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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE HAMILTON. INSPECTION. THE BRIDGE. undertook for themselves tho engineering investigations of which the Board had yesterday the advantage. The very interesting debate of yesterday brought with it no conclusion, but inasmuch as this will give time for further information and discussion it is not, perhaps, to be at all regretted.

One result arrived at is not, how over, to be at all commended either for its Furilaer Precautions for tlac Public Safety. Forty seventh Anniversary of the Literary Assoqiation. FilWAT EVENING. JANl'ARr 12. ISJ7.

Monthly Meeting of the Trustees. Vnpor tans tlte Linrsrest Clrcula any Evening Paper Published United states. Its value as an is In Medium is inerefore ap i policy or fairness. It was in re opening bids the Senatorship. His main Democratic competitor is Mr.

John McPherson, a leading manufacturer of Jersey City. Either man would make an honorable and trustworthy Senator. Judge Green would make a decidedly able one. He was in law practice in New York some years ago, and was the senior of the then eminent firm of Green Alexander. Judge Green ib brother to the late Chancellor Green, of Trenton, and uncle of Rev.

W. Henry Green, D. of the Theological Seminary, at Princeton, while Mr. Henry M. Alexander was a son of the late Archibald Alexander, D.

LL. founder of that great Seminary. The Republican candidates for Senator are the now infamous George M. Robeson, T. Frelinghuysen, the present Senator, and ex Congressman Halsey, of Newark, a leather faotor.

Mr. Green's election is entirely probable. ing his wares to all markets have disillusionized all the moderate and thoughtful Republicans of any regard which they once had for the Buffalo Bill qualities in him. He has secured a caucus renomination, this time, by arts which are rated discreditable by every Conscience Republican in Illinois. If his end has oome, the beginning of a better era in Illinois politics has come with it Tlio Kldarowood Benervoir and Other Public Improvenienti.

Mayor Schroeder favors an enlargement of the distributing reservoir at Ridgewood, not bo much because he thinks the enlargement an actual necessity as because, if undertaken, it will afford employment for men who are at present out of work. For the same reason he favors the making of other public improvements. His annual message contained tho following reference to this subject Under ordinary coTcumatanceB no ono would be mora opposed than myself to inaugurating Improvements by public authority, for tha avowed purpoaa ot relieving the laboring classes. 1aboriDg man should be taught to look to Government for labor as a right. But If tbe hardships of the times should continue I thlnx wa wilt ba compelled to resort to extraordinary measures to help those who are willing to work by means other than thoso of common charity.

Should the early Spring fail to bring relief In the form of work through private channels wa must either indues the unemployed to leaTe the city and pay their expenses to go Wost or South, where their labor may bo wanted, or we must anpport them here with or without worB. To meat this last alternative, should it occur, I Kould raoommend. first, that the Ridgewood Boservoir bo enlarged within an appropriation of flOD.OOO, and that It be done by day's. labor, fixing a low prico of wages, so that tho greatest number possible may bo relieved, and second, that wa apply to the Legislature for authority to mako those local improvements now urged upon the city by proporty ownors, otnnmiH V.V tl)A UOOn OUT the matter ta alt Us bearings with tho understanding that final action was to be laid over until nother meeting. MATOB ELY therefore withdrew his motion.

Mr. Marshall said that in 1809 ho held an Informal talk with tho elder Roeblfng in Mr. Murphy'a offlos when the strength required for the oablea were discussed and tho amount of strain to be put upon them talked over. Mr. Roebling afthit time said that he considered a teating strain ol from 70,000 to 80,000 pounds per square inoh sufficient.

Now thoy have a standard of 160,000. He was not prepared to vote them for the awarding of the bids, but ho thought a fast that garo 50 per oent. more strength than was needed, was amply suiBolont: The thing they had to do was to remove all doubt and eeoure a substantial arllole. If the loweat bidder would Dot come up to the standard then go to the next best, in tho present condition of the manufacture he did not believe that only one kind of steel oonld bo used. If one does not ooma up to the test then throw it overboard and take tho next.

Mr. Kinsella said ho thought that no undue weight should be attached to the informal conversation with the elder Mr. Roebling. Ho, Mr. differed from Mr.

Marshall. Ho did not think the lowoet priced steol would be the cheapest It was the duty of the Trustees to do for the Bridge as they would do for themaolves. They must get tho best steel for tho least money. Be was not interested in any espaoial kind, aud had only some Interest and pride in bis own city, and a natural wish that tho contract might oome there. He had not oommltted himsolf to any particular kind of steel, but he was in favor of using eruciblo Bteel, behoving it to be the bost, and he should vote that cruoible eteel should ba used and no other.

Mr. Murphy then read a number of extracts from tho reports of tho proceedings of civil engineers In this country and Europe, which went to show the great superiority of eteel made by the Bessemer process over that manufactured in other ways. Mr. Aspinwall said that year and a half asjo the Chief Engineer would not have ventured to allow Bessemer steol to bo spoken of for the cable wiro. It was owing to recent improvements whioh are olaimed to have greatly improved the quality of this kind of steal, that ic was now allowed to ootno in.

Mr. Kinsolla aaid the report of tho Chief Engineor placed tho burden of accepting the lower grade of stoel on the Trusteos. Ho then read a portion of tho report in relation to tho matter as follows At the tlmo the cable wiro specifications wero writ ton, I supposod, in common with other engineers, in fact it was iu accordance ail tho teats I had made up to that timo, that Opan Hoarth or Bessemer stool could uot bo made to oome up to the standard required. "The whole specifications were written'ln accordance with vheae views. Bessemer and ooon hearth steels illuminated at night.

Tha audience room is finished in tha highest style of deoorativa art. Its dimension are 63x104 feet. There are scats for 1,200 persons on the main floor. All the doors in the building opan outward. Those between the front vestibule and the auditorium aro throe In number.

The centro ono is six feet wido, and tbe aide doora four fast. There ara throe doors betweon the vestibule and the atreot, tho centro one being ton foet wido, and tbo sldeB nine feot. Thero aro also six oxits from tbo rear, two being from the ends of tho side alslaa, and four Irom the sanctuary. A gallery used only by tho choir and orchestra extonds across tha front, and is accessible by a single atairoaae. The building ia lighted by oleotrlolty.

and heated by two portable furnaces in tho collar. Stoain heating apparatus is to bi introduced very soon. Tho only recommendation regarding the churoh la the removal of a row ot pows near tho vostibule doors. In ordor to furulsh connection between the aisles at the front. The chapel of St, Stephen's Church is in the basement, tho dimensions being 68x104 faet.

There are two paira of double doors, six foet wide, at tho front, one of which opens to Hicks street and the other to the ohuroh yard. There aro also threa rear doors of ample width, and oxit can be obtained from tho ohipjl by tho windows at either side. Tha is an architectural and artistic triumph. bt. Stephen's paeoohial sohool.

St. Stephea's Roman Cathollo Paroohia! School 1 a ono story, frame building on Carroll atroet, neat Hloks. Tha dimensions are 64x84 feot. The oxits are sufficient for any emergency, there being three frout and four rear doors. The building is heated by stoves, There is no possible danger in any ovent, the fact that the scholars are on the ground floor affording aufllciont protection.

The pupils are under tha most perfect discipline, which is due to the excellence of thoir teachers. FIRST PLACE M. E. OHUB0H. The Flrat place Mathodist Episcopal Church (Rev.

C. M. Gifftu's,) is a atone structure situated on Honry street, at its junction with First place. The audience room is 48xfi3 faet. Thero are three doors botwoen tho churoh and vestibule, both Ave foot wide, opening inward.

It is recommended tbat thoy bo changed to open outward. The outside doors are throe in numbor, each seven feet wido, opining inward. Tho architects roconunond that ibov also be changed to swing tho for Bessemer steel wire. The Roebling bid is well known to all tho world. offer to supply Bessemer steel wire, coming up to the specified requirements, at six and seven eighths oonts per pound.

Thoir bid being known now, nc manufacturer will be fool enough not to biu a mere fraction lower, if he bids Bt ail It may be said that the Rooblings may make new bid, and a lower one if they desire, but in tho contingency of standing by their preaent bid, or putting in another, they will be placed at a disadvantage. The judgmont of the Board evidently inolines to tho uBe of eruciblo steel as the safost. If they will secure the bost kind of steel at the cheapest price possible, they will, in our judgment, fulfill public expootation, while under the bids now before them, they will at the same time free their ohief engineer from the embarrassment of passing upon material furnished by his relatives an embarrassment, no doubt, not of his own creating, and of which he will, we assume, be glad to be relieved. Progress of the Official Building Investigation Sixtoon Structures Yisitod Tes torday Churches and Schools Under Examination The Exits Available in Case of Emergency How the Edifices are Constructed Defects Noted and Ira proTeraents Recommended. Messrs.

Gaylor and Crooks, the consulting architects employed by tbe Spools Committee of tho Common Oounoll to make an examination of tho pubUo buildings in this city, in ordor to Insure the safety of the inmates in case of fire or other acoident, resumed their labors yosterday morning. During the day they fifteen atruoturos. Numerous defects were discovered in the exits, and measures wore recommended to render them ample for auy emergency. The buildings tnspeotad wera St. Paul's Boman Cathollo Church, St.

Paul'a Orphan Asylum and Industrial School, Chapel of the Orphan Asylum, Paciflo street Methodise Churob, Clinton street Presbyterian Churoh and Chapel, Sooond Unitarian Ohuroh, Strong place BaptiBt Church and Chapel, Public Sohool No. 13, St, Stophon's Boman Cathollo Churoh, St. Stephen's Parochial School, First plaoe Methodist Church, South Congregatioaat Ohuroh and Chapel and Union Hall. The tour of examination did not terminate until tor dark. Following is the rosult of yesterday's investigation ST.

PATJlrf BOMAN OATHOLIO OHUROH. St. Paul's Roman Cathollo Church (Rav. Father Mc Guire), ia a brick edifice situated at tho corner of Court Prosrres to a StoAe of Coantlnw The Conference Committee of the two Houses of Congress is authoritatively reported to have reached an agreement on these points: That the President of the Senate oannot count the voto. That tollers on behalf of the two Houses oount the vote.

That the powers of each House are equal. That no State which sands up only one sat of Electoral votes can ba excluded, except by tha agreeing vota of both Houses. This is a long way toward progress. The point on whioh discussion still hinges, however, is this vital one When a State sends up John A. Roebling's Sons the lowest Bidders for the Wire for the Bridge Cables A.

Question as to Materials. Shall Bessemer or Crucible Steel be Usod 1 The Matter Not Yet Settled. The monthly meeting of the Trustees of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge was held yesterday afternoon, pursuant to adjournment, at the office of the Company on Water street, near Fulton Ferry. The mooting was the largest ever held in the history of the Board. Out of tho twenty men that oompose tho Board, nineteen wore preaent, the only absentee being Hon.

Abram S. Hewitt, who was detainod in Washington. There were present, Messrs. Henry O. Murphy, Wm Marshall, J.

S. T. StranabaD, John BUoy, W. B. Leonard, Lloyd Aapinwall, Lawrence Turnure, Henry W.

Slooum, Wm. O. Kingsley. O. J.

Can da, J. Van Sohafok, James Motley, 3. M. MoLean, Thomas Carroll, Controller John "Kollj, of New York Controller Bur roll, of Brooklyn Thomas Kinsolla, Mayor Ely, of New York, and Mayor Schroeder, of Brooklyn. The annual report of the Chief Engineer was presented and then tha discussion of tbo report of tha Executive Committee on the bids for cable wire wera taken up, but no definite action was reached.

THE PBOCEBDINGS. The Board was oailed to order at half past three by Murphy The roll and nineteen members f.uud to be present The min ut of tha last mooting were then read and apP. The reports of tho Finauoo Oommittoe and of the Treasurer were than received and ordered on file. ControUer Kelly, of New York, inquired how it was that tho 10B3 on tho Now York Oity six por cent, and fipvftii Dor cent, bonds occurred. TbOhalran explained that during the administration of Controller Green a oartain amount oi money foil due, and Mr.

Green insisted that the Bridge Directors should tho oonds the city. It was necessary to uae the uiouoy, and ths Directors wore directed t. ordor.tao sale oi the bjuin, whioh was done, the brokers boiag 'V BiSu a who aold tho bonds at the than mirket prio; Mr Kelly said th it it was strange that, the bonds should not have brought at least their par value The recwd was examined and it was ioiiud bat he bonds wore sold in liU aad 13 during tne flaa, 'i stringency wioa nionoy was worth one percent. iur dlMr Stranahtin said tho hardship was that Jlr. Groan compelled them to lake oads when they were entitled to the iDOEoy.

THE REPORT OF THE CHIEF BNOMliEB was then proaented, and on motion ordarod to be PThe President said that the Secretary had prepared a doUilod statement ol th raooipts aud JisbiirJementa of tho Bridge from 1874 18 if. On motion it was or dorod to be printed. Mr Murphy desired an of opinion from ti, mamiwiVt. hb to tho advisability of insuring Che illurtaifU Ilobesoii Plot Against The two sets of Electoral votes, does the failure of the two Houses to agree on which set shall be and Congress streets. It is built iu the Gothic style with trimmings of brown atone.

The audlonoo room is 09x82 foet. Throo broad aisles traverse It from the counted exclude that State from the count altogether This is the question, and wo think other way. Thora are aoata on the main floor for 500 persons. A small gallory across tho front soats eighty persons and is reache I by a stairoaeo throe foot wido. A Brilliant Gatherinjr Presentation ot tho Portraits of Two Ancient Members.

The Toasts and the Speeches. The forty seventh annual dinnor of the Hamilton Literary Association was given last evening at Thompson's, on Clinton street. It was a decidedly pleasant affair. Tho banquets of the Hamilton ara always great. Tho Association, whioh was organized In 1830, haa now some righty notlve members.

Mr. F. T. Glover is the President. Among the members ara many ot tha best known lawyers of the oity, and gentlemen engaged in mercantile, professional and literary pursuits.

The attendance last aveuing was as Urge as usual, there being somo sixty gontlomen prosant. Hon. Joshua kl. Van Cott, who was expected to preside, was unable to attend in consequence of an acoident. Hon.

Henry O. Murphy, who wa the first president of the Association, was also absent. Tha absence of Assistant Corporation Counsel, John H. Enaobol, one of the most genial and bost known members, attracted attention. Ur.

Unlabel was prevented by a pressing business engagoment from bomg present. The company asBcmbled in Mr. Thompson's parlor at sovon o'clook, and, half an hour later, proceeded to the banqueting hall on tho aecond floor. Mr. James MoKeen sat at the head of the table, while Mr.

Olover ocoupiod a seat at tho lowor end. Among those noticed at table ware the following named gentleman Aldon J. Hpooner, T. C. Cronin, Winnotte Patera, John D.

Pray, 8oth Low, Ktholboit Low, U. E. Bands, D. W. Northnp, Nelson J.

Oatos, 8. D. Lowis, W. a Kellogg, 11. Chitlondon.

E. 8. Waterman, Ohos. H. Durtls, Llndou St.

Swan, P. V. tt. Stanton, P. W.

Tabor, It. Thompson, B. B. HopklnB, Almar Goodwin, Edsrao H. Johuo, Joseph Lyman, Prauk Ulydeuiiorgh, F.

T. Qlover, Augustus Mtvenok and others. Tho dinner wb ao exoallaat una. Aftor tha raraovol of tbe cloth, Mr. JIcKoon foruully called tho mnpany to ordor aud oxilaiiio i tho oauso of Mr.

Van Cott's ab Bonoe by reading tho following letter Biiooxlis, January II, 1177. Mr Dbah Ma. Pkav I rory much rjrot that oannot bo with my brother ibis evening. I have strained (by walking ou suoiv aud ico,) tha unfortunate leg 1 broke two years ago, aud was obliged to como homo early to day, by tbo areat pun it oaiUNt mo. Will you obligo ine by expressing my regrets and my cordial Internal ronarils I hope you will have a bright and happy festival.

What a boon it would bo to the country If a statesman of the genins and patriotism of our groat pitronynlo oould appear and bring order and tranquility out of the troubled bcjucs we aro witnessing. Truly your, Joshua AI. Vah Ooi't. To John D. fViij.

After singing by tho Arion (Hoc Club, Mr. McKoen announced tho first toast nf the evnu ing, "Alexander Hamilton," which was drank staudlug and in silence. Tho seooud toast was, "Tho Hamilton of Othor Days," coupled with tho ShakHpoareau quotation, "I allium up remembrances of thiugB Mr. Aldon J. ono of tho charter members, responded.

He spoke of tho earlr associations of tha Hamiltuns, and said that all who were in tho Association forty seven years ago and who were bore now, Itttla fait like old man. In tbo Hamilton ba cover could feel but as youug as the voiiukosI, aod bo wts hero In its full fellowship. He regretted tha absence of Mr. Henry O. Murphy, Judge Qrnonwood and Mr.

Van Cott, but ho waB glad to see that ciroumstanooahad not detained aome others of the older members. Mr. Spoonor spolto iu feeling terms of ducaasod members, and than roforrod in proud language to a numuor of tho older men who had bocomo eminent. Mr. Spooiier, at the conclusion uf his formally preBOUtod to tha Assooiatlrtn a PORTRAIT IN OIL of two of its oldfcst nienibsra Honry C.

Murphy and riemiral U. Durvoa. Tho uortraita wero tiuug unon power to issue bonds therefor, by providing for collecting tho costa of such improvements partly in advance, und partly so soon after tho oomplotion of the work as to rouder unnecessary any increase of tho city's bonded i debt, which should, in any event, bo avoided, Adtll lioual relief might be found by grading down I Kant Side Park laaoa. so as to enhance thoir value. i As to the Ridgewood Reservoir we favor the proposition to enlarge it, not at all be cause it will Rive employments anybody, but front to the altar rail.

On the main floor are seats for 900 parsons. There are three exits at tho roar by single doors swinging outward. Betweon tbo frout vestibule it is a very important question. Wo would like it settled for tho present and for the future. In order to be rightfully settled it should be considered in circumstances which do not mako aud tho church are tiiroo doors opening ouf.vard.

Thu centro ono is six foot wido and tho aides five foet six inches. Ono sliding front door ton foot wide connects the settlement of it dotormiuo who is to be tho vestibule with Court street. Galleries extond round President. A way to avoid all this and compose throe iiidoa of tbo interior with a seating oapaoity of 450. Two flinhta of Btalrs Ave foet six inches wide all trouble, as well as to enlighten our country on a most interesting subject, is for both parties to agree about tho Florida business in advance.

lead up to thorn at th; front. Thore aro no roar exits from tho gallorios. Tbo cdllloo is heat by brick act furnaces. It is recommeudod that tho lobbies at tho Florida went for Mr. Tilden beyond dispute, doubt or controversy.

The Hayes certificate from Florida is now a conceded frjud by every person who has looked at all the facts. roirof the church be extended and that two flights of eialrs be constructed in thoin to connect with tho roar of the galleries. The architects also recommoud tho romoval of a row of pows nosv tho front doors In ordor to afford comuiuuioation botwaon the aisles. With tho oontjniplated improvements tho oxlts from the Tho building is heated by portable furnaces. Tne basemont is usod for SuuJay School and class, rooms, winch aro woll provided with moans of egress bj nii'ji'iroua doors and windows at tho front, roar and sides.

SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL OHUROH. Tho South Congrogatiooal Churoh (Rov. Dr. Lyman's,) is a brick struoture at tbo oornar of Court and President streets. Tho audience room Is 64x07 feot, aud seats on tho main floor 600 persons.

Threo doors or amplo width opan from tho auditorium to the vostibule. Thero aro throo insido doora from tho voitibulo to Court Tbe oentro ono ia sliding and tho sido doors open outward. Tho gallorios oxlond along the aides and across the front and back soata for about 215 persons, including tha ohotr. Two atkirways, each three foot throo wide, load up to them from tho front lobby. Thore are ample extta from tha rear of the maiu floor and tha galleries to tho ohapal.

Tho building is heated by briok set furnaces. No recommendations ore nooessory regarding It. Tho chapel is at tho rear of tho churoh fronting on President street. Tha lecture room on tho first floor 33i85 foot. Thero are two exits from it, ono of which is to tho church and tho other to the street.

Tho Sunday School room ia on Ihe second fi.ior. Thero are two exits from it to tho churoh gallorios, aud one at the front by a door four foot wido. A stairway four faet in width loads down to tho lobby on the flvst floor. A door six feet wido ooonects the front lobby with President Those who have not done so, should do so, Birer Brldgo The Wine Ca. Ile Dlscustloii.

from the interest taken in Brooklyn erything in relation to the East River enterprise, the discussion by the Trustees, yesterday, of the question of the most desirable kind of wire to use in the making of the great oablea, has an interest and curiosity special to itself. There are a great many questions conoorning steel, the process of its manufacture, its strength and flexibility, and tho modes of testing those points, which are still at issue among experts, and the profession as well as the public will be curious, therefore, to see how mon, very few of whom make any claim to be experts, understand tho points in dispute. For the past two weeks an interesting controversy has been going on in the newspapers between engineers which well illustrates tho differences of opinion which prevail in the profession respecting not only the merits of the various steals in use, bat as to the proper scientific formulra for testing thoir desirability. Leaving these teohnical questions aside it will not be difficult to state the main points at issue between tho trustees. It is, we suppose, admitted on all hands that tha cables which are to sustain the Bridge structure ar6 the moat important features of this groat undertaking.

These failing, all fails. It so happens, too, that the cables must succeed absolutely or faii absolutely that is, the oables being in thoir places, anil one of them being found to be imperfect, the whole Bridge struoture would need to bo takon down. A defective portion of a wire cable, such as is here contemplated, cannot be replaced, aB would bo the oase if what is technically kuown as a chain cable had beon used. In the manufacture of tho cables seven million pounds of wire, in round numbers, will be required. The trustees advertised for bids for steel wire, making no condition as to the kind of steel which should bo used in making the wire, except as it was involved in certain tests of strength, flexibility, which all the wire furnished was required to stand.

Bids were received from leading wire manufacturers, both in this country and in Europe, and the difference in the prices fairly illustrate the wide difference that is supposed to exist as between tho different kinds ot steel. An English bidder, whose wire is admitted to have been superior to any offered assuming that it was fairly represented by the sample tested demanded as high as thirteen cents per pound in gold, which would bring the aggregate cost of the wire needed up to about a million dollars. Ou the other hand, the Messrs. Iioeb lmg offered to supply Bessemer steel wire at less than seven cents per pound, making the 'aggregate cost of the wires under this bid but little, if anything, in excess of half a million dollars. While tho Bessemer steel wire did not stand the tats made by tho engineers quite as well as tho English wire referred to, tho engineers report that it meets their requirements.

Between these two extreme bids, there are a number of other bids embracing different kinds of steel. An Ohio manufacturer, for instance, offers to supply Open Hearth steel at leas than eight cents per pound, while one Brooklyn manufacturer offers to supply crucible building will bo sufficient for auy emergency In tho basement of St. Paul's Churoh is tho paro wero carefully excluded, and only crucible cast steel culled for, and tho specifications wero so submitted to thoTrueteo3. After duo disamsion in their Board it was decided to enlarao the hold of competition by ro colvim; bids from all kinJs of Btool wiro inafcara. and not limit them to orualbb cast steel.

Iu this aliapo too wera put before tho public." Mr. Kinsella said that never witalo his knuviod je i had too Trustees taken tho responsibility of clv.vngfng the engineer's specifications so as to itdnnt coiupstitiou with low grado steols. Mr. Marshall saw it had bjan dona, and on tho suggestion mainly of Mr. liowttt, who was especially woll informed ou the subjeot.

Mr. KiuBelU said ho had no racolloctiou of any such and If it took plaeo it havo boon bo fore tho Exaoutiva Com.uittco. and not in tho full Board. Mr. Marshall thought perhaps it was before the Committee.

ifr. Kinsolla Than only the membor.i of that Coru mltteo ooulil bo supposed kuow anything about it. Mr. Siranahan explained that tho diftlomty arose in determining tho question whither the Siemans Martln or Open Hearlii process wa or was not a eruciblo stool. It was finally decided uot to insert the term "crucible." Mr.

Kinsolla was surprise.) to hoar that any difficulty had arisen on such a point, for ha beltovod it was admitted on all bauds that Siora ins Martin or Open Hearth steel was not crucible stoel. Crucible steel was mauufactured in cruoiUlca, in emill quantities at a time. By Iho Siomaua Martin or Opan Hearth procoss tons of stool are made at a time. Ida supposad whoa low grade stools wero referrod to, Bessemer and Opon Hearth wore always meant and their grade ia in tho order I have named, Opon Hoarth perhaps botag a medium grade and uetwuen B03semor and Mr. Strauaban Do yon call chrome stool a ci steol? Mr.

Kinsella Why, certainly It is manufactv. od In orueihles, and in small quantities at a time. Mr. Murshall said it was by tho actiou of Mr. Hewitt that the word "ernolble stool" was striokon frirs tha spouilications, and the Bessemer and Sienian i Mdrtin stee: wires admitted into tho competition.

Mr. Hewitt was something of an export and ought to know something about ltteel. Colonel Carroll said that if tlie96 lowor grades were so giod, he thought tho otaor blddora who had ouly bid on crucibio stoel outfit to be allowed to coma in and bid on tbe lower grades. Mr. KinBolla cited tho caso of the 8t.

Louis BridRo, where tbo anchor bolts were first mado of Opan Hoarth Btoel, and they were obliuod to throw them to one. tide aniltake a ohroma steel at a considerable loss of time and expense. The agent of tho Cleveland Boiling Mills Company, who wore ono of the bidders, was present, and was asked by Mr. Murphy why thoy put in a sample of Rl.mnm wlnpl. chial school.

There are a number of olasa rooms separated by sash partitions. On this floor thore aro 350 female and 250 mala pupils. A pair of front doors flvo foot wido open to Court street, each side connecting with tho yard is a pair of double doors and also propel ty of the Bridge iriiioh had boon purchased in ammrlog the riht of way. It consisted of houses, stores and warehouses, on South aud Water streets, in New York and in Brooklyn. It is all oocupwd and ronted for ahout ucr yeir.

In tuna it would bo torn dow.i. Ab.ut JJii.OJO of insurance wouid rua out tho present month. Ou motion it was determined to insure the property. The report of the Esocuiivo Committee on thJ bids for the caolo wire was then takon up. Mr.

Turnure moved that tha Hoard go into executive and they will find that there is no more doubt that Florida went for Tildon than that Kings County went for him. Both parties ought to do what is fair about Florida. That would settle the Presidency case of itself and remove politics, passion and interest out of the entire subject. That subject could then be settled right and therefore settled permanently. Our own view is that when two certificates equal in form and antocedentally backed by almost equal evidence come up from a Stato, two doors at the rear.

The oxits from the Bchool are considered amplo and no recommendations wero Mr. Turnure with The motion was opposed and tho two Houses should agree on which shall bo street. This door opon3 inward, and It 1b recommended tbat il be mado to swing outward. Mr. Wliittliorne.

The evidonoe of Police Superintendent Richards, of Washington City, yesterday, before the House Examining Committee, is awful. It should make every American hnng his head in shame. Tho Superintendent swears to this state of facts Last Winter Chairman Whittlioruo, of the House Naval Committee, was investigating tho affairs of the Nuyy Department. All the world now knows that that investigation roaehed and disclosed vast aud various corruptions, and that they involved George M. Bobeson, Secretary of the Navy, in the same way in which Belknap was involved in tho War Department, only with this difference, that, unlike Belknap, Robeson did not confess, but that his bank accounts confessed, his contractors confessed, his partners confessed and his co dividers confessed.

Before Mr. Whitthorne made his report, the facts it would show were of course known to tho guilty parties. At this tho Presidout of the Bom of Police, William J. Murtah editor and owner of the National Republican, he a bosom crony of Grant and Robeson, and tho paper the organ" of both, told Superintendent Richards to trace Mr. Whitthorne to or inveigle him into a house of ill fame, and then as soon as he was caged there, to raid that house, arrest all the inmates, especially Whitthorne, and then notify him (Murtagh) to send the reporters out to write up the job and sensationally to expose and degrade Whitthorue in the press, eo as to anticipate and neutralize his coming report against Robeson.

It was further testified that Murtagh pressed this job on Richards and Detectives Miller and McDevitt for months, and stipulated from himself and Robeson any amount of money needed to make the job a success. Confirmatory of this ib the evidence of the detectives and of the Corporation Counsel of Washington, W. A. Cook, and of Mr. Whitthorne to whom the scheme was exhibited at the time.

There is no need to characterize a thing like this. It is ossentinlly and totally infamous. Mr. Whitthorne was not deflected a hair's line from his duty and the scheme not only failed, but its disclosure puts those who devised it into a pillory wido as the world and pelts them with the disgust and contempt of all mankind. Nevertheless Presidout Grant stands by" Mnrtugh and Robeson, and proposes to do so.

Comment ou that rashes, as directly as the Mississippi to tho Gulf, to the necessary conclusion that Murtagh aud Unheson either have Grant in thoir cower or UKION HALL. Unioi Hail is a four story brick building on Court the certificate allowed or neither certificate should be counted, for it is better that a Stato should be silenced than by a possible falsity of voice impose a wrong result on all the Union. street, opposite Butlor. Oa tho second, third and tho wall near the head of tbo table, but woro carefully fourth floora nrc and ball rooms, each or which is foot. Tho only staircase, which is at the front, haB a width of four feat.

The doors loading to tho concealed from sight untu at tne direction oi ior. Spoonor Boveral attendants unvailed thorn. The tor traits aro vory faithful ones, and excited tha admiration of all present. beoauso tho enlargement is needed and this is a good time to make it. The present reservoir, when filled, holds enough water to supply the city for five days.

If the pumping engines wore to become so disordered as to require more than five days for repairs, Brooklyn would be without water. This, in our judgmont, is too narrow a margin for a great city. To a community that has never known the calamity which a water fainino constitutes, a five days' surplus may seom amplo enough; but no people who have had to endure the pains of uuassuaged thirst, would, we venture to say, deem this adequate soeurity, if greater were possible. It must also be remembered that there have been times within recent years when the quantity of water in the Ridgewood Reservoir was reduced to less than a two days' Moreover, our increasing population by increasing the daily consumption of wator is steadily diminishing the relative 'capacity of the present structure. For $200,000, as Mayor Schroeder states, the capacity of the Reservoir might be doubled.

We do not believe that amount of money could be spent to better advantage than in the direction hero indicated. Commissioner Fowler, we is of opinion that the most pressing need is to have tho Storage Reservoir at Hempstead completed. In this opinion we do not concur. We think the Hempstead work should be completed without unnecessary delay, but at present the city has to fear at Hempstead than at Ridgewood. In the Mayor's recommendation as to how the work Bhould be done namely, by employing men by the day, at a low rate of wages we do not concur.

Wo believe that what is best for tho city upon the whole, will prove best, as a rule, for all its citizens, without regard to their respective occupations or conditions. If tho city can get the reservoir enlarged for less than $200,000, it would be an injustice to the taxpayers not to take advantage of the lower figures. After having determined that an improvement is required, the city authorities have no other duty to perform, in this connection, than to get it done in a proper manner at the lowest possible price. We have never looked with favor upon the policy whioh obtains for officials a reputation for charity by permitting them to thrust their hands into the public treasury. Moreover, it is not necessary for the city to etairs from each room aro flvo feot wide.

Stairways aro recommondod to all tho iloore at tho roar. Tho Woodrord. Mr. Woodford has secured tho United States Mr. Hpoouor, in maxing me presentation, apuao ouio giatloally of Mr.

Murphy and Oenoral Duryea, whom made. ORPHAN ASYLUM AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. St. Paul's Orphan Asylum and Industrial School Is a four story briok building, on tho corner of Congross and Clinton streets. Tho main atruoture faoe3 Clinton street.

A wing fronts on Congress street. Tho inmates comprise Hi omales and thirty sevon BiBters. The building is oonatruotod in three sections. A door four feat six inches wide opening inward, affords tho main entrance to the Clinton street building at tho front. A stairway three feet six lnohes wide connects all the floors in this Bootlon.

There is also a winding staircase leading only to the second floor. On tbo first floor is the assembly room, which is Q8fx9t feet where the inmates gather several times each day. From it there aro four oxits, two from tho extreme onus and two at tha BideB. A stairway in the intermediate section reaches to all tho stories. In the Congress street soction are two staircases, one of whioh oxtands to the top floor aud tho other terminates at the sooond story.

Tho upper floors in all tbe sections are used as tho dor matories. They are all oonnected by numerous doors, by whioh the inmates can use any ot the three stairways. In tho CongrosB street section, whioh is virtually a separate building, is the chapel, which is ou the first floor. Its dimensions are 25x75 foot, and ample exit ia furnished from it by four doors, opening outward. The community room, of similar dimensions, is over tho chapel.

Tbo exits from the building aro regarded as sufUeiont, and no recommendations wore made. ho sain were an nonor io me city tivou in. District Attorneyship in New York, for which rear windows aro near the roofs of the adjoining bulld iuga, aud tha contemplated fire osoapos can easily be oonstruoled. Whon they aro erected tho building will be safe. The Secretary then road the report of tho Executive Committee iu relation to bids toe cable wire.

Iha Committee reported that the lirm of JOHN A. ItOEDWKO's SONS were tho lowest bldlers. liu report will bo found 6 Id il "lTO AfW' the reading of tho report, Mr. Murphy presented a number ol oouimuuicati jns from the bidders, ono from J. Lloyd iigb.

Also a telegram frm tho Cleveland Rolling Mills, plalging themselves that if given tha contract, they would give ample bonds for its propjr lultillmaut. Tuo other bidders had sent similar pledges. General Slooum moved to amend tha report of tae Execuava Committej by tha adoption oi the following resolutions, and that the report of tha Committee uo adopted TEE EESOtUIIONS. iJc8o(Ma That tho Secretary of War ba requested to dotaU an officer of tho Corps of United States Eogi noora to inspect tho wira lor tho Now York aud Brooklyn Bridge at tho Dlaco of manufacture, and that uo wiro be accepted oxwpt upon the cortiflcate of suoh engineor thai it is iu every respect iu accordance with tho specifications of tha contract. ese.W, That tho salary of Buch officer be paid by tbo Troasurer of this Dear J.

Gecerul Slooum tsaiil he offered the resolutions in order that as tbo Cbier Engineer was a relative of the oontrac.or making th) lowest bid, all suspicion in the m.n nf thn nuliliu mlolit bo removed. The Bocre Mr. McKeeu formally acoepiau tho gut and Joliu u. Pray supplotnentod hi remarks with a few well ohojsn words touching the subjoots of tho portraits. himself and the Marines have all along declared that he was not a candidate.

We presume that technically and by proclamation, After tho examination of Union Hall tho inspection was adjourned until to day. Tho order of toasts was tnan taken up. "Utcrarani ami Art was responded to by Mr. Goodwin briefly, Tho toast of tha 'Bouoh and the" was responded the nimble but lucky gentleman was not a to by CURRENT EVENTS. candidate, but that all tho time he resembled MR.

ORONIN, who nid that ha bad beon unoxpoctodlv oalled upon to take tho place of tho goutlomau who had beon asslgnad to respond Jonn A. iajior. air. urantn sajo. uw the bench thoy first owed their respect.

We ha re naai hero two courts of rocord, and ho might say of tnj Hamlet in knowing "a hawk from a hern "shaw." Morally and socially Mr. Woodford is a great improvement, to public observation, upon Mr. George Bliss whose intentions are believed to have been akin in offico to those which A. Ward says lie declared to be his own The agent replied that thoy thought It a batter steol than that made by the Bessemer process. Controller Burrell Bald ho thought there wis enough in the spoeiflcations to keop out tho wires made from low grades of Bteel.

Mr. Murphy said that was not the naio. Tho specifications aJiiiitteJ them. Mr. Aspinwall said that In tho testing of tho wires for tho temporary cables tho ougiueors had boon obliwd to reject hitf the wire, and it was noc3.Marr to use part Chrome stoel wire au part eruciblo stool wire.

Mr. Kelly said the matter of roceivln? bids for Bossemer Btool wire Bhould be referred back to the Exocutive Committee. Mr. Aspinwall ioeondad the idea. thought that it would bo an Injustice not to allow the other bidders to bid on Bessomet steol wiro.

Mr. Kolly said the other bidders ought to have the opportunity to bid on the lowor grades of Btool. Ho moved that tho Exocutive Committee be diroetod to call for bids for Be3aomor stoel wire; all bids to be undo within ten days. Mayor Sciroodor said they should Bend in bids on all kinds of stoel. As tho matter then stood ha thought thoy must either award tho contract to the lowest bid The work of disclinrging the oftrgo of tho Fronoh stoatnor L'Ainorlquo is progressing rapidly.

Mr. Colfax lectured at London, this week. Governor Miller of Arkansas, was inaugurated yesterday. George Francis Train is to start a weakly paper at Camdeu, N. J.

Tho strike of icemon at Kondout on the Hudson has become general. Tho creditors of Frank Sturgis, of Chicago, have agroed to accept 00 cents on tho dollar. A. Stato Convention of farmers, who have tary of War was an tntiroly disiulorosteJ porson, and would send an ont'iDoer who would bo entirely disinterested, and iu tLat way all doubts which might exmt would bo romovoJ. Mr.

Klusolla lnqmrtu wny tno ui nn ri selected. Jt PAOIFIO STREET M. E. OnORCH. Tha Paciflo streat Methodist Episcopal Church (Ilov.

A. S. Hunt, D. is a stone structure at tho corner of Clinton and Paoiflc stroets. The audionoo room ia 57x72 foet.

Tho pows on tho main floor Beat 600 persona and aro intersected by four aislos of ample width. There are two central doors between the audieooo room and General Slocum said beoauso Jie W3S enuroiy uitiu terested and would send au engineer ol tae same mind. Mr. Leonard asked taat a niter irom air. aowcn vo tbo President bo toad.

Mr. Murphy then roid tna letter, wmou was as ioi the vestibule, each flvo foot wido opening inward. boon swindled into giving notes to traveling agents ou lows Three Inside sliding doors connect the vestibule with fatso pretenses, is to be hold. Clinton street. A choir gallery extends across the ME.

HEwTTI LETTEB. Washington City, D. January 8, 1877. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad front forabout 100 parsons. It is rocom lion.

Henru C. Murphy, Preiident: meudod tbat the front vestibule doors be altered to has discontinued tho offices of First Vice Proaideut, bi ncb ol this oity that it was noneit anu auio ana an ponsod not only law and Justice nut it commanded tha respect of the entire State. The demands of UtlganH had boaunie vory great and they had found iu th Judges of the Supremo and Oity Courts upright ifu able Judges. Might tho City of Brooklyn always pra aervc as uutarnlshed ana incorruptible a Judiciary a it bad now. Applause.) In roferenoe to the bar, Mr.

Crouin laid that iu regard to thoir general oonduol aud In their practico and their ability, the bar of Brooklyn was not surpassed. It deserved from the bouoh nucli respect as the bench deserved from II. The next regular toat was "Science," whioh was1 responded to by MR. NELSOK J. GATES.

He aid that eclonco was not an Invontion; tt was i revelation. It had the esthetic parts, and was emit utilitarian. It bad dona more for sootety than all other branoboi of study. The man who ignored BCleuce mu9t Ignoro civilization itsolf. Mon of acleuoa have dippad their pens in tho subtlo eloctro magneUsm that sleeps in tho silent chambers of all matter, and havo with it written upon iuvtslblo moBBonaera, awttt winged aa the light, a universal language, and to day London and Constantinople, and San Franolsoo and New York, morning and ovenlug, sit down to tho same bauquot ot news.

AppiousoJ. Blootrlolty and light ara the ail pervading brain of tbe Universe. They are sonsitlvo to ovcry throb of llfo upon tho planet, ElMgrloity whispors ihe adbreta of tha earth, and ligliT, through the spBotresoopo rovoals family eaoreta of the etara that could not bo wrosted from them If thoy were analyzed in the retort of the ohemlst. Men have lighted a toroh at tha altar of aaioace end hva uoue down into the Bllent granite far bolow the throb blngs of tho tide, and tho delioate fingers of a tender child have beon placed upon a key, and quiok 'al thought acroB of rock ovor which the ocean baa washed fur uutold ages, are blown into a million fragment, aud thus a now highway Is opened to tho soa. der or call lor now proposals.

Mr. Kelly's motion was then adopted by a vote of 11 to 4. A TEST VOTE. Mr. Kinsolla said that in order to tha sonso of tha mooting on the question ho would offer a motion that the Exocutive Committee bo instructed to report to tho Board tna name of tha lowest bidder for eruciblo stoel wire, and to mako a contract with the bidder.

Ho also moved to refor tha resolution to the Executive Committee, Mr Kelly hoped the resolution would not pass, as it tvniiM nlmfVn themselves to tho tiao ut ocuaiuto oteei. Mi Dear Sib I beg leave to acknowledge the roeeipt swing outward. Tho windows at each sido of the auditorium are within a short distance of tho ground and of your favor of the 5th inclosing a copy ol tho Second Yice Prostdont and General 8uperiutondont. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt reports $127 ro eteel wire at a little over eight cents pel pound, and another undertakes to supply oruoibie ehromo steel wire claimed to be the best known at betwoen eleven and twelve cents.

The Bridge Trustees are about equally divided on the main issue raised. On the one side it is hold that since Bessemer steel wire has stood tho tests established by the engineers, aud being by favthe cheapest, it should could be used as exits if required. Tha church ia ceivod from the publio in response to hie appeal for the proceedings oi too urooaiyii joriuge iu reau. wm contract for cable wiro. If possiojo I will endeavor to attond tbe meeting on Thursday next, but being in great doubt as to my ability to leave hare I deem it my duty to address this loiter to you, to bo laid bol'ora tbo heated by portable and briok furnaces plaood in tho oeilnr and well nrotected from the woodwork.

that Grant approves of this sort of thing. In either case, there is uo respect compatible with any decent mind's thought upon the President of the United States. The plan was immeasurably diabolical. Mr. Whitthorno's steady moral courage and silence under tho knowledge of it were admirable.

But is not ihis ft nice Administration Shiunecock Indians. Pratandocl iiuraory ngonts nre about tho The basement is usod as a Sunday School room. Tho make stipulations as to the residence of tho men who shall be employed on any public wnrk. If there are unemployed men in on an occasion: "Mr. Ward," said a stern paront, "I insist on knowing what are your "intentions." "I told him," said A.

"that my intentions were strictly dishonor "able. And then he kicked me General Grant and Mr. Cohkling appear to have come to this conclusion about Mr. Bliss and to have kicked him out. Mr.

Woodford's nomination, at the outset, will give public satisfaction, and if he surrounds himsolf with associates, in whose abilities aud integrity the bar and the commercial classes have confidence and we doubt not ho will seek to do so their discharge of the duties of his office will gradually win popular confidence and approbation. The political significance of th appointment however is its main significance. It means that with Woodford in Bliss' shoes and Cornell soon to go into Laflin's, Roscoe Conkling has already begun to run for the Presidency in 1880, and relies upon a solid "management" in Now York and Kings County. As that is a Republican rather than a public question, the effect of the strategy upon that party will be an interesting thing to observe. Mr.

Woodford has been adopted and adapted. It remains to be seen how much following he will take iu or alienate in his party. Personally all of Mr. Woodford's friends will wish him well, and Trustees in tne event oi my ausence. It soom3 to me that tho piimary quostton to ba do country getting orders for troes on tho strength of tho Mr.

Aspinwall said ho would not, at tho present time, pledge himsoif ta anything. Ha did not want to bo trapped, or to stand committed either way. exits from tho Suuday School room consist of four doors and are considered sufheiont. Mr. Kinsella saia more was uu ueattu tu u.

u. cidod by the trustees is whether thoy will rely upon tne inspection provided for iifth Bpscincailon in order to secure the quality of wiro required for the cablos. If thoy intend to raty upon the speciiication3, and the CLINTON STREET PRESBYTERIAN OHUROH. Brooklyn willing and anxious to earn a living any enterprise commenced here will of neces mtt anybody. The only objoot was to can out a tosc vole.

The Clinton street Presbyterian Churoh (Rev. Dr, bond or tne contractor, men tun, Hwarded to tho lowest bidder, without to the Mr. Stranahan said tna motion, oarnoa, womu pledge them to tbo uso of eruciblo steol, but if it was Van Dyke's) ia a brick edified situated at tbe oornor of Clinton and Amity streets. Tho audijnoo room is (JSx sity help them. Referring to this inattor of providing employment for the idle without process by whfoo the stool is manufactured, other ost tuey wouij not uo uomiuitm Tho vnta wa thou taken on Mr.

Kmsella's motion, 70 foot and has a seating oapaoity of 000. The aisles worus, so long as uiutuntti i dwui, tno in iho Hnncilloations and a proper regard to the rights of Jtho general taxpayer, aro broad and sumcient for oasy passage. At the front which was lost by a vote of 7 to 8. finlnnel Carroll lnauirod if at the next moating thoy inspection is secured, the datjr of tho trustees is dis it I .1.. In flirt InWnflt Governor Robinson hie recent message aro throe doors loading to tho vestibule.

Tho centre wrote tha following sentence, which exhausts ohargoa. wnen mey uviul tuo uuuwu. bidder. Again, mon dip tiieir uugors in cue aouuiy saorea wm. could not receive a report on the 10 tonB of wire received for preliminary etrands.

It might throw a little light on tho wiro quostlon. one is flvo teat wide and opens outward. The side doora havo a width of four feet and slide. Three sliding doors, oach flvo feot wide, oonneot the vestibule forever oonsecrated to science, and place thorn upon tho pulssa of sensation, and now thu cold cruel blade It appears by the niinutos oi me lixuounYo vu. imt tho Inwn bid was made bv tho John A.

Roeb the argument ling's Sodb' Company, on a simple marked at6J Fully responding to tbe demands of humanity in behalf of tho unfortunate poor, I cannot sea tho pro with Clinton straet. Tho gallory oxtonds round three air. Aiurpny saiu tuai umj tow iuu Roebling Sons had beau reooived. Mr Haigh, one of tho contractors for ten tons, explained through the President that their ton tons was ready for delivery and was being tosted at tha milts. omts per pounu, iuu aiuu oi tui ooaos to uruish is not Btated in tho printed table of sides and soats 200 porson9.

A flight of atalra four feet a lariie body of tax priety or the justice of reducin; beautiful specimens of fruit oxulbtted in glass jars. The subject of heating tho street oars during the Winter Is under tliicussiou by the Railroad Commlltoo of tbe Aldormen. Oue thousand one hundred cigars and sixty, eight packages of cigarettes wero seized last night from the Havana steamer City of New York. The Jumal estate litigation ia again before the Courts, this timo iu the United Statas Supramo Court in Washington. Sargent Brothers dry goods merchants, of Boston, failed yesterday.

Tha liabilities of tho Arm amount to $167,000, and tho assets aro stafod at $141,000. The Agricultural Department reports that the ontiro hay crop of tho country is 8 per cent, above that of last year, and tho avoraga quality about 6 cent, better. The municipality of Louisiana, has prooured a logal opinion that $131,000 of her railroad bonds aro invalid, because tiioy wuro not registered in tbo office of the State Auditor. A Iarize meeting of the Portland (Oregon) niMnrn to vtaunorlstn lor tue uuruune ui uuuuiu gorgeous palaceB In which other piupers are to be sup Dins. 1 Ulldr tiuiu tuu toiinu dated Dooambor 18, 1818, that this wire was nude from Bessemer steel, althougn I do not find anything in the wido leads to it from each end of tho front vostibule.

Tho roar of the north gallery la connected with tbe lecture room on the second floor of the chapel by a single door opening outward. Tharo is a blind door at ported at tno puuuo expense, Daners submitted to ino, whioh of tbe two samples Mr. Kiuseua caueu atieuwuu i juk siderabla quantity of the Chroma Bteel wiro is said to havo baan thrown aside in tho tests for tho wiro for tho temporary oables. It had not been returned. Tho fact that it had been ao discarded is brought to their attention for the first timo in the Ohief Engineer's report.

Let the Ridgewood Reservoir be enlarged, not for the benefit of any class, but because of tho surtioon may riot up auti auwu toe luumaius oi lifo, and when all la over, the patient as from a dream elyslan. Applause. Science is a magnlflcout tomple of light, whoso dome roaches to the stars, and whoso lamps are saver trimmed, but ever buroing bright and dear throw their piercing rays out Into llmitlosB space. In its UlumV uated hails I can co tha fountains of knowledge and the geueratlona of men as one by one thay coma and drink und go. Aud iu thn sacred banquet ohaoibon I oan see and hoar tho stones spouklug in detail of tha ageB that ara past, and tbo stars whispering of tbo age tc come; and above and beucath thoin tho traoa moving, blossom laden, a prophecy of tho coining harvest.

Iu a dark, distant age, liko tho polo atar bright gleaming, Whan tbo woary and lost looked In vain for a guide, Science awoko to a life bright and boamlng, A lipht on arook iu tbe tompcat tosse I Bea farniBneu oy iuai oumpauy wuo uwuo stel Neither do I understand that they limit them lives to any speoial kind of steal, but simply propose to deliver tons of steel wire, which will in all respects conform 10 tha specifications and be subjected to tbe tests therein provided for. and as he wishes everyone well all round too, there will be universal happiness or a very the roar of the aouta gallory. Tha architects rooom mend tbat this door bo opened io the lecture room. The church is hoated by three brick furnaces. There is also a rear exit to the chapel from tho audlenoa room.

Why was it not rolumeai Mr Mnrnhv oiDlalnod that although that thrown be used, it being clearly the duty ot the irus iees to have the Bridge cost the BmaUcsl amount of money possible, compatible with its success. The party entertaining these views in the Board are sustained by the high authority of the Chief Engineer on the work, who holds that Bessemer steel wire can be made so that it will do, contrary, however, to a very general opinion until very recently entertained. On tha other hand, it is held that the Trustees cannot afford to use what is claimed to be the lowest grade of steel, a steel excluded from competition a yenr ago by the Chief Engineer himself, iu making a contract for the wire required for use in the temporary bridge structure. On this side it is also urged that the cables ore the all important parts of the structure that in ft work on whose durability and indestructibility so much risk in property and life may bo staked, tho difference between tho cost of the best kind of wire aud the poorest is not to be held of primal importance is hardly, indood, to be taken into consideration. The extreme prices vary less in the aggregate thanhalf a million dollars.

The total estimated cost of the Bridge is thirteen millions. The cost of the highest priced wire is within the estimates, and it is held to be impolitic to put a poor or questionable wire iu the cables in aside was not suitable for tha cables it had bean usod 'Jlte Mnssiticlmsctts SeiiatorslUp. The Massachusetts Sonatorahip question is becoming interesting. Tho Butler Simmons element supports Mr. Boutwell, who thus has a plurality.

Tho Transcript Tiencon street element supports Governor Rice or ex Governor Bullock. The Berkskiro Hills element supports Mr. George P. Hoar. The Hnrvord Amherst and Independent element supports Rev.

Congressman Seelye. Mr. Samuel Bowles supports Mr. Charles Francis Adams, and has dedicated to him a touching ballad entitled, "Ever of Thee." Caucus docs not prevail very much in the Bay State and the Democrats find themselves holding the balance of power; that is. they might be able to elect any Republican by the aid of hia friends, but never will any Republicans vote tor any Democrat.

In these circumstances the Democrats are not reported to be anxious about the success of any one Republican over any other. There is a teapot tempest between the "reg ular" and "respectable" Republicans which is not unlikely to blow over, and which is of itself merely amusing. The Domocrats say that they might tempted to ohoose from between the Republicans and insure the survival of the fittest, but for izood counterfeit of it. His personal appear The chapel it at tbe rear, fronting on Amity street. for other purposos.

ances in Court will of course be more frequent Mr. Kinsella That uoos not quite meet mo ijuiuv i now than they have been, but we think his appearances on the stump will bs no less fre Tho first floor is usod as a Sunday Sohool room. The dimensions are 43 by 65 foet, and thore are Ave oxlts from it by doora and windows. Tha ssoond floor is used as a leoturo room, with Berts for 250 persons. It mako The engineer tolls us in ms annual report taat a considerable quantity of ohroma ataol bad to be rejected.

The Chrome Steol Company say that uo considerable quantity of their stool has boen returned to Board of Trade Wednesday night indorsed tho bill quent. We suppose ho has abandoned his intentions (or that at least he will abandon his announcements) of "retiring from politics," And brighter It grows a the ages roll onward, Oh, Truth, it is tuoc 'tij thy light that wo sue." thorn as rcjootoa. it iouows tuun m. must have been made from other steel. Tae Trustees had no knowledge of this bifove.

and they should have boen informed of it, especially as it was 18 oonnected with the front lobby at the street entrance by a stairway flvo feot wide. These stairs are winding, and it Is recommended that they be reconstructed by II tms YlOw OI Itio state ui mu uuuuu not seo how tho trustees can do otherwise than award tho contract to tho John A. Uoebling's Sons' Company, in case thoy dooido to award it all. Iu this eveat, however, iu view of tho personal relation ot tbe Chief Engineer to the stockholders of that Company, and for tha protection ot the honorable rep uta'ioa whicii he deservedly enjoys, it seems to mo that It will ba tho imperative duty of the trostocB to provide for inspection of the wire entirely independent of the supervision and control of tho Chief Engiueer. Iu this pirtioular I have no doubt I only anticipate a request delicacy aud a sanse of propriety would have lud uim to make to the trustees.

But there still remains toe final question wuother tho specifications provided for re sulllcieut to secire the delivery of tho wire of a suitable iiuality, provided it ba mado from Bossemer steel. My knowlc.lgo ol that material leads me to the concision that the applications do uot afford sufficient protection against tha de inmi nf wir.1 of unsuitable quality, if they now that he outers it again as Mr. Conkling's tbe introduction of square plutonns. There is a rear oxit from tbe leoture room to the north gall ery of the well known the Chroma uompiuy wouiu uo uiujo i. tbe wire of tno large cables.

It was not, ha thought, fair to the Trusteos, nor was it to tho Chro people. Kings County representative aud viceroy. it is needed aud because, labor being abundant, the work may bo done at present with advantage to the whole community. This comment extends to all the other improvements which Mayor Schroeder mentions. If they are needed and can be done with advantage now, because of the low price of material and labor, it is wisdom, not charity, to cany them out.

Lord Macaulay, foreseeing the shape in which this labor question would present itself to the great cities of the country and knowing how demagogues would to a certainty deal with it, thought he saw in it the canker that was destined to eat tho life out of our democratic institutions. To say that the rich man or the man in moderate oircumstancos may properly be compelled to part with his money for objects that are not in themselves desirable, and on the plea that other citizens have a right to subsist on his The meeting then aajourneu sudjdji. hi tuo ti ui un church, and the door, which is to be cut through from tbe south gallery, will afford an additional outlet. The door from tha lobby on the first floor to the street is Chair. now before Congress, oxtonding tho time for complet ing tho Northern Pacific Bailroad.

New York has shipped during the present year about seventeen millions more specie than Bho has received. Tho imp irts have considerably increased during that timo. The stockholders of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Ooorgia Railroad havo adopted resolution? asking their officers io discontinue running tiaius at least during twelve hours of tho Sabbath. The tomperauoe peoplo of Maiuo are to hold their annual Convention in Augusta, January 23. FINANCE.

Thn mnntblv financial reports made tha following A Now Point in Suretysftlps. Judge Benedict's decision lost night sus flvo foet wide, opening inward. It is recommended that tho door bo ohanged to awing outward, which iin exhibits for tho mouth of Dooomber taining the brief of the United States District provoment can ba effected by the enlargement of the lobby. ara made Irom BesBemer steel. The peculiarity of that SECOND UNITARIAN OHUnOH.

ip thntlt la ant to have weak spots ol wmou Attorney in the case of the Government against ex Peusion Agent Haynas and his sureties, has an interest for the lattor olass whoso name is legion. The prosecutor sued this reason, that politically there does 1 OTfnrnal indloationfl. Tois Dcculianty is Tho Second Unitarian Church (Bev. J. W.

Ohad The naxt toast was "Commoroe." MR. SETH LOW, briefly responded. Ha naid that the bnying and lolling luerchiiutliHo aud of property, wore among th narllast rocordod transactions of men. Tha subject wai one uot lckui. iu dignity that comes fiom ago.

Indeed the boginu.utrs comuicroe wero at least coeval with tho origin of epooles, curranoy and commerce were kindred themes. Tho trouble was moooj did uot circulate, and whon monoy did not otrcttlMa we know it was valueless. Tho achievnmenti of com lueroo eurrasssed tbo wildest dreams of a century ago. aud great oa these achievements wero, they were but bintii of the possibility of the future. Mr.

Low po of tho business prostration of the time, and said that tho return of conflilonco would bring about aotlvlty aud give employment to many now out of work. Tbe chairman announced tho uoxt toaat "Our Country," to whioh MR. F. W. TABKR, responded.

In tho oourHa of bla remarks ha spoke of tho present national troublos oud Baid that thar ought to bo enough wiiduui ou tbo part of the mon engaged in government to solve tho diffloulty, and mako the right provail. Tho man who by selfish ambition would plnugo the oounlry into a war, tho and of which no mm could seo, was a man who was not ul for the fellowship of mou. Tha toast of "Our City" was responded to by Mr. OTobablj due to the enclosu a of bubbles of air in the z. nr wiMiulv in the oxidation ol JSiponauures Of the laitornruJimt about wis expanded in the purchase of lauti iu ac tha right or way $3 000 was for anchor bars and puis for laoor and S17.00!) for

Too balanso was for motdeutal aud regular expenses. The rep irt of tho Secretary ahowod that up to January 1, 1877. tho Bridge had Bcclvel (cvilil. wlck'a) is a uoat briok odillco, situated at tbe oornor of Clinton and Congross otreets. The building has north The Women's Christian Tomperauoe Union will hold tb6ir Convention in connection with this.

rfi.ia nf inn mafiTial while the air is 'ooiue: tho former sureties of the agent for his do inm thn unier Inch pressure. It will and south transepts and a nave extending east and west, tho wholo boing iu the form of a Iottor Tt The onm ihut nn amount of visual inspection The annual reports of the President and fault and not the sureties who were on his audience room is 40x76 feet and seats about 600 par hnnd when the default was discovered. The 1V.U5 can d'etormiu'e in what ptrt of tho ingot, the rod or strand of wire Hiiah defecis will occur. It is true, however, tuat a test within certain limits not seom to be any choice, when matters of party success are involved, between one Republican and another. Tho suspicious Bilonce of leading Republicans on pending iniquities gives a color to this conclusion.

It may be that they ore waiting their time, but at present George I. Spencer, William M. Evarts, "Zsch' Chandler and Stanley Matthews, George S. Boutwell and Alexander rf'. i.i87.93 order to decrease the cost the amouut iu volved.

All the bids, however, varying from about eight to thirteen cents por pound provide for eruciblo steel wire, aud those who are opposed to using the lower grade steals arc committed to accept any bid which furnishes wire made from crucible steel. This would reduce the amount of dispute, in cost, from between one hundred aud tifty to about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, eons. A sliding door sovon real wiuo conncots tno cround takon was that those who were sure Treasurer of Harvard Collage shows the number oi students to bo 1,370, bomg double tho numbor of twon ty years ago. The total amouut of tho Col loge fund is and tho incomo from it $234,814.80. is applied by the strain to which the rod is suojjctej ties when tho defalcation actually occurred TILDEN AXD HAMPTON.

iu being arawn into wito. uu iu buv vu. v. sorvation of the drawing of Bessemer rods I have ro hrnair nndcr aonareutlv very inart were retroactively liahle, albeit they had ceased The State Charities Aid Association hold Are Titer Allies or Enemies A Current to be sureties at tho tiino of the disco very of thoir regular monthly meeting ycatorday. Iteports abundance, is to advance under a very tnin disguise the most monstrous of communistic doctrines.

Without sharing in Lord Macau lay's doleful anticipations, we are not blind to the fact that the dangers pointed out iu the following passage can ouly be averted by tho exercise of reason in times like tho present As lon? as you have a boundless extent of fertile and uuoeeupiod land your laboring population will be far tlmn thn lalioriuff nounlatioD of the Old Bit of Political Oossip. tho default, and that his after sureties were end of tbe nave at the front with Clinton street. A door flvo feet wido opens at tha north and south transepts. Tho sido doors swing luward, and it is rocom msndod that thoy be chatiRed to swiug the other way. Thero is also a rear exit by a stairway to the basoment.

Tho building is heated by briok urnacoa. Tha Hun day School room' in tho basement is woll suppllod with means of ogress by both doors aud windows. Tho interior of the church is very handsomely flttod up and symmotrioally constructed. filiate strain. Unfortunately, however, the strain thus nroduced is uot sufficient to develop all tho defects.

Indeed it sometimos happens that it is Just within tbo breaking limit of the wire which, baring thus boon ij (t in bImMo limit, will auose wero read from tho Standing an I Visiting Oimmittoos, and from the Visiting Committees of Cayuga, Tomp Bullock, men who have been regarded as social, onlv liable for defaults of date running with kins and Uonroo Counties. moral and intellectual antipodes, are assenting to and promoting tho same conspiracy thoir assumption of suretyship. Though Miss Maggie Kennedy, the daughtor and ouently break at a load ruuoh less than that which it has already sustained. If the vjew here presented bo correct there would appear to be no in tns use k. uiamar wire, nnlcsa every strand ahoum ovidently sound, the point is somewhat new, ouly child of Captain Kennedy, of tho Ninth Precinct, From Columbia, South Carolinn, the following current bit of political (josaip Is sent by the special correspondent of tho York Herald: Quito a ripple of excitement was creatod In political circles here to day by the publication of a letter in an Antiusta (Ga.) paper, which opened up a secret page iu the historv of the recent campaign iu this State Tho letter is suggested by the mission of Judge Mackey to H.ivnn nn the accredited aaent of General Now York, died yesterday morning, of pneumonia.

as it has been the habit to release sureties when thoy cease from tho suretyship and to i. fnr Us entire leuuth to a test 6TKONO PL ACS BAPTIST OHUROH. 8. U. LEWIS, who Bpoko of tho rapid pvogroHS of the city and IU brilliant prospects.

It Boomed Uko euotiantinont that the city hod grown so rapUly. It was a glonoua oity. Wo had a city as healthful as any oity in tbe world well drained, woll watered, woll lighted, and well gor orod. Tho succeeding toasts, "Our Pros?" and "The Hamilton to day" woro responded to by Messrs. Anguslua Maverich and K.

Low. Informal toasts were then la ordor, and tho fostivltlos woro not brought to a close until au early hour this morning. She was Bixtoon years old, and had jmt graduated with its fltnosa for use Tho Strong place Baptist Churoh, (Uov. Dr. Hoyt'e) i World, and, while that is the else, the Jefferson poll tics mny continue to exiat without causiaK any fatal I calamity.

But tho time wiU como when New Enifland i will bo as thickly peopled oa old England. Wagos will i bo ai low, and will fluctnato as much with you as with i ivill have vour Mancheoters and Uirming honors froai tho Convent ol the Sacred Hoart. cable. Now the specifications provide that one fnrlo ami nn LtTHluu Ul against a constitutional count ana majority rule. In those circumstances, the appeal to Democrats to improve Republicanism or to prefer one sort of it to another has not much force aud excites not much hospitality.

The selfish argument of the Democratic party advantage, in inflicting on Re is a handsome stono etruoturo on tho corner of Degraw street and Strong place. Tho audlance room is The Pope, yosterday, received tho students of I piece of wire siity feet long, and that weight aaaU be anulied so as to indicate tbe strength of fifty feot ol feet and soats on the main floor 600 persons. Three in those Mancheutera and llirminRhams Hampton, and the writer ingeniously makes out a ciso nf imrt fcelintr between Hampton and lilden, and a of the American College, who read an addroas and presented a sum of Pater's pence. Tho Pope, in reply, made mention of tho marvelous progress Catholicism doors opening outward connect tho vestibulo and audi nmweouent link of sympathy betweon Hampton ami hundreds of thousands of artisans will assuredly be sometimes out of work. Thou your Institutions will bo hnmirht In 1B test.

is QUltO plain ifusarvESS notices. wire, until a strain of sixteen uunarca pounu. reached." Inasmuch as tho other tests apply only to Pieces sixteen iiches long, whioh for Bssaemcr stool Slay be said to be no test'at all, it may be. sa tely as suuiod that tho specifications do not provide for any was making in America. Hayos.

TILOKN's OPPOSITION TO HAMPTON, publicanism its worst exponents, has a rele torium. Tha centre oue Is flvo feot wido and the sldos four foot wido. Thero aro thrao oulor doors affording exit from the front vestibule, That in tbo centro la a eliding door soven feet wide. Tho door at tho oast Bide John Ward, a lad of seventeen years, was Tho letter states that Tildon was atrongly opposed to AN nnpn uvnnnc miuu ua nut hold those in it at tho time of the dissovery of defaults responsible for tho amount, in that they have become responsible for the man. The decision which makes sureties responsible for all defaults of him they assure, occurring during their term, no matter whon the dofault be found out, and no matter though they have ceased from suretyship when it is found out, is as souud in logic as in law.

It was maintained by tho District Attorney and is ruled by tho Court that while a bond of surety may expire aud be succeeded by an nt.lmr with other bondsmen, the old vancy to this apparent total itopuoncan complicity in tho Presidency fraud which wo wish gontenced to State Prison, by Judge Qlldersloat'O, of utTicr nf thn wire on the cables. II tms the nomination of Hampton as uovornor, tu.n "Pi" tion first manifesting itself as early as tbe St Louis PMtrra. a neuhaw of Gov that vour government will never bo able to restrain a distressed and discontented majority. For with you tho majority is tho government, and has the rich, who are always a minority, absolutely Rt its merer. Tbo day will come when in the Stato of New York a multitude of people, none of whom has had more than half a breakfaBt.

or expects to have more than half a dinner, will choose a loaf mH nnm.iinut teat men au tne utuei vcota Kcw York, yesterday, for stealing an overcoat, oap, tnvnlva nAAlilOSH emeUSC. Btlt HO of the vestiblo is Ave feot bix Inches opaning outward, and tbat at the wost oldo if four feet six inches, also opening outward. Tbe galleries extend along tbe sidoB it did not have. For our own parts, wo tumii. glovot and a pair of llald glasses from Ihe residence oi or between one and two per cent, on tho total cost of tho Bridge.

The general opinion we think will be that the argument on both sides is protty closely balanced. It would incline altogether to the side of the advocates of the cheapest steel, through the adherence to that side of the engiueer in charge of the work, if it were not for another complication greatly to be regretted, which has thrown a responsibility on the individual members of tho Board of Trustees, that they should not have been called upon to meet. They did, indeed, try to protect themselves nguiust it, but they have not succeeded. It so happens that the Bessemer steel wire bid comes from tho wire manufacturing firm of Messrs. Roebliug's Sons, of Trenton, New Jersey.

Tho Chief Engineer of the Bridge is the most distinguished son of the late Mr. Roebling. The Chief Engineor was a momber of the Trenton firm, and it was well known the firm would be bidders for wire indeed they were bidders under the specifications for the wire which now spans the river. In view of this complication the Trustees, on motion of Mr. tiawitt.

adouted a resolution denying the engineer would be satisfied with this final test, and ernor Tilden. When the State Convention was held funnel Tcovle. of Washington, an agent of Tilden KliU Hit HUB f. i. LI.l.L (no (i (J (i nr.

ecu A A A A A AAA A A KKR KB KICK a gontlemau In Madison avenue, ou uoeomoer jj. there are Republicans aud Republicans pist om Democrats and Democrats, and hence tho necessity of preliminary trials, now i mius D.faW lunrt thftt ft taut, unfilled to dfty loot CUt was oresent to prevent tho candidacy oi uampion, uu waspreseui i inlnrlous to tho piirty. M. ww.u. A plot for the escape of the Mollio Maguiros aud across the front, mey nave seats ior aoom oou peoplo.

The stairs leading up to them at each end of tho front vestibule aro three feet Bix iuchos wide. There are two exits from the rear of the gallerlef to the Sun CovlSwas remonstrated with, and ho telegraphed for a confined in jail at Pottsvillo, has boen frustratod. ISislaturo will bo chosen? On one side a statea man preaching patience, raspect for vested rights, i riih (In tho other is a from one oou in iorty, eacn at least uinm uuuu.u long, ia not a sufficient and propor teBt to be applied to Bessemer wire, in view of the peculiarities of that ma James Hoyle and Hugn aicunen, unuor oeuieuuo StMTO from New V.rk, but when he EVERY DAY. OKDEK YOUB CAniUKIt TO LKAVE THE KAOLK day School room on the sooond floor of the chapel. death, had made oxtonslve preparations for escape, the former having already raised the flooring under his bod.

terial and its moaa ot manutaoture. ju tm umoi hand it is geuerally safe to say that such a test would be sufficient and proper if the steel were made of tho crucible or Siemans Uartln process in melting, in bond is not superseded by the new, but Thero are also two rear exits irom tne main noor to heard of it ho was deep withdraw, but was nnauy literally 6Ucceedod by it, and that each set of bondsmen are liable for de the first floor of the ohapel. Tho aislos in the church are very wide and are furnished with aisle chairs similar to thoBe mied in Plymouth Churoh. Tha spaces be consented to run. AT FRIENDLY RELATION'S, A journeyman barber of tho name of Gus which air is blown into tne mass ot stoei.

8o far as I oan see, therefore, a proper regard for the nhlfn aftfAtv reoulrea that thn IriiHtnAS Bbould either vf.f.e nnn pii a vi! I) l) A A tavus Lane committod suicide in New York last evon YY YY tween tho chairs when opanad are muob wldor than jffnr this with a view to establish irlenlly relations, Hoton addMJed a letter to Tilden, assuring the lat Hampton aaaroa lettor n6Ver stipulate on the contract that Bessemer steel should faults occurring during their period, al thou gh discovered long afterward. Many capi KK KKH I) A A 1) AAA EEE BUY I)I1D A A r.F. those in Plymouth Church, but the architects doem it ing by taking laudanum. Tha cause of hli aot was Bald to be dospondoncy from lack of employment. He had boon in tbe habit of taking chloral for tbe past te'0La.

s. not all. The Democrats Strict ouservKuuu ui demasoKuo ranting about tho tyranny ol capitalists and usurers, aud asking why anybody should be permitted to drink champagne and rldo in a oarnago thousands ol honest folks are In want of neces saries Which of tho two candidates is likely to bo preferred by a workiugmau who hears his ohlldren cry for mor, bread 7 I seriously apprehend that you will, in some such season of adversity as I have described, do things whtob will prevent prosperity from return that yon will act like people who should in a year of scarcity devour all the sood corn, and thus make tbe next a year not of scarcity, but of absolute famine There will be, I fiar, spoliation. The spoliation will increaso the distress. It beoomes good citizens to resist the beginning of this communistic evil, and the beginning is in the assumption that the public authorities are under obligation or are at liberty to find employment for any manor class not no empioyea ior tne manutacture oi tuo wue, "i if it be employed the wire should be subjected to different and mora ample tests than are provided lor in the existing specifications.

Thoso tests should bjmade by engineers having no relations to the contractors, in order to protaot tho trustee aad its officers froai hos three years, and was in poor health. ndviaible to recommend their removal as a protoctlon to the congregation. The churoh is heated by three brick aet furnaeoa well protected from the woodwork and located ia the cellar. ana me and asking for some talists who long ago went on ana coasea irom bonds will hereafter often feel a new interest in and anxiety about the honesty or crookedness of the offloials or ox offloials for whom The funeral services over the lato John M. sistanoaV Sr.

Hewitt replied that be had no money asiBiancj. th tn0 muat tka care of tile criticism. Stuart Second Vice President of the Mutual Life In that the permanent qualities which tell against demagogues and for statesmen in either party will assort themselves yet in this Electoral muddle. We thereforo sympathize with tho Massachusetts Republicans who desire to retain that State's right to Republican representation in tho Senate, and who deBiro that the right shall have a better impersonation than it now has. Mr.

Boutwell is, like sin, la reproach to any people," and while his descent from public affairs to private life would be very severe upon private life, it ought to be insisted upon booause of the damage to sound thinking and good morals which his intellectual hazynesss and political unscrupulous ness inflict. He is ignorant and impudent, pretentious and shallow, bigoted and also hypocritical, in all a unique mixture of entirely bad traits, so far as they concern the public service. Wo would like to have him succeeded by a scholar and a gentleman such an one would very likely prove to be a The chapel is In the rear of the ohuroh. The flrs to give mem, If the engineers thus employed ehouid come to me rnnclnsion that it Is not Doaslble to nrovide suitable surance Company, and prominently known In commer i 1, ov vftll chfid. Had the ex Agent been sued themselves.

TTiMTvrnw IRRITATED right of any one connected with the Bridge material used in it. It was cial and financial circles, wore oelobratod yestoruay af and convenient tosta for Bessemer steel, or if the bid with the new bondsmon, tho Government floor is divided up into reading, sitting and olass rooms and parlors. The exits from each are ample by doore and windows. Two flights of stairs, each four feet eight inches wide, connect with the second floor at the ternoon In New York. The uovernor, ex uoiornor IV U1U XV ThA letter then goes on to state that theao successive insets and whiff, naturally irritated Hampton and caused him not only to let Tilden severely alone in the causeu mi" made by tbe He that the mover 01 iu resuiu no secret would have lost the money, so important is it to bring the right form of uction and to sue Hoffman and a large number or publio mon ana merchants were preaent.

front. The Sunday scnooi room is in me eeconu tion had in lint he excluded, a nrm SXS'to WlttSiw the filden electoral ticket for of 10,000 Vunanimou. support m.ntu Hnkat as auainst Chamberlain s. story. Its dimensions are oixai leec, sua it am aaatu Reports for October and November were cn hannenod the right men.

ders should be unwilling to take oontraot suojeot 10 the tests recommended by the engineers, then I am clearly of the opinion that the trustees ahould advertise over for bids either limiting tbe material to either crucible or Siemans Martln steel or admitting Bossemer steel with such tests as the present state of knowledge of that material may prescribe. On the other hand if the John A. Boebllng Sons Company will consent to tho application of such suitable tests for tbe Bessemer steel, in addition to th osc of men. yestoiday flled by Receiver Jewctt, of tho Erie Railway. The total receipts for October ware $3.6111,839.41.

and r' niimmillT IONOBED. for 350 porions. Beside the two outletB by broad Btair ways to the street there are rear exits to the galleries of the church. The chapel is safe and well supplied with The Supervisors' Committee. with which the Trustee himself was connected Shortly after, Chief Eugiueer Roebling notified the Trust eos that he had disposed of 44 IIT tIT 1...

rpUlr. mv President of the Board of Tt further charges that from this time forward tho oandidaoy of TUden was tacitly Ignored; that tho Dome sneakers confined themselves exolusively to State crane pcaer who OCCU for November, $2,475,017. The expenditure! for the two months respectively were aud $1,892, exits. Jll 7 Snnnrricnrs. has shown Rood senso and a fair prescribed in the oxiBtlng specifications, it seems to me hiK interest in the Trenton wire xuij 039.93.

The policy OI paying employes promptly uao PUBLIC SCHOOL NUMBER THIRTEEN. Public School No. 13, of which Mr. Calvin Patterson IZSi for Hayes and left his brothers the solo owners. His brothers boen adopted.

STd that "this is why Tilden did not carry is the accomplished and courteous Principal, is situ spirit in appointing the Standing Committees of the Board for the ensuing year. Politically the Board maybe said to be evenly divided, ated on Degraw street, near Hicks, Tho building Is of wmseii a contrarv to tbe facts, brick with three stories and basemont, built in tho n7.inM and nerturbation among the aud the Committees apportioned between Re form of a letter with wings at the rear. Tno" aver clear mat me contract snoniu oe awaraeu tueuj, except in tbe contingency that tbe bast authorities shoidd conclude that no adequate teBta can ho provided Sbr Bessemer steel when it is to be used for wiro in tha cables of the suspension bridge. While upon this point, I do not venture to express a decided opinion, I confess that I have such grave doubts that I would not venture to record my vote in favor of Bessemer stetl upon the tests now provided for in the specifications, and I am convinoed that tbe apparent economy involved in the use of wiro made from this material should not weigh against the rest involved In it use, unless it can be more carefully it nnw annean to be. in view of the con occasiuu mwa Demoorata, TiuvTlT.



PAMPHLET BINDING. JOB BINDING. Sooond to none. HavitiK alt the tnodjrti iraurotemuato la machinery to'iuirud this denartnuut. wltli carpi a ootnpeteut mechanic, thoj o.iu guarauUo tint clan work FINE PRINTING.

For leRtnco and orlulnsllty oi dctlsa. and a caariatoo trnoa work, go to lb BROOKLYN EAGLE JOB DB statesman, too but for the State of Sumnor, Webster, Everett, Choate, Winthrop, the Adamses and Horace Mann to be represented by the author of inflation as a method aud the deviser of 'the Sanborn contracts really amounts to a calamity, iu addition to being a eomedv and a disgrace. rosuective numbers and experience, ui me ore crowded. The class rooms oik, tne uinerent noors are separated by sliding glass partitions. On the first floor, in the primary depirtment, aro 700 pupils.

Under these extraordinary circumstances, I called upon Oeneral Hampton and asked hi. views concerning to stiumonta in the letter. Ho was greatly surprised inrn manvand srave errors. twenty one Committees, the Democrats have eleven chairmanships and a majority of seats Thnrn are 450 on the second floor and 330 on tne A passenger train collided with a froight train at the western terminus of tha Erie Ilailway tunnel Wednesday night, and both locomotives were completely wreckod. Tha engineer of the freight train was injured slightly, and tbo conductor received Bonie Blight bruises.

The dsbri was removed without causing muoh delay to travel. Captain Murray, of tho Oak street Polioo Btatton, Now York, assisted by Dotectlvos Carr and Kennedy, yesterday morning arrested another member of the gang of burglars who oommltted tho Atorla robbery. He is known to the police as Patrick Caffey Iu the afternoon he was taken to Astoria ami identified and handed over to tbe Astoria police. He demos all knowledge of the affiir. New Jersey" HiffUt Side lip With Care.

That was a characteristic thing over iu Jer BQy yesterday, and as anything characteristic of Jersey is likely to be good, so was th.j breaking of the dead lock in the Assembly a good thing. There were thirty Democrats and thirty Eepublicans, and four Republicans voted with the Democrats to give them the Speaker, while the Bepublicans got the Clerk and the other offices were divided between the two parties about equally. As tho Speaker has the appointment of the Committees which shape legislation, it will be seon that the Democrats have the advantage but the claims they have to that advantage are these At the election, last Fall, the Democratic majority was over on Electors. An unjust districting of tho Stato deprives a 12,000 majority of anything liko proportionate representation in the Assembly. To promote business, propel government and secure substantial justice, four Republican Assemblymen break atorv.

Thore are Ave exits from the UDDOr are now tne lowesi oiuuein nm Bessemer steel wire avowedly, while it seems to have been understood, up to that time, that this steel would not and could not be accepted. This complicates the question very much, imd, we tliink, it is the main reason for the controversy in the Board, for it is not to be conceived that, under ordinary circtjuiBtanoes, a score of gentlemen, for ihe most part engaged in busiuess very widely differiug from bridge building, would con corn themselves with engineering questions, utfor their own engineers had decided them. In meeting their responsibility, the trustees seem to have picked up a great deal of siderations, which I deem it my duty to submit to you thrnnirh the Trustees. I have the honor to bo, very first story, all opening outward through single in thirteen of them, but this advantage is off. Bet by the relative importance of the Committees which the Republicans control.

I had no agenoy whatever in Juigo Mackey visit to Ohio, and he bore no proposition nor even message from mo. Mackey eaya eo himself. The wr ter, too, nnn nf mr sDeoches. A proposition was Hnnri These doors are considered rather nar 1'ue Illinois Soiiatorlipi respectfully your obedient "rvwi ami the architects recommond that they bo The prospect for beating Logan is reported At Mr. Kelly's request the list of bids and prices was be widened.

The front staircase leading to tho upper made to withdraw our eleotors, and the Democratic Executive Committee know that I took strong ground aaainst it. A Bnbeequent proposition was made on the aim nublect and I declined this positively. Judge to be improving. Not ail tne Illinois xiapuu The Russian sailor evidently believes to the Ut. pinwaHMia the history of crucible steel was tn in nooi rehnarsal then.

The whole floors is built with square platforms and baa a width of five foet. There are two Ave foot staircases in tho rear fnllARf aitent in the maxim that discretion is Cooke, a Republican, spoke for Tilden and voted for matter resolved itself into tho question as to whether rt intn nnhies of the Bndne a wire leading to all tho floors. The doors leading to them him. Judge aiacaey spoao witu uio a i. rfri nniifinu how he voted in the ITesi the better part of valor, and in the safe nroverb "that a whole skin is better than A petition of Chanoey R.

Weeks, one of Kellr. who was Daniel GJJF, licans are a unit on him. If they are, oum not give him 104, the number needed to elect, but only ninety seven. The Democrats are negotiating we suppose negotiating is tho word with vhe thrifty Independents who are all throe feet wide. An additional staircase similar to the present one is recommended at the front of the.

Sadefram eteei, of whoie strength there might be a doubt, was the case raj. whde wi lfinn Whether the canvass was a mistake n.A.lnrR flf ft. nerf orated glory." Having notified the or not is not lor me to say, out 1 ovu.n thnnimhW imd hcartilv throughout. The formation on uie qussuous 1U building. Tbo sohool house is heateu py steam sup nlled bv boilers in the biaement.

Mr. Patterson has Draw's son in law. to be relieved from his liability ai executor and trustee of Mr. Kelly's estate, was submitted yesterday to Judgo Douohue, in Supreme world that he seriously thinks of chastising r. Aiantnr nun Btiotlt to this Doint and esp The trustees, however, do not seem sue.

the scholars under excellent aiscipuuu auu mo the Turk, the Czar, as a preliminary step, dally can Oeneral Samuel McQowan, one of the electors at large, who is referred to and who, I hope, disposed to take all uie creu.ii vuey 1. In a very short snace of timo. au mo to bo crucible steol mere miu 4" cally he was In favor of uilng tho latter material. ith the Bessemer steel, or tbe giamana Martiu steel, they could not be absolutely suro of lkB strength. During the past few weeks ten tons of Bossemer steel Sad bean received by the Company, and half of it had been rejected because It would not stand the testa.

He should vote for the use of cruoible stool aud nothing else. Mayor Ely said the uuestlfiu as to tha kind of steel to nf n.o iit.nmt anf was iu fact his fleet to American waters, where by 1 hi tnrv'" Oeneral Htmpton. "has and give the majority a part of those rights nnsRibilitv will it be tempted to sink doovi of the building open outward. ST. STEPHEN'S IIOMA3 CATHOLIC CHURCH.

St SteDhen's Homin CathoUe Churoh (Rev. Fath been so secret that no one knows anything abont it, and hold the balauco of power, uavia Lyman A. Trumbull aud John A. Palmer are the names which are attracting attention. If auy of them or if a man of their type should become Senui or.

Uie gain as compared with ii DiOUU'ASw thvough six years from all of which, a Gerrymandering process nr eanture any of the Sultans craft. We Court Chambers, Now York. air. nouj, "7 left his property in trust for bia fiva nam lag threo trustoes. Dautsl Drew, their grandui was one, aud took oharge of the daughter withdrew hor Bhire bafora tho failuro if Drew.

Tbe otforta of tho other granddaughters to rescue their shares ilnoe Mr. Drew'a failure have boau ronortad. Mr. WeikB' petition 1b, tbl ti ha had been relied upon to separate them. Crook il is utterly unreliable aB nisiory as ta ncim.

ST. PATRICK SOCLttV. O'Reilly'a), corner of Summit and Hicks streets, is one suppose the fleet has been sent here because edness wins not more than fahrulay in New nt thn finest ooclesiastical edifices in this oity. feaved. if allowed to remain xjuiu ond nn nin nr exnanse havo been Jersey.

Th Conservative xnajorVty FAUTMKN tor your priming. PRICES REDUCED. AV. .14. Mnuaii fiilVin til mot.

DOOK 11JNDING I OR Till' TRAnic Tha annna usii69 meeUiag of the St. might for the success of thoir investigation, for one of the loading Bessemer steel advocates, Mr. Marshall, somewhat rudely mti broadly thai a supporter of eruciblo eteel was merely repoaling a stat laeot which an interested bidder had him in possession of. It might readily ho retorted that the Bessemer steel advocates are "coached" by their own employes ou the Bridge for it is hardly conceivable that tucv Li I. UJI.l.l.fl, in mVA 11 mYnmttl tBtKAMMi.

Tha the moat important question that had been brought befoM them in tha history of the enterprise. lie wtTioVfcirolKa to (imilliriM WuMslf with iho subject somewhat and would like to consider It tor a few days more. lie thereforo would move an adjourn mw' stranahan suggested that as there sere so simj I tfftia WKw wU he wall to discus Patriot Society will ba held thf evening at the comer of Court and Remsen Btroclt. Ad election for officer never accepted tho trust, ti 'n Ttt Uots. liabUit SlIHVU Bloeplo at the front towers to an immenia neltfhi aviruwto.ia: by crisUH crw which peau waters, it might overdo the business of flogging Mohammedans.

Such consideration shows that tho Russian is not less generous thau mighty. i ore would bt. ry great. We presume i nobody is in au du.iht about Logau as being a quack in all that that term politically implies. His corruption, ignorance, bad asso ciatious.

flat dtsmajjoguevj and habit of carry ballot is one, and the election of a Conservative Senator of Now Jersey in the Senate of the Unitod States is thus secured. Judge Ash abel Gi eon. of Princeton, will probably win will be held. A full attandance is dejirable..

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