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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WIS? 3S ii ii i inn miii ii ii hi 1 lllirl SECOND EDITION. THIRD EDITION I fIRST EDmOS. a1 i BeHI. J. I Xlxrvt ON TTitat OTTTiTi UBWJ" I tho MOBliH is "61 no 1 i.

lITr! they bad taken every precaution by way of alleviation, Boili the drivers were discharged, and tho agont advised to ubo discrimination in making ai roats. Miso Oenation. Nolson Patorflon, a dnrk vlfagod, was up beforo JubIIco Eamoa to day at the Instigation of a white woman named Jsue, who had degraded herself po mnch as to stjlo herself bis wife, he Toeing cbareed with having abandraod and left her ponniless. Nelson assured tho Justice of his willing, ness to provide for hor, and ststod that he rcae only too willing and ready if eho would but stay at homo. Tho man was discharged and at the woman's own request Bhe wsb sent to Jail as a vagrant.

Alleged Laeoent. A youth named Geo. Besrdon abont nine years old was looked up evening by Offlrer Langan at the complaint of Mr. J. R.

WilBou, of No. 27 Powers Btroet, E. from whoso residence George was accused of taking a silk mantilla valued at S15, Ibo properly of his daughter. Tborff being no complainant on hand to proiecuto this morning, and the youngster being enabled to convince Justice Yoorbirs that another boy bad committed the theft, and was showing tbo garment to htm whon tho officer was cccn approaching and ho ran off and escaped, thus secured his discharge. Lieut.

Colonel "William i ia ofufr tiaa hnon nromotod A 11 1 by Hl Xcouonoy, vuu vu" dlitrl. skTlio first steamer puro asod 1 lire nu i'hcW, brought down to tho olb office afternoon. It P'ondla WP Anioskcag engine, and has all the tatort Ovomcnta, It Has not been tested yet, bu It in ifldently expected that it will fulfill all expectations. It la credit to the pppartmont. hnr.T.TRiou.

Tho Clinton and imnntiiDi orrohnata running on Fulton ferry, col iMert hiv iftor three o'clock this morning in tho middle of stream. Tho Mineola bad tho sido of hor ntl. In. It WSS singular BUaif, ll.M. as thero was no fog, light enough and but cry few crafts npon.tho river.

Nobody Mitt. ft ivo f1r D.lvr.Krt Wilt THE ENSDINa SC Ma ctiR.At noon to day, tho Water Board opened and referred to tbo engineer for report, a larga number of proposals for cleaning the streets of tbe city for ensuing sir months. Tho specifications require tr contractors that "all slrcot3 and lanes shall OTighlyijcraped and swept, and all week nd loose stones promptly removed a lu urlng Ibo months of March, Apr" guat, September, October and HoPf cf 08 to i ed by the InRPer hie Bara. hcalt winter months shaU bo clean. as often as tio weather permit or necessity requires all heap3 of dirt collected onBtreots muBt bo at least three feet from the curb, and must bo removed at loasttwcntj four hours after they aro collected.

The mouths of sewers, or basins shall bo iept free frrm obstructions at ail times, and tho dirt therefrom prompt'y removed. All dirt, ashes and garbags found in barrels or boxcB upon tho sidewalks to bo removed 6t le6t onco in each wcok, and twice whop, required by the Board upon a day or dayB designated by the Inspector of tlite Board, tbo same to be removed to snob place or places as tho Board may approve of." Tho oldatieot cleaning contracts oxpiro with to day. Fell Ovebboaed. Daniel Higgins, a boy, f. Into the river at Pronlico's Dock, yesterday aftor nion, and camo neir drovnin3, and would have been, had it not been for tho prompt action of a young man, Edward Travis, who iurancd in and reacuod him.

Tho boy was (alien to his home near by. Bbice op Accidents. Abraham Wiajplioim er, attempted to pot on a Myrllo avomio car, near Tc ioi I Uahed hi, Duffield slreot, last night, and in doing ao foil to mo EAGIiB OFFICE, 3 Ida PH0M THE PACIFIC COAST. Sak Fbakoisco, Juno 23. The DemocratlO State Convention met In Sacramen to to day.

J. B. Crockot and Wm. Lenselnor woro nom ina'ed for JhdgCB of tho Supremo Court of tho Stato by acclamation. Tho Enssian Amorican Company haa beim a suit against Hiram Ketchum, Oolleobr of Customs at Sifltsjfor (ho illegal soluro of tho company's ahip Czar wltcb, claiming $200,000 damages.

The California State Fair will opon fn sacramonto September Cth. The prominmB offerod amount to $20,000. Successful oxperimenta have been made In this city with a working model of an aoriol navigation machine. It not only ascended Into tbo air, but was propotled in any required direction by the macblnory, and it has tho capacity for carrying eight or ten personf), being con structed for tho purpose of making trips to Now York. Tho inventor is confident that the trip can be made in twenty four hours.

MABKETS AND Sa. Hour is artet there is some ia qu'ry for Bblptaont to Obina; quotations oro unokanged. Bales of coast wheat at 81 7tf ara cho'ce new at 81 60. legal tondors, ux. Arrived Prefet P.

Feart, from Bordoux. Oloarod San lYanelsco for Heroale3 for Oallao, Princess Royal for Buzzard Mot. Balled Radiant for New York, Regent for Liverpool, Allianzfor Valparaiso, Annie Siae, for Callao. Sudden illness ol Judge I ra Karris. AlSAtnr, June 29.

The Schenectady correspondent of the Argus says in rolation to the paralytlo stroke Buffered by Judgo Harris at Iho Union Col'ege ycslarday: "Judge Harris, who had been actively participating in the convlvlalilies of tho trustees, and who w3 evidently delighted with tho buccoes of affairs, declined to speak when called upon by his class (that of I82J) and named Dr. Sana to mnko tho reply. Complaining shortly afterwards of feoilng unwell, he walkod from tho room, and it was not UU some tune elapsed that a partial paralysis ltsolf." Dr, Tedder was hi immediate attendance and af forwards Dr. Frank Hamilton was called in.and tno graver symptoms passed away, and the Judge was soon in a way of recovery. Tho ovent caBt a gloom ovor tho othirwlto brilliant day.

Governor Hoffman will pro sido at tho Union College to day, and deliver tho diplomas in the absence of ActiDg HaiJs, who la stilt toe 111 to attend. Maine Temperance Convention Boston, June 00, 1869. The platform of the Maino Temperance State Convention recognises the necessity of austainlng tho public credit and paying tho public debt promptly, and the propriety of Stato legislation to develop tho re sonrccs of tho State; and believing that temperauce will test promote these ends, favors the total prohibition of tbo liquor traffic, expeot as rocoguisod by tho laws, and a Stito polico to oxecuto It. Tbo final reso lution pledges tho support of the temperance party io Hon. N.

G. Hichborn. THE FILIBUSTERS. Capture of a CaVan Expedition. The Ira Mabie, Jonathan Chase and H.

M. Cool, tbrco tngs filled with Cuban recruits, who bad gone down the Sound on Saturday night in tho expectation of being transferred to a steamer to depart for Cuba, wero all captured about 1 o'clock this morning. It seems that tho oxpocied stoanicr did not mako its appearance, and thoso on board tbe tuga kept them as much os poseiblo out of sight of any prying eyes, await fng furthor developomonts. In tho meantime tbe provisions on board tho tugs gave out, and thoso on board, a roporior each from tbo Herald, Tribum and Sun, wero almost in a Btate of Btarvation. Tho capture wob made just off Gardiner's Island, at tho eastern ond of tbo Sound.

Marshal Barlow, having recalvod word how mattora etood, made preparations to capture tho tugs and men. Deputy Marshal Christie in tho Rovonuo Cutter He Cullocb, captured the Mablo and H. M.Cool, and Deputy Marshal Groig, in the Revonuo Gutter Campbell, cap tured tbo Chase, It has not been definitely ascertained how many mon wero what officers wore with thorn, al though it is belioved that Cot, Ryan 1b In command. Tho tugs and men, including the roportorfl mentioned, have been turned over to tho custody of Admiral Gor don, Commander at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and tho tugs aro now lying off tho Yard, and so tho mattor ro plains at present. SECOND DISTRICT Enter Allobcn Exit Williams Scoues fit the Court street Office this Ulorn in Mr.

Williams Surprised with a Gold Beaded Cane, etc, The Second District Asseeso'ra office this morning were a econe of disorder which prosonted a slrililng contrast to the usual quiet, buslness liko aspcot ofthevlaco, Clerks and Assistant Assessors stood groups of twos and threes talking about "the Haltor and the Axo," as if it were tho merits of some now book thoy wero discuEBing. They woro a orltical look, and tholr tone was ono of forced good humor. Tha youngest or tue oaten insisted that thuro was aomo mis take about the dato that it was the first of May instead of July which had come moving day a day to which ho always had a spoclol avorslon, ond now more than ever Asaisiant AEseBBOr Kenyon, whose greatest boast Is that ho elill stands erect hi spite of fate and Mr. Reevo, was on hand early. The veteran Alderman and Assistant AsEeBsor Hathaway was not far bohind; and tho rest of iuo BBiaeiant Assessors of tho district aoon followed.

Assessor Williams waB boey all the time comploting tlje iiu6.mi um auaus preparatory to tneir being iiouoitiicu luisauernoon to bis successor, the Hon JameB B. Allaben, who wbb sitting at that very momont in nis Bcnntily famished law office across the Blreet complacently rubbing his hands togothor, and indulging in a reverie of the good tlmo coming, The Houorablo gentleman recolvod quite a number of calls in the courae of tho morning, aud many and tender wero the inquiries after his health. To aU of these he gave a stereotyped roply that his sanitary condition was a salubrious one and then fell into oastlo building again, until tho next interruption oame. His aerial diversions appeared to be very pleasant and consolatory. A BXTBPBISE FOB AB3E8SOB WILLIAMS.

Just as the Eaolk reporter was leaving the oiflce of tho Second District Assessor, Mr. Kenyon beokoned bimina royslerious manner behind a pile of books, which had been dragged out of their resting places In readiness for boing handed over to the Hon. James B. Allabon. "Look here," eaid Mr.

Kenyon, when they wero thus secreted together. To tho astonishment of the re porter Mr, Kenyon became momentarily humpbaokod; but tho protubranco disappeared, aa ho drow from somewhere In Iho vicinity of his spinal roglon a mag nlBoont ebony cane, with gold head nrtisticallv choaod. and having an inscription of some sort. "What do you mink of this? we mean it as aBtnpriBo tor tho As sessor. It comes off at eleven o'clock." The inscription wan an followa iK Tni, Williama by the Assistant Assessors and dorks of tho utwiiu iB June ay, low." Prf came off at tt o'clook to the minute.

All the Assistant Assessors were present. Mr. John McDiarmid, Assistant Assessor of the Second Division (Grtenpoint) made the presentation Bpeoob, THE EBESENTATION SPEECH. thnt notr they were about to A6tstnt Aesoeeoraof the Second .1 "pon 89 a "ay t0 express to Assessor l'eLr CBtecm an.d regard. The practice of the ueeu Buuiownai peculiar.

Onco a month uuu cauea tnem together to givo icflt of his instruction and ndvirn. occasions they had noticed BO and Bound ludument dla. it was the opinion ot aU of them ble and efllclent aorvlco like his in th sold pt was wormy of nromotion. A dee was promoted In tho army why wordB i Iuw moro approorluto ad to Mr. Williams.

Aid. 1 i low words to Mr. Williams similar to 1 lWILLIAMB. Mr. Williams This beautiful fesii moninlof friendil so tatcen me by sur prise, that I find iu to una suitapje words to express iver Bhould have failed to appreciate th with which you have at all times nerfoi oa assistant of the Goy Assessors and Clerks for t) eminent, and to acknowled; idebtedness for tViA oveellent aafiistauCe times and nnder all circumstances rendi proving yourselves to bo a noble Btail pon in the diBcharee of mv duties as An mat aa to the time ia come for mv official co: bo dlssolvod.

vou have presented mi blem of your friendly Bupport througlt dor of mv life. Allow mo to say th; cborieb it, nut only for ite intrinsic value representative of that faithful band who much to make my official duties pleasant. I Tbe boose, papers, of the office were banded over to Assessor Allabon this afternoon, Cement Pdjino fob Laugh Settees, Water Board went on nn oxcurslon yesterday to th cement pipe works of Knight Woodward, atCauld well, on the Hudson. Engineer Adams, Senator Pierce, Engineer Martin (of Prospect Park), and other gentlemen accompanied tbem. The stono pipe used for large cowers has been cbiofly imported hitherto and it Is now claimed that coment piping can bo made hor equally as good as tho imported stone, and 60 to.75 per cent, cheaper.

In building the smaller sowers with this cement piping a large amount of money has already een saved to Broosljn, and It is boHeved bytlywler Board that it will prove atill moro economlca' brought into ubo for thelarger sewers. After nn inatlon of Ihe works, the party partook of a cetoi at which speeches were mado by CommiSBioaer Northup, Senator Pierce and others. POLICE lAI CEil KNOt MlSCEQENATIOK DlSOBD BLY HoUSE Jo3. Ohildery, a colored individual, thlrty two years of age, and who 'declarea himBeU tol)B one of the plaBterlng and wbitowosbing fraternity of AfrlcanB, was arreBted last evening, by Officer the Forty ninth Pre tfie alleged keeping of a disorderly house in TtAroan Btreet. near jiuuaiu mu white girl, seventeen jeara of age, and Howard, a coiorea oiwro, mates of the house, were aiso arresieu fleer, upon a onarge oi vagiuuur, 10 nave oeeu, ior ouuit.o white ana macs proauiuieu, male conaorta.

The one of general quiet' oy a very respecia home, from the op. mates, Docamo ai trio are neia cruelty to i Menzel, thdr withi plaina S5I "ROARD J98BRK NRAR OON com vcoreo aer ble flrst class. forono laoytta jeS0t OOARD 41 HAH PTVO OR 9 UlXCORQOUt.feQO&nil TlOAKD t.m hflaRD. TO S3 tnoBlnfllofiiUomonl ElmDlace. 1 By front room, at 13 TJOARD ASIOEl INISSBD boarders takeu, Je302t! LP room to let, ran doii at2SJ Jsyst.

OARD LEI IBOARD, TO two Elnalo gei emeu third ma mm le303t room, at 13 Elm pi pis' OARD os: mM he jktjtlemEN r7i. yi in firnilr: room Urge sfd wej location nlswant. lease cui i TOARD lixsl tij ILL, FURN ished rooms in pi 1 i 107 Lawrence st; bouse within twelve all street terry. losu ov Iavenue a gentleman and iwo gentlemen. DOARD 1555 front alcove roon wife, and a back roomb 1080 OARD ONI Tj tlcman and wife or ITS A GEN len, can obtain a Willow st; threo l.n mil rnnm nn tl minutes' walk from Fnltjj rat ex.

mRNISHBD ROARD han: vnoms. with boar4 1 story, auitHble for i or transient, may nr Rlnffio ffentlei Est, first door from he ohtamea, oy appiyia, Henry, nve minntea1 wi I ferry, joau iv TOARD PLEp; MS. WITH 3 good board, tor tvi onntlamen also. flsomely furnished, loTge uaca parjur muu. at No.

108 Willow I and Ulark streets. 13 OARD COD JJ CITY COM esBt of Bedford ave, gentlemen or gentli dated with board and Pj Klnnil T.ftIftVP.ttO can be aooommo prms moaerato. SO A OARD A JO yonng men caul) ad nith drst olasa ition, hause front idors wanted: in. boaru, ugni anu aw i tnt, nn Knrt Groene 1 quire at 8M Myrtle avef JJI BordBt. JeMHt HOARD TWl 5E GENTLE J3 men oan be aocoiw ArinmsKt terms tnodeau feasant and nithin a few minutes walk of Ml as auava.

toardatIT' TatTBY oor.Jay. The tag ohanged bands, bw ready to receive VitKrilnM TTiHrrlp.d or SB I Die lermij; aAu ie30tit few ooaruura OARD PL Ibnishbd rooms to ne ard; houso nasau fhn finnr flad OOr imnrovemenua A ner of tiie block. AplyI isi, between Oourb 1ED ROOMS, and Clinton sta, Sontnpj OARD WEW'I lot aflli narthl gentlemen, ia ft wements and is ib4a fiimilot house bw witbin eight minutes' kdk Al nf. 110 Sauisitl ty; terms moaor TOARD AT a ST. NEAR WTt In nt wituuen story rooms.

tn a entleman and Gentlemen, or to a trnlihad also, hall nart yoi genMeiuouiwpip Est forry and three rnnmB WltDlD BIX mi: of South, 1T OARD TO Ml RKOARU, TO IB irentlenien andHewl Heimtle gontlcmon, floor; house Wovomonts, hot and It, third door from nioely furnished roonj 1b pleasantly located cold water. Apply f) Henry. 1 leap m. Bli OARD ATBt 1 iTIC st, be IB fnfn mintinkui Km omeiy lurnisuou of simrle aentle rooms for a gentleuifi lud meD, where tho comprts ofiB he euiovod: houBO Iirh All tho modern iiurove: uteB' walk of South Iny. TJOARD A RI; en Mb within tire miu FAMILY a would let, wiu moo.

ncond floor, and ditite fr of front rooms, floor; anod clos at rnnma nnrt nit inliriremi I'siiuated on hich gronnd, twenty minps to fj moderate referents exol fear routes, terms iuth siae Hanson Dlace, tiltu door cnaoi nun oau at tooard bJok EXT EN sion, futnifhli or ui water and wardrobq, for btnn ln irphtlnmen'. so, BUUl ith hot and com wifn. nr mrtv ot second tloor, and Binds rooms; houslhas al1 irovameats; very 6. Applr at 213 Dleasantly located itoou tai WashiDgton st. renATtTi Oi ENTIETH JZ Ward PirtJs wishl rtm.VilA hnnDO.

wkhbodcrn rooms In a iawe i. firat.oiass. mi it in noiffldynntaifl at 126 Adelphist; makina it a desir bouse is surroundolby a largo sard on, able home ior the Jinier; twenty minutes fromforrios. J026 of i BOARD 3 "OJN nu 8 a a. Bomcly urn bed rooms, Willi first class board, lor two gentlemen am heir wives, or single cent lemon 1 Sous contains all moden mproyoments, nowly Uttod up aud nn iliod and mo pleasantly located flvo minutos' from Woll stand FuUe ferries.

Xpnly to W. COOK. 4i issau st, between 'VVaahi gton and Adams sts. Jo2a ut OARD ABMALL PKI VATJfi KAMI andvtife. with lioiid.avery pleasant front room, second storv, wiihbedrooi adjoining, neivlv papered and carpeted, furnished or ufetnished the houso is hret clafB, with all tho modern iJurovementB, nleassntlv located, within convenient walkinj uHtanco ot tho principal ferries, aod near Foiton and ieliulb ave.

cars; reforenco given and required. 'e iJt TTPOARD vanted a furnished JLP room, with rsakfast, for tpp young mea near fer ries: terms must moderate, aouress ugio umvo. tdoard wanted partial by a rtahifa mnol. hn llPar BmOS 1 iorge room and molcrn improvements indispensiblo. Address, with full JarUcuIars and terms, C.

W. Eagle otnee. BOARD WINTED A SU, JfUMU. cd or unfnrn shed rooms, singly or othonviso. with o.

without board. If fouare in want of suitable lodgers or boarders, and Irish to get tho right parlies, rnplv iiomoo'i atelv at the noiioing, rvoom MonUiKUO at, near Lourl established 1867. jo29 St COIJWTM BOARD. COUNTRY BOARD WANTED UJ young gentltnan, doing business in Hrooicir, ooo hours' walE ol ty iian. uuiubu, Sii J.

lisglo oince, y. COUNTRY BOARD OA1 il prirato Hiarding hoii30 at Al terms. AEMSTItONG Box ET MOITSS ART OF Al PPLY Ises, 105 West Hreen Ciiu ton ano Court. je302t mo LET BARBERS THJ PART of a first clat! cigar storo ition ohosp rent, an fuiton a'o. rifr 3 Tdlary st, cuuurcu, toconu iiwi I near Jay.

mo LET CHEAP 5 THIRD a floor, contaimnu five roi r.lnjntn in nrdendid ordet. For iter and watf nquire of lanu lord, on emiscB, No. 1S3 Butler, TO LET FOB" HOy! apartmentfl ot four fine rsq convenient to ferries. KRAIM EEPING ber month very ''o, pulton Bt. mo TETON TH: 5R OF AT lantioand Oletraont ins BheersAloon.

with a small oottage nonth. Also, storo and basement, $20 ner mon lf. mo LET THE SE(! iiOOR. FOUR JL rooiM, oi a 2 story quire on the premises in avo. ill per month.

In uouse WCBb UI riitu 1030 mo LET A I. fi IT. I front bed room, ttf required at 32 60 per 1 Bee in the mornings if in olgar Btore, S17 Pulton ave. TO LET A fnrnlflhpd JOOND FLOOR. Ren for honsekeeoing! caB fiver om tmiton tarry terms moderate.

Address new, v. u. agie office. TO LET FJB the Becond flol FIRST OF JULY. nlar at.

between Uenry and Hicks; water at flotation; will bo let rea sonabie to a good 1T0 minutes irom niton lorryj mo LET lose at" THOSE SPLEN did newhoa any business; tne unBurpaeaed. Ap hhhA mnrtTnaiatod location between Santora mo LET Idtves. je303twrh45' r( BOOUB store oa luu uiuua r'HNT AND TOP JL of 2 SSavi, near Prospeot Park, to getner or sapaii DRRnnd water ma80ven oiosots, coai aeiiar; flooti tueo adults ocoupy tne re mainder of hou Soou oruer, neat, uosirauio ises, near Bergen st. and cheap. ISO IAOES, tVC, riARBIi 1GBS, OARKIAOE3.

a ao. N. So longnBS I nrsvciass WAGOff BUir.DBRS, OAJ offer for a a Buponor assortment of flrst clasa tXIGHT WAGOe7S, of every fl manufacture, to wmc they inn purchasers. apv 3m E1 GBS Son hand to let HTD STABLES, (Tool, near niton avenns, ssure rtaing on ounuays. FIRST OLASS TOP feltsvalue, at VANDERGItOW'S, DoKWp PWO SEATFD PHAE.

Iiton, for ono or tffo horses. Ap. ttJN t.oveiane1 leaaat I A BARGAIN AN ELE Cosed but a few times, in perfoot at, near Ifuiton ave leas zt 'DOCTOR'S CARRIAGE. be seen atJFAGAK'S Livery staple, HorHsbu ja FORI nidi' HORSE. 7 YEARS irork, for half ltd value.

Appb. fpr three days; HUa, i ntra aVO anu uiuu av, erooitiyn TIGHT. CLOSE OAR a fnniio nnfl or in nerfoot or uer; i tt. I bo Boon at stable, roar of 83 Bemson It' inin 91 A GOOD RO OK AWAY, with nolo and shafts: also, a sauaro street. Kpply at Carriage Shop, No.I9 ttioks nARRIAGES BALANCE fervod from flro of WIITY'S Stables, Apply as i niton ave or riatuuau A SPLENDID SET OF harness, oily make, nearly now; also alises anu traveling oagB, uuroo saixi.

5 iTulton ave, cor. avy EE A HTJMBEB OF'Hjf fegonB, euch as grocery, omcnor's. press, light or heavy, to suit, natatfff orders you will find this place as OI tlonnBon anu navy aw. a ro ir T. 1 TiTi.OK lltl horae.

eiebt years old, tThnmnRA and hnavv: a lady or ohiid Rive bim with safety. Apply at BlTCf loaning ave, near uiennoro, or ot vuo uv St. e39 BOWAN. 9 and 11 Hoyt stjnoar ljulton nve. AlASUrauiuaan FIRST OI.A8B nn winniJR.

IVerybeBt material, ond in the best worlPB' anu warrantee in Biyie, uuxauuiijf tf a a bodu. iMB COURT OCTHTT WJ Mnrr Klinse. PlalntuT. aKsinat Hlnrloi wife, John Knbler. 0arl5ue, Sieyenuorg, nenry xuainutuu, Ham Lengraf, Defendants.

Summon. in. not eerve I To the Defendants (led: You BMhereoy summoned reiy" he oomplalnt in thia action whioh A ns nmnn nf thn Clark of tha Jonnty Poffl at the Oom House in Bald Comity, and in.nfir is, tA aaid on tUSuO thii office. Mo. 868 ton street, in the tP.0' In eata uounty.

witnm sweniy oan aner summons en you, exclusive of the day ojnon and if vnn fail to answer the said oamf10 1J inn nlotnUA mlhl. iIm, Wi Oourt for tho relief demanded in the oomp MayHnt.lCti9. JOHN O. SOHENOK. Plaluttff'a Attorft BEMB COURT KINGS OOUlf inmas Bentley.

Flaintiff. umnit Aithur V. ver Willinm D. Rioh, Defendants. 8ommons.

dant, William D.Hioh: Yon are hereby sumil1'0? quired to answer tne complaint in uub aotion," mea in cae unioe oi tue uiera oi tne uoi B. at thn OonntT Ooort Houaa. Oitv of Rrnnlrlrr I Iftutf A at the County Court House, City of BrooklyDyik to aerve a copy of your anewer to the Bald oomDlalf oj1 khbscriber, at bis office. No. 345 Fulton street, Mew York, within twenty days after tho aorvioe of t'? mens on you, exciuaivo ot uay oi Buon ervioe Or ta fail tn nnRwnr thn HAlri onmnlatnf nlfhln tha 11,6 Esaid, the plaintiff in thia aotion will tako judgmer: bst yon for the sum of four hundred and tnfnntR.flv ars.

with intereat from the elo hth day nf an grand eight hundred and sixty nins, besides the ooat action. uscon jnne iBEn.itWK, H. B. HIIRHATtn. PltlnlllTiR Aln.n..' B.

Tho comtilaiiit in above entitled antinn nn, flln. he Office of the Clerk of that County of Ktne SheSMhdsvof.Tnno. ISffll law fjwW B. HUBBAED, Plaintiff's ire 123. I TO iL TO LET on the pred H9 1 I 1 Fourteenth.

Ho nas ODineu ire. SfleiBchtokoop. stand for tbosaloof flroworkaon the SXSh. of Jaiy. court Mr.

MoniU rcooived a largo share toe astook.and endeavor to gvea uchBatitfction, he didon thoUt Wo doubt not tbe da is 01 un byallt oboyi, Nwmfl nwroas. akd Tan. The Dr B. St. "ho skilful and woll known Inrt This is no rmaek compound gtton BP to 3utlx public, but the only remedy kuown to Mioaoe.

er adapted for tho removal of brown diaooloratlou mjSt Ht W4S Evebt molber who gow" health of her child, should posse Itliovesthe Syrnp. aI gums, reduces Inflammation, child from pa in.BofteM bowols. and, cures wind colio, ,0 tho onfd, oomfort the mother. New "a W3 High Homorn. nte UUUUUU) jfFR Cent, allowed on all snms from $1 Bit AAA BnAt.

A nn hnfAM fhn IRfh tit Jnlr. to in from the 1st. Park Savings Bank, 1,153 Fulton ave botweon Washington avo. and Hall st. Jel7 ood till jyl6 Etjjboks greatly leducea.

Fancy, sash an3 tie Ribbons at TOBt Fbedebioe Ioebeb, 379 Fulton St. Je22 (Stood Ptxe's 0. K. Soap the great household soap of Amerioa, usod by tbo economical of all classes, from tho down to the humblest peas. ant used by tho employees of this paper.

The onomical are solicited to try it. Sold by grocers generally. James Pnt, Mannfacturer, 60 WaBhington street, n. Jol62awawW4B Panamas. Panamas, Straws, Straws, Straws, of every description and at prices to suit all, kjrn.

PniCE i. late BIOIOW Ibo Fulton st. jo2510t Fob twenty five cents yon can Ml every cockroach, wator bug. flea, moth and bug abouv your prem. lies Ltok's Insect Ponder will do it, and nothing else hnvlmr.

Uuj none that does sinuature of E. LroN. If jou get tho right thi it. Bnre death to all iuBocto. Depot, 21 Park Kow, Je2318tW4M Tn PrtoSPEOT PABK ANB CONST ISLAND rnke tho C.

I. ond B. R. R. Oars from Fulton forry (loft hand side), via Jay and Smith sts.

opon cars. my31tt Tn Tii T. pianos, new and second nrK of bUltaR. MaTHKWS SLADE, No je29 at" pulton at. DIED.

nvNT. r.TT In Brooklyn, Juno 29th, Wn.ijB, only obild ti Wilhan nd Eliza Bennett, aged 11 mpntna ana Friffi ano reiaiiTca are ibbduuuuiit if Ii a funeral from ine rcsiucnco oi on Thursday afternoon, atao'olocK. Tlvvuviu On Tuesday. Juno 29th, QEnABD T. BEEK "An.pcdr,?ycor?.

.,1 1 ne rcinMveBano inenuB oi 1.1 ih Second ave, on Thursday, at 2 P.M. t.A I imm niB iulu reniuuuuu, CooreEfi Juno Sdth, Fbahkie, only son of William and Aimie C'oomlws, aged nmomontns. Thofrimdaof the farailvare respoctfilly invitod to at tend his luneral on Thursday nf fernocn at two o'ciock, irom tho rcsidenco of his parents. 83 Uoplar St.

TlnrmitTY Tn this city, on the 29th Hnon Doheu TT. UU years. notice OI ucimKi. rrnvrr On Wednesday. Juno 80th, Tebjiehce DOYLE, SiJtiSf of the nlly, and those of hi.

wins Vitiick. Kdward and chord Doyle, aro respeottully imit'ed to atten I the funeral, from his late reBidence. 835 Vt. a. in.

nvinct Tho romains will be taken to St. Pelcr'a bhurcb', where a solemn reauiem mass will be offered up, and thonco to tho Uomotcry of the Holy latiuisn. Wonn At Lake Bonkonkoma, 1. on Tuesday, Juno Eii'ih, William HenotFotid, aged 26 years. I he friends ot tne larnny art) ii suou.tum tnd the funeral from tho M.

K. Church atEonkonkoma, on Thursday. July 1st, at 13 o'clock, noon. )o29 2t' Ffir.L7nesdny, JnneSPtb. of cholera infantum.

Thomas, infant sen of Mary A. C. and Thomas Hill, ajod 8 months and friendsare resnectfnllr invited to attend Ihe fumral from threBidenco of his patonta, 1.15 Willough. by street, on Thursday, July 1st, at 2 o'clock: also, the 'mmbeia of Stella Lodge, F. A.

M. 465, aro milted to attend. IiiEMOSGEB On Tuesday.Juoo 2Jth, Hemix Inxuo NOEn, and' friends nf the family aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral from tho Elm plaoe Oongragi. tiooal church, on Thursday, July 1st, at two o'clock, V. m.

Krao On Monday, Juno 26th, CHAS. H. KIKO, aged 33 yenrs and 1U moni ns. The relatives and friends of the family, anrt also tho members of Oreenwich Lodge, F. A.

No. 7, are respectfully invited to attesd the funeial servicoj. which will tike plnee at his late roBidence, No. 39 Wyckoff st. Brook to, on Thursday, at 13Jj P.

M. 1 The remaiuB will be taken irom thenco to Ulster N. Y. o29'if JLOSX AND FOONBi OST S2 REWARD ON SATURDAY 8 I TNRIIRANnE ROOKS and PAPE118. of no use to any one else.

Please leave them at ll tVall st. (Hamilton Insurance offlco), or atF. A. FEANOI800'S, 133 Oarl lon avenue. juau fflElilXlNOSi ASONIO HALL ASSOCIATION OF IHE WESTWRN DISTItlOP IN THE OITY Or Thn annual mnetinir of this Association will be held on MONDAY, the 12th day of July at tho office of Messrs.

A. H. W. E. Osbom, 341 Fulton st, at7X P.

M. At this meeting five Trustees will be elected for five years in the place of flvo members of the present Board, whoso term of service will expire at that time also, three (S) inspectors ot tho next nleotion. The polls will be open from Hi o'clock till 9 o'clook P. M. Dated Brooklyn, Juno U.

1869. HAitil vuwinu lun, rresinens. Wm. H. Seo'y.

je21 3w OOLDIERS' AND SAlIiORS' VETERAIf ASSOCIATION, will meet at No. 9 Court st, WKD EVENING, at 8 o'clock sharp. Kvery momber isrequcstcu to ue present. juaMru.d. imBaiinx, rres.

Sergt. M. Dalv, Sec'y. jo29 2t fTHHERE WILL BE A SPBOIAL MEET B. or Eureka Hoso No.

14. at the houig of Mr. John BJair. Third avenuo, near Ninth st, fiouth Brooklyn, on THURSDAY, July 1st, 1S69, at So'olock P. M.

Punctual attendance iB requested of all members, as busiuoia ot importance to all will bo transacted. JAMES OONNEES, Chairman. mHE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OFiTHB VA o'clock. All persons havinir business before sals miltee.wiIlpIcaBotoattonu. JBsrorder je29td H.

Cj. GUOK, Chi fliHE COMMITTEE OF THE CO 6 Conncil on Itailrcade, will meet on THUIj EVENING, July 1st. at All porsoi bnfiness before Eaid Committee, will please to atfc je29td By order H. L. GUOK, CI AB11SEM.ENTS.

RIBAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION! BY THE PUPILS OF S'i'. JAMES' SCHOOL aTIHE BROOKLYN ATHENEUM, ON THURSDAY, July 1st, rMi 't iii. BENEFIT OF ST. JAMES' JUNIOR BAH The Junior wand will rentier selections Irom ve; mllatte, rol. i)anz, auBt, tiumoy, etc.

unoir V. MOWEiVH AUEE, the Great Cornel Soloil pcorontneoocaBion. iiHie nnder tbe direction cf tbe able Prof. 1 Oiojoitues and Essays by tho pupils will inter oiueicai renormances. Admission, fjOo.

Children, 25c. SPECIAL fWIXICES. PIANO OFFERED FOR RBI moderate terms. Apply at 73 Olark at. A BEAUTIFUL BOY.

FIVE MC old for adoption. Call at No. 147 York at. CORONER'S OFFICE, JUNE3fV 1 An unknown man was lonna arownea at tt Van Brunt ftreet, this morninir. Ho was mil; about five feet, six inches height, stout built, no beam, bald on top ot neau in tue water tore) more: light colored nbbed vest, dark ribbed jaoB mnlnA hnntm nrvnlnn nnflonhlrt With Clen and bfa elastic suspenders, white button onnrok baudofi a one ueiwr um, i myouij uvo nnnlu in ll, ntnnr ttorlrer.

JONE3.M.D.,? je30 6t L. A. WHITBHI Tbe undorsigned would respeotf ullv inform oi tuia vicini'y, mat, no nas Bucoeeaeu to tuon and Icq business, formerly oonauoi uu 1 1 'JJEOJfiB Atuoneum uuaing, corner Atlantic Eta. Having completely renovated i i Titi tie ct fin nnroRBRTT arid lona a long long needed imp the saloon, reouests a personal inspection, i continuation of your former liberal liberal tiati Prraonal will be paid to tbo by the trbo trill endeavor to supi unntBof tbe neighborhood, namely, a first ol stauraiion, Tho ealoon will re open on THURSDAY HVBNINtt, July 1 Boring the pteBent eeason. parties will bo Ice Cream at private residences at aU hours Arnnmir mmn Tontyinrr nrrlnro nf tllA Cfllnnn 3 Reapectlnlly.

A. B. POWJ e0 at1 Corner Olinton anas TMTBS. WHITE, Jltjl ner oi wean ana jjiatouaa ave, brofc city rpepuncp. USIO S10 PER O.UARTE mill n.iTB inDlvnnllnn In R.

few nnni evory altenuou paid to beginners. Oall at IS TVTASSAU NATIONAL lyi BROOKLYN, Tho Board ofDIreo riivirlnnil nf PIVR (51 tax.l payable on and after tie lit day of Jdl June 80th, 1869. 0J.T.J je30 6t kiTTfTnE OF THE NASSAt 9 flDMPANY OF BRJ Court Bt. Brooklyn, Juno 29th, 13E9. Th ors have Mb uay aeciareu a eomi annrw.

(10) Per Oent. free from Qoverament tarj je302w mWF. srmKORIBER. FOR B. essor of Glassies and AtathomatJjg toryBchool ot Vrol.

unsier, oi uoiumo iftir I Mod. Bevorai Jt aro iuivvaur w. yjoD.iv. nm in Trinits SonooL Bis ser (ot the viceB to those who deslro private inatn abovo Brancnos, espeoiaiiy 10 young to enter College. WALTB 1 89 Sparing tlyn.

EKFFEENOES Henry Prof, of Greolc College. Kev. Howard Urosby, 11. late gers uoiiege. h.j.

J.O.Oveiheiser, A.M., Principal I ana uoiaiomon ste, tsrooKiyn. Tbco. W. Dwight, Lb.D,, Presiden Rohnol. W.

ITiske, A.M., Prof, of Model uornou univerBity. W. G. Peck, A. Prof, of MaU Coflefre.

Eov. Mr. Holden, Hootor of Trinity, orkOity. unarlfsl'. JHOrriB, lat erenc ii, ux onooL roru.

ana friaoipai oi SoSOlOt il 260 CASH WILL BUY 3VEN vB9 octave, rosewood Piano, well kn maker. 16 Fulton Can be Been at, inuraroun'o ra ave, near Duffield at. Pianos to je302t JL SAEiEf Fl SALE A SPANISH CEDAR Wja hnafc ,7 fftoffi inches inntr. hntil hw Onnrirn Boahr n() jn c0qq nrderi Bold fnr want nf nao. Macxen ec.

jeau" TOR SAiSZTO PRINTERS A JOB nnnlrn t. VVTX 3 IT Office in this u. Gordonpress, typ ofkl 600. WiUbeBoia Siw.iii Montairue st Aa, complete all new; coa.ti 500. Win 08 to HUGH McOK DC FOR SALE UPJttGHT PIANO, SEVEN Jirrt customer will aet a bargain.

MATUBWS SLADE, 198 Fulton at, lezu TTIOR SALE S260 ONLY in.3 OOTAVJ Win 5no' 'l1 case, mad by GrwUen A Trualow, ill exchanse for new within flvoyeari hxilnh. Je29 8t MA'iat! vy BfB, fflfl Fulton st. FOR SALE A LAUNDRi. WBLL FIT ted up, and doing a good, buaiuess.ohean for cash. Oood reasons given for oiace.

uuress AUWDBY. Post usIATJ itr292t" 00fnAsH SALE A BARGAIN JL' will buy the stock, flxftfres and nil year'i lease of a rstmiasa stiias liquor store, lloensd paid to fitfr of June, 1970: nt paid to the 1st of Apgust reaaon'f or Boiling business "owYorkr cannot SUend to Apply VL OWHN rent paid cannot attend to bbthJ AddIi O.JoOE.966AtIanUoave. 4i '1SB FOR SALETOE OYSTER nd oonfectionary saloon; ladia1 aaioon up fitairs, soaa fount, horse aitdwagou; ev(ryOuii In complete order and doinc a good Appyto5TF. TOOMBS, corner of Myrtle ave and Waab.lngton.Jt, lt OR SALE A VERY liRE OHANOE an old buslneas j0d, in best looatlon uavilltBe twenty miles from Newjtoik, la offered; the lease bavinj expired. It will be B0I9 rJood partyforless than a quarter of the price down.

Inoua of P. HASTINGS, lol Montague street. jeffllm PORSALE AN OLD ESTABLISHED A Shades, now doinga flrst bfatiness, located on Fulton are, near tbo City Hall at bargain, as tho nrefont owner ir rlpRirntiR nf In.Li i riais. For full pnrticuiare. apply MAOKKV, 9ii Jftilton ave, near BrJdgo st.

jejssi' EAG OFFICE, 8 1 9 WU FROM WASHINGTON, WABH taiow, Jana 30. A HEWSPAPEK OKOAWr There la a Soslro freely oxpressod hero on tho part of many ConBervativo politicians for the establishment of influent! organ of their party. Tho lata askb(Ji. InMHgcncer hold in soma sense this position, and some effort is making to rovivo It to servo again the samo purpose, A meeting was held last night to consider the subject, bnt no doflnlte concision was reached. Some our politicians seem to overlook the fact that by so much as newspaper becomos mere organ of any party whatever it' losses its Influence.

Tho day tor jonrnalistio organs haa passed. Tha only newspapers any value as supporters of political principles are those wholly independent of the relations of organship. 6WEEPEE8 AND BOBUBBEBS. Tho show, if not tha reality, of retrenchment gti coeB on, yesterday one hundred ana twenty six oi the women employed to sweep and scrub the Treasury Building, received notice to quit. This Is reduoing economy to a decidedly email spot, and putting a very fine point upon reform.

Several questions arise in this connection. Is the Treasury Building to go unsorab bed hereafter, while filth frightfully accumulates Or force enough to keep tho premises clean is retained eeventy aro still on duty what have this battalion of sweepers and scrubbers beon doing Have thoy been doing anything mora than draw their pay, like tho good old fashioned Street Inspectors of New York 7 And Is thia employment of useless pensioners on the public bounty a fair epocimon of tbo slnocure system throughout tho service 1 THE OLEMOAL AdONJ which is simultaneous with the woes of tho Bweepers and scrubbers will soon bo over. Fifty clerks in the Pension Bureau aro expected to ba dismlssod to day and more in otter places will have to go shortly. But that suspense which Is tho worst form of torluro will not continue much longer. Tho discharge of employes will be completed probably by the 1st of July, so that tho month will begin on the basis of the Oongrosslonal appropriations.

WHEBE WE ABE nNANOIALLI. TJoutwell is again pleasantly excited about his month. ly statement, which 1b tho most widely circulated and generally poruaed, even if it bo tho IoiBt understood, ot all ibo issues of periodical litoiituro. Tho larga rove nuo returns of this season of tho year onablo the Secre tary of tho Treasury to give a comfortable account of tho public money. It iBsaida dooroase of debt to the amount of eight or niuo millions will be shown.

PERSONAL. Delnno goes to Ohio to day. Robeson has gone homo to How Jersey, but Is coming back soon. Spinner returned lasS night Irom tho funeral of his wife. Grant spends a part of Ibis day in Bal'imore.

Morris' Pacific Railroad report was up in Cablnot meeting yesterday. Androw J. and Ilovcrtly Johnson aro sllU here. Chasohas gono to tho White Sulphur Springs, Vir ginia, and tbo Radicals racer at tho Chief Justice con sorting with "rebel politicians." John M. Langston, colored, iB tbo professor of tho colored law school of Howard university in this District.

(SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY 1 flnleh A. MnrR. ajrainst Thomas H. Simonson. JobU V.

SS. Simonson, Banc Himonson.dureiauiiouriBt, jou r. (idchrist. hor husband, and Charles Simonson. In mirsu ance of a judgment of the Supreme Court, in tho above action, beaiinr date tho 7th day of Soptomher.

1863, and of tno ludument oi amrinance tnerooi, onterea uuue i oy, Charles Condit, the Referee therein named, nill expose to sale at public auction, at No. 869 Kulton street, in tho City of Brooklyn, on tho 2lBt day of July, 1869, at 12 o'olock, nnnn nil IIirI. Dflrt of tiie mentioned in tho said judgment, described an follows, to wit: All and lingular those two certain lots of ground, situate, lying and beins in tbu Sixth Ward of tho City of BrotklyD, in tho County of rtlDKSunu Qiuuj oi liiiw i ura, uuu ttuumi uuu 1101.1uuu.31. 1 t. 1( AnQ Inirt Vin.nnn UU uu iv utEu.iu iuuu, emiimu juaii Court and Smith Btroets, in the Sixth Ward of the City of Brooklyn," niado Dy wuiora uay, nurvoyor, nnrl tiled ArtRnn nlakn.

as a mar, of rnforonce. Julv. 1E35, la the OfBCB of the Oltrk of the County ot Kiogs, by the and 164 and which Baid lota lie contiguous to cash other, and nhich taken toaetbor aro boundod and contain as follows, that ia to say Bejinoinff at a point on the boui easterly biub ui wiui buul i. uii ivc, iun, uuu uU. inches northerly from tho easterly corner of Court street and Baltic street, as laid down ou said map, runui tbonco southeasterly alonst the northeasterly side of lot ro.

155, on said map, one hundred and sixteen feet eight iucbos to the northwesterly Bide of iot ao. 157, ou eaid map; running tbeuce northeasterly along said lot fo. 157, and parallel witn Smith street, fatty ieot to tne rear of lot Ho. Ua on said nn. rtnrtheafltarlv nlcinc the roar of said last mentioned lot and lot No, 159 on said map, parallel with Baltio street, distant one hundred and twenty two feob and nino inches, to tho southeasterly sido of Court streot afore, said, and running thence southwesterly along Court street aforesaid fifty feet and four and a half inohi 10 tho point or place of beBinnmfr, bo the BoiuTBeveral dimensions moro or Icbb.

Ako, all that cortaio other pioco or parcel of (and, situate, lying anu ooing ai tmra of the said City of Brooklyn, and which in a doed xiotiffUfn and Animnetto his John B. Gar diner, bearing dato the 21tb day of February, in tbe year 1648. and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of tho County of Kings, on tUb said 24th day of Februarr, in tho year 1818, in Litier 175 of conveyances pace bounded and dosoribed as lollows, that is to Bay All that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being ra the Sixth Ward ot tho City of Brooklyn aforesaid, known and distinguished nn a certain reap entitled "Map of 406 lots botweon Court aud Smith streets in tho Sixth Ward oi tho City ot Brooklyn," made hh. ikhv Willnxd Da. Surveyor, and filed by Anson Blake as a map of reference, July, 1835, in the Offlco ot tho Clerk of tho County oi tunge as a part oi tuu iui uuiuunreu 150 and 155 on said map which Baid Iot is boundod as follos; Beginning at a point ou the northerly side of Baltis Btrogt distant 110 feet and 6 inches from the northeastorly corner of Baltio and Court streets; running thenco northeastorly along lot No, 157, fifty feet parallel with Smith Btroet to lot No.

161: thence runniuff norlhwostcrly along Biud lot No. 161 twenty feet; running thonco acrosslots Nos. 155 and 156 on a lino parallel with Smith itroet 60 feet to Baltio street; running thenco along tho northerly eido of Baltio street in an eaBterlj direction 20 feet to tho placo of beginning, the premiBOB hereby described aa they now ore consisting of threo houses and Iota upon Court street and ono house and lot upon Bsltio street and being the same prom'aes con veyeo by Nathaniel Gardner and fclmira H. his wife, to tho aaio Isaac Simonson, by dood dated May lot, IM8 and ro i tho rimint. fl ftrk'aOtBeo.

in IJbor 180 of 222, June 8th, 1848, excoptinaQhowevor ono houso and lot fronting on Court streot, commencing one hnndred feofnino inches eouth of Wairen street and being SO feet in frost ou Court Btroet and about 100 feet in depth, particularly dcscribon in tno conveyance tnorcot irom nttr iam AnnSimonson to Fmeline Simonson. dated ATtril27th, rocoa dod in Kinrra County KOEUtcr'a Ijiber of conveyances, page i am, lay a low. ibwu tiimu 2SIB, 1809. OHAS. CONDIT, Koferee, UPBBMB COUKT KINGS OOUNTr Valentino u.

nan against William winnerger anu oihprs 14.1 la pursuance oi a juogment oruer oi iue aoove ii 1m Iho enlillnd action. I. Alfred T. Ack. ert thn Hrfereo named in said judgment orler will sell thr'ounh Colo and Murphy, Ronl EBtato their auction room, uai ruiwn ia iuo wmui day of July, at 12 o'clook, noon, all tho lands and premises doscrlbod in sad juiigmont order that is to say, all that certain house and lot, pleoo or norcel of land situate, lying nu ju ju u.uu.

lyn, bounded and described a follows Commencing at a point on tho northerly Bido of Douglass Btroet, distant two i nn otj.r from the northeasterly cor nofof Doug aes and HoytBlreets ninntog tienoo nortoor naValie! to Hrat stieet and partly through tno centre of a lypaianel to MOJL Eiio a TSntrn lino of tho block between Douglass and Butlnr streets tlionoo oaster ly along said centre line, twenty foet; thenco running sontherJy parallel to Hoyt Btwet and partly through tno Srfi wu. ono hundred feet to the northerly f'f ide of Douglass street; and thonco westerly along tho i nf street, twenty foot to the point Mbcginhicg. Datcd Wfe AOKTOT, Eeferoe. pnmlI Plff'aAtt'y. ie2an8nFATu JOTEEME COUBT, KINGS COUNTY Trii Cl Mull va William S.

'Wiltberfl'flr and HfclUOr ilirmant nvflaii ftf r. in par5umi" u. in tue atiovu uuti.iou uvuuu, niiruu i. tafereo named in said judgment order, will Sail UOle aiurpuy, wi at, HSitOom, No. 881 t'ulton etreet, in the City of Soa9tn day of July, at 12 o'olock, noon, Viremises described, in said judgment or ah der.i tH that certain nouse aau iot, piece ur 'C ln lainn nrt hbtnlT in tha lt ll, naici Eroeklyn, bounded and desoribod al point on Ate northerly sido oi Ward follows Doonlass IttffO.nnnurei'jj' uuiwriy irom tno nnrlheastel thence nortl one nundred foet, rOSn llOnfflnao nw.A to tbo centre no nun uuwuc streets; thence thenoe running I 8 "De "venty feet Hoyt Street, and tmrlln thrnnoh the flam pe hundred feet to tho nnritinr, flido of Baence westerly along the northerly eidc notatof boginning.

10BD, TO tne ERT. Referee. lBK2aw8nC Tu tumirv? IOUNTY iMnna Iolinaou and lera. ll.r.'n i aui or tue above Court. n.f nn in Aitrod T.

Ackertrinin x. will ra. nt Bell throuon Room. No. 381 Fulton' of their Auon the 18th day of July, 1861 IsrooRlylds and nremlsoa desorihei all I tho isto say: All that certain Iot? order, ate, lying and being in the i lanu, ,1 end rinaorihori nRfolliMVR.

flnmmanl bournnrihetlv ftidnof floAn lreAf illatnnf onjasteils from the northeasterly corner of fe Grand avenue: thenco northerly Dsrall one hnndred and ten feet. In baKentro between Paciflo and Dean Btreeta: thenoo lanffsafd centre line sixteen feet elirht Inohes: "rnnnincr Ronfl.erlv n.iral el to Tenth avonnn. nnd through the centre of a party wall ono nnndred and, feet, to the norf hcrlv side of Dean street, sixteen feet eh inches to tho point of beginning. Dated Jnne 23d, AffiREft AriKERT.RnfornB. R.

H. BOWKE, Plaintiffs Attorney. je25 2aw3wF'fa SUPREME COURT, KINGS OOUNTY John J. foitlon against Susan 7t Wiley. In parsu ance of a judgment ot foreclosure and sale made this action on tbe 24th day of Jnne.

18 19, 1 hereby give "notice that on the nineteenth day of July, IS69, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the Commercial exchange, number 860 Fulton street, in tho City of Brooklyn and said Oonnty of Kings, I will sell ot publio auction, to the highest bidder, tho lands and premises in said judgment mentioned, and therein described oa follows, viz. All that certain piece, or oarcel. of land, situate, lying and being in tho Seventh sos i to ate tho City of Brooklyn aforesaid, with the buildings thereon thereon oraciea. Dounaea anu uoacrioeu as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the weBterly side of all street, at the centro of a party wall, standing partli ou the promises herein described, and partly on the lot next adjoining on the south, which point distant northerly from tho northwesterly corner of Gates avenuo and Hall street two hundred and twenty eight feet, nine and one half Inches, and running theoce westerly on a line at right angles to Hall street one hundred feet; thenoo northerly on a line parallel with Hall street velve feet, (fx inches and one twelfth of an inch thence easterly and again on.a tine at right angles to Hall street, one hundred feet, to Ball street, and thence southerly along said westerly side of Hall Btreet, twelvo feet, six inches and one twelfth of an inoh. Dated June 24tb, 1809.

GRA.ED M. STEVENS, Referee. T. T. Jaokbos, Pltff's Atty.

je25 2aw3nrff Tu HEBI T'S SALE BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Kxeoution, Issued out of tho Supreme Court, to mo directed and delivered, I will Bell by publio auction, at No. 881 Fulton atreet, in tho Oity of Brooklyn, on the 29th day of July. 1869, at 13 o'clock, noon, all the right, title and interest which Ellas Lynoh had on the 23d day of April, 18i. or at any time thereafter, whose hands soever the same may be, of. in and to, all Out certain or parcel of land, Bituato, lying and being In the i Oity of Brooklyn, County of Kiogand Stato of New York, known and tinguiBhed on a certain map entitled.

Map Of rron erty in the Beventh Ward of the City of ooklyn, belonging to the heirs of John Ryerson, deceased, made by John Stoddard, Oity Snrreyor, and filed in the office of the Register of Kings County, as and by the number 250. bounded aa follows: Beginning ot point on the eoutherli side at Myrtle avenue, distant seventy five feet, easterly from the southeasterly corner of Myrtle avenue and tlouaton Btreet; runninc thence easterly along Myrtle ayrrjue twenty ae feet to lot No. 253; thence southerly, parallel with Houston street, one hundred and twelve feet to lot Ho. 269; end thence westerly, parallel with Myrtle avenue, twenty five feet to lot No. 245 and thenoe nortberly.narallel with Houston street, one hundred and twelve feet, to the plaoe of be ginnlng.

Daled Brooklyn, Juno 16, iolfi lawgwTn PATRICK OAMPBBI.L, Sheriff. OUlREME OOURT KINGS COUNT? Tho Central Bank of Brooklyn. Plaiutlff, against BarnabBBHammettand Jamea Nelll, Defendants. Summons for a money demand on oontrect. To we Defendants You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this aotion, of whioh a oopy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a oopy of your answer to the Mdd complaint on the snbsoribers, at their offloe, 151 Montague etreet, in the City of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.

within twenty days after tho servioe hereof, exclusive of the day of such aerviee and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will take judgment against you for the earn of one Ksand one hundred and ninety 82400 dollaM. with in. terest thereon from the third day ef Marob, the fur. tier torn of one dollar and sixty oonts protest feea, besides the coeta of thia aoUon. DatM.AprU lto, 1869 OBOOKE, BBRGKN A VBATT, PWntifraAttorney.

The complaint In this aotion was filed this day in the offlco ef the Oltrk of the Oonnty of Kings, at the Court Honae, Brooklyn, N. Y. Datod May Mth, 1869. 0 0R00KB BEEGBN PRATT, PliTflAtfya. myfi7 lawfiw CJUPREME OOURT KINGS COUNTY Lewis Davison against Leonora Ahlera and others.

inreuanoe ol a inagmenr, or roreoiiwuiB tK" inhlaaotioonthoeioventn aayor January, MderslTOod Bef eree, hereby give on Tuesday, ftlrteenth da, of July, at the hour ogooj. ii KsKion. i therein described, as follows: AU tost cer tain iotTpieis or OTicel of land, aituato, lying and aeuern iSnfilfiof Brooklyn, County ot Kings and State of Kow York badeTa5 soribe aa follows, to wit: Beginning at the northerly side of Monroe street, distant one hundred and fifty feet westerly from the northwesterly Smner of Noetrand avenue and Monroe street tranning northerly parallel with Nostrand avenue eighty feet; Serterlj parallel with.Monroe street twenty ayofoet; heoce fth Nostrand avenue eighty feet tontonioestrceVondthenfco eajterlyalong Mrarot i street Ve feet to the see of beginnmis. Datod Jnne twfnty iivo ie JPTHP, unrr. Kefsroe.

Meiara. HaoneB Sj tH, Pit? Attn. iel8 2awa noon, at tne ijommeroiai xcuaagu, KiiCZ ZiA fn toe Cit? of Brooklyn and Oountf of Kings, will be sold hy me or nnder my direction, at nubUo mioos aaid ludinnent LAW irTEL10I.PiCIT. COURT OF SESSIONS. FELONIOUS ASSAULT.

George Perciana and Jamo3 Burns were placed on trial charged with felonious BBBault on a man namnd Owen McRenne. The complaining witness testified that on tbo night of tho (ith of Slay last he had been to a party in Skillman Btreet, ond wttB returning to his residence; when passing tbe corner of Third and Sixth streets he saw tho prisoners standing on the cor. ner, and Bald to one of them In a joke, as no claimed, that if ihey did not movo off, ho would take them In. Burns made some reply to him which led to souffle between him and Burns. While they woro scuffling Ferciona came up and stabbed.

him In tho cheek went to his room and had it dressed, and then causod the arreBt of the prisoner. Tho ofilcor who arrested Frnciana testified that after hlB arrest he said that ho was sorry he had not cut his guts out, or words to that euect. For tho defence tbo nrisoners were sworn, and stated that when McKenna came up to them the first thing ha did was to setzo liurne by tho neck, and arag mm towards tho middle of tho Btroet, and then the scuffle ensiled, which resulted In tho stabbing, as claimed by IfcEenns. Each denied having any knlfo in his possession on the night in question, and it was claimed that the prisoner camo to bla injuries by falling on tho pavement In the struggle Tho jury were still out when onr reportor lolt. ANOTHEB ON10TJB ASSATTLT.

John Davison, a longshoreman, was placed on trial. charged with having committed an assault on Patrick Mumhv. Both livo in tho patch, and bad a quarrel about three weeks since at Davison's house. The latter throw Murphy out on the street, and neid mm wnuo ms wife beat him with a shovel. Tbo jury lound a verdict of guilty, and he was romandod for sontoncc.

SENTENCD. John Davison, who was convicted yestordnr for the commission of a felonious assault on one Patrick Mm pby, was sentenced to twonty uino days' Imprisonment. BIVEB nOUBBY. James flonnorfi. a slnnid loohino man.

waB placed on trial, charged with grand larceny in stealing a boat, a quantity of rope, and other articles, in all of the valuo of over fifty dollars, the property of A. D. Rawlins, on tho 29 of May last. From the testimony it appeared that the accused was employed as, a hand on board a sloop belonging to Mr. Kawiins, anu lying at tno toot oi Huron strrot, Greenpoint.

On the night in question Ibo boat belonging to tho eloop, and tho nbovo articles wero Btolcn, and on accouut of tho absence of tbo prisoner from his dnties ou the following morning, ho was Buspoctod or having committed tho offence, and arrostod on tho following day, when ho confessed to having in company with another man, stolon the articles, and took Mr. RawllnB to tho placo whero thoy bad sold thom. IIo pleaded guilty beforo tuo magiBtrato, out cnangcu uis mind when he come to trial to day, and claimed that ho hud been made an o'ccompllco against biB will, by another party wbo made him drunk, lie was closoly crosE.oxuniiucd by juugo rroy, wnen uu uroau uuwu pretty well in his testimony. He wbb couviclod of petit larcony, and sent to tho Penetentiory for six months. haud cases.

John McCabo and John Williams, two bard looking bojs Indited for grnnil larceny, in stealing a nuunlity of dry goodp, tri the store oi nir. licuuouy no. (u tui (on Btieet, wero brought up for (rial. They offered to plead uuilty to a charge of petit lnrgony, Hut tbo Court would not reroivo it, and then they pleaded guilty to grand larceny, and wero sentenced to imprisonment in tho KiugB County Penitentiary for throu yoara each. A WODXD BE DUBOLAB.

A nl.M.t cl i nan VMI, of fl 00. wiir pieced on trial charged with burglary in tho third degree, on having entered tho shop of Geljo Gorald, in Greenpoint, ou tho morning of too Wth of a lott lor tno purpiiEo oi roninnttiug a uvrgiary. 1 ha evidence of H. K. Taylor, nun of thn employoea in ihe establishment, woa to tbo effect, that on tho abovo day, bo caught the prisoner in (ho fhop.

Romo robberies had been committed at tho place, and ho was watching for tho delinquents whon ho caught tho prisoner. As soon as ho saw him ho ordered him to slop, nnd presf nted pietol at him. The prisoner turned and ran, but was pursued and caught 03? APrEiVLS. Catherine Voylo administratrix of Patrick Coijlc, deceased, againat the City of Brooklyn. Xhw case, In which Mrs.

Coylo as adiiiinlH tiuirixui Patrick Coyle, deceased, rccovored ogaiust the city a for in December, 18G7, waB decided by Court of on tho 'JUth in favor of Mrs, Coyle. Tho action was brought to recover the balance duo on a contract for paviug Grand strcjt, E. with Belgian pavement, and tho defence Interposed iiy (ho city was payment lo tho authorized agenl of tbo plaintiff. Cooke, Bergen At Plait, attorneys for plaintiff; Cor pcrutiou Counsel, Win. C.

DoWitt, for ilciondant. FP OM YESTERDAY'S LATE EDITIONS LATER FROM WASHINGTON. The Treasury Department. IilDTJ CTION OF THE DEBT. Tlic Sub Treasury in New York.

WasniNOTOH, Juno Tho Fublio Debt Statomont for Juno will probably Bhow a reduction in tho total amount of tbo debt of about ten million dollars. The receipts from customs and internal rovenuo hove been very heavy. Instructions wero forwarded to Aeslsiant Troaeurcr Van Djck to day to have an inventory of the Block and money on band taken, preparatory to turning ovor tho offlco to Cleneral Buttorfleld. Tho bondB of tho latter were received at the Department this morning, and ho will probably outer upon his duticB about tho Gtb of July. FBOM JAPAN, Anticipated Renewal of the Civil Wnf Despatches from Admiral Rowan News bom tbe squadron.

Wasuihotom, June 29. Admiral Rowan reports to tho Navy Doparlment, from Yokohama, under date of May 13, tho expected renewal of the civil war in Japan, tbo Benson for military and naval operations having arrived. The Mikado 'b government had determined to dislodge Enomoto from his defenco in tho vicinity of Ho iodadl. A squadron of ships, including tho Stonewall, was equipped for sea in Yeddo Bay. During tho in spection, tbo flagship blew up with much loss of life There were rumors of tho Stonewall's machinory be ing out of order, and of her having sustained Injury from grounding.

Enomoto 1b said to hold a Btrong position to the northward and eastward of Hakadadl, with troopo in good discipline, well fed, armed and couipped; and under tho drilling of French officers, which they have received during tho winter, it was thought tho government would have some trouble In dislodging him. One of Enomoto's vessels Ashulot had entered tho harbors of Yeddo and Yokohama, took a survoy of the vessels and naval preparations of the Mikado, and ro tired without molestation liom iho fleet or forts. Damage by tbe storm, Chicago, Juno S9. Tho Common Council Inst night passed tho appropri atlon ordiuancco providing for expenditures for mu nicipal purposes for the coming year. Tho ordlnanco callB for over four millions.

Reports of damages dono to tho several railroads entering this city havojust been received in most casos bridges and culverts havo been Injured, "and In some places partially washed away. On tho Chicago and Bock Island Bail Boad damage has been done by tbe washing down of all embansments, and some slight damage at Mill Crook, Iowa, On the Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, several Email culverts were swept away. At Valparaiso, on tho ColumbuB, Chicago and Indiana road, the flood washed awsy Ihe embankment. Near IncrosBp, on tho Michigan Soulhcrn, eonie Blight damago was dono. On tho Chicago and Alton the cattle train of nineteon cars Is reported to have gono througha culvert near Blooming ton.

Serious Accident in roy. Tnov, Juno 39. Xust evening Gould Millard. Bon tbo late J. A.

Millard, of thia oil Hamlin, daughter of tho t. nr. Snmlin, missionary to Constantinople, were thrown from a cartlago by a rnna way horse, and both were seriously Injured. Mr. Millard had his skull, arm and nose fractured! but will recover.

The young lady's jcalp was torn off, tnd hung over hor face. Death, bt Auditor Benton, AiuAinr, Jnno 29. Benton, Iatojuditor of the Canal Department, lttlo Falls tlii morning at five o'clock. A noon day, a fire, of ocourroin ahouaoat tho corner of WasVjcton avenue, owned by a Ld becupied by Mrs. Corrl ixtiimiiBbod, without goneral lOliVf tho Fiftieth Procinct.

fUn ia estimated at aboi ttti STATED 8ES I 8ION MOND1 The following propoai road: For digging down Ben therein, at the corner ol uergen P. Einklo, for the snm of ISffll hotL Dieties, Kdward Will and Edward Oonk! ior tne sum stun ox iuuc; bu Rmnanpa David Hfirna. ana yyiui per foot; ilerred to sureties, Francis Swift and tha Aldermamaf the Ward. trorgraainganu paying ran ntaM Dnion Bumof and Afeeker aveuuea Terr ance Mid S8W per runniEg foot; sureties, awirt. ratnc vu ior tue foot; Burctles, JameB moo re.

ior tuo sum raii per ram Damel Cllmartin and Francia Brenuai n. for tiie anm or bck noe mcuniffn. Hat.r rv ooti (ureueSnlotn Kn 6ar gar vmmms TbeamonnOTNtaraafe fifty doUars Kratjun EAGLE OFFICE, I P. BU LATEST FBOM ETJBOPE, UNAKOIAIi AjnCOHMEB0IAL. Londov, Jane 8011 A.

M. Coneohi for 937i; Consols for account, 03 United States 6 20 bonds 80, quiet. Erie, 19; Atlantic. Fbanktobt, Juno 30 11 A. M.

TJ. S. Mhondj, 88Jf. LrrEnpooL, June 3011 A. Cotton Market active.

Sales 15,000 bales. Middling Uplands, 12d. Middling OrleanB, 12Jicl, jj, London, June 801 P. M. CodsoIs fotcoiint, 927,4 03.

U. S. bonds, 80; Illinois, 95 Erlo, 19. Stocka qnlet. Franktoet, Juno SO 1 VL V.

S. bonflJ, LrvEpoOL, Jane 301 P. M. Cotton aottvo and salos will roach bales. DS8TBUCTIVEIIEB.

Origin Unknown Loss 911,000. At about eleven o'clook, last night, the three story, brick building, at the corner of Fftb avonuo and Sixth street, owned by Ira M. Perego, of Hew York, Was destroyed by a fire of unknown origin. Tha building was valued at $5,000, and was Insured In tho dormant. Insurance Company of New Tort.

The first floor was occupied by John P. Okman, tailor, whoBe fltook and fixtures, valued at $1,600, were entirely consumed; Insured In a London Insurance Company. 'JChe second floor was occupied, bb a dwelling, by Mr. Frank Earrell, whoBe furniture, valued at $1,500, was destroyed no insurance. The third floor waB oconpied as a dwelling by Mrs.

Jane TVatWos, who estimates her loss at no in. Burance. The etoek of Conrad UwpruDg, who keeps boot and shoe store on the first floor of an adjoining building, was damaged to the amount of insured In tha GermanU Insurance Company of wow lore. The total amount of damage by the Are, as abovo recorded, ii $11,000. An investigation will bo tnado by the Assistant Fire MarshaL COMMERClAli INTGLMGENCE.

Wc Stheet, June 30. Tte stock market opened fevorish and excited with a verv nnscttlBd feelinit. and withfluctuationainpricos. Tho extreme slringency ia money still continues, as exhibited in tho Bales, where SBhighasJf and in Borne per cenf. were shown between cash ana regular transactions, On tho stiaot before the call most of the saloa woro for cash.

At the first call tho express an miscellaneous stocks cr. hibited the same unsettled feeling. Cumberland, Qmok silver, Miriposa Common aud Paclfio Mail strong, American tttadj, Adams, Wells Fargo, Mariposa preferred and Western Union "off New York Central was pressed for sale with a difference of between cash and regular, but closed higher on the call then tho latest street salo previous thereto. Hudson Rivor fell off one per oent. Beading advanced, Tho quotations altogether change so rapidly as to bo only nominal.

Between tho calls Control sold at $195. tf, regular and imuEdiately afterwards 194 cash. Government opened with a generally stsady if not firm feeling, lolders resisting concessions except in64' and 68's, and tho IWO's wb'ch wero offered only ii less, notwith standingtho acticity of money. Currency bonds fell off The following were tho prices on tho first call United States 6's, '81, coupon, 1204 a 03; 3 1862, coupon.lllj.; do. 1864, do.

117 all8;; do. 1867, 1195 a do. 1868, UWa 119X; 10 a WJi; do, con pon, 107i a 108o curronoy bondB, 106 a 106. Gold oiened at 137AC, foil off to 137, reaotod again to if, decllnini later to its prosent figure. Tno sales aro few and (ho tiarket quiet.

The lorn market is excited, rates reflecting tbo oxtremo Btringcncvin money. 8 16, 5 33, 6 le, and 9 33 are paid for oarryiig. Stoeh Exctaanjre Sales First llonrd New Youk, Juno 39. 1869. 0000 TJR 6 20 '67 U9M 26ltl 2U 0 68 1195 6(100 61, 66 30000 do 4U00O do 67 6000 do 67M B000 DC8t6s btc 681 69 SmeoVii lil 1000 Qcv Tol b.

102 M(ll) Cen now bdB 100 CcaoObio Mi con bs 86 mm nil (1 lnd Cen 100 do s3i) 000 do I'J 'i ion dn 195V 100 Hud Biv DO do 211) dn 164 700 Heading It coo us Clio Lake ShAMSR 107, 600 do 1073; 1600 do ROo do 107,1. 190 93 60D do 10D anim Ohi A K.s3.. 81 iBtmtg 8i IniOHnil kivlRt 101 111 Tenth Nat Bank. 92 10 FiiKrth NaB ox 102X 100 Quicksilver M. co 16M 100 do Ki 100 onb c.

16s 87 400 do 87M 100 do 0 a 60BclHCCobo 131 100 Adams Ex. 1C0 lo 6 2MAO.M Union Bx 10 do 5 do 2 ilUlM On, 1Sli 1200 do oH 1000 do 84 1110 Chi IV pf 95 200 do 95u inn nhi A WO do MX 1IM1 Mil 8t PR c. 75 Mil S5M BOO o. 85)i S00 ib 100 do 155 inn do liiii 10.1 do 154J, 100 Ohio 4 Miss lOOAItft 60 lis N.TOon 103 Knn Hn 4 v''? do an i do 19W I do my, 1 loo do boo mn Wtfff, 100 SCO 10.1! 50 Mori lfls 89; 2110 OolC AIndOIl. 40 Dub Si Oily It, 106 1UU I do 171M A a laiJ.

1SI8 klVIE COURT. QUEENS COUNTY, Tt nji. rlM.lnar Kinhin A dt; Jitfbi i.r rinm not nor.) WTifraH. pur loiiui. the naoieu and ri E' 8th dav of I l.f:fl.

anu to Berve a ooov of your answer totn on tno stlDScnoors, an tueir ortlro. in the a within twentyi wueens uuuniy. ii. Le service of this summons on a Rprmco ana ii von tan to nnstror the said) iny the tune aforesaid, tne plaintiff in this acV tuo uourt lot tiie rcuoi ueuiauucu in i)ocemhor 1st, JllVltHT. je30 law6wW uiusning, ii.

SUPREME CO Benjamin Wood iCOUNTY bta wilo. I'iain iitiB, against, uacou juoeum, Boebm, Dafendanta. GEnni BB ana ilursn itifffl' Attorney. in nurs nance of a iudirmout made in flip above entitled action, bean! 01 dUtlO, ff.9, 1 will Bell by public auotionriMHHNggHtNo. 331 irllr, Rlreet, In thn Citv nf BrnbMrHSa dav of July, at 13 o'clock, noon, filM) onbed lands and premises: All those PieotmHHMwJknd, with tbe appurtenances, situate, ljyHawpWV'in C'fv of Broofclvn.

Kines Oountr. isMM Off York, and known and described as tuAMRWPVjM, nue Distillery, and further described aX)rBMnMiA! those twenty four certain lots, pieces or Bttntn. lvtnrr nnrl heino in the Seventh ni RrnnVWn. IrtaIv beloniring to John on file in the Office ot the Bsalster of the rVT' nt, rti eft On Ol OK Ol aings.aB 1018 uuuiuur ,0, OU, Ol, OA, CO, Oil Ml iio "lis Hi. 11S 118.

117. Its. il9. 120. 121.

123 and 1 taken together are bounded and contain as fellowa. to Beginning at a point on the westerly aide of Skill! tfetAn eF fent. norf.horlv from the corner for K. ,1,,. of thn Rtarff side of Skillman Btree with Ihe northerly side of Tiliary street, as laid down said map thenco running westerly along the northerly side of lots numbered 90 and 111 on said map.

and in a line par. allol with Tiliary etrest 300 feet to tho easterly Bido of Franklin avenue; thenoo northerly along the easterly Bide of Franklin avenue 800 feet to the oulherly side of lot number 121 on said map; thonoe easterly along tho southerly side of lots number 121 and 77 ou said map 200 feet to the westerly Bide of Skillman street; thence southerly along the westerly side of Skillman street 800 feot to the place of beginning, together with tho machinery, stills, boilers and other apoaratns and Implements, belong, ing to, or attached or affixed to said promisos. Dated UWOODFQRO. Referee, CJTJPKBMB OOUBT, K.1JSG8 OOU TX Valentine G. Hall, vs.

George O. Johnaon and others, W.1 In pnreoanco of a judgment order of the above Court, made in tho above entiUedaction, Alfred T. Ackert, the Referee named in oaidjudjsment order, wiu boii through 4 Murphy, Real Estate Auctioneers, at their aaotion room, No. 881 Fulton street, in the City of Brooklyn, on tho 19th day of July, I860, at 12 o'olock, noon, all the lands and prcmiBCB described in said judgment Is to say All that oprtain nouse and lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Brooklyn, and bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on tho northerly side of Dean Btreet distent two hundred feet easterly from tbe northeasterly corner of Lean street and Grand avenue thence running northerly parallel to Grand avenue and partly through tbe oentor of a party wall ono hundred and ten feet to ttie center line of thoblook betweon Paoifio and Dean streets thenoo easterly along said centre line sixteen feet eight inches; thence running southerly parallel to Grand avenue and partly through tbo centre of a partywall ono hundred and ton feet to the northerly aide of Dean street; and thence westerly along Dean streot sixteen feet eight inches to the point of bnainnfnt; Oatcd.Iuae?d, V69. ALFRED ACK KRT, Referee K.

H. BOWKE, Biff's Att'y. je25 2aw3wFTa OUPRBMB COURT, KINGS OOUNTY Vahntlno G. Hall vb. William S.

Wiltberger othsrs 3). In pnrsnance'of a judgment order of the onrt, mauo in tue uuuvu eutitiuu uuuuu, ix Ackert, tbe Referee named In said judgment order at their i RrnnkltTi. all the lauds and Dremises described in said it niece der, that ia to say; All that certain home nnddnt Ward parcel of land situate, lying and being" In thj as follows: ef the Oily of Brooklyn, boundod and desq0 0f Douglass Commi noiDa at a point on tho uottherUaRtArlv from tho street, dietant two hundred and twenty fj streets, running northeasterly coiner of DongJaBsand nnd partly through meoce ugnioriy iimiuioi maj uuv bumjo reeb to tne centre the centrenf a party wall one hu 8nd Butler streets line of the blook between Doqfae twenty feet; thenoe tbence eaBtcrly along said oenj atreetand partly through junning Bouttorly parallel to fiidred feet to the north the centre of a party wall fd thonoe westerly and along crly side of Douglass stiQp.jaRj sireet twenty feet, to tho tbo northerly side Jnne 21d, 18K0 point of beginning. RED T. AOKKRT, Referee.

an, 8 j9253aw3wKAfn KINGS COUNTY Ta Georgo O. Johnson and othora. Valentingoe of a jndgment order in tho oourt, made rati. In purrfjtigd action, Alfred T. Ackert, tho Ref 1d ids abov Ri judgment order, will sell, through Cole eree uamseal Kstate Auctioneers, at their auction room, Mupaton street, in tho City of Brooklyn, on tho 19th 5 EJnly, 1869, at 12 o'clook, noon, all the lands and rfoRorihod in mid indement order.

All that oer Ja bouse and lot oi land, situate, lying and being in the eighty tbree feet four inches easterly from the northeasterly comer of Grand avenue and DeanBt; thenoe waning northerly, parallel to Grand aveuuo ond partly tnrongn the centre of a party wall, one hundred Bud ton feot, to the centre line of the blook between Paoiflo and Dean streoto: tbence easterly along said centre line sixteen feet eiflrht inchea: thenoe running southerly, naraltol toOrana avenue and partly through the centre of a party wohU one hundred and ton feot. totho northerly side of Dean street, and thenoe westerly along the northerly aide of Dean street sixteen feet eight inoheB to the point of boBinnlng Dated June 28d, 1869. ALFRED T. ACKERT, Hefareo. B.

HTBOWME, Flff's Att'y. Je2aw3wl Tn INGS OOU JTY OOUBT SAEAH h. a i .11. i u.n. Titlv nnd nihero.

u. fc A. L1UU1UU1, aH'iui. ruiT aw pinlnHrya Atty'i. In ounuanoe of a judg.

ment order of thiB Court, made in theabove entitled wtlon, beirleg date the Uth day of Jnne, I will sell by pnblio tbe Salesroomf. No. fel Fulton street, Jm the Oity of Brooklyn, on the 4ih dav of August, 1859, at noon, the following described land and premises: Al that eortaln piece or parcel of land, aitnato, lying and bains in EaetHew Oountyond Stato ct New Yorttatma. ed and deBoribed aalollows, via Beginning at a point on the centre line of Vermont avenue distant easterly two hundred and fifty ve 265) fot from the oentre line of New Jersey ovenue, on a fine drawn at rlaht angles thereto horn Point on suoh centre line of New Jersey avenue, distant northerly two hundred and aixty nine feet and eight Inches from the InteraecUon of the centre hue of Hew Jersey avenue ond I toe northerly Bide of the Brooklyn and Jamaica Plank Boad, thenoe running easterlyat right angles to New Jersey ave Due to land now or late of William iforaan; thence sontherly along said land thenoe westerly at right anglos to New Jertey avenue to the oentre of Vermont avenue itnenee northerly aleng said centreline, parallel with Newjewey avenue tblrty (38) foet to the plaoe of begtomjg, being paroel number eighteen (18) on a map made by Martin u. Johnson.

I8S3, being the aaraa premisei wbicb were oonve? rh PATRICK OAMPBELIi, Hherlii, IA. UK. 1,1 till SUPREME COURT, KINGS OOUNTY John MoCahUl, Plaintiff, agaiUBt Amello (formerly Amelia K. Johnson), Joho Johnson, William w. Mantonf Julia Sarah Clark Davidaon, V7 Ham W.

Darfd Rnmivinn fAwi llaf fflnrrt. I XT vr VxAVflbV moned fcndr au.rcdtoKnBwertlie cotaplaint in IWsaowon, wn.on'VnuDenifia in uioomco oi ino wier. nrtn I answer to tne sain i UOe, no. uuuniaunaittu iiiow.j wi ii, ty days after the aorvlce of ttos summons on yon. comtileint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff 'In ilm will apply to tbe Oourt for the reUefdemanded tu tho

Dannam The complaint in this aotion waslllod in the offloe of tue lai7tawthrTh an of of ANTED LABORERS. TO work on tne laud, drive oarts. Inquire of HN ANNOST. Oontraotor, 128 Canton at. isaaat a in Hi ii1 ru 1 1 W'fld7et5mker.

ocenpaUon in or out of thy honw. AUatWBW 1831 (Oerman preffirted) to do goneral housework. Call at SOS 5w WAHTED A GIKJj TO UUUJS, tvaon and Iron in a small family. Call at 417 Cumber tend WANTED A NEAT, OOMPETBHT woman, for general housework, in a small, private ramity reurenoes requireu. vv iw T17ANTBD A GIRL TO DO GENERAL houaowork, in a small family, at Ho.

86 Henry st. good reference required; Protestant preferred. WANTED A GOOD GIRIjTUJJU Wffi eral housework, and togoa short QlBtanoe in tho country. Apply at 286 Bactett st. WANTED A YOT7HG MAJS abuui 18 yeara of ago.

in a hat store, to ao as salesman. AddresaH. Eagle ofiloe. WANTED A YOUNG MAN about 17 years of age, with some knowledge of bookkeop ing. Address amPSllJltonst; STffANTED A YOUNG GIRL FOR llihichamberwork and waiting; must coma well recommended.

Jly at2tOUniion su WANTED BUTTON HOLils MAJi.M,o and shirt flnisherfl: none but brat class hands neod apply, at bnirt Btore, aiMnua dv. XXT ANTED TWO wuinistj van WW an iu n.IKnn ofrnnV. nd Ihfi other OS UUrBC. Tm 1T nKT lit ITtfl Those capable niav apply at onco at 65 Jeflorson at, b3. tween Heoioro unu ram.u ANTED A H1MGLE 1V1AN TO WORK on a farm a short distance in tne oouuwy out, preferred pleasant plaoe and steady work.

In omteatzwimitoasii ATCTlf.TA H.K.SFH;i)TABLiJS UJ.KLI. YT to cook, wash and iron, in a private family refor tnoo reauirea. uau jor two ubjd av iav vuwuh Myrtle ano wiiiongnuy ayen. ttt A TfIK.ST K.ATI5. washer and ironer, for general hiusowork, in a email family: noil have the best of references.

Apply at 15 Tompiuns place. XTC7 ANTED A YOUNG UlRli, JJxlUiyi to 16 years of ago, to do light housowork. in a small private family. Apply at 450 Atlantlo at, between Kevins ana rowera, YY housework; must be a good laundress and oook. Apply in Houston st, third house from southwest corner of Myrtle ave.

Family consists of four adults. fiOOD SHIRT YY bosom operators and corders; also good shirt hands who can deliver from ten to twenty dozen shirts per week. Ann Rtssa Hroaoway. now i ura. X)ir ANTED A PROTEST ajst Kiinu ua Vw iJjT.

a nhA nnnd washer and fir upnuriii iiuuDDnuiD a pin co. lNTED A young gi 4 hn iinnt.rD nnfl ANTEDA YOUNG GIRL AS NURSE mJ reference reauire f. Applr on Fourth ave, Annlr on Fourth ave, oor one Dours nuo nuiu wra ner Sixteenth st. South rooklyn, A wonwri TlMAITSllT ATELiY A GIRL i mnak hn ft pond washer TV CS "fhn St nr month. ffTAKfTTiinA COMPETENT OHAM VV bermaidaod waitress; the best of referonce re.

quired. Apply in St. Mark's place, corner ot ften Vork ave, je30 2f TAN TED A GIRL TO DO OICJJ tsRAL YT houseworlc, in a pnvoio lomuy, Ironer. with Kood references. Hro

AdbIj at 59 Lawrence tt, botweon Myr tle ave and Wllloughby st. J630 2f ANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework, in a family of throe adults and two children; must bo a enod wash! and ironer. Keioroncos required. Apply as i raomo 8t, uewtfin otuiva wt. jeBUSf WANTED A OOOO GIRlv.

TO OOOJi, wash and iron, in a moderate sized family; one with irnnr, refprpnepa. and everv wnv canable. will have a uood borne and liberal wages. Apply immediately at UflGatoj ave, between Hnntor ana Downing na. jwni at STSTANTED LADIES CAN ALWAYS And inppiior help at 211 Flatbusk avo, near Berseo Sr, nOIlB UtlllK WlUJlllCH VU Ulio uuiw mmwi, wuiuMiouv.

linn, fmrn fhnir ninr.Pt: RTnent ffirls who have nrVBr Hied out. Girls never pay until suited, but can always get good situations and good wages. if 30 lm tt KTANTUn SERVAMTS FIFTY EF HAlcnLHmnnsf.irfland resnectablo irirls lately landod ha.nnl,ri nith nirnll Tit nitnatlnnR. nt hiirhnst WAces. in rim Tir1 rnnntrv.

dftilv at, WALLACE'S. 4 Sands Bt. near Fulton. N. B.

Employore, in city and country, promptly suppliea witn oincient scrvantB AUTETl TWD TIDY YOUNG WO men in nHend nn ice cresm and OVSiet SBIOOU. WOO undrstand making change; good referanco roquiroi. Call for two davs. at WM. HATFIELD'S, Third ave.

and Twenty fourth Bt, South Brooklyn; Court at. cars from Fulton ferry stop at the door. je29 2t WANTED 100 SERVANTS, EVERY day this week, for flrst class private families in Tt rttlT, onil llio pnnnlrr Rnmmer hotels. hoat dinff.hoilSas. 'c.

Tho lsrJeBt demand for servants in the city, lis at CHEISTOPHEE'S Select Asency.10 Tiunry st; eoouser vnntsnoed not wait fife minutes; wages $12 to $20; no cbarirojinleSB enitcd. TST ANTED LADIES TO LKAKJN TO operato on nil kinds of Bowingmnchtnes; all branches penecr, ana recoromunuuu wum, uauuiuco (ii'; to rent. Operators sent out hy tho nay or weok. iff ((i fer tho trade. Orer Lewis' shoe store Annlv a I5.r Mjrtio avenue, urst uoor.

JOB liu ANTED SERVANTS 0 200 mer enced servants and alrls lately lanaon, wantou immediafely. Superior situationsnow roady fpr cooks.laun dresses, chambormaidB, waitresses, housework, small girls, Ac. Hundreds of places now ready in private families, summer hotels, private hoarding houses, Ac. at fllr. HLN fospectahle pirls in Brooklyn, wanting situations, without UlUKDLin'o via PBTBin.sneu vimeo, lii niinu.ii.

bi. lleiay, snoaio apmy to tuja uiuuu, nuo uiuav Brooklyn or New York. Jena SIXPATIONS WANTED. "ATANTED A SITUATION BY A COM noient. tnnn lo take eare of horses, oilhor city or country goou reieience, vjau a iy raviuvj m.

WANTED ASiTUATlON BY A RE spectahle girl to cook, wash and iron. Can be aeon at her present empjoyer's, 83 Monroo place. jagg 3t" WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE Bpectable woman, as cook; good city references. Inquire for two days at 88 Montague st WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE spootablo girl as cook, washer and ironer. in a small private family.

Call for two days at 111 Bast Warren Btreet. WANTED A SITUATION BY A FIRST oIbbs horjeman (married) to drive oarriasro, wagon or truck good references given. Address for two days, 7Yorist. ANTED A SITUATION BY A NEAT, hcjiltby. respectablo yonng mamett woman, Bolio seen at 214 Irom Court.

ANTED A SITUATION BY A i innrr rrii 1 no nhnm iinrmnirl And 8m Ml ivate family will he fonod honest, willii anrt ob.isingt i (1 11 A 1nia nt Ht! liinll1 II rCttUtiTJUi Kait IW. Vr" "it uU ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE spcctoblo young, woman as infant's to go into country naB gooa city rotorences. an ior iwo uana uu I Union st. ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE Biicctalile as cook, washer and ironer, in a nail nrivate family, Ploaso call for two days at, i mm Iteec ANTED A SITUATION FOR A OOM Detent and trustworthy a3 nurspj and plain eamstress, byber present employer. 213 Bohermerhorn iroet, TSTANTED A SITUATION BY A RE bY spectahle woman, as cook; is willing to assist in raBning ana ironinz to uu aaou lur mu uajo an um iudodu.

Itoployer's, S14 OJinton st. T71TANTBD A SITUATION BY A RE speotable yonng woman to do general housowork: is ii70od ironer and is well recommended. Oull rat 1U90 AUflwlio ave, in tpb hoib. ilflTiTAHTBD A SITUATION BY A young cirl to bo out to wah and iron or to do plain BQWWtf py 1 at3 uay; win uo iuuu wuiiuk auu uuiu. uau be Ben at 81 Kent ave, ANTED A SITUATION BY A BE i spectable young woman, as a good cook wash ier and ironer in a small family; has gooi Call for two days at 69 Main at.

city references. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE milk. Apply at Ixing Htaud Oolloge Hospital for one week; ipooo cay reierence, WANTED A SITUATION BY A GIRL, a chamberutud and waitress; no objootkm to the country. Apply at her proaftnt employer's, 60 South Oxford Jo2t' TfTtTAWTED A SITUATION BY A TT reliable and trustworthy man, to take care of horse and cow and a email garden. Apply Dr, TXT ANTED A SITUATION.

BY A yonnp woman, to do up Btaira work and uewing, or lieht boiifletvork hsa city references. Apply at 259 Atlantic Bt, oe ween pmuaDU jpuurum am. ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE enanMAa Vrntnutfint vonnir flfirmnn woman, to do general houa work, in a amall family, or to do up staira work; bas Rood city references. Call for two days at 2,465 avef near Kaipa ave. ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE Rnectable widow woman fEnulishl.

with a little girl, five years old, to do eenoral housework in a small private family. Inquire at 11 East Warren st, for two days. jcS92t STANTED A SITUATION BY A RE Bpectablo middle aged woman, either as laundress or to cook, wash and iron: no obiBOtiou to go in tbo conntry. Apply for two days at hor present mens at. jo jti at, WANTED A SITUATION BY A yonns girl ao seamstress; is a (tood operator on vTbeelrr Wilton's machines.

Would bo wllhny to go in the country for the summer and do light ohamoer work. PleRBO call for two dayB at 91 State St. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE epectahle young cirl to do general housework, or as chambermaid and waitress has good references. Oall for twodayBstthooornerof Neyins and Carroll sta, ovorlthe liquor Btoro. WANTED A SITUATION BY A OOM petent, faithful girl, to do genera housework in a small family.

Can bo seen for threo days at the house of her employer, in Quinoy st, eighth houso east of Bodford avenue, south side. je80 2t WANTED A SITUATION BY A OOM petent girl to do general housework in a small family, or chambermaid and waitress would not object to go to the country. Apply for two dayB at 110 Elliott place, South Brooklyn. WA3STED A SITUATION BY A RE spectabie girl as chambermaid and waitress, or to do cbamberwork and sewing: oau operate on Wheeler A Wilson's sewing machine; boat city reference. Oan be.

seen for two dan cor. Hoyt and Fourth sts. (' WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE spcctablo yonng girl, as seamstress, in a private family; has no obieotion to go in the country or take oare tf children; has the host ot city reference. Please call at 3)9 Adelphl Bt. 7 ANTED A SITUATION BY A sneotable eirl.

aBfitt ciat8 tb oan ohe OTaoaoyzrom nBiniancy; can ao piam flawing ib geior ally oblidiDff, and has tbe host of city referenoo. Oar be acenfor two Hicke st, corner of Oopgresa. WANTED A SITUATION BY A ftB Bpectable woman, in a private family, as flratolasa cook, but no washing: good city reference if no objection to go a ahort distance in the country. Can be seen for two or three days at No. 663 Myrtle tfer tho lamp BUre.

WANTED A SITUATION BY A RB speotAble girl, as ceok, washer and ironeror would do general housework, in a small family; or wotld go as thorough laundress: the best of city reference, it required. Inquire for two days at No. 87 Frinoe in the rear, between Johnson st. and Myrtle aw. WAivrs.

WANTED TO PUROHASE A MORT gage for 91,500, that has one or two Tears to ran; also, ono for $500." Address PRINCIPAL, Eajlo office. less 2t" WANTED WASHING S. FAR rell is prepared to take in gentlemen's washing, and to give perfeci satisfaction to all who patronize her, at 191 Pacific st. ANTED A OOTTAGE IN THBSr provementa, TIT ANTED TWO, THREE OR FO vv mtleman, wife and child (six years old), who wiflh tsKo their meals at a pood board iiw honse near by. saisa a pooa nnmbeifof roomi drees, wing nurauur oi roomjMooaiK nrino.

ASH Kl Ma, Sob uroadway, N. Y. REAEi ESTATE FOB 8A E. FOR SALE A SAORIBIOE FIVfl lots, each 25x100. on Woodbine st, between Oanpi and Johnson avos; only 8E00 each: sewer now being CI through only 810 assesamont; lots on next block oniynr'j 100, Belling for $400.

Apply to tbe owner, 314 Bowery, NgXffi tafta 17. ff Flai I tioR SALE CHEAP FOR INVES aP monhA larao nnrvstorv. bssement. briok dR iug and store let to ono tenant fer $1,260 per yoara rent guaranteed monthly, In advance; lot, wxiuvinpj 8(1x60, containing mneleen roims: pries, term suit. Apply to u.

orAJTrtu, no. ion nemaon bp, i ritOR SALE A PRETTY TWO STi JL1 cottage house, built three years, has eight rooms wii tfonvion. tnd full lot niceiv laid out and well stochei water in house, good neighborhood; prtco cau reninin on uonu ouu mongoHe ior Boven years, it roquu Apply on tne premises, to y. hub. rweniy sooonu tircon Filth and Sixth aves, South Brooklyn.

jo! mm fet 3 gronnd and was seriously injured. Ho was conveyou to there eldenco of a friend near by, whoro a physician attended him. An nmrioyro on board tho excursion barge P.Wno beck. tmmei Wm. R.

Smith, whtio ttio barge was lying at Fulton ferry yesterday, fell from the uppr to tholon er floor, and sustained airacturo of a thlsh, togotter with other iujuries. IIo was properly attendee to. Srr.ciBE. 'While one of the Wall street ferry bosta was running to Brooklyn, at 7 :30 o'clock last cveniig, an unknown man, apparently about 33 yoara ot age, Jumped overboard and was drowuod. Tho suicide DOTerrosoto tbo surface, and his body was not recovered.

CoNFrBMATipN at Giucb Cecboh, B. D. At Graco XpiEcdpalf Church, Conselyea Etrcet, E. special services werb held last and tbo announcement that Bishop LitDi jobu would be present and conduct the was sufficient to attract quito a number besides tho regular communicants. An iuter tstingcisconrfe wai delivered by tho Bishop, in the courfc of which he took occasion to congntfulato the members of the pnrish upon their advancement in numberF, and ihe grafifyiug sfgus of prosperity, cs w' the advent of tho present Hector, Rov.

W. S. einwill, and indulged the hope that their sphere of usefulness might bo greatly extended. The rite of confirmation was administered to about thirty persons, by tho Bishop, assisted by tho Rector, tho service throughout of a deeply impressive charactor, to which tbo entiro audience gave their undivided attention. Petit Laboent.

Officer Strong of the Forty fourth Precinct, arrested Christophor Gibbons a boy aged 13 years, who was charged with stealing a silver watch valued at 810, from bis father. He was bc ld to await examination bef oro Justice Riley. Fotjkd Deowsed. The body of a man, about forty years of age, was found In tho water at tho foot of Van Brunt street, this morning. Notice waa conveyed to the Coroner's office, and the body removed to the dead boueo, for inquest, A description of tho body appears in another column.

Beeenadeiis DueiiCred. Late last night a party of tbrco not over young men, after an extended trip through the saloons of "Dutchtowo," and on their return towards their homes in tho Fourteenth Ward made a pauFO in their unsteady courso beneath the windows of a domicile occupied by a female friend of one of the trio, who is a devout follower of the afore eaid and St. Crispin as well. Tho party gave utterance to a time worn sonnet in Bomowhat lugubrious tones, which, instead ot conducing to blissful' ideas on the i yiartof the fair one above referred to, rathor inconsod I lier instead, judsiug from ibo fact that the contents of a large pitcher wis precipitated upon the seronadera with an invitatiomto divide it around, and the term "outrageous nuiBanle," etc. Another trial was made, ttIO an ffffli tnf dA samn drenching stylo, whereat tbo ttio loft, and earated in disgust eoon after, dtp Baij'fied at their Want of buccs39, and considerably danpenea in aruuk fffpz Odell ibsooiation: To day a not particularly pleasant day ia tbo one ohesen by the Odeil Association lo go to West Point and lona Island, The steamer Gen talSeJgwick, left tho dock at Fulton Ferry, bearing a rge crowd.

A bandof music was on board to eDlerlai tho spirits of uU, Howover, tho day turned out pleasil after all. )G. A. E. fM the semi annual election for olficcrs of Post Vadsworth No.

4, G. A. held the iher eveDing, tbetulowing were chosen: S. H. Mild.

cnberg. Command; Oliver Olson, Senior Vice Oom rntnder; J. G. Sturfess, Junior Vice Commander; Wm, fcC Stewart, QuartcAaster. SewMtjbio.

4a age in 07111011 via live is remirkable, among kber things, for cheap music, jj. Tfithaway, of til city, has reduced the low priced to a system, ttf resulie of which are surprising. 1 (large and vd printed pages aro Issued at a unheard olnte. The pleco JuBt published la 'jr Turtle Dtvei Coo," a duet, the words of which air by Edmund Wb, and tho music by A.Cull. Tho tjunbers of Halcaiy's eerlea will appear monthly, St.

James ttaooL. The pupils of St. Rimes' Cathedral scW will give a grand Concert to irorrow (Thurtday) Vening. The musical perform ttces will be intersperVd with declamationa and dla (ofues. The ejominat 0f tbe pupils and tho dlitrl buiion of promiums to4 place at Sawyer's Hall last The Accident HIT.

Rooliling The ucoidentto Mr. John A. Roebline. en gineer of tho EastEiver Bridge, wnich waB briefly ro corded in yestcrdal'B Eagle, we regret to hear is ot a more inful and Knnanont character than we then apprehended. Mr Joebling and his eon have been en Eged for some tire in surveying the approaches to the bridge, fixing tbe 1 otlon of the towers and running believe tl term Is, so as to designate the 01 Mt locations of tbo ructure.

In some cases they have been treated with a lttlo incivility by tho parties to whose roofs thoy wi ed to ascend for tho purppso of fxting obsorvalion: Some peopio immediately adjoining (he river see to regret the probability of their operty being takei or the purposes of tho bridge. On the occasion of 5io accident, however, Mr. Koeb ling was not on the td of a building, but had gono out tolhn mirerno ebor jline, and was on the piece or beai which runs inside the Fulton firry rack, BrooklyV Bido, at lis oxtremo point. When tho boat ft coming into tno slip it uraally strikes tbo '4k near tho extreme point at which Mr. Roebling atiB11a forces tho piles of the rsckhaci against the ng piece.

Mr. Eoeblingon Seing the boat approacBot or tbo rack Itself and ood on tho beam, which Vj do onough to accommodate the whole length foot, and which he Itercfore expected would keAbtm clear of tho rack when il was forced back agafy the beam. But unfortunately there was a protnberVc0 in the pilo which to was stonding opposite to, so tKt Whon tho rack was orced back against ihe beam the or protuberance tho pile overlapped the beam, aid by the pressure the ferryboat against tho rack wasWced downward ono of Mr. Rocbling'B feet, aquLing tho point of lie boot and every toe but the fifth the beam on Wlrj ho stood. The pain mBt hni been intense, but 3ft.

Eoebling is a man of iron nervejand Instead of B'J'ing ho was hurt he wont on glvW directions fiont the eurvoy for some minutes wifcout moving om tho phco where he had been injured. Soon lowovr ht, yas unable to remain Bon con him to Or. Bhepard's surgery, when, he called lo cold water hl9oot initio Web tha flov ot blood. A cwoci) of guygeona was hefa and it Wat delermined that thv fnrIP ennA hn Xtl! t06 hungbyalripof ekin. When tho amputation was Wer Mr.

Eoebllnj him Bell bound up bis foot in wot clou, and h'mped to the door without assistance. He wsb takail home at once. Ihe doctors EBy his heallh is so good that 're is no leaaou to doubt he will bo alile to bo about as iwo or throe week, limnoh he will of 2r lalin owu yciwuuuuuy lameu uy mo uwiiuent. The working plsns of the bridge are so far perfected that no por tcptible delay is expected to result from tho distressing anu jiamiui casualty wnicn nas ueiauen Jiir. Boebllng.

Klnps County Beal Estate TransZora. Smith st, Bouthenst side, 49 feet north of Ci if uumiing, i.diuu Esther Ktuyvcsant ave, cast sido, ED feet BOUth of Kosciusko st SSiJ'fl 81.00 Frank Otard to Ueorge Mullen. Wllloir Bt, cast aide, 99 feet 9 inches south of PineaDnlo lot and building, Sf Henry White to Graco p. Eider. Flatbnab.

map of Henry Conkiln, Nos. 27 and 88 8I0O JUenry Con kiln and others to Henry Lobman. Decraw st, north side, 175 wt of Hoyt at, lofand buiid na 20iiui 9 fKKi Wm. Ftadell to Smith Wood. Eighth avo.

ano Eighteenth st, southwesterly corner, lot unu uunuing, ZUX76 nenjy oueuy to wm. 11. Mac ray. Gwinnett and o4a.

ffontbftasfc oornay. 1iniSR qrs 00 StllO. John H. Ireland to Sherlock Austin. st north side.

150 ieet wort of Beventh ave. V0.2iW Wm. WulftoDflDlolMcOartby. west of Third at. Edn tl "dcriok Coohon to the Board idei.131 ft 6 in east of R'eraon st.

lot ic.aii5 juicuaei walsntouohnj. raVPSeUd. lot Rnd hnTMInn .11 ntbiniitonst, west fide, 21 feet Bout'h of HlAi St, lot ww Mii Muuuiua mj uuas. oy en st, west aide, 98 feet north of Varet st, 80x36x31 ucury uqh is mj Aafraste lira! Co. 'SOU ttVD.

wei.r.atrfo. yWI feet nnrfh nf rinTrnlhavA Kfi 10l David Brown to Bartolomo Blanco. T5m Btn outh id feet west of Smith bt, Mx63.7x irjh? 'eet west of Smith st, 60i61x52x re. Jehu Jtmefllf, Henrv Mint. sido.

.193 feet 6 inches east of Sitth 'xIi0 Abraham Burtis to Gilbtrt E. Van.

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