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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1.. Ho ran FINANCIAL. SPEI7IAI, NOTICES. KOABDIIVG. fg, wwuajitiiJMtt Hmumumm 4g I WAlTORn HKfcr FEMAaVES.

20'CL0CKEDHm' WANTED SITCATIOrVS FEILXES. 717 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN fT eral honaowork In a private family, by a re on his lana mt io 11 Snft of tbe law. for If convicted of tba crlmo ho of M' tont of tho th. nJ rcallzo $500. The caldDilarof ovary court Is fUk'd with oh caM.

Tho mast torWe 1 waged be(rn tho Long bland and OonneolL oystor men on tho Sound and in Huntington and C'oM Spring 1 Wood 1. oftn The Oinoctlout claim tho right udor an old L'olouial grant to dredf. lot oysters In thcao waters. Th work, how.vcr; Is olway" yorforraed fn Jne ul8Dt Unle" A fl9l)t of ten or fifteen boils lao nd with dredgca completely rtrlp 'ho privat. bed of all tho oyster, and olch thoy carry Into Connecticut trateni and replan.

The theft la a dnublo ono In this that carry off not only the marketable oyter, bnt the, onus onei and the spawn, making It necessary for the LonJ Island dealer to perform his work all oyer again, wll tho Connecticut man has not only tho crop of this caar, hut the young and Iho to insure blm crorMor Ihe year to coino. Last Saturday night tho flr.t raid wis mailo for thin year, and It i. estimated that ores $5,000 worth of oysters wera carrlod away, to say4 nothing of the damage to tho boda by thft dredglng machine. According to tho lawa of 1 State of Now York it 1. unlavrful lo dredgo.

If the oyster, are not all caught aa the dredging proceeds, those remaining are killed, and thli has a tendency to dlsoaad the good ones remaining. It ia impossible to catch thi 9 thieroa except by ruunlng them down or firing into them, which Is attonded with great danger to both parties. Novf that the nrst raid bas been successful, tb. Long Island men vrill guard their beds night and day, anil it is not to bc wondered at should more than on niuiuer be perpetrated before the Winter TRANSPORTATION.

Loiiff Island ISailrond Matter. The Southern Railroad is being improved east of Babylon by laying new ties and ateel rails. That portion from Babylon to Brooklyn is now no bettor than a third class route, and will soon be nothing but a freight route. Tho extension of tbe North Slilo Railroad to Huntington ia now holioved tu be ono of the possibilities. Tho company promised the people that if $25,000 wa.

subscribed work would bo commenced Immediately. In recent inU rviow with Mr. Hinsdale, a citizen of tho town was informed the company bad all it oould carry just now, there bciug eomu Iroubl. about th Eurojiean loan. It is the iutontion, if the loan la obtained, to push the Southern Road rroui Patcboguo to Moriches, and north to Manor station, where a connection wttl bo made with the Lone; Island llallroad to Sag Harbor.

The Long Island llailroad ia to be oxtnnded to Islip before next The distance ts aurvoyod front Brentwood through tbo pines, and tho distance Is four miles. Instoad of stopping at tho village, the track will run down to tha bcaoh, whero a large hotol la to bo erected, and where tho Fire Island stoamboat vrill connect. Tho distance to Ftre Island wilt then b. onBd over one hour. ADVENT MISSIOX.

A Week of Prayer and Praise at St. Ann's. CHapoI. Aa Advent Mission wns begun this morning in St. Ann's Chapel, corner of Clinton ond Livingston street, to be oontinuod during the week.

To tho participation In tho cxerolaes all arc Invited, and ample for Iholr comfort havo boon seourod. Tho hours of service and the theinoH will be aa follows: 8 A. topic, "Duties of tho Day;" 12 "Scripturo Expositlon;" P. "dad's Question 8 P. "Clainm or Christ," "ThB Way of Life," "Tho WantB of the Soul." The Holy Communion will bo administered on Wednesday aud Friday, at 8 A.

M. Thero will lie short offices of prayer (from five to fifteen minutes) at each Hervice, and a brief gospel address, or exposition of Scripture, or practical instruction, tho wholo limited to Iohs thuu an hour. Tho Bishop of tho DIoceso will privimt ot one or nioro of these services, and tbe clorgy generally am invited to attond and participate. The seats arc frep. All aro invited.

The object of these services, ia to accomplish a freshening of tho religious life of tho peoplo. After each service opportunity will bo afforded for personal Instruction and private prayer in tho rector's study, tn the roar of the Chapel, or for a brief conference in the pew. HER SKULIi. A woman known as Margaret Wright, who has no home, fell down some tcps at No. 173 Gold street last night and fractured her skull.

She waa under the influence of liquor at the time, and Is now at the City Hospital. MOSEY MARKET, orciRii CoBcrc of 5I Port Xlio Movement In the' Marliot 'iold stroiifr StocKs Lower. Wau. 8inT, Decembor IS. From tho monthly tables of the Bulletin showing the foreign commerce of tho Port of Now York, we solcct the following exhibiting the figures for the month of November and tho eleven months of tho current year The total imports for November amounted being an increnso of over the corresponding month last year, and $150,750 in excess of November 1872.

Tho total thrown ou the market was; or $5,121,713 in oxceBB of tho same month last year. Tho specie imports wore $300,405 agaiust for November laBl year. Tho imports for eloven months of th isyoar were 915,585 againBt $.176,875,815 for the corresponding period last year and $405,008,181 for eleven months of 1872. The custom recoipta for tho mouth wore $6,364,435 or $2,324,132 less than for October, and the total rcceipte for the past eleven mouths were $104,788,292 against $109,217,978 for the corresponding period laat year. Tho roports during November wcro $24,436,830 against $31,041,724 for tho same month last year, aud for th.

list oloron months were $309,159,934 against $321,207,055, for the corresponding period last year. Exclusive of specie $48,734,587 the total this year foota up $260,435,347 against last year, when tliu specie export was $16,212,390. These figures show that the entire commerce of the port of New York for the current year th far has been $678,105,519. The oarly salea of gold were at 111 and tbe market was Btrong At this llgurouotwithsta ndingthe announcement that tho $500,000 gold wbloh waa packed yesterday for shipment to day had boon withheld until tomorrow for sosi. reason not given.

Exchange ia strong with tho nominal tatea at $4.85 for CO day and $4.90 for Bight, and business at slight concessions from thoeo rates. Now that the scare with ref eronco to specie resumption has partially subsided, it is expocted that the course of gold will be governed by the course of the foreign markets and the Bhipments. The Btock market opened weak, but lapsed into dullness and became somewhat steady on tha call. It i eaid that the bull clique in Western Union is unloading and that Commodoro Vandorbilt is selling consider aula amounts through bis bankers. At the same time this may be dono in order to bear the market and givo the leader, an opportunity to got more Btock at lower flgureB.

A report 1b also correct that a pool was recently formed to bull 81. Paul, but tho Intention was abondoned when it was found that the stock they had already taken had been sold them by ft prominent officer of the Company. Erie was dull thiB morning, opening at 27, and selling off to 2G, before the call, on a small volume of business. Pacific Mall was weak, opening at 38, the closing figures of yesterday, and selling at fi before tho call. Lake Shore waa also weak, selling at 80J, against 80 at the opening.

Northwest was no exception to th. rulo, opening at 47 selling up to and then falling off to on the call. Rock iBland was steady at 101V. Western Union fluctuated between 82.S,' aud before the call. Central aold nt 102, and St.

Paul after opening at 38, droppod to 37X on tho call. Union Pacific moved between 35 and Ohio opened at and moved off to 30, at the commencement of the call. Wabash was active, opening at 29(, selling up lo and reacting to by the bcglnlng of the call. The decline in this stock iB partly attributed to the reduced earnings of tho road, tho gross receipts being $034,000 leas than tbope of the eleven months of last year. The expenses have been redueod about $40,000 per month, but even this estimatu would make a dcarcat se not earnings of $247,000.

Clearings of associated banks, currency balances, gold exchanges, balances, $1,237,903. Quotations oi' Southern securities were, Arkansas, 21 bid; OcorgU, ditto 7's 9ijf bid; ditto gold "5 bid; Louisiana, 25 bid; ditto new 24 bid; ditto 25 s.les ditto H.St.Jo. issuers bid; North Csrolina offered at 20; South Carolina, 30 bid; ditto July, 24 bid; Tennessee coupons, 75 bid; ditto, ex coupon, ditto new series sales at 57 Ji; Texas, offered at Vl)i Virginia, 37 bid; ditto, new, 38 bid; ditto consols, SIH bid; ditto deferred, Hal2. Stock Exchango Sales First Board. New York.

Decui.bsr 15. SOW) 6' 81 12 10 67 Kris 0 26T4 100U USUI r2 11 400 100 200 do 27 Will US5 119 IMOO do 12 nw; do 3 27, do. 03 yi." 27, li S5 0r 65 1000 6 20 67 ....12 11B? E0O0 6 20 68 ISO 501)0 100 390 7IIU 100 400 100 300 J71f do 27). do a 50110 bi do 030 1 do 27X do 1)3 S7fc do S3 6m 6'sCur BUUU OO Hi US'.

2000 Tonn 6s new ssi's SiH S80 uo no oc 90 5000 Tennssaso 6s Old ex GOOD ho 68 in Halted states Kx 300 Lake Rh So Uos60 79K 6000 Bos Hart A 1st 100 do b3 8US 5000 Alb uutqaen 1st sS 108 1000 Am Dock i Imp Co's7s 103 'KKKl Now Jer Csntral 80(1 100 do sin do 660 79 do If'X I( ao 6 do Wi l.tconsol t02i! 500 Union Pacific rau sou cau S3. 35 gold bond. 81 1500 100 200 1800 400 500 600 400 100 do do do do do do luuo Aiu(r ram. 2d 77 ano (lulens Chi 101 40OU Han St Job s's conv bS 89 35 85 35 MH "MM do 89 Dol L1W 105 do b3 do J4 000 aaore aiv oas. vn 1000 do Its) Chic Bur 200 ChlcSf 0 A bc 46 300 do b3 41 500 do 7 100 do 47 300 do 60O do 47.

bo 11JX MOO Mich Cn7 101)4 JW Ulo 101 new on. lw 4000 Cenl l.t M'e. coup 113 6000 Cent 1st M'e reg 112 1000 NY Central 687 xlnt 7 700U Ohio Mis. can. 8F xto niiln Ml, con.

96 800 do BOO do 03 47 800 do 600 do 200 do tsno do 15 900 do a 46 46 1000 Cent Pacific (I p. MX sjo ao. 1000 Western rjo UK) Union PacWo lrt 1 4100 Un Pacific 7. 84 7 0 Un Pac Slnkg i SptsFtWAChlo. lstm Ill 9500 New Jer Central Utnsw 109J 1000 Morris A Kssox lstiu losk1 20 Park Bk 144 15 ourth Nat Bank 99 100 A Ms; Co 8 I 100 uoi ina TOO do 1000 Uhlcsfo (Hit.

loo do 300 do 990 ao tea do 100 hi MA St bo 87i 200 do 87U 100 too 300 10O do S3 07 do bS 37K do t3 irij do Mining b3 203 Atlantic Tel bc 04 lOOTol W.b 400 do b3 S9k 200 do si Ml? 18 1400 West 'n Union Tel 200 do 200 do. 100 1100 100 800 do b3 891. do ay ao i do do do .03 83M Hjo ao. do 800 Paclho M'l SS Co 300 100 00 Alar A Urn bo pld 100 St Jr 8 4011 600 do do Uo do do do do do do do do 200 100 12 lull 11 MOO 900 SOU SeSttl SUM 88J.I 3S Mi it DO 'iv pnu 1000 bo, uislssipptK 34 30 30V unit 200 900 je uo. do do Ml? do Sol; do 80 Mich Central K.

1 111 voio a ti pna. bo 03 9 lOlU 101J4 bS 101H 101)4 101! WYNNE DAY. Establleh.d 18M.) BANKKltS, 16 WALL STREET' N. Boy and sell Stocks. Bond, and Gold on ComrolsslOD.

INT BREST ON DEPOSITS. Dealer. In NEW YORK STATE BB itfSSSSb Wffl8 f0irMoutgaSS BONDS. A limited amount for sale. Mortgage $8,000 per mils.

Nat o.rnlnga over.lx lime, the annual totereat. THE BROOKLYN TRUST COMPANY, Center of Msatagne and Clinton ats, Brooklyn, N. Y. CAPITAL tWOM. This Company i.

authortxed by special charter ct recover, executor, trustee or guardian. It can act a. agut In th. asl or aaangaat of raalea tele, ooll.ot Interest or dividends, reoelre regirtry and tran. f.r or make purchae.

and Ml. and "ilKSrimleharltAbla lnstiturloaa, and persaa. nnac enatomed to the traniaotlons of bnatueaa, will find this Oota pan, and W. R. Buhim, Secretary.

B. PUrrer trtent. Halaev. AUi. If.

WhlU. 3. 8. Rookwill, A. A.

Law. R. Marvin, Abm. B. Baylia, Hmu Sanger, W.O.

Kfsgal.y, S. B. Ohlttendwi. Josiah O. Low.

Bdward Harvey. JaaaM D. FUh, AUv alcOu. H. J.

Oulhm.U. D. vxBuncey, TtATONTAUK FIRE INSURANCK COM PANY of THIRTYJ3KCONp D1VI BBrTD Brooklyn, Deoernr 10, 1874. At a regular meeting the Board of held at the office of the Com pany. No.

3 Court st, on the 9th Inatant, a Mmlunual dlvidendofTEN(W)PEn CENT, was declared, payable to the atocaholderi on ana arter uie ROOKLYN INVESTMENT STOCKS AND BONDS. GAS, BANK, INSURANCE AND RAILROAD STOCKS, crrr and county bonds, Bought and aold by GEOTlT. PRENTISS, No. 80 Broad st, New York. TEN PER CENT.

INTEREST ON GUARAfTOEED 1Kb MUlt lUAVf. IttSA L. aaiaia Foil iuforra.tlon on application to JOHNSON SMITH, lie t. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, BROOK XJ lyn March 17, Is74.

Brooklyn City Bond, r.lllng due during tbe year 1874 'will be paid at any time before w.tnr Ity, at the Controller', office, with Intereet to date of presentation. By order of tho Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. J. W. HUNTER.

Mayor. mhl7 it SAVINGS BANKS. UNION DIME SAVINGS BANK, 8S6 and 398 CANAL ST, cor. Lalgbt.N.Y. Open dally from 10 to on Monday from to 7.

ASSETS OVER TEN MILLION DOLLARS. Bnrpln. Over xsignt Honored inou.ano ijou.m. Dix ran uxsn r. VBR OBNT.


Also on Monday, and Saturday, from 5 aftf tkD8XBDl PrMMt. ttWg Yto. Fre.kl.nifl. OBag. LOWXXT, Secretary, JOHrl W.

Hpmtu, Treaank v. MIGRANT SAVTSGS BANK OF JCJ BROOKLYN, cor. of' Court and Livingston OPEN DAILY, from 9 A' If to 3 P. and every MONDAY and 8 AT RD AY, from 6 to 8 P. M.

Iutereat SIX PER OBNT. on all nms entitled thereto, free of Government tax. ANDRKW DOUGHERTY, PreId.nt. H. LA MARCHE, Flrat Vlo.

President. JOHN McOONVLLL, Second Vice President. K. lj. neoreiarj; TJARK SAVINGS BANK Jr OF BROOKLYN, Cornerof Fulton and Oxford Open d.Uy from 8 A.M.toSP.M.; also, on WeSnosd.y rjud Satnrdaya, from 6 to 9 if.

M. Interest eommencesonthelst of EVERY MONTH (and deposits madoon or before the SOth of January, April, Julv and October, are allowed interest from the 1st) at SIX PER OBNT. per annum on all D. McG ABE, President. E.

O. HuMBinT, Secretary E.M.CCI.LIN, Counsel. rilHE LONG ISLAND SAVINGS BANK A Ol'' BROOKLYN, if AND 399 FULTON STREET, Corner of Bocrum place. Open dally from A. M.

lo 3 P.M., and on Mondays and Saturdays from 6 to P. M. Interest at SIX PER OEXT. per annum, commencing on tbo 1st of JanuBry, April, July anil October, iltoeu dayB allowed ior deposit commencing oach quarter. JAMES M.

SRABURY, President, BDwAnD B. Fowler, Secretary, JoriN S. Mackat. Treu3uryr. Johw C.

Piatint, Attorney. SEVlitG MACIllNJ'JI, See. AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE The new "Americun" wonderfully improved, is now ready for delivery. Sold on fnvoruhlw terms, and if desired first class work fornisboil to pay for them, at MENDALL'H Brooklyn oflico, 612 Fulton st. Aleo, 24Grand st, WilllamBburah.



CANVASSER WANTED. OIL AND LAiTIP. i 1EO." POOL SONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KEROSENE OIL AND LAMP', ALSO PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, BRUSHES, 1'liliNnil WINDOW Ol.AHS, tc 70 AND 72 FULTON ST. Having enlarged and Improved our store, ana GREATLY INCREASED OUR STOCK, Wu aro now prepared to sell tn the trade ALLliOOUS IN OUR LINK At as favorable prioeB aa tho same articles can b.

obtained in New York. Brooklyn Agents for DEVOE'S BRILLIANT OH, rAPEIa IIANfilNtiS. J. NORTHRIDGE, PAPER HANGINGS 6 OENTS TO S6.0 PER ROLL. 62 Myrtle av, 1,368 Fulton at, and Gate, av, cor.

Nostrand. VjILDtNG A SPECIALTY. BAKING POTVDEB. SEDHEAD'S BAKING POWDER. 3 most popular article of the day, for the immediate reduction of bread, bi.oult, pastry, 1c.

It la used thousands of families, in preference to any other preparation, and has always given satisfaction. TRY IT YOU WILL LIKE IT. For sale by all grocers. MANUFACTORY, 120 WILLIAMS New York. PICTUIfE FKAfflES.

W. DEWEES, PRACTICAL GILDER, Wholesale and retail manulacturer of LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES. 336 and 228 Fulton st, Brooklyn, N. Y. Importer.nd Dealer In FOREIGN AND AMERICAN PAINTINGS, ENORAV1NG3, AO.

SMOKY JCOTIHINEYS. SMOKY CHIMNEYS CURED THE Gothic patent ohlmney top and ventilator Increase the draft and prerente down draits. Will work where all others fail. Applied on trial fur 80 days. Send your address and we will call.


J. B. 4 J. wT BLAND'S, 156 and IFvl Myrtle av. between Prince and Gold ats.


Parties wishing to make New Years Presents of FANCY SUITS, LOUNGES AND CHAIRS, Will please leave their orders early, so that they can be up. holstered and mado ready in proper time to avoid delays In delivery. The above goods are warranted just as represented. My number is 40 and 42 MYRTLE AV, cor. PEARL BT.

GEORGE WILSON. EEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMInTS taken for Furniture, Carpota and Bedding, At B. M. COWPERTHWAIT 4 155 and 157 Chatham N. Y.


Warehouse Third st. and Oowanua Canal. LFX.AIi NOTICES, UPRTME court, "kings county Katie Rtrens, plaintiff, against Edward HeinUennd and Henrietta his wife, defendants. Summons for relief. (Com.

not Bar.) To the defendants above named and each of them: You aro hereby aumnioaed and required to answer tho complaint in this action which will be filed in the office of tbe Clerk of tbo County of Kings, at the Court House, in the City of Brooklyn, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint, on the subscriber, at bis olHce, No. 69 Liberty street, in the City of New Yorlc, within twenty days after tbe service of this summons ou yon, exclusive of the day of such service and if yon fall to answer the said complaint within tho time aforesaid, tbB plaintrH In this action will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. jjaiea oepiemoer 101. JAS. I.

THOMSON. Pl'iTB Att'y, fit L.bertv st.N. V. The complaint In the above entitled aotlou was hied iu the ofticR of the Clerk of the County of Kings, on the 21st day of October, 1.74. 7 01 vt JAS.

I. THOMSON, PTfra Att'y, 6w Tu 69 Liberty st, N. Y. SOTRBaiE COURT. OITY AND.

COUNTY OF NEW YORK. Louis Well and Leo. Goldmark, as executors, of Philip Gil man. deceased, again at Charles Schwarz and others Tn foreclosure. In pursuance of a judgment of the Supreme Court, of the State of New York, made in the above entitled action.

William Blaikle, the referee In the said judgment named, will expose to sale at public auotioajfin the vestibule of tbe County Court House, In the City orarooklyn, Kings County, New York, on Tuesday, the 5th day of January, 1B75, at 13 o'clock noon, the following described prerulsea, viz. All those curtain five lot, situate, being and lying in the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings, State of New York, and origin, ally bounded and described aa follows Beginning at a point on the northorly aide of Degraw street, diatant two hundred and seventy eight feet, two Inches westerly from the northwesterly cornerof Degraw street and Buffalo avenue, and tanning thence northerly one hundred and thirty feet to point three hundred and two feet, nine and one eight Inches westerly from tbe westerly Hue or aide of Buffalo avenue; thenee westerly and parallel with Degraw street one hundred and three feet. Are inches; thence outhorly, one hundred and thirty feet to Degraw street; tbenoe easterly along tho northerly line of Degraw stwat, one hundred and three feet, five Inches, to the Stace of beginning, be the same more or leas. "Also, loae other certain ten lota, pieces or parcel of ground insaidoityandcounty, originally bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly aide of Backett street, distant two hundred and fifteen feeti fire and one 2 uarter inches northwesterly from the northerly corner of acket street aud Buffalo avenue, and running thence northerly two hundred and sixty feot three and one half inches to Degraw street, at a point distant two hundred and Mzty fonr feet seven and one half rnches; thsnoe southerly two hundred and sixty feet five and a half Inches to Backett ttreer, and tbenoe southeasterly along said Baokett street one hundred and two feet three and one quarter Inches to the place of beginning being part of the premises eon veyed to WUliam Hill by Homy fid.

Nee db am and wife, by deed dated April 1st, and conveyed by aald Bill unto BUen Ourldta aforesaid, by deed bearing date Jqly Mth, lflffl.andconvejedby the said Ellen Caridta to the party of the flrat part to these present, by dod dated January 15th, DaUd Oaoember 12. IM4. WILLIAM BLArEIB, Refers JoBgggaUTt.Plalnttfl's Attorney. dUSwMAThAj SCIKKOGA'XK'S NOTICES. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OJ? William D.

Vteder, Surrogate of tbe County of Ings, notice is hereby given, acoorttV sons having claims agalnut SMITH 0Lf fj the City of jBrooklyn, deceaaed, tbat they are exhibit tho same, with the vouchers acrlber, at her residence, 901 Jay itroof. In tho Olty of Brooklyn, on or before the nineteenth day of June nJ 0mBNBlklTA J. W. OIAQaini9ttWilX. TARTMOUTH COLLEGE GRADUATES.

JL All traduate. of Dartmouth Oollese, Irvine In Brooklyn and vicinities, are roonctod to send their addresa to KDWARD DEFOREST. Seoretary New York Alumni Aa. soclatlon, Bor 651, N. Y.

P. O. A RT GALLERY AND LADIES1 RESTAURANT. A charm infraoonlight marine, by larmlngmoonlight mi M. DB HAAB has been added to the collection of pictures by favorite artists, exhibited by N.CLARK, 885 BROADWAY, corne7o7THrRTEBNTH ST.

N. Y. In adding some choice works of art to the material at tractions of his establishment, the proprietor desires to make his reatauraut the pleaaantest, aa it nas long been the most popular and safe plica In New York for ladles to pa Open till 12 P. M. for theatre and opera partfei.

RESENTS. A large assortment of CUTLERY AND FANCY GOODS. In handsome suitable for presents. Carvers and fltsels, Uard Caaes, Children's Hets, Cigar Oases, Cork Soraws, Tina (Villai (Not Cracks and Piokt. Opera and Field Glassei, Pocket Knives of ill kinds.

iFoitmonnalei, Dressing Cases, Spoons and Forks, Rye Glasseeand Spectacles, and Dessert Knives. N. Y. CLUB AND ACMJC SKATES. very best qnality at lowest prices.

W. IRVING. 77 FULTON STREET, N. Y. fllHE STRAKOSCH ITALIAN OPERA JL Company expressed their unqualfled admiration of the superiority of the Weber PJano.

Everyone I fortunate who owns one, and any one may by calling on J.W. SMITH, A BRO 873 and 533 Fulton st, and on her own terms, for suoh an instrument, NEURALGIA Robbed of its horrors by Years' um lit iravod Ha nFRcacv iii norvoua acute dis eases. It Is pleasant in odor, powerful in cure, moderate tn pric and to be bad of all druggists. rjlHE OLD WOMAN IN THE SHOE. 398 and 293 FULTON ST.

THE OLD WOMAN IN THE SHOE. 293 and 295 FULTON ST. THE OLD 'WOMAN IN THIS SHOR. 293 and 29o FULTON ST. ORTON'S GOLD PENS, GOLD PENCILS AND PEN OASES, ALSO CELLULOID PENCILS AND PEN CASES, A new material of various and beautiful color, uever before offered to the public.


D. 011A3E i BON Are always making something new for the ej.i. But those Rimless or Skeleton Spectacle, and Ey. Glassos are the handsomest they have ever made. And with their Celebrated in them they are really beautiful.

J. D. OH ASK 4 SON, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. 491 Fulton street, between Bridge and Lawrence. Made to fit and suit .11 kind of eyes.

THIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES ON good improved property wantod in exebansjo for first oiasa merchandize talso, wanted, for eaah, Southern Mlnna aota first mortgage Railroad bond, and New 31 Midland Railroad receiver'. certWoatas, and other railroad securities wbloh aro in default of Interest. By O. THOMAS, 840 Fulton et, npstalrs. BROOKLYN BOASTS OF ONE OF THE most complete muato stores In this country.

The stock of .1. W. SMITH, 37.1 Folton st, Is complete. Tbelr music and instruments admit of the most crlticsl choioe, and they are able to offer the best terms to an customers. OUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO A now method of putting up ale and porter for invalids Family use superior In quality and half the price of bottled als, as any quantity may bo uaod and again shut on, thuB preserving the touo, quality and life.

A patent keg, with inserted lauoet, containing ono gallon of pure Amber Ale, price 75 cents, delivered free (to be returned) to any part of the city. T. V. DEUELL, 197 Court. ANCING HAS PERVADETHE COUN try.

In cities, almost every family indulges in it, and the graceful custom has oitondod to villages and country homes. Tho Piano is tho bost for such purposes, and J. W. SMITH, 4 No. 373 Fulton ot, make the rental or purchase to suit their friends.

MARSHALL'S CHEAP FUR STORE, 3RD FULTON ST. NF.AR RAYMOND. Seal, Lyra, Bnnlno. Alaska Sable ond Mink Seta at LOW PRICES. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.

N.B. Wo raako up all our own furs. A FAMOUS TONIC AND IN VIGORATOR and a prompt and radical cure ior general aeoutty. dvspe of sin TM. r.mnna Tunic and Invkror alor will give you strength.

It will build up. invigorate aod l. tl.n hnl. tmnaln. fttin.

vlffOraod en6rV. and make you feelTike a now Prloos. SI and $9 par botUe. Prepared only by WINOHESTKR Chomlete, 36 John st, N. Y.

rfUIERE IS NO PIANO WHICH B.ASMO nizes with the human voloe boUe? tiian tho Weber. There Is a swootuess about tho tone uioh outranks all others. He hesitates at no exneriBo to render his instruments perfect. Terms to suit J.W. SMITH, A Vs VANDUZER'S ban uua COUGH REMEDY.

Wholoanle Agent, KIDDER 4 83 JOHN Now York. LOVES, NECKTIES, FOR FUNE rals, parades, receptions, soirees, ordinary aud extraordinary occasions, furulshetl nt liberal discounts in proportion to tho quantities wanted. W. E. McNULTY 4 Gent's Furnifhlnc Goods, 629 Pulton st Tliolr advertisement will be found uhqwbero.

E. 529 FUL TON ST, llv only firm In Brooklyn who make to order undorwear In wi lo and Bcarlet oashmere, a very son and elegant fabric. Dress Shirts, canton and scarlet Hansel undorwear made order. Their advertisement be found in anothor cobnnn. VTJHURCH ORGAN COSTS TOO MUCH money for the majority of churches, but all could buy the Gen.

A. Prince Co. Cabluot Orsaus. They fur nieh better instruments for the same amouutof money than any of their competitors, as their works are the oldest and largest in this country. J.

W. SMITH, A BRO, No. 373 Fulton st, are their agents. PIANO TO LET ft MONTHLY, STEIN way rosewood piano, full iron frame, overstrung, round oornera, carved legs and case; also, fine organ, or would be sold low for cash. BIDDLE, 13 Waverly place, near Y.

ppHE OLDFASHIONED PIANOS HAD" 1 to yiold to the modern improvements of Weber. Hts planoa are made of the best material, and in the most workmanlike stylo. Tne price, aro moderate, and Messrs. J. W.

SMITH, 4 683 Fulton st, make terms to suit all. DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND BUILDINGS Office Board of Oommisslonore. No. 367 Jay street. Brooklyn, Deoeinber 12, 184 The following pro were publicly opened and annonnced December 11, 874: For repairing the Sixteenth Ward Bell Towor, located in Ten Eyok streot, near Kwen, B.

D. Barned 4 Williams, for tho sum ol William sum of $1,681.00. F. 8. WASSEY, HUGH MCLAUGHLIN, R.

M. PHRANBR, dl26t Cemmlselonera Department of Fire and Buildings. VVHAT" A VALUABLE "PRESENT ANY Sunday School friend might make to the school by sending to it one at Waters' Concerto Parlor Organs. It would assist iu tbe singing, and, by lta attraotiveness. draw 'many scholars.

They rarely need tuning, and obord most admirably with the human voice. Make the little ones happy by visiting WATERS 4 SON'S establishment, 481 Broadway. New York, and buying one for a Christmas present. ,000 TOY TEA SETS OF FRENCH CHI i naare offered bv Messrs. RORKE 4 555 Fnlton st, for THIRTY NINE CENTS.

They are sold elsowhere for 75 cents. Many little glrl hearta may be gladdened by tho outlay of 39 oents, beside teaching them to Bet tables and practice hospitality. It gives the little one more real pleasure to serve out toner mend the thimbleful of tea which the enp holds than It would confer on her mother to preeldo at her Chrlstmastahle. TWrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AP 131 plication will be made to the Supreme Court, at a Special Term thereof to be hold In the Second Judicial District, at the County Court House, in the City of Brooklyn, on the twenty first day of December, 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of the opening of Avenue in tbe Town of Flatbnsh, from Flatbnsh avenue to its westerly termination iu said toirn. By order of the Board of Improvement of the Town of Flatbujh, In Kings County.

Dated December 9th, 187J. dll 8t HENRY DITMAS. Attorney. rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AP 131 plication will be made to tho Supreme Courtat a special term thereof to bo held In the Seoond Judicial Distriot, at the County Court House in the City of Brooklyn, on the twenty first day of December, 1874, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, or as aoon thereafter aa counsel can be heard, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assceasment in the matter of the opening of Grant Btreet in the town of Flatbnsh, from Flatbnsh avenue eaaterly to tho westerly side of the Clove road. By order of the Board of Improvement of the Town of Flat bosh in Kings County FREEMAN OLARKSON, Attorney.

Dated December 8, 1874. dni AN ORDINANCE THE COMMON Council of the City of Brooklyn do ordain as follows: Section 4 of Artiulo IV is hereby amended so as to read as ARTICLE IV. Section i. No person shall build or cause to bB built any bonfire or other tire In any streot. avenue, road, lane, or pubUc ground, within the City of Brtioklyn, without a permit in writing bavingbeon first obtained from the Captain of Police of the Preclnot in which such fire la made, who moy in such cases only as he may deem proper for the destruction of Btraw or other rubbish, where the same can be done without damage to property or annoyance to the public, give permits in writing for the same to be done after sundown, and at least twenty five feet from any building.

Any person guilty of violating this ordinance Bhall be subject to a penalty of five dollars for each offense. Adopted In Common Council November 23, 1874. Approved by the Mayor December 1,1874. vv WM. G.

BISHOP, City Clerk. City Cleric's Office, BOOK LYN, December 10, 1874. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true copy of tho original ordinance on die in this office, andof the whole of WM. G. BISHOP, Clt, Clerk.

fib 2 5 A BUSINESS LADY CAN EARN 5 8330 weekly, by investing this amount, in a genteel business to be dono st home; learned in one day; entirely new. 152Leeav E. D. HOUSES, CAHK1AC8ES, FAc. "GOOD SADDLE, FOR SALE; BUT little used, will bo sold very cheap.

Caubeseonat S23 Washington st, noxt to Post Offlce. A ail as T.ARGE HORSE. ABOUT 9 YEARS old, with a down town truck aud harness, for sale; OOQ uuuit; a miuhiuu To be seen at 34a East Baltic street, until WITTY'S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY AND STABLES, Carriages and lolghs. for and to let by the day or season. n.v.

tbo largest assortment In the olty onallly anu style un surpassed, and prloos 30 per. cent less than New Yorlc. Pony phaetons a spoctilty, Top buggies, rockaways, ooopos, Victorias, eiton.lon and half top brette, largo assortment of seoond hand coaohes and wagons of all kinds; old carriages tak.n In exchange also, to let. fine ooaches, rodo turnout, and ponlea and phaetons for Udiea' 'Park driving. B.

YTI 1 1 1 a Nevlns st, opr. Fulton. ONY, WAGON AND HARNESS FOR sale at a sacrifice will be sold separately or together a complete turnout In every particular. Apnljat atable, cor. fit: James aud Greene av, or 389 Washington avenne.

ORSES CLIPPED AT PAGR'SISTABLES. 346 CUMBERLAND ST, ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. XJORSES HORSES HORSES AT ML the EXCELSIOR BOARDING and 531 Washington at. Twenty good work and driving jo.t from the country, for sale or exchange. We will always keep from twenty to forty good horses on hand to snp Dly our oustomers.

We havo the beat accomodation, for bearding horses in the city. Ooaches, light waeona and work horee. to let. proprfet0. DEIVTISTBY.

TfcR. MC ALLiSTER, DENTIST. GRAD I 9 uato of Pennsylvania Dental College, still continue, togive first, class (warranted) work, at the lowest possible rates. Small gold fillings for fl to $1.60 eaoh, larger ones rate proportionately. Office No.

1S3 Lafayette av, oppoilte Dr. Cuyier. Church. URE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USB BEACH 4 NBFF, Dealers in fine grocarles, bare the largest and but stock of Wine, and for medicinal purpowa, to bslonnd in 'They'haTe the recommendation, of joins th; bestphv aiclan. In Brooklyn.

A trial la solicited. BEACH 4 NEFF, 4fiQ jmiion streot, comer xioj "aOHAIOiETl'AZ, CHATELAN ALLIS SON.ImnortoreofWiuiBrirame.andPremrves, No.lSSFOLTOySTKKItT, New York, RETAIL HO USB, No. Sg Court st, opposite City Hali, Brooklyn. The ttne.t good, for family um keot. OYSTERS.

YSTERS. OYSTERS, OYSTERS. BRANCH OF KNGEMAN'S, KstablUhed at (8S FULTON Between Navy and Raymond. The beg to announce that they have estab lished a nrancn uvo iaa auusn, OYSTERS IN FULTON MARKET STYLE. O.

UNOBJdAN 4 of People'. Oyster liouw, am naiuuiui'uo Bi, OARD 122 MONTAGUE ST PLEAS ant rooms with Doaru. OARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE arm una tarn fna7le ntlem.n, oan hava pleasant rooms neatly furuUnoa witn nrss UUU1 1 1 itC a 4 sl ma hrlBtvl fiv rm i vi inm terms moderate to nnrrri nent oooupanta referanoej required No. 304 Washington street. T0ARD i226 QOTNCY ST.

A SECOND "tory front aloove room and haadsomo back parlor ana ooia waicr, uaiu rauw, Z' having a refined home all oTOTenlencm and even atteo. Sonlpald to comfort; looation one of the best on. the Hill; one ljlook from Nostrand and Franklin avenne c.r.. BOARD ON THIS HBIUJ11S A LEAS ant front room, hot and cold water, amplo closet suitable for single genUomsn dr a family; house and location vary dealrable minww ro lerriesj terms mederaw reioronoeo atroot TOARD ROOMS wiur, im ijuuu board, second and third floor, front, neatly furnlah cold water; sonthern exposure; ample clout roVm also, haU roSmii within IOorUmlnutalko Wan it Fu ton Tind South ferries a fpw table boardcra uld al.oK accommodated terms lo suit tho times. Oall at 139 wiliongnoy fi.

Hill o.nm.n of the Bnost locations on tho HU1 igentleman and green and Fnlten ZZlfl cars pwsBnuu onces atchanged. BOARD WANTED. Bc OARD" WANTED A SECOND STORY front room, with board, for genllernarj and wife, with. intwenty minutes' wain torrnVC whlSmrutbe moderate, Ewle office. OARD WAN a Kcot atji ijia family, for two younj men terms not to axxeed 8J13 toeW; all olhor aasweraujinonooa.

jvauresso. tssgio B( OARD WANTED rtr luuisu uisjm Si HlXSi etohl rnlnute? w2k fremFtn. tonFemtintouK with all mnrovoments, where home ISmfnSmavbobad: no obiectlons to young ladle, and mush? Iiutdfclded loViecUons to cat. andlabh Address TWO ORPIlSiJEMleoffloe. FimNISHED JBOJTJIfls.

Tb LET, FOR housekeeping, on reasonable terms. Apply at No. 91 andB st, nearJajN FURNISHED KUUitio xy xwu orthroe furnished rooms In a private family Plneap. nle noar Henry st separately or together jo objection to Kspectablo forking Apply ai a. mum wa.y i FURNISHED ROOMS TWO FRONT rooma for housekeeping! to a gentleman and wife, iverv accominounwui vl ''uu" reacf.w or id per 'acrrepont.

iWRNISHED ROOMS NEATLY FUR jT ntshod rooma, for gentlomaj and wife, with every for housekeoplng: houso has all modern improvements located; 15 minutes' walk from ferries. Apply for the week at 28 Cant Flushing avi. Terms moderate. ut I. TO LET MOUSES.

PlTOLET BOUSE FRENCH FLATS AND M. store to let; private hallways, dumb waiters and all Improvements; looation unsnrpaawd. Apply on premises, cornerof Ilstbasti ana sorontu TO LET HOUSES 51,100 UNTIL MAY I 1.1870. for rent of block. nevi four story, basement brown stone residences, with private playground, north side ot.

Marka place, between uanwu auu wmoiuuh vb. in quire on premiaus. TO LET HOUSE CHEAPEST KENT IN A Brooklyn, a now two story framed brick basement and oellsr house on Thirty ninth st.carspass the door to all the forrles; water In houso. E. B.

KIMNEV, corner of Thirty ninth st, ana i uira av, nroomn. TO'LETl HOUSE A 3 STORY BRICK andEnglsh basemont house; 11 rooms; gas. hot and oold water and stationary washtobB; house haa been newly renovated will rent saayto oartlea with roferonce five mlnutos from City Hall, on Wlllouthby st. Call or address B. ILKS, Argus office, or 160 Myrtln av, oor Oold st.

TO JLET AjPAnXlrDBJVTS. BOARD TO LET ROOMS, WITH OR without board, at No.Sl'ultm st. TO LET ROOMS IN HOUSE 229 WAR ren st, between Court and Clinton, four handsome rooms: hot and cold water, batfatooin, gaa, Ac. vor low rent; $20 per month. TO LET ROOMS THREE SUITS OF rooms, for small familios.atalinost your own price, until May next, in tho new buildjig.

No. S98 Fifth av, noar Reventhst Inquire at tho bakoryon tbe premises will bo furnished If required, TO LET ROOMS AT 324 UNION ST. a suite on second floor, coiBistlng of flvoroomBana use of bath room: all modern 'mprovemonta and newly stated thronghout balance of rouse occupied by a fam of two. Apply on promises, ater 10 A. M.

T. stairs a' LET ROOMS F3UR ROOMS, IN now iminted walls, marble mantclB. water: and hallB oilolothed 20 mhutes from the orrleB by three oar routes rent, 410 per tnoath half rout for December. Apply to T. H.

BRUSH, IS Carlton av, 6lxtb houso north of Park. TO LET APARTMENTS. bXETROOMS SBjOND FLOOR OF house 857 Dean Bt ront Ion to a desirable family all Imurovemonts. TOJLI3T FOU BVSITMjESS PURPOSES. mO LET STORES THE NEW STORES 1 1 171.

1 .1 in BVH'Ulr, Ufooi Vinyv anu uwuu place. Apply to H. K. THURBIR, West Broadway, Hudson and Rerue ate, Now York. TO LET WHARF BIOPERTY 6 Gowanus Canal, suitable f.r yards, factories, ware houses, etc.

for sate or (ease, ou(fngorsnon mmm. a.u ply at office of BROOKLYN IMPROVEMENT Third at, cor. Fifth av. mO LETUND13R THIS HEADING, Messrs. W.

K. McNUL'IY A wished lo insert an advertisement calllug attention to their low priced stock of Gent's Furnishing GoidB, but it could not bo al lowod as wo devotu certain coliknus only to such inattors. Their advertisement will be fotnd In another part of the paper. TO LET STORE AN OLD ESTAB Hshod millinery store, in good location, and which has done good business for yean; tho atoro is very handsomely fitted up tho fixtures ani a small stock will he sold very roisonably posiveaslon will lo given Immediately. Apply in the store 115 Court st.

mO LET EST AUlt ANT THE WELL JL known and ling establlihed oyster bouso and restaurant, No. 25 Clinton at, noaiFultou; haa beenkopt for many years by Dominlck Colgan, who now wishes to retire on account of his advanced year; tho houso is largo and commodious, well furnished throughout; is first class, and is one of the best locations in tbe oity; this is a rare chance tors, party who understands tbe buiiness, as the prospects for making money are undoubted. Inquire of D. M. CHAUNCKY, 207 Montague st.

FOB SAIiE MOl'SES. OR SALE HOUSE A tWO STORY, frame cottnee. seven rooms: watetand water closet in the houso: price $2,000. Apply at S66 parroll st, one door from Bond. OR SALE HOUSE A 3 JL BWiry uric it nvuro.

nuu uanern uvui, suunw mfimu utes from City Hall suitable for any bustrss price $11,000 will pay clear ten per cent' W. P. COOK. 235 Washington FOR SALE HOUSES TWO NEAT brown stone dwellings, the most substantial annor; complete little palaces all improvemenis Adelphl at, near Willoughby, two blocks from Tort Oreetie Park. Inquire on the promises of JOSEPH I.K1HBY, orat 73 Gates av.

IOR SALE HOUSE ON LAFAYETTE av. cor. of Grand Some of that elesant block of 3 fitoir. rh ainnn. hrnwn atone front hnuies.

includinor a Btilendd corner; 16 rooms, bay window, replete with all mod eh improvements immediate possesBion. Apply on the preui aeaor oi u. a. m. unaunuai, aauniague bu TJ10RSALE HOUSE A OORNERHOUSH jB? three story and basement; brown stone, with plat glass windows; 30x45x105; five marble basins, two wate closets, elevated oven range; heat to the third story, wib Apply to T.H.

BRUSH, cor. tf DeKalb av. and St. Felix st, or 349 Adelphl it. i OR SALE HOUSES TWO NEW TWO atnrv und haaAmnnt Phlladelnhia brink hontAS.

Mad. son it, juai eas or iionirauu ttv, uuBmuQii aou Hunmuf brown stone; internal arrangements and conveniences ui equaled location first rate, near three Hues of cars bug. in a substantial and workmanlike manner. FRANCE WOO owner, Madison et, uearNoatrand a ORSALE HOMES THREE BROAV3 JO stone front houses, two story basement and subcellai all the modern improvements; house 20x4 by 42 feetdeefT: lot 100 situated on New York av, between Atlantic av, ant Herkimer et; location first clnsa; houses perfect in all othr appointments. Apply on promises, or 835 Dean st, of wnea and builders, STAFFORD A SlOUOh.

FOR SALE OUSES AND TO LETf MOODY A ROGERS, Real Estate Moi tagne Btreet. Carroll st, noar Clinton, 3 story, stone; every $10,00 Prospect pi. 8 story, bk, every imp, great bargain 60 Bergen st, 2 Btory, st'ne, every imp, elegantly fresco' Warren st, 2 Btory, bk, part imp, worth 3,30 Lafayette av, 8 Btory, bTc.ovory imp 11,80 Carlton av, near Greene, 8 story, stone, bargain 11,00 Gallatin pi, 3 story, stone, every imp, worth $18,000. 15,00 Obeever pi, story, briok, every imp ijbd Tafayette av, n'r Si James pi. It story, atone 13,00 Raymond st, bet Fulton st and DoKalb av, 3 st'ry, bk 12,110 Second st, near Hoyt, 2 etory, b'k, all imp 4,00 etc.

Apply to MOODY Montagio street. FOR SAIiX: REAIj ESTATE. OR SALE REAL ESTATE CHE4P for caah.not exactly real eatate. but avarletv of usilnl aud ornamental goods for men's wear. Inqnlre of W.E.

McNULTY TO LET FARM A FARM OF THIRTY acres, six miles from Fulton Ferry, on the Jamaica Roadiiyjll bedlvided fortwo tenautB; saltabla for ait denerorTiillkmau. Addresa WM. STOOTHOFF, Box ffl, East New York. F' OR SALE LOTS TWO VERY CHOICE lots on tbe Heights, fronting on Rensen st. and no ningthrongh to Grace Court; also one on Joraleinon between Hicks and Henry ste.

terms liberal. Applfto S. HONDLOW, real estate broker, 203MonUgue st. EOR SALE CHURCH THE UNWN Congregational Society offer for sale ono of jits chos, either that ou Elm place, near Fulton Bt, or bat on State at, uear Hoyt, as the purchaser may elect. TtFse churches have organs, and all necessary furniture andlix tures for (mmediato occupancy.

For terms apply to H.H. VAN DYCK, No. 56 Kxohango place, Now York: AAR)N H. PHILIPS, No.ll Front street. New York or WILLLtM R.

BAILEY, No. ISO Broadway. New York. IFOR TjIOR EXCHANGE FARM OF ABOUT20 JL acres, all cleared: good bouse, barn and ontbuildiors Loug Island, 37 mlies from New York; price $1,500, rt gagetoault. A small bouse wanted for the abort; moo exsh will be paid on exchango if required.

Apply to BA. McCREERY, 1P2 Broadway, Room No. 8. FOR EXCHANGE HOUSE Balo A country residence; good house and biro, and 4Jtf acres land a choice location, plenty of fruit Ao, at MateawaD, on N. Y.

4 Long Branch R. U. $7M0, mortgage if will sell on easy termi, or oxchangefor Brooklyn property of equal value. G. T.

LAIN, 2ia iTSfen tague Bt. OR SALE MILK ROUTE INQUIliE at NolK Fulton st FORSALE SEWmG cabinet sewing machine (Remington Manufacture) polished, black walnut paneled case; machine warranted price $40. Address MACH INE, Box 8,906 N. Y. P.

IOR SALE BUSINESS A TEA OR irmnprv atom: a rare chance for A buiinet mon alii chean for caah. Call or address at the store. 197 Fulttn st, JorooMiyn. i OR SALE BUSINESS UNUSUAL OP nnrtiitiitr One of the beat bakeries in tha finrsst ba best business portion of tho city, No. 93 Court it, cornerof Schermerhorn.

H. W. BAUER. fOR SALE FURNITURE, ETC. A LOW JP priced parlor suit Brussels carpet with border cur Sins, cornices, lounge, washstaud, pictures, engravincs, drop light, Saratoga trunk, clock, self feeding stove.

Apply at 476 Washington av. FOR SALE BUSINESS GENTS' FUR nlshing business; the best location on Fulton st stock small easy terms to a responsible party. AddreBS ti. F. B.

Eagle office FOR SALE CARPETS GOOD SECOND hand and misfit carpets a specialty all; rich patterns and flue qualities, English, Brussels, thro ply and ingrain, very cheap, at the old place, 112 Fulton at, Nw York, between WUliam and Nassau ats. Sent to Brooklyn free of cliarge. FOR SALE FANCY GOODS AN ELE gant assortment of cologne, perfumery, fancy soap, pomade, hair, tooth, nail and cloth brushes. Turkish towels, andotbertoilstarticlesforthehoUdays. Prices low.

W.E. MoNULTY BB03 E9 Fulton st, bet. Duffleld and Gold streets. FOR SALE PIAIVOS, Ac, TjIOR SALE PIANO A BARGAIN A JL1 beautiful rosewood piano, carved case, extra fine finish, andof a very brilliant tone; will be sold cheap for cash. Apply at 102 Adelphl st, near Myrtle ar.

CLAIRVOYANTS. CLAIRVOYANTS THE DI8TINGUISH ed Madame DB DORR, from Paris, tells all past) present, and future event tost and stolen good" recovered brloga together (bote rRton absant frfends: luoky nomDersfiiTea. Ladic, oeotato (I rert, $1 to $2. No. 65 Fulton street, cor.

Vavy (flrat flc crer the store). En a HHKTtnr tZrttiM IVim III A. trt a XT mHB CELEBRATED ORIGINAL MAD Aali. Mit'rrtviiii ml greatest nny meaicai and business elalrroyant; eaamtae. disease neraon.ll.v.

and by hair; is consultrd on 'tors of life and business generally; give. name, end H.atestand spirit oommuulcations Developing and Test Circles Tuesday evenings. Satisfaction guaranteed. 283 State st, MISCELLANEOUS. TfBST'L.

DAY, 511 FULTON OPPO IV 1 site Hoyt, Im prepared to do droasnisklng in all (Tranche. Papor pattern, of all style, for sale. A per i OiiHln. mnn tin.Mniv a 1 die. oan be accommodated at thou ownjresldonce 1GGS' DETECTIVE AGENCY, O0ICB, 307 WASHINGTON ST, All local, divorce and detective buiiness promptly attended to.

Office noun from 9 A. to 6 M. itoom no. nrooaiyu, BALLS AND CONCERTS. Creonpoint PreabrterlfMi Arlon Singing Society Clinrcla Wlllln burffb Benevolent Association Oliwc Coterie A sacred organ aud vocal concert was given last night In the Greenpoint Presbyterian Noble street, under the conductorship ol Otto Fox, i ld by the Misses Mary Min nle Walsh and Jo.i.

Johnson, and rhorM ol vom ty The affair wa. successful raanci.llj and otherwise. Concert to Fn7tl rl.ta Tree. The Arion Singing Siety gave vocal and nroceed. to be devoted toward th.

furnishing or a Oi.ri.lm.. tree tor poor children. It well patron lied and the mulo nd ringing were of a high order. l'i irin in. burfi: Benevolent Asao'cta tlon Ball.

i Dnder the auspices of the TVilliamsburgh Benevolent Association, Military Leonard street, E. waa crowded laat night with a merrj' party, who made tho ball appear mora llSo a entertainmont than a gathering of bnndreds of pwple comparatively nnknown to each other. The dance opened after nine o'clock to the soul Inspiriting strains of a full brass bana. In tho dance tho women and children mlied In Bucn a manner as to give tha appearone. of a real sociable.

This 1 the tenth annual ball of the society. They number nearly one hundred and havo in the the funds upwards of twenty five hundred dollars. Among the company present were Mr. John Wolf and wife, Mr. rrani Stolnbacher, the Secretary, wife and family; Peter Backus and wlfo, Lonls Kuhn and wife, H.nry Elvcrte and wife, Adam Fruh and Philip Hoffman and wife, Adam Bcckmaun, A.

Gerhard, Felix Weild, Constautine.Zanauor, Homy Bauni and Joseph Dcwald. The officers of the Society are: President, William Gallon; Vice President, Chris. Zanauer; Secretary, Louis Gerhard, and Treasurer, Franz Steiubacher. Olive Coterie Ball. The second annual ball of the Olive Coterie wai glreu at tie Masonlo Temple, on Grand and Seventh streets, E.

last night. There was a ralr attendance. The dancing oommenoed at ten o'olook, to the soul tlrriug of Olvany's Band, and waa kept up until intermission without much breathing time. After that all important item had been dl.posed of, tho danoe waa again rosumed and kept up until morning. Among those present wera noticeable, J.

H. Ferris and Miss Lovlngham, William Smith and Cousin Charlotte Smith, Walter Hardy, sister, and Miss Abbat ton. H. Lovinirton and Mia. Kate McLoon, Thomas MoCabe and wife, M.

Donovan and slater, J. Lynch and Miss L. Behen, William Shaw and Mis. L. Kelly, C.

Bullook and Miaa Smith, 3. M. Montgomery and Miss McQuade, J. Leonard and Miaa Ferris, J. Carroll and wife, B.

Brien and wife, J. Brannigan and sister, Daniel Robinson and Miss C. Smith, and Wm. Murphy nndMiBBO. Smith.

The following had charge of Ihe arrangements: Floor Manager, Walter Hardy; Assistant, Henry Lovington; Floor Committee, Samuel Brimson, John H. Ferris, John Hale, and Thomas McOabe; Committee on Reception, Daniel Itobson, Matthew Donovan, Geo. Hale, P. Downey, George Head, William Shaw, Francis Hubcr and Charles Jubilee Sinners. The original baud of colored jubilee Bingers will give one of their soul stirring contorts this evening at Dr.

Duryea'ii Cluuvu, coruer of Cussoa avenue and Muuroe street. "SiuKiiifr Skeivl." Quite a pleasant entertainment was given last evening, in the Kubbnth School connected with the Lee avenue Dnpitot Church, by what waB designated as the old fashioned "Siugiug Skewl." The exercises consisted of singing, music and recitations by tho children. Tho object was to increase the school funds. Diamonds for Studs and Earrings at $100 per karat, Hoe atones. New Btylos of fine gohi jewelry at greatly roduced prices; also silver and plated goods suitable for Uol'day gifta.

at Addemaes 4 ScaArus, No. 461 Fulton street. DiitrcT IstFORTATioN. Just received, fresh invoices of Klor del Furnas, Henry Cly, Villar Villar, Cnrolitias, Colonials, and other brands of Havana cigars at importers' prices by H. A.

Graef, Importer of wines, Ac, 43 Court oppositu City Hall. N. B. To insure pictures for the holidays, sittings nboitfd be made by appointment at tho earnest moment. Alva Pea es all, Fulton, oppodile Flatbnsh avo nno.

Foi: Holiday PreHents, buy Colgate Cashmere Bouqttot and other Superfiao Toilot Soaps. Tor sale by Dealers In Toilet Articles. GuiNT.r'fl celebrated French black dress silks are snld by K. "Lorskp. 289 and 291 Fulton street, at decidedly lower prices than by any other house in ih irado.

Coughs and colds are speedily cured by the use of Wista.w'6 Balsam of Wiij CHEiutv. 50 cts. and SI a buttle, largo buttle much tho cheaper. Daixeys Magical Pais Ext p. actor not only relieves I he fearful ngony of burns and scalds in five mlmiiL s.

but leaves im scar. Krery one should have a box always at hand in caae of accident. 3P 'Happy is the man who has a clear conscience. Pay your debts and take Greene's Oxygenated Bitteks, which sire tone to the stomach. Purely medicinal.

OoutaiiiB no alcohol. Sold by dealers in inndiciim John b. Hkkby, Cokbajj 4 8 ana jouce pi, N. Y. It is perfectly astonishing to hear of the cures that RE Lion's Remkdt is effecting in all parts of the country.

All drugglata keep it; also, at 8t Barclay st, n. y. POPK TALLCOTT On the evening ol tho 10th, by the Rov. Ms eon Gallnhor, at the residence of tbe bride's father, Geo. Pope, of New Haven, to Miss Minnih Taixcoxt, daufihterof Geo.

Tallcott, Lincoln pi, Brooklyn. DIED. BBARDSLKY On December 14, BENJAMIN only son of Charles H. and Elizabeth Beards ley, aged 4 year a and 10 nioattiB. Tho relatives and frioTids are respectfully invited to attend ho funural from the residence of his parents.

No. 154 Seventeenth Bt, South Brooklyn, on Wednesday, December 10, at 2 o'clock P. M. DRUMMOND. On Monday.

December 14, 1874, Abraham Dkummond, aged 83 years. Re) a Urea and friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral from bis late residence, 193 Nassau st, on Wednesday, December 16, at 1 o'clock, FLOOD On Monday, December 14, John S. Flood. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday, Docomber lt, at 2 o'clock, from bis late residence 834 Furman St. HENNINGS In Paris, (France), at the residence orhor parents, 86 Boulevard Maleahorbe.1, Olivia Augusta, twin daughter of George W.

and Eva Honnhigs, hi the 90th year of her age. LAWRKNCE rn Brooklyn, December 14, 1874, David Lawrence, In the 70th year of his are. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral service from his late residence, 131 Duffleld street, on Wednesday. December 16, at 1 o'clock P. M.

PERKINS At Stamford, Ct this Tuesday mornimr. J5th of diphtheria. Henivy A. Perkins, eldest child of Henry A. and Marlon V.

Perkins, ajfBd 8 years. The remains will be Interred at Mt. Auburn, Mass. PURCKLL At Thurles, County Tipperary, Iretand, on the 18th ult, of consumption, Rev. John I urcell, late Pa tor of St, Malauht's Church.

East New York. Tho relatives, the reverend cleriry and other friends of the deceased, are respectfully invited to attend at the solemn reqaiem mass for the pose of his soul, which will ba celo 1) rated In St, Patrick's Cnuxch, Kent av, on Wednesday, the lfith inst, at 10 o'clock. "WARDWKLLr In Stanford, on Snnday.Decem ber IK, after a brief illness, of pneumonin, Jclia wife of Charles W. Wardwell, second daughter ol Richard M. Deuiiill, aged 89 years.

Funeral will be held at the residence of her father No.1.038 Greene av.uear Broadway, Brooklyn, atZJ'jon Wednesday, the Itith lust. WHITNEY At 2M Gates av, on TuBSday morning, December 15, Walter Erie, youngest son of Samupl and Uoorgiua Blanche "Whitney, aged 2 years and 4 months. Noiico of funeral in Wednesday's papers. nni.isious notices. s1 T.

ANN'S CHAPEL. AUVKKT MISSIO.V. sKRvrnK.s now rkinc daily. MONDAY, December 14 SATURDAY, December 10. 8 A.

The Dntloa of the 12 ''Scriptare Kzpoaitlon." P. God's Que.tjon.." 8 P. Jt, Claim, ol Ohrijt Tha Ya of Life. The Want, of tho Soul. Tbe soate are free.

All are invited. LOST AND FOUND. OST A MOSAIC EARRING. A siTJT A able reward will bo paid on returning it to 317 Carl OST A SABLE FUR TIPPET, ON SUN JLJ iy BTonine, between Clinton near uM'm. and tbe Reformed Dateh Church, Joralomon st will return It to 66 CllnUjn will be liberally rewarded.

LOST SSltEWAKD FOR THrTRBTUBlf of the, Newfoundland PU1', 7 month, old, black, with white crow Ion brent, and leather collar, with Iron rhiE on. Strayed or waa tolen early Frldaj morning. FOUKD THE ONLY WAYTO ESTAB lisbatrade and reputation. Goods anarantead ss represented and sold at low flpurea. Inqulra of MoNULTY A BROS, gent's furnishing goods, 689 Fulton street.

4 REWARD LOST BET. THROOP VLL? and Clinton ava, and Fulton st, to Bedford and (Putnam avs, a gold enamel EARRING, with nine small pearls in a row. '( he above reward vrill be paid on returning; it to 279 Macon st POLITICAL MEETINGS. BEMOGRATIC GENERAL COMMITTEE A special meeting of the DEMOCRATIC GEN COMMITTEE will be held on TUESDAY EVENING, December 16, at o'clock EDWARD ROWE, Chairman. t.


1674. An Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at their Banking House, on TUESDAY, tbe 12th day of January, 1875, between the hours of 0 and 10 A. M. A. A.

ROWE, Qaiblor. BROOKLYN CITY DISPENSARY, 11 TillaryBtreet The annual raeetingpf the subscribers to tbe BROOKLYN CITY DISPENSARY wUlbe held on MONDAY, DeoomberS8, at 4M P. M.t at 11 Tillary street, for tbe eleQtioa ot twenty fire trustees for tbe next ensuing rear, and for the transaction of suoh other business as may be brought before tbo meeting. ROBERT BFEIR BUSSING, Secretary, HE GRADING AND PAVING COMMITTEE of the Common Council, will meet in the Common Council Chamber, on THURSDAY EVENING. December at7 o'clock, to consider tho matter of the grade of Buffalo avenue.

All parsons interested sj requested to attend. TNO MorNTYRE. dlatt Ob airman. mrffl COMMITTEE ON SALARIES AND OOMMISSIONERaOFDEEDS.oftneComraonConn. cuTvfll receive applications for appointments aa Commissioners of Deeds, tor the eaeuimr two years, up fjo December X.

Iftti. HA tVIKr, dU nt Cbalrman. TUB FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE Common In fh nnmmon Donnctl Chamber on TUDBSDAV KVENINO. December 17, at olocV. lilfitsx unaumnn.

ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE OF Viu Couucil will meet in tho Common Conn THIHISOAY KVKNING. December 17, M' OLkNOY. Chairman. THE LAW COMMITTBR OF THE COM mon Council will meet In the Common Council fiham bcr.onTl'KRDAY KVBNINO. D.bembo" 15, 1874 o'clock.

All uartle. lntcre.tad tbe repavinn ol Taylor atieet, from Kent avenue to W.llabont Baln, alw for the opeulna of Downing atreot, aro reoueited to attond, JACOB I. DHKOEN.Unalrman. IT1ASONIC. VTASSSAU LODGE.

NO. r.36, F. A. A. JL.

t( cornerof Court and Union Bretbron You are hrby summoned tc attend the annual communication of the Lrodifi on THURSDAY EVENING. December 17. nU, tXVj o'olouk Election of officers. J. B.

HARRIS, M. Jaheb Ga3E; Hscretary. WANTED TO DO 'GENERAL HO USE work, atrirl. Apply at 2t7CCnnontav. TrtTANTED TO DO GENERAL HOTJSE 1 work, a girl, at 7 Hick.

at. VTTANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER and IronM. Call at rM6 Henry at, WANTED A FIRST CLASS COOK, wa.herandlroner. Apply at 8 Wa.hlngton av. WANTED A FIRST CLASS COOK the beat oi references required.

Apply at No. 587 Carroll at. WANTED FOR" GENERAL HOUSE work, a girl. Apply with reference, at 183 Adelpht ANTED TO COOK, WASH AND iron, ftizood sirl: GrmaD preferred: mustbave refera.iceB, Cll at 165 Rs at, K. D.

liANTEiAS CHAMBERMAID AND witres, iroart RnedUt aud five o'clock, at 344 Saclcettst. WANTfiD TO ftlIND A CHILD TWO jeirs old, Germsn glrL S2 Fleet near DoKalb aTenra. i MTANtFBITO DO GENERAL HOUSE work a in411 ftrallj't competent girl tin denUnd cooking; refei ence roquiHd. Apply At 1.3 Wit Warren ft. ANTED A GOOD COOK.

WASHER 7 i.tm1 lroner, In a pri.ato boarding house; aUo. a small girl to mind a bby good references required. Ay ply atl3 Cranberry at. WANTED TO MAKE HERSELF GEN erally aaofuU a girl, from 18 to 15 yean jpf ao: ranet bjFroteitftnt. Applf at 347 Hatoej at, near Tompkins ar.

WAOTEiWTO TAKE CARE OF CHILD and make borealf generally ntefnl. a' cbeerfnl, tidy airf, IBtolByeara ofae. Apply at 177 Galea avtmuo.thia ereplng. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE wort, In a very small, ptiTAta family, a Protestant Rlrl mu.t DO a KOoa plain ooox, wsaour wm ixvuor, uu oo well recoramendod from Lit place waeea Sit). Call at 171 EUlott place.

TXT ANTED TO DO LIGHT HOUSE IT WmL mrl mlnrf nhildnm. neat, tldvirirl about 14 or 10 years old good references required. Call immediately at 1357 Fulton st, near Mercy av. TAN TED A COOK, WASHER ANJJ ironer. Onlj ouo that is competent and can bring ty reference need apply, after Ave o'clock, at 187 Amity Bt.

i XT ANTED AN AMERICAN OR GER TT man girl from 15 to 18 years old to live with an American family of foar on alnch flat all Improvemta on the floor. Call at once at H. W. BOZEBL, 387 Myrtle dayorevenlnjr. WANTED A NUMBER OF FIRST class opcrotora on Wheelor 4 Wileon'a eewlM machine, to make oollara and cuff.

al.o taper, and buttonhole mak ra. Inquire in Henry third houto aouth of Atlantic, East New York, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE woik In a amall private family, a girl; Prote.tant preferred: must be a good washer and ironer, and willing make herself generally UBefnl; best of reference, re nilroii. aallatgn Myrtle av, between the hours of 10 and 4, on Wednesday, ueoemner iu. WANTED SERVANTS OF ALlTKINDS TT at the offlce managed by imrMixaiyni Fulton, three blocks from the City Hall; tho most respectable women oomB here lor ttnatlona, and many apply who have never been at an office beore. N. B.

Situations for wet ffAriTED HELP IIIAI.ES. ANTED A YOUNG MAN, 17 OR 18 yean of age, who understand, the care of horsea and la not afraid of work. Apply, with al4M Atlantic av, after 7 P.M. TtTANTED CANVASSERS FOR ANEW article for the use of lawyors', bankers', tnsuranoe oficos, stationers and others.

On a deposit of ton a canvasser can mske five dollars and onward on eaoh sale. Address ANUFAOTOKKR, Eagle office. WAIVTED SI'IATIOr rEMAI.ES. WANTEDSiTUATION TO DO GEN oral housework tn a private family, by a respectable, competeirtgtrl. Call at 103 Warren st.

WANTED SITUATION FOR A COM petont chambermaid and waitress, by a lady. Call for two diiys at 86 8t James pi. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN cral housework in a private family. Call for two days ot 39 Piince st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO COOK inp, wushlny and ironing, by a Scotch girl haa good reference.

CU at 213 Pearl st, basement. "SITANTED SITUATION TO DO COOK Inc. uashinc and Ironing, by a. reappcjablo young girl best ol city referonces. Please call a oto uorcon si.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral liouaea ork In a small family, by a young girl. Call for two days at No. 258 Navy St. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, and to bolp with the washiug, in a respoctablo family, by a respectable woman. Inquire at 181 Butler st, cor.

Hoyt. WANTED SITUATION TO MIND children and assist In house work, by an American girl country preferred best of city references. Call at uo. 4 Bond st, hrst floor. ANTED SITUATION DO GEN eral by a respectable young woman nas frood city roierences.

uan ior iwo uaa mi mm treet. WANTED SITUATION AS AN EX ct'Uent cook, by a young womin; would do the waahlntf and Ironing It required; nas the best of city reference. Call for two days at 481 Adelphl et. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral hfincwork. hv res neo table vountr woman is a ood cook, washer and Ironer; has good city references.

Call for two days at 237 st, near uoiu, over Daaerj. ANTED SIT UATION TO DO GEN cral housework, by a respectable young woman is a croon cook, WAsuer anu ironer; uas gwm vny rvmiuuwa. Call for two days at 271 Myrtle av, near Canton st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work and tain care of children, by a young girl; good reference from her last place. Call for two days at Washington av, in the store.

Vr ANTED SITUATION AS SEAM stress in a private family, or would go out by tho day or week, by a resoctable young wennn has good city references. Call for two days at 599 Fulton at. WANTED SITUATION TO A ch irffBof baby from its infancy, by a respocta ble girl; Ilib five years' references. Can be scsn from 10 till on Wednesday, at SOI Adamast. ANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD nl4 nlrl la firaf olnaa inunurees; iqg dcsi oi city romrcuuu.

iriuat van ui. jl Jay street. WANTED ITUATI ONTO DO GEN enil housework in a small family, by a respectablo woman. Call for two days at No. 158 Raymond Bt, opposite the City Hospital.

WANTED SITUATIONAS RSE," byanEnjbsh girl, lately landed; is a good seamstress: pood reference. Apply by letter or person to r. BENNETT, 3W Grand st. E. D.

VXTANXED SITUATION TO DO GEN TV erul housework by a reaiiectoblo young girl ie a ANTED SITUATION TO COOK, wash and iron, bv a resnertalilo vouna woman ref erences given. Call for two days at 362 Hicks st, near Amity, at the basemont door. WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT brtusework, in nice family, by a young girl willing and obliging, with good city reference. Please call at 146 Ninth st, South Brooklyn. WANTED SITUATION TAKE care of a baby or to do light ehatnberwork, by a young girl.

Call at or address 331 East Warren street, near lloyt. TTr ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework, by a respecUblB young glH; will be lonna wuung ana onuging. lease can bl preaeni. en er's, Navy st, between ulton Bt. and Lafayette av, at present employ Lai aye tte av, MfANTED SITUATION AS FIRST clnaa cook, washer and ironer, by a middle aged woman.

Can be seen at her present employer's. 173 Clinton naa cook, washer and ironer, by a middle aged st, from 4 until 7 o'clock I WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, or as cook, washer and ironer, by a respectable colored woman has good city references. Call fortwodaysat60 Fleotplaco. ANTEDSITUATION AS PLAIN cook, washer and Ironer, by a respeotable yonng woman; has good city references. Call for two dayB at 847 Yandorbilt av, cor.

Paeilio st. 1VT ANTED SITUATIONS ONE TO DO yf generalliouBework, the other as chambermaid aud waitress, by two Protestant Gorman girls; have good city references. Call for two days I Bridge St. XMrANTED SITUATION AS PLAIN cot.k, and ironer, by i reaneciable voun womi.n uaagood city references. UaJi lor two days at 174 Front at.

ANTED SITUATION TO TAKE care of children and do plain sewing or chamber work, by a respettnble young American for two days at 174 Smith "Wyckofi irl. Please call and Warren. YIT ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bcrm.ld and seamstress, by a respectable young RlrL Can bo seen at tho house of her present employer, 136 inton st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN erl house work, in a small family, by a respect able yonng girl willing and obliging. Call for two days at 319 Johnson st.

WANTEDSITUATION TO COOK, wash and iron, by a respectable girl haa no objection to city or country beat of references. Call for two days at 343 Baltio st. WTANTED SITUATION TO "DO" GEN oral housework, by a girl the best of city referonce will be given from her last place. Call at 171 Columbia st, bet. tSodgwick and Degraw.

WANTED CHAM bermaid and waitress and plain a respectable yonng girl good city reference. Please call at No. 177 Smith st, bet. Warren and WyckofT. WTANTED SITUATION AS NURSE, by ft young woman would be willing to makewhor self generally useful has good reference.

Apply at present employer's. 626 State si, WANTED SITUATION EITHER AS chambermaid and waitress or to do general housework in a small family by a respectable girl good city references. Call for two days at 51 Hamilton st, first house from Greene av. WANTED SITUATION AS NURSE or to do housework, for a young American girl, 18 years of age, where she can have a good home for the Winter; wouhf go for $5 or $5 a month. Call at 254 Floyd st, earThroop av, second floor; take Myrtle av cars.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT homework, in a Bmall private family, by a respectablo young alrl: or la willing to do up stairs work; has good reference from her last place. Please call for two dayB at 2 Washington place. WANTED SITUATION A CHAM, bermald or to do general housework in a small private family, by a respectable young girl: has good city references; fa willing and obliging. Call for two days at 96 Third place. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a small fnmily, by a Protestant girl; is a good cook, waBber and iriner; two years1 refer enco from her last place.

Call for lures days 178 Willoughby Bt. WA NTED SlTUATf ONT(T6 LIGliT general housework, or upsiairs work, by a respectable young girl; can give good reference from her former Sjaco. Cauho seen ior two days at 161 Wyckoff at, between Joyfc andBond. ANTED "SITUATION AS IRST clasBlanndress, in a respectable private family, by arespecUblB young girl: is willing and obllglug. Please call for two days at no.

556 HlckB st, botween Union and President. TT7 ANTED SITUATION AS COOK. washer and ironer. In a tun all private family, by a rPflndf tAfllli Villi tin n.n.n I ft II njieieuuuD. unit for two days at Tfl9 Smith at, noar Butler, seoond floor, WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, or aa good cook, washer and iron, or, by a respectable, young woman has good city references.

Call for days at 483 Myrtle av. corner of Hail street. rom berlast place. Please call for twodsys at8l8 Atlantic av, between Clermont and Vanderhllt. WANTED SITUATIONAS GOOl waahor and ironer, by a respeotable woman is best of bread and bisouli maker; wishes a home; cau give good satiefaotfou.

Call at 144 Union at, bet. Columbia and Henry. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a small private family, by a re apeotable yonng girl; or would do chamber work and wait log; understands tier business; has good references from laat place. Can ba soon for two days at No. 10 Lawrence st.

WANTED SITUATION TO DOTHE housework or ohambertvork waltlnir hv spectablB young girl no objection to a boarding house. aiiuu rcierence. nnH cau 10 for two day. at 263 Paclflo st, bet. Hoyt and amlta.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respeotable young woman is a flood plain cook, washer and ironer; has good citv references. Call for two days at 4SS Warren st, between Bond and No vliis its. 1 ASTED ITUATION AS FIRST rate oook, washer and Ironer, or to do general housework, by a respectable girl city, country or boarding house has good oity references. CaJI for two days at 174 Smith at, between Wyckoff and Warren, In rear. ANTED SITUATION A FIRST class cook, was ber and Ironer, by a respectable young woman; has good cily references.

Call for two days at 163 Atlantic ayenue, near Clinton itreet, first floor, oyer store. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respeotable young woman is a good plaiu cook, waaher and iron Br; baa good city refer encas. Can be seen for two days at her present employer's, 53 Cambridge place. TTANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, for a small private family, by a competent young girl bes'of city references can be i given. Please call for two days at 83; Pacific si, hebreoD Underbill aod Vanderhllt avs.

in thijMkery. WANTED SITUATIONS MANAGED by ladles, KMPLOYMEN'i BUB tt A 29 Concord uear Fulton servant, in all capacities lor city tnd country, constantly on baud, also wet nurses supplied at short notice this business ba. been In imccesslul operation nearly four and we are doiug all In our power Is select only good aorvauL. cCifg fetus antr (gossip TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15. AMCSBHENTS THIS EVENIKti.

BROOKLYN THBATRE Jane Eyre. PARK THEATRE The Orphans The McFadden i mlly. BROOKLYN CHURCH EDIFICE. Prof Croinwell ItafiT ST. MARTS CHURCH Organ aud Vooat Concert.

iS AST liKFORMED OHUHCH Fair and Festival. MRS. RAD LISTS BALDWIN Schermerbotn StFancy Fair. OHORCH OF THF. MEDIATOR Ladies' Buir.

WARRKN BT.M. E. CHURCH Lecture Queen Mary and tier Times." OIVASSON AVENUE PRESBriHRlAN CHURCH Bosrx. LAFAYKTTE AVENUE PRBSB VTERIAN gHUROH crt, Tableaux and Marth. Waihlnflon Ta Patty.


BO If AN HIPPODROME Ticentjilith tired and rtaveono, N. Y. THE EAGLE DEIJVERT. TOR FN NEW YORK CITY. V.

bar. etabll.b.d a.noIe for th. of Uu a.leof tho principal bnal point, a follows AstOT Hons, itapa. O.P. Rock ood.

Grand street r.rrj. rm Build foot "l5jS Jersey Catr.l jute, foot ot UK TfAOI IW THE EASTERN DISTRICT. THE AGLE Df ol th; Th. large ai the. Eastern District (old Bo wit lira thy "2" the neoeultt of mUIv itf fif.

nutrirt Branch Office of the EAOLB It looajad at Threat Mil. office th. reader, of the Ea rd i their paper, within twenti minute. SS. rpTnerta printed at our principal offlce.

the abor. addrauno wMb. doUveredtoan, par. ol th Eastern jXrtrtsl by learlnj the order at the Branch Offlc 1MT0BTA5T TO SUBSCRIBERS. Ob and after January 1, 1873, ths Ea will be acnl to all point" 1 United free of yoitsfe.

FAIR AXD FESTIVAL. Dr. Corrolls. East Reformed Church, will ttala renins bo the of another fair ana lesuisi lor tha benefit of the church, evening. It i.

to be continued two LECTURE. The Kov. Mr. Guthrie Barnes, pastor of the Pint Presbyterian Church, on Sixth and South Fourth tloaB, K. dehrered on introductory lecture on "Yaaee Balancee," last evening, in the church.

The ed ttoe waa completely flllod, nil anxious to hear the new pastor, and from the frequent applause which ho received his fnturo congregation wero evidently well pleated v. hii oratorical FANClf FAIR. A fancy fair for the benefit of the poor of rooljn will bo given at the residence of Mrs. Rad ollfle Baldwin, No. 78 lermcrhorn 6lreet, commencing this afternoon, and oontinuing during the afternoon and evenlii(! of Wednesday and Thursday.

Much time and pains have been expended to make this fair ouo of most entertaining and successful of tho season. Those who ore conversant with tho details of this charitable enterprise speak of it In the highest terms. "QUEEX MARY AXD HER TIMES." "Queen Mary andHer Times" is the subject of a lecture to be delivered, this evening, in the Warren stref M. E. Church by the Rev.

J. Johns. The lec turer I well qualified to treat the subject, from bis atandpoiut, in a manner instructive and entertaining. HORSE THIEF. Yett'jrJuy a valuable horse and road wagon, owned by Br" W.

H. Hantord, were run away with by a iaring thief, who successfully eluded pursuit and caped. The doctor had stopped to call on a patient corner of South Third and Seventh streets, loaving his establishment unguarded for about two minutes only. A reward is offered for the recovery of Ihe property. LOCAL FIRES.

At 4:30 o'clock yesterdny afternoon, the greenhouse of Mr. George B. Elkius, at No. 1,275 Dean treet, caught fire from a defective flue, and was damaged $1,500 on building and $M0 on fixtures. The Insurants is $25,000 In the Continental, Hartford, Mechanics and Phonix Companies.

The loss would bave beeu greater but for the promptness of Engine Company No. 14. Tho dwelling No. 214 Holsey street, occupied by Sir. Sellers and owned by Mr.

Hewlett, of Hew York, caught fire yesterday alternoon, the kitchen range having burned a hole in the floor, and wag damaged $150. Insured. THE ORIGIV OF MASOXKY. The Bedford avenue Reformed Church was well filltii last uight.tlio occasion liein to hear Itev. Dr.

Wild, deliver a lecture onBaUel'' tiudur the auspices of the OftBdiu Lodge, No. 443, F. A. M. The diieourBe was an eloquent hintory of the human race, allowing where tho Indians came from, and holding that thej were not the first inhabitants of the American con.iuent.

He also humorously, but graphically, advance il ideas as to how the negro became black, the Indian red and the white man white. But he partio uiarly dwelt on the time, place and origin of Masonry, and traced its history and extension all over the world to the esent time During its delivery the lecturer jraa frequently applauded. VOCAL AND SACRED CONCERT. At St. Mary's Episcopal Church.on the corner of ClnpBon and "Willoughby avenues, a vocal and in trumenial concert comprising many of tho gems of flaored music will be given to night.

Tho proceeds will 1m devoted to the liquidation of the floating debt of the churob, and the programme includes choice music and axoellent performers, it is expected that a large audience will be present to aid in this laudable purpose. Mr. Wm. A. M.

DUler, the organist of the church, will direct the musical programme. Tho sola tuts on this oc ewkon wiube Mrs. Tattle U. Payna Mr. John Clark and Mr.

McPhereon. The conard will open at 8 P. IT. LOXG ISLAND COLLEGE. The number of new cases treated in the Long Island College Dispenaary during the month of NovamlXT, 1874, was 608, of which 320 were males aud 1M8 females.

The number ol surgical cases was 227, madicaJ2'Jl. diseases of women 84, of children 95, of the eye and car 21; nativity, United States 336, England mnd Scotland 30, Ireland 281, Germany 7, Canada undries 13; total, 668. The number of new prescriptions put up was t50. ST. PETER'S LECTURE COURSE.

Next Wednesday evening there will be a lectura on the Circulation of the Blood, delivered by "Dr. A. Tbay, of St. Peter's Hospital, in ihe hall attached to the rooms of the St. Peter's Catholic Literary Association.

This useful and interesting discourse will be the beginning of a series of lectures on scientific and historical subjects, which Rev. Father McCarty has iaaugnrat ed, and which he intends making a "Winter feature in the literary entertainments given under the auspices of the society. The course will consist of hve leoturca, cud care has been taken to select some of the most interesting topics of history and science. The lectures will be free, but only such as will be fortunate to obtain complimentary tickets will be admitted to the hall. A CHARITY NEEDING ENCOURAGEMENT.

The Sisters of the House of tho Good Shepherd hold a fair at the Assembly Rooms of the Academy of Music, commencing on neit Thursday evening. If there is any oza charity that needs the encouragement of a generous public, this is one of them. Its object, as is well known, iB to raise the fallen, and place members of Focio.ty. Since its estab lishment, it has besu prodiii'tive of much good, while following out its noble purpose. The Sisters are in financial distress, and they hrpe to relieve themselves to some extant, by the proceed of this fair.

It is iutended to make this one of th; 'irst class evantB of the season. The tickets have been placed at the low price of is cent each. THE BRIDGE TOWER. Jin Practical Completion on fde ItrooK lyn Side To day. The woTkonthe Brooklyn Bridge tower will ba practically finished to day.

Yesterday and to day the workmen were engaged in hoitiiig four anchor plates to the top. They are of cast irm, weighing between 21,000 aud 23.000 pounds each, aud wore cast by the Delamatr Iron Works. These plates are flanged at th top and bottom. They are imbedded in the mason ry an a cable is to rest on each There are thirty steel rollers about four feat and three and a half inches in diameter set in each plate. A saddle plate rests on the rollers, and the able on them.

When the temperature" is twenty de grss below zero, the Bridge will be three feet higher in the middle than when it is 100 degrees above xero. A movement on theBaddlo of about three inches will produce a change In the tniddlc of the Bridge. All that dqw remains to be done on the Brooklyn Bridge tower fe the ornamental coping, but this will not be set until the tower on tho other Bide is completed and the cable ft ready for laying. It will bo nearly two years before this oocuxp. SEVENTH WARD REPUBLICANS.

tthiveriiiff in tbe Streets and Ordered from lit's Iu pui'suance of the calln issued and sigued, one by the President and the other by the President elect of the Seventh Ward Republican Association, a large number of the membera met htBt evening in and about McK night's stable, corner of Claason and Myrtle avenuee. A few momenta before ihe hour announced tor tbe organisation of tbe meeting, the owner of the half dozen overcoat, who were Jumpiug up and down the corner and on tho walk oppoaite the stable over which la the hall In which the meetings of this Association are held, ljurried up to the stablo, and crowding up the tramu Jostled among the crowd of pereons which were, packed down to the carrtajcH. and huaUing each other, trove to gain an entrance to the littl office iu which Mr. McKnUjht stoo with a scowl on his face, Jistening to the talk of thewe fathered about the Move. As they endeavored to force (heir way ban he waved bi hand saying, 'HEKE, ALL YOU GET Any one who pay for the room an have the key.

COiiie jiow," he continued, seeing that no on; approached to Ukfrbia oil er, "come get out of here. Yei, all of you, ud you people in here come get out." The crowd buttoned their coat about their necks and walked into the utreet where after ahivoriDg for a moment they repaired to their homes, each on muttering, "Well I'm not the one to bocome responsible for the aix dollars.1' Thia waa the amount required by Mr. McKnight as ihe rent for the hall. It would have been paid had not an energetic member circulated among the crowd, knowing that a rniatako had been made in the issue of the call, and talked with them concerning the business of the proposed meeting. This member, who saved himself and the Association the $'3, it wu said was the yolonel.

it spectable young who is a first class laonnrets vnnri nlafn cook. Till be given. Address C. SERE ZY. Brooklyn P.

O. a ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a young gin, in a pn la a gooa plain cooa anu low and oblbjlng has good oHy relerenoej. Plea.e oall at 7S Warren st, one pair of up ta he hack. Can be no. for two ANTED SrrtrATION TO DO COOK bag, nashing f.

Ironing or general housework, in cit IndustriouBEirh fj a good, thorough Plain COOK ana iirBtKi.oo nMu JrI reliable and economical servant. hLjhlyrecommended. can at 116 Atlantic av, near Henry at 'ANTED SITUATIONS TO COOK, and Iron, bv a reSDectable girl la a plain cook and good waaherand Ironer; or aa laundress if pre i j. h.mhArm.lil and waitress, or aa waitress. by a respeotable girl; ha olght reference, ail Ad ams st TTAHTED SITUATION AS A NURSE WW a svinotiUfi ladr for a middle aged American woman who haa been in her employ, and whom she can recommend; she wp and bflng her own sewing machine Ifrecmired; wage moderate.

Aadreas S. Box 1475, Now York P.O. war siTFITIONS MAliES ANTED SITUATION TO MAKE all kinds of American candy, and can do pan work, ART Innttn AV. nvml a rnf7T (TilTi SITUATION TO WORK anything, by a and wUtog young m.n: best of reference otnoe. XT ANTED SITUATION III A BO IT eery or liquor store, by a good, strong, acuyo uoy, let at, cor.

Hoyt. "TaANlD SITUATION BY A YOUNG years' experience in ne grocery Dusiness; una iiuuwu beat city references. umce. WANTEp MISCELLANEOWS. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a respectable woman, at homo, or will go out for two days la a week.

Call for two dayB at ICT Smith st WANTED BABY BY A RESPECT able woman, to wet nurse at her own homo. Apply at 953 Grand av. YMTANTED SEWING BY A RESPECT yy able young girl, to go out as Boamstreai, in a few families, by tho day, week or month; one who thoroughly understands dressmaking. Call or address at 46 Amity st. raDVOlOWOMAN WISH es to go out by the day washing or houseeleanlng, or would take charge of an office.

Coil or address K. BLACK at 203 Park av. WANTED WASHING A RE spectablo woman, to go out, by the day, washing and ironing, or will take It home. Call for two dayB at 489 Carroll at. WANTED WORK BY A RESPECT able woman, washing and ironing at home is a first class laundress; understands fluting, Ao; has good oity reference.

Call fortwojdays at 512 Flushing av, nerLee. T7 ANTED WASHING A FAMILY'S and gentloraon's washing, by a respectable American woman best of referonce. Call at 4 Bond. Bt; first floor. XtANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC tablo woman to take family washing to her own house, by the week or month can oome well recommended.

ijm at ou uoiumma pi, oe flunuwa" T(TANTED WASHING BY KBSnSUT able young woman, gentlemen's washing to do at home; la an excellent Uuudress haa good olty references. Oall for two days at Bouvar si. ANTED WORK BV A RESPECTA blnvounir woman, tego out washing and ironing men's washing at ber own home. Call or address 876 Bond at, Kooms id. VXTANTED WASHING II JC A JBJBJ spocUble woman, washing to do at her own house i is a first class laundress; has good city references.

Call for two days at 868 Warron st, second floor, between Smith and Hoyt. XT ANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC Tt table woman at tho month or woek, nrwlll iro not two dflvs in the derstends all kinds of fancy clothes. Pleaao call or address at 678 Bergon st. WArED HOUSES ArVB ROOINS. TraTANTED HOUSE TO PURCHASE, A brown stone, orbrlck house in South Brooklyn prlco from 812,000 to greater part in cash.

Address B. Eaglo offico. WANTED ROOM A LADY WISHES a email comfortablo room with grste fire in tho vicinity of South Seventh st; with terms and referonces. Address B. Branch EagleoKco, 69 Broadway, D.

AXTAi'TEb RdOMS TWO OR THREE rooms, furnished with carpets and stove, for a email family, for light housekeeping, In a private Amerioan family. Address K. Eagle office. WANTS A VTF.n nilTCSSMAKING PARTIC attention paid to ladies' ana cnildron's wura robeB. Mra.

mCHOLb, al oonermeruorn si, near novios, TSTANTE1) HOUSEKEEPING BY AN American widow lady would like a position as first class housekeeper city or country, iuaee auuivoo it BM1TH. IS! Lefforts plaoo. STANTED DRESSMAKING A FIRST ww Hroflomnlfrtr nan flcoommodflte a few more customers by the day or week. Oall or address 177 Ryerson st. near Willoughby av.

WANTED DRESSMAKING BY MISS E. SMITH, at 461 Adelphl st. Dresses cut aud fit nn tnrm Pilthnr At homo nr at the reeideucc of patrons; work warranted to give perfect satis faction. YfANTEDI)RESSMAKING AN EX porienced dressmaker would like a few moreengage incntaby thedayor wt ek first class cutter, fittor and triiiimer can give tne nesc or rororenceii lunuo roasuuouic, Address for two days, A. Eagle office.

WANTED COMPANION A SITUA tion by a American woman, as com miren nr a TiniinnWnnnr In Bill All nrfvate faiTl' llv: orw willing toranke herself generally use Can bo seen for two days at 243 Grand ay BO All DING. ST, NEAR FUL ton handsomely furnished rooms, with board. TJOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, M.9 roomB Biutablo for gentleman ana wiio or Bingio gentleman tenuB vor reasonable, 45 Sidney plfee. BOARD NO. 1 FIRST PLACE, COR.

Heury at, fine neighborhood, noar ferries, square rooms, Willi Bireei view it i a wuuh mi TOARD 195 WEST BALTIC ST HAND if somcly furnished second story front alcovo, at $15for two, and other rooms irom ijfo.ou ro per wee. Ti OARD 57 CONCORD ST HAND Boinely furnished rooms for families or aiogle gentlemen first class table very moderate terms. BOARD A PEW GERMAN GENTLE men can obtain board in a private family. Apply at 1S1 West Baltic st, hot. Henry ana uiinion.

OARD ONE OR TWO SINGLE GEN M9 tlenien can bo accommodated with first class board at 271 Adelphl Bt, cor. iJexaiu av. BOARD 124 MONTAGUE ST, CORNER of Henry one very large room, suitable for two single gentlemen also a smaller room for one, at moderate prices; references required. BOARD 259 ARLTON AVENUE NICE large room to let, to gentleman and wife, or single gentlemen. baa hot and oold water in room near DeKalb u.v cars ainoer at o.

OARD 94 HENRY ST NEATLY FUR nished rooms, on second floor, to rent, together or separately; also, a room, ior two gomiemen willing ro room togetner an at very iuw pncea uuuso iicu. Ti OARD ON THE HEiGHTS 13CRAN Hi berry st A largo third story front room, with hall room connecting; hot and cold water. Terms moderate. BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A front room on second floor; hot aud cold water, heat aud gas in the room; references exchangod. No.

46 Bond st, bet. Livingston and Schermorhorn st. BOARD SINGLia GENTLEMEN OR gentlemen and their wives can find pleasant rooms and good board at 58 Willoughby st, between Lawrence and Jay terms reasonable alBortebio boarders taken. OARD ON THE HILL NO. 6 LAFAY 1 nrA nv and their wives or Bin die gentle men can obtain good board and pleasant rooms hot aud cold water in the rooms private lamuy oi annus.

OARD TO LET, "WITH BOARD, A 9 large square room, containing hot and cold water, large closets; also hall bedroom. Apply at No. 67 Sands street. BOARD 53 CONCORD ST HAND nomely furnished rooms, with first class board, for gentlemen and wives or single gentlemen; ten minutes to Fulton or Wall st Ferry. OARD ON THE HILL 68 DOWNING tnoKt Tntnnm nv Hundsnmftlv furnlahed rooma.

for Blngie gentlemen or gentlemen and their wives rooms contain hot and cold water house brown Btoue terms very reasonable. OARD 147 LAWRENCE ST, NEAR Fulrnn A nfcelc furnished room, with lartro closet. on the first floor, suitable for two genUeraen, for $12 a week; also, hall bedroom; location one of the bost in tho city; dinner at 6. TL OARD ON THE HEIGHTS A LARGE nlcoly furnished front room, with bedroom connect lug, on second floor, with spacious closets, southern exposure also, third Btory room. Call at 93 Pineapple Bt, five minutes' walk from Fulton or Wall st ferries; 5 5t YiOAD NOBODY LIKES TO BE bored by persistent salesmen, W.

K. McNULTY A BROS, recognize this fact and Invariably allow their elegant stock of gent'B furnishing goods to speak for itself. Price low. EOARD 43 StoNEY PLACE, NEAR State st, four large connecting rooms, on second ond ono largo room on third floor: large closets, Ac. furnished or unfurnished, with or without board situation pleasant, and near tne rernes.

BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS IN A PRI vate family, a large, nicely furnished front room, with large pantry adjoining, to let, with board, to gentleman ana wife, or to two single gentlemen can also accommodate one young lady terms low. Apply at Hicks st. OARD 183 WASHINGTON COR. Nassau A lame and Bmall room on Becond floor, with on third floor location very desirable, within five minutes. walk of Fulton Ferry terms moderate.

BOARD A FRONT OR BACK ROOM on the second floor, nicely furnished, to let, with both rooms have good closets and are very pleasant; will lot unfurnished terms nodorate. Apply at 243 AdaniB BOAJRD ONCLINTONST second stoiy front room, handsomely furnished; also, one adiolninp, hot and cold water, to a gentleman and wife, or would bo let low to a party of gentlemen. 325 Clinton st, next to Chriat Cliurcli. TDOARD AT "169 SCHERMERHORN ST, near Fulton sr. and ferry houso newly and elegflflt lyfurniahed; those desiring comfort, with uuoiceptionable table, at reasonable rates, will be suited; houeo bas all improvement, and healed by furnace.

SOARD ON "THE HILL PLEASANT back parlor and largo bull room adjoining, will bo ogother or separate, with board: at very moderate terms. At 380 Cumberland st, between Fulton at and Atlantic avenue. f3dARD 383 PEARL ST. TWO BLOCKS from City HaU front and baok room connecting, on eecond floor; also front room on third floor, with alfcou veniences; no objection to children; have but few boarders. OARD 34 FORT GREENE PLACE A small private family, hnving a handsomely furnished, cheerful front room, would like a gentleman and wife or two single gentlemen, who would appreciate a pleasant home, with all its conveniences.

Terms moderate. OARD A FIANDSOMELYFURN Eecond story alcove room, Bnnny exposure, desirable for gentleman and wife or three gentlemen, with good board, on reasonable terms. 835 Schermorhorn st, near Dr. Tannage's unurcu v.iauemac.Bj. BOARD ON THE HILL FOR GENTLE men and their wives or single gentlemen: choice of rooms on first, second or third floor, with ball room on third floor; terms moderate; desirable location, convenient to cars.

No. li Lafayetto avenue. "iD OARD ON THE HILL IN A SMALL JW family, without children, near Dr. Cuyler'a Church and Washington Park, a large second story front room, handsomelyiurntshed, suitable for a gentleman and wife; also, a large back room, on same floor, for two gentlomon terms low Call at Z47 Cumberland st. BOARD ON THE HILL HANDSOME rooms well furnished, table liberally supplied, at reasonable prices; house haa all modern lmprovemente; hot and cold water and ample closets, near Oujrler's, Tal wage's and other prominent churches.

No. 16 Greene av, near Fulton Bt. OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, TWO nice. lartffl rnnnn nirj.Tilo nr irnnrlnman unArrivPM. oratnarlesanta: hntiK i fnrnlnhati tHrH lln nrfm Imnrnrn.

mente; table i first convenient to all car routes eight minutes walk to Fulton Ferry; terms moderate. Apply at S48 Adams st, near Concord. OOARD WITHBOAIU, ON M. Boighta, a large, nloely furnished front room, on a third story, suitable for a gentleman and wlfo; also a large ball rootn ion the second story, front terms very reasonable; satisfactory references given and roQuiroa. 14 Willow St.

BOARD 107 FULTON ST FOUR MTN 'f01" 'errlea marble front house, con. talnlngarrmodem Improvements; board with neatly fur nlsbed room per week and upward, according to location and furniture, our doors from Nassau at, over the hat atcra Heatly fnrnlshed rooms from $1 npwards. OARD LARGE JL nicely fnrnl.hed. with flrat class board and over, homo comtort; houso finely located and contains all five mlnntos from Fulton Ferry. Apply at S5 Sand, st, one doot from Washington, and one block from rulton.

V6aRD NO. 2 SECOND PLACE SEC IJ ond floor front room, In a private family, with board, for lady and gentleman hot and oold water; house newly and elegantly furiljhed; also single room for a gentleman nrst class table, with home comforts no children taken. References given and required. UAKD UN IHE HILL A LARGE nanosomeiy lurnisiiea ironi alcove room on seoond floor, containing hot ana cold water. rsn inD.t.

heated 1l any way deslrod location and table first class belt oi rolorenccs gltou and required, iAlayotte av' cornerCailton, EAGLE OFFICE, DECEMBER 15. TELEGRAPHIC. Fires In Boston Bohtoit, December 13. The fire alarms last night and np to nearly aevon o'clock this morning, wcro sufficiently frequent, and the flames sufllcfentiy bright to awaken fears of a general conflagration. The bitter cold weather and tbe high wind added alike to the apprehensions of the people and the difficulty and danger of dealing with the flames.

The first alarm was soundfxl Ust night about eleven o'clock, fire being discover. in tbo large five story brick buildings, 76 to 81 Plympton streot, occupied by Curry Galvin and a large number of firms engaged in wood manufacture. The buildings were entirely destroyed. The flame, were driven by tho wind acroaa the street, setting Are to the dry house of Crcash A Noyes, carpenters, which was dtreotly opposite. The brick atable of Cyrus T.

Clark, next above, also took fire, but waa little damaged. The occnpauts of the block, which 1b owned by Curry fc Galvin, war ai follows: J. W. Oreenleaf, builder, Ium $1,200: Lairr. Boston, December 15, The firp hare laaf eight did not prove ao serious a anticipated.

To Ihe admirable mauogement of tho fire parinienf the nunm wore got undpr subjnrtion by 1.30 o'clock this morning. The losses aggregate insurance ibeut Fire nt Ati sable fork. W'uitruall, N. December li. 1 A large and very destructive Are occurred at Au Sable Torkp thia morning, consuming tho nail factory, rolling mill and machine bopn, and all the outbuildings on the fiouth side of the Au Sable Rivor, bclougiDg to J.

J. Rogera' Iron Compny. The loss is about SlU 000 partially iniured. THE MATER ET QUESTION, fill ou Id Brooklyn Poascas a lnblic ITlnrkot some Considerationv lutlie Affirmative A LocaUou iifctgotted and Its Tbe question of a public market in Brooklyn ba? been mooted for aevcral years past, but from the present aspect of things tho City Father, are only about aB near grappling tho problem and supplying the much uoodod want aa they were four years ago. All the merchants and business men of Brooklyn, with whom the writer has conversed on the subject, admit that the ostabll hracnt of a market in some central location vjould benefit the city immensely, commercially and pecuniarily.

In the first place, it would be a grand centre for tho farmere of Long Island to disposo of their produce, and they would a.Hurodly scud it thither, aa it would save them the large expense involved in transporting it to New York. Naturally enough, these farmers need npplieB of various kindB, and all the money Bpent by (hem fu Nci York would find its way into the coffers of the Brooklyn tradesmen. In this reciprocal trado tho BUSINEHS INTUUESTB OF BROOKLYN would be be no ti tod. But thiaa the ismallest part of the benefltfi to be derived from a public niaret. The busincfla men, such as and othera who eell produce would savo mn.b now lost In ferrlasicarlaetJtr.be8idf theproapoct of purchasing at a lower rate than iu New York, as tho produoerB could afford to deduct tho conse quout extra expense from their prices.

But the poor peoplo and tbo boarding house keepers would profit the moat by a market, aa they could hiiva a LVPSn to it from any part of the city for five cents, anl have au opportunity of directly from the producer aud would save the neecsnarj profits of the middlemen. Thin is only small part of the advuntacs which would of ncei'asHy accrue to tho city. Ileal cstato would incrcajo in value, the city would coime receive more taxes, while there would also bo occasion for tbo employment of hundreds of meu. Brooklyn ih probably the only large city In tin; United State.1 without a public market. But the argument is usod that its contiguity to New York would kill every eutDrpriso in that tUrrvtion.

A few of the reasons advanced above clearly sufficiently show why invk.L hero would pay. THE NEXT QUESTION pp sontlng itHoIf would be whore to locate such a market. Tbe answer would be, place it at the moBt central poiut, whore the peoplo cau havo access to IV by tho Htreet cars from all parte jf Ujq gity some place where tho water facilities are good, and where tho now consolidated railroads of Loug Island can run a branch from their road direct to it at tho leant possible oxpenso; some place wher tho city can purchase the land cheaply. The only placo in Brooklyn that answers all these requirements Is near tho in terscctiou of Flushing and Washington avonucs, noar the boundary Hue botween tho Kuatrm imd Western Diutricts, There is here a tract of swamp land owned by tho Government, aud measuring GOO feot on Flushing by on Washlugtou avenue. Tho boundaries of it are on tho fluntb, riuihiug avenue; west, Washington tast, Navy Hospital wall, aud on tho uorth, Wallabout street or Kent avenuo battiu.

Three linoa of street ears tho Croan Town, Flunhing avenue, and Orcenp int and Firflt Btreet run by it, and connect with nearly all the ferries tho South, Hamilton, Fulton, Houth Seventh Btrcut, Grand Btreet, Houiton street, Greenpoint avenue and Twenty third Htreet forriee. These afford admirable and cheap facilities for travel to flu's point from all parts of Brooklyn. The Prospect Park ami Park avenue cars go wit bin a few WocfcB of it, as also (lo tho Nostrand and Franklin avenue Hues. Kent avenue basin on the north side affords cheap facilltiea for water connection. Yesterday there were at the basiu, or WatUbout bridge, Boveu teen bargoe, discharging potatoes, apples, tui ulpa and other produce, which find ready purchasers among the grocers, Thero are also several hay and grain bargee, and a regular stand for the oyBtor boats.

All these at present do a lively trade, white it is a central depot for the grocers and butchers for ice during Summer. Tho produce told thero 1b mostly Western. THREE YEAB8 AGO one Western bargo put in, and as a venture tried to dispose of the cargo. The success led other, to follow ult, and the present business done there la only an indlca Hon of what could be done if the dry built a public market. From this point also a branch railroad could be run at a trifling expsnao to the South Bide connection on Broadway.

Tho distance Is less than ono fourth of a mile, and as the grade is uniform the only expense that needs to be incurred would be the laying of the track. Ii is asserted that tho railroad authorities are willing and anxious to make tho necoseary connection when a market I completed. A market ai this point, possessing such admirable water and railroad facititi'ja, could not but ba BticeeBH ul. Coupled with thiB, as already stated, it is tho most central location for the people of each district, and the point where the land can be bad for a little trouble. WHAT WOULD BE THE, COST of erecting a market, and would it bo self supporting For the reasons already stated, thero are good grounds for believing that it would be successful, and in inch a case, of course, it would be self supporting.

The expcnBo of putting up a building would altogether depend on tbo kind of a structuro desired. The wannest supporters of the enterprise say that a shed which would answer all purposes, and be much superior to that at Waahington market, measuring 250 feet front on FlUBhlng avenue, and 1, 00 feet deep on Washington, could be built for about $35, 000, Already amateur architects are busy conjuring In their brains a plan for the market, Tho moat feasible appeors to bo that nuggested by Mr, Frederick Scholea. Erect a wooden structuro 250 by 1200 feet. Out A basin from tho Kent avenue basin on tho northern boundary, parallel with Washington avenue, leaving 60 feot between it and the avenue for a doek. The basin itself should bo 100 feet wide, and the dock between it and the market 60 feet.

This would leave 130 feet for amain roadway for market wagons and trucks between the market and the Navy Yam wall. The 100 feet at the northerly end could be used for the freight cars to come into the market, part of which would be reserved for that purpose. The farmer could sit on tho freight car aud sell his produce without the annoyanoo of pushing through with his horse aud wagon for a good stand, or having to consign it to a West Washington market commission dealer, paying a commlealon beside the expense of cartage aerofls tbo river. Of course a bridge would have to span the basin from Waahington avenue at Wallabout street. A market bo constructed, where water and steam cars would flank it on tho westerly and northerly sides, would be advantagoous for the stall holders aq well as the producers, than sucessful 7 Could such a ma.ket be other OYSTI HS.

The Annual lletween the J.oiifc Island ami Connecticut Oysternun Commenced. The oyntor trade of Long Island is simply, immense, and a small army of men are engaged iu carrying it on. The great South Bay is at this time of the year covered with sailing craft iu the avocation of collecting and culling the oysters. Every dealer is now busily engagod in collecting all the marketable oyeterB possible before the frozen waters compel him to lay up his craft and cease operations. Tho annual receipts for oysters taken from the South Bay alone is estimated at one million of dollars.

Then Rockaway, Jamaica Bay, Cold Spring and Huntington harbors are sources of immense yields. To the man who devotes hiu time and labor to the cultivation of orators, the protection of his beds becomes a matter of vital importance, for without protection his labor goes for naught, and at the end of a season of unremitting toil, his only prospect of sustenance la tho dim outline of the couuty poorhouse. To such an extent has the principle of protection gone, that already several Uvea have been lost, the Last that of a man who died in the defense of his rights, as he understood them, and whose body waa found on the shore at Northport. By a recent law, every town has the right of disposing of all the lands under water within its jurisdiction to citizens of the town for the propagation of oysters and clams. Five dollars per lot Is the price charged, and in a great many initances oyster dealers lease as many as one hundred lots.

There are cases where the fortunate dealer cornea into possession of land where there exists a natural bed of both oysters and clama but in the majority of instances It becomes neoeasary to stock the lands with oysters brought all the way from Virginia, which eutatlB great expense. It takes a year for these planted oysWra to mature, after which the beds will yield, with proper care in culling and distributing the spawn, about one hundred buahela to every lot for five years. Tho law excludes non rtaidents from leasing any of tho bay lands, but it is known that a company of New York oyster dealers control upward of five hundred acrei, tome being aa near as Jamaica Bay. They pay some clUzana of the town to acquire a lease of the lands, for which ftiey pay through him, and there being no objection from any other source, they onjoy nndisturbed the privilege and profit. Last year this company became dissatisfied with the yield of it.

own lands, and poached on others, whero ono uight the tide left them, boat, oysters, clams all, when the fraud vias discovered and the lease There were plenty of natives ready to setee the confiscated lots, and one man realized over flvt thousand dollar, by an Investment of fifteen dollars. The crimo of stealing tho oysters io not common to tho South Bay, where a theft rarely occurs except by ono dealer from another. These thefts are comiuitlod more particularly in the vicinity ot Blue Point, from which that celebrated Livalve derive ita name, where in a single night one neighbor will rob tbe other of an entire bed of oystors and spawn, and bare (atm replanted.

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