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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
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WITHOUT PAIN. Administered by a Dentist of many years practice. Charge $1.00. THOS. FRY, nois ly Surgeon Dentist, 8 Clinton street.

REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND, IRE LAND, SCOTLAND AND WALKSarDrafts ror 1 upwards, payable in any part of Great Britain or Irelan at the lowest possible rates Apply to TAPPSCOTT BROS. nlB lm 80 South st, or 23 Broadway. INMAN LINE MAIL STEAMjWEPS TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. rl EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. CITY OF PARIS SATURDAY, Dec.

1 ETNA PATURDAX, Dec. 14 KATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin $100 gold. Steerage. At reduced rates, Prepaid tickets from Liverpool or Queenstown to persona sending for friends at lowest terms.

Drafta Issued payable in all parts of Great Britain and Ireland. For further Information apply at the Company's office, 15 Broadway, N. or to JOSEPH BERUr, Agent, 2M The salt springs of New York produco nearly 7,000,000 bushels of salt a year. In Clrnia there is a tree known as tho grease tree. It is said that large forests of vegetable lubricant are to bo found there, 'yj0 tbe source of a considerable nort Jn not Ionf? ago, was im fivaHn, 1 hc exp erimcnt orcul The IrlL has quite successful.

HI lo whin ti an excellent unpleasant ouoror smoke The following mnguUr 'relationship exists in a family now hying in Kentucky. A fa her and son maoied two sisters, and took their mother to board with them. The father and wife have a daughter; the son unci, wife a sod. These are the relationships Onij great grand mother, two grandmothers, one grand father, two fathers, three mothers, threusons, three daughters, three aunts, two UDclct one nephew, one niece, three sisters, two brothers, two cousins, two ousbands, two wives, two mothers in law, two sons in low. As two sisters, the Misses Lane, residing at Carlisle Station, on the Cincinnari, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad, were walking home from school along the track, one of them fell into a cattk guard, injuring herself so seriously that she could not eet out again.

Her sister ran for while she waa gone a train thundered over the wounded girl The cow catcher disarranged her dress, but luckily inflicted no physical injury. The New Orleans Crescent 0. BOARD GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR two single gentlemen, can be accommodated with nPOSt rooms and board at 822 Carlton ave OA RD ON THE HEIGHTS FUR nlshed roon.s to let, with or without board, wltn jn five mlnnteB' walk of all st. and Fulton ferries. Ap ly at o.

107 Pineapple Bt. nSOSt OARD 61 STATE ST. A SECOND nSO Vry bak room nDd bedroom to let with boaru. OARD TO LET TWO HANDSOME lome second floor with board suitable for gentlemen and their wives orsingle gentlemen uome aPP'y at 60 Bergen st. Tielween Smith and Hoyt.

nsfj 6t. BOARD TWO OR THREE YOUNG men i (mechanics preferred) can be accommodated and single beds at $5 per week, at 41 Flatbueh ave. n'O at OARD WANTED FOR A OBNTT.m. JJ man and wife, in a plain private family, within 25 wuin. i'i niton anu wall st.

rrles; terms mod for fwo day8 2., Eagle ofllce, stating full paiticulara and terms. nSO 2t OARD TO LET WITH BOARD, A 2D story alcove, joom: also front hall bedroom on 3d floor. Apply at 199 Fort Greene Place, n30 2t BOARD A SUIT OF ROOMS, WITH JarSepantry, unexpectedly vacated. State street, fourth door below Henry, opposite Garden st. The best of references given and required.

n30 6t OA RDING A GENTLEMAN CAN bavo a large room also, a family a beau'iful, extra large second st6ry room, wltn hot and cold water, two large clot eta rooms will be let en Bulte or sing y. Anv one having furniture carpet, can hire an excellent large room; wa er, velvet carpet, at a vory moderate price for the winter. 122 Second place. nS0 2t BOAR A FEW YOUNG MEN, mechanics. can be accommodated with 301 Atlantic st convenient to all the car routes also a young girl can be accommodated with board and pleasant sleeping roomB.

n30 6t BOARD A SINGLE GENTLEMAN CAN be accommodated with a pleasant room and board In a private family, by applying at 298 State st. nSO 6t BOARD THREE VERY PLEASANT rooms, with or without board, in a private French femlly residing on the Heights, No. 49 Orange St. corner TJOABD A SECOND FLOOR TO LET 8L7 rurnisneo, eitner together or separately, with board, to a gentleman and wife, Apply pt 172 Conrrress street, iot OA KD IN A PT.TflAH JL ant back room and hall bedroom, handsomely furnished, on the third floor. Also two rooms on the second MV.V.

Lauuouuivij mi iiiciieu, suitable ior a lamuy or a party of gentlemen terms moderate board lirst clasB piiiius wuyeDient to me navy yara, within elgh minutes' walk of the ferries. n27 4i BOARD ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms on second or third floor, en suite or singly; wlfh boarc; everything first clasi; family small: terms reasonable for superior accommodations. Call for two ui.ou Hjchmim. neierences requireu. n25 6t BOARD A FEW GENTLEMAN CAN be accommodated with good board, and pleasant rooms also, gentleman nnd wire convenient to the South and Wall street ferries.

Apply or address Mrs. 73 Pacific st. n26 6tf! OARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. or a rew single gentlemen, can obtain pleasant Y. 11,11 uuuru' implying at 100 uenry street, within live minutes' walk of Wall stand South ferries.

n25 Ot BOARD TO LET, WITH FIRST CLASS board, a large hall room, on 2d floor, beautifully furnished, always warm from register. Also, a large corner, third story front room and bedroom, convenient Zi 1 'eiries. rseicrences given anu required ttjjijij uenry cor. 01 faciuc. n2J8tl TJ OARD TWO OR THREE GEMTrrc.

JL9 men can find comfortable rnnma nmi i private family, by applying at 08 North Oxford st, near mj 1 iik ave. n'J8 6t" JOARD NEAR THE CITY HALL lumittueu or uniurnisnea rooms to let, with soard and within ten minutes' of Wall st, ferry. no26 6t BOARD TO LET WITH BOARD ONE front room on second fioor to let. ti two trpntiomon orjtentleman and wire; also one room on third Boor, to a HSKle gent'eman; references exoham nih ply at 303 Gold st, cor Willoughby. n26 6t HOUSES VOK S.VLtC.

IjOK SALE OR TO LET A flT.ASS A tVJni KiiU'i "oum urooklyu; termj easy. KERAN O. BRIEN, Real Ejtite (Agert. ofllcj 291 Hicks St. nVl9t 1 1..

7. i FOR SALE BY J. E. CORNELL, COURT c0 01 Joralemon Bt, opposite City Hall i inj'ui; urown scsno, ai.x50 12 000 ulton ave 3 blocks City Hall, 4 story store 18 000 Cheever Place. 3 story, brown 6tone, 20x45 10 000 Flllott Place, story, Drlck, 3 Wan en St.

storv. lirink. 20x31 I Oxford st, 3 story, frame, 22x34 e'ann Douglass st, 3 houses to exchange for lots Four lots, each 8nQ i ciV euI ae. oacn 700. 5.00i and 16,000, to loan on Improved property.

jyi ly FOR SALE 3,000 EACH FOUR OF a TOW of tfin VP.rv hanrlRnmr itiif finished; flate roofs, marble mantels, water and ifas two Blory ar attic, cellar and extension. Apply to a. A PEAKSALL.aro 2li Fnltonst, Brooklyn; or to li.W. a fUFK i tu I urn. nOixJ lw FOR SALE BY FOSTER MC ILVAIN No.

4 Sands st, Brooklyn Willow street, frame, lot 40 feet front sis 000 aaras et, 4 story, brown Imp 8 600 High st, brick, no imp 6 ooo Jay st, story, brick, no imp io'oOO (j.iuueuu su, 4 I Washington Bt. 4 storv. frame o' Clermont 3 story, brown stone front, no imp' la'ooo Poplaret ,8 imp lfc 10,000 nuuLtrr hl, 11 nmr 3 000 Bridge et, story, brown stone front, no 18joOO TT'oR SALE AT A GREAT BAHGAIW. JL A fine OCtaVe ROBeWOOd Piano. With Mil TnorlAT improvements, only used eight months, will be sold for tw, vi uoiuw ,1 uiiiitiu iur lmmemaiBiy.

ro. oa ivmgston 2nd house from the corner of Boernm. nSOjft FOR rrradc SALE 40 LOTS ON GOOD nnnttitl rrn unn I iin fn epecniators, buildtrs, blllldt rfl. or centlp.mnn wantlno a. nlnf Af giuuuu, wiuuui mm a uuner opportunity to Salt tuem selves.

Apply ai 72 court st, western eornerof auanuc st. jr. iUAdA. n30 2t FOB SALE A BARGAIN SELDOM offtred A line rosewood Piano, with all thn m.w. em improvements: used about bIx months: made by one of our best whose piano did receive the first sold medal when exhibited: will he sold ann hpinw co8l; to be seen at the Fulton street, under me irarK meaire.

n37 ot FOR SALE A GENTLEMAN ABOUT to leave the eitv offura for hsIr his s.qtnrv hiwMnonh and snb cellar brick house, containing: all modern Improvements, and in (plendid order, half an hour ride from the ferries and accessible by lin es of car3. Price $7500. Apply to DAVEKPOUT FANNING, Montague street, near Court. n2G 6t FOB SALE MARINE HOSPITAL Grounds The. sale of these grounds advertised to take place this day at too Exchangi Broad way.

under tke direction of thi the Exchange Sale? Hooma, lit sinners, created by Chapter 751 of the Laws of lSr6. Is po tpoucd to Wednesday, December 18th 1867: at 12 at the same place the property will now be aunject to a reservation of ihe Lai ding and Hoarding Station, until the first day ot May next only. For terms of sale apple to the auctioneers. E. H.

LUDLOW CO, 3 Pine st. or to th upderslgnrd, 38 Pine Pt. jsqw lofif, novzuin, iwiy. 1. w.

juunson. p26Sw Att'y and Sec'y. FOB SAL TWO NEW HOUSES, brown stone fronts, with all the Improvements, in the bt st style; nullt bj day's work; uftecn minutee' walk from Fulton. Wall or South ferries. Will hRRniri cheap, on eapy terms.

Inquire iu the building, Dean stM between Hoytand Bond sts. FOB SAL A THREE STORY SUB cellar ana basement brick house, with modern improvements; lot 20x120; in first class location, No. 85 Clinton ave. near Mvrtle: lorlce 8.r00. A lso.

two new three story snb cellar and basement cemonted front brick houses, with all the modern improvements, J9.O00 each. Also three lota adjoining, 20x100, $1,500 each, "Washington ave, near Myrtle; location desirable; terms easy. Inquire on the premises. B. HORTON.

Wi at FOR SALE A FINE FARM FOR SALE ot 85 acres, no waste land, 2 story bain and 2 story house, with out buildings, watered by a brook, Iruit of all kinds, 35 miles from New York, near New Jersey Central Railroad. Will be sold at a bargain, or exchanged for city property. Call at the oorner of Hoy and Atlantic street, and seo diagram and owner. J. B.

STAATS. FOR SALE 4.800 $1000 OR MORE cash, tbe balance Quarterly if Dreferred: a new 2. story brick basement and sub cellar frame bouse, filled in with brick; his hot and cold water, ga, stationary wash tubs, bath, fe eater and range, marble mantels, situation on the north side of Van Buren st, between Nostrand and Marev ftVPH. Tnnnirp. nn th nramUeq Wn 410 VanBuren Bt, of E.

T. Hatch, builder. nl8 Ht OR SALE A SPLENDID INVEST MJ meat and a great bargain, ono olock from City Hall Vacant corner lot and fonr storv house adlolnlnir. Apply Immediately to the owner, from 9 to 11 A. M.

and to r. jm at Montague st. ntjtf IjiOBSALE ON GATES AVENUE IM A mediate possession, three desirable 8 story, basement and sub cellar, brick houses; Philadelphia brick fronts, connected with sewer and fitted up wltli all the modern improvsments. Apply to F. C.

VROOMAN, on the premises. Gates aye, near Nostrand ave. n20 12t IOR SALE PROSPECT PARK LOTS, the most desirable property In Brooklyn. Lots on 1st, 2d. and Gthste, between 5th nnihOth avea also, lots on union st.

Anply at the Real Estate Olllce, corner 3d st nd 5th ay, Brooklyn. nl88w I7IOR SAL DESIRABLE LOTS "ON the west side ot 5th ave, between 10th and lltb sts; also lots on 9th, 10th and 11th sts, between 4th and 5th aves. Apply at the Real Estate Office, corner of Third st and 5th ave. Brooklyn. IORSALE OR TO LET DOCK PROP ertyon east side of Gowanus Canal, between 3d and 2d stB, 190 feet front, and from 2O0 to 400 feet deep, as required.

Apply at the Real Estate Ofllce, cor 3d st and 5th ave. Brooklyn. nl34w HOUSES TO IiBT. TO LET A FURNISHED HOUSE TO let, suitable for a private family oranrstclaBS boarding house, with all the modern Improvement, well located. For further particulars Inquire at 290 Bri Ige street.

n30 2t TO LET PARLOR AND BASEMENT floors, and one room up stairs. In a new tub, hot and cold water; washtuba In kitchen: irns in house: a good lamlly wanted. Apply to WM. MACKEY, Bral Estate Agent, 281 Court St. n30 2t TO LET TO A SMALL, RESPECTABLE family, four elegant rooms, well fit for housekeep ing, Rent only $30 per montn.

Call at 61 Bergen street. n80 2t mo LET A FBONT BEDROOM, FUR JL nished or unfurnished, appiy at ruiton street. n30 2f top floor. TO LET 3 ROOMS ON 2D FLOOR. 65 Poplar 8t.

nso St TO be LET FURNISHED ROOM AN" 11 bedroom to gentleman and wife, nn p.rsv tnrmg at KlngB County Hotel, eornerof Yates and DeKalb aves. Apply to J. MYERS. 3t. TO ET FURNISHED OR UNFUR nished A new brick house, with all the modern improvements.

Inquire on the premises, 17 Third st. South Brooklyn. nSOdt TO LET THE SECOND FLOOR OF aL No. S7' and water. nSOat TO bo LET THE SECOND STORV OP uui uoi.jhi hid, uciwku ana Marcy aves, Bailable ton small family, with hot and cold water and gas.

The honse is newly painted and papered; the apartments are adapted to housekeeping; possession Immediately. Inquire on the premises. nSO 2t TO LET WITH BOARD, TWO PLEAS ant front hall rooms, at 116 First place. South Brooklyn. nso 4t TO LET A FIRST CLASS 3 STOBY basemont and sub cellar brick bouse, 25 feet front, with all modern Improvements, ton or fifteen minutes' waiicfrom WaJlst or Fultoo ferries.

Apply to DAVENPORT FANNING, 157 Montague St. ng9 6t mo LET A FURNISHED BED ROOM JL to one or two rout men: can have board In the honse if No. 83 Fulton st, two blocks from ferry, Brooklyn. no29 lw TO LET A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE at the corner nf Myrtle av, and Himtltoa st, will be let wltn the furniture, or the iubo alone will be let, and furniture sold, ft ifalr the home contan. parlor, library, dint room, six chambers, kitchen, bath loom, with hot am.

cold water, pantries Ac. and lain all respects desirable aa a re.idenco attached is a aide lot with trees and lowers, stable with accommodations for two horses, chlokon yard Apply to H. JiH SON 128 William st) 2d floor Y. n26 Of TinnnnCni: nA.nn IT rano TV ROITTW BROOKLYN A A cottage house with 9 rooms, sub cellar, conrt yard, plB2za in front; beater in the basement; ga and water: also, room and 2 bed rooms to a man and wife; possession all the ferries. Inquire in Twentieth st.nearFifti; jivo! ISAAOJtVHtTMAN.

now 5f TO LET STEAM POWER TO LET A well llghtdl room. 125x26 feet, (on level with street) wlih steady noft pr: suitable for heavy work, warmed by steam; located tflthln two blocks of south an Will sis, ferries; terms reasonable. App'y to A. HOUGHTON, Columbia st, bet. Atlantic and State sts.



Reserved gents and tickets can now be had in Brooklyn at ihe Academy or Mnslc, and in New York at No. 114 Broadway. n305t CADEMY OF MUSIC, BROOKLYN. Director MAX MABETZEK. Positively last appearance or the CELEBRATED TRAGEDIENNE MLL11.

FANNY JANAUSCHEK, ON SATURDAY, EVENING" DEC. 7TH. at 8 o'clock. On which occasion will be produced Schiller's celebrated Drama, MARY STUART. MLLE.

FANNY JANAUSCHEK. Tin her unrivaled character of Mary Stnart. MRS. P. B.

CONWAY'S PARK THEA TBE (Opposite the City Hall.) EoU Leasts MRS. F. B. CONWAY LAST WEEK i the Bminent Young American Artist. MR.

EDWIN ADAMS. Who will appear for the first time In Brooklyn In too original and startling Drama, called CLAIRVOYANCE TUESDAY Deo 2d A 81, 7 Will be presented an original Drama of Real Life lnSEraa. called CLAIRVOYANCE: OR, THE MAN WITH THE WAX FIGTTRPq J.ea n.ViSa5?r0D' "Wax Figure MakerMr Edwin Ad'ami. nr vrir'Ho1'; MJ; Hamilton. Horner Mr.

F. Chippendale Martha Veaubaron miss N. Williams Blanee Miss Blanche Mor me? Supported by and able cast. Soora open at 7. Performance commences at 1 PRICES OF ADMISSION.

Prlvata Box (lower) Six Dollar, ftrS068 Five Dollars Orchestra Chairs one Dollor Orehestra BtsJla Seventy live centa tfeeSt! Saala secured in tne Orchestra Chairs and StallsTwen Sy flve cents extra. COLBY'S NEW OPERA HOUSE. CORNER OF COURT AND REMSEN STREETS. R.M.HOOIJ5Y....x......A.i. SoleProprletor Added to the bright constel'ntlon The Manieer takes pleasure In announcing that he has effected an encasement, for a limited number of niehis.

with the veteninof minstrelsy, MR. GEORGE CHRISTY, ul being his farewell engagement In America prior to his departure for Europe. Mr. Christy will apnsar this evening in his laughable farce of THE BLACK STATUE and the screaming extravarranza, entitled SCEMES AT THE PIERREPONT HOUSE. First week of Miles O'Rei ly's great sons, entitled "THEIBOYS IJT GREEN." MONDAY Dec.

2d. poors open at 7, commence MONDAY EVENING. Dee. Oth. will ho new and original bnrlejqne on the celebrated novel of written by Joseph Howard, eiprcssly for this establish Admission Pflrouetle 50 rents.

Family Circle SO cents Frlvate Boxes 5. BROOKLYN INSTITUTE MRS YEL VERTON will read selections from ENGLISH AND AMERICAN POETS, in the new hall of the above, cor. of Concord and Wash lngton streets, on THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 5th. DOOrS OnOn 7W oVInel.

Tientlincra tr. r.r..n...n AdmiBsion 75 cents. Reserved seats $1. Tickets can be obtained at the library of the Institute Sawyer's Piano Rooms, cor. Fulton ave.

and Jay st at orris 8 Art Gallery. ISO Fulton and of Messrs Dick inson, cor. Montague place and Hlck Swayne's, 210 uiiou i.iu. smim cor. Fulton nnd Washing ion sistiDuuooii t.

cor. uuon ave. a id Oxford street, im; uiuimi oi uie eniertaiuiuent. MUSICAL NOTICE SIGNOR BORRA lias ennmenced his classes In singing at i'rof West's school. 88 Montarrne sr.

on 3P.M. All who wishtoioin will nlease call nriccililo UAKER CITY EXCURSION. PLYMOUTU CHURCH. CAPTAIN DUNCAN Will Eive an account cf ihe GREAT EXCURSION, PLYMOUTH CHURCH. BROOKLYN.

On TUESDAY, EVENINO, DEC. 3D. Rev. Henry Ward Beeoher win nrPoMn anrl thn Inn ture will be illustrated by a large map drawn by Ban varfl. MR.

TILLER win preside at the Organ. Commences at 8 o'clock, Tickets 50 cents, and mav bn hurt in Npw Vnrv at thn ofllce of the "bun," and at Dorian SualTer's, Fulton market. Tn Rrookivn. at i.hp. hnnifRtfiroa nr Qnrmn Dyers, at the coal office ot Samuel Thompson'? Nephew, cor.

cf Columbia and Doutrhty; Dvcnport Farming's, nZJ St TTENTION YACHTMEN GUARDS. This Comnanv will on their aL tarq C1ISDJL AKWUAL TAKUBT 1SA.UUKSION. Tne membera of the finmnanvwlll 'mnot at' tha fitii House, loot of Court st, at 7 o'clock; Sharp tor drill: the company will start precisely at 8 o'clock. A. M.

the lino of march Is as follows Court t. to Fii itnn fnrrv Invited puosts will meet at the Club House, foot of vuuitM. ai.oui;iui,R a. Luiivcyituues Will DO really tw tunc mrui iu i jjv uruurui H. Dub yea, Sec.


OF COURl' STREBT. SOIUEES. A limited nnmhp.r of Tickets nan he hurt hv nnnlvln. tn MR. RIVERS.

The SOIREES will take place on Tuesday evenings. DECEMBER 10th and 21th. JANUARY 7th and Slst. FEBRUARY 4th and 13th. MARCH 3d and 17th.


"th. January 4th. Feb. and Feb. 29th.

Season Tickets to admit ono $2.50 do co a rrentlcman and iady. 4.00 To be had of members of the Regiment. M3 BROOKLYN YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION LECTURE BT JOHN B. GOUGH, AT TUB ACADEMY OF MUSIC, FRIDAY EVENI DECEMBER 6TH, AT 8 O'CLOCK SUDJECT, ELOQUENCE AND ORATORS, Secured SeatB l0 centa each, Tor Sale at SWAYNE'SlBook Store, 210 Fulton and at the rooms of the Association 82 84 Fulton av. cor.


The CHILDREN will be present each day. Tickets lor sale ot the door. n30 4t ST. NICHOLAS SOCIETY OP NASSAU ISLAND. i ue annual dinner or this society win be held on FRIDAY, DEC.

6TH, 1B67, at 7K o'clock. AT TBE MANSION HOUSE, HICKS BROOKLYN. Tickets msy be had or wm. Hunter, Jr Huh Steward Martin Ealbfieisch. H.

D. Polhemua. Rulif Van Krunt. N. J.

Beekman, John W. Hunter Daniel N. Robblns, S. B.Stewart, Abrm. Vanderveer, Peter Wvckoff, E.

D. J. V. B. Marteiisc, John Lefferts, Stewards or at the ofllce of the Nassau Fire Insurance Company, Ne.


Tickets can be bad at the usual placet on Mon day. n80 2t FOB SALE. I7OR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH ONE Wilcox Glbbs sewinn machine half casod, extra siver n'ated. sood as new. At 2M Fulton ave, between Raymond and St.

Felix sts. naurit1 SUPERIOR BAT horse, with black points, fine style and action: also GFM ha8 trotted in 3 40, sore for ward. Inquire at 29 Clinton si. nSOSt TfOR SALE THE STOCK AND FIX for tale at half price. Inquire on tbe premises, 15! Bridge st, between High anc Nassau sts n29 Bt FOR SALE THE FLUSHING DISTIL lcry, containli ail the ncceFsary machinery lnpor feet running older, for tbe distillation of spirits, wfilch will be sold on very reasonable terms by applying to G.

DUNN ,49 Broad st, New York. nCT6t FOR SALE AN INVESTMENT. A 3 story and basement: brick house 22x4SxlC0; now or IB ner cent, frlce 25 500. Terms easy. to P.

C. PROVOST, 26 Conn st, FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY THE stock, fixtures and good will of confectionery and toy store. 820 Myrtle ave, near Cumberland st, established six years. n25 6. FOR SALE POTATOES A CARGO OP Peach blow Potatoea.

now discharging, at the Columbia Storea, foot of Atlantic street. n25 6t A. DAVISON 80N. FOR SALE BOILERS FROM SIX TO one hundred horse power tested by hydroatatic Pressure 150 lbs. per Bquare inch also Steam Engines, team Pumps, and machinery of everv description.

JAMES MoFARLAN, cor. Dock and Water sts. near Fulton ferry. nos lmo OR SALE BOILERS FROM SIX TO one hundred horse cover tested bv hvdrnstatlc nresaurc 150 lba. ner snnare Inch: Alan Rtnnm Rnirlne Steam Pumps, and machinery of every description.

JAMlfS MoFARLAN, Jr. cor. Dock and Water st. oc31 lmo FOB SALE TEN THOUSAND TONS OF cobble stone. Anply ot the offlce of the NIoolson Pavement Company, eo wall it.

New York Cltv. gr7 tf SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE KB celven for the foundation of tha Town Hail, to bo erected on the eornerof Flaablne ave and Fnlton street, the village of Jamacia, until Monday, the 16th day of Decembf at which time the prpposala will be opened publicly in the Town Hall in Hcrrlmanaven ie.at4 ornloek The Commissioners rcaervo the right to reject any of the proposals offered. Tho Plana and Sptclflcallons can be seen at the residence of the Secretary, in the village of Jamacia, or at his ofllce, 78 Cedar at, tfjw York, on the 3d ot 4th days ol December from 10 to 1 o'clock P. It. ia.aa ot uj U'GK0BGE sKIDMORE, Secretary, n23 Gt Bnard Town Hall Commission.

WILLIAM D. VEEDEB Surrogate of the County of Kings: Notice la hereby given, according tr 'aw to all persona having clalrui agnlaat CAROLINE DURYEA, late of the City or Brooklyn, deceased that they are required to exblb.t the aame, wl'ii thr voucher thereof, to ths subscribjr, the executor, at hi! residence, 159 Railroad avennr. In the City of Jeraes C'ty, on or before the isth day of January aoxt Datea July 8th, 1867. WALTBE ENGLAND, Executor. Jj9 lawOm'Ta it be a a of noaibt' BROOKLYN COLLEGIATE AWTJ POLYTECHNIC INBTITUT8, LIVINGSTON STREET.

This Inatltnte provides a full and thorough oonrae of education In Mathematics, Languages (both Ancient and Instruction is also eiven in Vocal Music, thenlcs and Militarv Drill. Students from abroad will be accommodated with a guuu nome ana careiui supervision. Ptudents admitted at any time during the term. Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY. Sept.

12, 1866. Candidates for admission wlllpresent tliemBlves for examination at the Institute, Wednesday, Thursday andFrl dav. Sent. 12th. 13th ami 14th.

The regular duties ef the Institute will commence on niuuuuy, Dept. II. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, J. D. McKenzlo, D.

8. Landon, J. S. T. Stranahan, CharleB Harvtn Luthcr B.

Wyman, Alfred 8. Barnes, S. B. Chittenden, a. M.

White, John T. Martin, E. T. HQlbsOO. georee A.

Jarvut, Walter Hatch, Charles 8. Baylis, J.Pope, Jame How. ISAAC H. FROTHINQHAM, President. Josiah o.

Low, Secretary, Alexahdbb M. White. Treasurer. anS tf COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL AND GT3tKA9irj2f corner of Conrt and Joralemon, 'near City Hall. I.

w. Hart, A.M., Principal. Languages, Matdhetics, Dr, Lewis' Gymnastics, Dbawiko and very careful work in common ingllsh Circulars at bookstores: Spanish classes and private lessons by a Spanish Editor. nig rm JKASMUS HALL ACADEMY, ELAT ftoraf niton ferry, byFlatbush ay. cars, passing the In Btltntion every 15 minutes; location and healthful, with ample play grounds; every facility for the best English and nlaaslrArnrinentlnn XMri Principal.

nHIRD YEAR OE THE BROOKLYN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Clintojt coe. Pacific and 2 Bedford place, (1316 Fulton ave, near Claison.) Apply for Circular. J. W. WM.

GROSCHEL. pONTAG, Secy. Directors. IVTARC CHENEVIERE'S FRENCH j.ix lyijAostia For Ladles, every afternoon. For Gentlemen, every evenlvg.

371 Degraw street, near Conrt. oell2m FRENCH TAUGHT BY THE ORAL EC LKCTIC SYSTEM. Success warranted, and a mil Knowledge otthespolten and written language guaranteed In a full courBe; only one charge, and no expense for extra lessons. Free lessons this week at 2 P. at the Adelphl Academy; also BtSX P.

at 141 Montague st opposite Academy of Music, when free lectures on the French language will be given daily to ladies and gentlemen, i Night class free this week commencing at P. M. at 111 Montncue street. terms iu or Fla per quarter. All are Invited to attend and emininp.

this nminonrtv nrnpllcfll cvntem tipforp. en tering their names. PROF. E. A.

LAMBERT, of Adelphl Academy. P. S. Also classes in Italian, German, Snan isn and Kiocnnon, py eminent teachers. 4w 5 BKOWN'S I FOR LIFE SCHOLARSHIP IN Bnnk lTPfinlnfr PnnmanHMn ArlHimoHn BKOAVN'S Busineea Colieire, ass Fulton street, (privilege or reMewlng without extra charge).

Books 2 f4 10 v. xu.ut; uiouLiiB in rrepuraiury ucpartmeni, mngusn branches) $15. Privutu rooms for adults. Ladies Writing Lessons $3, Book keeping (double entry), lessons unlimited, Day and evening. nl4 lm FRENCH AND GERMAN BY DISTIN gulslied professors at Browne's Commercial College, 283 Fulton st.

Classes separato Instruction $8 Ser qnartcr. Three months instruction in English ranches (Preparatory Department) $15. Writing and Arithmetic, $10. Life Scholarships $25. Day and Evening.

Ladies' Department separate. Private room for adults. noGlmo 1854 FOURTEENTH YEAR. 1867. BROOKLYN JUVENILE HIGH SCHOOL, Livingston Rt, near Court.

WINTER TERM. NOV. 3Hh, 1S07. The principal aim and object of this Pchool. Is the early ertucaiion and training of boys under twelve years or age.

The great principle adopted, is thorough instruction in the rudiments, as the only means of training tne mind, and securing a rapid and successful progress, at a later period. In addition to the regular studies of the respective divisions, instruction is also given In vocal music and calisthenics, by the most cxpeiiii; eed and competent masters. Circulars can he obtained at the store of Mr. Geo. P.

Milne, 217 Fulton also at Davics Leys, corner of 1 ulton and Clinton sts, and at the School. d2 tf iTI UITARSINGING; BANJOi JT NAPOLEON w. GOULD. Soloist, from the Principal Concerts, enables bis pupils In oniparatively few lessons to accompany songs and pi ny effectively tliemost admired compositions of every class, 13U Fulton 8t, opposite Mlddauh. 50 Favorite Songs and Solos for Banjo and Guitar now publishing.

nllm MUSICAL A. YOUNG LADY WILL take a limited number of pupils for vocal and instrumental piano music. Connoisseurs have said that for sweet and beautiful execution, she is unsurpassed. Having taught many years by the best masters, she Is confident of giving satisfaction. Call or address No.

115 Hamilton St. near Myrtle ave. Brooklyn. oc33 3mB A DELPHI ACADEMY. (Adelphlst, betwo Fulton and Greene evaaj FIFTH TEAS, BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3TH.1857.

GROWTH OF THE SCHOOL First year, 23; second year. 01; third year, 156; tourth year, S12. Fifteen full and three special instructors. OBJECT TEACHING by experts. Large Callsthcnlc Hall.

Dally drill bv every pnpll. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT for girls and boys of Ave to twelve years of age. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT for boys only. Fiiat week devoted to examining and registering new pupils and reorganizing tbe school. aulSly LOCgWOOD ts BIJ.INWOOP; MUSICAL LESSONS GIVEN ON THE piano forte in Brooklyn, Wllllamsburgh and Green Point, by a lady who has been engaged In teaching for a number of years in New York.

Please address, with residence, MIjSIC TEACHER, Eagle oitlco, Brooklyn, L. I. no271w ISS M. A. DUDLEY'S SEMINARY FOR YOUNG MISSES (Dr.Dio.

Lewis' System), At 49 HICKS (Brooklyn Heights). Second term commences Dec. 2, 1867. n29 6t rjTHE MISSES HEES, NO. 93 STATE STREET.

BROOKLYN. Second quarter begins Nov. 21, Pupils may enter at any time and charged from time of entrance. nai zm JVENING SESSIONS. TERMS REDUCED.

BYYANT. STRATTON CLARK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 13 TO 16 COURT STREET, Is open from 7 to 9 o'clocfc, every evening, (except Saturday) for instruction In all branches of a business education. We are prepared to receive students tor the evening classes at the following reduced rates PENMANSHIP. One month S5 Three months 10 ARITHMETIC. One month f5 Three months 10 COMMERCIAL LAW.

One month 95 Three months 10 BOOKKEEPING. One month $15 Three months 25 Scholarships for complete course, time unlimited, $75. Call or address tor circular containing full particulars BRYANT, STRATTON CLARK, 13 Court Bt octl7 3mo FRENCH AND GERMAN. Trots. J.

L. SIMON IN and L.THURNWil resume their classes at the rooms of the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, corner of Fulton ave and Gallatin place, on MONDAY, Sept. I6tb. A class for beginners Is now being formed. Apply at the desk of the Association, For private lessons In FRENCH apply to In GERMAN, to uiuujLiiu, mu line a jiai ia a va.


of Fourteenth st, No. 820 Broadwav. and No. 110 Remsen st, Brooklyn, N. Y.

NOW OPFN FOR THE RECEPTION OF PUPILS, The best talent in Europe and America is secured, and no inferior teachers are nor will be engaged in tha Institution. The directors will spare neither pains nor expense to sustain the reputation which the Conservatory has so lustly aegmrea ourlng the past four years, that of the first MUSIC SCHOOL in America. Terms, Regular Classes J10 per quarter for rery branch of Instruction. EDWARD MOLLENHATJER, Musical HENKV MOLLENHAUER. S.

N. Ghiswolu, Secretary. Directors, nu im MADAME NAPOLEON respectfully Informs the parents of her pupils that she will RK OPEN HER BCHOOL, ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, at 184 Clinton st. auSOSra MADAME GLRAUD. FOR NINE YEARS Principal of a large Institute in Brooklyn, will receive Into her family a limited number of young ladles at her new residence, in Irvington, Westchester Co, N.

Y. Complete English and French Instruction, with all the accomplishments. Address, for circulars, JAMES BAILEY, Esq. ,290 Fulton st, Brooklyn, JULIUS DAVENPORT, Agent, Fulton aye, corner Oxford st. ael7 5m JJRYANT, STRATTON CLARK'S BROOKLYN BUSINESS COLLEGE, NOB.

13, 14, 15 AND 10 COURT STREBT, (Opposite City Hall.) This Institution Is an Important link in the great chala or colleges located In the leading cities of the State, and Canadas. Book keeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Commercial Law and Correspondence practically taught. An actual bank and other business houses carried on betweontbe same as in business. No Vacations. For particulars, call at the College office, 13 Court from 9 to 3 or address for College Monthly per mall.


GENTLEMEN TEACHERS ONLY EMPLOYKD. Facilities for FRENCH unequaled In the city. MATHEMATICS a subject of Bpeclal attention. A CHEMICAL APPARATUS ba been added. A Primary Department.

au26Sm BlMONTJl CONE. Prinelpali. FRENCH INSTRUCTION BY PARISIAN ProfessorB. private classes and lessons. Apply to Mr.

and Mrs J. BOQUENCOOBT.ltf Carlton ave, near Myrtle. ae9Sm BROOKLYN ART SCHOOL, REMOVED TO No. 282 DEAN STREET. SECOND YEAR begins September 9th, for inatraeUoa and Painting in all 1U branches.

Ciastea T.Va,t.3,(?c?ck MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. tor In Pencil I and white Crayon 13 at THOB. METZ'S MubIC Store, Atheneum. ansugm GEOBB. Prlnelpal; gjAWOS AWB BHJ81Q.

PREMIUM PIANOS Parlor Church and rMIM Treble. Melodeons; tured wSted at great baa.n.:"Vnr of thi above Instruments to letand rent innliiS'i Monthly installments received from Chickerinir's. Strfnvv: Ta.JI,F5,n2.PntO fl Any of the urcutueu. Chickerinff's fitHnwftn'a 10 two years. catalogues.

(U14 tO A I JTr NEW AND SBGONDHAN PIAN)8 or sale and to Repairing in tended to. All kinds nf 11 Jiusicai lnBtrumenterpnnort put un in nerfect oi. tr. Sneclal irSL0 strnmentt at the Piano Ware Rooms. Ko.

LivKhSl street, opposite the new Court House. LIHLSENG, PIANOFORTE MANU facturer. Warerooms 16 Fulton St. Those oiarm. fortes are mucli used and favored by the best professS Brooklyn and New York.

They are sold greatly be. claaa Dlano8' and t0 Ure aoii "nt applied pnrcnased. ocg fag CTTALKER Jt BECHT, PIANO FORTES FOR SALE AND HIRB. A large assortment of cf rln5B of the very De8t Quality, at 239 Fulton street, St. Ann'alinlldlng.

Brooklyn. myl3 ly go medal GRAND AND tr AxrrQ the best in Europe weil as' tiu8V count" having celved the First Prize Medal at the WorldVExhiblUon it The principal reason why the Stelnway pianos are superior to all others is, that the Arm Is composed of Ave practical nno lorte makers (father and Tour sons.) who Invent all their own improvements, nnd under whose per sonul supervision every part of the lnEtrnmout Is manufactured. Warerooms, Nos. 71 and 73 14th street, between VbIou Square ana Irving Place, Now York. ie7tl I.

TAN AN DEN, PUBLISHER AND PKOPKISTOB. Tws Bboosxtv Dailt rUsta, everv attnr. SOaSd 32 iiuuverea to city subscribers evir clmSra elKhteea centB WMk. payable tl tbo 6141 advertising, hi not sur8 Tbbms Invariably cash In advance. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PEOMPTLT A ID NEATLY EXKCTJTSD.


At tbe fnctorr No. 182 Lafayette ave, Brooklyn. The entire Stock of tool! and machinery used bv a manufacturing Jeweler. Also, Iron safe, fixtures, The factory tolet. JAMES BERWICK, AUCTIONEER, Will sell on TUESDAY MOENING, DEC.Sd.

at 10K o'clock, At No. iiS9 Fr nl Hudson The contents of a boaruing hoitsc, consisting of feather beda liulr, hnak and straw mattresses, blankets, sheets, comforters, 0 bedsteads, chairs, tables, bureaus, pictures, carpets. 4c. Also the llxturcj of store, consisting of counters, shelving, tea canisters, rcales and weiehts. one lco box, meat bench, Stile positive and without reserve.

JAMES COLE'S SON, AUCTIONEER. TUESDAY, DEC. 3d, At 12 o'clock, at the Commercial Exchange. No. 399 Fui ion oupusiiu tuu nan, jirooKiyn.

Positive sale of 100 sp'enclu Prosper Parkbuilcllnrflots, belonging to the heirs of Peter Wyckoff. deceased, adjoining Prospect Park, situated on 4tu, 5ih, 7th, and nth avenues, and onl5ih. 10th, Middlcaud 17th streets, and on Braxton Btreat. Brooklyn. This property is very desirable, beil'g in the midst of good iraprovfemente, where large numbers of houses are aw In progress of hirudin" Accessible to all the ferries, city ratlroads.

and near and joining the Prospeet Park. Maps, at the office of the auctioneer, 3C9 Fnlton Ft, Brooklyn. n28 5t A SSIGNEES SALE IN BANKRI7PTOV. cJH" AM'fbce of 'he Estate of JOHn IE. RIG'tl AHDSON.a Bankrupt, will sell at Public Auction, ror caeti, at No.

126 Msldcn Lane, New York City, at 10 clock or tie 9th day of December, .1867, the following articles Deoderlsed. Patent Gas, Compressed. othhr Oils, Olllce Furniture, Clock. Safes. Also, on the 10th day or December, 1S07, at 11 o'clock, A.

at the eornerof Delevan and Dwight Brook lyn. L. will be sold at Public Auction, the fulinwlmr articles las. lias and other is Kr. mim Ton i 1 2.

iv i at. MICnO 5 chaldrons of Coke, Ofllce Furniture, Clock! 4c. beta" a portion of the assigned estate of the above named Bankrnpt. J. M.

ANDhUSS, Assignee. New York, Nov.aith, 1807. n7 Tf" W. BACKUS, AUCTIONEER. 4 iS'ew first cla'p brown Ptone front houses, Nop.

IS, 20, 22 and 24, Leffcrts street, between Hull street and Grnnd ave, Brooklvn. Backus Hood will sell on the premises on Thur3lay, Decembt 5th, 1H67. at Vi o'clock noon. 4 new llr cliif story brown stone front, hizh basement and tub cellar dwelline bouses (21.9x45: lot? 21.9x 100) containing all the in kKtu convuuiences such as furnace, hot ami cold water; stationary tubs, speaking tubes, Tbe above boupes are built In the substantial manner and of the best materials, by day's work.and are in every reepect. first class.

The location is very desirable, beiDg upv ot access; only one block from either tbe Fulton or Atlantic aves cars, and a short distance from Prospect Park. N. B. The houses can be Peen at any time previous to the day of Pale, on which day fires will be made in the furnaces to render llieni comfortable for yeutlemen aua ladies who may ceMrc to attend the sale. TemiB cav; tirle perfect.

For particulars apply at the ofllce of the No. 371 Fulton street, oppo site the City Brooklyn. nh 5i PC. PROVOST, REAL ESTATE BRO KEK, AI'CTIONEEU AND CONVEYANCEK, No. 28 (old No 9) Court st.

Kesidence233 Dean st, Brooklyn. Real Estate Sa'tEroom, 111 Broadway, Y. Particular attention paid to saleB of furniture and other personal property at stores and private resldeucea. on9fim K. MILLER, AUCTION KEli, Bv AX'Tl MTT.T.RR AUCTIOICEEUS AND HEAL ESTATE IiROKEKs, no.

25 Nassau street, corner Cedar st, New York. City residences, Stores and Lots, Country Seats, and Parma bought, sold, rented and exchanged; Loans negotiated: Auction Sale of Furniture. al3 fy WEDNESDAY, Dec at 12 o'clock. At Exchange Pale? room, 111 Broadway, N. Y.

Valuable (ith, fith and 9th Ward Lots: Hicks st, b. S. 275 feet E. Dtfiru 8t, 4 lot; Perry ave, N. E.

corner Baltic st. 5 lots; Baltic st, N. S. E. Perry ave, I lot.

Also, 2 good bam, and 70 defrable lots on ltli, 191b, 50th and nist streets, between th and Sihavenu s. Terms eaey n.aps. at otilco, 2o Nassau st. n29 ItB A. LAWRENCE, AUCTIONEER BY EDWARD A.

LAWRENCE. Office, Trinity Building. No. lit Broadway, N. Auctioneer and Broker in Real Estate.

Sales ol Stocks Mid Bonds at the Exchange Salesrooms, 111 every Friday. Public sales of Farms, Live Stock, VeFselti and Merchandise wherever desired. Referees', Executors and Trustees' sales solicted. Personal attention glyeu to auction sales of furniture and line oil painting at private residences la every part of the city and vicinity. spi ly NOTICES.

dORRY O'LANUS EPISTLES, BOOK OF THE SEASON. For sale at all the bookstores, and at the Easlc office. uo30 Gt QUALIZATION BOUNTY. Claims bniiert snd c.iRh aivnnced to nnrsons havinc clBlnip filed witi any aErent, at No. 161 Montague street, Boom 10, near Court 6treet, Brooklyn.

Ofllce open from 8 a. m. till 8 p. in. no20 3t HOLLOW AY'S PILLS.

FEVER AND Ague The preparations or Quinine'aud Calomel prescribed by Hip faculty for this disease, arc more destructive in tbt ir ravages on the human body than the complaint its If, veryiviug tbe old adage 'a remedy worFcthnn tbe disease" Hollownv.s Pills nosacsa no mineral poison, a are more spcudy and etucaotousin promoting a permanent cure. d21W FFICE OF THE NATIONAL ARMS VyVyitll 111' 1 J. VUll Ofc, IICLHtUU avenuef Brooklyn, N. Nov. 27, 867.

The annual election for six trustees of this comnanv. and for three inspectors of the next election, will be held at tbe 2i.c cf the company, on Thursday, the 13th day of December next between tne hours of 8 and 4 P. M. nSOlOt R. GOODENOUGH.

Secretary. rilHE EYJKS. JL We have Ju3t finished some Eye Glapses in shell, with PEBBLES, for the Ladies' use; the lightest and handsomest wt ave ever made. CHASE SON, Manufacturers, Jewelers and Opticians, n29 If 203 FULTON STREET. lOTIOE OFFICK OF THE UNION J( Ferry Company of Brooklyn, Nov.

25th, 1S137. Notice is hereby given, by order of the Board of Directors of triis mpsny, that a special meeting of the Stockholders of this Compunv. will be held at the otlice of the Company, at the foot of Fulton st, Brooklyn on the ISth day of Deci'P bcr next, at the hour or 12 o'clock noon of that day, tn enn icd by vote determine upon the expediency of hi creasing the capital stock two hundred thousand n2C tawaw JA.J'BRRY, Secretary. WHITE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS, for radical ciire of Hernia. It has no equal for ite superionu adaptation, its simplicity of mechanism, its durability aid cleanlincBS.

The power of this Trnsa is not in its hoop which belne of sort iron can be bent to suit any shape desired, and haB no heavy pad over the ppin: to weaken the back. The amount of pressure can at any time bo graduated to suit. Call for a pamphlet, wi ere the instrument can be Been at any time, coiner Court and Joralemon at tae drug store. D. G.

Karwell. M. Agent for Brooklyn. Refers to Dr. T.

fl. t'r hi. Hnrirfl. Dr. Wm.

H. Gardner. Dr.J.FIeet Spier, nr. Jno. Barker, Dr.

T. L. Mason, or any physician iu Br. oklyn. n27 lyTb SPOOL COTTON 200 YARDS, 5 CTS.

Braid 6 and all other Dry Goods in proportion, at HAMILTON Cheap Store, corner of Hamilton avenne and Kapelyea at. W. CLARKE. n2C Gt SCHOOL FOR LADIES No. 424 FULTOK AVENUE, near Adelphl street.

No Pupils received under TWELVE YEaRS OF AGE Number llmitt to about TwENTY TWO. Tuition in English Branches. THIRTEEN and FIFTEEN DOLLARS ner Term, nciudlns: the USE OF ALL BOOKS for etndv. PupllB admitted at any time and charged from date of entry. auaa AAiia.

irnncipai. nap im LlTTHE LEADING CHOIRS, ALL the te6t Singing Schools, the principal Musical Conventions, all families of musical taste, are using L. O. Emerson's new book of Church Music, "The Jubilate." decidedly ihe best work of its kind before the public. Price fl S8.

Sent post paid, DIT30X Publishers. 27? Washington st, Boston, and 711 Broadway, New York. tf TO CONTRACTORS THE OOMMIS Bloners for the improvement of the Fourth arenac, hereby elTe nolcethat they will receive sealed proposal, for regulating, grading and draining section No. 3 of the Fourth avenue, till Dec. 3d at 12 M.

Plans and cliications for the above work can be seen at the office of She Commissioners, Post OiBae Building, Montague street. By ordpr of the Commissioners. EDWARD BOYLE, Engineer. Brooklyn, Kov. 22d.

1867 n22 till de3 MBS. LOCKITT, 225 FULTON STREET, offers a flue assortment of French Dress Trimmings, Silk. Satins and Velvets, Real LacCB. in Point Apllque, Gulpuire, Thread, Cluny, MaltCBe, Blond, Valines. Illublons ni.d Crapes, Bonnet, Sash and Trim.

miDg 2tibboi Lace Collars und Bands, Glove', Hosiery, Sc. A full line of Velvets, at prices to suit the times. n23 2m THE HOWE MACHINE CO SEWING MACHINES Ofllce 86 Fulton ave, Brooklyn. no21 lm NEWSHIRT.S AND FAMILY WOEK done ui. neatly and promptly at the BKOokLTS fl VDBAulC LA0NT1 Rl 1S8 Court street, between Harrison ana Dcgraw ste.

Orders left the Laundry. noi 3mo AGENTS WANTED FOR THE STAND IXS' 'iANCE COilPANY, to canvasB me ciues of Voi BBd llrooklvn. and other places. I HF.NRT H. ELLIOTT, President.

JA" 1 AJAWXB. Sccretnry HLEs WHITE, Sunt, of Agencies, B0 202 BroadVay. N. Y. INBK)NIMON COUNCILTATED SES The follo wing proposal, wero oSTd lid 1S67' hon and Bernard McOratlT.

Owen ernM for t1 of $1800. Sureties. JohuMonas and 1 MlSSSrt Sylvester A. MrNamara, for the sum of ll 3s ly William II. ni.ff an anti F.

U. White. Geo Hurtsnr, ir3' of the firm of Geo. Hudson Sons, lor the 1.7B750. Snreiies, John Bunec and Moses KMonJ, Ordered to be in the corporatlon'newshin fr seven days, ai.d rcferreo to the Committee on PniiiiA Lands and Buildings.

Attest: ruuuc n317t HENBY MoCLOSKEY, City Clerk. PUBLIC HALLS ft BOOK liYS INSTITUTE TSJS LARGE HALL WILL BB LBI REASONABLE TERMS CONCERTS, rM LECTURB9. FAIRS, BALLS, an. It furaltriel, ventilated and lighted In the moet moa era and approved style, and is altogether the best hall of Ita elie and description in the city, Convenient Hat, Cloak. Reception and Refreshment rooms are attached to the hall.

For particular, apply at the Institute, corner of Wash lngton and Concord streets. A. H. MACDONALD, selS 6m LA'JIMiSK llALiLi IS NOW IN OOM plete order, newly painted and decorated, havine the best danclnir Door and best vn.ilation or any hall In tbe City of Brooklyn, to let for nails and sociables Tn. Snlre ai J.

B. LATIMER'S irpet Store 161 Atlantic rt roofclyn. auUSSin' OBOCKEBT, MIDDLE Ol THE BLOCK, COOPER INSTITUTE, NEW YORK. HADLEY is consianuyreceivine 'nrge Invoices 01 OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL AT ONE HALF THE IJKITAT. RKI.Tirn White French China Dinner Sots, 130 pieces.

Tea Bete, 44 pieces. V.V Dinner Plates, per doz Tea Cups and Saucers, 24 pie'ees! French Cut Goblets, per doz 120 0C 7 00 2 00 1 2 00 2 50 Also Fancy Goods fn China, Dinner, Tea, Toilet Sets, White Parii Ian Stone Ware, Cut and Pressed Glass Ware, Sliver Plated Ware, Cutlery, at equally low rices. Goons delivered anywhere In New Vork or rooklyn. House furnishing goods In large variety. Remember ADLEY'P, of the Block.

Sond for Catalogue. No connection with cornerstores. mhls it CLINTON STREET IMPROVEMENT For sale Two thousand tons of Water Cobble stone. Also, a large quantity of earth, deliverable at once. Inquire at Hie otiicc or the Company.

ISO Uaiden Lane, N. (up st lrsj or on Clinton street of J.N. BONIiSrEEL, Superintendent ooIO tf ot tbe Rlcolion Paysmeat Co. of Brooklyn. Bismarck is again reported in ill health There are 900 miles of canal in New York State.

Paris, was lighted with gas for the nrst time on tne lain A Ions letter in the London Timn. on the subject of English and American iron, states iuuu ooui in jcngiona ana America the iron trade is overdone by excess of production. According to Pans letter writers Louis Na poleon has twenty three mortal diseases. tittle Patti wore a dress worth 2000 francs at uie Italian opera in Paris not long since. iteosis two millions ot dollars a year to support a regiment of cavalry upon the JL JtUll.

The ladies of the Austrian court go into itifjiuios over ijuu Heroism oi jrnncess balm aim. Prairie chickens in the southern Dart of Illi nois are dying by the hundred for want of water. Boston is going to have gas light, moon or no moon, at an additional expense of $30,000 per The little prince imperial of France iBa gooa typo, tie learned from a toy case in the imperial printing establishment. The English are down on the bishop of oxiora because he lets Sabbath school children play in the fields after service on Sunday. Peter Richings is the MethHsaleh of the American stage.

Wilkie Collins is trying his pen upon a sensational melodrama. The Rat at Bay is the title of a popular burlesque just produced in London. There are twelve thousand five hundred public journals in the world. America has five thousand, and all Europe only seven thousand. Twelve million sheets are issued daily.

There are 219 Indiana. newspapers published in The town of Hull also wishes to be annexed to Boston. Gov, Smith, of Montana, rccommonds the immediate adoption of'veenbacks as currency in place of cold dust. The Territoriul rlpht ia over $57,000. Boys skated on the Galena river, Illinois, on the 12th inst.

Oberlin College, Ohio, has gained a suit which confirms ils title to nearly 10,000 acres of land, in county, Vu. The suit lias been pending for six years. A society called the "Senate of Hermetic Philosophers" is said to be organized in New buryport, Mass. It professes to be derived from the Ancient Egyptian Masonic rite of Memphis. Sinco the bridge at Norwich, broke down, the town on the east side of the river has been without water, and on the west without ga3.

The gas and water pipes both ran over the bridge. Governor Andrew airl Sumner had a quarrel of long standini. but made it up before the ex Governor died. At tho Chicago Soldiers' Fair, now in progress, an electoral contest is going on as to the most beautiful lady in the city. Coal is selling at Pittsburgh at 10 cents per bushel for superior lump, and 7 1 2 cents for nut.

A brilliant season of marriage is about following the yellow fever season atiSTew Orleans, Galveston, and Mobile. Noting the recovery of Thad. Stevens from his late illness, a cotemporary says He is alive to reconstruction, revenue, and revenge. Mr. and Mrs.

Shannon, of East Haven, Ct celebrated their silver wedding last week! A very large and handsome loat of cake was ornamented with a border of silver dollars ana in tne centre oi uie case was a shininf silver dollar. There are still in circulation four and a half million dollars New Orleans city notes. Brigham Young has fifty more wives than the Sultan of Turkoy. Thefirsi trials in crushing rock in the Ma doc (Canada) region were" made only last week, and they establish the tact that gold exists there in paying quantities. A table once owned by Marie Antoinette sold for $1150 in New York last week.

Since the first of March last one firm in Indianapolis has shipped 00,000 chickens and 2,568,000 eggs. Queen Victoria is said to have gained much flesh and she always had nuite eiougn uuring me period oi mourning tor her deceased lord. The tolls of the New York canals for Onto. ber amounted to $875,000, the largest amount ever received in one month. The receipts of this month aro expected to reach one mil ion dollars.

The Charlestown Navy Yard is employing 2,240 men. The militia force of Prussia now numbers "50,000 men. In Greenland the young people who woo each other eat ten pounds of tallow every Gay to prove their aevotion. nayes City, beyond Cheyenne, has a the atse alreadv. Fanny Janauschek is soon to annnar in Philadelphia.

It is stated that aix thousand pounds of cotton were picked in a single day by eigh teen negroes, on a plantation in ueorgia, last week. B. E. Wolfe, musical director of the Phila delphia Chestnut street Theatre, and husband of the principal actress there, Miss Josie Or said to have written tor Mrs. D.P.

Bowers a play on the subject of "Marie Antoinette' A Paris letter says "In conclusion I will ive you the last raving lunacy in female ress. Around the waist is fastened a cirdle. from which behind depends some great gold ornament. I have seen a quiver, a dagger, an anchor, and to day we have seen a irreat French horn." Mr. Hobart Seymour has shown that iu Romish countries the number of murders to every million of the population yearly com mitted is in the moral communities eighteen, whilst in some it reaches 150 but in England th number is only lour.

Within a few years the supply of marble in the West Rutland (Vt.) quarries will be ex hausted at the present rate of consumption, and their owners are now prospecting for other deposits. A solicitor of high standing, named Wm. Stockley, has disappeared from Liverpool with defalcations estimated at from 40,000 to sterling mostly trust moneys belonging to clients. There are six brothers of the name of Hougoam, all living within the liniitsof McLean county, Illinois, whose united weight is said to be 2219 pounds. The smallest weighs 285 pounds, while the largest is said to pull down 4uo pounds ayonaupois.

A New York correspondent of the Chicago Tribune states that the New York IlerM has 81,000 daily circulation the Timet, and Tribune, 45,000 daily, and 130, 000 weekly, and the World, 20, 000. In Mississippi a planter announces his intention of working an immense farm, of a thousand acres or more, by means of European labor. An inventive young lady has recently set the fashion of keeping compliment albums. Whenever she hears a good thing said about her she writes it hi her album, and persuades the person reported to have said it to sign her name to it. Last week several persons in a barber shop, iu Bath, Maine, heard a scratching in the stove funnel, as though a rat was running through it Some efforts were made to see what it was, without success, until a live dove dropped into the coal fire in the stove, where burned to death.

The bird entered the chimney at the top, some 50 feet above. It is related that while President Lincoln's child lay dead in the WhiU House a Western office seeker persistently sought an interview with him in order to procure a place about to vacated by resignation. The President reminded the applicant of his domestic calamity saying that the time for such business as his was ungeasonable. "Well," said the fellow, "how soonldoea the funeral come off?" Miss Louisa James died ather residence near Riverton on Monday of last week, after short illness. 8he was ninety two years of age, weighed two hundred and thirty pounds, and preserved her strength, activity and eye sight to the last.

She spun several hanks of warp cotton only a few weeks ago. She was woman of tho olden time and has been as strong as average men of the present day. She could split rails, grub, and do other kinds men's work with the best. In Houston they put arrested social evils at work with spade and pick on street el of tho JL of Ihe the on I IB. I.

W. BOWBRS. nmrlTTST NO OR Lawrence st. near Fulton avmakes and administers 1 1 en uiu pure jvitboub oxide UAs every day, ror: the painless extraction of teeth. Dentists supplied with gas T.

tii lino if uiu uiuai Buccessini cental urouKiyu. iricesto suit the tunes. oc23mo ROOKLYN DENTAL INSTITUTE.RB. COR. OF PEARL Sr.

in ti' "luiojqg, over aint store, near Clty Hlill; entrance on Pearl st. As good a Bet of teeth lne country. All work warranted. Extracting with nitrons otMp nAtn eAnana. without gas, 25nts.

No charge lor extracting when arrangement is rirade for artificial tcctb. Come aui see. uim i Uli. HKALD ft JO. fOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION ORI i Wanasstnetic use of nitro.ns oxide gas, ui Cooper InstltutetiNew York mh231y DENTISTRY G.

R. PARKHURST, M.D., has removed from No. 170 to No. 205 Washington TVTITROUS OXIDK OAS: IM DRS. FRAIM NEPHEW.

DENTISTS, gave, In connection with their operative and mecnanleal Dentistry, given close study to the manufacturing ai the above agent for the painless extraction of teeth, and with an eye to the scientific preparation thereof. Consequently our success has been such as to establish our business as being the "Headquarters" in this city. Being the pro ti.w Dui uuB uiu mm uruiiy estuDusueu onsmesa, we proudly point to our record as not only being the moat moderate In our terms, but also as having the moat complete facilities for thA a tt Ai tfnfal TpptH (entire sets for 12 and partial sets In proportion); hence we Invite all in want of teeth to tut this out and give na a can, an our prices Bre sncn at to suit everyDOdy. And mark, that all work that leaves our ofilee'is guaranteed to work perfect. Operations on the natural teeth carefully and scientifically attended to.

No charge for extracting wucu tukiuuw vectii are luseriea. Again, eau ana uc Ba be convlneed that what we assert la oorreet. oil ly MEDICAL. TR. ANNA DENSMORE HAS RE tice at her residence, 29 FITH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY.

on THURSDAY, NOV. 3Ut. Office hours from 10 m. un 3 p. at.

New York, Nov. 15th, 1S87. nol9 lm DR. D. C.

ENOS, HAS REMOVED HIS office from 16 Clinton st. to his residence. 28 Mon. roe Place. Ofllce hours 8 to 9 a.

3 to 4 p. m. nlG lm HOLLO WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. Health and happiness are the twin sisters which render existence pleasant and agreeable, for the enjoyment of life depends, in a great measure, on the state of the health. None need despair who suffer from dyspepsia, pulmonara affections, nervous disorders, fula, piles or fistulas while these famous medicines offer not only an antidote but a radical cure.

They have had the most marvelous success In theworst types of diseases which afflict the human race. Sold at all Druggists. A CURE FOR RHEUMATISM, AND ALT. RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS, If directions are strictly adhered to. TOOMBS' GREAT GERMAN REMEDY, For sale (2 per bottle) at the drurr store of H.

PARKER, 281 FULTON AVENUE. only authorized medicine bears upon the label the printed signature of D. TOOMBS, Proprietor." fel4 tf DR. M. E.

DIRIX, HOMEOPATHIC GENERAL PRACTITIONER, begs leave to inform his patrons md the publicgenerally, that he has removed to Twelfth street, near Firth avenue, South Brooklyn, where he may be consulted daily from 8 toll o'clock a. and after 3 o'clock p. ai. A subscription lint ts now open to his "WOMAN'S COMPLETE GUIDE TO HEALTH," being the most Important, practical and popular work on the. diseases peculiar to women, ever published, and only to be obtained at the Author's residence.

Dr. DIrIx also applies Electricity as an Adjuvant in cases of iDveterate Neuralgia. Paralysis and other diseases, simultaneously with internal treatment, ne has also In successful operation an Apparatus for the Inhala tion and Topiral application of Medicnl Vapors for chronic affections of the Throat, Lungi, Ear and other organs, in ease of slow progress, or where medicine does not 6eem to reach the affection. Dr. Dirix receives at his private residence a limited number of patientB requiring the Doctor's special care and attendance nol2 lm riEORGE E.

ACRET, Jf TRUSS MANUFACTURER. And importer of SURGICAL ELASTIC STOCKINGS AND BELTS, No. 130 FULTON STREET, Opposite Snnds street, Brooklyn. Improved Abdominal Supporters, SplnalElevators, Lost Instruments, Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bandages, An application room for ladles only; attended to personally by Mrs. ACRET BD23 9m FINANCIAL.

MACKAY, BANKER BROKER. 6 COURT BROOKLYN. All classes of Government Bonds bought and sold at current rates. Highest market prices obtained for City and County securities. Fi ur per cent, discount (In Btamps) allowed to pur.

chasers of U. S. Revenue StampR In sums of $25. uc new uort onuatea Bonds or '07 given in ex r.h nil PP. tor 7 NfitPH at Ww Vnrlr rftlm Four per cent, intereat allowed to Depositors on Daily Balances.

n26 30t $kl TO LOAN ON BOND 1 and moatgage In sums from t500 to t7.000. DRAKE 9 Wlllongnby St. Jyl3 6a RODMAN, FISK BANKER AWTJ S. DEALERS IN GOVERNJIENT SECLTEITIBS, No. 18 NASSAU STREET, Ncw Torlr BUY AND SELL AT MARKET RATHt, Six per Cent Bonda of 1881; Ten Forties; Five Twenty Bonds, all issues: Seven thirty Notes, aU flerlea; Compound Interest Notes: and Gold and Silver Coin.

Reentered Intereat Collected arret Coupons cashed without charge. 7 30 Notes, all series, taken In exchange for the new Consoldlated 5 20 Bonds, on terms advantageous to holders of 7 30'e. Merchants and Importers supplied with notrc. for cu tom duties at lowest market rates. Orders for purchase and sale of all mlsceUancous securities promptly executed.

Mall and telegraph orders will receive our personal attention. Deposits received and Interest allowed on balances. Collections made on all points with quick returns. mylO 8m' RODMAN. FISK CO.


M. to 2 P. and every MONDAY and SATURDAY from 5 to 8 P. M. Interest SIX PER CENT, on all Bums, free from Government tax.

CORNELIUS DEVER, President. ANDW. DOUGHERTY, 1st Vice President. JOHN LEACH, 2d Vice President. UKAjfiQDE, secretary.

TRUSTEES Edward Harvey, RlchardBon, Edward Rorke, DrBj Oullen, Thomas Carroll. John Doherty, BranlquQ, Claudius Bradley, John Leacn. Cbaa Frarks. Wm Roberta, TliOB Cassldy, Danl Hart. WmMcDermott, Connolly Roddy, Cornelius Dever, a xiamarcue, rjuwu turuH, Andw Doughorty, Henry Ostermoor, Thoa McCarty, Dauiuei jurvis ft.upairici, uugnuoaay, Wm Casey, Alex McCue, John Fay, Dr Dudley, All moneys deposited previous to tbe 15th day ot January.

April, July and October, will draw Interest from tha first of those months. an 16 tf HAMILTON HAVINGS BANK, Corner of HAMILTON AVENUE AND SUMMIT STREET. BROOKLYN. Open daily from 9 to 2, and on Mondays, Wednesdays ancl Saturdays, from 6 to 8 P. M.

Deposits from 10 cents to $5,000 received, and six per cent, interest, free of tax. TUTTHTWMi CHARLES H. COLLINS, Prealr 3nt, THOMAS K. MARCY. Vice Pri SILAS B.

DFTCHER, Vice Pre ILC ITItJ Admiral Nt 1 on. nenry rl an uyck, Hon Jasper Gilbert, Otto Rotton, Hon Wm Robinson, Hon John Hogeboom, Henry Murphy, Jr, Wm lleissenbuttel, John McCormlck. Martin uree Ephralm A' MtloM. Collins, Horgan, Cbauncey Pelt, uuun Daruetw JelSly rpHE LONG ISLAND SAVINGS BANK OP BROOKLYN. CORNER OF FULTON AND ADAMS STREETS.

Opposite New Court House. Open dally from 9 A. M. to 2 F. and Monday and Saturday riom 5 to 8 P.

M. FICS 8: President. JAMES M. SEABUBY. Vice Presidents.






1KTFKFST TTRFJT. FROM OnVlOtll. MENT TAX allowed on all deposits from to $5,000. Interest on deposits from 1st of January, April, July nd October. Fifteen days allowed, aommenclng each arter.

myjaiy DIME SAVINGS BANK OF BROOKLYN, Nos. 865 and 867 Fulton street OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A. M. TO P. And every MONDAY and SATURDAY from 5 to 8 P.M.

Assets, No. of Aooouhts, 81,600. Past Interest paid 6 per cent, per annum on all auras. Interest from 1st January, April, July and October. Ten days allowed, commencing each quarter.

Wm. Edwards, Treas. Joint A. Cross, Prest, Jons w. Htntbb, H.

Dollkeb, 1st V. Preat Chas.Loweut, Counsel, J. H. SLACTCirjJtH, 2d do. TRUSTEES John A Cross, ChaB.

Lowery A Beekman, Harold Dollner, W. Bergen, George Hall, Daniel Chauncey, Robert Davlea, Wm. W. Edwards, Stephen Haynes, Smith. Henry Rowland, Edward Merxltt, Joseph WiUetta, AlanBon Trask, John Hunter, Plerpont Lord, David Farley, Wyman, Saml Odell, Richard Field, SLHuBted, Edwin Beera, Edward Flske, George Dlcklnabn, Henry Contain, John HalMjr Alfred Barnes, Waltar Hatch, BOlS 1 BPILPEBSI MATEBIALS.

EDUCTION IN PRICES LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER. Wholesale or Retail. Cheap for oaBh. tne Nw Lumber Yard, foot of Jay at. lm GEORGE LEAVENS.

1 1 HARTEAU WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS is MASONS' MATERIALS. i.T'&ySSJPSa. CEMENT, PLASTER, 0. lfconfeBI'ovJIr STONE and North River BLU STONE. Office and Yarda, Flushing avenue, near Clinton, and foot of Bond street.

Gowanua Creek. fe2S ly TO ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, SLAT era and othera requiring Slate Roofs. The aubacrjb eri have now on hand a large lot of the beat Pennsylvania Hoofing Slate from the Brooklyn Slate Company! Quarries, Lehigh County, which they offer for sale lloweat inaxketpricei. Apply to JAS. LOCK, 309 Adel Bui atreet; W.

N. RAB. 108 Concord street. iy8 ly IRON RAILING, PI.AIN AND ORNAMENTAL; Cemetery Raillnga. Balconies, Verudabj.

Iron Doors, Shuttere, GraUnga, Ac. MauaAetured by MARRIOTT MoKTNNT, No. 17 Furman street, near Fulton Ferry. Oil AllMELE BROTHERS, Importers and dealers in ENGLISH 6ANNEL, LIVERPOOL, NEWCASTLE, And all kinds or Anthracite COAL Gas Companies, Dealers, and Families supplied. Yards in Iiew York and Oipioss 32 PINE ST.

and 10 UNION SQ. (East side. Corner Hicks and Baltic Brooklyn. Yabds 5SS ggt 2sd near 10th ave, N. Y.

n201m LUMBER AT WHOLESALE RETAIL, ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND QUALITY. A full stock, Bnltable for shipment to China, Australia, Africa, Brazil, West Coast, KIo Do La Plata, and all other foreign markets. Selections for parties for entire cargoes made with care and dispatch. The attention of Export era and Manufacturers Is especially requested. PINE, SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK, In every variety.

Al6o, a general assortment of Hard Woods, suitable for Home and Foreign Markets, lnclualng MAHOGANY BLACK WALNUT, HICKORY, CHERRY ASH, WhITEOAK, SYCAMORE, BAB8WOOD. ASH, WHITE WOOD, BOARDS AND PLANKS. OAK AND MAHOGANY VENEERS, SPOKES AND FELLBYS. constantly on hand, and for Bale in quantities to suit purchasers, by R. W.

ADAMS tr Atlantic Dock and im wn etrppt. New York BROOKLYN SILVER PLATE WORKS, 293 FULTON STREitT 293 Orders for new Ware executed at short notice. Old reare Repaired and Replated equal toaew. All work done at this establishment warranted. aelS Sm Fulton street'.


Steerage PaSEage from New York $25 Steerage passage to New York. At lowest rates. All payable in currency and Including a liberal allowance of cooked provisions. These steamers carry passengers on one deck only. Drafts for sale on Great Britain and Ireland.

For passage and further information apply at E. CUNABD'B STEERAGE OFFICE. JaS ly 69 BROADWAY. W. T.

STEAM TO QUEENSTOWN AND LTVER POOL FROM NEW YORK FOB 125. CHICAGO, MANHATTAN, MINNESOTA, And other first clasa steamers. Passage to New York at lowest rates. Remittances to Ireland, Ac. WILLIAMS 4 GUION, ap5 ly 29 Broadway and 83 South atreet, N.


clpal places fn EDKrand.Ireland, Scotland, Wales, nad the united States, and forward passengers at through fare to and from France, Germany, dec. raieo ub iuwub uy nuv otner nrsc oiaaa line. AI HUB LiOUlDUDV UUEB IH)L fill) If tlefrfits. or r.firtiflY'.fti i or uieir iricnnn. or nn, Tiirrnp nrnrmot nn ttHii niaau apply to the Company's office, No.


k'ne of Steamers to andf rom LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN, TAPSCOTT'S CELEBRATED LINES OP LIVERPOOL AWn I nvnnv pAron For Tlftflaacrp tn Hurt from OnwinatnTini 1 nnnl n.T.An. Scotland and Walea, at lowest possible rates, apply to 86 8onth atreet. EW YORK AND BREMEN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. THE FIRST CLASS U. S.

MAIL STEAMSHIP" ATLANTIC Cantaln CHARLES FOVER. Will leave Pier 46 N. on Saturday. Oct. 26, at SOUTHAMPTON AND T1RF.MEN.

for rtHn.naann,n in lr the following rates, payable in gold or its equivalent in uuueut i ariB or Luuuun.i auuitiunai. First cabin. S110: second cabin. t65: steoraee. S5.

From Bremen, Southampton and Havre, to New York, first necouu meeraKC. fiAUUKSlUB llClirJTS OUT AND HOME. First cabin, $210; second cabin, $130; steerage, $70. Another steamer will follow November 9th. Forfreieht.

exnressarre. bills of exehanfe or naaflaffA. apply to ISAAC TAYLOR, President, 40 Broadway. upiaiy HOUSE FCKNISHING HANDELIERS. lavlntr renlenlsherl rmr nrevlftnslv larcn and valnnhl GAS FIXTURES, By tne addition of some new and elegant CHANDELIERS, We Invite the inspection of purchasers, having THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT DSTTHB CITY.

Our prices will be found very moderate. THE EXTENSION CHANDBLIBR Maintains its high character as a useful, durable and or namental nxture for the library or dining room. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, Executed on reasonable terms. ARMSTRONG BLACKLW. oc4 2m 2J3 Court st.

corner of Union, CARPETfs FURNITURE H. O'FAR KELL lias opened his large new Warerooms at No. 4S6 and 488 Eighth ave, oetween 85th and 30th and has on hand the largest assortment of ROYAL VELVET. BODY and TAPESTRY HP.USSELS, threei ly and super power loom INliiiALN CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, to be found in this cltv.

Also. $500,000 worth of PARLOR and BEDROOM FURNITURE of the latest styles, all manuractured under his own supervision and warranted to the buyer at Nos. 267, 269 and 201, 85th street, adjoin in; me vaiycL vTatbruuujH. jjui kouui wiirrnnteu ag reP' resented. H.

0FARRELL, No.l6 and 488 Eighth and No, 267. 269, 2 Tl. 35th N. Y. XW The well known, Mr.

Joseph P. Mulby, formerly with S. W. Woolsey, of Williamsl urgh, is now attending to the Carpet Department; he solicits the patronage of. his Mentis and the Wtlllamiburgh public in general.


Prompt attention paid to articles of new manufacture and patent goods. Salesrooms 280 Pearl st, N. Y. Factory, corner John and Pearl Brooklyn. se7 8m TVTKW HARDWARE STORE, XJI '5 MYRTLE AVENUE, Corner of Steuben St.

The subscriber begs leave to announce to the public that be has Just opened a HARDWARE STORE, adjoinlne his Furniture Store, where he will keep all kinds of Builders' Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, Wood and Willow Ware, and House Furnishing Goods of every description, at the lowest Cash Prices, and hopes by strict attention to business and fair dealing, to merit the patronage of thoBo wishing to purchase. my26 tf S. GRAHAM. FURS. IrtURS FURS FDRS Branch of the wholesale warehouse, No.

194 William Btrect, N. No. 306 Fulton street, Brooklyn, is the place to get cne of those BEAUTIFUL SETS OF FURS, which Glanz is selling AT FIRST COST. Call and yru cannot fail to be suited. GLANZ, Importer and Manufacturer, established 1S43.

Repairs neatly done. d2 6t IjWR MANUFACTORY FROM NEW YORK. Having opened at 136 Fulton st. Brooklyn aline and well selected Stock of fancy Fnrs of the best make and finest materials. We hope to ffive our customers the highest satisfaction, and invite Ladies and Gentleman to give us a call.

P. BERLINER, opposite ot the' American Tea Co. store 2l URS! FURS1 FURS! HARRIS' CO. Of 259 and 261 Fnlrnn nt. Ttrnnlrlvn have on band the largest and beat selected stocK of ladles and childrena' fancy Furs, which they will aell at a great reduction irom formerprlcefl.

Our stock of Ladles Kara Including SABLE, MINK, ERMINE and other Furs, challenges comparison with any establishment In the country. We call particular attentionlto 500 superllne matched setts of MINK COLLARS and MUFFS, which we will sell at great bargains; our assortment of Ladies Misses, and Childrena' HATS, trimmed and untrimmod, Is a speciality in itEelf, and onr stock of Geuta' and Boys' HATS contains all the modern styles of the season. Remember, if yon want a handsome Sett of Furs, at a low price, call on HARRIS CO. 259 and 261 Fulton st, opposite Clinton st. N.

B. Fura renalred with neatness and rllanatnh. iywiy URS, FURS, FURS 182 FULTON up atalrs. THOS. W.

RIMILL, Manufacturer of Fancy Furs, respectfully informs the ladles of Brooklyn that he has a good assortment of Fancy Tn, and every facility for Repairing, Cleaning and Altering Ladles' and Gents Furs. Repairing done for the trade; also sewing machines taught and to rent. 183 Fnlton st. up stairs. n7 lm CLOTHING, CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER, 1867.

WATERPROOF OVERSACKS. Black Beaver Oversack (18.00 do do do 34.00 do do do extra, SO.0O Black Beaver Surtouts 18.00 do do do 24.09 do do do 80.00 Overcoats for Boys in great variety, at ocl6 Ual POWELL'S, 118 Fulton, opp. Bands at. FECIAL SALE CHILDREN'S, BOYS AND YOUTH' FINE CLOTHING. Wholesale Stock of (100,000 retailing at lees than wholesale prices.

Garibaldis, Zouave Suitfl Sacks, Jackets, Pants, Overcoats, Business and Fine Dress Suits for young men at very low prices. These Goods are all first class, and will be found at less than half Broadway prices. SUTPHD. DAYTON, 81 Chambers st near Centre, N. np stain, oca 8m ASH PAID FOR OAST OFF FURNITURE.

BEDS, BEDDING, CARPETS, Please call on or address A. LEVY, at his new stand, 388 Atlantic street, (Instead of 390) 3d house west of O. W. Mear'a Koal Yard. 3m C1ASH PAID FOR CAST OFF CLOTHING at the old stand, 150 Myrtle avenue, by the original JACOB LAMAN.

Persons having cast off clothing will et the highest cash price by bringing or leaving their ad res8 at the above place. Boots. sbocB, carpets, and all kinds of clothing bought. Ladles will be attended by Mr 3. LAMAN.

Jala'v REAT REDUCTION IN CLOTHING. JC Silk mixed Casslmcre Suits $2i Fall Over sacks, from io to S18 Winter Overcoats 20 40 Beavers.Doeskins and Fancy Casslmeres, for ordsred work. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. G. B.

CLARKE, 112 and 114 William street, se26 8m between Fulton and John. New York. A LARGE ORDER FOR THE SOUTHERN MARKET. S. HANOVER pays the highest price for cast off clothing, carpets, feather beds, furniture, HANOVER No.

4 Boerum street, Brooklyn, near T.Hy mhSlv 50,000 WORTH BOY'S YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, AT MEAD'S, No. 314 FULTON STREET, BROOKLYN, To be sold regardless of cost. oneofthe'011 my BtCk' 1 haTe ha1 t0 me LARGEST WHOLESALE STOCKS in this line in tblj country, which will be offered at 20 PER CENT. LESS than can be had in this City or New York consists of all the latest styles of These goods PLAIN AND FANCY BEAVERS and BROADCLOTHS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERE3, ihe market can produce, all made up In the latest styles.

An examination will convince the most skeotical that this is no HUMBUG, but astonish all when they examine prices and quality. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. S. D. MEAD, 814 Fulton street, Brooklyn.

A large and line assortment of FURNISHING noSOSt GOODS FOR MEN, CHILDREN. BOYS AND CLAIRVOYANTS. MBS. ST. OLAIR, MEDICAL AND Business Clairvoyant, baa removed to No.

3 Mill between Court and Smith Ladles 25 cts to 50c; gents 50c to tl. n25 lm MADAME CLIFFORD, THE GREAT Amcrcnn Medical Clatrvoyante and Physician, examines disease personally and by hair, prescribes medicines and makes up remedies for each case. Chronic lseases of women and children treated successfully. Satlsfactlor guaranteed. ns im A STROLOGY PROFESSOR NELSON JTaL can be consulted on all events of lite, at Nc.

00 Columbia at, New York, rear building; ears from the different ferries past nearby. Sours from 10 A.M. too P. M. Time of birth required.

n291m WATCHES OF THE BEST MAKERS, with diamond set, onameled, engraved and turned cases, for sale at JAMES MoMUBKAY'S ewelry Establishment, 845 Fultop it 'tournaments which have occurcd lately at the South: "Catton picking is a more honorable occupation than such tomfoolery under Alal brino's helmet and in a decorator! iinn.i shirt. There may be amusement in it. but it is boy's play, as dignified as leap frog, not half as commendable. It is not "mimic war but absurd and half developed gammon '1 Many of the farmers in the lower section Montgomery county, have their crops of corn husked by German women from Philadelphia, who take the ccra husks as pay for their work. Tney commence operations early in the morning, and by evening each has an immense sack ol husks, with whieVi lninn.

ced on their heads, they trudge into the citv t. 1, .1 1 iiuornj ui 111 giuiu uuiiianu ior Deuoing, it is said that they realize from $1.50 to 0 per day for their work. Algerian JusKlors. Seven Algerianjugglcrsand snake charmers are now giving performances in London. They are Mahometans, of the tribe of Aissa Houha, and call themselves African convul sionancs.

1 lie YW, describing their feats, says: A number of snakes were produced; they were about four feet long and an inch thick. These one of the performers, KrniUa Ben Mustatiii, coiled around his head and al lowed to Vite his tongue until they hung at full leneth dauo lin" from his mouth. The next performer was Mahommcu Ben Omar, who ate Ihe bowl of a wine glass, and crushed the metal between his teeth with consider eble gusto. A number of other feats equally auprising followed; and then came the grand sensation scenes. Mahonimcd Ben Ali Bata ta balanced himself on a naked sword subsequently tied a rope round his naked waist.

This was pulled bv a dozen persons so hard that the cord appeared almost to en ter tne man body, but without occiisionin" any pain. He next seized an instnimciit which appeared to act like a centre bit, and having inserted Ihe point in tin: left eye, worked the handle round until the eyeball was forced three parts out of its place, presenting a most horrible The man himself did not, however, seem to suffer inconvenience, (hough the perspiration stood on his face, and his chest heaved as if considerable difficulty was experienced in breath ing, ilie next feat was to puncture him. self with skewers. This was affected bv forcing one through the toncuo.another the lin aud a third through the cheek. To prove that the perforation was real lie walK nrl imong the audience, and allowed anvonn sufficiently curious or sufficiently sceptical to examine the holes and to touch the skew ers.

Several persons availed themselves of the privilege, and expressed themselves sat isfied. This experiment was attended by a vuiji juiuui uiiu lUHigniucanc uemorrnage. A tall negro, Haradji Ben Ali, then presented himself, and, having danced frantically to the music of the tom toms until the necessary a niount of excitment was engendered in the system, proceeded to hold a lighted torch to his neck, chin' and mouth, at which lucifcr matches and cigars were lighted. The charcoal was at first held in place by the teeth, but was afterwards placed on the tongue, where it remained for several minutes. The convulsion aire who was good enough to gouge out his eyes then played with live snakes, aud eventually bit 6tX the head and tail of one, which he masticated with Eastern gravity, and threw the decapitated portion to the audience for examination.

Tho snake waa similar to one of those which had hung suspended from the tongue of Kmida Ben Mustaffa These and other feats equally wonderful and disgusting followed, all of which were performed with apparent ease by the Africans. The etreet left upen the spectator by these extraordinary performances was the reverse of grateful. NEW YORK. A 11 8 EM TS EVEltV NIUHT AMD THANKSdlVIN'O MATINEE AN 1 PATH lip AY AKTEIiXOON. WITH ITS Itl 'II COUP SCKSKS, UNIQPK CAiil" FROLICS.


Bcatp secured 0 daye In advance. JBW YOBBIRCUBTliTH ST. PFAU. TOE GREAT RUSSIAN ATHLETE, And the full atrcneth nf the LABI.K ST ANO BEST TROUPE OF STAR RIDERS AND ACROBATS ever organised In America, in eleeant and DIVERSIFIED SCENES IN THE CIROLB. MATINEES WiiJJNBfPAY AND SATURDAY, Admission 10 cents children under ten, 'is centa.


J. w. Wallack fclr Ralpn Challoi tr, of Ihe Abbej Mr. n. Stoddart Doora open at commences at 8 o'c ock.

BOWERY THBATBB" Mamter MR. WM. B. FRBLIO" Enuatement forsix nlKlita with the popular manager nnd actor. MR.

J. W. LING ARD. First rleM nf the celebrated dramn of BLUBSKIN OR, JACK AND HIS PALS. Mr.

.7. W. I.lngsrrl a Itiueslrln. First appearance nf thednslilnir yonne actresa. Miff JEN.NY ADAMS.

GOOD FOR NOTHING MUs Adama a Nan TOHY PASTOR'S OPSRA HOUBB. No. SOI BOWERY, N. Y. Tbe fjreat original fci.satlon drama of tbn prcsoctdar called YOUNG A.MEHCA IN IRELAVP.

TONY PASTOR a Ihe Bright Spcci ti or Yoiinrr Amir Icb, Lifelike scenes, start Inz Mtantfons, thrilling tableaux. 1 he Ereut Carb'tou in nyw Irian songs. Prof, Robert Nlckleand Mlsc Jennli Patran. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AN'U nAT'iHD Y. O'clK.






Another new programme this wek. First week of the beautiful and talent Comedienne and Vocalist, MILS KOSINA JEFFRIES. First appearance in America of Mr. Harry Rirhardsjruffo Vocalist, from the London Mr. Walter Btrcb, favoilte Tenor Vocalist.

Mr. Harry Robinson, Elhlopeaa Comcclan. Mr. Dare Uavlcy. Minstrels, ire.

FAMILY MATIN KB SATURDAY, at JH O'CIOC. MARBLE YARDS. ARBLE WAREHOUSK, No. 163 FIiAT buah arenue, near Atlantic A largo (election of marble mantlea constantly on band, varying In price from 25 to 6O0. Marble counters and counter tops.

Storea, halla and vestibule uoora tiled, and every other description of marble work executed In the best manner. monuments, tombs and tablets made to order fromorljrt nal deslena. Designs furnished gratis where work is contracted for. Conntry work: punctually attended to. As Mr.

McGRAYNE resides on the premises, ho would say to Ibose who are engaged in boslneaa hours that be win be on hand to transact business from 8 A M. to 9 P. M. Warerooms and residence. IBS Fukxbuab ave.

Factory. SS9 PaelOc su Bro tyB. le am TN BANKRUPTCY IN THE DISTRICT JL Court or the United States for the Eastern Dlftrlet Wew York. In ibo matter of Daniel Applet to. n.i Una has In 111 District, duly daclared a bantrnpl under the Act nf Con rressof March a.

ia1. for a discharge and ccrtiflcata ischarse inereoi irom an tus ucoss. ana other claims pr.iraoie on dsr said Act. and that thr IflUi day orrjecmbcr. 147.

at o'cinrK r. at tae onice or OEOROat H. fisukk. Register In I'ariruptcy at corntrof Prosdway and First street. In His City of Uroeklyo, is aaalfncd for tho hmringof the same, when and wbar all crojltorj wbo have proved their debti.and other persons in interest may attend, aud showrfinii' If any thej have, why the prayer the said petition ihnuld not be granted and tbat tho second anr third msetluss of creditors will beheld at same time an pi ice Jated at Drooktyu, on tha S7th dv of November, mwitroaw sasiubi.

TN PURSUANCE ANCE OF AN ORDER OP WILLIAM D. Burroeato of tha Connlv ot Notice benny given, arrortllngto law, to all persona h.ln El.lPH A KEECIt. lutn nf ih fie Brooklyn, decrased. thai they are required to exhibit iuw mcrtrui me sunacrpjers.

Administrators, at tuo National ink of Norwich. In vlllnu ol Norwich. In the County of Clienanuo. N. bvor.

the lC'th day of June next. Paled, November 25lh, 1W77. riANNAH S. KEF.CII n.eiawCmT' WAitRES NEWTON, 'bn'nlstrators,.

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