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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE. NEW YORK SUNDAY. JANUARY 25, 1920. Governor; Many Authorities Are Agreed That influenza and other Drostratincr diseases are hesr rnmhatH Run May TK SUN LOST Wet" Candidate for Be Announces His Hat Is In Ring for Governorship It i i i i DAY ACCUSES HYLAN OF DOUBLE CROSSING, HIM IN FOOD SALES, Asks if Mayor Was Disappoint- ed Because He Refused to Give $300,000 Surplus to rr, ana prevented wnere care is exercised to keep the resistance strong. jbk a aim a mm mmmm a jmm Travis Will Haskell FIVE HUNDRED HAIL HASKELL BOOM AT COMMODORE DINNER i i f', ft (Contlnuaii From Page Bjld: KM jJk lllT.rZ wk WM V'VIA to express sincere a pp.

I as one news- PT lVZol'r' 2 'vS provides a pleasant and effectual way oi conserving strength, and should be taken faithfully by those who are in anywise rundown in vitality. Your safety lies in keeping up a good reserve ran of strength. Take Soott's Emulsion I LEAGUE OF NATIONS PROBE OF SCANDAL IMMORAL, SAYS INVOLVING NAVAL I (oi-, o.l vv Herald. 1 Zs iWKm u. seek I "I fully conscious ihai this an-Pt "tfH 'aiivl- Wjik, JMM I'lirouKhoiit the -it ,1,,.

vc dung faithfully to Hie Mer Father Belford County Judge Hi llene lion the Anti- last fall, practically candidacy for Oo dinner givei." by Hotel Commodore Five hundred Hi .1 selves hoarse fi when the Rev. fine R. hailed the state of khodc Island. State of Xew Jersey. Gov.

Ldward I. ialwards of New was present) and finally Judge. Haskell, for the patriotic '-land lhe had taken ord a Speaker -Has- kel'l Sharply Scores Travis and Livingston. er. ior of New York a.

test in bis friends at the oNvn'sdnnrcrs of! aiiil-chrcd I -11 Kinp i iv on issue Ills; JH0f, rests He- people of the Slate win be i snupei MKgLJm v. be ed. rit e. have been more vigorously handled. iWK IV'TT-" seadV'en IP.

and will a'll' circulation in'spHof th.a fact you have Hn MA II to von. and to sou, of lf.M represent, bat I stale plainly and wh lnto unequlvot-ally views was a man of good breed- SMrw? I 'questions which are agltatniK the lined contacts a man jMaOffiKl I minds of the thinking men and woni- world VIGOR," SAYS MUNSEY Jan. 20 The is informed the government that Japan, in ce With the Peace Treaty, eed to the rights formerly by Germany in Klaochow lei Stated Hint Japan was negotiate regarding the re- il has not yet replied. CITY SLOW ON BILLS; CAN NOT GET WORKMEN unwilling to Is because of In paying the burden of a letter sent, Club of Public Hchool by fleorge H. Oartlan.

music In the' public i TRAVIS IS OUT FOR GOVERNOR; HASKELL MAY RUN AS "WET" 6,000 RUSSIAN TROOPS DIE FROM TYPHOID, REPORT FROM RE' on an unwilling country. I I this letter. to deal with nil laVwoi-lddra'l There is something written on the I the ereat queslions now before the ric gates of Hell, Rev. Belford said, I M. mi- public.

Such 1,11. si ions as Stale lln Ms had 'which confirms our friends the ance, taxation, public service corpora Heral.l (h.vor. more reflne.1 Anils, wlio arc opposed to every- a tlone, hlghwa vs. a I-. labor a ml en 11 handling than such thing except what they want II, em- which materially affect newspapers selves.

This is where welfare of nearly eleven million use of I hesc outstanding char-started, and that is where it will i. nl. i.oi.Ih who lic this Stale, ovist be end. They certainly have no liquor H.ter Kraemer. 8

reserved for future discussion My 'vlih women (here, and that is one thing that V. my of these prol.leniK evervw women of edu- makes It Hell. I must express my Jr. l. i.

Ki.ini. have found public express sun lined taste In admiralion lor Judge Haskell who Kula, tlrsi election stale Senator 1 1, has lacked was willing to Make his ex- 1 ri! for maiilx vigor. It has depended largeh his that lie U.Uum' "Hut lhovr ls subject which 1' 'i'es ''i'l'i'me was not desirous 01 coining candl- Maria. .1 1..11..1 Mi. nands the attention today of (lie M.

date for Governor or any oilier ollice v. people of Ibis State above all else. Mx that he did not now hold, but he n.b'k" unon "liiib the voters, wheiher vu mcasuic in would consider the possibility unless 1 m. Williams lln iiinii A I men or omen, will mil be s.iiisii. ji (, vs stiil out the 'paramount issue of the right lor Jinilpn, x.

pli unless the candidates for the Hover- thf. Herald a direct vote by the people 011 the I'm- m.h.i Hn.y s. uorshlp shall explicitly and without when It- o.l it or and owner th" hibition issue is properly presented by JicC, lu-l ervation announce I heir views. Iflte Bennett, wa's In a suitable candidate 1.1 Ibc liepubli- vp.t m. I I at subjeci is 1 1,, ivciv his hi ion malls, lc vision then frankralid'wean-iHl'faJ tZ ca.T il'iis stretching ,0 he furthermost parts he scored oZl Zl Zg22 a Severe Blow.

State Controller Travis, whom he char- pii bell upon the Constitution which binds it limit his hand to guide it. wit h- actei ized as the Gubernatorial candi- Viliwm .1 smn- the several Slates into one united his tennis 1.. vitalize it, without date of "Boss" Anderson and the Ami- pi, 111 democracy. Three hundred years a--o U' rous purse llnanre it. it has Salooon League, and flayed A.

(r lohn fl Pe institutions and civil and rel.g- t.v. place 111 the race for supremacy. ldvlngston. the Brooklyn Republican 1- iu. h'.

ions liberty were established in tills But 111 spin- of all this, the prestige leader, on the ground of hypo, risy as ivi.v s. Ite.f- land, and il became I henceforth the ami power and world fame of the New deep as that of Anderson himself. It haven of refuse and the land of prom- 'i lb laid rem am undlmmed. They was who was chiefly re- niiT 1W11 1 ise to millions of the oppressed of are an ass. of inestimable value.

No sponsible for denying Haskell the sup- Benjamin KiekuB. other lands. These found a welcome newspaper can be great without them. port of the Bi ooklyn organization for Shen. Sapir, Sllbeiman.

here, where they could enjoy life, lib- "I want to tell you. you stanch the nomination last September. smniT .1. Smitii. Albert erty and the pursuit of happiness in friends of Hie Herald, of what hap- Father Belford spoke in warm s'" srtfi'w'KSI an atmosPh'rc of regulated civil lib- pencil when my analysis, of the ait-praise of Haskell.

He said, in part: s. s. 1. sieint. 1,1 erty and self-government.

uation In the Herald ollice convinced I S1 Opposed to SociaHsm. Sum iVrnMrnped "mlKh" paid lobby, to stand firmly for per- 1 T'si'a "vMlinn' I "In 1914, without warning. Urn he as an independent entil. sonal liberty. mnn.

.1. .1. ih f. iivnn.n whole world was swept into a life- I lia.l 1 1 sen niienl and pride "This gathering is a niaiiilestation and-dealh struggle, from which is 1 sl have entered upon Ihe fight of the right kind of feeling. I lere I j.

1st emerging, and now 111 the pro. -ess continue it. are men Of every nationality, of every of reconsl ruction 11 finds itwii con "I''IU in eeo-creed and of every political complex-I 1, x. Van Zandt. William II.

fronted by a monster which threatens hive continued the Kf 1-ion. Every respectable elen.eiil 's to overthrow not unlv govei nmeiu re- 1,1 pcmlenl entity would here, for there are no I ion- "l-'hin and liberty, but civilization as oppos.l 1011 to all twists present. When you show by our hli well. It is no mine nightmare or 'onmnics. all the laws 01 presence tliat you support a man of 1, .1.

spectre thai is before us 11 is a real business. Judge Haskell's principles, it i a Welx. and present enemy- our peril is not archaic and healthy sign for American politics. from open and foreign foes 01 the na. 1..

I.i.aking nmnt. There is "In these days, when some 1 These .1., not II is only hrartlcal balance, when some people are get- lean institutions -Vh! fa in I 'thud ling hysterical over America's future. n. 'i. for destroying republics ike said 'lien at a eosi ol Jl.nnn.flOO and But I believe that America never was (ihiaK cieengiasa.

inidor rel (pM more. stronger than she Is today, her insli- -r Twentieth Centurv. That prophesv is "Thp Sl:" "ol "lp Hpral'l unions nev. were more dceph seated being fnliilled. shall we meei "1 ho "al needs than they are now.

We are going DISEASE IS NOT YET 'est with boldness and fiddiu I Sl'" to solve the problem of Labor, Ihe shall we allow insidious and' 1111- a I equipnient. eiiorninns in problems of great wealth, the prob- EPIDEMIC IN BOSTON Americanisms, wheiher masking repre'-ntativ of lems of education, the lied menace der the guise of International ism or word 111 printing ma and Prohibition. Truth and Justice Woslon. Jan. 24 Although influenza any other form of Socialism, to sub Sn" of flonr wlll rise up and repeal even a t'onsti- cases are increasing in Boston and vert our cherished insi it in ions? The h'paee for Us ininiing plant, for lis tutional Amendment if it is unjust.

nearbv communities there is 110 fear depends upon us, upon each one editorial looms and lor its offices "This law. winch took effect on Jan. au to J' "SJ for, if we ac indHTe. en, to 1 he I magiuia-. equipped newspaper ViUzenTTuu! 'h''" adOTnl! idflced so "Th 'raid o'li, vhasnoprint- irxu'z he does not interfere with the rights preceding boms whatever name they are v.

I. who lirr'11'1 terminates of others." seems to he an increased else for wil hecon Capl. John .1. K11I111. a for prevalence of the disease said llealih inerica inslitulions.

and we do not 1 1 Jl 11 1 1 1 the Supreme at the Democ. a tic II, f. Woodward. "I to allow foreign ideas of gov- ue or ...11 omd. primaries last spring was toast mas- think that since the newspap, rs began nmpnl to supplanl own state Mm in Strong; Position, ter.

Ihe other speam-is were t. to call attention to the recurrence wiak and vacillating public oili- "While the sun is in an Impregnablv Senalm William M. alder, the Rev. of Influenza, there has been Increased eials. If we are to maintain our strong position and does not need the Dr.

Louis Gross, rabbi ol reniplc reporting of cases of alien, ling- pin- homes, our schools. churches ami II. raid in combination, yet it cannot Israel, and oiinty Judge Mitchell su ians. I do not know how much 'is our Slate we must dally no longer help ben. Illing from Inking on the May, K.I ward I.

Kdwards, i increased prevalence of with the destructive forces of foment- I Herald al 111. the Herald cir- ot Jersey, was also present, but disease and how much to report- ed unrest, destructive alike lo t'upilal I dilation and the Herald prestige. Th. did not speak. ing of eases, bin I he deal rale from and Uihor, but we must, present I I lerald.

on he oilier hand, ill benefit Judge Haskell declared that the nilli and pneumonia is still wit hi uied front to this new cnonnonslv from combining with the pa r.iinou 11 1 political is. at Ihe pros- normal list." foe Just as the splendid youth of our Sun. II will have the advantage of ent time is the securing Ol a diiecr State and Nation presented a nulled 'he Sun's lice organisation and grcal ''U, si'- front to foreign foes in order that Ibel mechanical equipment. Moreover, il FLATBUSH JEWS AID iH--' -i -m $1,000,000 drive I he,..., support of the 1 'oust it 11 1 ion and Ihe aggregate as Ihe far-famed reputation ihe ex! m-i ess' v- "lug. Flag, but tins is no, the nine for mere Vr thv Together li'ie, I words nor lor high-sounding phrases.

these two newspapers 1 ave oniv started upon mv duties I the slogan. "Let Klnlbush We have all had for judg- very great news- ns i-ounts Judge, win. I. are mosl con-i several hundred prominent ing how futile rhetoric a lone a be '''''i" vn wVlv genial and an, not desirous of being men and women of the Jewish faith unless backed up by hones, and 111.

1 l.8"' candidale for llovernor or any other a. ended Ihe dinner muslcale and 'j Xt" HiL stal'emenf, but the principle recen.lj resulting' In my 1 ederatlon of Jewish Imr thr I as I'inniiv Judge l.v held Inst evening at Ihe Lutty Club. unsullied and unimpaired.

word more and I have done, largest inaioiiiv of anv ford ave. and pU-dge myself .0 you and. ''''v the Co he, be not null.tie.l as held to put impetus into the through yon. lo Ihe people of I his I niercinc br Inas It bach by failure 10 follow il up. "there MUjon Annual Income State, llepublicans and Democrats ()W1) jn its back to inust be no am.

nt 10 the for Jewish charity. Hie days of its youth when it was a llsallowing iiini im "PI 1 Main pi oiiiin. 1,1 speakers addressed ernoi or nils 1 11 great newspaper, a very treat 1 rprlx-' -athermg. among ibem being Sn f'ce in our nation "Should this palaiuount issue Of the cue 1 1 us, Kd wa rd 1 alh "FRANK A. MUNSBY." iBht for a direct vote by the people Xallall s.

jonas. Judge Kazan- Kky an apPeal ,0 pPoplP 10 minlttoe Unms. JAPAN PREPARES TO succeed to Germany's a 1 RIGHTS IN KIAOCHOW "Favorites." Markets Ills former su Lord I na I cm ill the Markets Department as "i bunch of boneheads, grafters an. double erossers, unscrupulous bench men always obstructing efforts in be covery of a $100,000 surplus from I sales of Army roodstnffs which Mueneeil lie Mavor to remove from office, ami repeats his charges 'that one i.i his former aids came to him Willi a plan to divide the surplus of the City All siepr. sentation" in stating i the H.

La Vluardia, That prised to learn of the exc iieh about it on the lllh iber, 1919, as y.ou did of December, when might have forgotten. I was removed by you on day oi December, 1919. On mth day of October. 1919. I ca our office in the afternoon, i i the i 1 1 knowledge iproached me I on behalf ted a division You icwhere else ie remind you that on the you appointed O'Mulley as iner of Public Markets to ne, you said in your public which vim gave out to the you appointed O'Mallrv had had harge of and had appointed suspicions easonable margin olunteers who did ty employees who ue and had heavy lurplus there was sorbed.

That dis-us would not have iv was husv around ice being that 1 was Ir up trouble for von mer of Markets, you. sir. that 1 have all with President 'ien0'alNvas ialf of the ed with the a FOCH OFFICIALLY MADE AN "IMMORTAL" FEB. 5 ART TREASURES STOLEN FROM VIENNA MUSEUM FAMOUS COMMUNIST MAKES FOURTH ESCAPE German Merchants Arrive VICE SQUAD BEGUN Members Ordered to Commit Nameless Practices to Get Evidence at Newport, Charge. Rathom of the i-i Journal, that a Nav Stale and federal trails of lined by the -Navy possession Testimony also Wport Hector Testifies.

It. Daniels to Bishop Island, referred to ill upon Secretan lay before him i indltions existing reply that 1 have gone the evidence In the case self unable to comply by the Nav'" Departn PLEDGE $150,000 FOR TOWN HALL PROJECT Enthusiastic Rally at Luncheon Held at Hotel Astor Henry W. Taft Presides. Knthusiasm for the construction of use us civic auditorium, was at a high pitch at a luncheon of the Political Kducational League al the Hotel Astnr yesterday afternoon. At the close it was announced that 1 of Robert Krsn lobinson.

who is a Roosevelt rend I I I I I WHEELER DEFENDS IT Lawyer and Editor of Current Opinion Debate Treaty Before National Republican Club. wj, now l.fllsal Pret ed something im. He went London and saw I George and. having given up etui-nod to I'aris. Me was prom-a League Nations.

What he The great denial of scope so lhai would take In all the rations, instead of the Western Hem lsphere alone. SPANISH GOVERNMENT TO DISSOLVE NATIONAL WORKERS' CONFEDERATION Ban I i. Jan. 24- The am horities labor hen isto lii which they al ic unpromising attitude is responsioie rot 9 KILLED. 20 INJURED IN SPANISH TRAIN WRECK and 20 Injured when a he Bcltnez-Cordoba Hallway, ed early today.

The accident list of dead and Injured will nan has heei i is been si POLES OCCUPU BRAUDENZ AS GERMANS LEAVE IT THIS IS ARMY NURSE DAY paid ,1 irlhule lo H.e an 11 'i'l lOi'li i 1 Minister5.

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