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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ENGIKEEU LEFEKICirS LOOP. GRANT'S BIRTH SELF DEFENSE. BAIRD'S FIGHT PR1NG OPENING. Elacbuttli Property BrlnSH Small Prices Content Over the Colored IMiysiciaii'H fO'CMEDITIOI Eutalc. Under the Hammor, Howell Would Have It if St Were JLess Costly, He Say.

Bridge Presidont Howell to day affirmod that If over there were' bargains to bo had in real Can a person make what ho announcoB to be an irrevocable will, and thon revoke it This is the os'ato the buyers at the sales of Flatbush property belonging to tho Wiliink and Bergeu oBtatos, To be Elaborately Celebrated in XHUUSDAV EVENING, APRIL 3, 1890. To Secure the Postmastership' puzzler left by Dr. JamoH N. Gloucester, the col oao a GO PPP PPP by Jere Johnson, at tho Brooklyn Real Estato Exchange 303 Fulton ntrcet, got them this RRR RRR ored physician aud clorgyman, for Surrogate Abbott to solve. The doctor also Btirrod up a hor NN NN NN NN Brooklyn.

for Taylor. A Little Light on the Plain view Tragedy, The Confederate of the Van Sises Makin? Conflicting: Statements Judge Steincrt Discorers an Important Witness. net's nest amoiig his family and rolatives, and FOR EDUCATION there is going to be a bittor contest over the dis Ho They nclonir to the Gang That Has Worked the Eighteenth Ward Gottlieb Huber, a Bowery lodger; John Rupp and George Wittehauer, of 304 Broadway, this city, wore charged with grand larceny beforo Justice Konua to day. Early laat evening the trio onterod the apartments of Otto Sturke, a confectioner, at 1,027 Broadway, and stole articles of clothing, valued at $50. They woio arrested with their booty in their possession an hour later by Officer Perkins, of the Thirteenth Precinct.

Hubor's fathor subsequently told tho police that his son was an inveterate thief. The authorities aro inclined to believe that many of tho robberioa that have taken place recently in the Eighteenth Ward can bo traced to a gang of which Officer Perkins1 prisoners form tho nucleua. morning. Vacant lots in tho best localities in the town and in close proximity to tho line of the proposod elovated railroud to Flatbush sold for a song, bringing at least 35 per cent, below their position of the ostato. Dr.

Gloucester was a familiar figure in Brook whilo in his belief the loop system as oxplained in yesterday's Eaole was the solution of tho bridge traffic problem it would bo much too expensive for preBont adoption. "Probably the best thing we can do now," eaid Mr. Howell, "is to carry out tho improvements that have boon planned, improving still further on these where it is possible. For instance, it would bo a grcnt advantago to us if wo could do away with the tail switching of trains and tho use of locomotives. Locomotives are oxponsivo, and witJi their noiso and smoko and dirt are a nuisance." Mr.

Howell exhibited one of tho cuts in Eneineer Leverich's pamphlet on tho traffic ca Plans or the Grand Army Post Which Bears His Name to Honor His Memory actual value. Slosfc of the lots wore sold in eenos can lyn for many years. Ho was tall and gaunt and There Has Been a Shirt In the Situation That Bodes 111 for Bryant Bepnl) licau Troubles. PP1 PPP and were bought up by Now York speculators OOO OOO dignified, and stalked through the streets liko NTT IT NN ft UN N.T ft NN NN NN KB BUB on April 28, who took from five to ton lots in a series. The nn tho personification of knowlodgo.

Sometimes he An Appeal Made to the Methodist Conference. first property put under the hammer was a por preached. He dootored at all times, for a mod One of the idiosyncrasies that have soemod to tion of tho Wiliink estate lying on Grant and erate feo, although he was never in need of make this city as only a satellite in the firman en East Thirty first and Thirty second streots. money, because ho inherited a comfortable for of American mnuicipalitios was that she always Fnnv lntw. lifivinr.

nn nrm.pirntn Frnnfc.njfl of 84 wont to Now York to celebrate Grant's birthday, tune from hia wife, Elizaboth A. Gloucester, who diod several years ago after achieving renown as A. J. foot on Grant street, with corner Jot on East pacity of the bridge, showing a possible circular loop in New York with a diameter insido tho tracks of 100 feot. "Wo aro now figuring on a Thirty first street, alt 81 feet 10 inelios deep, This was iu spito of the fact that tho vigorous and patriotic post that bears the great general's tlie landlady of a boarding houBe at Clinton and wore sold to J.

o. Willing Tor J200 per lot. A Mr. Sehwedlor bunirht a lot 20 foot front by Romson streets that had been popnlar for gener name is hero, that from Brooklyn came the guard FROM CALVARY. loop in Brooklyn," ho said, "that might bo made 81 feot 10 inches deep, adjoining this property Political bookmakers who aro fixing up a slate for tho Postmastership of this city and tho patronage pertaining to that office are to day again all at soa, and the wisest among them do not aeem to havo any positive idoaB as to who will bo Mr.

Hendrix's successor. A few days ago the impression that tho clever, young Republican from tho Eastern District, William Cullen Bryant," was sure of tho placo, Boomed to havo takon possession of oven the most onthusiastie supporters of the other candidates. Mr. Bryant's strong backinR, his acknowledged ominont fitness for the placo and tho fact that Prosident Harrison had intimated that he felt favorably disposed ations. Mrs.

Gloncester died worth over $100, 000. Hor boarding house was bought and tor joo. and ten lots. 20 reet iront on urani of honor that escorted his body to tho tomb and that undertook tho responsibility of sooing that it TO NN Facts as to tho incidents leading up to tho killing of Frederick Van Siso by Gunther Kiel in the latter'a barroom at Plainedgo, L. at an early hour yesterday morning, are almost na scarce today as they wore yesterday.

Nathan Van Sifle, father of the deceased, ia still unablo to give his version of tho tragedy. He is watchod by an officer. Kiel is able to talk, but his physicians re fuso to lot anyono seo him, and the only statement he has mado is that ho acted in Belf defense. Kiel's condition was improved to day, but ho is by no means out of danger. Duryea, who was in tho scrimmage and escaped with a slight wound, adheres to his story that Kiel began the vow and Bhot Fred Van Siso for no catiso at all.

Kiel is known to be a man of violont temper when in liquor, but nevertheless he has maintained a good reputation during a forty five years' residenco in the place. The Van Sises wero fond of a fight. Tho autopsy ou the body of Fred Van Siso was to correspond to one liko that, wo nun mo greatest difficulty to overcomo would bo the street, 83 feot doep, taking up tho ontiro front of man ti rrr NPf NN NN UUU turned into quarters for tho Long Island Club, 1TTTT wasnotdisturbod in its nlaoeof temporary rest. It tho block between Fast Tlitrty Ui'Bt and luirty. unnnml uf.i imr.c.

to'l nnr grades in tho immediate vicinity of tho ter 'i GO a a uaa, was Jiero, too, that Grant made his last public ap minus. NN a wnuom democratic organization, and it was subsequently again sold and on the site now stands the Hamilton Olub. Mrs. Gloucester loft John P. Plantin bought one lot on Grant stroet, thn Hrtino dimnnuinn us nt.hors sold, for $200, The pearance, when, in 1884, at the Academy of Music, he was electod commander of tho Loyal Two lots fronting on East Thirty lirst street, Cornerstone for the New Tabernacle Arrives.

one sixth of her eBtato to her husband, uncon immediately back of those bought by Willing on Logion.of the State of Now York. Shortly previous The Second Day's Session at the Summer Held Church Vice Chancellor Mac Crackcn Delivers a Message From the Presbyterian Synod. There were few vacant scats in the Summer field Methodist Episcopal Church this morning at 0 o'clock when Bishop Andrews called the second fluy'H meeting of the forty second session of the Kew York East Methodist Conference to order. From the body of the church some two hundred vitl fifty men whose names are known the length ud breadth of tho country for ability and piety listened attentively to the whilo the gallery, crowded with ladies, testified to tho interest felt in church work by tho mothers, wives and dans liters of Brooklyn. Tho d'eleRates to HUSTED'S RULE.

ditionally, to be by him disposed of by will as it Grant street, 124 feot deep and 20 feet front, to thia event, with General Sheridan and Gilmore, 4 wero sold to Sir. Franklin Allpn for $100 each pleased him. Allen al.o bought four lots. 100 feet deep by 20 viewed tho parade oi tno veterans ana foet front, on East Thirty ttiBt street and Thirty the National Guard in this city on Dococation Becond street on tho noxt block for $100 each. day and waa entertained by mombera of tho CORNER FULTON AND SMITH STREETS, uu coilior lot an luo uuu nujli.

u.iy nrosont irnnf. Pnt. Hn TtrnMt in nrnnnnon t.n It is at Roberts' Stores Much Attention Other On October 4, 1883, Dr. Gloucester mado what ho plainly denominated in words as an irrevocable will, in pumianco of a business contract with his five children, dividing his property equally among them. This irrevocable will purported to bo tho fulfilment of a business arrangement and and Attracts Relics Accoin louthoiist corner of Grant and East Thirty sec The Lobbyists Are Very Much made last night.

Tho barrel of the gnu must colebrato the general's birthday in a style of ap oni streets, were kiiooked down to C. J. JudU ai propriate completeness snch as tho sister munici $240 per Jot. Pleased. two small lots.

front, witn a aontn oi ou pality haB never attomptod. Tho cerebration will have been held close to his body when tho shot was fired. Thochargo of duck shot went all the way through his body and his heart was shattered into pieces. Dnryea savs that when Van feet, in the rear Df JnrtrVs lots on East Thirty wob witnessed by James W. Cairns, 143 WeBt ARU NOW EXHIBITING THEIR CHOICE SE be nder tho direction of Grant Post, though second street wero bought by John uuritu ior Thirty sixth street, New York City; John F.

the conference, some hardly past youth sido by citizens outsido that veteran organization aro $110 each. Tim IntH hfiloiifriiifr to ttiA nutate of the late Quarlos, of Flushing, and John McCrane, of Siso throw up hia liauda and exclaimed. "Pon. I'm also interested iu forwarding the arrangements. LECTIONS OV HIGH GRADE READY MADE shot!" he was dead iu a minuto, falling behinn Mii'hnnl ItnriFftn lirmiirht.

ovnn Hmaller prices than Tho celebration will comprise a reception and inirty fourth stroet, this city. The fivo children ivere: James N. Gloucester, 144 Remson tho above, Tho entire front of the block on a splendid banquet in tho spacious rooms of tho the stove. Duryea says that Nathan Van Sise and Kiel had a struggle for possession of the gun. nvflimn.

hntivHfiii Smt fourtu arid bixcy Btroet; OharloB N. Gloucester. 301 East One Hnn dml and Third stroet, New York; Louisa R. Glou CLOTHING, MERCHANT TAILORING, FURNISH post in the Johnston Building on Monday ovon iug, April 28. Tho annivorsary of tho general's fil'th streets, eomprisiug ten lots, 20x80 feet wn, ci ,1.1 in o.

n. Nnw York specu toward him made Mr. Bryant's friends very con tiddont that in him thoy had a winnor. But there is miny a slip botweon the cable and the grip, and during the past twenty four hours the suro thing that Mr. Bryant apparently had on the Postmastership has become very much of an uncertainty.

The vigorous personal opposition made to. Mr. Bryant's appointmont by Colonel Andrew D. Baird, of the Nineteenth Ward, has apparently had some effect upon tho powers that bo iu Washington and it was openly assorted today by well known localllepublicans that Secretary Tracy had, to a certain extent, let go his hold on Mr. Bryant and that in view of Colonel Baird protest and his throat to go out of politics and leave tho Republican party if Mr.

Bryant was made Postmaster, had had its effect upon General Tracy and had seriously injured Sir. Bryant's chancos.and that as a result his prospects of landing in Sir. IIondrix'B comfortable easy chair in the Federal Building wero by no moans as good as they wero. Ex Senator Piatt, when aBkod today how tho situation stood in regard to tho Brooklyn postmrstcrshin, said: "In the first place nothing will be done about tho Brooklyn postmastership until tho present incumbent's term expires noxt June. In tho Becond place 1 and that Van Sise got it aud with one blow on tho head knocked Kiel insensible, ho falline nnartlio cester and Elizabeth G.

Johnson, 144 Romson lator, for $225 a lot. Sharpo also bought eight birth occurs on Sunday, and in Now York tho memorial celebration will be on Saturday even street, and Adelaide Rice, 345 Franklin avenue. body of tlie dead man. It was during the strug ING GOODS, HATS AND SHOES. THE ONLX Seventh and Eighth avenues, with tho privilego nf hnlf rf IWnlinvnn fnraO DPr lot.

aild gle that Van Sise's leg was broken, but he fought ing. I he reception in this city will begin at 0 :0 On November 27, 1880, Charles N. Gloucester, for a valuable consideration, assigned all of his intorest in his father's irrevocable will to William on. o'clock and the banquet an hour later. The list ten lots, 20x80 feet, taking up the entire front of Judgo Steinert.

who is assistintr Coronnr COMPLETE OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT FOB r.nn tnt nn 'rnnrii nvnnnp. ntw un oiiiu buuu of the toastB aud speakers is not yot entirely com M. Martin, of 7 Nassau street. New York. plete.

The responses to the toasts by notable and Sixty fourth streets, for $200 a lot. Ml' P. fVnlr liniirrht. tivn lots Oil SOVflnth On February 20, 1800 ono month and one day Cooloy, has found an important wituoss, whose statonient is said to be sufficient to show that Kiel acted in self defense. Tho name of tho wit.

nwiniin. iimtnrliiwr nnrnpr Int. on Sixtv fourth speakers will quite thoroughly outline the career of the great commander and President, aB writ bo MEN. YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN IH Btreot.for $230 each; two lots in same block on before his death Dr. Gloucester mado a second will, expressly revoking all nrovious wills.

In mxiy iourm street, ior saao eaon, mno ioinlnir riiri'H) nnpli and two lots further down seen by the nearly complete list that the Eagle is enabled to publish to day. The first toast will bo this last document ho out off his soiib at one foil pany it. One of the interesting items in the cargo of tho steamship Giava, which arrived at lioborts' Stores thia morning, waa the corner stone for TalmaKe'a new tabernacle, of which so much was said when he arrived homo in February. The Stono ia now lyins in Roberts' Stores, a no permit has yet been granted for its removal. It may remain there for aome time yet, or at least until it is wanted to be put in use in the now edifice.

The parcel has already become an object of creat interest, and many peonle who happened to be in the vicinity of Roberts' Stores this moriiint' and hoard that it was there wont to take a look at it and speculated aa to whether it was worthy of tlie ieircnda which accompany it, or whether some one had tacked a leiruiid to it to Kive it an interest. Tho story runs that the Rtono is one upon which our Saviour stepped while on His way to the cro.s, and it Jias been much revered on this account. One thiuir ia certain, however, that it camo from Calvary, being shipped from there to Piraeus and from thence to Port Said, then to Palermo, whore it was taken on board the to be brought to this port. Tho stone is about three feet square and nearly ten inches thick. It Weighs in tho vicinity of pounds.

The color ia a very haiidaome dark red and tlio appearance is much tho Bame as Canadian granite. A large box of relics of some sort or other accompanies tho atoue, and it is a matter of conjecture as to whether they are to bo laid in the resting place of the Htone or whether thoy are simply to be used in church decoraiion. as relics. It in BROOKLYN. tho same block for $100 each, all fronting on KiTt.v fnnrth Kt.r,ot.

hfttwflftll Rfivmith and Eighth ness is withheld. He states that tho Van Sises and Dnryea wero pretty drunk, and after being in tho hotel a while thoy began to dispute with Kiel about politics. They wero supportera of Scudder V. Whitney for supervisor, and Kiel was entitlod "April 27, 1822," the day of General Brooklyn and New York Authorities Need Not bo Notified of Hearings on Private Bills Affecting' Municipal Interests. CSpecial to the Eagle.l Amasv, N.

April 3. The lobbyists who hang about the doors of the Senate and Assembly chambers are delighted with Speaker Husted's ruling, that the rules of the House do not require notice to bo sent to municipal authorities of hearings on bills liko tho Grcttineor East Itivor Bridge bill. Under this ruliug there may bo a dozen bridge schemes before tho Legislature, all affecting the interests of Brooklyn and New York, yet the authorities of those cities are not to be notifiod of hearings to bo had on such measures. It is not necessary to send out notices in such cases, beeauso the bills are solely in tho interest of private corporations. Husted's rules certainly favor corporations.

But the Gretsinger bill will requirn something more than the Speaker's inlluence to save it from death when the lights are turned on. It is ottered as an excuse for Mr. Shtehsui's failure to oppose tho Gretsinger Swan Bridge bill that, as loader of the Democratic minority, ho is obliged to make some concession to Democr its liko Judge Greene. Mr. Sheehan must make theso concessions so that Democratic Assemblymen may be kept in lino on party measures, bo it is foolishly claimed.

That is to say, sooner than lose the side with those who had passed over fifty years in Ahe service of the church, met in the lecture hall of the building at 8 o'clock for prayer. The proceedings in the church were opened by the Hcy.W. P. Corbit, known throuKhout New York State for more than half a century as an earnest and efficient church but now, according to tho merciless rules of the Methodist Episcopal Church, superannuated, as too old to be useful. Mr.

Corbit read the portiou of the Scriptures assigned for the day, and then prayed fervently for his brethren, that they might be satisfied with the portions allotted to thorn by the elders: for tho conference, that its deliberations might be attended with good results, and for the presiding officer, that the work done under his direction might be forever as a crown of glory to him. The prayer wad frequently interrupted by cries of, "Amen Amen and many of the venerable preacher's hearers sobbed audibly. After the secretary, lie v. 0. P.

Mains, had called the roll and explained the whereabouts ot the absentees, the Itev. (iuorge H. Goo Isell, agent of the Tract Society and Sunday School Union, who was to have provided at the meeting announced for vesterday afternoon, but which was crowded out bv the lengthening of the anniversary celcbrn. tion of the Woman's Home Missionary Society, moved in jjuturo each meeting bo closed at the time fixed on the printed programme. The m.ition was adopted.

On a committee was appointed to consider the itinerant club question, and Bishop Andrews nominated the following committee to consider tlie appeal presented yesterday by the First M. E. Chureii of Flatbusli: W. 13. Kelley.

J. W. Stnnsbury, II. Q. Jiuhl, T.

O. Howell, J. L. aweop of tho "pen. To James N.

and Charles N. Gloucester he gavo $50 each; to his nieceB, Angelica and Mario U. Melondeg? he gavo $100 each, and all the rest of hia property, both real and Grant's birth and General Stewart L. Woodruff in hia response wiU speak of the early life and avenues, and being 100 feet deep and twenty feet front. In the same block a Sirs.

Foote bought two lota for $210 each: John Murphy two lots for NOVELTIES WILL 13E FOUND IN THEIR reiterate ray former opinion that Sir. Bryant has friendly to George W. Downing. Words ran development of tho horo. General Henry W.

never stood any chance of securing the place. $1 80 each, and Mr. F.Thompson two lots lor iuu nnn.h n.n1 fcwn mnpn fur $200 nnnh. Slocum will speak uuder the date of July 1, 1 839, and thirdly, as preachers say. no one will bo ap high and the three Whitney men abused Kiel roundly and threatened to turn hia barroom into a mass of ruins more than once.

Kiel had no when Grant entered West Point. The toast of the personal, ho bequeathed to his thrco daughters. Elizabeth G. Johnson, Adelaide Rice and Louisa R. Gloucester.

Tho will was drawn up by Lawyer T. McCants Stewart, colored, and signed by J. S. pointed postmaster of Brooklyn by tho Presidont On tho end of this same block, fronting 'on Eighth avenue and running from Sixty fourth to Sixty fifth street, S. Sharman bought ten lots, Navy at Fort Donaldson, whore Shorman says Grant first showed his military greatness, will bo who is not recommended by Socretary Tracy, Mr.

Piatt said that he had not heard tho names per Jot. f)n tlin f.nrnnr of fiirlv fifth ntreet and Seventh Brown. 395 Gold street, and Isaac H. Bolder, 500 MES'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, license, and the men taunted him with being a law breaker. Kiel was waiting for his son to return from Farmingdale, where ho was serving as an inspector of election, before closing his place, of any new or compromise candidates mentionec" responded to by Rear Admiral D.

L. Braine. "Grant in tho City of BrooMy will be tho subject of Slayor Chapin's address. General 0. 0.

I' ulton streei The contestant ia William 11. Martin. Both wills are in evidence. avenue, running to tho center of the block toward Sixty fourth street, Mrs. Slary Ramsay bought for the postmastership and that, in fact, as far BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S hvo lots at $230 per lot.

as he knew there wero no new developments in but when the hour of midnight arrived and the Howard will answer to the toast "Vickaburg, July the matter. young man waa still absent, Kiel began to Close up aud ordered the Van Sisns and 4, 1803," the day of tho surrender, and General Horace Porter will give tho last scenes of Grant's United States Circuit Court Judgo Benediot CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, PROTEST MADE this morning received the commission of Daniel SHOT HIMSELF. Duryea to leave. They demanded "night caps," and, when Kiel refused them liquor, one or both war record under the closing event at Appomatox April 7, 18G5. The great record of Grant as a Lake as United States Marshal.

By tho same mail Sir. Lake received the blank form of tho statosman and a citizen will be included iu the CUSTOM TAILORING DEPARTMENT, support of Judge Grecue and other Democrats interested in big bridge schemes, Mr. Sheehan mnst understood that each relic in the box has an appropriate historic legend, but what they arc iio one as yet knows, as tho box has not been opened, bond which he is to file from Frank A. Branagan, appointmont clerk of tho Department of Justice at Washington. Tho bond is for $20,000.

Tho sureties aro Supervisor John Y. McKano and Peek, O. J. North, J. M.

Carroll, If. E. Brown, oi tne van sises drew knives and threatened to carve Kiel if he did not set up a bottle of whisky for their satisfaction. Dnryea had a hoavy stiek in his hand. Tho spectator, seeing that there was to be trouble, stepped quickly out of the bar room and ran home.

address by St. Clair McKelway on "Civic Honors." To the toast, Slount McGregor, July 23, 1885," General Wager Swayne wijl respond and give tho closing scenes in the life of General Grant. Against the Sewer aud Salary FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT, Mysterious Suicide J. (. only, U.

Scoaeid. T. Jl. Nortii and u. an At Bills.

Morning. The rooms of the post will be handsomely A motion that a committee be appointed to confer with a like committee of the conference now in in New York in order to bring about a HAT DEPARTMENT, Charles A. Willard, a coal dealer who resides at 133 Prospjot avenue. Sir. Lake was sworn in this afternoon and took charge of the oflico What transpired afterward cannot hn tained at this time, as Duryea is clearly not tell decorated by Dean.

An orchestra will provide music during tho evening, and a quartot from tho Apollo Club will Bing. co ot tlie two conterences met witn eon Kidera'jle opposition and decided against forthwith. There are not less than a Bcore of 8HOE DEPARTMENT. Eastern District Taxwayers File Their when put to ue llie asking ot tlie ms rinliiiiirv onostions was interrupted for the in Major B. R.Corwin is chairman of tho Commit applicants for tho five offices at the disposal of the marshal, but appointments from them will ing iiie trutn.

iu all prohability an attack was made on Kiel. His frightful injuries, apparently from knives and sticks, indicate that they must have been inflicted to an extent before hp. hvttim Self Destruction of an Unknown Man on the Eighteenth Ward Sand troduction of Vice Chancellor H. M. MacCracken, tee of Exercises of the banquet and George A.

Objections With Major Chapin Grand Street Pavement. not bo made until next week. of the University ot Mew Mr. Mac Cracken said he had been sent by tho Tho action of tho Executive Committee of the Hills. shooting, for after young Van Sise fell dead, shot through tho heart, Kiel had things hia own way with the fihler Vnn Six.

Republican General Committee iu setting aside New York Presbyterian Synod to usk the conference to aDooint a committee to confer with a com Mayor Chapiii has received from a committee for thoexponses of the Legislative Commit Amelia'Schwatzer, of 58 Wyckoff aveimo, was iniiteo of tlie synod to Join in the work of arous of the Eastern District Taxpayers' Association a Price is chairman of the Committee of Arrangements. Among the citizens interested in the affair are Jo. ieph F. Knapp, William H. Lyon, Charles A.

Moore aud William Berri. Tho Congregational Club had secured tho rooms in which the banquet will be held for the evening, previous to tho decision of the club to celobrato the day, but on learning the desiro of the Veteran organi tee promises to create a big row at the next meet except perhaps by customs inspectors, since it was shipped. ASHOUB AT JO.N'ES' INLET. Tbc Steamer Panama, From Bordeaux, Stranded on short Bench. Fibe Island, L.

April The French steamer Panama, Captain Ch abot, from Bordeaux to New York, went ashore thia morning near Jones' Inlet. Short Beach, on the South Shore. The steamer ia a freight vessel and nailed from Bordeaux Starch 13. She registers 1,357 tons and carries a valuable cargo. Sho ia consigned to Fundi, Edye Co.

The sea ia calm aud the veasel is in no danger. The agents wore informed at once of the accident. When the news of the Panama'B mishap waa received by the New York agent, the tug Lauter back was at once dispatched to assist in pulling the steamer oil the sands. It was at first reported that the vessel ashore was the Conemara. ing tlie people to mam tain tlie American tlieory passing along Troutman street, near Irving avenue, about 10:30 o'clock this morning, when rier THE PRESENT OCCASION OFFERS UN EQUALED OPPORTL'NITIKS FOR SELECT, Dnryea having run out into tho yard.

Kiel's head ia pounded to a jelly, hia face is cut and bruised anil his hands lacerated. Dnrve.i ing of tno General Committee. Already talk is communication protesting against tho Twenty sixth Ward Sower bill which Mr. Linton has had introduced at Albany, because thoy hold that of religion ana education, Hie speaker continued We are in onnosition to three false theories indulged iu by the opponents of Franklin Wood remain dumb when the interests of the. greatDein oeratic cities of Brooklyn and New York aro assailed as they were yesterday.

Mr. Sheehan does not vote for these measures. He dodges them. Assemblyman Kelly, of Kings County, or, rather, Alderman Coffey's Twelfth Ward representative, is apparently very anxious that tho Bridge bill shall pass. He lives in South Brooklyn, yet professes to believe that the bri intended for tho benefit of residents north of the present bridge would bo of great benefit to the Twelfth Ward.

He is for a bridge and an appropriation. In the Assembly this morning the following bills were ordered to a third reading: Mr. Kelly's bill rating the pilots on police boats as detective sergeants with the same compensation: Mr. McTernau's bill to authorize tho City Works Commissioner of Brooklyn to increase the oftieo accommodations in the collection department in the Municipal Building. Mr.

Gretsinger's bill to create a board of commissioners to be known as Commissioners of the County Farm of the County of Kings; the said appointments to be made by tho Sheriff and County Treasurer. Mr. Blanchfield's bill to provide better facilities for travel across the Metropolitan Avenue Briilg Mr. Gretsingeis bill to allow the sum of J2.500 to be paid to tho St. Martha's Sanitarium and Dispensary, in attoution was attracted by the strange conduct of a man a few yards in front of hor.

He was could not be induced to oxplain how it waa that tho secular, the denominational and the aboli ruff in the party that savors largely of scandal, It is aaid that two men received 11,000 for mak the work should bo done at the expense of the taxpayers of tho ward. The committee can not have examined the bill. It provides lie Himself escaped without serious injury while the older Van Sise had hia head stov in nml hi tion. I will take them inversely and denno them. The theory of abolition maintains that tho State should cease to support schools of any kind or zation the club promptly and unanimously postponed their dinner for tho evening.

ING FASHIONABLK VARIETIES FOR TOWN ing it appear that tho Republicans of Kings County favored tho Second Avenue Extension walking at a varying pace, and at intervals would came almost to a standstill. Suddenly he started forward leaping the fence hurried toward the sand liills. As lie camo to the first one lie drew a revolver from tho pocket of his should confine its sohool work to tlie lower grade; that the cost shall be borne by a district bill. Who these two men are has not transpired, leg broken. Duryea says that when Kiel returned to the barroom old Van Siso rallied and attacked with tho barrel of the gun.

knocking him COMMISSIONER L00.H1S REHIG.VS. AND COUNTRY. not going beyond what is popularly Known in education as tlie "three lis." l)r. Howard Cros of assessment, and not by tho city at The objectionablo feature of the bill is but it is not unlikely that the charge will take by, a member of tho syiiod'. Icommittee, supports definite shape iu a day or two.

Although the Cleaning New York's Streets Too Big a Bonseless and raining blows on hia head until ho that it provides that the city shall advance the tho muzzle against his The horrified woman Legislative Committee received $800 last year tvan bise) fell to the floor exhaueed and uncon Job for Him. tins theory. Ine synou rejects tins position as being an impracticable issue. The denominational theory maintains that the State should jacket and, placing right tomple, fired, saw him totter and tho blood apurting for their services, the proposition to give them STORE OPEN THIS EVENING, FRIDAY AND money. Then again, tho committee in its com munication says that the amount is $1,000,000: it is but 1500,000.

Tho committee also protest fall flat upon his face, over tho ground. Her Horace Loomis was to day relieved of the apportion the taxes among the representatives of year will be vigorously fought by tho scious. If Van Siae's strength had lasted he must have killed Kiel then and there. Duryea did not interfere. duties of Street Cleaning Commissioner in New screams brought Detective Sergeant Lyons SATURDAY EVENINGS LATE.

against tho "continued iucreaso in tho salaries of employes of tho city, bocauso the Balarios of Cooley lias completed arrangements for the in of the Sixth Precinct to tho spot, and as quickly as possible he summoned an ambulance and Sur Baldwin men, because they claim that the coni uiitteo is so constituted that only a faction, and not the General Committee, is represented on it. ACCIDENT TO A FIREMAN. the majority of workingmen are gradually de quest on Tuesday. Comment is mado on the selection of a jury of Germans, and the Van Sisn York, to which place ho waB recontly appointed by Mayor Gro ut. It was at Mr.

Loomis' urgent request that this was done, and Mayor Grant has selected as his successor Hans S. Beattie, late Surveyor of the Port. The appointment has been geon Parrish from St. Catharine's Hospital. HART RODMAN'S THIEVING VISITOR.

Slary Rodman's apartments, on the Becond floor of the tenement house at 20.1 Tan Brunt street, wero viBited last ovennig by a enoak thief, who carried away with hiin a plush aacQue valued at f30. STOLE A PHUBV IUT. creasing, and because tho city ia already denominations ami maintain uersenoois in wnoie or in part through denominational agency. This is done in some measure by the United States Government in these schools among our Indian tribes, but the conditions there are exceptional, and the practice is intended to be transient. The INew York synod opposes this theory as opposed utterly to the letter and genius of our constitution.

The secular theory is that which confronts ns with greatest strength and plausibility of argument. It is well Tho man was unconscious when tho detoctivo A. J. N. 4 00.

mortgaged up to very nearly tho point wher a further increase is prohibited by law." Mayo Jaiuen iTtcElroy I'lsrowu From Engineer reached his side and lie remained in that condition until 2:15 o'clock this afternoon, when ho sent to tho Health Board for its approval. Mr. Loomia sent his letter of resignation to Mayor Chapin is asked to use his inflnence to prevent Ferry'M Wagon. The Senate is considering tho Hendricks' High License bill. The Republicans are voting down all motions to amend and will pass the bill in its original shape, as it has appeared in tho news died.

the passage of these bills. OVEN WIRE The suicide was abont 45 years of age, 5 feet Fireman James SIcElroy, who is attached to the Corporation Counsel JenkB has informed the Grant yesterday. It read as follows: lion. Hugh. J.

Grant, Maav: Deau Sin I beer herewith to tender vou ray Some unknown thief broke a sido light of glaB8 last night iu the hat store of Charles S. Smith, at 7'A inches in height, weighed 350 pounds, was stated by a religio secnlar paper an editorial published last week. After referring to the decision of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin that legislative committees at Albany that tho city sympathizers fear that favor will be shown Kiel. No warrants have been issued and Duryea is at largo on parole. MONEY MARKET CLOSING REPORT.

An Improvement in the Iron Trade. Kailroacl Earnings Tho Western situationStocks Quiet, Although Ucn eratljr For earlier Quotations set 5th piji. Wali, Stbeet, April 3. dark eomplexioncd, with gray hair and mustache. oo second place, and stole a derby hat.

papers. The bill increases the license fees anil provides among other things for the re enactment of tho old three beds proviso. has no stringent opposition to tho Sower bill, and He wore a bluck worsted jacket, brown trousers, has suggested an amendment to reduce the timo brown slippers and a black Boft hat. Grateful and Comfort ins; or Breakfast resignation of the office of Commissioner of Streot Cleaning, to which you did the honor to appoint mo some few weeks since. All my previous business experience has been iu a line entirely different from the duties I have been called upon to oerform in this office, and the worrv.

annoyances Byrnes' bill to depress the Atlantic avenue road the reading ot the Bible in the public schools of Wisconsin is not consistent with the constitution of that State, the editorial sas's: "Our public school system, sustained by general taxation and regulated by State authority, should confine it when the bonds Bhall become due. He has op ssss ssss ssss pppp pppp RRRR i II II RRRR II II II II In his pockets were a silvorwatoh, a meerschaum GGO RS88 a a 8 SSSS CO 8 a GGO SSSS Is Epfs' Cocoa always. Ha'f pound ns labalod James posed tho bills to increase salaries. cigar holder and $1.33 in money. bpi's 4 Homo jpaihic Chemists, Lo ldou.

has been reDorted adversely to tho Assembly. Mr. Byrnes will now have time to devote his energies to the advancement of the combine's Bridge bill. NN The protest waB presented to the Mayor to day by Mr. Matthias Bindrim, the president of tho self exclusively to the secular sphere of instruction and leave all ouestious relating to re There were no papers or marks about his per son by which ho could bo identified.

Bonncbr for Easter. The High License biil has passed the Senate by Among the salo3 of bonds this afteruoou were: ligious instruction and religions absolutely untouched." I oppose this theory with the The weapon uBed was of tho bulldog patterni and vexations connected with it have been so great and made Hiich serious inroads upon my constitution that I was obliged to seek rest for a short period. After careful consideration and consultation with my physician I have concluded that I cannot continue in this oflico without seri a Yote of 17 to 10. Just ononod. Balch, PnicE 4 370 Fullon st.

"Jones" has just marked down his exenao for a Woven Wiro Spring to worth aliout $150. It is about 38 caliber. Taxpayers' Association, and the Mayor assured him that he should have it sent to the Legislative Committee. Then Bindrim called the Mayor's attention to the fact that an effort was being Eastern District headquarters at Driggs and South First streets as a driver for District Engineer John II. Perry, met with an accident a little before 12 o'clock last night which it was at first thought would prove fatal.

This morning, however, tho symptoms were more It appears that when the alarm reached headquarters that there was a fire on Oakland street, near Meserolc avenue, McElroy hitched up Engineer Perry's horse i tho wagon and started to drive to the hitter's residenco on North Third street, near Berry, but the horse, by the time it reached North Second street, where the driver intended turning, became unmanageable and dashed along Driggs street iu the direction of the firo at a rapid gait. When it reached North Sixth street the wheels passed over a large stone or came in contact with the curb, and the consequent heavy jolt threw McElroy from his seat to tho street. Tho horse MRS. VALENTINE'S HOUSE It Outshines Them All. WIDOW COA.N'N HAS DISAPPEARED.

equal in strength to a net of stitching twine and has to bo supported by rows oi sickly springs resting on made to havo Grand street repaved with granite Blkcxho Silicon, tho famous silver polish. Grooera. Her Son's Suit It from Dr. Uecovcr ously endangering my health, the preservation of which must be a paramount consideration, and I therefore beg to be relieved of its duties aB soon as von will name mv snceessor. Arain thankinir Her Creditors Find Some of Her Furni blocks.

He said it was all nonsense, as the which is decided'y objectionable to a olean housekeeper, as they aro a refuge for dust and dirt to lEiclmrdt. street had now tho second best pavement in the ture Available. Dr. Lyon's Perfect '1'ootU Powder Whitens the tooth and nuriflis tho broath. 25 uoatl city, Belgian blocks.

The pavoment was not half you for the honor conferred I remain your obedient Bervant, Horace Looaiis. accumulate in. MASON'S will change all this, as wa Tho old Cranberry street Beandal, in which the Joseph Ityan, a dealer in house furnishing worn out yet and people on other Btreets had two central figures wero Catharine D. Valentine, Mr. Loomis will likely return to his old position goods at 1,059 Broadway, visited Justice Court noy's Court on Tuesday afteruoon and procured Atlantio iuc 149 AtchT iSl'4i 85Hfi! Atch T4S Vo incSOfttfiO B'klynUlo 1st .110 Can South 1st Cent 5s Ill UhesAOSs 101M Uhi Bur Neo 03 jj Bur 4 uon 127 Oul OoalOs 104 0 ArlrATlst 105 Ohi Poo A St 5b 04J 01 Hot 1894 Ill East Ton 5s 100 Krie2nrl con 101H 4 1st OlaUlK IWtWayno 1st 145 A 2d 1)8 GeoPnc 1st.

11I1H Grand Isl HoolcVal (Is Vila 7 Illinois Can 4s 100W Iowa Cent 1st 87 Kentucky Gas os. Louisiana 4s to help to pay for it. While Grand street always wnnted tho best, the sido streets had to pay for it IJalch, Price Hats for Easter. U70 Fulton st. are now the agent for the Best Woven Wire Spring in this country.

Wo are selling them at the low price of $5.00, just half tho price of the "Halford," whose good qualities it reJains aud it dc idedly outdistance It of Engineer of Sewers iu the Department of Public Works, which has remained vacant since he writ of replevin for the purpose of obtain and got nothing. Some of the people on Grand tho young widow of the rich wholesale grocer on lower Fulton street, and Dr. Hermann T. Rich ardt, is being aired again to day before Judge Pratt and a Jnry in tho Supreme Court. Thj plaintiff iu this action is Ludlow W.

Valentine, left it to become Street Cleauing Commissioner. coutiuued its pace for five or aix blocks, when it. ing certain goods delivered to Mrs. Emiline SPECIAL ADVEKTISEKEXTS Oregon Short, 4 5s 0nt 4 W5s 07a7 Pao of Mo 1st 4 Penn 4s 10S1M Rich 4 It dob 102k RiohTorm Os Ricli Term 5s Rio Grande 4s71Ta7 Roadinc2n iuc.48aJ8s Reading 3d inc 405 Readinit in 4s St 118 St 4 Lake 5s 10 Ifc StPaulSAI H4 8 An 4 A 80s. KG' I A 1st.

SoPof Ar 1st I 107 Savannah 4 1st 04M TennO.tllstT 07 Terre H2dino 07 TAA4NMlsl 100 Tei Pao 2nd Tex Pao 1st ltO' Union Pnc lit 1800.. 11. Union Pao 1st 1808.. UnjrfalloH Union Pao 1st Union Ele 1st 107J? US4Ms coup Shore 4s. 105 Wa 1055 Wisconsin inc 62 Wabash 2nd 81 Wabash del) 47M Wabash 1st 101al04U street had not paid their share of the coBt of the pavement yet.

If granite blocks should be put others. It is warranto I not to sag for twenty Coann, a wealthy widow who recently arrived Commissioner Gilroy said to day that he would be glad to have Mr. Loomis resume hia old place. down now, what would bo done with tho Belgian from the West. Mr.

Ityan averred that Mrs. Coann had visited his establishment on March years. It is a perfect gem for ctcanliuess and comfort. A mattress will last fully five times as long Tho announcement of the resignation of sou of the Widow Valentino, who seeks to havo set aside the deeds and conveyances to tho house blocks Would they be thrown away Mayor Chapin made no reply. Then Mr.

Bind 12 last, and had orrlorod a bill of goods amount on it without losmB shape as on anv other Rnrincr 10 Cranberry street, which formerly belonged to Loomis, its acceptance and the selection of ex Surveyor Beattie to succeed him was made shortly before noon to day after the Mayor had been in consultation with Deputy Commissioner Hagan rim spoke of North Second street, saying that if his mother, but passed out of her possession. mado. Mattresses wo hare in a great many fillings that are olean, nice and inexpensive. Also hair as Lone 7 T'l granite were to be laid auywhero it should be on that street. The Mayor aBked if North Second The defendants aro Dr.

Hermann T. Riehardt. Susan A. Austin and Elizabeth H. Lunt.

When ing to $350. Sho told him to deliver tho articles at her flat, 1,410 Broadway, and said that sho would pay the amount of tho bill as soon as the goods were deliverod. Ryan sent ono of his men to tho address given, and the measurements were taken for the carpets. When tho bill was sent A JOO f.eb rr css5 and Chief Clork Beardsley. There is no doubt AA OK Grocer Valentine died his wife iuhcritod the in low as $10.00..

Cutton (not what is usually sold, dirty old scrapings), but pure Egyptian bleached and next to hair; also. Feather Pillows, etc. A ntca that tho Mayor's selection of Mr. Beattie will re street was in a condition that anything could be done there at present. Mr.

Bindrim replied that tho street was surely in a bad condition beeauso SSSS saS3s A A KK KE AAA Hi A A UOO ICItll come of $100,000, beside being given $10, was caught by a few young men aud driven back lo headquarters. Engineer Perry heard the firo bell, and, wondering why his horse had not been driven to his house, proceeded to DriggB and South First sfcreeets in timo to meet a young man with tho rig who informed hiin of the accident. Perry went to a North Sixth street liquor store and found McElroy, who was being attended by Dr. Joseph Creamer, there. The injured man was taken to the headquarters, where Dr.

Smith and the ambulance surgeon treated him. He was thon removed to his home, at 174 Huron street. It waa thought that his Bkull was fractured near the baso, so but little hope waB entertained of his recovery. He was suffering intense pain in the head and shoulders this morning and blood oozed from hie cars. There was no fracturo discovered, yet his condition is bo low that the Chances between life and Manitoba 4s 101 ii Mot Eleynd 108 Midlan.1 N.T 1st 113 i.

f.s Mich Can con 108 Mo AT 1st llfiHj YOen doh 110 Nor Pacitiolnt lir, No Carolina Oa lJi4 Upholstered Cot for S1.II5. 000 in bonds and the house in dispute. Dr. Riehardt was employed by her as her physi ceive the prompt sanction of tho Health Commissioners. Mr.

Beattie was born in Belfast, Ireland, 42 years ago, and came to this country when a lad. He undortook tho study of law, and a sewer had just been built in it. "I should like to have you come over and look at it," invitingly Don't in the meantime forgot that wo are the Mrs. Coann told Mr. Ityan's collector that sho expected a cheek from the "manager of her silk factory in tho West." West Un 5s 100; sSSRa Bsssa KM? ER remarked Mr.

Bindrim. Tho Mayor Baid ho "Groat Specialists" for Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Fnrniture. and when you want an estimate on RRR RRR FFF FF HUB ER EKR RRR RRR There is a better inquiry iu tho iron trado, and KK EKK Hyau waited but the check failed to arrive. had been there and ho knew tho street was in under this Htiraulous tho market for manufac cian and is alleged to have assumed other relations to her during six j'enrs, reducing her to a condition of absolute submission to his will and desires. It is alleged that Dr.

Riehardt hypnotized or mesmerized Sirs. Valentino, and terrorized her by the use of a pistol, which, as ono article or tho furnishing of mansion give us a call. You will find politeues.i. Dromiii, utinntinn nrl tured iron giveB indications that bottom prices pretty bad shape. The authorities would do what they could for the street.

Mr. Bindrim next waB private secretary to William U. Whitney while tne latter was Corporation Counsel. He was appointed Deputy County Clerk by Patrick Keenan, in 1833, and two years later was made Surveyor of tho Port of New York by President Cleveland, which office he held until George W. ETC.

Finally on Monday, March 17, tho collector went to Mm. Coann'a residence, with tho iuteution of cither getting the goods or the money. But he got neither, being informed that Mrs. Coann had low price3 at the Old Staud, half a' century eBtab. have been reached.

Tho steel industry haa not rallied from the effect of speculative offerings, but it rules steady. iished. crossed to Broadway and spoke of that thorough faro. He asserted that the pooplo there had too many new pavements and still wanted ruoro alleged, he always carried with him disappeared, after securely looking up her apart ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH AND 5TH, WE SHALL PLACE ON SPECIAL TABLES Lyons succeeded him in August last. He was llailroad earnings: MM MM formerly the leader of the County Democracy or improvements.

Having apparently nothing more to say, Mr. Bindrim and his brother committee OOO NN NN and took out and placed on the mantel every time ho entered the widow's residence. Tho bonds have also disappeared and it was alleged in court to day that they had gone into Richards' pos A LARGE INVOICE OF CHILDREN'S GAR J5S8S 6 SSSS Nor. and Western, 4th wk March fior. and Western, March A AA A A A A AAA ganization in the Thirteenth Assembly District, MENTS, JUST PURCHASED FROM A WELL men bade the Mayor good day and filed out of ments.

Upon inquiring further Mr. Ryan learned that the Young Women's Christian Union had been defrauded out of several hundred dollars by Mrs. Coann. Mr. Ryan made affidavit to these facts, and a writ of replevin was issued and mado returnable on April 10, at Justice SSSS a 8 SSSS s.

sssa IT MM but is now a Tammany Hall man and a membor KNOWN MANUFACTURER, AT PRICES WHICH session and been used by his wife in the purcbaso the office, but not beforo Mr. Chapin had shaken hands with all of them. ON ON NN OOO NN of the General Committee from the Thirteenth MM A AS A A SSSS inc. 52,700 22.0.SK O.O.Vi i 5,171 22.S4 of real estate. CANNOT FAIL TO BE APPRECIATED.

death are about equal. The present is the second accident SIcElroy met with in the past couple of years. Ho was at the Standard Oil fire, on North Tenth street, with Foreman Joseph JlcCormick, and both, while at their posts, were enveloped in flames. The fore man fought his way out at last, but he was so shockingly burned that ho is disabled for life. SIcElroy was badly burned, but he was able to resume duty iu the capacity of driver.

Mrs. Valentine died in January, 1888. Dr. Whoohnit andL. Erie.

4th wk Wheeling and L. Erie, March St. Paul, 4th wk Maroli St. March Iowa 4th wk March A. A.

and N. Mii'h A. A. and N. March THE LOW PRICES FOR WHICH THESE GOODS Courtney's Court.

HE WORKED MANY UNCLES. A NEW TRIAL FOR DR. WILCOX. WERE PURCHASED, ENABLE US TO SELL Riehardt was not present at her death, tho two having aenarated three months previously. Tho 117, 110, 121 MYRTLE AVENUE, Corner Bridge stroA.

Armed with tho necessary legal documents. Constable A. J. Lyons proceeded to 1,410 Broad STRICTLY NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, it text given by an eminent philosopher who 3ays: "The truant theory must be consist 9iit in practice." In the very nature of ibings, if the State take charge of human beings their entire education it is impracticable for State to preserve neutrality on the question of religion. But it has not been found practicable in the State of New York.

Nine hundred and ninety thousand acres of land were given this State for the establishment of a college. The State established Cornell University. The last catalogue of Cornell contains the following: "While the university cannot be identified with or uuder the control of any one religious denomination it must, nevertheless, always be on the side of Christianity. In the university chapel the religious services are held and discourse is delivered by eminent clergymen selected from Christian denominations." I ask of the secularists here how they will make the truant theory the consistent in practice. Will they require Cornell to rescind her rule of religious instruction? Our synod has received the reports from twenty five superintendents of civieB in New York.

Of twenty one who report on religion, sixteen state that the Bible is read, five that it is not. Twelve report that prayers are offered, nine that thty are not. Our committee received reports from seventy one out of one hundred and fourteen commissioners of schools outside of cities, Fifty four reDort that the Bible is read within their district, and forty four that prayers are offered. Fourteen report that the Bible is not read and prayers not offered. What shall we do to make tlie truant theory consistent in practice? Ask the fifty four to loin the fourteen or the fourteen to Join the fifty four.

1 oppose the second theory because if practicable it were cruelly destructive to democratic government. The American theory may be defined as follows: Let tlie Stats teach morality and religion for the sake of the State under three limitations: 1. Thr.t it teach these directly, not by or through any denomination; this disarms oil just suspicion of uuiou of church with State. 2. That it teach only so much as experience commends, this to be decided by a majority.

The teaching not to be imposed on scholars against their consciences, it is possible that such teaching may be contrary to the Wisconsin cousti tution. It is not contrary to that of New York. In the legal status of the question in thiB State fully defined in the report published in the New York Synod, in which it occupies eighteen pages, I quote a single sentence from the opinion of the late president of the American Bar Association, William Allen Butler: "Instruction in the principles of the Christian religion is certatuly lawful. There is nothing in the constitution to pro vent nonsectariau and undenominational religious instruction in the schools of this State." If thiB be not true of the Wisconsin constitution tho Booner the peoplo of Wisconsin change their coiii i lie better for them and tlie better for the United States. I present this, the bare outline of the position of our sy nod, with it I present for distribution the report the Synod of New York.

The blueness of the paper on which it was printed may be accepted as typical of tho blue of the Presbyterian body publishing it. You will find in it the history of the ictiou of the synod, which begau in lfa'85 and a rear later led to a full discussion of the whole subject. The pamphlets referred to were handed round lo the conference and the speaker went on I was born and educated under the United Btatcs ordinance of l'B'J, which, in establishing the State of Ohio, declared that religion, morality and education, being necessary for government, the United States would establish schools on that territory. In a college endowed by the Government uuder that law with sixty four square miles of land I received, as did my father before me, an education imbued throughout with Christian morals and education." In conclusion the speaker said that the schools of New York were suffering injury by (he neglect of moral and religious teaching. If he asked the schools, "What are these wounds you are suffering from?" the answer would lie 'T was wounded with these wounds in the house of my friend." He trusted no wounds had been inflicted by the New York East Methodist Conference and said he would again ask the question that opened his address.

Rev. (i. H.Van Alystine, as soon as the applause which ureetod Mr. MdcCr.ickc.n'K address had luiise in Cranberry street, which Dr. Riehardt Anthracite coal production for the week und Justice Cullen ruis nomine; Grants on Technical Ground.

ITIr. Knrtz'a Little Game cads Him Into tlie Clutches ot Detective Noonan. FAR BELOW THEIR MARKET VALUE. way and forced an entrance to Mrs. Coann' has sworn in a previous proceeding he paid ine March 20 showa a decrease, compared with THE ASSORTMENT IS EXTENSIVE AND CON apartments to remove tho furniture.

It was then tho same week last year, of 20,273 tons. The TAINS MANY NOVELTIES IN LONG AND SHORT tonnage for the year to March 20 decreased OW IS THE TIME discovered that many of the articles had already been takon away. While the men were at work in the rooms an agent of the Wheelor Wilson COATS, DRESSES, JACKETS AND REEFERS: 008,032 tons. ALSO TWO LOTS OF BABIES' COATS, FASH It is reported that Chairman Walker's plan for Sewing Machine Company and Constable Winter IONABLE AND NEW, AT 3.o0 AND $4.00 reorganizing tho Interstate Itailway Association It was noon. A real nice young man entered Mr.

McAleenan's loaning depot on Sands street, near the bridge. He produced a pipe a mere sham pipe. He got $2 on it. Then he came out chuckling. He chuckled himself into the arms of Detectives Edward Noonan and John Kearney, who were watching him.

They asked him to go to the Second Precinct. He wont. There he said $15,000 for, was Bold by him to Sirs. Susan A. Austin for $12,000, of which $2,000 was cash, and Sirs.

Austin mortgaged it to Sirs. Elixaboth A. Lunt for $9,000, of which $1,000 waB in cash. Dr. Riehardt was arrested in 1888, in one phase of these proceedings, and his wife went his security.

It was stated to day in court that he had tied to New Jersey, and evnry effort to rearrest him had proven futile. His present whereabouts are unknown to the plaintiff. Tho principal wit accompanied by a representative ofO. T. Lacey EACH; REGULAR PRICE $7.00 AND $7.50.

ia framed with a view of getting tho Alton, the Union Paeiflo and the Northwestern roads SHOWN IN OUR NEW DEPARTMENT FOR fc a representative of William Tate, dealer in stores; a clerk from David Nelson's household back into the organization. President Oable, of CHILDREN'S GOODS, SECOND FLOOR, BROAD Dr. Theodore 8. Wilcox, the "superintendent" of the so called Brooklyn Sanitarian Hospital and Dispensary, was to day granted a new trial by Judge Cullen on the technical ground that tho prosecution had failed to show that the Board of Estimate and Apportionment had apportioned a share of the Excise moneys to Dr. Wilcox on tho strength of his false report.

There was no testimony to show that the Board of Estimate and Apportionment had Been tho report or been misled by its statements. The accused looked slyly gratified and smilingly chewed his cane as he waddled out. THE OHKIFOTEXT PLUMBER AGAIN. furnishing store, a brie a brao dealer and a gro NOW IS THE TIME NOW 18 THE TIME TO YOUR BLOOD, TO PURIFY YOUR BLOOD, TO PURIFY YOUR BLOOD, the ltoek Island, expresses the opinion that the WAY SECTION. cer and half a dozen other storekeepers came to now association will result in tho maintenance of his name was Benjamin Kurtz and that sometimoB he was at home to his friends at 1,100 Second avenue, New York.

He confessed that he was a the house and claimed goods that had been ness to day was Sirs. Valentine's mother, who rates, and he saya that the situation is brighter bought of them but not paid for. dAflll Jlt A BROADWAY AND ELEVENTH STREET, NEW YORK. testified to the facts as they havo become matters than it ever has boon, taking into consideration bad man and he is now in a cell. Mrs.

E. Neidhardt, a widow, living at 38A of record. She told what she know of her daugh the number of roads which havo been built aud Woodbine street, called at the house in the even ter, of her conduct toward Dr. Riehardt and of the friction which their coming into Western rail Mr. Kurtz is a clever fakir, and is known to pawnbrokers of Brooklyn and New York to their ing.

Mrs. Noidhardt had an interesting story to her treatment of her son and of the witness. road territory has caused, And fortify your system acainst the debilitatinc effects tell. She said that on the evening of March of Spring weather. At no other season is the bittter Stocks were quiet and stead', early this after sorrow.

Kurtz buys composition meerschaum pipes from Wagner Brothers, of 084 Third avenue, New York, at $4.85 a dozen. Ho told in the Mrs. Coann camo to her house, and after tolling RHODE ISLAND STILL DOUBT. her that she had just arrived from the West, noon and without pecial feature uutil about 1, when Lackawanna, the grangers and Lake Shore advanced, stimulating an improvement in the taste in tho moutb mora prominent, the breath so offensive, tho drowsy dizziness so frequent, or that extreme; tirod feeling so prevalent. HOOD'S SAUS APARfLLA is just tho medioino to build up the system, mirify tho A.

Tbc Democratic Candidate for Governor WHERE IS DR. HENRY RlSCfl? OTiss Iiiliian De Groff Makes Serious Allegations Against Him. At 208 Seventeenth street Dra. Henry and Otto Risch liave lived for years. Both onjoyed an extensive practice, that is now left for Dr.

Otto Risch alone, for his brother has shaken the dust of the Eighth Ward from his feet and ia now living, no one knows exactly where. Rumor haB it that he has gone to Germany, and the alleged cause for that trip is a pretty, dark eyed brunette who lives within a rifle shot of the doctor's house. The young lady was found this afternoon. She is Miss Lillian De Groff, the 18 year old daughter of John Do Groff, a carpenter, and lives with her parents at 327 Eighteenth street. Her pretty face showed plainly the amount of suffering she had gone through.

She was not averse to giving what information she could, and in this she was upheld by her mother. The young lady produced a copy of a summons and complaint issued by the Kings County Suprome Court to be served on Dr. Henry Risch. It sets fortli that in the month of September, 1889, and at divors other times, whilo the girl visited the doctor's" house to bo treated, tho latter assaulted her and under dire threats forced her to promise to say nothing to anyone. In tho month of January of this year the complaint alleges tho doctor performed a criminal operation on the girl.

The complaint is sworn to by tho girl's father, and as her guardian he BkB damages from the doctor in the sum of $25,000. SAYS HE PUSHED HIS WIFE. station house of tho dnpeB he made of pawnbrokers. He pawned this morning before com asked if she might stop at the widow's house over night. She was accompanied by two in tlie Lead.

whole list and the market waa strong for the next WHATEVER VOU REQ'JIRE IN ing to Brooklyn, ono dozen pipes in Abrams', on other women, who she described as relatives. blood, euro biliousness and headache, overcomo that tirebl feeling and creato a good appetite. It is the ideal hour, although the trading wis comparatively Park row, New York, and got $10. In another Mrs. Johnson and her own daughter, Miss light.

II XTTTT RRR F.RB Providence, R. April 3. The total vote up to 11:30 o'clock to day giveB FFF Myrtle Coann. Tho latter was a young lady in II 1 ft Stocks were Strong in the late trado and at the RRR NN BR NN RRR NN uncle's shop he got $8. In tho station house fifteen pawn tickets were taken from him.

Now II RRR EE Plumber Edward Haley, who had a difficulty with John E. Stiles similar to that which William I. Preston had with another plumber, was at the City Hall to day. He said that Stiles had a couple of Italians and a "Long Island YanK" up at hia house, in Monroe street this morning, for: the purpose of making a water connection, but representatives of the Plumbers' Association went there and induced them to stop work. Stiles, seeing he was in the power of the plumber, settled the trouble by paying the bill which Haloy had against hini.

rOSTMASTEIi HENDKIX SUILES. Liadd, Republican, 10,217: Davis, Democrat, her teens. After Mrs. Coann had been at Mrs, FF U. close.

11 II II It 7t 20,007: Larry, 1,707, and Chaee, 773 votes. he weeps, for he has no pipe to smoko. SPRING SPRING SPRING ff UU Neidhardt's house for a week tho latter discov MEDICINF. MEDIC NE. MEDICINE.

II UU EES NN Monoy loaned at 5 per cent and at 4, and Davis lacks 1,001 majority necessary for elec ered that tho womau had borrowed money from closed about iy YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR INTEREST TO INDICTMENTS AND ABKAIGKHESTS. many of her friends and acquaintances in the The following table shows tho course of the tion. Result of vote for attornoy general has not yet been computed. The Legislature is doubtful. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES neighborhood.

A week later the woman disap Btock market for this day: "I take HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. aud Hnditistha Michael Conroy, assault second degree; Ed The vote for attorney general stands: Rogers, peared from Mrs. Neidhardt's house and went to BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. RELIABLE Open Clos ward Dovaney, burglary third degree; Joseph ixju. Slocum, 20,124: Blodgett, 1,850.

Slo live in tho flatsbo had sumptuously fitted out. ing. GOODS AT LOWEST COST. TWELVE SHOW Mandato, grand larceny socond degree; John best medicine for tho blood I evor triod. Large quantities aro sold in this vicinity.

As a blood medicine and Spring tonlo it stands ahead of all others. H. N. PHILLIPS, Editor Sentinol Advertidcr. Hooo Vallev.

Am. uaicie Trust Am. Cotton Oil 20! cum, lacks 718 of a requisite majority of all the votes cast. Williams and Joseph Smith, burglary third de 3t ROOMS STOCKED WITH THE LATEST NOVEL Atch Top. Jc Santa Fa 3S) T1IK OXFORD Cf.UD'S BIKTHDAT.

gree; John Jameson, burglary third degree and R.I. TIES IN THE FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY 55M grand larceny second degree; Abraham Pollock, uanaaian raciuo Canada Southern 55 Central Now lit) Central Pacitto no 110 'My wife Buffered from siok headache and nouralprll. FOlt 5TKAL1XG A FUIOKISG BEAM. llif In theso dayB of olub celebrations tho Oxford will not be loft out in tho cold. On the 20th of ART.

After taking HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA she waa muoh felonious assault; William Smith, grand larceny second degree; Robert E. Ward, grand larceny relioved." W. R. BABB. Wilmington.

O. Justice Goetting this morning fined Stephen Tho Post Office Department will profit by the Brooklyn Post Oflico $211,200 this year up to March 31. This iB in spite of the many improvements in tho local deliveries, which havo caused expense beyond that of the ordinary running of the oftieo. Poatinaster Hendrix smiles. A LABOItKK'S DANOKUOUS ACT.

0 June thia well known and popular social organization will bo ton years old, and it is the inten I havo for a long time been using HOOD'S SARSA second degree; Eugene E. Andorson, grand lar. Williamson and John Sliller $3 each for Btealing Chattanooga Chosapoako A Ohos. Ohio 1st 00M dies. AOhio 40 Chicago Alton Chic.

Bur. A PARILLA, and believe mo, I would bo without it. Am ceny second degree; Richard Fay, assault second tion of its inombors to commemorate tho event IMPORTED DININGROOM CHAIRS AT HALF VALUE. a flooring beam, worth $3, from tlio premises of the Brooklyn City Railroad Company, on Frank Spring medioino it is Invaluable." E. A.

RHODES. degree; Daniel Dohorty, Patrick Casey, Michael by holding a big banquet and jollification. 130 Ontario street, Chicago. 111. William Goddard Arraigned in Court and Held Without Kail.

David Barnott, one of tqo prominent members of N. B. If you decido to tako HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Boylo and Martin Sullivan, burglary third degree; Gustave Andersen, manslaughter, second lin street, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. EASTMAX'S SECOND TRIAL. tho club, has suggested to tho Reception Com unio.

uaa Trust Clev. O. O. St. 7It: Olev.

C. O. St L. pfd Colorado Coal 4fr Consolidated Gas Olij do not be induced to buy any other. 2liH 23 23 (il (10 HI 40M 40 40 W'iii lQ'm 107W 40 44 45V 73 TZH 08H HUH iSHH 4li3 45M 40 110 DOW 00H 149ft J4HK 130 13oH 135M im 30 30 Having In stock ovor 300 Imported Diningroom; degree; Patrick English, degree A stoutly built, medium sized man, with gray hair and clean shaven face, stood before the bar Fritz Dense, a laborer, residing at 3G8 Atlantic avenuo, was doing Bome work ou the roof of a mittee that the festivities shall be something in tho nature of a tin wedding, and that something Francis DeGraw, assault second degree; Patrick Side and Arm Chairs, we bavo dooidod to close thorn out HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Delaware 1411 Dol.

Lack r. Western. 135. three story house on Union stroet, between Clin Sullivan, assault second dogreo; Louis Jackson, novel and original in tho way of an entertain at half thoir value viz: ton and Henry, yesterday afternoon, when, in grand larceny Becond degree; Benjamin Stein, Sold by all druggists. six for So.

Preparod onlv Jud ge Cullon to day fixed the fourth Monday of this month as the day on which Supervising Architect Richard B. Eastman will undergo a second trial for presenting a sworn falso and fraudulent bill for services. 30 receiving stolen goods; Charles Rogusch, as looking over the edgo of tho cornice, he loBt his balance and fell to the eidowalk. Hia right leg ment be given. Tho Oxford Club now has 280 members, and it is safe to say that a large majority of them will take part on the anniversary of 87.00 TO $25.00 EACH; FORMER PRICES S14.00 TO $50.00.

by O.I, HOOD A Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass, 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. sault second degree; Oscar J. Hockstadter, Ucnv. iX luo Denv. it Rio pfd Tex.

A Ft. W'th. Dis. A Cat. F.

Dnlulh East Tonnessoo EaKt'l'enn. 1st KastTenn pfd Eric was broken, and he was removed to the Loug grand larceny second dogreo; Denis Quigloy, as the 20th of June. These chairs aro in oak, walnut and mahogany, cov Island College Hospital. Baulfc second degroo; Yinceuzo Capullo, assault 23 in Justice Tighe'B Court this morning on a technical charge of assault iu tho second degree. Ho was William Goddard, the longshoreman who was arrested yesterday by Detectives Stoddart and Daly, accused of inflicting injuries on his wife from which she is now said to bo dying in tho Long Island Collego Hospital.

Tho prisoner entered a formal plea of not guilty. On the Btrougth of a certificate, signed by Surgeon G. W. Nie deoker, of the Long Island Collego Hospital, setting forth that Mrs. Goddard was in a very precarious condition, Justice Tigho remanded Goddard to Jail without bail to await the result of his 23 zm ered in handsoiaoly leathers, and aro tho fav THE WEATHEIl.

tirat degree. All plcadod not guilty when ar TO HORKOW'S GAHE AT WASIUSQTOH PARK. DID THEY STEAL MRS. HOOE'S CLOTH KS. Brio pfd.

raigned in tho Court of SeaBiona save Eugene E. orite styles used in Paris at the present timo. Hockiuc Vallev gIMPSON, CllAWKOHD SIMPSON, SIXTH AV AND NINETEENTH ST, NEW i' 'H 244 108K Illinois Central Anderson, who ploaded guilty. Gustavo Ander Gottlieb Huber, of 008 Flushing avenuo, agod sen is the Swede who refused to supply food or 18; George Whittermore, of 1100 Broadway, 23 zm iom 85'i Ul4 107" 03 00 23 zm Ma lo'fji w'iii 107" 03 OS The game to morrow at Washington Park be tweon tho National League team and tho Yale Collego boys will be called at 3:30 o'clock on account of the holiday (Good Friday). President Byrne expects a big crowd to be present, but says modicine to his 14 month old Bon, David, 003 85 aged 17, and John liueh, of 800 Flushing ave 111H Union street, Tho son diod on the first day of nue.

aged 10 yoars, wero arrested yeBterday af Lake Shore 107H Lous Island Louisvliloi Nashvillo H5jS Manitoba 111H Manhattan Ueaoh Manhattan El. Ooneol 107 MoniD. A 03 Michigan Central OS Minn. St. L.

Minn. Jt St. L. pfd Mo. Kan.

Texas March. 107' ternoon in tho Thirteenth Precinct, on tho com II OOO RRR JVW KEB RRR R. II HO ORRNNNE RRA HHHH O.RUR KB RRR J. HO ORRNNNK RR OOO HUN NN KKB Furnitnro Makers and Importers, 01, 03, 05 WEST TWENTY THIRD STREET (Adjoining Eden Muso), NEW YORK. ho will bo able to take care of all who come.

The LADIES' JACKET DEPARTMENT. plaint of Mrs. Lena Hoge, of 27 Broadway, who COSCJIIEG ATIOX Ah COUNCIL. 00 Yale team is playing great ball, having defeatod wife's injuries. "I am innocent of this charge," said Goddard to an Eaole reporter.

"We have been married about twenty years and alwayB cot along nicely together. She has been a good wife to mo during deposed that Bomo hours beforo they ontored her hall bedroom and stole $10 worth of her the strong Athletic Club, of Philadelphia, last A council meets to day at tho Rockaway Ave Washington, D. April 3. FORECAST TILL 8:00 A. M.

TO JtOllItOW. For Eastern New York, fair, followed Friday morning by rain; warmer; southerly wiudu, be comiug southeasterly. I'llOBAMLITIEH FOB I1H00KLYN TO MOItUOW. The rain that ia due in Brooklyn to night may not reach hero till morning and the weather tomorrow in this city will be variable, with Bomo rain. A storm of considerable intensity was oon tral early to day in Southwestern Iowa, and this afternoon had reached Ohio in its travel eastward.

The weather was generally clear in New England. The coldest place to day was Winnipeg, 20 degrees, and the warmest. Jupiter, 70. RECORD OK THE THEIlMOMETEIt. The following is the record of the thermometer Saturday by a score of 10 to 0, The Brooklyna nue Congregational Ohnrch to complete the dis 73 18 will have to play good ball to win from them and T.IH TZH 18 17M 107g 107W 107H JUST RECEIVED, AN INVOICE OP MU souri Pacific Nat.

Load Now York N. Y. Old. A misBal of Rev. Edwin 8.

Preascy, who haB been the wearing appareL SBNTKKCKS IS THE SESSIONS. our married life. The first trouble wo evor had 107K tho game will cortainly bo very interesting. The pastor for two years. Tho churches aud clergy 17 17f 17 76 collogians open the season at Washington Park 70 70M LADIES' LONDON MADE Ch St 1st pfd.

70, ceaBed, announced himself as in deep sympathy Tfitit the project and proposed that a committee bo appointed as asked by the Synod. His motion was seconded by almut half the members present, and it was resolved that the chairman appoint a committee. The Committee on Examinations reported that the candidates who hud merited advancement to tho ministry would lie ordained on Sunday. Uev. J.

W. Mendenhall, JJ. of the MelhoClisl lievirw, was given the door to speak in favor and on behalf of his publication, lie asked that the bishop appoint the Itev. A. JJ.

Sanford, of Greenwich, as assistant editor. Jjr. Mendenhall spoke eloquently in favor of his paper, which lie claimed to be the cheapest and ni.niany respects the best published in the country. Bev. V.

A. Spencer, secretary of the Church Extension Society, reported that his society had received 000 during the year, had really expended $143,000 and had promised $125,000 more than had been raised. Thesoeiety had been crippled by the necessity of helping the churches of the frontier.and even now unless help came soon some of the half completed churches would be lost to Mctboilism. The speaker asked that one Sunday in the year be given up to the KxleiiBion Society and that the ministers make an appeal to their congregations for larger contributions Dr. Spencer said that if the same methods were applied to the missionary funds that had been applied to llie Extension Society's fund for one year the Missionary Society would find itself crippled for twenty 3'ears to come.

He concluded with an impassioned appeal for aid for the struggling churches and clergy of the frontier. Professor Sheldon, of the Boston Theological School, was tho next speaker. He took as his themo "The Theological Aiiimui of the School of Boston." nonrotary Mains announced that ho had received a. request from tho pout chaplain of tho United Slates Army stationed at Port Oraaha, Neb, asking that tho conference consider the religious needs of the Army. Tho bishop was authorized to appoint a committee to take the subject under consideration.

The visiting clergymen were then introduced to the conference. Itev. Lindsay Parker, of St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church, of State street, who was formerly a Methodist, was loudly cheered. 'Die secretary read the notices of futuro meetings, tho officers of tho conference handed in their reports, and the Becond day's meeting of tho conference adjourned after the ltev.Crandall J.

North had announced that the anniversary of the Conference Temperance Society, scheduled for this afternoon, would be postponed until Sunday evening, when it would beheld at the Hanson place Methodist Episcopal Ohnrch. men invited aro Central, Dr. A. J. F.

Behreiids; Lewis Avenuo, Rev. Robert Kent; Puritan, Dr. E. John Andorson, burglary third degree, Elinira 40s Ti ivn 40 40 uniTiiiiiaum N. Y.

A New England 40i ATBST STYLES IN HATS. to day. JAMES It. MIX ARRESTED. Reformatory; John Comerford, assault Becond de a.

i. tus. west N.Y.Sus.tWcst.ufd. Northwostorn Ill P. Ingersoll; Rochester Avenue, Dr.

J. G. Roberts; Tabornaole, ltov. 8. B.

Halliday; Tompkins gree, four years six months Penitentiary; Thomas 113 ni mi A AA A A Connors, attempted grand larceny second dogree, Avonue, Dr. R. R. Meredith; Union, Rev. D.

B. RRR RRR KB KKB "SSSg Bssss Genera! Sickles changes iu the Sheriff's oflico in Now York wont iuto operation without much 31? 74M Pratt: Woodhavon. Rev. William Jamos: also. discharged on his own recognizance; Jamoa Welch and William Jackson, attempted burglary as kept at the Bbooklyn Daily Eaole office: SEPARATE VESTS, IN THE CHOICEST PATTERNS OF CASHMERE VESTINGS THAT HAVE BEEN PRODUCED ABROAD THIS SEASON.

WE INVITE ATTENTION TTTTT 1' TTTTI 1 i 1 individuals, Rov, Joseph B. Clark, D. L. H. KKB It RR KKH SSSSS 3SSSg SSSS3 trouble.

Deputy Carrahor, ono of the thrco who 411 Cobb, D. William Kmcaid, D. Revs. L. W.

A AA A A third dogreo, twenty dayB in jail. SEYES SEW POLICEMEN. 3'ijj 18M 38 HHHH 00 01 UA.11 30 10 A. 4 A. 3K 12 (I A.

3(1 2 I'. 42 JP.H Average temperature to day Average touiporut tro Bams dato last Laidlor, 8 S. Hughson, Curtis Graham. Mr. Presscy is understood to be in good standing and the dismissal is a mere matter of form.

A Police Commissioner Hayden appointed tho 23 31 31M 31ft 74M 743 33M 32M 3'ZX lSii 1856 18 38M 38 38 3H2 30 VZH 82M Sofo 42j 42ji 41M 2l 21M 21M 03J 03 U2M 17 17M KIM 37 37 37 80" OOU 08 ioruwutieru niu Northern Paoilio Northern Pacific Ohio Omaha Omaha pfd Ontario A Oregon Oregon Trans PaciiioMail Peoria Pipo LinoCortlncatos Pullman Reading Richmond Terminal. Rock Island St. L. A San Fran St. L.

A San Fran pfd St. L. A 8. F. 1st St.

St. Paul Did following patrolmen thi3 morning: James Mc 81W A AA A A TO THEM BY NN NN NHS NN NN Eee, assigned to the Fifth Precinct; John Ilar HIGH WATER. rpp ppp UU DDD DDI) 42M IiitlCKLAVEUS IX CONFKKENC'K. Last night a committee from the six brick ohoe.iFit'Bt; William J. Lynoh, Nineteenth; Daniel AS THE LATEST LONDON LADIES' WEAR.

1 IJ.LL A A u.i NOVELTY The following is the official announcement of the time and duration of high water at New York and Sandy Hook for to morrow, April 4: MoLaron, Eleventh; Josoph T. Loekwood, Nineteenth; James Doherty, Sixteenth, and P. J. Hauley, Eleventh. layers' unions of Brooklyn met a conference committee of the Master Masons' Association of tho city at 303 Fulton Btreoti.


CRAWFORD SIMPSON. liu presided. Tho unions' representatives said OUR HATS ARE ON SALE ONLY AT OUR RETAIL THREE HEX I1UXC0KD III)t. I P. 51.

iTiine IHoirht. a. m. Feot. A.

M. Time.ltleiKht. IB. M. I IDara'o of Rise.

Fall. I n. M. I H. 1C STORES AND AUTHORIZED AGENTS IN ALL THE their organizations had decided to domand an iucreaso of wagca from 45 to 50 conts an hour occurred on last Friday.

Wo had some words about tho dinner sho had prepared and I pushed her away from me. Sho fell aud Btruck the side of hor head against a bedpost. I never struck her." Dlt. PUPhKV'S IIOUSK SOLD. The old residence of the late Dr.

Dudley, corner of Henry and State streets, has been sold to C. H. Collins, of 337 Ninth street, for $10,000. Mr, Collins has already broken the ground for a new flat on Henry street, 25x05, to be five stories in height, with gable roof. Another flat, 25x00, and fivo stories in height, will adjoin the above, with entrance on State street.

Mr. Collins has noarly completed tho flat on Willow street, noar 1'ierrepout, and has recontly bought tho Shormau brown stono residence on Columbia heights. OU AND JUHY It EC'OM END ATIOJitj. The March Grand Jury in Now York were discharged to day. Before closing their labors they filed an addenda to their presentment against tho Sheriff's office, recommending that a law bo passed making it a felony to accept a gratuity or foe in oxcoss of the logal charge by anyono connected in any way with tho Sheriff's office or tho jail.

0 A NKAU UAKUISONH. Newudboh, N. April 3. There was a big freight train smashup on the New York Central and Hudson Bivor road, near Garrisons, early this morning, caused by a falling rook. Freight cars wore piled up in taoaps, and two or three of the trainmen were injured.

It will bo several hours before tho track can be oleared for traffic, lis So. Cotton Oil Sugar Trust Toxas A Union Paeiflo Wabash Frederiok Wilfert, a shoomakor, living at 23 PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES. remain, executed tho order of arrest, tho Buroau of Arrest haying been abolished, which Deputy Anderson refused to execute yesterday. The person arrested was Jamos B. Mix, formerly of Brooklyn, who is sued by Emmot Edgerton for falso ari'OBt, Mr.

Mix gave $1,000 bail. PLASTERERS DECIDE ON EIGHT HOURS. At a crowded and long extended meeting held last night 353 Fulton street, Plasterers Union No. 1 decidod iu favor of tho eight hours movement. Thomas Murray presided and James Hadden recorded.

Aftor two hours' dobute tho necessary two thirds voto was obtainod in favor of eight hours to constitute a day's work from and aftor the flrnt Monday in May. Tho vote was then made unanimous. Tho rate of wages, $4 a day, is to romain unchanged. SIX HOIISKS BOASTED TO DEATH. James S.

Bryant'a carriage factory, at 713 East One Hundred and Forty fourth street, Now York, with N. H. Hoyt's stable, in tho rear, wore destroyed by fire early this morning, and six horses wero roasted to death. SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY William T. Smith and olhors, against Emolino B.

Cjmn and athara l.Vilv K.r,., nav3. 27 82M 03 ims 'Zi 82M 7:331 7: 131 0:37 6:11 4.3 4.7 Now" 4.4 Sauily 0:38: 4.3 Washington avonue, Jwas robbod of $32 yester NONE GENUINE WITHOUT OUR TRADE MARK. for the year ensuing from May 1, the prosont working hours to remain nnaltored. Aftor much .12 27 Wabash pfd 82 Western 34 Nassau st, New York fu pursuance, of a judgment of foreclosure end saloof this court mado in the almro entitled aotion, boarmg dato I ho 21st d.w of March, ib'JO, I will sell at. TllihUn 1, Tl.n...., A KerrlRan, HOYEMRMTS OF OCEAS VKSSEI.S.

day afternoon by throe young men. One callod him outside, a socond ongagod Mrs. Wilfert's attention, whilo the third sueakod in the back way and stole the money. discussion tho matter waB adjourned to an early date, both committees to report back to the organizations thoy represented. Chicago jYjhuritcift To Day, HE2NKY M.


auctloneer, at the salesrooms No 35 Witiotnjbbv street, in tho City of Brooklyn, on tho 24 th day of April, at 12 o'olook, noon, tho following described lend an All n.rnnl Ol laUO. SUrr08ED SHOPLIFTERS ARRESTED. Wheat May LAWIEK ATKISSOS'S DEATH. The Coroner's jnry in thooaaoof Lawyor At Diroot recoivors of BUTTER, CHEESE, EUUS AND POULTRY.

Hendqusrtftrs for MARYLAND DOCK AND GOOSE EGGS. Two women, Catherino Mantle, of Astoria, L. I Vis situnto. lying and being in the City of Brooklyn, oumj of Kings and State nf Now York, and toimdod and qo sonhodas follows, BogniuK at a southerly sido of Sevouth onost riwtsnt COBN kinson, who was killed in Now York a few days 1. 1 and Margaret Ihiokloy, of 31 Chorry streot, New York, thought to bo shoplifters, wore ar iuiiuu, unn u.

Ka Persian Monarch, London, Now York Hs Anehoria, CUaiKOir, Now York. Ba Nor Hi Flint, llmnlitirg. Now York. Sa Apuiln, Hull, New York. Kb Italia, St.

Ann's Hay, New York, So LUnourievc, tieaon, New York. Sa Trupie, St. Pierre, Sew York. AHRIVliO AT rOUKIUK FOBft. Sb Scandia, Now York, Hamburg.

8s New York, HonDiampron. ti'j Uermanic, Naw York, paused I''ostnot. May una iwemy uro icot ton ago while attempting to prevent the removal of a safe from his office, to day found that he came to his death from a blow Btruok by the truckman, the southeasterly comer of Savwtb "rf Ivi Oats C1ARPET CLEANSING, T. M. STEWAUT, 320 Seventh av.

Nv York rested iu Locsor's yestorday afternoon. In tho Adams street court this morning thoy wero hold as vagrants. FOR OFFURISO TO SJSLIj COUHTEKFEITS. John Fox, alias Henry Kano, aliaB Henry Kafka, was to day indicted by the Grand' Jury for uttering a circular letter in which he offered to kcII counterfeit money. He pleaded not guilty irthe Court of Sessions.

AT THE SEW BASE BaLIj (USOUXBS. l'hero waa no troublo to day with the workmen at tho new grounds of the Players' League club, in tho Twenty sixth Ward; aud the work pro oeoded quietly. nuo; ruuulug tbence tioullu'rly paiici Snv nuo ono hundred foot; tlieuco Iir onthotroet aiitcon foot oitrht KV, nMe again parallel with Sixlh avenue Phonix P. Palmer. June Julv 21Ka2: lars in evory house that you may know whoro carpets aro takon ud, oleanod, rofittod and rolaid in a perfect way.

PonK throncrfi annrlvwall one bunded TO' BEIXIiY A FUNK MAX. A firo occurred last evonlng in tho two story 10 00 10 55 and 1 fence woatorly along Juno Tho lost steps in the dismissal of tho indictment briok building at 01 Hereon street, occupied by SAILED FROM rOItXIOM FOUTS. Sa Bohemia, Hamburg, New York. Sh Belgooland, Antwerp, Philadelphia patsed Flushing. hs Polynesia, Stottln.

New York. 65 Maicslio, Queomrtown. New York. Bs Ouflo. Livorooo).

New York, Ernst Hosbo. an UDholstoror. and owned by for bribery agamet Charles H. Itoilly, one of tho F1UE IS T11K WOMEN'S ExCIIAKgG. Fire in the Women's Exchange, at 134 West Twenty third Btroot, New York, this morning did $300 damage Insured, 84 Aldormon of Now York, wero taken to day be I I FURNITURE.


O'Koofo O'Hare, of 37 Ferry streot NowYorf. 1 City. The damage is about 1900. 1 (ore Judge Barrett ana ifoiiiy is now a feo man..

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