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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
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G71447 LATE NEWS rK 0 Mil WEATHER Cloudy, Rain Tonight; Rain, Cloudy Tomorrow BROOKLYN EAGLE SUNDAY BROOKLYN, N. MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1945 SgLggjjjE AND SUNDAY 104th YEAR No. 110 DAILY SEIZE 4TH OF BERLIN Boast Brings Arrest of 3 As Synagogue Vandals 3D SWERVES, HEADS FOR Hitler Fights in Line At Berlin, Nazis Say Allies Doubt Leader Is in City but Recall Report He Contemplated Death in Battle BIG 3 MOVES TO IRON OUT PARLEY KINKS Stettinius, iden, Molotovj Speed Talks on Poland Seek United Front Washington. April 23 nipi The Police Declare Youths of 12 and 13 Years Admit Damaging Educational Alliance Quarters. Thrpp Rrnnlclvn hnvs wprp under arrest todav after thevl HEAR REDS REACH UNTER DEN LINDEN IN HEART OF CITY By ROBERT MUSEL London, April 23 (UP) Soviet tanks were reported blasting their way along Unter den Linden in the heart of ruined Berlin today hurling back an army of fanatic defenders personally commanded by Hitler.

Radio Luxembourg known as the voice of Supreme MITI TTk I ill llllLLIX L4.l Patton in Danube Valley After 26-Mi. Dash Into Bavaria By no yd LEWIS By W. B. HIGGINBOTHAM London, April 23 (UP) The German radio said today Hitler is in the "main fighting line" in embattled Berlin. admitted, according, to police, that they desecrated the! synagogue of the Hebrew Educational Alliance building, 955 Manhattan on the night lost, irte uerman Droaacasi saia, foreign ministers of Britain.

Russia in JW weie rna geo min ju- 1 1 tenile delinquency yesterday follow- and the Un.ted States strove with jnR a onP of lnem to feverish speed today to iron out fourth youngster being questioned kinks in Big Three relations. Their for another offense, police said. mat u-K nnitpd front for the San1 tnre' arp JoPh goal TO a united tro, ior tne 3 Qf nl gt an(J James Francisco world security conference. ,3. of 6l Franklin St.

and For another few hours this capital Patrick McKenna, 12, of 202 Frank-, was in for a fast-paced series of Un St. closely guarded diplomatic Sfarfh Mad tions that began las, night only, boys the' three hours after Souet Foreign section for a week be- Commissar V. M. Molotov reached ,7" who said The boys were charged with ju-! Pariv April 23 (OB Gen. "an Europe is lost." Wh Patton hurled the full- ffi Ameno.n 3d Armv "Therefore Hitler has remained In Against Nazidom's last redoubt iniBerlm-' 11 sald- the Bavarian Alps 'odnv In a whirl-! The broadcast waa carried by a wind offensive thai swept into the Hamburg station, one of the few Danube Valley 125 miles from in Germany Mill broadcasts un- Berchtesgaden der Nan control.

It said Hitler is Wh at moment determined that, neither Berlin nor Sato toce was believed Praeue slia" tal1 t0 "Bolshevism." beaded eastward for a juncture with' Doubted by Allies thp RnMlKM neM presden. Pat ton's Allied circles doubted that Hitler! tanfai tutned up miles It in Berlin, despite the propa- to the south in a oell-mell dash for aanrta broadest hut rpcatwi ih.1 I .1. nwu' Th Th- di over was toW of the desecration. The 331 E. 12th Manhattan.

land headed the list of problems confronting Molotov, Secretary ot toward R. stet.timus Jr. the Danube and the mountain chain 1 V. broken Nazi regime plan their last iignt. ti, the bewildered Germans scattering British Foreign Minister Anthony Vacgn, n011se adjoining the svna- berg, and a Protestant minister, Dr.

26 miles'in 24 hours to draw that Hitler is Bavaria onSnh mam in Bprlm' M' wlfeallci gogue when they decided to break Eugene Gerstenmeir. abreast of the U. S. 7th and French ing a final stand in the Alpine re- rirenare here aIld remain Molotov, Truman Talk into the building. They entered Thev said a third of their num- 1st Annies which already were doubt around Berrhtcsgarien.

Ending a six-day trip from Mos- through a ground floor window, he bPr waiter Maschke, trade union storming across the western ram-'report was that he had set up head- Other Officials Flee cow last night, Molotov humeri into said. leader, had been in prison with parts of the Bavarian redoubt. quarters at Salzburg, just north of All other top Nazi officials were an introduction to President Tru- The boys said they found a couple them but recently died mysteriously. cioinS on Recensburc Berchtesgaden. believed long since to have departed.

rn jV'n AvPVor He was slated to organize a labor earlv mJ Paul Joseph Goebbles, Kari Prop- of them to the Bavarian re-S. u- th Frien en decided to Jwrert the plae aftr the NaZ'S were le than 25 miles north of the'aganda Minister and of doubt for a last stand. conference 1 Eden, lnlJL Gerstenmeir said he was arrested Danubian fortress of Regensburg Berlin, was reported to have fled Panic was reported sweeping Ber- S.ettimus and Anglo-American ex-1 The following morning upholstery Headouarters last 70.ndH milM from M.mirh with Berlin shortlv after hrnadcas.m Un itself. Some d. tails were seep- Headquarters said American and Russian forces south of Berlin have linked up at Torgau, on the Elbe River, 60 miles below the capital.

Dispatches from both Supreme Headquarters in Parii and Moscow hinted that the report is true. Paris said, however, that formal announcement of the junction probably will be delayed until the forces have met in strength. The German radio said Hitler is in the "main fighting line" in embattled Berlin and has thrown into the capital's defense "all the military power available to Germany." Even women are fighting in the front line, the broadcast said. Should Berlin and Prague be lost, It added, all Europe Ls doomed. The Soviet breakthrough to the heart of Berlin waa reported by the neutral Swiss radio and Swedish correspondents filing their first uncensored dispatches of the war from the Nazi capital.

They said Russian tanks have smashed 10 miles into Berlin from the eastern and northeastern limits and are rolling with blazing guns along Unter den Linden, the tree-lined boulevard where Hitler once held victory parades. White flags were flung in nt Berlin' center of Berlin, the Swiss of April 13. I WO hOUnO in JOll jL, VmIuIFTI I HIQeQ Antl-Hltler Plot Bayreuth. Germany. April 23 was going to be governor of said one prisoner.

"And I was going to be Germany's new religious leader, said the other aft 3d Army troops found them here in Bayreuth's jail. .1 'imprisoned for taking part in the plot against milcr in July. Thev were Furst Fueeer of Ram-: July 20 sentenced s.Ven years prison, while Gugger was given yinced the Nazis he had no actual knowiedge of the plot. ganized under' the guidance of Col Gen. Ludwig von Berk.

It aimed at removing the Nazis from power and complete reorganization of Ger- suggestion that the Chinese capital. The said Chungking should fh. ilc because it was the center Lf rol.v,PO 'Roosevelt give the most help to Spectacle Launches Drive Th. oorovotov, i in their path. imain with the city's defenders to The 3d Army's drive, the end.

throutth a.s American' Sensational rumors were sweeping Police Captain Uoldman said tne hovt told him thev were nlavine in pc. wmm i desk drawers other damage done. Rabbi Alter i 1 a said the damage amounted to tl.000. Memorial Disarranged result of the damage, me-1 mortal services for President Roose-, tf1t had to be transferred to smaller The fire was extinguished by the per.s on Russian-i Olian re auons. Molotov is Maying at tne waw LSjotauTtna again today.

Molotov. ac- also planned to follow up his intro- ca non inunaii a ujai- ness visit to the White House. IZrJZZ expected to leave for San Francisco rooms. political and military setup." patroLs already have made contact, A captured order of the day signed initial terror" of the Inhabitants by tonight. A series of acts of vandalism in the Elbe River east of Lelptig The lateness of the Russian's ar- St.

Charles Borromeo's C. Renaming of Chungking land that a full-scale juncture of the I rival marie certain that the stren-'Church, 213-17 W. Hist- Man- eJl.toJ i Allied armies will be anounced im- BOYS HELD IN THEFT British Seaman Adds UOUI discussions already begun hattan was cUmaxed last mgh by "Or KOOSeveiT Suggested minently in Washington, London qc FOOD VALUED AT $10 Pl rnntimiPd rturini? th parlv a small fire in back of the altar. Chunekine. Anril 23 fUR) The and Moscow vr rwwu VMIUCU Ml I lo Hate fclCJSS bhortaae 3 CENTS reached the Havei River it of the city, where they presumably had tnp last pscPe routes to tn est under artillery fire.

South of the capital, the enemy tured nine and a half "hies southeast of Potsdamer Plata, the center of Beriln. but Idst it to The Russians also were reported withm a few miles of Zossen. former German supreme headquarters 11 miles south of Berlin. Still farther south, Moscow said, other Russian units cut the main Rerlin.nresden htuhwav inH rlneM couirki Mod I'd ri icuhan Cmoclt rava1r nd. Kuban CwrK cavalry mopping up resistance in for ests between Dresden and Dessau, now in American 1st Army hands, 80 miles to the northwest.

At on point east of Leipzig, the Americans and Russians officially were 34 mile Moscow dispatch this morning only a "few miles'' separated prican and Russian spearheads he general Dresden -Dessau sec- and a historic Junction is lm- 1 86 From Area Are Casualties The War Department today, announcing the names of 411 soldiers killed, 903 wounded, 159 missing and 378 prisoners of war, listed 14 Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island men killed, 37 wounded and seven missing, all in the European regions, and nine Id as prisoners by Ger. many. The navy, an nouncing 698 casualties, listed 19 local men, seven dead, nine wounded and three missing. Local cas ualty lists on Page 16. Call the Brooklyn Chap ter, American Red Cross, and arrange to donate a pint of blood NOW.

TRi-I angle 5-8040. camng teVbredaf Tp thpl skirmishers' in the western suburbs of living has been dispelled fn Mag- Nightingale, tied up at a Brooklyn, ticall-v ver'" thp ct 9rtd-ca ling police 10 Break up a Dattieewspaper Shih Shih Hsm Pao. BerUn firing about tstrate Lehrich's court bv the evi- Airdrome Caotured broadcast asserted. and RUMian armies to the north vision traoned in the Oder-Elbe cor- rtdor around Berlin. unofficial vnnorts hinlH itnmalv Ul? ZZlZ Rumors of another hinction be- headquarters, but official spokesmen Arrangements Concluded Gen.

Dwight D. Eisenhower's oirl oil headquarters said all arrangements ior me nna-up nun ine kpo Arm have been concluded, and front cor- respondents said American forward columns are bring fitted with special identification in preparation for the 'iiin Treuenbreitzen, a southwestern sub- urb of Berlin. nwi or ui ShTM and Ti hovs were' fired and 11 boys were arrested. Two pistols were confis- Cited On March 18 some religious equip- a crucinx was proianea. a lew aays later Monsignor William R.

Cann, the pastor, found two tires on nis automooiie siasnea. Desperate Luftwaffe Uses Plane Prom World War I formality-filled days of the United, Nations conference. The Polish dispute, in particular, was almost cer. tain to require private Moiotov-Eden-Stettinius talks after the big parley gets under way Wednesday. See No Quirk Accord Even the most optimistic American sources foresaw no settlement of the Polish question in the near future.

Russia has bolstered its support of the provisional Polish Government of Warsaw by signing a treaty of mutual assistance and friendship with its protege Polish regime. rne united states and Britain have remained adamant In their contention that the Warsaw regime must be barred from San Francisco unless it is first broadened to include other Polish repre sentatives in line with the Yalta agreement. It has been 2'-i months since Russia agreed at Yalta to Continued on Page 1 BORO MAN DROWNED 1 ON FISHING TRIP volunteers to sell Seventh War Loan Juncture' bonds in New York Citv was1 First Army troops captured and 1 i.j... cleared Dessau sri m1r London. April 23 (U.Ri-The Luft- War pect((cJt thp Mpps o( lhe souhthwest of Berlin, last night.) pUrcell was held in $500' hall for' Magistrate Prances W.

Lehrich per Pravda said two sergeants of in on the suburbs of Dresden it-iffe is so hard tin it has taken At nnin, nr0 nni 11 y-, 1 1 Mif waffe ii Benin ana Prague are neutral sources 'have reported the cleat battle at the head of a suicide bat- talion. Saturday mcht that he would re- the wake of the Red "uropu sistent report circulated in Stock- Iholm that, armistice negotiations the Nazi capital. ere unoer way Order of rturI FROM RESTAURANT dence offered sgainst Purrell Rich- looting the restaurant of bhM GoWstein at 702 Rock awa- p- Angelo Gulizia said marie ff vesterdMJ T-ith Ote followine loot 6 bottle, of soda noD two rani ST r'" pounds of frankfurters and a'piece 0f pastrami. x-', Aaoiescents uotirr arm one younger romDanion for Tlie olnPr two escaped. I a onrt.

M- -inat mttst. nave oeen one terriiir the doomed bv Hitler revealed he had told his on the "haMer Weste Front to abandon Irontal attacks and resort to guerrilla warfare in an effort to prolong resistance as long as possible. The Allied-controlled Radio Lux- embourg said Goebbels left Berlin for Merklonburg. on the Baltic 110 miles northwest of the capital, Only Saturday night he had broad- to Berliners an order for "iron discipline, the highest self- confidence and voluntary subordi- nation to the men entrusted with Berlins 1 a marei oi course, ne shiq. "I and n.

re: sh re- through to Stockholm ing through to Stockholm. Swedish correspondents were filing cc the an of lie wat 1 linen- time 'I In e- P'a'ncri thev could not find censors. nanio raris sain uennan worxers er SS u'li'-sm the streets nom tne wazi ation ai Hamburg came a report that the Par" onP rtlstnf' Edward Hughes, 22, a British mwsnn Ucious mischief, and held In WW for hearing in the Court ofl Rnp-ial R.ions s-'31 Sessions. Tho complaint, against Huglm ws made bv Michael Higgins, pro- prietor of a bar and grill at 96 Beard who said that Hughes came into 'the place Saturday became boisterous and pushed his fLst through a plate glass SindOW valued at S30. ioin tiugucs mat nis ir.p sixm ,,1 the same k.nri tocome jbefore her in a week and that she Vnnrterert whiher glass in urmiKiv lhof and smoking city.

Tempelhof i uonc Liorary. 4J0 si. ano Dtn Ave Manhattan. The bond drive onens officially May 14. The volunteer losmon o.r, earn commissions in tne Blue star Brigade.

Continued on Page 7 hunk ot pastrami. iinrough the war 11 tins keeps up. 1 other Kussian columns nan iniee Hampton Bays, April 23 Harry said he was sober and asked to be Weisner. 32, of 350 Marine Ave. released.

Police said he would have Brooklyn, was drowned when a row-1 to be held for a hearing today, boat overturned and threw him intoj HamptonrBa4ShlnneCOClt Bay' Ambassador Hurley Weisner and three other men had, Back On Job in China gone out in a rowboat to fish for Chungking, April 23 (U.R MaJ. flounders yesterday. The boat waslGen. Patrick J. Hurley, United capsized by a strong wind.

The States Ambassador to China, re-three others were able to reach sumed his duties here today after places of safety. a two-month absence. Coast guardsmen dragged the bed, Hurley, who went to Washington of the bay. but were not able tojfor consultation, returned by way I 11 Pierce battles tere under way but Luxembourg said the Rus- nof airdrome in southern Berlin. Mosfow dispatches said the Red i .11 mim Army is pounding along all the rr HWTOUgniares if northeast, east and southeast toward the Alexanderplatz.

less than a mile from Unter den Linden. one ouarter of the capital had been cleared by yesterday, the So- high command said. a Hicn.i iho Ornrial tne jrun 01 uiui unu lamru tne Banner ot ine Volga to Berlin and hoisted it In tho most advanced nosition the Airdrome, tuthern to the Reds, who hurled back led by Hitler. lino wersnei a Doay. Slain Thug Was Buried As Drowning Victim to using ni7.

oth Ai Force pilots reported today. One plane shot down Sunday was a World War I biplane. Exit Doors Harder to Push Yonkers, April 23 tU.IO Prank avanah. 48. of Newburg.

walked into police headquarters, announced he was drunk and asked to be locked up. He awoke yesterday morning. of London and Moscow. his father's home at 530 Ht nririx St. rw i -v, rw ft he appeared as scheduled before aihLs paroie officer.

He was Daroledi from Elmira Reformatory after! serving four years for robbery, the imioie 10 last uniu inar wai tne last seen 01 palagonia. it reported the disannear- ance Jan. 3 and the data was duly entered in the missing nersons files. In Morgue 2 Weeks The body taken from the river March 24 lay in the Bellcvt Hos- Dital morgue for two weeks, when ponce aumonzea a rollers neia The tip last week to an unnamed police official was: "We know all about that bod: That's Nunzio, and he didn't walk into that river. After disinterment an autopsy was performed by Dr.

Milton Hal- The Police Department's face waa fered gangland vengeance without red indeed today. Off 'ials admit- the 'act being discovered by the ted with great reluct nc that CgTran Uke0. body hauled from th, East River Palagonia, with a vicious seven-on March 24. buried 10 Potters Field VPar crimt record behind him. left as an uniwi, wiwu piwo on April 6 and exhum-d last Thurs- day as result of a telephone tip.

In was an tnai was len or Brooklyn gangsster named Nunzio Palagonia and the body had two Pullet holes tne neaa. The strange story of how the 21-year-old aspirant to the Murder Inc. throne of Abe Reles could have suf- WHERE TO FIND IT 4 I Our Fighter. 6 I Patterns IS I Radio 10 'RoalEstat Currio 3 1 Sermons Dr. Brady 6 I Society Editorial 6 Sports, 11.12 Grin and Bear It 6 Take My Word Heffernan I Thus Woman 15 Worth WW VXtempe Horoscope 10 Tommy Holmes assistant medical MaryHaworth 9 Tucker 6 who discovered the underworld's Movtes 41 Uncle Ray 1 5 traditional two bullet holes in the DRIVE INTO BERLIN Russian tanks, blasting their way into Berlin from Nazi capital's eastern and northeastern limits, today were reported along the Alexanderplatz and along Under den Linden, in the heart of portion, was also reported to hove fallen the city's defenders said to be personaWy 4 I want Ads 1Z-14 oacx or me neaa.

ingerpnnt were 5 I Women S. lojtaken and the body identified by Me detectives. 71.

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