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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUSINESS NOTICES. OUR DEL8AKTISM. NEWS SUMMfLEY. roond Duffy commencing coovotBation on tho subject of tho roll books being furnished to Bllsa faction. While talking, Mr.

Blair joined the party, whon Duffy ciclaimod, Thera is the man now talk to him ho has the wholo thing in bis UaaJs aud knowa all about It." Blair asked MoKonzlo what ho wanted. HOLIDAY PBESBNTS. Tlie Principles ana Illustrations ot a new Solence An Intcrcstlmr JLeuture br James Jlackuyc. In spite of the very unpleasant weather of nAWDSOMR, Another Meeting of the Twenty USEFUL. The Presbyterian Trial.

The case Way vs. Corbin, it now appears, originated in the Rev. Dr. Talrnage's ohurch, out of matters arising wholly in that, church, and between no other parties but members of that one ohuroh. Why, then, the reader will ask, did not that ohuroh try it, instead of transferring it to the general body of the Presbyterian ohurohes of the city It did not come before the general THMISDAY EVE1VINO, DEC.

21. A special session of tho New York Grand Jury was callod yesterday and adjourned until to day. Tho fact oxcltos somo opprohonsion among a certain olasB who havo a wholesome drood of the Grand Jury's deliberations about those days. The papers speak hopefully of Mayor Hall's resignation. Tho rumor has somo basis perhapa in His OH BAP, Second Ward Association.

"Ii M00 would no enougnv" Moaou Richmond acquiescing. Blair said 'twas worth that, ir anything. Blair continued, "AU right. I will seo about it to morrow, and feel conddout I can arrange it to your satisfaction," The party separated. Subsequently the neit evening Blair Btatod to MoKonzle, and Blchmoud happening to meet them on Fifth avenue, that ho (Blair) "had tried to boo Blias, and when going futo Bliet' oflloo was mot by Yan Brunt coming out.

Van Bruut Baid there's no necotBity of seeing Bliss as I have arranged it, stating to Blair that he (Vau Bruut) oould promiBO the secretaries $50 a piece." Blair oemed annoyed at Van Brunt's interference, and stated to MoKonzle he he thought could yet EaHsfaotorily arrange tho matter. These were all the interviews, MoKonzle and Richmond agreeing they had gone aa far as necessary, gained all the information of the taotios of the Bllsa ITHAMAR W8 PULTON BTUBBT. SIGN OF THE GOLD SHIRT. Tuesday night, a very eompaot and well nlzed auill ouce waa preBent at tho lecture of Mr. Jamea S.

Uac kaye, delivered on Delearte'a Syatem," in tho ohapcl of tho Packer Institute. A large part of the audionco In qucatlon consisted of young and their attendant boaux. It is to be regretted that several of these seemed to regard the looturoas a oomio entertainment, and persisted in marring the effect of soma of its most instructive portions by a silly and causeless glgglo. Mr. Macliaye's theory appealB to the intellect, and not Honor's own remark (aa roporlod) wai no was uuu.

do "what the interest of theoity demands." THE SALE OF TUB ROLL BOOKS. The funeral of the late Honry T. Taoker 1 nt All flnillf man was attanaeu ycsioruuy u. by about 600 friends of ttte asooasea inoiuuing neany Where Can Poor Veople Get Vaccinated 7 Brooklyn, December 17, 1871. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle In your paper a few days ago I saw it stated that all the doctorB were vaccinating gratuitously.

I applied to several, hut all Bald it was a mistake. I also applied to the Dispensary In Raymond street, near Flat bush avenue, and to tbo one corner Gates and Fulton avenues, but was told the price was ono dollar, but if tho cab waa good twenty five cents would be returned. Please inform me where I could get it done, as I havo four children, and cannot afford to pay. Widow. The German Republicans as Be.

formers TUo New Controller Not in tbo Now Movement. BnoOKLYN, December 21, 187U To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eante I do not desire to "niBh into print" for tho purpose of; refuting tbo ridfculotia statements contained in tbo two communications, hf aded "The German Committee of Fifty," and "Sohrocder's Become," respectively, and published in yesterday's Eagle. I bog only to bo allowed to state that I am not a member of any of tho Gorman American Reform Associations, Citizens' Associations, or committcos to which those communications allude, and I therefore consldor it improper to honor me by calling them oithcr "Schroeder Co or "Schrooder's Committee." Yours very respectfully, F. A. SoimoKnEU.

How tlio Poor aro Insulted. More Light on the Little Job that Dutoher all tho artists, and literary Men ana women in uiu ui.j. The remains' wero taken to Mount Auburn Cemetery for interment. Indeed, the former suffer more, as thoy aro unprovided with the preventive and curative appliances within reach of the latter. So that poor as well as rich should breathe through chattering teoth a thanksgiving for tho wholesome cold snap, remembering that "a green Yule makes a fat churchyard." Aside from considerations of bodily well being, the beneficial effects of the cold weather will hardly be questioned.

While it promotes physical health for the present and in the next Summer, it is certainly healthful to agricultural, manufacturing, commercial, and therefore finanoial interests. Seasonable order is undoubtedly tho best order. A warm Winter is as undesirable as a cold Summer. Snow and ice, despite their incidental annoyanoes, are essential to the earth's proper productiveness, and the grateful soil uniformly acknowledges in a substantial way their useful agency. It would be easy to show how trade is stimulated by seasonable weather, and how all other industries share the stimulus, to the advantage of the poor as well as tho rich.

But it is unnecessary to do more than indicate these obvious reflections in order to suggest that the cold snap is wholesome and ought to be Put Up for Bliss. Tho report that Sanders, Dugan ana uar laerion tney couiu, uuu uu.Uu., Hall and Tanner. Charlos Richmond also furnished atalavlt covering aU that Is contained lu Secretary MoKeuzio'a attl James Tinner's testimony taken, Bhowins ttiat while iu the country McKcnzio wrote him that Blair was TBVING TO PLAY A GAME in tho ward, but ho and Richmond would fool him. ooerf.tnrlnR tnM him nf the nlot wheu be returned. rett, conflnei in Lake City, Arkansas, for tho murder of Wynne, the negro lawyer, wero taken ont by a mob of negroes and shot dead, is now oonflrmed and moro with it, Thty havo taken possession of tho town.

HOW THE WIRES WERE PULLED. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ELHOANT DBBSSINO ROBES AT ITHASfAB DUBOIS, 823 PULTON BTRKET. SIGN Off THK GOLD SHIRT. 1 1lls Paper ban the Larecnt CireulB ion at any Evening Paper Published the Unite States.

Its Value as an Idvertisiiig Medium is tneroforo apparent. making Capital out of Labor. The Republican politicians in Congress are jontriving to reconcile capital with labor, in ne Bonse. That is to say, they are striving iard to make political capital out of the labor inestion. Mr.

Hoar, of Massachusetts, elect from the monopolist and capitalist region, whence emanate the great mass jf legislative burdens and exactions upon labor, and the bulk or the schemes for enriching capitalists by Congressional aid (his gentleman suggests a plan by which, ho liopes, the Republican politicians may win the favor of the laboring classes, while still maintaining all their favoritism to capitalists. Mr. Hpnr's proposition, which has passed the Honse, is, that the President should appoint i Commission, one of the members of which to tho moro physical faculties. Hence it was derogatory to Iho man and to hia mission to treat him aa if ho were somo cheap itiuorant humorist. His hardly in the scope of a brief newspaper article to describe the EXTRAORDINARY SCIENCE of DelBartiem, aB propounded by Mr.

Maokayo. Tho broad hauls on which it stands, however, is this: Tho dramatic art, so called, haa hitherto boon founded ou no deOnlto Bystero. Its differentiations havo been duo cither to accidont or to lustiuot, and not to the influence of an inflexible code of natural laws. This code of lawB, which may be callod a geometry of the mind and body, haa beon compiled, and indeed discovered, by Francis Delsarle. In othor words, M.

Delsarte claims that by following certain fixed and iin imitnhln rules of treaticulation and expression, d. An extensive strike has taken place among body by way of appeal from a decision oi the Talmage churoh, but by the unanimous and voluntary deolination of the Talmage chnrch to try it. And then, when the Talmage church had thus forced their own dirty linen into the washtub of theirneigh bors, Mr. Talmage himself imputes hostility to his church on the part of the other ehnroh es, from no other fact in the world but that they had consented to try a case which he and his church had thrust before them. He complained that it was his ohurch they were trying, rather than Way vb.

Corbin. No reador could hnve gathored from this remark of Mr. Talmago any other idea, than that the other churches had maliciously and unneoessarily dragged the local disputos of his church before them. Tho fact, howover, is that ho aud his church forced their domestic quarrel upon the tribunal of their neighbors, and then, before tho trial was hardly begun, imputed hos nlco tpHMUeU f.n Blair, atatins to him that the atone cutlers, at Westerly. R.

I. 300 of thom lolt Van Bruut hud aeon Blair in roforonco to tho secreta Nomination of Ofixcers Bcttereon's quarry on Monday, having domanuou xno and Delegates. ries, auu ne nau uroiuisuu iai jju iw books. Captain Hall teuMnod to tbo Secretaries calling on him and Btating that thoy had boon approached by tho discharge of sis apprentices, whiou uemana was refused. Batteraon has already put on sixty now apprentices that had been kept out by tho stoncouttera' Asso ciation.

Mr. Batterson has announced that hu will not Notwithstanding the extreme soverity of employ a man who belongs to the Society. Bliss faction relative to roil uoohb, woo auviaeu go ahead and got all tho iuformition tuoy could aud keep him aud other friends posted. He also advised them to SCO Mr. Dutoher.

Thoy followed his advlco, aud ho (Capt. Hall) was aware of tho wholo proooed the weather last evening, tnero was a large uuiauw President Thiers has boon interviewed by a deputation of French Prolestautsr. Thoy wero kindly Tthe Editor of tlie Brooklyn Haate My attention was recently called to an incident which occurred at the ofllce of tho Superintendent ot tho Poor lu Livingston street, aud which leads me to iuquire whether there Is un iustitutlon, private or public in this city, where the class of unfortuuato and worthy poor, In their application for relief of ne cCBSitous wants or for employment to escapo threatened starvation, ore freo from the gratuitous allghtsand insults of thoBC clothed in a little brief authority, either received aud a promise or religious equality 10n. a. H.

UUicuer leamiu iu iud oc mtfl. ini7 similar statement to that made HOLIDAY BEAUTIFUL, HOUSE COATS OR SMOKING JACKETS AT ITHAMAR DUBOIS, K8 FULTON KTRKKT. SIGN OF THE GOLD. SHIRT. positive and mathematically invariable result.

nm follow. Aa surely as two and two make four, Jin! no Eurely, according to the system of which Mr. MackyQ is tho apostle, will submission to THE STEADFAST MINXiriiES of tho theory develop tho art. To give some idea of tho practical working of this theory, Mr. Mackaye laid down as 'one of tbo numerous axioms of hia science a scieuce which, as he af lirms.

underlies hiB system or eodo of rule the following, That opposition is the most important ele This ho illustrated, first by tho granted. Of the Communist prisoners, have Wise Counsel lrom a WiliiauisImrjrU Carpet Baggcr. to apt. Hall be gave them tbo Bauio advlco that Hall did; hey followed it, and reported to linn. Also tes tilled that he had heard from various sources of Blair and Van Brunt frequently being at BUb3' oflloo at tho tility to the other churches.

beeu tried. Of these 2,023 have boen convicted and sentenced, and 12,358 discharged. Additional courts Mr. Talrnage's Church seems to fancy itself as publio servants of the as appointed officials ot private chariiable Institutions 7 Tho incident in question waB tbis A poor woman entered the office in WaterBoard. On being recalled (the Committeo desiring to give fullest latitude conslateut with their duty), Mr.

Blair are to be created for facilitating tho trials. denied each and ah allegations lu lediimony oi ai ou zie, Richmond, and Tanner. Spain has another ministerial crisis, the JIalcampo ministry having resigned. Seuor Zorrllla was lirst named to undertake tho formation of a now hnt it is now known that the task has fallen the members present, and nearly all tho prominent no publicans of the ward, including Supervisor Dutoher, Wm. lticbardson, A.

13. Itichardson, Supervisor Hall, ex Alderman Travis, and others. Tiio meeting waa called to order by Mr. Blair, the Chairman, when the minutes of tho previous meeting were read and approved. A metiou was made to take up the report of tho investigating Committeo into the charges made against the two Secretaries of tho Association, by President Blair, which was adopted.

The report was then read, as follows Tii the officers aid members of the Twcnty sceoiul It'iirif Republican Association of llrooklin Gentlemen In accordance with a resolution paBBed at the last regular meeting of this Association, by which the undersigned were appointed a committee, to investigate and report upon ohargea of malfeasance in oillce by the secretaries of this Association, your committee beg Icavo to submit the following: That they have held four long sessions daring winon the parties charged with malfeasance aud their accuser together with Buch othor persons as wero indicated by both sides wero rigidly and thoroughly examined, a largo amount of testimony being elicited. wE Aa Afll roolffhinr, anirt iPHtiniOTIV. and With the observed of all observers, the necessary object of envy, hatred, and jealousy from all its sister churches. That this idea is the offspring of a morbid self admiration, which imagines all other people to be either dazzled, or convulsed with jealous rivalry, is very evi clown's bow, In which the baud and the head describod two parallel arcs, an effect so ludicrous as to raovo the audience to laughter. Then he made a salutation, in which tho head and hand firat gcntlv approached each other and then receded.

Moat of his other examples wero equally novel equally instructive. tto rlnimed for hiH theorv thai exnresBioB and geB Mr. van uruni leauucu iu uwn aumuu iuuniiu.u ries baa ofl'erod roll books for $11011, aud told UUir lie would have nothing to do with them; had met Blair ON THE STEPS OF THE CITY HALL, to Seuor Sagasta, probably owing to hia sagacity. New Cabinets are in order at this Christ, oicnT, Thev are having one in Ontario. It con but had no couvernaUon with him relativo to roll books or politics of the ward.

turo were bb much a language as speech. And ho also proved that expression, gesture and spoooh Invariably followed each other In due series first expression, iimn cpfdiirn. then snaeoh. He affirmed also, and If all carpet baggers apprehended tho local situation and needs and adapted themsolvos thereto as intelligently and readily as tho one hereinafter mentioned, thero would bo less complaint from tho South, "and Mr. Greeley might qualify his sharp characterization of some of the politicians of that soction.

General Catlin may be called, in no offensive sense, a Williamsburgh carpet bagger. He is a new citizen of the Eastern District of this city and promptly takes a public part in its affairs; but it is only fair to say that he understands the weakness of Williamsburg better, states the symptoms of the disease more clearly, and suggests the remedy moro boldly, than many people who have dwelt there HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ELEGANT SOARFS. AT ITHAMAR 533 FULTON STREET. SIGN OF THE GOLD SHIRT.

ftlr. UJuir also leaunoa, on a bccouu return iiiut oi. of ono of tho committee, that ho had no couveraaUou with Duffy about roll books prior to tho Saturday even sists, so far, of E. Blake, President of tho Council and Prmw a. McKenzie.

Provincial Soorotary; A. Mc dent to all outsiders. Mr. Talmage and his church are a comet, the other churches are planetB. There is more written in the papers about the comets, but in the religious world proven as well, that the passions, tho senses and tho Killar, Commissioner of Agriculture, immigration auu T'nhiin works Adam Crooks, Attorney General.

Tho antcuona correupouueu eiaunj mtu mnTif.iitiiHmiH. the diBcoverv of which depended on question, in order to apply for relief, and with wet feet she took her stand near the stove to dry them. She had not stood there long beforo she was rudely told to tako ber Beat with tho rest of tho applicants. She was spoken to by the rough official as if she had boon a convicted folou than an unfortuuato victim of poverty. Surely it is sufficiently hard upon the worthy claBB of our city poor to havo thoir Bouse of pride to conquer In thus applying for aid without having to encounter tho brutalily of the class of vulgar officials who revenge themselves for their servility to their potential masters, by their tyranny toward their poor applicants for public alms.

These fellows forgot that they are hired servants of tho city, and it is timo they wore taught the fact. It iB almost equally aa bad in some private charitable institutions. In fact I havo heard of cases of young ladies, reduced to dire distress by misfortunes of one kind or another, who in making application for work ut Employment Societies, havo boon treated with a degree of slight aud offlcfa! impertlnanoo meriting the severest rebuko. In regard, too, to the actiouB and deportment of committeo womon ol church charities, it is rare to find thcBe dispensers of alma fullv imbued with that true sympathy with the leelings of the distressed class whoso wants and sufferings they seek to relieve, as to avoid inflicting moro pain than all their gifts cau compensate for. The fact is.

but few of theso private or nubile officials even act ing previous to tUO BCpicniuor pnmarj; amu, iu at though iu the course of his political walk ho found snob persons an Doberty, Dully ami Lynch very uaoful, yet tie did not demro it uuderetood that he could tccoguixe them iu a eocial sense. no mere accident, but which could be reaoned by fol Treasurer and Commissioner of tho Crown Land have not yet been appointed. lowing tho laws of THE DEI.SAKTIAN SYSTEM, shall be a laboring mechanic, to investigate the relations of labor aud capital in tho United States. Theso Commissioners are to have a salary of $3,000 each for the year they aro to devote to their investigation. Now this is a notable dodge, worthy of the soaring intellect of the politician of tho period.

Seo how certainly it onures to the benefit of the politicians, while it accomplishes nothing for tho laborors. In the first place it creates several new, comfortable well paid berths for Radical politicians. So much as $5,000 each is gained for a few worthy servitors of the party in power, even if nobody elso gains anything. But it is intended to gain more than a mere salary for a few politicians. It is intended to persuade the laboring class of the people that the Republican party is their friend, anxious to help them, and only delaying doing bo until this Commission oan find out exactly what it is tho laborers want the politicians to do for them.

In the next place, it is calculated to stave off all awkward proposals of Democrats and independent Republicans for redaction of the tariff which now presses so onerously upon the articles of daily use necessarily con The above outlino or t03timony shows tua. a grave The American residents of Rio Janeiro duo deliberation and full diBOU6sion, we submit tue follow ing as our conclusion Thnt iienntlntlons for a Bunuosed Bale or the mou raised and forwarded to tho Chicago sufferers $8,000 in charge made ujjainst two of tuo oilluers oi tins Association. Aftor carefully weighing all the testimony on both pJdee, oral aud written, the Committee concluded that juat as mathematical principles lead tho astronomer to the obscurest planets in tho sky. In fact, the theory of Bcliai'te seems to havo for Its foundation a tcionco of exprosBlo gCBticulo notatiou. it taiph iho existence of a sort of music, of which h.nrii,ai.anMntlmwnrj) entered udou between gold.

The Joint Convention of National Wool as in the natural, planets have their uses, and, enjoying a steady intelligent esteem, which is not of mushroom growth, nor likely to wither after the manner of Jonah's gourd, such staid old churches as those of Drs. Van Dyke, Cuyler, Wells and the others, may afford to regard the brilliaut but erratic splurges of the comet of their denomination, witLout tho slightest feeling of envy. The test of a church's usefulness and permanence, is not the occasional sensation it Secretaries SlcKeuzio aud Iticbmond and President Ulalr, but that it is clea ly proven that thera was no ininni the nurt of tho Secretaries to cou tno cnargo was not Buaiaiueu tuai iuu iuamtmi. w.m led to beliove by the actions of the Secretaries thatthcy were ally eutertaiutf a propo ltion for the sale of the Growers and Manufacturers assembled at Syracuse nich necotiat ous neither was mr. yesterday, to the number of nearly ZM.

uou. nuurj rou wuiio in iact mey were niiupijr the. principles aro aa steadfast and as conspiouous aB those of the divine art. And juat as the singor who reliis on the accuracy of his car and scoruB the mathematical picoifliou wliisli belongs to music, must inevlhihlv full short of his aim. so must fall tho ex HOLIDAY PRESENTS.

SILK UMBRELLAS, CANES, AT ITHAMAR DUBOIS', S28 FULTON SIGN OF THE OOLD SHIRT. LEADING HIM INTO A TRAP he annaroiitlv was too willum to Bet for thom. but thsd the wore acting lu a banajUle man ner iu relation to tho negotiations. Amos F. Chairman.

Jesse M. Bakeh, Alex. G. C'alder, RnriHANAN. all their lives.

The weakness of Williamsburgh is a surprising provincialism, tho dis caso consists in a chronic sluggishness in the circulation of local spirit, and the remedy is an infusion of vigorous enterprise. Or, to quote the words of General Catlin, "there is, comparatively, no enterprise, no public spirit, no apparent effort to erect public edifices of S. ltandall presided. The auuross or tuo drawn up by J. L.

Hay is, was largely dototod to the progress or tho woolen industry, demonstrating tho value of protoctivo legislation. perimental uttcmpts of tho ajtor of to day, a oreituro oJJm tii.ct and superficial imitation, when compared with the scholar of the future, indoctrinated in what nn. tipeinti tn ho an inceuious aud uuzzling mysticism. toward the class of genteel poor uuder the principal of "Do unto others as you would they Bhould do unto you." Tho majority treat them as if their poverty waa a. crime.

I do not allude to tno olasB of what I oall the depraved aud vulgar poor, people who would and do At ono P. yesterday, Jesso R. Grant, 'Ihe (Jomniitteo cannci too aironaiy couuumu a ya tern which appears to havo obtained sumo strength ju political matters, that leadB inevitably to the fraudulent practices within our own ranks for the purpose of I subserving some personally selfish euds, bolicviug that all uch practices lead not only to divisions in the party 1 Your Committeo alao report that tho matter relating the President's father, was otrickea with paralysis and live the year round on charity, whilo revelling in sol fell to tho floor, aud was insooBible for an nour. uc IO tno JBSU1UK vi a circular uy u.ctu..t. teo ou September 10, 1871, has boon duly and thoroughly investigated, and present the tollowing HEPOBT.

To carry out the theory of notation, Mr. Mackaye ran up and down a gamut, first of expression and then of gesture, just as a vocalist practices his scales. The descent from sobriety to intoxication through almost imperceptible gradations, and THE RETTTEN TOOM SOTTX9IINBS3 was better later in tbo day. uy WttK'li our opponeura aro enamou to reau au. outage at the polls, but sotve more than any othor way, to keep honest, uprignt ciHiens from partaJfinp in the political outies wbica should be tho flah idleness, such afl tue class oi toroign paupers, wuu which oar city aud its almshouses are almost inundated but my remarks apply solely to tho class of deserving poor, the people who aro ever ready and willing to work aud who resort to tho aid of alms only A new railroad line was opened yesterday Tour Committee find that tho Exocutlvc Committeo from Toledo, Ohio, to Saginaw, Michigan.

wero fully justilied lu issuing tno circular ui oopioiu io in 71 in ilofeimo nf trio Kocretaries. when ccmpellcu by airo necessity. xourB, truly. ahvi. fi'it thm uiirl thnt Prefiidput Blair did make a The Mount Carmel, iron works, brMPATIir Wmf THE MOUTHY rutta.

privilego of all true lovers Of their country. It is at theao primaries that tho foundation of the strength of tho party of the country is laid, and if corruption is tolerated here, we should not complain if it spreads to higher walks and larger bodies. makes; merit in this world consists mainly in staying quaUties, in colors that will wash. To preach eloquently is but a small thing in comparison witn tho capacity to ensure proloagod harmony within, and permanent respect and good feeling without. Elsewhere tho further report of tho trial of the Way Corwin case shows that Mr.

Talmage has apologized for his hasty indictment of his official brethren. It is good, having erred, to make amends it is better still to be so prudent in one's sayings and wero burnod on Tuesday. No insurance. charge "that names had boen added to the roll books at a private house," and furthor that tho evidence Relief for Overcrowded Car Passcn HOLIDAY PRESENTS. OLOVES.

mSR SHIRTS. Km, AT ITHAMA.K DuBOI 3M FULTON SIGN OP TUB COLD SHIRT. do21 Peri, an Italian, in Chicago, a saloon keeper, irerH. who killed two men in that city tho night after tho fire, beauty and utility here. Remarking on tho consequences of this paralysis, he adds that "people who feel that they must go to New York or the Western District to shop, to attend the opera, the theatre aud the Lyceum, finally come to tho conclusion that thoy might as well move there and have done with it." And so family after family, that might have contributed largely to tho wealth and social force of the District, have departed.

In indicating a remedy for this evil General Catlin justly says that the true policy of Williamsburgh is to check this continuous emigration, to prevent this disastrous proves that tho roll books wore coiroct. signed Amos 1'. Leaiineu, Cnairmau. JiissK M. Bakeh, Alkxandeb J.

Caldeb, lllfCflANAN. 2b the Editor ot the Brooklyn Eaqle it should oe tuo aim or au association, composeu im a body of tuch intelligence and standing as that of this ward, to keep its record in thla roapeut unspotted, and your Committee sincerely beliove such to bo tho honeat with and desire of the great majority of this Association. And there is no reason palpable to your Com On Tnesdnv last, in the Gitv Court ot Mr. Van Brunt inovcd to postpone the oonsidcratiou Brooklyn, a case was tried involving the value of some stock of the Vau Brunt Streot Railroad. Iu tho courso to reaeon, were as marvellous phenomena aa tho eye could contemplate.

No actor on the wide world over, could have thrilled and magnetized an audionco aaMr. Mackaye did, while ha Bimply illustratod his great principles. Tho nervous tonBlou was something painful, and whon he returned to his normal appearance, overy ono present conceded that such porfect and auch convincible results could only be due to obedionco to an exact scieuco. Wbilo, however, contributing our share cf appltuso to this weird genius, who claimed nothing for his art, which could not prove, and while wo testify to th sublime accuracy of bis science of correspondences, we cannot chare with him tho oxtravagant hopo ho en tortaius lor its tnfiuenco on tho stage as an element of instruction. Wo apprehend that It will lis a vory long time, indeed, before peoplo will go to theatros to bo instructed and not to be amused.

It is true one or tvto of our churohea havo successfully combined instruction with amusement. But THESE IPICENE ESTABLISHMENTS mittee wy, if all niombers aro actuated hy uprigut of tho matter until tho ueit moctiug ot tho Association. The motion was lost, and a motion to lay tho matter ZBOtivef, the almost harmony BhouM not prevail, aud of the Bumming up tho District Attorney elect, Winchester Britton, said, substantially, that any one who saw tho daily travel could tell that tho Brooklyn baa been found guilty of murdor and sontenceu to iu penitentiary for life. A man would not got to tbo pem tcutaryin this State for a doublo murdor; he'd be hanged first. A silver watch and $1,000 in bills wero the proceeds from tho perBon of Calvin Handy, a Baptist clergyman from Vermont, robbed in Boston last night.

John Kilflour, of Cincinnati, is sued by our pruifiplCH lead us un to complete victories. THE PfiESIDKNT VS. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ou Iho tablo was put and carried. ruBIFYINO THE ItOLL. DOGGKKEL For oystflrs Bno that can't be boat You'll walk along our Kulton utreet.

And when you co no to ANUI'UtSON After oxamininc the charges relative to tho issuing sumed by the laborer. When a Democrat in Congress proposes to make the laborers' blankets cost only half as much as thty cost now, which can be done by simply amending the exorbitant tariff on that article, the Republican politician has now a ready answer Wait until our Commission reports, and then yon shall see that we will do ten fold better for the laborer than you now propose in cheapening his blankets. This Labor Inquiry Commission, then, is a dodge to tide the Republican party over the Presidential election to enable them to evade all charges of hostility to the laboring interests of the country, by pleading that they are anxiously trying to find out what the reasonable demands of labor are, designing to grant those demands as soon as ascertained. Now no Commission is needed to tell Republican Congressmen what it is that the laboring people justly complain of in federal legislation. They know well City Railroad Corapauy was malting money tne ruan in ibe cors would show that fact.

The passongcrs oro crowded iu a manner which, at aomo hours of the day, ia outrageous almost beyond the limit of human en Mr. William nicbardsou, Chairman of the Committoe urmniiiied to revise tho roll boons of the Association, doingF, as to have nothing to regret or to atone for. No reputation worth having can be built upon egotism and eccentricity. The church that wants to live at all must live in harmony with itself and its sister church of the Circular of September 19, 1871, testimony was read a report of some ono hundred and twenty names whirh been stricken off the roll books of the Asso durance, in lact, i turns, mat tuu taktn. Mr.

Blair denied be ever had obarged that namea had been added to the roll books at a privite housL," or that ho had ever made such a sUtemout. Ho had You'll stop at onco tho work is done. Hekeepathem fried, ho keeps thom raw, Ttio very best you ever saw COMPANY OEGltT TO BE INDICTED. ciation, mainly on account of chango of rcaidenoo, but This ia believed to be the opening of District Attor es and every ministry that has lasted a dozen one or two lor uelectiou in policies, ana ono removuu l. rlnnth aro fcntunattly rare.

Thoso who prefer to derive thoir nrv nrilton's official campaign. It he will but back up Tho report waa laid on tho table to be acted on at a While some he broils, and otnorn slows. And serves whatever kind joa ehuose But If our young gentlemen lovo to bo tickled this publicly expressed opinion, clear.tho tracks prompt depletion, by removing its cause and supplying citizens with the accommodations and privileges they are compelled to seek elsewhere. In answer to the obvious question, "How?" ho exclaims, "By arousing from our lethargy and then, descending from the rhetorical to the practical, he adds that "Broadway and Fourth street and Grand years in this city has lasted on this principle, and on no other. staled to Mr.

A. B. Richardou, on a horse car, uiac no (BJatr) had heard that such had been done. Messrs. A.

B. Kichardeon and D. Bonnett sent written statements that Mr. Blair had distinctly made suoh a cbarge that Mr. A.

B. Richardson oahYd the Exfjcu tive Committee and tho Secretaries together to exam notions of morality from an oral source, win go to church for them. Those who deairo undiluted amusement will go to tho theatre. And nothing wdl ba bo to the nooularitv of Mr. Mackaye's beau future meeting.

THE NEW OFFIOEKS. ly of snow, or compel tuem to oe bo ciearuu, proviuo additional car accommodation for the constantly iu oreasing travel, and bring our local railroad magnates to a realizing sense that the traveling public have some rights which corporations can be made to re He'll serve theiu at once witn nis oyBtars weu pieman. Ho keeya at tho corner of Clinton street too, And bit number in tfulcon street's two sixty two. tiful science, as an attempt to use it as an aacomplloo In Hinuqnrnfttlon of tho church's place by tho BtaKO. ine the bonks, but Blair did not attend.

Mr. "William KichardBon fiom tho Committeo to nominate officers of tho Association, and dele rhe neneriU renorted that after If, as reported, tho revolutionary Mexicans really ask for American intervention in their civil Hon." John Morrlsscy, for $10,000, which is supposed to be a gambling debt. A flour mill aud carding factory, in Oswego, N. were destroyed by lire last night. In the Senate, yesterday, Mr.

Ponton reported the bill to ro orgauize tho Customs, aud the general amnesty bill waa discussed, Mr. Hoar's bill to provide for the appointment ot a commission on tho subjoct of wages and labor, and tho division of profits between labor and capital, after protracted discussion, yostcrday, in the House, was flually passed by a vote of 1M against 30, limiting the Commissioucrs' tenure of office to ouo The Committee charitablv conclude that Mr. Blair's mature deliberation the Committee uudngroed to nomi affairs, the fact ia a striking proof of tho domor Thero will be theatre goers and church goers, till the world comes to au end, but tho church goer scorns the influence of tho thoatrc, aud the theatro goor dorides M.n inimnr nf tlie imlnit. spect. Homo months ago Corporation Counsel De Witt compelled the Brooklyn City Railroad Company to afford KEEP THE FEET WARM i Afoot warmor usod to bo a perforated shoo Iron box.

nate tho following tickol: President, It, J. Morgan; memory mutt havo either become contused upon the raatur.or entirely failed him the proof that be did make such a charge being irrctragiblc, ana have reported accordingly. Amos F. Lkaunkd, Chairman. aUzation of the neighboring republio.

Tho first thing a self respectful nation resents is a hint of incrcaseu accomniouation. no xai so guuu. now il appeorB ihat the incoming District Attorney is con First Vice Presidont, 11. ileeves, neconu vice President, E. Eckoff; Third Vice President, T.

C. Stolt; '1 reasuror, Ben. N. Blott; Ree. secretary, K.

F. In person, Mr. Mackaye ia admirably adapted to tho mission which has falleu upon him from his master, ne is indeed tho apostle of an art which umpires overy Into which live wood coals wero piacca. incae our granu dames carriod to tho unwarmed eharcbes, and they bolpod to tomper tho wind to tho lambs. Some carry brick to Mr, linelow moveu tuat tuo vote ou iuu moiiuy traupaction bo taken first.

vmceu tuat foreign interference its political controversies, and tho last thing it tolerates iB tho outside ad Mernam; Cor. secretary, cubb. ii. iiicumonu. legates to tieneral Committee, ij.

B. Dutchcr, A. B. Illcll Alter some remarks bv Mr. Dutoher ana sir.

mcu THJ.BE EAILItOAD MANAGERS SHOULD BE IN ardricn corroborative of tho statements made in the re throb of lilo within mm. niiuuie sizeu, oi SLENDER FIOUnE DICTED, ardson, Jas. Tanner, J. Buchauau, w. n.

luaxwen. Mr lilmr moved to lav both renorts on the tablo. justment of a family quarrel. That Mexico has Innt tins instinctive nrido botrays, moro than year. port, the question on its adoption was put, ana at nearly Hall past twelve the report was adopted, and tlio meeting them adjourned.

Mr. moved that a committee of five be appoint aud graceful carriage he could deairo no better lay flRiiro than his own person upon which to haug his sonT ii'Q iris fenturoH aro all remarkably defined. In Charles Calender, tho late bank examiner, ed to retire with the Iwo tickets and report a compru iniBi. rietet on which Iho association could harmonize. or elso that they shall furnish more and better accommodation for local travel in the City of Brooklyn, which, fortunately for District Attorney Britton, is in his bailiwick the County of Kings.

The publio may, therefore, take courage. Tho balmy, broad fronted TinWitt niir.R moved on the enemy's works and achieved arrested and chargod with wiuul mitjsratcnients or iuu The motion was adopted, aud a committee, consisting deed, it would bo imiioBsiblo to find a moro perfect or moro plostic model. It is a remarkable face wheu in imt wlipn the fitiirtlint? Driocinles of his thoory AB.T HOTES. conditions of banks, and subjecting them to blackmail, was ycetcrciay admilted to bail in the sum of $20,000. street should be all built np with fine stores and banks and offices that the ferry rates should be reduced and tho orry boats improved that a higher taste in architecture" should be encouraged and that above all, because the immediate business in hand, the proposod Library Building should be pushed to an early completion.

It is impossible to deny tho truthfulness of General Catliu's portraiture of Williamsburgh as it is, or the wisdom of his counsel on the question of making Wlliamsbnrgh as it ought to be. Probably because he is a citizen, the Eastern District Times publishes his criticisms and suggestions with approval. It will per(mit ono of its own people to protest against the provincialism and narrowness of tho District, a partial triumph; tho earnest, wiry Britton as may bo sunnnsed from his voluntary oplniou will now At a public auction of unclaimed goods of Messrs. White, uimliler, llau, hquirea auu uriiy, wero appointed, and a rccoss of ten uiiaules was talren to give the committee time to consider their report. The meeting was not again callod to order for over half an hour, whon, on motion oi Mr.

Briatow, a committee of two was appointed to inform the Committeo are brought to bear upon it and when it is surrendered to the play of the mechanical forces which bolong to dpipinrp. it seems to become imbued with supernat follow up tue ftttaSK. snouiu nis nuest iniauuy auu fait to dtHlodce the railroaders, he will oall up ural power of expression. Tho subject, tho lecturor remaining in tho Custom HouFe, about tJO.OUU worm was disposed of yesterday to "members of the King," the World says. anything else could, tho low tone of tho country.

In Switzerland editors who advocate Woman' a Bights aro prosecuted according to law, and ouo narrowly escaped conviction recently in tho Canton of Uri. Wo pursue in this country a milder but really more effective policy. When a male editor advocates Woman's Bights we simply give hhn rope and soon ho morally hangs himself. Ilerr Wagner, whose no called music of tho future "is getting to be more and moro the music of tho present, proposes to hold a grand festival the bcavy artillery of the Corporation Counsel, under hia tvln were all stranuclv appropriate to each (ho nro ot whicu they must go aown as mey uave uoir other, and wo can recommond no more intellectual or on OfliccrB that the association was ready to receive their report, aud Messrs. Bristow and Konny wero ap xmii.tert in committee.

Tho comuulteo retired. onco beforo. more mysieriouB cuveruimiueui, tuou ouo ji jui.uwu The World says it is rumored that William Tweed has retired from the directorship of the Mr. Britton assumes his duties with tho year. It is kaye'B fascinating uisscruitions.

presumably certain, therefore, that bod with them in their hats, as is now lasaiouaui among KhtBkydrinkers htitsaeh don't keep thom warm during tbo cold nights. But K. W. NIOHOLS, Fnlton and Pineapplo atreols, has iioprovod on the hot brick. Ho has had made tin cans, of various shapes and sizB, which can be tilled with hot water.

TUey retain the hoat for a longtime. Somo are put into carpet bans, and may bo nsed on BloiBbiDj? parties or elsewhere. Some are enclosed in stools and richly covered, thus contributing a genteel article of fnrnituro to Uio parlor, and csnforring comfort npon thoso suffering from cold feet, "iho foot warmor is an evidence of the inventive genius of oar peoplo directed to their comfort. WHY SHOULD YOU GET MARRIED There aro several reasons why this is good timo to got married. First, Becauso it is cold.

Second, Because fur nituro is cheap. Third. Hecauso you ought to for the previous two reasons. Go, then to MASON'S, Myrtle av. ond Bridge st.

and verify this assertion. Wod aaat dining chairs for 65 cents: black iralnat bedsteads, walnut tablos, 42. 60: straw mattressos, 81.3a; two ply. carpots 60 cents per yard parlor suit, seven pieces, $ot). A HARMLESS And most delightful toilet preparation for beautifying tho complexion and preserving tho skin is LAIRD'S "BLOOM OF YOUTH." Oenuine prepared only by KORQB LAIRD.

It is perfectly Blmplo and pure, aud warranted free from auy material detrimental to health. It la far superior to the old fashioned bcautiticra, iuch as powders, and then some member of tho association called for a report from the Fiuaucc Committee. Mr. Morgan thanlied tho Association for tho honor conferred ou him in nominating him for the office of cluminnn. but declined the nomination.

BELIEF MUST COME Erie Railway, and that Dauicl Drew has boen appointed in hia place. SPORTS AND PASTIMES. bythocirly Spring months, or after tho heavy snows enough that the grievances of labor at the hands of Cosgress and the Republican party consist of two things first, that Congress has voted millions of public money, earned by labor, to rings of capitalists. For example, it has "loaned" sixty million dollars of tho people's money to tho Pacific railroad ring it has given away the public domain, in tracts as largo as whole States, to the railroad rings of capitalists; it has refused to asact even the interest due on these BO called loans, so that virtually the railroad ring gets the people's money to build a railroad with, gets a reward in the shape of. vast landed estates for being so kind as to build a railroad at public expense, and gets also for itself, beside the land, all the earnings and profits of a road the poo ple have paid for.

Of the samo sort of favoritism to capitalists is the maintenance of the pet national banks, which force a depreciated currency into the hands of the laborer, while as capitalists they enjoy special legislative favor and privileges. And while the federal legislation has been thus partial to capitalists, it has been unjust to labor, in laying the bulk of tho taxes and tariff upon articles of common use, so that This is the shortest day of the year, though B'jbll huvo patted. Jjouuu tue gong let tue ptopie ro Mr. Van Brunt said thero waa a minority oi me yi 1.1 In ti ifl, Mle mdini ilv joice. tho difference is not very material lrom yesioiuay or to morrow.

but it. will not tolerate a hint of anything of the kind from those whom it chooses to consider outsiders. Some time ago the Eagle The now building of the Brooklyn Art Association is now so nearly finished, or that portion of it intended for tho occupancy of tho Academy of Design, that the opening of the free drawing schools may bo safely announced to take place early in January. The several class rooms havo boon finished somo weeks, but the steam apparatus for heatiug tho building has not been iu readiness, hence, the delay. The class instructors for the present season are: Messrs.

J. B. Whittaker, ltuf ub Wright aud Oliver J. Lay. The ability of tho instructors is well kuown, and there is no good reason why the schools should uot maintain tho high rank which they have attained in past years, or yet assume a moro exalted standard of excellence.

MeBsrs. James Morris at thoir art rooms, No. 174 Fulton street, exhibit a Ouo holiday collodion of cabinet paintings by well kuown artists, all the latest and moat ropular chromes, tho publications of L. a great variety of engravings, and iu they begged leave to present for nomination tb.3 following list nf otlieers Ciinrpo, ucwitt. cnarge I uu, untion, ou Wero the last words of Sullivau.

Scott, home. Trie, linll is likelv to be up everywhere after Tho annual meeting of the New York How President. A. B. Richardson First Vico President, An Admirer ok the Brooklyn OTlicatrc.

ard Mission was bold yesterday, and very favorable E. If. Winchester Second Vice President, E. Buclrloy; i i.inl Vie, VrpRidenL R. M.

Blott ltecordlug the intense cold weather of last night, but except at tho enclosed skating lakes tho low temperature of to day will renaer Blurting not quite as pleasant as it probably will be wheu the thermometer rises again to its seasonable plaoo above the twenties. To night a fjala pro To the Editor of the Drootyun Eagle: reporta were made of the work of the Association. tnrv. KamuBl Ycatou Correspond ine Secretary, E. J.

Merriiim Treasurer, A. B. Bounott Delegates, D. K. I was much pleased to read tlie strictures At a meeting of the Board ot Arbitration Travis Tlenrv Bnsl ow.

John Buchanan, Wm. Hem of jour correeponucni mj jnouuay oveumg a iriane, on street, Kdward ligolf Inspectors, E. Lacy, LetiertB T.nv gramme has been prepared lor the patrouB ot tne capi tolino Lake, the arrangements made including ft uril Hunt illnmiuatiou of the Liko by calcium lights, a dis of tho Lehigh Region, hold yoiterday, it was unanimously agreed to continue the rato of wages as paid iu the year 1S71 for the year 1872. wcre to New York, aud always beudinK no obsequious Mr Ttiehnrdcon believe I am a mombor of that ly wbe the Jalter city 13 interested in auy ceieuration or institution, aud playing Now York's shadow, aud so plav of fireworks, a raco for young men for a prize, a i iiu. livelv rame of football on ice.

and a for the production of his latest and most colosBai work, at Bayreuth, in 1873. Ho has asked the authorities to givo him ground for the vast new theatro he intends building, and they have agreed that if thoy have no suitable lot they will help Wagner to iind one. Beforo losing themselves in admiration at this liberal municipal encouragement of art, readers should he told that the Bayreuth Mayor and Aldermen (or whatever they oro called) are moved not so much by orthotic impulses as by amaterial thoughtfulnoss which Europeans have a habit of sneering at as Yankee shrewdness. In other wordB, the authorities think the festival will be of such value to their town, by gathering strangers there and making trade liTely, that they can well afford to help tho enterprise. Hore is a hint for Gilmore and tho Boston BhopkoeperB.

Committee. It ha been tbis Ocmmittee has collected money for ibo purposo of tho Association, Tho Tribune says "Tho now broom which i Tinnavnrinc 10 ionuw uur inr uuu. aa a true Ctooklvuite, protest aaiust such a lack of sclf tho Civil Service Commissioners havo made for General Grant, after so many months' work, is not a very and ArrnorniATED.iT to miar. own use. wheelbarrow race, in which the contestants are to be bliudloldcd.

The, band of music will diBcourso excellent music and the ladies' hall will present a gay Bcene, ns it will bo with tho fair sex. The fuu wdl iudepeudeuce. It wouJd or much better for our peo ple to show that wo have resources onouu oi our ovrn le all the monov collected bv me was $7, which I cflkicut implement, but perhaps, cousiuonng tnu uim oultieo of tho fast, it is nearly as good a one us thoy commence shortly aftor sevcu o'clock. wituout uonuiug even 10 miguiy uotuaui. iiiy purpose in thtis malum? a few prefatory remarks is to call the plastic art, tho sorics of statuette groups of the sculptor ltogerc.

In the department of ongravinss the Messrs. Morris publish a superb engraving, entitled The Baptism of Christ," after a painting of J. B. Whittakor. The subject ia fiuely delineated, aud tho publication deserves a ventured upon a few remarks the same direction as General Catliu's, when forthwith the Eastern District Times fell into a great rage and passionately aud absurdly charged the Eagle with envious hostility toward Williamsburgh.

A moro apt and at the same time amusing illustration of the provincialism to which we have referred could not oasi ly be supplied. The interests of tho Eagle are identified with those of the whole city, tho whole Island, tho whole State, raid the whole country. It expects to share the prosperity of every ward and section of Brooklyn, because it represents every ward and it expects to share also in whatever temporary adversity or drawback any ward or section may suffer from. Tho Eastern District Times, as narrow of vision as if publishod in a remote and petty village, cannot understand this, and chalk, meen fan, Ac, for imparting youth and beauty to tho skin. The "P.LOOM Ob' YOU L'H." is preferable to anyotherprepantion offered for the samo purpose.

Sold at all drugsiats' and fancy goods stores. A BEAUTIFUL AND INEXPENSIVE PRUSENT. This Is tho season for presenta aud celery. If, then, both can be combined in one, a graceful and usefui irurk accomplished. There is in tho stock of tho LUCIUS HAltr paid ovor to tbo Treasurer, but I am told that tho other members have collected a good deal, aud men keep asking mo why dou'twe report 7 I want to soe a report where this money is.

attention ot the Brooklyn ponplo to uu institution Cltcss. mid be expected to produce." August Belmont, after somo days' absence, which Bhould receive aU tho patronage, which an excellent lady, in her earnest efforts to pleiae, shoul merit. I would ill tlie attention of tho reader ti the charming little "Brooklyn Theatre," which tho writer Mr. lticbardson moved that tbo Finance Commltleo bo inBlrucled to report at the next meeting. Adopted.

ido popularity particularly OS it is su appropriato tar TnE Ciiers Congress and its Kesoxts. The meeting of chess players at Cleveland am ing the lirst two weeks ol December, 1871, has been ttte means nr.itc a revival ol interest in tbo ganio: aud rolurus to Now York to find that his xamo has ueon freely used by tho Times iu connection with 'tho King." the Christmas season. having visneii twice, can say witu an sincerity tuat a inoie uDobjectionable He pUDlishes a card which swoops tuc uoaru uen The art oi chronio Jithography is making rapid pro thee tablisliuieutof uu American National Chess Hnlinn which closed tue session of (he second Chess At this point, tho commuteo appuiuieu umno harmonization ticket came iu, and presented tbo t'ol lowiue ticket as the result of their deliberations: Presidelil, Wm. lticbardson First Vice Presidont, M. T.

Mollalt; Second Vice President, B. V. Blott; Third Vice President, A. F. Learned; Treasurer, D.

H. ing all complicity "ffith corrupt transactions or cor The holiday season is especially a candy sea TEMPLE OF AMUSEMENT gress toward perfectiou. Not that ovory publication iiclu in tins couulrv. is well calculated to pro MANUFACTURING at No3. 4 ano ininrngjuu.

N. a celery stand to which wc desire to call publio attention at tbis time. Of course tho dish is of glass, beau Ufully cut with eagles with extended wings, in the highost stylo of art. The stand Is silver plated, triple Quality, with the Company's trade mark. heaTily chased with and Taurus heads, and octagonal bars reaching to tuo inch is put forth under this namo deserves to rank it has never been his good fortune to visit.

It seemed ae if one were sitting in a cosoy little parlor, removed son. Largo quantities of confectionery will be ccnmued during the remainder of the your. The a work of art, but some of the recent examples us deservedly arc mentioned as opproaohiug that iiom the caret1 01 the aud viewmij some produc high standard. Iu this conucctiou tho works of Messrs. mote Iho Interests of chess on this side of the Atlantic.

Tlie result of the tournament is not very flittering to our national pride, inasmuch as the first prize has been wc by a resident Euiilish player, the well known Cap taiu McKenzie, a player who iu consbui praciico ill plat ing matches, beBidc bciiiK iu daily exercise as au iiijiilvsist, as chests editor of the 1'urf, Field and Farm. tion, calculated 10 improve the miiid as well aa cheur the heart. Indeed, one feels at hornet immediately on entcimn bijou of a theatre, for nil tho appoint adulteration of candies therefore claims particular attention just now. and it is unusually interesting to learn from a morning paper that throe ing with tho artistic design. The wnalo constitutes a comparatively inexpenaivo and acceptable preeent for the noil Prang of Boston, arc entitled te specisl men the laborer pays a far larger proportion of his scanty earnings to the federal government, than the wealthy capitalist pays of his enormous income.

No Commission is needed to point out scores of burdens which thus bear unjustly on the laborer, and scores of enactments which confer undeserved favor and privilege upon the rings of manufacturing and railroad capitalists, whose agents infest the Congressional lobbies. It is a master stroke of Massachusetts Machlnvilianism for Mr. Hoar to endeavor to divert the attention of the laboring classes from these injustices, by ostentatiously creating a new Commission, not to do anything, but only to inquire and while inquiring to stop all relief and reform, in re assumes as of course an antagonism between tion. Ann la their recent publications is a roprouue ments arc sucn excellent taste, until no' wo uave had no establishment that could successfully vio with days, celery is a luxury, and, waon piaceu in suuu a ceiver. is an ornament to tho tablej nnsrt nf the artiolos uiado in New lorlt are ion of one M.

Hart's paintings, entitled "Pas i 'rlnirudnv December 14. the IN Clicss Associ Uariielt; Kecrctan, C. II. Uictimoud Secretary, Samuel Ycatou Delegates, B. Uutcher, W.

H. Maxwell. James Tunnel' aud J. Buchanan. Tho Commltleo said thev wero uuablo to agree ou a filth man lor dolegi.te to the General Committee, and on ruoticu A.

B. Itichardson was nominated, and the names being taken up seriatim, for cenli million, A MODULE OF THE W0ISST KIND ensued. As each name was called others would bo proposed in defiance of all recognized rul 's of order, auu the result mis that it was nearly au hour and a hall before there emerged from this chaos the following as either VallacK or tho Jfuiu avenuo Tueatro as a ation was organized with tho following constitution and temple ot the Thespian art'or as a place or dramatic mixed with deleterious substances; that mnrrom nlaces are largely manufactured of sweot pota toral Scenes." It pictures a shady walk by a running brotk, with sheep at rest among the trees. A younj girl is reading, seated on the bauks of the stream. LIQUOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Can bo purclwsed Imnortorsrricoi.nt J.

T. SLINK'S LIQUOR MART. No. 7 Fulton strsot. Ar'title 1.

Tbis association shall be known as the entertainim ut. The Academy haa proved utterly inadequate. The stage, with bits aru liko appearance, eciiis toclhll tho spectator, whilo toe soeuury, tii hiion rupt mtu." The South Carolina legislature still dis custca impeachment, and a movement is ou foot to expel 3Ir. Bowen from tho House of representatives. Mr.

Jouea yesterday charged him with perjury. They arc having uice times. Tho Citizens' Reform Associations of the Twelfth aud Nineteenth Wards, iu New York, held a nicetlUK la night to discuss the rapid transit question, and resolved to appoiut a committee of ninety to take up the whole subject aud deal with it. The Hudson was blocked with ice at Pou kecpsic last night. Tho Ohio river is blocked, and the therniciuet' i indicates the near vicinity of zero in many other places besides Brooklyn.

In the Wharton trial yesterday tho time was ccielly occupied in bearing the testimony oi medi Uickj AsRoeialiou. toes and Tonka beans that chocolate creams arc nitim nrnminsed of cocoa shells, terra alba arid The scene is vory quiot and beautiful, anil as a paint Art Its objects are tho general promotion of the AlUhoftuiistHMlBS of BK4MJ1KS. WIN" COTCU and interests of the came of chess aud the holding ot au ,.,,,,1 fniTmiiTiietitH for nlav. KIES and HUMS. distantly ou uaia lard: that tho liquor in cordial drops is froipiont it to iip mi winKir, loous so sriepy auu is iorcver tumbling down or to go still further, it is like tbo fat boy in hardly in a condition to hyid itself together, while it haa frequently ing was one ol Dir.

ilitri'S most sucjcssiui worm, iuc reproduction of the picture has been conscientiously TICKET so, a tine oelootion THE "liECirlAI! KNliLlHH ana ruivicn. u.i: lv fus.l oil that sugared almonds aro not soldom in The officers of this Association shall ho a of IMl'OKTKIl OIUARb. one, aud iu it we have all of the brilliancy and truth President, Vice Presidents selected from eioh State, a iwamits: that rose water flavor is at uoods df 1 verou to STAIRS. Inch belong to Mr. Hut's works, every leading lact A TENDENCY TO SPLIT, municipal sections.

Not only is the provincialism of Williamsburgh proved, lut its backwardness is largely explained by tho fact that its leading (that is its only) local daily newspaper is committed to a policy based on that assumption. Tho policy is fatul and the assumption is false. Tho interests of tho several sections of Brooklyn are not antagonistic but identical. Each section must promoto its own interests and the interests of all by encouraging a proper spirit of local pride and enterprise. As General Catlin shows, this is especially tho duty of the Eastern District because it is conspicu Tn usurer, a tieneral bccreiary ami au Assoeuie oiv i uuuiicauu uu ii do218t nit Vrt'nliva Committee.

coLBisting of flvo per of which lias beeu retained by cue chroma 3riist. i ua wlien even Iho performance ia not a sine splitunp tained, in emergencies by no moans rare, bv a combination of geranium extract am. sons of whioh Committee the President shah be a Messrs. rraim also publish "Lashed to the Shrouds," THE STEM WINDING E. HOWARD iCO.

arce. iint I am mfjreFPiug somewhat. In giving tue View ol' a Corre Doudeiit." I uarticularly desiro io of the AKSociation, aud on motion it was unanimously adopted l'rcsidml, IV. T. Morford; 1'irst Vico President, B.

W. Isi'itt: Second Vico Prcsklcutj A. F. learned; Third Vico President, M. LowcuBtehi; Iteconlilig Secretary, Hamuei Yealon; Corresponding Secretary, Charles H.

Iiicl.moud; Treasurer, D. D. llanielt; Inspectors, Y. E. llart, J.

H. Storey; Delegates, H. 11. Dutchcr, VY. H.

Maxwell, James Tanuer, John Uuchauan, A. B. Itichardson. ti.o ri.or.rt of flu. TiiveKfirriitinu Committee was then.

fter Theodore Kaufmanu; "Midonna," aftor ll.irillo; turpentine that torrra alba in largo quantities. i.i i The iliitiesof thoso officers Bhall botheusual call the uttcntlon ot tlio Brooklyn Dramatic Jeremiahs be excelled by any mado in tho world. Not only ThcWajBidc Inn," after Thomas Hill; "Studies of the oil of bitter almonds, sulphuric acid, very ones appei timing to such societies, but the Executive tn the fact that they uow have an oniinrtuuily to visit do they require no key In nindlnpr. bat tho bands aroaiso Committee snail uave tuo geueiai uuuuui ui auu. Fruit," after C.

P. Ream "Bouquol of Moss noes," an institution which all true lirooaiynitia buouiu point badly decayed cheeBe, and a cryatalized substanco Ct Dy IUU UieUI. CIBU1IUO iucui uuww Maiden lane. N. Y.

out with a laudauiti iinue to their trionua. ll nrooHiyii after Mrs. O. E. Whitney "Day's Work is Done." aftor resulting from tho distillation of crude petrole Art.

5. Auy person may become a member of this Herbert McCord; "Tho Barefoot Boy," alter tastman TiTTV TT AT ONOE. cal experts. At tbo annual meeting of the Methodist Tract Society, hold yesterday in New York, tho Treasurer reported balance iu hand, January, 1871, urn," ambolino from coal tar, alcohol, verdigris. fails to appreciate a rnioaturc wullicK'.

let us hear no more croaking about the dccaileuce of tlio moiicrn drama. There is sonic really excellent matoriil in on moliou, takou from the tabic, wheu Mr. Blair leit A Christmas nresont gladdens tho heart. If Mseful, Jt Association on his appucutiou Doing approvuu uy mt Execulivo Committeo, or a majority thereof, aud on ten nf nno dollar. Johnson and others of equal interest aud merit.

Not Iho elm and addressed the mectiug. lie Bam ne uiu aro used. Thero are two ways of escapmi Mrs. Conwav'tf tsloct comDany. yhlcu.

by fatuity, not consider tho report fair ono to him. It was i i i.nT.l oh ll lon nnn dol. does more, it benefits permanently. Go to vs. iwaa 4 CO.

555 Fulton st. and buy a China I oj Sen. ornaments the table and pives a sir of cantllfty to tho loan. Mm pnnpenuenoOB of such adulteration. Ono is gard to the laws which bear unfairly and unfavorably upon daily labor as distinguished from accrued and invested capital.

There is no necessary antagonism between labor and capital, in a free and prosperous country. There is only in our country Buch antagonism as bad laws have made, by petting and favoring the capitalist and the monopolists, and by laying the bulk of the burden of taxation upon the precarious earnings of the poor, instead of upon the realised wealth of the lich. Stop special legislation for enriching the rich, and all such jobs, for instance, as the proposed gov mouaoiy erow. or aeveion into scares or cue uraj the least Interesting aro tho Album and other cards published by this house, among whioh are "Wild Flowers of America," Americau Sea Views mflemitutle." And. in closing, nermit rce tDadd.

Mr. merely A WHITEWASHING EEPOUT. ously sluggish and backward as compared with other sections. This is wiso counsel from a Williamsburgh carpet bagger. lar per annum, but no membership dues shall bo required to bo paid during the first year after joining tho Bcstdo, it costs out nwo at kuimk tfditnr.

that the writer has no other object in view, sayo Ho hronoht witnesses beforo tho Committeo who to purchase from candy dealers of approved respectability. Another, and perhapa tho safer way, is to let candy alone altogether. in Central Park," Autumn Leaves," Life in Child JOSEPH BOGEKS SON that to assiEt In giving the fair lessee that reward and Association. Art. 7.

A playing aud problem tournament shall bo hold each year, the place and time to bo selected by tho encouragement which shall uot only clauacn tno neart, hood," Llfo in Camp," Roses." Views of tho Havo Identified their with cutlery, ao that any showed that theso men oamc voluntarily to him and offered to sell him tho roll books. Mr. McKeuzIo ufferod to noil the roll books and Mr. Itichardson assented. White Mountain Scenery," street scones $1,3.17 receipts siuce, $11,015.

Tho disbursements amounted to $13,207, leaving tho Treasury in debt $335, beaido which bills to the oxtent of $3,103 yet remain duo ou thiB year'B call. Tho Society elected its Board of Managors for 1872, consisting of thirty two clergymon, including all the bishops and the leadiDg ministers of New York and Brooklyn, and thirty two laymen of prominence in the Churoh. The Boston papers have exhumed a lettor make Is recomraondod becauso it Is as good aa Hoa ers Executive Committee, WUO SUUU Uiuiiu ail ueowaaaijr tier efforta to nlease aa wou as iustrucc, cneor aua in Now York," Flowers and Ferns," Ihuminatea refine, llespcotiuur yours, Tho cvidenco he claimed showed that Mr. RtcKeuzIo did como to him aud offer to Boll him tho roll books, raugenieuts theretor. The following wero elected ofllcecs VVn.ri HostOn.

Book Marks," Motto CirdB," and othor artistic objects of great beauty. An illustrated catalogue is pub 4 Son." But Joseph Sogers 4 bon's cutlery stanua pre eminently high In Encland and in thla country, and WM. ORONIN, No. 169 Fulton St. has a splendid assortment suttablo for Christmas presonts.

AN ADMIItEB OF MBS. UOSWAT, Brooklyn, December 19, 1871. Tho New Lots Journal callB tho Eagle a prowling bird, and defends Grant because, out of the many thousand officeB at his command, ho has given, Bay twenty or thirty, to his relatives. but lie Mr. lllairl save him no encouracemont.

Vice Presidents Major Dartlett, Massachusetts; I.nii( faun wero maue lrom a 1 naris 01 luo ruuiu lui lished by the houso, which may bo had ou application. George H. McKenzio, New York Hiram Kennicott, IIU a. Orelline. Michinan: J.

A. Galbraith, Missis Dcrjr DcnouJiclUBr tlio Hclorin Char. Mr. William Bradford, of tho Tenth stroot Btuuio the reading of the leatiniony takou beforo tho Committee. Mr.

Learned said that tbo testimony was so volumin sippi: Charles A. Maurian, Louisiana; O. A. Bronson, tor. To the Editor of tlie Brooklyn Ea jle Jr.

Iowa W. Q. Yates, Ohio Jacob Ulson, Pennsyl written by John Adams December 17, 1773, tho day after tho tea waa thrown into Boston' Harbor. The letter indicates that had a bad "spoil" occasionally, but its very first sontence, if alluding to a ous that it would take over an hour and a nau to reau, The finnimittco however, had carefully propared I Building, is giving a series of private views to nis friends and invited guests, of paintings and photographs of tho sconery in tho Arotic Regions. This ITJIiMAN T.

NUTT, Importer and Mannfaotnrer of RNTLEMEN'S FINE HATH, Sou FULTON STREET, BROOBbYN, AND 132 FULTON N. V. vania; Stanley Jouob, District of Columbia Troasurcr J. S. Turner, of Brooklyn.

ft. White. Cleveland. When you brought to our notice tlia great erm (il.tevcd bv tho men of Illinois wheu you de dineBt of iho testimony which ho would read. He theu ries of views was takon by air.

urauiora during nis The Endless malting: of nooks. Among tho specialties of tho season holiday publications have a conspicuous plaoe. Booksellers crowd their Bholves with volumes, attractive at least as to their exterior, and fill long advertising columns of the newspapers with announcements of literary wares, emphasizing their suitableness to the gift uses of the hour. The critics, rarely sc Bevero in censorship and so conscientiously acute as they well might bo, are now unusually genial and good tempered, and pleasantly dismiss huge piles of new issues with cheery commendation of typographical neatness, elegance of binding, and other me similar event in theso days, would be a capital pun. read the following report CHARGE AND ABSTRACT OP TESTIMONY The Dye is Cast" might pass as a reforeuco to much clared in your columns that Now York State should follow her cramplo aud put a constitutional limit to our public expenditures, how many of our taxpayers nAoroil vnn either thanks or encouranemeDt Here Associate Secretary D.

Eugene Dehnar, of Brook lyExecutivo Committee P. Waro, Boston; John T. Irving, New York; Augustus Zercga, New York; visit to Greenland and tuo nolgubonng irozen regions, in tho summer of 1870. They comprise almost every phaBe of aconery, and aro deoply Interesting. of tho tea ot to day.

Tho Journal squarely infers mat ttranc more relatives it would bo his duty to appoint them to officeB. That such a merely mathematical estimate should be made by tho Journal of the nauseating sin of nepotism is singular indeed. Not so singular, howover, whon Mr. Greeley's reference "to those small croaturoa whom God for some inacrutahlo purpose permits to edit a majority of our country journals" ib remembered. The facta are, that Grant and his rolativea have aa many offices as can by any meanB be made go round tho families.

We think AND ENGLISH UMBRF.LLAS. FREKOH investigated and tal tn beforo Committee ot the 22d Ward Republican Association, of Brooklyn. At tbo first meeting of the Committoe, the resolutions enn nnd direct WAV nllt Of all tllO robUCf ieI5 ial TIHiinis ft. Grelhuti. Michlsan.

The exhibition ia mado more instructive ty the ar ernment purchase of the telegraph stocks and take off such taxes on necessaries of life as inevitably take away one tenth of a laborer's earnings, while they take only the one thousandth part of the capitalist's income and then labor can hold its own, and ask no odds either of government or of the capitalist. But when the laborers ask for justice, they are granted a special Commission of superfluous sineour ista asking for bread they get a stone, for justice, they get insult and foolery, for this Commission, as a professed boon to labor, is nothing else. Rev. Osmun C. Baker, D.D., Bishop of iLnVnuviuivA flniTimitlee wero authorized to com tist's verbal description, which is givon with each viow.

appointing it wore read, aud the Commltleo orgamzuo llio chariro whk first tikken un. and reada as follows TEETH A SET. iea, out of Ihtni permanently, out, up, safo beyond the clutch of corrupt charterniougera aud prostitute Leg iKlntnriH. How nmuv Urooklvn mou. larejoor small.

ploto tho Ust of Vico Presidents bo as to leavo ouo from tbo M. E. (Juurch, died at hia residenco in Concord, N. yesterday, aged 59 years. One of theso exhibitions takes placo this evonlng, and A beantlful BOtof teoth on rnbbor, tho beat 810 war Wm.

Blair waa called Testified to interview with hoth secretaries on Fifth avenue, whon conversation cahn tonrnov closed on Friday. December 15, paid the least attention to you or it? We taxpayers of as many Brooklyn people havo been iuvitod to attend, milted to lit tno moutn, ana equal au reapecu at $15, Itl to 425. Laughing Gas pure and fresh daily. onrl IHlIfnn was opened by Duffoo; McKouzio proposed to soli we can asBuro thom of a pleasant and instructive en and the same evening ou entertainment was givon to a nrtmnnnv at. T.vman'ri Hall, which was full of in Two hundred and fifty one years ago the Puritans landed at riymontli, Mass.

Hot one Brooklyn are, indeed, a raro sample of repuoilcan citi zent1, black and white. Iteformors thoy arc by "fifties" lint if Martiu had uot bolt hooks to Blair for $uuu, deoiining to accept proposition of Blair to havo him retained in Custom House and tcrtajameot, aside from a study of the subjects shown orfonned. No chanro for extracting when work is ordered, im (llSEOK.ER. BROTHERS, Dentists, iuhnruo1' hmv manv "Academies" and terest Captain MoKenzio had a difficult task to perform but bo carried himsolf through it nobly. Nino i 1 a arrniineil in ssmioircular order, and each ltie.bmond nrnvidod for.

Tllalr vorballv tostlUcd to say as worKB ot art. "IHnlta" would havo shown themselves? Tho bolt my29 lyAVWAB 6J Myrtl avenao. ini? at tbiB interview to McKenzie. You let us havo a or them Uvea to tell the tale, but their descendants did not the ancestors of all tho first families of Now England como over in tho Mayflower Jerome Thompson, tho painter of tho well known XT.tin nTtrl Mm HeriimblH of Black Rouublicaus con lax show that as tho othor sido had tho roll books hoth braird was manned by a "chesstBt" of ability; ilr.Mc picturo entitled "Tho Old Oaken Bucket," has just this is wrong, demoralizing, scandalous. Tho Journal thinks it is all right, and ia sorry Grant has not so many relatives as he has offioos.

There! We havo noticed the Journal, and that is what it wanted. "Next." hiq nnnnneiits then Went to WOrk. Whllft Bides should havo tho benefit of tho samo, to stop rc RnHrn7. Raids on keno, faTO and other little games iiuiBhed a canvas Illustrating a rominiscenoc oi tuo pastoral scenery of Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Mr.

Blair submitted an affidavit averring that in sequent therein is that Reform The ten appomtod by tho Republicans and tho otnor ten uppointed by the Democrats would that be Relorm? Or would tho wholo batch turn out to be "demuitiou" Republicans after air; Then como the two pure ouea puro because selected nnrt pnrinrHl'd bV O'S ballot box host of spectators stood without tho ring and wotohod tho progress of tho games. In the course or, maybe, an hour and a half, ho won two garuos of Mr. Harding a nnn onM, ef John d. White. BuBhnell White.

Ter USE JEWELL BROTHERS SELF LEAVENING FLOUR. First Premium American Iustltato, 187S. ALL GROCERS KEEP IT. wcromadcat Richmond last night creatiug a great It la ontitlcd "Homo of My Childhood." An old time conversation on Firth avenue four or live aays pre vlnun to Rontemher nrimnrv. at which Mr.

Duffy wai senBatiou. Back doore, roofs and dark alloys wero in lively demand. present, Secretary SloKenzie offered him (Blair) use of roll books for $1500, with tho remark that it would del7 ly.S.TuiTb stuOers! But I had forgotten. The stuffing that would U'nrd I'tpfiinn Would Ot COUTSC it WOUld It is astonishing how muoh high morality and exalted wisdom exist in rural breasts. Tho East New York Sentinel declares that Brooklyn is bo due, Bauder, Goddard and Russell and Adams consulting played a drawn gamo with Stark; lost ono (tho only one) to 1.

1. Judd, and gave a knight to each of Messrs. Perdue. Goddard and XiusBCll and Adams, winning be worth $10,000 to Archie Bliss to carry iuo 1 wouty Wnr.i TUkir rosiinidnil that ho and hiB friend: tONO lSIAND ITEMS. t.ntiviHitttnndiliu.

inn fnnlml to death hv ooliticians, and declares onlywantea a fair show at tho primary, aud both sod Richmond then stated they didn't want become Bnowflake purity whon applied to a general We'll, all that is settled, ond whoever cm get tho two purituus will havo a "working majority t.n omutd thev to work aud chanical tastefulness or splendor. The endless making of books, always a puzzling problem, is just at present absolutely appalling. Who write all tho volumes one soes packed in literary warehouses Who road thom Who buy them Who find it, and how do they find it, worth while to print thom? These aro constantly occurring questions of curiosity, which now may despair of satisfactory answers. But there are more serious and important questions behind these. How many of these books have any oxsuse whatever for publication? How many aro wholly useless How many are a good deal worse than useless? According to Emerson, and others whoso scholarship and critical sense may be accepted as tolerably conclusive, deserted hoUBO, with Its windows dashed in and otuor evidences of docay and desolation about it, stands by tho roadsido tn tho foreground.

An old traveler ia seated upon a jutting rock by tho road Bide, mournfully contemplating tho scene. Tho subjool is delineated with groat caro and expresses its Btory In tho most poetical manner. Mr. Thompson is at presont painting a picturosquo landscapo view token in the neighborhood of New Marlboro, Massachusetts, giving a glimpse of tho Catskill range of mountains in the that lawvers and commitkoos aro drafting char During tho evening, consulting games wero also played bv Messrs. Elder, Waro ond Bashnell Whlto AfncBra.

TtTpltnnxlo. Smith and Hardlutr. tbo lat ARMSTRONG BLACKLIN, 223 FULTON STRKliT, And corner Court and Union. Have jujt oponod their NEW STOCK OF FANCY GOODS, CLOCKS AND BRONZES. All of thoir own importation.

positioua secured (which waa proffered by Blair), but Tlie Whok ttome Cold Snap. The old saying, "A green Yulo makes a fat churchyard," is founded in better reason than was probably believed in the misty, traditional time tiiat originated the proverb. It is indeed nothing supernatural or wonderful, but a simple sequence of cause and effect, that a mild mid winter, with its sudden changes and damp influences, superinduces those varieties of disease which often have a fatal ending. An opi season, although apparently a Dittoing to the poor, was really the seed time of death, which ters for tho LcciBlatviro to re draft. Wo (in its wanted tho money, lilasr conciuueu toe luwn iuw rlu i l.

4milli lift ua 'out of all our troubles! But hold 1 The staling lie would take the matter into consideration. Tllnif vni hullv thnt. ho mot McKenZlO t' opinion) aro all givon over to corruption. It doubts whether Hosb Tweed would not prove Republicans havo ten, snro. Now it they oan only buy up ono JudaB out of twelve apostles;" thou, das subsequent, when latter aaked Blair what had fo28 ly Tu.Tb.iS "uuth it, that case, it win ue uu ul ii been douo about tho matter7 Blair responded, ing.

WOULD $50 BE WORTH ANYTHING?" Republican', overy oue ui uieui uiu. muw u. ihp finmls. But as to this Judas, how aro wo ter party neiug vuau uiic, ouu uj againBt Elder aud Judd, which resulted in a draw. In the decidiug game between Messrs.

Hosmor and Judd, tho formor waa victorious, a drawn game having been played by tDcm just previous. This gives tho second prize to Hosmor, and decides tho third and fourth to fall respectively to Mr. Elder aud Mr. Judd. 1 be taole we givo below is arranged according to Iho standing of each player, aud shows iu what ordor tho cheap in comparison with tho committoos of tho IUuk and Academy.

Unhappy Brooldyn 1 nappy East Now York, to havo osoapod annexation to At "Wkitestone, yesterday morning, a team wagon and driver, belonging to Mr. Dorchor, (except Iho driver,) ran off tho dock into the East Itivcr. Very WCt and cold, but all rescued. At Mnnhassot, on Sunday niglit, Mr. Coles' storo waa robbed of various and sundry goods.

To morrow evening at Flushing, the women will demand thoir rights. Highway robbery is tho tronblo with Thomas Costollo, llonry Curtis, and John Sweeney, ou tiial at Flushing. Burclars wero satisfied with only $200 to discriminate 7 How arc wo to chose this one Judas out of the twelve? Which one will be entitled to tho Mm of all are Bo nearly allko? McKenzie answered "No." This was all that passed the body of our death between lilra (Blair) and the Secretaries. nnfTv lonfillerl in of above inter FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GENTLEMEN'S NECK TIKS AND SOAUFS.

Put np In handsome boxos for presents. Also, LINEN HANDKEROniEBB, OLOVB8. SUSPKNDKRS, Ac, ulublofor Christinas and Now Yeari' Gifts, A. F. FAUNF.LL.

bo16 lyS.TnAThSllFalton streot. noar Concord. The question is a puzzling ono, rather as to who will tn who wih tnltp. the "Miirtv nieceB of Bilvor." background. J.

B. BriBtol, who ocoupios a studio in the old Dod worth Hall building, No. 80G Broadway, has upon the easel a very largo canvas illustrating a view of the country seat of tho Hou. Clarkson Potter, on the Sound, iu Westchester county. Tho hoUBO Is wcllshadod by a noble group of trees aud with a broad lawn slop lug to the water's edge, presents features of picturesque beauty.

Tho schools of tho National Aoadomy of Desigo, un prizes win no uistriouiuu riltST CLASS. Tho Brooklyn PoBt Offico at times has been view aud conversation ou Filth ovouuo. lie also maue affidavit to tho effect that prior to said interview, ho held conversation corner Dean street aud Filth avonno And so Brooklyn will lloutider on forcvor, so long as the financial nine is at all instable. But at last Brooklyn unfortunate enough to lUBtly earn a bad cliarac ter for trustworthiness aB a cuBtodian of such Drown. 2 '2 3 with both Secretaries, who then ouoreu rou oooaa Aouncifilimi for ,00.

will havo lo call cut to the men ot Illinois to iuuu ua 4.. 1.....1 'I'hia elm will bd slim to do. DV aud Lost. 2 Ii Won. MeKensic HoBiner IAoi.

II letters as had money in thom. We hope tho old MILHAU'S GOLDEN GOD LIVER OIL Tnin, r.vneli te(i(lefl nnd made affidavit to convcrsa by, but not till she can't movu a step furthor not till Hon corner Doan Btreot aud Fifth avenue, at which ho disease has not again afflicted it, but tne follow sho IB si UCK iu tuu niuu. Puro, reliable, from fresh livers. Iroo from tno msgasun Mm nils commonly scld. J.

MILHAU'S Sous. worth of Mr. liillbund'o goods at Astoria, on Tuesday night. Max Judd Ware der tho direction of professor wiimarrii, nave emoi eu And bo ends my catecnism oi tuo mm Ib3 Broadway. Now York.

aud tbolr ropreaeutativo ueniiwi ais aim jhiuuhuhuo. ing aro facta occurring recently in regard to tho correspondence of a single business establish Tho Homo for the Orphaned Children of upon a career of unexampled prosperity, mo number of pupils in attoudanco is upward of two hundrod and HEW IMPORTATIONS I 11 1R7I. Smith Harding Johnston Hougblou 0 13 13 10 Soldiers at Flushing, is out of funds, and will bo olosod ment, which, if paralleled by other caaos, are Vnur' bint that tho General Government h. i nntrihiitorv box from each calculated to urge the Postmaster to severe SECOND CLASS. State has more weight aud wisdom iu it loan oil that written on reform by all theflrBt of January.

FIRES LAS! BIGHT AUD THIS MOEKING. FINE LAOB and NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. fifty. Tho Bcries of lectures upon an, inauguiatou las! season, is continued, and tho first of tho presont courso waB delivered by Mr. William Pago, ou Friday, evening of last week.

Mr. Pogo will continue the course on the evonings of Dceenibor 20, January 9 and 23, and the number of books which even ono aiming to be a person of culture needs to read is surprisingly few. It may bo assumed that the average citizen of the class which constitutes the book buing public needs to read a still smaller number. Yet, year after year, whole libraries come smoking from the press and are scattered broadcast over the land. To what good end? Somo of thoso volumes are reproductions of old and standard works, and therefore have an excuse for publication.

Vastly more are repetitious and commonplace views of subjects already much bettor if not exhaustively considered. Of the current issues of poetry and fiction, it may be said that platitude and puerility flood tho market, while classical and representative works in tho reaped an ample harvest tho following Spring and thus it was that tho green Christinas helped to fill up tho village place of graves. What was true in old times and of rural neighborhoods is just as true now and in crowded cities. Considered in its narrowest aspect, that of its effect on bodily well being, a solt, warm holiday soasou, although welcomed as a Providential benefaction, is a very thing to the physician or the social philosopher, who takes a broader view of the subject. Certainly the cold snap which bow holds the city, as it were, in icy jaws brings positive discomfort.

The well clad citizen who, with chattering teeth and tingling ears, hurries to his warm office or counting room, will testify emphatically to this point. So will tho citizen who is ill clad, who has no warm office scrutiny of tho details of his department On December 7, C. N. Crittenden, 7 Sixth avenue, New York, sent check on the Eighth National tny Mm iiwt twenty voirs. Freo PIANO and TABLE COVERS, Drawn.

0 1 1 0 Lost. 1 a 4 6 Won. Goddard jj Stark 1. 1. Judd 2 wllcon 0 Trade Lcaciicrs.

Indeed! How daro thos.e moro tariff February (i. XUIB WllllCBB BtaiUU IU UUUIUllllcu mui. on books of Association aud voted at all primaries for four years, but had not and does not live in tho Ward. according Secretary McKenzie submitted an affidavit which rocites that early in AugUBt John Dohorty mado intimations that a good thing could bo made by tho secretaries out of the roll books, as tho Dutoher party were going to bo badiy beatou in tho coming primary. A few days thereafter James Duffy mot him (MoKcnzie) asking him If ho had aeon Doherty, and then stated that BLIBB WAS OOINO TO HAVE HI3 OWN WAY in tho next election, and if he (McKenzio) would do tho right thing he would bo taken caro of.

Duffy, at another meeting appointed on intorvfewbotweon McKenzio and ox Morshal Dallon which was DOtkept. At this timo both Secretaries McKenzio and Bloh mond waited on Captain John Hall and Hon. S. B. Dutchor, Btating tho advance mado by Dohorty and Bank for $83.62.

It haa not been received. On December 6, It. H. McDonald New York, Borapers assume such a name 1 Wo havo lloccivcd Iicttor LAW IKTEUISliSCE. FURNITURE COVERINGS, UPHOLSTERY QOODS.

PAPER HANGINGS, 0 AT LOWEST OABH PRICES. Boforo adjournment tho following resolution was ilin thuntrn of tho fionffross bo ten Bent a check on Greenwich National Bank for In which, wo find stated that "Massa" is not in tho cold erounu.but abovolt. In faot Massa" is to bo found 480, which has not como to hand. On Deoem bor 7, C. S.

Higgins Park and Hamilton avcnuCjHent a cheek on Brooklyn Bank for $52.09, at No. 373 Ifulton stroot.just auovo hl friends mar find and congratu late S. B. MASSA in bavins In lro tho largost stook ol hcuae furnishing eoodi. ailver plated waro, of the best manufacture to bo found In any other similar

ment In Brooklyn. His namo ahonld bo a tamlllar ono EXAMINE OUR STOOK AM) aiiuaa OITI COURT TRIAL TERM JODOK NEILSOH. VERDICT. James Nelson agst. William B.

Wharton and George W. iToolls. Action to recover damages for tho removal by tbo laudlord of a temporary buildfug belonging to a tonant from tho promises ou which tho nullduiB had been erected. Verdict for plaintiff, $331. D.

Barnard for plaintiff Jamos H. Cornwall and James H. Clayton for defondaut. COMPLAINT DISMISSED. Elizabeth Pfalkr agtt.

Charhs Eisner. i tn nirwni Mnmncen fnr tnlnrieB inflicted upon dered to Mr. B. McOlasky, proprietor ot tho Knnard House, for his kindness in furnishing a hall, nd for his many attentions to tho members. The awards of tho Pilzo Committeo ate as follows PIBST CLASS.

First prize, $100 G. H. McKonzio, New York. Second prize, $)0 U. Hosmor, Chicago.

Third prize, H. Elder, Detroit. Fourth prize, $35 Max Judd, Cleveland. Filth prize, $301'. Ware, Boston.

Sixth prize, $20 H. D. Smith, Michigan. Bovonth prize, $15 H. Hardinff, MioBigan.

SECOND CLASS. ui oi nrlw. MI E. L. Goddard, same specialties aro stored on the highest shelf, or lie neglected in tho darkest and dustiest closet.

Even of tho novels which get into overy reldont of BrooUjn, It ia not, 'tis not our Between nine and ton o'olook laBfc night, a fire occurred in tho frame dwelling house on tho cornor of Marion and Howard streets, during tho temporary absenco of all tho occupants. Tho lower floor was uad as a grocery store by Oasper TJlrioh, who waa also tho owner of tho building. Tho loss on goods and tho damage to tho premises ia estimated at about $3,500, which is fully covored by Insurance in tho Gerraania Insurance Company. Tho cause of tho tiro Is believed to have been tho explosion of a kerosene lamp, whioh wrb loft burnlngin ono of tho rooms. Berne time last night a Are broke ont In a groen houuo attached to the rosidenoo of Mr.

MorriB Wlckott, No. 511 Gates avenuo. How It originated is not known, but it waa extinguished with a few pailB of wator aftor doing damage to tho amount of about $50, on whioh ihere is no insurance. Another lire waa discovered at an early hour this morning, in on apartment occupied by Theodore Froin out, in tho Bccon awry of tho house No. 52 Union 6trect.

It jamaged to tho amount of $200, on which thero Uo Insurance Tho house is owned by Mr. ISrii, of New York. Duffy, aua asiung tueir auvioo iu mu uiuj. waB uivon by both HALL AND DUTCHES TO OO AHEAD, in order to soo how far tho BHbs faotion would go. and whon tho Secretaries got them to a point, to stop and acquaint them with too rosult.

Da pursuance of thla plan, another meeting was hold in. Reerfitnrv MnKenzie. whoro Duffy pro which haa also miscarried. Theso chooks were all payable to order, and thoreforo if thoy aro etolen" tho thief has not made anything by the operation. But tho fact that ono establishment should thuB sustain tholoBSof three money letters within a day or two, ia necessarily BUBpicious, and if this experience io found to ho usual instead of exceptional, we may be Bure that Mr.

Booth will not rest until ho has traced out the source of tho trouble. the reviews, not ono in ten, and of tho poems Errors not countoo. From Trustworthy Data not one in a hundred, is worth Teading while thoso which tho reviews do not dignity It has boon estimated that at least one fourth norsons born In tho Unltoil Mates nivo, an u.r.u, Second prize, $20 B. D. Stalk.

by moro mention make up a wilderness of trash. If a useless Federal or local office nlaiutiff by savogo dogs belonging to dofendaut. Iho complaiDt was dismipscd, aa tho evidonco ailod to 8U0W that tbo knowledge of tho vloiousnoss of tho dogs had been brought homo to tho defendant. Dailly Terry for plaintiff Bogor A. Pryor for nDBcd a meeting eithor with Dallon or Blias, whioh was Sot kept.

Subsequently mot Duffy on Fifth avenuo, near Doan etrcot, when ho npbraldod McKonzIo for not keeping his engagement with Dallon or Bliss, but iiimnolf. and Duffy proposod that Election E. A. M. At tho nu predisposed to pulmonary complaints yet well catabllshed that this prodI.po.Ulon need not ond I.

nv othor lung dlsoaso, if duo The Plymouth Bethel Entebtaihment. Richmond go into tho Water Board, and that MoKouzio PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. W. II MUMFORD, UPHOLSTERY AND PAPER HANGINGS WAREHOUSE, S90 ond SW FULTON STREET, noar Smith stroot. OPENEVFN1NGS DURING THE HOLIDAYS.

se2.1 TuiTh If li. KEEPING, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Adjoining Wallack'a Theatro. A SELECT ASSORTMENT Of? FINE WATCHES AND RICH OPEN KVI do2 U5t S.TuiTh i evocation of NasBnu Chaptor, No. 100, Royal be created, the reformers raise an uproar. This is well enough, but tho issuing of a useless volume is really a moro serious matter, Arch Masons, held at their rooms last evening, tho fol Tbo concert and tableaux which began last evening aa a Christmas festival at tho Bothel, will concludo tonight.

Miss Sterling, tho well known contralto, and or counting room, and whose cheerless homo is inadequately fortified against tho piercing assault ot the frosty winds. It is unquestionably tt time of Buffering for the poor, and public and private charitable activities should now be exceptionally liberal. Still, a mild Christmas would be worse, not only for the well clad, shivering, and perhaps grumbling citizen, but also for his impoverished neighbor. A moderate Winter is more fruitful of colds, coughs, the resulting consumption which galops apaco, und kindred ailments, than is a Wintor of dry r.nd steady oold especially in this country of climatic treachery, where Winter moderation equivalent to occasional dampness more penetrating aud perilous than severe cold. To ailments of this hind poor are subject equally with the rich.

care and watchfulness bo observed, aud all oxc ting can a promptly treated as thoy atlso. It is In just such eases tl IU. JAYNE'S Exi'EOXOItANT oxerolsos Its most bone ale loots, and lias produced tho largest proportion Its lowing officers wero elected ior tno uuauiuB yoar xitirh Prloat. E. D.

Topper King, Oliarlos 1. Marrat; Bad book making is an offense graver and farther reaching in its consequences than bad political administration. What is the remedy MiBB Toedt, the violinist, contributed much to ttio musical success of last ovening, supplementing (if it iim James Howitt Treasurer, Wllllim M. Ship bo aecurou ua ins present poaiuuu, THE CUSTOM HOUSE, they to give him or bis friends tho roll books. To this MoKODZio responded, if they wantod hia influonco and that of Iticbmoud'B, it was worth $500.

Duffy said ho thought It could ho fixed. Tho Suuday auccooJIng McKenzie casually mot Dully who asked McKouzio lo notify Blair that Duffy was waiting for tu go across town tu SETS A BIO MAN cures. Bosldo promptly removing eoilgUs and coins tho inost ooniuion oauso ol tu Kne.retnrv. F. Mnrtohilk; Captain of Host, A BROKEN ARM.

Frances Miller by Guardian agt. The Urooklvn Ferry Oompany. Aelion to rocovor taitM fur a broken arm. Tho toatimony showed that tuo nlalullir. a little girl about fourteen yearn of ago, waa inasm nfier on ono of tho boats of tho Company.

A mtlurbanco aroso betwi cn ono of tbo pnsaensora and au employe of tho Company. In cj.ctini, the trouble rnimo MisscbRer melco aroo, during whioh the om SeK (he man agaiut tbo plaintiff throwing down and brcalting bor arm. Verdict for plain V' Ptrry, for plaintiff; Cullou Qorara, fcr defendant. i Ti inoiral Solournor J. Orr; for this gigantic and growing evil of tho end nnmln.

Ilonrv Josoob: MaBtor of Third berculous development, tho Expectorant allays an, in na nmatlon which exist, and by promoting oa.y ox peroration, oloaoaes Ibo IunB of the substances oh i. whioh rapidly dostroy whon suHoco.Uo less making of books Tho answor is by no ir ii nimrlea Goodwin Master of Second Vail, Petty Peccadillos. A show case, contoin lng boots and shoes, belonging to J. Pintee, and etand uiii iu front of 92 Midclagh stroot, waa last ovonlng broken opon and robbed of boots nud shoes of fio val uoof $43. William Conner, a junk dealer, loft hia handcart and contents lor a short timo in front of 31 Columbia street, and during his absouco it was robbed of a bundle afragB.

were needed) tho instrumental innsio undor tho leado'. ship of Mr. Adolph Bernstoln. Tho ottondanco largo and apparoctly delighted with tho rntfr ontor talnmeut. This evening Miss Emma A.

Abb rt, who la a protege of Mlsa Kellogg, and to whom som enthusiastic adrnircrB accord an approximate of musical talent, will sing, and an olborwlso programme will bo presented. MoKeuzio Bout a nolo to Blair as Master of First Vail, J. M. AsltlnBJ Organ fix tho business up. dol9 8tTuThF OlOli u.

remain. Sold everywhere. means easy but ono help to reform would be closer and more rigid criticism not only newspaper criticism, but popular criticism ist, J. II. LoroU Tiler, William M.

Ilichirdson. "aiiotIiW interview, and tlio main ono, was in front of Military Hall, whon Duffy met McKouzio and lllcn also..

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