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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
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CADMAN THRILLS CHAMBER MEMBERS; SS MEAT IF BACK mm i MEN WOUNDED inuura uuuun E- isffi COLD DRY i (VnHilrMJV, flUDOIH! DEWOL KtB .7 Fur Storage 1 Reached by DR. JOSEPH QUINlAN DIES I THREAT TO JAPAN TOg Sagn a'- 1 -7 Ireland and.;.,;..! from Tinirina and as'1 youne 7 V''! 2T ut utt 3,077 CASUALTIES IN waMUlfUl Will 1 1,1,1 i.l as-isted li l.i ottiei I A ncinir here Sa connected with I SRemadtUlW aawlcd iTZtlt. i SWJw rS oSZn. PERSHING'S ARMY TO DATE cAUnCHUmil id Now York I street.

i CU'niiCI'iX I'l'uan- in, I. i.i.iiii. mn- Ki RetttW dispal I from nod. ov ii. lUth i.ifantiy Private Mc.

Fallowing 1 a summary of the rein Kharkov '1) i ffk nS casualties in the American Expe- f-- 1 srssr. the Southern So, Di- President street Urtiratk ei isted SSsSrS edtyn ter-. pet. -nMki 3u I 4llH -k ad i ndent, has consented to 4Q fig8 Monday eveniiw, ry. Lo ata Ill OrVLJKT von Y.W.C.A.

TOT 40.08B tlwt be had been sltghUy DM of Wun4l II 1:1 a- m. civilians 7 REAL WIFE BLOCKS i ''l ri'isnSfut)d Hrrhtll K. Dunlas, pom -j Tot! death! I.fll LEVINE EXEMPTION E'HS a. T. AlrU I lb i he tottll MO II I PalitVtUt avenue.

Ih" '-3 Woman Who Posed as Lo- lHS.V::':,r;': i Tota, vine Held With Him on Con- Comi.i ttuu 1 DDll A i iWUllEiiJ tW 'One prev.ouaiy reported WiM rtprw iitlm the a l8 leriao had writtim I s.uia he had is now reported priMMf and II AIRCRAFT PLANS; 'SHHF: rfe r) prouSs, ferfod to'the'usthfn Auguat'' lie i arc included among Hi ..1 Charlei Lwlne, indUtnatlon am. AMI PfiHR MHTARQ of P. 8. No! mfwas a sii- 'he prisoners and are transfcre.l local I 1 UllLl liJUUlllUlUllJ rm -Minsmg- the Cap- Ace year. of the same ad.

Jl bylb. JjjSaSiidar Dr! niurc'h ami Sunday tured" column. r. 1 William II (11111.I.11. Com.

I them w-h racy -1 ih 11 ih. Ian. ling is an m- -v "i-lh lectlve Service Act. Mlaa Codaovw. terfer.

i. si, u.e said, but only 'xc' -it Kb. 2 that waa the wlfa of thi th, n. Ima-. known a "as I inlavthat hady been 1 Sylvester ,1.

When MlM I iiiaii. 1" th mother ol ut and fasier and i IikIii! action Mar. I. rooklyn man enlisted he aave his on, Harold, rara old. and 01 irma ag! ihorlty of the ,1 1 enlisted ihe as Thii ly-iim 1,, jiU.

I nt Keanncnt al.1.111 two At today it was said he v.a.s and went to llu 1 I ad Hved there, hill th- where- 1 A little Tlinai i in I'tolc-t. i ml four ma- border with the regiment. He was abouts of his family was unknown. KW PaulhK PPI red befi. i transfe I to the 165th last October.

Sen.inl l.iiuteiiMiit Arthur Hun-! tiH board and It ormed II thai I kind He la a graduate of P. S. No. l.r.s. nHI.

llunn-ll be con. I Mrs. Levlnc, hat at r. iiiim.i mm Ii his lie was a clerk in lirouklvn man. alibou-h his he i Mr Lei ue.

a tn i.Mties. The wai completalv dr. Drug store at Ifontauk and parenta live at its Baal BvwMIth the and that i irisband fr. I. ouantlty Pro.

tkln His brother, lialph, street. Manhattan, because he served v. belli she has be, I. -r a IV.

is in the Nat. a siibnia lln- tin with the. Twenti -third in evade milltarv nveiiinnt whl, relaiion- i i i let' rorelcn service on April 1. Iter WILLIAM WISK Jewelers and Diamond Merchants As a Brooklynite, from what store would you be proudest to receive a present of Jewelry? Apply the answer to the present you intend to gie. the Mexican border.

He won a i i hi 'he He is a graduate of Wil liams College. are reported on the cas ualty lists who arc considered llrnok- almost undoubtedly, but torn of these men were in the MfU) Infantry, four of them trnnsf. rs from the Twenty-third Regiment, and one heavy lighting in which the 165th hi Private ('. Cooper Form, rlv rci-te in Machine Cm Comnanv.

Twenty-third Regiment. Private Leonard I Hum 1 rn rh Company Twenty-third Itegi'- I'l iwite John l'ole 1'ormet ly in Private Uemiis II. 165th. I'l-ivalr Arthur Kley Formerly in pa 1 1 'J'wein -third llegiment. Lived at 111 Forty- md street, Private Kiislei i.

I. I urn Form-. erly Company K. Fourteenth Itegi- CoriMiral llavmoiid years old, who -was reported by ho War Department as having been slightly wounded on March 21. lived Hill i 1 Ml 170 Hay Thirty-first street.

He enlisted with the Fourteenth Regiment last tan ana was iransrarrea to lie lti5th Regiment, iiefore entering the be was employed In a broker's office on Nassau street, Manhattan. three weeks ago. Official word of his being wounded reached her yesterday, F. Morrrssev. 18 wars old.

who was reported by the 'War De-, partmenr as naving neon siignuy at Sii-enlh avenue. lie joined the Fourteeiiih licgiment last fall and was later transferred toj Ihe 165th. lb- was formerly a mem-I her of the Fife and I trump Cups of the Church of our Lady of loupe, and was graduaied ir.on Mrs. Hargdon notified loday, Raymond Sawyer, who is reported I slightly wounded, may be a River- i head man, but if so, his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

John S. Sawyer of that place, have not yel been nolllied. 1 The- do not Hunk it is their son. Tho Raymond sawyer mentioned In casualty list is a corporal, The Ray- 1 niond Sawyer of Riverhead was a orl-1 vale, and ill tho last letter received i un hun by his family no mention iccn received. The Raymond Sawyer if Riverhead also has a wife.

1 John O'Connor, also reported as I al Hie Kings T'ary Asylum h.ulB.V?eeeVv!l ere John .1 Hayes listed as minded, may be John .1. Ilnyes oj I Ishp a lorn. -I all. uOanl Stale Hospital there No vot Fifteenth by He "A and In th s. service.

en Hie Kuaaian I addition la the American tiro- I'malr Do Chvo, ft waa learned that n- i h- TDlaSei" tha with Mi Coaaov. pa parents at th boi na tases i i MVrn is t. ears old. tho son Mr llavcm. ter -U'-l ei.Liiu- 1 s.

orge Le I'iceo of SM Ml i ipporta hers, la i i -1 i I fenue. Hla mother was mi- a -i i i.r.,h .1 the Jan. vefui notlflwl Saturday he had ben allghtl concern Mr- lives it han (or March Sit. Private Th. eehuria IS tne- 1 1 about a year ago and was: Has' been linpossibl- 't la (hau l- ,1 lllerll

a glass of Salts to flusH Kidneys if Bla'dder bothers you. Kan'ng meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority, the uric acid in meat excites Ibe kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish: clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irri- The moment your back hurts or kid-neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you. get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespbonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This laiiioiis salts is made from the acid of crapes and lemon juice, combined with dihiu. and has been used.

for genera- i tions to flush clogged kidneys and simulate them to normal activity also to neutralize- the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the Kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Ad-ertisemcnt. PERSHING REPORTS 283 JASDALTIES (Continued From I'acc U) aghan, John Cibhons. John KaUgh-lon.

Philip H. ilellrlegel, Kobert W. Holmes, ttaymond B. Jackson, Berber! J. Kelly, Michael buddy, Mortimer A.

Lynch, Ei. Richard McNeill. John it. Mans-on, George Meyer, James Murphy, William olive, i laiia M. Pumphrey, Max Pultlitz, t'homas J.

UothweM. Patrick Kyan, Ueoi'g MCklick, James J. Sullivan, Jonn T. Wagoner William il. McAllister: Mechanics Thomas Ho-gun, Jeremiah O'Connor, Kdward Schick; Buglers Louis Ka landers', a Michael 1, Bennett, William J.

lb liergrr, Howard J. Boo J. Bradbury, John Brawl Convllle, Patrick G. Cooke, Michael M. Corbett, Frederick Cotton, ticorge V.

rooueh, I la I I'd 'uccioli, James 'uu- ningham, James W. Daly. Alboi'l phen de Leonar.lis, William A. I.evine. Thomas Dillon.

Timothy A. Dohin. Daniel A. Dooley. Am.

is H. Dow. Joseph P. Dunn. Paul M.

Dusaplll, Leon Fckman, Patrick J. Fawcelb Thomas A. Feeley, John J. Fennell, I 'nib John .1. Fitzpalricli, n- liam P.

Fitzpatt'lck, Charles M. t'letciicr, unartea triooa; oanici Flynn, John J. lTynn. Bernard Fury, Oallagher, Julius Qaritano, John J. lieichen, Julius nermann.

Louis P. Oiglinto, John Oilroy, It. Glenn. John Glynn. Michael mon.l 1 Gorman.

HariT das Grant, Frank- Cuida, Kdward nanntgan, tames iiarnwen, l-alward .1. Ilassig. Henry 1). Ilawk-hiirst. Harold P.

Hazel, George Healey, Stephen T. Rickey, Thomas Rickey, Bdward Boey, J. gan, Stephen Jona Lukory Kata, Francis I. Kelly, Howard Kelly, James F. Kelly, William Kemper, James J.

Kenny, Maxim Kozack, Charles II, Nrnotiko, William Damson, William C. Le.lman, Thomas F. Lee. Thomas A. I.y.leo, Kdward Mc-Bride Frank S.

MoCabe, Samuel G. MeConaughv Jr. Patrick McConnell, Kdward J. McCormaek. Hugh MeGarl-land, Frederick J.

McQitl, John J. Mc-Kav. John F. McKcnna. William P.

Mclx'essev, John .1. Mcl.oughlin. Kilner McLoughlin, Herbert I. MoMahon, Francis X. Mc.Namara.

Thomas J. Madden, Snverius Magnano, John .1. Malloy, John P. Manning, Herbert A. Mankfleld, Thomas Mansfield, Walter Marcuskl.

Edward A. Matthews, Joseph C.i A. Meyer. William L. Meyer.

Stephen J. Thomas I Mulcahy, William Mnlcahy. John P. Murphy Bernard J. Murtha, Charles John Sheffield.

Donald Simps Frank T. Sisco, Martin J. Slattery, William Slover. Maurice J. Small, Thomas Smith.

Bruce X. Snyder. Raymond Stnber, Harold Stevlingsou, Oscar Btumpf, Lancelot Sullivan, Thomas J. Sullivan'. Raymond Swope, Robert It Thomas, Karl G.

Thurman. William Vand-rbeck. Victor Van Yorx, Wilfred T. Van Yorx. William H.

Walter, Beecher O. While. James C. Wright, Herman Zilberman. Missing in action -Corporal Thomas M.

Catllster and Private James J. STRICKEN IN CAR The dor was removed to tho building, where medical vas summoned, and later etc'i the Senator left i about to fall when lunger- on the ear caught MANY LAX ON TAX RETURNS Wellington, April 10--Thousands Hyman Sol lab Sergeant i years old. His father who conducts a restau-eorner of Humboldt and has Tcceived a War Del-gram that his son Is action." Sergeant Sollsh old Sixtv-ninth almost to a dav. lie was later omiianv IJ. Sixth Hegi-.

ineers. He has been ill ome time. Hefnre he cti-, with his father, -car f. IJiil.iilst Private -d at 5B1 Warren street. -tuber of the old Sixly-.

now the 165th of the vision. Ho is the oldest They have received itinent telegram notifying i- slightly wound-d I. 165th In- Jones is IS years old Private ii the transferred to the I- It- is a graduate No. I 53. was for a Sell IP Cb S-lino' lid Manhattan pnoio-u an- to I-.

Sylvester. ah llegiment. i-luded anion- the -unities, although be located give iso it is known that ed from the M. I 65th Infantry. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children 'i 3 For Over 30 Years All in i at II.

as Sharp Attack on Pacifism of Bryan and Head of Publicity Bureau. a wonderful and liery addres. Our Duty in the Present lev. Dr. S.

Turkc's Ca.lnian lanh the members of the hanibei mmeree off their feel this after He called for the utmost en of the nation to meet Ihe crisis are not going to win this he, "by words. We are not go win by waving the flag Wi ot even going to win by a tvi.e Titer which Mr. Wilson puhshes ii Washington. W'e are going to win i pouring out our precious bioo.l. "We have got to giro and giv.

greatly not gold, for that nothing, but of t.lood. hich is every -thing." In. CadnUN sharply criticised the pacifism of Bryan and Creel, Me said I lime lor Air. re, 1- a change his ideas or vacate bis ollic-. said that it whs such poisonous distillations aa Mr.

Creel's which had paralyzed Ihe energies of Ihe United States. Dr. ('adman called for more uplifting appeals from public speakers. pup in the pulpit is a pup there are pups in pulpits and pups In Washington." -aid. He warned against exhausting energies in Hag-waving and noisy fulmlnatlona.

He said, "The more steam von waste in the whistle, less I here is for the machinery. A true pugilist never wastes a punch." BROOKLYN COURTS. j.ul.h III. tz i or his enuhl he round tiler -erifv itifomiitlon In the list of casualties i- a re 1 he reported mTHr. F.agle ters P.

They are I ant I I- lill becoming I'. riant nu, made in the Lib- I'ro p-i i and S. vent avemi-s. art IP, 1 "ill make the mo- baseball team, Trior to onlntttng. he W.

T. ROCK LEFT $1,436,677 plains of waa a el. Manhattan offiei i I of lb- A. lams Kx press company. A William r.

Rock, on picture pianea." The motor, brother. Albert, wa drafted faat week pioneer, left a net i rtate of lt.4Sd.677, Trotuks War-Marluc Minister. says, bids fair to bold Its own with and la now at Camp Upton, Another according to the aiipiaial tiled td i I on Troizky hit I'or lln. foreign ii.o'.ors of similar power, brother. William C.

has passed his in iHa Burroraite'a Court Hla inter haa hce a n-. i i w.ight and purpose. Soioe Liberty -aiuinaii-n and is awaitbig his call, in. line motors already delivered, tho commit. Private Lou la ITormhaJa, f'ompanv cet In the itagrapn lompany 1 art being altered to overcome M.

ICMh Infantry. Private Kormhals. Anienra. winch he was act lvely I feels. 19 years old.

is the son of Mr. and Identified, amount to IS9.S81 Inl COW. "The prodii-tioa liberty motors Mr-. ''''V- Korinhals of 3 Pros- r.rh of tV-' I tu-ny m'ult'L pa'i'nsViki'n'i I 'is' a 9.1.;.: shares Virauraph 'and W.ekm.-i M-j Has. n.ent.

accompanied by many seti.a-ks at- of r.iblie School No. was for- com.non. r. dd-, ih- and disappointments. In spite of the moil.

-mploved in a Mi.nhattmi inas of mortsaa.v 3... -l-Vn. la- ir.a.l among the unanimous lest inmny of motor wh.d. ale l- house, and has a hpldings In Penn, Union Pacific, great masses ol the people, owing along this line. Government officii.

-i i in the Mtith Itehlaon Topeka and Santa Ke South- Hon. There i plenty of grain In SI- ln cnarf nava mls- lii Kiliiii ,1. I. roth, Pacifie Etailways, $682,077. berla, Northern and in ih- '-lk" of leading the public and tho pan lMh Infantry Private aroth The principal bonoti, laia under 1 I i i 11 to the oehef that r.

anv Ik: son of Mrs. Lena will. John Ii k. Hi- i ponds in 1 thousands of Ha s- motors would 1 1 Nineteenth street. Mrs.

re ivea a his sha re Flor- 36 pounds) of grab and the li rl 1 spring of tin s. roth, an invalid, who has been con- ence 10 -eribed in the wiil I r-viu the-- unmn-ndations for a lin-d i- la for the last year, re- as Florence i. widow, reauler a-edy 11 th- production --if' 1 i notice Friday that h-r $50.. Mar I. use Wiila't i- -idli to eliin.ry follow: son bad slightly wounded in ae- ter receives $:, and 'a rl A Wil- "Your comin itee believes that Hon 23.

He enlisted in the la i her husband iv- dneimii of aircraft should be eon- Fourt-. n'h It. aiment last July and loklo I amtin-. by on- executive officer ap- was itaasf. red to the 165th.

He was T-kio. Friday A tho As- point, l.v the Pi- i.b-pt ami respoii- fi.n.iciy employed in a Manhattan 600 GET HONOR FLAG TMe? Lol was in con- b) corps of the best a i rent It ongl- I'm at. John I. Saner, ronipunv Washington, April 10- Six i ct in and neeis and pos.Mhle to obtain. Infantry Private Sauer is communities bine reported 1 of I he Ad- both Fni -p- in and American.

known with th- eompanv which nplion- of th. r- Tin-. la Vl'ie'ha'mi's'LTtbc wi" b- htfAfebeen made to about half that pi Japanese oompajTyimnufact i -i I'di-ii, Chicago April 1 o' lah-if. I.e.-,,, of. -a -ot-e't' li' to I- u't'h Fou rteenth i-i of th.

Seventh Federal Reserve residents of the city. I duly to point out that thus far Seventh atreet. After pressed the opinion today the opment lino: d.een "laid down bv the family moved to before' he" thud loan sab bonds was ed- WUINN. I KAIIMbD AVIATOR in ihe air is ul! street, but has now till John Of 495 Eighth at ret i oj rea Ul ta'ke'plaee' both Priiao harles Henry Sehinid. week.

id eba Mr' and Mrs. PLANES CRASH; MAN KILLED "'-'fac'! 'and' --l-o'ianl, rX'f the 'war I.epart". high." Qultin graduated from Cornell of the pro-ram aa wall aa in-m i had been slightly wound- San Antonio. April 1" fa- as a Hvil engineer, afterward of tow of eu-inci two v-ar- ago in th. ig Elarti A.

Anhrum, 24 year of ing tn aviation school at Corn. II. lie Tl-i and saw Mexican Umpaun. 111., was instantly i When I ha mherlain of Ore. de.

lie was transferred last and fadei S. l.oogla. "'Kri1 chairman, the h. He is a grndii- Kan wa- perhaps 'veral hundred as honor in-n to senator Sheplu.rd of Texas, give, Puhh- School No. 123 and is mjureo uiii-ii anp w-hieli lb.

1 .0 a 1 i.rny report I no were driving eollid.dat Kelly i-n. His IjiiUili. was the ti.a 1 id, -nee of i.nvl Sergeant height of 260 '1 li th an avlat. II iu totu Tex that, a lief a aeaslon yeaterfuy, 1 'nuts SoHah EMBARGO ON CUBAN FRUITS! Cm American Army Now Has 180 Battleplanes Caldwell upon our heads is of thr, Yankee Sergeants Back Serves Queen Mary as Desk Kaglo Bureau, ooi Colorado Bonding. Washington.

April ID Represents ad ISO battl. linertean nirpla ea pac.l making the laii-i iimounl each month he crlticlsni which haa APPEAL TO SCOTS TO AID I IN WAR WEAPONS WEEK I immediately. This favor will be great-I ly esteemed. ALEXANDER CARG1LL. King ,1 certain famous works.

WI sands 'of bauds pre employ night. ThMr mails! freely with officer and nlr men ted on the smsrl and appearance of the America Queen Mnrv i -iondinr. quest for an autograph, gcant's back as a Wilting -he wrote "Mary It. IU." also added bis aniogiaidi, an American officer remark This Is not war. but very human." r.

King, smilingly to several America ami the Queen com King, kpraklMfM whom he sed. said': 13 rs in England and fine stamp lot a destioyer In a I iliey are. when i wa Inl very Intereatlps not iongeago I had the oppor-1 joyed it".

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