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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 24

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 24

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


NO. 18, MAUJER LEONARD STS Riaiieh No. mi Livingston strict. CORPORATION NOTICES. dlpartmi: 'education.

between Went 8nth etreet to West 82d itwtt thence northward! along the said line midway between West flth utreet and West 82d street to a point diatnnt lO-l feet southerly from the Koutherly line of Surf avenue, the Mid distance hin measured at rleut to Hnrf avenue; Chamber, City Hftll. Porongh of Manhattan. Cf'y of New York, on Lf. embr 4, 1914, at 1 if :30 o'clock a.m.. at such proposed rhmip? will be considered by said Board; ail of which Is more particularly et forth and described In the following renolu.

Old Ladies, Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Children, American Society foi the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Methodist Epiacopa! Hospital, Edward V. Farley, all other persons who are heirs and next of kin of Mary K. Howard deceased, whose names, residence or post-otbee addresses are unknown to petitioner. tn the City of New York, on or betof tkt JOth day of November nxL Dt4, May Ut VARIH A.

EAHIj. AdmlnbJtratrlX. Wtngate A CuUen. Attorneys for A minis-ratrix, 20 Nafta street. Borough of an hat-an.

New York City. ml -m THK PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP KEW YORK, by the grace of God free and Inde- Imna adopted by the Board on November 6. iai4 n'tice of the adopLion ot which hVrehv e'ven viz- nnd ereetinir; nereaa. jonn hi. uuaael- dorf, who resides at number 191 Lawrence Kllc.yne.

Martin KH-avenue, Brooklyn, X. haa presmed i C(iyiie. Micnel Madden, John Madden. Patrick App.jrtlonrr.ent uf The City of New York, in I "lt Uet and West IJi'd street: north-Diiruan-e of the of Section 442 of i wardly Kald midway between Went the Oreatr New York fliar'-r a.t ataended, illT -trret und West street and aiung the deemirg It for the public interest bo to do. ctf the fatd line to a pom" ainant nrouoes to i-hatige tlu- map or pian of The 1" f'et northerly from the northerly Ime of Cltv of New York hy changing the grades of, Nptune avenue; theoce eastwardly and paral-the street syatem withm the territory I1 fth Neptune avenue to the poiut or place of Flailands avenue and Remsen avenue; hy the lines and trades of Conklln avenue from Remsen avenue lit Kockaway Parkway; by establishing the lines of Conk-lin avenue from Rock way Parkway to 100th street; and by changing the lines of Parkwav between Flatlands ave- nue and Ulenwool road, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

CRy of Nw York, which proposed change is more par- iy p.iu ujjon a imp or plan bearing th-: signature of the Commissioner of Public Works of the Bor-outrh, and dated April 13. 1 4. Resolved, That this Board consider the nropo.sed change at a meeting of the Board, iu be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the 4th day of December. iai. ai iw.ou ijooived.

That the Secretary of this Board instrument in writing bearing date the tirat day of December. liH3, relating to real am personal property, bo duly proved as th lubt will and testament of MARY HOWARD, deceased, lately residing at number 680 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn. N. Y. Now therefore, you and each of you an hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kinga, to be held at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the 17th day of December.

1914, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, whj such decree should not be made. in testimony whereof, we have caused the eal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto atli.xed. Witness Hon. Herbert T. Keteham.

Surro-(jate of our said County, at the Borough of Brooklyn, In the said (L. County of Kings Hie 27th day of October. 1014. JOHN McCOOEY, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. To Louis Lawton.

Minnie P. Geiiken. Eouibe Peters, Nicholas Schenck. Mabel Mn.tpU end all ner.n who heirs and next of kin of MA E. h.iT nftvt nf i A D.

deceased, whose names, residence, or postoinVe addresses are unknown to The foreiroing citation is aerved upon you by publication pursuant to Mil order of Hon Herbert T. Keteham, tfur-r. nate of the County of Kiturs. dated the l.tti day ot N'-'veniher, 1Mb and tiled with petition hTein in tiie ottice of tlie Cleik Sui rotf.inj's Court of the County of Borough of Brooklyn, New York Ciiv Y.

tlMiii L. Brooke. Attorney for the petitioner, lTti Broadway, New York City. N. Y.

13-4t 'THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW York, by ttie grace of God free and Independent To Mary H. Engert Colman (formerly Wary 6. Engert), Matilda Cosgriff, Helen JJ B.rch. Jose th Worihmunn, John Worthmann, Oeorga Engert, Mary Miller, Theresa Burger. Duroi hy W.

Marr, A ndrew Hngert, Wi 1 liam Engert, James Frederick Engert, John Engert. Mury Theresa Fath, Helena M. Fath, Anthony F. Fath, Cuneyguuthor M. Fath, Francis J.

Fath, Anna Futh, Amanda Engert McOuIre, Bertha Engert, nuns of the Order of St. Dominic of tha City of Brooklyn, New York. at. Catherine's Hospital Association, St. Mary's HoapitiU and Dispensary, Oerman Hospital Society, St.

Peter's Hospital and Home fur Aged, inline bisters or the 1'oor, send greeting u-ho-ooo -u," cause these resolutions and a notice to all ongh of Brooklyn, lo The CRT of Nw York, persons affected thereby that the proposed on th 13th day of January. 1915, at the open-change will be considered at a meeting of lug of the Court on that da. the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time Sixth la ease, however, (bje-'tiens sre fllpd to and place, to be published In the City Rec- the foregoing abstracts of eliuiat" and He'-ord and the corporation newspapers for ten roent. or lo either of them, the lo davs Sundays and legal holt- i confirm the reports n8 swairti sr-d an to days excepted, prior to the 4th day of Le- cessment hall stand adJonruM to ds tn comber, 1914. 1'ated November 20.

1914. be hereafter speciad In tlif nofi-e TtiH In JU.SLPH liAAti, Secretary. Uuch cases to The siren In re)stUa 'h-Municipal Building, le.epbona 4060 Worth, thml reports, puruaut tu ue ltf I "4 (C4.sf) "jtt-W oU I of the Greater New York tlcirf at SKW YORK SUIMtlCMB COURT, SECOND nRPARTMKNT In the matter of ths annli cation of The City uf New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same hab not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose In fee, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required for the open-lug and extending of WLST 11TH STREET, from Bay Parkway to Canal avcuue. north, excluding the right-of-way of the New York and Sea Beach lt ilrond a nd to EST 1 2TH KTKKKT, from Bay Parkway to Kings Highway, and from Avenue to Avenue V. in the 81st Ward, Borough cf Brooklyn, The City of New York.

Notice is hereby given to all persons luterestoi In the above-entitled nroceedlne. and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all lands affected thereby, and to all others whom It may concern, to wit First hat the undersigned, Commissioners or Estimate, nave comnleU-d their estimate of dam-1 cipal place of business Is at No 177 Montague 1 rpt -H' Jsment named, wi I sell at street, In the Borough of Rrookivn, City uf Tubuo aucion to tho highest bidder, be New York, has presented ita account as ex- I Nathaniel Shuter. auctioneer, at the Brooklyn editor of the last will and testament of Hefl1 Estate Exchange. No. 1S9 Montague CHARLES ENGERT.

deceased, lately resld- In the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Ing at St. Mark's Hotel, in the Borough of'K1B on the 4th day or December, 1914, at Brooklyn, County of Kings, Cltv and State of "twelve o'clock noon, the premises directed bv New York, and a petition praying that Its u'd Judgment to bo sold and therein described account be judicially settled. Now. therefore, as follows: ape, and that all persons interested in this pro- Schenectady and Utica avenues. Area of (ceding, or in any of tlie lands, tenements and assessment: Both aides of Crown street, hereditaments aud premises affected thereby, from Schenectady to Utica avenues, and to having auy objection thereto, do file their said I tne extent of half the block at the luter-objectlons In writing duly verified, with thein 8ecting avenues it their office.

No. 100 Montague street, in tlie CARROLL, STREET SEWER, from Bed-Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, Rntrers avenues. Area of assessment: ou or before the 1Kb day of December, und thit the said Commissioners will hear pur. ties bo objecting, and for that purpose will be tu attendance at their said othVe on the 20th duy of December, RtH. nt o'clock p.m.

Second That the undersigned. Commissioner of Assessment, has completed his estimate of benefit and that all persons interested In this proceeding, or iu any of the lands, tenements and hereditament and premises uneclea mereoy hiivtue itnv objection thereto, do rile their Kit Id objections in writing, duly veriiied. with him at his olhce. No. iju street, in the uor- ougii of Brooklyn, hi The City of New York.

on or tjeiore the day or ueceraoer. ivit, aud that the said Commissioner will bear parties so o' ji'ctliiK, and that purpose will tie iu attendance at his said oBice on the lltll day of December, 1U14, at ii :80 p.m. Third That the Commissioner of Assessments has assessed ouy or all of such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of lixed and prescribed as the urea of assessment for beuefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the (Jta day of July, 1911, and that the said area of assessment includes all those lauds, tenements and hereditament and premises situate and being In the Buruugh of Brooklyn, Iu The City of New York, which, taken together, an- bounded described as follows, to wit: Beginning ut a point on the southeasterly line of Bay Parkway, midway between West loth street and West 11th sheet, and running thence wis8 Vild 'Vie prolongation of tho said line to point distant lw feet southerly from the southerly nue oi Canal avenuo north; thenco westwaVdly and parallel with Canal avenue north to the interse tlou with the prolongation nf a line midway between West 11th street ami Went ilMk sf-eet; thence northwardly along the paid line midway between West 11th htrec and West EMb street, i and along ine proiongatma or me saiu line io a point distant ID" feet southerly from the southerly line of Avenue theuce and parallel with Avenue to the Intersection with a iine midway between W-st street aud West Hfth stn-t; thenc northwardly along tne said line midway between West 12th street, and West to a point distant luo feet northerly from tiie northerly Hue of Avenue iui to ifamur, ot-uuc- io me iniei -seci ion a one luiunuj ueiweeu West 11th street and West lth street; tbeneo northwardly along the said line midway between West lltu street and West lL'lh street to a point distant luu feet southerly from the southerly Boe of Kings Highway, the said distance being measured nt right uncles to Kings Hltrh- wny thence and always distant 100 feet 'southerly from and parallel with the south-I Ch nn-r find Taylor streets; TAYLOR in i. ii uiiu NnitniLAsr consult a.m six hi avkntk CN Tfl AVL.M'K. -t snl.

wt I t. q. i Is-ill I i 1 1 1 ii truoU MKT) I SiK! r. nnitii -11. h.

Fil'tli I'V-'I I If 1 north t.i'w fourth ni.i I'ut'i sorni- K.AM- i HiNKU iF SIX i ll A I'M hi. I 1 TF I -KI 1 1 111 An-. i.u 'y front of wlii. li wurl; wn iv n. h''in ctn- wulun It In, 1," No.

M'T. s'J. 1141. i i -j-i nnd 4 1M'. IWLN i'YK- HT.rH WAUH.

NKCiT'V I'NU'N sTIi KI I'- ilKB 1' LA I i Ni i HUABIN'L It! N't I Fl.A'i'HNt; a id I'A VINO -twr. UoiM-i's ill iivciuifn. Aroa of s-i-tu: ut. both of T'ninn rwt. from Ibicrn avctiue to No-itnmd in.u'.ii1, utal to the iwt'Ut of half i bo at the iut'-rf- tlnir a ipjom.

i iniri ir ii waiiH. slctrin n. i AVIiXl'K KKCi I.A1TN-1, CHAT)-JMi. (T'KMINi mid FI.AHtilNU iWuwn and Tw-lnh avfiuif. An-fl of tnitii -U'- of Ovintoo I'l'oiu to 'I wi lBh hvpHmi-j.

and to th" estr at 'f rh- block iii, iutr NINFTLKNTII A L'NTL I I I A I I ML i I HI N't 1 i.a.i li'-uo ihi I i- lt.iilri.jid to Hti- tt.aiid on -t fvi'jti Niii'tioiith 'M-onuc to n.riy-M vriitii A i "si ot nt tit. of vt-iMV. Hum Lou I-lull. i Railn-ad to U-t nu.l fn Vt utrwi. from to I'oriT-scvt-niii tittfcl, runuiuff turvili'o.-ut Idocku.

mirnrni 18 srvrx TV MV I FF I' Nil from Scomi to ii point aiut isi i-t raft of Fir-t av- Ar-a of -anient, of y.n Mth street. l'Tc-f to Seoond Hues. to th-' eMelir uf ou. -half the bln at the i i rniRp I PAVtNli between Tt iitti and Lli vt iilh av- ui Ana of tn. nt.

Loih side of Seventy-third street, from Tenth to llc avciiu. and to the extent of half the block at the In(T avenu-s. i TH I KTY-KK 't i I WAliD, SFFTHlN' KAS'f Till I'Y LRili LH STUKKT-PAVINC I from A ver.iic lo Hie l.orig la nil liallrnail. Area of nssesssnn'iit, bolh sides of East Thirty. eiyhlh ul reel, from to the Long Isduud Itaiiroad.

nori tieily. and to the extent of half the hlo. jit Ihe in i nc avenues. I ii 1 YN AVFNI'i: PAVING from Avenue to A veil tie Area of assessment, both Hide of Jtrooklvn flveiiif. from Avenue () to Avenue 1, und to the rxtent of half the block at the intersecting and teruiliiHting avenues.

Ttiat the anie were eor.ilrmed by the Board of ur on Noveii ber loth. 1014. ud entered November Hlh, 1HH. tn the Record of Titles of A-s- iUh, kept in the Bureau for the Colic i i'f A'-iiieiiTs und Arrears of Taxea and nini of Rents, and unless th as. for ben.

fit ou any person or properiy slut II be paid within sixty flays a fter date of entry of the ases-iineuts, ini'l be thereon, as provided by section hh'i of the 11 renter York Charter. Said section provliles. In part. "If Pitch shall remain unpaid for the period nf sixtv davs after the date of entry thereof in the mi id Record of Titles of Assessments, it hall be the duty of the olhccr authorized to collect and the amount of such assessment, to ebargi seven per cent mil per nnnutn. to lie euluhitetl to ino Mate or paytnenr, riom me tiacp wuen i such assessment beemne a lieu, as provided by I Hon of thin act." lion loll of this act provides "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten dtiys after Its entry in the said record." Tlie above assessment? are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bu- n-au fur the Co-ction of Assessments and Ar- reurs of Tmxcs and AscsniPiits and of Water Rents.

In the Omr man Building. No. r.03 Fulton street. Borough of Brooklyn, between fin hours of i) a.m. and p.m..

and on Saturdays from 0 a.m. to 11! and all payments thereon on nr lie January II, 11H will be eienipt rom Interest as above provided, and after that dab. will he subject to a charge if interest the ra ie t.f seven per centum per annum from the iiif- when such asscasments liens to the date of pavmeut. WILLIAM A. PRC NDEliftAST, Comptroller.

City of New York. Deiiartment of Finance, Coiiiptroller's Uffice, November Id, UU4. osiiA-holldays NoTxCkToF CO INL'ATION OF BROOKLYN TAX Sections J. to 13, Inclusive. THK SALE uF THE LIEN FOR FV-paid taxes, assessmentH and water rents for the Borough of Brooklyn, un lo liens re-loa ing unwoid ol the termiuatloti of the sale ot October, Novb tuber 6 th, December 3d.

and 7th. February 11th. March ISth, April i'U. May 27th, June 4th, July Kali, Septeiuber 9th, October 7th arid November 4lh, 1U14. haa been cuntiuued RDM'ISPAV.

IIKK 1 HI 4, at pursuai't to Section lu8 nf the Greater New York Charter, and will be continued at that time in Room basement of the Borough Hail. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dated, NoveiubtT 4, 1314. DANIEL MOYNAHAN, Collector of AsMeosiiieiits and Arrears.

C4SJ nio-i9tosu NOTICJ IS HI Board of Ae.ssur; on RLBY C.I YEN BY THE uf The City of New York ti iha v. dk( in, inn, at Hi a tiiey will meet at their r.ttlce, liojm wo-i, i'liuiicipai nmiuuig, Borough ot I AiHiuii Linn, v-'iv I quired under Chapter 244. Laws of 1.S7S, for taken," and known aa tho Prospect Par It Assessment. This in the thirty-seventh annual installment and books are now oueti for inspection at the office of the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, DUo Fulton street, Borough of Brooklyn, City of ftew oi it. ALFRED P.


JACOB LEtfER. Hoard of AseynrH. St. Cioorg B. Tucker.

Secretary, Room Municipal Building, City of New York. Borough of Manhattan. iU4-10t u.u November 14, l'it4. vC4Si) NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, SECOND DEPARTMENT in the matter of the ep plication ut the City of New York, relative to acquiring title in wherever the t-arne has not been heretofore a. -juired, to the lands, tenements und hereditaments quired for the opening and extending of EAST 37TH STREET, from Avenue to a point about 48') north of Avenue EAST UTli STREET, from Averse to a point about 4 nr.

mirth of Avenue EAST I'JTH STREET, from the south line of Avenue to a point about a 00 foot north of Avenue P. in the 31st and 31M Wards, Borough of Brooklyn, Hie City of New York. Notice in hereby given hat the bill of costs, charges and ex penses Incurred by tttlrd VauVrVlil he peniej I fur taiil'in to on or tne justices or uie supremo Court 1 of the State of New York, Second Depart- merit, at a Special Term thereof, to be held Courthouse in th" Uorouf'h of Hrookly. in the City of New York, on the day of December, lf14. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon; and that tlie said bill of costs, charges und expenses bar; been deposited in the office of the Cl-Tk of the County of Kings, there to remain tor at.d during Hie space of fn days, as required by Iu w.

Da ten. Borough of Brooklyn. New York. Novemner lal4. EDWIN L.

GARVIN. EDWARD F. LINTON, SIDNEY GRANT. of Estimate. EDWARD GARVIN, i ot Assessment Ale Hie J.

l-1 a uce, Llei k. nl ii-l Ut osU NOTICE Or' CtiNTINUATION OF BROOKLYN TAN SALE. Tl 1 10 A LH THE 1,1 VO N-pald taxes. and water rents for the Borough ot Brooklyn, ns to Ileus remaining unsold at the termination of the of duly September ittli. October Vlli and November 4th.

has been continued to DIM WMKH H14, at p.m., pursuant to Section lOL'S of tho Greater New York Charter, and will be continued at that time in Room 2, in basement of the Borouph Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dated November 4, DANIEL MOYNA HAN, Collector of Assessments and Arrrars. C4sl nlO-pit oii DEPAR'I LNT GF EDUCATHlV, Ci iRNElt (IF UARIv A VLSI AND STREE I', I.i it till OF A.NHA'I TAN, i trU NLW YiiRK. SEALED BIDS GR ESTIMATES WILL BE by He- of School Building at Ihe aloc oili.e of the l.h'ptif liieu of JIiK-aColi.

until throe o'-'le, p.m.. on )ioMiH, 7, of ProoKly it. AO. i. A DDI I 'IONS.

ALTERA TM INS AND ULPAtHS FEE' "I'K FtJE 1 1 'M EN I' THE llh, II SiTKltlE. AND IN PUR-LIC si HOOI.S Si', im AND 141, BOROUGH tF HRuoKL! V. The time iillmved tfi complete the whole work Oil the Roy High School will be f)'y iMt) working d.iys. toi.l on Public Schools M'J. Iuti and 111.

thirty wf.rklng days, as provided the iliir The at of securitv reipilred Is as follows 4 1, bid on cadi of the amount of ida.ll b. c. or' ly. ti l.ti -al be sub'oilted for cjicli -'-lUMtt. iivv uM will lj-- tberenp.

Mi FOR ITEM I INSTALLING HEAT- TNG AND (EATING APPARATUS AND ITEM IN fi.l LING I EM PUR TURF. It EG U- I NEW PUBLIC school ON rilU SIDE oF "Til AVENUE BETWEEN -VM AND 4 4TH STREiri Bl iROl ,11 HE iiiliiOM YN. 11te Hewed to eeoiplelo the work on will 1 iv hundred working nt in the contnict. 'Die iirnoiin' of security required as follows: It. ni I fi'J't nan I tern 'J OtHl The accompanying bid ouch Rem shall per centum or tiie amount nf security.

A sepfi' tiur-it suhmitb'd for each will be made 'hereon. INS'l LING ELECTRIC ELE- V') It IN Al. 'RAINING HIGH fi' UN 'i'l IF. LASU'lH SIDE OF TV II A YEN ll ''ETWEE I ii Sl) STREETS. iRi ii GH OU ikL N.

Ihe tiii'i 1 plcte the whol work will be ninety in tbe contract. ig days, at provided Tne an.oiini ecurifr Thoi.snnd D-dmr i.i.onoi. The drpnR acconi anyii required In Three iig bid brs flve i per cnnuii oi me seciiritv. I on auu hhMers ii'ot Ptnte the A ch if by which the W1I be I f. th He will red and the nlll Up warded In a lumit "um to the si hi, Khuik fcrms.

t-biM and iop-i mriy be chtMttcd or Ol Uf the of tie- SnpeHn- leiident. at i- inn Room, tun tmor, nan nr in itoaid of mention, Park avenuo and fi' strict, Rorotigh of Mauhattnn, snd 'o iMw-i STLI- i i i i i i I i 1 i i oun ol vi; 11. r. B. J.

SNYBKll. Stil-rltit-ndt nt of ScLoiil osu 3Vie f.oiicritl 1 iiHtru4ionn tn iliil-iIitm, ut foot of I'oluuiu, lust pnue if tliii iiM-r. OFF I OF tmj-: prkhi r- iiiort of nnonKi.vx. Huom BALL. H'llMVUH (.

BKtitii-LVX. TUX CITV XI-JW i A BIDS OR KST I A WILL be ivoiwd by liie Pntsident of the Kor-ougli of Brooklyn, at the above ofllte, until 1 1 o' a on Y. I) I-TFAI BK.R 2. 1)114. No.


linear feet new curbstone set In con crere. HO linear feet granite heading stonsi. set in coin rete. 1.210 cubic yards concrete outelda railroad area. ul5 cubic yards concrete within railroad area 7.2."0 sniare yards granite pavement (old granite biuoka rucut).

with joint filler of coal tar pitch and sand outride railroad area tl year maintenance). square urds granite pavement (old granite blocks reout), witu Joint tiller of tar pitch and sand within ranroaa an a no maintenance) 70 bquato yards adjacent pavement (to be reiaid). Time allowed, 70 working days. Security required, No. 2.

FOR RKOLLATINCi AND PAVING WITH PRELIMINARY ASPHALT PAVK-MENT ON A o-JNC-11 CONCRKTH FOUN- UATION, THIS KUADWAY OF FROM FORT HAMILTON1 AVE TO A POINT ABOUT 21a FEKT WEST OF HTH A B. The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 145 cubic vards excavation to subgrade. 0 linear feot blueatone heading atones set in concrete. P0 cubic yaids concrete. 665 square yards asphalt pavement (6 years maintenance).

Time allowed, working days. Security required. $4o0. i The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained In Hie specifications or si. he-Jules herein contained or hereto annexed, par linear fout, square toot, square vard, cubic yard or other unit of measure by which the bids will ha tested, The bids v.

ill be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for eu. contract. Blank forms and further Information may he ootaineu and the plans and drawings ifighwayp, tlie Borough of Brooklyn, Room No. court street, t-irooKiyu. lj, K.

POUNDiS, President. Dated. Novonibor 10, 1914. nl9 Hit oau DEPARTMENT OF EDlCATION, CORN BR PARK AVENUE ANT) uPTH STREET, Ob' CITY OF NEW YURK. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BR received by the Suporltiteudent of School Buildings at the ahove oflice of the Department of Education until thr o'clock p.m..

on momiay, 1014. Ilorouuh ttf Hrookly u. NO. 1. FOR FOIt NEW PUBLIC BCIinoL 4S.

ON THE SOUIT1ERLY SIDE OF 1M1I AVENUE. BETWEEN ttOTII AND GIST STHEETS, UOROL'ClU OF BROOE-LYN. The time allowed to complete the whole work will be ptxty t6d) working days, Bs provided Ri the contract. The amount of security required Is ns follows: Item 1 1,400 Item 2 ((0 liem t0 Item 4 BH1 Item T. 400 The posit accompanying on each Item shall be live pet centum of the amount of security.

A separate proposal rmiit In submitted for each item, and award will be made thereon. NO. FOR FURNITURE, FOR NFAY PUBLIC SCHOOL 1TO. ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF (11 11 AVENUE, BETWEEN 7 1 ST AND 7UD STREETS. liUKOUUU OF BROOKLYN.

'Hie time allowed to complete the whol" work will be sixty i lib working days, as provided Hi the contract. The amount of security required Is as follows: Item 1 Il.uoo Item 2 0 Item Item 4 "0 Item 400 Tl deposit accompanying bid on Men itm shall I ave jier centum or xue amuuui ui A separate proposal nmt Ptibmltted for item, mid award will be mnde thereon. On Nos. 1 a nd the bidders must stare rne (if each Rein by which the bias win ue tested. Blank forms, phinq ami specifies Hons rray be obtained or seen ut 'lie ntlice of the Superintendent, at Estiiu'iting Room, 0th lloor.

Hall of flie Hoard of Education. Paris nvenn" ami street. Borough of Manhattan, aud also at Branch Ofllee, No. liU Livingston street, Borough of Brooklyn. C.

R- J- SNYDER, Sitpcrinteiiilem. if School Builfliugs. Dated. November 17, 19H. nl7-10t opti SOT'Sep fionoriil Tnstruioii tn nid-ders, nt foot of coin inn, last of this imppr.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the or owners of all houses and lots. improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, that Ihe following pro posed ashC-sMju nt have been completed anci are bulged in the omco of tho Board Assessors fur examination by all per- sons interested, Borough of Brooklyn. Sewer in Carroll street, between Washington and Bedford avenues. Affecting Block No I1S8. USD.

HlfcO and 12S7. i Rettuiating, grading, curbing, flagging and paving Riith tit, between Fort Hamilton and 1 Hi avenues. Affecting Block Nos. Mi is I und to S. -I Sewer in Brooklyn avenue, be- tween Lenox road and Church avenue.

StX No' 4 64' 4ST2 and 4S 4301. Basin on Erasmus street, north side, about 450 feet west of Nostrand aveT nue. Affecting Block No. r.iOy. Sewer in ICast -3d street, from the Long Island Railroad, to Avenue Airectiin: Block Nop.

and 13 i3. In lftt ar, between fi4th I and tiTlh streets; in street, youth sido, betweoii and Hub avenues; and a basin on 10th avenue at tbe north corner of i.lth street. Affecting Blocks Ns. 6340,. 0047.

5r.4s. 5r.r,r, tSfil and AR persons whose interests are affected i by the abovu named proposed assessments, I and who are opposed to the same or either I of them, are requested to present thtr oh- in writing, to the Secretary of the I Hoard of Assessors, Room soft, HuikiitiK. New York, on or before Decein- her -2, at 10 a.m., at which 1 1 1 1 nnrl piaee- the said objections will be heard and testimony receive a re i. 're me niereiu. ALFRED V.


Board of Assessors. St. George H. Tuclter, Secretory, Room ROli, Municipal Building, City of New York, Borough of Manhat tan. November -I.

HH4. n21 -lOt ou NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF the Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of propertv, fleeted by the following as- segment for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS Ri tne BOROUGH oK BROOKLYN: THIRTY-SECOND WARD, SECTION AVENUE REGULATING, GRADING. I CURBING AND FLAGGING from Ocean avenue to Kings Highway. Area of asspss- meat: Both sides of Avenue from Ocean avenue to Kings Hi trim ay and lo the extent half tbe block at the intersecting ttreets and avenues.

'bat the same was confirmed hy the Board Revision of Assessments on November 1 I'H4, and entered N'ovenihfr 1-'. DHL in the Record of Titles of AsHessmen kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and I of Water Rents, und unless tho amount as-! sessctl for benefit on any person or property fchuli be paid within sixty days after Hie date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, as provided by section 101 i of tho Greater isew i ork Charter, Saifl section provides, in part. "If any such iissessmeut shall remain unpaid for the period of fdxtv davs after tbe date of entry thereof in the said Record nt Titles of Assessments, it shall the duty of the officer authorized to collect and receive the amount puch assessment, to cbaige. collect and receive interest thereon at tho rate of seven 'per centum per annum to be calculated ti the date of payment from the dale when Mn assessment became a lien, as provided bv section of this act." Section L'dt of tills act provides "An assessment shall become a lien upon he- rep 1 estate a ffeeted thereby ten days after entry in tlie said record." The above assessment is payable to tbe Collector of Assessments and Arrears ac the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessment and of Wider Rents, in Hie Offerman Fulton street, Borouph of Brooklyn, he-'twoon the hours of 'J a.m. and 2 p.m., urul on from i a.m.

lo 12 and. pavments made thereon on or beforo January 11. will be exempt rn-m interest as ahove provided, and afl er that will be subject charge nf interest, at inc rale of seven per centum per annum "from Oi.s date when su ii assessment beemne a Ren to Hie date of payment. WILLIAM A. PRENDE-RGAST.

Comptroller. I cii" of New York. Depart mnt of l-'lnance. Comptroller's otnee. November 3 01 4.

nLO-lOt osu t.iOO) IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT THE of imate awl Apoortiontn nt of The CRv of N'eA- York. domitiK ii tor the! public iniercM po to propose to 'limicp the map or the plan -t tie i ny ot New, York so a tr. change Hie grades ot Hv s-reet system wtoun i territory b(i'irod bv road, ast street. lavenue and i.n,IMi uio lines and onklin Mvet.u.. from' Bemsen aver.u- K-ckaway eStaDUSn iro- Roekawav street; and; Cb' lines of r.ocNaway Pars uay tic avenue and uicnwood lead.

Borouph of Rp'oiclyu. and that a meetlr.g of 'ail Board will be held lu th Old Council OK I'AUK a ami ii r. uuRouuii of chy of new YORK. rids ok estimates wim. ci: rteeived ly the Siij i uf -tn iugh, at tie- i.itl of Hi.

it. j.a: L.r e'o i KH 7. Huron uh ItrtmU 1 1 n.M i. central con- Miiici i hum ami Ol in AND AoIER AiloNS IX I'l II. It scil ii I.

1. ON 'i mu ELmNAUU STKELi'S. Ri'lRHOH ill' i'be ie ii. in wo Irn.dtvd u'lMh,; of each Ron win Uiiy, provided 'J'iiu UlllOllIlt of liciil I Item 1' TV 1 i i acc i h- ue runty required 1s us follows; 1ml on Ui-n of ill'1 of m. iriiv I 1 1 l- -1 hid-iYr- icu-t ea.

tl 11' Mi. by ho form. I" and -i tr vi of the Slip Vlli I or. M. i Ill, ihe Board of Education.

i rind "tr- 'L ol and a 1m. tit Rraili OnV. I'M LiH-ton Mr-et. liL-Miuli of r.rukl-u. C.

F-. I SNYDER Siij.orii:t- nt of School N.iVfl.ilVT 1'4. 1 1 -l Ot jfSfc 1 1 untriii'tiniis to Itiil-tlcm, at toot of column, hint (tite of Ih In jutT. sias wi rTa: or h.h.m mi MCII'AL bliUUVJ, i)K MANHATTAN. TIIH Ol' NKW VOKK by the CoimnissioiKM- of iroei riean-Jnfc' li until noon on am; I) a I A I i ii -r.

nn ltorotitrii of BrooMn. VOn Al.l. l.AUOtt AND MAftniAi.s i jfi -1 ui rou THK HOKSKS IX THK A UTM XT frTRKliT t'LKANlXtJ IX THK ST A ULKsi OK THT IUJl'AKTMHXT, IN Tilii IKtUOl.UU VF BROOKLYN. Tli- of sf-cnrity requirel Is $6,00. This LOiiira-'i will be for Ui in-gin- fiii.g on the i.iy of tlif nion-h next sik-t'ftfjjnif Hi of us e.uti.m an.i eiiojns on tli'j day ot lecoiiii)L-r, auiL if will bo to the lowest b.jjer prioes jo itor.p and per hore, for I ie whole mm'tr of draft hor.se5 and dnvini? rnrses in the st.ililp of ihc lirparniit-n" the i'jroush Brooklyn, which, i lor ihe purpose of tin award of this contract, is etitini.ited followw; drift Jin: sc-a, 6o driving distribu- tod In 9 stable.

blank for nisi and further information may be obtained at the orlice of th Ih'iMninont of fctrcfct Municipal LuIldiiiB, Borough of iianhuttun, New York City. T. Dated. November 17. 1S14.

THe Cm lit 1 lnrnftion to del'H, Rt lOOt Of ('llMIIII, lM-1 lHte piiitrr. (JJ.) OKHAIITMKN'T Ol-'" V. Tl K.S. JirXli'ii'AL BIIL.DIXG. OF MANHATTAN.

NKW VoiiK. KALKIJ Bll'S KTIMATKS WILL. BK received by j'rk th. abovo the lf partiut-'iit of I-'ark, until oVitnk on thchsdw.

iit4. HtH-ouuli of Hrooklyn. FOR AL.L LAitiHt AXW ATKUl A RB-(jl 'J KEH Tn SKVKX (7 TIM-UK 4 (.1 1 AT I' A I Ki KM I-iRLV I'llK A MLANL) CONKV IftLANL. r.OliUl'C.H OF BROOKLYN. 'I'm; amount of e-oonrlty required is Four 'i'h-'Utand I'ollara Jh'f time idkAwd to coinplt" till work will itf t-ixty ttl'J) confoutive worttins days.

eriificd clieek or casij in In: sum of Two i Hundred I. Millars U-'H must accompany bid. Ulaiik lurins and other infonnatiun may be i obiaincd at the oilico of the I apartment of I'iirKs, Borough of I Irooltlyn, Lltclitleld Man- ion, I 'ark asi and bth street, J'ark. Brooklyn. The bids will be compared and Hie contrct i warded at a lun.p or iitisivsate sum.

CABOT WARD, RAVMOXU V. IXHKUSOLL THOMAS W. WlUTTLIi, JOHN K. WKIKH, 'omniisaioners of Parks. sFro ieiurnl ltiKtrtii'tioiiN 1t Ilfd- i sic is, nt loot ot column, lat iMije of this iiuper, .0 lou) n-0-i0t-o eu "nev yokk supheTie co cut" ONI) i TiKPAItTMENT In the matter nf a.

quiring title' by The City of New York to certain hinds aad pr arises situated on the northerly siile of WILSON MKLKT, between Jiedmrd avenue and Lee in tbe Nineteenth Ward of the Hero ugh of Brooklyn, iu The City of New York, duly selected as a bite for school purposes, ac- tor-liny: to Ihw. Notice it hereby glvpn that by bo order of the Siuirein Court of the State of New York, bearing date the 11th duy of November, JIM4, and iil'ii and eutered in the olhee of tlie Clerk of Kiims 1 'onnfv on the same date, Messrs. Tlnnui' C. Whit lock. William H.

Muldoon and Edward Lyons were upnoiuled Commissioner of Estimate arf.J AppraJdaj in the above entitled pioceed- it i Notice Is further given that, piirsunnr to the. Halutes iu such made ard the i-aid Thomas C. Whitlock, William H. Muldoon sad Edward Lynns will attend at Special "i in of the Supreme Court for the hearing of ou tested Mt.tiotis, to be hld In ami for tlei ouuty of Kings at 1 lie County Court House, In ihe Rornmrh 'of Rrookivn, of New York. I ou the I'd duy of December.

IP 14. at IU o'clock fn the forei.o". of day, lor ihe purpose of i examined under oath, by the Corporation 1 The City of New York, or by any 1 ether person having an interest in said pro eeedi.iy, as lo tlu-ir (uaiiticatlous to set as uf Ktimate and Appraisal In taid proceeding. Dated, New York. November IS.

1M4. FHANK L. POLK, i Coioiation (dnnel, i Muuicipal Building. Borough of Manhattan, New Yf-rk City. nll-10t ou holidays NOTICE JH HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT tlie meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportion merit held on November lit 14, the following rci.oiutions were adopted: the Hoard, of Kstiinaii: and An-purtiuiiiiienl ol tl: City of New York on February H'L, authorised a proceeding for aeijulrint i le 1 East A st l'rotii avenue to Flaliaiuis avenue, and Tvoy V'liue from Canarie to a line about tcel north ot Avenue and from a line about L'-IU feet south of Avenue to aveMie, Borough of lliooklyu, which proceedihf was amended June 1J, TjIu, so as to relate to Troy uenui.

from finarsie lain: to a line about L' north of Avenue and from a line about to fi-. soul of A enue i Flatbuf-''i avenue. u-ftner with Via st 4 3d street, from I'iat lauds venue to Avenue M. and to Bauhiiinii p. ace from Via i avenue to Troy a.

said streets were then mapped. Whereas, the Boarti is consul. ing Hie a.l-vixttbiltty of further amending the said proceeding so ik- to conform to a map or plan adopted by the Hoard of Esiimale and Apportionment ictober 1 Mt viuoer hi. ihe witlt of East wtrect wan I rom 'i 0 feet to 50 feet the amend men now proposed providing for the acquisition of title to Troy avenue, East nireet and Baughinun jtlace between the limits laL named tuj 1 hey arc now laid out upon the map or plan of the City of Now York. Resolved.

That tho Board of Est i mute und A ppnrtion incut in pursuance of the provisions oi" the. Orealtr New York Ohart'T, as amended, hereby gives notice thai the ng is the proposed is riot, of assessment lor benefit in this proposed auiuiued oi t.e eocling li-giriping tit a point on th" northeasterly of Flat bush f-nue where It is int-r-s. e. ly ilv projonua tioo uf line mi'l--, ay between l-H uit'i Last and rui.i.ii-4 tuem- nort wa rd ly rig tne Mild Inn- midway between 4. and 4oi and along T.gaijoi.s of tie: said line io a p-dm ri-stant 1 'J1'1 northerly from the nortti--ny liiiM of i Hiiar-ie lane, til- distance oitig meai-ut at right a ni' to t'a narsio and almu distant I I mi ler ly roin und pa i lb I v.

i i tlie imrtloriv Rite i'unarsie lane io Hit. i.itrr--ei v. i.ii pro! oi igat ion of tVH ndway j-ai-i 4 1 5 and Last southwardly along I lie ai-i lin midway te-iween Khm -IMb street nod Eaiit I'ith t-treet and aiong the pro-iMn'anoiis of tbe said h-o- to Hie int.f-r.iee-Hon with Ho- uon benst-i ly Due Flat bush a emie Hi '-nee sout wstw a nl I at lij; ht imgles tn i-'lat bus li enue a disia pence noi i I'M a r-ny ana paral Kd itb "iai bu(-b a emie to niter-. hue k'H itligl- In Uhitti: nnd Hiroiifih lio. i I 1 I i 4.

at samti Hn i eon ThJit he Se I-eMd ir ioTi: I b. puo in Let oi 'l JJ ill tin! coi te for fn pi'ior to the 4th dav of ie 1'. November iKl'M HA AG. Sc. -retai y.

Mnniolpal Jbii 'Leleplmno 4'oi0 Worth. nlO-l Ot osu (C4IiO) NUTH IO PltGi'ER'i OWNEItS. IN ri'RSUANt'E SECTION 10J. OF THE Nov Vol rharter.

Hie Comptroller of 'Ihe Hy of New York hereby gives public! in-'li'-e to nil M-i'oui. id proper! affefted bv ssiii. ills for CAL IM-l'POEMEM-- the P.ORUUGII OF BROOK-! 1 L1GIUI II UID. SECTION 3: NINTH WARD, rEENTH ARD, SECTION 'vINLILENIi! WARD. i WENTY- I Voi in TION ul 'IWLNTY 'v HI ACU.

O.Nf I ai; MM. FY A EM him In.itti. 'T'oN 'irant nrenue, west iddc. id avenupn M. tw eri Slterj I i EM'E.

Liberty ml M- por'le SHLIHUAN LIB 1 TITY ALMES; MIEI'HEIIH AVENUE, wet le-n-rfii, AtlJinti-- nnd Ellieriv ATI. AN I AVF.NI soulh sid. berw.en Ect tirt and pm-rd l. PLACE, nnrlh b' MfJv nvem.eri BERGEN s'l 1'. uorili -i-ie.

wfii Ca on nv. -rices SOI TH JnpPTH I IlLE'I'. not ih sole. h. tncen Kcip I WW Uv'ift-r streets KENT AVENUE, east nlde, i Mnce wcstwirdly arid alwiys distant 100 feet toutberly from and parallel with the mutLery doe of Surf avniue to tli lnteropctlou with 1 Fourth That the abstract of said estimate with the damage and benefit mnpa, ard nlso all the affidavits, en tt ma tee, proofs and other documents ued by the Cotnmldslunen of Latimate and by the Commlslsoner of AHen-ment la making the name, have been deposited In the B'lreau of Street Openings In th Law I Hepartmeiit of The City of New York1, No.

IlJo Montague itreet. in the Rnroneh of rroklyn. in said city, thre to remain until the L'lst day ut December, 1914. Fifth That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports at to awards and as to assessments for beuetlt herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Second Department, at a Special Term thereof, to le held In the Countv rrmrt House.

In the Bor- 2 m' Dated, Borough of Diuokba. Vw Tor. No- vember 20th, 1014. hevpt vri rr 3. 1 1 nt vri p- soln iMiiHj l.

Conni D-ia -f I -'imT. J. 4 iiMNKI t. IIKNi K. ConmitN -loiivr of 4eieat.

Mehiiie J. France, CU-rk. nft -1M owu NOTICE TO PROPtHTY OWNERS. IN Pt'RSt'ANCK OF PACTION IMS OP property, aff-c-ed by the following assess- mentH f(ir AicAi, iMIMKiVKJILMS in mo BiiitOriiH OF Hit! )KLVX; WiCNTY-FOI RTi I WAllI). R.

CROWN STREET RK'tl" LATINO, AO- tvn ci-phivi: v-r hetwen Both sides of Carroll street, from Bedford avenue to Rneers avenue. TWENTY-SIXTH WARD, SECTION 13. ATKINS A EH, bet een Blake and New Lots avenues. Area of assessment: Both sides of Atkins avenue, from Blake avenue to New Lots avenue. TWENTY-NINTH WARD.

SECTION 15. SN YD It A ENU R. bet ween East Thirty-fifth street and Brooklyn ave- nue. Area of anseH.sment affects property in blocks Nos. 4SSit, and 4906, adjacent to unove improvement THIRTIETH WARD.

SECTION 17. FORTY-SIXTH STREET PAVING, between Thirteenth and Eighteenth avenues. Area of assessment: Both sides of Forty-sixth streot, from Thirteenth to Eighteenth avenues and to the extent uf half the block at the Intersecting avenues. FIFTY-NINTH STREET REGULATING, GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING between Fifteenth and Sixteenth avenues. Area of assessment Both Hides of Fifty-ninth street, from Fifteenth to Sixteenth avenues, and to extent of half the block at the Intersecting avenues.

THIRTIETH WARD, SECTION IS. SEVENTY-SECOND STREET BASIN flt tho northeast and northwest corners of SEVENTH AVENUE. Area of assessment affects blocks Nos. G899 and 6900. FOURTH AVENUE BASIN at the north N0rllleriy side of Fourth avenue.

avenue and Nlnety-8eveath corner of MA Ri AVti.uK. Area or as THIRTIETH WARD. SECTION 19. fr eu'd of" existing sewer, about 184 feet east or seventeen! ii nvnuw iu di6ihihu avenue. Area of assessment: uotn eiues oi Seventy-fourth street, from Seventeenth to avenues thirt FI TMIRTV-FIHST WARD.

SECTION 20. EAST SECOND STREET PAVING, from Avenue I to Twenty-second avenue. Area of Both aides of East Second from Avenue 1 to Twenty-second avenU9, and to the extent of half the block tne tiiterecting avenues, EAST SIXTEENTH STREET SEWER, fr0ni summit, about r.2 feet south of Avenue j0 Avenue K. Area of assessment affects OlOCKK rs OS. i I ano 'ln- ST EIG 10 NTIi STR ET EGTT-oriw.

riTRRI NTG AND FIjAGGING. from a line about 100 feot smith of Avenue to Avenue L. Area of assessment: Both sides of East Eighteenth street, from Avenue to Avenue L. THIRTY-FIRST WARD. SECTION 21.

irrLn THIHT1 RTH STREET PAVING. between Mermaid nnd Surf avenues Area tunn avenue. Area of assessment: ld of Coney is a no. an rmn nK Highway to uhe ISJeraectlSJ extent of half Hie block at the intersecting WARD. SECTION 2S.

EAST TIliRTY-KIGHTH STREET REG ULATING, RA DI Ml. CI. KB Mi AN FLAGGING-, from Avenue north to the Railroad. Area of asse Vldes of East Thirty-eighth street. tr lrt I.nnir Telflnri Hull.

extent of half the block at Greets EST' 'FORTIETH STREET REGULATING GRADING. CURBING AND FLAGGING between Avenue I and Avenue K. Area of assessment: "Both sides of East For- street from Averue I to Avenue tn tho extent and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues. AVENUE PAVING, from Brooklyn nvenue to East Fortieth street. Area of Roth skies of Avenue 1.

from nVooklyn avenuo to East Fortieth street, and to tne extent of half the block at the In at reets. ttie name wre confirmed by the Board Or Assessors on it, i i. and entered on November 17. 11)14, in the K'Bcnrit of Titles of Assessments, kept in tbe Hnrean for the Collection of Assessments nnd Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount ns- messed for benefit nn any person or property ylialJ be paid wR run sixty days after tbe date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, as provided bv section 1019 of the Gi eater New York Charter. Said section provides, In part, 'lf any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof In the said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, collect and receive Interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum to be calculated to the dale of payment from the date when such assessment became a lieu, as provided by section H.9 of this act." Section 159 of this act provides "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said record." The above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at tbe liureau tor ui" ouee-ion rtssessmenta ami Arrears or i axes ami Assessments ana or ater Rents, in the oflorman Building, 503 I'uilon street, Borough of Brooklyn, between 'the hours of a.m.

and 2 p.m., and on Sat- ur.lavs from 9 a.m. to 12 and all piy- mcnts made thereon on or before January 1 la' exempt from interest ss t- i sublect to a charge of Interest at the rate. of seven per centum per annum from tho date when such assessments became liens to the date of pavment. WILLIAM A. ERG A ST.

Comptroller, City of Now York, Department of Finance, Comptroller's OthVe, November 17, 1914. osu (C612) LFGAli NOTICES. THE PEOPLE OF 'THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God free nnd independentTo Amelia P. cp-mem, Robert A Piper. Erinlna P.

do Nnrmandie, WMliam Griffith, Ida G. Wright, Mary O. 'urnow, send greeting: Whereas, Amelia P. Clement, wiio resides at Brooklyn. New York, has presented a petition praying for a decree that certain instrument in wrlMnir tinrinir date ihe "7th d.iv of Anrll 1SI14.

rrlu i nir rent personal properly, be proved as tha ill and tejitau.ent nf HI ti tl t'V pkRCIYAE, latHv r-'slding at No. Sixth avenue, in thy Borough or Brooklvn, CRv of New lork. tiierefore. you and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before our Surn.gate's Court of the County of Kines, be held at tho Hall of Records, In the County of Kings, on the day of December, RHI, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, why such decree should not be made. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal nf our Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed.

WitnetH, Hou. Herbert T. Keteham, Surrogate of (Seal) our said County, at the Borough of Brooklyn, in the said County, on tho lth day of November, PM4 JOHN IT. MeCoOWY, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. iL THE PEOPLU THE STATE OV NEW Yt K.

by tho grace of God free and independent- I'd Nicholas Hebe, nek, Magdalen Williamson, also kr.ov as Margaret Williamson, Fannie P. Bromley, L.d win pearsall Bromiey, Inulse Peters, William cooper, Helen Pylo Hlncken, Jennie, Dieter Minme P. Geffketi, S. Lott, Heln Fuller. L.

Remsen Garret K. Clarence S'chenrk, Louis L. Law-ton, William Sshenek, Hattie Schenck, Mary cenck. "-ch-rnck. Aui.vl fcheiick.

Evanitta Mnbei Hodbs. vc it. John E. Edw'n L. Brooks Cecelia M.

FurreM, after Davis, Alar inn E. Fatrell. Mary C. Howard Heiker. Amy How ard.

Cree-nvood Ceniet ry Corporat loi French Nursirir Sisters, St. Rose's Free Home, Bide a Wee Home for Animals Ad a line, Home for Aged of the little Msurs tu tne j'oor, St. Peters Hos- pital. William H. Daly, Graham Home foi Filbin.

Mary Bui ke, Catherine Lyons. Anna Sweeney, Mary Sweeney, Catherine Sweeney, Sweeney, Kdcoyne, John Kilcoyne, and all other persons unknown and whose names or parts of whose nara-i and whose place or places of residence are unknown, and canmt with due diligence and inquiry be ascertained; he rs at law ari next of kin of said Sarah Pwceney, deceased, send greeting: Whereas, Mary Kilcoyne, who resides at No. 4ti Howard avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, has lately applied to the Surrogate's Court of ur County of Kings to have a certain instrument in writing, dated August Lth, 1914, relating to both real and personal property, duly proved as tho last will and testament of SARA it fcv FTkNi-jy, wllo ViUS ut llie cf jlf.r death a resident of the County of Kings, deceased. Therefore, you and earn of you are herebv cited tu show cause before the Surrogate's Lourt of our County 0f Kings, at the huil or Records, in the County of Kings, on lotn day of December, one thousand nlt-a "JU. ai Cjocn uiwiuon oi mat uay, why the said will ami testament should not be admitted tn nrnba-s as a will of real and personal property: and such of you who are hereby tiled as under twenty-one yeai-s of age are requir-1 to appear by ur fruardian, it you have one: or if ou have none, to appear and apply for one to be appointed and the event of vour failure or neglect so to do, a guardian .1 be appointed by too Surn-gute represent and act for you in this proceeding.

Iu testimony whereof, we have caused th teal of the Surrogate's Court of the sttid County of Kings, to be hereunto Witness lion. Hi -(L bert T. Keteham, Surrogate of our said County of Kings, at said County the 27th day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. JOHN II McCOOEY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

O'Neil O'Neil. attorneys for petitioner, 1(118 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. -4t SUPR EM COU RT, KING COUNTY Brooklyn Trust Company, plaintiff, against Lawrence C. Carleton. us Trustee, and others, ef enda Action No.

1. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made nnd entered in the abov entitled action and bearimr dafn th fith riav of November. 1M4. 1. the unriern irned the All that certain lot.

piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and Slat of New York, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Pacific sireet, distant three hundred and twenty-six (3U0 feet six inches westerly from Hie corner formed hy the intersection of tho noriheily Fide tit Pacific street with the westerly side of Hopklnon avenue; running thence northerly parallel with Hopkinson avenue and part of the distance through a wall one hundred (loG) feet; thence westerlv parallel with Pacific street twenty-four CM feet six (6) inches thence southerly again paratlel with Hopkinson avenue end part of the distance through another party wall one hundred O00) feet to the northerly side of Pacific rtreet. and thence easterly along the northerly side of I'neuic street twenty -four 4 "41 feet six (6) Inches to the point or dace of beginning. Dated. November lCrh. 1914.

CHARLES T0LLKR1S. Referee. Dykman. Oeland Kuhn, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 177 Montague street, Brooklyn, New York.

nl3 6t fw SUPREME COt' UT. KlNG? COUNTY Trust Company, plaintiff, ugiHiiP: Lawrence Carleton, as Trustee, and others defendants Action No. IT. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made nnd entered in th above entitled action nnd beuring date the iitli day nf November. 19M.

I. the undersigned, the referee in said judgment named, wi I sell ar. public auction to the Highest bidder, by Nathaniel Shuter. auctioneer, at tho Brooklvn Real Estate Drolia nge, No. Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 1th day of December, 1914, at twelve o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein descrfbed as follows: All that certain lot.

piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, City and State of New York, bounded and descrfbed as jI'ows: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Pai ilic street, distant three hundred end fifty-one (351) feet westerly from the corn- formed by the intersection of the northerlv side of Pacific street with tho westerly sid of Hopkinson avenue; running thence north, erly parallel with Hopkinson avenue und part of iK- ilistance through a pnrry wall one him-dre GOO) fet) thence westerly parallel witii I'lclllc street twenty-four feet six ((i) inches; thence southerly ngain parallel with Hopkinson avenue and part of the distance through another pxrty wail one hundred (100) feet to the northerly sido of Pacific street, ami thencn cast erly along the northerly side of Pacifi'j twenty-four feet six (6) inches to the point or place of beginning. Dated November l2lh. 19H. HARRY J.

ROSENSON, Referee. Dykman. Oeland Kuhn, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 177 Montague street, Brooklyn. N.

A'. nt3 6t fw COUNTY'cTmRT, KINGS COUNTY GER-trude Et. ClarkKoij and another as executor piaintifts. against Tliomas F. Connelly, ami others, defeiidams In pursuance of a judgment id" foreclosure and sale duly mads and entered in the above-endled action, and bearing date the day i November, the undersigned, the referee, fn said judgment named, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by William McPhilliamy auctioneers, at the Brooklyn Real Estate No.

Montague street, iu the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the stli day of December, at twelve clock, noon, tlie promises cj' rec ted by -said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows: roiiowfl: All that certain section, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying nnd helngr in tho Borough of Brook, vn, County of ings. Cltv and Stalo tif New York, known and distinguished on a certain map filed in the office of tint Register of tho County of K'ngs, entitled "Map of Tunis J. Bergen, adjoining Erasmus Hall, in tho village of Fiat bush. Kings County," surve ed March, 1SG7, by T.

G. Brgen, as and by the Section Number Nine 9i, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the northerly side of Union place as laid down on said map, distant westerly from the northwesterly corner of Union place and Locust street, one hundred and forty-seven (147) feet nnd tour 1 1 ineneyo tnence noruierry a ions; Number Ten (i't 1 1, two nunarea ana tenree (LU'tl fe-t and live t0 inches to Erasmus Had Ian. thence westerly along said land nfty bn feet to lot Number Eight thence southerly along 1 number Eight iS), two hundred and three OX!) feet and live Inches to the northeny line or side of Union piace, and thenco easterly along Union place fifty tJ feet to the point or place of beginning. Excepting therefrom much thereof a has been taken for tho opening of Grant street. bs appears bv tho map of sold opening on (lie in the Kings County Clerk's oflice.

Dated, November Pith, 1914. WILLI A -T. A HON, Referee. Jrf-wls C. Clover, Attorney for Plaintiffs, 44 Court Street, Brooklyn, N.

Y. Tbe premises above deacribed are now known nn Ii and 4 Snyder avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. nJ6-tit in COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTV johu A. Behr.

plalntm, against James Thompson, "Mary Thompson. his wim. any and if either or both of the foregoing defendants be dead, than all persons unknown to the plaintiff, churning or who mny claim to have an interest In, or general specific lien upon the reel property described In the i um plaint In this action, through or under tho above named defendants, or any or ciHur of them, such persons being herein generally de ana neing iu ub it. tbrt folloGru; designations, tin u-itinu-s. buslmads.

descendants heir-at-law. ndminlst i a ohh, devisees. l.utH, creditors. trustees. committees, executor's, grantees, lienors, assignees, if any.

of tbe said defemla I or any or either of them, or of any person or persons deriving any interest in or lieu upon or title to said real property, through or from thein or any of them, or their respective husbands, wives, widows, wldoweru. if any, li of whose mimes and places cf residence) are unknown to plaintiff The City of New York; name, "Marv Thompson." tlctitious. real name uu- known to plaimifr, defendants. Complaint. A.

freelos traiir-fer of tBX lioll. To the above named defendants and each of thenc You uro hereby summoned to answer the complaint in I his action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the plalb-ini aitoniev within twenty days after tha service of this summons, exclusive of the dav of service; ami in case cf your failure to upbear, or answer, will be taken apuinst vou by default, tor tb-j relief d- tyi i -IL 11 um ViDm'T L. MOREHOUSE. 1PU in VOIIIM4I.llll. UUIVU t-v JUIH, Attorney for Plaintiff, and Postofflce addiess, Co nr s.roi, Brooklyn.

N. Y. To Tlium fe-oti. "Mury Thompson." his if any, anu if either or both of the foregoing defwutants be dead. thn all pers-ms uiikn.

tf. toe ptantirf, claiming or who may claim have an interest in, or general or mnn the real properly described in Hie complaint in this action, through or under tin- above named del'en- lar.ts, or any or en iter of tnem, sucn un known oei-s-ris beHu: liei'tln generally de- scribed and ii. tended to he Included tu the f.diuwlni; d- -d gnu! ions. Hio wives, widow, hi. tl "scvniiu i s.

I.eirs-at-law, i a or-, iscs i creditors, cos ec ors, -an tees, if i-tiy. nC the said deer eilitcr of or cf -i: rivlui." any interest, i- tith- to aid real uroit- fenda.i; any j-. ty. through from litem or any of them, i.r r. sj.f.

1 1 hma.nnds. v- ives, wiuowj. If uu. ail ot wlioe names a-id re. olcii- at" uil(mo to plain-' "M-m-v Thr.mps'-u" fir ti ic lo plinift.

vid Ida- un: re a I Th a -utn inons I or en pon piinll'-'ition. tli Conn i Hon. Robert mi-. Comty. STautcd by L-, a niiic datfi toher.

'O died in the 1-' lay tbe otliif if tbe lerk of KinKS County, New it Miber 1 1' WII.Mi L. 1' 'KKHOFRK. Attorney for plaintiff, oi'b and PosfofTlre adurcas iti Couit street, Broukiin, N. Y. 4 Mtf erlv line of KiriKs HiRhwnv to the Intersection of assessment: Both sides or West thirtieth with a line midway between West street street, from Mermaid to Surf avenues, and and West Kith street; thence northwardly along to the extent of half the block at tho w-lue said line midway between West ltli street i tcrsectlng avenues und West Kith street to the Intersection with the THIRTY -FIRS i VV A HD, SECT IONS .0, -il southeasterly line of Hay Parkway; thence I A nprrr northwestwardly tit right unglse to Bay Parkway, I CONEY LAf'IHr-r, a distance of feet; thence northeastwardly 1 ING, GRADING, RBINf, AND tLAO- and parallel with Ray Parkway to the inter- GING.

between Kings Highway and Nep. Both you and each uf you are hereby cited to show. ause before our Surrogate's Court of th County of Kings, to bo held at the Hull of Records In the County of Kings, on the 17th day of December, 11)14, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, why such settlement should not had. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto ullixed. Witness.

Hon. Herbert T. Keteham, Surrogate of our (L. said county, nt the Borough of Brooklyn, In the County of Kings, the Uth day of November, 1914. JOHN H.

McCOOEY, Clark of the Surrogate's Court. nl3-4t of the State of New by tha grace iinci fria on, i iniom. -n a .....7 i God free end independent To Arumr Seiover. if living, and. If dead, to any and all unknown persons, hetis at law and next kin of Arthur J.

Selover, who cannot, after diligent Inquiry, be ascertained to any and all unknown persons whoso names and places of residence are unknown and cannot, after diligent inauiry, be ascertained. neirs at law and next or kin or Uciward J. Selover: the Attorney General of lie State i of New York; the Public Administrator of the County of Kings, State of Now Vork, send greoLing: Whereus, Caroline D. Solover, who resides at. No, Throop avenuo.

Borough of Brooklyn, New York City, has presented a petition praying for a decree that a certain instrument in writing bearing date tho Uth day of December, 1913, relating to real and personal property, be duly proved us the last will nnd testament of EDWARD J. SELOVER. lately residing at No. aOa Throop avenue. In the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

Now, therefore, you and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held Rt the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on he 1 7 tli day of December, 1914, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, why such decree should not bo made. In testimony whereof, we have caused tlie sen I of our saiil Surrogate's Court to bo hereunto aflived. Witness, Hon. Herbert T. Ket-(L.

chain. Surrogate of our said County, at the Borough of Brooklyn, in said County, the fith dnv of November. 1914. JOHN H. McCOOEY.

Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. Garvin Young, Attorneys for Petitioner, 23 Broadway, Manhattan, Now York City. n13 xtl IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF TMtt Hon. Herbert T. Keteham, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having ciaim against GEOROIANNA ELK INS, lam of the County of Kings, duceased, that thuy are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at its place of transacting business, IV 7 Montagus Street, Brooklyn, New York, on or be tore the 15th day of December, next.

Dated. June 4. 11' 14. BROOKLYN TRUST COMPANY. Executor.

Dvkman, Oeland Kuhn. Attorneys for Executor, 177 Montague Street, Brooklyn. New York. Je5-lm or an order of the Hon. Herbert T.

Ken 'ham. Surrogate of the County of is hereby given, according to law. to all persons having claim against JAMES B. LURING, iate of the County of Kin 8, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the Oie.T-w.if 1 lie Hohwei-lher. at its place of transacting business, No.

45 Wall street, Borough of Manhattan, city or inow York, on or before the Luh day May nuxt. Dated Novt-mlv 4. 1H, UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Executor. Stewart- cfc Shearer. Attorneys for Executor, 4a Wall Street, Manhattan, New York.

nti xm7 27t IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF liiti Hon. Heruert T. Keteham, hurroEate of ths Countv of Kings, notice Is hereby iveu, according to law, to all persons having claim against ALEXANDER ECTOR ORK. late of ute County of Kings, d'-ceased, that they ant required to exhibit the same, with the vouch ihMwf. to the.

subscribers, at their otaca of transacting but-Iness, at the office of the CXeCUlOI" Ol tOC HIOIO -J-w. deceased, in Room bV, Produce Exchange Building 8 Broadway, Manhattan, New York City, on or before the loth day uf January next. Dated, July 9. JAMES L. MITCHELL, TRACY DOWtj, THATCHER P.

LtTQTTBR, VNTTEU STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Executors. Paul G. Gravenhorst, Attorney of Executors. HO Broadway.

Manhattan, New York City. HMm "iN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon Herbert T. Keteham. tne tounty of Kings, notice 1- hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against MARY AUGUSTA BEUf REN'S, lata ol the County of Kings, deceased, that they ie required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the sub briber, at place of transacting business, at the othce of Hugo H. P'Hcrbusch.

Nn. Maiden Lane. Borough of Man': atan. of New York, ua or before the day DeCcmoer May 1914. RoBER .1 ANDERSON, Executor.

Hugo H. Ritierbitch. Attorney for Executor -(J gu Malu-Tt Itift, borough of Manhattan. New York cltv nr'IMitn ESTATE i 'F REN GR.OESB EC deceuaed In pursuat nn order of tlie Hou. HcioH-it r.

bain. Mirrogate of tiie County of is herebv given, ac- i cording to to aii i-socs having claim against WARREN it' bite of the i Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New Voik, deceased, that they are required to exhibit Ihe same, with tho I vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at tho otneo nf Henry T. Stetson, attorney for the executor, oflice and postntlice address. No. Rector street.

Borough of Manhattan. City and State of New Vork, on on before tho 10th day of May, 1 91 0. Duted November i 1314. EDWARD GROESBF.CK. Executor.

Henry T. Stewm, Attorney fur Office and Post office Address. 2 Rector utreet, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. n6 a3U 'OW PERTHWAIT. VHTORINE-IN PUR-suance of an order of the Hon, Herbert 1 Keteham, Surrogate of the fount i if Tv ir la ht.rol.v rr in in-.

cording to l.nv. to all persons having claim ugaint YICTORINE PERTH WAIT, late i ui mi- voniiiy ut imiikh, oeceaseu, nini iin-j are reijuired to exhibit tlie same, with the thereof, to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, the office uf Wingute and CulUn. an Nassau Street, Borough of Manhattan, in tho City of New York, on or before the day of March, next. Dated member I0H ARTHUR N. COWPEKTIIWAIT, Executor.

Wingatc fc Cullen. Aitornuys for Executor, ZO Nassau street, ManbaUan, New York. IN PURSUANCE OF AN' ORDER OF TU '3 1 Hon Herbert T. Surrogate tne County of King, notice in hereby Kivcn, ac-' tn law. tu all -j'-'i-mma having claim i against miD u' Kir-gi dtiN.iSi'd.

tl.a; thry arts r-GUlreu to exhibit th; r.iu.e with the vouoi era ifcrojf to the nu.c acr of transacHrg IV? iutaBue Brooklyn. New Cby. or beois Zlr.i day of Da id utie is, l14. BROOKLVN 'i RT MARV j. ROMAN.

Dykman. Oeland A- Kuhn. Attorneys for Ex-tcutora. 17T iiotita-suo LwK.yri 6m IN pURSr'ANCV AN ORPHR op Hon. Herbert T.

t-urrng-ite of H.f of I rr Mc t- hereby vri- cording t- Nv. -n fi'1 irfisoiii, having cla.rn' aganuL (3L17. Kit A i i of tt.o CyUrit of;, ili thty a- inquired exhiJt tre mv.s, ihe vouchers thereof 'o tbe subscriber, her lece of transactin iiunLiefcs the or' Wlngate A- Cuilen nr attorneys, No. Zv Nassau street, section with a line at right angles to Bay Park- way. and passing through the point of beginning; thence soUenstwardly along the at right angles to Bay Parkway to tho poiut or place of hegimiimr.

1 Fourth That I tie ahstraett of said estimate of damage aud of -nid assessment for benetit, to gether with the d. image and benefit maps and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and proots auu ssloners of other documents used hy the i.otnmls) Estimate and by tho Commissioner of Asses meot in making the same have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Department of The City of New York, No. ptrt Montague street, in the Hnroiiirh ot HrnokTyn, in paid city, there to remain until the UKh day Of Heeeniber, HM Fifth That, provided thero be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the rruorts eu to riiner ol nam ansrraers, tne reporrs to awards and as to assessments for bene tit herein will be presented for confirmation to tho Supreme Court uf the State of New ork. Second Department, ur at a Special Term thereof, to be i County Court House, in the Borough n. in the City of New York, on the held in tlx of Brooklyn.

ESth day of lOlo, at the opening of nurt on rmu nay, Sith In nMvever. oi.jecuous arr nieo to the foregoing abstract ()f estimate and a-'tcss metit, or to either of them, the motion to eimiirm the reports us to awards and to assessments hail ftami anjoiinieti to in late to be here- after snecitied in tlie notice provided in Mich, uses to be given tn relation to tiiins tlie tinal reports, pursuant to Sections DS1 and PM of tin- Greater -ew lurk liarier. as auiemieu ly Chanter i.T.k of the Laws of IbuO- Dnled. of Brooklyn, New York, November littli, PJ14. EDMUND D.

HENNESST, WILLIAM H. TAYLOR, W. DEVOY, Goniniisslonprs of TMimnte, V. I UND 1 3 Coiiiinl isioucr of Melville J. France, Clerk.

(0-502) OfUl NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. SECOND DEPARTMENT In Hie matter of the applica-: titm of The City of New York, relative io ac-' fpiiring title, wherever th'- same has not been heretofore acquired tor the same purpose lu fee. Mo the lands, tenements and herrdttumonti recoil red for the opening and extending of WESl'i -HTII STREET from Neptune uveime to Surf' avenue- WEST 21'Tlt STREET, from Nenmni' avenue to Surr menuo: WOT STREET, from Neptune uvenit" line of the All.mtb STREET, from Nepmn. excluding iu cane the mean high water Ocenn; WES L' HIST avenue to Surf avenue the riirh" nf-wav of 'the iihuni ii. New ork and IHt Ward.

Borough 'of Brooklyn. The' City of NVw York. Notice is hereby glren to nil persons interested the above entitled proceeding, and to owuer nr owners, occupant or occupant. or -li in. uses a ml lots and improved it ad no tin proved lands aiTc ted i hereby, and to till oth-ra whom It may concern, tt.

wit First That tiie undersigned. Commissioners nr Estimate, have their estimate of damage, and that nil persons interested In thia proceeding, or in any of the lamD, tenement and hereditaments ami premises affected thereby, liuvlng any objection thereto, do tile their khIJ oh eel ions in writ Inn. uuly verified, with thein nt' their olrice. No. HKl Montague street, in i)e Borongh of Brooklyn, iu 'Ihe City of New York, on or before Ihe loth day of December, 1P14, anil that the paid Commissioners will lnur parlies so objecting, and for that purpose will he in attendance at their said oltb on th" 1 Itb day of December.

Jul 4, ut II o'clock a.m. Second Vim he undersigned, 'omiiuiiissioner nf Assessment, has completed Ins timate of benefit, and that all interested in tluMn ceding, or in liny of the binds, teneim -tun and hertditumeiits and pn inies affec ted thereby. I having any objection thereto, UK- their sanl bjctioiis In writing, duly verified, with lilin a I his office, Nn. liitj Men ta nue utreet, in the Borough of Brooklyn, lu the City of New York, on or before the luth day of December, PH4, and that the suid Commissioner will hear par-tb-s so objecting, and for that will be lu attendance at Ins raid oflice on the 13th day of December, 11H4, at 11 o'clock Third That the Commissioner of Assessment lias assessed any or all of such lands, tenements sad hereditaments nnd premises hh are within Hie urea of assessment fixed and prescrib'd hs the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment cm the Jiirb day of April, and ttiat the said urea of titseaf-ui'-'iit iiieiudci nl! those land-.

teueiueHts mid bereditametitH "u'l premises situate and ing in the Borough of Brooklyn, In '1 he City of New York, which, tHken together, are bound. and deseribid us follows: Beginning at a point on a line midway between West 27th street and West sth street, distant mo feet northerly from the northerly 11 of Neptune avenue, and running thence southward-Iv along the said line midway between Wet street and West -Sth street. Hnd along the prolongation of the said line to a point distant to feet pouth-rty from the southerly line of Surr avenue, tbe said distance being measured at right anglfg to i-birf avenue; thence westward Iv nnd atwy distant JUO feet southerly frmn "ar parallel with the southerly line sirf nvf-nu- to llr i terseel ion with a line midway bT.veeu Wer street ard Wt lb HI) urii'ti thence t-ot'thwardly along the aid Hue miowey beiwceu West 'JRth streoJ snd We-r street to th intore-tion with the mean tosh water line of the Atlantic Ocean; then-? wcstwardJy along the raid mean nigh water line to tiie IjjUt section ilh line midway.

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