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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


The European fr'iuuncial Situation, New York ami New England's Annual Keporc Sloths irregular aud Gen orally Lower. For Lntcr Financial News Bee Four o'Clock JVdition, Fourth Wat i. Stbket. Novembor 10. Tho cable review of the European markota reports the outlook favorablo at tho London Stock Exchange, as trade is active and railway traffic ia good.

Americans were largely sold last weok, but tho fall was partially chocked toward tho close by a belief tliat New York speculators woro exaggerating the dilhoultios purposely to buy at lower prices. Tho Paris bourse was firm until Saturday, when a fall in Berlin and Frankfort, due to war rumors, had a depressing effect. Tho annual report of the New York and New England shows thattho increase in net earnings was and that the net surplus for tho year is Large outlays for tlie improvement of tracks, bridges aud equipments have been made and tho road is now in better condition than ever before The cost of these betterments has been defrayed by the sale of tho remainder of tho second mortgage anil ol shares of pre mO LET HOUSE 133 SORT GREENE JL placo 3 story brick notiso, 13 rooms and bathj alt improvements; rent Apply to ii. ituuiiito, 100 Montague st, corner GUnton at. LET nOUSES 54 AND 56 GAR don 4 Btorv brown stonn Rnclish basement houses; 31 rooms and bath; all improvonienta; $000 and jpi.uuu.

a ppiy io jv. iuo aiontaguo corner Clinton. rTXO LET HOUSE NICE 3 STORY AND JL basemont nrown stone iront; Hnnny mdo Amity twoon Olinton and Honrvill rooms: iinBl.nlradlntncroom mirror in parlor; bay ivintloira: plenty oloseta; i70per month, u. uroaam, nitj XO LET PARTS Of HOUSES. TO LET PART OF HOUSE TOP floor in brown atono house, 3 pleasant rooms, with large closets, window tmades, gas, hot wid cold water, use of bath.

no othor lodgers; suitable for newly married couple. Apply at 214 Seventeenth st. PARTlH6USE 74 HICKS Ht From December 1st, to a small family, second floor of rooms; uso of bathroom; utationary tubs; separate gas meter; within live minutes' walK oinnage; rent $30 per month, mO LET PART OF HOUSE A LOWER JL part, 250 Clermont av, near DeKalb; dosirablo lower part. 7 rooms, diniogroom nnd kitchen oxton sionf all improvements; tirst class location; immodiato possesHion; rent only $30. BULKLEY HORTON, 400' Afyrtlo av; Vanderbilt station open evonings.

rjlO LET FLAT FIRST FLAT, 4 LARGE jL rooniB and front basemont; all improvements; will let low to a small family of adults; uow vacant. Apply at 70 iSkillman st, near Park av. mO LET FLATS FIRST CLASS FLATS, JL with all improvoments.including heat; 8 rooms and bath; $:28 and $30. Apply in furniture utore, 1,037 Bodfordav, or of J. NFWKIRK, jJoS Sunnier av TO LET FLATBKO CHARGE FOR Novembor; splendid flats; 5 rooms and bath; all improvements on Washington and Myrtlo avs.

Apply to janitor, 454 rjnO LET FLATSNEW ALL hi q. provemoutfi; Green and Lexington avs routs low; near elevated station; iii'toon minutes from bridge; also nnd flat. Janitor, 313 Lexington av; other dcsirablo flats. Apply toy. TAXBOT, l.MoS Ilodford av.

nMi LET FLATS THE NEWTeLEGANT Hats. 304 nines Bt. between Nostrand and Mavoy a v.1", are readv for occujancy; 7 moms beside bath; pri vute halls; all improvements; rent reduced 4 por month because ot tho lateness in finishing. Apply to janitor. find let flTtsthose Et neivllalH, iS rooms, all imirovoineiits, olectt ie bells, 1.1 10.

1.1 and 1.114 Vnltmi st. nenr l'niuklin ar. li Htation inunedinto posyH.sion. Apply on premises or to j. ii.

vaiv. Autvivn 7 iiroauway, now York. rilO LET FLATS LOW RENTALS 159 fl. Harrison St. tnlrd flat.

7 rooms, overv nilDrovemcnt. only '14 41S Ilciii near Harrison, tirst Hat. only $t5 socoutt flat, only WIS; tirst class order; balls heated and liehted tbroiiKltout convenient to terries; janitor on premises; seen Sunday. BUr.KI.KY HORTON, oizents, Iljli Myrtloav. Vanderbilt Station open evenings.

mO LKT ELAT'S ONE FLAT ONLY IN the Annie. HO tilii'ton idnce. 7 tieht roomn and ail improvements, rent Do you want a spacious 0 room tint, with ebivator and heated halls, for Then see the ono at Smith's Bitildtngs, corner of Reid and Uatos avs, and ytu will take it. Is your limit $'20 Then you can have a nice 7 room flat in the same building. Will ft rooms do View the cozy flats on Frauklin nv, near Butler st, for $10 and 17.

Apply to the respectivo janitors, or to WILLIAM JSLLIOTT, 259 Greene av. rgO LET APARTMENTS TWO FINE JL suites in tho Vendome, Grand av, corner Gates; hear, elevator, coal, billiard room, umoking room; bootblack, caterer, etc. $00 nnd $70 per month. i nno let Apartments of 7 and 8 rooms, rent from to netv honsos, all im provGnients janitor on preniiscs, 41:1 State st, near Nev ins; owner, Myrtlo av; also, small aparcmonts oii rooms.ront $10 to ntV77 Tiliary at. TO IJiT S'B'OISKS.

rpO LET STORE INNIiW BUTLDINO lino show; prime location for hardware, iiaints, shoos, inillinery, candy or olpiost anytbins: no beer or beef wanted sen it; per month. 883 latea av. HTUWART WAI.SU, owner. m) LET STORES THOSE ELEOANT, JL large, new stoves, UO, 1,1 It l'ulton at, near l'ranklin av. station.

Apply on premises or to J. A. VAN AUKKN A 71 Uroadway, Non York. rglO LET STORES' AND FLATS Three ont of nine Inrgo stores, footjou new buinoss block 'double plaio glass windows, 5 rooms back suitable for dry goods, groceries, druggist, clothing or any business; also elegant 5 room flats, $., 1 3 and $14 also flats of rooms and bath on Vernon and Throop avs, every improvement, $120 and $:22. JAMES SAMVLE, 71)1 iWjrtle av, betweon I'osJrand and Marcy.

jo r.rr mo" LET ROOMS A FEW UNFUR: M. nished rooms, xtanm heat, hoi water, baths; finest sanitary construction; ceutral location. Dutlield st to $4 weokly each referenced; no young childron also yinglc room, furnished A pa izwyi I mo ffhO LET APARTMENTS inoWOHTJlCE JL apartments to let in the Montague, (en minutes fmm Wall 103 and t0 Uontague st, Urooklyn, situated on Brooklyn Heights, near Wall St. Ferry, overlooking the bay and harbor; within tiflecn minutes ot the Stock Kxchamro and Produce K.tehange; constructed or granite and brick, with front stairs of marble, and ron and rear stairs of slato and iron; all walls and beams protected with Lynns1 patent fireproof blocks and plumbing perfect; steam heat and elevators; stained glass and decuratiim by Tiffany; for accessibility, location, comfort, style ami elegance un surnasnd in New York or Hionktyn: rents from tI.ti."iO. Apply to CUIUS.

(IKISKIt, agout, or FKK1. J. STOXK, owner. 3J Liberty tt. N.

Y. KtfflSfiSf A rgRlOKS TO.CARUY FK03I LRS7 Ja to tons and a large assortment ol business wagons of all si. to suit all purposes; two onz; horse dumping vagou, suitable for coal or brick, orrttvx received for t'uruiiuro vans; all work manufactured tin premises; will give one ycivr to pay for If requirod. Corner Navy and Johnson sts, Brooklyn. A LADY'S HAXJis, 8 .0, years old, sound and gentle; g.od saddle iioiso; iir.s been rude and driven all Summer by a voting lady; top nhnctoif and harness complete tunio for woulilsoll separate.

Can bo seen and tried at MOW 1IRA stfible, 'jf33 st, or cilJ on or address the owner, Mr. TilOHX, '201 Liueoln place. ONE PHAETON, C)NE new top sidebar buggy, ono new road w.Mron, for sale; all Tnokermnke; alo Ourloy nMimt, as good now one brougham, one (Jlarimco coacli in llrst elaos crdnr; all can be bought at fow pricoj. At tt, 10 and 1 2 ISev ins st 4 jf ARU3 ASSORTMENT" OF" P.US1 ness wagons of all sizes, to suit all constant ly on hand and orders received for furniture vans; ere lit given if required. 1,007 Atlantic av, bytween Grand and Clason, Brooklyn.

ARO EST, NEWISST ANU REST STOCK of wagons in New Vork for dry goodw, grocerw, milkmen, laundiT. exjuess, bottlers, bakers, etc. fully warranted our own make. AG INK WAGON AND GAU conmi of Spring bt. and South Fifth av, New York, ip RE AT BAROAINS IN ALL KINDS OF no.

and second hand carriages, including, jump seat buggies, top and no top business wagons uNo a great variety if mad raits at $'2o ach. dAMES IJO WNKV, 337 and 33S Atlantic RAROA1N FIFTEEN HORSES iMUST a be sold on aeo'Mint ot loss contract no use for them; suit almost any business; $35 to $100: not half value reasonable trial allowed. Manhattan Company's Wire Works, 71 Kent si, Greoupoint. PRESSMEN, HOC ERS AND IHTTOH fityers We have a few heavy and light delivery wngons, a ittMe sh'p norti, which wo will sell cheap. 3 and 155 Spring st, New Vork.

DTI NTIRE STOCK OF ICE COMPANY FOR aLsale: horsunsttit any purpose. GOLD IO stables, corner llavemeyor and North Eighth Brooklyn. RIDING' SADDLES AND EQUESTR I AN (loodH genoralls. Illustrnted Gatnlogurs froo. WHITMAN SADDLK US Ghambers st, Now York City.

ORK HORSES TO LET AND FOR suit all nnvnnses with or without driver. and 1 1 (.. H.i A 111 li 'TC Bridge st. 'O'nCES. SoUPORATION NOTRJE NOTICE IS hereby given to all persons lo he afTeidt thereby that ilie Common Counsel of the City of Broaklyn has declared by resolution its intention to cause gas lamp posts, witli lanterns and all necessary appurtenance, to bo sot :5 Ki ft bird street from Second avenue to Third avenue, and has by roJuJjon j.ed the district of assess ment mi wiuji Jili in fiin.

1 vii in; iin i. i up i along the lines on each side of rhc said Fifty third street hetwutm tho points abovj Moeciiieil and that the said Common Council will proceed under the said resolutions at a meeting thereof, to he held on tho f24th day of December, 1 KrtM, or as soon thereafter as the public business will allow. Kemonst ranees fit' any) against tha sa'ul improvement must be filed with tho Clerk of the Common Council (or otherwise presented to the Common Council, on or before tho said day. Dated Brooklyn, November 2 1SMH. JOHN i.

ADAMS, Commissioner of the Department of City Attest; D. L. jNoJtTHi.p. Secietary. no 10 14t lOIU'OKATION NOTICE NOTIL'E IS given to all persons to be.

afYecied thereby that the Common Council oi tho City of Brooklyn Ii.ts declared bv reS'ilution to open tieot, from Central avenue to Knirkurbneker avenue, und has by roifoltttiott fijeed the district of ior nm improvement and beyond which ir shall not eAienei, to wit; Along the line of the proposed opening in width oup hnlf (J 0 of the I) to: on oach side thereof and hat the said Cumuum Co.ineil will proceed under the faid resolutions at a meeting thereof, to be held on the day oi' D'. ecmher. ISSN, vr as soon therciiftsr as the intj lie business wiil allow. HemoiistvauceM (it any) against tlie said improvement must be tiled with the clerk of the Co.incil (or otherwise pros mtcd to the Comnnni Council) on or before the said dav. Dated November 1S, 1SSS.

dOFN I. ADAMS, Commissioner the DenJivtment of Works. Attest: D. L. NonTiiur, Secretary.

nilO 1 COlPORATiON NdTICEN()TlCE IS hereby given to all persons to be affected thereby, that tiie Common Council oi the City of Brooklyn ha declared, bv resolut ion, itH intention to open Knickerbocker avenue, from Myrtle avenue to Palmotto street, and has by resolution lined tho district ol Q. mo.rnvnt forsu.b improvement, and beyond which it shall not extend, to wit Along the lino of the proposed opening in width one half 01 the block on each side thereof: an 1 that the said Common Council will oroceed under the said resolutions at a meeting thereof, to be held on tin day ot December, 1HHK, or as thereafter as the pit Idle business will allow Remon.strances (11 any) against the said iiu proeinent must be file with the Clerk of the Common Council (or otherwise presented to the Common Council) on or before the said day. Dated Brooklyn, November 1HHH. JOHN P. ADAMS, Commissioner of the Pe'Mrtment of City Wm ks.

Attcft: D. L. JtOHTHVv. Secretary. nol!) 14t "Corporation notice notice is hereby given to all perr 'Mis to be affocted thereby thattho Common Council otthe City ot Brooklyn has declared by resolution its intention to open Irving avenue, from Myrtle avenue to Palmetto and lias by resolution tiled the district oi a jsesnnient for kucIi pjovement.

and beyond which it shall not extend, to wit Alnng tho tine of the proposed oponing in width one half (l ij) of the on each ide thtiieof; and thnt tho said Common Council will proceed undur the snid tions at a meeting thereof, to be held on tho day of December, 1HK3. or as soon thereafter as the public business will allow. Remonstrances (if any) against the said improvement must bo filed with tho Clerk otthe Common Council (or otherwise presented to the Common Council) on or buforu the said day. Dated Brooklyn, Novombor 10, 18H8. 3 JOHN P.

ADAMS, Commifisioner of fh Dcpsrtuiotit of City Workt. Attest: D. L. Secretary. noli) 14t CORPORATION NOTIC NOTICE IS hereby giv; to all persons to bo affected thoroby that the Common Council of tho City 0 Brooklyn lifts declared liy resolution its intention to open Hamburg aveuuo, from Myrtle avonuo to (he OVnKtery of the Kver greens, and has by resolution fixed the district or assessment for such improvement and beyond which it shall not extend, to wit Along the line ot tho roonad open ing in width one halt" of the block on each bido thore of; and that the rmd Common Council will proceed under tho said resolutions at a meeting thercot to bo hold on tho 124: day or December, 1 HH8, or as soon thereafter as tho public business will all iw.

Kemoustrances (if any) ngairfst tho said improvement must be tiled wit a the Clerk of the Common Council (or otherwise presented to tho Common Council) on orboiorethe said day. Dated Brooklyn, Novembor 10,1888. JOHN I ADAMS, OoimniaH.nner of the Department or Oily orks. Attest: D. L.

NoitTltUP, Secretary. noli) 14t Corporation notice notice i is heroby given to all to bo affected thereby that tho Common Council of tho Ciiy of Brooklyn haw declared by resolution its intention to open Grove btree', from Central avenue to the city and has ry resolution iixed tho diwtrict of assessment for such improvement and beyond which it shall not extend, to wit: Along the line ot the proposed opening in width ono half () of the block on each side thereof; ana that ine Bum uomnum uouneu wm proccuu under tho Haid resolutions at a meeting thcreot, to bo held on tho day of Decembor, 1888, or as soon thoreaiter as the public bubinoss will allow. Uemou strancosflf Any) against the said improvement must, uo filed with tho clerk of tho Common Council (or otherwiso presented to the Common Council) on or before the said day. Dated Brooklyn, November 10, 1888. OHiV J'.

AjvA.ilr. Commissioner of tho Department of City Works Attest: D. L. Nouthup, Secretory. I'ivLli ii 1 rs 1 ivks ojpr trryn rr RARE CHANCE DININO SALOON OJ lotlging uoii iui viSiVvi'iV Belling othr business.

Apply to M. D. GAHDNLK, 31 Smith sf, Brooklyn, "FISH AND OYSTER STAND WITH first class fixtures to 'ec; good business place; gas light and nno of telephone included. fOST A FOX TERRIER DOC, WHITE JL, body, black and tau face, short tail; licensu No. on collar, 5,083.

A liberal reward if returned to 314 Sum nor bv. LOST ON SUNDAY NOON, A YOUNG untrained English fiotter DOG: white, with tan colored ars and spots. A reward will bo given for hut return to 100 Columbia heights. OSW LADY'S TORTOISE SHELL JL. POCKETBOOK, containing 15 bilih and $10 gold and bo me change.

Finder will be rewarded: oa returniaff A. H. JOUMK, 51 WU ct, Yzk, OARD 193 CLINTON ST PLEASANT largo and small rooms. OARD ON THE HILL 128 WIL J13 loughljy nvf two largo rooms on second floor, also a room on tntra noor, io ior wuu nrst ciass uoara. BOARD NO.

149 GREENE AV, NEAR "Washington Very dcsirablo single aud doublo rooms best of references. BlIOD5W ST A RGB front room on second floor; folding bod; largo closot table tirst class references exchanged. BOARD G5 LIVINGSTON ST PLEAS ant rooniH, with good board, for gentlemen and wives or singlo gontlomon also, table hoard. OARD A LARGE, PLEASANT ROOM to lot. to a ceutluman and wife, in a nrivate fantflv.

Addrets llkt Harrison et. BOARD 337 CLINTON ST, BETWEEN Harrison and Dogmw Two large connocting rooms on third floor; convenient to bridge aud forriey; reference; table bocfrd. BOARD HOTEL ST. GEORGE, NO. 51, 53 and i5 Clark st.

American aud European plan; 400 rooms, including 100 bathrooms; handsomely furnished light throughout. BOARD N67234 WASHINGTON AV A third story front room, with hall room adjoining; also, sunny Hquaro room; house has all modorn improvements; near elovated station. OARD ON THE HILL JTB mont av Newly furnislied rooms on second and third floors, with folding and open beds, to let, with board; family private; references exchanged. BOARD 1,151 AND 1,153 FULTON ST, corner of Irnnklin av Two large rooms, front and back, hot and cold water, largo cosots. at moderate prices; good table and attendance table board era.

OARD A PRIVATE FAMILY AT 490 Groonn nv. enrnor Nntftrnnd. fifteen minutes from riritre. wit furnish a few desirable adults with comforts or nomo; strictly nrst ciass in evory respect. BbARD 445 FRANKLIN AV, NEAR Putnam A family of adults have a largo axd small room with folding bod; sanitary plumbing; noar elevated fetation.

JOAlU) ON the hill large i.P front room on third floor; also two small rooms, to let, with excellent hoard; house convenient to surfaco and roads. 411 Olermont av, near Greene. TO LET, newly furnished, light and airy rooms, singly or en suito; five minutes' walk from bridgo nndiorrica; also, table boarders 56 OARD ON THE HILL PLEASANT 3 largy and hall rooms, with board house tirst class; conveniently located; tahlo bonrdorij taken; referencori exchanged. 4ti South Portland av. BOARD 32 SOUTHc3XEORD ST A laMdsomc second story tloor, singly or on suite; unexpectedly vacatod by parties changing residenco to Hartford after occupancy of four years; permanent parties, with best references, dosired.

BOARD 302 LI KINGSTON ST," NE Al? Smith A Uray's new store Third floor front: per coimle. 11 beat and uas: hall room and board ab rvtosa tlio slryot, an alcove room, suuare room and hall rooms; reasonanio; witnorwuiiout noaru. OARD ON THE HILL 514 WAS if inirton Jiv A Invire. nleasant. fuinnv front room also a small room, to lot, with board; house private; loca tion, tame, attonuance, tve, nrst emss; terms reasonable.

OARD So" TO 6 S3 FORT GREENE nlnee Newlv liod room on second floor, with aiupie cioshl, grille nru iiiiu riiiiniiiK jm'ji iur iwo gentlemen aiso nan room; near ii srauon; nvo minutes to bridgo. OARD FRONT AND RACK SQUARE romim o'i third floor: a hall room: location lovelv: neir two surface roads and the elevated table first class brown stone house; every modern improvement tablo boiivd. 430 Greene av. BOARl MANSION HOUSE, RRO(K lyn Heights, directly opposito Wall st, N. four minutea' walk from Fulton or Wall sr.

Ferry and tho bridge terminus superior roasonaWo rates: select faninyjiiul transient hotel BO ARI) AT AVASHINGTON ST A large front room, suitable for fl party of gontlcmun or gentleman and wife; nicely furnished; folding bed; also other rooms; table boarders taken near bridge fttid ferries. TT ARD A ARUEr SUNNY "frokT B) room on second floor, snitnblo for a married couple ora party of gentlemen; also, other vacancies in largo and small rooms; table boarders accommodated. f7 Concord at. BOARD OOMF l1 A WELL heated rooms on second and third floors; largo closots; hot and cold water; few minutes' wnlk to bridge ant! ferries; terms moderato, Glint on st, near Warren, BOARD i04DEAN STREET A VERY pleasant second story front room, nicely furnished; alno largo front room and hall bedroom on third story; good board; ceutral location convenient to all ferries nnd bridge. BOARDS) "imiST PLACE PARTIES seeking a truly comfortable homo will tlnd it as abovo; perfect In every detail; superior table; parlor diningi oom; moderate teruu table boardord ro ceived.

"Tirij LARGE "PLEASANT aicove back parlor and third story front room; all conveniences; folding beds, running water and halls heated by furnace; one block from station and surface ten minutes to bridge; rofereueos exchanged. 10.I Clinton av. OARD 1 70 AMITY STV RETWEEN jqI tnurt and Clinton Ho mis furnished or unfurnished; house has changed hands; been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished all appointments tirst class; table board nUo; references exchanged. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS NO. 148 Hicks nlTyo Itrge connecting front rooms; all im jirovements; convenient to ferries and bridge; also, a largo, square front room suitable for gentlemen; table boarders accommodated.

OARD ON THE HILL lOirADKLPHI A J) st Gentlemen wishing to mako arrangoments for tho Winter can secure nicely furnished rooms, with all eunvenieuces; location near av; good table and terms moderate; references exchanged. BOARD A RUE, CONNECT NO" AN small rooms, also beautifully furnished parlor, with connecting room, suitable for four gentlciueu tirst class board all conveniences; terms moderate; should tie seen to be appreciated. Clint st, rtrooktyn. TbARD LARGE AND SMALL ROOMS, en suite 01 singly, yiiituble for gentleman and wife or single gentlemen good table house pleiisiinlly situated and ono oi tlie most desirable locations on the Hill; references exchanged, Clinton av, corner Ijal'ay ettu. Tj OARD ON THE HILL PARTIES'l)E: Hiring class ntn)i refinod, juivate family, find Dli'asant.

nicetv Furnishod second s'orv buck room. tlitivl story front aqimro and hn)l rooma, iit fr, place; tablo good and abundant; near several car lines aud station; roferences exchanged. BOARD WANTED IN A PRIVATE family, by a gentle.nrn and rife; reforonce unexceptionable. Address 11. C.

Eagle olliee. tr a S3 it I URNISH Eli ROOMTO LET, HANDS' somely furnished room, to one or two gentlemen; ring third belt. 1 ,432 Atlantic av, near livooklyn av. BURNISHED ROOMS NEAR WALL St. Ferry, largo single and doublo rooms, elognntly 'fit tod up; every convenience; steam beat, Ac.

Apply at MojfMguest. MURNISHED ROOMS 2G8 CUMRER land st A narloriloor; also three jinglo rooms on third tloor; heat, gas, hot and cold water: with bath; good boarding houses in tho immediate vicinity. FURNISHED ROOM'S ONE SHORT block from junction of Fulton st. and Flatbush uv Desirable rooms at very reasonable rates; nicely fur) nished and every convenience privato house; gentleman only. 303 Livingston st.

IilURNISHED ROOMS TO IjET, LARGE pleasant room: a eoniwciintz rooni3 suitable for gentlemen or tight housekeeping hut and cold water; large clos its; a pleasant hall room; near bridge and lorries. ir7 Washington st or 0 Willow. TOH SALE HOUSE CHEAP NO. 94 JhJ Classon av, noar Park Tho 3 storv frame dwelling, with two lots, toSehonck st prico only 500. 1).

tt M. CHAUNOEY, 207 Montague st. ST, H' utnrv run! A i sfori' and and fllllioollar Inick tiouso; 0 rooms; Rood condition; price can remain on this is a uennino bar Itain. THO.MAS A. PKNNHR, 87 Oourtjt.

17K)R HALE HOUSE 2 STORY' AND basonicnt llrown mono; in first class order and neighborhood; Dean st. Key at I Oean st. or 1). II. Bedford av, near Fulton atreet.

OR SALE HOUSES A AN jil A HuildiliK and Savings Arsoeiation Sewuittl series sbaios nill bo issued at o'clock this evening, lllttl ins at Everett Hall. t(i)S Fulton st, near J. J. ASHl'OHTH, Secretary, I4S Wjckoti' st. lOIi SALEHOUSE.S THO.SE neat, erizv.

now well built 2 story and basoment brick houses, i il, 7 Hi and 748 Hancock st all iiiiprove ineuts, nJollty al closol room, near I. station; lirico low, terms easy. HORATIO S. STKW ART, (i l'ourth av. fl.

IOR HOUSES SAVE" MONEY JC in Sovcnth Series shares of Arcanum Building and Savings Association iasued at Everert Hall, tills l'ulton st, at o'clock this evening. J. J. ASHF0HT1I. Sei'ie tavy, 14S Wyckotrt.

IOR SALE HOUSE ON DEAN ST, between Jtrooktyn and Neir York avs story Queen Anne, liOxoO; location one of tho best an inspection invited. On premises, or D. H. FOWLIiU 1, Bedford av, near 'ulton st. IOR HOUSES SUBSCRIBE FOR shares Ibis evening at 8 o'clock in Arcanum Hiiildinj; and Savings Association.

Ifvereft flail. Vulton st. near Smith. J. J.

ASIIFOUTII, Secretary, 148 Wyckoll t. TOR SALE HOUSES 54 AND OAR don place, noai State st 4 brown stono bouses; I rooms and bath each all improvements; price $111, (100 tor No. and $14,000 for No. Apply to IC. K.

UOtlEHS, KJti Montague st, conier Clinton st. 171 OR SA LB HO USE CHEAP $3,300 '2 story basemont and cellar frame, brick tilled; 8 rooms and bath room; range, heater, slate tubs sewer connections, parlor. cabinet trimmed; near station. "WILLIAM v. UEUBKRD, I.SO Fulton st, near Uiieu av.

station. TIOR SALE HOUSES IN ALL SEC tionH of the city. The ptaco for you to call is 103 unitiit iic Kt i ni npr CItiiiton if von want to buy or il you want to sell, como and sco me; I Ita ve invent nwut 8 either way that will pay you. Apply to li. K.

KOU KHJ3, Kili Iontaguo st, corner Clinton 8t. JJ ale iiouses tw special bargains; must be sold 00 others; all descriptions and locations; 1.70D city lots; rare opportunity to select homes or business places examino printed list; tfil.OUO.000 to loan. WILLIAM li. ORAOE. corner of Witloughby hU.

TIOR SALE HOUSE TO JL close at: estate: 08 Kyersen nt, near Myrtle av; 3 story and cellar frame and extension, 13 ro'uns, all improvements: lot liOxlOO; near station; seen by ))ermit only. BULICLEV HORTON, 401) Myrtle av; Vanderbilt stat ion open evenings. TjiOll SALElIOtlSES NEW DROWN stone houses, (54, (ifj end 7' Clifton place, no. Htation, liroeno av. and DeKalb av.

car lines, convenient to best schools in tho city, Pratt Institute, at a low price for a house. Inquire of JOSEPH I. KIItBV, Iiuilriur, on tho promiscs.or at "jniOR SALE HOUSES YOUR OWN JL homn with your rent in Hcventh Series Shares of Arcanum Building and Savings Association issued at 8 o'clock this evening at Everett Hull, 39H Fulton st, J. J. A3HFOUT11, Secretary, 148 Wyc koffst, XpOK SALE MOUSES OR EXCHANGE Twonty flvo minutes from Now York via bridge and Kings C'oiinty Klevated; desirable residences, and 3 btories stone, briuk and frame block detached and semi deta' hed houfies; also, choice building sites.

C. J. SANDS, 1,100 Fulton st, XOR SALE HOUSES THREE OOR JL ner stotea with tints; also 2 story and basement houses, frame and brick buildingf, prices from 1:00 io ono corner a bargain; all the above property within live minutes' walk of seven car routes. Apply to n. Kilt KM AN, WAM Kixteeuth street, near Seventh avenue.

IjiOKSALE HOUSED JEFFERSON AV." Two ot the mtut beautiful houses in Brooklyn 3 story and basement brown ston i beautifully carved; octagon fronts; contain large extension dining rooms; billiard room sowing room and library; finished throngh out with choiceat polished hardwoods; parlors mahogany, other reoins oak, cherry, ash, te. beautifully adornod with mirrors; fancy grates; electric gaslighting; beils; burglar alarms; gas iixtnrju; opon nreplaces and gas logs; handsome inahognny bookcase; dumb waiter; back ta rway; refrigerator; largo laundry; parquet floors; other luxuries; choice location lot l'J!) feet deep. JOHN F. SAD0INCTON, builder, 107 and 201 Jetforson av, between Nostrand nnd Marcy ar ELEGANT FRAME lionsD, lot 50x100, and stable choice location, in this city; ireo and clear; for equity in Hats or storo propeity; vaU Bend lull particulars. S.

B. DFCKKR, lH(JiPiei FOR EXCHANGE A 8 STORY STONE, brick and tenfl colta dwelling, cabinet trim, bronze mantels, refrigerator built in, near Prospect Park. Brooklyn, for Brooklyn lots; would entertain a country place. S. F.

DRISCOLL, 32 Park place New York. FOR SAI.K I'll AOS, VC. OR SALE PIANO STEIN WAY 250 cos' $700; must bo sold. ANDERSON Oil ult I TOH SALE PIANO UPRIGHT also, Weber piano, good as new. ANDERSON A I70R SALE PIANO ONE ROSEWOOD 1 piano and atoo), for cost 4.r)0; 7k! octave.

Call at liergen at, butweon Carlton and Vandorbilt avs. 710R SALE PIANO 5 1 65 UPiUOHT JP Krandifull iron plate; three strinKS: patont aKraffo; anrinx desk; nickel plated hammer rail. 4c, with hno plush stool and scarf: a Steinway at bargain. WI8S NER'S, l'ulton st, Kroegor pianos upon ovoa FOK Ft)K'TOnE tJOU SAL FURNITURE HAMDSOME plnah Bolts, 845, worth 805 also aboiit 200 second hand and miaSt carpota at HYAMS', 101 Court it. i BI uiture and carpou reoeivod diljr from auotioa.

Cooks. Waslicrn and Ironora, ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, Ti(ah tvninmi. not ionar rno coimrry: understands bread, biscnitH and pastry ijo objection to a boarding house; will assist witji wasning; is wining ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, by a liijrmy recommenaoa mmuia i.uii 1,. Rn enKV IlOSlttoH in A Con sidorato family; low wanes tli3nkfu'1 good homo. Pleaso address for ono week Mrs.

IS.fc.NNbY, JiaKle Iledfoid branon. AWTF.D SITUATION AS A GOOD cook and laundress, by couinetoiit youim woman; has the best of city roforonoo. Pleaso call at Hoi'uiton et, near Clinton av; no cards answered. 'ANTED SITUATION AH A ULVl 1, mnll fninitv. bv a ro spoctablo, Uonoat, Pieaso call for two days at (iXtil)cnn skjnouoiirl boll.

WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD plain cook, washer and ironer, or general housework, bj' a rosnoctablo young woman has good city references. Ploaso call for two days at present employer's. Clinton av, corner Lafayette. 7T ANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD vv ImtiAr. or to do eenoral house work ill a small private family, by a respectable young woman: has ennd citv references.

Pleaso call lor two days at 2.18 Herkimer st. near Now York av, 'ANTED SITUATION As A UOAll'JS Mr Inundrnsn in a nrivate fnmilv. lw nrennni ffirl: willing and obliging; noat and tidy; good roferonce. Pleaso call at Atlantic By, near Aoeipni si. TANTED SITUATION AS A FIKSi 1. tnlll tf. OV a rCSOOCl able woman is a eood washer and ironer; is willing ann onliiriiiuihaagood city references, call 7tttf Dean st. ATiTiiiTi siTTTA'r'KiN AS A FIRST WW olaa oook, by a resjiectablo woman; has Rood citv and country roferuncos. Call for two days at, o.SU Eii htcciitll St. South Brooklyn.

ANTED SITUATION AH A FiKbT claBS cook, washerand ironor in a email private family, by a respectable irl; best of reforenco. tun ai I acinc st, cornor ninuit, Anted situation as a FIRST class cook and laundress in a nrivate family, by a first, class city reference from last place. Pleaso ca two days at Amity st, down stairs. riwnpct.ali cirl Will lie lOUIlU IViiuui; aim 1. ANTED SITI 7 ATIONS AS A FIRST VW class cook aud to assist with the wnslnnB, by a yoiins Cierman girl, Protestant also, a Gorman laundress and honso servant.

Apply at tlio Gorman Agency, 1HS Atlantic av; no charEO until nmtod. ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook and tauudiviss, by a respectable Prot estant eirl; is willing and nluiKiiiK onii uiorciui tM'OtinG tttt nf, it Tft I'ddLTll al houso work: tho best of city refcronoo. Call at 71! Peernw st first floor. a "RTriTiri t'TinT A Tinv A A T.ATTN All LJliU OUUOIIV' a nr would do chamber work and waiting, by a Protestant girl; has the best oity reforenco. Please call for two days at tou uoati sc, near Olasson a v.

WANTED SITUATION AS AN Experienced cook in private family; no washing; best city ruferoticnH from last employers. Call Monday and ytH Flntbiish av. YSTANTKD smJATION AS A COM potent cook and laundress in a private family, by a respectable youni: girl: understands her business; has tirst class rilforeni'CH; willing and obliging. Call tor two days at Wit) Hackett st, cornor over grocery. ANTED SITUATION AS A FliAiN cook, washer and ironor, or genorrl housework in a small family, liy a rcspocianio eiri mui uuy ences.

Call for two days at WIS Wyckoff st, ono flight Vl7AN'rED T() wash and iron, by a respectable colored woman. Please call for two days atW I''Icl)t fit, rmg tjiree 7NtED SITUATiON TO DO PEAfN VV cooking, or general housework in small lamily, by a respectable girl. Pleaso cult at O'JH Vandorbilt av, over shoo store, in front, ANTED SITUATION'S ONE AS A cook and tho othor as chambermaid una wait ress ill a private family, by two young irls; best city reforenco. Please call Tuesday at H4 Butler st. ANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A nnd ironor.

the other to do general housework and also washing and ironing and t' go out by the day, by two girls. Address or call at Lowis avo 'ANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A ImmHrnaq too fitbor ns chambermaid and waitress, cither single, or to do light hoiisowork, by two irirls. sisters: first class city reference. Please call for twodays at 158 C'ourtjrt. ANTED ONE AS A first class cook and laundress, the other as a chambermaid and waitress, by two respectable girls: have excellent reforonce.

Please call for two days at SKh Pacific st, Brooklyn, first door. WANTED SITUATIONS ONE 1 AS A cook and laundress, the other as a chambermaid and waitress in a small family, by two tirst class girls; have the best of references from thoir last placo. Please call for two days at 'J'iii Court st. TANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A WW first class cook, washer and ironor, tho other as chambermaid and waitress, by tiro respectable girls; can givo the. very best of city reference.

Pleaso call for two days at Ma'i Myrtle av, near Raymond St. TTSTANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A cook, washer and ironer, the other as chambermaid and waitress in a small family, by two respectable young Swedish girls havu good city references. Call for two days at S7 Boorum place. WANTED AS A first class cook and excellent laundress, the othor an chambermaid and waiiress, by two respectable young girls who wish to go togothor, or would go separato; lust class ruieronco from presunt employer. JK! l'ort Crooue placo.

Cioiioi'nl lousr work. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN era! in a prii ato family, by a young Swodish girl. Please call at or address i Covins St. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN cral housework, by a young girl. Call at i 1 uates av, top iloor.

'ANTED SITUATIONS TO DO GEN ei hnosowork. by two hwcdisn girls; are willing Mid obliging. Pii'iisa call at litlt) Bergen st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN al housework, by a respectable English girl. Call at Diilticld st.

L'ED SITUATION TO DO GEN onil in soinll 'Oinilv. bv a Swedish girl. Iniilirc at 744 Fulton st no postal cards. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a girl. Call at Sixtoentlist.

llrooklyn. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nm honsoivork. bv a voung trirl. 1'loase call lor two dnys at her present employer's, l.SUA Madison st. "ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework in a small 'amity by a young Swedish girl, Ploase call at i yckoll st, lust floor.

4NTED SIT UA TION TO DO GEN eral hoiifowoi by a rcspoclable woman, about six months in the country; br.s ood roforenc irom laflt placo. at 150 1 Dean st. lop Hoor. WANTED SrrUA'iTON TO DO (rEN era! housework, by a respectable woman is a Rood cook, wushorimd ironor; has goo'S city references. Address Kiuirle olrico.

'ANTED SITU ATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a respectable yonntr Kin; is a nod cnok. wiisher and ironer. Call lor two days at bO iigli st, third floor. "ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework in a private family, by a respectable colored uirl; ood reference. Call for two day.s at n'J i Classen av ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oi n.1 housework, bv a rcsnrotab vountr irirl is a gond ehnmhorinaid; has iity references.

Call for two days at MWl ProsiHct uv; no cards. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN er 1 housework, by a respectable young girl; best of city re.croiices. Call for two days at 41) i Doan st, near Flatbtish av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, bv a resoectabto youufr latoW landed has good city rofcrence. Call for two days at 122 Prospect nt.

No curds. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework in a small young Kirl; isaROodpiain cook, wanhar and ironer. Please call for two days at tiriti Dean st eecond bell. WANTEI SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a stronfj girl is a ood plain cook and brend maker; can bo woll recommended. Call at present employer's, Classonav; no cards.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a rospeeiable younj; kii), lately landed. Call for two days at 184 York st, top lloor. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, bv ft rnsnoctahle youue; wem is a good plain cook, washer and ironor has ood city references. Call fortwo days atTjlS Vandorbilt av ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eni1. housework, bv a younic Kill, lately lauded; will willing and Pleaso call for two days Cranberry st no cards.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral liousowork, by a young eirl. Fieawe call at 703 Fifth av, near Twonty sucond st.liret floor, front. STANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework or upstairs work or to tako care of children, by a Swedish woman; good vefereucos. Call for two days at 4T9 Clermont av, near Vulton st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, or upstairs work, by a neat, BinartRirl; ood city reference.

Call Wednesday, irom 10 to KM Couii st, in utoro. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork or upstairs work, by ayoiin Swed ish Kiri lately landed. Pleaso call for two days at 1U7 Luqueer st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN (ml housework, bv a respectable vonnt: gill, is a sood plain cook, libber and ironer; has pood oily references Call for two daya at ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral hoiiHcwork. bv a resectable vounir eirl has bcsl of city reteronee: willing and Pleaso call for two days at (55 Grand av, near Park, u'rnt floor.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork rr mind child. en and do upstairs work, by a youne eirl who has (iooa rerereuccs. call at i5.) iStocltton st, between Throop andSuinner avs. ANTED SiTUATiONS T(M)6 GEN' oral housework, by two Swedish eirls, lately landed. Call Tuesday or nddress SWEDISH AGENCY, Gates av, in the store.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral houaowork, by a rcspectablo woman; is a pood cook first class washer and ironor. Ploaso call for two days at Ii7 Urooklyn av. WANTED SITUxlTION TO DO GEN oral housowork, or upstairH work, in a small family, by a youiiK Swedish fiirl. Ploase call for two days at MSG Baltic st, F. HOLT.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral houseMrork. by a vounc eirl. lately landod; will be found willing and obliffinpr; can wash and iron ahoroughiy. Call tor two days at UY.i Spencer Ht ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework a nrivato family, by a resnecta blo yonnj; bcotcii j.iri has gooa city reierencus. iaii ior two days at i5fil Sixth av.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork, by a yount? Kirl in a ood plain cook, washer and irondr, with reforenco from last place. Pleaso call for two days at Manhasset place, near Rap olye st, rirst floor. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nil linnoorV bv il rosneetablo vounir woman in a small private family; pood cook, washor and ironor; befit city reference from last placo. Please call at 1)7 Myrtle av, top iloor. No cards.

"ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable youne irirl is a eood washor aud ironor; hafi Rood city roi'eroncoB from last place. Call tor twodaysat jfJi Fourth av, near DeKraw st. XT ANTED SITUATION TODO" GEN oral housowork. by a respectable youiifj eirl isa good cook, washer and ironer; has good city referonco'd, all for tvo days at 107A Sumner st, near Htono av, East Now York. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, or downstairs work, by a rosneota ble yount; woman ia a uood cook, washer and ironer city or country has good city rei'orenccs.

Call for twodayi at 1SS Sivckett st, suconn iloor, back. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN cral housework, liy a resni.ctablo younjr eirl is a good plain cook, washerand ironyr; has pood u'ty enees. (Jail for three days at prosont employer's, 335 Clinton st. ANTED SITUATION' TO DO GEN eral housework in a small nrivate famdy. by a re spiictablo you in; bcotch Rirl; best city relerenco.

tialt for two days from 4 until i) o'clock in tho evening at 478 Myrtle ar; do postal cards answered. STANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a vounir if irl is a cood nlain eooit, wasner and ironer; ia winine to uo upstairs wora; refernnccs from last place. Can bo seen for two days at 44 Willow place, near Slate bt. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral in rriv.ito family, by a younjf woman is a laundress can furnish the best ol city referem from her last placo. Pleaso call tor two days at CfiO Washington av, near Bergen at; cards answered.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork in a small private family, by a respectable Protestant a first class laundress and eood plain cook; has first class roference. Pleaao call for two days at (MO Ciussou av, near Hereon et. Wante sit ltati on.s to gen eral housework, cooks, laundresses, upstaira girls, by Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Cernian. eirla with references, experienced and 7atoly landed. All families mipplied immediately aud baUafactonly by calling at 1S4 Atlantic av.

AN DS ITU ATTON EOK IlOTLJ SE work ot to cook, wash and iron, by a strong, neat Swedish eirl. oity, country; cood cook, bread, soups, etc. two years' rcierenco last placo; wages $1, $14. Call Tuesday at lOi) Fulton st no cards. tjr AS TED SITUATlbN'rO DODIGIIT vw by a resjiectablo Protestant girl; good rofcronco.

Please call at olS Warren St. WANTEI) SITUATION TODOLIGflT" by a young jrlrl; will be found oitiBfactory. Call for two days at (JOU IloiiwcurnrH. "ANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT dres's Miss SHORT, Thirty ninth st, Brooklyn. rANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT housework, by a jaiioou.

PloaBO call for two days at 384 bmith st, in shoe store. ANTED SITUATION TO ASSIST l.h....nwnFli nnd mind chilHrnn l.u voiiiiff ffirl has nood reforonce. Ploaso call for tiro days at 108 Tiliary at. S7NTlB SITUATION T( DO THE housework, by a yonuBKirl; is a good plain cook andlaundross; willing and obliging. Ploaso call at 880 Bergen sfc.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housowork in a priyato family, by a respootablo eirl: cood naaher and ironor nd good plain cook. Ploaso call for two daya at Atlantto av. near tsmith st; no cards answered; tSTAWEDSITUATlON TO DO THE light housework iu a quiot rospectable family, by a younc American ifirl, whore she will be used as one ot the family; is honest, willing and Call at 0(5 Hanford st, s8condfloor. rOfTED SITUATION TO MAKE herself Konerally in a sman jirivate lamily. bv aSwodish irirl eood roJcreuces.

ricaBO call at aiH Pacific Bt. TSlsr ANTED SITUATION MAKE WW herself ua.ftil in r. fapiily of two persons, by a middle aged Gorman woman a gooa homo more ol an object than wages; best of references Kivon. Address M. Box Kaglo office.

ANTED SITUATIONS ONE TO DO nenoral housework, or Rood plain cook, tho other as chanioerinaid and waitress, by two respectable young cirlB Inquiro in buildins opposito ltorin oocoiiu st. Eicpot for JIrflJLLAGHM.i0.l'!Ld,,; liiujiloyiiiciit ABcneiCB. ANTED SITUATIONS SERVANTS Aiscncy aiost retiauio is ih tuauu. do i.ourt st; allkiudaot help on hand, Doth male and female; also trayeling asonts. Mrs.

S. Rhhvtb, manaser. WANTED SirUA'X'iuiiij nin.nA.UKV by ladies Brooklyn Einployraonl Bureau, 310 WashiiiBton st, near Concord, (formerly at Concord st). Servants of all nationalities. Wo do npt proraiso "perfection" but try to soloct the best help.

IV. B.Wot ANTE t'S'VATiONS AJj KSi ANTED SITUATION IN A STOKE I'nuni! mail! liiidnrstjindH horses. Address or call ai 10 1 Olasson av. WANTED SITUATION AS A POR ter or janitor, by a man not afraid of work. Address JH.

y.5S IQeet placo, Brooklyn. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK in a boardiliR holism, by a respectatilo colored man. (Jail for two days at 1' niton at, Brooklyn. ANTED SITUATION TO D1UVE A deJivpry wa ron. b.v a younK Swede; haK exnen enco and first clays references.

Please addreHS H. Kajjlo o'lice. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK in a hotel or bonrdinj? house, or as waiter, by a vounir man oanable nun strictly lemporare. uaii orau dreHs(JKORGli F. EDMUNDS, SJ Prospoct st.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN ernlworkina nrivate family, or to drive for a doctor, by a young colored man. Utif) Hudson av, Brook lyn. ANTED SITUATION AKE htmunir nfiil in butcher storenod lenro meat cut tine, hya NorweKi'an Krocery clerk; city rofor cnoea. Apply to O. FUDiJJS, Stone st, lieu York ANTED SITU ATI UN DO ANY kind of work, by a youne Protestant boy, oftod 17j strictly honest; willing and obliging.

Please call at 44 Hicks st. WANTED SITUATI ON AS (H)ACH man or second man in a private family, liy a ool orod man willinc and obliginB Rood reference from last place. nt I.irace court alley. ANTED SITUATION AS A DRIVER or porter, by a younff married man can tako caro of furnaces; roforonccs. JOHIN BRU WJflSO, Oo Pacific st.

ANTED SITUATION AS JANITOR or useful mnii. nr to do any kind ol work, by a married man (Strode) without children; willing and obliging; good roferoncc. OSUAH H15UD, VM Smith st. ANTED SITUATION AS ACOACH liy a first class married man thoroughly understands his business: experienced city drivor; willing and oblininK; best of reference; waes moderate Call or address 24 Willow place. ANTED SITUATION TO ATTEND fiii rtncf rmrntnrlv fnr the Winter.

ann cfirn for walkH, carrying coal and general work morninKH and evemnps, uy a mrnaco man; nan r.iKit iirai iur nuiit sii. Address for three days ANDEKSON. 0 Atlaiitio av. ANTED SITUATION IN A OHO eery buhiness, by a young man; has Home oxperl driro; or would waim dishes in a refdaurant. Call for two days at "0 Myi tlo av, second iloor, rear, or at 510 Court st, h.

J. DOWD. ANTED SITUATION BY A I'RAO Mi nl doohlf. enlrv bookkeoner of munv years' ex hontpooei and cashier; either tomnorarv or permanent cmploymont imoicoptionablo referoncos as to character and iiualiflcatioiis. Address It.

Eagle olliee. WANTED WASIIBrMi. ANTED WASHIN( BY A YOUNG Swedish woman, to take homo; tirst class laun dress. Call or address, 47' vtarren st, basement. ANTEDWASHING BY A KESPEC table colored uirl.

by the day. Call or oddross 197 Atlantic av, seconil tioor, back. ANTED WASHIN A GOOD iRimdrenK. to tako hi ino. or would ko out by the day; Rood reference.

Apply at 40 Lexington uv. ANTED ASHING BY A HESIE0 ttiblnwnninn ai her home by tho week or dozon. Please call at st, two tliiiVUs wp. ANTED WASHING TAKE homo, bv a first class colored laundress. Please call or address Mrs.

C. Irving place. 7ANTED WASHING" AND IllONING, ouiu ko out uy inu uuy; uau Pleaso call at 70 Dean st. ono iliht, back. ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, tofjoout by tho day or to tako home, by a der ma woman.

Call ior two oays at .4 unuoniui av, in nio rear. ANTED WASHING BY A KESPEC tnbln Swedish woman: would liko to do family washinfi and go out by the day. Please call at 140 Baltic Bt, KOOIll AN'r ED WASHING BY A JIESPEC table woman, irontlenions waHhinc to tako to her own homo, or wa.sliin in a small, privato amily, Pleaso call at i) Myrtle av. ANTED AVASH1NG AND IRONING, by a Uurman woman, to fro out or io tako home; best of veierence. Impure at lucka st, rear houao, seccmd iloor, Brooklyn.

TANTED WASHING AND IRONING, bv rivji.o;tnble wuman will no out the tirst two days of tho weok. or take it home. Can furnish the boat of city roleronce. Apply at 0 Fleet place, Brooklyn. ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, bv first liumdres: i'tw (InVd1 work: can privo tlio fir.

part of ihe weok or any day; call all tho week. HAKlvI.S, 78 Marion st. ANTED WASHING ANI) I liON IN(r, to take home or co out by the day, by a young woman. Please call all tho weok at isovms Kt, top tloor. back.

ANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC table Swedish woman, to eo out by tho day or to take home family entleinen'8 wn.shiiiK by the weok or dozen; work done in tho best of fdylo. Call at Atlantic av. ttfANTED WASH1NG A TV by a tirtit clans to 1: AND IRONING, take homo or eto out by the day, does Rood work and doew not use anything to injure tuo cK. tu'iS; can iuvuihii uuou reioreiu.o. uu or addiv.Hs LAUN'OKKSS, Livincston st, top rlo'' ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a reHoectable colored woman, to go out the hrst daj of tne week, alno to take homo; brut elans laundroaa ha city reference.

Call at or address 47G Olermont av, top floor, front, VfANTED IRONING; ladii'd', nentlomen's and fnmily washing; alto shirts, collai.s and culff nicely polished terms reason able open air drying. Mrs. vOtiLL, Tiliary st. seo ond tloor. ANTED WORK BY A RESTEOTA bio younK woman, to do and ironing, at her homo, or ko out by the day houaeclenuniK best of reference.

(Jail at til 2 Adams st, basemont. WANTED WORK WASHINO AND ironing by r. rospectable woman, to go out by the day or to tako home, or hi good city references. Call all weok at 4Jti "Warren st. WANTED WORK BY AN AMERI ican woman, io go out by tho day washing or

Call for two days at X3Q Pacific st. two nights up. ANTED WORK WASHING AND ironing, to go out by the day, or to tako home, or honsecleaning, or would do cooking, by a respectable woman; best city referencos. Please call for two days at l.UfJ.'Jk' Fulton bU WANTED WORK BY THE DAY TO cook, where help is changed; is a good laundress: wiil clean new houses or flats; is not engaged the first of the week; ban good references. Please call at 111 Atlantic av, first tloor, back, Itoom TANTED WORK WASiilNG AND ironing, bv a rospectablo woman, to go out by tho day or to tnkn home, orhoureclcaning; has good city reference.

Call all the week at 04 Floyd ot, in tho base ment. ANTED WORK BY A RESPEOTA Me woman, wnsuwg. by iho, or mil take it home, oi housooIeaninK; good washor and ironer. Please call at 1,077 Myrtlo av, between Lewis and Smiiuor, mid dlo Iloor. ANTED WORK 15 A RESPECT A Kin wmnnti.

out bv the dav or to tako homo washing and ironing or do housocteaniug has good city references. Call for two days at 81) Iflatbush av, in paper store. ANTED BAHY TO WETNURSE at her own home. Mrs. UEWKINS, "i Kmbury placo, near Troy ftvJirooklyn WANTED SEW.

NO. ANTED SEWING BY A SWEDISH cirl who dressmaking; would liko to go out by the day nr week as a seamstress; good refor once. Uallat lH.i racinc si, nrst noor. STANTE 0 SEW IN BY THE DAY 7 or wok good had sewer and operator; terms, cents porday. Call at or address 57o Washington av, one flight up.

ANTED SEWING BY THE DAY, bv a cood seamstress: understands cutting and fit i. if rhilili'i)nK and all kinds of family sowinir lias worked for some of tho best families in Brooklyn; can be woll recounnendrd Call or address J. Mc, 170 Butler st. ANTED SEWING AND MENDING, bv mi olrloi lv Dtinish lad: is a fine hand sower and could plan and basto for tho machine, or else do mending; would like to be employed two or throe days of tho w'ek; B0 cents a day. Call on or address Alra.

FIJ2KON. .77 Kosciusko st. WA'JKD PKOFHSSIOIVAL. XrANTED ENGAGEMENT AS A USE ful companion or housekeeper in a good family, by a lady or education; can sew uy nana or macuino best of er en co. Address H.

K. 7.00 Monroe fit. WANTED ENGAGEMENT AS HOUSE kcepor in a widower's family, by a tiorman eirl with good referoncos. Inquire fourth av, Brooklyn, cigar (J ANTED DKESSM AKIN A (Tnnil drcaKnifikdr a fow moro Gniracements bv the day or wook; is a good litter; terms moderate; or would work with another dressmaker. Please call nt or address 5." Navy fit.

ePSTA NTED DRESSaiAKING A 0 II potent dressmaker would like a few more eu thix Idf i'sh. Htvit and verv njaaonablo. Onlf at Verona place. corner of Fulton opposite drug storo; second ilat. WANTED HOUS IN A Knglish woman of ,15 wishes a position as working IiouBokeopor, for widower with childron preferred; very best city reference given.

Call or addiess Mrs. East Thirthteenth st, New York, third Hat. WS7 ANTED PDPIDS NOW EORMING Liteiaturo class for ladies, to moot woekly, com miHicin November also clas ioa in jiaintinif and nho tOBraiihy. For particulars apply to Miss L. K.

N1SV1JJS. Heiusen 8t, Kooin 7K. flTVlNTED HOUSES, ELATS.STOliES To root, sell aud manage Laruost renting, soiling, collecting and most central office in Brooklyn low? os tablishedin tliofnll conlldonceaudpatronagoof tha public. WILLIAM li. Git ACE, cornor Willoughby and Jay sts; open evenings.

WANTED. J'SMTIi. ANTED PLOT OF TWO OR MORE into nf rnflKniifiblo nrica: strnet must bo mado: also sewered and watered: give diagram of property; also lowest price. Address, for three days. PROoPEKITY, Eagle oftico.

FOR KE.rx. J.STA'JTE. 5" 7R SALE "LlitS BUILDING" LOTS within the city from vacant plots aro rapidly advancing; wisdom sajfi the time to buy is uoiv. Apply to WILLIAM ELLIOTT, 25!) Greene av. FOB sAio cocr? jpkopkktv.

70R SALE FARM VlLIi BUY sevon aero place about twenty miles out, on N. J. ilnntral Tlnilrono. on! fnr from tllC llftnol 1 0 room barn, iruit near nciirhbors; all nice order; terms easy. Address SEVES AOKES, Box Vi, Haslo otlico.

FOB SAIvE POIJ.SKS lFXlK MS1SK11, FOR SALE HOUSE FURNISHED First st, near Seventh av; 3 story brown stone dwelling; Drooms and bath: all improvements; price $11.0110. Apply to E. K. ROUEKSj, 1UU Montaguo st, eorner Olinton. Jack Derupsey, previous to his departure for a rest in the Adirondack Mountains, entertained a number of friends yesterday afternoon at Froy's Hotel, Hollands Station, liockaway Beach.

It i the Nonpariol's intention to l'omaiu in the moun tains for at least three weeks, fiohiiig' and shoot mg. DIED.,.ir,c. rJovomtinr 1 7. at her residence, IlAUKIETT Watrous, vrifo of James H.

Boynton. 0 l'Uncral at 17 South Portland av, on Monday, at a crclocti tr. M. interment private. K.maty omit now ers.

BROWNE November 1H. at her residence, 35 Sand st, Brooklyn, Josephine wife of Thomas Browne, aKd 44 years, 3 months and 20 days. Time ot funeral will be in to morrow's papers. BURNUAM On Sunday, Novomber 18, at his late residence, HAltHY Buhnham, ased 35 years. Funeral private.

BURNETT In Brooklyn, November 18, 1888, AI.EX ANIIF.Ii BOIINETT. Funeral will take placo from his lato resldonco, Franklin av. Wednesday, Novembor 21, lShK. Interment in St. John's Roman Catliolic Cemetery, LainUevt villo, N.

J. Please omit dowers. DOOLEY Suddenly, on Sunday, November IS. Jennie, the beloved vrifo of Charles A. Douley, in tho 28th year of her ajro.

Tho funeral will tako placo from her lato resldonco, Nassau st. on Tueslay, November 20, at 2:30 it. M. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. AHltAWAY Sunday.

November IS, EsEI.KI.I.A tAltlt AWAY, widow late Jamos Garraway, native of Scotland, in tlie 75th year of heraro. Friends of her son James are invited to attend her funeral Irom her Into residence, 225 Tvcnty sixth st, on lAiken, S. papers please copy HUTCHINSON At San Francisco. on Saturday, November 17. I WW.

Coealik U. Pkajisai.l, wife ot James S. Hutchins.iu, and formerly of Brooklyn. MCALLISTER Brooklyn, November 10. of diphtheria.

Cai.oWELI. son of Caldwol! V. nnd tho tutu Linzio Sanxay McAllister, aged 7 years and months. Funeral private from .820 Union at, Tuesday, Novem ber 20, 10 A. M.

JVEKRIAM At Portsmouth, N. Sunday, November In', Mrs. Oeoiioe S. Mehiuam, formerly of Brooklyn, in tiie ti2nd year her Funeral at 2 P. Tnesilav, 20111 from the Bedford Av.

Baptist Church, B'dl'ord av, near Myrtle, Friends and relatives aro cordially invited. NAYLOR Sunday morning, November 18, Amy LortSE, aced 5 months, infant daughter of William H. an 1 Mary E. Naylur. Friends of the family are invited to attend the funornl services at 12S Croono av, on Wednesday evening at 8.

Interment private. NEWMAN On Suudav, Novomber IS, 18SS, at. his re. i.loiKO, Sto. kton st, son of Simon and Kate Newman, aed JOyenrs, Hel.

itivesand are respectfully invited i attend the funeral from residence, Wednesday. November 21, at A. thence to Church of St. John the Baptist, where a hiirh mass of requiem will be offered up for the repose of his sml, On November 10. 1S8S.

HONOItA wile 01 tho late John O'Callaltan. Tlie funeral will take placo on Wednesday, November M. KKGAN On Sunday. November 18, 1888. ANN.

widow of ihe lato Cornelius Reran, tit her residence, 21 Smith st. v.mernt nn Tne dnv A. M. stiarll thence to St. Paul's Congress st.

co. ne.r Court, where a solemn re ijuiem mass .,111 ue unci eu. iinuiumiu etery, FlV.bush. RIDDEN On Saturday, Novenihor 17, Mauy, beloved witc of Tiiomas Ridden. Funeral t'lum her late residence, 40!) DoKaln av, 011 Tue day.

November 20, at 0 o'clock sharp; thence to St. Patrick's Church. Kent and WillnitKliby a.vs, where a re. quieui mass wilt be ofr red for her soul. Interment in Holy Cross.

YICTOKY On Suudi Novembor 18, MAltOAItET, relict of the late Victory. Funeral from her late residence, ISO Butler st, on Wednesday, November 21, at 2 P. M. Relatives and friends aro" respectfully invited toattend. WELCH On Sunday, November 18, AlfiiEI) WELCH in the 05th year 01 his I 'ciieral services at he residence of his son law, Charles Watson, Tuesday evening, at 7:30.

Interment piivale. iWEE'iTISHnS. Attl'JSOIAL MBKTINCf OF TUB STOCK holders of rhe F.DISON ELF.tJTItlC lt.LUMINAT lSti COMPANY of Brooklyn will bo hell at the oltiee of thecorotwnv. at 20 COURT ST. in the City of Brooklyn, 00 the 10th day of DUCKMBEK.

1SSS. at 12 o'clock, noon, to determine whether the capital stock of the c.nn p. mv shell be increased one hundred thousand dollars, to consist of one liousand shares or rlio par value ot ono hundred dollars per share. Vim are earnestly requested to attend. Dated Brooklyn, N.

November 13, 1SS8. EUr.l'.Xli VllOVfEhh, EDWARD H. JOHNSON, C. E. CHINNOUK, S.

liKRCMANN, CHAItLKS CltOWELL, THO.MAS ADAJIS, Majority of tho Board of Trustees. Royai, C. Secretary. A' MEETING OF THE LOT OiVNERS OF TIIE CKHEN WOOD CEMETERY will be held at the olliee of the cemetery, No. 1 Broadway, Now York, on MONDAY, the 3rd dry of December, at 12 o'clock, at ivliich time an election will bo hold for Hvo trustees in place of those whose terinof otlico will expire on that day.

November 1HSH. P' RBV, Scc rSTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF1 THE UNION FOR CHRISTIAN WORK, for tho election of oliicers and for 8 ich other business as may como Iietore it. will btt held nt tho rooms of the union. 0 Scheriueihorn st, 011 MOXDAY EVENING. November 10.

at 8 o'clock. V. O. GARDNER, Secretary.'iicmj, rip Mir vox UT i WARD' DEMOCRATIC JL ASSOCIATION will hold its rennlar monthly incct iusat HALL, corner Adams and Willougll Iiv sts, THIS EVENING at 8 o'clock.

JOHN McKEON, President. 1'. J. MoGeinn, Secretary. IaIAMON'I'S AT EXTRAOKDINARY 2 il ItlJ I VS tVmii f.rfeited tortus.

Are volt took ne; "lilt; VALlili we havea lartsw sloe tllan ever betore. (liamoii'ts are an line, uhife, briJlian: and clear. No yello.v. tlawed, cheap, imperfect stones, but WHITE, SPARKLING Bit 1,1,1 A NTti hat wPl Suit the inosl fastidious. Wehavoheeii ESTABLISHED OVEIt IS) YEARS IN ONE SPOT.

Our reliability cannot he questioned. Below will bo found only a tew of the attractions wo have to otfer. T. II. SEAMAN.

MYRTLE AVENUE, CORNER BEDFORD. jVAMONi) AD 'iiUIJY HOAHF PIN," 1 et to sho.v no cold, four diamonds, ruby center, 00: the same stvle with saiphiro center, Still. 00: very litovls new stylos; lil'ty other si vies ot DI A.MO.N SCAUF PINS, from t.oO to DIAMOND EAURIKGS, 3 1 4 OAKATS, verv tine.iinre white, eloantty made stones, EX i JiUILLI ANTS, A130.00 taken in cvdiaiiKe; this ia a "Bit: baUgai.N." We Iiave pairs ot tine w'niie jierlect Diamond Ear ring's from to that are also "BIG I VALUICS." Cost to look at them. I FINE WHITE, J'Mlt 1 feet, extraordinary tiriliiants. Wo hare live Dia I which we vare DECIDED BAR GAIN'S at S0i).

$3.3.00, Sjfi.YOO and respect ivety: the very tinest noods; loolt lie; white, perfect Diamond RiiiK wo aro for SIO.OO: worth double. Goods selected now can be laid away for holidays. MAMONO COLLAR BUTTONS, HJ FROM 3.00 TO $3:1.00. 6 An innumerable iot of the (iuest white stones all tho leailinu' styles. FOR ft 10 00 YOU CAN I GET A BEAUTY at way below tho roitular I irices; laivio assortment.

HhlAMOND AND EMERATlD RING. M.J' ICmerald center, a diamond on either side of the tinest quality, $7o 110: would bochetll) at (10. Several an thine CHESTER DIAMOND KINGS at less than one thir. I of wllat they originally cost. I It witl pay you to took ot them.

0 niAMOSD HAR RINGS, fi 31 EDI UM SIZE, RU.VNINti FROM TO Wo liavo PAIRS, all of tho tinest whlto and I absolutely potfeet stones. These goods aro worth 1 double elsewhere. gfe 10,000 AVORTTi OF IN BOTH AND LOOSE STONES. Havin been huutdit from lies who to sseriti. largely we will sell them at I PRKJES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF.

i SHOW WINDOW FULL OF DIA MONDS, all the finest of white stones, set in orniiilients of every conceivaote style and stiaiie. I AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. T. II. SEAMAN.

6 07.0 MYRTLE AV, CORNER BEDFOHD. rfpOWHOM ITM JB, is iierehyffiven thnl unless the storajiu and other chat'fres now due on furniture, paintings, trunks,, stored in the undersigned names be paid on or before November 14. 1S8S, said goods will be sold by public on November 20. 1K8N, at 10:30 o'clock: Georite L. Davenport, S.

B. Vondersmitb, J. W. Levy, A. Munday, Mrs.

Duryea, G. W. Baxter, John Moouey, James Coleman, J. B. Ititoy, W.

W. Cooney. METROPOLITAN STORAGE HOUSES. ITS to 184 Fulton st. S.


.1. H. TIEM ANN, S8 FULTON ST. AWNRROKER ARTHUR J. EY'S old roliablo office, 211 Atlantic ttv, near Court st, advances from $1 to $1,000 on diamonds, gold watches, solid silver and ptatea ware, seat dotmana and hair shawls.

Fair dealing; lotsumato rates only cliargcd. Al.L KINDS OF' IL1CS, SATINS, DRY eomls, also ladies', children's antt gentlemen's uu soid (strictly couhdenlial) on weokly or montiiiy installments, branch. Box EaKte Fifth av. MMENSE PRICES PAID FOR OLD LI brariosand old books: cheapest bookstore in the world. MILLIONS BOOKS on hand and uiven away.


C. L. FI.ATiU.SH AV. TO CONTRACTORS onJiiifince of the Common Council in relation to deposits to be mfule hy proposers for work, passed April if. IH77: JOncli jiropofll must be accompivmetl by do tmxit of in money, or by cortiHtul nayablo to of the president of tho Iioard of City Work (now the Commissioimr of tho Doprtment of Oity Worka), to bo rotnrned to tho hidler in imko hia bid is rojoctod by the Iioard nf City Works (now th Ooimnissioner of the Dpartinent of City Wot kn), In easo the party or pnrtiea to whom the contract may bo awarded shall nofrlector refuse to enter into contract, the amount deposited, as nbovti specified, will bo retained as liquidated damagos for.s:icb inflect or refusal.

DEPARTMENT OF CiTY WORKS. Municipal Department Building, Brooklyn, Novombor M0, 1NK8 Sealed proposals will bo received at this oftico until Yc'ilWHlil'ly, Decombor JSHBt lii FOR. KLAC (JliVC SIDEWALKS On tho north sido of Ninth htreet, between Sixth hvo nue and Seventh avenue, known as lota Non, and block lf7, Twenty 'eeond Ward map. Plunn and specifications may bo seen and foi ma of proposal enn be procured on application uL the Doiiartment of City Works. Froponia will not ho con3dered ttnlvHs jiccoinpanied ly tho deposit aforesaid, and also by an undertaking in writing of two suretierf cb each proposal (who shall (juulify as to their responsibility in tho tuuu of $'10 that If tho contract be awarded to the party or parties proposing they will become bound as his or their surety for its faithful performance; and in case ho or they shall nefjWct or refuse to execute the contract, if so awarded them, that they will pay to tho Oity of Brooklyn the differenco betwoon tho prico bo proposed and tho price at which tho contract may 'o made with any other person or persons.

Proposals to bo indorsed To the Commissioner of tho Department of City Works" (specifying work). TJhj said jn opo. ftJx iv ill be publicly opened anil announced on the any of December, 1 SSS, nt tho hour of V.l o'clock M. provided that the Commissioner of Ihe Department of City Works, or his regularly appointed deputy, is present. In case of tho chseuco of both, then the tirsi day thereafter when either is present.

By ordflr of the Common Council, dated Brooklyn, Deocmhcr 1KH7. JOHN P. ADAMS, Commissioner of Department of City Workf. Att' st: L. NOUTHUP, Secretary.


and Bedford av, E. D. Circulars and invitation torwarded on application. AVON HALL RECEPTION THANKHOI VINO NIOHT. "A jVlERIOAN H.AIjL, ACADKMY OF DANCING AND DEPORTMENT, 2l)H EiKhtbav, New York, Brooklyn branch 11 Elm place, opposite Grand Opara: 1 per month; private Jos ion waltz guaranteed, ehildien's class Saturday, 3 to $1 monthly larK staff of teachers circulars.

ACADEMY OF DANCING. MEMBER AND SECRKTAKY OF THE AMERICAN SOU1KTY OF PROFESSORS OF DANCING. ACADEMY, 17b STATE ST, CORNER OF COURT. Send for circulars. TllTAKR'SSOHO FOR i)ANC: ing, 21)0 Court Classes Monday and Thursday cveuiiiK3; guarantees to teach tho waltz and all other dancer in one quarter; this hall to let; send for circular.

SBAUOM'SOLASSES, 190BEMSKS Ladies and children. Tuesday and Saturday afternoons: gentlemen, Wednesday nnd Snfurdny ovon iuRs; ladies' and Kentlemen's cotillion class, Saturday evomiiRH from to "1 TV UBI'S SON: Of DANCING SCnOOL. (ill FULTON ST. OPPOSITE FLaTBDSH AV. THE FIRST LESSON PRIVATE.



Call at 11)5 Atlnntio ay, eecona boll. ANTED APPRENTICES TO LEARN tlio dry cooils I'liciliess. Apply at ISDEN'S. Tuosiloy, botn nen 8 aud 10 A. JL, 300 Tompkins av and Bedford aVj ANTED ANY ONE WHO WISHES TO learn any sewinff machine will reeeivo full instructions ovory working day except Saturday, freo of cltarce, at tho Sewinj? Machine School of the Brooklyn Children Aid Society, 01 Poplar Bt.

Hours. to 5 daily. C'lmiiibermaidH mut Wuitresaes. ANTED AH WAITRESS AND CHAM ovmntd, a young girl; beet ruferenco required, day botoro fi P. M.

at 248 Cavroll st. TANTED TO DO UPSTAIRS WORK mA iftk hnrsolf crRnnr.illv tmoful. cnmnctcnt girl; references required. Apply at 15o Schermei'horn st. CoulvB WasUera nnd ironor.s.

ANTED AS A COMPETENT FIRST elasH rook, a voniiL' woman: must hava host city reference Call at Henry st. TANTED FOR GENERAD HOUSE work, to go to the country, a girl; must boa jiood cook and laundress: German or Swede preferred. Call tci dav at 8A lpht. WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in a family of throp.

adults, a German or Swedish Kill who understands English must be a pood uook. washer and irouer; reforenco ruQuirea, Apply at 140 Sumner av, ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, pirl must bo willing and obliging liberal y( South Elliott plnco. WANTED TO DO GKNERAL HOUSE work, a girl; good waos to a good girl. 1815 Steuben Kt. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work on a floor, in a family ot waes niou oratc.

Call Uni insl; nil: tlirce times. s7 ANTED TO DO EN ER AL HOUSE work and malw hcraoil uaofitl, a young gir). Call for two duysat Bainbridfe st. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a thoioiiKli airl must have city references; wajies.l. Apply at 4" Greene ay, ANTJi)D TO DO GEN ERAL DOUSE 7 work, a pirlj uuiiit boa Cull at uO Irving place, Brooklyn xr Anted to do general HOirsE VV work, a competent cirl.

Iiniulro it Garfield lllici. from 2 to M. Dr. nUSSEl.nqitjf. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUHE wnrt, callable cirl uitli (rood city refcrouce.

Apply at t)04 uv, iicnr Bodi'ord. VSTAin'tiD TO DO GENE1! AL tlOUSJS work, a competent irl mul have ool reforenco. Apply Monday nt llil 1'ai kptiiee, Brooklyn. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOL.SE unL in Kfunlt frtiiiilr.rt irillilu' a jrl must t0 a ynml cool: .11111 laumivess ana nave cuy at 1 r.ati sav. AN'L'ED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE familv of six, a ninat lie a cnod work in ranhi and irimer; uood reforenee.

Call for two days at tlU BrcsMlenl st, near iMiian; can niter lu lh. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE tr r. thnrniiflilv cil white Or COl oroti innst imvo reierunei'b; uxuviuuii. j1' ply at I J. Grennc av.

ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work in small jjrivato inmily, a girl reference Allll VI! ,) ni BV. IHJlfl euil ftlliiniw. and I'u I ton st, Twenty eixtli Ward, to day and to mor row. "ANTED TO DO THE HOUSEWORK, a neat itirl; fS14, ivitlioat tlio washing $10; rorereni'O. Sirs.

II. OAliff, l.afayctto av, corner (Jiuulierland ft. fcmiitoyiiiRiit Ajtroiicicx. 5TANTED SERVANTS A THE urooKiyn impioymeni liureiiu, lu et, near Uoiu ord (formerly at Oonoord st). Situations realty in oity and country.

Many j. ii). como who have never been titan oitico. Maniured by ladiuh. AV A WAT I WS S'U WAIliS.

ANTED SiTUATION WITII A GOOD drps. iHi.ikpr, or as seamstress, by a young ffirl; sleop home. I mcks sr. WANTED SITUATION AS AN Assistant to a dressmaker, by a respectable ouur woman is a neat sewer and can operate on the vnaebmo. Address E.

O. Eapleoilice. Niir ses ami TSTJ rANTED SITUATION AS A NURSE to an infant or KrnwinR children, by an American tfirl has best city reference. Call at Navy st. WANTED SITUATION AS A NURSE, by a Eroneh girl very witlinw and obliKiug.

Call at Fulton nv. TANTED SITUATION AS A NURSE and to do plain sewine, by a respectable woman; has two ycar reference from last plaee. Rleaso call tor tvo duysar st. TANTED SITUATION AS A NURSE a to do plain sewinjr. by a respertabic Norwegian Rirl; fcood home preferred.

Please call at 400 Third av, near Ninth st, WANTEJ) SITUATION AS A NURSE for children, by. a middle aped woman; a pood homo more to bo considered more than salary. Call at esent employer's, or address Fort Greene placo, Brooklyn. tSTANTtf'D 5.ITUATJOX AS A NURSE, am! i eamsf ress, by well educated younK Swedish cirl, shoii time in country; wanes no object to a nice nlm n. C'aH S'uidny aUev I'.

ill. at i Myrtle av, up ilih. front. ANTE SITUATION AS A SEAM stiohH, by a woman; has a Kood kuowldfco ot'dress makinii: would usMt with upstairs work. Please call at l'rospfxt pl ice, Hist Hoor.

WANTED SITUATION AS A SEAM stress and take enre of children or assist with ehanibentork or work with a private dressmnker, by a r. (Jatholie can turnish good reference. call at 1 V.i Columbia st. WANTED SITUATION AS A SEAI sti ess, or take charge of one or two grown children and teach German, or as lady's maid, by a young German 'irl; gaoil rorerence. Flcnso call or address 4 19 Seventh av.

ANTED SITUAT ON TO IMTND A liatiy and make lioreelr useful, by a Kin, aged wanes Call for two days at t.ti.'l Park av. ('luiiiibi'i'iniiiilH and lV'iiitrenscs. i SITUATION AS A CHAM berinaid and waitress, by a respect abte youtiR girl; ttve years' relerenco. Address tJ. T.

I'aKle omeo. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM and waiiress: iiood reference. Please call 4'j Wavurly nv; no card. nnswurod. TED SITUATION AS A CHAM boiniaid in ilrKt class familv.

bv a young Scotch Protectant ifirl eifrlit vears1 trood relerenco. Call for two days ct liJ jmnii av, third tloor. ANTED SITUA'J'ION AS A OHAINI beimaifl and naiti oss, or chambermaid and seam stress, by a reHiiei table youn girl. Please call at present employer's, n7t) Washington av. AKTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bonuaidand waitress, or to do lijiht housework, by a rospectable youiif; Kirl; lias city references.

Please call at JJeKall) av. WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid and waitress, by a respectable joniiK girl best city reference. Pleaso call at (JU5 Atlantic av, near Oxford st. TANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid ov scamstroH, by a young Protestant frill. bitMv lan bid will be iound willintr andohhiring.

Gall at 4.lMFititmi st. Brooklyn. ANTED SITUATIONS AS OHAIYI bennaids or kitchoninaids, by two Irish girls, late ly landed in e'tlmr city. Call on or address all tho week 1: North Portland av, BrooUlyn. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid and waitress, by a young girl first class relerenco giv m.

Aauress lor two aays it lusning av, secoiid floor, BvouMyn. WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid and to do line washing, by a young girl; litis good city reforenee. Please call for two days at Jiti AViliow place ring third boll. A TED SIT ATI AS A CHAM bermaid and waitruss in a small private family. by a yeuiiif Kng i ai Prolestani girt. call for two diiys'at present employer's, 4 1 4I Clinton st. ANTi'ID SITUATION AS A CHAIVI b' rmaid and waitress, or to do housework in a small family, by a respfjutaide Swedish g'ri. Please call at 73 0 Fulton st second bell. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid and waitress or to do eenoral housework. by a respectable young girl.

Call lor two days at 'llli Navy st, 7 ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid and waitress, or to helu with chamber work and tatco care oi children, hy a respeciaole young girl. Please call for two clays at present employer's, ltii Adelphi st. ANTED SITUATION AS A bermaid and waitress, or would take earn of childron, by a neat, respectable young girl; has good city reference. Call lor two days at Gates av, over drug store. ANTEL SITUATION AS A bprmnid nnd waitress, or would do the housework in a small private family, by a rennectable young girl with th hesi oi reference.

Please call at present employer's .1711 Grand av. TXTANTED SITUATION" AS A FIRST etafs ciianiimrniaifi and waitress, by a young girl; understands her business in every respect good city reference. Please call for two daj's at 47 Princo st, between Tiliary and Concord. ANTED SITUATION AS A OOMPE ttnt 'diamberniaid and waitress, by a resectable young Swedish girl wif ling to assist with washing and lroniiij. licNi hi uiiy rwiui huiii mni oBipiujiT.

call at 470 Hicks st, ANTED SITUATION AS A WAIT i. or would do ehnmbenvork and sewinif. bv a capn bio irl: has good city reicveneo. Please lor two days at JiBJl Fultoii st; ling third lieU ANTED SITUATION AH A WAIT 7 ress and ujstairs girl, by a respectable young girl; lias good city rei'oroncos. Please call at 407 Dean st, noar Flatbtish av.

TANTED SITUATION TO DO CHAM berwork and waiting, or would do light housework. by a girl will go for low wage). Please call for two days at present employer's, 11 Johnson st. ANTE SITU ATTON TO DO UP stairs work and waiting, by a young mri: is a cood plain sewer; has best city reference. Pleaso call at 85 Flatbtish av, in grocery store.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO UF Ninirs wnrk and waitim. bv a vounc eirl four years' city reference from last employer. Pleasu call at Hbi Dean st, near Olasson av. WANTED SITUATION TO "DO UP stairs work in a ivafce family: is a nea. seivor; or wo do goneral luuisework.

ly a resncctable girl, iteiy landed. Call for two dayj at (itiK Myrtle av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP KtairH nr irmioral housework in a small nrivate family, by neat colored country girl good homo preferred. Pieaso call for two days at Fleet placo. ANTE SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work and take care of childron.

by a young girl; best of references. Pleasa call all tho wook at 89 lioerum place. TED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work and wnitinir. or would do tisrht house work, by a respectable young girl; has first class reference. Can be seen this evening and to morrow morning at 757 Bergen st, near Washington av; no cards answered.

WiiMii'N nnd IroiierM. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, washer and ironer. hy a young girl has good refer ence. 17.i backett Bt, topiioor, nacH. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK; washer and ironer.

by a respectable girl; best city reforonce. Call for two days al40 Flatbnsh ay anted situation as cook, or YY for general housework, by a respectable colored woman sleep homo at night. Mrs. LUCY ROBINSON, lt0 Hayttumi) st, Brooklyn, third floor, rear house' ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK in a nrivate family, by a voune Protestant woman is thoroughly competent good relerenco. Gall at 1,001 I'acilic st.

between andFranklin avs ANTED SITUATION AS a COOK waslier p.nd irnner. mil tn Hr I'minm! in a small private family, by respootablo Americau girl. Call at Carlton av, tirst floor. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK. washer and irnnpr.

Or ivniild Inlrn lutudi nuui place, by a respeto'jle girl; has the best at city roteronco. Call at ISO Sackett st, ANTliD SITUATIONAS A COOKV waiuierand ironer. bv a rcsnoctab woman whn in not afraid of work. Call for two Jays on Mrs. KEENAN, ,0 Prosidenl st.

"ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, by a rc6Pc(ablo colored woman: can give first class reference. Call Monday and Tuesday at 714 Atlantic av; no cards answered. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK and to assist with washing and ironine bv a ra spcctable wmau; has good city rcierences. Call for two uays i if nonerinarii'iru hi aTANTED SITUATION AS" A washer and ironer, bv a respectable yojn flrl; Jmsgood city roternixes. Call for two days la cilicnt.

ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, wahrr and ironer in a small family, by a respectable woman has good city reference. Call tor two days at Hics st. TANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, washev and ironor. or na a ehambormaiu ann waitr resfl. by a ciil: Hillmir to asairtt in WAsliing and ironing; good reierenco.

Pleaso call ct 172 Duffield st. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK nml Ijiiinrfrpyq. fr ioii)d tin URnoral hoilSOWOTK. by a respoctablo woman. Call this ovening after 7 o'clocfe or Tuoddar at present employer's, 107 South Elliott place, near niton sfc.

EAGLE OFFICE, NOVEMBER 10, 1888. NOT IN REVENGE The Murderess of Henry W. King Talks. She Makes a Few Denials, but Throws Jio New Light on tlie Case The Child in Chicago Her Brother A Drummer Mixed Up in tlie Tragedy. OJIAEA, Novombor 19.

Tlio remains of Henry W. King, wore taken from the morgue nnd placed on board a train for Chicago yesterday afternoon. Miu. King, the young MiBBauri brido; her cowan. Mm.

Snyder, and a nmnber of friends of the dead man accompanied the body on its journey. Urn. Kind, or 5Iina Beechler, is in eloso confinement at the County and no one is allowed to sec her. A miard. however, acted an intermediary for a reporter, who gained a few additional fiictn concerning tho murderess.

Kayn her father in William Beechler, livim? at 5 Cotter Htreet, Cleveland, 0. She expects her lawyer from Chicago will conic to Omaha to defend her and Kaya that tho child now at her houso in Chicago in her brother aud that she lin.s niti'i in tho Convent of the Snored Heart in the latter city. She denounced the interview alleged io have been had with her, in which she speak of her father as a Chicago capitalist, an fiilse in every particular. She uayfl alio did not mention her father, and remarked that the ahooting wan no revenge" either. The telegram sent lo the Casn street in Chicago on Saturday, signed H.

undoubtedly from Geoi ge JJ.Seott, a traveling man for a Rochester, N. boot and shoe house. His connection with the case is shrouded in mystery, but it is stated that he ar rived from tho F.ast at the same time as the Beechler woman and also registered at the Pax ton House when she did. He disclaims all knowl edge of tho woman until after the shooting, hut he has been put under bonds to appear as a witness in tho case. Cleveland, 0., November ID.

The parents of tlio woman Bcehler, who killed Henry W. King in Omaha Saturday, live in thin city. Mrs. Maggie Bechlcr, mother of tho mur deress, told the Chief of Police tho following story: "Sly daughter Lizzie Bechlcr, tirst met King at a country hotel, near Cleveland, where she was working. Ho was a dashing young fellow and a caso of mutual admiration.

Soon after the girl went with him to Chicago, from whence she wrote to me saying that she had married King. Her letters were frequent, and always snoko of King in loving terms. About two years ago she paid a visit to her family in Clove land, King came for her and uho returned with him to Chicago, talcing with her her two year old brother. This is the child that has einoo been living with tho couple." A YOUSQ (MIL FOVND MURDERED Just After She Had Announced Hffor Approaching: HSiirriaffe. Chtcaoo, 111., Novombor 1 0.

At a late hour Saturday night policemen found a young woman, plainly dressed, lyina in a pool of blood on the pavement of Grand Boulevard, nea i Forty third street. She was taken to a hos pital, where a ghastly wound was discovered on the back of her head. The woman was unconscious and died in a short time. The police have identified her as Eva Mitchell, aged til. She came here from Washington, six months ago and until last month worked as a domestic in a boarding house.

Since leaving there she has been employed by a patent medicine manufacturing firm and resided with her stepbrother's family. The young woman was umlonbiedly murdered, but by whom and for what reason arc mysteries tlio police have so tar tailed to clear up. A ioy living on Forty third street saw two men aud a woman alight from a Forty third street car early in tlie evening and walk down the boulevard. They stopped just where, the body was afterward found and remained there, engaged in earnest conver sation. The boy did not watch them long, but passed on to his house.

Soon after that strange noises were heard by people living along the boul evard that vicinitj but uu attention was paid to them, as they were attributed to some of the numerous parties driving up and down. A more important clew lias been obtained a flagman at tlie railroad tracks at lomotli street, who claims an intimate ac'inaintanee with Miss Mitchell. He says that the civl called Saturday evening at his shanty to bid him. good liy, saying she was going to get married. Shu was in a buggy driven by a young man whom the llagnian thinks he could identify.

The police have not yet found any trace of the young man. CAXABIAS VESSELS TAKE OUR SEALS 'Without Fear of nrlesitaioii From Kovenibcr I A Motlakahtla, li. correspondent says that Canadian vessels have been taking seals in Ueh ring Sea all the season unmolested, although tho Alaska Commerce Company has made repeated protests to tlie authorities at Washington in regard to the matter. The open instructions from AVnsliington this season are similar to those issued last year, but the effect is different. Then seven seizures were made; now none aro made.

People generally attribute the present state of affairs to the presence of British cruisers or a change of policy at Washington, in accordance with which secret orders have been issued to the American cruisers to let British vessels alone, The directors oi' the Alaska company themselves confess that a great change has certainly taken place. They say they cannot undeitd.Mid it, but that if it continues they certainly will not renew their leases, which will expire in 1800. OX HER NATIVE SOIL AGAIN. Tho Dowager Kmprcss Frederick Arrive in Ilnuplnud. I.o.vpoN', Novembor 1 9.

The Dowager Empress Frederick nf Prussia rived to day at Port Victoria on the royal yacht Victoria and Albert. The Queen and Princesses Beatrice and Louise started from Windsor this morning to greet the Empress upon her arrival. Count von ifatzfeldt, the German Ambassador, joined the royal party at the Waterloo liailway st. ttioft aud accompanied tho Indies to Port Victoria. There was a small crowd of men at the station, who remained uncovered when the Queen appeared, but they did not cheer or make any demonstration.

The day is dark and gloomy. PUNISHMENT MONT REFORM HIM, For He Deliberatel Tried to 1'olNon All SQis ICelafivcw. Wakjiinoton, D. 0., November 10. Davy Terrill, a 1 year old colored boy.

was arrested last night for attempting to poison an entire family, lie lived with his uuelo, William Gaskius; his aunt, his grandmother and his mother, at 1 1 4 Twentieth street. He was whipped for playing truant some time ago. Shortly thereafter the entire family except Davy was attacked with serious illness. These attacks occurred regularly after Ihe inllietion of punishment on tho buy. Suspicion rested on him and he confessed when accused of the crime that he had tried to poison tho family with insect powder placed in oyster stews and beer.

OUAitUELEO WITH HER LOVER And Decided Thai ire Vl'as No Longer Worth Living. CnicMio, November 10. A trivial lovers' quarrel resulted in the death of Annie Kchott, at her home, last evening. A fifoviny scene between Annie and her lover, Theodore Bitdless. occurred Saturday.

Annie brooded over this, nntl about o'clock last evening sho went to her room and shot herself in the right side of ihe head. The report of the weapon aroused the girl's mother and her brother and sister. On entering Annie's room they found her lying dead upon the iloor, her brains oozing out and her hand clutching a revolver. AX AMERICAN STEAMER CONFISCATED For Active Participation in the Haitian tlcoellion. D.

November 10. The Haytian Legation in this city has given out the following statement: Tho prize court of Port an Frinee, after trial, has condemned tho American steamer Haytian lleoublio to confiscation for violating the blockade of the port of St. More and for actively participating in the rebellion of tho northern districts of Hayti. The sentence of flic court was passed on the 1st of October last. The United States steamship Boston has arrived at Port an Prince, where her commander is assisting tho United States Minister in investigating the case.

An appeal may be taken to the Court of Cessation (Supreme Court). A PILOT AND HIS 0KE1V DItOWXKD. Nassau, X. November 15. Pilot Evans and his boat's crew of four men were drowned oil the bar on November 1:2 by the capsizing of their boat during a squall.

They were attempting to speak the steamer C'ienfuegos, from New York. JOHN niUOHT't. KKKIOl'S ILLNESS. London November 10. Mr.

John Bright was restless din ing the night and this morning he was much exhausted His bronchitis has increased. YOVAOK OF TIIK ST. KOSA.NS. Tho steamship St. lionans sailed for London to day.

She carried a large cargo of grain and cotton, and had head of cattle on her upper deck. This vessel is a great favorite with cattle shippers, as her losses at sea have been phenomenally small. On her last trip, with 700 head aboard, she lost but one, and her general record is better than any other carrier. FOl'XD DEAD IS A SWAMP. The body of a man was fonnd in a swamp on East Third stroot, Hunter's Point, yesterday morning.

3Irs. Campbell, of Greenpoint avenue, Brooklyn, identified, the body as that of her brother, John Brennau, 30 years of age. An empty wMaky flask Iound in kU pocket. THE DAILY BAGLH la In Forty eighth yer. ft pubiishod over Afternoon on Ihn working (lays of tilt Week and on SUNDAY MORNINGS.

TEKMS OF 8UI5SCKIPTION. SlOporyear: 85 for six months; SI por month; singia copies 0 conta; Sunday edition Sl.oO por year, postago Included RATES FOR ADVERTISING. SOLID AQATE MKASUItEMENT EACU IJfSKHTIOH. Per lino. First Pace cento Second or l'ourth Pose ceuM Double price for Composite Letter Display.

Ixcal and Commercial Notices. Third Pflo 50 coats Bocoml and Fourth Pages Si'uu Amusements and I ecturoB conis Travel 10 conta Excursions 1o c0.nt" Advertisements under tho follon ine heads, measoxing Arc lines or less. 75 conta for first insertion and fit) conta for each successive insertion: tor Sale, To Let, Boarding and "Wants. Fifteou cents por hno in excesa of Personals, Mnrriiwres, Deaths, Lost and Found, $1 for each insertion when not exccedinK five lines. Religions Notices, 50 cents for each insertion of fivo linos or less, flitaalioiu cantor), males.

25 contfl; lomalob. 15 conta. No deviation irom these rates. Gash in advanoa in all canes. Principal otnoq, KACLK IHIILDINOS, NOS.


THE EAGLE IN NEW YORK CITY. We have established agencies for the sale of tho EaGLB lit sonic of the principal business points in Now York thty as Astor House slops. 0. P. ltockwood, Orand street Ferry.

W. II. Clinch, 174 Honth street. Fulton street and Broadway, Knox Building. aJnuies Mead.

Barclay street and Broadway. Stations of tho Manhattan Noivs Company, on tho Elevated Railroad. Su aynu'd lien's stands, at Roosevelt. Grand and Twaaty third street lorries. THE EAGLE IN EUROPE.

Tho Kagi.e can bo obtained at the American Exchaneo, 449 Strand; Gillix'a United States Exchange, Strand, Charinq Cross; American Travelers' Heading Rooms, 4 Lancham place, and A. B. C. Exchange Ciub. 175 New Bond street.

London. Also, at :1. Boulevard des Oapu cines anil Menroe A 7 Hue ficiil'c. Paris; T. Bates A denuva.

Switzerla ml, and the Gorman Transatlantic Exchange, 7b' Friudrichyrrasse. Berlin. W. AMUSEMENTS THIS EYEXIMJ. PAItK Thkatkr The Rivals.

cilorson. BnoOKLYS TuKATKH My Partner. Stanii.uui Musr.UM Boy Hero. IlYDK BKHUAN's TilKArKll Varieties. LEE AVESl'K THEATEIl Zll'P's Casino Music.

NEW YORK. Acapkmy oi Mvsie Tho Old Homestead. Amehicax I.vstitivj'K; Fair Bi.tor Oi'Eka IlorsE A Brass Broadway Tijeatkii Mr. U. of New York.

Casino Tho Veomcn of Hie Gu. rd. Uyci.iiii.vju, Madison av.aiul 51i, st The Crucifixion. CYCi.oiiAMA.Fouriti. iv.nml CeUysbmt; Battle.

DALY'S THF.A I EH The Lottery el' Love. Doi'KRTAPKll'S Minstrels. KnE.v Mvaa: Wax Works nnil Music. I'ovhtkkxth Street Thkatkii Slip. 1'IFIH AvENt'E Theatkk Booth and Barrett.

Oi'EitA Ilocsi: Annie T.Yi'Ki'M Tjikateu Sweet Lavonder. Malison TltEAl'Ei: Partners. Kihi.o'k The Undercurrent. Pauk Thkatkh VVnddy Palmeu 's TftEATKit Winter's 'J'alo. Alary Anderson.

Stah The at eh Adonis. StaN'Oako TiiEATEU London llaievy Company, HK00KI.YN TIIKATKIS CONCERT. Tlie inaugural of a sitr'h of popular Suiitlny concffta in.stittltetl by t)w maiiiicmont occurred last eviMiiiiK. DotlwortU's milit'irv lmud ofsomo fifty competent luemlierri was tho principal attraction, Hiipplementeil try Tin nuns V. Short, a sootl cornet soloist, and Carl I.nnziT, a respectable violinist.

There ivus also hoiho remarkably powerful, not to say eccentric, vocalization by Sophie Carroll Lantonte, tvho eccnred the applause of the gallery. Max Franklin accompanied agreeably. The best orchestral work ivas the leader's 'TusKion Flowers" and "March The house was cold and ill lighted, and the concert too long by certainly half an hour. TIUXKFKMia'riOX I'll turn. Vicar Ooneral Sheehy, of Tasmania, preached at the high mass in the Transliguration Church, oti Hooper street, near Marey avenue, yesterday morning.

His sermon was an instructive and interesting one. Father Sheehy resides in Ankland. A FVNKlt.Ui. Bedford Lodge No. 74, of Free and Accepted Marions, paraded with large numbers yesterday at the funeral obsequies of the late James L.

Cor telyoit, and the burial ritual of the order was impressively performed at the grave. DU'IiTHEIlIA IX FLATBl'SH. Diphtheria still prevails bush notwithstanding the sicians and some of the town. During the past named children, ranging of age, fell victims to the in the village of Flat vigihiucc of tlie pliy le oilieials of Die week the following from 1 to years disease: William and Matthew Sherins; Eva and William H. Baker, ildren in the town suf Stephen Sherins, sons of Hegermau, lllanelie Boyle There are a number of eh faring from the disease.

FlltEME.VS ISOXS RKOIKI AX1ZE. The F.xempt Firemen's Sons of the Eastern District, who recently disbanded, have reorganized as the Volunteer and Exempt iMrcmcrt's Sons, with the following officers: J. E. Burns, president: W.D.Becker, vice president: C. C.

Macray, secretary. They meet every Thursday evening at Bedford avenue. All sons of volunteer and exfcinpt firemen are cordially invited. A CO.UKItT. Acoiifertistobehehlin the Fleet Street A.M.

E. Church, to morrow evening, complimentary to Professor W. B. Berry, at which the mezzo soprano, Mrs. Flora Balson Bergen, the colored "Jenny Liud," will take part, together with other vocal, instrumental and humorous talent.

Professor Berry is tho musical director of tlie Fleet Street Church, and is very popular among the colored people of Brooklyn. He has been the organizer of a number of choirs in different parts of the country. STATE I'ltlSOX STATISTICS. During tho month of October, the first month of the prison fiscal year, there were 1,3 75 prisoners reported as confined in Sing Sing; in Auburn there were and in Clinton 740, making a total of This is a larger number than a year ago, when (he total was 3,: 330. The report of Sing Sing is smaller than for any month last year; that of An burn larger than for any month during 1887.

while Clinton's report shows fewer inmates of Unit prison than at any time the past year, excepting January, February and March. DAVID AUK1MS SI BIIEX DE.llH. David Arkills, of 82 N'ormandio street, died suddenly on Saturday evening. He was appar "ently in the best of health up to the moment of his dec ease and had been chatting and laughing with his family while getting ready to go to his work as watchman in Austin Nichols' New York store. He stepped into tho basement for an addition to his lunch and a few minutes later his wife found him on tho floor dead.

Heart disease was the cause. He belonged to the Seventeenth Ward licpublican Association and was one of the organizers of the Tabernacle M. Church. (X01IKXTS OF LIFE. Thomas Lowery, of 100 Siegel street, aged 25 years, was taken yesterday afternoon to St.

Catherine's Hospital suffering from hemorrhage of the siomaeh. A lady left at tho Flushing avenue Police Station yesterday morning six cardigan jacket found in Kaudford street. avenue, and supposed to be part of the proceeds of a burglary. James McLindcn, charged with assault and battery in September last on KHen McAleer, of Herbert street, was this morning fined $15 by Justice Xaeher. Inkormatios of interest to tlm contemplating the pnrchnso of fiuo furs, sealskins, etc.

An old established and reliable house. There will probably ho a low more warm, pleasant days the liiuerint; farewell of tlto Indian Summer before wo ace forcibly reminded of tlie advent of Winter, but the respite must lie brief, and it is none tiio soon to think of looking up last season's furs and replacing those that are past their usefulness with lio and stylish articles. There is nothing in the entire ranjreof merchandise about which the average purchaser bus so little real information as liirs to tie a (rood judjro of them is a study of a Jifet hue, mil he art of giving inferior Roods an attractive appe. traiiee has been brought to such perfection as almost to deceive the elect. Tiio market is ltooded with sealskins that purport to bo "London dyed," lint which are cheap imitat ions produced in this country, and before they have been worn half a do7.en limes will present a mottled and rusty appearance, to the utter disgust of the buyers.

There is but one way to aroid beiiU' imposed on by this or the many other deceptions practicod by unreliable dealers, and that is to purchase from such houses only as have a well established reputation for straightforward honesty in all their transactions; and le. any of our readers should chance to no unacquainted with such a concern we tako pleasure in naming one that holds a prominent position in the trade and whoso representations can always be received with entiro confidence, Mr. James Cassidy, of Fulton st, Brooklyn, tias tteen enframed in the manufacture of furs since 1.SU0. He deals exclusively in fur goods, solectiuK tho choicest materials and employing tho most skillful designers an experienced workmen, and his facilities aro such as to enablo him to namo the lowest possible prices for hiiih grade goods. In the stock ho now offers wilt ha found the lntost fashionable tiovel ties in sealskin saciiues, paletots, pelisses, jackets, together with mulls, gloves and other articles for ladies1 wear, in tho finest boaver and other choice furs.

The lino of gentlemen's caps, collars, gloves, is equally complete, and purchasers can rest assured that all (roods oifercd at this establishment will prove to ho exactly as represented. Mr. Cahsiiiy numbers animc, his oustomors many of tho leading families of New York and Brooklyn, and is in possession of numerous testimonials uf to the superior quality of h's manufactures. Wo confidently commend his establishment to our renders, mid would suggest that thero could bo no bettor place at which to obtain a boantiful soalskin or any othor article in tho fur line as an appropriate souvenir for tho approaching holiday season. ExixuTOli's s.vlf.

of handsome parlor, chamber anil dining furniture; high class oil paintings, two largo pieces of statuary, estate of P. C. deceased, by Colo A Murphy, at Columbia heights, Tuesday, November 20, at 10:30 o'clock. Catalogues at salesroom. Attend auncai.

meeting and subscribe for shares in Seventh Series of AttCANUM BUILOINO AND Savings Association at o'clock thiB evening, at Kverett Hall, tlOS Fulton st, near Smith. J. J. ASH oxn, secretary, 14S WyckofI st, Brooklyn. Pon'd's Extbact is known everywhere as an excellent It does what it claims to do cures all kinds of pain, mflamuMtion and hemorrhages.

Weak And cheap imitations wit! not cure, and innocent purchasers sutler both in health and in pocket in conse iuenco. If you wish to procure a Winter overcoat or suit, that will bo entirely satisfactory to you in stylo, fit, fabric and prico ox amine the immense stock offered by Baluwin the twin Building," 380 and 382 Fulton st, corner o( Smith. JomraTON largest receivers of canned fruits and vegetables, arc no, offering a good grade of to'raatoos, corn or peas at $1.15 per dozen. Send in your order for of oach as trial. Price list and postal cards furnished.

Oxe hundred dozen elegant dross shirts, 09c. worth $1. Fino llnon collars, latest styles, 10c. 250 dozen scarfs, Fall colors, 'Z its. and 19o.

worth double. Kennedy, 38 Oortisad st. Wow York. ferred stock at an average of I per share. A contract has been made with the Hudson Suspension Bridge and Now England Railway Company for the construction of a bridge over the Hudson four miles above Peekskiii and of connecting roads to reach lines west of tho river.

There appears io be nothing in the report to justify the recent sharp advance in the market valuo of tlio stock. The early cables reported lower prices in London, but the effect of this news was partially counteracted by the bullish feeling among tho traders and the market was generally strong at the opening and during the iirst half hour of business. Then came a free selling movement in New England, followed by a drop in Missouri Pacific, in St. Paul and in tho Trunk lines, and the tendency was downward until near 11 o'clock, when the fall was checked. There was an irregular recovery and a better market for a few moments, but prices again yielded to pressure anil the tone was inclined to bo heavy thereafter, about the only exception being llichmond Terminal and Rending.

Tlie following shows transactions in bonds this morning: At .1 Pre Is ro Pac 1st lialt Ohio 1()H)5 Nor l'ac trust JOli'J Bur 11 1 li.) l'ac 1 10 eon I' Cin Jack Al 1st. Clies A Ohio Chi li A Chi ti Dourer. Ilitornat'l 1st i lik Orus Trans llH.lO.'.WalO'.".., Orfirlun, ll't. iUli r'l'lat 7U ....104 Ti.H'li slaml 1071(I0? if iv a I'nc int I Onii, H'nlmsli C'liicaxo. 1 West 104.W tl4 table shows the courso of the Jlill.S,, IVeoni Mil Xor 1st Mo Kan '1' in.

Mo ICiui A NYChA The following stock market from the opening until noon: Ojicn 1I11T. Canada Southorn Contra! Giles, it O. rind pri'd. 17'i Chic. linr.

QnineyllHJj Consolidated Sl Dulawiro Igo HiKn 'Ht. ''H a Ml 110? K'OM V.jlH ii 7 Hi H. lf 7K 4SS now is M'A 170 107S 07 tsW 1011 S4M Lack. V.7'A Krie I.nkc Khore Louisville. Nashville .1" Miehican Central Kan.

Te.r;i. j. Missouri Paiulii; S10M r.7 1S5 mi IN oiv Vork tJentral lows 1 OKK AT Northwestern 1 10M Noithern i'acitiu phi. Orccon Trans Vneilie Mail IIMti Putllnan 17(1 Heatlinx 4HU Riehivtond Terminal. Rock M.ind UU 170 4HH ii; 07 04 10( 8M 845 li.

rran.pKl (5 Bt. Paul nl'il Texas A Pacilie Union Pacific Wabash Weutern 1011 v.m 84M BHOOKI.YX SKCtlilTIES LATEST QU0TATI0X9. Corrected daily by V. K. Staples A Nov Montague st.

KMDER 10. Bill. Asked. Atlantic av. R.

R. Co. Btock uv. U. Co, 7 p.

e. hotels Vtlanlie uv. H. R. Co.

p. e. bonds liroekiyn Citv It. Co. stock Brooklyn City U.

It. Co. p. o. IkhuU ll.

ihuiek uv. It. H. Co. 0 p.

c. bonds Itroaihvjiy 11. It. Co. stock IJi H.

K. Co. 7 p. i bonds liroadwav li. 1.

lo. li i). c. bonds 11. C.

Nor. Kiivn II. It. Co. 7 p.

bonds C. 1. IS. (Smith st.) It. It.

Co. ntock C. 1. A II. It.

Co. p. bonds llrooklyn Crosstmvn It. it. Co Cio 1.

Ii. Co. p. c. bonds Kostil llrooklyn I(.

It. Co. 7 p. c. lids South Urooklyn Cent.

It. It. Co. (i p. c.

lids drand st. aim iV.MVtoivn It. It. Co. Ciand st.

nnd Newtown U. It. Co. p. c.

bonds Rrookl.vii (ins Co. stock Co. slock ('ii ia i Co. p. e.

bond'! l'ulton tins Co. stock'on Municipal (i.ts Co. (i p. c. bonds nropolitnn llosCo.

stock tins (Jo. stock (lis p. e. cert ilie.ile.s People's 1 ins Co. stock People's Co.

p. it. bonds Peooie's (las Co. (i p. bonds Cas Co.

stock WiTliaiiii.litii 'li la Co. (1 p. o. bonds Union Cas In. of N.

Y. p. e. bil.i ftninklyn Itank Ibondwny Hank stock ISedfcrd Bank stock Commercial lank stock First N'uttoiiul Ibluk stock Fulton Punk stock KiiiKs County Hank stock Lout' Island Hank slock Mftmuacturers1 National llank stock Mechanics' and Traders' liank slock Mechanics' liunlt stock National Hunk stock National Oity Hank stock National lianlf stock Brooklyn Trust Co. stock Loiik Island Loan and Co.

stock Brooklyn Oitv.Safo Deposit Co. stuck I.on,': Island oafe Deposit (Jo. stock llrooklyn Insurance Co. stock Kincs County Insurance Co. stock Loiik Island Insurance Co.

stock Lafayette Insurance Co. stock Nassau Insurance Co. stock Pilenix Insurance (to. stock VYillininshurKli Insurance Co. stock 7 per cenl.

Park bonds, to 7 percent. Hi idce bonds, to 4. 7 percent. Wlilor bonds, 100 1 Io (1 percent. Park bonds, (i percent.

Bridge bonds, to (1 percent. Waler bonds, i percenl. Bridge bonds, to percent. Water bonds, KniKS County 4 tier cent, bonds KinKs County 0 per cent, bonds, 1 County por cent, bonds, Academy of Music Union Ferry New York Ferry H'klyn Municipal Electric Light Co. stock.

Oitir.o tis' Fleet ric. Liylit Co. stock Brooklyn Water Front and Dry Dock Co. ti per cent, bonds L. I.

Water Supply (Jo. 1st (i per cent, bonds KinpH County Water Supply On. stock Kinds' Co. Water Co. (J p.

o. bonds. Flat bush Water Work Co. stock I'lntbusli Water Work Co. 0 c.

l.vj, Mill Co. N. Y. and Mo. llrooklyn Ferry Co.

N. Y. and So. ll'klyn Ferry Co. fi p.

c. bonds Nassau Trust Co Franklin Trust Co KM 115 100 104 I 10.1 10:2 )'(:" 101 104 oo 74 100 107 108 10!) Kit SO 101 104 103 nr; HO ins 101) 74 10(3 101 i'ii no lo.t 3 15 l()0 iii'o ill? tij'n iiiO i.Vo 100 '7H mo 0j 141) J05 2K0 100 150 14(i 84 too Kiii 1 10 148 1 IS IOt Kill 10(1 )'() 1(11 l(i(l IIS 1 MS 115 100 lOd 4(1 lib' 80 iiii 17J 107 ID) l'O'j lL'IJ 170 K. KINDLY KIXIJS DAUGHTERS. 'I'hey Afford Diversion to the Inmatet of Hie I'ailli ISoiuc. An entertainment of an unusual but most kindly and thoughtful nature, was given Saturday afternoon io the inmates of the homo for incurables, known as the Faith Homo, Classon and Park avenues, by a circle of twenty Kings Daughters.

Their President, Mrs.C. Stockton Hoisted, conceived tho idea of giving those unfortunate sisters a little sunshine, the rays coming through the medium of vocal and instrumental music and recitations. Tho programme consisted of ducts by tlie follnwiug younK ladies: Florence Hissull, Alice Lillian Pettic, Clara Fisher, Mamie (llailwin and Miss lienreci; Emma, aring, Lillian Pettie and Miss Hcnreei rendering solos ns well. Miriam Trowbridge, Catharine and Jamie Hal stead recited, greatly to the deliuht of the inmates. Mrs.

M. Dorian and Miss M. Dorian (ono in song the other in recitation) added delight to the entertainment. At the conclusion ice cream and cake were served to each inmate by a King's Daughter. This circle will hold a fair in aid of a number of destitute people under their caro, Wednesday, November from 0 o'clock until 10 o'clock at "IJO President stri ct.

HIT HIS KOEMAS'S NOSK. Charles Ward, aged 4(i years, of liroomo street, and Sidney Marr, aged years, of 503 Lorimer street, met yesterday afternoon in IJiogo it Tapp's saloon, corner of (irahant and Van Cotfc avenues, where they became involved in a quarrel. Both men were intoxicated at the time, and the hard words which were exchanged soon led to blows. During the encounter Ward succeeded in getting Marr's nose between his teeth, which he bit so badly that it necessitated the catling of Ambulance Surgeon liullwiukle, of St. Catharine's Hospital.

Ward vras arrested and locked up in the Nineteenth Precinct. Judge Naeher held him for trial on Friday. PIIOTOIUUPIIKU DOl'OLAS IS AI.IYK. Photographer Douglas, recently of 55 Myrtle avenue, but now of Fulton street, figured in a lato investigation by the police, not at all. how over, to his discredit, and tin.

result was an announcement to the eA'cct that ho had departed this life. He called at the olUco this morning and without any hesitation declared that lie Wits still alive, lie did not want the F.aoi.k, however, to accept his own uncorroborated evidence on the subject. If additional testimony wan deemed desirable he was perfectly willing to make a conscientious effort to secure it. STOI.KX DltV 1'01'M). On Saturday evening Olli cr Carter, of tlto Seventh Precinct, found a roll of dress goods lying in the vacant lots on Manhattan avenue, near I.orimcr street, Seventeenth Ward, which he removed to the station house.

The roll was identified later in the evening as the property of John G. Geiger, proprietor of a dry and fancy goods store at avniue. Mr. Geiger said the goods had been taken from in front of bis store. THAT Dili TANK.

Thomas F. Itowland, of the Continental Iron Works, foot of Quay and Calyer streets, has completed the erection of the largest gasometer in the world, it is for the New Vork Consolidated Gas Company and located at the foot of Fifteenth street, Kast itivcr. It closes up like a teiocopa and, when open, is over Kill feet high. Two hundred men built it. A DAMAtiE Sl'IT AIIAXDOXKO.

The witlow of Peter Lewis, of Brooklyn, brought an action against tho towns of Newtown and Flushing to recover $5,000 damages for tho death of her husband, who was killed while driving across the bridge over Flushing Creek by tho bridge giving way under the weight or a steam boiler. Mrs. Lewis on Saturday abandoned tho case. A CHIMSEV OX HUB. A fire was started in an open grato in Alfred Tartridge's residence, 172 Heap street, yesterday forenoon, and the chimney was ablaze in a moment.

The flames were, extinguished without tho aid of firemen. Low Sales est. at nona. r2w WM HI HI IWl. 11 of? ni vjo ro ir.H OiW SlOJfi r' fi7 fl7 85 ItJsVJ I 110M UOM ax4 170 107H 07 04M 10(1 Z'A 04 lilM B4W 1.

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