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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 13

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 13

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, TEBRUARYi 16, 192. LEG All NOTICE. (Richard Barer, 4T Milwaukee Til overtrade Outsraon, Milwaukee. Wis.

The Ad That Tells Is the Ad That Sells WASHINGTON ASKS CHINA NOT TO ACT NOW IN RADIO CAS3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Negotiations for Amicable Settlement Ara Pending Between Washington and London. By ROiJKIt AMK8 BUR ft. fllK to Arcw.sya ft! Pasls P.M4. U0ir; Coynjkf, Kob. It The American Minister has communicated to the Chines.

Government a received from the State Department at Waihlntton regarding- rtie British objection to tht American Federal Cotm-uny concession for wlreleai const rucUon. The memac requests lte Chines Government not to take action alter1. Ins; the status quo, pending; nerottf; tlona between WasliinRton and Loit don with a view to ar. amicable sel-llement Waahlnrtoii apparently feat that China might, under pressure from the British and Jninino-e legations, cancel tho The message states Washington upholds the principle of euual opportunity tor American enterprlsa with that of other nationalities in china, but contains no such titronrr phusc aa that Washington backs the American con-resslonnnlres, aa was reported. Chinese officials, 'state there la no danger of cancellation of the contract.

Tho matter now rests between London and Washing-ton. Japan la ah anxious onlooker, and shot-Id the Americana gain their point will take the Initiative and endeavor lo prevent operation ot the contract on th ground that It Infringes the MitsVil monopoly. NEWS OF THE SCHOOLS Mlsa KlisHbeth Renithatr, retiring Vlc-o president of the General Organisation at Kraamua Hall High School, presided at the nominating caucua at the school yeetorday, Kenneth Tturh was placed In nomination by Philip MoorehouHe. Wallace Chandleir was nominated by Dlnty Moore. The accomplishment of Barbara Dixon vrere art forth by Kenneth Moaer.

while W. Junkerman nominated Esther Hherwood. f.awrence Engle placed the name of Marion Aittln In nomination, while Gardener nominated Mildred The above candidates were then declared nominated and each speaker brought hit candidate to the front of the. auditorium. Elections will held tomorrow.

Recitations were glvon by Benorltaa Llotato. Whittman, Marcus and Kclineldcr at the meeting of the Spanish Club of llUBhwlck High School yeatorday. Frederick Kalca is president of the club. lleni-y C. Wright, director ot the I hospital consultation bureau will address the weekly conference of civic.

teachers ut Its inretlnjr tomorrow at )'. 8. ManhutUin Dr. XV. Wltnrra.

former any' )ctlnleml--iiL of sohots of Ht. bOhlt will acnume his duties in Uean of the Hchool of Pedagogy at New York University this week. Chancellor Elmer Ellsworth Blown announced today. 1 The first edition of the I Weekly, a new publication ot the Tth luce, school, appeared ou the campua today. The ataff Includes Oonald Mcr lllrearv.

editor: Albert Lad net-, asalst-jant; DiKtno Berry. Dorothy Bruce, Keunhin Monroe. Stilly IrvlB XX'lllard Burbank and Ho uvil ihn. Mr-moi-ial oi-t erliOlafshlps fnsblin liriiits to ptii Mtic a yv of pott Ri-uduutn work at Pratt. Institute or the Now York Bnliool of Art have ban emul)lislil lit 2U of the 21 high schools I ui' tho clly.

Among those recently i ftiM iKloii lire tlin Allen Kplor Scholar- siiip at h-n HUh School, while Misif lOplor iuMved toi- ninay years rrt 1-atOifr, inul Ih Kmnia Tonrs fit li'l" HlaTli School. iAnioivr tliotx tiiiriiiiiHted iittUpr these MRlinln'i-Kliitix is t'lnUtlan Kaestner of Riii-Uiiirj llltli Mi'hotil. IlO(ih''clil( exei-utlva dt- i-n-loi- ui Die- Y. AV. find Y.

M. 11. at- Wanted Renl Estate 89 BEDFORD SUCTION Must have 2-famtly; price under 112.000. Bond particulars Immediately. Louis Hllk.

044 Sterling place. I CAN RKLLQulckly, lota, dwellings, business property, In good locations, price being reasonable. Charles A. OMalloy, 188 Montague st. Tel.

04(1 Main. ft-tf PROPEI1TY If you want to sell your property quickly, send full particulars to 1elt Osso, 44 Court st, Hoom 811. fW-ISt I'iiikl-M-HiTY Will buy property threatened by foreclosure, anvwhero. Edwsrds, 11 West St. New York.

13-7 AUCTIONS Auction Sales 90 FEB. IS. 1921 Administratrix sale. To closo the estate of Hoaco Trotta, 19 Jackson st. Brooklvn.

X. I offer for sale to th higher.t bidder, one horse and wagon, one mnrble repair shop. Including machinery, tools, material on hand, complete In one lot, subject to existing lease. Catarlna Trotter. adminlFtratrlXj 16-3 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Wantrd Tleul Instate WANTED 2-FAMILY HOUSE FRAME OR BRICK 36th to 62nd 3rd to 7th Ave.

MacLEAN 429 6th Ave. Manhattan. Roal Estatt" Ftr Kent 163 Remsen St. (Rae Buildinj) Office space: on, floor, 1,100 aquara feet, witb partitions; also one larpte front room. Apply on premises.


GEAT HOUSE BARGAIN Owner sacrifices house, large plot, wldtt boulevard, fln surroundings, near station, half hour Manhattan steam heat, electricity, artistic decorations. 11 replace, tiled baths, tiled kitchen, parquetry; Buxagu bpace; $1,000 cash; $'i0 monthlv. TEL. H0LLIS 6515. lil-7 A HOME AND INVESTMENT Clinton av; beautiful brownstone duplex apartment, 6 rooms and bath and 4 smaller apartmnnts of rooms and bath; separate entrances; steam hat, hei watar.

parquet floors, electric light; 5 tiled modern hath-rooms; ronted very low now at nearly 3.000 a year; pries liberal terms; early possession. FRANK H. TYLER, 1183 Pulton St. n-7 Flatbush. Just One.

Just One. Cut to J15.500 from fully detached t-famlly brick; glar enclosed porch, standinB showers, tiled bHths, steam, electric, parquet; Immediate possession; never occupied; double Ravage one block Krlshlon Subway station; quick sale necesrsry; exceptional chance; terms Hrransed. Tl. Manrfle)d 1051. ALLARD LEVEY, 1321 Foster At.

Near Now li Irk av station. Brighton APAHTMKNT KOH A I vs dkh Tun ro-oi'KRvnvit OWMCHSIIIP PI.A!V Tor S00 cash I run sell you a four-room apartment, and for 91,000 cash I can nell you a five-room apartment In an up-to-date apartment house, with electric lirht. steam nt water supply, janitor service; In Hplendld rosidentlal section, near subway station. This reduces your rent 50 and you secure yourself a permanent homo. For further partiruluru fall and see me.

TOHKEI, 4600 Ctli Av, Brooklyn. N. V. 6-8t-suw NO CASH A new or T-room Flatbush home, with garage and every improvement, may bs bouarht WITHOUT CASH A monthly payment equal to a fair rental Is tha onlv requirement. DECORATIONS TO SUIT Tha houses are at Sd Avenue and K.

4th near Avanua station, Culver LI n. Ptione for particulars and appointment. CLINTON TRADING 186 Remsen Street. Telephone Main 3.40. Today's classified ads are full of newsy facts for people who want to buy or waut to sell Rpal Kstntc For Uale NEW YORK SUPREME! COURT, COUNTY of icings Frederick Kelmberg.

plaintiff, against Joseph J. Byrne, Mary Byrne uonerty, formerly Mary Byrne; William J. Oelahanty. and Mary Qulgley Delahanty, his wife; Sylveater T. Delahanty and Krank Uelahanty, said Frank W.

Delahanty belnr- a minor under the age of twenty-one years, and aald William J. Delahanty, Sylveater T. Delahanty and Frank W. Delahanty, being children ot Sarah Byrne Dela. h.nty.

formerly Sarah Charlotte McCrate Ilartraan, formerly Charlotte McCrute. and Susan McCrate Hunter, formerly Susan McCrate, heira at law ot Susan Quln. deceased; Cornelius Doherty, husband of said defendant, Mary Byrne Doherty; William J. Delahanty. Senior, husband of said defendant, Hsrall Byrne Delahanty, deceased, and father of said William J.

Dolahanly. Sylvester T. Delahanty nnd Frank W. Delahanty; Ueorge Hnrtmnti, husband of said defendant, Charlotte McCrnlaj Hartman; Orion U. Hunter, husband ot aald defendant, Susan McCrate Hunter; any nnd all unknown other persons If uny, whose name, or parte of whoso names are unknown to plaintiff and cannot, after diligent Inquiry be ascertained, being all the remaining helra at law.

devisees and next of kin. exoeutors, administrators, creditors, lienors, granteea or assigns of said Pusnn Quln. dt-censed. and their husbands, wives or widows, heirs, devisees, legal representatives, creditors, lienors, grantees and successors In Interest, and rhclr husbands, wives or widows, If any, all of whom and whose name, are unknown to plaintiff: any and all unknown persona, whose names or parts of whose namea ar. unknown to plaintiff and cannot, attor dlllgont Inquiry b.

ascertained, being all th. heira at law. devisees und next of kin, executors, administrators, creditors, lienors, grantees or as-slgna of John Wuln, deceased, and their husbands, wivea or widows, lielra, devisees, legal representatives, credltore, lienors, gruntees and successors In Interest, and their husbands, wive, or widows. If any, all of whom and whoae names are unknown to plaintiff; Theodora M. Vogler.

only chttd of Kli.a Vogler, deceased, and of her hus. band. Theodora H. Vogler, who ner, ir living, and ir ne is ueaa, me neirs, del lanes, next of kin, executors, administrators, creditors, lienors, granteea or assigns, and their husbands, wives or widows, heirs, dsvlsess, legal representatives, creditors, lienors, grantee, and auccessora In Interest, and their husbands, wlvoa or widows. If any, all of whom and whoso namea ar.

unknown to plalnhlff; Sarah IX. Vogl.r, wit. of defendant, Theodore M. Vogler, and Walter James Vogler, defendanta. To th.

defendanta: You ar. hereby summoned to anawer th. complaint In this action, and to serve a copy of your answor on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty duya after the service of thia exclusive of tho day of service, and In case of your fnllure to appear, or answer, Judgment will b. taken against you for th. relief demanded In th.

complaint. -Dated, Juno 18, Itm. WALDO K. BLACKWF.t.U Attorney for the Plaintiff. Office and Post Oflloe Address, 75 Fulton street, Borough of Brooklyn, New York City, N.

Y. To any and all unknown other persons, If any, whose names or part, of whose names are unknown to plaintiff, and cannot, after diligent Inquiry be ascertained, being all the remaining heirs at law, derlaeea and nut of kin, executors, creditors, lienors, grantees or assigns of said Susan Quln. deceased; and their husbands, wives or widows, helra, devisees, legal representatives, creditors, lienors, granteea and auccessora In Interest, and their husbands, wives or widows. If any. all of whom and whos.

namea ar. unknown to plaintiff; Any and all unknown persons, whose name, or parta of whos. names ars unknown to plaintiff, and cannot, after diligent Inquiry be ascertained, being all the heirs at law, devisee, and next of kin, executors, administrators, creditors, lienors, grantees or ussigns of John tjuln. deceased, and their husbands, wives or widows, heirs, devisees, legal representatives, creditors, lienors, grantee, and successors in inter, est, and their husbands, wives or widows, If any. all of whom and whos.

namea are unknown to plaintiff; If the defendant. Theodore M. Vogler Is dead, his helra, devisees, neit of kin. ex-ecutora, administrators, creditors, lienors, grnntoes, or assigns, and their husbands, wives or widows, devisees, legal representatives, creditors, lienors, grantee, and successors In interest, and their husbands, wives or widows, if any. all of whom and whose names are unknown to plaintiff.

The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Supremo Court of th. State of New York, for tho County of Kings, bearing date tho 11th day of February, 1IJ1. signed by Hon. Charlea If. Kelby, a Justice of said Court, duly entered and filed In the Office of tho Clerk of the said Court and of the County of Klns.

together with a verified duplicate of tho complaint, nn the Mlh day of February, 1921, the original complaint having been filed with the Clerk of tha suld Court and of tho said County of Klnca on the 15th day of July, Dated, th. 15th day of February, 1 931. WALDO R. BLAOKWF.M.. Attorney for rinlntlff.

175 Fulton atreet, Borough of Brooklyn. New York City, N. Y. l-llt BAN KRUPTC i NOTICES. IN H.VNKHUPTCV IN THE DISTRICT Court of the United Plate, for the Uttstotn District of Now York It tho matter of MORHI8 FF.LD.VAM, JACK KKLUHAN and ABItAHAM (1AWAII, Individually and as members of the firm of Feldman's Pough-ntlt Shop (t Ilestuutant.

Notice In horehy netttlnn has been tiled In Said court by Morris Feldman, Jack Feldman ami Abraham tiutvar, inuit tuusiiy uuu mrm-bers of tho firm of FeKinin'i Uoughnut Shop ft Krstaurant, tn sold district, duly declared bankrupts, under the act sf Congress rslatlng to liankrupicy. apuroved ii full filufhnrir and eurtlh. rate thereof from all their debts and other claims pruvablo against their estate, under said not, ana tnat sinr. is. ai ti.m..

ot the Postotllco Building. Borough of Rmnlilvn. In tlie said district. la as signed for the hearing of the same, when XUd V. her.

an creunora oi toe saiu oana-ruiils and other persons In Interest mar nt-Und and show causs. If any they have, why the prayer of the rsld petition should not b. granted. Dated, th. Borough ot Brooklyn, on Feb.

16. 19-1. CB.01LKES.Ocrk. IX BANKRUPTCY IN THE DlHTRfcT Court of th. I'nlted States for the Kaatnrn District of New torn in mo oi A RKY I K.

JONKS. Notlco Is hereltv given that a nelitlon has been filed In aald court by Harry B. Jones, In said district, duly declared bunkrupt, under the act of Congress relating to bankruptcy, approved July I. Is. for a full dlschurge and certificate thereof from all hi.

debts end other claims provable against his estate, under said act. and that Mar. IIH1. at 2 p.m.. nt the Postofftca Building, Boroush of Brooklyn.

Mil said district. Is assigned fur tho hearing of the sitiuc, wnen anu wuvro in creditors of the said bankrupt und ether per sons In Interest may attend sua snow cause. if any thoy have, why tlie prayer or uie said petition should not be grnntud. Dated, the Borough of Brooklyn, on Feb. Hi.

ism. PKHCV 1. B. OII.KF.S. Clerk.

MARRIAGE LICEXSl'j. Henry Mangels 31.. Lillian Fearn. 33 Adolph Kallenbanh, 47 Margaret Hansen. I-Jacob Hchefller, 22 (lertrude Hronn.

17 William Killer, Viola Olark, 24 Ha cry Ooldstein. SO 1101 R. 401 st HII Oreeue av. .401 Knickerbocker av. m) Stockholm st 1owll st 211 lt'-enlslo ave 1190 Hancock st 1101 Putnatu ave Eastern Kva Werner, 14d0 Park pi Philip Zuckennnn, 10 Henry st.

Roee, 31 .7:1 Orafton st Louis Friedman, 2 II Ida Pearltmtn, 2a Finncls Hynn, Anna flarllch. '11 John Miller, -'3 Merlo Sandonmalcr, l'O Hwmnn Solomon, -il Sarah Rich. 'J5 Joseph Hollander, 2S Alice l.ipmnan, ill Tlenlo Cohen, 25 Koso Nekrlek, 22 Elliott JlerschHcM, Pauline Tnrcas, 2S Daniel Oulllksell. 53 Dsutnll. Fufflesind.

1 Bronx. N. V. 1CW1 CTiri st 107 Hciirord ave 1'nloii st 22 Mslhone st 2325 Radford vo K. llltli st, Mhtn.

2M S. 2d st 713 Mvrtle ave 175 Fliyd st Chrlstoplter ave ..450 ave 2244 Uth rt 15. 15th I't 14 4th I'l 14 4tll Hi New Jersey av 2110 Pitkin ar Melrose st 257 Melrose st 020 Id av Warren st, 152 Frnliklltl st Itl4 Bsyuril st 1523 40(1 st 4205 13th av 639 Barbey at ....974 Dumont av 297 Wythe av Lafayette av Francesco T.ombardo. 23. Ferraro, George Kampe, 31 Anna hbaw, L't Albert Ott, 24 orelico eiutllvan, -u.

Samuel I.owenstHln, 24.. Kato Hasinsky, 22,... Herman Uraef. 27 Oertrude Jablin. 20...

Benjamin Tepper. 22.... Anna Baron. 21 Solomon Rosenbluin. 2t.

L.ena Kushner, 19,... CLASSIFIED DISPLAY A House of the Better Kind Easy housnk.eplnr. up-to-date In detail. 838 St. Mark's Ave.

Semi-detached; 2 -car parnge: will sell below cost of construction. TERMS TO SUIT T. 11. VRASEn. on Promises.

niton H'ventli AV.IU.. ort'tHlTl'XITV. For salo. dcsh-sblo plot of lots (sach MMMM: liiir'a altllvldc: lo Mocks from shIiwhv; nilnutis lo Manhattan: free nn.l rlnnr. V.

Hn 1 nflli-s. St. Mark's Avenue, Near Bedford Up to date 5 family houses, rooms: electric Hunts; perfect condition; owner asking No basement, 8 rooms, modern: electric; parquet; hot water heat: tile bath; owner inking $11,000. House Id perfect condition. Consult WM.

T. TAYLOR REALTY 631 Noitrand Atcduc phono Lafayette :92. FLATBUSH BARGAIN Builder's Sacrifice Was Now $15,000 $2,500 cash, balanc. easy payments; our (trealest haricaln In nn all-stucco New Bungalow, with built-in automobile runway: 7 rooms, bsths, tllod shower, tiled kltrhnn. steam, electric, parquet throurliout: built-in sleeping porch; rod brick glass-Inclosed front porch; Plltsburg heater; lovely location; Brighton subway; wonderful chanc.

to buy way under coat; February Is th. bargain month; take advantage of It; open Sunday. 16-3 MILNOR WII-EY SON, 160S At II. Opp. Brighton subway.

Long Island property BUY LAND NOW BEFORE BIG ADVANCE IN PRICES That I Certain to Coma with tha Great Demand for Home Site HEMPSTEAD 614 mites from drearer New York. 42 minutes bv electric rxpresa from Penn. Htatlon I ACRE $1QC (5 CITY LOTS) CF H-Acre Plot. (10 City Lot.) $390 $50 Cash, $5 Per Month Title Guarantee and Trust Co. policies Benl for map and full details.

O. L. Schwencke Land Company 277 Bronrlway, New Vnrlt fity. Hempstead office, opposite It. It.

Station. New Jorscy Property. "MONTCLAIR, N. J. the rorrr.AR place to ijtk WE huve a complete list of nil the atlinetlve small and lane houses which ar.

for sals st reasonable prl'-es and on easy terms, In and adjoining towns. Call at our onice ami nllnvv us to you some InterLSt-lug properties. lisp, Montclaly. Vorh. OfHce, rlallron Hid.

$8,500 Knsy Term. COLONIAL HOME KOOHN Illc Tiled Until Plot 100x130 feet EASY COMMUTATION TO NBW TOFtKl permanent home, everything modern, electrlo light, steam heat, panelerl walls, parquet floors; seleet nelehborllood water sports, irolf. country eltih, sehools, send for photo; fine living room, with huire open fireplace: you ran buy this charming- place with a little cash down nnd the money you pay now as rent; InvewttRate. 1.. K.

BL1KH, 7 Kverereen Kast oranjre, N. J. Itoul Fstatc for Salo Call, wrtta or telephone MOIITIMKR HTEINFKI.H. Hulldlng Const ruction, 2tl Court Brooklyn. Telephone Main 4S95.

Monday, Feb. li 234 Sullivan St. Another new two family home In Kat-ern I'arkwuy section. Mold to S. Rogofr.

147 Seventh Park Slope Four story stores and apartments. Sold to i.eo Pokraa. 043 President St. Near Prospect Tark West. Kour story sliifrlo apartment.

Sold to Theo. tlrune- ualrt through tieu. H. Bergen broke rs. 947 President St.

Seine as No. 045. field through Geo. brokers. Sold to Rdward M.

H. Bergen about the future wc pnr Albert Ja-argollaa, IT SI Lewis av Anns Krefets. 14. .....141 Lafayett. av Notch.

Ofenuain, Pitkin ST Hanoa Fox, II. .1111 Dean st Sidney pearlst.ln, 16 llth av Bertha Sofchlck, I 1441 4.1b, at Harold Bernst.m, 11 Balabrldgs st Mildred 23 Ill St. Mark's av Abraham Max. 14 i46 Orattea at B.tly Ooldenberg, 11 Williams av William Splnella, 51... Ill K.

4Tlh st, Man Josephine Cuslrnano, II 411 st Berel Cleasln. 11 141 Alabama av Fred Olnsberg, 1M Wllllaas ar Ralph Johdan, 11 114 Fulton st Jean McKnlght, 14 Ul Fulton st Harrla chalken. II Bronx, Y. Atlnnln RnsenhlAom. IS IS.

Crowe, at Louis Fox, 24 1419 Eastern Parkway flora Cohen, 14. Sam Dressier, 11.,.. Mollle Delatlnar, II) Hymen Dalell, 21.... Adel. Cohen, 11 Alex Diamond, 21....

.111 Vermont st 14 Cook st .614 Buahwlok ST .120 Flushing a. .117 Manhattan av ...211 Ith at, Man Sackman at Surah Wollnsky, Abraham Kata, 24 Ida Barkln, 23. Paul Dillon, 21 29. I0S4 Pacific at Kastern Parkway let MoDonough at 20 41 Hull at Kuthe.A&ernethy Maurice tlreenb.rg. 14 131

av Klhel Keasler. St. ...5751 Ocean Parkway Abraham Bloom, 14. ...101 E. llld at, Man Bertha Goldman.

S2. 24 Selgel at Max 21 Ksther Pontell. 17. William F.tdrl. 21 Dolphana Pliino.

11. Steven Condon. 41.... Annl. Callon, 41....

Max Miller. 21 Mary Levy, 2 Thomas Connor, Marie Hoely. 19.... Ralph Brush, 60 Alice Sklnnor, 31, Charlea Mohr, 21 Florence Dickson, 21 Peter Drew, II Madeline Slckel, II Louis Cohen, 23 Ruth Schwartx. 21.

Louis Ooldtarb, 24 Ida Wolfann, 19 Carl Beck, 21 Ida Thlbodnau. 24... Leo Welngarten, SI CIs re Byk, 14 M.rlnu. Vatter, Carrie Block. Dave Cohen.

21 I.nttl. Kata. II Duncan Barnes, Marl. Du Hols, 12... ...117 Havemeyer at 409 Rodney at L.

1. 114 Halsey at 419 91th at 2.7 4sth at 17 K. 106th nt. Mhtn .191 Saratoga av SU Rutland rd 171 Harmon st 2t2 Albany av 241 Albany av lie Classon av 31i Itth at 11 9 A Covert st 'co sch.rffer nt 410 Bedford av 141 Kngert av Bronx 111 Hnedlker av Worcester, Mass Worcester. Maaa 130 K'lery at 220 Kllery at 191 Atl.ntln av Ill Atlantlo av 114 Sackman at 411 Wyona at 4 47th at 99 Bergen at Clarence oslmrg.

2. 914 Fulton at Beatrice Beeah.r. II 121 Madison at Oliver Dow. 13. Langley, Wash Lillian Coatea, II Milton Hatch, 22 Mrrtha Moseley.

Harris Felnberg, 41..... Ksther Kramer. 42.... Oiovannl Luccla, 14 Rosa lecona. 22 Francesco Oddo.

Franceses Kecoa. 27... Samuel l.evlnson, 11.... Mary Bogorad, 29.... Max Welngard, 24 ui isan at 65 Park pi 410 1th Mt Bronx, N.

Y. 301 Miller av .....159 Carroll st ir0 Carroll at ....204 Sohoies st 190 Scheie, st 323 16th av 131 Van Slcklen av 46 Morrell st 93 Moore st 245 av 341 Henry st Snedlker av ...229 Snedlker av .143 Stockton at .12 Manhattan av 1410 Pitkin a .114 Howard av 129 14th st Rl'lge lllvd KAcnei ttuDin, xu. Michael Abbntomarco, Tessle Scanlon, 11., Oussle Zagsnnan. Oussle agerman, 16.. Abraham Schwab, 22..

Lena Oroenpeltl, II. Joseph Weinbaum, 24. Cilia Differ, 23 Albert Johns, 52 S7. Lillian Llndquist, Joseph Lamh. .111 W.

lath Mhtu Anna Hutlalt, 19 Dul'Ool at Isaac low, 2 120 Manhattan av Roso Klndler. 55 Passaic. N. J. Irving m-ucker.

10 12 Ooerok st Mildred Dolf, 30 1007 Fluehlur av Lawrence Van Nostrand. Hancock at Charlotte Carbls, 090 Hsncock st Charlea Sama, 21 10S1 Ijifsyrtte av Beatrice Tletelhaum. 22.. 017 Cleveland st John Fserlek. 39 17 Woodruff av Olive Houghton.

21 171 K. 21st st Intllcatlona Vntll P.M. Tomorrow. Waehlngton. Feb.

II For Plastern New York: fjenenally cloudy tonight ThvtrsOsy. P'-ob-ahly rain or snow in extreme north portion. Warmer tonight. Colder niuredny. Htiong southwest and weat winds.

Local Fair and warmer tonight. Much older. Mtrong southwest winds becom-ing northwu.t Thursday. General Weather IiKlU ations. All statons east of tlu- Allsis.1ipl rtiver report decided to warmer lnce Tuesday morning.

The rise In t-'mperatufi sutouiit- ing lo from 10 to 0 degrees over the no! tllern half of that urea. Teniperaturo fells Wie niHflniuiu. ure iium nuiiiivin u- tioni. betwen th. Mississippi TlUer HU1 the rtocky iMountalna.

The Intervenng section is occupied by a pronounced area of low pr-ss-ure now central over Superior and -ing rapidly eastward. Sujq niu ao ni jo a decided rise In temperature with increasing southwest winds over tits vlelnlly, followe.l 'i'hursdtty by unsettled weather tvltll shift of wind to northwest and a pronounced clisnge to colder by Thursday night. HIGU Cosst and Oeodotlc Hut' Standard Time.) IV. Legal I High Water. low XVatrr.

A.M. P.M. A.M. M. New York I 1:04 1:10 I 8:41 High water at Handy Hook, N.

tihout lu minutes earlier. nVS RISES AND SKT8. (Furnished by th. t'. S. and Ceodetlo Survey of N.w York.) jeebruary II. I February 17. Klsca. .5:31 Rises. .1:41 Pets SHIP NEWS Arrived Tenia jr.

Whip. From, ronianohw. Jarkotivill. liiftx, IMagoa By. Irlfhtnun, Aniweip.

Vt'ita. Port Arthur. Maryland, rhlUUtftphla. Munituiflr. Antilla.

lion MM. "Havana. 'IliorrtlK. Gnwitoi'K. Wn n1ll la.

Hyrlnry, H. VV. OlentMlen, Hilfldfl. Bl Vernon, Kfn Halcn, Hainburc. iMfranlto, Han Juan.

Marengo. Antwtrp. luc Tomorrow. Ship. Krom.

Ofnra Gorgai, Malti, Kort it lona. Ufrntuuu. Iiininiu, Tyn. I'girrlllo. jianilniro.

SU Tomorrow. Mail eioa Mp n-itnMoo. In Hklya Krnncft, Havre A.M. Poland, llanibuiv A.M. M.intcrey, Havana A.M.

9tti i a 12-M Til, AM fcanta Oara, Hucnot Aires 11:05 A. M. P.M Arrived Today at Foroigi (By Cable. At. Win.

Hlumer. Tltli.a Blanc. Vtfl.lla. Huvona. ttnfrali Hilda.

lUoa. Clly of Orun. OgLfcuMn. t'atlla, Ttarcriona. r'hna.

Htnirftpttre, IikJji ty, Hamburg. I'orta, Hantii llortt, Unmbuif. Hof Ktiimeor. Gnuu. Patrla, Naplea.

firaca IXMlar, Hhanghal. Koyle, Hhanghal. Avunrnouth. Liverpool. HOTEL GUESTS ROBBED in a bold holdup at the Hotel Narra gansctt, Hroadway nnd 04th Man rattan, Monday morning-, Mr.

and Mrs. William llvcrln, Kiiests occupying a room on tho fourth floor, were forced at tho point of a revolver to deliver their money nnd jewels to a lone bandit. The robbery, which brought the bandit $7,000 in Jewelry and about $200 In money, became known only lust PI Hotel IrotrssL 8. Carolina Av. a- Braeh.

A. O. I'ranckle Co. CL Ian New York ne.r Beach. Hotel N.w England 8.

Carolina near Beach. O'Brien. Stttler A K. R.

or NF.VV JKHSEV CENTIt.lL WEATHER FORECAST i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Out of Town Property 'Salts. 87 BEU.BYII,US, J. One-family "homos; 6 rooms, bath, all 0x120, rooms, bath, all tl.WO; 7 rooms, bath, nil 60x145, $8,600: 1 rooms, bath, all r.Osl'M, 111.000: 9 rooms, bath, all 60xUP. rooms, bath, all t-flOO, S9.000. Mortgage lana.

Notary public. Brown, 628 Washington na, Betle-Yllle, X. J. 16-4-w su X.YNDHt'rtHT. N.

J. Owner leaving town, must soil beautiful It-room, bath, stucco house, steam heat; plot fruit trees, chicken houses; $4,500: cash 125 per month. White. 143 Btuyvesant av, Lyndhurst, N. J.

11-7 MAPLE WOOD. N. J. On W. R.

R. six beautiful, new. Colonial residences: ex- ocllent construction; brick and frame; large pints; hardwood noors; one or two tiled hath-rr-oms; splendid high location; eary commuting to New York. Dehls Stein, owners. South st.

Newark. N. J. I'hone M.irkct 46C-4. Write for fg-tf-suw iiTDDLKTO N.

-For sale. 1 story frame dwelling, consisting of 10 rooms, all modern Improvements. In heart of city; residential section; 2 blocks from tlrpot; cheap. Fischer it Adlcr, S957 W. th at.

Phone Coney Iclnnd 284. 13-7 llduN A 1 ES, N. BnauTiful nine rooms, three balhs, one-car garage; poases-lilon at once. Inquire Mrs. A.

F. Cleveland. 670 St. Mark's av. tO-7 PtNNSVLVANIA Furnished boarding house.

P'Ue County, one mil from Shohola station, on the Erie Railroad; 60 rooms, fully furnished: running water, baths; cot. tage. barn, Icehouse; other outbuildings: acres: price 820, easy terms: brokers protected. J. 8.

Holdon, owuor. Box 708, Fort New York. 15-7 IDG WOOD, N. J. Bargnlns; 8 rooms and bath, all will decorate and paint to order: near high school 10 minutes station; plot 75x100; prtco 17.600; 5 rooma and bath, all newly painted: 10 minutes station; plot 40x100: price 15 600; both vacont.

Box 137, Rldgewood. N. 3. 16-7 SULLIVAN N. Boarding house and farm; -12 rooms; outbuildings; GO scros; overlooking picturesque Delaware River; one mile from railroad station: 107 miles from New York Clly; prleo 19.000; reasonable terms; brokers protected, J.

ft Holrl.n, owner. Box 708, Port Jervla, Now York. 15-7 HOTEL Big chance; fine modern up-to-date hotel in live-wire town; always a temperance hotel; established 15 years, doing capacity business; rates, 14 and 83 per day; completely furnished: owner wishes to retire; price reasonable terms given: alfo have farms, all prices. Send fur list of honest bargains. Payne.

Turns Itlver. N. J. 18-3 Real Estate Fur Exchange, 88 CITY PROPERTY Or suburban, with caah. What have you for exchange 7 Call or write Alannla Rosenberg, 183 Montague at.

15-2 PP.OPERTT Exchanging specialty. Many years of experienc In trading. Vacant, Improved mortgages. City, suburban, coun try. Ghegan Lsvlne.

til Kingston av. PROPERTY City or country propertlea with cash. "What have you for exchange? Writ J. P. Curtln, 188 Montaguo St.

-Main 8380; 13-7 1-STORY HorjE-Rrlck: Fulton St. 5037; equity exchange for one or two-family, In Flatbush: cash added. R. S. Fleher.

1389 Flatbush av. 10-J Wanted Rral EMato 89 APARTMIiNT HOUSE Will Invest up to 50. 000 In modern 16 or 20-family apartment or any good cltftn-cut income property; must be fair va)u, no speculators or brokers profits. Send complete details, Including prlro. and rents, also exact location or don't answer.

Act quick. Corrlsan, Box 10, Eagle Bedford branch. n.otti BUIUDTNU iu I table for plumbing business, wanted to buy; any location. J. Graf.

Sf4 AVaverly av. 10.7 COTTAGE Boro Park, Bath Beaoh; wanted detached cottnge; all Improvements; good block; about all cash. Moe 3d av. 66ih t. Brooklyn.

15-7 FACTORY PROPERTY We have purchaser and tenants for desirable Hroolilyn and Queens Boro factory property owners of such property are earnestly requested to write or phone. We guarantee satlfifao-tlon. Walter Baker factory broker Broad st, Newark, N. J. FIuATBUPH We can sell your dwelling, atore property, lots, apartments, if price la right.

Give us full particulars. A Hard A Levy. 1321 Foster av. 13-4 su HOUSE Will pay reasonable (pre-war) price for a strictly modern one or two-family house, In select location, at least It bed rooms: all cash. Please describe fully, price, mortgage end give location or don waste postage.

Will make appointment If Interested. Possession within 7 months. Address AV. Box 20, Eagle Bedford branch. 13-Sotu HOUSES Wanted to sell and rent.

Our Hill Section and Flatbush offices are always busy showing and disposing of property. We can use more. Let us have your property on our list with complete details. Leonard X. Vaughan, 909 Fulton st, corner Clinton av.

Telephone 6027 Prospect or 25 Fall-view pi. Telephone Flatbush 798. 13-2t-suw HOUSE I have a client who wants to buy a ene-famfly house In Freeport, with all modern improvements including garage and smiii grounds around It. Write full particulars to William Selleck 1 Bough place, Brighton Beach, I. Phone 1S83 Coney Island.

ri-i HOUSE I denire to purchase dwelling on the Park Slope; preference given to house having 8 rooms or parlor floor, but will be Interested In any other whern an extension room ran be added, state lowettt orlce and mortgage. Physician, Box -120, Kasle office. Iti-tf HOUSE Wanted, one-family with porch, 6 rooms and bath, all improvements; good condition, good location, within commuting distance of New York; willing to pay rash down, balance as rent. Box Q-7, Kagle tth st branch. HOUSE I will buy.

Immediately, and do not require occupancy until May 1, a 1-famlly dwelling with 10 or 12 rooms and bath or 3 natns; navo w.uw in casn; must rood neighborhood. Reasonable. Box A-120. Kagle office. flfi-tf HOUSE 6 rooms; plot Ox 100.

or larger; (Hi modern Improvements; steam or hot water, gas or electricity; garage; commuting distance: owners only; no brokers; must be cheap. Box 63, Kagle Gatos av branch. 13-7 HOUSE Act quick: 3-family frame or brick; must have ll rooms, between itetd and Ralph avs; about 19,000. Send full particulars, C. Zimmerman, World building.

Bee km an 83Stf, HOUSEv-Prlvnte party desires to purchase for cash dwelling tn Flatbush section, within srea bounded by Foster, Beverly, Flatbush and Marlborough road. Reply Box 401, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11-7 HOUSE -Am desirous of purchasing residence on thrt Heights; price not to exceed muHt be in ffood condition and on a block free from objectionable neiffhbor.i. Refined, Box C-120, Us ale office.

HOUSE All each for 2-fnmlly houHo, between 39th and 81th eta; price about $7,000 frame, or $10,000 brick, pot-nesflon wunted now or May. Moe 3d av, ttith st. Brooklyn. 15-7 HOUSE A gentleman's home, with garage for 2 cars or suitable space; must huve at least 12 rooms, and modern; Park Slope, Hill section considered. Box N-121, Kngle office.

HOUSES List your 1 and 2-fainlly houses with in all sections; have ready buyers. L. B. Helfand. 2 Vernon av, L.

city, N. Y. 15-7 HOUSES Don't buy, sell, rent, exchange your property until you consult or send particulars -to Richard Goodwin, 1506 Broadway. I HOUSE Will buy 3-story and basement walking distance from Fulton nnd Hovt sts; must be bargain; 300 cash. Phone afternoons.

Main 7223. 10-7 HOUSE Wanted, modern 2-family, Kaat-ern Parkway section, between Nostrand and Kingston av; uo basement. Phone Lafny-ette. 4130. I 10 -7 HOUSE Wanted, one or two-family, good location; will pny cash.

Mary Wright. W. 207th st, N. Y. H-7 HOLTSE Wanted, tmitabln tut-numed rooms, around Boro Hall or South Elliott plae.

Telephone Henry 3S7. 10-2 HOUSE Wanted on ea.y terms; slate particulars. Box A-123, Eagle office. 13-4t tu th su HOUSE With garage; Pioepect or Bedford section. Tel.

Sterling, evenings. I 14-7 HOUSES A. J. Long Realty Co, 741 bush ave; solicit any house that you have for aals In Flatbush. We guarantee satisfactory results.

i0-J0t HOUSES Owners will you permit ine to list your property? Have buyers for one nnd two-fitinlly houses. Itlghtmirc, Ml Franklin av. 13-7 HOUSES Whnt have you to sell? My specialty management colored property. John B. Moseley, 3S7 Cumberland st 13-7 Have rash buyers for apartment houses and one or two-family houses.

Lyons 1389 Flatbush ovj 13-7 HOUSES And lots turned Into cash, bought, sn)d and exchanged by Cherrlngton, corner Gravesend and 16th vs, 6-33t LOTS Wanted. 4x100, between Hth and 23d, not further than Foster av. Btata lowest price and best terms. A. Crary, 6S Williams st, New York.

Tel. John Ml. 10-7 STORE Small store In business section in Brooklyn or New Jersey. Address K-124. Eagle office.

16-3 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Automobiles SPACE! SPACE! Imperial Garage OPES FEB. 1ST1I Nv mortem earncs; pli-nty of To secure space call iialn or call at Oaraao, Baltlu near Bond st. Katt'S reasonable. Commercial cara preferred. MADISON SQtTARBl AUTO AUCTION SALES IN(.

24TH ST. NR. LEXlNtiTON AV.KKW YORK OFFKKS AT PI BL.IC AtTOTION F.VKRV Tl'ESDAV AND FRIDAY AT NOON To th. most critical buyer or aeller, the largest assortment of Pleasure or Commercial Cars aver orTered to the public. 6 commission rharped if car Is sold.

THXEPHOXE LUNOACRB 80. U-7 D. D. AUCTION SALES Every Tuefday and Friday st M. to buy or sell that car ot your, consisting of all maken and types.

Fords to Ptrree-Arrows, pleasure cars and truck. GO TO Msdlsnn Square Auto Auction Kales rn Inc. 24th St. bet Lexington and 3d Ares. Enter your car.

Five percent commission if your car ts sold. Kasy, safe, quick and sura for both buvr and selUr. REMEMBER! Erery Taeiday ud Friday at 12 24lk St. ana1 Lni.ftoa At. Leafacr 2S08 DodgbBrqthers RECONDITIONED USED CARS Dodge Brother Jan Dodira Brothers 1lninulna Dodce Brother Taxlcab lodfce Brothers Tourlna; lodKA Brothers Runabout Ooflae Brothers Commercial 25 Others of Varions Make and Types, S'W to 2,000.

37 me Payment a nnd Trstifr Considered, WRITE I OB LINT PlHOR MC CORMJCK BlHOf. Int 1243 Fulton St. Brooklyn. N. Y.

I'hon. Decatur 4100. Merchandise SEAL COATS, $250 Well Worth Inveetifatlaa MESHEL FtJRKIER 367 Atlantic Near Bend St. rhea. Mala J5.

j-tr iu i VACUUM CLEANERS Big Sale of Electrio Cleaner Campl.a, 6h.pwern. Uaed Clean.ra. Richmond was u. now 111 Fr.nta-Pr.mler w.a SI, new 111 Kuraka waa H. now ill Vs.l.

wa. Ill, now 111 waa Ills, new 14. Aa many ether. Used Clean. D.aart.

u.nt W. Mil all kind, of n.w a a used eluoiri oa may montbly aym.ata. Vacuum Cleaner Specialty Ca. 412 Fulton Street SCHOOLS AND COLIGES Srhoola LAMB'S The School That Gets Results Crert; and Pitman Shorthand, Touch Typ.wrltlnK. Bookkeeplnit, r'llln.

Secratarial, BurrourUs Addin Machine, ENTEIl NOW, BlKtlMOSS TRAINING SCHOOL S27-SS7 Math Street. Telephone South fit. CK'KAJf STEAMSini'S. Konveqian AmeriqLine SWEDEN DENMARK Continental Europe Modem Twlu Screw Bleainers Apr. 1 1 Btaranmirfjord Mar.ll Apr.JJ lA.eneer Office i-10 Urld.e N.

Y. notices. (XU'NTY COL'IIT. KING 8 COUNTY Charles T. Dottnr.

plaintiff, vn. Minnie et Oefendantx. Purmiant to Judgment herein. I will hcII at public auction, Uy Nathaniel J. IShuter.

Auctlonfer. at Brooklyn IlL-al Kt hanit. 18- Montagu Htreet, Bmoklyn, Kings County, on March loth. 191' 1. at 12 Work noon, the premlaeH dirt ctctl by said Judgment tu be aold, aa folic n-s All thofe certain lots, oleces or dhtcoIh of land.

Hltuate. in the Borough of Brooklyn, County iJL Kings, city and Utate of New I Y( rk, known nnd designated as lots Nos. 1030. 1021 and lKt on map of lota Nos. 7113 to 1031' of Van Polt Manor fltl January th, lftflu.

an and by map No. and more particularly bounded and describe "1 as fol-i lev i Beginning at a point on the northerly slle of HSU. street distant 840 feet westerly from tha northwesterly corner of Win tret and 'MK avenue, running thence northerly parallel with 1 L0th avenue liW feet to tha centre line of the 1 block, thence westerly along suld center line of tha block and parallel with 85th street 40 feet; thenno southerly again parallel with Until avenuo inO fret to the northerly stria of 8fth i street and tht-nce easterly along the same 60 feet to the point or placo of beginning. Together with ail the rights, title an1 In- tret of the mortgagor, of, in and to the lund lying In 85th Htrect In front of and fui.lolnhig said promises to th center Hut thereof. HOWARD C.

FRANKU.V, Iteferee. Davenport A Cornt-r. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 375 Pearl Htroet, Brooklyn, N. Y. flil-6t ws TUB rKOPUK OP THE HTATK OK NEW TOUK, bv the stlcs of (iort free unil llirts- Si'nrtent To C.

Iloblnson. W. ellman. Kline B. I'amoron, Maude O.

Hnb-Inson, Thomas R. BoniKT, l.lnnl T. Bonner, Charlns W. Homier Uoyt I'. Bonner, Henry c.

H. Robinson, anil l( said Homy H. iloblnson be clmiil, to any nno an unknown persons, heirs nt Inw and next of kin of said Henry C. H. Robinson, fend creet-I ln: Whereas, Anne ('.

Honynge, who maiden 1st I.orusf Valley. Nassau County, New York. and Charles W. Bonner, who resides at .70 I Clinton avenuo, Brooklyn. Now York, have presented a petition praying- for a decree that a certain Instrument In wrltlna b.

ailna date the 22d day of Juno. KM, r.Matlna: to 1 roul. and personal property, be duly proved Ins the last will and titanient of A It A. KOnlNSON, latoly resrlln at No. fl7 Wssh-I Ington avenue.

In the Borounh of Brooklyn, I city of New York. Bnd that a certain other Instrument dated renrunry lv.v, vv uuiy proved as a codicil to said will. Now, therefore, vou and each of you are hereby cited lo show cauflo before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held at the Hall of Records, In the County of Kings, on th. list day of Jlareh. 1921, st ten o'clock in the forenoon, why such decree should not be made.

In testimony whereof, w. Iiavs caused th. seal of our said burroRate's Court to be hereunto affixed. Witness, lion. Oeorge Albert Wlngato.

Sur-tL. rngato of our said County, at the Borough of Brooklyn, In the said county, th. lth dsy of February. 1921. JOHN H.

MeCOOKT, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. Tsui Bonynge, Attorney for proponents, 111 Broadway. New York city. fi-4t-w OK" THE HTATB OF NKW Yor.K. be the graro of God free ami IndependentTo Ague.

M. Kerr, Allc. Maude NI-cill Lilian Siear, Alice Olassford Boyd, William Hamilton Kerr and L'nlted States Trust Conipiinv of New Y'Tk, as trustee, send greet, ing' Whereas. United States Trust Company of New York, having Its principal place of at No. Wall Borough of Man hattan.

City of New York, New York, has presented a petition praying for a decree that a certain instrument In writing, bearing date the Hth day of January, li'15. relating to real and pcwmal property, bo duly proved as the Iss! will and testament ot CHAKI.r.S a. Istely residing at No. SU Caton avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. Now, you and each of you nro hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be hel 1 at the Kail of Records, In tho county of Kings, on the 21st day of March, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, why auch decree hmiM not be made.

In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate'. Court to be hereunto antxed. Wltnesr, Hon Oeorge Albert Wlngale, Surrogate (L of our said County, nt the Borouprh of Brooklyn, in the laid County, th. nth day or reoruary, itzi. JOHN IT.

McOOOKT, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. fl.n-nrt Pheer-v. Attorneys for Petitioner, j-. it stc-et Manhattan. New York.

'ituili Hi-ach iiiinoiinoeil today that Minn 1.1-t-na U. WeliKM- has bert addu tho faculty of the Institution. Arthur Klein will tali oharg-e of the i M'oIhks in art sliuV whllt Dr. Hoch-c elder will rlnsf in Atnan-J hihI t'itliieni'hlp. The Ron rd of M.xnniiusra announoca ludiiv tlmt spplieullotis for placement on llto liRlblr- list of cvonina; ichilol tesi-hiir for thr s-ation of 1S'J1-1I2-1 should he ntfldo hoforc March 16.

nTl. YOUR HOME WMV Ot LET -ME Bt IU IT KOR VOl Tax Kxemption Ordlnauce, when effective, meana a big saving to every new home owner I.OANH AND MORTGAOE8 ABR.WGED A houe built to meet your Id ran on a itlto of your own aeleotlon an you have long planned It for your family HOME HOW IS THE REAL ESTATE MARKET? Here Is Our Record for the Past 8 Days in Sales Our Own Properties in Brooklyn Wednesday, Feb. 9 576 68th Bay Ridge One of our new one family easy housekeeping: houses. Mold to William F. Deppe.

6810 Sixth Bay Ridge Another of our easy housekeeping houses. Hold to lieorge Bprague Jr. Thursday, Feb. 10 6806 Sixth Bay Ridse Another of our eay housekeeping houses. Bold to Mary E.

Tlrnen. 252 Sullivan St. One of our now two family houses tn Eastern Parkway aoction. Suld to James J. carrrey.

and to show how we feel The following lisda need rrplctilshlri Kvrtilng Ulg-h Hchool Vincii. (hrmlstr) (men and women), cooking (men nnd women), elocution iman and wonioii). KiiKlish (men and women), frcehiind drawing; min and women), history and ol-les (men anrl noinen). laboratory ast-istsnt (man and women), library nslstniit (mn und women), library practlrsj (men and women Ijitln (womrit). imrn and women), phystral lialttlni (women).

1'ltmnn and tyiiewiithiR (men and women), 8po-i ish I men and women). JCvening Klntnrntary Kchool Com-mtinlty work to foreigner nie women), iioinnmn branchfs (inenj eooklna: women), Kngllih to fornlgnJ ers (men and women), milliner'' (women), sewinij nnd (lresmaklnY (women), speeeh Impi ovfmeiit (men ami women). Trade In Kvrnin? High Hihools Aichitccluial dratvlnt (men), electrical InslulluUon practice (men), embroidery niai'ilile-operaUns' (women), garment maclilhe opcrutliiir (women), gaa fiiifjlvio me-ehiinlca and aulo repair (men), tn i ulilne shop practice (men), dratt'lii (men), men's tailo-inf (tnen), plunil'luh' (men), sheet milaki I work i men i. palntlngr (men). 'trade Ui-rssmakliiR (omenl.

ti-afl)" mllllnerv (women Tcachiir.i holdiiiB licenses In 'ia' I lilali fchooU or In vocational neluols or niuv he placed on llio ve iilng rrluttil ll.ela except in newlnj. drecainiiklne or niilllnri y. l.ltruse Not I will lie srivpt-ii except )u the case of coinmunliy work lo foreigner nnd nnh'Hah lo fnrcipr.eiH Hospital Association Meets 1 There liui been decree re of len-' members li: I lie Ifosoital rintut day, mid Sunday Ast-oclullon oi! Brooklyn i In the lu.i ear, Ihnl. number )iclnF iaffillrled tli-niclves with the I'tilierl lluspltnl Ktind oi Accordi iig to the flnanc nl report of the a-Isitclation iimdo 'asl evrnlnp; al the Htinuiil r.le( l'nir al 104 llvlnirslon I st.

some of tintiealfinated contributions were d'Ptrnutod tn the I remalnins; olsht holin l.i rrsriclated nlth the The total Htitii ttik'n in for the year wan SI 1.9'.M0. but 705.5l o. this amount bud to be turned oxer t. the hospitals who have pono to the United Fund. The hosnltals till', con--, neeted with the organization arc the Consumptives, Lutheran.

Norwegian, Infants. Unshwlelt. Kyo and, Pam-arltnn and Swedl'di. The moneys taken In by the Hs0C''a is tliMrthutrfl according to lh nnmlier of patients aided nr-tl l-nirtb, of lime tint' they ore confined to the various Inslituttoiip. WELCOME JANES PASTOR Many persons from- ncightorlrn churches Joined In vdeomlria; the H'tv.

Paul K. Kdwards to his new pa.sto.rat of the Janes M. K. Church la't The edifice us thronired with well wishers for tho future, and there rrtt manlfentatlon of ft whole-lien ried utip-port for the new pastor. the nel(fhborln)r nnntnrs who rinde d-dreK-'cs ef welcome rn' t'- Dr.

(J. K. Hiwhop of the Busliwlck Ax-emie- M. E. Church end the Rev.

George Ptckard of the Embury Memorial M. K' Church. HOTELS AXD RESORTS. MOTELS AXO KKSOBXJ. ATLANTIC CITY.

ATLANTIC CITY. chased yesterday ten buildings on Livingston St. and Hanover Place near Fulton St. Wc still have plenty of bargains, including new one-family Kasy Housekeeping Homes and garages, now finishing in Eastern Tarkway section and Bay Ridge, which will get the benefit of the proposed tax exemption. Se)id for Our List REALTY ASSOCIATES CAriTAT.

AND St'RPll'S 162 Remien Brooklyn VASHIrlGTOU'S BIRTHDAY AT ATLANTIC CITY A Holiday of Pure Enjoyment in America's nssort will renew year health, your nerves. Improve tho teintter. and Reneralty make a new man of you. Th. bracing snlty air and lirlght sunshlnx of Atlnniln city never fall.

HPKOIA HOI.IPAV ATTHACTIOVS'8 AT 11 1IOTKIJI. ttolf Rolling Chslrs. Tiers, Horso-rlrtlng. Theatres. C'otnfortaM.

and exoeltent train service Is maintained dally and Kundsy for YOUR oon-venlenre. Tlckels. I'ullmsn accommodatlulm ana full Information (rvm local railroad ticket agents. THRIFT MORTGAGES Thrift is a method of guaranteeing that you will be in better financial condition next year. Our plan for home buying is simply the application of thrift to this particular problem.

AMI FOR BOOKLET THE THRIFT DeKalb Avenue and Rycrscn Street Hotel Cotlh'nestal Tennesee. Av. American Dans. Moderate- Terms. Hot.l D.ViU Kentucky Av.

4 Beach Oreh.stra. Danolng, Hotel W.tkin. S. Carolina Av. ft lte-ach.

Linton 11. Arnold. Hotel Arlington Mlrhlg.n Av. Heach l' lirnrst Todd. Hotel Fridonis Ju.t off Boardwalk.

Tennessee Av, I European Plan. Thorns. REACHED IN 8 MOl R8 VIA TT.SVA. M. agl Classified Ads are Speclflo.

WSI" Vis.

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