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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
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MISCELLANEOUS. GET RUCKER'S PICTURE. MISCELLANEOUS. 'I GO MOT IT THE On TO OF 5 AND 1 0 CENT STORE CUMMER STORAGE for silverware, jewelry, and othcrvaluablesn chests, A Eagle? readers should see that, with to-day'a pnnrr. they receive a photogravure of Rucker.

This art seo lion Is a particularly line picture of the (treat Brooklyn pitcher, and fa the first of a aeries to be issued by the Eagle. Bluecoats From Two Precincts With Simple Ceremony Captain KAHLER COMFORT SHOE R. 4 i.eft) STOCKING Ob Sale Onlv at Oar SEW Store 1160 BROADWAY If your feet pain ydu be assured the trouble is with the snoes- Wear tne "KAHLER" Comfort shoes, built on anatomical principles, and your feet will trouble you do more. WOMEN'S SHOES 4.50 MEN'S SHOES 6.00 DR. P.

KAHLER SONS Surgeon Chiropodist Established IMS trunks, and packages is pro- vided by our fire-proof and burglar-proofSiOTZgi Vaults. STATION AN IMPORTANT ONE APENTAM Says She Stayed Away to Save Other Graduates From Annoying Publicity. Joseph B. Murdock Becomes Commandant. Fail to Check Rush of Women.

2 Absolute security at reason- A Stops Will Continue to Be Made at Consumers Park. able rates. Our wagon calls for and delivers trunks and 2 ONCE EQUIPMENT OFFICER AMBULANCE ALSO CALLED. packages in any part of ANXIOUS FOR A QUICK TRIAL. JSorrLta jrr Snmts.

buoA ft it. Humahk 1 Commissioner McCarroll Satisfied That Discontinuance Would Work ft 1 1 Mam. Not Many Changes ln Personnel of Frenzied Bargain Hunters Desert Injury. Doesn't Know Who One of the Corespondents Is, and Can't Find Out Her Confidence. MARRIAGE LICENSES Staff to Be Made by New Officer.

Children, and Police Bound Them Vp. Public Service Commissioner William Franklin Safe Deposit Co. FRANKLIN TRUST CO. BLDC, 166 Montague Brooklyn McCarroll made a report to-day to the $100,000 FOR LIBRARIES Queens Share of Available City Fund Announced. Issued ln Brooklyn for Twenty-foui commission on the complaint of C.

W. Captain Joseph B. Murdock, who com Hours Ended at Noon To-day, Congdon and others against the stopping manded the battleship Rhode Island on its cruise around the world. Is now the of trains at the Consumers Park station David W. Jf.

Wilson, 38 years, 1514 Seventv. il of the Brighton Beach line. Mr. McCar WEATHER FORECAST roll saya in his report: 6evanty-ixth t. ill commandant of the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

He was inducted Into office to the music of the Navy Yard band, under the leadership of Relnhold Schultz, Commodore Wladlalaw Zajencjkowskv. 24 veara. 95 Nina "This is a station which was estab Now Bites Can Be Bought at Jamaica and Long Island City Carnegie, Will Increase His Gifts. Mrs. Etta H.

Martin, who ts being sued or divorce, didn't attend the reunion banquet of her college alumni at the Hotel St. Denis, last night, because she was afraid her presence might spoil the affair. "You might as well know my reasons for not attending," said Mrs. Martin, today. "I didn't go because I didn't want to turn a nice, quiet, pleasant reunion dinner into a notorious affair.

I wanted to go, but I knew that the publicity lished in 1901. It Is located between the usenin sc. ana naiariynii znalezna, 19 4 95 Nineteenth tt. The opening to-day of an extension at Flushing avenue and Broadway to one of the five and ten cent stores which are so attractive to the foreign population of Williamsburg, brought on a small-sized riot which necessitated the calling of the police from four atatlonhousea. Several women tainted In the crush to enter the store and were revived by an ambulance surgeon and some score or more of children were lost, temporarily, and were lined up at an elevated railroad post and Identified by their frightened mothers station at Park place and that at Pros Axel A.

Leach, 27 years. 4(10 Dean It. and Schley's old chief musician on the U. S. Anna S.

Nelson, 29 years. 646 Werren at. pect Park. It Is something more than Persona dsirine; Information concerning the weather, temperature or other Information cn secure It by using telephone Ko. B71 Mltln, from 8 A.M.

to P.M. week days. Nights and Sundays, 41200 Main. Michael Umnlnskl, 22 years, 271 Forty-second S. Brooklyn during the battle of San tlago.

third of a milo from the latter and about and Helena Bloch. 25 years, 271 Forty second at. three-quarters of a mile from the former Captain Murdock at one time was the Herman Elecher, 23 years, Ml Norfolk st. The testimony, including, that our in Manhattan, and Rachel Spatter, 21 years, 213 Grand av. Indications Until 8 P.M.

To-morrovr. Washington. May 15 For Eastern York: equipment officer of the Navy Yard, and It Was at his recommendation that that That he had just been Instrumental ln obtaining from the Board of Estimate and Apportionment an appropriation of $675,000 for library sites in all sections of the city, and that Queens Borough would receive $100,000 of that amount for growing out of my presence there would spectors. showed that the ordinary tramc was light, averaging about one hundred people on week days and running up to Pawel Chajkacwlos, 24 years, 42 Scholes st. department was provided with a medi Showers to-night and Sunday, light to mod- give the banquet a notoriety distasteful eraw variable winds.

to all mv fplln onri Imnol ana eopnia jiurziana, is years, 4a Hudsoa avenue. cine shop of its own. That shop, how between two hundred and three hundred George M. Pope, 40 years, 165 DeKalb av, and Local Probabilities. ever, was dismantled recently, at the in on Sundavs.

The immediate locality Mary tn. conuuit, ii years, 155 DeKalb av. stance of Rear Admiral Caspar F. Good the station la but thinly settled, and the Joseph Kolenik. 27 years.

342 East Sixt- the purchase of the sites at Jamaica and Long Island City, was the statement made last night by Attorney Briggs for the Carnegie libraries at the meeting rich, U. S. who relinquished the post rosidents are mainly those employed by second st, Munhattan, and Susie Skavela, years, 210 Freeman st. the brewery and silk mill in tne vicinity. of commandant this morning, and has Qiuseppe N.

Scalt, 25 years, 133 Melrose the Queens Borough Library trustees The evidence onerea inciuaea a. peu tlnn niuned bv a laree number of clti later in the day. At noon to-day the police were still hovering at the entrances, letting the women and children in a few at a time and barborlng the lost ones ln the shadow of the structure. The excitement really began last night, when the proprietor of the storeran up the show window curtains, lighted the store inside and put up notices that the shop was open for Inspection from the outside. The attractive offerings at five and ten cents kept a crowd about the windows until after midnight, with the and Maria O.

Fornataro, 19 years. 2a rose at. been transferred to another building un der the Jurisdiction of the manufactur held last sight at their headquarters ln 7nn remonstratine against the discon Carl A. Johnson. 26 years, 589 Vanderbilt lng department.

Jamaica. tinuance of this station. While the traffic and Hilda Nelson. 26 years, 569 Vander avenue. At fifteen minutes after 9 o'clock this Mr.

Briggs said that the sites for the is small and the neighborhood In tha vioinitv i hut slowlv developing, the dis Frank Vincent, 61, years, 59 West Fifty-foi" morning Rear Admiral Goodrich, Cap two libraries had been virtually selected and would be officially passed upon with st, Manhattan, and Harriet Vincent, years, 29b ftyerson st. tain Murdock and the principal officers in the next two weeks, and that he ex Magnus L. Erlcksen, 27 years, 159 Bedford assembled ln front of the Lyceum, tho tance between the stations Is such that a considerable number of persons would undoubtedly bo much Inconvenienced by being compelled to go to either one of the nth.o ell tlnntl and Lillian t. senroeaer. a years.

avenue. commandant's office. A company of ma police on haud to keep the sidewalk from pected the title to pass by July 1. It is understood that the Jamaica site decided upon is that on Clinton avenue, near Fulton street, 100 feet square, which Is Hiekki Eskelum. 31 years.

661 Warren at. a being blocked. 'In the progress of the development of Alma wlrkkunen, 29 years. 644 union S'. rlnes and the marine band were drawn up across the street and presented arms at the appearance of the officers, who Then there was a lull for six hours.

Samuel Miller, 25 years, 434 Sackman st, a. 1 this section, considerate cnanges Annie MaiKim, years, 244 wauuns mi. takn nlnne in -the near future, ine i At 6 o'clock this morning Sergeant Qulg now occupied in part by the library. There is available from the Carnegie fund, for the erection of the two libraries Unsettled weather, with showers to-nlprht and Sunday; wind shifting to northeast and east and becoming southeast and south, mostly light to moderate. General Weather Conditions.

The disturbance that has been causing showers in the Lower Lake sectlcn and In portions of New York. Pennsylvania and New Enaland has moved to the Maritime I'rovinces. The western disturhante was central this morning In Wisconsin it has been attended since yesterday m-rmng by local storms and helvy rain in sectinns of Kansas. Missouri. Nebraska.

Iowa and Wisconsin and by showers In the Upper Lake section and In Minnesota. South Fakota Oklahoma and Eastern Texas. The weather cuntinues warm south of the Lake district and from the Middle and Lower Mississippi Valley eastward to the Atlantic coast- Temperatures have fallen in Kansas. "Western Missouri. Colorado and Vorth-in Texas and In Northern and Northwestern New York and Northern Xew England.

Tern- Pre Tsm. Prs- pera-ciplta-j pera clplta turs. tlon. I turs. tlon.

Boston es New Orleans 74 .00 Buffalo S4 72 tA St Louis 70 Philadelphia T.Chicago 70 Washington. TO ft. Dulutn 42 .01 70 0ft; fan Fran'co 4s .00 Hlahest, 74. at New Orleans, lowest. 42, at Duluth.

Indicates amount too small to measure. OFFICIAL TEMPEBATUEE. FRIDAY. MAY 14. Dennis McCarthy.

29 years. 665 Bergen st. an were clad In full dress. so to myself." The chief speaksr at. the reunion banquet was the Rev.

Dr. Jonathan Magie Meeker, father of Dr. Harold Denman Meeker, who is one of the nine prominent co-respondents named by Edwin E. Martin In his divorce suit. Dr.

Meeker is president of Mrs. Martin's old college the Centenary Collegiate Institute, the alumni association of which was holding Its reunion banquet. Dr. Meeker and many others, came over from Hacketts-town, N. where the college Is located, to take part in the banquet.

Quite a number of Brooklyn graduates of the Centenary took part In the dinner. The Centenary is a co-educational Institution and both the alumni and alumnae were well represented. Mrs. Martin had planned to take part in the banquet and there was a rumor that the reunion would be made the occasion to pass a vote of confidence in her. Her friends ridiculed this latter suggestion and said that under no icrcumstancs would her domestic affairs figure at a dinner of ths alumni.

Because the newspapers learned that Mrs. Martin was to attund the banquet, sue decided not to embarrass her friends by attending. Mrs. Martin laughed at a report that some girlish escapade of hers at the college in Haekettstown had caused her to leave the Centenary before graduating. "I graduated in the class of she said, "and I don't know of any happening Bridget Hanley, 27 years, 413 et.

ilarK av ley and half a dozen policeman from the Hamburg avenue station lined up along Without much ado Admiral Goodrich in Queens, Mr. Briggs said, some $37 Joseoh R. Piccolo. 21 years. 628 Grand av.

ani 237. He said that be had been informed proceeded to read the order of the Sec the sidewalk, and their troubles began. Josephine Buonavolonta, 17 years, tza urant avenue. seum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences is located on the Eastern parkway, which Is six blocks distant from this station, and which Is visited by a large number of people. Some of the intervening streets are not yet cut through and the railroad runs through private that Mr.

Carnegie would give such ad The crowd numbered several hundred by retary of the Navy relegating him to private life, and 'at its conclusion said to Charlea A. Lind, 26 years, 160 Fourth av, and Ellen Laurln. 18 years. Bridgeport, uonn. 7 o'clock, and was doubled an hour later.

ditional sums as are required, and will allow $50,000 for each of the buildings. The trustees mentioned $30,000 as being a sum desirable for the construction of Captain Murdock: Julius Krelner, 26 years. 858 Wythe av. ana when the doors were opened. There are Minnie Elatz.

22 years. 319 Stagg st. rleht of wav in a depression. A con fur entrances on the Broadway side and three on the Flushing avenue -side. It William J.

Smith, 31 years, 17 Pulaski st. 'In addition to this order directing me to turn over this great yard to you, the department did me the honor to say that siderable population Is now settling along and Maud E. Westland. 23 years, itzt bum-wick av. soon became necessary to turn the Flush the library in Jamaica, which will contain the administration offices, though this matter will be further discussed at the Eastern parkway, it wouia seem nrobablp that in the not distant future Michael A.

Stern. 23 years, 167 Boerum st. lng avenue entrances Into exits only and to forbid the shoppers to go out by way and Clara Kaufman. 20 years, lof soerum street. some subsequent meeting.

The site at Long Island City was not definitely announced. Attorney Briggs a station would be required at another point that would better accommodate the general public and the large number of visitors to the museum than does this William Smith. 27 years, 240 York st, and Anna F. Geary, 27 years, 240 lora st. declared that owing to tho construction John Perfors.

22 years. McKee's Rock. station at Consumers Park. In tne mean of the new bridge at that place the committee had some difficulty ln deciding on or tne Broadway doors. The shop was quickly filled and still the women and children sought to enter.

It was excessively warm end the shoppers were not particularly familiar with drawing room etiqutte, and in the mad pushing and pulling shirt waists were torn and hats were jammed and side and Helen Malolepszy. 2 years, out Flushing av. time it would appear that the discon Karl S. Nordllnder. 33 years.

680 Pacific st. ii you win duplicate my experience here, you will not have an idle moment." At the conclusion of this remark Captain Murdock read the order directing blm to assume command of the local Navy Yard and added that he felt highly honored to have served with Admiral Goodrich, during the latter'g last days ln active service. Then the guns on the Cob Dock commenced firing a salute to the admiral's flag, which was hauled down, and the senior officer's pennant of Captain Murdock hoisted in its place. A bugler and a drummer with the marines sounded two "ruffles," and the marine band the library location, having been compelled to modify its plans. tinuance of stoppage of trains at this Btation would work considerable Injury KIP 71 S2 P.M 71 SO 10 70 and Augusta M.

Frlsa. 23 years, osu rt street. 5 P.M. 4 P.M. 6 P.M.

8 P.M. 7 P.M. and Injustice to the people located there Theodore Lee. 40 years. 84 Luquer st, ana) combs were lost, and small children were Gunda Jacobsen.

38 years. 19 iourtn place. who are largely dependent upon it and who would also be served If a station 79 67 73.12 (Midnight) 67 SATURDAY. MAY 15. 7 A fi swept from their mothers' sides.

DISSENTS ON DEBT LIMIT Walter S. Vaughan. 22 years. 226 Klngslanos- In my student days that caused any trouble with the college authorities." Mrs. Martin said that she was very anxious to learn the Identity of "Mr.

Sergeant Quigley and bis valiant band should later be located at another point, 1 AM av, and Emma Zimmer. is years, an Leonard st. SAM (iS SAM as suggested. of six found their efforts as unavailing as they were strenuous, and word was Alexander Pawlawsky. 27 years, 289 Kent av As the station Is now used only as a and victoria Zuza.

22 years, zv ivent av. Justice Ingraham Does Not signal stop, It does not seem to me that Knapp," one ol the nine co-respondents. She said she couldn't Imagine who he could be, as her husband's complaining Bernard Kaslenbaum, 38 years, 248 Hart' t. the commission would be lustined in or and Sabine Relchert. years, nan di.

5 AM rt 10 AM 71 4 A Wi 11 A 71 6 A 65 12 75 6 A sfi 1 7S 7 A S' 2 P.M 79 Average temperature to-day. 72. Average temperature a year ago to-day, 52 HIGH WATER. derlng its discontinuance under all the Agree With Gen. Tracy.

affidavit had been so vague and Indefinite Thomas Wright, 22 years, 8 Hubbard plaoa. played a march. Admiral Goodrich shook hands hurriedly with the officers about him, and was driven to his late home on the Hill, where he doffed his uniform and donned a civilian suit. He was then sent to the Stagg street, Clymer street and eVrnon avenue police station. More bluecoats Were quickly on the scene.

By the time they arrived several women had lost consciousness. Dr. O'Keefe came ln an automobiie from St. Catherine's Hospital and used all his smelllne salts, or circumstances, and would, therefore. in describing him, Rnd she had been un and Florence Kerrigan, years.

x.o Ninth st. commend that- the complaint be dismissed If Wo i tor .7 Oreen. 30 vears. Halelgh. N.

I and that an order to that effect be en Says He Believes Special Franchises able to obtain a bill of particulars setting forth his full name and the times and places of her alleged relations with and Isabella L. Lucas. 21 years. 94 Kent St. tered." John H.

Bardes. 30 years, 270 Lenox rd, and him A. si. ,11, u.uurat'n w( H.M.IFtl'K M.IKMt M.H. Vl.

I Are Not Keal Estate and City Contracts Should Be Included. Harriet A. Siegele, 26 years, 101 driven to the Grand Central Station, whence he took train for Albany. As the carriage sped through the gateway, the band, which had been marched to the gate, struck up "Auld Lang Syne." whatever restorative an ambulance surgeon employs in such an emergency, in getting the shoppers ln trim for another Hackee 27 years. 117 Manhattan av.

Mrs. Martin was told that rumor had identified this particular co-respondent as a prominent Brooklyn business man with JUMPED INTO POLE HOLES Manhattan, ana Florence j. wirim, New Tot k. Bandy Hook 5:0 4 43 4 4 4.7 5 .39 I 5:15 4 9 6.3 try to enter. 5:54 6:08 I 297 Garfield place.

Children found wanderlne alonn and should auld acquaintance be forgot musical tendencies. The Appellate Division of the Supreme hummed one of the workmen standing near. "Sure, we'll never forget htm." SUN RISES AND BETS. "I don't know any one by the name of Knapp, or any person that could fit that EUCHRE AT ST. JOHN'S.

Women of 40th Street Defy Court in Manhattan yesterday afternoon affirmed tho opinion of General B. F. Among those who witnessed the cere May 15 I May IB. 4. 39 Rises.

.4:98 Sets. .7:07 very hazy description, said Mrs. Martin. mony were Rear Admiral Seaton Schroe- Tracy, the referee appointed to determine I have some doubts that he exer existed Edison Company Men. crying were corraled by the police and gathered about an elevated post a half block from the shop.

There was a surprising large number of mothers willing to sacrifice a child for a half dollar's worth of goods for a dime. The crueh at the store continued all the forenoon and bade fair to keep up during the rest of der of the Atlantic fleet, who came up Six Hundred Persons Compete fo and it wouldn't surprise me to learn that SHIP NEWS. Franklin Taylor, my husband counsel knows Just as little about Mr. Knapp as Victorious in Their Fight, and Courts Prizes in Gymnasium of College. irom nis quarters on the Connecticut; Acting Captain of the Yard Commodore H.

O. Dunn, Captain. Samuel W. B. Diehl of the receiving ship Hancock.

Medical 1 know. mo aay ana into tne evening. Mrs. Martin seemed very confident of Will Now Decide the Case. I the city's debt limit, in the three taxpayers' suits brought to restrain the Board of Estimate from approving and certifying contracts for the construction of the Fourth avenue subway In Brooklyn.

General Tracy held that the debt limit on June 30, 190S, was $106,206,714 and excluded from the debt limit more than $54,000,000 for which contracts had the outcome of her husband's suit against her. She said that his caae would go all Six hundred persons attended the an Inspector E. H. Green of the Naval Hospital, Pay Director Reah Frazer, general storekeeper, Pay Inspector F. T.

Arms (the yard pay office, Pay Inspector nual euchre and bridge whist to aid St. John's College, Lewis and Willoughby avenues, the games being held ln ths TEST NEW RECORDING LAW All day yesterday, from 9 ln tha morn to pieces in court, as there was absolutely no truth In his charges. She said she was anxious to have the case tried before a Jury, as quickly as possible, but Thomas C. Jewett of the department of ing until almost 6 o'clock In the evening, provisions and clothing, Captain Wythe that she didn't know whether or not her been let but the work not yet performed. gymnasium of the college.

Two hundred and fifty bridge whist players occupied the upper part of the building, the same husband's counsel, J. Arthur Hilton, would M. Parks, inspector of steam engineering work; Naval Constructor W. J. Baxter, yard manager; Civil Engineer Luther E.

Gregory, Colonel William P. Biddle, The only opinion handed down yesterday be able to prepare the case in time for three women defied the efforts of laborers employed by the Edison Illuminating Company to erect poles on Fortieth street between Fifth and Sixth avenues. These women were Mrs. Bessie Mitchell, the Motion to Be Made in Queens, Monday, for Mandamus. trial, on Monday.

number were in the lower part of tne It was reported to-day that Frederick commandant of marines; Lieutenant Commander Philip Williams and Boat gymnasium, while there were one hundred Arrived at New York To-day. Manna Hats, from Baltimore. K. J. Luckenbach, from Aiayaguez.

Colorado, from Galveston. l.a Savoie. from Havre. Manna Hata, from Baltimore. Colorado, from Galveston.

La Savoie. from Havre. F. J. Luckenbach, from Arroyo.

Merlda, from Havana. Sailed From Foreign Porta To-day. Montevideo Voltaire, for New York Antwrep Vaderland, for New York. Queenstown Arable, for New York Southampton St. Louis, for New York.

Arrived at Foreign Ports To-day. Pernambuco Corslcan Prlnyce. from New York. Rotterdam Captain A. P.

Lucas, from New York. Amsterdam Chariots, from New York. Newport Devonshire, from New York. Manchester Tintoretto, from New York. London Mesaba.

from New Yock. Port Said Matoppo. from New York. Naples Finland, from New York. Genoa Perugia, from New York.

Bremen Prina Friedrich Wllhelm, from New York. Is a dissenting one by Justice Ingraham. He does not believe that the $466,355,000 of special franchises can be classed as real estate. As to excluding the of contracts from the debt limit non-players who received prises. The as wife of a prominent builder of 653 Fortl swain Hopkins.

L. Higgins of 226 New York avenue, one of the nine co-respondents, became engaged to be married only a short time before the Martin divorce suit became Lieutenant William F. Brlcker, the ad sortment of gifts to be contended for was ot the handsomest character, and eth street; Mrs. Antonio Vachris, the wife of Lieutenant Vachris of the Italian Opinion of Attorney General O'Malley Does Not Decide Matter Title Companies to Act. ustice Ingraham says: public.

It waB stated that the matrimo detective squad, and Mrs. Paul Slmonettl "It Is true that the obligation of tht; numbered about two hundred. St. John's College holds its popularity among the Catholics of Brooklyn, and the people of the wife of another detective in Vachris' miral's aide, who Was also present, will be the only member ot the commandant's personal entourage who will not be held over by Captain Murdock. Lieutenant Brlcker is to be succeeded by Lieutenant Edward C.

S. Parker, now on the reserve battleship, the Alabama. city depends upon performance by the squad. nlal prospects were not at all clouded by his embarrassing predicament, as he had been able to convince his friends that his connection with the case grew out of his desire to improve his singing voice under every parish united with that of St. John the Baptist to make the annual eucnra various contractors of their obligations; but as an actual existing condition there Is no doubt that the city will have to pay and bridge whist a success.

Tha laborers began to dig in front of 653 Fortieth street, and had reached a depth of about 4 feet when Mrs. Mitohell jumped into the hole, there to remain Captain Murdock is tne first captain The uncertainty as to the effect of tho new law providing that the city clerk shall authenticate all acknoledgments made by commissioners of deeds as to rea lestate conveyances in New York City The Rev. James M. Cheetnutt, C. to be detailed to the command of the local Navv Yard and station since 1889.

the sums represented by these contracts and provide for their payment either by had general charge of the affair. He won credit from all for his efforts. Miss tne teacning or Mrs. Martin, and that he was never more than a pupil until the detectives employed by Mr. Martin aroused his chivalrous Instincts and caused him to interest himself in the until the laborers went home in the even when Captain Francis M.

Ramsay was the commandant, from February to November of that year. The first com ing. This attracted a big crowd, and a issuing bonds or by some form 6f taxa tlon. It is said that as to these unexe protection of Mrs. Martin cuted contracts the city can break the mandant, assigned in 1806, was a lieu contracts and then would only be liable PEABODY NOT IN GOOD HEALTH Plymouth Philadelphia, from New Tork.

Bailed From New York To-day. Hercules, for Perth Amboy. IngelAngen. for Port Tampa. Livingstone, for Nlpe Bay.

Minnewaska, for London. Queen Eleanor, for Rosarto. Thespi, for Manchester. Due To-morrow. to the contractor for the amount of the oetore tney can be recorded by county clerks, and as to whether the n.ew law supersedes section No.

58 Of the charter, which permits the acknowledgment by a commissioner of deeds of any part of the city to be received at the office of any county clerk of Greater New York, is still the subject of much anxious inquiry at tenant, but the scope oi tne yard increased so rapidly that the second commandant held the rank of captain. With one exception, when a commander was contractor's profit. Could Not Go to Colorado Springs to But even ln such a case the city would couple of policemen to keep order. The laborers then abandoned their first location and started to dig in front of 641, but almost Immediately Mrs. Slmonettl came out with a chair and sat down over the spot where the men had commenced to dig.

The gang of workmen then returned to their first location, and began to dig a hole 3 feet away from the One have to make a contract with some one assigned, captains were detailed here up to 1861, when the place began to be reserved for officers of flag rank. Cap elso to do the work, and at any rate Take Oath as Executor of Palmer Estate. Rosemary Rogers was the general chairman, and with the secretary, Miss Mary G. Walsh, was indefatigable In bringing; order out of confusion. Miss Catherine McCaffrey was complimented for her work as chairman of the prize committee, for a better selection could not have been secured.

The ticket committee, under the chairmanship of Miss Anna Keany, distributed and sold an enormous number of tickets. The reception committee made all who attended feel at home. Mrs. M. Bannon was Its chairman, and Harry Rutan as chairman Of the floor committee kept the games, of which there were ten going on, till the finish, like clockwork.

It was after midnight before they were entirely concluded. Mrs. Nolan was on the press committee. while the contract actually exists as a tne aueens County clerk's office. Lapland Antwerp May 8 tain Murdock Is well up in the list ot ivapics May County Clerk Neiderstein Is to try out captains, however, and he will be made valid contract, recognized by both par ties, aB such it seems to me It is an ex Isting indebtedness and within the con wipraitar May i.riaa I.t.hon tne issue with one of the title guarantee f-V Andrew 4 El Monte Galveston May 10 templation of the Constitution prohibiting an atrust companies on Monday, ln occupied by Mrs.

Mitchell. Then Mrs. Vachris came out ln a hurry and Jumped Into that hole. a rear admiral oetore tne yeax is out. PROBE FOR THE TEACHERS the incurring of further Indebtedness.

friendly mandamus proceeding, probably There are other questions presented oricis: May 15 City of Columbus May 13 Iroquola Jacksonville 13 The three women and their neiehbors before Justice Garret J. GarretsOn of the regard to the sinking fund in which Supreme Court. had quite a pleasant time, and during ths heat of the day solicitous friends brought am inclined to think the referee was Register Pendergast of Brooklyn said A dispatch from Colorado Springs, received ln this city, says that George Foster Peabody took the oath as executor of the $6,000,000 estate of tho late General William J. Palmer, yesterday, along with Charles Mullen and George A-Krause, also of this city. Owing to Mr.

Peabody's health, he is forbidden by his physicians to go to Colorado Springs, because of the altitude, and the oath was administered at Pueblo, 2,000 feet lower. Mr. Peabody, it was said, stood the trip well, but will return here Immediately. The estate will be closed up as soon wrong. Thus I do not consider that the city is entitled to deduct from indebted Mayor Will Appoint Investigators A NEIGHBORHOOD SQUABBLE.

Wat they had so many papers to record every day that the new law, if carried out, would create such congestion that he out umbrellas to shade them from the sun, and delicious lunches, which they ate with great gusto ln their cramped positions. The laborers also seemed to enjoy the situation. They did not attempt to molest the women ln any way. ness under this constitutional provision bonds Issued for water supply and for revenue purposes which are not Included Next Week. the Indebtedness to which the 10 per was acting under the provision of the charter, an dthat if it was afterward de but sat down an date their black bread cent, provision applies.

The sinking fund holds these water bonds, but held by the sinking fund they are not Obligations and cheese and smoked and talked. When Culmination Said to Have Been a Stabbing. The culmination Of a neighborhood squabble that has been going on for some months, came last night when John Lemaster, aged 49, of 366 East Ninth cided tnat it was not the legal method new papers could easily be made out the time came for them to knock off, they gathered up their implements and gainst the cits'. It is like an individual County Clerk Neiderstein wrote to the or corporation purchasing Its own obliga as possible for one so extensive. The three executors are beneficiaries to the amount of $50,000 each.

The bulk of the estate goes to the general's three daughters, Mrs. Leopold H. Meyers of London, and the Misses Dorothy and Marjory Palmer of Colorado Springs. attorney general of the state for an opin went away. In the meantime, lawyers had been communicated with and Injunctions were issued.

The electric company will tions and holding them, xney reduce tne indebtedness of the city for the water Mayor McClellan is so busy finishing up his work with the legislation that affected this city, that he has not yet had the time to select the members of the commission which Is to investigate the salary question ot the women teachers. It is expeoted, however, that he will appoint the commission some time next week. The commission will have to he rather energetic in investigating the question, because all departmental ion, and received the following reply: "County Clerk of Queens: street, was arrested on complaint oc Frederick Young, of 368 East Ninth -i f.lnnlmi. aaeaiilf- supply, but they cannot reduce the other saoDue May 9 REPORTED BY WIRELESS. New-port, R.

May 15 Steamer Baltic Liverpool for New York, reported by wireless as hav'hB passed Nantucket Lightship at 8:20 A.M. Will dock about 8 P.M. Blaaconaet, May lS-Steamer New Tork Southampton for New York, reported by wireless telegraph 230 miles east of Sanly HOOiC At 8 A.M. Steamer Cleveland and Hamburg- for New of Sandy Hook i steamers will dock about 8 A.M., Sunday. 15-Steamer ffl York' ln wireless Marconi station hera a of 6andi' Hook at 7J5 A.M.

Will dock about 8 A.M.. Monday. ALL TO NIECES AND NEPHEWS. The nieces and nerphews receive all of the real and personal property valued at over J6.000. by the will of Susan L.

Wells of Long Island City, filed yesterday with Surrogate Noble of Queens. Daisy Robinson obtains the real estate on Lincoln and Central avenues, Rockvilie Ontre The remainder. consiBtins; of $2 100 li qually divided among Bertha Ahren's of Bridgeport, Henry Bodge of White Plains, N. and Minnie A Way of Jamaica. have to wait until the issue is settled before making any further attempts to Indebtedness upon wnicn tne rignt to "I beg to acknowledge receipt of vour street, wn-u borrow is limited." plant the unsightly poles.

There are a and taken to the Parkville Btation by Po- mvor of May 11, in which you make in PROFESSOR AT FIT THROWING. quiry with reference to the inconsistency liceman wunam vauce. iuuu6 l.emaatar cut him on the left arm with 1 number of trees along the street and the property owners say that the poles will injure the trees. One pole was planted SERVICE IS ALL BIGHT. which apparently exists between the aen- George Montgomery Sent to Jail and eral law and the charter of the City of on the street the day before yesterday, estimates must be filed with the Board of Estimate by July 15.

rew mm, wun reierence to the certifi S. Commission Drops Proceeding P. a pen knife last night, while the latter- says in defense that Young with another person had laid in wait tor him and j1 pounced upon him. Lemaster denied the stabbina: and casually remarked that he Must Quit Calling Ambulances. The Flatbush police think that George in front of 655 Fortieth street, occupied by Mrs.

R. J. Jones. Mrs. Jones said cation of acknowledgments, etc.

"A special act is not affected bv a aen- In his memorandum, which he has for Montgomery, who has no home, is suffer Against Flushing Avenue Line. On motion of Commissioner Edward that she would have taken the same means to stop the placing of the pole warded to the governor with the veto, ing under some strange hypnotic spell. eral act unless there Is the clearest manifestation on the part of the Legislature that the special act shall be changed or the mayor says: in front of her house If she had owned M. Bassett. the Public Service Commis had been drinking.

11 "Your honor, I did not lay ln wait for i this man," said Young to the magistrate. m. nririted ma with the pen knife with- the property. affected; so that I think that wherever sion to-day served an order on the Brook "The chief exponent of this bill at the public hearing before me estimated an there is an apparent inconsistency be. tween the provisions of the different acts lyn Heights Railroad Company discontinuing the proceeding begun on motion FATHER MC GOLRICK IN JAPAN.

George has a penchant for falling down to the sidewalk and kicking his feet about as if suffering from an epileptic fit. The physicians at the Kings County Hospital, to which institution George has been taken three times in one week, say he is a "faker," and a professional fit thrower. out provocation." Lemaster then declared that he has been annoyed for some time by Young's family who call him names to which you refer, that your special act will prevail with reference to the filing of the commission ln regard to the num increase In the budget of about $3,000,000 per annum; an auditor, who also made a statement on behalf of the bill, estimated $3,600,000. The official auditor os the Department of Education has also sub of wunam uses Baker, ex-sheriff Queens, is made executor. ber of cars to be operated on the Flush- The Rev.

E. J. McGolrlck, the rector and "make things disagreeable. FOiice-man Vance who was on post when the alleged stabbing took place, said that the ing-Ridgewood line. of St.

Cecilia's Church, Greenpoint, who Is travelling around the world in com Three days ago George "threw" a. fit Commissioner Bassett's opinion says two families nave Deen at oaas ior soma mitted to me an estimate as to what that tho proceeding was instituted be amount the new mandatory measures over in Parkville, and when the policeman went to his aid he tried to kiss the blue coat. Policeman Maxwell Barr, the ball player of the Flatbush station. cause inspection showed overloading on would reach, and he places the figures time. In the Flatbush court to-day Lemaster asked for an adjournment and he was held for examination until next Tuesday.

this Una as well as on three others that at $4,000,000 per annum. Other expert pany with the Rev. Charles F. Gibney of Greenport, has recently written from Singapore Both he and Father Gibney are enjoying good health, and observing many curious customs on their trip. Their lat accountants have figured the Increase to use Flushing avenue in part.

Recent observations showed that during the morn- FELL OFF ROOF; LITTLE HURT Will iam Johnson, twenty-one years old of 9 Hecker street, Jamaica, while working on the roof of a two-storv building ln course ol erection at Fulton avenue end Spruce street, Richmond Hill yesterday, fell to the ground, a distance of about twenty foet, and escaped with contusions of the nose and right cheek After being attended by art ambulance surgeon from St. Mary's Hospital Johnson left for home. found George last night on Snyder avenue and took htm to the Flatbush station to have the ambulance doctors look him the budget as high as $6,000,000 a year. os. westbound, between 6 and clock, I have furthermore noticed that tne est letters tell of their visit to the over.

thirty-six cars were being operated past bill, while equalizing pay as between men and women teachers, does not appear to do so among women. On the Ambulance Surgeon Brockway said that the "sick man" was in a condition that did not impress him in the least. "This the maximum load point as compared to a previous average of twenty-five cars, the count showiivj only two overload half-hour periods as against five in the first inspection. CHURCH TAKES ACTION. At a meeting ot the Greenwood Baptist Church held last evening the following was unanimously adopted: "Be it moved that the Greenwood Baptist Church direct its energies to the enforcement of the excise law in this neighborhood to the end that persistent violators of the law be driven out of business." contrary, it appears to provide for different rates of pay for women doing exactly the same work, but in different schoolhouses.

man is not really sick," he said, "he's shamming." schools conducted by the Christian Brothers at Singapore. They will visit Calcutta and Bombay, and from there go to the Holy Land, whence they will proceed by easy stages to Rome, where they will arrive in time for the celebration of the golden Jubilee of the American College. While they were in Japan, the two INDEX OF REGULAR FEATURES. In the afternoon, between and clock, the corresponding increase ln If there are any sucn glaring inequal or a ceruncate oi tne appointment Of a commissioner of deeds. I am unable to find any direct decision upon the question Involved.

"While I have given you the law as I think it would have to be construed, the safe course would be for parties to follow the general provisions under the real property law; but still I do not think it Is absolutely necessary. "I suggest that you consult your corporation counsel or some of your local lawyers who are more familiar with the city charts; than and wbile doing so, cal lthelr attention to the cases of Ma-hon vs. City of New York. 29 Misc. 251, and People vs.

Quigg. 69 N. Y. 88. "Yours truly.

"EDWARD R. O'MALLEY, "Attorney General." CLASSES CONFIRMED. Bishop C. E. McDonnell confirmed a class of 125 children in St.

Rose of Lima Church at Rockawav Beach this morning, and then went down to Belle Harbor, where he confirmed another class In St. Francis de Sales Church. The children will receive their first communion at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning. THE COURTS. Magistrate Steers told George that he was a nuisance, and that his penchant for calling ambulances will have to stop.

He fined him $10, and as Georgo did not have it, he went to jail for ten days. eastboucd traffic was from thirty to thirtv-three cars, and the overloading de Classification. Pag. Men Clubs a ities between the salaries parti to men and women teachers as is claimed by the DroDonents of this bill the commission I creased from three half-hour periods to Municipal Register. 7 am to sppoint will be able to investigate and report.

sausic Obituaries j- My duty in tnis matter is ciear ana f-iciur 2 certain: "acing .4.5 First, to veto tnis mil. Second, to appoint a local commission Classification. Page. Athletics M-5 Automobllea 4-4 BasebaU M-S Books 5 Bowling i-5 Boxing M-S Children' Sept. Churches 7 Churches 8 Courts 16 Editorial 4 Financial News.

J4-13 Fishing S-S Fraternal 7 German 7 Golf M-5 Industrial Age Institute News 6 Lacrosse M-5 .1. Features '1 Marriage 2 i Words Can't Tell how WELL you feel 10 days after quitting COFFEE and using POSTUM "There's a Reason" to investigate the alleged grievances in regard to the salaries paid to men and women teachers in this city by which action mandatory legislation will be rejected, and It any grievances ore proved, eliminate the same In the next budget as far as local conditions relative to the raising of money will permit." one. The commissioner concluded bis opinion as follows: "The improvement in the operation of this line has been so marked that, In my opinion, it Is proper that the proceeding ehould be discontinued. The operation of this line, however, should continue under the supervision of the transit Inspection bureau." WILL ATTEND CELEBRATION. The regular meeting of the Fulton Street Board of Trade was held last night at Lubeck's Casino Hall, Fulton street and Buffalo avenue.

It was decided to send over two carriages bearing the officers of the board to the Queensboro Bridge Celebration. priests visited Osaka, where they were the guests of Bishop Chatron, and inspected tho schools, hospital, orphanage and other Catholic institutions, and were greatly Impressed by the success achieved by the missionaries. In Kobe, the most important commercial fcort of Japan, Father McGolrick preached at the hign mass on Sunday. He spoke in English to a congregation composed of Japanese and many EnglUh speaking residents. He told of the present condition of the Catholic Church In the United States, and of its marvellous rrowth in the past one hundred years.

Father Perrin, one of the missionaries at Kobe, took the pulpit at the conclusion of Father McGolrick's address and gave a summary of his remarks ln Japanese for the beneflt of the natives. DR. WHARTON'S MEETINGS. In the Hanson Place Baptist Church, corner South Portland avenue, near Fulton street, the Rev. Dr.

H. M. Wharton of Philadelphia will preach morning and evening to-morrow. He will give an evau-gellstic address before the Sunday school and all who desire to hear at 3:30 P.M. Evangelistic services wtll be hald each evening during the week at 8 o'clock There will be excellent singing at all the services led by a large chorus choir.

Dr. Wharton Is considered one of the most attractive and successful evangelists in the United States. The public Is cordially Invited to hear him and to attend the services- on Sunday and during the week, n. rtecords E. News Schools ,2 Society 3 sPru .4.5 Stage Notes '2 Steamship Table 3 Walk Talks 2 WaUabout Market, li Washington Letter.

4 Weather 2 Women's 3 Wrestling M-5 Miss Grace C. strachan. president of the Interborough Association ot Women Teachers, said that while she was disappointed, she was not surprised, but SUPREME COURT-TRIAL. PART V. Criminal calendar, Monday, May 17, Absl E.

Blaxkmar, J. People vs. John C. Schweitzer, murder, first degree. tne result only meant a continuation of Indlcates Supplement, the movement for equal pay.


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