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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 15

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 15

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


CORPORATION NOTICES. FOREST Ml HS II BILLIARD TOURNEY Mr. Davis added. July may be all right for a few of the Eastern cracks who practically play all the year around, but August would suit the majority of the Western golfers much better. If the Western Golf Association can find no other way out of the difficulty It might alter tho Western amateur date to later In the season, even if the Glen Echo course is at that time a trirte less green than In July.

W. K. Wood, the Chicagoan. who did bo well last week iu the I'lnehurst tournament, and Alexander Ross, the professional, won first prize in the best ball Scotch foursomes of the Columbia' Golf Club's open tournament at Washington. Their morning card was 6S and afternoon 60.

making 137. The second card was ten strokes worse. Other leading scores follow: IJon.ild Hall. Philadelphia C. professional, and T.

M. Sherman. L'tlca. 72. 7o 147: Bernard Nlrholls.

H.illvwoml. profi'ssinnal, and Hamilton. Knalew.wd. 7.i. 74147; Alex smith.

Nassau, profi'ssioltal. and IJr. le T. Hurban, Columbia. 77 Isaac MaiKie.

Fox Hills. Kred Kkwanoh. 75, 76 lf.1: Donald Oakley, piolessional, and C. I. Becker, Oakley.

Ts Hi. COBPORATION NOTICES. easterly ldo of Rogers avenue; running thence northerly and along the easterly slue of Roger. avenue to tlie point or place of beginning. Fourth That our report herein wll) presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State, of New York, Second Department, at a Special Term thereof for the beat lug of motions to be held in ihe- Count Court House in the Borough of Brooklyn.

In The City of New Y'ork. on the STith day of UmiJ. at the opening of the court on that day. Dated. Borough -f Brooklvn, The City of New York, March lwti.

JOHN K. NEM S. S. Tl'TII I LL, Commissioners. Jas.

F. Qiligiey, Clerk. 13 fit osu NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, SECOND DFJ-I'A I'M HNT- In the mutter of the application of The City or New York, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tenements ami hereditament i''-OUlred for the purport of opening WEST THIRTEENTH STREET between EiKhty-wtxth Hlre-'t and Cravesend Basin, in tho Thirty-first Wind. In the Horounh of Brooklvn of The City of New York, a- the same lias been heretofore laid out. We.

the undersigned, CoiiiniUsloners of Estimate, and Assessment in the above entitled itler. h-reby give notice to all persons intenteii in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, occupant cccupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others h. it may concern, to wit: First That we I1.1v.' ompleted our estimate and assessment and that all persons intercsaed In this proceeding or in anv of the tenements and hereditaments and premiss affected thereby and having object i.ei 1 hereto, do present their pa Id n-i in writing, duly veiilled. to us at our office In the nfflce ot the Law Department.

No IHri Moiltnmie street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, ill The Cltv of New York, on or before the 1Mb duy of April, VMM. am! that we. the said Oninmiflsl. 11-em, will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said dlKe 011 the Iflth dav or April, 1 at 4 o'clock M. Second-That tho abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our dainase and benefit maps, and nl all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents by ii" iu making our report have been depos-Hed in the Bureau of Stieet Openings of ihe Law Department of The City of New York, in tile Bonumh of Brooklyn.

MB Montague street. In the Borough of Brook-lvn. In The Cjtv of New York, there to remain until the day of April, lrviil. Third-Thai the limits of our nwnipnt for benefit include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises, si mate. lydiK and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New Y'ork which, tnkep together, are bounded and described as follows, Beginning at a point in the southerly side of Eighty-sixth street where the said southerly side of Eight y-slxl street Is Intersected bv the central line of the block between West Thirteenth street and Still-well avenue; running thence southerly and along the center line of block between West Thirteenth street und Ptllhvell avenue to a point pouth of Hubbard's Creek, which point Is located wheie 11 prolongation of the northerly side of (iraveseud Basin would Intersect the center line nf the block between West Thirteenth street and Stillwell avenue; running thence easterly and along said prolongation and the northerly side of Gravesend Basin to a point where the center line of the block between West Thirteenth street and West Twelfth street intersects the northerly side of Gravesend Basin running 1 hence northerly and along the center tine of the hoek between West Twelfth street and West Thirteenth street to Its Inersectton with Ihe southerly s-ide of Eighty-sixth street running thence northwesterly and along the southerly side of Eighty-sixth street to the point or place nf beginning.

Fourth That our report herein will he presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the Stftto of New Y'ork. Second Department, at a Special Term thereof for Hie hearing of motions, to be held In the County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn. In The City of New York, on the day of June. IfWK. at the opening of the court on that day.

Dated Borough of Biooklvn. The City of New York. Marth 1916. HENRY B. KETCH A M.


F. Qulglev. Clerk. all Tt own COEPOHATION NOTICES. "ViKViciTTT'YuK 1 F.

1 Ol' rTSYv I't'Crli OF BRtiOKLVN. ROOM No MUNICIPAL lb Utni itH or BKOuKl-YN. Till: CITY OF KW YORK. BIDS OR KST1M ATKS W1U. UK Hb iiy the President of tliL Woivnish of Brooklyn at thp ah, olNVe iit lov-k A M.

oil AI'HII. an. JtKHI. NO. 1.

FOR FFRNISHlNtt ALL TDK UAROR A ATHKI A LS I KU ON-STRCCTiNi. Kit IN I Xt RT 1 ST STRKBT. FROM SKVKXTH AVKNLL YU NEW LTKKCHT AVKNT.K. Tiie Engineer's estimate of the quanikles is as fallows; firt linear fet IS-inch nip linear ffet M-inch olin-Mt linear fet 12-inch PU M'vwr. 2-t manhole.

4 iM'wer i'Uwins. 2.Cvi f.P foundation plnnkmK. Tho time allowed for the cniiil-Mli'ii of Hie n-ttrk and full performance of ihe contract is tu woikiiiK days. The amount of security requited is Six Thousand OoUais. NO 2.

FOR FURNISHING AM, THR L.A ROn A 1 A A LS RE(jUlRLI FO C( i -STRl'CTiNG IN 1 RV1 A NUB, FRi HALS STREET TO PUTNAM AVK-N I E. The Engineer's estimate of the Quantities Is as fol.ows: KMhnatr 2' linear feet 36-inch sewer. Sertinn A. linear feet IS-inch pipe sencr. linear feet w-ilMl pipe sewer.

mahhob-a. 11 9fwer basins. S.ltt lei li. foundation Estimate I'l linear feet 30-inrh feci B. 1.04't linear feet 1-Itlfh pine sewer.

linear feet IS-inch pipe sower. manholefi. 12 ewer basins. t-iu feet, B. fmindtion planking.

Estimate 'i." linear ft 3o-inch sower, Section C. l.fM'i linear feet IVineh pipe sewer. luirHi- feet 10-tnch plju? seuer. 1 nianh'den. 1' tiftt'iT bftHlllK.

ftet. tr.imflatinn plar.kine Tlie timt allowed for the completion of th work und full periormance of tho contract is to working dav. The amount of security required If Five Thousand loIlarn No J. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LAROR AND MATKRIALS RIOQI'IRED FOR CONSTRUCTING IN DECATUR STREKT. FROM KNICKERRfM'KER AVENUE TO ROR-Ol'lill LINE (F yt'EIJNS, WITH A OI'TLRT SFiWER IN DECATI'R WJ'HKET, FROM KNICKERBOCKER AVENUE TO HAMBURG AVB-NCM The Kugineer'e estimate of the quantities Is as follows "2.1 llnear't'eet lS-lnch plp cevver S7S linear feet 12-liK'h pipe manholes.

1.301) feet. B. foundation planking. The time allowed for the completion of ihe work and full performance of the contract Is working days. The amount of security required Is Two Thousand Five Hundred I m.


The Engineer's entimate of tlie tiuautitiea Is as follows: 721 linear feet 18-lnrh pipe sewer. 7 manholes. 1 pewer bastn. 850 feet. P.

foundation planking. 2 sewer basins reconnected. The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract Is 3u working days. The amount of security inquired Is Two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars No 5 FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LAROR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR ON-STRUCTI NG SEWER IN El It FIE LI I STREET. FT WHEN KNICKERBOCKER AVENUE AND THE BOUNDARY LINE RKTWBEN THE BOROUGHS- OF BROOKLYN AND UEENS.

The Hngineer's estimate of the quantities li at follows: 120 linear feet 1.1-inch pipe pewer. 701 linear feet 12-inch pipe sewer. 9 manholes. 1.100 feet, B. foundation planking.

The time allowed for th conip'etion of the work and full performance of the contract Is working day. The amount of security required Is Two Thousand Dollars. No FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LAROR AND MA ER 1 A LS ICQ IR CONSTRUCTING SEWER IN NINETY-SEVENTH STREET. FROM SHORIi ROAD TO MARINE AVHNUH. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities li as follows: 41 linenr feet 18-inch pipe sewer.

627 linear feet 10-inch pipti sewer. 7 manholes. S00 feet. li. foundation planking.

The time allowed for the enmpletlon of the work and full performance of the contract Is 30 working days. The amount of security required (b Two Thousand Dollars. No. 7. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTING SEWER IN FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET.

FROM FOURTEENTH AVENUE TO FIFTEENTH AVENUE. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows: 4f linear feet 15-inch plpo sewer. 700 linear fet 12-lncli pipe fewer. ft manholes. Jtno feet, B.

foundation planking. The time allowed for the completion of tlie work and full performance of the. contract Is 80 working dnys. The amount of security required Is One Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars. No 8.

FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND MATERIA LS It Kg I IR CO N-HTHUCTING SEWER IN EIGHTY-FOURTH STREET. FROM FIRST AVENUE TO SECOND AVENUE. Several Changes Made in ficers for the Coming Busy Season, Of- WOOD AGAIN A WINNER. Disgust Universal Ovc the Conflicts of Important Dates East and West. Sevprnl changes in officers vvre made last night at the annual meeting of the Forest Park Golf Club, held at' the ClaVendon The most important, perhnpa.

Is the advancing of Charles H. Burk from the secretaryship to the vice presidency. W. D. Williams will fill the vacancy thus created.

J. A. Niehol was chosen president and James W. Kent, treasury. The governors chosen ere: James V.

KentxH. P. KiJd and George G. Baxter. The reports foreshadow an exceptionally active year.

Now that the verge of the golfing season has been reached and repi rts of overlapping dates arc pourinn la, players ai beginning to realize the nicss that has been made by the independent action of the constantly increasing sectional organizations. An alarm bell was sounded In this and other columns Bix weeks ago, but every association seems anxious to demonstrate that it is abundantly able to tuko care of itself. J. C. Davis, of Chicago, in summing up the situation, said yesterday "Catering 'to the schoolboys and the St.

fouis climate has brought the Western Golf Association into a position which is arousing criticism from both Eastern and Western players. Originally the Western amateur championship was set lor the week of June 18 at the Glen Echo Club, of St. Louis. This early date brought criticism from many Western players, as it left them little time to get Into mid-season form. This was supplemented by a kick from some of tho youngsters now at Eastern universities, who did not desire to come West until after the Harvard-Yale boat races.

The oriicers of the Western Golf Association accordingly put the tournament into the week of July 2, presumably not caring to book it later in the season on account of objections lodged by Colonel George S. McGrew, president of the Glen Echo Club. The week of Independence Day seems to be a most unfortunate selection. Apart from the fact July 4 is a gala day for all clubs, there is a far more serious objection in that the national amateur championship is set for the following week at the Englewood Golf Club. "Much has been written about the strain big championships and now, under the present arrangement, the leading players of the West are asked to take part in the two leading amateur tournaments of the year In consecutive weeks.

It means for those ho last through the week at Glen Echo a jump on Sunday from St. Louis to New York and then with 'one day's interval a plunge Into the qualifying round of the national vent. Dr. D. P.

Fredericks of the Oil Cltv Golf flub says he doubts If the Western Pennsylvania players will appear at Glen Echo. The liate chosen also conflicts with the Canadian championship, while players In states comprising the Trausmlssisslppi league are complaining of the early date. As tho Eastern players will be getting in trim for the national championship the chances of getting good representation for the Olympic cup contest look to be remarkably slim. Much of the trouble seems to arise from Ihe early date selected for the national event. LEGAL NOTICES.

"COURT, LNGS COUNT Y-ES-telle Osborne, plaintiff, against Robert V. Nieh-ols ct a defendants. (Action No. 1.) Pursuant to an InuTiotntory judgment of partition 111 id mi le, duly made ami entered in the above entitled action on ihe duy of April, the undersigned, the refereo named In tho interlocutory judgment, will sell at public auction at the Real Estate Exchange salesrooms. D'l street.

Bi. rough of Brooklyn, County of Kings. New York, on tne 3d day of May. Hi o'. lock, noon, of that day.

by William H. Smith, auctioneer, the premises directed by said interlocutory jiiuKno nt to be sold and therein de-aeribed as follows: that certain Jot, piece or pared of i.m-I ituate. lying and bHng in tho Nineteenth -if the City of Brooklyn fnow the ugh of Brooklvnt, Cunty of Kings, and Stitte of New York, known an' I designated on map file in the of the Register of Kings) County. "Map of property in the Seventh Ward of the City of Br -i klyn. hMongmg to tlr estate of A.

deceased. ft lot number 26 (twenty-six)." described as follows: B.glnntng nt a point on th northerly side of avenue, distant forty-six feet five inches easterly fr in the nort easterly corner of PI vision avenue and Nlnt street fnow called Rodney ptri-tt and running thence easterly along; I'lvisioti avenue twenty-five feet to lot numh-r 1 Uwenty-fhe) on said map; thence northerly along he line of 5a id lot number (2.1) and at right angles to Ninth street mow called Rodney street or nearly so, on hundred and one feet seven In dies the uld boundary line between tho former vll lag. and 1 Tty of Will ia mburgh. and the Cltv of Brooklyn; westerly along tho said boundary lito- Hventy-tlve feet to the westerly lir.e of sniil lot number and th. tico southerlv one hundred and one feet to th place of beginning Hated.

Brooklyn. Nuw York. April li, IH1. JAME- T. WILLIAMSON.

Referes. Williams Caldwell, Attorneys for Pl.uiuiff. 31 Liberty Street. New York City. N.

Y. aI1 7t sr ItEMTP corirr. 1 co telle Osborne, plaintiff, acaimt Robert Nichols, ct a is. defendants 1 Aetioii No 2i. Pursuant to an Iiiterlorutorv Judgment of partition and sale, dulv made and enter, in Hi- uboe entitled notion on the dav of April I.

undesigned, the referee named tn the aid interlocutory ju ipmei t. will el at public at tlv Rr.u Estate Exchange salcsiro.itii', s' Montague street. Borough of Brooklyn, futility of New York, on Ihe day of May. PViti. at 1 2 o'clock noon of that dav.

by William H. Smith, auctioneer, the premises directed bv said interlocutory Judgment to he sold, and I herein described (ls fniuw: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lyinff and behiK in tin' Nineteenth Ward of the City of Brooklvn (now the Borough of Brooklyn), County of Klngi. Citv and State of New York, known, and deslgnaled on a map on Hie in the office of i he Register of Kings 1 'ountv, entitled mup of properiv In Hie Seventh Ward of the City of Brooklyn, belonging to tlie estate nf Abraham A. Jiceased, tlie westerly half part of lot nu 111 her 'X (twenty -five), described as follows: Beginning at.

a point on the northerly side of I'd-visioii avenue, distant seventy-one feet five. Indies easterly from the northeasterly corner of IMvla-toti avtnue and Ninth street mow called Rodney street), and running thenec easterly along Division avenue twelve feet six inches; thence northerly nt right angles or nearly so to Division avenue and parallel with Hie westerly line of said lot number 1 twenty-flvi-i. one hundred and one feet eleven Inches to the boundary line between the former Villi. ye and City of Wlllinrnsburgh and the City uf Brooklyn; theme westterly along said boundary line twelve feet six Inches to lot num-her jh on sail map, and thence southerly along said last mentioned lot one hundred and one feet seven Inches to ihe place of beginnl ng. Dated Brooklvn.

New York. April fi. lf'H. JAMES T. WILLIAMSON, Referee.

Williams Caldwell. Attorneys for Plaintiff 31 Liberty street. New York City. N. Y.

nil PCRSCANT TO THH AUTHORITY CON-f erred on me in and by the lata will and testament r.r JOHN Ml'LLER, late of the Borough of Hr.inklyn, County of Kings. City of New York, de-ceastil. which last will and testament was duly ndimtrcd to probate by the Surrogate ot the County of Kings, on the 23d day of June, I will sell at public auction, at No. 46 Blond way. in iho Borough of Brooklyn, through Taylor Fox, auctioneers, on the 17th day of April.

190B, at twelve o'clock, noon, the following described pn-nilsfM: All that certuln lot, piece or paicel of land, with the buildings and Improvement thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Ctty and State of New Y'ork, bounded and described ns follows, to wll: Beginning at a ioint on the northerly Hids of Wa Mahout street, distant two bundled and twenty-tlvB feet easterly from tho north- -easterly coiner of Ilarriwon avenuo and Wallahout street, running thence northerly parallel with Harrison avenue one hundred tlOO) feet; theme easterly and parallel with YVallabout street twenty-live '(20) feet; thence southerly and again parallel with irrlHoii avenue one hundred (100) feet to thw nnrtheily ida of Wall about street, and iheiui westerly along said northerly ale nf Wallubout street twenty-five (2f.) feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated, the Htli day of November, 1305. JOSEPH BAUER, Kxecutor. Herman 9. Raohrach.

Attorney for Kxecutor, CM Broadway, Bn.oklyn. N. Y. mh27 aw SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY WlL-L-iam Hunt, plaintiff, against Ellen C. Sweet, defendant In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and ule made and entered in the above entitled action, dated the I enty-ninth day of March, pjyti, I will sull at public auction to Ihe highest bidder, by (ic.nrgu Herrmann, auctioneer, at the 'on my Court House, In the Borough of Brooklyn, '-'utility of Kings, on the twenty-fifth day of April.

IWlfi, at twelve o'clock, noon, the lands in said judgment mentioned, and therein described us follows: All that certain plot, pi Jo or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In Jo lhlrtleth Ward of the Borough of ilrooklyn, Cuy and State of New Y'ork, bounded and deucribod as follows. Beginning at a point on the southeast ld of Bay Tenth street, which point is distant feet northeast from tho corner formed bv the intersection of the southeast side of Bay Tenth street with the northeast side of Bath avetuu', and running thence southeast and parallel with Bath avenue, ninety-six feet eight Inches; tlienc northeast and parallel with Bay Tenth street, tweniy feet; thence northwest and again parallel with Bath avenuo ninety-six feet eight Inches, to the southeast side of Bay Tenth street: thence southwest along said southeast side of Bay Tenth street, twenty feet to the point vr place of beginning, heing the same premises con-veved by John and ife to Ellen Swet, by deed dated October 19th, HM, and rs- -cordtd October K4. at 10 o'eb-ck mid twenty-blx minutes A. -Dated April 3d. VJW.

MICHAEL J. FLAHERTY. Sheriff of Kings County. Francis P. Turner, plaintiff's attorney.

2l Broad street New York "lty. N. Y. a3 Schaefer Makes an Average of 31; Slosson Gets High Run of 153. STUDENT WINS UPHILL BATTLE Apparently Beaten by Morningstar, He Slakes a Sensational Finish.

Cutler's Fine Playing. Billiards, lS-karat fine, was the order at Madison Square Gurdeu yesterday and last night. Jake Schaefer proved beyond doubt that he is a wizard with the cue. His play in the evening against A. G.

Cutler, of Boa- ton, was brilliant as Schaefer without doubt the moat versa tile player in tho tourney. He is never non plused, sizes up his shot and the after effects with remarkable foresight. His knowledge of the game is supreme, and he puts that knowledge to the tip of hie cue quickly and perfectly. Masses, draws, three-cushiou all look alike to him. He judges Jis tances to the fraction of an inch.

Last night be brought the spheres together through tho use of kisses, after his shot had been made, a thing that only tho most expert eye could begin to figure out. Several times ho had to confront sluiatlonHi where his cue ball was frozen, but that did not stop him from mak ing apparently impossible masses. Schuefcr started the game by working the globules all the way around the table, going a foot at a time, until he had made Ma caronis on every rail. Ho hung up 52. Then he hud the balls running again iu the next inning, and he toyed with them in tno ecu tor of the table, making six or seven caroms before his cue ball was forced to go betwe the two object balls.

Then a shot to the cushion would bring them together again and the same scoring start in. Thus he tallied He slipped up for the century on an easy half-draw. For a while he averaged 50 and 60 points, but a couple of bad Inning with goose eggs stopped him. The record average at the game is supposed to be 35, made by Schaefer some years ngo. Had tho "Wizard" not had those two or three bad timings he would certainly have beaten that mark.

As it was, he averaged over 31. which is better by 10 points than anything shown in the tourney to date. Hie high run was 124. In (he meantime Cutler was also displaying nerve and ability. In faet, his average of 24 was higher lhan any man in the tourney before him.

and it is a question whether he would not have beaten some of the other players of the first class. Schaefer soon found out that the Boston man was not a toy, and he played his best billiards right through the game. He remarked to Tom Gallagher when Cutler was making his run of til: "He is either playing his head on? or he is a far bettor man than I thought." Cutler is without that finesse and Judgment of distance that Schaefer possesses, but he plugs along on straight billiards and takes all sorts of chances. He certainly showed that with more experience he will be in the foremost rank eventually. Slosson also distigulshed himself in the afternoon, thereby giving the old school players all the honors of the day.

He showed the most remarkable nerve when he was apparently badly beaten by Morningstar. He had liard work in getting the balls to roll right, and for fourteen innings played without getting a double figure, his average being three The knowing ones wagged their heads and gave the game to Morningstar. claiming that Slosson was having an off day. He had 213 when Morningstar was credited with 3B0. Then the experience of the old timer began to tell.

He ran 1G3 and 108 in quick succession, which undid all the mischief, for his opponent only tallied 26 In the same period. Slosson ran out the game two innings later with 25, and was showered with congratulations on bis great rally. This afternoon Hoppe is playing Morningstar and this evening Sutton am. Cure will measure cues. The scores follow: AFTERNOON GAMK, SlosKon-0 ft 4 1 7 9 1 2 5 1 8 0 4 1 16 0 40 33 0 20 ",1 4 ft 0 2rt f) 2 ln.1 108 23.

Totnl, iOO. Aver-aifP. l.i 2-32. High runs. 153, 108.

40. MornliiRstar-!) 0 0 14 1 4S 1ft 3 60 2 4 15 12 0 9 13 3S 630 21 4473060 26 02. Total. 3SS. Average, IS 16-31.

High runs. 60. 48. 26. RV 15 NINO (JAM K.

pfhaeffr-0 F2 99 35 0 16 51 4 29 3 0 49 29 124 1 8. Total, MO. Average. 31 4-16. High runs.

1:4, 91'. 52 .11. Cutter 13 6 3 3ft 0 34 37 13 fit 0 5 47 23 IJ. Total. 36ti.

Average, 24 High runs, 61. ij, The standing to date follows: J-'uhiir Works, tlie Borough cf Brooklyn. I loom Jo. Municipal Building. Borough of Brooklti.

BIRD a. L'OLER, I'n-Kldenl. Dated April 6. ai; Ml osu IT Nee tieneral I iim! vttvt Ions lo Riil-drs, ttt foot uf column last Utue tit iIiIh np(r. i i.

THE PI EsTdE MMIK TEE BOR-oueh of Brookljn, Room 15. Municipal BuiUl-ing, Borough of Rrooklvn The Cltv of New York. SEALED BIDS. OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by thy President of the Uoroiinh of Br'ukiii at ihb above oflice until 11 o'clock A.M.. L.n APRIL r.

UHMi. j. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING HARD a Tot LS A Ml fit 'EL I A Ei sl'PI'LIEs FOB THE BI'REAU OF SEWEKS. BiBOUGH OF BROOKLYN The tunc for the delivery of the material and supplier and full perfoi tnance the contract is thirty dnn. Tlie amount of security required will be Eight Huntlred Dollars.

The bidder will state the price of each Rem or article contained in the specifications or schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, per pound, dozen, each, per keg. foot, pair, piece, yard or other unit of measure, by which the bids will be te-ud. The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each contract. Delivery will required to be made at the time and in the manner and in such quantities as may be directed. Blank forms and further Information may be obtained anil the plar.y and drawing may oeen Rt the office of the Assistant Commise ioner of l-uhllo the Borough of Brooklvn Room No.

1. Municipal BuRding Borough of Brooklyn. BIRD S. COLER. Preptdeiit.

Dated April 3, iPOfi. al lot osu trr Sec Grnrrnl Instrnotlnns tn Hid-nt nt 'ulumii, lust pafte of tliin itiir. SUPREME COl-RT. KINGS COUNTY-IN THE ot title by The City of New oik to certain hui'is and premises situated at the Roiiihensie, ly of HEliKlMER STREET and NEW YORK AVENUE, in the Borough of Brooklyn, duly selected as a situ for school purposes according to law N.tlce In tvrtby given lint bv an order of the Mi reme Court nf the state of New York, bearing date April It), lyflfi, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on Apill Joseph M. Cognn.

Arthur Someis anti John Brennan were apjiolnted Commissioners of Estimate and Appraisal in tliu above entitled pro ceeding. Notice is further given that, pursuant to tho provisions of said order, and pursuant to Ihe statute In such case made and provided, tlie said Commissioners 0 nominated will attend at Special Term of the Supreme Court fur the hearing of motions, to be held at the County Court House in th County of Kings (tn April ili. at 10:30 o'clock In the fororionn for the purpose of being examined under oath by Hie Corporation Counsel of the City of New York, or by any poison having interest in said proceedings, as to I heir quttlihVafl ms to net ns Commissioners of Estimate- and Appruisul in thin proceeding. Dattd April 12, luti. JOHN J.

DELANY. Corporation Counsel. Rorough Hall, Rrooklyn. N. Y.

alJ PU osu NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNKlis! IN PURSUANCE Ol SECTION MIS OF TIIE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of the City of New Y'ork hereby gives public notice to all persons owners of property alfecte.l by the fallowing assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OK RROOLKYN: TWENTY-FOUHTH WARD. SECTION VIRGINIA PLACi-PAVING AND CURBING, Park place and Sterling place. Area of ausossment; Roth of Virginia place, from Park place to Sterling place, and to the extent of half the block at the Intersecting and terminating street. TWENTY-SIXTH YVAUD SECTION 12. PITKIN AVENL'E KFWKitS, from Bopkinson avenie to Ames street, and AMES STREET-fc-EWBR.

from Pitkin avenuo to Sutter avenue, and AM BOY STREET OUTLET SEWER, from Pitkin avenue to Sutter avenue. Area of assessment Both sidey of Ames street and Amboy ttreot, from Sutter avenue tn Fan New York avenue; south side of Eosl New York avenue and both sides of Pitkin avenue, Irotn Douglass street Hopklnson aveiuo. east Hide of, Douglass street, from East New Y'ork avenue lo PR kin avenue. TWENTY-ETC II Til WARD, SECTION II. 1 ERR it EU A VEM E-R Kt i ATI NO, GRADING.

PAVING. CUBBING AND LAYING CEMENT SIDEWALKS, from Putnam venue to Moffat street. Area of assessment: Both sides of Knickerbocker avenue, from the norlh sldo of Putnam avenue to Moffat street, ami to tlie extent of half the block at the Intersecting and terminating Kt reets and avenues. TWENTY-NINTH WARD, SECTION lfi. FOURTEENTH KTRKKT-PAVING between Beverley and Corteiyou rosds.

Area of assessment: Both sides of East Fourteenth street (Rugby roatl). from Corteiyou to Beverley rovd and to th extent of half the hloek at tlie intersecting and terminating streets and avenues. EAST EIGHTEENTH STRK ET PA VI AND RELAYING BRICK iHJTTERS. 1 elween Avinue and Nwwkirk avenue. Area, of assessment Both fides of Kast Eighteenth street, from Avenue (Dorchester road) to Newklrk avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the Intersecting and terminating streets and avenues.

THIRTIETH WARD. SECTION IR. LAYING CEMENT SIDEWALKS, on hut.i sides of FOURTH AVENUE, between Sixtieth and Sixty-second (streets; west Ride uf FOUIiTH AVENUE, between Sixty-second und Sixtv-thlrd Streets; both sides of FOURTH AVENUE, be-tween Sixty-third find Sixty-sixth stinets. Area of assessmont: Both sides of Fourth avenue, between Sixtieth and Sixty-second ftreets; west side of Fourth avenue, from Sixty-second to Stxty-thlrd street; both sides of Fourth avenue, between Sixty-third and Slxty-mxth slreeta. SEVENTY-SECOND STB ET REGULATING, GRADING.

PAVING AND CURBING, between Second and Third awnuea. Area of nsessnient Both sides of Seventy-second street, from Second avenue to Third avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting anu terminating avenues. that the same were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Ap-il 1 and entered April 10, IHuti. in the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collection uf Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for hem-tit of any person or prosny oe paid within artxty days from the dale of -said entry of the assessments Interest will be collected thereon as provided in section 101U ot the Greater New York Charter. Slid section provides In part that "Tf any such a t-se tinmen sht.H remain unjnld tor Lie pi rind 'f sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the fiid Record of Titles of Assessments it sha'l bu the duty of the oflicer authorized to collect and ree.elvo the amount of such assessments to collect and receive Interest therein at the rate ot per centum pr annum, to be calculated to the date of payment from the date when suidi assessments became liens, as provided by section Io9 of ihls act." 'Section 159 of this act provides "An assessment shall become a lien upon the v-al estato affected thereby ten days after ln entry in the said record." Tho nbovr- assessments are payable to 'he Collector of Assessments and Arrears at tlie.

Bureau for th Collection of AsissnienU and of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents In the Municipal Building. Borough of Brooklyn, between the hours of A.M. and P.M. ami on -tsturdiivs from 9 A.M. to 12 and all pay ments made theieon on or before June lUnii.

will be exempt from Interest as above provided and after that date will be subject lo a charge of Interest at the rate of seven pr centum per annum from Ihe date when such as ess men became liens to the datu of payment. HERMAN A. METZ. Comptroller. City of New YtrU, Department of Finance, Comptroller's Onh e.

April ltH'U. lil-12t ECO PA HTM NT. In the matter of the application of Tlie City of New York to acquire certain real estnte at MXSHAPEQUA, In the Towns of Hempstead and Oyster Bay. in the County of Nassau, for purposes of water supply. NOTICE IS HEREByThVEN THAT TIIE RE-port of Leandtr B.

Fa her, Charles F. Lewis and William Bennet the Commissioners of Appraisal appointed herein, was tiled in tlie olllce of the Clerk of the County of Nassau un the 2hth day of March, and that the said report will be. presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof for motions, to be held In and for the County of Kings, at the County Court House, in tho Borough ot Brooklyn. City of New York, on the 2d day of May, hilM. at the opening of the court on that day.

or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard. Dated March 28. JOHN DELANY. Corporation Counsel, Borough Hall. Brooklyn.

New York City. mhliO 4t NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. SECOND DEPARTMENT In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to th lands, tenements and hereditaments required for tlie purpose of opening AVENUE D. between Rogers avenue and East Thirty -fourth street, in the. Twenty-ninth Ward In the Borough Brooklyn of The City of New Yolk, U4 the same has been heretofore laid out.

We. the undersigned. Commissioners of Estimate and Assifci-ment in the above entitled matter hereby give notice to ail persons Interested in 'this proceeding, and to the owner or occupant or occupants of ail houses und lots and Improved and unimproved lands afl'e' t.d thereby, and tn all others whom it may concern, to wit: First That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons Interested in this I.roceedh.g. or in any of the land-, tenements and hereditaments and premises alfteted thereby, and having objection thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duiy vended, to us at our office in the oHb-e of the Law Department, No. Itifi Montague street.

In ihe Borough of Brooklyn in The Ciiy of New York, on 01 before the lMh dav nf April. and that we. the said Commissioners, will hear parties objecting, and lor that purpose will be In attendance at our said office on the 19th day of April. Ifud. al 3 clock P.M.

Second That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damaKe and benefit maps and also all the affidavits, estimate, proofs and other documents used by us In making our report, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings of the law Department of The Cltv of New York In the Borough of Brooklyn, No. 166 Montague street, in ihe Borough of Brooklyn in The city of New York, there to remain until the With day of April. 1POI. ThirdThat the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and promise situate, lying and being in the B1 rough of Brooklyn in The t.ity of New York, which, taken together, am bounded and described as follows, U. Beginning at a point on the easterly slcl of Rogers avenue, distant thre hundred and fifty feet northerly from the northerly side of Avenue running thence easterly and nt rliu angles to said Borers avenue and puralM with ftie northerly side of Avenue and distant tlme hundred anil fifty feet northerly therefrom Us interaction with the westerly side of East Thirty-fourth street; running thence southerly and along the westerly aide of East Thirty-fourth st reef to a point distant 3M) feetl throe hundred and Hfty feet southerly from tlie southerly side of Ae-rme running theme westerly and at right angles to East Thirty-fourth street and parallel with the southerly side of Avenue and distant 30i feet therefrom to it irUeisectlou with the AMATEUR AND SEMI-PROFESSIONAL BALL PLAYERS, ATTENTION! ATHLETIC FIELD IN BROOKLYN.

Public Schools Leaguo Considering a Plot Near Prospect Park. If the plans that are now afoot carry, the Public Schools Athletic League will soon be in possession of a fourth athletic field for the use of the schoolboys of New York. The plot of land In question adjoins the site of tile present Kings County Penitentiary, half a mile east of Prospect Park, in this borough. It is impossible to get an athletic field in Manhattan. The main problem is to find land at a reasonable price which will at the same tlmo be accessible.

This particular piece of land is part of the real estate of the Peuitentiary, but it has never been improved, and now that tho institution is soon to be transferred to Hiker's Island there is no reason why It should not be utilized. POLY PEEP LOST. Beaten by St. Paul's School at Garden City. Garden City.

L. April 1.1 St. Paul's defeated Poly Prep, by Ihe score of 16 to 7, Thursday afUrnocn. The game "was an uninteresting one. Tho St.

Paul's pitcher had the Poly men at their mercy, and would "have kept the Poly score down but for the poor support they received. Oliver, for Poly, fielded his position exceptionally well. Mack-lin's batting was the feature of the game. Score: St. Paul.

I Poly Prep. Name. e. Name.

M' Master, ells I 2' Froeh. 1 4 1 0 Ulandy. oli 2 Macklin. cf 3 Wheaton. ss 2 Clapp.

Woodruff.rf 2 Srgerman.2b 0 1 Hartwell. 1 Patton. 1 0 PinKi'c, 1 0 1 0 1 I Coo.iivfn uh. 0 0 .1 2 1' Mulvlhlll, If 0 a 0 10 2: KK-hlihK. lb 0 10 0 1 (1 0 Oliver, 1 3 1 2 2 NurniH.

31,.. 12 0 1 0 Ht-aloii. rf 0 0 0 1 I S'liiHtzer. cf 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 3 5 1 3 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 it Nason, 0 1 Total 7:1 311 i Total li 27 1H 7 7 Struck oui-Uy Hartwrll. 7: by Patton.

5: bv Naeon, hy Oliver, 2. liases on balls Off Hart-well. 1: off N'ason. off Patton. off Oliver.

2. Hits Off Hart well 1 in 5 Innings; Patton. 2 in 3 Innlnpa: Xason. In 1 Inning. Hit hv pitcher Hy Hartwell.

by Patton. by Oliver. 2. Two base lilts Macklin. SeKiTniHn.

Patton. Home run Mncklln. liouhle plays Oliver to ICiehlfiig; Hartwell to RclloolfleM. L'mpires Messrs. MeCor-mack and MurrelJ.

Time of game 1 hour and 60 minutes. COLGATE BASEBALL SCHEDULE. Hamilton, N. April 13 The manager of the Colgale University baseball tenm h3 announced the schedule for tho coming season as follows: April 25, Atl-Oncida at Hamilton; April 28. Union College at Schenectady, May 3,, Manhattan College at Hamilton; May 12, Hobart College at Hamilton; May la, Hamilton College at Clinton; May 13, Hoburt College at Geneva; May 19, University of Rochester at.

Rochester; May 24, Kuektiell University at Hamilton; June Hamilton College at Hamilton: June 9, University of Rochester at Hamilton. 4 than 3 on the same afternoon, while the afternoon scores miiHt he in the hands of the p' later than 8 He mire that Ihe scores are absolutely eorreel, with mimes properly spelled mill liKures eleur und eorreetly totllleil. SeeretnrieM of nil lenKnes nnil clubs, both niuateiir und semi-professional, are requested to nend to the SportiiiK Kill tor of the Kutcie the names of the members of their I cuius, schedules Humes und such Items of Interest thut they deem worthy of publication, t'om-iiuniiatioiis muy he sent as often ns desired und will receive prompt attention. Write leuibly and on one side of the paper. Address mnnientioiiB to Spnrtinir Editor.

Ilrooklyn Daily KilBle, Brooklyn, Address J. Hafner, Brooklyn, N. Y. 174 Maujer street, At Utica Oval, Douglass street and Utica avenue, on Sunday afternoon, Depuiy Controller John F. McCooey will throw out the ball at the opening game between the Uticas and the Xavier Deaf Mutes of New York.

Manager Mooney will have the same team in the field that, defeated Brightons and Marquettcs last season, and has made the team stronger by the addition of (iray and Maurer of the Aeolian and Cranford teams, of New Jersey. The grounds have been enclosed and the schedule is made up of some of the best teams throughout the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The game will start at 3:30 P.M. The batteries will bo: Maurer and Stratton for Utica; Fitzgerald and Hamilton for the Deaf Mutes. Holy Cross Lyceum team, after an absence from the field for the past two seasons, has reorganized and whipped together a strong traveling semi-professional nine.

It has been strengthened by the addition of Donahut. of last year's Byrnes, ot Everett Colkge: Walsh, of New York State League, and Canning, of Eastern College. A number of games have already been arranged with teams through New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Long Island and Brooklyn. The Holy Cross Lyceum nine would like to hear from the Ridgewoods, St.

Michaels. Loughlin Lyceums. Marquettes, Paramounts, I'tieas, Sufferns, Nyaeks. Murray Hills, Hollywood Inns. Portchesters, Visitations and teams of the same standard.

The Exrensiors defeated th" Pequoids In a one-sided game Wednesday afternoon. Score by innings: F-xrelsior Pequoirl 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 614 1 1 0 0 0 0 tl 0 2 Hrttt'Tlfs and quoid. flaller and Niblock. Tucktr; Pe- The Lenox A. C.

won its second game by defeating the Bedford F. C. at Prospect Park yesterday. E. Cook was the twirler for Lenox and held Bedford down to no runs.

In the seventh inning McManus was put in the box. He let in two runs. R. Fitzpat-rick. the first baseman of the Lenox played an excellent game of ball with eighteen put-outs to his credit.

The Lenox team would like to arrange games with nines averaging about 13 years of age. Address R. Fiizpatrick, 308 Lenox road, Flatbush. Score: 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 R. H.

Bf.ffon-t K. Ienox A. i ..0 0 0 0 0 0 ,.2 6 0 0 0 2 0 0- 2 16 (I 7 0 IS 20 Batteries For Ee.lfunl K. Spr-m and Gle.l-pnn: for Lenox A. Cook.

McMunus and VauKhan. The Rosedale Bar ball Club 1 desirous of arranging games with teams averaging 10 to 14 years. Address Harry Bannon, 7l7 Bergen street, Brooklyn. Yesterday the Rose-uales won two games. The scores by innings: 1 2 3 -t T.

6 7 9 R. H. B.,Hlt- 1 0 0 i 0 3 414 11 0 2 1111-9 7 fi 7 8 9 R. H.

10. 7 3 0 .1 2 3f 27 6010010 1 3 a t. Maik's A. Elltle prepared to publish Jim tnliitliitoil Hcttrepi of all nuin- teur mid Meiiii-prnfeKflitiiinl hiine- null Knnira played by Uraoklyn (emus In this lioriiiiBli nud vl-where. mutter hnvr ninnll tlie tenm nitty be, mo Ion am the tubii- lilted score In authentic, it will be printed by the Kniile.

Ilia II Us will be forwarded upon apiiHeiitioii or they mny be se- eureil by eallinv on the Spurting Killtor lit the l.liurle IMHee, TV ush- liiftton and Johnson Htreets. Score must he went in on the day on which the Koines are played. A hey may be mulled to the Sport- Inir r.illtor or left at the main ImildliisV or the various Kaicle ormioheN, thus aisnrtntf publien- tlon on the following day. On Sntiirdnyn, nmrniiiK games must be liamlcd In lit the main ollti-e or the vurioim brnneheii not Inter High Hiiih Lost. run.

ave. 0 Y.r, 31 4-16 ft 1.13 21 17-23 ft tS 20-1 iir, 2 2 lift 12 lfi-31 3 1il -'4 ti-lj 2 ItM 10 6" LEGAL NOTICES. THE PEOPLE OF TUB STATIC OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God free independent To Louise Conklin. August Volland, Mario Antoinette VVelFs. Joseph P.

Weiss and iidson .1. Weiss, send greeting: Whereas. Robert J. Nally, of the Borough of Brooklyn, of The Ciiy of New Y'ork. County Kings and State of New York, has lately petitioned our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings to have a certain Instrument in writing, henrlng date the 7th day of December.

iclaltug to real and personal property, dulv proved an tlie Inst will and testament of ANNA JOHN, formerly ANNA WEISS, formerly ANNA VOLLAND. late of said County of deceased. YVhereforo, You and each of you are hereby idled lo apt tear before our Surrogate 01 the County of Khius. at a Surrogate's Court, to be held nt the Hall of Records, In the Borough of Brooklyn, on the 21st day of May, Ifiod. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate, of the said last will and testament; ami that the above named Infants then and there show cHiiae why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear for them on the probate of said last will and testament.

In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to lie hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon. James Church, Surrogate of our said county, 9.) at the Borough of Brooklyn, the ad day nf April, in the year of our Lord mia thousand nine bundled and sU. WILLIAM P. PICKETT, ul 7t Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

THE P1COPLK OF TH 10 STATE OF NEW YORK, by tho grace of God free and Independent To George August tiaus. Fredericks Elisabeth Vr "tig. August Melster, Christine Hegtne Enielle Meitter. If living, and to any and all unknown persona whose names or parts of names and whose place or places of residence are unknown und cannot, after diligent inquiry, be ascertained, heirs at law and next of kin of Carl August Menter. do-ceased, send greeting: Whereas, diaries A.

Flckels-sen of the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, has lately petitioned our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to have a certain Instrument in writing, bearing date the first day of Decemher, 1803. relating to personal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of CARL AUGUST MEISTER. late of the County of Kings, deceased. Wherefore, you and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the Cuuntv of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court, to be held the Hull of Records.

In the Borough of Brooklyn, on the 3lh day of April, I SOS. nt ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the nrobate of the said last will and testament and tiiat the ohove named infants then and there show cause why a special guardian should not he appointed to appear them on tin urobuta of said last will and testament. In testimony wnereof wp nave caused tns seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hero-unto affixed. Witness. Hon.

James C. (I S. Cbureh. Surrogate of our said county, at the Borough of Brooklyn, the Uth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sIk. WILLIAM PU'KETT.

ml lfi fiTT Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. THE PEOPLE OK THE OF Y'ork. bv the grace of God free and Independent To William Geliher, Minnie Moore, Celia Gebhcr and George Fltzimtrlek. send greeting: Whereas John Collins, of the County of New York. lias lately petitioned our surrogate Court of the ('ountv of Kings, to have a certain instrument in wilting, bearing date the 16th day of February, lfto.i, relating to personal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of MARGARET MeOANN.

late of the County of Kings. deceased. YS herefore. You and each of you ar hereby cited to appear oerore our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court, to be held at the Hull of Records. In the? County of Kings, on tlie day of April.

at 10 o'clock In tlie forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of the said last will and testament. In testimony wrsof we have caused tlie eal of our court to be hereunto ahlxtl. Witness. Hon. Janus "hurdi.

Surrogate of our said "ountv. (L. at the Oomty of Kings, the driy of February, in the year of our Iord one thousand nine hundred and six, WILLIAM P. PICKETT. li) CltrJl rj Lil' til tn' Iaj IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER oFTlITD Hjii.

Joseph AHplnail, County Judge and actum Hurrogare of the County of Kings, notice la hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against P. Hubbard, also Known um amen P. Hubbard, lute of the Borough uf Brooklyn, deceased, that thtiy are required to exhibit tlie same, with tlie vouchers thereof, tbs subscriber, at his place of transacting busineas at the office of his attorney, Jacob I. Bergen, N-. 141 Broadway, New Y'ork, on or before the 2.1 1 1 day of April next.

Dated Octohor 18th, 1906. TIMOTHY I. HUBBARD. Administrator. 020 Dm IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER oF Till-: Hon.

James C. Church, Surrogate of th. County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law to all persons having claims against FRANCIS F. CNDERHILL. late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the name, with the vouchers thereof, to ui-scrlber.

at his place of transacting bushier, at thu otflce of Hubbard A- Tiusiimore. his uttomcys, 2fi Court i-triet, Brooklyn. New York. 011 before the "th day of August next. Dated February 1.

iMi. JOHN G. UNDERBILL, Administrator. f2 Cm IN PC RS A NCEJ AN ORD Hon. James C.

'hurcti. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law. Li all persons having claim against MARY A. (JOVE, late of the County of Kings, dr-ceased. that they are required to exhibit the sa.r.e.

with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his plpep of transacting buslnev. at the onV of Alfred B. MacNamara. No. 27 illh.m street, ia the Borough of Manhattan.

City of New York, on or before the 30th day of 11 ne next. Dated. December 1 1. FREDERICK GOVE. Admlniftrato1 Alfred B.

MacNamara. Attorney for Administrator 27 William street. BoiuUgh of Manhattan New York Citv. dl5-6ni IN PI RSI "A NCE OF AN ORDER OF TUB Hon. Fred rick E.

Crane. County Jimvc. and Acting SurroKute. of th" County of Kii.e. notice la hereby given, according to law.

to ail pet sons having claims against JOSEPH PRHT. utte of the County of Kings deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the voiuheis theieof to ihe suheriber. at tleir place of tiaii-tjacting business, at the ollice of Allu Chatfleld. No Broadway. Borough of Man hattan, in The Cltv of New York, en or befure the 24th day of May next.

Dated. November li. 1S05. A LICK J. PRIEST HENRY IL M.

CuOK. Executors. Decker. Allen Chatfleld Attorneys for Executors. 100 Broadway Borough of Manhattan, New York City nlT-dni JEFFARDS, SARAH JANE.

IN PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. James c. Church, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against SA UAH JANE JEFFARDS. Inte of the Borough of Brook, lyn, City of New York, County of King, deceased, to present the same, with vuueheru there of. tu the subscriber, at his place of transacting buslnoes.

at the otrtce of John IJ. Judge, jittoiney at law. No. 41 Park row. in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the uth diy ot April next Dated New York, the u.ty of ictobrr.

1305. EUSTACE JEFFARDS. Administrator. John E. Judge, Attorney for Administrator, Nx 41 Park row, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

oil 8m Tlie Engineer's estimate of the quantities Is as follows: 4 1 linear feet l.i-ineh pipe sewer. 7ti0 linear feet 12-inch pipe sewer. 8 manholes. 900 feet, B. foundation planking.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of tho contract Ja 30 working days. ihe amount or security required is Seventeen Hundred (l.7mn. No. 9. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTING SEWER IN FIFTY-FOURTH STREET.

FROM SIXTH AVENUE TU SEVENTH A ENUE. rhe Engineer estimate of thp Quantities Is follows: feet 15 Inch 4ipe newer. linear feet 12-lnch pipe ewer. 8 manholes 900 feet Li. foundation planking.

The time allowed for the completion of Ihe work and full performance of the contract Ih 30 working da vs. The amount of security reaulred is Fifteen Hun dred Dollar FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND MATERIAUS REQUIRED FOR H)N-STRVCT1NC. SEWER IN DEAN STREKT. FRo SARA Tt Mi A A KM Ti 1 EAST OF SARATOCX AVENUE. ETC.

Ihe Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows: linear feet pipe sewer. aiio linenr feet 12-inch pipe sewer. manholes. 700 feet, B. foundation planking.

1. 2011 feet. II. M. sheeting and bracing.

The time I for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract Is 'AO working days. The amount of security required IB I'iftcen Hun dred No. H. FOR FURNISHING AIIj THE LAHOII AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CON STRUCTING (U'TLET HEWER 1 BENSON AVENUE. BETWEEN BAY TvV KNTV-alA I li STREET AND TWENTY-FIRST AVENUE, ETC, ET' The Engineer 9 estimate of the quantities a as follows: 252 linear feet lS-inoh pipe sewer.

44 linear feet 12-inch plpo sewer. 4 manholes. 4 sewer basins. 4(10 feM. Fl foundation nlnnkitlC.

The time allowed fur the completion of the work and full performance of the contract is 30 work ing uays. The amount of security required In Fourteen Hundred Dollars (il.4i0. No 12. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTING SEWER IN CLINTON PLACE. FROM CRESCENT STREET TO A POINT 273 FEBT WEST THEREOF.

The Engineer's estimate of the quantities Is as follows: 310 linear feet 12-inch pipe sewer. 4 manholes. 400 feet. B. foundation planking.

The time allowed fior the completion of the work and lull performance of tho contract is JO wi irking days. The amount of security required Is Seven Hundred Dollars No 1G. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTING SEWER BASIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORN BR OF ATLANTIC AVENUE! AND RUSSELL PLACE. The Engineer estimate of the quantities la as follows: One (1 sewer basin. The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract is 10 working days.

The amount of security required is One Hundred Dollars The bidder will state the price of each Item or article contained tn the specifications or scned-ulos herein contained or hereto annexed, per linear foot. f-et. B. cubic yard or other mitt of measure, by which the bids will be tested. The bids wilt be compared and the contract awarded at i lump or aKBregaf sum for each contract.

Blank forma and further may be obtained and the plans and drawings imiy be seen at the cftiee ot the Assistant Commissioner of Public the Unroutrh of Brooklyn. No. 15 Municipal Building. Borough of Brooklyn. BIRD S.

COLER. I'renident. Dated March 30. aI3 10t osu lf7See (ienersl 1 nMt motion tn lllil-l-r, nt foot uf column, last lillffe of tills pnper. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ROR-ough of Brooklyn.

Room No Municipal Building Borough of Brooklyn. The City of New York. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received bv the President of the Borough of Brooklyn at the above office until o'clock A A KI)KSIHY. APIUL 25, IftWI. No.

1 FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LAROR AND MATERIALS EtjUIRED TO REPAIR AND FIT OUT THE FIVE FREE FIXATING BXTHS OF THE BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN CITY OF NEW Y'ORK, FOR USE DURING THE SEASON OF 19. The time allowed for doing and completing the work will be on or before June II. IWii. The security quired will be Two Thousand Dollars The hid! will be compared and tract awarded at a lump or aggregate su. Blank forms and further In forma uon rnay he obtained and the plans and drawings may be seen at the olRce of the Assistant.

Commissioner of COUNTY COURT. KINGS COL MTV THW An-irican chureh Building Fund Com mission, plaintiff, against Theodore L. Maxwell and Margaret Maxwell, his wife; William F. Maxwell, individually and as administrator of the goods, chattels and credits which were of Elward F-Maxwell, decensed; Amelia K. Maxwell, wife of William F.

Maxwell; Amelia Minor. Befsie Collins Louis Maxwell. Fred Maxwell. Mary A. Boeimie, little N.

Palmer. Gray Lithograph Company 1.1 corporation), Mary Charles H. Rt'iUtrlon. Albert H. Davis, defendants.

Summons: To the above named defendants and each of them: You are herein- summoned to answer tlie complaint In this action, and to serve a copy rf your answer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and in en si- of vour failure to appear, or answer. Judg--nient will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded In the complaint. Dated, Brooklyn, New Y'ork City. May 20. IPoo.

EDWIN KEMPTON. Plaintiff's Attorney. Office and Pest Office Address. No. I'Z Reinsert street, Brooklyn.

New York City. To the defendant Mary A. Boehme: The fnre-gofng summons Is served upon you bv publication pursuant to an order made by Honorable Frederick Crane, ohu of the County Judges of Kings County, bearing date the Sth day of March. WW. and filed tn the olhVe of the Clerk of the County of Kings in the Hall of Records in the Borough of Brooklvn of The City of New York.

County of Kings and State of New York, on the Mh day of Man-h, with tho complaint, and you will further take notice that the summons and complaint In this action were filed. In the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 2d day of May. I3(i5. Dated. Brooklyn.

New York City. March 9, 19u EDWIN KEMPTON. Plaintiff's Attorney. 173 Rem sen stret, Brooklyn, New York City. mh9-flt NEW YORK SI PREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY'-Morris Levy, plaintiff, against Harry T.

Ruddock und others, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action and bearing date the -Sth day of March, y.m. the undersigned, the referee in said judgment named, will s. ii at public auction at tlie Brooklyn Real Estato Exehange, No. is'i Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, on the 7th day of May, at Vi o'clock, noon, on that date, hv William H.

Smith. Auctioneer, the premises directed by the said judgment to be sold and therein d-crtbed as follows; All that certain plot, pier or parcel uf bind, with the buildings and ini-piovemeiirs thereon erected, situated, lying and' being in the Borough of Brooklyn, of the City of New- York, hounded and described as follows: Beginning at a pulnt on the westerly Bide of Hopkinsoii avenue, distant feet southerly from the southwesterly corner of Hopkinson avenue and Park ple; running thence westerly parallel with Paik plaee, i-i ft; the nee northerly parallel H'vkinsoii avenue aj feet 2 inches to the center line of the block; thence again, westerly nl'-ng said center tine or tn ohu-k and parallel with Park place, feet; thence southerly parallel with Hopkiiwii avenue, IIT feet Inches to the si of Sterling place, th-nee easterly iii the northerly side of Sterling pla fet inches to the northwesterly side of East New York a vemie; ihenev ii'trtheaterly the ly si.b; of East New Y'oi avenue 1-') teet inebes the westerly side of Hnnkinson a 1 enije. and hence northerly along the Westerly sid- of lioikin-m avenue 'As feet '2 Inches to the or I'bire of Dated. Nw York. D'h.

WM. DRENNA.N. Referee. S.irnu I N- At'omey for Plaintiff, I'SG I a Iw ny. Borough of Manhattan.

New York City. Sw 1NPCRSUANCE OF AN ORDER OFTHfl Hon. Jumes C. Church. Surrogate ot the County 1 notice Is hereby given, according to Uv.

to all persons having claims against CLAU-I'iL'S F. BEATTY. late of th Borough of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with tha voucher thereof, to th subscribers, at their plac of transacting uslnet. at No. ib West Fourth street, in the Pvrbugh cf Manhattan of the City of New York, on or beiora thw tlrbt day of May next Dated October 18.

1305. ELIZA JANE BEATTY, CHARLES H. GODWIN. Executors. Dougherty, Olcott Tenney.

Attorneys for Executors, 27 William Street. Borough of Mtn- 'l "rk City o20 6m "TN PURSU ANCE OF AN ORDER OF TH Hon. James Church, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notie-e is hereby given, according to law to ail ptrsons having claima against MARY MARTIN, late of the County of Klnaa. de-censed, that they are required to exhibit the iiine. with the vouchers thereof, to the at his place of transacting business at the office of Hubbard Rushmore.

his attorneys. Court street, Brooklyn. New York, on or before the 7th day of August next. Dated February 1. lSCsi.

fj 6m MATTHEW 4. MURPHY. Extent on Name. Schaefer Sliffs-m Hoppe Sutton Murningstar Culler Curt: Won. WINNEES RECEIVE PRIZES.

New York Rifle Club Closes a Successful Season. A meeting of the New York Rifle Club was held Wednesuay night for the purpose of distributing season prizes. The shooting committee, with Fred Facompre at the head, had its report ready and the list showed that H. B. Michaelson had won first prize for the best five bullseyes mado during Vae season.

His prize was a fine, diamond studded badge. There were eleven prizes for the best single bullseyes. and the winners were D. H. Brink-man.

degrees; D. H. Vanderlleth. 6i degrees; W. J.

Behrens, 8 degrees; Charles Rofnnan, 10ss degrees; William Ulrlch, degrees; D. Meyer, 14 degrees; Fred W. degrees; O. W. Ludwig, 17 degrees; H.

D. Gobber, 19Mj degrees; John C. lJaradis, 2U6 degrees, and A. W. Lemcke, 21 lM degrees.

Every one of these shots was less than one-quarter of an inch from the dead center of the bullseye. Charles Meyer won first prize at the ring target, his record for the season giving fiim 4,7,16 points. There were nine other prizes awarded, as follows: John C. Bonn, Barney Zettler. Phil Heidelberg.

Herman Haase. 4.544; George Offerman, Fred Facompre, J. H. Hainhorst, 4.4Sft; Charles Sievers. and Dan Pepper, 4,465.

INDEPENDENT'S FINAL SHOOT. The final contest in the gallery tournament of the New York Independent Rifle Club took place Wednesday night and fifteen members tried their best to improve their season's records. tus Zimmerman made top score. Summary: Club mutch, two 10 sht strings Oils Zimmerman 212, 216. total 4SS: i--orK' Ludwig.

2(i, 24:1, 4S4; A. P. Fegort. 241. 23H.

total 479; John Facklam, 233, 241. toial 474; August Hegfcrow. 237. total 473; Henry Korh, total 470; Bruno IJusnPr, 224. 2M.

total JM: Frank A. Younir, 234 total 4C8: Fr'd Leg'l. Jj4. 2.13. tutal 4-ii; William Soil.

2li(i. total A. W. Mamok 221. 227, total 412; Jacob Bittst-hier, 221, 227, total 412; M.

F. Jurnlck. 232. 22-i( total 4.12; Oeiirpe T. Zimmerman.

21. 227. total 44j; Henry J. Behrens. 215.

2U. total 430. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA UKRTGES. DE reased In pursuance of an oi tier or he Hon.

James Church. Surrojfate of the County of Klnsa, notice is hereby slven. acc-orUinn to law. to all persons having claim UKHintft Anna Maria Ut-rtes. late of the County of Kings.

Utrccaat'il, that they are required to fxhiblt the tama. with the vouchers thereof, to th; ubseriber. at his place or transacting business, at the odtce uf Chase. Canzone Rt-Kan. F.acle Bulldine 3j7 Washington street.

Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York on or before the 1st dav of June. next.Daled. November 2. 1M1.

JOHN BEKTGKS. Executor. Chafc, Cahoone Rccan. Attorneys for Executors. F.aKle BulMlnK.

1107 Washington street, Brooklyn. New York City n3-6m IS PURSUANCE OF ORDER OP THH Hon. James C. Church. HurroRdte of the County of Kintts notice is hereby iflven, according tg law to all nersuns havinn cluirns acaliibt FRKD-F RICK A BKLNNKLU late of the County of KinEi.

deceased, thnt they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his nlaro of transacting busiuens at the office of Jnfenh J. Hood. 26 Court street, Brooklyn. New York City, on or before the l.ith day of Anrii next. Dated.

Brooklyn. New York Citv. October 5. FRKDERICK M. HOLZWARTH.

Executor. Joseph Hood. Attornev for Executor. 2 Court meeu Brooklyn. Nuw York City.

a6-6m The Fort Hamilion A. A. has a baseball team that would like to arrange games with Boine of the crack amateurs or semi-professional nines hereabouts. Second Lieutenant Malcolm P. Andruss, of the Artillery Corps, who is also superintendent of athletics at Fort Hamilton, and to whom communications should be addressed, states that the soldiers have a splendid combination and ex-pect to be heard from this season on the diamond.

The Vintor Athletic Club, of Long Island City, issjes the following announcement to the managers of semi-professional teams of Greater New York and vicinity who are led to believe that the Long Island City Field Club represents them on the diamond this year: The Victor Athletic Club declares such an Impression an error. The Victors will play at Victor Oval, as in former years. At Brighton Oval, Atlantic avenue and Essex street, Sunday afternoon, the Brightens will play the Patersons, champions of New Jersey. Tho Jerseymen played the Boston Nationals a twelve inning tie game last Sundav. A preliminary game will begin tit 1:30 P.M.

One of the first baseball teams of the north Bide of Long Island to get in the field is the Young Wrinkles, of Roslyn. who played a game liui Sunday with a scrub team. The Oyster Bay nine failed to appear. The captain of the is William Craft, short Btop, and George Travis is manager. The lineup is: Edward Smith, catcher; J.

Travis, pitcher; Harold Craft, first base; Isaac Jaffe, second base; Joseph Heintz, third base; Clarence Freeman, right; Leonard Thorne, left; Lester Van Wicklen, center. The team Is looking for games with amateur? On Sunday at Loughlin' Oval, Jackson treet and Kingsland avenue, the Amsterdam (New York State) team will cross bats with ths Loughlin Lyceum, and those who Bttend can be guaranteed an exciting and Interesting game. The Loughlin nine is keyed up to concert pitch for this game, in nnticipation of a sharp and closelv contested battle. Last Sunday the Amster-doms played ihe EliabethjiOrt Club at Elizabeth, and by terrific batting forced Red Waller and Lystor. two of the crack twirlers of the Elizabothport Club, to seek the bench The Amsierdam's victory over EMzabethport was a very easy one, and the Loughlins are booked for a hard struggle.

Game called at 3:30 P.M. Graham avenue to Jackson street, after which thre is a slight walk of two blocks east to the o'al. The CltfTside vStars of Jersey City would like to meet nil teams within a radius of twenty-five miles, averaging 15 years of age. Dates are April 22 and 29. The game Is to be played for and up and a 50 cent ball.

All dates open In May. June. July and August. Address William A. Keoglx, 22 Magnolia avenue, Jersey City, N.

J. Wanted A pitcher abnut 21 to 22 years of aee. for a strong senii-profeTsional team. Address J. Hafnpr, 174 Maujer street, Brooklyn, stating terms.

The Ontnrio A. a very strong traveling team. lfkn tn hear froni Prt class teams flftv ties, of Xw York, and is willins to offer a reasonable guarantee..

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