any such colorless res. olntlons. I move to amend the resolution by inserting tbe name of Colonel W. W.

Stephenson, The substitution was made. Major Georgo D. Weeks thought that If they wanted harmony thoy had bolter go Blow. He "would amend that a coaunKteo of five be appointed to Investigate the matter. Mr.

M. Page failed to nee hov? any oommittee could pursue the gallant colonel to bis Summer resort or summon him to town, and complete an investigation in time to givo Republicans a ohance to enroll before tbo 1st oi September. He believed tbe object of the obstruction was to enable a certain politician, whom he was willing to name A voice Name him. Mr. M.

Page I refor to Senator Bohrof der. i maintain that the object Is to enable him aud BIS SUPPLE TOOL, air. oiminons mors is a lamentable lack of brains among tho ministers and laymen nn tlm rroiinilA. 1 lie OST A DOG MARKED ON COLLAR" JU "Thomas BoIIob 441 1 Please return to 71 Pine it, N. Y.

Cite L04TrFK0M, 132 MHST PLACE ON Thursday morning, a very small bow leggod. black old. largo, full oyeabut nsatlv blind. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning t'OKSTRUCTIOX OF A WILL. $42.24 8.81 37.

S7 835.43 1,788.0 555.57 1,531.20 I.U ia ratal aw THOMAS M. RILEY, Sheriff. York. Fprty fleventh ltegiment Thirly second Regiment Fifteenth Battalion Battery Artillory Battery Arlillnrii Yesterday, District Attorney Petty, of Suf, mrjuiTii; bo are tne coiorea people I saw thore. The water is taken from walls and Is very disagreeable in flavor, but tilts Inaonvonlence la mot liv FOB SAI.E FIAltOa, c.

FOR WAX FLOWERS 1VI ATERIALS folk County, took testimony to emWo bun to give aa 461.72 Troop Cavalry. opinion as to the construction of the will of the late Jo. SftOR SALE PlANO 78 BEAUTIFUL pianoforte, with steal and cover noted maker Ohiok. Uff anrfBht tavAn ni m.1 AND CRAYON DRAWING. an abundant supply of fresh, pure, rich milk, wbloli is freely offered at the hotel or pavilion, superintended by a very excellent and Industrious la dv from rtrooir.

757.19 OST ON THE 11TH EITHER Ari ulrfJSi or betweea 5 o'clock, a 4' with throe oameos, the gift of a de I BKCAniot TiOH. seph Congdon, of Shelter Island. The deceased, waa )yn, a widow named Mrs. McCombs. If the camp riflca for oash pianos and organs to rent and on install niont to810permoth.

Please call and examine at BIDULli'S Piano Fulton st. ceased friend. 3129.854.S3 made his will seme months beforo his death, bequeathe $1,000 to his olster, Mrs. E'iza Young, of FraukHnl without making any mention of her holm. Mrs.

Vonnrl turning same tQSrVAN" EURSEX.T meetings are sb unpopular as this and Sea Cllif, pious folk had much bettor remain at hnmn. Wa OOf.T'UU.IIf 4,757.19 OR SALE PIANO 8G0 "FOR A FINE Nestle'b Milk Food should be nsed by motliera of nursing children. Contains nothing Injurious, na. requiring only water to prepare it for use the dsngar of impure milk is avoided. For sale by druggists and gro cers.

A pamphlet with full partionlars sont by addrcasiug Ihouh LsgjjiNa 4 Montreal, Oausdo. OST THURSDAY AFTERNOlwrBR: Balance, Militaryfund, O. W. KEKNAN. Fulton, cornor Pearl at.

CJSNOW'S SUPERLATIVE )0 CONFECTIONERY, BONBONS', CARAMELS, eto, by mail, In our patent box approved by Post Office De. partmont, oornor Fulton and Pearl ts. (Unitad States Ho. tol Building). Ni York branch ot SNOW'S, Now Uavon.

Conn. Hststilirt'Od 1850. rosewood nlano. barssln i eleaant sonars grand nlauo dfod beforo sir. Congdon, but he made no, alteration lr? tha will, aud tho executors have held the $1,000 with the rest of the estate, pending the decision at tha nn with stool and ooter, to rent at 8)4 par month i pi oooa and noticed on the grounds some ot Brooklyn's prettiest young molds, stylishly dressed and playing croquet, but these do not attend the Insipid services at the tabernacle.

On our return, homo, we nearly ran Into a Lout Beaoh train. Constant, JLA tween South and Hamilton forrlos, a POCKET BOOK containing papers snd 825 in money, tll nronerU of a poor woman. The Under will be suitably rowirdad on returning tbe same to 1,004 Derm stj. rwaraa Grand $704,602.15 Ovpiok or Kinob OoDNTr Tkeasuukb, BaoosLYtr, August 1. 1880.

ISIgned GILLIAM SOUBNOK, Oouul, Trsmuw, Mr. commissioner or city works Frouoh. snd Mr. Btey organ at great Induoements: Installments or rrom $5 to $20 monthly. PHELPS 4 SONS, wsrernpjnn, Washington st, nett to Post Offloo, rogato In the suit instituted by the ohUdroa.

of, Mrs. ouu8for.i o.scfson.q?tamW7A, Samuel MoLeau to fit up the Fall delegates. Up..

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