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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 29

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 29

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Plaintiff, against LILLIAN MAY' WHITEMAN. Individually, and others. Action No. i. Pursuant to Judgment made herein, dated the 2nd day o( September, 1938.

I will sell at auction, by JAMES A. HEANEY JR. Auclloneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn.

New York, on the 3rd day ot October, 1938. at la o'clock noon, premises In the Borough of Brooklyn on the jest tide of East Thirty-third Street, four hundred feet south ot Avenue P. being a plot tweniy-five leet in width front and rear by one hundred feet In depth on boih aides, the rear line running; parallel with East Thirty-third Street and the aide lines running parailel with Avenue the aoutherly hn itinnlng partly through a parly all. Said premises belnn known as No. 1050 East 33rd Sireet and being more particularly described In Mber 7BU2 of Mortgages, pane 178.

Together with an easement for the purpose of a driveway in, to and over a strip of land four feet In width fronting on the westerly aide of Bast 33rd Street, adjoining the above premises on the north and running westerly to the garage In the rear of said premises, and together with a similar easement for like purpose in, io and over a atrip of land lour feet in width fronting on the westerly side ot East 33rd Street, being tha northerly lour leet in width of the above premises. Dated, September 12th. 1938. LEONARD J. MILLER.

Rfferet. HTJTTON tc HOLAHAN. Plaintiff Attorneys, 32 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. sl'2-6t mt SUPREME COURT, K1N08 COUNTY THE DIME 8AV1NOS BANK OP BROOKLYN.

Plaintiff, against LILLIAN MAY WHITEMAN. Individually, and others. Action No. 2. Pursuant to Judgment made herein, dated the 2nd day of September.

1938. I will sell at public auction, by FRED B. SNOW, Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Btreet. Brooklyn, New York, on the 3rd day of October, 1938.

at 12 o'clock noon, premises In the Borough of Brooklyn on the west side of East Thirty-third Street, four hundred and twenty-five feet south of Avenue being a plot twenty-five feet In width front and rear by 100 feet in depth on both sides, the rear line running parallel with East Thirty-third Street and tha side lines running parallel with Avenue P. the northerly line running partly through a party wall. Said premises be-In known as No. 1652 East 33rd Street and being more particularly described In Liber 7B62 of mortgages, page 175. Together with an easement for the purpose of a driveway In.

lo and over a strip of land four feet In width fronting on the westerly side of East 33rd sireet. adjoining the above premises on the south and tunning westerly to the garage In tine Tear of said premises, and together with a similar easemrnt for like purpose in. to and over a strip of land lour feet In w.idth fronting on the westerly side of East 33rd Street, being the southerly lour feet In width of the above premises. Dated, September 12th, 1938. JACOB LEVY, Referee.

HUTTON ft HOLAHAN. Plaintiffs At torneys. 32 Court Sireet, Brooklyn N. Y. nil FINANCE CORPORATION: STEWART NOTICE OF SALE MCDONALD, as Federal Housing Admin- SUPREME COURT.

KINGS COUNTY istralor. acting for and behalf of the THE WILLI AMSBURGH SAVINGS BANK. United Stales of America and the United Plaintiff, against EDNA CI. ROAN I KEE. Slates of America.

Holmes Trallck. De-el al Defendants jfendnnts. NOTICE OF SALE. 70841938. Pursuant lo judgment entered herein, Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and dated September 8th.

1938. 1 will sell at I sale dated September 1st. 1938, and duly public auction, by WILLIAM J. HOT'H, I entered. I will sell at public auction to the Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange.

1B1I Montague Street. Brooklyn. New York, on October loth, 1938. at 12 clock noon, the mortgaged premises In the Borough of Brouklyn. County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be sold, with the improvements thereon, situate on the westerly side of East 29th Street, distant 72 feet northerly from the comer formed by the Intersection of the northerly side of Avenue with the westerly side ot 29th 8treet.

being a plot 17 feet 6 Inches in width front and rear by 100 feet In dith on both sides, with a party wall on I the northerly and southerly sine or saia parcel: together with street rights and siiblert lo covenants ana resu icuuiis iu record. Reference is made to said Judg ment for a more complete description of said premises. Dated. September 15th. 1938.

BENJAMIN GROBERO. Referee 8. M. Ar D. E.

MEEKER. Attorneys for I'laintlll, nanson r.ace, -sruuaiiii. new ura. sl9-6t SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY-Home Owners' Loan Corporation.

Plaintiff, against Arthur P. Clark et Defendants. CHARLES H. FIER. Plaintiffs Attorney.

26 Court Sireet. Brooklyn. N. Pursuant lo Judgment dated September 12. 1938, duly entered.

I will sell at public auction, by ELMER W. DONOVAN. Allc SUPREME COURT, KINOS COUNTY-e HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION Piainiiff. against hOUM DE ROSSO et ai Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore closure and saie duly made and entered herein, dated September 15, 1938, the tin dertigned.

the referee in the said Juds-ment. named, will sell at public auetion to the highest bidder, it the Real Estate, Exchange Salesroom. No. 189 Montagu S'reet. in the Borough of Brooklyn.

City of New York, on the 13th day ot October. 1938. at 12 00 ciock noon, by WILLIAM P. REYNOLDS, auctioneer, the premised with the improvements thereon erected. directed by said Judgment to be soid and there described as fohows: beginning at a point on the southerly side of t5ih Street distant four hundred fifty-six feet nine Inches (456' west erly trom the corner formed by the lnter section of the southerly side of 85th Street and the westerly side of 18th Avenue; being a plot one hundred (100') feet in depth, on each side, the side lines of which run parallel with 18th Avenue, and twenty-three feet three Inches (23' in width front and rear and fronting on 65th Street.

Said premises are more particularly de scribed in said Judgment. Dated. New York, September 20. 1938. HARRY G.

ANDEPSON. Referee. I. THEODORE LEADER. Attorney fof Plaintiff.

51 Chamber! Street. Manhattan. New York; s21 23 28 30 05 7 SUPREME COURT. KINOB COUNTY Home Owners' Loan Corporation, plaintiff, against Jacob Senderowltz, et defend ants. MANUEL 8.

BRESLOW, Plaintiff'- Attorney, it West 44th sireet. New York: City. Pursuant to Judgment dated August 13th, 1938. duly entered. I.

by CHARLES HORWITZ auctioneer, will sell at public auction at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No. 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on the 29th day of September, 1938, at 12 ociock noon, tho premises In said Judgment directed to be sold, and as more particularly described in said judgment, with the improvement! thereon, situated in the County of KIdjjs, State of New York, on westerly lid of West 33d Streel, distant 220 feet north from corner lormed by Intersection of westerly side ot West 33d Street and northerly side ot Mermaid Avenue, belnj a rectangular plot 20 feet In wldtn on West 33d Street, front and rear, and 118 fee 9J Inches In depth on each side together with and subject to any state of fact aa accurate survey may show, covenante. re strictions and easement! of record. Prem Ues known as 2864 West 334 Btrtet.


Plaintiff, va, BORA KANTROWTTZ et Defendants. MAURICE FINKELSTEIN. Plaintiff1 Attorney. 346 Broadway. New York, Y.

Pursuant to foreclosure Judgment entered December 15, 1937. the undersigned will sell at public auction at the Brooklyn, TVal Estate Exchange, 189 Montagu Street, Brooklyn. N. on September 28. 1938.

at 12 o'clock noon, by WALTER H. HALLOWELL, auclloneer. the mortgaged premises and property described in and directed by said Judgment to be gold, altu-ated and located in the Borough ot Brooklyn. County ot Kings. City and 8tat of New York, on the southeast corner or DeWItt Avenue, formerly Linden Boulevard, and Van Smderen Avenue, being av plot 20' in width front ind rear by 5 in depth on each side, having a frontage of 20 on Van Smderen Avenue and 85' oil DeWitt Avenue, said southerly Una being partly through a party wall, Excepiing so much of th above described premises as has been taken by til City of New York for the operuVnx and widening of Van Smderen Avenue.

MARTIN I. GOLDSTONE, Referee. a7-6t SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY Home owners' Loan Corporation. Plaintiff, against Gerardo Fellegrino et aU Defend ants. Pursuant to Judgment of fnreclogur and sale, daled September 9th, 1938.

duly entered. I will sell at public auction to th highest bidder, by JAMES MORAN, Auc- tioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Ellate Ex change. No. 189 Montague Sireet, Brook Iv n. New York, on the 10th day of October, 1938, at.

12:00 0 clock noon, the premises, with the improvements, situate In th County of Kings. State ot New Yorlr, on the northenv side of 49' Street, distant 250 leet westerly from 3rd Avenue, beln a plot 20 feet in width front and rear by 100 feet 2 inches In depth on each ildei the easterly side line runs part of Ita distance through a party wall and bota aid lines run parailel to 3rd Avenue. Th premises being known as No. 255 49th, Street. Said premises are mora fully described In said judgment.

Dated. September 16th. 1938. VICTOR J. MATTHEWS.


Plaintiffs, against ARMANDO SCHETTINI et Defendants. MAURICE FINKELSTEIN Plaintiffs' Attorney. 346 Broadway. New York. N.

Y. Pursuant to judgment ot foreclosure, entered September 16. 1938, the undersigned wiil sell at public auction st Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on Oetooer 17 1938. 12 ciock noon, by JOHN A. HARTIGAN, Auctioneer, the mortgaged premise! and property described in the complaint and directed by said Judgment to be aoki, s.

mated and located as follows: ALL that land with the improvements thereon, 111 ihe Borough of Brooklyn, City of New Yori. described as follows: On th south sirie of Sixty-first Street. 240 feet easterlv from Seventeenth Avenue, being a parcel of iand 40 feel In width front and rear by 100 fee' in dppih TOGETHER with the rights of the mortgagor in and to the land front of said premises, CHARLE3 J. DODD Referee. SUPREME COVRt'k I NO fi COUNTY Home Owners' loan Corporation.

against Mary Nagie et ai Defendants. Pursuant to judgment bearing date th 12th day of September. 19.18. and entered in ihe Kings County clerk's Office on th 14ih day of September. 1938, 1.

the undersigned, Ihe Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction, at the. Exchange Sales Room. 189 Montagu Street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, Couple of Kincs. Citv and State of New York, NATHANIEL SHUTER, Auctioneer, 0ti th 13th day of October. 1938, at 12 0 clock; uouti on that riav.

the mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be sold, described as follows ALL that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and thereon ejected, situate, lying and being In Ihe Borough of Brooklyn, County I bounded and as follow, to wit. "BEGINNING at a point in the north-, e.i terly sloe Tweiftli Sireet. slain on hundred and eigh'y-tfto feet seven '7 1 nor'hw esteriy from the corner formed by the intersection of the norih- i side of Twelfth Street and th 1 1,0: ll.wes'erly side of Avenue, ruii-, nil. thenre northeasterly parallel with 1 the northwesterly side of Six'h Avenue and part uf ihe distance through a party i wa.l one hundred 100" feet to the centre I iu.e ot th, thenre northwester, with the northeasterly side of i Street and along the centre Im nf til- hlocc MXieen tlbi leet eight iBI i thence souttiwe.lcrlv para.iel with the norlliwesteriv side of Sixth Avenu Hnd part of tii dlvtanee through a partv vv.iii one hundred iltjOi feet to the north-eastniy side of Twelfth Street, and ihenr along the northeast eriy sid of Twelfth Street sixteen (IH) feet eight ihi Inches to the poini or place of beginning Subiect to covenants, res: rietions, ens, rnents of record, if any, and to any r.nle of facts an accurate survey may show.

Dated. Rep' ember 11 h. JW. J. SIDNEY LEVINE, Ref.n-ee.

s-1 23 .8 30 7 St'PREME COURT KINGS OWNERS' LOI.N CORPORATION, atj.llf. MARY MILLER, ct Def, to judgment beai.r.g da'e th div cf Sfp 103a and entered in tiie Kir.s Office, on th 2'i'h d.y September. 193" I. uuder-s, iti.ed. 'he Referee in said judgment rani'd veil at auetion,;;e Sa es Room.

181 'I- IlTttgh of Brnoklyn Oun'v rf and S'" nf N-w York, by KLIAS i IAN, Vir.i cn the 13th tl 1 0,. it o'cl rk rn 'h's mortgaged rected to be as cn 1 hl. cert ill: t. piece or p.i:cei of u. 'h iMirt.nis and :r.s 0- r.g i nf Coun'y of Kings.

1 I' i S's'e New krOT.i atid as iii's 23 and 4 11 Invi 1 on i' 'h- p-ouenv ot Gerrm-cn Par. Inc. "Mp of Get ti Second Addi'ion, properly of Oerrittsen Vur siliiaiiii Sheeoshegl Ray. Ihuough nf fouil'v ot ngs. C'ty nl New urveyed August 2nd.

1924. by Matthew Murray. C. and tiled the nftlie of ihe of t'ouh'r August lu4. as map No.

I'lfi, and vvh.cli ahen taken together ate mora par.chaiiy bounded and described as In-iow BEGINNING et 'he comer formed he the inier.ection of 'he normeas'eriv snip of (p.r.- our' and 'he r. sice of 1 Channel Avenue as d.iwr on said map; innlne ilunce s.oi.g tr 1: 'c: or Charlie' o2 f. thence rorthwes'eriy parallel I n.rl south- -1 aim Channel Avenue 52 I fis- it es it, tl.e nf ir" and thence a 0 -tei iy sice of Court I fv fi tn in cirr.e:, il.e pool' or place cf FORECLOSURES SUPREME COURT. KINOS COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION. Plaintiff, against R08IE PARKAS, et Defendants.

Loan No. 30-24-A-42595A. Pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and sale dated September 10th, 1938. duly entered September 15th. 1938.

I will sell to the highest bidder, tt public auctlcn. at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn. New York, on the 7th day of Octobei. 193B. at 12 o'clock noon, by FRED 6CHAFER.

auctioneer, the premises with the improvements thereon, situate In Ihe County of Kings, City and State ot New York, on the westerly side of West 31st Street. 200 feet north ot Mermaid Avenue, being 118.81 feet In depth on each side by 20 feet front ind rear. Reference Is hereby made to the judgment for a more complete description. Said premises being known as 2866 West 31st Street, Dated September 15th, 1938. DANIEL MALLER.

Referee. SAMUEL D. JOHNSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, 11 West 4id Street, New York City. SL61 1 lu SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY T. C.

E. CORPORATION. Plaintiff, against LOUEM HOLDING et Defendants. JULIUS B. SUCHER.

Plaintiff! Attorney. 160 Broadway. New York City. Pursuant to Judgment of loreclosuregand sale entered herein, dated September 2. 1938.

I will seil at public auction, by WILLIAM F. REYNOLDS Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn. New York, on September 30, 1938, at 12:00 noon.

Ihe mortgaged premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, situated In Kings County, being a plot bounded on the south by Sea Breeze Avenue. 205 feet Inches; on the east by Ocean Parkway. 283 feet 7 Inches; on the north by land now or formerly of Brooklyn Rapid Transit Railroad Company, 200 feet, and on the west by West First Street. 237 feet 11 Inches, street No. 3100 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn.

New York. Dated. New York. September 7. 1938.


COT1GNOLA, Plaintiffs Attorney. 32 Court streel. Brooklvn, N. Y. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure, entered September 13, 1938.

the undersigned will sell at public auotion at Real Estate Exchange, 189 Monligue Street, In the Borough ot Brooklyn and County of Kings. New York, on October 11th. 1938, at 12 00 o'clock noon, by WALTER H. HALLO-WELL. Auctioneer, the mortgaged premises described lu and directed by said Judgment to be sold, situated and located as follows: ALL that land and Improvements thereon in the Borough ot Brooklyn.

City of New York, siiua'e and described as follows: ON the westerly side of East 10th Sireet. 193 feet southerly from Avenue being a plot 22 feet 4 inches In width front and rear and 100 feet deep, the southerly line of said lot running part of the distance through a parly wall. TOGETHER with and subject to an automobile driveway as In said judgment described. EMIL MOROSINI JR Referee. s'20 23 27 30 o4 7 SUPREME COURT.

KING8 COUNTY Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Doba Frldovich et Defendants. M. ALICE GOT 1'ESMAN, Plaintiff a Attorney, 26 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York. Pursuant to a Judgment ot foreclosure and sale, dated August 31st, 193B.

duly entered. bv WILLIAM F. REYNOLDS. Auctioneer, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No.

189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York City, on the 28ih day of September, 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, the premises, with the improvements ihereon erected, situated in the County of Kings. Slate of New York, on the south side of Linden Boulevard, formerly Vienna Avenue, 134 feet 7 Inches east of Malta Street, being a plot 22 feet 11 Inches In width front and rear by 95 feet in depth on each side. The premises are more particularly described in said Judcment and are subject to easemenis of record and to unpaid taxes, assrs.menii and water charges and penalties. Daled.

September Hth. 1938 NATHAN BERK, Referee. s6-6t tu NOTICE OP SALE. SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Plaintiff, against Ray Feingold et Defendants. VINCENT ROLLO, Plaintiff's Attorney.

280 Columbia Street. Brooklyn, New York. Pursuant to Judgment, dated August 15th, 1938, duly entered, and order amenaing said Judgment, dated August 27th, 1938. duly entered. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder by MEYER LEVIN.

Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn neal Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn. New York, on the 27th day of September. 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises In said Judgment direcied to be sold, sl'uale In the County of Kings. State of New York, on the easlerly side of West Elgin Street, distant 290 feet and 10 inches from Avenue being a piol 19 feet and 4 inches In wudth. front and rear, by 82 feet 5 inches in depth on each side and the sides being parallel with Avenue 3 and as niore particularly described In said judgment.

Premises known as 1857 West Eighlh Sireet. Dated: September 8ih. 1938. ALBER V. DE MEO.

Referee. s6-6t tu SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY Home owners' Ijjan Corporation. Plaintiff, against Max Davis el Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE.

Ill pursuance of ft Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action, and bearing date the 26th day of August. 1938. I will sell, bv WALTER IIALLOWELL. auctioneer, to the highest bidder, at the Brooklvn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague I Street.

Brooklyn. New York, on the day of Sepiember. 1938. at twelve o'clock noon, the premises directed bv said Judg- ment to be sold and therein described substantially as follows: Northeast side of East, 98th Street. 142 feet southeast of Avenue being 22 feet iu width front and rear by 100 feet in depth on each side, part of the distance of the depth running through a Party wall.

For a more dftallcd description reference Is had to the above mentioned Judgment. Daled, August 30th. 1938 MICHAEL STEIN, Referee. 6-6t lu SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY Tha Kings County Savings Bank.

Plaintiff, against Johanna 11. W. Baker ct Defendants. Pursuant lo Judgment of foreclosure ind sale entered In tne above action, dated August 28th, 1938. I.

Ihe Referee therein named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, bv CREWS tt SHAPIRO. Auctioneers, the Brooklvn Real Estate Exchange Salesroom. No. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn.

New York, on the 27th day of September. 193H. at 12 o'clock noon, the premises direcied by said judgment to be sold, situate In the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Citv and State of New York, described as follows: BEOINNINO at a point on the northwesterly side of 4th Avenue, distant 135 feet Inches northeasterly from the corner formed by the intersection nf the northwesterly side of 4lh Avenue with the northeasterly side of Ovington Avenue: running thence northwestei Iv and part of the distance through a parly wall 74 feet 5 Inches; running Ihence at right angles to Ovington Avenue 19 feet 4 inches, running thenre southeasterly parallel wth Ovington Avenue and part of the distance through a partv wail 69 feet Rlj inches to the northwesterly side of 4th Avenue, running thence soutliwesl. crlv along the northwesterly side of 4th Avenue 19 feet 4 Inches to the point or place of beginning. Dated, September 1st.

193R GILBERT GOLDSTEIN. Referee. TAYLOR ROBERTS. AHornevs for Plaintiff. 7 Hanover Sireet.

New York City. s89 13 18 20 23 SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY-ANNA SCHAHMAN, Plaintiff. Bitalnst EDITH G. BENT, et, Delendants. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale, da'ed Svptemorr 14th.

1938. 1 will sell at public auction to Ihe highest b'ft-der, by JOSEPH W. CATHARINE, auction, eer, nt the Brooklyn Heai Estate Exchange, a( 1B9 Montague Street. 111 the Borough of Brooklvn. Cl'v of New York, on the 7th day of October.

W38. at 12 O'clock, noon, the premises rlnee'ed bv said judgment to be snid. situate In the Borough of Brooklyn. Coun'y ot Kuiks. City Slate ol New York, beginning at, a no.

on the northerly side of Voorhies Avenue, fiftv 5u feet ens'erly of the eorm formed by the inlerscc ion of the northerly side of Vooiliies Ai uiue the easterly side of Ea 27'h Rrreel. and iunntnii tlienre northerly at riani anvies 10 the northerly side of Voorhies A'- nine ai paiallel with the eas'erly side of 'JTth Street one hundred feet easterly parailr! vvilh ihe noitheriv side of Voorhies Avenue twenlv-five 125' feet Ihence southerly parallel with ihe easteiiv side of K'ast 27th Street and pari of the cliriinoe through a parlv wall one hundred (100) feel lo the northerly side of Voorhies Avenue, and thence westerly along the said northeilv Mde of Voorhits Avenue Iwentv-five (25i feet to Hie point or place of Together with an easement or rulit of way over a strip of land iidioinin: the said premises on the vest, the westerly side of which strip of laud is distant four I4i feet west, from the wrst-rlv tine of the said premises, and parailel thereto. Together with all the right, title and Interest of the parly of the first of In and to the land lying In the bd of Voorhies Avenue In Iront of said premises to the center line thereof. Subject to an easement or right of way In favor of the premises adloinlng on the west over a strip of land, the easterlv side of whirh Is distant four (4) feet east from the westerly line of the premises hereby conveved. and paralle' thereto.

Dated. Septemher 16th. 1938 GEORGE I1EI.DOCK. Referee SAMUEL B. KROHN.

lor P.a:n- 'tiff. No 189 Montague Sireet, ntootivn I New York, 10 20 23 27 30 ol liuueer, at the Brooklyn rteal tsiaie ik-i -i' ui uiuv uay. uy u. change. 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, i LOUIS HOLLANDER.

Auctioneer, the New York, on the 11th day of October, i mortgaged premises directed to be sold 19)8, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises, said judgment and the personal prop-vvitli the improvements thereon, situated erty appurtenant thereto, located on the In' the County ot Kings. State ot New southwesterly side of 67th Sireet, distant York, which said premises contained iu 400 leeL southeasterly lrom Ihe corner said ludgment directed to be sold are dc-1 formed by the intersection of the south-irrihed as fellows: westerly side of 07th Street and the (BEGINNING at a point on the soulh-1 southeasterly side of 14th Avenue, being easterly side of Cvrus Avenue, lfio feet i 40 leet in widih In front and rear by 120 myr Ilea sterly of Madoe Avenue, in dunen-1 leet in deplh on bolh sides, as more parsons 45 feet bv 40 feet, and as more par-1 ticnlarly described in said Judgment. described in said judgment, and eluding strips and gores, and known as known ss premies 20 Cvrus Avenue. No. 1446 (7lh Street.

Borough of Brook-Dated, September 14. 1038. Irn. County of Kings and City of New ALFRED DUFFY. Referee.

'York. Subject to conditional bill of sale SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY-IDA ANNA TIPPLE and WILSON E. TIPPLE. Plaintiffs, against DOBA HOLDING CORP. el Defendants.

ADOLPH HANSEN. Plaintlffi' Attorney, ISO Nassau Street. New York. Pursuant to Judgment entered herein, dated July 10. 1937.

I will sell at public auction at Brooklvn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, by PHILIP CLARE, auctioneer, on the 3rd day of October, 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises directed bv said Judgment to be sold, situated on the north-erly aide of Voorhies Avenue, 40 feet westerly from the northwesterly corner of Voorhies Avenue and East lBth Street, being 20 feet in width front and rear by 106 leet 5 and Inches in depth on each side, said side lines going partly through party walls. Reference to Judgment lor more complete description of said premises. Dated. September 8.

1938. BENJAMIN C. R1BMAN. Referee. 12-6t SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Plaintiff, vs.

Esther Packer et Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and sale entered August 30, 1938. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, in the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. 189 Montague Sireet. Borough of Brooklyn.

City of New York, on the 3rd day of October, 1938. at 12:00 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, briefly described as follows: Being a plot of land on the northeasterly side of 69th Street (Bay Ridge Avenue), 200 feet northwesterly from Slst Avenue, being 30 feet In width front and rear by 100 feet in depth on each side, and more particularly described in SBid judgment; premises being known as No. 2059 69th Street, Brooklyn, New York. Dated. September 12th.

1938. S. BERTRAM FREIDMAN, Referee. DANIEL WEISS. Attorney for Plain-tifi.

171 Madison Avenue, New York City, N. Y. sl2-6t SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY MARY A. MEEHAN, Plaintiff, VS. JOHN ESPOSITO.

et Defendants. LAWRENCE J. McOOLURICK. Plaintiff's Attorney, 44 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and sale entered herein, the undersigned will sell at public suction, by JOHN A.

HARTI-GAN. Auctioneer, In the Rotunda of the Kings County Courthouse. Fulton and Joralemon Streets. Brooklyn, New York, on October 3rd. 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, the, mortgaged premises therein directed to be sold, situated on the westerly side of Clinton Avenue.

172 feet 5'-i Inches northerly from the northwesterly corner o' Myrtle and Clinton Avenues, with a frontage on Clinton Avenue and a rearage of 20 feet and 108 feet deep cm both aides, said premises being known as and by the sireet number Clinton Avenue, Brouklyn, New York. Dated. August 29. 1938. WILLIAM C.

McCKEERY, Referee. sl2-tit SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, against 1VON W1LLINS. also I II NT TKTQ IDFMIT hl, HEATING AND PLUMB highest bidder at the Brooklyn Ileal Estate Exchange. No.

189 Montague Street. Brook lyn. New York, on the 3rd day of October. 1938. at 12:00 o'clock uooll, through SAM KANNEY, Auctioneer, the premises, with the Improvements thereon, directed by suld Judgment to be sold, situated In the County uf Kings and Slate of New York, on the south side of McDonough Street, 315 feet east of Sumner Avenue, in dimensions 20 feet front and rear by 100 leet In depth, the side lines running parallel with Stunner Avenue and partly through party walls, known as and by the isi'vet nuinuer airrei, ma more particularly described in the said Dated, New York.

Septemher 1938. JOSEPH J. FISCHER. Referee. SAMUEL GEND7.IER.

Attorney for Plaintiff, 1) West 42nd Street, New York City. STiptjrviE rniiDT trisiria frviiw-rv HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION. plaintiff, against ANTONETTA PARRI- NELI.I. et al Defendants. EDWARD L.

CORBETT. Plaintiff's Attorney. 217 Broadway. New York City. Pursuant to Judgment entered August 23rd.

1938. 1 will sell at Brooklyn Real Esiate Exchange. 1B9 Montague Sireet, Borough ot urookiyii. county of King: CUy ot New York, oh October 4th, 1938, No. 34573.

an accurate survey and cove nanls and restrictions of record. Dated, September 12th. 1938. AUGUSTUS C. FROEB Referee.

12-6t SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY Home Owners' Loan Corooration. Plainulf. coiner formed by he intersection of Hie westerly side of East 24th Street with the northerly side of Avenue being 24 feet ti inches In width in front and rear bv 100 feet in depth on both sides, as more particularly described in said Judgment, including strips and gores, and known as No. 2434 East 24th Street, Borough of Brooklyn.

County of Kings and City of New York, Subject to an accurate survey; covenants, restrictions and easements of record, condiilonal bill of sale of Timken Silent Automatic and zoning ordinances of the Citv of New York. Dated, September 12. 1938 BERNARD ARONSON Referee. sl2-6mf NFVV YORK SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF KINGS -VIRGINIA ABERNATHY.

Plaintiff. againit FRANK JACKSON and uns unj, 'iimukii V. Mc MAHON, Auctioneer, the property described bv said judgment to be sold and therein desrribed as follows: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, Citv and Stale uf New York, bounded and described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Pacific Street, distant 225 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Pacific Sireet with the westerly sirle ot Trov Avenue; running thence southerly on a line parallel with Troy Avenue 107 feet 2l inches: tiunce westerly on line parallel with Pacific Street 25 feel; thence northerly on a line parallel with Troy Avenue 107 feet 2'j inches lo the southerly side of Pacific Street, and thrnce easterly along Ihe southerly side of Pacific Street 25 feet to the point or place of beginning." Dated. Brooklyn, N.

September 10th, 1938 JOSEPH LEARY DILANEY. Referee. ISAAC SWEZEY. Attorney for Plaintiff, Huntington, New York. s20-6t fu SUPREMEn3ot71iNCIS COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION.

Plaintiff. against GEORGE DUNCAN BOYCE. et Defendants. EDWARD L. CORBETT.

Plain1 iff a Attorney. 217 Broedwav, New York City Pursuant to judgment entered August 23. 1938, I will se.l at Brooklyn Real t.s title Exchange. 189 Montague Street, Bor ol New York, on October 4th, 1938, at 1 noon of that day. bv JAMES DEMPSEY.

Auctioneer, the mortgaged -d p. iidiE- nd the prSper't ippiir.e- ri ih. nnr.herl- easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Pacific street with the easterly side of Franklin Avenue; thence northerly at right angles tn Pacific Street and part of the distance through a party wall, 45 feet 10'a Inches; thenre northeasterly at right ingles to Franklin Avenue. 5 feet inches; thence northerly al right angles to Pacific 8treet. 51 feet 10'j Inches; thence easterly parallel with Pacific Street 20 feet; thence southerly at right angle! to Pacific Street.

100 feet to the northerly side of Pacific Street: thence westerly along th5 northerly side of Pacific Street. 25 feet lo the point or place of beginning, as more particularly described in said Judgment, including strips and gores, and known as No, 1153 Pacific Street, Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings and City nf New York. Subject tn an accurate survey, covenants, easements and restrictions nf rerord and zoning ordinances of Ihe City of New York. Dated, Septemher 17th.


BHORWITZ. Plaintiff's Attorney, 342 Madison Avenue, New York City. Pursuant to Judgment dated the 8th day of 8ep)ember. 1938. duly entered.

I. by PHILIP CLARE. Auctioneer, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No. 189 Montague Street, Kings County, New York, on the 7th day of October, 1938, at 12:00 o'clock noon, the premises In said Judgment directed to be sold, with the improvements thereon, situate In the County of Kings, City of New York, on the westerly side of Brigham Street, 400 feet northerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Brigham Street with the northerly side ot Avenue being plot 50 feet In width front and rear and loo feet In depth on each side, premises being known as No.

2234 Brigham Street, Brooklyn, New York; said premises being more fully described In saia Judgment. Dated, the lBth day of September, 1938. MYLES J. MULLEN. Referee.

H6-6t SUPREME COURT, KING8 COUNTY HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. MINNIE KAPLAN, et Defendants. DOR8EY PLYNN. Plaintiff's Attorneys. 60 Wall Street, New York City, New York.

Pursuant to Judgment dated August 31st. 1938. duly entered. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Mc-GUINNESS RE1LLY, Auctioneers, in the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. 189 Montague Street, Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings nd State of New York, on the 4th dav of October, 1938.

at 12 o'clock noon, the premises, with the Improvements, situated in the Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, being on the e-rly side of East 94th Street, 188 leet 1 inch south of Avenue K. being a rectangular plot 20 feet wide front and rear and 100 leet inch in depth, including strips and gores, with fixtures and personal property appurtenant thereto, which premises are mure particularly described in said Judgment, Dated. September loth. 1938, FRANCIS M. VERRILLI, Referee.

sl2-6t SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, against DELIA PELLMAN et Defendants. Pursuant, to Judgment dated September 12th. 1938. duly entered.

I will sell at public auction to tlgr highest bidder, by MORRIS REICH, Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. 189 Montague Sireet. Brooklyn, New York, on ihe 11th day of October, 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises In Raid Judgment directed to be sold, with improvements thereon, situate in the County of Kings. State ot New York, being on the northerly side of 13th Street. 173 feet 4'j inches easterly from the northeast corner of 13th Sireet and 8th Avenue, Premises being 20 feet in width front and rear bv 100 feet in depth on each side.

Die side lanes running partly through party walls and parallel with 8th Avenue. SUBJECT to unpaid taxes. Said premises are more fully described in said Judgment. Dated, September 15th. 1938.

MOHHIS SILVER. Referee. EDEI.MAN PASTOR, Atlorneys for Plaintiff, 44 Court Street. Brooklyn. N.

Y. si 9 23 26 30 03 7 NOTICE OF SALE. SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY The Wiiliamsbuigh Savings Bank. Plain-tiff, against Julia M.

O'Reilly tt Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment entered herein, daled September 8th. 1938. I will sell al publlo auction, bv WILLIAM REYNOLDS, auctioneer, al the Brooklvn Real Esiate Exchange, 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn.

New York, on October 10th. 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises in ihe Borousli of Brooklyn. County of Kings, directed bv said Judgment to be sold, with the Improvements thereon, slluale on the southerly side of Rutland Road, distant 380 feet westerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the southerly side of Rutland Road with the westerly side of Bedford Avenue, being a plot 20 feet In width front and rear by 109 leet in depth on both sides: together with street rights and subject lo covenants and restrictions of record. Reference is made to said Judgment for a more complete description of said premises. Dated, September 15th.

1938. JOSEPH BYRNE. Referee. Ar D. E.

MEEKER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. One Hanson Place, Brooklyn. New York. 819 23 26 30 o3 7 8UPREME COURT.

KINOS COUNTY THE LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK OF BROOKLYN. Plaintiff, against JACOB BERLINSKY. et Defendants. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, dated Ihe 13th day of September. 1938.

I. the referee therein named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by ALLEN M. TEPLITZ, Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Sireet, Borough of Brooklyn. City and Stale of New York, on the 10th day of October. 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, premises directed by said judgment to be sold, situate In the Borough of Brooklyn.

County of Kings, City and Slate of New York, on the southerly side of Putnam Avenue, two hundred fiftv-eight (25Bi feet four (41 inches west of Patchen Avenue, being forty-one (41 1 fed eight 181 inches In width front and rear by one hundred ilOOl feet In deplh on either side, (he side lines running parallel With Patchen Avenue; together with street rights. If any, in Putnam Avenue. Subject to any stale ol facts an accurate survey might show. EUGENE BRENNAN. Referee.

HECTOR McG. CURREN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and P. O.

Address, 26 Court Street, Borough of Brooklyn. CHy ot New Yurk sl9-6tm SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY I HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION against CHARLES TABAK. and others. Pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and sale entered herein, bearing dale the 13lh dav uf September, 1938, I will sell IO loe IilgnesL uiuuri in piiuiii aiit.iiiMi, (GUINNESS Ai REII.LY.

Auctioneers, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Streel. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the ltth day of October. -938. at 12 00 o'clock noon ol that day, the premises, with Improvements, situated in tile Borough of Brooglyn.

County of Kings, City and Slate of New York, on the southerly side ot Mlddleton Street, distant 229 feet 9 Inches west of Marcy Avenue, being 16 feet 8 inches front and rear and 100 leet In depth on each side, side lines running nearly parallel with Marcy Avenue, as more particularly described In said Judgment Dated. Brooklyn, New York, September 20th, 1938. JOHN CARMICHAEL. Referee. ROBERT J.

DELANEY, Attorney for the Plaintiff. 215 Montague Street. Brooklyn. New York. s20-St tu BUPREMECOURfr KINGSCOUNTY Home Owners' Loan Corporation.

Plaintiff, against Herman Virgien tl Defendants. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and sale daled August 25lh. 1938. and duly entered. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by CREW8 SHAPIRO.

Auctioneers, at the Brook.yn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Sireet. Brooklyn, New York, on the 2ylh day of September. 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, the premises described bv said judgment to be sold, with the improvements thereon, situate In the County of Kings.

State of New York, on the westerly side of Bedford Avenue (formerly East 25th distant 100 feet southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Bedford Avenue with the southerly side of Avenue being a plot 30 feet In width front and rear by 100 feet in depth on each side; premises being known as number 3916 Bedford Avenue. Brooklvn. New York, and said premises being more fully described In said judgment. Subject lo covenants, restrictions and easements of record. Dated, New York.

August 31st. 1938, WILLIAM W. LIPP. Referee. H.

R. KOREY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and P. O. Address.

230 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan Borough, New York City. s6 9 13 16 20 23 SUPREME COURT. KINOB COUNTY Edith Bates Halsev, Plaintiff, against Gertrude Frey. Jane Millwood, also known as Jennie Millwood, et Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In Ihe above entitled action and bearing dale the 24th dav of August.

1938. I. the undersigned, referee in said judgment named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by ISAAC E. EPSTEIN, auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Street.

In the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 11th dav of October. 1938. at 12 clork noon, the premises directed bv said judcment lo be sold and therein described as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lvma and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, of the City of New York. Cotintv of Kings and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Ihe southerly side of Noll Street, distant 150 feet westerly from the corner formed bv the intersection of the southerly side of Noll Street with the westerly side of Evergreen Avenue: running thenre southerly parallel with EveTgreen Avenue and part of the distance through a party wail 100 feet: thence westerly parallel with Noll Street 25 feet: thence northerly parallel with Evergreen Avenue and part of the distance through a party wail 100 feet to the southerly side of Noll Street, and thence easterly along the southerly side of Noil S'reet 25 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Also all the right, title and Interest of the said mortgagor of. In and to Noll Street lyina in front of and adjoining said premises to the center line thereof. Being the same premises which were conveyed to the said mortgagors bv deed delivered and intended to be recorded simultaneously herewith. Dated, 13'h dav of Seotember. 1918.

SIDNEY M. PEDDY, R-feree. CARPENTER Al CLAYTON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and Post Office Address, 70 Tine Street, New York. New York.

20 23 27 30 o4 7 SUPREME COURT. KINOS COUNTY THE LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Plaintiff, HOWARD D. HAMMOND, et al Defendants. Pursuant to Judgment herein, dated September 6th, 1938. I will sell at public auction, by DAVID DIAMOND.

Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn. New York City, on the 3rd day of October, 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, mortgaged premises In Kings County on the westerly side of Siuyvesant Avenue, distant twenty feet northerly from trie northwesterly corner of Stuyvesant Avenue and Macon Street, being twenty feet front and rear and eighty-two leet In depth, all of which is more fullv described In said Judgment. Dated.

September 12th 1938. WILLIAM C. McCREERY, Referee. PARSONS it CONSTABLE, Attorney! for Plaintiff, 67 Wall Street, New York CHy. H2-6t 1 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF KINGS HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, against MARY F.

STONE et Defendants. Index No. 8952-1938. SAMUEL H. FEINSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, orilce and P.

O. Address. 11 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and sale, dated August 27, 1938, and duly entered. the undersigned, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange.

188 Montague Street. Brooklyn. New York, at 12:00 noon on September 28, 1938, by JAMES M. POWER, auctioneer, the premises, with the Improvements thereon. In the county of Kings.

State of New York, situate on the northerly side of Macon Street, distant 86 feet easterly from the northeasterly corner of Macon Street and Arlington Place, being a plot 16 feet in wldtn front and rear by 100 feet In depth on both sides, said sides running through party walls: said premises being fully described in said judgment. Premises are known as 7 Macon Sireet. Brooklyn, New York. Dated, September 6. 1938.

ABRAM RAFF, Referee. S6 9 13 16 20 23 SUPREME COURT. KINDS COUNTY Phebe Florence Kouwenhoven. Gertrude B. Debevoise and William B.

Kouwenhoven, as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Tunis Q. B. Kouwenhoven, Plaintiffs, vs. Sunrise Properties, et Defendants. Pursuant to Judgment entered herein, dated September 1st, 1B38.

I will sell at publlo auction, by G. V. McMAHON, Auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn. N. on September 27th, 1938.

at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises in the Borough of Brooklvn. County of Kings, City and state of New York, directed by said judgment lo be sold, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Troutman Street, distant 243 feet 10J. Inches easterly from the corner lormed by the Intersection of the-southerly side of Troutman Sireet wlih the easterly side of Bushwick Avenue, as now laid out; running thence easterly along the southerly side of Troutman Street 25 thence southerly at right angles to Troutman Sireet 119 feet to land now or formerly of 8uydam; thence westerly along the said land. of Suydem 25 feet; thence northerly III a straight line 119 feet 6 Inches to the pulnt cr place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all the right, title and Interest of the mortgagor of.

in and to Ihe land lying In Troutman Street, In front of and adjoining said premises to Ihe cenire line thereof. MARTIN R. WIISER, Referee. ORR BRENNAN. Plaintiffs' Attorneys, 16 Court Street, Brooklyn, N.

Y. s6-6t tu SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY -HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, against RAY POPPER, et Delendants. SAMUEL B. LIPTON, Plaintiff's Attorney, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York to judgment dated the 7th day of September, 1938. and duly entered the 13th day of September.

1938, I will sell at public auction, by CHARLES HOR-WITZ, Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No. 189 Montague S'reel, Borough of Brooklyn. County of ns. City and State of New York, at 00 o'clock noon on the 7th day of October, 1938.

the mortgaged premises directed lo be sold; situated in Kings County. of New York, on the southerly side of Aveneue I. forty-nine feet (49 easterly from the southeasterly corner of Aveiue I and East 2nd Street, being twenty-nine feet 129 i wide front and rear by a depth of one hundred feet (100 on each side, and as more particularly described in said Judgment. Said premises are known al 208 Avenue Brooklyn. New York.

Daled, September 15th, 1938. WALTER OATNEY, Referee. Sl6-6t I tU "SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, against FILOMENA MA8TRO-YANNI et. Defendants. Loan No.

30-6-A-28344. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and sale dated September 16. 1938, duly entered September 16, 1938. 1 will sell lo the highest bidder at public auction at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Strrel, Brooklyn.

Nrw York, on the 7th day of October, 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, by HERMAN DAHUT. auctioneer, the premises, with the improvements thereon, situate in the Counly of Kings. Citv and State of New York, oji the northerly side ot 75th Sireet. 154 feet east ot 13i Avenue, being 100 feet in depth on each side by 26 feet front and rear.

Reference is hereby made to the judgment for a more complete description. Said premises being known as 1323 75ih Streel. Dated, September 16. 1938. MILTON SOLOMON.

Referee SAMUEL D. JOHNSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, 11 West 42nd Street. New York City. S16 20 23 27 30 o4 SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY Home Owners' Loan Corporation, plaintiff.

I against Anna Hidalgo, et al defendants. I Pursuant to judgment here.n dated sep-i lember 14. 1938. and duly entered, I will I sed at public auction to the highest bv JAMES A. HEANEY Auctoneer.

at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, I 1H9 Montague street. Brooklyn. New York. on the 7ih day of October. 1938.

at 12 o'clock noon, the premises in said Judgment directed to be sold, with the improvements thereon, situate In Ihe County of Kings, Stale of New York, on the westerly side of Plumb 2d Street, distant 209 feet southerly from the corner formed bv the intersection of the westerly side of Plumb 2d Street with the southerly side of Avenue being a plot 18 feet In widlh. front and rear, bv 100 feet in depth on each side, the southerly wall of said premises being a party wall. Together with and subject to driveway easements. Premises being known as 2328 Plumb 2d Street. Brooklvn.

New York. The premises are more fullv described in said Judgment. Daled. September 16. 1938.

MAX HAUSMAN. Referee. MORRIS H. UDELL. Attorney for 50 Court Street.


Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and saie, daled September 12th, 1938. and duly entered. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by WILLIAM H. REID. Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Stree', Brooklyn, New York, on the 10th day of October.

1938. at, 12 00 ciock noon, the premises, with the improvements thereon erected, directed by said judgment to be sold, situated lu the County of Kings, State of New York, on the easterly side of East 9th Street, approximately 180 feet, souih-erly from Avenue being appi oxlmately 20 feet in width, front and rear, nnd approximately 100 feet In depth on each side, side lines running parallel to Avenue and partly through party walls; said premises being known by the street No. 1923 E. 9th Brooklvn. New York.

Dated' September 16th. 1938. A LAWRKNCE ACQUAVELLA. Referee. LESTER W.

EASTON. Attorney for Plaintiff, 165 Broadway, New York City. sl-t fu SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY -GEORGE T. STARRS, as Executor of and Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of MARY A STARRS, deceased. Plaint ff.

against JOHN J. BURKE, et ai Delendants. In Foreclosure No. 8408 19itl. WHITE A- CASE.

At'orneys for 14 Wall Street. New York. N. Y. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and sale, dated August 25, 1938.

and herein. I. the referee named, sell a' public auction, by DAVID DIAMOND. A -tioneer. at Brooklyn Reil Estate Esehange 189 Montatue Street.

Brooklyn N. en the 28ih day nf September. 1938. at 12 dock noon, the premises directed to be soid. viz The land and buildings located In the Borough of Brooklyn.

Kings County. City and State of New York, known as and bv the street number 2090 East 5th Street, situate on the west side of East 5th Street, distant 140 feet southerly from the southwest corner of East 5th Street and Avenue thence southerly along the west side of East 5th Sireet 23 34 feet, the southerly boundary line measuring 121 60 le irregular, the westerly boundary line measuring 92 60 feet and the northerly boundary line measuring loo feet. Also all the right, title and In'erest of the said mortgagor of. in and to East Fifth Street, lying In front of and adjoining said premises to the centre line thereof. Together with all fixtures and irtirlM of personal property, attached to or used in connection with the foregoing premises Subject to covenants and restrictions recorded in Liber 4736 of Conveyances, page 318.

and In Liber 4113 of Conveyances, page 207. also agreement recorded in Liber 1111 of Conveyances, paee 495. In the office of Ihe Register of Kings County, subject tn any state of which an accurate survey would show: subject to rights of tenants In possession, not parties defendant in this action, at the time of the la Da'ed, New York Senlember 3 1918 WILLIAM A. SHEA, IO--'. It SUPREME COURT.

KINGS COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION. Plaintiff, against LOUISE BACCARI, et als Defendants. DAVID LEVINE. Plaintiff's Attorney. 26 Court Streel.

Brooklyn, New Yoik. Pursuant to judgment dated the 8lh day of Sepiember, 1938. duly entered, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by JAMES A. HEANEY JH Auctioneer, at the Brooklvn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Sireet, Brooklyn, New York, on the 10th day of October, 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises In said judgment directed to be sold, and therein described as lollows: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with tne O'lliaings ana improvements tnereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, county or Kings.

City and State of New York, bounded aud described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Buy Ridge Avenue distant 275 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection ot tUe northerly side of Bay Ridge Avenue and the easterly side of 13th Avenue: run ning thence northerly parallel with 13th Avenue. 69 feet 10' Inches; thence easterly parallel with Bay Ridge Avenue, 25 feet 1 1 1 Inches to land now or formerly of Darling; Ihence southerly along said iana now or iormeriy ot Darling, 69 feet lo'i Inches to the northerly side of Bay Ridge Avenue; and thence westerly along the northerly side of Bay Ridge Avenue. 24 feet 3't inches to the point or p.ace of beginning. Together with and subject io easements, 'iogetner with all personal property and fixtures appurtenant thereto. Including adjacent strips and gores, as more fully described In the aforesaid Judgment.

Premises known as 1335 Bay Ridge Avenue. Brooklyn, New York. Dated. September 16th. 1938.

MILTON M. LORENTZ. Referee. S16-61 tu SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY Home Owners' Loan Corporation.

Plaintiff, against Frieda Adelberg et Defendants. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and sale, dated September 10. 1938. and duly entered, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by LOUIS E. HAM-BURO, auctioneer, at the Brooklvn Real Estate Exchange.

No. 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on the 5th day of October, 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, with the Improvements thereon, situate In he Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State ot New York, on the west side of East 5th Street, 260 feet north of Avenue being 20 feet In width front and rear by 100 feet In depth on each side, as more fully described in said Judgment, and known as No. 1360 East 5th Sireet. Dated, September 12th.

1938. WILLIAM H. HALL, Referee. HERMAN SCHWARTZ. Attorney for Plaintiff, 215 Montague Street.

Brooklyn. New York. 13 16 20 23 27 30 SUPREME COURT. KINGS-COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. REBECCA EISENBERG, et al, Del-ndants.

BENJAMIN BRONOWTTZ. Attorney for Plaintiff. 118 John Street. New York City. Pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and saie dated September 8.

1938, duly entered, I. by NATHANIEL SHUTER. Auctioneer, will sell al public auction to the highest bidder, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn, New York, on the 13th day of Octobei. 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises, with the improvements thereon erected, situated In the County of Kings.

State of New York, on the southerly side of Blst Street, distant 280 leet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side gt 81st Street and the westerly side of 21st Avenue; being 40 feet in width front and rear and 100 feet In depth on each side; known as 2048 Blst Street. Brooklyn, N. subject to unpaid taxes, water charges, assessments and penalties. The premises are more particularly described In said Judgment and are subject to covenants and restrictions therein set forth. Daled, New York.

September 20. 19.18, J. READ SMITH. Referee. S2l-6t SUPREME COURT.


F. KIRK. Plaintiff's Attorney, 215 Montague Street. Brooklyn. Pursuant to a judgment entered tn Kings County Clerks Office September 19th.

1938. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by FRED O. SCHAEFER, Auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn.

New York, on October 13'h. 1938. at twelve o'clock noon, the premises directed to be sold, situate in Kings Counly, Slate of New York, being on the northerly side of Hancock Street, distant forty-one feet westerly from northwesterly corner of Nostrand Avenue and Hancock Street, being a plot nineteen feet In width front and rear and ninety-five feev In depth on both sides, part ot each depth distance running through a party wall: refer to Judgment for a more complete description. Dated, September 19th. 1938.


Defendants. Pursuant lo judgment of foreclosure and sale, daled September 13th, 1938. and entered into the above entitled anion. I. the undersigned, the reieree.

will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, bv JAMES M. POWER. Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Streel, Brooklyn. New York, on the 7th day of October. 1938.

at 12 o'clock noon, tne mortgaged premises, with the improvements thereon. In the Borough of Brooklyn. New York City, known and designated at lot No. 47 on a map in the Kings County Register's Office, entitled "Map of Properly in 7th and 9th Wards of the City of Brooklyn, belonging to Peter A. Delmonlco.

surveyed July. 1849. bv John L. Stoddard, and comprising the triangular block of ground bounded by Bartlett Street, Flushing and Harrison Avenues." Da'rd. September 16th.


Attorney for Plaintiff, 66 Court Street, Brooklyn N. Y. S16-61 SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, Piainiiff, against VINCENT PAPA, et i Defendants. Pursuant lo ludgment bearing dale Ihe 17th day of September.

1938, and entered in Ihe Kings County Clerk olfice, on the 20th day of September, 1938, I. the under-slimed, Ihe Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction, at the Exchange Sales Room, 389 Montague Street, tn Ihe Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City nd State of New York, by G. V. McMAHON. Auctioneer, on the 1.1th day of October.

1938. at 12 o'clock noon on that day. the mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be soid, described as follows: "ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the builaings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being 111 the Borough of Brooklvn. County of Kings, City and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of 74'h Street distant ihree hundred t375i led easterly from the corner formed by the Intersecti. of the southerly side of 74'h Sireet with tne easterly side ol 12.

ii Avenue, thelke SOUTHERLY parallel Willi 12th and part of the distance through a ill one hundred 'lOOi feel. Ihence EASTERLY p.iral.ei 74'h Street, i25 thence NORTHERLY again parallel with 12'h Avenue, one hundred i i (JO to llie side of 74'h reel. 'Iience WEST ERLY along the soulh-eriy of 71th Stree', twenty-five i25i feet to ihe point or place nf beginning" Subject 1 0 covenants, rcstnc'iuns. easemenis of record, if any. and to any stale of farts mi accurate survey may show.

Da'ed, September 20. 1938 J. READ SMITH, Referee. SUPREMK COURT. KINOS COUNTY -EMILY J.

BANK, against ESSIE I HOFFMAN, al. Piir-uunt. to a jufigiitrii: entered August I will seil at pub ic aueiun at 'he R-'ai Est.i'e Exchange. IKO Moii'ague S'reet me Borough of Bro City ol Ntw en the 'ith dav of October.

M3B. at 12 iv noon by JAM A HEANEY Jr Auo: loneer, the by said to bo sold and liierelll ik-SCr: as luiiovvs, ALL tiiat certain 1 piece or puree; of iyii.g ai Icing in the r-oii'-'h of Brooklyn, Coutry of C'v and of New Yotk, bounded d' -scno'd follows: BEGINNING at a PO'n! on 'he side 'f West Street, distant. 110 from Ihe corner forri.ed liv toe if the easterly wi'h the nirther.y side Avr.ue V. easlerly vv 'ti ie 100 n.u'iur'v naiMilei W'V 111! fee', iil-i A -nue 100 feet, to the east- I er.v ol West S'reel, ther.te tile rt-'eriv of S'ree: 30 fee' '0 tiie or of beginning TOGETHER wrh an ea-eiuenl or Itgii: of iv 111 r.i or id Hie owner of the herein deser.Oed, over the mi northeilv 4 lee' of 'he nrennses adioimng on the s.niili for the pnpose of inie.s and egrei.s for pleasme automobiles to Hhd rroin .1 garage built or llilended In be bum in ll.e rear ol Uic preililfcc, described. SUBJECT to an ea enient or riglit nf wiy 111 favor of liie owner of tiie premise-immediately on the soulh. ovt the nio-t southerly 4 f-e'. of the premise herein descrSli.

for the uw and purpose of ai.d for pleasure to and fr a gir ige built or Intended 'o b' reir if said yrem-i-es s'i' itnit.c on the soirh roGErHEIl the 'itle rt of 'lie r. of in the re" in front of 1 premises -i 'h een'er there if TOGETHER aii fix a-cs and aitir es of per-onal'y s'larhed to or il-d tl rsn-necflon with the premies, which sre covered hv said montac. Hated Bro k.yn, Yirk. Sep'err'ie: 1 3 ti 1138. GEORGE TAYLOR GEORGE ft DAVENPORT A sin'ifl, 32 Court reel.

BM'Hiv Se- York. SUPREME COURT, KINOS COUNTY THE EAST NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK, Plaintiff, against MARION BELL, e. al Delendants. Notice of Saie. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered herein bearing dale August 2.

ltd. 1838. I wlil sell, in on parcel, at p.iblic auction, bv EDWARD J. OAYNOR. Auctioneer, at the Brook.yn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Streel.

Brooklyn, New York, on tne 28th day of September. 1938. al tweive clock noon, the mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be suld and described in said judgment as ail that parcel ol situated in the Bur-ouah of Brooklyn, lying to the east of a point on the soulh side of St. John's P.ace, two hundred seventy-nine i279 feet seven '7 inches east of 6th Avenue, being twenty (20i feet front; twenty i20l feet one-fifth (l-5i of an inch rear; ninety-lour (94) feet four (4j Inches on the wait side and ninety-three 1 93 feet six 16) Inches on the cast side, both sides running through party wails. Premises known as 156 St.

John's Place. Brooklyn, New York. Said premises will be soid together with street rights and subject lo zoning restrictions and facts shown by accurate survey. Dated, September 1st, 1938. ABRAHAM HORN Referee JOHN P.

McORATH and JOHN BUCKLEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and P. O. Address. 2650 Atlantic Avenue.


el Defendants. CHARLES H. FIER. Plaintiffs Attorney, 26 Court Street. Brooklyn, N.

Y. Pursuant to judgment dated September 7, 1938. duly entered. I will seil at public auction by JOHN HARTIGAN. Auctioneer, at tha Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn.

New York, on the 6th day of October, 1838. at 12 o'clock noon the premises with the improvements ihereon situated in the County of Kings, State of New York, which said premises contained in said Judgment directed to be sold are described as follows; BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of East 34th, Street, 162 feet 2 inches north of Avenue L. in dimensions 100 feet by 23 feet and as more particularly described said judgment and known as premises 1338 East 34ih Sireet. Dited, September 12. 1938.


Index No. 108991938. Loan No. 3O-7-A-47058 PM NY A 13570. NOTICE OF 8AIJI.

In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 27th day of August, 1938. 1. the undersigned, the Referee In said Judgment named, will sell at public auction, by ALLIEN II. TEPLITZ, at the Real Estate Exchange Room. 189 Montague Street.

In the Borough of Brooklvn, County of Kings, City and State ot New York, on the 28th day ot September. 1938. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day. the premises, with Improvements, situate, lying and being In the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings.

City and State of New York, located on the northwesterly side of 20th Avenue, distant 120 feet northeasterly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the northwesterly side of 20th Avenue and the northeasterly side of Benson Avenue. 60 feet In width on one side and 60 feet of an Inch on the other and 82 feet inches In depth on one side and 83 feet 7' Inches tn depth on the other, and more fully described In said Judgment. Dated, New York, September 3. 1938. JULIUS SCHULMAN.

Referee. ARCHIE H. BRIN. Attorney for Plaintiit, 276 Fifth Avenue, New York City. s6-6t tu SUPREME COURT.

KINGS COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION. Plainllff. against JG8EPH E1SENMAN, et Defendants. Loan No. 30A-28616.

NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale, dated the 9th day of September. 1938. duly enlered. I will sell al public auction, to the highest bidder, by JAMES A.

HEANEY Jr Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague street. Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, on llie 6th day of October. 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises wi'h the Improvements thereon erected, directed by said Judgment to be sold. In the Borough of Brooklyn.

County ot Kings. Citv and State of New York, situate on the westerly side ot Ocean Parkway, distant 76 feet 4 inches northerly from the corner of Avenue V. being on a plot 25 feet in width front and rear by 140 feet in depth on each side: side lines run parallel with Avenue V. being known as 2170 Ocean Parkway, as more particularly described In said Judgment; subject lo sewer agreement recorded in 3957, Cp. 130.

and covenants and restrictions; subject to easement. Daled, Brooklyn, N. September 14th, 1938. JOSEPH FENNELLY. Referee.

MARTIN 1. GOLDSTONE. Attorney for F.ainiiu. 261 Broadway. New York City sH-6t-w SUPREME COURT.


Y. Pursuant to foreclosure judgment enlered September 2. 1938. the undersigned will sell at public auction at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague street.

Brooklyn, N. Y. on Octobei 5. 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, by WALTER HALLOWjTI.L.

Au-tioneer. the mortgaged premises and property described in and direcied by said judgment to be sold situated and located in the Borough of Brooklyn. Countyof Kings, City and State of New York, begiiiiiine 104' southeasterly from the corner foimed by the intersection of the Northeasterly side of Harrison Avenue with the Southeasterly side of Hevward S'reet. a pio: 29' in width, front and rear by 100' 1:1 depth on each side, fronting on Harrison Avenue, ihe most nor: her. line being part.y Ihrrugh a party wail.


Plaintiff, agaill't ROBERT S. GEUHARD, at Ii Delendants. Pursuant to judgment herein, dated Julv 16. J93B. I will jell at public auction at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Sireet, Brooklyn.

N. on September 7, 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, bv FRED O. SCHAFER. Auctioneer, mortgaged premises In Kings County directed bv said judgment to be sold: On the east side of East Bth Streel.

146 feet 8 Inches north of Avenue H. being a plot 23 feet 4 inches wide front and rear by 100 feet deep 011 both sides; together w-ith street rights and more luily described in mortgage recorded in Liber 4572 of Mortgages, page 414, 111 the Kings County Register office. STUART STE1NBRINK. Referee. WATSON.

KRISTELI.ER SWIFT. Plaintiffs Attorneys. 68 William street, Burough ot Manhattan, New York aul7-6' The above sale Is hereby adjourned to September 14, 1933, at the same hour and place STUART H. STEINBRINK, Referee S7 Ai 9 The above saie is hereby fur'lier adjourned lo Or ouer 5th. 1936.

at the nour end place. I UAH I II. STEINBRINK. Referee. 2 :3 30 SUPIIhMEOURT.

KINOS COUN rY EDWIN MOORE and KINGS OOL'S t'Y TRUST COMPANY, as Trustees trodcr il.t Las! Will and 'Testament of Lrunse Jenkins, deceased, against THERESA INTER DON A IT. LOUIS PINK, as 9.1 perm of Insurance of the State of New Yoik, as Liquidator of New York Tl Slid Company, In snd THE PEOPLE OF THE 8 I ATE OF NEW YOUK. Delendants. Pursuant to a judgment made the 7th dav of IfcilB. and entered Herein on til-- ll'th day of Sep' ember.

1938. I wil, seil at aucllon to the li.gliest li.ddT at llie Real Estate Exchange. Intl diliiciie street. Borough of Biookiyn. Y' 12 o'eiork noon on ti 6lh day cf October.

1938, by WILLIAM RoTH, ihe mortgaged lee'td uy sa.d judgment tj be so.d. and ti.e'e.n de-enbed as to, lows: AI 'lis' ceriain lot. p.eee or pa-c-'l of In: i. and being in tne i iigl: Brick, vii. County Kings.

City and S're if Nw York, bounded ai I as fo.ii.Wf BEGINNING a' a poin' 0:1 -iie side rf ri hundred and six'y-th-ee i.i',Ji feet six (Ri inches fr tn in: 'd by tiie id of E.ghly-firsl a'l fti-r of Avenue- ri.n-I: ng wes'e-lv a.ot.g 'tie Ji- i thencse i-i1-11 iei 's K. Avenue aid :l.e throng.1, a gar.tce par'y wsi. n. 'IDtil feet, Inence ii-leriy para. tn S'-eev 1 1 1' 1 fur 4 ineh-'s 'h luuth'Miy peraiiei Fif en A.

nne hn.ii'i'd 'IfilJi feet lo the suu'Liniv sid- 1 1 -1 1 1 S'reet, the point or togintlltlg iroittgagor grants lo tganee an ei ru. en over th- mo't easterly foir fc nf tuemises immediately on the wed from the iir.e of rs: S'ree: I 'lie purpose of mare" ai cri -r p.i'isiire au' miobiies to and from ii gaiage io bo built on the premises heie-lii bed. to an easement over 'hn mo: lour leet of the premises he-, in di troll 'he 1 lie of E.s-ll'.v-f::-' 'i 0' of the owner of the tirini-; I'li'neri 'he to: li'iMio of Ingres- and rare- p.ri lit" on ihfes 'o and fr ni ni' 1 in tile rear ol liie p', on the west. HEn a 1 r'sV ard Iv: es' ot 'lie rrortc igor id. and '1 'h- iv.n.g E.t:i: -fits' S're, in in' nf and adjoining said preiu.srs to hereof Da d.

September 'Th JEROME BAinwrN bmiwin rv, ll'i-adaa'- Bn MiMMi in, CUV ot Ne Y'-. sl9 23 26 30 ol NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY-HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION. Plaintiff, against MARIO INTERRANTE. el Defendants.

Tn nursuanee of the ludgment of fore-1 closure herein, dated September 7. 1938. against Nunziala Casesa et Defendants, and duly entered. I sell at public-aue- EDWAHD L. CORBETT.

Plaintiffs At-tion to the highest bidder, by JAMES A. i lorney, 217 Broadway, New York City. HEANEY JR. Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Pursuant to judgment entered August Real Estate Exchange 189 Moulami? 31. 1938.

I will sell at Brooklyn Real Es-Street Brooklyn. New York, on the 4th tate Exchange. 1H9 Montague Sireet, Bor-ilay of October! 1938 al 12 no cugh of Brooklyn, County ot Kings, City noon, the mortgaged premises directed to of New York, on October 4. 1938. at 12 lie sold Willi tile buildings and improve-1 e.ock.

noon of that day. by JAMES F. mcnis thereon erected, situate in the MOKAN. auctioned, the mortgaged prem-Coiiiity of Kings. Citv and Slaie of directed to be suld bv said judgment York and being on the west side of West and the personal property appurtenant 'llh Street.

185 leet 6 Inches north of thereto, located on the westerly side of Avenue being 19 feet 6 inches wide i East 24th Sireet, also known as Mansfield f-bVit and rear by 100 feet In deplh on i Place, distant 422 leet northerly from the both sides; Ihe side lines run parallel with Avenue through party walls, as more pa i ticulai'lv described In said judgment. Dated. September 9, 1938 WILLIAM SEWARD, Referee. WAITER C. BRYAN.

Attorney for Plaintiff, 44 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York. S12-61 court, kings-county" KATHERYN BURRUCKER. Plaintiff, vs. ANNA M. ROUHOFER et Defendants.

WILLIAM A. BACHER. Plaintiff's Attorney. No. 957 Broadway, Brook.yn, New York.

Pursuant to Judgment entered on September 19th. 1938. I will sell at public auction in the Real Estate Exchange. No. 1H9 Montague Street.

Brooklyn. Nrw York. bv JOSEPH P. DAY. Auctioneer, at ociock noon on October 11th.

1938. the premises situated in King" county, oirectea i jo be sold by said judgment, situated on I pursuance of an interlocutory Judg-1he northeasterly fide of East 106th I ment of partition and herein made Street, di-tanl 260 feet northwest of Foster! entered herein on the 2nd dav of Av enue being 21 feet II inches in width I August. 19.18. the undersigned, dulv ap-in front and rear bv 100 leet in deolh on Pointed relene therein for that Purpose, both sides; together with and subject sell at public auction at the Heal party wall and element, known as No. i Estate Exchange Salesrooms, at 189 Mon- being more particularly described in theplh dav of October, 1938.

at 12 o'clock Kjifl n-pmisPS VV 1 DPI sold subject to any stste ot tacts an accurate survey mav disclose, and to covenants and restrictions of record, if any. Dated, Brooklvn. N. September 19th. 1938 SOLOMON MERMELSTEIN.


In pursuance of the Judgment of foreclosure herein, dated Seotember 7, 1938. and duly entered. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by JAMES A HEANEY Auctioneer, at the Brooklvn Real Estate Exchange. 189 Montague Street Brooklyn, New York, on Ihe 4th day of October. 1938.

at 12 00 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises directed to be sold, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate in the County of Kings. City and Slate of New York, and being on the southerly side of Avenue M- 72 feet 9 inches west of East 37th Street, being 18 feet 2 inches wide front and rear by 100 feet in depth on both sides: the side lines run parallel with East 37th Street through party walls, as more particularly described in said judement. Dated, September 9. 193d, RICHARD C. ADDY Referee.

JOHN McC'LOSKEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 44 Court Street, Brooklyn. New-York. sl2-fit Plaintiff, against JOHN REILLY ct als. Defendants.

Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and rursuant to juagment ot foreclosure ana. 1MB. and duly entered iierein, i win sen at puouc nur- ttnn to the nlghest bidder, by NATHANIEL! nf parl'nr distant 55 leet smilTUR (ho w-nnltlvn ol facnic sireei. oisiaiii 00 leet PHUTER, Auctioneer the Brooklyn Real Esiate Exchange. 189 Montague Street.

Brooklyn, on October llih. 1938, at 12 n'rjlock noon, the premises, with the Improvements thereon erected, directed to be sold situate In the County of Kings. State of New York, on Ihe westerly side of East 22nd Street, also known as Elmore Place. 393 feet 4 Inches south of Avenue running thence westerly parallel with Avenue 100 feet; thence southerly parallel with Elmore Place. 26 feet 8 Inches, lo land now or late of Dunn At OUrnor: thence easterly parallel with Avenue and along said land.

100 feet to westerly side of Elmore Place. Hiid thence rortherly along the westerly side of Eimore Place 26 feet 8 inches to the point or pare of beginning. Together with and subject to dnvewav easements. Premises being known as 1790 East. 22nd Sireet Said premises being more particularly described in said Judgment.

Daled. Seotember 19'h. 1918. AARON DUBFRSTEIN. Referee.

SAMUEL BERNSTEIN. Attorney for FUmtill, 41 Court Sireet. Biooklvn. New Wk, Il9-6t 8 r.i: r.i rovengnls. ii vcord any.

and a' of fans so accurs survey mar S.UO 1M ed, Scp'rn-ber 20 lata JvMES M. F.VA'CE TT, Referee. I.

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