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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 24

Brooklyn, New York
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no: SCHOOLBOYS BUILD MODEL AEROPLANES. A ROGUE IN AMBUSH U'T a crimi.e. and tl.n'.,elVL- iliat the other twig The growing excitement of the fisher-' man' daughter had on Phyllis tha of eualillus her to cucirol. herself uvea to view dispassionately the situation us It was presented to her by this rough product of ths seashore. The personality of Ella Standlsh could in no circumstances hava attracted her, but the half hysterical accusations and self-ac-' eusattons to which she had listened ailed By EADON HILL Copjr.KM.

1909. by Little. Brown Co. am 44 1 1 fi SYNOPSIS OF PRECEDING CHAPTERS. Her wtta a great pity.

She even at-: tempted consolation. "Whatever Mr. Ravenscar may be cap- able of, surely you are wrong about your ti tjf oij rf En or. Phyllis his eieter'i pret.y guveruesi. fathfr, t3 i.v,-::.

his wife Jis-'harse tiie governess. Mis. Wfr.slad has just Ma' T-'jav, Mn crafty calls on Kev, Vcn.laJe anl Intubates that Mla father. she said, kindly. "You must try ojj irj el 1 i i i in hi: ji .1 i 1 o.saiJjjfii'S.

t'ocn nfter oltf lord and Tic a-. 9 ir. -irdor. IMck UVnsIade as the rr.jr- Yjt.g t.f 1S3 Ha London curio dtjaisr. fcV.e rftuls a description n'T bTq like It tj ft stranger.

Resolving to ino ami to A ulicy, Thre she is Intercepted by Ravenscar, r. 'L'hy an suugglcr. father of Ravenscar's mistress, who and believe that you, his own flesh and i blood, would be safe If he came off best in this conflict which you expect between them. I am selfish enough to hope so, tiecause then I should be able to rely Siap1 jf ihe this vio us vi Ifcltve. i ci-tKhii r-r lo-.

in a ktjv'w inu'-s: Dick Wer.siade ll committed to jail. Ellsha Crowe, a retired i- it I i Mi i a W.e and probably stnle Mr. "VVtns.aJe's lost ring. Smuggler i ei.f ave tho country as wife, and Is met with an Indignant refusal. Havrr.tmr to iip lUhthoiise In case of Dick Wpnslavle'a acquittal, ar.d In case of At trial Dick is acquitted on Elisha Crowe's evident hlch IndtcatPB ar.

fci- a jt: ion i that Havfi a tab'e on your aid." "I don't believe there a pin to choose between them," responded Ella, then added, quickly, "Hush! they are coming down." With far less caution than they had observed on their ascent the two men descended the ladder, and it at once transpired that If there was In truth a mutual distrust between them they had lost or laid it aside In tho face of a common r. Vie p'-crcary 'litippt an-l Detective Sct-tt starts out to find him. He is followed by the Chief find (-: iyinf; Jn Michael Standlsh's deserted hut. Standlsh had strut dnwn Heott as he arot.t to Km -ar. Tgrther with the smuggler Ma daughters, go to the deserted lighthouse to await i is to CHAPTER XXVII.

The Coming of the Brig. only on trivial matters of the Im- moment, ejeh as the state of the weather and the stock of food and watf bin Phyllis observed that Raven disaster. They were so moved by it that they spoke of it quite openly to Ella and among themselves without any restraint. A thick sea fog was rolling up from the westward, which already made it lmpos- slble to distinguish objects half a mile "You will have to explain If you want ma to understand." said Phyllis, cautiously. "I only know that I was shut up here because my evidence would have cleared Mr.

Richard Wenslade." "Then you can make your mind easy about hira. for he was cleared without it." rejoined Ella curtly, with a Jealous pang for the look of Joy her news called s' ars every movement was of the great- To Stimulate Interest in Aeronautics a Model Contest Was Held Recently in the Twenty-second Regiment Armory, Manhattan. The Model Illustrated Above, Made by Frederic M. Watkins, a Schoolboy, Won the Silver Trophy Shown in the Smaller Picture. was a iii ioily r.s-ortrd imerest to Michael Standlsh, whlla that wits herded in th.

botvelsjthe latter could not change, his position. of the ruined lighthouse on th day after Di1; 'enslttde's ac-quital at the Itoforrl since her tiifitl clumbers had Phyllis been disturbed lie night before by in the prisoner's wan face. 1 nere no time to tell you more." she went on Mn a gentler tone, glancing up at the Itrap-donr. "You will learn all about It quick enough if you ever get out of this I alive. It Is more Important for you to know what vou have to face.

A ship Is on, ana wnicn In a very few minutes would envelop the reef Itself. Unless It lifted there would be no chance of the brig being sighted from the ruin, or Indeed of putting in near enough to such a dangerous spot for them to communicate with her If her whereabouts could be ascertained. "Thev seem friendly enough," Phyllis took occasion to whisper when the pair were conferring together at the other side of the circular vault. "Don't make any mistake." came Ella's prompt reply. an't their game to come to the scratch before tho time.

Neither of them will want to shut the trap-door down on t'other unless ho can or so much as light a pipe, without incurring a swift -rlance of veiled anxiety from his patron. About 5 o'clock in the afternoon the 'wo men held brief conversation In whispers, as the result of which they bo'h went toward the foot of the rope ladder whkh had ben dangling the rap-door all day. Phyllis, noting every movement in a detained sort of way, as no'hing concerned herself, conceived the Idea that each wanted to mount the ladder first. If that was so. Raven-scar coiKednJ the point with a flight shrug, denoting that it was Immaterial.

The precaution was presently revealed as a sound one. The gloom of the fog was beginning to be reinforced by the natural darkness of night, and Standish waa rummaging In the store of provisions with a view to serving out tho evening meal, when a distant shout, faint but distinct, penetrated to the depths. The fisherman straightened himself and cocked his head on one side to listen. In something under a minute the shout was repeated: "Reef ahoy! Whore the 1 are you? "That's the brig hailing us," said Standlsh, breaking a silence that could be felt. "I should know her skippers voice among a hundred." caught a glimpse of the brig, her square sails all backed, looking like a ghost ship In the misty twilight some fifty yards from the reef.

The next Instant his lean brown fingers had closed on Ravenscar's throat. "So you were going to box the poor fisherman up in his own crab-pot, were you, you swine?" But Mr. Carter Ravenscar was as elusive In these strenuouB dologs as he had been In politer villainies requiring only the use of a subtle brain. Moreover, he was fortified with the knowledge that, in his side pocket lurked a weapon which, if he could only get at It, would countervail the brute force of his opponent and turn the tables In his (avor. Standlsh was also handicapped by the knowledge that In Mr.

Ravenscar's pocket there was go straight off to the brig. It would mean that he'd be cutting himself off while Stan dish, not to be outdone in politeness, stood aside for Ravenscar to precede him. It ended In Ravenscar going up first, though Standlsh followed so CHAPTER XXVIII. coming to take us three abroad Mr. Ravenscar.

father and me. They have gone up to see if it is in sight now. You are to tie left behind, to die down here suddenly, I think, by some means they have contrived that will well, wipe out all traces. That, at least, is what they say to each other, and to me." "But you suspect that they both have different plans that they are not dealing fairly with one another In their wickedness." "I guessed it at first, but I know it now after the way they went up that ladder, said Ella, bluntly. "Ravenscar, or Carter, for I call him by his christened name" her voice broke a little his pocket holding the coveted prize.

Ravenscar's right hand, released from trying to remove Michael's clutch from his throat, went like lightning to his other pocket. Aa quickly It came out again armed with the revolver, but not so quickly that he could lire it before Michael had given him a push that sent him reeling townrd the open trap-door. If he had thought more of the yawning peril than of punishing his enemy he might have saved himself. As It was the revolver cracked as he staggered and fell down, down In to the depths, a cry ot rage and bate heralding the horrid thud with which he struck the stone floor at the bottom. It was so dark now down In the base of the ruin that till Ella had seized the lantern and run with It to the huddled heap neither she nor Phyllis knew which of the two men It was.

On seeing that it was her treacherous lover, Ella deliberately set down the lantern, felt the unconscious scoundrel's heart, and. seating herself on the floor, took his head In her lap. Presently she looked up, peering at her companion through the gloom. "He's not dead," she said simply. "If I was you I should clear out of this and get down on to the reef.

Even up above would be better than this. Come daylight you'd maybe be seen there, but I wouldn't like you to be down here If this chap comes to." "But your father?" said Phyllis, timidly. "I dare not trust myself away from you. He is up there still, remember." "Unless he's dead or gone off to the brig," corrected Ella, speaking In a dull tone eloquent of a broken heart. "I ex Battle.

that his horny fists closed on the rungs the moment they were vacated by I the other's feet. influx of fresh inmates for her dungeon, had been happier and more composed than for many days. Somehow an intuition told her that the newcomers were tusitives and she was not long In drawing the inferenie that thir schemes must have gone awry, which whatever it might portend for hpr, boded well for J)ick When niornin? broke she found 'hat for the first time during captivity th" trapdoor had been left open and the daylight filtered down enabled her to take stock of her companions. At once she became conscious that she to have to count in the 'alculat ions or Ravenscar an I Mi-hae! andish. Whatever was to befall her ha I li en finally settled.

They E0 longer addressed hr or endeavored to bend i'i their will. Though she caught Stanl-1 11 eyeing hr askan occasionally, P.venscnr appeared 'o avoid looking at I at. all She wondered what it meant. 'Ui the whole she accepted this aloofness i a good sign, which might mean that she was to be released by death. She remembered reading somewhere that miscreants meditating the supreme injury cannot bear to meet the eyes of their intended victims.

The attitude of Ella Sfandtsh puzzled her still more. The bold beauty of the i headland beach had been late In wak- Hum (tiuo ana sneuer, see; Phyllis did see, and nodded affirmatively. Under Ella's tuition she was beginning to understand the duplicity of the two rogues, and she could appreciate their need to keep up the pretense of a community of Interests as long as escape was hanging In the balance. She found herself watching their efforts to that end with a horrible fascination which fell very little short of amusement, and so absorbed her that she was mercifully enabled to forget her own danger. Always sympathetic, she was more concerned with Ella's pitiful fears of the two men upon whom she had every elair.i for protection than with the two dreadful alternatives threatening herself.

It she gave a though' to the latter It When Michael Standish uttered his pronouncement that the hall came from the expected brig, Ravenscar was lounging against the wall of the ruin in close proximity to the foot of the rope-ladder. He had been very silent all day, apparently content to recognize the right of Standlsh to command In his own lair. With the coming of the brig, however, he something else that be was Interested in not the shining little Derringer that his adversary was thinking of, but a fat wad of notes and gold. It was necessary that he should possess himself of the plunder before he administered the ooup de grace in the manner that appealed to bis sense of retribution. For Michael Standish had correctly divined his former confederate's Intention to shut him Into the ruin and let htm share the fate of the two women, originally devised for Phyllis alone.

He had determined to repay Ravenscar in kini, first relieving him of the sinews of war provided for his flight; and being as callous and cruel-hearted a ruffian as was ever furnished with a handsome face and a melodious voice, he meant to Include his daughter In the catastrophe. Ella, lolling against the circular wall, gave a short laugh when the two had disappeared. "Seems as if they didn't trust each other," she said Bbooting a tentative glance at Phyllis, as though doubtful how her advance would be accepted. "Someone had to go up, but it looks a9 if ea was aleard t'other might play pranks with the trap-door." Phyllis felt that it would be nnwise to decline the overture. "Why should they not trust each other? They are In the same tjoat, both of them.

I suppose," she into instant activity nay mora, doesn't want to be hampered with the girl who has lost her soul for hira. when he's got to run about the world with a price on his head. And father's no moro to him than a worn-out tool. He means us to go along with you. miss, when the time comes.

I don't blame him he's played for a big stake and lost. There's just a chance, though I don't set much store bv it now, that I might have replied in as natural a voice as she could i command. The fisherman's daughter laughed acain. not quite so harshly now. "You have hit ing on the morning after her arrival, and 1 it at once," she said.

"Both in the same at first had behaved with rude Insolence, boat and no room for the two of 'em ha sprang at the highest rung ot the ladder wlthlu reach of his long arms and began to shin up It with the utmost speed. Michael was after him like a cat. turning to fling over his shoulder to the frightened girls the ominous sentenco: "I wanted him up yonder. I'll see to you when I've done with him," Quickly as the tall secretary climbed, the giant fisherman's agility enabled him to make up the start gained by the other, and he hurled himself through tho aperture before Ravenscar had gained a foothold on the stone floor which was the roof of Phyllis' prison room. The Impact of Michael's huge body sent Ravenscar spinning on to his back just as he was turning with the evident intention of slamming down the trap-door.

The moment of time thus gained enabled Michael to glance over the parapet of fractured masonry. The fog had lifted a little and he was to pray for Ravenscar's overthrow, for 6he could not believe that Michael Standlsh would be so vile as to compass his daughter's death. And while Ella lived she was confident that the worst the two horrov3 confronting her would never be realized. With the spirit of evil In the shape of Ravenscar exorcised Ella would become a controlling force, strong enough to hold In check the passions of her lawless sire. So at least Phyllis tried to comfort herself.

The fog was not long in making itself unpleasantly felt In the interior of the ruin. In eddying swirls It wreathed and colled through the open trap-door, gradually creeping downward till the damp chill of the salt -laden mist enshrouded the four occupants of the cavern-like chamber. Yet on Ell.i suggesting (hat the trapdoor should be closed Michael Standish curtly made her hold her tongue. It was necessary, he explained, that they should be able to hear if anything happened outside a proposition to which Ravenscar added a prompt issent. never saying a word, but incessantly try- that's what's the matter.

Look here, Ing to stare Phyllis out of countenance, miss. I bore you ill will when I tame He could rely on his cunning, ne naa been telling himself all day, so to maneuver that Phyllis came up the ladder first, in the belief that Ella was to ac-oompany her on ber departure from the ruin. So the battle which ensued was not so one-sided as it might have been. In spite of the advantage of Standlsh's Initial assault, Ravenscar wriggled and twisted and writhed, literally deserving the description of "squirmy" which Yvonne was so fond of applying to him. The stronger man, In his eagerness to feel the spoil he hankered for, and a little too confident In his own splendid physique, only used one hand for combative purposes, employ-lug the other in deft rasses over his an-agonlst's clothing.

The result was that Ravenscar wrenched himself free Just as MIOhael's left hand was withdrawn from pect Carter's shot settled him, or he'd have shown up before this. Hold on a minute and listen!" But Intense silence reigned above. "Give me that biscuit tin," said Ella. Phyllis, wondering greatly, but imbued with a strange sense of trust, obeyed. Ella carefully laid Ravenscar's head on the tin and rose.

"I'm going up to see if it's safe for you," she said. "You'd beter call out if Carter comes to." She climbed the rope ladder, during her absence Phyllis watching the contorted face on the biscuit fin with a gaze she strove to avert but could not. There was no movement in the pallid features or in the limp limbs of her persecutor. (To be continued to-morrow.) By degrees as the long day wore on the into this black hole last night, because Insolence changed to a more furtive I thought you were my man's fancy, but scrutiny, and finally Ella copied, or un- a woman's Instinct has altered that. I've shared it with him if he'd won.

You see I'm no better than they." She laughed harshly, and went on again in a lower "Then there's father to bo reckoned with, the craftiest of the two, I'i thinking. Maybe he's soiled your ears ali'ody with his hopes, 'out whether or no, I'm not going to mention them. Anyhow he's set on saving your life, and on taking you away in this brig that's owned by one of the biggest devils that ever sailed the sea. He means to kill Carter first, for the sake of the money he's got on him. I know the black hearts of them, and you'll sec that I've read the sign aright.

They're just waiting for each other now, hoping consciously fell into, Ravenscar's re- luctance to meet Phyllis' eyes. Another thing that the captive's alert senses noticed was the constant and stealthy watchfulness which her voluntary co-prisoners had for each other. been watching the two of you all day, and I allow I was mistaken. I'd help you If I could, but I can't see how. There's two of 'em to beat, and both of 'em playing against one another as well as against you.

Against me, too, one, They spoke together but seldom, and i if not both of the precious pair." MAROTHON CLUB PLANS ENDURANCE DANCE GOSSIP OF THE STAGE. WALKS AND TALKS. BY JULIUS CHAMBERS L.L arrangements have been a completed for the novel dancing endurance race, to be held 1 Eli SIIUBERT has just an-I I I pounced a plan by which he ssttW hopes to do away with some of Ufetwl the disadvantages of the pres gm rjUA i i nro covers I the political history of New i orK hi.aie lor more than a quarter century. The most in in Prospect Hall, Prospect and Fifth avenue, to-night, under the auspices of the Marothon Club. Sixty-three couples have entered and will waltz or two-step around a circle floor for a period of an hour and a half.

They dare not side-step or back-step too much, lest they be disqualified, those that survive the ordeal, and many dance "fiends" have signified their intention ot taking part, there will be a further contest of fifteen minutes In which the couple making the largest number of laps In that time will be declared the winners. Officers of the club declare that yesterday more than two-thirds of the couples entered practised dancing yesterday to prepare themselves for the event. Dr. S. H.

Gregory, the club's physician, will bee on hand to see that the contestants are physically qualified to enter the race. Alderman William J. Heffernan, Democratic leader of the Seventh Assembly District, will be the starter. Great Interest is being taken in the race, and a big attendance is expected. for governor of New York.

Depew did not say that Piatt had told the governor, jut that the information was "conveyed uireetly from one man to the other." Roosevelt undoubtedly knew the meaning of that threat. It had become quite the custom for Republican conventions to toss the seeond place on rheir presidential tickets to a New York man. Hanna had purposely avoided tradition in 1896 by selecting Hobart, a New Jersey politician of inconspicuous character t'aat neither of the Republican factions in the Empire State could take offense. That didn't alter the fact that Hayes had a New Yorker from Malone; that Garfield had Chester Arthur; that Harrison had Levi P. Morton, and that the Hobart experiment was not to be repeated.

With Roosevelt it was "aut vice president aut nullus." Here was the spectacle of a young man who had been one of three police commissioners in old New York only a brief period before the vice presidency (which carried with It, in the event of success at the polls, tho presidency of the United States Senate) hesitating! There was a strange, unaccountable chap in thp crowd named Holls. He had been a civil service commissioner, or something of the sort, and Roosevelt had formed a romantic attachment for him. Holla walked over and slapped the staring-eyed Governor on the back and said: Doodle Girls" company appearing this week at the Casino. She appears in "The Wooden Venus," the first offering on the programme, in which she represents a society lady. In the second offer-lug she acts the part of a doll.

Whilo responding to an encore in a performance of "Lucia" at the Manhattan Opera House last night, Mme. Tetrasilol was seized with an attack of hysteria and fainted. Dr. Clarence Rice was hurriedly called, and after administering sedatives to the singer it waa announced that while she was In no danger she would be unable to appear on the stage during the remainder ot the evening. Roslyne Mundell, who Is In the cast of Henri Bernstein's drama, "Baccarat," which Is soon to be seen in New York under the management of the Messrs.

Shubert. with Mme. Marietta Oily In the leading role, Is the latest addition to theatrical circles from the ranks of exclusive society. It. was only yesterday that it became known that "Roslyne Mundell" is Mrs.

Rose Mundell of the noted Southern family of Mayo of Tennessee and Alabama. Before her marriage in the Quaker City she was one of the most popular belles of the South, and since she came North has become no less a favorite in the society of Philadelphia and New York City. Hor little daughter, when she comes of age, will be one of the heirs to the great Mundell estate In Philadelphia. Mrs. Mundell also belongs to the famous Le family of Virginia, though she considers Mobile.

where she lived as a girl, her home city. Mrs. Mundell is a mem teresting part of his connection with New York City politics couli he told by a reserved, golf-playing, tarpon-catching old man now at Palm Iteach, Richard Croker. He could tell of one instance in which a nominally reform mayor of New York (prior to consolidation) was really elected, but with ihe certainty of that knowledge, compel led to step asido because "the Easy Boss" was a man who kept word. 1 don't say he will tell; but he could.

Such was Mr. Piatt's record, and it was the chief element of his strength, especially with his dealings with Tammany. In most of the obituary notices of Thomaa C. Piatt printed yesterday, the greatest achievement of his life was ither overlooked or dismissed with a line. Is not a remarkable fact that ni least three million people in Greater New York have forgotten that the splendid achievement of uniting five boroughs into the second greatest city of this world was really due to Thomaa C.

Piatt? Andrew 31. Green had been agitating the union of all the adjacent territory into one great city, but nobody had takeu ent "star system" on the stage, and at the same time develop versatility in actors. He will try the plan at the forthcoming Actors' Fund Fair, and If the experiment proves successful, he will elaborate on It for next season. The idea is to change the cast of a popular play running In New York several times a season, giving the public a chance to see how different stars play the part, and also giving the stars an opportunity of shifting their roles during the season. At the fund fair a one-act play, already selected, will be presented every day of the week, with a different star and company each day.

Frank J. Mclntyre and Percival T. Moore, the hero and the villain of "The Traveling Salesman," James Forbes' latest comedy, which Henry B. Harris will send to the Broadway, are writing a musical comedy which tney fervently hope some kind manager will produce. Mclntyre is tinkering with the tunes and Moore is distilling the comedy.

Elisabeth Mayne, who is at the Qayety Theater this week, begs leave to be Included in the list of comediennes of the aeml tasse class, so-called because ot their dlmunltive size. Violet McMillan of "The Young Turk" company at the Mon-tauk: Janet Priest and Marguerite Clark are some of the dainty exponents of this claus, tiut Miss Mayne believes she is smaller in size than any, measuring only 57'a inches. "And 2 inches of that," she says, "can be ascribed to high heels." Miss Mayne's ability le not measured by her stature, for she acts with piquant charm, sings well and dances cleverly. Her father was a well-known minstrel and her mother a comlo opera singer. Edmund Day, the well-known author of the noted Broadway dramatic success, "The Round-Up," wrote the book of Joseph Hart's racing playlet.

"The Futurity Winner," which will appear at the Orpheum Theater next week. This act Is a miniature racetrack play. Three thoroughbred race horses are employed to give the piece the proper air and color of realism. Harrison Grey Flske has concluded negotiations with Alexander Z. Birnbaum to conduct tho symphonic orchestra and chorus, which will be utilized as ad QUESTIONS ANSWERED 'Take it.

Theodore; it is i Nothing ever said in public sounded i more fiat, or ill-timed than those words of Holls; but 1 have always believed that i dH-idjd the Governor or that 1 hi i ber of the Colonial Dames, the Daughters or the American Revolution and the Daughters of the Confederacy. She is also a life member of the Red Cross Society. A Rrnoklvn hnv whn hi. maa a 1.lf ll a fan you tell a number of Brooklynites when the "all night" drug store, corner of Fulton and Washington sireets, was founded and when Charles V. Kin-hen.

its first proprietor, went out of business? -R S. Answer The "always open" pharmacy was established by Kitchen et the Intersection of Fulton and Washington streets. in 1800. was one of the unique business places In the old days. Kept open all night as it was.

It became Ihe rendezvous lor dif- scene was pre-arranged. Heaven only knows which: Assuming thp utter irresponsibility of the man Holls. whose only claim to notoriety that he belonged to the Authors Club, it is safest to say that he broke into a historic situation. The hope oT Piatt that Roosevelt would br effaced came to naught. And.

besides, his withdrawal from New York politics led to the rise of Benjamin B. Odell. who. surely enough, drove nails into the political coffin or Thomas C. Piatt.

Odell. with Hurriman's help, created a state on the stage is Frederick V. Stanley. HIb first Venturas Wern With nporu'rt rtnhan'a show, "Savager Beauty and Beast:" him seriously. The people of Manhattan Island were not any more enthusiastic for the project than were the citizens of Long Island.

Finally Mr. Piatt took up the project and forced the Cfreater New York charter through the Legislature by sheer strength of will. Mayor Strong of Manhattan joined with Mayor Wurster of Brooklyn in vetoing the consolidation act. Then Piatt's dominating influence at Albany was sufficient to pass the charter and consolidation act over both vetoes. Governor Levi P.

Morton, who owed everything be was politically to Mr. Piatt, signed the two measures. "niaht hlrrlu Thp I'P ma-hiiip Theodore tar more dairous than any ne and New Tork pa-Roosevelt could have construct-1 hra ed. Therefore, the transfer of Roose- ihe nresent dav Prnm AlHunv tn U'n ch 1 ul nn wnnlrt I from Albany to Washington would It CRESCENTS PLAY TO NIGHT many a story of strange nappcnincs is i elated by them In which the "always ipen" pharmacy formed the setting. Kitchen was a genius at his craft, and with him.

when he sold the place, in iMi. went concoctions that old newspaper men talk about, with as much interest as th. iliil when their marvelous properties were have been a mistake, even if President MeKinley had not been assassinated. have reason lo know that he afterward recognized the miscarriage of his plans and spoke of it in terms that left no ground for believing that he felt pride in the matter. goals In the two matclis to 'count for the prize.

The dates will be announced next week. A season's record for penalties In senior hockey In the Montreal district was set up at the Arena last week, when Sherbrooke defeated Westraount in the deciding match of the St. Lawrence Amateur Hockev Association series. Players were penalized on thirty counts for a total of 11S minutes. In which West-mount's share was 71 minutes and Sher-brooke's 47.

Brooklyn Clubmen Meet Wanderers in Their Final Game for Hockey Title. juncts In tho production of Gerhart being used on different kinds of suflcers. Hopuinson Sml'h. John Morrisey bought Kitchen out author, lighihouse anri some three years later moved The remarks of engineer, artist. builder, storv teller and general good the store to the opposite comer, Myrtle avenue and Washington street, where the United Cigar Store is now located.

fellow, at a dinner some deys ago have afforded occasion for several true Southern gentlemen, of various accents, to come to the defense of New York. ITEMS OF INTEREST Will vou kindly tell mc who was first to discover wireless telegraphy, and did Hauptmann's "Hannelc," in which Mrs. Klske will appear, following Ibsen's i "Pillars of Society," in the third weak; of her engeeement at. the Lyceum The-: ater. Ills directorship will be particu-, larly appropriate, as he Is tho intimate friend of Max Marschalk, who composed the music for the play.

In fact. Blm- i baum was frequently consulted by Mars-I chalk during the composition of the score, The latter is a brother-in-law of Haupt- i mann and Is now the music critic of the Vosslsche Zeitung, a leading Berlin daily. Blanche Ring at the performance ot "The Yankee Girl" on Thursday, March 17, will ho hostess to several Irish bo- 1 "Hop" Smith, as he likes in he culled at he have followers? S'-hool Girls, the Authors Club, said things about Answer Wireless telegraphy had its York and New Yorkers thai would have i practical inception in Wi, when II' Inrich Hertz of Karlsrue, Germany, experi wounded the feelings of a less sensitive community. The people of ibis big town, however, take Mr. Smith humorously, just as he takes himself.

When The German emperor has recently shown himself to bo an excellent business man by the way in which he has pushed the sale of the manufactures of the pottery works at Cadinen, which belong to him. These pottery works, where majolica is the principal article produced, Blunders? OhI yes! We must remember his provincial raising. Have you ever been at Owego? it is a quiet village on the Erie Railway, where travelers to that quaintest of all towns in central New York, Ithaca, had to change cars to get to their destination. Since Ezra Cornell founded "a university where anybody could find Instruction in any study." two other railroads have made access to the namesake of Ulysses rocky capital less difficult; but Owego has not changed a particle since I first saw it in 18i8. when Thomas Piatt was holding a county office.

Of course, he was not generally known in those days, but he had a propensity to write verses, to sing the musk-of other people and to act as precentor of the Presbyterian choir in the old church of his father. Plait, pcre, was a lawyer, but a strict religionist a statement that sounds unbelievable in these days. Piatt, file, became a deacon in the liurch. He went to Congress. That was about 3872.

There, be got his first taste of politic! power. For another thing, do not believe that Senator Piatt ever boasted of having made Theodore Roosevelt President of the United States by forcing the vice presidential nominal ion upon him at Philadelphia in By fortuitous i ha nee, I happened to be talking to Governor Roosevelt in a room of the Hotel Walton. Philadelphia, when Senators Piatt and Quay entered. Mr. Piatt was the spokesman, and he told the gov- ruor that he (Roosevelt) had been agreed upon as the running male of Mc-vKinly.

I had had the "tip" from Senator Depew, in his room on the floor fifteen minutes before, together with the fact that. Roosevelt had been dis-iluctly told ho could nol be renominated cletles. To observe St. Patrick's Day fittingly, the organizations have bought up large blocks of seats and during Ihe have been the Kaiser's private property he said the population was made up of "riffraff" drawn from other plates, he magnanimously included himself. Mr, Smith was born in Raltimore, in 1VIR, and iherefore commands respect for age as well as superior achievements.

mentally demonstrated the existence of eltciric waves and devised means for producing and receiving them. This was fallowed by a series of experiments In IJi'JU, by Kduard Branley of Paris, France, who brought out a sensitive deteeter for manifesting the presence of the electric current, to which he save the name This device was improved upon by Oliver Lodge of Birmingham. England, and called by him the "coherer," and by Marconi was subsequently perfected and used in his wireless telegraph receptor. for several yoars, and he personally su In all probability. League Amateur hockey ends this Week.

Two games are scheduled and unless predictions are wrong the playing season will end on Friday night, when the New York Athletic Club, present holder of the title, meets the St. Nicholas Hockey Club in the last scheduled game ot the year. The Wanderers and the Crescent Athletic Club clash to-night, and tho game will be the final one for the Brooklyn clubmen. It is generally conceded that' the Wanderers will win to-night's contest. If they should be defeated it will give tho New York Athletic Club the title whether or not the Winged Foot team win the contest on Friday evening.

If the Wanderers win. however, tho wearers of the potisse cafe Jerseys will live In hopes that the Si. Nicholas Hockey Club will defeat the New York Athletic Club in the final scheduled --me of the year. This would then mean that the Wanderers and the Mercury Foot players will be tied for the championship. Such a mate of affairs is nol anticipated by close students of the game.

Two of the big professional hockey teams of Canada will play a series of games ai the St. Nicholas Skating Itink next week. The sevens will represent tho Wanderer Hockey Club and the Shamrock Athletic Association, hoih of Montreal. The learns will piny for a purse of $1,000, the greatest number of Frederick V. Stanley.

Amelia Bingham, and "Human Hearts," in which he played throe different characters. He possesses a powerful tenor voice, and has sung In tho operas of "Martha" and "Faust" under the management of Alma Webster Powell. He Is now with the Sam Scrlbner eompany. action or her comedy Miss King will Introduce new features appropriate of the day. S.

W. Gumpertz, general manager of Greater Dresniland, has Just completed plans by which an Interchange of attractions and novelties will be made between the Coney Island park and the English and European amusement enterprises controlled by J. Henry Ilea of London. Mr. lies' parks are in London.

Vienna. Budapest. Cairo. Brussels, Blackpool, Dusseldorf and Paris. New things from these pleasure pieces will be sent to Dreamland during Its season, which opens In May.

pervises their management. Apart from acting as managing director of the enterprise he also contrives to stimulate the sale of these manufactures among his friends and wealthy men. Dr. Waldo of London holds that people should develop a sixth sense to inform them of the approach of danger In the streets. Lfcadio Hcarn once said! "While In a crowd I seldom look at faces.

My intuition is almost Infallible, like that blind faculty by which In ub-solule darkness one becomes aware of the proximity of bulky objects without touching them. If I hesitate to obey It, a collision is tho inevitable consequence. What pilots one quickly and safely through a thick press is not conscious ob-servaiion at all, but unreasoning Intuitive perception." TO CHALLENGE AGAIN. The I'nited States National Lawn Tenuis Association will make another attempt to win the Dwight K. Davis international tennis cup, held by the Australians.

The American team went on record as Ihe challenging aggregation for the seventh time. Dr. James Dwight 0f Boston, Robert D. Wrenn of N'ew York and William J. Clothier of Philadelphia a ill compose the committee in charge of the details of the American team, while Fred G.

Anderson, William A. Lamed ami Frederick B. Alexander will probably act as auxiliary members. King Edward, who arlved In Paris yesterday, attended tho performance of "Chantecler" last night. He seemed much impressed wllh the play and applauded heartily.

Tho audience quickly recognlzod him and gave him an ovation. INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIP. The indeer baseball championship of the Twenty-third Regimeni hinges on the game scheduled at the armory this evening between Company I and Company M. If Company I wins, it will possess the title, but should romjiaiiy come out successful there will be a three-cornered tie for the honors between Companies I and Ring and Triff will compose tho battpry for Company and Dcvoe and Ringhohu will do the honors, for Company Although traveling In the strictest incognito as the Duke ot Lancaster, he will Miss Sadie Huefted Is a Brooklyn girl who has made a name for herself In mufileal comedy and burlesque. At present she is leading woman of "Yankee pay a visit to President Fallieres to-day, leaving later for Biarritz..

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