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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1'OK MAI.n HOlISES. WAIVTED KELP. A FATHER CHARGES HIS SON WITH FORGERY. FIRST EMTIO! SECOND EDITION BOAKDTWO JjA KGE KOOMS TO lot, Wita board, to Blrifllo ftontlemen, at 53 Oranber WAiyTEll WANTED BY A DRESSMAKER WHO Is a good outter aud fitter, fow more engagements by tho day; Is a good operator on Wheeler and Wilson's maohiuo; or wonld tako work at borne; also tuoklng and sUI eblng. Call at address, 16 WUlonghby atreot.

ocB it AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING. BANK STATEMENT OUARTERLY REPORT OF THE MECHANICS' BANK, on Saturday, tho 26th day of An gust, 1871. RESOURCES. Loans aud Discounts $.,934,043.17 Overdrafts 116.96 Duo from Banks 439,004 48 Duo from tho Directors of the Due from Brokurs 60,000.00 Real Estate 75,000,00 Specie 1,315.75 Cash Items, viz: Onooka, Bills of solvent Banks, and U. 8.

Legal 203,417,89 Stocks, $10,000 Promissory, notes, IS and U. 8. indebtedness certificates, 8 10,000.00 Bonds and Mortgages Bills of (Solvent Banks and U. S. Demand Notes BfllB of Suspended Banks 8 Loss and Expense Account.

459.80 Total LIABILITIES. Capital S500.000.00 Circulation Registered $7,000.00 do. not Registered Total $7,000.00 Loess Notos on hand 340 00 6,551.00 Profits 327,076.90 Dud to Banks 10,233.12 Duo Individuals and Corporations other thau Banks and Depositors. Hue Treasurer of the citato of Now York Due depositors, on demand 1,817,615.07 Amoutit due, not included under either of tho abovo heads 647.96 Total Rtatk op New Yoiik, County of Kings, as. DANIEL CHAUNCEY.

President, and GEO. W. WHITE, Cashier, of tbo MeehamcB1 a banking association located ana doing business at Brooklyn, in said county, boing duly and severally sworn, each for himself, saith, tnat the foragofng Is in all respects a true Btatementof the condition of the said bank beforo tho transaction of any business on tho morning of Saturday, tho 26th day of August, 1871, In respect to each and every of the items and particulars above spccilied, according to the bost of his knowledge and boliof, und that tho bnslnes? of tho said bank has been and is transacted at tho looation aforesaid. DANIEL CHAUNCEY, Prosidont. ORO.

W. WHITE, Cashier. Koverally subscribed and sworn by both deponents, the 6th day of October, 1871. Walteb Nichols. Notary Co OEFORTOF THE CONDITION OF THE IV ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK, at Brooklyn, in tho State of New York, at tho close of business on the 2d day ot October, 1811.

RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 8521,411.74 Overdrafts U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 183,500.00 U. S.

Bonds to secure deposits U. 3. Bonds nnd securities on hand Other stocks, bonds and mortgages (as per 169,955 00 Duo from redeeming and reserve agents, (as per schedule) 100,133.85 Duo from othor National Banka, (ai per schedule) 931.15 Due fromStato Banks and bankors(as por schedule) Banking Houso 83.1,000 Other Real Bslato 2J.432 i 59,432.00 Furniture and fixturoB Current expenses 14,877.35 Tuespald Premiums Checks and othor cash items (as 6,6 47 Bills of other National Banks 25,433 00 Bills of State Banks Fractional currency, (inclnding nickols) 23,742 60 Specie Legal Tender Notes 88,289.00 Throe per cent, certificates Unsettled Claims 27,861,83 Profit und Loss Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid iu $200,000.00 Surplus Fund Dlfcount $22,504. 6i Excbango Interest 6,046.68 Profit nnd Loss 23,611.56 Circulating Notes received from Comptroller $165,000.00 Amount on hand 2,950.00 Amount with Comptroller for burning.

Amount outstanding 162,050.00 Ktnte Bank circulation outstanding I) Lvldonda unpaid Individual deposlta 823,463.74 U. S. Deposits DopositBof U. S. Disbursing Offioers Due to National Brinks, (us por schedule) 9,515.72 Duo to State Banks and bankers, (as per schedule) 1,063.00 Notes and Bills rod is counted BillB payable Total $1,231,739.02 I.

OLIVER M. DENTON. CiiBhlcr of tbo Atlantic National Bank, Brooklyn, N. do solomnly BWOar that tho above statement is true, to the bost of my knowledge and belief. OLIVER M.

Dn NfON, Cashier. Correct. Attest. Geo. S.

Puffer, C. P. Smith. Directors. C.

COBKELL, State of New Yonir, County of Kings, as Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of October. 1871. JoHM Hsydiwoeb, Notary PutQio, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL OITY BANK OF BROOKLYN, at Brooklyn, in tho Stato of New York, at tho olose oi busiuQBy en tho 2d day of. October, 1871 RESOURCES. Loans and Overdrafts 255.37 U.

S. Bonds to secure circulation 111,000.00 U. H. Bonds and securities on hond 4,000.00 Othor stocks, bondB and mortgages 2 5.000.00 Due from redeeming and reservo agent 278.SW9.87 Duo from other National Banks 258.94 Due from Superintendant Bank Department Albany 4,750 00 Reid Estate Banking Houbo 9.000.00 Current expenses 3,343.36 Checks and other cash items 722.67 Bills of otber National Baoks Fractional currency (including nickels) Legal tender notes 102,850.00 Total $2,243,79.85 LIABILITIES. Capital Block, pali? In $300,001.00 SDrplus fund 300,000.00 Discount $12,480.94 Exchange 51.55 Interest 2i.4Sy.87 Profit and luss 35.P74.36 National Bank circulation outstanding National Bank circulation on hand 2,000.00 fititte Bank circulation outstanding 4,750.00 Dividends unpaid 450.00 Individual deposits Duo to National Banks Duo to other banks and bankers 1,532.69 Total $2,217,723.

State of New York. County of Kings, ss. I. HKNKY J. FOSTER, Cashier of tho National City Bank of Brooklyn, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to the bost of my knowlod and belief.


WM. M.THOMAS, Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 6th day of Octobor, 1 71. Andekw A. Rowe. Notary Public, WANTED A GIRL, TO 1JU GENBUA.L housework.

Apply at S39 Groono av. oc63t ANTED IN A SMALL FAMILY, A ulrl. for Bcuoral houeowork; olts roEeroucoa ra quirco. uaiiat 123 uatoa av. WANTED 100 LABORERS ON SEW cr work.

Apply at Willoughby, near Marcy, or Myrtle, corner of Throop. E. FREKL. oo5 4t ANTED AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN, in a publishing house. One not afraid of work may address KXCKL8IOR, Eagle office.

ocS gt WTANTED A TINMAN, AT DAYTON A GARTER'S, 603 Fulton at also fnrnaoo repairers immodiatclyj oo5 2t WANTED GIRL, TO DO GEN oral tionsowori mint he it (nod plain cook, washorond iruner.Apply at 213 Raymond st. OC536' WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN, TO nnen oyatora anri wait on table. Apply at 6fti ffal ton flv, Brooklyn. WANTED AN OYSTERMAN, WHO understands the businnsa: also a young man to wait on tablo. FITOHKTr'8 Oyator Houso, 161 Falton st.

ITffTANTTST) A GIRL. NOT OVER 12 0R ft 13 yonrs of ago, to take oaro of an intant during the day. no. iwt oan at, near row am. THl7ANTEi AN OFFICE BOY, ABOUT or IB years old: one that can road and write.

Address, with reference. OI ARK, Box 1,837, N. Y. Rp, ANTED A YOUNG GIRL, TO TAKE charge during tho day of a child five years old. Call at 165 DcKalb av, between eight and ten o'olook A.

M. WANTED A HORSE SHOER, ONE that understands the business. Apply roar of Ko. 39s Bridge st, near Fnlton a v. WANTED ATGOOD COOK, WASHER and ironor; German preforrod.

Apply at 185 Harrison st. WANTED A BOY, WHO IS WILLING to work, and can come well recommended. Apply at ft Grceno av. ANTED A SWEDISH OR A PROT ostant Irisn Kirl, for general Housework; must bo a good laundross. uan at mi hicks bc, oco WANTED A CHAMBERMAID AND waitress, in small, private family, at 300 Cumberland st.

TIT. ANTED A GIRL, ABOUT 1G YEARS TV old, to do goneral housowork; no washing; wagos Apply aM20 Fort llreeno placo. TASTANTED A NURSE GIRL, TO TAKE care of one child, and do the washing and ironing for two Apply between 9 and 12 on Saturday morning, at 229 Clormont av. ANTED A NEAT GIRL, TO DO renerai housework of a small family: ono woo oan wasn ana iron ntceiy and ao ptain coouing. inquire at no.

266 Clinton av. near DoKalb. ocdat Wanted a colored woman, to do goneral homework in a small private family; mast be a good oook, and laundress. Apply at 361 Dean at, near Fnurtd av. ocfi St" ANTED A GIRL, AS NURSE AND for upstairs work one who is obliging, and acous tomed to tho care of young children.

Apply at No. 26G Cli nton av. noar DoKalb nv. oc63t WANTED A GIRL, WITH GOOD references, to assist fn washing and ironing. A German proforrpd.

Apply for two days at 138 North Oxford sf. between 9 and 13. ANTED A YOUNG GIRL, AS nurao and chambermaid. Must be sWe to Bew. Apply nt 1,120 Baltic et, third house east of Brooklyn ay.

oc6 2t ANTED A SERVANT ONE WHO can come well rocommendod as a good cook, wash or and ironor; colored person preforrod. Apply for throe days at titil Redford av. ANTED A OARTER, WHO UNDER standa tho streets of Brooklyn and New York; a man of family preforrod a Winter's job. Inquire at la H'rks st, J. oc62t" WANTBD TWO GOOD BRICKLAY TV ers and tsvo front men also', ono laborer Apply at tho worb.

to P. (JILMARTIN, Congress Bt, betwoon Clinton and Court ate. WANTED TWO GIRLS, ONE AS conk, ffnaher and irnnflr, the other ai ohambor maid and waitress; tho best of references required. Call 25H Clormont av. for tiTi dtvi.

ANTED A MIDDLE AGED, RELI able colored woman, aa servant in verv small family; a first rate homo can be found. Address OCTO BKR. Eaclo oltico. ANTED AN AMERICAN, Hsb, or German girl, 15 or 16 years old. to do light uoiiFcworK wm do troaioa as ono oi tne lainuy.

luquiro in CCD Zl WANTED IN A SMALL FAMILY, A neat, capable girl as chambermaid rmd waitress, who i aieo a good seamstress. Apply at ft o. 9 flllaQagast, bet. Willow and Columbia oc5 2t WANTED A GIRL, FOR GENERAL housework a good wasbor and ironer, and a good piain cook one mat is wen recotuuienaoa may apply at umen av, cor, oi rrunKiin. 7tTANTED A GIRL.

AS CHAMBER' mnid and waitresn, who in witling to assist in the care of childron. Apply at 126 Fort Grooneplace, ooo zv VV AN TED LADIES OF INTELLI 7 genco ann refinement, who want permanent employ mi. ur.iij a retspcuuiuie nusiness, wicn unerai anu certain pa, will pleaso in own uunawTiting, box K.tot, f. oc3 WANTED THREE GIRLS, TO SEW on upholstery work also, two first olass upholater ers, canaule of cutting out draperies and Blip covors. Apply to W.

H. MUMFORD, S90 Fulton Bt, near Smith, at, UD4 46 MTANTED AN EXPERIENCED nursi1, for two young children, and upstairs work in a small privflto family ahn a enmi cnnlr. w.tnhnr nnd ironer; best of roforencos reauired. AdpIv at 357 Gates av. one oc5 2t TArANTED HELP GIRLS CAN OB tain situations frpn thi.

WApV fnr ronnMl hnnon. work, who nil! tako places on the avonuos. Apply at 29 Concord st, near Fnlton, EMPLOYMENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY. Open from 8 to 5 o'clock. Many Bint, viuiie nore wuo uave never neon aranomce Deioro.

ocl 6t" ATANTED EXPERIENCED COOKS. nurses, laundresses and chambermaids, waitresses. cooks, washers and ironers, goneral housoworkors for spiunum suuations in gennemen's pjaco on tue rioignti and all parts of Brooklyn: no ohariro. unless snitofl wanted! also an experienced nurse. At MANNING'S, ijoutc at, opposite tDe City Hall.

oc2 6t' Wanted. servants, get your situations from 29 Concord st, near Fulton KM PLOYMENT and INDEMNITY CO. Many girh como here who have never been at an office before, nnd all Hrst class servants get their situations from this Company. You ui i. nut.

ruiiuiruu iu romain nere aiior yonr naino is tauen. lm" ANTED A GOOD, RELIABLE who take part of tho work on themselves; to ono who is disposed to sbaro In the work and Interests of tho family. good wages and a good home are offered. Call at 804 Union hi. noar Lourc, irom i to o'clock if.

ul coteceuona ra yuirca. oc6 2t" WANT13I SilXUAXIfKVS. "VI TAN TED A SITUATION, BY A RE VV colored man, as coaohman. Beat of city lUicicmitr, Uflll IUJ iiuiu bu, ior uuu woeK. VTT ANTED A SITUATION.

BY ARE spectablo young woman, as good cook, washar and iruuor. ian ior two uaya aidw rraier sc. VST ANTED A SITUATION, BY A young Frotostant girl, to take care of a child and bc.v. Apply to duy at a Montague st. oca 2t WANTED A SITUATION, BY A young man, as clerk in a grocery storo stoady, and nob afraid of work.

Address J. C. CAN FIRID, 1536 ruuon av. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE StlP(hnl)tp vnnnif rrli no ffinlr TrDl.oPsnrl isnno. has good city rofernnces.

Call for two days at 71 Presidont VST ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE upectablo young girl good plain cook, and assist a nai goou cuy roioronces. uail tor two days at Y17ANTED A SITUATION. BY ARE Hpectable woman, as a good cook, washer and ironer, or would do genarai honsewnrk in a small, privato ua launuiuM, uail ul uiyrLie V. ff AJN TxGD A SITUATION, BY A young gcnueman.m a commercial a irood i.tiiuiaii jinu can uoino wen rccommenaca. Address CUM MKRCI AL Eagle otHco.

TANTED A SITUATION, BY A jiiunif Boiiuoiuiin, in a nice uouse cm write i good band and come well recommended. Address J. L. nagle ofheo. AJSTED A SITUATION, FOR AN arlivn.

intn.Hl'nnt Amarlinn.rtnrn oil An. ptairs work in a small family. Address O. Eagle of rice. OCO 21 WANTED A SITUATION, BY A PRO tfiHtntlt lTirl.

tn llrt fffinoi il Wiaa.131 irnn ln a 8m311 Pr'Tate family. Call for two days WJ ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE Bnectable Gorman wnmnn. ftn rnifD nnln months in the country, in a private family. Inquire at 17 WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE snectable rounir trirl CnHr. tronarnl i.

a good cook, washer and ironer; has good city references. iitaj iitmiiitn near jay. WANTED A isITUATION, BY A RE Sner.tfihln vnnnt? wnmnn na nhnmrinTmlr1 i i. ress is willing and oblfging; bostof city referonce from her former employer, 89 Douglaagi sr. AM7ANTED A SITUATION.

BY A TV TOTinir irirl. tn (tn Rrmmhnnrnrk' nnr1 nlalr, iV: lruuiiJK.or woma ao gen eral housework for three or four in family. Please call for a0 iiu. I'uugmw at, pgtween txoyt ana Uona, WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE bonsetvork In a small family; has good city roforonoo. Can bo seen at 159 Court st, between Fourth plaoo and Luqneor St.

Bonth Brooklyn. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RJ5 SnnlAhln fnnn. man In a nnta COacbman. or mnko htmBlf nnofiil nnK.Ao Rornor ot Broadway and DoKalb av, over liquor store. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE Bpdoteblo young lrl as ohambarmald and waitress, Or tO aSSlst In thn Waahtnc mnd lr.nlnr, PIoddb ..11 av0 tW N' 242 nMr WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE spectable yoang man, lately landed, in a grocery Store to learn tho rrnnnrv linelno.e ita nn and can be seen evory day of tho proaont week at 480 Myr oav.

ooS4t WANTED SITUATIONS, BY TWO respoctablo girls, ono to cook, wash and iron, the otner as ohatnbennaid and waitress: havo good roforonce frora ttieir last place. Call for two days at the oorner of Fonrth place and Henry WANTJ5D A SITUATION, AS (JOAOH In the city and ooontry; would be found trustworthy and obliging: can furnish good references. Can be soon at. or address, T. M.

481 Hicks st, lor two days. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A MID and energies to the Interest of hla emptoyor; desires a sit au, vui.iiuu.aau hui prove an nonest ana val to any one who will employ him. Address iiuaiu, Kagle office. 0o4 WANTED SITUATIONS.IN PRIVATE fnmiHp nr hnnrfilmr fnr Dn.nn..t i 1. ly competent waitresses, cooks, chambermaids and general flfiryanw the largest and boat selection I over had over 100 on hand every forenoon.

MANNING'S, 42 Court at, cor. uoraiemon st. ocn 3t WANTED A SITUATION, BY A teaching a parochial sohool, as an Engliah teacher, or as clerk In somo office: can give the bost recommondationa.if desirod wages no object the plaoo is good. Ad mess, ror tnreo aayB, jhauibIKK, Eaglo offico. oojat1 WANTED SITUATIONS FOREa perioncod cooks, good plain cooks, washers and Ironors, waitresses, laundresses, chambermaids, nurses, BcamBtrOBses, and genoral houseworkors, German, Irish, Knulisb, Scotch, Swedes and colored.

References tho rOUflblr Invrxtitrritntl. nt. AT A NMIWiTrJ dl Bite City Hall. Rstablishod in 1849. Oo2 6t WAIVTEP BTISOEt.IAlVEOIJM.

1TANTED BY A RESPECTA to take in washing bv tho daT or la willini? to go out Call for two days at 262 Paolflo St. oil tr.n A mn WANTED BY ARESPEOTABLE pootablo young girl, to tako washing at hoi own on a "ff uall 89 (oldNo.) Oarll st, ln rear, near WUIonghby. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED rirftfttminVnr irn lr plain Bowing and operate on Wheeler Wilson's maohlne. n.vvw 10 1 uourt at, nlthjull I particulars, D. Eagle office.

WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN AND wifo nn nhillirAn 3n ui.i i keeping, noar Oroono or Gates av. lino of earn; terms pi in' relerenoo given and required. Address N. N. ocf at," ANTED TO RENT A COMFORTA within flvn or i JZt 'j! mil llniiRJi in n.

rnniuilri1i. in i. rtos; rent not to exceed Jl ul orr niton rer Address N. Y. P.

u. dox oca atw WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN AND wife only, apartmonts unfurnished, suitable for housekeeping, second floor proferrod mujit bo in a good neighborhood, 6or 10 froTn Fnlton Perrv AddreHjAMMIShatham 'it, W. if. oc8 St7, WANTED BY A DESIRABLE PARTY of fonr. nn nr hntnr.

rtu. ia i honsokoeplng, all Improvements, good Ti i "if.Si iSl. oxceea 50 por month. Address H. OOS9L" WAl'lSDTO RENT, A SMALL not oror fifteen 0" eentleman and AdiraiB mer 96.000 to in this olty.

forwhlch I will pay at the rate of 20 percent, for one "kod. Address for one week BUILDBB, Box 113, Uaglo offloe. got et FOR SALE A THREE STORY AND basement brown stone front house, on Grand av, noar Gates av, and on Bt. Marks place, soar Noatrand av. W.

8. ROHR. 1,058 Paolno Bt. ooa St FOR SALE A FOUR STOKY AND baeemont brick house, ono of tbo best liquor stores In tho city. Enquire on tno premises, B8 Congress st, houth Brooklyn.

ool It" JL A now tirst elass brown stone house, No, 682, bet. Fulton st. and Atlantic av. Inquire on tho premises, or of J. KIRBY, builder, 711 Gates av.

P2 "KIOR SALE OK EXCHANGE A GOOD jP two story and basemont houso and four and a half lull lots, on cornor Kvergroon av and Cheatnuc et, for a houso with improvements furthor down town. Apnlyou proijalseB, or39)tf Bouth st, Y. L. HAYDBN. oc35t FOR SALE CORNER sto.y.

brick, 25x118 first rare corner for srooorles or lifjuora; also, 2 story and collar, frame houso; prioo $L70O; lormaeasy. Apply to WM. WOOD, corner ot Twentieth st. and Sixth av, South Brooklyn. so27 12tB FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FUR nisbodYirnnfornlshod, possession iroruodlatnly.

tho very ploasiint brown stone, throe story and basoraout high 119 First plaoo. Apply on tho promises, Iji ORSALE A LARGE BUILDING, and fine store, on Fulton at, well Bultod to a ilour or grocery business noar tho new bridge, and will bo eventually verv valuable. Address W. P. Kagle office.

006 (if FOR SALE 500 CASH REQUIRED Two story and basemont frame house six rooms and cellar; wator in basemont; sttuatod on Twonty flrst et, near two lines of cars. Prlco $2,000. Apply at lUiMonta Kuo at, oc8 6t" FOR SALE A NEW, FIRST CLASS brown etono houso, on St. Marks av, tenth houso CHfltof Flat bush av. three blocks of main ontranco to Prospect Park one of the lineal locations on the Hill all im provf monta.

Inquire on premisos. 1', CONNOLLY. seBO ITIOR SALE IN BROOKLYN AT A bargain, a first class full sized high stoop brown alone houso; convoniont to Wall street and Houth Forrios: handsomely tinted and roaoood lot 25x100: possession immediately if desired. Inquire ot 8. HONDLO 209 Jlontaguo Bt.

selS lm fOR SALE THE HANDSOME THREE story and basement brown stone front house, No. 218 Dean st, all improvements, furnace, heater, Possession' immediately. Honso first class in overy Durticular. For terms, inquire of 1R15MONGEU No. 1,1 Uuf huld st.

sell ti OR SALE 4,000 GATES AV, A two storv Hnd basemont ImuHO. with full lot: ton roomB. gas, and water throughout Groone and Gates av cars pass the door: cash required $2,200. Apply to the owner, on tho premisos, 773 Gates av, near Lowia av. oc4 tit I'jIOB SALE THAT SUBSTANTIAL 3 stor', baBemont and cellar house No.

301 Adolphi Bt. between DeKalb and Lafayette avs; 16 roomB, extra large lot 127 feet deop all improvements in uerfeot order; possession. Koy at DAVENPORT REKVE, No. 4 Greene near Fulton at. lOt W.FAM FOR SALE ONE HANDSOMELY FIN ished three Btory and basement brown stone front house, with all the improvements; No.

686 Franklin av, second house from cornor of Pacific st tonus to suit. Apply On premises, or at rosidouco b35 Dean at. of STAFFORD A NICUOL. bc27 12t' FOR SALE A GOOD OPPORTUNITY is offerod to any ono wanting to buy a firat claBS two sfory basement, cellar, high Btoop, Philadelphia brick house, all imprr vemonts andperlectordor; size 20x36x100; fwaer will move in a fow days; prioo low and torms easy. "Kb" Qulncy st, near Nostrandav.

oc3 6L' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, FO lots, a small house or goneral merchandise, a onr nor store property, 27.6x35 feet; lot 100 feet deep is non occupied as a liquor storo rents for ifctiOO per year is sit ufttod in Eitst New York; terras oapy. Apply at 177 Uo lunibia st, in the barber shop, South Brooklyn. oc5 6t I'jlOR SALE AT A SmtTCETArWO story basement and subcoller frame house, filled in to tue peait, containing nine rooms, ble mantels throughout; terms oisv: tho grand entrance to the Park. Apply to HENRY WALSn, 62ti Baltic St. near Fifth av.

oct 12t 71 OR SALE A CORNE i JLh limiRft fliflif rnnmo tyHi otn Ir i rftUUl. JfJHl cash, ballanoe in Alsti corner Ifrjuor storo, Rtook and fixtures, Eloven rooms. Throe atory frame hou o. Inquire of theoivnor, WILLIAM FJftoenth st. and Sixth South Brooklyn.

Can be aeon Sundays. ocb'2t FOli SALE IN A CHOICE LOCATION a two story basement and aubcollar frame house, containing nine rooms and bathroom. range, boater, hot and cold water: vestibule doors, nllorl in with briok; houdo 20x58, lut 20x108 one block from Atlantic av cara; two blocks from Fulton av. Apply on tho promises, No. 1,472 Pacilic at, near Brooklyn av; terms tosuit.

se30i IjiOR" SALE ON LAFAYETTE AV The neatest frame house in Brooklyn, built lu the best manner, and contains all modern improvomonts livo marblo BtandB, elevated range, beater, c9montod ooilar, Ao. Will bo sold verv low nnrl nn nnnv t.nrni4. jituI i Dossessiou Riven. Apply to WYCKOFF JAMBS, 203 ilontaguo Bt. ocl 4t SALE GREAT BARGAIN IF JL1 sold at once A (rood throe story brick honso.

brown stone trimmed, eighteen rooms, subcoilar, gas and water; ln good order; lot 20 by 100. This must bo sjld, and much less than lta value will be taken. Inquire on tho premises, 490 Wurren st. from to 5 o'clock, too owner wui do tnoro to snow it. Terms to suit.

0c5 2t jOR SALE A GREAT BARGAIN A' Two Btory, attic, basement and subcellar house; twelve rooms, range, heater, hot and cold wator onthroo iloors, threo wash tubs, batn room, flvo marble mantels; price $5,000, and torms to suit: ono or two extra lots If wanted. W. REYNOLDS, 672 Madisonlst, near Roid av. Greeno and GateB cars. Oo5 flt IjiOR SALE A BARGAIN EOF those neat, cosy brown Btono fronts, two story and basement, all improvements, southerly aspect, on tho north bWo of Bergen st, the second of the stono fronts northerly from Ncvins st; terms von oasy.

Apply to DIXON A RO.SS, Stono Yard, cornor of Warren and Novina Bts, ltoiu8 A. to 6 P. M. oc8tjt jlORSALE OK TO LET A 3 STORY JB. nnd basement, brown Btono bouse, 20x45, lot 100, in Ncliermerhora at, between Hoyt aud Bond sts; house in firs class order in every particular; all improvements; price low; terms caBy; owner about to ioavo tno cily.

Ap pJl to BALDWIN A CARMAN, Oxford st, noar Fulton avenue. ocg at ITIOR SALE THE CHEAPEST AND best houses iu Brooklyn; two now threo story and basemont frame houses iu a first clas3 location, with all the modern improvements throughout; 12 rooms; size20x 38; lot 20x100; prico Apply on the premisos. If RANK PUILLIPB, No. 17 Pulaski at, near Tompkins avenue. oc6 5t TjIOR SALE FOUR 3 STORY7 BASE JL muni, anu suocouitr, stono iront nouses, on liedforrt nno i atory stone front store, cornor of Bedford av.

and Ponn st a fine location for a tirat class drugstore: a rf story Daeement house No. 251 Monroe st, near Marcy av; all ioiDCovomtints; tortus easy immedlato possession. Apply to C. VROOM AN, on the premises. oc4 10t" IjOR SALE I HAVE THREE LEFT OF those six new houses, iast finished threo story, basement and Brucellar, Philadelphia brick front, with brown stono basemont and trimmings, with all the modern improvements parties wishing to buy a complote houso, well built, will do woll to call and see these before buying elso wnete.

Inquire on promises, Bergen st, near Hovt: terms easy. JOHN MONAS, Ownor. oc3 lit XjIOR SALE ONE OR TWO NEW TWO fitory French roof and brick basement houses, situ ato Dn tho west side of Sixth av, near Eleventh st, South Brooklyn good neihborhood, with all tho improvements, including hot and cold water, bath, hoator, range, etc. Uall and aeo them tbey will be sold low and on easy torms to a good party. Apply to J.

H. BTJRRILL, Fifth av, near Twolitb at, South Brooklyn. oo3 6t IjlOtt SALE THE RESIDENCE OF THE subscriber, 287 Union st, between Clinton and Court sts; tho lot, 25x100: house, 26x56, including extension contains 16 rooms; well built, and in good order, with modern conveniences; price, terms accommodating, or with two lota adjoining, covered with fruit treos, peaoh, pear, cherry, plnra. apricot and grape vinos. $25,000: pos Bebdon November 1.

Apply to THOMAS D. MIDDLETON, 40 Exchange place, N.Y. ooi lOR SALE 324 A LEXIN liTON AV. A between Nostmnd and Marcy avs. several car routes convoniont to nrst rate neiirnDOrnoon A two story building, tilled lu with brick, 18x38, lot 18x100 deep; high balcony, nnd high brick basement nnd subcellar: all in tho nest conaition.

as tue nonse is nearly now: nftrhr. rnnms with live marblo mantelpieces gas, wator and range also, a heator through all thorooms; prico. cash, balance mortgago. Inquiro for particulars of OYtiTKR AN, No. 86 Columbia st New York.

oct2 6t9 JiiOR SALE OR EXCHANGE THE very desirablo on Herkimer st, near Albany av, consisting of two 2 story ad5 hcktS rama houBCB, in complete order and every improvement, with ovortwo lots of ground to each houso; will take a small nmount cash lot of good merchandise and loavo part on mortgage for numborof yoars. For full particulars and permits applrfonly to, JAS. A. FISHER, 1,417 hultonav. opposite car stables, or ay Nassau st, Room 22, Now York, I sr.

oi. ocS 6t OR SALE AT A SACRIFICE A beautiful, substantial cottage, buflt bv davri' work: uoubh ieniy ono iocs iron two sroty, oxionsion ana attic, splondid cellar, well lighted; lot, full size. 25x100; nice front court! and garden; all in good order: water and gas; good neighborhood; near tho Park, and convenient to cars. TbiB property is cheap at $5,500, bub will take less if sold within two wooks; only $600 cash, balance in ten yoars. Appiy co oivnoron premises, aa riurtcentb st, bo twoen Filth and Sixtb avs.

oca 4t" FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. OR SALE THE BLOCK OF GROUND bounded bv arm ond. Willomrhbv. Navvand Rnl iver sts. within ona block of Fort Greene, and admlmhlv located for some public instiimrion, model tenement honso or large manufacturing establishment.

Inquiro of JAMES H. PRENTICE, cor, Raymond and WillQujjbby streots bo22 tf XjOR SALE REAL ESTATE I AWt IN jl structea to sell a most delightful suburban resi attached, on leadlni ucuuu, luiiiiBucu ueireu, witn nan an acreot ound dVennO In Twrnitv firnl. Ward lyn; owing to peculiar ire in stances this Droporty can bo purohased at figures much below its market value; looa rooK' Annltr WM. H. GARDNER.

uii iwei, winaH nciKuoornoooi unexcentlonaoio. ,608 Fulton av; half amount on mortgago for any time. ooo at FOR SALE 12 LOTS OF GROUND, bounded by Washington and DoKalb avB and Hamilton st 17 lots ou Olormont and Vanderbtlt avs, adjoining tho Rink on the north; 3 lots on St. James pLtwo adjoining St, James' Episcopal Church on the north, with tho cellars dug out, and one opposite the Adelphl Aoademy. Inquiro of JAMES L.

Real Kstato Agant7s34 Fnlton street. Oo3 6t FOR SALE TEN LOTS. ON WASH ington av, between Warren and Wyekoff sts: too lota Twentieth and Twonty tlrst ats, ltwoen Sixth and Seventh avs; oight tots on Nineteenth ava Twentieth sts, between Ninth and Tenth avsj seven gore Vts on Warren Sfe.P5itw?on UnderhiU nnd Washington tnvi two lota on Third place, between Ohnton and Henry sts; thirty three aiy aBvonth st and Oowenhoveu lane, between Fifth and Sixth avs sixty lots on Franklin av boulevard, Mbina and Clementina sts also, building plote on tho line of Forty ninth. Bt, between Franklin av boulevard and the Now Utreoht mnd tTr.rt.v.ntnth ti lll ha nnnnnr graded this FaU. The above proportywiU ba sold cheap lJi? onus.

Appiy to juuarui MCUUK MACK. 18fi Pearl at, N. Y. se351m IflORSESt CARRIAGES. Ac ATTENTION THE PUBLIC ARE IN vited to Inpneol.

tha ARRNA Ril A RfiTrVf! htai.t.ito Wt 2tl and 203 Raymond at. Those stableB are now kept by Mr. MILLER for boarding horses exclusively. Partlos having line horses and wish to keen thorn InnlHncp flnn do so by boarding at the Arena Stfthlnn ThnrA urn gavnr.1 box stalls in those stables, which will not bo found in any uTtn uu uuroHs aro an ieu on oata and hay of the very best aualtv. Thorn 1 nn nthar kiA feed naed in the stables.

Horses will bo sent to any part of wu uuj iv i mi mo uonfuom, may WISH. OCB yt ALIGHT COUPE ROCKAWAY wanted in good condition, with Dole and shafts and winter front: a reasonable canh nrlnn nrill ha t.atri uross. Bulling price ana iuii panicuiara, W. n. CLEW ijiii i mvtiry owum, aa anu qui marcy av.

ooo at' A PRIVATE SABBLE HOKSE TO LET to a resnoDsinio Dartv wishintr tn i Mn a morniner, can make arranffemonts for suoh by calllntr at the Arena Stables, 199t 21 and 203 Raymond at, at very low AT FBANK CORSA Manufacturers of ilflJS CARRIAGES, Are now onerinc raro indnonmnntn tn nil vehn niah Or bnvo mndo tn f) rlor fl no Htrht. rn lar.aii nt Btyle or weight. Equal In quality and finish to'the leading makers, and much lower ln price. Call and examine for yourselves. Top and No Top Road Wagons, Skeletons and oiuuug vuunuiuuy uu uauu, 808 and 808 ATLANITO AVB, Opposl to Clermont (pair No.

1 Dopi OR SALE CHEAP RAILROAD nrMt CODOV Islatirl nnd KrAAlrlon T7 I ir.t. ay. and Ninth st. Be23 lm TCI OR BALE CHEAP HORSES. JL wagon and harness a good i sound and kind: also a two seat Rookawaj, nearly now, with a doublo sot of harness.

Apply to P. OOAKLBV. 163 Pacific st. WOULD SAY TO ALL THAT LIVE ON Ravinond at. nrothnrnt.rnor nna tha a nD oai.iA.

if fibnuld wish nnflnhoa nt. nnv Ima dara at the Arena. They will have them furnished at the rtjgmar miA a mju mu vary obbb or ooaones. OOO at ONG ISLAND STABLEST nob. 21 and SS Hoyt st.

ELEGANT NEW CLARENCE OOtTPES AMD PARK PHAETONS Sent to all parts of the ottp at regular rates. Splendid aecammodationa for BOARDING HORSES, Tho stables being pronounced by expert to bo the best lighted and ventilated In tho city. Bct6 lm J. HENDRIOK8QN, Proprietor, TWO NICE CARRIAGE TEAMS, BAY AND CHESTNUT Ono Dapple Gray, 6 years old, ltj hands high. Two nlco Coupe or Family ALSO, GOOD ROAD HORSES.

FOR SALE AT THK EXCELSIOR STABLES, 191 aud 1B3 Washington street, Horflgfl kopton IJvory. ap2l (ImFMW PIAttBLE MANTEIjS. IliEMONGER STEAM MAR BLE WORKS No. 11 Duffleld at, Manutaoturars of marblo mantolft plumbers' Blabs, fur tlltnrfl tOOa. and mn.rlilrtnrrtr'W nt annm rla.a.lnlUn 'mii for sale, and rubbing done for tho trtdo.

Estimates fur. tUaued on ttppUoatloo. eoll 1 ry et, scoond house from Boooher's Ohiiroh. 008 2t l6akdtwo handsomelt pur Xj nished rooms on second floor to let, with first olass board, to ttfo 0r throe single gentlemen. Koforenoos re quired.

Apply at o. ait Port uroeuo vtava. lOAftT) fiR JORALEMON STREET M3 near Wall Btroet and South Ferrioi; Booond or third story front roam with first olass board ulso, hall room to Dingle fientlemen terms mod era 10. 006 3 BOARD 181 MONTAGUE STREET near Clinton, a second floor, throe rooms, will bo lot Boparately or together; houso private ana tirat olass. oc6 8t EOARD AVERY HANDSOMELY KU II niahed room, snitablo for a gentleman nod wifo or Rontlemon: also, a sinfflo room good board and pleasant rooms.

Apply at. BOARD TO LET, WITH BOAHU, A small room on tho third floor, to a Rentlaman loca tion good; five minutes from tfulton and Oathorino for rioi. tiign be. BOARD TO LET, ON THE HEIGHTS, with board, two handsomely furnishod rootn3, for gentlemen; all Improvements; dinner at o'olook ct to. 26 Willow Bt, only threo minntea from Fnlton Ferry.

BOARD FOR A GENTLEMAN AND wife, or two singlo gontlemon, a second story front alcovo room, neatly fnrnlshed, and good board, ln a private family; location pleasant; 1Inoa oars lermB moderate. Inquire at JIB wulnoy at. 006 at" OARD ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN i Kt.ln 1 au1 nn mnrlnrAtn tflrma. with SufanaVW. in a beautiful bouse ia the hast part of lirook lyn.

Further particulars may bo obtainoa of Miss MOLD, iy i uiton at. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS THRE minutes' walk from Fnlton Ferry, a pleasant second story front room bouse has all iinprovomenta. Anyone desiring tho comforts of a borne will ploaao call at No. 8 Poplar st. Dinner at six.

OARIBOARD CAN BE OBTAINED in a private family, with very ploasint rooms on the second or third floor, with ball room oonnectinr if deatred, to married or single gentlemen, at 7 mate borweon Henry aud Hicks st. Convenient to ferries. oc6 3t OARD TWO GENTLEMEN gontloman and wife, can have a nlco larpo front room on third floor, houao first class, very few boardors. five TciuuteB walk from tho City Hail, ton Item Wall st and Fulton Ferries; $15 par weak; dinnorb references exchanged. 70 WHIouchby st.

oc6 2t BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY HAS A double room on second floor to lot, with board, to a gontleman or gentleman and wife; house has all the improvements; location first class; nfteen minutes from ferries threo minutes from the car routes location 638 State st, near Hanson place terms modorate. ocfi 2t" BOARD TO LET WITH BOARD In a private family, to gentleman and wife or to singlo gontloman willing to room togother, a handsomely fnrniflhed extention and third floor front room; accommodations flrst elass. Apply for two days at 531 Lafayotto av, near Bedford. ocfi 2t OARD TO LET WITH HOARD TO ED two single gontlemon, or trontloman and wife, a large Becond story front room, handsomely wliero thoro aro fow boarders taken, Houao brown stone. Has all tbo modern improvomonts.

Table Jirat class. Dinner at 6k o'clock. Apply lit 168 Adams botweenlNasaau and High. oc63t BOARD AT 55 JORALEMON ST (old No. 34) Gentlemen and thoir wives, or sinlo gontlomen, desiring homo comforts, with first class board, can bo accommodated with vary handsomely furnished rooirs on second floor; hot and cald water; location tltr 'o minutes to Wall st.

or South Ferry terms vory moderate. Apply all tho week. ocat BOARD PERMANENT BOARDT within five minutes of Wall st. or South Ferry: a gentleman and wife, or singlo gontlemon, deairousofa pleasant bome for tho Winter, can nnd good front rooms on tho second and third floors, a comfortable house, oo cuDiedbya privato family. Addross HEIGHTS, Ragle olhco 2t BOARD 30J) HENRY ST, NEAR STATE To let, with board, a largo second Btory front room, (also small room adjoining), handsomely furnished in black walnut; largo closots, hot and cold wator, dc, to gentleman wife or two gontlomen also, ballroom to ainttle gentleman threo minutes to bouth and six to Wall st, Furrioi.

oc5 2t BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS, NO. 7 Poplar st, a large pleasant room with amplo closets also on second floor two large ball bod rooms; houso has modern improvomonts; good neighborhood; parlar and piano For use of boardera; terms to suit doaVrablo parties; a young lady also dosires an agreeablo room mate, with unexceptionable reference, to occupy an attractive room at tho above place threo minutes1 walk from Fulton Ferry. Roc6 at OARD NO. 9 MONTAUUW TER rafn. thlril rinnr frnm Ren) sen Bt nml thoir wives, or single gontlemon willing to room togothor, wishing Buporior acoommodations at a modorate pnoo, can obtain them in a Btrictly lirst class bouse.

Those rooms are unusually large, bve hot and cold water, very large closets, and aro thoroughly heated by steam; tabie abundantly supplied with tno bent the market affords, antl overs thing neat and clean houso overlouks tho bay, and is but two minutes from Wall st, Iferrj references exchanged, ocfi 3t HOARD WANTED. BOARD WANTED A YOUNG LADY engaged during the day and evening, wishos boatd; referoncoB exchanged. Address TEACHER, Eaglo offine. BOARD WANTED ONE LARGE AND ene small room, with board, for three gontlemon; rauBt bo within easy reach of Wall st. Ferry.

Address Box 10J, Eagle office. BOARD WANTED BY A LADY, IN A Btriotly private family. Looation in tho vicinity of Myrtle between Cumberland st. and Classon av. Best given and required, Address E.

A. 146 Washington av. Terms low. oc6 21" BOARD WANTED TWO OR THREE rooms and board for a gentleman and his family, nearly all adults; the Hill or Heights preferred; torms must bo moderate; will be permanent if suited. Addross stating location, rooms, terms, Ac.

2t BOARD WANTED GENTLE man, wifo and daughter, in a private family, near Fulton, Wall st or South Ferries parties answering will please sUito price and accommodation. Address Box 3d1 P. N. Y. BOARD WANTED A GENTLEMAN wifo and child wish board in a privato family, or whoro thoro are bnt few boarders back parlor or excon sfou preferred; convenient to Fulton or Wall st.

Forry; terms from $16 to $18; references given and required. Address for two days BOARD, Eagle office BOARD WANTED PERMANENT by a gentleman, wife and daughter (12 ynars old); a woll furnished parlor and bedroom second floor front proferredhotwoen Oity Hail and tho ferries; best reference given and required. Address, stating terms tvnti location, B. G. Ul Fulton st.

octi 3t TO LET HOUSES. TO LET SMALL FRAME HOUSE on Brooklyn Heights (Willow st), gas, water and range. Rent $f0 per month. Addroas E. J.

DICKINSON 4 71 Maiden Lano, N. Y. 006 at JL in a good location, a medium slxod, three story brick honse, with ail improvements, at a low rent. Apply to HALL A EOWLKR, 371 Fulton st. oY3t mo LET A WELL AND FULLY FU IL nished threo story high stoop brown stone front house In good order and containing all tho improvements on Greene avonue, near Carlton.

Apply to DAVEN PORT REEVE, 9 Groone avonuo. ocl Bt TO LET FURNISHED THE THREE slory and attic houso, No. 212 Carroll near Carroll Park, with all modorn linn rove moats, vory de eirablo place. Inquire of S. J.

EDWARDS, 215 Carroll pi. oc4 3tWFAM mo LET AT A LOW RENTT ON CLAS: .1 son avenue, near Fulton, a spacious doublo house, with vacant lot attached suitable for a seminary, hotel, or any other buisuons requiring largo room; ground, 70x101). Apply to D. ti. QULMJ3Y, 201 Montague street oc i 4t" mo'LET SOME NEW FIRST CLASS JL.

threo ptery houses, on Grand, Classon, Lexington nvenuosftndMadlsim streot, having all tho mudarn improvomonts, perfectly dry and ready for occupation rents moderate to private faniUios most of tbetn aro brown stono and Philadelphia brick fronts. Can be sooa by applying to 0. HOWE, 455 Myrtle avonue, and for terms to B. LA NCO, 13 South William Now York. oc2 at TO LET APARTMENTS.

TO LET A THIRD FLOOR OF FOUR rooms, with wator and wasto pipes. Inquire at 217 mo LET A LARGE, JL nished room, to a gentleman, quire at 8 Clinton st. WELL FUR without board. In oc4 3t mo LET SECOND AND THIRD JL floors, in a private houso, with all the modern itn. provoments.

to a party of adults; ront moderate. Apply at a niiiiuau ot. uca ot iu mail mo LET IMMEDIATE POSSESSION EM second floor of fonr nlnaaant rooms, with wator nnd gas; rent $22. 469 Adolphi bet. Fulton aud Atlantic TO LET TO A FIRST CLASS FAMILY willing to board owner's family, a lino houBo, pleasantly situated, with all modern oonvenionoes.

Apply 307 mO LET A VERY PLEASANT SEC Jr. ond floor, in a privato house, snitablo for light housekeeping water and gas in good location roferoncos wumkuu, txyi'iy at am uograw si. Te. LET IN FLATBUSH, OONVENI on, tn Hnnitv Talnn1 rt.lrr.nd nni t. nf hnnaa nAn sisting of sovon rooms; ront Addross RENT, Eagle oca of LET NICELY FURNISHED morrm with onntlnn nalln fnp nnnlnmin A Hiiu, or iwu single gentlemen.

Appiyai iu3 btTtfuu ergon ana wycKon sts, TO LET A VERY PLEASANT SECOND floor, furnished forllght housekeeping; or wouldlet aaiigiDKBuuuiutjn.wiui or witnout ooaru oniy a small lam uj of adults in tho bouse house ond looation pleasant and central, 79 Cumberland st. oco 3t TO LET TO A SMALL FAMILY. FIRST floor of a brick house, four fine airy rooms use of BiaiioiiBiy cuds; water ana Beparato motor location very uoouowjoj yiwauasionaiionco. Apply on promiaes, ai ur mond place, opposite Jefferson, and noar Falton st. oc4 fit TO LET SECOND FLOOR, CONSIST ing of three lanre rooms and alcove: amnio clnsntn bathroom; uso of stationary washtubs; heat auopliod in parlor, hoi and cold water, gas; no other tenants, 223 (now No.) High 8t, ten minutes walk from Fulton Perry; mo LET A SMALL AMERICAN FAM JL Uy, ooonpylnjr a first olass modorn house, In gontoel neighborhood on tho HUI, will lot part of It, furnishod.

wltn uso of parlor, bath, bltohon, to a small family, for housekeeping. Address Box .,636, N. V. P. aw iujuK mmuy ana roqniremonEs.

oca at" TO LET IN DUFFIELD TERRACE Three floors of four rooms each water, gas and bath ton rmnntes' walk from ferries; no dark bedrooms; must uu Been bo do appreciated Beparate cellar ior oaon floor ront $16 to $20. Apply to the JANITOR, Duffleld st, be twoon Johnson and Tlllary sts. mO LET FINE FLOORS IN THE NEW scono front building, corner oi Third av. and Twelfth Bt; stairs and halls oilclotbod rontB vory low to 8ood tenants. J.

BUBRILL, Real Kstato and Insurance 'Hicos 491 Fifth av, and 519 Third av, noar Twolfth st se28 9t" TOIET Fon BUSINESS PURPOSES. nno LET DESK ROOM IN ONE OF JL the finest ofHcos in Brooklyn, centrally located. Addross, stating business, O. Eiglo offloo. 006 2t' LET A SPLENDID FISH AND oyster stand in a meat market.

Established for six inquire at 3oe Myrtle avenue, near Aaeipui at. TO LET A PRIVATE STABLE, SUIT Ilhln fnr nnrl P.nprlairii Ir, Qf James place, botwoon Groone and Lafayetto ava. 'Apply on the premises, 879 Washington av. oo5 2t TO LET OR LEASE FOR A TERMOF years, a fine large corner store, with fino largo brick laujio uuu wrgu cunar, Buitaoio ior a grocery or uqui FOR SAtE LLATVEOtTS. TnOR SALE ONE MILK ROUTE, SELL tag iiu quarifl a a the ownor Is golnjr into ing 140 quarts a day; must be sold xiithin a week, as her business.

Inquire at 174 Oo lumbia st. J. FITZGERALD. ooo Bt' TTIOR SALE A FIRST OLASS LIQUOR store; aoing a nne DnslnoBs; iou urana st, xc. li a so a fine billiard room good lease will be given.

Apply on premises. 008 2t P' OR SALE A BUTCHER'S STORE must bo sold on account of bad neajtn of the pro prietorj worth $300; will sell for $160, uau aioyjeuitoa mo Dasemeni. FOR SALE A FIRST OLASS LIQUOR itsim nrlfr, Dln.l. fl. .) (hnill nniHl 1...,.

II complete working order; four blocks from Oity HaU, on wrtleav: orwoultfmako a splendid lagor beer saloon. FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF ILL owner, a grooory storo, well fitted, upon ono of the leading avs ln Brooklyn: a good oUanao for the right porson to mako a fortune. For particulars Inquire In Cigar Store, 1U Court st. oo5 2t FOR SALE A GOOD OORNER LIQ nor store, established ton yoars; Uvnllbaaoldon reasonablo terms; a good ehanco for young man; loaso and Ucense will bo given; flvo blocks from ferries. Ad.

dress T. MOORE. Kagle ofHoe. ocS2t FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN A magnlffooat, 7 rosowood plaaoforto. oitra rich tone and finish, only a abort time used; has full Iron frame, improved overstrung bass, fanoy carvod case and IWl salo and guarantee.

Oall at 807 Gold Bt, botween Johnson and Tlllary sts. JLOST AND FOUND. FOUKD IN EAST RIVER AN OAK LOG, about 46 foot lonir. Too ownor can havo tho property by omvln the fiamn and uavlnn oharvnfi. Ad dross PETER Mol lauiii, umpire awn tob, foot of Main O04SV OST ON THURSDAY MORNING, JL4 somowboro ia the vicinity of Falton Forryorlaft Greenpoint car, or in Now Fork, a black laoeTIB.

fastened wlA a pinof brlllianta. Tho aider frill be lalubly reward od by loaviag the same at the Baglo A young man named Charles March, residing with his father in Cumberland atreot, in tula city, was last night, at eleven o'clock, arrested by Dotootive Corr, charged, on tho information of bis fathor, Mr. Matthew March, who has a leather storo in Frankfort street, Now York, with forging an endorsement on a check, and obtaining tho sum of $57.86 from the National Bank, New York. It appoarB tho accuBotJ is employed as a clerk ia his father's store, and committed the forgery to obtain tho above sum, which he appropriated to his own uso, Tho young man ia retained ia, custody at the Fourth Procinct Station. AFTER THE UNLICENSED.

Justice "Walsh this morning issued warrants for tho arrest of tho following persons, who aro cbargod by Inspector Hart with selling liquor without license Gallnsher Walsh, 111 Grand street. Jos. Graney, 77 North Fifth street, P. Mefieou, 89 North Sixth Btroet. C.

Dilliors, Leonard street. Geo. Buckridgo, 61 Grand Btreet. C.Hanson, Broadway and Fifth Btrcot. James DouaRhy, 82 Union avenue.

O. Burns, Union avenuo. Chas. Sutter, 110 Grahnm avenuo. D.

Maher, GS Greenpoint avenue. W. Wamwright, 118 Grand street. John Gallagher, Eighteenth streot and Sixth avonue. A Terrible Disaster.

We hnvo none to chroniclo; but would suggest to overy lady and BcnUemon in Brooklyn, tho great importance of procuring in season a supply of nioo warm underwear nnd hosiery. You will tind the largest asaortmont at tho lowest possiblo prices at I TEAM A Du Bois Faahionablo Store, 328 Fulton st (second door from Picrrepont) sign of tho Gold Shirt. oc7 2t Good News for Brooklyn. A. G. A Co. are doing the nice thing at 605 Fulton street, near I'latbnsh avonue. Pianos, Organs and Mustc furnished on tho most liberal turms, and a comploto stock to supply ono and all who are in need. A visit to thoir mammoth waro rooms will bo auito sufficient to make you feel easy about tho safety of th of Churches." aulfltf EoYAL Havana Lottery of Cuba. $300,000 in gold drawn every sevontoon days.

Prizos cashed and information furnished. The highest rates paid for doubloons, and all kinds of gold aud silver, Spanish bank bills, government securities, Ac. Taylor Bankers, No 16 Wail New York. auUW.FAMtf Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Reneweb is no now preparation for tho public to exporimont with. Its success is unparalleled for restoring gray hair to Its natural odor, promoting ita growth, aud producing now hair on bald heads.

ocs 3t ITIAKISIED. Burtis Fielding In Brooklyn, on Thursday, Juno 1, by the Rev. Klbert S. Portor, Howard Buutib to Marv Km ma Fielding, all of Brooklyn. Hall Fit Lnon ait On Thursday, October 5, at tho residence of tho bride's parents, Morrisania, N.

by tho Rer. A. s. Hull. Isaac Hall, of Charleston, S.

to GebTRUDE J. FOLLGBAFF. No cards. Seal Thompaon In Brooklyn, Thursday. October 5, 1871, at the residence of the bri do's paronts, 361 State st, bytheRov.

D. I. Yerkc s. of Plaintietd. Jonif H.

Kkal, of New York, to Anne youngest daughter of Itobort Thompson, Jr. TtJRNER Mf.rwin fn Itmiblyn, on Thursday, October at tlio reyidonce of the bride's parents, ll)3 Second phiso, by Rov. James A. Daly, assisted by Ilov. I'M ward Taylor, lv.

Frederic M. Turnku and Emma daughter of Joseph Merwiu, Esq. PIED. "Ann In Brooklyn, on Thursday, October FnNCI3 Louisa, wife of Frederick Carr, and daughtor of Capt Peter Vf, and tho lite Catherine lloff, in tho 41th year oi hor Friends and relatives of tho family, also tho Sandy Honk pilntsare respectfully invited to attend tho funeral. irom nor ate residence.

l.i oanns si. ftunusy, ai lu a. Tho remains to be taken to Dutch Reformed (Jhnrch, Port Kicnmonn, btatcn island. Duvall. In Brooklvn.

on Wednesday, Octobor4, Capt, Joseph Duvall, in hta ftfith yenr. lte tat ires anu innas. also officers and mombers of Ciin. tin liomuiandery, Nassau uuaptor, and tortitudo Lodgf iy. A.

A. AI rrtsnectfuliv invirpd to attend f.hi funeral from his late residenco, 70 Clinton av, on Sundiy, i ciock r. M. OOi iZw Dunn In Brcoictyn, Octobor 4, JOHN Dunn, in tho 43rd year of his age. All friends and relatives of the family are respectively invitnd to attend the funeral from 63 Walworth street, on Sunday tfio Sin, at f.

ftJ. octi 2t' FntEND On Thursday, Octobor 1371, SARAH wife of Henry A. Frionri naad voum. The rehtivoa aud fiiends are respectfully invited to attend ner innerni irum ner ibso resHiento at uravesuuu, natur uay, vuiuuwr ioi, alio vivua. Hardwick October 5, John aged 7 years 4 months and days, and Ada, agod 2 years, 8 months and 19 days, children of James H.

and ICIizaboth A. Hardwiok. Tho relatives and friends of tho fnmilv urn rAanortlfnllir invited to attend the funeral from the roaicUnce of their nmnenana st, on saturaay, October 7, alf past 2 fo'clock. oc5 2t Portsmouth and Norfolk paporsploaso copy. Lippinoott On Wednesday, Octobor4, at the rosldenca of bis son in law.

Jacob Bird, 187 Eagle st, Groonpolnt, W'M. S. 12 years, ono mouth and eighteen Funeral on Saturday at 10)4 from the above number. Sharp In Brooklyn, October 6, Simeon Sharp, in tho 69th year of his age. The friends and relatives of the family are respectfully ner of Flushing av.

aud Adelphl st, on Sunday, Octob'or 8, hi os. WiEGAKD On Octobers, Caroline Amelia, beloved wife of Charles F. Wfenaud, '1 he relative and friendsof the family aro respectfully ii.ii.iu iu auuuu iuu muuwi irum uor iaio DeKalb av, near Clermont. ocfiit' CLINTON COMMAND ERY NO. 14 K.

T. SirKniKhts: You are herebv summoned to tittnnri special conclave of this Oommandery, to be held at tho ASY uujji ho. loounsi. suftUAi, uctoDero, f. sharp, to attend the funeral of Sir Knight Joseph Duvall, irom uis iuto resiuence iu uunion avenue, ny oruer, ROBERT BLACK, Em.

Commander. rj. o. via uautxi, rtecoruer. ocB 2t NOTICE NASSAU CHAPTER 109 R.

A.M. Companions You aro horaby summoned to moat nt Tour rnomn. Nn Ifi Cnnrt. nft nn Kundip rinfhnr. a at 12 for tho purjioso of attending the funeral of our iaco companion, josepu tiuvau.

aiomuors or sister chap' 006 2t WM. R. SPRAGUK, High Priest. mHE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF JL H'UKTITUUK LUDuK No. 19 A.

are horc hv unmmoni'fi tt utt.fin Snclal nnmmnniiHnn fnKn held at jthe Lodge Rooms, corner Court and joralomon bib, on otiiirt i uctuOB av lot) lor tno pur pose of paying the last tribute of respect to our Tat worthy Brother Joseph Duvall. Members of aisto lodges aro respectfully invited to attend. STEPHEN OWEN. M. J.

P. F.astmead, Sec'y. oc6 2t' IIIEKTIIVUS. A MEETING OF THE NINTH WMlTi rilllBKHNFA GUARDS, will be held SATURDAY FISING, October 7, at JAMKS H. GILL'S, corner of BL fiI' persons aro resLiectiuUy ANDREW McCORSlACK, Oaptala, P1Doiujinh, Secretary.

SUBSTITUTION CJLUB NOTICE A special meerine ot cne mpmhera of Constitution viuu mil oo iieia on ritiuAit KVKftlKti, Octoborti, at clock. Punctual attendnnce ia requested. T. ANDREW WALSH, President. William A.

unp.v, Secretary. Tlflli FALJL CAMPAIGN ATw. A MEETING OF THE NTNT m. viaku uiKirKiJUiCAiuUHATIU ASSOCIATION, following officers were duly elected Farrell R. linffv PrpBidenti John No'an, Secretary; Patrick Dobbins, Rs tTUbipwi i inimaa LiHunrin, i reasnrer.

SAKJJ TO THE VOTERS OF THE "kth Ward. Knowing that tho poople are not with the Ring candidates that have boen thrust f. utiUl Iur omcea iney aro incompetent to hll, and uubiiubw uch nunc nation oi many lnenna, have con. Supervisor of the Kichth Ward. icu wi nimn mj nijiDB io oe usco ior a candidate oc4 at tf UbVUa M.

SMITH, 165 Twonty first Bt. TkEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CONVEN I TION FOR TWR SPf'OVn TIinTPliT by the Democratic Judicial Convention of 1869, 1 horoby appoint TUESDAY, the 10th day of October, 1871, at 12 clock, as the time, and the Goneral Term room of tho omii us me place, tor tue nolding didntefor Jtutice of the Supremo Court, in the place of vua iiwuuiouio ouacpu x. narnaru, waoso term or omce win expire on tho 31atdayof Decomber, 1871. And I horoby request the Democratic electors of the said department to V. iruni eacn nssomniy uistrict to said Ju dicial Convention.

Brooklyn, Sept. 19. 1871 JA3IE8 B. ORAIG, Democratic papers in tho district pleaso copy tho fore H. W.

QUITZOW, DEMOCKATIO candidate for Justice Of tho Sixth Dialriot Coart. NATURALIZ ATIOS THE DEMO CBATIC OENEBAL COMMITTBK havo mado roodemonU to furnish final naturalization papera, froo of charge, at the SUPREME COURT ROOm! Oonrt TfintTn XUKBDAY Wednesday; JJAy KVfchlA future arrangement, win be annoonced. ncteta can be obtained from the menVben of the Hat uralization Committyo, or from the UhatrW of tho 0jm. mitteB at the Court House. OWENHANOVIN, 01,2 6t Chairman.

SPECIAL IVOT1CKS. WELL ESTABLISHED AND GROW rm Of TtrnnVlvn man fn Vl. A SJSSf8 to $25,000 addittonil cap tal, which can bo well paid for, or a satisfactory party, having tho money and capable of keeping tho books and accounts, might bo acceptable. Address CAPITAL, uoa av BUILDERS TAKE NOTICE FIRST 1.7,7,. nuuwu in wiuuBUKH iorany Kind of nil darn ViairHtvaT ithti na.

1 Mil guarantee a saving of from 10 per cent to 20 Dor cent buUdors. Address HARD WAKE. Box Eagle office JOOK AGENTS WANTED, FOR "A 9 Woman's Pilgrimage to tho Holy Land," by Mrs. M. Griawold.

This latest work of thiH popular authoress Is an IntprCBtlng narrative of her exporioace during a tonr tllroUg lurOIe and thn Kast. in nltl, Twain1' and tho "Quakor City" party. A handsome volnmn fully Illustrated. We oiler extra terms and premiums to 51 I'RS i and cu on 01 aadrosa W. D.

Hartford. Conn. lm OAKLEY HALL TO LET. The now and beautiful hall No. 162 PACIFIC RTREKT, (n0ar Clinton,) comprising two largo and commodious rooms, 25x100 foot, with sapper room, 'or Balls, Political or Society mooting! I he proprietor will be nappy to make all arrangements satisfactory for all parties who will patronlzo him.

oc 6 flf jyO NOT DEFACE YOUR WALLS DY DRIVING NAILS TO HANG PICTURES. Uso our gilt and oolorod PICTURE RODS. Manufactured M. GOULD 4 80H8, 96 Chambers Btreet, New York. JEA PERRINS' SAUCE.

Pronounced by oonnolssonrs THK ONLY GOOD 8ATJ0K." It Improves appetite and digestion, and It is unrivaled for Its flavor. We are dlreoted by Moasrs. LEA a PBRRINS to prose cuto all partlos making or vending countorfolts. JOHN SONS. aul0 6mF4Tn Agents, New York.


FINlt LACES, BALL DRESSES, CURTAINS, 40. 631 ITJLTOjTJBrooklvn. oc2 6t THAT MAN OUGHT TO HAV BEEN tried for woman slaughter In tho first dogrooaad sentenced to chop wood and milk cows In tho rata for tho SStK iiii'ij Wi not ba hl wlfoOOLBY in the world, at H.IAKK'5'VS34,Ealton or COLBY BROS. .608 Broadway N. Y.

Oivon on trial ono month froo. 00. a) ij TRINITY SCHOOL FOR BOYS 35 WBDNK3DAT, Sep umbor 18, 1871. Right Rot. A.

N. LPTTLEJOHN, D.D.. Prcsldont Board of Trnsteos. ri Clinton st. Circular at DoSeldlng's, ill Fulton t.

oco T1 rbeun HOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ARE wasted In pbyslolans' foes hv thfl HvnnnnHn. th. In. thn hOlnn. th.

A ifL dollars expended on that ananproachabto vegetable tonio nlvlttR AlK1iL CALIFORNIA. VINB QAIt BITTBBa wonld effect In over, cms radloal onro. WILLIAM ABBOTT, AUCTIONEER, No8 Oitv HaU plaoo. New York, will sell at Uli o'olook, on SATIJBDAY MOEN1NO. (he stock and lures and outfit of the bar room, at Fulton at, next to Olympic Thcatro, Bngllsh ale pamp, taou eaold aroltare, oarpeu, oil cloths, mattiiK, it.

WJ ANTED ANY ONE HAVING A second hand Mason A Hamlin Rnod Organ, bnt Uttlo usod, having olkht or ten stops, ana ox aamoionr. mttn ni power ior asmau onuron, wmon iney are wuuni to sell low. may aaarGBS. stating aeaonpuon anu price. J.

B. 006 at mgio omce. WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN A good sized bed room, without board, and also unfurnished, with the exooptlon of carpet. Permanent, li suited Location on the Heights; not over flro minutes from V7all st. Ferry, Address MORTON, Kagle otfloo.

uo6 it ANTED TO OBTAIN SECOND hand filnnnfl tn fiinhnntrA fr mir now nnnk nr nnr. cbaso tho fltmo for cash. We onor (jToat inducements on montoiy paimenu to suit am orxor piano war ranfaior sixyeam; pmnnn 10 renii irom u.i npwara; uue Stelnwu' pianos $200. PHELPS A SON, 303 Fulton fit. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE.

A middle aged lady of experience, and of undoubted respectability, desires to prooure a largo, woll furnished house and board, the owner, if deslrod, with privllogo of boarding other first lolssa boarders, provided terms and othor arrangements could be made mutually satisfactory. A no to nd dressed to Mrs. 103 Bast 25th Btroet, N. will be immediately attended to. oo4 8t BOABtflNH.

BOARD ROOMS TO board; references exchanged, near ffork Greene Park. LET, WITH No. 23 Elliott place, ooB2t BOARD 265 CLINTON ST, NEAR Warren for lamilios or Blngle persons, asuitoon parlor floor torma, PQr oefc nd upward. oel flt OARD A LARGE HALL BEDROOM, with good board and all tho comforts of a home, oan bo had at No. FirBt place, third door from Henry Bt; convenient to ferry and cars.

oo3 5t BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD Two largo, pleasant rooms, to gentlemen and their wivos or tdnglo gentlemen; alBo, few table boarders. 60 "VVilloughby at, between Jay and Lawrence. oo34ta BOARD ON THE HILL A SECOND floor ulosve, and one or two other roams, to let, with brat class accommodations, in a privato family. Apply at 145 Gates av. OOi 06 BOARD TWO OR THREE GENTLE men can find handsomely furnishod rooms, with excellent board, in a private French family, by oalling at 2U5 Clmtonst dinner at fiX ooi 6t" BOARD GENTLEMEN, OR GENTLE man and wife, can Gnd first olass board and pleasant rooms, at 55 Conoord Bt; ten minutes from Fnlton or Wall Bt.

Forrtes roferonoo8 exchanged. oo4 4t BOARD THREE GENTLEMEN CAN bo accommodated with rooms and boardlnaprl vate family; dinner at 6 o'clook; references expected. 227 Harrison five doors from Clinton at. oc4 8t OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, TO two sinele (rentlomon. a large front room; family small few boarders taken convenient to oars and ferrios.

Apply 401 at, alx aoora from i5ona. oo fit" OARD 287 SAOKETT ST, (OLD ono door east of Court st. front room, second loor, with or witnout ball room all improvements. oco ai BOARDTO LET, WITH BOARD AT 48 Sands st, a second story room, nicely furnished, for gentloraan and wife, or two single gontleinon references irequired. oc5 3t BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL let, with board, bandsomoly furnished rooms.

For reference apply immediately at 518 Honry st, corner Union. oc52t OAKD EURMSHED KOOMS, WITH cood board, for eontlemen and wIvob. or contlemen who will room togother, at 128 State st, between Clinton and Henry roferoncos exohangod. oc5 3t BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS TO LET. a fine suito of rooms, for a family of adults, or gentlemen and their wives, at 139 Montague st.

oc4 BOABD PERSONS WISHING PLEA Bant, furnished or unfurnished rooms, with good boarding, near Joraletnou aud Clinton, address FAMILY, Eagle office. octi 2t BOARD AT 147 LAWRENCE ST. Superior board from $5 per week and upward, or furnished apartmonts without board. N.B. Also a houso to lot and furniture for sale a great bargain.

oc03t" BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, two fine, large, newly furnishod rooms, with oxton colif water; dinner at 6H; references exchanged. (Jail at 197 lialtio st. near Clinton. no5 2t BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS TO LET on second or third floor, with all improvements, hot anl cold water, furnace, Ac. Torma moderate.

Kef erenceH required. J77 Congress st. oc52P OARD 391 ATLANTIC NEAR Bond Bt. Lonr or live CQntlomon can ba acenmmo dutod with good board and ploasant rooms. Terms moderate.

References required. oc5 2t BOARD PARTIES SEEKING PERMA nent board, oan find pleasant rooms at 151 Liwronoo st, near Fulton av, at moderate torma bonse, location and table first class. oc5 it OARD JORALEMON STREET i Torft tftmtloraeu oau he accommodated with cood board and a lareo oloasaht room also, a front hall room for one gentleman gas and bath terms moderate, oc5 3t BOARD AT 135 LAFAYETTE AV, first house above Cumberland Bt, rooms on second floor, furnished or unfurnished houso has all modorn improvements, and Is in tho vicinity of Dr. Cuyler'a Churoh. oc53t" BOARD TO LET.

WITH BOARD, AT 365 Jay street, three doors from Willoughby street, and 'noar the City Hall, a large, comfortably furnished room for gentleman and wifo, also room for singlo gonttoman. Terms very mod orate. oc3 4t HOARD 332 CLINTON ST, NEAR Harrlpon A private family, living at above address, nnd having more room than rcquirod, would rent to a gentleman and wife, or two gentlemen, one or two nlcoly furnished roomB, with first class hoard. so30 6t" OARD $4 PER WEEK FURNISHED rooms from Si oar week onward houso haa nil the modern conveniences; hot anu cold bath, laundry, etc; three meals per day. 197 Fulton st, second door from Nassau aL jy28 Sm BOARD AT 00 FIRST PLACE FIRST claB3 rooms and board, on suito or single, furnished or unfurnished location unsurpassod in Brooklyn, rooms for single gentlomcn; terms moderate; references required.

oc '2 6t" BOARD TO LET WITH BOARD ONE large furnished room, on second floor, and ono small one, on third floor, in a private family. Apply at 216 Adams et, botwoon the hours of 11 M. aud 4 P. M. BOARD ON THE HILL A PLEAS ant Buito of rooms, second story, and single rooms, to a party of gontlemon, and gentleman and wifo.

Inquire at 144 Laiayetto avenue reference given and required. ae30 7t BOARD 27 ELM PLACE. A LARGE alcove room, second floor, and a room and hall room oonneotinjf, third floor, to let with board; location ploasant; convoniont to ferries. Reference given and required. oc4 Zt BOARD GENTLEMEN AND THEIR wives, and single gentlemen, cau be accommodated with first cluss board aud pleasant rooms, by applving at 33 Sidney ulaco; house is pleasantly located, and convenient to Wall st.

and Booth Ferries. ocl 4t OARD ON THE HILL ONE GEN tleman. ortwo fllnulo trftntifimftn. a handnn.o fmnt. room, on cnira uoor, lurnisaea comploto; good pantry; honao first class, ana very cheerful for tho winter; family privato, terms heat and gas; 423 Cumborlana street.

0 5t BOARD HANDSOMELY FURNISHED second story rooms, en suite or singly, for a gontlo man and wifo, or eiDgle gentlemen: houso, tabic an tall acnommodationa first class; five minutos' walk to South and Wall ht. Ferries. i)i Amity st, fourth brown stone fromHonry sL oc3 4tB BOARD 259 CARLTON AVROOMS on second floor front, to lot to gentleman and wife, or single geatlemon that will room together; houso has all the modern improvements; hot and cold water, bath, near four car routes; third brown stone house fromDe Kalb iv. Dinner at half past Fix. BOARD 228 WARREN li Handsomely fnrnlshed frontbedroom, and hall bedroom, with board, to threo gentlemen, or gontloman and wife, where only a fow boarders aro takon honso has all modern improvements; convoniont to Wall Bt and South Ferrios; liDcraHablo.

oc38t BOARD ON THE HILL 1003OUTH Oxford st. To lot. to gentlomon and tliclr wives, or hid. it I gentlemen, a front alcove room (second story) and back room adjoining handsomely furnishod hot and cold water, largo closets house has all modorn improvements' oc StVlu4F OARD A NEWLY OPENED HOUSE for the aCCOmmortafinn nf mnnhnnlri nnrl nflinva A fow men and thoir wives cau have furnlaliod rooms, with or without board also, a fow youug ladies can havo board and pleasant roomB. Call at 79 Main Bt, corner of York over tbo drug storo.

oc3 6t BOARD TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN or gentlematr'and wife oan nf PntnmnHafi ut. front room, containing hot and cold water and heater, with board at moderate terms also, third story large back room. 27i Hicks st near Jorale mon si. O02 OARD BROOKLYN JL xjiuhB hi, co ioc witn noard. two large Hicks st, to let with board, two large rooms, oon nCCtini? On Second flnnr, Ur.

1 1 some'y furnished home comforts, and every convenience jocanon concrat; two miuutes' froraWallat and South eTC8. boM 6t' BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH good board, with a small American family; house ucabaiiu iviaau, lauiuy Bociai, ao. Dome comforts enjoyed five minutes1 walk from Fulton Forry and ten of Wall st opposite Dr. Gallaher's Church references oxchantied 19 Nassau Bt. ooa ti "OOARD ON THE HILL PLEASANT i "1 B1U or on i auito, witn nrst class Doara, can upuumuu uinifuw lamiii iiouso nas evory convent euco, amplo olosetroom, Ao convenient to throe lint cars; references exohaogod.

Apply to 28 South Portland 003 4L' BOARD A LARGE FRONT ROOM, with ball mnm cnnnm t.lnu nn (no i .1 let, with board, to a geDtloman and wifo or singlo gentlemen; also, a front room, nicely furnished, on the third floor; within ton mlnuteB walk of the ferries; terms mod uuku, xjmu6Diu nil, uwr omim. oca Kt" BOARD ON CLINTON ST. LARGE nnd small mun, r. modation for single gentlemen; house brown stone, with all modem lmprovemenU; three minutes' walk to South Ferry, two hlooks sonth of Atlantic 227 Clinton, botwoon Amity and Cong rem sts. ocj 3,.

BOARD ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM! with hall bedroom adinfntntr. onrl wn mmiin rooms, for gentiemau and wife, and gontlemon rooming together to let with board in a pleasant homo, 253 and 256 Washington Bt, between the City Hall and tne ferrioa. ncS 2t OARD ON THE HILL. A SECOND fctOrV alcOVfl mnm. tnrl nns nr tern nfha.

bO had. With good OOard. (n hmwn iX V. class location; only those who are willing to pay for Hupe HDK8KLL. Kadle oHca.

BOARD SECOND FLOOR FRONT room, hot and cold water; alflo, other rooms, suitable for gentlemen and xvivnn nr am dr. naniiamnn one of tno bost In TtrnnVlvn nii dinner at Apply at 120 Paoifio st, (old No. 106). be iwflen tJiinion nnn Henry, nnfi at BOARD BROOKLYN HK1UHTS A hnndsnmelv ftirnlshail rnnm second floor; also, a hall room honso flrsiolnBs; contains all modorn Improvements; dinner at 6M; 3 minutes' walk from ferry. Call at 23 Mlddagh st, ono cloor from Willow reforenoes reqnlred.

oc5 2t" BOARD A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY! 01" honso, desire to lot, with beat accommodations, handsomely furnlBhed second or third story at reasonable charge situation and BOARD 744 WARREN ST, BETWEEN Fifth and Sixth first clasf hoard, and all conveniences; hot and cold water, heatod. largo closots, suitable for gentlemen and their wives, or Blnglo gentlemen; cars convenient to all lorries; referonoes oxohanged. oeaRt" band OARD FOUR eontlemen nnd tbnlr GENTLTCMRN OP gontlemon and their wivos can havo their oholoo of ndsomely furnished rooms, ail modorn comforts, izood FilA. In ft. vnt at 1 1 ffatnllH i I table, In very small family, and live and loi Uvo prices; handy to cars and ferries; neighborhood K.

It will pay to oall. No. 131 Dean st, noar the oorner of Hoyt oo3 4t BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE with nh'nrlsSm6 Mn bo andhornii comforts, whoro thoro aro bnt fow boardera taken; house has all modern Improvements; sevon min ply at new KoJM LAtomssJt1nearnoord: OARD 23 JOHNSON STA vuvo yoonB gontlemon oan bo accommodated with good had for tho Winter; oonyoniont to Oity Hall, anrTton minntea to Fnlton and Wall st, forrljs and all tho oar routos; torma roasonablo. Apply it addross 83 Johnson ooi oc SOABD A HANDSOMELY FURNISH i floor, with oveiy convenience, ln antl doiirable board, can OTm f. and wife, or sIdrIq gentlo men.

at 86 Blm place: also, a large hall room on third floor. References exchanged aud terms moderate. oc4 ot" BOARD AT288 STATE ST. A LARGE minutes' fallc, and tne bloot of oars ti all tho ona Mtoot. Inoalro at book atoro 117 Vulton av, 006 2t JJOARD ON THE HEIGHTS, THREE 3 mlnntes from Falton and ten from Wall at.

Forrioa oaaant and niooly lumlsbod roomsVS a small family or threo gentlomon; a doslrab homo, whoro fow otlioS door from Golumbla Hebjhts. B0foSnidS A P1VATE FAMILY, ln Kit Sff' "ooond story front bedroom, with Salhf? b0 lot "oparatoly orto Inn.tlnn ffi "'i" baok room on same lloor, looation fow minutes' walk to Bonth or Wall streai FAihl HonrV third So' from Amity tt, or to F. Box Y. P. O.

oo2 et "OOARD FIRST CLASS APARTMENTS fSlSl 3Jf "7 "lono consisting of second and rlollng Waslllnirton Park; rooms contain all conveniences hot and cold wator. boat1 ftei'Jj i 'hW Pfr to let niSlahed, Bo Prtioulara, address ocS OoKalb near Fort Oroono plaoa. EAGLE OFFICE. 8 P. M.

AFFAIRS IN EUROPE. Eochefort Banished for Life. A NAPOLEONIC MANIFESTO ENGLAND. London, October G. The cable Company's repairing Bteamor Robert Lowe, has arrived at Plymouth, where thirty throe of hor crew havo abandoned her on account of tha wretched quality and insufficiency of provisions furnished, FBA.NCE.

Paris, October 6. Tho sentence of M. ftochefort has been commuted from imprisonment for life to banishment from French territory. A manifesto from tbo ex Emperor Napoleon, on tho subject of the French political situation, is about to ba issued. MARINE ITEM.

Livebpooi, Octobor C. The ship Strathblanc, from New York September 15, arrived yesterday. Sous ot America Albany, N. October 6. The State Camp of BonB of America held its annual meeting here yesterday.

Somo seventy delegates were present, representing camps mainly from the eastern part of tho State. Tho old Board of Officers retlrod, and tbo following wero elected for the ensuing year: President, George B. Van Cleft, of New York Tico President, M. L. Filkins, of Albany; Master of Forms and Ceromonies, H.

W. Wilkinson, of Williamsburg; Secretary, Bov. Samuel McKeon, of Albany. A new Constitution was adopted, and other proceedings of no public interest transacted. In tho evening a mass meeting of tho Order was held, ot which addresses were delivered by Rev.

Samuel McKeon, Hon. Daniel Ultmaun, It. Landmann, of Buffalo, Messrs. Albcrtson, Leonard, Pitt and others. Tho next meeting will bo bold in New York City in March neat.

THIRD EDITION EAGLE OFFICE, 3 P. 171. SFOETS AND PASTIMES. Base Ball. A So called Babe Ball Convention In November, 1870, nine individuals, claiming to ue'regu ar delegates to the Annual Convention of the then ix tatingNewlork State Association, wont up to Albany for tho purpose of holding a meeting to choose delegates to represent the Stato clubs in the National Convention of 1870.

On mceling together for organization they found that they had not enough delegates present to constitute a quorum, ho they adjourned over until tho afternoon, to drum up recruits. Finally, they cot together what tbey made out to bo a legal quorum and then they went to work, played their little game that 18, the leaders did and they came down to New York and entered tho National Convention with ninodele ei8bty five clubs. At this so Convention, these nine delegates, included Fred. Gedney and Birdsall, of the professional Union Club, as also Mr. Page of the then defunct Active Club, Wildey of the Mutuala being their chairman, the three first named being put in as proxy voters, the vote by proxy being a Dart of tho State Association Constitution, Every one knows what was dono at this Convention, Wildey, Foley and Wood, of the Mutual and CMcagoClubs, having tbe cdntrouiug vote and running the machine to suit their own special purposes; such genuine representatives of the amatuer class as Messrs.

Sterling, Jones, Sheard, Cautwell and one or two others, being powerless to influence tho action of the Convention. Well, this noteworthy gathering adjourned to meet in Chicago next November, and aa it was necessary in case of such convention occurring that tho same parties Bhould enter the meeting of 1871 with a potential vote, they lately wont to work to play the samo little game they successfully enacted at Albany lost Winter. First they issued a circular calling upon clubs to send delegates to a Stato Convention to be held at Tammany Hall most suitable place on September 14, and in threatened clubs who failed to pay dues with the diro penalty of expulsion. In addition they very coolly informed the said clubs that so long as they sent the dues it was a matter of indifference whether delegates were sent or not, inasmuch as tbey could supply their placo by proxy voters. The leaders of ibo movement mot ou the 14tb, but, as before, they did not have enough delegates to organize, and so they adjourned to add to their number.

On Thursday last the so called Convention of York hlaVe was held at a tavern in Eighth avenue. New York, and below we givo the World' report of the proceedings, from which it will be seen that tho "Boss of the job" has again succeeded in placing himself in a position to enter the Chicago Convention if such a meeting should be held with six votes in his hand, tho named purporting to be a legal delegation representing some sixty odd ez itting senior clubs of this State. Of tbe clubs from which officers were chosen and delegates appointed at this meeting, two clubs aro well known members of th. National Professional Association, threo others have not played a match game this season and another has no practical existence. We find one Brooklyn club named in the report, the Atlantics.

The closing lines of the report are especially worthy of note. Such "dispatch" is UBual at similarly conducted affairs in political circles. The report is as follows "COHVEKTION OF THK AitATEUB lUSE BALE, CLUBS. The Amateur Base Ball Convention of the State of New York hold their annual meeting last night at tho Arthur House, corner of Eighth avenue and Fourteenth street. The chair was taken at nine o'clock by C.

H. Pec ble, of tho Oriental Club. A resolution was passed that the secretary notify all clubs in arrears, tho clubs not complying with tho rules of the Convention to be excluded. The election of officers was then proceeded with, Mr. C.

H. Wilson of the Eagle Club, beiug elected President. The chair was then vacated by Mr. Peeblo Mr. Wilson took his place as President of the Convention.

Mr. William Itay, of the Ecbford Club, was elected flrst, and Sir. C. H. Poeble, of tho Oriental Club, seeond Vice President.

Mr. John E. Hartley, of tbe Oriental Club, was appointed Recording, aud Mr. J. E.

Sheard, of the Pastime Club, Corresponding, Secretary. Mr. Joseph H. Horton was reelected Treasurer. Tho following were then appointed delegates to the meeting of the National Convention at Chicago, 111.

Mr. John Wildey, Mul ual Club Mr. Wm. Glen, Oriental Club; Mr. John Ford, Union Club, of Morrisnnia Mr.

James H. Comstock, Orion Club Mr. T. L. Sheard, rastimcs; and Mr.

Pccble, Orion Club! Among tho local clubs represented wero tho following: Uuiou, of Morrisania; Orion, Mutual, Paslimo. Eck ford. Oriental. Eagle, Gotham, Atlantic, Social, Ceatral aad several others, The business was conducted with a dispatch ani order that bodes well for til? interests of tne amateur ciuds." It is only necessary to add that the only legitimato amateur association is tho one which held its convention last March. The Mdttal in Teoy, The Mutuals played tho Haymakers in Troy yesterday, and though they did not have their foil nine they won by a score of 10 to 5.

Craver did not play in the Haymaker nine. The Bcore tella the story of the contest. It was merely an exhibition game: mutual. E.ln.F.O.A. HAYMAKER.

In. i. A "fttnem, za Patterson, 1. 3 Start, 1st ,8 2 5 4 McGoary, 1 17 1 York. c.

i 6 ii Flowers, b. 0 1 3 1 yvolters.p 0 II Egglor.o. 1 8 ol Flrnn, n.tO King, 1. MoMnlliDi 1 Pike, 2d .2 Bellan. Hrt 1 0 3 3 I 8 1 oiiub, 5 Ferguson.

3d 1 0 2 Pearce, s. 1 10 2 Fleot, r. 3 1 4 0 Connors, 1st Total lu 10 27 11) Total 5 6 37 6 BUNS SC0BED. 2 8 4 5 Mutual 2 Haymaker 1 Runs earned Haymaker, 2 Mutual, 2. First base on errors Haymaker.

7 Mutual, 9, Umpire E. D. Tlghe, Putnam Base Ball Olub. Time of game 2 hours. Notes.

Rain to day stopB several games which were to havo been played, including the Mutual and Eckford match. Tbe Chicago Tribune says tho Haymakers havo "como to tbeir Secrotary Thatcher received, yesterday, a letter from Troy, in which the Haymakor poople propose to' oome to Chicago and play without Craver on the nine. Tho date of then games in this city with the White stockings will probably bo on tha 10th ard 11th of October. Tbo Putnams, of Troy, wero defeated on Wednesday by the Nationals, of West Troy, by a score of 21 to 21. Tne Haymakers defeated tbe Poughkeopsie nino by a score of 22 to 9, in six innings, on Tuesday.

The Harmonics play their return game with tho Excelsiors on Octobor 11. Tbe Chicago nino, havo yet to win one game from the Athletics and three from tho Haymakers to complete their record. The Boston club havo to win ono game from the Haymakers and ono from the Mutuals. The Athletics have to win ono game each from tho Chicago, Mutual and Haymakers. Tho Haymakers have to win throe eamea from the Ath ietics.

threo from Chicago, and ono each from Olove iana ana itocaiora. Tno Aintuais nave to win one each from tbe Athlotic, Boston and Cleveland clubs. MONEY MARKET. Wali, Stbeet, Ootober 6. Gold opened this morning at and soon becamo quite active in consequence of conflicting reports regard icff tne Bjmciioato, tha condition of tho London Market and other influencing features abroad.

The prico dropped slowly to bid by reason of sales by the ellone which load. od up yostorday. Tho reports from London ware to tha effect that the actual reduction in tho bnlbon of the bank of Ireland was one million three hundred and serentr one thousand pounds for the week Instoadof U871.00O ronnrtod yeBterday that the London money market was tight and tho fooling excltod that the bank of Franco showed a decrease of eleven million franca; and that consols in London had declined since yosterday, while Amorioan so curltlos were steady. The talos of tho explosion of tbo Syndicate were also revived, and everything seemed to favor the bull side of the market. Taking advantage of this feeling, nearly two millions of gold were put upon tho market by one of the cliques, and under the pressure of this tbe prloe broke.

The loan rate opened at of 1 ner oent. for tho use of gold, and beforo noon fell to flat. Oovernmenta opened ateadr. The 81'a were 117, ooupons 118, 66'a 116K, new 1HX. H'slUK.

68's 114, Iu.tO'b 110, oonpona 111J. Currency Pa MX. oiociuopenea wealc ana lower ln oonseqenoe of the tight, ness in the money market. Northwest was 9tf. Wabash 6JX, PaolRo Hail SIX, Lake Shore 106 Brio MH, Central A Hudson MX, IRook Island 110, Union Paolflo SSJi, Western Union 66 Ohio and Misslsslpi 42(S43, Hanni bal and St.

Joseph 60. Money oponod at 7perocnt sharp, and Exohanffewai steady at Stock Excbanxro Sales First Board New Tobe, October C. 18 Bk ot Oommorce. 117 20 Merchants' Bk 160 100 Marrl'd Ooal Oo. KTi 100 do bS Jl SOO Oon Ooa of 4i)i 200 Oo 47 ISV lOOSprlngM Ooal ex dir bo 6W (IX 75 Adams Bx bo 87 1MNV 109 de aax SOS Erie Railway, 30 100 Erie pfd 68 900 do eix 1000 Readme; llt) 100 Mich Oen 11K lOOLkSh SoB 1M do 0 106K 100 do bobSlvSK 800 Ohi 4 NW 100 do 69 100 Jersey 1ISJ4 sua do us 110X I00MllA8tP 100 Del Lack A B.

110)5 100 do 116 100 Ohi Qaino B. Ill Mori Essex MM 100 A St 60(4 71 MOOO US 6s 81 0 118VI 82 115'. 31C00US 6 20O6S 114! 2500 US 6 20 67.. 10U09US6sonr. 12000 Tenn St 6s o.

lOUOTonnHtes 20000 do 100 do 1000 do fiOOO do 94 7IW 11 Ksan sax 10 2000 SO St S' Jan 4 July MX acooo do ao fiOOOMo St 6s lwilN mum Pun 7. miar'd btol mo iw HU) on VI 15000 GtWestSm 88 10CO0 4 Tol 6P 102M ZOO0 MU snj iimiM.wiuanM is. lunrnlilninAiaistra DS boOON YanuBsoaa vi 1000 Am Dk 6 1 Ob 7s. po EAGLE OFFICE. 1 P.

ITI, THE FAIL CAMPAIGN. Tlae Twenty first Ward Democratic Club. A meeting of the Twenty first Ward Democrats was held last night at Willis' HaU, Lafayette avonue, at eight o'clock. The meeting; was called to order by Mr. J.

L. Mar cellus. tho President. Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read! by Mr. G.

Albertaon, the Secretary, and adopted. Tho Chairman said, according to a resolution adopted at hurt mooting, he had appointed a FINANCIAL COMMITTEE. First DlBtrict Messrs. John P. Hennessy, 0.

Vrooman, W. Bloodgood and Daniel Witters. Second District Messrs. Patrick Nolan. W.

J. Woolf, Third District Messm, Henry Klnbcl, Jamca O'Brien and Henry Butterniau. Fourth District Messrs. Albcrtson, Michael Connors and'Andrew Weieell. Fifth District MceatB.

W. Duane, iBraol Tupper and Michael Henry. Sixth District Messrs. Thomas Guun, John Gerhard and Philip SullivaD. The Chairmau continued to eay that he submitted the names to the meeting, wishing to have their approval.

Tho CoramUloe was unanimously chosen. Mr. Charles AlbcrtBDD Raid he had receiyed a telegraphic communication irom the Corresponding Secretary of the Club Mr. F. A.

Maltoon stating that tho Convention was harmonious, and that it indicated that the Democrats will carry tho State, and desired to tell the Twenty first Ward to come Bolid to the front. The communication also gave tho names ot iho gentlemen on tho Democratic ticket placed in nomination by the Conventiou. The announcement was received with much applause. Mr. Steele moved that a committco of two or three be appointed to mako arrangomentB and procure sult speakers for the meetings to be held during the fall.

The Chairman named Messrs. Buckloy, Steele and MalUson. Agreed. 'lhe Secretary said it was contemplated very soon to have a meeting in New Brooklyn. He thought it a very good arrangement to have somo of their meetings there.

Mr. Gunn agreed with the Secretary, and believed it would be very nescBBary. The best placo to held it would bo in Sullivan's Hall, at the of Fulton avenue and Marion street, and hold the first meeting on next Wednesday. Mr. Sullivan supported the suggestion, anditHeemod to him that they wore all thoroughly imbued with Dom ocratlo principles.

Without any remarks from hiui he knew they wero competent to judge of tho success they wt ro about to obtain. It was a source of much pleasure to them all to read of the success of the delegates in this Convention. Never before was there such POLITICAL WISDOM and free thought exhibited as had been manifested during this critic. Ho fully endorsed whatever had been done and agreed with their intentions, and tho resolutions, had not yet been passed, butthoy would bo. Cheers.

He felt satisfied that those of this ward would vote on the right ticket. As a Democrat and a good citizen, a belfevor in tho principles which they all held, his wish was that overy offlco, oven from constable up, should bo filled by a good sound Domocrat. Choera.3 No doubt some of the Democratic party had erred, if they bati not been so they would have boen inhuman. ranks had a right to be purified, then would they be good sound Democrats, to como forward aud lace tho enemy IN SOLID PHALANX and united together they would succeed notwithstanding what had been said of them. Applause.

Mr. Albertaon briefly addressed the meeting, and Mr. RuBsel olso; and it having boen agreed to hold a meeting on Wednesday at Sullivan Hall, corner of Fulton avenue and Marion street, the proceedings terminated. TIi Twenty first Ward Reformers, The Citizens' nnd Taxpayers Association, of the Twonty flrst Ward, held another meeting last evening, at Foster's Hall, in Myrtlo avenue, near Marcy avenue. There were Borne thirty five persons present, and the meeting aa co Hed to order by John W.

Smith, the President, after which he minutes be previous meeting were read and approved. The Chairman The next business in order is the report of the Committee on Resolutions. The Secretary read the following resolutions submitted by the Committee: Whereas, for some time past it has been tho custom for some of our Democratic brethren of this ward and city to slate a candidate for to fill our ward offices, and the party so Blatod got the nomination, no matter what majority his ticket may havo got, and wo have organized for tho purpose of remedying this evil, therefore Jiesolved That wc, the Citizens' and Taxpayers' Association of tho Twenty first Ward of the City of Brooklyn, denounce tho form at present taken for carrying on ward primaries. Resolved, That we, Jas honest Democrats, pledge ourselves to support any candidate who gets tho nomination by a majority of Democratic votes from citizens of this ward. Ii8solvcd, That believe the majority should rule, and pledge ourselves to expose any candidate who gets a nomination by fraud.

liesotved, That we approve of these resolutions. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. The Chairman I am much disappointed in not seeing Mr. Grogan here. Ho promised tb come, and he may come yet.

Iu the meantime if any other gentleman wants to state his views he can do so. There was no response to this kind invitation, and a dead silence broko on the party. The opportune arrival of Mr. tirogan, however, created a little excite meut; and he was called upon to address the meeting. He said he had always been a bitter opponont of the present system of tho management of the Democratic party in this County, and as it had been managed for mauy years past.

New York and Brooklyn were the two great Democratic centres of tho country, but the leaders of the party in those cities had not tho interest of the party at heart. All they thought about or cared for was themBelves. To remedy this stato of affairs, tjo honest Democrats were trying to revive the National Democratic Committee, and ho invited the members of the Association to send a delegate there. Ho was not prepared to mako a speech now, but he had facts and figures in regard to the management of the Water Board and other public departments, which he would give them at some future time. The Chairman said that Mr.

Grogan had spoken his sentiments exactly, and he endorsed every word of it. On motion, P. Corrigan, Geo. Jeffers and John Burroughs wero appointed a committee to wait on a committco from the National Democrats, and the meoting then adjourned. TTlectiiiff of tlio Win.

E. Robinson Club. In the dingy back room of a German lager beer saloon, on the corner of Seventeenth street and Sixth avenue, in the Gowanus District, there was last evening assembled some sixteen persons, under the name und title of the "William H. Robinson Club," of which John to. Nolan is President, Thomas English, Vice President, aud Michael Ley don, Secretary.

Tne call of tho meeting specially invited the attendance of all persons in favor of having Mr. RobiiiBon as our next Mayor of Brooklyn. Tho President of the Club privately informed the roporter present thit in consequence of some mistako there would bo no business of public interest transacted. Tho Robinson Club then went into executive Besston. and tbe knights of the pencil about their business else wuore.

Tenth ara ftbbinson Club. Many of the citizens of the Tenth "Ward iu favor of Wm, E. Robinson's election to the Mayor alty of Brooklyn, met at the hall, corner of Sackett and Court streets', on last evening, and organized themselves into a campaign club. One hundred and thir teen names were placed upon the roll. A public meet ing, under tho auspices of the club, will bo held during the coming week, of which duo notice will be given.

The following officers were chosen James O'RoJHy Bennett, President F. Renchan, Secretary Michael uanevey, Treasurer. The German Democratic loneral Com mittee. A regular and well attended meeting of the German Goneral Committee of Kings County was held last evening at the Democratic Headquarters, No. 26 Court street, The placo of the President, Mr.

George Kinkel, who is a delegate to the Rochester Stato Convention, was occupied by the Vice President, Mr. Joseph H.Strauss, who called tho meeting to order, and addressed the uc'dkulct, uxgiug mem auto ao tneir duty In upholding Democratic nrinclnleH. 1 The minutea WPmrenil find annvrvtrnl ai4 V. delegates was called. With a very few exceptions all.

Charles SchlRmmer. Rnrrmd Wiwl. nH Dntinrt Fourth Ward, having tho necessary credentials, were then admitted oa delegates. The nomination of Died nca niueiB, oi aeneca. as Hnnrntarw nr Hfntn wQO enthujmwtically endorsed, and after a fow nnhZ the President, General E.

A. Kozlay, Hartmann and ointfru, luree rousing oncers were given fot Mr. Willets. The Organization Committoo mnnptnri thnt hr. Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards will hold a wood ujueung uoxt wees.

A special delegation from the Bixteenth Ward then requested admittance. Tho Prnaidant nnnnintari ft Von Nostitz, J. Bayer, AugUBt Vollborth, A. W. Quit iiu.

iTHjuuuu, uumer wwu tnem. uuring and on return of the Committna mnnrtivt nnfnvnr.hiir upon tho ndmiBsion of the gentlemen from the Six ieenm, mey not naving Doon regularly elected and having organized an independent club. Louis Ulrlch was recommendnd for tbo nAorttrwi nt juuMigr vuuiiiiiM.iiuuur, UUE DO 06110116 aCtlOI' WOS taken. Messrs. Strauss and Adler then spoke about the Organization Of a Gorman ntnh nt.

Hall, tho mombers of which wero uoither Rapublfcans Kv muLimo. iuu luuufciug men aojoumeo? until luui suity evening nexr. A DREADFUL FATE. Burned to Death at Sea. Tho yatoh Jennie Lee, with nine persons on board, eanght firo an! was burned to the water's edge on last Monday night, on Long Island Sound.

about nine miles off mbntauk Point. Two persona perished with the vessel, and the others narrowlv es caped we same sad fate. The Jennie Lee was a schooner rigged, sharply and well moulded, of abont forty tone sumptuously equipped. Thero wore aooommodations for a crew of four and twelre passengers. Last Spring it was purohased by Mr.

O. B. Jerrolds, a wealthy land owner ln Arizona and Colorado, who oamo on East to spend the Summer. After dividing the season at various watering places west roint, Lano mahopao, Saratoga and Sharon Springs, THE PAETT, consisting of Mr. and Mrs.

Jerrolds and their threo ohiiaren, Arthur, aged nine; Julia, aged seven, and Jennie, agodfour years; Anna MoGovorn (servant), and three seamen, Hank Buttles, Wxo. Quinlan and Jos. Reynolds, embarked at New York for BoBton. The later Bummor daya wore passed ia visiting various ohMrolng villages along tho Oonneetiomt coast, as fancy dictatod. They left Fair Haven harbor on Monday aftornoon, intending to make their way l.taurely toward this city and then roturn to their far western homo.

The night was but tho brilliant stars and lovely moon rendered tho dock very attraotivo, and the hour was late before tho party rattred. Buttlea aa at tho whoel and Quinlan oa deck; all tlio others were asleep below. Shortly after midnight Mr. Jorrolds had oceaaion ta go on (leek. Springing out of his borth, somewhat oon fused with sleep, ho waB going toward tho stairs when sudden lurch of the vessel, caused by abruottackhiff.

pitched him against tbe centre tablo. As he fell his outstretched hands olinohod tho lamp ohains which vraro hanging from tho oolling. The lamp was dashed to the floor, and lu a very short time the vosael was enveloped in flamos. Mr. and Mrs.

Jerrold made tho most frantic efforts to save the life of their child. They woro, howovcr, with difficulty got Into the small boat and their Uvea saved, Tha party subsequently oamo to this city, and last night departed for Philadel phia. A reward is offered for the roeovecy of tbo fcodios, and efforts to that ond are boing mado, bat tbo task teems hopeless. BROOKLYN THE A.T UK London Assurance. 1'AKK THKATIli On Hnnd.

OLYMPIC TflELVTREi Komale Minstrels. GLOBE Varioty Rnterttuninont. ACADKMY OF MUIU, N. Y. EnKltsti Opora Mtu Ihs.

STADT THEATRK. N. Y. Postillion do Lonjumem. WALLACK'S THKATRR, N.



Y. Riloou Ofto. NIBLO'S HARDEN, N. Y. Tho Streots of Now Yor'.

BOWKRY THEATRE, N. Y. Throo Fast Men Mar ilea Bachelor. LIN A EDWINS THEArRH, N. Frouch Open La Perlohole.


Variety Entertainment. WOOD'S MUSEUM, N. Y. Parformwcoa over? aftar Boon and evening, Oliver Twist. BRYANT'S NEW OPERA HOUSE, N.

Y. Mlnstrel Performance. SAN FRANCISCO MINSTREL HALL, N. Y. Nero Bo centric) tiee, etc.

TONY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSE, N. Burlesr.uo, Dongu, Dances, Ac. AMERICAN INSTITUTE EXHIBITION Third avenue and Sixty third streot, N. Y. Open day and evening.

SOMHRVILLE ART GALLERY, N. Y. ExhibiUoii Paintings. PARIS PAVILION CIRCUS Fourtoenth st, N. Y.

Equestrianism. The Fourth Edition of the Droolclyn Daily aerie is supplied to Newsdealers, Carrier, and the Public of the lantern District, at half past four TO, at the Distributing: Agency of (iieorfre A. Wood, No. 40 road way, E. near Roosevelt street Ferry.

To our Readers "We have established agencies for the sale of the Eagle at some of the principal business points in New York City, as follows: Attor House step. P. Rockwood, Grand Btreet Ferry. South Side Railroad, James Blip, New York. Woodruff Brothers, Erie Railway Ferry Buildings, corner of Chambers street.

New York. Supposed Suicide. About midnight on Wednesday a German, named William Quilfield, a fresco painter, aged 51, was found dead iu his room, at hi residence, WyckofT street. It is supposed that from the strango c.mduet of the deceased, previous to death, that Ik hud taken poison. The Coroner has hit ti notilied.

Assault and Battery. Mary Hurray, ro fidin in Columbia street, near Irvin street, to day charged her husband, Patrick Murray, in Justice Del mar's Court, with commit tins a violent assault on hjr fmtlii'23il of September, by striking her in the face, 'l't accused deuied the charge, and the case was ad jjurued for further iiiYe I Ration until October 11. Brutal Assault. Bridget Miner, residing at the corner of Horn, and Degraw streets, Tuesdiy, at Justice Delmar's Court, charged Luke and Catherine 3IcDermott with committing a violent assault on her onthc2rdof September last, by striking her on the head and body, and otherwise abusing her. The case was adjourned tmtil October 11, the accused beiiic; admitted to bail.

A Rabid Dog. Joseph Dedau was this morning tiken into custody by Oilicer Evans, on a warrant issued by Justice Walsh, on complaint of Mary Uauley, of Xweutyfirst street, for pormittiug his dog to run at large witbouta proper muzzle. Tho dog yesterday bit the complainant's son. The matter viil be settled in Court. THE HOUSE BREAKER'S HARVEST, Tho business of burglary appears to have eeu thriving throughout the city lagt night.

The Police records of this morning enumerate the following The liquor store of James Carroll in Fifteenth street near Tninl avenue was forcibly and feloniously entered and robbed of clothing and money of the value of HO, John Smith, and Harrigan, who arc accused of stealing a gold watch from Frederick Burr, on the nth of April last, were arrested lost night in a liquor store in Hudson avenue, and this morning brought before Justice Walsh. '1 he particulars of tho alleged larceny did not transpire, but the accused were held. I ast tveniDg some sneak thief entered the dry goods store of Louis Koetuburg, Mo. Ill Bridge street, and curried off about $100 worth of property. Clias.

Shandler Etole an overcoat from the clothing store of Bernard Schelling, 99 avenue, and was arrested, compelled to restore the garment, and stands a good chance of going to the Penitentiary. Some time last night the residence of Michael Pollock, No. 877 Pacihc street, wa3 entered by burglars, who carried of jewelry of the value of $140. A raid was also made, it is supposed by the sarao parties, upon the premises of Edward Pryan, SOi Atlantic street. Forty dollars in money, a quantity of trinkets and a canary bird rewarded their enterprise.

The police becamo acquainted with all the foregoing robberies after they had been commited. At an early hour this morning tho new and unoccupied house No. 7 Ealtic street was broken into, and a quantity of toola valued at $100 carried off. THE EIGHT HOUR MOVEMENT. Action of Operative Bricklayers Pro poned Comcrcuce with their Employ ers.

A largely attended meeting of the mem. bcrs of bricklayers Lmou No. 1, was held at Granada Bull, Myrtle avenue, last evening, the President, John Ijt try, in tht: chair. There were present delegates fr'im Unions 3 and "JC of city. Alter tLe transaction of a considerable amount of ruuUuc liubiiitEs, Tilt; EIGHT HOUR QUESTION 1'ing Ihe special order of the evening, came up for 1 i t.rstive bricklayers are now receiving 4 0 per day i.f ten i. Iht now propose to work eight honi lor 51 per day. Mr. Farley, a delate i the Bricklayers' Convention recently held in NVw York, tii i ttut it had been ijcd hy the liricklry. that city to conduct their df nburutioiis ncmt.

but it was pretty guncra'ly understood that they would wait until Spring, and then malii a demon? ration aud strike for eight hours. The Brooklyn workiugmtu should net operate with them in such a movement. jS'ow was the time to settle the question, and in a eactible manner. The days were getting so sbort. now thai the bosses lu.

an hour each day. If the workmen wouid lose another hour, ad reduce the fifty ccntri, that would te putting the eight hour law iuto actual operation. A committee of conference with the bosaf 3 fcuouid be appointed, and the mrtter settled on a fair and houorable basis. Then, in the Spring, there would bo no necesti'y for a strike. Strikes were seldom productive of any good.

If the workmen met their employers fairly and squarely, a thorough understanding could be arrived at, and a satisfactory settlement ma'le. 'lfce Chairman agreed with Mr. Farley that it would not do to combine with the New York masons, for tbey TKNDED TO DISORGANIZATION, lirooklyn masons should start on the right track and be honest and straightforward. Keports from members as to the opinions of their employers being called for, resulted in statements that many of them were willing to acoede to eight hours, provided the men would reduce their wages fifty cents per day. In order to get the senso of the meeting, Mr.

Conroy offered a resolution that the members of Union No 1 would reduce the rate of wages from $4.50 to $4 provided their employers would reduce the hours of labor from ten to eight. The resolution was adopted, abont one hundred voting in the affirmative and only two in the negative. Mr. Conroy then moved that a committee of seven be appointed to confer with the employing masons inform them of the action of the meeting, agree, if possible, on a basis for future action, and report back to the Union at Us meeting. The motion was adopted, and Messrs, M.

Conroy, James Kelly, H. A. O'Brien, John Keenan, John Seery TJm. Mahadyand A. Van Voaat were appointed as a Committee.

Messrs. Maxwell and Hosey were appointed to confer Tftth Union 3, and Messrs. Kelly and Mahady to confer with Union No. 26. It was reported that those Unions would adont the Earoe course as No.

1. A question being raised as to what newspapers tho Union would advertise in, the Eagle was selected unanimously. A member suggested a New York pauer whereupon several members ridiculed the idea "antl the Chairman said that that paper was not nine hut "stuff and bunkum." The Star was rejected. The meeting then adjourned. Klners County Ileal Estate Transfers Lafayc'ta av fcl.5 of (Jraham Bt, JMx78, car.

snare Bergen et, 219.2 of Bond Host st. 2'lxUUl Greene av, n8, V2a it of Ntuyvesant av, RutiedKo at, 22I.s oi Loe av, 2U.2xi0) I'enn at, 22.2 nt ista av, 40.4XUW Third av und Forty ihird at, curner, 50. 2x100" hatayetto av, Sl.fl of Kent av, S0x7S Perm st, of Bedtord av, 2l.irl00 Fulton av, s. 2.2 of av, 75xij7. txS74 to llallht, Bond and Butler ts, southerly fce'tjnth stand North Seventh st, corner 2ii" Ke van th at, Wn rf North tie Venth kI 25x166" llh ft 3 Vori1011 av' 100x350x75x175x25 Rfths ht, sffof iledhiVAKvyiii.kxmi'h.iV Nom 2.00 15I1IU 13,200 1,700 8.0W 7.20J 6,500 103 1.800 Whiogton av and Willoughby av, a corner, lOfl' ar, SKoof Iwts ay, ajilou, 5 009 Mcuart av, In in of Oowenhoton lane, New Utrecht, IM.3.

wol, roar lot, 25x91.4 lm Marcy av and Cwinnett Et. 18x85, Ai' (Jwinnott st. 85 ft of av, 20x200 9 100 fe av, 2d ft of Keap st. 20x85. dt 1.

ij'ujn Kortb 2d st, ft 8 In of Sd st, 23x78, and'l Ml It 6 in of 3d st, 20x77.6 ROO tVjckoffst, 100 ft of, and Grand av, rear lot. 25xtM.6. irreg. and Nom Jlwlford av, ws, 7dtt3ln of Willoughby av.25.6x SIonroH st, 2J ft 6 In of Franklin av, 17.2x100. Ii aod 1 Grab.nn av and Withers at, 5 Vcor.

MxlOO," connrm. 1,000 6,000 Nom 3,000 atorv unci CI KoulbSd st, 125 ft "se of fth'si! 25x95. I leao i 150 It of Grand av, 16.8x110, hand Centre st and Central av, cor, 125x100 2,650 1.1,1, Ul Cltl Bb. UXBUUlUr. half sbaro Nuips 70 ft of "atcnon av, os.

25 ft of Van Buron st, Jlaconib st, 1 ft 10 lu a of th 20x59.11, and I Macomb ft, c'b, lot 189 Heyward st, 273 ft in of Loo 19.6x100, ana iJean st, 215, of Buffalo nv, 7.7.7.'. 144 8 of Booford av. 22.4x100.. liay Kidgo, 2d av, adj McGeo's, about iii acres.

Nom 1,000 5,125 4,500 4,500 1,000 375 1,950 6,050 800 lo.ouo 550 2,886 4,100 9,000 At'ftntlc and Utlca avs.s cor, Sclionck av, s. 225 ft ol Baltlo av, andl. ot Wrtl 25 9x75, If ckf ord st', iooftn Na jsk'u 46 6 0llklM1(1 MIM, Jth Bt.a SjHiV 'a," of Lafayette si. 60x100 12,500 5 8 374 ft 7 In ot 6th av, 100x100 20 W) Baltic st, at, 314 ft 1 in of 6th av, 40x100. fan and U.

SlXoo Charles S. 81,000. 1nt.l nitauii lUBBD, Bt, II riivision av, 60.6 ft of Soventh at, 20.1x70 ff.aM of Bo'elth av, 6talM 8 'ii34 of Clinton st, 49.6x100 Bergen st, s. 220 ft of Rochester v. J5xl27.9 ft 0 of Kranklin st, lOOxWO blxth av ft of Fifty lirst St.

closure 120 0 of Coart Il0 UMx20' ki; 'iiileVk 'o'f (rear)! of Nineteenth st, 100x100, X.DOB 4,850 4.000 16,000 4,000 300 tot "n.d. oastarly cor, i soS AS KW1, 354 Sixth liSi TbUIy nlnthst, 278 ft Of Sixth JLjUGAIj NoncEs. NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY. Edwin R.

Bheridan aud Theodore W. Sheridan, against John Androws and Eliza bothN. his wife, and Jacob S. Jackson, in partition. In pursuance of a judgment of partition, made in tho tbov entitled action on tho fourth day of March, 1871, hereby give notice that on the twonty socond day of November, 1871, at twelve o'clock noon, at tho Balearoom of Cole A Murphy, No.

319 Fulton Btreet, in tho City of Brooklyn, and County of Kings, I will bdII at public auction, to tho higboat biddor, tho lands and premises in said judgment mentiouod and tbereln described as follows: "All those certain lots or parcels of land situate, lying and boing in tho Seventh Wad of tho city of Brooklyn, Klng3 County, known and designated on a map on file in the Clerk's (now Register's) office of Kings County, entitled Map of tho hay scale farm in the Seventh Ward of tbo City of Boootlyn," mado by Silas Ludlara, by tho numbers eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, bounded north by lot Boventeen on said map, twoatyiivo feet; oast by Crand avonue, ono hundred nnd forty live feet six inches; Bonth by Perk avenue, twenty seven feet four inches; and west by land formerly or John Ryerson, ono huudrcd and forty ono feet more or less And also, lots designated on said map by tho numbers thirty live, thirty six, thirty seven, sixty tiro, sixty threo and sixty four, bounded north by lets thirty.fonr and sixty five, two hundred feet; oast by Stoubou livo feet; south by lots thirty eight and aixty onoon said map, two hundred feet, and west by Grand avonue, seventy five feet. And also, the lot designated on said map by tho number two htindird nnd Hftysix, bounded and described as follows, Beglnningata pointon tho wosterly lino of Seacock elrOet, distant four bund rod foot northerly from the northwesterly corner of Myrllo avenue and Scbonck stroot, and running thonco northerly along tho wosterly side of Sclienck street, twenty iivo foot thonco westerly and parallel with Myrtle avenue, one hundred foot thenco southerly and pr.rallel with Souonuk street, twenty five foot, aud thenco easterly and parallel with Myrtlo avonue, one hundred feet to tho place of beginning; together witti one hrtlf in widtJi of Schonok street in front of and adjoining tho sum lot uateu moomyu, uctouer ih. i. WILLIAM J. OSBORNE, Referee.

Barney, Butleb. Pabsonb, PIUs' Att'ys. oc6 6w C3UPREME COUKT KINAS OOUNTV. KJ Horace Humphrey and Edmnnd M. Wood.

DlaincifTa. against Jamos B. defendants. Aotion no. j.

in pursuance oi ajuflgmont order of this Court made in this action on the 30th day of September, 1871. COO On dil mi 12 nod mlnnn. hnrohp irivn nni.lia thnf nr. ih 18th day of November, 1871, at 12 o'clock noon, at Colo Murphy's auction room, No. 379 Eulton streot, iu tho City of Brooklyn, I will soli at pnbllo auction, to tho highest biddor, the premises iu said judgment menttonod and thorein described as follows: All that fi i 6 parcel or lana situato, lying wtwvo ivn nuuwu ttuu uusiguaiOU UU ft Cgr tain map on filo fn tlio Register's Offloo of Kings County entitled "Map of property ai Kaat York, Kinga County, lately belonging to Lewis Curtis, surveyodand drawn py Mattin O.

Jobnson, Jamaica, Soptomber, 1869," as and by the number 287 (two hundred and eighty seven) In block 11 (eleven) sind bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on tud Westerly line of Bennett avenue, at a poincaistantone nuaarBU (liuj ieet, nortUerly from the uiiuuwtnuoEjjr uuruurui uBaueib ana uuryei avenues, as tbe Same am laid down nn nM trtnn. nnH rimnlnv thanna northerly along Bennett avoflde, twonty. five feat; thenoa uowriy parallel wwn iuryen aveiiue ono nnnaroa (lUBj feet; thonce southerly parallel with Bennott avonoe twenty iivo feet, and thence easterly parallel with Daryea u. uuuu uuu uuu run i iw) ieot go me point or piaoe oi De ginning. Dated October 3, 1871.

ROBERT MERCHANT, Refer ss. He bin a A Sampson, Att'ys, Tremont, N. Y. UPREME COURT KINGS COUNTY RtlflHrtll IT Adnmn nnrl Ramnol Ka nor O. Keith, et al.

Hollis Buxton. Dlalntlff' attar. neye. In Dursnanoe of a judgment of thia Court, made ia tho above entitled action, barlng data tho sixth day of October, A. 1871, I will sell at public auction at tho juujiiioroiai xutoaange, ws jmicon screec, tne uity or Brooklyn, on Saturday, the 29th day of Ootober, 1871, at twelve o'clock, noon, all that certain plooo or parcel of mu wiumu.

tying ana oeing in cne uuy oi orootiyn. County of Kings and State ofNew York, bounded and do. scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning as a point on the nuibutiriy biuo ui ion.aiD evenue, uibhuc nm ioet easterly irom the northeasterly corner of Lewis and DeKalb avenues, and where a line drawn through the centre of a party wall standing partly on the lot hereby conveyed and partly on tho lot next westerly thereof would, if oontinuod, lnterseot the said north side of DeKalb avenue the nee running easterly along DeKalb avenue twenty feot, to a point where a lino drawn through the centre of another party wall standing partly on the lot horeby convoyed and partly on the lot next eaBtorly thoroof would, If continued, intersect Luusiiiiio: inuuuu norcneny, ana parallel wltn LewiB avenue and through tho middle of the party wall last above i if ik wubi tuwuce westerly, ana parai mm KBijuiu uvwiub, twuuij loot; inenco oouiQeriy, of tho party wall first abovo mentioned, ono hundred feet, 1871 1 "hmnLuKi uiwiujiii, vjuwiior oc6 3wgATa OERARD M. STEVENS, Referee. SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY.

Jamoa D. Fish, agt. George W. Hall and others. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and salo made in nno ouwun on mo aoin aay or may, iai, Horeby givo no tico thatonthe 6th day of 1871, at tho hoar of ton Btreet, in tho City of Brooklyn, Kings County, I wiU nun a auuuuu, iu iiiu uiKuoag oiaaor, cno ianas ana Promises in said docroo mnntinnor.

nnrl thnmln An.riun,t as follows, vie All that oortain house and lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tho City of otawj oi new xoric, Dounnea and follows: Beginning at a point ou the nortborly aide of Dean street, distant throe hundred and fifty (850) feet easterly from tbe northeasterly corner of Dean street and Grand avenue thenoe running northerly parallel with Grand avenue and partly through tho centre of a party wall one hundred and ten (110) feet to tho centre linefcetwoen Doan and Pacific streots; thence easterly along said centre lino Bixteon (16) feet eight (8) inches: thenco rnnninn southerly parallel with Grand avenue and partly through tho oontre of a party wall ono hundred and ten (110) feet to tho northerly side of Dean street: and thenoe westerly along Dean street sixteen (16) feet eight (8) inohos to tha point of beginning, Dated September 12. iB9'w GERAllD MT SBaVHNSrRaforee. J. E. BBBBT.

PPtffa Att'v. saWSwlhAM SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY Albert P. Wells against Jacob Orth and others. In inrsnanoeof a iudgmont of foreclosure and sale made la bts aotion on the 21st day of August, 1871, the under signed referee, give notice that on tho 6th day of October, 1871, at 13 o'clook coon, at the salesroom of Cole Mur 51iy, No. 879 Fulton streot, City ot Brooklyn, County of i.ings, I will bcII at public auction to the hlg hest bidder, tho lands and promlsos in said iudgmont mentioned and therein described as follows; All that oortain lot, piooe or naroel of laud, with tho buildings and improvement there on orooted, situate, lying and being in the Eleventh Ward of the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings, and State of New York, bouudod aa follows, to wit: Beginning at the southwesterly oorner of Pnnca street and Myrtle avonue, thence running southerly along the westerly side of Prince Btroet seventy nve feet; thenoo westerly and parallel with Myrtle avenue twenty one feot and threo inches: thence northerly and parallel with Prinoo street sevon ty flvo foot to Myrtle avonuo and thpnoo easterly along the southerly sldo of Myrtle avenue twenty one feet three InohOB to tho place of beginning.


Ing Forest Btreot from Bushwiok avenuo.or Boulevard, to Bremon stroot, To all whom It may oonoora: The under BlflTlOd Cemmlilfllnnnranl1 Kutlmat in tha0)A. if i meet at tho offlco of tho Attorney and OouuBollor of the City Brooklyn, In tho Oity HaU of said oity, on Wedoesday.tho 18th day of Octobor. nt 2 o'olook in tho afternoon, to proofs and alienations of all partlos Interested; and will continue moot by adjournment from thns to time, as may be doomed necessary and expedient. At tbo umo and placo abovo specified, tftlodoeda and other evidence of title should be produced. Dated Brooklyn, oa.


Nn ft Wtv TTnll Pl.n fclnnR Will hn ronnlvmi hv tMn nnirimnn a or'apffieo. nntU Monday, October 16,1871, at 8 o'clock P. for robullding the dock, foot of South Sixth streot. Twenty five dollars nromlum for plan, Ao. By order of tho Common Con octi.

Brook lyn, Ootober 4, 1871. ocMOt ROBERT XV UKKY, stroot QommlvAoaox..

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