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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BROOKLYN EAGLE, OCT. 28, l5J Adlai msvsnson tonight, wtS deliver a 15-minuts radio speacb tomorrow and spend Sunday, oriAfllrlna In MAYO! KNIXS RIFT, SAYS Hfll SMAK IN DEMOCRATIC DRIVE Mayor' Inipellltterl has ELECTION XOTICI uoimn or ELECTION'S IN TBS CITY OP NEW TO r.rvrfll. nrrfra- AM ImM Bira4 Lehman Calls Ike Korea Plan 'Fraud' Dwight D. Elsenhower's promise to go to Korea to seek i "'e ivui iiiucibiiuo Greefipoin Residen ts Protest Postoffice Switch Near School Kw Verm 11, M. Oelofcer H.

ISM. To th Voteri of Kinta Counts Pureuant to tha protiilom of Section 7S ol ll Utotioa nottco horeer rivan that the following it tru copr or til luuulm of candiditai (or 01-(icm to bo Illlea the Oenen) lleetloo to bo held ob November 4th. ISM. eertl-f ird to and Mod in our office pureutM rlu nrnvlnnni rtf tio SlOctiOII Low. "A slne4 'leas ran be A petition wa being cir Fear Polli Won't De Able to Take Record Turnout Sponsors of nation-wide "Get Out the Vote" campaign feared today the polls next Tuesday will not be able to accommodate all the voters.

The American Heritage Foundation estimates that 15,000,000 more Americans will cast ballots Tuesday than did so In 1948 a grand total of some 63,000,000. Unless State and city officials plan for the average 15 to 20 an end to the war was o-scrlbed by Senator Herbert H. not convinced that the present Dermlt (for operation of the nied reports of Ill-feeling between him and the Democratic national and State committees. Replying to a statement that had been "virtually rejected" as a speaker for the national campaign, Impellltterl said he will appear at the Madison Square Garen rally for Gov. Yesterday the Mayor flew to Boston to speak for Stevenson and Representative John F.

Kennedy, Democratic candidates for the U. S. Seoata, too olior lolow mo. (J ar CoiUm laoii-oMcraro. kf Ua Caa 0 IT SEEMS hi Uft I 4k hi ttu hflt'i cUiiifiow ok boa.

crapped bat yon can't reeonv culated today by resident in post office) Is fully legal." tract hnmaa declared Lehman as "a cruel and shame vicinity of Public School Tha hourt for VotiM tha Oonoral (he Her letter to Saltzman, she 126, Meoerole Ave. and Lorimer ful fraud." nnoeuon. noeemoer in, am from 0 a 10 9 m. BOBOCGR OP HOOBLTN Mrs, Grace Liotta, a leader of the protest drive and president of the Greenpolnt Prop aid. added, "ws are proceed.

BSFl'BLICAN PABTT The answer to tht Korean war lies in Moscow, not Korea, lag; with out protest to other aseaclrs which mar have erty Owners Association. Mrs. Liotta said she had warned Borough Superintend Jurisdiction in Ibis matter." The Parent-Teachers Assocla Lehman said In a radio talk last night. protesting the proposed opening on Jan. 1 of the Green-point Branch Post Office at Meserole Ave.

and Guernsey some 40 feet away from the school. The petition charged that a pout office at thin location would be a menace to the afetr of whool children and residents because Meserole tlon of Public School 126 has ent Benjamin Saltzman of the Of course, General Eisen- already written to Postmaster Deepartment of Housing and percent increase of voters, some ihower could make peace in Ko- Edward J. Quigley. benjamin F. Davis, urinciual.

has also of them, the Foundation fears, rea as he made peace with will lose the chance to vote. Senator Taft by retreat and The Foundation has tele-isurrender," Lehman- declared. Buildings that the premises In question are in a business zone which is restricted, and that people of the community "are Knfclem Eadl Staadlnc, Winn Otoaoa IF YOU COULD SEE Arnold Brick Oven Bread you would be amised. In this day of "juat ai good" subatilutei it's exciting to watch auge, golden mounds of creimery butter, gal. Ions of choice clover honey, whole eggi, milk snd very, very special unbleached flour blended and baked into white hresd onyono can buy.

There just isn't mother bread hkt Arnold's! Trest yourself to tosf, todsy. The peace purchased at that graphed governors and mayors Ave- 31 feet from curb to, of major cities in all 48 States curb, is "already a main thor- protested to the District Superintendent of Schools in the area Court Sets Nov. 12 For M.Ds Report urging special preparations to ouehfare and traffic bottle meet the turnout. Operation of the post office C. M.

Vandeburg, executive A.L.P. Rally Hears ArtackAgainstU.5. On Commie Chief would obstruct the southwest sidewalk on the avenue as to "force school children and Presidential Elector! for Prailamr and Vice-Presidem Owilht Eisenhower, N. Richard Nixon. Whlttler, Oellf.

United States Senator Irvttll M. Ives. Norwich, N. Jusiicee of the Supremo Oourt, 2nd DM. CirEmt A.

204 Wajfeiattoa An. John B-rteU. 24 Monroe Plaoa. A. David Benjamin.

20 Plow St. Justice of the City Oourt jtroo J. Schwartiwald. 201 Wutonnwr. Justice of the Munil Court.

6th Wot. Frederick L. Cohen, 350 Lincoln PI. Representative In Coneraaa 8th Dul. Benjamin P.

Waatorvtll, 41 Stockholm BtriDiit. Joieph M. Sovlere. JU 11MH14 Ave. lot Biit.

Oeojie W. Thomia, 7 MeDon- made with Nfer price would be the most expensive peace ever bought." Lehman praised Senator John Sparkman, Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, for fighting for social and economic progress and against Dixiecrats. He charged Senator Richard M. Nixon, Sparkman's opponent, with opposing "every program for social and economic gain" and voting "consistently with the Dixiecrats." director, said 500,000 voters may have been unable to qualify in New York City alone, because of failure to provide for a record turnout during registration week. adults with baby carriages to A report on the physical walk in the gutter," the peti Some 18,000 persons turned out last night at the American Labor party's Madison Square condition of William Z.

Foster, chairman of the Communist tion adds. I fnn Una Viaan rtt'H a I Community residents meet Ing in the school last night said Garden rally to hear the party VoVi to see if the 71-year-old 20-vear ease for onerat on of Presidential candidate, incent uni padpi- is fit to stand tria Hmri Dorfman S814 Ave. HenrrD Dorfman avo. i llfcDiit. oj l.

1 2th it Frincii Dorn. 4 nrlin pi. ine uraiicti post, umce nas naiiiiian, irjjrai nruiiiir.i ui iof conspiracy 10 advocate me t.ThDist Viwejit Lindl 2i AeB GOLDSTEIN'S 'CHALLENGE LIST' HAS 2,376 NAMES-EXPECT TWICE AS MANY Preparing a "challenge list" for illegal voting registrants, Attorney General Nathaniel L. been signed, it was American atrocities in torpa. 'overthrow of the Government, out that the Green Hallinan, who recently served! Federal Judge Sylvester Rvan pected to have double that ntim- her by Klection Da v.

i Jicoo P. Ufkowui. uio Pointed Suspects will be challenged If I point office was moved 20 years 4'j months in Federal peniten-'ordered the medical report rp ago, from the very building it is tiary for contempt of court. ac.fturnalle after Flection Day to slated to re-enter, to its present cused the I'ntted States ofj' make certain that there will they appear at the pulls nut will 15th Dllt.

nor. turn U. ite Scnuor SthDist Edwird Ml eftort tvh Diit. Richird UrCleerj-.

as Jewell St. nth Dul. Henrr I Orinl, 321 Klverda.a Goldstein of Brooklyn today had he allowed to vote if they prove compiled 2,378 names and ex-thelr qualifications. location at 132 Greenpoint Ave. "dropping jellied gasoline on'ihe no suggestion of a political 1 ith Dirt.

Nicholu 1. Pinnrlno, 70S I tie-up." ELECTION NOTICE Earlier, Harry Sacher, attor 1 3th Diit. Harrr J. Donnallir. I73A women and children in ioctn Korea." Other speakers at the rally included Chariot ta A.

Bass, 1th Dill. Lou.l Kollsh. 4001 6th Ave fkh Out. Prank OomDooto. 1701 nth Ave.

ney for Foster, argued that iHHLlfS tin Diet. Edward P. H.rt, 87 Kioto Bud move to his client to ivm urn. noroiu ffntii. 909 imruoii Ave, L.

party can- wag "a political one on th Diol. Xuoene P. BanDioan. 13o MbdIoi-i lot. Euoene P.

Baniuoan. 136 Miole lllhl 13th Herbert Bamueia. 330 1 3rd st. Hirtata for Vice President: Cor- of the Government on th 1 i.ii 9 I Unmhw ih AATta iilU Ptal. 1 a a.

im L. P. Senatorial lindi Ave. i liss Lamont, A. of an election 1 3th Dut.

Marino. 163 41tt St. lilS Dirt. RoUnd Hl 1S08 loth Si 15th Dist. Alfred Beounder, 2778 Shore Pr lth Dirt.

Samuel Hyami. 1M4 PltSln Member of Assembly 1st Dlst. Klhaner. JS I SI St. 2nd Diit.

Arthur McL. Wiseman. Ml 3rd Diit. Aii'red Mintl 1M Br 84 4th Dist. Arthur P.

muh. JOI w- Ington Avt. gthDirt. John Rlcco. 1M HopktntMi A.

flthDlst, M. MOKOWltl, 344 Clm- 7 Dist. Nicholll avlno. IBM 41ft t. 14ttiDtot.

Edward 8. Lcntol, 813 80. 3nd anfj vito Marrantnnin isth dul John smoiemki. 1044 Manitot-: nominee, ana vuo stat chairman of the party. 17th Diet.

Solomon Relchel. 787 Oatea Av. 18th Dul. sunlei Sielngut. 70 Eastern Dulles Assails Pkwy.

lth Dllt. PhlllD J. Schuolor. 1262 49th St aoth ni.f Pnrtn 1 S70 fi Kflb'naO I Dlst. Frinni J.

Ktnivtn. ut I iT. IHf mm ms UoAO0 WamOo" 'War Presidents' Thitf Proves It Williamsburg. Oct. 28 (U.R) Police were looking today for the person who stole a Republican banner which had been stretched across the town's main street proclaiming: "We need honest I 1410 die Louie Friedman, 42S Warir'! ler tl.

th Dist Prink i i 23 Diit A.fred A Lami. 1.60 Union St. In 3 Conflicts Werbol. 598 St Lrwll OlUfff V.u u.r uiiiar id? Eosurn Pkwy AME8ICAN LABOK PA1T lithnlit. Leon J.

Kllrman. 240 Oceon nh Dirt. Mil ichlffmin. 102 Tinkhiin Ave. 4th Dlst Irvlri Hohn.

547 BrOldwlf 74 Dl- 5th Diet. SRlvalore loriorici, mond St. ISthDist Jnpph A. De Marco, 2417 StUl- v.i. m.t J4 Putnim Ave.

tarn stinier Steingut, 7M Eaitorn Enklea Read! ClaopW Wlthlo a Wknl tovigt! Preildinllil Eiaotorl for Praudont and Vice-Pretldent Vincent Hallinan. Rcssi. Calif. Y. O.

Chirlottt A Sail. S2 W. 124th St United statei senator Corllis Lamont, 450 Riverside Dr N. Y. C.

John Foster Dulles, chief G. O. P. foreign policy adviser, last night charged that the United States was guilty of "contributory negligence" in World Wars I and II as well as the Korean conflict. Speaking at a dinner of the Roosevelt Memorial Association in Theodore Roosevelt House, 28 E.

28th Manhate tan, Dulles scored the "war Presidents" who took over after President Theodore Roosevelt left the White House in 1909. He extolled Roosevelt as a man who succeeded In keeping peace and pointed out three of his successors have have failed. Awarded the Roosevelt Distinguished Service Medal along with Dulles was Fairfield Os-born, president of the New York Zoological Society. Juiticei of tha auprom CTourt. 2nd Dist.

Ralph Shapiro. 1411 New York Av Bklyn. Oloria Agrln. 297 Lenox Bkiyn. Juttlco of tht City Court Samuel Panzer, M0 New York Ave.

Justice tht Municipal Court, 6th Diit. Oeorie Plih. 1031 28th St. Representative In Congress 8th Dlst. Beny Shor.

213 Union Ave. 8th Diit- Helen wuhnofiky, 611 Wllltuu Ave 11th Diit. Terry Koaonbaum. Ml Oration St. 12th Diat.

Clifford T. McAvoy, 144 Willow St. 13th Dial. Abraham Beacher. 1706 19t 14th Dial.

Charlea Ce-flero, 2636 w. S2nd Diit Jean Mtlltean. 6623 R.dn Blvd. State Senator 8th Dist. Jesus Colon.

482 Pacific St Ith Diet Leonard T. Benedetto. 12 Cedar St- 10th DIM. Wiillim podell, 2156 Linden Blvd 12th Dial. Blineh K.

Km. 490 I. 17th St 13th Diet. Willaballt Orlce. S31 Hicki St 14th Out.

Princei Stirauat. 6502 14th Ave. 18lh Dllt. SlUl Budel. 371 Neptune Av 16th DIM.

MichMl Wollin. 103 Rockaway Pkwy. Member or Aammbly lit Dlst. Sally Bloom. 37 55th St.

2nd Dist. Henry L. Klein. 1554 Ocean Ave. 3rd Dist.

John Dolan. 440 Clinton S'. 8th Dist. Hlttie Briabano. 654A Hilary St 6th Dlat.

Philip L. Johnson. 190 Kosciusko St. Tth Dlat Joseph C. Navarri, 1138 58th St 8th Dlat.

Vincent Cono. 287 Carroll St flth niaf John Piradlia. 466 88th St plcwy. loth Dit. Robrrt 8.

Ill JOth Dirt Peter A Pimlicoul. f7 Stoji- hope St. Diit lrvini Kombium 2015 Posfrr Ar 22nd Out. Donild I Clanef. IIS Loom St.

23rd Disi. Jack De Cum. 292A Howard Ave 34th Diit. Sidnm Schneidor, 482 Bern-man St. DCMOCBATIC PASTY tmblen rlo-PolnteS Star President 4l Ilettori for President and Vice-President Adlll B.

Stevenson. 111. dohn J. fiDirkmsn, Hunlsville. Ala.

United Sto'ei Senator John Cishmore. 90 8th Ave. Justices of the Supreme Court. 2nd Disl Henry Martuscella, 393 Clinton St. Thomas E.

Mornssey. 1101 Lorimer at. Benjamin Brenner. 1S1 Linham St. Justice of the CitJ Court Jacob Schwartiaaid.

201 Eastern Tt-T Justice of the Municipal Court, tth plat. Murrar H. Peariman. 45 Hawthornt St. Reureeniative In Conereu SthDist.

Lcun B. Heller, 595 Wlllouthbl Ave SthDist. Euntne Koogh. 127 HMI- cock St. 10th Dlst.

Ednn Kelly. 1247 Carroll St. 11th Dlst. Emanuel Cel.e-. 9 Prospect 12th Dist.

L. O'Toole. 152 Proipoct 13th Dlst. Aitr-hn'm J. Mutter.

JlrT I. 8t John J. Ronner. 217 Comreii 8t. ISthDiit.

James Murphy. 1 Park Ln. Sta'on Is. Si'e 8Bnator SthDist. Thftnas Oiiite.

94 Deort 8t 9th Dist. Hirrr Oittleson. 20! Rnebllna S. 10th Dist. Herbert I Sorin, 387 Sriford 8' 11th Dlst Fred O.

MoTitt. 751 St. Marki Ave 12th Dist. Samuil Oreenberl. 1178 CK-fan Ave 13th Din.

Pure S42 60th St. 14th Dist. Mer-o VI. De Optltll. 7614 TV TO NIGHT I Do Republicans offer anything MEW? 10th Dlat.

Jon Oiboyoaui. 95 Lawrence St 11th Dlat. Edward Oent. 419 Ave 11th Dial. Sidney itomaan, li weoiter Ave 13th DUt.

Seymour Terry, 3641 Moatrand Ave. 14th Dial. Lull 374 So tl St. 18th Dlat. Helen Fichtenbtum.

218 stilts Walk 16th Dlat. Jftieph Cippidona. 1734 13th A St. 7fl Dlat. Jimoa 1439 Dean St ejjv lath ntBt neraid Root 276 Kineston Av Friedman, 1094 I 4th; uth Dlat.

Irvtnt Yichnei 1362 41th St. 15th Dist. I.nuis L. 30th Dllt. Mirnret Doorowonii.

tuna Madlaon St Jltt Dlat Ivelvn Brerner. 68 Tth St. Dlat. Anne Lifir'iiill. 476 Birber St.

tJrd DUt. Ce'he-ire B-ow 0hrn St. S4th Diit Adolph Albert 660 Heteman St. SOCIALIST WOE PASTY St 16th Dlst. Will am Roser.b.ltt, 134 Cor- PL Member of Assembly l.tH'l Mm Tureen.

S' 2nd Diss. dney Les-ine. 1305 1 lth St. 3rd Dist. Vur en 82 Pioneer St 4 hDIlt Bernard Austin.

500 Bedford Ave. hOivl Harry Mnrr. 274 Mac Doutel 8t John Rvan. 355 Clinton Ave. 7ihDiM.

loun Ka)ih 4001 th Ave. Rrh Dist Pr.nk Compnslo 1701 1 1th Avo hDist Edward Hart 87:8 Sldie Blvd 10- Tvavers t. Devlin 364 PL 11- hDist Eueene Banniaan, 13S Uaplo 12'hD'l. Herbert Samuels.

239 I. 3rd 8t. 13th Lawrence P. Murphy.

4401 Plat- Ave 14'hDist. Edwards Lentol. 211 So 2nd St. 15th Dist. Jnhn Smolenski.

1044 Ave. NSthDlst Prank Pino. 1B5 Srd St. 17th Bertram L. Baker, 399 Jeffir-sun Ave 18.h Dist.

P-tnley Steingut, 706 Ratvom Pkwy. PliilipJ Sehupter. 1262 80th 8t SflthDi't. Joseph Corso. '571 De Ka'ib 31t Dis' Thomas A Dwyer 55! 23rd St.

Dist inyJ T-avi. H8 Jerome St. 23- Dist A Larrn. union St. 24- Ben Wei be).

58 Powell St Come fat It Through Its Races! Right now, at your Dodge dealer's, there's a sleek Power Packed Beauty that is just waiting for you to get behind the wheel and take a "Road Test" ride. Come drive it today! You'll discover a new kind of car, built for action and tailored to the needs of active, on-the-go Americans. It will open your eyes. 8pcificaHon and Equipment moui lo etaityt wifAoul nortee. JAMES A.

FARLEY ImbUa-Olebe WUb Streak tf Liihtntni Prtaidmtlal Elector! for Preiident and Vice-President Parrell Dobbs. 92 Jane St Myra Tanner Weis. 1653 Lonawood Loa Anaelea calif United 8: ats Senator Michael BarteiLjzos 17th NYC INDt'STSIAL GOVERNMENT PARTY Sh How "Snugi Down" on Curve, and Comers! LIBERTY PARTY New "Stabilizer" suspension tames side -sway. Center of gravity has been lowered chassis redesigned for better control and maneuverability. Dodge for '53 is a truly great road car, ready to take you where your active life demands with extra comfort and safety.

Thrill to Its Surging V-Eight Powirl When you nudge the accelerator, you feel tha eager and instant response of tht most efficient engine design in any American carl This new Red Ram V-Eight is alive with power. It makes you the master of hill and highway, with a magnificent reserve of acceleration at Emblem- Arm With Rammer A Presidential Electors for President and Vice-President Eric Hilt. 11 Cliff St Y. C. Stephen Emery.

61 Cliff Bt T. C. United Statea Senator Na'han Karp. 104-23 202d St Hollla NEW 140 RED RAM V-8 your command whenever you need it! SOCIALIST PASTE Etableaa Liberty Bell Prendentiil Elector! for PreildlM nd Vice-President E. Biev.nson.

Libertyvillt, IU. John J. Sparkman. Hunwvtlit. Aift.

United Slates Senator George 8 Counts. 501 W. 120th St Y. Justices of rhe Supreme Court. 2nd Dis- Henrv Martusceilu.

393 Clinton St Thomas Morrisses. 1101 Lorimer St. Benjamin Brenner. Lauahim St. Justice of the Court Maurice Bernhardt.

Carioil St. Juatlce of the Munic.pal Court, 6th Dl: Murray M. 45 Hawthorne St. Gov.

VAL PETERSON OF NEBRASKA New "Beauty Action" Styling Steals the Show I VfeV Jet Air-Flow Hood feedi air to engine, booits performance rVfUy Pilot-View Curved Windihield and wrop-around rear window Hew Cargo-Carrier Rear Deck up to 1 1 cu. ft. mors room New Travel-iounge Matt that combat fatigue Emblem Aral With Torek Pre-aidontlal KeotAra for Preiident and Vice-Preeldent Kpresn' s.ui..i-: tth Dlat. I.oilll B. Hailer, 595 Wiilouthby Darllnaton Hoopei.

Readinf. Pa iSamuel Friedman. 201 19th St. united Stafea senator JoiepA O-aaa 3321 166th Push-mi, 4)ueens. Discover Its Nimble Change of Pace I New Gyro-Torque Drive harnesses the power of the Red Ram V-Eight to bring you the nimblest no-shift driving you've ever known.

And juat wait till you try ths "Scat" gear for passing! CkwuiuW tat aaww enir.i.Mat leer PEOPLES SIGHTS PASTY BATTLE PAGE OF THE Alii" CHANNEL 11 WPIX-9PM Brought to you by fhn DAILY NEWS Ave th Diat. Eugene J. Kaoih. 124 Han-: cock St. 10-h Edm Kelly.

1247 Csrrol. St 1 th Dllt. Eminuel OelW. I Proipea 12th Dllt. Donald L.

Toolt, 188 Proipoct Pk 13th DIM. Abraham 1. Multer, 1317 21st 8U 14th Diat. John J. Rooney.

217 Cona reM St 15ihDiit. James Murphy. I Park Lane Btaien la. Stat Senator ith Dlat. Thome Culte.

94 Dean Bt Ith Diat Harry Olttleeon. 201 Roebllnl 10th Dlst. Herbert 1 S-irln. 387 Bradford lllhDlit. Fred Morltl.

751 St. MaTks Ave 12th Diat Simuel Oreenben, 1375 fcean Ate 13th Dist John Furey. 542 40th Bt 14th Dist. Mario De Opwll. 7814 20th Ave 15-hDist Loui Friedman.

2094 T. 4 St. 16th Dist. William Rosenblatt. 134 Cor-kin PI Member of Assembly "It Dllt.

Hll Turshen. 1192 1 40-h and Dist. Sidney Levlne. 1305 19-h 3rd Dist Vsr.uel CO'dova 182 Amity St. 4fJl P'st Brmrd Auitm.

50O Bedford Ar 5tn Dtat. Harry Mn 247 Mac Douiai St. tm Diat. Jobs J. Kyis, 5A CUntoo An.

I ROAD TEST VDSDT YOUR -DODGE DEALER TODAY at I.lbcrtv antt Rprsfniri! Controls, Dm I. man frrmn HHt.0 iflth Ar Bklni I in rosTt m. jo it. rtrwi,.

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