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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

Brooklyn, New York
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if LEGAL NOTICES. I. PRESBYTERY MEETS. LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES; New 4 Batdr Installed Over Church in Port Jeffer- the on.

(Special to the Eagle.) Port Jefferson; L. Seplember 30 The closing session of the fall meeting of the Ung Iiflaod Preebytery wa held in Jefferson Presbyterian Church THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF NEW YORK bv trie grare of God free and indepen dent To Greenwood Cemetery, Fannie E. Tas- Lker, Samantha V. Edgar. Elulee Draper Yer- nam Florence DrWr Fisher.

Faxme A. Val- de Garmo. Harriet J. V.ent;ne Cair. SfUr.a Valentine bnmh.

Fron H. valentine. Carolir.e Valentine Soper. Fannie Vaien- tine Flesaei, Jacob Valentine. Andrew tine.

Amanda M. utt Hurt. George Wash- ington Stittun. Waiteneld Pinion. Fair- rhild White Hmt'on.

Samuel Theodore Putmn. Mary Cornelia Sutton Tarman. John lister utton. Fannie L. Hughes, Jessie F.

Hugnes, Nettle V. Hughes. Lizzie Havens Geery. Henrv J. Smith.

Joseph Pmith (estate of), Emma Sutton Tasker. William Henry Sutton. and all unknown firt 'uslns cnNhe mother's side of Cornelia Monfort, (deceased, ami i their personal representatives and successors In Interest, and to any and all unknown heirs-at-law and next of kin of Jennl Draper Hal-lebe-k. Llizle Draper Ray. James Ncin Draper, and of any and all unknown first cousins on the mother's side of Cornelia Monfort.

deceased, whose names and parts of last The; meeting lasted two -days. VTueaday morning and afternoon T( were iivea over to the business meeting. If The Rev. Arthur Newman of Bridgehamp- (V Ion acte4- asmoderator at these sessions, uuring ms temporary aosence ot juoaer- .1 a tor- William T. Edds of Sag Harbor, if After the regular routine business of 1 I the session was transacted the' selection denre are unknown an I cannot, after duejavenue.

running thence southerly along ih- diligence, be ascertained, send greeting: You westerly "Wo of StilUvell avenue 132 feet 11 and each of vu are hereby cited and required Inches more or less; thence southwesterly appear before our of the Oouniyfalle with Twenty-aixth avenue 2 feet jvfc of Kings at a Surrogate's uiirt of the County inches; thence northwesterly at right angles to nf Kinva in hM at th Mali of Herords, Twenty-sixth avenue i'8 ftet Inches more or In' of Kings' on'the'h day of Or', less tha southeasterly side of tober. lo9 at ten o'cl-ck in the forenoon, thenjavenue. and thence northeasterly along the and there to attend the judicial settlement of southeasterly aide of Twenty-sixth avenue THE AMERICAN YACHTSMAN No better type of man exists on the face of the earth than the American yachtsman. Since 1851 the supremacy of American sailors and yacht designers has never been seriously endangered on either fresh or salt When devotees of yachting gather to toast each other no beer is half co popular as uf new moderator resulted in the election of the Rev. Thomas Coyle ot West- fcampton.

The following delegates to the iPresbytery were present: the Rev. Clar ence Oedds. M. and Elder Hiram Kaynor of Moriches: the Rev. James M.

i Demon of Vaphank. the Rev, Frederick K. Allen and Elder Samuel R. Glover of Southampton, the Rev. Jacob Norris and 1 Elder Daniel R.

Davis of Middle Island, the Rev. Arthur Newman of Brldgehamp-j. ton the Rev. Charles E. Craven.

D. I nnd Elder George H. Howard of Matti-tui-k. the Rev. William T.

Edds and Elder A. T. Brown of Sag Harbor, the Rev. T. Montgomery and Elder J.

S. Raynor of Kast Moriches, the Rev. Jacob E. Mall-rian of Shelter Island, the Rev. Arthur Klliot and Elder Isaac E.

Jones of Port Jefferson, the Rev. Thomas Coyle of West Hampton; the Rev. George R. Braner and Klder Selah B. Strong of Sptaukeet.

the Ilev. Beverly At. Ward and Elder J. H. Thompson of Sbinnecock, the Rev.

Oeorge J. Russell and Elder E. H. Foster of bouthampton. the Rev.

James Harkness and Elder George A. Aldrich of and the Rev. Mr. Mlllison ot Amagansett. Tuesday afternoon the Rev.

B. C. Mil-fliken of New York City, an assistant secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, delivered an address, and he was followed by Jesse, Halsey of Southampton, vho has spent, the pas tsummer assisting Dr. Grenfell Id Labrador, who told In an Interesting manner of the work done in that field. The cbureh was well filled on Tuesday evening wben the formal installation of the Rev.

M. Elliot as pastor of the Port Jefferson Presbyterian Church took place. Rev. Dr. 11 B.

Elliot of New York pflty, father of Pastor Elliot, delivered the charge to the pastor, while the Rev. Arthur Newman of Brldgehatnp-' 'tondelivered the charge to the people. iSo Wednesday short and Instructive aradresses were delivered by prominent Suffolk County preachers. The next aesslon tthe Presbytery will be held at Easthampton in April. SCHWARTZ HELD FOR MURDER Result of Inquest In Case of Irving A.

Nelson, at Central Islip, L. I. (Special to the Eagle.) Central Islip, L. September 30 The 'tnfluest In the case of the murder of Irving A. Nelsont was brought to a sudden end yesterday atfernoon after the conclusion of the testimony of Albert Miller, whs Is.

the only who heard a gunshot on the nightthal Nelson was found dead- on- Lowell- near hia home. Miller testified that Nelson. Schwartz and himself had arrauged to go deer hunting after their return from the dance at Bay Shore. Miller went directly home and did The King of AH Bottled Beers It has a buiik aboard every yacht. It puts a tang in the blood that tingles like an ocean breeze.

It is pure and clean as the foam on a white-cap. It is cool and refreshing as a dip in the sea on a summer day. CAUTION: To guard against deception and see that the corks are branded "Budweiser" and that the "Crown Caps" bear the A and Eagle trade-mark. A. BUSCH BOTTLING CO.

Brooklyn Main 5570-5571 ANHEUSER-BUSCH AGCY. New York City Hroni ranch Telephone, 30S4 el roar. 1nln Oil We Telephone, 75.t Mnrrny Hill. Bottled Only at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, U.

S. A. CORKED OR WITH CROWN CAPS. 7 When You Feel Played Out There comes a time when your grip on things weakens. Your nerves are unstrung, the vital forces low, the stomach is weak and the blood impoverished.

You feel old age 'W not stop at the Nelson house, because j) it was too early then to go deer hunting. He bad only been home a short time when he heard a gunshot and he also heard a wagon a few minutes later pass Be creeping over, you. COUNTY COURT. KINGS Cul'NT -aheth J. Chi, us, as sole surviving trustee under the last wl.l and testament of Henry Howard, deceased, piaintiff, against Lena Furir.

Chap- man ar.J Company. WilliamaUurgh Trust par.y, Jusephlne McWwtey and Jiiie Spark; jimn. and sale duly made and tnu-ivd in the aU, entiled and entered and flied in the ofhc the Clerk of the County Kings on the 2ih day of sen lenilr, ISKiS 1. I th undersigned, Adrt E. Jtk-har- son Uw reieree in said judgment named, will Hell ut Exchange, Montague street, Horough 'if Brooklyn, County of Kings.

City and mte of New York, on the "Jth day of October, at twelw u'clotk noon on that day. hy William Kae, auctioneer, the premises directed by 1 judgment tu be sold and therein describe Parcel No, 1 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the Borough of Brooklyn of the City of New York. County of Kings and State of New York, hounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner formed hy (he intersection the westerly side of till well avenue with the southeasterly aide of Twenty-sixth w-. of bwainnina. Parrel No.

2 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Borough nf Rrooklyn ut the City of New York, County of King and Htaie of New York, bounded and described an follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue distant 133 leet Vi inches southwesterly from the corner formed by Ihe intersection of the southeasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue with the westerly side of Stlll-wHl avenue: running thence southeasterly at right angles to Twenty-sixth avenue feet 8 Inches more or less; thence southwesterly parallel with Twenty-sixth avenue 38 feet; thence northwesterly at right angles to Twenty-sixth avenue fest 8 Inches more or less to the southeasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue 38 feet to the point or place of beginning. Parcel No, 3 All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the building thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Benson-hurst-by-t he-Sea, In thu Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, late Town of rave send. County of Kings nnd State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on th southeasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue distant southwesterly on hundred end seventy-one tt71) feel nine and one-ha If inches irorn the corner formed by the interaction of the westerly side of Still-well avenue with the soul heasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue; running I hence south easterly at right angles to Twenty-sixth avenue ninety-six 06 feet nnd eight tSj inches; thence southwesterly parallel with Twenty-sixth avenue forty M0) feet; thence northwesterly at right unglew to Tweniy-slsth avenue nln'eiy-s-ix and eight 1 8 1 Inches to the ui heasterly Ride of Tueiitv-eixth-.

avenue; thence por I heasterly nlong he southeasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue forty feet to the point o- of IH-Kinnlnir. Subject and subordinate lo a certain mortgage for J2.M0.fl0 n.Hde by said Lena Uurber (V Berry, which said mortgage bearing date the L'Slh day of urtoher, IfcW. itH recorded in tha office of tho Register of the County of Kings In Block Set-leu (Mortgages. Seciion Liber 8, page lfiS. and indexed under block No.

fiSTO on th hind map of the Cnmlv of Kings, on the 30lh dav of October. 1M. pHn-el No 4 AH lhat certain lot. piece or parcel uf land with the building (herein erected, situate. Iving and betng at Benson-hurst-bv-the-St'fl.

in the Borough of Brooklyn. Citv of New York, late Town of Oravesxmd, County nf Kings nnd Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue distant southwesterly two hundred and eleven CM!) feet nine and one-half tfi'i) Inchen from the corner formed bv the Intersection of the westerly side of Still well avenue with the southeasterly side Twenty-sixth venue; running thence soul heasterly at tight angles to Twenty-sixth avenue ninety-six feet feet and eight tKi inches; tinmen southwesterly parallel with Twenl -slxt avenue forN-(tot feet thence northwesterly at right angles to Twenty-sixth avenue ninet-six (ffi) feet and Right iRl Inches to the southeasterly side of Twenty-sixth avenue; thence nort heajn erly a long the theasterl side Twenty-sixth avenue fortv Hm feet to the jKiinf or place of beginning Subject and subordinate to a certain mortgage for fci.iiOJMiO made by said Lena Kurber to Berry, which said mortgage, bearing date the 28th day of October, was recorded in the office of' the Register of I he County" of Kings in Block Series (Mortgages), Section 21, Liber page L'lm. and indexed under Biock No, 6s7 on the land map of the. County of Kings on the day of October. Dated September 24.

199. ALBERT E. RICHARDSON. Referee. Reeves.

Todd A- Swain. Attorney for Plaintiff. 10. Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. New York City.

s-28 7t "BU PREM KINGS COUNTY -Wllllamfburgh Trust Company, plaintiff, against Harry L. Mayer and F.thel A. Mayor, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure nnd sale duly marie and entered In tho above en fit led action, and bearing- date the dav of August. 190ft. I.

the under signed, he referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, by William P. Itae, auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate. Exchange, No. 18!) Montague street, the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on tho Mh day of October.

at twelve o'clock, noon, the premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein descrlhcd as follows: All those three certains lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being ot Van Pelt Manor, In the Borough of Brooklyn, of the City of New York. Count- of Kings, and the State of New York, and which. a certain map entitled "Map of bits 7.13 to 1,32 at. Van Pelt Manor, in the town of New Utrecht, Kings County. New York, surveyed December, 1M1, by Samuel H.

McElroy, Civil Engineer and City Surveyor." and filed In the office of the Register of the County of Kings on the 4th day of January. lSi2, and known and designated as and by the numbers (RIO) eight hundred and ten. eight hundred and eleven (fill), eight hundred nnd twelve (R12t, and when taken to. get her are bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly slda of Eighty-second street, distant three hundred (300') feet southeasterly from the crneF formed by the intersection of the mid northeasterly side of Eighty-second street with th southeasterly side of Nineteenth avenue; running thence southeast erlv, along the said northeasterly side of Eighty-second street alxty (60') feet, running thence northeasterly and parallel with Nineteenth avenue, one hundred (100' I feet to tho center line of. the hlock be tween Eighty-second street and Eight y-flrst street; thence northwesterly, along the said center line of the block and parallel with Eighty-second street sixty fftV) feet, and thence southwesterly, again parallel with Nine teenth avenue, one hundred (ion') feet, to the said nort heasterly side of Eighty-second street at the point or place of September 8.

190ft. JOHN R. FARRAR. Referee. Clark Tavlor.

Plaintiff's 44 Court street. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. s13-fit mAth SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY" John P. H.

DeWint. plaintiff, against Frederick Fa ubel and other, defendants In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale insde and entrred in the above-entitled action, dated (he thirteenth day of September. the umlersltrnert. the referee in the said Judgment named, will sell at public rfuctlon to the highest bidder, by James L. Bruniley, auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No.

JW Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County if Klnns. on the nineteenth day of Octolier. 1909. at twelve o'clock, noon, tho premises In the said Judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: AH thont; certain lots and parts of lot in said Borough of Brooklyn.

In the County of Kings and Cltv and State cf New Yorkt, known and distinguished on the "Man of Ninety Tot at Bath Beach belonging to Edward Egolf, New -Utrecht. Kings County. New York: V. Bergen, Civil Engineer, July and tiled In the Register's Office of Kings County, September 11, 1W. as and by the numbers forty-seven 4T and forty-eight and the northerly half of lot forty-nine (49), and which lots and parts of lot when taken together according to said map are bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner formed by the intersection of the southwesterly side of Elghty-flfth street wtth the northwesterly side of Seventeenth avenue; running thence along said northwesterly side of Seventeenth avenue fifty (30) feet; thence northwesterly and parallel with Eighty-fifth street eighty feet to lot No.

46 on said map; theme northeasterly and parallel with Seventeenth avenue and along said lot No. 48 fifty (50) feet to the southwesterly side of Eighty-fifth street, and thence southeasterly along the southwesterly side of Elghty-flfth street eighty (80t feet to the point or place of beginning: be the said several dimensions more or less; together with the buildings anj appurtenances thereon. Dated September U. HENRY LISSNER. Referee.

Frank A. Irish, Plaintiffs Attorney, 40 Wall street. Borough of York City. B27 mAth COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNT Y-Mary A. McCaffrey, plaintiff, against Edward A.

McCaifrev, Joseph A. McCaffrey, Bernard F. Hogan. William McKiernan, Adelaide McKler-nan, his wife; Kate Blot. Ellen McKiernan.

widow of John McKiernan (3). deceased, and others, defendants In pursuance of an interlocutory Judgment of partition and sale duiy made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 22d day of September. 1909. the undersigned, the referee, In sali Judgment named, will sell at public auction the highest bidder, by William H. Smith, auo-tioneer.

at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. 189 Montague etreet. In the Borough of Brooklyn, County "of Kings, on the 16th day of October, 1909. at twelve o'clock noon, the oT tm 1 iow in nniy or Kings and state or isew rorK, ooundeo: ana described as follows, to Beginning at a Pint on th "therly side Union street." distant one hundred and fifty feet westerly from (ne PorTier of rnion trMt and New York avenue; running thence south- erly and parallel with New York avenue, one hundred and twenty-seven feet and nine and one-half Inches (more or less); thence wester- and parallel with Union street, twenty-five feet; thence northerly'and parallel with New YorK avenue, one nunnren ana twenty-seven feet and nine and one-half Inches (more or less) to the southerly side of Union street, and thence easterly along the said southerly side of Union street, twenty-five street, to th, point or place of beginning. Dated September 23.

Ifr. WILLIAM R. POHERTY. Referee. Edmund Dripaa, Plaintiff's Attorney.

C'ort street. Tlrooklvn. N. J. Ct'nvn.

Attorney for some 18 nt V. Y. e23 27 30 oc4 8 14-It nrtmltn rttrcptprt hv Mill lurifirnient to fM mM. nT AJi. THE PEOPLE OP THH STATE OF NEW YOHK.

hv the rai cit God fro ai.d indenend- ent Tr Cor.cepdon Sierra Carnpo, Adelaida Sierra and Hf rra Alvrte, lsteri ar.J heirs at law and next of kin Joseph of the -f Kings. State 'f i York, dececjed, Ilh-ida K-nt, Ot-J to th A ttorntry-Generai of the Stare ji Aew lorn am Tr.e ruotic Anmimsiraur the County of Kings in the Hiale of New York, ail of fall nl Kroetlng: Whereto. Birglmrd of the Horough of Urtyk-ln. In the City of New York. New York, hai lately petitioned our Surrogate' Court of the County of Ktnvs to have a certain' Instrument In writing, bearing iate the 30th day tf April.

relating to real and personal- property, duly proved as th lat will and testament JOSEPH FERNA VDE35, late of the County (f Kingi, Ptate of New York, deceased. Wherefore, You and each of you are hereby to appear before our Surrogate of the County King, at a Surrogate's Court to be held at the Hall of -Record In the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings. City and Plate uf New York, on the 26th day of October, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, then and there to attend tha probate of the said last will and testament. In testimony whereof we hava caused tV of Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. Witness.

Hun. Herbert T. Ketcham. Surrogate of our (L, isaid County of Kings, at the County of Kings, the Hh day of August. In the year of our Lord one thousand nina hundred and nine.

EDWARD J. HEHOKN. Jt th Clerk of tha Purrogate'a Court COU NTY COt; RT 1 NOS COl'XT Albro J. Newton, plaintiff, against C. Gustav Waren anU fiarah, J.

Waren. his defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure- and sale, duly mad and entered In the abov entitled action, and bearing dace (he 20ti dav of September. KM. undersigned, tt referee In said judgment named, will sell at pubilo auction to the highest bldJer, by William H. Smith, auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real E-Jtate Exchange, No.

1S9 Muntague street. In the Rorough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 19th day of October, at twelve o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the Improvements thereon rented, situate, lying and being in the said Horough of Brooklyn, bounded and described as follows to wit: kleglnning at a point on the northerly aide of Seven ty-fouilh street, distant one hundred feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Seventy-fourth siroet with the westerly side of Twelfth avenue; running thence northerly and parallel with Twelfth avenue one hundred feet; thence westerly and parallel with Seven vV-fonjrih street forty feet; thence southerly, again parallel with Twelfth avenue, one hundred feet to the northerly side of Seventy-fourth street, and thence easterly along the northerly side of Seventy-fourth street, forty feet, to the point or place of beginning. Also all the right, title and Interest of the defendants of, in and to the street In front of and adjacent to premises to the center line thereof. Dated.

September 27th, lf0f HENRY PEl.nEN KETCHAM. Referee. Oeorge Hrower. Plaintiff's Attorney, 44 Court street. Brooklyn.

N. Y. e27-6t th Y. BfPREMR CO CRT, KINGS COl'XTY -Julius Lehrenkt-Huss. and Herman lyihcenkrauHB.

do luff bun I ne pi cn-iwirtners under (he fl? name uf J. I.ehrerikrauna Hunt, pIulntilTs, Hinlnt Max Brooks inn Icmrit a defendant), Alu-ain Gller and fit hers, rU-frndant In pumuance of a judgment nf and nule duly made and entered In the nliuv entitled action, nnd tea dub: date the 2l'd day of September. 11W9, he undersigned, the referee In said judgment named, will well at public auction to the highest bidder, hy William 11. Smith, auctioneer, at tho Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. ISfl Montagu street, In the Huron gh of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 1ft day of Ootoher.

1909, at twelve o'clock, noon, the in'emine directed by ald Judgment to be sold, and therein described a follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Horough of Brooklyn, County of Klngn. City and Ptate of New York, bounded and dV nor! bed an follow: Hegfnning at a point formed by the Intersection of tho southerly side of Bergen street with the easterly side of Scherectady avenue; running 1 hence aotitherly along the easterly side of Schenectady avenue fifty-five (ni) feet and seven (7k inches; thence easterly and parallel with Bergen street nineteen (iflt feet and six (fti Inches: thehct northerly and parallel with Schenectady avenue and part of the distance through a party wall fifty-Ave 5f. feet and seven Inches to the southerly side of iter gen street; and thence westerly along the southerly side of Bergen street nineteen feet and six (fi) Inches to the point or place of beginning. i in ten. wepiemoer zt, HERBERT PEAKE, Referee.

Win, W. Southworth. Plaintiffs Attorney. 375 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

6t mth IN PCRSHANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham Surrogate of the County of Kings, notlc Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against MARGARET L. H1NTON, late of tha County ot Kings, deceased. that they ara.

required to exhibit the same, with th vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at the office Bayard L. Peck, her attorney. No. 26 Liberty tttreet. Borough of Manhattan New York City, on or before the 1Mb, day of October next.

Dated. March 25. KATHERWB BRENNAN, Administratrix, with the will annexed of Margaret L. Hlnton, deceased. Bayard I Peck, Attorney for Administratrix, C6 Liberty Street.

Now York City. al-6m th "In pursuance an deTTof'thk Hun. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having cirhos against the Estate of OEORGE r. TRIGG, late of the Borough of Brooklyn, Cmnty of Kings, deceased, thnt they are required to exhlb't the same, with the voucVrn to the subscriber, at his place of iransacting business, at the law offices of John M.

rihedd. No. 43 Cedar street. Borough of Ma ih-ittan, the City of New York, on or before the 2d day of December next. Dated.

May F. JOHN E. 8TILLWELL. Executor. John M.

Shedd Attorney for Executor. 41 Cedar street. New York City. mail mo th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Herbert T.

Ketohain, Surrogate of the County of Kings, nutlce ts hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against WALTER T. GRIFFIN. late of Plain-field, New Jersey, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers nereof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of James S. Darcy, 280 Broadway, Manhattan, New York City, on or before the first day of November neit. Dated April 14, 1906.


GRAVES, Executrix. Jaa 8. Darcy. Attorney for Executors, 200 Broadway, Manhattan. New York City.

aij urn in IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF TIHC Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of tho County of Kings, notice I hereby given, ac cording to law, to an perrcms naving riaimi aealPut ANNIR J. GAMHLE. late of the C-untv of Kings, ihflt they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouch -rs thereof, to the aubscrlher.

at her office, 13 Nassau street, New York City, Room 801. office of her attorney. C. D. Rust, on or before the 20th day of November next.

Dated May 6. 1905. MARTHA THOMPSON. Administratrix, r. D.

Rust, Atty. for Administratrix. 132 Nassau N. Y. City.

m6-6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law. to all persons having claims against HENRY EHLERS. late of th Borough of Brooklyn.

New York City, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the name, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at the office of Stltt Phillips, their attorneys, number 113 Fulton street. Borough of Manhattan, New York City, on or before the nineteenth day of October. Jfnfl. next. Dated April 15.


Herbert T. Ketcham. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to ail persona having claims against WILLIAM HYDE, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exniDii ine rame, wiin ine voucnera thereof, to the subscriber, at Its Dlace of tmnuine business, at No. 173 Remsen street, Borough of lirooKiyn, in ine iiy or rsew rorK, on or before the first day of November next. Dated, Brook I vn.

New York April 19, 1909. TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY. Executor. Oeorge D. Bergener, Attorney for Executor, No.

175 Remsen etreet, Brooklyn. New York City. ap22 6m th IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice la hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against ANGELINA A.

HENDERSON, late of the norougn or urooaiyn, aeceasea, tnat they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at the office of Dyk-man, Oeland Kuhn, 199 Montague street. Brooklyn, N. on or before the 31st day of December next. Dated June 1909. ALEXANDER D.

HENDERSON, Executor. Tykman. Oeland ft Kuhn. Attorneys for Executor, 189 Montague st, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Je24-m th IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of the County of Kings notice Is herbey given, according to law, to all persons having claims against LOCI9 MAGENHEIMER, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at the office of Morris ft Whltehouse, their attorneys, 1M Montague street, Borough of Brooklyn, New York Cltv, an or before the first day of January. 1910 next Dated. June 23.

1909. FREDERICK MAOENHEIMER, JULIUS LEHRENKRAUS9. Executors. Morris ft Whltehouse. Attorneys for ixecu-tore, 14 Montague street, Borough of Brook-lyn.

New York City. je24 th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, 6urrogate of the County of Kings, notice la hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against EMELINE TEN EVCK. late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at her place of transacting business, at the office of Robert C.

Ten Eyck, No. 2 Rector street. Borough of Manhattan, In the City cf New York, on or before the 1st day of November next. Dated, New York. April 28.

1909. MAGGIE S. TEN EYCK. Administratrix with the will annexed. Robert C.

Ten Eyck, Attorney for Administratrix, No. 2 Rector FireM. I'oiouph of Manhattan, (Jit of Vcik. a29 6tn tb at once there is need to renew the life forces. Weak nerves, wearied brains, sick stomach, feeble blood, torpid liver, sluggish bowels all feel the quickening effects of Beecham's Pills.

Their use makes all the difference. The tonic action of these pills upon the vital organs is immediate, thorough and lasting. Theyare Nature's own remedy For Run-down Conditions Sold Everywhere in Boxes, 10c and 25c ing by his house. He did not Investigate he cause of shooting at such an unusual hour in the morning. Upon further questioning by tho district attorney the witness (admitted that hn thought someone was hunting deer.

He also admitted to the district attorney that he thought Schvartz shot Nelson. The district attorney was not at all satisfied with Mil- testimony, and mused him nf not elling all he knew nhnnt the rase. August Schwartz, the hoarder in the Nelson home, who Is an admirer of Mrs. Nelson and. who was arrested as a material witness, was charged by the coroner with murder in the first degree and held I for the action of the Grand Jury, which will sit at Rlverhead next Wednesday.

Schwartz accetped the decision of Coroner Savage wihout comment, hut showed signs of nervousness nnd turned very pale. He was then arraigned before Justice Wright of Islip, who ordered the prisoner to be taken to the Rlverhead Jail. BULLET THROUGH HIS HEAD. Quartermaster Sergeant James Caron i Commits Suicide at Gover- Vr Tal en1 Quartermaster Sergeant James Caron of Company I. Twenty-ninth Infantry, U1I1L in ms outside, the redoubt at Fort Jay Governor's Talnnri The enMton ki the account or Frankdn TruM i onipany.

executor of the estate ot COBNKI.I A MON FORT, deceased. And let the above name- infants then and there show cause why a social guardian should not bo appointed to appear for them un said Judicial settlement. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court t- be hereunto affixed. Witness. Hon.

(L. 8.) Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate ot our said County, at the county of Kings, the th day of August. the year of our Ixird one thousand nine hundred and nine. EDWARD BEROEV.

Clerk of the Surrogate's Court, McKeen. Brewster A Morgan. 16 Montague street. Brooklyn. New York.

Attorneys for Franklin Trust Company, Executor. aui9 6t th THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God free and IndependentTo Chsrles W. Bush. James A. Coe, Hollia Coe.

William Coe, Eveline Morrow. Angelette Wesley, Susan Marr. Louisa Post. Emma Van Nlmmegen, Hannah Straut, Altda Covert. Uerlru.Je Sherwood.

Annta M. Bender, Sarah E. Eckcrson. John Litchholt, James Litchholt. Frederick Litchholt.

Muude Eckerson, Raymond Eekorson, Wallace Ecker-son, John Marr. Abraham Marr, William Cue. Andrew Coe. Maggie Coe, Emma Coe, Jennie Coe. Lillle Coe.

Mae Vreeland. Harry Coe. Charles W. Coe. Frank P.

Cor, Alfarelta Coe, George Coe. Sarah A. Rhodes. Abram F-Coe, Leliu, I. Hogart, Ada Stephenson, National Surety Company.

Send greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear before our Surrogate of the Conjtty of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held at the Hall of Records. In the County of Kings, on the 2Sth day ol October, llk, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, then and there to attend the Judicial settlement of the account of John H. Lyon and Charles W. Bush, as administrators of ihs goods, chattels and credits which were of REBECCA HAMMOND deceased. And let the above named Infants then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be apiolnted to appear for them on said Judicial settlement.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto alllxed. Witness. Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of (L.

our said County, at the County o( Kings, the 19th day of August. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine. EDWARD J. HEROES'. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

Thornton Earle. Attorneys for Administrators, Park ftow. New York City. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by (he grace of God free and independentTo Wllllara Charlton, the only heir and next of kin of John Charllon. lata of the County of Kings, deceased; send greeting: Whereas, Jane Charlton, of No.

U'SU Prospect place, Rorougji of Brooklyn. County of Kings, has lately petitioned ur Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to have i a certain instrument In writing bearing date (the 6th day of October, JitfiS. relating to real and personal property, duly proved an the last will and testament or jcimn chaklton, late of Kings County, deceased. Wherefore, You and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court to be held at the Hull of Records, In the county of Kings, on he Sth day of November. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of the said last will and testament.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our Surrogate's Court to bo hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate 'f (L. our said County, at the County ff Kings, the 15th day of September, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine.

EDWARD J. BERGEN. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. Addiami S. Sanborn, Attorney for Petitioner, 189 Montague street, Brooklyn, N.

sel8-t th THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW Work, by the grace of God free and Independent. To Maria Muller. Carolina Dakennan. George Ewald. George Frey.

Katherlna Frey. Peter Frey, Henry Frey. Jacob Frey, 'arl Blasius, Anna Blaslus. Johannes Muller, Send green ting: Whereas. Edward S.

Anderson, of '42 Norman av, Horough of Brooklyn. City jf New York, has lately petitioned our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to have a certain instrument in writing bearing date the "Mh day of August, 111)9. relating to real and personal property, duly proved as the Inst will and testament of PETER MULLER, late of the County of Kings, deceased. Wherefore, you and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, nt a Surrogate's Court to be held at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the L'8th day of October, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of the said last will and. testament.

In testimony whereof we have caused the of our Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of (L. our said County, at the County of Kings, the 14th day of September.

In the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine. EDWARD J. BERGEN, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. Edward Rellley, Attorney for Petitioner. 142 Norman av, Brooklyn, New York.

sl6-th-St IN PURSUANCE- OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of (he Countv of Kings, notice Is hereby given, ac cording to liw, to all persons having claims against HURR'L. HOUOHTON. late of tha Borough of Rrooklyn.

deceased, that they are required to exhibit the Fame, with the Vouchers thereof, to the subscrltter, at real estate office of Ellsha T. Everett, No. vo Nosirand avenue, In Rrooklyn. N. on or befnre the first day of December next.

Dated Miy 25, 1009. m27 6m th L. ELWYN CHASE. Executor. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon.

Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against REUBEN MAPELBDEN. late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhihlt the name, with the voucher thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting buslne-ss, Xo. fci Beaver Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or before the first day of November next.

Dated April 15. 1M9 MARTON Tl. A PELS DEN, HERBERT S. OGDEN. th Exeotitors.

NORTH, PETER PURSUANCE Of an order of Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against PETEK L. NORTH, late of the County of Kings, deceased, to present the same wim vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at Its ninra of transact ina business, at Monia- aue street. In the Borough of Brooklyn.

City of New York, on or before the 16th day of December next. Dated Brooklyn, N. the 10th dav 01 Juno, HOME TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Executor. Harris Cnrwin Gunnison Meyers, Attorneys for Executor. IwO Uau street.

New York IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persona having claims against the estates of ALIDA W. THAYER, ALFRED CUTTRELL, THOMAS T. WATTS, JAMES BLACK, ANNIE O'MAHA (also known as ANNA O'MARA), EDWARD ZAH-LESEN (also known as EDWARD ZAHLI-SON), SARAH A.

LAWSON. VALENTIN MAI R. MARY EAGAN AND GUSTAVE BENTLAGE. deceased, that they are required to exhi bl th same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the administrator, at his office. Temple Bar Building, 44 Court st, Brooklyn, New York, on or before the 30th day uf October next.

Dated April -29, l9-9. CHARLES E. TEALE. Public Administrator Kings County, Administrator. Office and Post Office address, 44 Court street.

Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. Charles H. Kelby, Attorney for Administrator. 44 Court street. Borough of Brooklyn, Cityof New York.

a29 28t th "I NPU A NCE OF AN ORDEROP THE Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law. to all persons having claims against FRANM3 G. MILLER, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are re- i qulreo to exmou ine eame.

witn tne vnuenrs Dftted Julv V9 1 BROOKLYN TRUST COMPANY HHUOKLx.N iHLbr COMFP Pvkeman. Oeland ft Kuhn. Attorneys P-r Fxocutor ISA Hon La cue street Bruoklvn New Executor. uoniague street. urooKij n.

New I IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Hon. Herbert T. Ketcham. Surrogate of the County 1 Kines. notice berchv given, according to law, to all persons having claims againpt ANDREW J.

DOWER, late of the Countv of Kings, deceased, that they are required t- exhibit the s-ime, with the vouchers thereof. to the subscriber, at Kings County Trust Company. No. 3W Fulton street, Borough of Brk-Ivn. City of New York, on or before the first day of April next.

Dated September 22, 1909. ExH-utur. GEORGE V. HROWER. Attorney for Fxectitur.

Office and Tor OfPcf a-MrrcS. Tom ilc Bar. 14 Court street fijuimh of P. Citv New York, Zm th or nrioie 10c ua ui. rcuiuuo iieii WRESTS! I fit OUUl Vif self through the head, using the reeula- i tion army rifle.

Fraternal Societies. Knights of St. John and Malta. Aurora Commandery hold its regular Mated chapter last Tuesday, Em. Commander A.

B. Entreas in tho East and all officers at their stations. Delegates to the Chapter General of America presented their report, which was listened to with considerable interest. The committee on entertainment reported progress, and that the participants were hazing their usual rehearsals. Among those present were Grand Captain of the Guards V.

E. David Broscnart, V. li. George A. Knerner, Past Commanders John Anderson, F.

Lonls Rle-menschnelder, George H. Mebote, Henry Jaeger, H. Ratz. The visitors present were V. E.

Sir E. O. Horuel of Mouni Vernon and Past Commander M. Anthony of Unity. Ogden Commandorq held Its regular chapter at.

Melville's Arcado last Tuts-day evening, Commander Ernest K. Law-son in the east. The grand command M. E. Sir Joseph G.

Burrows paid his first official visit since the Chapter General, accompanied by Grand Chancellor V. E. Henry C. Siegmann and Grand Prior V. E.

Arthur F. Lamson. A general report wa3 made by the grand commander and grand chancellor on the recent session of the chapter general and much satisfaction expressed with the official visit. Among those present were Past Commanders Richard Melville A. W.

Davis. Hugh E. Blades, R. J. Pearce and J.

T. Ryder. Union Commandery held Its regular chapter last Monday evening, Commander W. W. Lounsbury in the east.

The delegates to the chapter general reported, through Past Commander Frank M. Rooney, who gave a very luid iind Interesting report of the transactions. Among those present were Past Commanders William Harvey, N. P. Hartman, V.

J. Harvey. E. P. Campbell, B.

B. Hadfleld, H. C. Siegmann. Among the visitors were Past Grand Trustee Angus G.

Macdonald, Post Commanders E. C. Lane, S. H. Post and Sir J.

A. Wain-man. St. Agelo Commandtry held their regular chapter last Thursday, Commander Charles P. Sehiel In the east and all officers at their stations.

Thi chapter was very Interesting, as reports of the delegates to the chapter general were made and supplemented by an interesting address by P. C. Frank M. Rooney. Other addresses were made by P.

C. Albert A. Hall, Alfred Stover and the commander. Among the visitors were V. E.

Sir George W. Salter, M.D.; V. E. Sir Caleb H. Coggeshall and Past Commanders H.

W. Dixon, W. B. Potter, J. P.

Hofman, J. M. Blanz, C. V. Grove, F.

A. Alkman. Gustave Baecht. Port Greene Council, E. A.

Fort Greene Council No. 1048, Royal Arcanum, held its regular meeting on Thursday evening, September 23. in the Johnston Building. Flatbush avenue and Nevins street. After the meeting the members and their friends were entertained by a number of vaudeville stars, who furnished an elegant programme of songs, music and stories, which were en-Joyed by ell.

At the. previous meeting Brother P. H. Cannon delivered a short address, entitled "Tha Reminiscences of Fort Greene Council," which was Srerv interesting, as it Included the progress that has been made, incidents that have occurred and the good that has been done by the members and the various associations formed In the council from its inception to the present time. For the benefit of those who were absent, Brothtr Cannon has agreed to repeat his address at some future date.

The council prizes were awarded to Brothgrs MUliken, Jame and Williams. Brevoort Council, B. A. Brevoort Council, No. 1,350, R.

held a regular meeting In their beautiful council room in the Johnston building on Tuesday, September 28. Every officer was at his station except the sentry, wh. Is slowly recovering from a long continued illness. The report of his improvement in health was received with a round of applause. A letter from Brother Harry Williams promising to come down from Connecticut for the entertainment which the orator Is arranging for October 12 was also received with marks of ap proval.

Supervising Deputy Tierney addressed the council under Duty XVII, explaining the several college scholarship contests that were pow In progress in the Royal Arcanum. Musical numbers by the organist and recitations and songs by various m-mfcers closed a Very pleasant evening. careful of yourself. Take Crystal Domino Svgar. A Triumph la Sujjar MakirvjJ Crystal $00110 SUGAR BROOKLYN'S SHOW RESTAURAHT THE ORMONDE Most Coiivenipnt After Illstor-iciil I'iU'iKlt'.

Friday, Oct. 1st. FuSton St, at Nostrand Av. FIVE MINUTES FROM EASTERN P'WAY. HAVE YOU TASTED Werner's Imperial Celery Sauce? A delightful relish.

Keep on the table at all meals. Sold at all grocers. officials and employes connected with the International Y. M. C.

A. headquarters in Manhattan. L. I. CITY MEN MARCH.

Long Ialand City will be represented in the great military parade of the Hudson-Fulton celebration to-day by the Captain Malcolm W. Rafferty Camp, No. SO, Spanish War Veterans, They left Court House Square under Commander John M. Phillips at 10 o'clock and marched down Jackson avenue to the Thirty-fourth street ferry. As they passed the Borough Hall the veterans got a lc2ly reception.

This camp has the distinction of having four brothers as members, all of whom fought in the war. They are John Charles, Joseph and Thomas Phillips. Another feature of the parade waB a Filipino flag which was captured by United States troops in the wars In thoac islands. It has been donated to the camp, and it was borne proudly alongside tho big national colors of the camp. CALIFORNIANS TO CELEBRATE.

Californians in this city will celebrate the rebuilding of San Francisco, on October by. giving a banquet at the Hotel Astor. As San Francisco Is preparing to hold the biggest affair in its history to celebrate the Portola Festival and rejuvenation of its city, its representatives in this city feel it is their duty to celebrate by giving a banquet. BROOKLYN SHIPPING NEWS. The Lloyd Brazileiro Line's steamship Eskalde arrived yesterday at the Bush Company's Independent StoreB from Buenos Ayres, Mon'evideo, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Pernarnbuco, and St.

Luoia. She brought a small amount of carnauba wax and tkins. ITS FOURTH ANNUAL BALL. The fourth anrnifl ball of the Progressive Loan Association of the Robert Gair Company wfll be h1il in Arloa Hall Saturday 2n ing, 0-tfbei- 2. i 5 DIM lITT ill IN GERMAN CIRCLES.

When the Brooklyn Saengei-bund cle its officers, on October 11, a lively racet- Lions. lue oaeiigi-'i uuuu. huiiiii i- yearB has had no less than four different musical directors. Louis Koem-menlch, who was In charge of the choru3 for years, was succeeded by Hugo Stein-bruch, who came from Germany to the Saengerbund. He only lasted a short time and was succeeded by Dr.

J. Eisen-heimer. The latter, however, did not seem contented, and he resigned, being 8uc-ceded by Louis Koemmenh-h, who, while being director of tho Saengerbund, lived in Philadelphia. When the Saengerbund decided to elect a successor to Director Stelnbruch, ex-President Albert Klelnert, who was a warm friend and admirer of Steinbruch, severed his connection with the bund. President August Nebel, who Is well liked by the majority of members, is not Inclined to accejit li.e office again.

Secretary Herman Koeln would acept renomlnation again, but it is understood there is considerable opposition to htm. The Rev. G. Sommer of North Fifth street, pastor of the St. Matthew German Lutheran Church, on Octn-ber 10 and 11 is to celebrate his twenty-fifth anniversary as pastor of that church.

The jubilee festival Is to be concluded with a concert on October 12, at Arlon Hall. The couch pillow raffled at the entertainment of the Hessischer Ladles Chorus on Tuesday night was won by Miss A. Kessler, while Miss Minnie Bioehmanu was the winner of a dressing set. The Socialistic Liedertafel will give a peasant ball on November 29 at Stauch'a, Coney Island. The play, "Laendliche Konzertprobe," is to be produced.

The Ladles Society of the Order of Prosperity, of which Mrs. Sophie Kreyen-hop is president, has presented the executive board of the order with $80, the amount cleared by the women nt their last outing. Brooklyn's United Singers are to participate In the parade in Manhattan on Saturday night. They are to form the second Division in the procession. About 600 Brooklyn stagers, will be in the parade.

The Franz Gerau Maennerchor of East New York will give a concert at Labor Lyceum on October 12. The Gerau Maennerchor Is to be represented at the golden Jubilee of the Concordia Singing Society of East New York, which is to be celebrated the latter part of next month. TRIP TO SEE WARSHIPS. The Long Island Railroad steamboat Sagamore left the annex dock near tiio Thirty-fourth street frrry in Long Ialand City last night far a trip up tho Hudson past the long line of war vessels anchored there. The excursion wia under the auspices of tho Long Ialand Railroad Y.

M. C. A. In the party were some three hundred of the employes of the Long Island Railroad, who are members of the association, together with the members of th'r families, inv! to I uests, officers of the association and I I For several years Caron has been at tached to the Twenty-ninth Infantry, which served four years in the Philippines, and during his service he received several medals for bravery. Recently, Caron was made quartermaster of the ronipai), and he had charge of the mess, and also looked after the company's property.

This responsibility seemed to worry him greatly. During the last two days, when there have been, crowds on the' island watching -the preparations for the flights of Wilbur Wright and Glenn H. Curtiss, Caron was very nervous, especially yes- terdny. After Wrieht had made his last flight 'last evening nnd the crowd el visitors had left the Island, Caron went to his bunk and talked with Private Harris, his roommate. When the two men turned in for the night Caron turned to Harris and said: "Harris, old boy, goodby." 'Then Caron reached over to one side and grabbed his Winchester rifle, and before Harris could stop him.

placed It to I' his head and fired. The bullet entered his mouth and tors out a portion -ot the back of his head. Harris ran out and summoned help and Caron was carried to the hospital nearby. The surgeon was summoned, but the man had died in-stantly. His holy was taken to the I basement of the hospital and efforts are Oelng made by the army officials to locate his relatives.

BURGLARY AT EAST EOCKAWAY. (Special to the Eagle.) East Rockaway, September 30 Bur-glaars effected an entrance Into the residence ot Benjamin W. Swope on Ocean avenue early Tuesday morning and made their escape with silverware valued at several hundred dollars. They effected their entrance by drilling a hole through the window, boring directly through the window catch. Mr.

Swope was the manager for several years of the Long Beach Hotel that was burned down a few years ago. CHANGE OP PLACE. The Saturday afternoon normal classes, formerly held in the Y. M. C.

A. rooms, Fulton and Bond streets, will be resumed on October 9 in the Fleet Street M. E. Church, corner of Fleet street and Flat-bash avenue extension. The Rev.

Dr. James M. Farrar Is the leader and has been for many years. JEWISH FAHKEKS' FAIR. I The Federation of Jewish Farmers will 'i4pn its first annual agricultural fair at East and Jefferson street, Manhattan, on Saturday, October 2, at 8 P.M., and continuing until October 7, Afternoon and evening..

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