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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

For Cltittifieii 4rl Rnkk BROOKLYN EAGLE. WEDNESIHY. M4Y 31'. Hare to Pay to See 'Em Now Medical Society Parmt Teachers To InMall Officer. jWapner Alumni To Hear Dr.

Au ar-ac hm wiiii i i i ji ii mm yl Inialistion of new officers of tha Hits Wagner Bill The Rev. Dr. Oeorge Atis. profej-1 sor-elect of dogmatics of Luther Pa rent -Teacher Association of tha Seminary, St. Paul.

and st Fat New York Junior High School present pa-tor of Trinity Lutheran will be held tonight in the school Boro Veterans Plan to Give Fair a Flagpole Seek Funds to Errct The Kings County Medical Society has gone on record as op- 0) G). Church, will be the principal auditorium. Suiter Ave. and Wynna posed to the Wagner Health Bill, it r' the alumni ban- St. Assemblvman Daniel Gutman was revealed yesteraay by ur.

iil be the installing officer. Charles F. Pabst, chairman of the quet at Wagner College. 8. I.

In charge of banquet arrange-menis are the Rev. John Bauch- society's press reference com mitt Federal man' Plor of St. Jacobi Lutheran tnji rv nf Ihm itnmnl Under the Wsgner Bill money would be made available to auilon. and the Rev. Joseph Permanent Slaff To Top Soviet Star While an American flag was the States for health services.

Flotten of Resurrection Lutheran By CHARLES GRUTZNER Jr. If you see a girl in slacks tnd sweater, sitting alone in the least noisy corner of the amusement area, who looks enough like Greta Garbo to be her double, it is her double. Her name is Pattie Shaw and she doubled for Garbo in "Conquest." When you saw Greta Garbo sweep through a graceful dance in the Napoleonic ballroom scene and when you saw Jer riding like mad, it was really Pattie making Vnur Vioort clrln a Haf kTT, Conflicting reports regarding the Church. St. Albans The Rev.

society attitude led to a confer- 'P" Durr Chrit Lutheran Church, Floral Park, will be toast- enca yesterday between Dr. Philip misltT I. Nash, president; Dr. 'Thomas Wood, secretarv, and Dr. Pabst.

It mf was decided at this conference to 1 I A. I Sprlnklt Allcm'i Net-lait lnta ywtr hM kwfor Vftlk ln MiM crowded hard Teiant n4 tht Fir la tMrtrt. Thif Mcthiu nttiptic owdr rtliM hoi. ttrd Un fMt hm th ihoi. Two hDdr iih at kit Trw maxe puDiic me society ouiciai Without her slacks and without To Install Officers viewpoint with reference to the bill.

Dr. Pabst then Issued a statement Depart moot WofM. Masiapequa. May 31 The her sweater MiM Shaw one of the lovelier show girls in N.T.O.'i Congress of Beauties at the Fair. She was borr in Kansas City, but might give people the impression she was averting her gase from another Munich.

A genileman stood, glass In hand, at the- preview party In the State of Florida exhibit the other afternoon. officers of the Massepequa Psrent- brought out josterday on a staff atop the parachute jump at the World's Fair, to fly one foot higher than the red star which surmounts the U. S. S. R.

pavilion, a movement was started by Brooklyn war veterans for a permanent steel flagpole at the Fair from which to fly the flag of this country 100 feet higher than the Soviet Building. Col. William A. Dawkins. chairman of the Kings County Allied Wsr Veterans Association, announced that the association was seeking popular subscriptions to purchase and present to Orover A.

Whalen, president of the Fair corporation, such a flagpole to be set up on Constitution Mall or the Ave i Teacher Association will be installed has been in Hol-- Ivwood since she A voice at his elbow said, "Welcome was 11 and got her first Job, by to Florida." He turned around and bill at an executive session held In its building, 1313 Bedford on March 21. Dr. Nash, it was announced, will speak In the Goodrich Building at the World's Fair, this afternoon on the subject, "voluntary versus Compulsory Health Insurance." tomorrow night In special ceremonies at the Massapequa School. One of the features of the program will be the entertainment furnished by the school dancing class. Charles E.

Knell, member of the school board, will take motion pictures of the entire program, which will be shown at the World's Fair. there was a huge red and blue parrot. From the other side he heard a bird call, and wheeled to find the TWP grinning black face of "Whistling Allen's FootEasc lying about her age, as an assistant to Irene Hob-son, the beauty expert. A lady from Pittsburgh asked an attendant in When Out of Town Please Register From BROOKLYN to the MAN in the family Gardens on Pa- rade where they got all the song-j; birds and 1 they kept themw. Willie." the attendant who can imitate all the Florida birds.

"Whoosh exclaimed the startled gentleman. "Mast be strong stuff In these calomondin cocktails." There Is aim a white cockatoo in the Florida exhibit which Is said to be auite a singer. Nina Dean, the raven-haired epitome of Southern hospitality, wanted to show him off to the guests. "Come, Chalky," she coaxed. "Sing 'A Tteket, a TaskeC" But she didn't know that another ruest had been letting Chalky sip 7" i 1 L2Li.J.

yv nue of Patriots. "We sre about to launch a drive to arouse public sentiment in protest against the Emblem of Labor holding the Red Star of Soviet Russia on the Soviet Russian Building at the Fair," said Col. Dawkins. "We hope to raise sufficient funds to purchase a suitable steel flagpole to be In height far above any foreign flag or emblem at the Fair and to fly In the breeze from the top of his fla; pole the Star-Spangled Banner of the good old V. 8.

and dedicated to the honored soldier, sailor and marine dead of all our wars." Col. Dawkins said that the association was composed of the G. A. United Spanish Wsr Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Jewish War Veterans and Catholic War Veterans and had a member from flying away. 'Garbo' Sbaw Answer is that the robins and grackles flew in uninvited, but the horticulturists hope they'll stay.

A Maryland yellow-throat and a black and white warbler, probably heading north for the Summer, were invito, you to apoad tarn niauias with aa ETHICAL rUNSHAL DlKtCTOK wtk, gaioiof a flanoral idea oi funeral eosta. This "common-aaa" pracautioa will, whan tha occasion arises, anabl you lo ataka price decisions quickly and without tha uaual attendant eonhisiea. Com ia whenever convenient. No effort will be mad to commit you to any purchase or obligation, feepaoae ofro a he mm tmtmrwtmw mt Itmmr mi oor two coareaJeaf loemtimm: ADVERTISEMENT WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- WilUl CiU-d- Ami TnI Jb Oil KW uw Hwang Iri' to Tk llrtr houM pour out tw. pouadt of liquid Ml lata your bowate Ur.

If this bUa Ii not flowinr rotlr, yoar food dooaa'tdiBMt. It jutt doeaya in Qmm bloati up rour atomach. Yoa act ooa.Upattd. Yovr whola imtm ia aoiaftaad aad row foal tour, unk aad ttw look.

onk. A Mti bowtl SMvamoat dooan't rat at tha eauaa. It takaa tho. rood, old Cartor'a Little Lir.r Pllla to tt thaoa two sound, of bilt Sowina fraaJy and aaako you fcal "up and up. H.rmloM.

vanua, yot nmaalBr hi nakinr Ml flow treaty. Atk for Cartor'a Little I.lrar Pllla name. Karoo aaythtoal aba. At all drug- atora. ltd and IK.

transient guests in the apple tree a sherry out of his glass. Chalky wobbled on his perch and few mornings ago. It's not the art but the nudity to which World's Fair amusement committee objected and for that reason this oil painting of Roslta Royce and her doves is shown as it was removed from in front of the Crystal Palace Building. From now on there will be no nudes or even semi-nudes pictured on Fair walls, according to the committee. let out the most gosh -awful aeries of squawks.

A little later Chalky We suppose people will continue MainOilico: 201 Park A. 120 Chapel 8hw ltma St was gone, probably sleeping it off in to die, even in the world of tomor Wm. Duncan Sow rUNIJAL DIRICTORS' "A Cmmmmmltr InmHtwtimm Mim IH4" ship of 25.000 former service men. row, so there Is hope that Bette 8teele, who Is entombed In a cake of lee seven times dally In the Arctic The cops have forged far ahead Girls show, may yet realize her am- Lf the firemen In the popularity bition. It is to be an embalmer.

contest at the New York City We thought at first Bette's ambi-! exhibit, which drew its half millionth tien might have been Inspired by visitor 'late Last look we had at the voting machine showed 5.318 votes for the cops' "Murder at Midnight" thriller and 3,99 for the press agent, but she swore tnai sue had worked for five months as apprentice to an embalmer back home In Baltimore before she ever thought she'd be in show business. She won a local walkathen contest, took a Job with the walkathon troupe because it paid better money and got into the ice when Archie Gayer thought it up as an added attraction for his Chicago walkathon last year. Bette, who has a nice figure, realises it wen'Mast forever. That's why she hopes to get back to embalming some day. It's a Job that has a future.

firefighters' ladder clirrroing ana pole sliding demonstration. Some of the firemen feel the cops are pulling a fast one by having a "barker" out front. The Police Glee Club and band of 10 plecea play on the steps of the building every afternoon and evening. After each performance the aongleader Invites the audience inside to see "Murder at Midnight." What to really holding back the firemen's show In the poll Is the fact that many people are disappointed at finding no flames in the "rescue from a burning building" act. A bit of flreproofing, a dash of kerosene and a match should make those votes roll right up.

Former Alderman Murray Stand. RECORD LINE The line waiting to take the General Motors futurama ride yesterday set a record for length and wound In two streamers around both sides of exhibit and over Into the Fura exposition territory. During the afternoon the Fair Administration sent over a squad of police to curve the ends of the waiting lines away from the entrances of the neighboring exhibit. director of the city exhibit, feels proud that one of every six paying visitors to the Fair has come to his show. The lectures and movies in the City auditorium are drawing good attendances.

Thi afternoon Mrs. Abbie Turner Scudi is giving a talk on "Some of the interesting Miss Liberf.v. the striding fieure who adorns the Brooklyn seal in Street Names of New York City The voice which whispers the story LxausivmcuuM GEARSHIFT VvtHMMt KeMtr wPVMftort (0 Mi SMfrhifl A mM lar enrn-Ufltly located en the) flooring column enabi row to ehift geeri twiftrf ond fforHuly. of the world of 1960 to riders about the General Motors futurama came the New York State exhibit, won't let her head be turned, even by a printer's error. Miss Liberty looks straight aheaa.

She has fasces (a bundle of to you, Mr. Printer) over her left shoulder. A recent typographical transformation in this column described her as "with face over left shoulder." Miss Lib to an abrupt halt yesterday afternoon and then a voice of 1939'i worry cut in with an announcement that a lady had lost her watch and would the riders please keep their erty resents that description. It eye open for It. Today and Tomorrow At the Fair NEW AERO-STREAM STYLING N(W BODIES BY FISHER TK smartest expression mf newest style trend fnearting en en if hr new apperanc ef grator length, lowness and luxury.

of the SAR, Messmore Kendell and Grover Whalen Amusement Arena. :00 New York City Police and Fire Department Award Merit -jmrnvsMzttmL fc "I S'i iihiii i liilti iLawM, InwMpafcnJi 1 im'iii'i in i i mimt 1 1 'mmmmamimmj If vP-f Day: Addresses by Mayor La Guardla, Fire Commissioner John J. McEUlgott; awarding of medals to widows of live members of Police Department killed on duty: reading of citations to widows of nine firemen; drills CHEVROLET'S FAMOUS VALVE. IN-HEAD SIX IW It ft tngln with out on oquol In tho too ortco fold. Iringing yoo on vnniatcho(j combino Hon of powtr, accsloro Hon, KOfWBT ond do pwidobMty.

and exhibition performances by 1,500 members of both department Court of Peace. :00 Twilight Hour Concert of 4:00 P.M. Concert by the Try tons, official World's Fair band. Court of Consumers Building. P.M.

Twilight-hour concert by South Congregational Church i Choir of Brooklyn, directed by William P. addresses by the Rev. Theodore Relss and the Rev. Ben F. Wyland, pastor.

Temple of Religion. P.M. Convention of National Gastroenterological Association; address by Dr. Max Einhorn. Auditorium, Science and Education Building.

:00 P.M. "The Garden of Eden," depicted in water, light, flame and music by the Trytons, official World's Fair band. Lagoon of Nations. 10:00 FJkf. Display of fireworks synchronized with play of fountains.

Fountain Lake. TOMORROW I to :00 Free tours for chool groups of all boros. Indiana State Day: Includes reception of official party led by Gov. M. Townsend Sacred Music by Grace Church of New York Temple of 7:30 P.M.

Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn Day: Dinner to cele PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES Chevrolet's 'famous Perfected Hydraulic Ira, okrs new Trigger -Control Hand Bralco, sneen dautWo sartty far your foiwlryl brate 80th anniversary of founding of the bank; reading by Philip A. Benson, president, and George C. Johnson, treasurer. Perllon Hall. 3:00 PJM.

Garden of Eden. Symphony of water lights and flame and music by the Trytons. of Nations. 10:00 P.M. Display of fireworks synchronised with play of Fountain Lake in the Amusement Area.

at Perylon Hall; procession to Court of Peace for review ot Army, Navy and Marine Corps units; official call on U. S. Commissioner General Edward -J. Flynn; visit with Mayor La-Guardia at Summer City Hall mummmm and a program of addresses at Court of Peace at 3:00 p.m. 13:00 Boro of Richmond Day.

Luncheon at Casino of Nations. Every 40 seconds of every day. Somebody buys a 2:00 Concert by Long Branch High School Band at Washing Here is the most Important motor car news'of 1939; born of "the biggest package of value" ever offered to motor car buyers! Over half a million 1939 Chevrolet sold to date! A car every forty seconds of every twenty-four-hour day Sundays and holidays included Placing Chevrolet first in sales again for the eighth time in' the last nine years! Here's proof of all th things we've been telling you to the effect that Chevrolet brings you more quality at lower cost than any other automobile on the market! that Chevrolet out -accelerates, out-climbs and out-performs all other cars in its price range, bar nonef and that Chevrolet is the only low-priced car, with all the beauty, comfort and safety picture here the only; low-priced car combining "all that's best at lowest cost," in purchase price, operation and upkeep! Better visit your Chevrolet dealer and buy the leader today! ton Statue. PERFECTED KNEE-ACTION RIDING SYSTEM (WM leierend SSoctarW itaerinfl) Rid In a Chevrolet and experience the urwr witched comfort and safety of this feature! Knee-Action available on Master Do lux models only. NEW "OBSERVATION CAR" VISIBILITY See ond be tafe bo ceuto CHovrdot's wWr.

wlndshiold ond lorg tqwarod windows givo vitibtfity that wiH rommd you of th obiorvottoA car of a modern troto. 3:00 Concert by Norristown High new Chevrolet! School acapella choir. Temple of Religion. 3:00 San Diego Day: Assembly ot Win Music Diplomas At Marymount School Gloria Waterbury of Brooklyn and Jane Gray of Freeport were awarded honors yesterday at graduation exercises of the Marymount School, Tarrytown. Besides an academic diploma, each received an honor diploma in music, advanced senior division, from the London Trinity College of Music.

Kathleen Pearsall of Babylon, president of the student council, gave the address of welcome. Bob Burns Junior Makes His Debut Hollywood, May 31 (U.R Bob Bums, Arkansas hillbilly of the movies, had a new member in his family today. Mrs. Burns yesterday gave birth to a son weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces. He was named Bob Jr.

100 residents of San Diego, members of "Heaven on Earth MOT0M VAIUI AMNtUl The only low-priced car combining "All WATS BEST AT LOMST COSH" Club," Hall of Special Events. 3 :00 Concert by chorus of Florida State College for Women Washington Statue. 4 Opening of Contemporary Art Building with addresses by Mayor LaGuardla, Grover Whalen, Mrs. Gertrude Vanderbllt Whitney and Mrs. Juliana Force Contemporary Arts Building.

4 :0 Concert by Trytons, official World' Fair Band Court of Consumers Building. 5:1 Dedication of Washington Hall. Speakers: Dr. Henry Darlington, chaplin general of the Pons of the -American Revolution Ls-i-rrnce M. Hamilton, prejldeiu of the N.

Chapter YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER ATTENTIOK. Build the Bridge Rally Majestic Theater, Tuesday, June fc F.M..

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