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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ul I ff8fi B0K ipliii WAJTTEB HOrSIiS. WASTED 8ITITAT OIV8 FEiTSAI ES. MONEY MARKET. EAGLE OFFICE, FEBBUABY 18, 188ft WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUAKY 18, 1880. nepho Hd'also thff remains of Colonel Henry Van Reussolaor, ad ono time' Inspeotor General of Iho tlnltod States Army, who wtft born at the Manor Houe fa Albany, end died in Cincinnati, in March, 1864.

He waer descended directly from Stephen 3, Van Rensselaer, the statesman, who was torn In New York, In 1704, arfl died in Albany, in 183. Ha Was the" fifth in lineal descent from Elliaen Van Rensselaer, proprietor of the "oolonieof Bensselaerswypk," who in 1030 and subsequently until 163, acquired lanfl' which: then formed a tract forty eight miles by twsnty fonr, ox tending from the immediate vicinity of Oran.o, now Albany, over the greater part of tho present counties of Albany, iSmseolaer and Columbia, was" a mombor of the Assembly in 1789, and hi the' Senate from 1700 to 1705, when he wai chosen LieucnantGov ernor, and hold the offico for six years. Ho ms'' member of tho Constitutional Cviiventlon of J801, sod In 1810 'll ho was ono of the Commissioners for ex Tlie Motemen.ts in Stocks. SoniD KcaJoas for tho Advance Condition of the Market. Wail STBEETj ftbruary 18, The Btock' msViot is active aria generally, strong to day.

The attention of outside apoculators a lx an attracted witiiin a day or two, to Beriegol boocis Sii pooislttoa wWch appear Tory tempting, and mty iuduca Bomo to ronturo into tlie market, uotwith sfehdiag' ftta comparatively Iilgh figures now ration. The parfmi corner in LantsvJllo and NflfllivillcC which rosiUed in So advance iu tut stock from 11D lajJweek to 140 on Tuesday and tho promise that tho atock would go to 30(j on tba announcement of a scrip divid6' of 100 per cent, nuy havo entrapped soma outaidere to wished to make ajonoy rapiuly, but they have eause'to regret thair habtsi for the stock to off about ten'p cent, from' toe hit wet price. The movement irr HouBton and Taxas Central reS KocT' in advancing tho prtae about 13 per cent, within woskr: and ail that cctiFd be ascertained ad the foundation for It was that sSrong parties wero buying, intending, ft was said, to put it abovo par, as a larga block of tbo etock is locked up in aa tflta'te. Iron Mountain was boomed on story that Gould was buying the stdck, and the samo reason waa assigned tor the boom In Ohio. With respect to the former it may be said that the movement is doubtless based upon a proposition to secure tho immediate release of the assented'etock, which aBsent now shacUea fts voting power, by action on the part of Income bondholders agreeing to the releaso.

As to the Ohio's it fft difficult to say what ia' at bottom of the movement. Western Union started upward yesterday afternooOg on the announcement that an important suit had bete gained, and also on report that an extra cash dividendt of y. per cent, would bo declared. This favorably Influenced the stock of tho Atlantic and Pacific Xelegrap Company. The coal stocks simply spurted on tho news that mining would bo temporarily suspended, and havo since fallen off.

The advance in acitic Mail is baso3 upon a report that satisfactory arrangements have been mndc with tho Pacific roads, and this would appear to be confirmed by the refusal of tho ITnion racifio to join in cutting overland rates. The market was active for the specialties this morniug, but there Indications that holders who havo a profit arc roaliztng, and many speculators are apprehensive lost there may bo a break le the whole list. The fact that Eric, Missouri, Kansas and Texas and the gold stocks do not move excites tho suspicion of speculators, and rumors are current that tho largo operators havo, unloaded. At the call tho feature was an advance in the Vauderbilt stacks and in Ontario and Western, snoV the touo of the market wob moderately strong all through. Tho following table shows the course or the stock market for this morning: Oponn Wsbas.

Pacific Wnbush Pacihc i Central and 131 Canada Southern 68 Eriu TA Union Pacinc Lake Shore 103 Moms and Eessi K'lJ. I ick A. Westn. Northwestern ilS NortuwcBtern llxiljl Rock Isluna K1 St. Paul 7i (St.

Paul Dreterrod 103). Ohio and 3ti Ilewjoraey Central. ff HannibHi A Si. 40. nannmai A St Jo pm.

71 Western Union Pacific Mail C. U. 4 I. Control iH Michigan Contra! Wl Deiawaro 7''n A. P.

47M Illinois Central ltrV Mauhattan 4'J34 Now York 125 Metropolitan Klevated llla Northern Pacific StJ, No. Pucino preferred. Mo. Kan Thzm 45? St. Louis i 1.

04.V. Louisville A Nashville 138 Hlshett. Ixiwcst Atnoaa 4Ji 41i 45 70 CO'lfi 70 m'x 13IJ4 68 (W 68 47fJ 47J. 47 02 82 win W5. 10 104 S5K suit if? oiy mil IilHiJ 151 151 151 7S1SJ 79 7B)t 103 103).

103 S7' 80 36J B4V BU( 41 4(l4 41). T1H 71k 72 IM1Z joajt 43V 44 Sl iilJ 15. my 00 75). 75K 75H 4h). 47! 48).

I014 102V IU4 50i 50 125 125 125 11M HHW 118M 8l2 5S 58 45k 05 Kiii 04! 139 1M 139 roll SAIE ITOUSES, DIOR 8ALU HOUSE A GOOD SUB t. Htfirv. hrfumnni stantlal brick houso, 400 State St. atory, batemont ana suboeiiar, ox4o lot iuomwioo 10 ply to DAVr HILL. 393 Flatbush loB low; terms easy, Ap FOR SALE HOUSE A GOOD BAR gain story ind basoment brick bouso, all Improve menta, 172 Tomrilcits av, near Uartt, terms easy.

Apply at ooal offloo corner Nostrand and De Kalb avs. ORSALE JE1 at, noar Myrtlo tPtt2 story, basoratfnt and oitonabn' irame, 15 rooms, part bnprovementa, 2'ZxHO, extension 2 ato7r 10x15, lot 25xl; woll arranged foS two families; ai.CXJOcash. J. E. OOIiyKLL, 44 Court 8t EORSAIiE HOUcfE 370 GRAKD AV Tfhreo otory brown etonfev 17x48x100; convenient and rablo; must be aeon to be appreoiated; bltfck walnut parlor flcOi; plenty of closet room; in bust of order; on easy terms.

Apply next door. OR SALE HOUSE A HANDSOME nnd cnVnoEtoi. hrnam ntrrAa hnnun in TIoiaw nf near Olinton; targe brick extension, all improvem nta, for Vm ana on cona ana' mortgago. Apply to itjouij. wnuuiiT, tut iontaane SALE HOUSES VERY CHEAP, rm nrmv Inrm.

ft rtrr nnf thn ftn1tulr f.niihtn hnnkn arttomunda, 105 Cltitnont av; also. thoHatory atono Croat adjoining, a ixuxiuy; j. o. 29d Fulton. Btreot.

SALE HOUSES THREE STORY frame tenement, 23i45, price built two years a three 'atory framo, all iniprovenienta, tbreo atory briok atom, 20x t5, lot 100, price $3,500 cash Or real estate iiioichanue. N. A. TCJRSBR, owner, No. 83 Madison atroot.

HOUSE LINCOLN PLACE BJ betii on Fifth and Sixtb avs, one of tho ndw row of iour3 atorj nnd basement brovm stone front housetiv ttnlati ed firat class; cash bargain; or would take small house or building lot in part payment. A. WILKINSON, owner, on premiaea, OR SALE HOUSE A GOOD INVMt" B1 ment: throe Rtarv. hlrh Ktoon liandRorao browmtonn house. 100 St.

Marks av; flvo minutes from Prospect Park; bot and cold water, gas and register throughout; largo dry cellar; part of purchase raonoy may remain. Inquire of or address the ownor, D. S. DOV VYxt), oixteen.u st FOR SALE HOUSES TERMS EASY 3 very nice small brown atone houses, II rooms, every modern improvement neighborhood firat class oloso to all thn principal lines of cars. Apply to the owner, W.

O. RUSSELL, on tho premises, No. 173 Putnam av, near Franklin. "ITIOR SALE HOUSES WE ARE NOW JL1 offering Boruo flno frame, brick and brown stone houses in oiioieo locutions at great bargains purohasors looking to buy will do well to consult with us before purchasing. PAUL U.

GRBNING, 420 Gates av, near Nostrand, or Bedford av, corner DeKalb I710R SALE HOUSE TO CLOSE AN BS tatte, a three story frame, filled in dwelling house 12 rooms, all Improvements and in good ordor; situate No. 11 1 Washington av. Apply to H. F. CADLKY, County Troos nror13 oinco.

Uourt Houso, Brooklyn, or BKUffKH, uxueutor, ut ollico of Itoyal Insurance 41 Wall Bt, New York. IjOR SALE HOUSE AT A GREAT JU bargain, a iiinall, neat and handsome two story and basement Philadelphia brick houso in good ordor 7 rooms, improvements, good neighborhood, broad avonuo, twenty mmtito3 to Brooklyn ferries live linos of cars within ono block: will sell on easy tsrms. Apply on premises, l' iO Fourth av, near Warren st. "fOTlLliOUSE JD ing to purchase firat cinss brown stonn houses will ploasi. oall and exnmine tbnso elegantly finished, new houaos on Carroll st, between Filth and Sixth avs latest improvements; twelve rooms; walnut finish beautiful gns fixtures; bargains easy terms.

Apply on promisoa. 0S8 Carroll st, or addro3s 1UJ1LPEU, Box 14, Kafo office. fTOR SALE HOUSES OR TO LET, JL1 soin1. now, threo story, brown stone houses, with all modorn improvements, 11 largo rooms, 1" closutu; got up in tho most convenient manner anyone wishing to buy, ox chnnuo or ront will do woll to oxamino said buildings, as they will bo disposed ot at a groat sacrifice; situatod on Grand av. between Willoughby and DeKalb.

Apply to P. WILLIAMS, 231 Ryersonst. gjiOtt SALE HOUSES 3 STORY BROWN EJ EUmo houbo, 20x4 "xlO0, bay windows, evory improvement, built by owner in best manner finest corner house on the Hill; also, four story brown stone, 28x70x100, cabinot tinishod, live minutes from City Hall; also, three story brown stono. 2oxo3illKt. Vintt Innntod rnninr boue on Clin ton st, ten minut osfroin Wall st.

Forry theao ologantdwoK HiKri urn uiiltuu u. grcaL uargain on easy mrms. u.vvjud V. D. WVCKOFF, 170 and Broadway, S.

Y. FOR SALE HOUSE BEFORE BUYING go and seo this houso on Brevoort placa one new, first clnss brown stone; Brevoort placo is a new street between Franklin and Bedford avs, thn trees, however, wore planted by J. C. Brevoort forty yoars ago; this location is second to nono in ttiis city or New York for a privato residence; tho houso will be sold at a low price if sold this month. Inquire for T.

B. JACKSON, builder, on tho promispB FORl3AII2 HOUSES J. E. CORNELL, 44 Court at, opposite City Hall. Stlto st, near Clinton, 4 story brick Livmgatonst, noar Clinton, 4 story brick Kim place, story brick, with sliible Clinton av, 3 story brick, extra ground Lufforts nlnce.

It litorv hrick. ertr.i 7.500 Cranberry st, none Hicks, 3 story framo G.GOO nan near aiarey av, uutnic coilragn, oxcra cround 0.000 aud 7.500 Cumborlund st, opp. Park, 4 story stons 18,000 Country FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE IN Bloomfiold, N. within five minutes of two donots, house with 12 rooms, hot and cold water aud gns; barn lot KSxno:) feet, with fruit trees. Addross S.

W. SABiN, BloomfieldN. J. TjSbR SALE HOUSE AT SARATOGA JU Groat bargain; unincumborod spacious, handsomo house; modern improvements; 24 rooms, built for privato adapted fur boarding elegantly furnished, on Franklin square, near Unitod States Hotel would oxchango for unincumbered city property. Addroxs OVYNKR, 172 Carroll st.

FOK KVCBB. FOR EXCHANGE FOR ONE OR MORE years, in Piainfieid, N. ten acres, high and healthy, ouo milo from depot double house, furnished; horses, car rinpea. cow, Ac. for furnished house in Brooklyn.

Addross OWNER, P. O. Box 5'tl, Plninfiold, N. J. FOR SAff.E PIAWOS, fcc.

iflOR SALE PIANO A GOOD PIANO 1 7 octavo; a bargain for cash. Apply to Franklin avenuo. ijlOR SALE PIANO A GOOD SECOND band rosowood piano, with carved logs and mouldings, overstrung bass and agrnflo, in splendid ordor; very ohonp. 110 South Oxford st, from 2 to OP. M.

and to 8 P. M. OR SALE PIANO A MAGNIFICENT iniDOrtduDri niano: case of ebony and cold in aid: all iinnrovomentfl is neirW now will be sold verv cheap if applied for imraodiatciy. 102 Adelphi st, near Myrtlo av. FOR SALE PIANOS S5, $10, 15 monthly; organs $'3 to $10 monthly until paid; fully warranted six yoars.

You oan rent or purchiiso greatly to your advantage in price and tonus, at PHl.Ll'S SON'S warerooms, a 3 Washington st, noxt to Post Office. IjOR SALE PIANOS A WELL MADE, Bweot lono, seven octivo rosawood planoforto, in gooa order, to be soia extremely low for cash pianofortes and organs from $30 upward rents and installments troiu $'i to Ploitse call boforo ranting or purchasing, at BID DLK'S piano warorooui, 557 Fulton sfc. FOR SALE ItIISCELLA VJEOUS. FOR SAL IS ICE HOUSE A FIRST class butcher's ico house, 7x0, choap. Inquiro at 104 Myrtlo av.

oornor Bridge st. fiU)R SALE FIXTURESTHE BAR AND Jl fixtures of a Bnloon, noar City Hull, cheap everything almost now and nnt class in every respect. 1' or particulars ploaso address P1101CNIX, Eaglo othco. FOR SALE BUSINESS A GOOD FISH Kt iml nnd ice box, tho ico tmx Buitiiblo for a milk mnn. liuiuiro at L.

D. LKYPOLDT'a moat U37 Atlanti iv. FTOli SALE BUSINESS OH TO LET IP wil lous loago of a firat class billiard Kaloon, bar and furniture complote, livo billiard tables and one pool tablo tho placo is nuw nnd wa8 nover oponod boforo. Apply on tbe promieea, 1 ,070 Fulton Bt. store floor.

FOR SALE CURTAINS, 4 I dows of crimson satin damaak curtains, vory fino, linod with silk, with tassels comploto cost $1 5 per pair; will soil for per pair; also a Tomuoon's patent invalid'B chair in losthcr, on whools. T. BLAND, No. 1SS Myrtlo avonuo. raEETiive.s.

ILHOURTH WARD IRISH RELIEF COMIC MITTRK will meet on WKDNKSDAY KVKNING, February IS, at MECHANICS' HXCIIANGE, cornor Myr tlo av. nnd Lulton st. at o'clock. Citizens of the Fourth "Ward are cordiuliy invited to attend and co operate with tho committee for tho reliof of tho poor suffering people of Ireland. B.

McOAI' fRHY. GEOKUK RUSSELL, M. J. HANNAN, Committee. mHElJOMMlTTEES OF THE SEVENTH fl WARD, appointed to solicit contributions for the Door ofiroland, aro earnestly roquostod to meet at tho offico of MARTIN VANS, 4711 Myrtlo av, on THURSDAY EVENING, Februnry If, at o'clock, on business of importance.

By ordor MARTIN EVANS, President. John D. Carroll, Secretary. John Finley, Troasuror. 8 OFFICE OF HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 170 Montasuo st, Brooklyn, February 18, IR80 Au elcotion fordiroctors of this company to fill tho plncos of those whoso forms of office will then expire will 06 held at tho ollico of tho company on WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1S80, from 5 to o'clock P.

M. 8 JOS. P. HOLBROOK, Secretary. 4 0.

BROOKLYN, L. I. A GENER a al mooting of tho abovo order will ho hold in HI NIA HALL, No. 32H Gold st, noar Myrtlo av.THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. February 18.

1R8J, at o'clock sharp. Business which reiiuires oich and evory member to bo prosont. EDWARD BRANIGAN. O. P.


A LIBERAL REWARD WILL BE paid for information of tbo parties owning the patent riKlit or county, H. ino wanniflu MACHINE, natenteil November. 'I. 180d. Ploaso address J.

C. CARMAN, 2H Full on st. SPECIAL DR. HENDERSON, DENTIST. Artificial teeth, good and roliablo work, skillful treatment and modorate Toothache cured.

Fino gold flllipgs aspecialty. Twenty six years' successful practice. OK. HKNDKUSON. 300 WASHINGTON st.

nearly opposite the Post Offico. LEFT OFF CLOTHING I WILL PAY from $5 to $100 for ladies' suits; shawls, from $5 to $50: gent's ovorcoata, $5 to $25; buita, to coats and V6Bt3, iS3 to l1; $1 to Privato entrance for ladioft. Orders promptly attended to. Mrs. OAB1 KRON, agent, 85 Sands titreot.

ISS LEE FULLER, DEALER IN MAN'S 'URNrSIIING GOODS. 097 Fulton st. is Bollmg Blurts, wnmsutxa. musiin, iour piy unen uoaoms, warrHntod, at 0." cents. Kvory ono uot found to Ut or not found as represented may be returned and tho money refunded.

JAMES QUEE. DRUGGIST, 250 FUL ton st, late cor. Olinton and Fulton sta, ofFors at tlie following roduced French extracts, jro. bottlo; French toilet soaps, tino quality, 10c. cako; Mamelin or 1.079 improved nipple wash, 25o.

India rubber bulb syringes, oOc. and 76c. each; oxtra witch hazel, SOo. a pint; So.dlitz poivdora, oxtra strength, and ilavored, '23o. a box.

GOLD SNAKE KINGS AND BRAOISJ.RTS. HART IJ13 aud Fulton st. Gash paid for old gold nnd silver. fffOieSES, CAURIAGKN. Ac jPRESH MILKING COW, HALF AL derney.

for sale. Oull at 215 Laf ayetteav; A VERY FINE DARK BROWN HORSE for sale, 10 hands 1 inch, 7.yoaraold; a vory stylish driver, warranted singlo or doublo. Apply at stable 41 and ia Brooklyn nv. A HANDSOME CLOSE MATCHED pair sorrel horses, 10 hands 7 years old sound and kma; can trot 12 miles an hour; price worth StW'J; also, clarence, haraoss, a beautiful nay pony; ole caut phaeton and harness for 8 00; also, fmnfly horse. Wood Bro.

coupe rockaway and lino harness for 830 will sell aopnrate.and 0 otUoriiuo horses, at MO WBRAY'S Commission Stables, 2 3 Solrermerhorn st, near Bond mHREE SPLENDID FRESH COWS WITH JL calves, for salo iust from tho country warranted to milk 2' quarts daily; also milk wagon, nearly now, at MARTIN RUiEYU No. 40 Flushing av.near transfer CORPOKATION' NOTICES IjMRE LIMITS OIU)INANOE IN RELA JP TION TO FIRE LIMITS OF THK CITY OF BROOKLVN The Common Council of the City of Brooklyn do ordain as follows: That all that suction of the City of Brooklyn, bounded ns follows Commencing at the southeasterly cornor of Third avenue and Warren street, nnd running thence oasterly along the southerly side of Warren street to the west sido of Fourth avenue; thence soutn, alom? thewest. side of Fourth avenue, to the north side of Sixth street; thence west, along tho north sido of Sixth street to tho east side of Third avenuo; thunco north, along the oast sido of Third avenue, to tho point or placo of beginning bo nnd thesamo is hereby deluded from the tiro limits or tho City of Brooklyn. Adopted in Common Council Februarys, 18S0. Ten days had elapsed on the 17th day of Fobruary, without tlie same having beon approved or disapproved by tho Mayor.

D. MoNAMARA, Oity Clerk. City Clerk's Ofpice, City Hall, Buooklyn, February 17, 1880: I do hereby certify that the foregoing is true copy of tho original ordinance on file in this office and of the whole of said original. folB U0t iX McNAMAKA, City Clerk. JLJEGAJLt NOTICES.

SUPREME CCTURT, COUNTY OF KINGS Abraham hnvrevte against Mary Wobstoi; and othera. FTW. BuitKE, plaintiff 'ft attorney. In purBuaioo of ajudtf. ment order of this.

court mado in tho above entitled action, bearing date tho 10th day of February, 1880, I will soil, by public auction, by Thconaa A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at tho' aalesrooms, No. 3 Willonghby street, in tho City of Brooklyn, on the "lath, day of Maron, 1U30, aM io'olook, noon, the following described land and promises, All that certain piece or parcel of land, Bituate, lyig and being in the Seventh Ward ot the Oity of Brooklyn, County of Kings, and IS tat a oi Now uoundod and described aaiol Beginning at a on the sQuthorly side Inohus westerly from iW.ortl avejauo, gunning thence south. orly and narallol with Bedford avetono, elghty aoven foetfahd threo inonen; thonoo wcsteirty, and paralel with pp Kalb avenue, nineteen foet and tupnee northerly, and again pttrallel with Bodfosd. avenuo, ad part of tho dts.

tanco through thq oonioof a oortain party wall, elghtjr seven onu enreo uaoncs to uoivaiu au uiuijub easterly along Do iio Kalb avenue, nineteen leat ana ten mnnos of botaaUlg IftWd Fobruary 19; Iroxua pmue iftftl. WANTED FOB A BAKERY OB OON footlonery, a store, girl: ono of experience. Ad aress, with reforenoe, Vr KaTUOTT, Kagio otnoe. WANTED AS SALES LADY OUT doors a genteel rouna lady: (rood address; refer onces aa to oharaotar, must bo nrst class Aoply between 2 and 8 P. M.

WILCOX 4 GIBBS SEWING MA CHINE 8 10 Fulton st. WANTED OPEBATOBS ON DOMES tie machine, on auits and dusters; stoady work; good pay. I.HIO Fnlton St. ANTED OPEBATORS ON LADIES' skirts, chemises and gowns constant work tho year round to good operators aamplo garments and reference required cash paid for work when returned. Also new mi.

ohtuos sold and work given out to nay. J. F. 277 Fulton st, nearly opposite Olinton. Employment Agencies.

ANTED SEBV ANTS, EVERY DAY, ohanro until ennastod best wages and ateady lor gooa Bituauans in tuo oiiy nnu wuuu uv 9 BDU HlUUUjr PLOYA1KNT lflJBKAU, offlces. 81 nnd 83 Court st, one block from City Hall, and corner of Fulton and Navy eta; call and 600 for your Bokos ANTED SERVANTS ILL PLOYMKNT BUREAU. 205 South Oxford st, near 100 eervanta of nil nations and capacities; cooks, waitresses, ohaiubernmids, (jeueral housowork monthly nursoH, ueaniBtroRaoa and operators. Ladies wanting, help will please call bofore eoing elsewhere good eervanta supptiedatBhort notice. ANTED SERVANTS EXPERI unced and lately landod over 200 Wanted immediately hundreds of places ready; host wao3; oomo ann see; So oVaree.

At HRNDRICKSON'S AGENCY. 183 At lan tio ar, near Clinton st: oldest and best offloo In Brooklyn. AIko solo ngoncy for Cunard Bteamors. Passage tickets ana drafts at lowest ratos Cooks, nntheri ana lrouors. XT ANTED A FIRST CLASS GOOK ono willing to assist with tho washing anddrontaft city reference required.

Apply at 120 Wdlow st, to morrow morniug, until 12 oTeloek. ANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER anri irnnnr. in n. nrivntn familv imiflt, understand hor l)Usinoa3 thoroughly and bo noat and clean German Iireforred, Apply at ma uvingeton st. WANTED FOR COOKING, WASHING and ironing and ifenoral a good girl, with reference.

Apply at 433 Sixth Bt, South Brooklyn. ANTKD TO OOOi, WASH AND UION for a small family, a enmnetont woman must hava gcod city references. No. Warren st. ANTED FOH KITCHENWORK, A vounc cirl: no waahinir: (BO a month at first; mnfit bo a good cook nnd ironor, and havo good recommends.

:150 Ninth bt; Smith Bt, cars pass tho door. ANTED WAITRESS ONE WHO IS ttmrnit rhlv rnmtiftnf. willitK? and Well rPCOUl mendod mny apply to morrow, from to 10 A. at Kemscn ANTED ONE AS COOK, WASHER and ironor, the othor ns chnmbennaid and wnitrees and asBiat in tho wjishin? and ironing, two girla Protestants prarurrod. Apply nt 'Jl Willow fit.

ANTED ONE FOR DOWNSTAIRS work, who is good plain cook and excellent laundress, tho other to do anything in the way of assisting, two both must Imvo good references and he willing to room tofjothor. Pleaso call all tho wook at 175 Hart Et, near Toinpkiiu av. CUainbermaias, Win tresses, ctc ANTED A NEAT CHAMBERMAID and waitress, withcrond references from last place. Call this evening, between 7 and H. ot 'XX Clinton Bt.

ANTED AN UPSTAIRS GIRL AND waitross: one willinc to make hersolf generally uso tul. 301 av, from U) to 2 o'clock. ANTED AS CHAMBERMAID AND waitress, in a nnvato familv. a competent girl cood wnaes to a willinc ono: also a small girl wanted, as nuwo atld to run errands. Call nt HO Concord st, near ul.

ton, thi'03 blocks bolow City Hall. iurtics and Scamscrcsfifcet. WANTED AS NURSE GIRL, A YOUNG Protestant. Apply, with city reference, at 70 New York nr. ANTED AS NUIISE, A RELIABLE irirl who is kind to children, and is capable, to tnl rliircn of nn infn.nt mm in villinr to make herrielf goneially useful; good reference required.

24 Lotferts placi General EE oust; wora. "VT" ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, a gcod girl good referonce required. No. 502 Clinton av, rirnt WvX. ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work.

rcsnectnhlo nirl colored prBforreu must he agood Ittundror s. Apply during tho wcgk at 301 Hoyt street. WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSlT work, a girl a good plain cook and good to children, to live up town wages Apply at 54J Fulton st, tho market. ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in n. fnmilv of Rix nnrsnns.

a Htrone. tidy c'irl must bo a plain cook, wnsher and irtiner, and bring first class city reference. Call at 127 Pnoific st. ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE wnrlr in Rin.ill nrimto fnmilv. cirl niimt be a good washer and ironer nnd do plain cooking well.

29 Concord st, noar fulton, threo blocks bolow tho City Hal I. WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in a private family, a Protostant girl must ho a good cook, washer and ironor, and havo city roforencos. Apnly boforo o'clock this evening at il08 (Jlmton st, near Baltic. ANTEID FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in fainilvof throa adnhfl. an intollltront.

C.l naViln nrtrl utiltiriiirr iirl inn sr. lm nn nrroUnnt p.nnk and lirst clas iun.lre.i3, neatness indispensable; to such a ono good wages will ho given. OaW at 4' 7 Washington av. WTEDFO)FJENElL HOUSE work in a family of adults, a nont and thormighly competent yirl, German preforruu raiiEt be a rood cook nnd willing and obliging: to such good wages will bo paid. Call at 2lb Eleventh st, South Brooklyn.

WA.NTED FOR LIG IT HOUSE WORK in a small American family, a girl from Irt to IU years of ago wages from $tt to $3 per mouth. Cull at 03 Docntur tt, above Throopav. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE wnrlt. n. cirl; munt bn a trood cook, washer and ironer and havo city reference.

Apply at 1298 Adelphi Bt. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, an industrious irirl. Anoly at No. 3 Jotterson Bt, near Ormond place. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE wnrlt in of four, a Proleqtanfc cirl must be a good cook; to a competent lirsfc class wages.

Apply to morrow, av, near uaiu. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. a respectable girl who is willing end obliging and can wash and iron also, a young irl to go on orrands and mako herself Renerally Call at 24 Sands st. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE ivnrtr. tmnfl rrtfirtbtn (Hrl milHt, hfl a COOd Wflfllior nnu ironor unu iitiuaiHfiiiu inniu utfliMus vv od ouce roo.nired.

Apply at 10 i Oatos ay. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work in a small family, a young Gorman or Swed ish girl: no waahing: good wages. Apply at 3.1 Grond av, third house from Gates av. WAKTRD TO DO GENERAL HOUSE 7 work in a small family, a girl must he a good plain ccok, washer and ironer and havn good roleronce; Protestant preferred. Call Thursday, between and 2 o'clock, at ui ltomsen ri.

7 ANTED TO DO THE HOUSEWORK for a small family, and to assist in earing for two children, a young girl. Apply nt Grand av. WANTEDTO DOTHE" HOU S3E WORK of small family; a girl thoroughly competent may apply with references, at 217 Carlton uv. I I ynai'iit Agencies. WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, in a family of three, a good, capahlo girl, wages $14 per month also, a nurse girl, wages $12 anda cook and chambermaid for a smnll private wagos.

For particulars call on Mr. HICKEY, 82 Amity st, between Henry and Hicks. W7ANTED GENERAL HOUSEWORK servants for all parte of tho city, at tho office managed by ladies, BROOKLYN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 20 Concord et, bet. Fulton and Washington sts, throe bloeka below City Hall. Savings Bank on corner.

Many re epectablo girls come here who have nevor been at an office. WAPfTE l8E.P MAf J3S ANTED TO WORK IN A BAKERY and to learn tho trade, a boy. 38 Cumberland st. WANTED GOOLSmONGBOYOR young man. who understands thoenroof ahorse; must live with tho family.

Call at2U4 Fifth av, second flat. WANTED AS ENTRY CLERK AND for office work in a manufacturing establishment, a ynung man ono residing with parenti preferrod. Address L. A. Eagle office, giving references and stating wagos roquirod.

"MT ANTEDAS SALESMAN, AN ENER getic man, good address and well dressed, for outdoor work references must bo first clnas a fair salary nnd promotion Dro3poct. Apply from 10 to 11 A. or by letter, C. A. DEAN, 310 Fulton nt.

WANTED FOR THE AMERICAN District Telegraph Company of Now York City, boya betwoen 14 and 11 years of nge; increased wagos. Apply nt TRAINING SCHOOL, No. 5 West Fourth street, New York. WA VTJBP gBTUATlO VS LES. ANTED SITUATION AS HOUSE keepor, in a amall family, or with a widower, by a middle aged Gorman woman, with best of references.

Pleaso call for two days at i Bergen st, basomont floor. WAN fED SITU ATI ON TO ASSIST IN store, by a yoany girl, IS years old will he found willing and reliable: very uosl city reference. Call at or address M. L. at her home, 284 Smith st.noar Sackett.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO TH housework of a small, privato family, by a respectable girl can give good city references. Call for two days at :07 DeKalb av, entrance on Grand av; no postal cards answered. Employment AtreiiciCM. ANTED SITUATIONS NO CHARGE to emnlnvers until vour servant coms to work. Mr.

MAC'S EQUITABLE AGENCY, 733 Fulton st, in Photo Art Building, between Poitland av. and Ellioltplaco. Established N. B. Only reliable girls dealt with; no fei till engaged.

Scotch, IrlBh and colored girls. WANTED SITUATIONS MANAGED BY LADIES BROOKLYN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, CONCORD STUEBT, bet. Fulton and Wash ingtonsts. Family help of all kinds. We do not proraiso perfection, but try to select goodwomon for domestic service, without regard to nationality or roligion.

N. Wot nursfssupplied. ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook. waHhor nnd ironor. by a resnectablo young womnn; has two years' reference from last place; would not object to genera! housework in a small privuto family.

Apply at tho GERMAN AGENCY, 188 Atlantic av no charges untiljjuitod always opon till 0 P. M. ANTED SITUATIONS FOR RELl able, desirable Rorvfintn. axunrinncn'1 nnd Int.olv itnaeu. neany oi an naiions; omnioyors wanting roo onunended first class servants in any capacity should apply nt HKNDiUCKSON'S AGENCY, mi Atbmtio av.

noar Cimtonht. Oldest and only recognized first claHsolnee in Brooklyn. Cooliw, Wuslicrsanf ironerN WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, wnfitior nnd ironer, by a middle aged person. Apply at HO jacket, st, top floor. 'AS TED SITUATION AS GOOK, WJibber nnd ironer irond rnfnrenoe from lout ula.aa.

Please callfor twodays at 015 Atlantic av, cor. EllioU place. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, wnHher and ironor in a nrivatn familv. bv a com. refont girl ha3 good city references.

Call for two days at ul! Navy fit; no postal cards an jworod. ANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and ironor. hv rn.tinpf'r.nliln vnitnir womnn hart MKll citv rtif for 1 wo rlnvn nK 1 1A WvuVnfT st, between Smith and Hoyt. WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, wnshor and ironer iu a Bmall family, by a Protestant woman, where she can havo hor daughtor, ir years old, who can assist in light duties; Unii excellent cook; best refer onces. Call oraddoss JVI.

No. 103 President st WANTED SITUATION AS ACOOK; by a Fronchman, from Lyon, Grenoble and Paris; desiros an engagement for tho Summer season no humbug, but a first class homo cook; no objections to any locality; reasonable wages and good roforoncea. Address FELIN. COOK, Box 2, Eaglo otlico. WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook, washer and ironor, by a rospoctablo Sirl no objections to a bonrding house best city roforenco.

all for two days at 44r. Hicks st, room 31. ANTED SITUifON" AS FIRST class cook: understands all kinds of cooking soups and paatnriei no objection to a boarding house good reference. Call for Utq tfays at 44 Lafayette st. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook, washer aud ironer, by a respectable girl host city reference.

Call for two days at 275 Tillary st, near Can ton. No postal cards please. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook, washer and ironer in a small family; has seven years1 reference. Can ho seen for two days at lit) Congress bt, between Henry and Hie kg. )fANTED SITUAT'ION AS A GOOD cook, washer nnd ironer, by a roapeotable woman is willing and obliging; has good city reforoncoB.

Call for two days at 210 Myrtle av. WANTED SITTJATION AS A GOOD plain cook and lautirirps ly a rospoctablo woman has good city references. Call for two days at 117 Grand avenuo. WANTED SITUATION A3 A PLAIN cook and excellent washer and would do general hou go work, bynyoang girl; will bo foan'i trilling and obliging; has good city reference. Pleaso call for two days atUWi GoM 8t.j ANTID SITUATION AS A PLAIN cook, washer nnd ironer or to do light general Housework, by a rospectablo girl.

Please call for two days at' Filth av, near Borgen Bt.socond iloor. ANTED SITUATION TO COOK, wash and Iron, by a respectablo who un dorstands hor bunlno a. good bvoaj ihid bleouit maker hai nil objoctfon to tho avenues ImAot tho bot of refor mico from her last place. Pleaso call at 185 Jay bt, rear house; no postal cqnK ANTJJD SITUATION TO BO THE cooklnc, waHliInu and Ironlni! in a small private fmnlly, by a hootcli Pottntniit ivoinim: undontUnds ooolc. itlft nil.

Its brunofiov Oan Uo eecn till BultocJ at). Np. ikH 1'ourth ny, near Klghtoontli nt. nn postal ards aa scored. ri ANTED HOUHE 0'O PURCHASE A smaJl house mram mneror imiton ii orrtr.

aq vine looatloa snd price, HOUSEHOLDER, Escle 0IUC8. "lyfTANTBD HOUfcUS A SMALL HOUSE er part on tho Hill prefered, hy a Utnilf of throe', Address, stati a terms, whioli must be low, W. Box 3, Eagle office. ANTED HOUSE TO RENT, IP posslftlo with privilege of purchase, a hoosb with all fflodorn improvement, wltDiD Ave minutes' walk from Wall street Forry; rent not to exceed $1,000 pof annum; nna ceptionabK references' siren. Address vmti Wtt par ticutars.

A. P. O. Bor MNew York. Y7ANTED HOUHE PAH.TIES HAV1KO VY a nair hrlok or brown stono front houwi.

wffV all modern Improvements, situated in a desirable neighbor, liood in io City of Brooklyn, within twenty minutes of Fulton Ferry, for sale, cheap, can near of a purchaser dressing Box 2SW. W. V. P. IVAMTED KOPSES FPHNISHED.

WANED HOUSES FUKNISHED AND nnfurnishod, in all parts of tho city, for sale and to rent; also, apartments and stores, demand nreater than tho supply. Send particulars to PULASKI O. WILSON, au tatousn av. WANTED HOUSE FURNISHED A reliable, neat and careful party, no children, wish to rent a furnished house in good locality, whore a select class of boarders ccnld be accommodated; board owner if deBirod. Address, stating locality, terms and' requirements, FURNISHED, Eagle office, WAWTEP KOOaiS.

WANTED ROOM AND BEDROOM, in a privnto faifiily. for light housekeeping, by man snd wife; must he witninjSO minutes' walk'ffom Adelphi st. and Park av. Address K. 7 DeKalb av.

WANTED ROOMS BY MATtCH 1, two or three unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping Hill prof orrod rent must be moderate. Address KKMAHENT, OX cogw UIOCO. WANTED ROOM A RESPECTABLE gentleman of middle age (a widoweiO dcBtras a bed room, fumishod or unfurnished, in a respectable privato family between Degraw and summit. Olinton 'and Van Bruntsts. Addross A FfAIN 0.

S. Kagleofflcei ANTED nOOMS FDltN 1 j.M3I. WANTED ROOM FURNISHED A nicely fumishod roDro.with all moilorn improve monts; without board; convenient to femes. Address, stating terms, TKAOHKR, Box US, ISaglo oBico. WANTED ROOMS FUR I A second story front room with hall room' adjoining, for light housekeeping, In neighborhood of Lawrenoo l.L mint.

nlalu fn Xl Y. Eagle'ofllco. WAivxED rj'roitEs. WANTED STORE OR HOUSE SUIT able for liquor saloon, on Fulton or any side slroct from ferry to Flatbush av, bet wean DeKalb or Atlantic avs, near Fulton et; rent low. Address for throe days BILL, Eagle offico.

BOAHD 270 HENRY ST, BETWEEN Joralomon and Stato Koom snitab'o for two young men, man and wife or throe Bingle ladies wishing to reduce ex)onaes; references. BOARD 142 MONTAGUE ST. A VERY desirable front hall room, suitable for lady or K.ontle in; houso, location and table first class; threo minutes walk to Wall at, Forry references. BOARD 134 STATE STREET TO LET, with good board, a square room, to two nentlemon; a hall room on third floor, with olosot; dinner at references exchanged, OARD FROM $4 TO 7 PER WEEK, HOUSE. 108 Pineannlo St.

cornor of Fulton nicely furnished donblo and single rooms, connoct ing orTseparato; suitable for families; house within six minutes' walk of three iom as. BOARD TO" LET, ON THE HILL, A large third story front room, with board, to gentleman nnd wife or two single gentlemen, in brown atone house, 77 Fort Greene pluco, ueur Fulton st; first clasa referonce givon and roquirod, BOARD A LADY. OWNING house, has third story front hall room, with good aizod olosot, to let to singlo guntloman; terms reawnuhlo; tahlo hoarders references. Apply at No. 1UU Watron st, near CI niton.

BOARD 121 LIVINGSTON ST. TWO large and nicely furnished rooms, connecting; will let together or separate with good board terms very niodorato location central, beina near City Hall and within easy walking distance to all forrieS; BOARD TO LET WITH BOARD AT 1(10 Schermerhorn st, a very largo and plo.isant third story front room; all improvements, location ono of tho best convenient to ferries and five minutes' walk to City Hall terms reasonable. OARD APRIVATE FAMILY, RE eiding on Clinton near Baltic, have a largo, com tortablo room to lot, with board, suitablo for two jrent lemon, orforgontlemnn and wife; terms reasonable. Forfurthor particulars addreai It. M.

Kagle office. TO SUITA BP hie for a (rontleman, or centleman and wifo, with hoard and first class accomn latiors. in private house. Apply at 1 15 South Elliott place, sacond door from Hanson place. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS PACIFIC JLJ Houso, ll; Pacinc st.

corner ot lionry, connecting rooms, suit able for familiiis; aleo, singlo rooms for gentlemen board from $4 to per week tablo boarders taken can accommodato a family of six with a parlor and threo bodrooms for QiM, with uso of piano. BOARD NEAR CITY HALL LARGE furnished or nnfurnishod rooms, on suito or singlo, on recond iloor: also linndsorao back parlor and Inrtfo extension, bay window, sunny exposure, witn all improvements, with or without board; tablo boarders accommodated. 23 Smith st. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS I HAVE now tho rest of my roams newly furnished, hand some black walnut, the latest style; their oqualis not to be found: superior residence, with fine, largn garden; rooms overlooking the bay 3 minutes' wnlk of Fnlton Ferry, of Wall st, Forry; best of roferenco pivon and rouuired; location, houso nnd board, first class. Call at 14 Willow Bt; and if those parties call again that called tho first of the weok, I mil try end suit them.

BOARD WANTED IN SOCIABLE, RE spectable privato family, by a young South American forms moderate; roferoucea exchanged. GUILLEHMO, N. Y. P. JJox l.GGS.

BOARD WANTED IM VTE DIATELY. for a lady.a furnished room, with 'part hoard, in central location, convonlont to several oar lines no inovhiH in May. Addros. BOARD, Box V2. Eaglo office.

BOARD WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN doing buainoss in New York, within easy walking dis tanco of Fulton Forry. Address, atiting terms, which must noi ue over gi per wcbk, i. umcu, OOARD WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN and wife, good board in a privato family room must bo pleasant, tablo fir3t class, terms reasonable and proiniaos located within twonty minutes of Fulton Ferry. Address H. Kagle oiBco.

BOARD WANTED IN BROOKLYN OR Williamsburg a pleasant boarding place, or furnished rooms for light for an Amoncan lady and little irl: terms must bo modcrato. Address, with particulars, Box agio Silica. URN IS ED ROOMS TO LET, ITH bath, hot and cold water and fdl irom up: in private house. Plojiio to call at Navy Bt, between Kultonst, and Flatbush av. 7UKNISHED ROOM TO LET, A VERY UltU BCtUll rwij ivihu iwn iou.

vi imu v' Rentloinen, in tt privuto family of tour adults. Call or ad dres3 No. 1 Lafayotto av, naar Flatbush. fURN ISHED ROOM TO LET, A PLEAS 1 ant front loom on third lloor, with or without hoard tivo minutes to Fulton Ferry; boat, gas and bath. No.

f'4 Orange st, nearly opposita Mr. Boocher's Chnrch. TUKNlSHEDBOOM SO ly furnished front room with boat and gas, for ono or two, with or without board housa convenient to Fulton Ferry; terms modorate. Apply at No. 50 High street.


dry air in a piny inn. with mtro Rnrin water. HIGHLAND PARK HOTEL, OPEN from November to Juno, Boat family hotel accom. modations. B.

P. OHATFIKLD. Prqrietor. CLARENDON HOTEL, GREEN COVE SprinK, Florida, on the St. Juhn's Rivor, thirty miles south of JackBonvillo, first in every respect hot and cold baths; electric boll in every room; billiard room nnd bowling alloy havo recently been added.

I'or circulars addross JAUKSON COWENUOVKN, No. lltnn Btroet, Brooklyn, or HARRXS APPLKGATK, Pro prietors. TO LET OIISIiS. TO LET HOUSE A TWO STORY frame houBo, all improvements, on McDonough et; runt Apply to D. F.lMcCABE, Ut0 Fulton st, near Washington av.

LET HOUSE AT 820 TO A SMALL familv or sell on easy terms, now house, nil improve ments on Howard av, near Putnam. E. IiABCOGK, 219 Montague st. TO LET HO USE IMMEDIATE Possession, on DoKnlh av. noar Clermont, throe story basement ana cellar brown Btono, in beautiful ordor, rent only $ti(Ki, very low also un assortment of choice houses to lot at low rentals.

Full particulars with BULKLEY HORTON, 3H7 Myrtle av, oinco opon till 0 P. M. mO LET HOUSE $200 PER YEAR Only one remains of tho twenty six small brick housos recently completed on Warren placo, near lionry st. fcU gtiod rooms, seven closets, water closet. Etatinniry tub, best range, boilor, gas, elate mantels, eto.

DAVTON, agent, 129 Baltic at. TO LET IIOIISF. FWIINHSKHEO. rBO LET HOUSE I A .1 small family, gcutloman, wifo nnd ono child, occu pyin" tlireo story brown stone houso in vicinity of the Hill will lot the same furnished to reaponsiblo party and accept board in lieu of rent housa is well furnished imdhnelvfo catotl. Addross stating numbor in family, HliSPONSI BLtt, Boa 9, Eaglo office.

XO LET PARTS HOUSES. WO LETART OF HOUSE A FLOOR of I rooms, No. 7rt lionry sfc, firo minutes' wallc to Fulton or Wall st, ferry, water, gas, etc. hall lighted at owner's exponso; janitor to look aftor promises; ront roasonablo. Inquire at drug store cornor of Honry and Qrango sta.

TO LET A'JTS LET FltENOH KLATS 148 CLIN ton av, second and tmra nats. rooms oich nails itiirs carpeted. Apply to D. V. McOABK, 005 Fulton and stairr.

Bt, near Washington av. mO LET FLATS MOST DESIRABLE JL flats in tho city, on Flatbush av. near Bovonth 8 and 9 rooms; all improvements; two blocks from Prosuect Park. Apply toj. H.

UOHKKT aso FlatVmsh av. mo LET FLaTS AT LOW PRICES, IN JL now buildings of the Improved Dwelling Bpartmonts of five, four and threo rooms, oach containing privato water closet, stationary tub, ash ohoot, Ac. largo eots furnished with best ranens; no darkrooms; staircases absolutely firoproof. DAYTON, agont, No. 129 Baltic street TO LET APA fltT Ifl IVTS TO LET ROOMS TWO SQUARE rooms aud one.

hall room, suitable for gentleman and wifo, or twogontlomon. Apply for ono weok at 183 Wash ington st, corner ot Nassau. TO LET STO Bt BUS rjO LET STORE A CORNER STORE, 1 from first or May, on the cornor of Fulton st. and Washington av. Apply to U.

F. McCABE, No. 905 Fulton st. mo LET 707 Fulton altered to suit rosp LET STORE AND BASEMENT ton Bt, 05 loot aoep; 773 Fnlt st. will bo rnannnflihln onilllt enn hf nvtmiHn.l in nvr 1(M foot, with fronte on Oxford st.

Annlv to OWNER. 204 Clermont av. i nnOLET STORE A GOOD CHANCE JL for the right mnn a storq with plate glass front tenant has ronted it tor tho last eight years aa dry goods and fancy Btore; loaso expires on May 1880. Apply to W. F.

NOLAN, 315 Union at. mo i JL cr feot do STORE 47 AND 40 HICKS tt. bot. Middanh and Cranberry; is oxtra wide, i and Hunt nl ate glass front; light, dry oulfar; excellent nl.inn fnr mnrlrnf. rrf.r.erV.

or buRin.m nf nnv Itind (inn bo divided into two stores if necessary. J. 15. OUHK owner, 250 Honry at TO LET FOl ESS 1JKP OSES. rpO LET TWO OF BUILDING A No.

11 Vino Bt, within two blocks of Fnlton Ferry floors with ten feot ftdaitionol for hatch and stairway suitablo for manufacturing purposoa. Apply to or addrosa W. HU8TBK or P. GULSO JVI FlO LET BO OMS WITH STEAM POW er. Apply corner l'ront ana t'onrl 8ta, Broo ana atiSHand DON.

Eit Twonty ird at, New York. BUR TO LET FLOOKS STEAM POWER AT 250 Plymouth Bt, five minutes' walk to Fulton or Catharine ferrioB. following floors: first floor, 50jc (W; first Ioit, 0030; second loft, 50 100; third loft, steam, heat and elevators oau ha rented fieuaratety or together. HN1HOOPKR, on the premiaea. mO LET UALLKBY KY CARY fe STE JL VKNSON, 103 Fulton St.

llioto gallery, oldest in Brooklyn ,103 Fnlton st Hotel, Kidgwood House, UO rooms 1 oa to 107 Fnlton st Btoru and baker's oven 1,094 DeKalb av Btore, 20x80 rent .00 Orangest TO LET LOTS FOB BUSINESS PUB poses, for a term of years, the bloolc of ground. OOOx 200 feet, with 200 foot of water front, bounded by Noble. West and Oak sts. and the Kast Elver: depth ot water. loet: at uroenpoint, uroo iyn, jorit.

Apply to jo H1AU fALMKH, 70 UTanKun at, or Eoklordat, Qreen point, L. 1. fllO LET I.OTS li'OB BUSINESS PUB poses, ror a term or yeara. oi Brouna, iwiJ feot, with 125 feot of water front, situated on Vornon avo Point, L. on Newtown Oreo Apply to JOSIAH PAL Franklin or 370 Kokfqrd st, Greenpolnti L.

or on tho premises at Hunters Point. FOB SAI.E HEAL ESTATE. IJIOK SALE REAL ESTATEA FOUR .1 story briok storq and dwelling: well rented; Ioenlod onltho heat part of Fulton at, nearlho sold on eaeyConns to oloso out an estate: A. CURTIS, owner, 401 Fulton si. IJlOIiaALT FAOTOBYHROPERTYrOR JEj to lot Tho promlsos.

Nos. 47, ,49. 51 and S3 South Fifth st. K.D., near th ferries oonslaU of two briok bulW Inga and stable twill he sold qhean pdoni)r tetmk Vh MB. WOHT1TS WAItP.

TUc Revision of llio Ilopnhllcail Koll Boole Under tlie Supervision of Mr. Worth's Friend, Mr. naggett. Away up in Turn Hall, on Mesorole streot, amid tho squoakingof violins overhead and the clinking of beorglassos roundabout, Mr. Albort Daggett Monday night began tho work of purifying tho association con trolled by Mr.

Jaoob Worth. At tho last meeting of tho Republican Genoral Committee, tt will bo remomborod, a committee was appointed to revise the roll of the Slxteouth Word in time for tho primary which takes place next Thursday evening. Tho committee as appointed comprlsod ox Sheriff Albert Daggett, of tho Nineteenth Ward; Captain O. W. Godard, of the Eighteenth Ward, aud Mr.

Joseph Hoove, of tho Fourth Ward. Mr. Iteovo deollned to servo upon the eommitteo and Mr, Frederick Carruthere, of the Twenty third Ward, was substituted to fill tho vacancy. All tho mem bors of tho committee aro representatives of tho faction which has heretofore violontly opposed Mr. Worth.

Tho fact that not one ot the Commissioner's friends was given a plaoe on tho committee has occasioned a good deal of comment among tho politicians; but Mr, Worth has expressed himself aa satisfied to aecopt without a murmur tho vordict of tho rovisore, believing they are desirous of acting In a spirit of fairness and justico. Only Messrs. Daggott and Carrulhors attended tho session of tho committeo last night. Tboy reached Turn Hall shortly after 8 o'clock. Preparations were being made for a masquerade ball in tho upper ballroom, and Mr.

Daggott oaiuo very near lugging Mr. Carruthora and tho roll book up to the scone of festivity by mistake. They wore finally uehorod into a largo hall at tho rear of the barroom, where they began their work. In this hall, whore an uncertain light lent obscurity to half a dozen sporting prints on the wall, wero assembled about 200 porsonB intorosted in tho politics of Dutch town, Of theeo THE MOST CONSPICUOUS wore City Works Commissioner Jacob Worth. px AIder man David Acker, ex Assessor Charles Naehr, Coionol Henry E.

Hoohr, Jacob Kuogor, ex Supervisor Victor Eger, Alex. Rosengarden, ox Aldermau Matthias Petry, Henry Schultz aud Jacob Foist, all of tho Sixteenth Ward. Thcro was a mild influx of Btatosmon from the other warda, iuoludiug Hubbard Hondricksou, William Allison and George W. Harmer, from tho Fifteenth; James McDormott, from tho Third Ward; S. T.

Maddox, of tho Fourteenth Ward, and George Ds vcre of tho Soveuteouth Ward. Messrs. Worth and Foist appeared for the Worth faction, aud Messrs. Naehr aud Schultz for tho anti Worth faction. Before tho work of revisiou began, Mr.

Naehr desired the committoe to strike off of tho roil book all names except those appearing upon tho minutes as having been regularly odmittod to the association. Mr. Worth opposed the propojed action, on tho ground that tho association could not bo hold responsible for tho faUuro of its officers to properly record tho proceedings in tho minutes. Ho challenged tho widest Investigation, and only objected to names being stfiok on off In bulk without a propor oxamluation of the facta. Mr.

Daggett said tho committee would noto tho request of Mr. Naohr, but thoy could not acoode to It or cot upon it in tho absence of Mr. Godard. Tho coni mitteo then proceoded to revise tho roll in alphabetical order, striking out filenames of all who were charged with boiug Democrats. After a session of nearly three hours, thoy removed from tin roll fifty tiro uaniefl and marked fifty scvon mora doubtful for future investigation.

It was nearly o'clock whoa tho committee adjourned. Thoy will Bit again to night. FOlt SIX MONTHS. The Meanest Thief iai Brooklyn Iia posed of by Justice Ferry. Samuel Hoffhoimor, of No.

i(i(j Pacific street, who was arrested on Sunday for robbing tho poor boxes in St. Paul's li. O. Church in Court street, was arraigned Monday afternoon before Justice Ferry. There was nothing in the appearanco of tho rascal to indicate the mcauuess aud depravity of his naturo, but, on the contrary, ho was well dressed aud lookod respectable.

Ho pleaded guilty to tho charge, aud offered no apology for his contemptible act. In sentencing him Justice Ferry lost his characteristic cooluess and in scathing terms administered a stinging robuko. The full penally, six months In tho Penitentiary, was imposed, and Justico Forry oxprossod his that ho could uot 6ond him up for double that torni. Although respectably connected, Hoff banner has been arrested on three previous occasions for liko moan thoft3, aud two of his portraits ornament tho rogues' gaDory. When Detective Roche brought him noforo Superintendent Campbell yesterday afternoon ho had tho audacity to attempt to Justify himself for robbing tho poor boxes.

"Don't you thiuk," said the "yon ought to be ashamed of yourself for engaging in 6uch a contemptible business "Hoffheimcr promptly answorcd, "No," adding, "I considered that as I was poor, and as the money was put there for tho poor, I was as much entitled to It as any one else." MRS. MEHLINO MULCTED. A dse of assault, iu which a certain Cou Biautlna Melding was ohargod with having flung tumblers at and cut the head of Sebastian Schick, a co tcu aut, at No. 104 McKibbou Btreot, on tho 3d Instant, was investigated to day by Justico Guck. By the evidence it was shown that tho dofondant bad outorod Schick's room and croated a diBturbanco about a shovol sho suspected ho had taken from hor woodhouso.

Schick had denied having tho shovel aud ordered tho woman to leave his Bight. She remained, and, after having used her tongue vigorously, in hor rago threw at least two glasses at tho man's head, with tho result stated. Tho magistrate imposed a fluo of 210 upon Mrs. Meuilug. The Tjipe iNsniuNou Company makes au admirable showuiR of thoir last year's husiness, Its assets, as the advertisement in this paper shows, are well in hand and available for any continconcy, and its con.

servativ, management throufthout its oxisUmcQ gtives war. ront of resources laid up for a "rainy day." Its former President, tho son of ox Govornor Bouck, iE succeeded by Mr. William M. Colo, who has been nn officer since He oriEinstion, and is thoroughly acquainted with oory busi uesB detail. Now open in Black Goods, plain and figured momio cloths, silk and wool damasso, with other new fabrics, raonrninj; suit3, bonnets, in stock or mado Ui ordor at ono day's notice: satisfaction guaranteed.

JOBEI'H O'BnlEN 4 lol to 159 Atlantic av. Special Bargains in Underwear this week at Wechsi.kii Auraham'b. Cluster niKht gowns, trim 7ned with line embroidery, at $1 each. Chemises, rich embroidery. cents and $1.

Fino white ekirts, deep oin broidory, at oach. Lvdia E. riNKHAM's Yecjstabie Compound has done thousands of women more good than tho medicines of nnny doutors. It is a positivo cure for all foni'de complaints. Simd to Mrs.

Lvdia E. PlNKHAM, 2'J'J Western avenuo, Lynn, for pamphfots. Hamrurq Edoinos, Lanocedoo, Breton ToncnoN and other laces. White Goods, French embroidered Ladies' Underwoar, just oponed iu iuunonso varioty ar O'liniES's, 131 to I5. Atlantic av.

Ladies will find a full lino of the genuine O. P. a la in tho onlr.rgod Underwoar Department of WECIISLEIl AuUAnAM. Department. Spring styles of Chf.tonnf.s, just received in sorgo, momio or crepe cloths, raw silks and tapestry; shades, cornices, do cornices, lam broouins and long curtains; la'tle and piano eovors; lace curtain from $1 per pair upward.

Josnrn O'BltlEN 101 to ISO Atlantic av. Ladies are nmazed at the rich display of fine laco trimmed Underwear aud tho low prices at WE0II BLEn Ann a jiam'b. Buv Dr. Bull's Couan Svrup. To be had at all druggists for '25 conts.

It cures. Parties desiring the Sunday left nt their residences can send their addresses to this oilice, and limy will bu Ktvon to tho carrier who Berves tile Uaule iu their distnet. MAKIMEH. COGAN iilSHOP At Liverpool. N.

on Monday. Yn miiirv Hi. lMfl. tho resulenco of in brnlti's aunt, bv tho Re.v. James S.

Root, OUAlir.F.R (JoflAN, of lirooklyn, N. to Mis Kmily JiBTmiit Uihuop, formerly of Urn same placo. ARRAMS On Tueaday morning, 17th of paralysis of tho brain, IflAC Pkucival Aiikamh. RolativHs and friends of the family aio invitod to attend tho funeral from hia late rcHidoncu, 413 Van Buren st, on Thursd'iy morniug, at 11 o'clock. BKAMISII In this city, February 17, 1830, OATHAni.JE U.Msr.fli, aged 2Hyoara.

Tho relatives and friends of tho family are respsctfully invited to attend lier funeral on Friday aFternoon, at two o'clock, from tho St. James P. K. Church (Rev. Dr.

Homer), St. James placo and Lafayotto av. BLAKK Suddenly, on Tuesday ovening, February 17 lean on, wife ot Jainei M. Blake, in the tilth year ot hor "Notice of funeral hereafter. KI.DKR On Ttiosday, February 17, DAKIEL ELDER aged sit yearn, '2 montln, days.

Relative, friends and momheni of tho N. V. Club are reipoctftilly invited to attend the funoral, on ThurKday, I'ebruary 10, at 2 P. from bin lato roBideuco, Vli Pulaski street. OARRKAD On Monday, Fobruary 10, 1880, JOHN AW.v.AD, 73 years and 7 months.

Will be buried from bin lata rosiJoaco, 12T Vnnderbilt av, hwiMyn. on Thurztiny, (nth at '1 o'clock. Tho mom bisr of St. Jeorge1s Society and friends are respectfully invited to uttond. (jILI.KTT At lirooklyn, Tuesday, 17th instant, Qkobqx W.

till.LKTT. S'otice of funeral hereafter. McCORMlCK OnTue.ulay, Fobnmryl7, 1 S1, ANrmniv McCoitMirs, bolovod mm oi the wiiow Ann McCnrmiuk, in the yearof liiG ago. from tho pariah oi Karrykod mon County, I.a;iford. Ireland.

Kelativod and fru nds of tho family aro ronpnctfully invited to attend the funeral from his lato residence Navy street, on Thursday, February Hi, at half past trfn o'clock, P. thence to tho Cemetery of the Holy Cross, Flatbush. McFFKLY In Brooklyn, on Tuesday, tho 17th Instant, Saiiah, wifoof Rornanl Notice of funeral heroafter. Pl.ACE On Monday, Fobruary 10, ItODEiiT S. Place, in the 70th year of his ago.

Relatives nnd friends aro respectfully invted to attend the funanil from his late residence, M'JClasson av, on Thursday, February 19, at o'clock SMITH In lirooklyn. on Tuesday, 17th of bo toning of the brain. K.llA F. Smith. Interment at Greenwood.

Funeral private. WAI.KKROn Tuesday, February 17, after a severe ill. ii'ss, Kmma Walkkk, (he beloved wife of Chariea Walker and oldest daimhter of Samuel and la.ibolla Kuowon, aged Avoirs 11 montlmand 17 days. Knerids and ac'iuniiitnnc. of the family aro respectfully inyitfid to ntUtnrl tbo funoral from her late residence IHa High street, on the IHth instant, at 2 P.

M. The remains will ha to the Cemetery of tho Evorgreons for interment. WARNOCK In Rropklyn, on Fobruary 17, 1R80, Mrs. WAIiNtjCK. widow of tho lato Andrew Warnoek, in the tilth year of her age.

Funeral mil take place fiom her late residence. Ill) Cura Lerlr.nd ht, Tburwday afternoon, at brjf pait '2 ocJock. iTIASIKVlC. IORTITUJE LODGE, NO. 10, F.

AND A. M. Brethren are requested attend the remilar communicatir.n, THURSDAY KVENINlJ NEXT, Febr. uaiy lii. Work, third degree And important bugines members of uitter lodges invited.

By order. A. A Master. u. nocrewiry.

VTASSAU JODGE, NO. 536, K. AND a7m7 XI BretJiren You are hereby summoned to attend tha next regular communication of tho above lodge at tun LOIX.K ROOM, corner Court and Union sts, THURSDAY KVNIN(. February. IM inat at 7i6 D.

M. Buinort of iuiptirtanco will bo brought hoiorH tho lodge. Also act' on amendmont to bylaws. By ordor, THOMAS O. JHWIN.M.

Attest: Thomas ll. Hendricj BON, Secretary. AINO FOUND. OUT "SN )NDA A TERNOON, PEI? JB ruary I'l. In utAnu from HI.

Jamas placu to 8011th Ox tnrdst, f'OOKHTIIOOK containing a sum of nuiin ami a swill kay sixl io(kii ttamua. Tlio flndor ivill Utt HilliuUty fr.wardnd li, luavInK It at (I JyifforU placo. OHT A HMAI.f UI.AeiC LEATHER VAlJjli'rlrntiiltliiifitconHld'ralju'' iiiim of money in Ija on whiah in ttuii tun word "uvil" and tho (iKuros 0lf:" sutiumod to liavo liiuin iokt ill Kt. cornnr ot Henry, or dropped In llis drug store at that locality. Tlin Kuuerounly rewardod ijy (uaylna; IU' tamo at UI.ISS'S druu stow, corner of Sackett and Henry sts.

Cliaiubermaids. Waitresses), tc. ANTED SITUATION AS A OBLaM tmrmsld and waitress in a small nrlvato family, by a rospetitabloyouna'giri; hoscood reference, t'leaeo oaiiao loo frosiaent upmwr, WANTED SITUATION AS HA M' DTlrmaid and waltfe'ss. or la take care of children, by ajouns, Amorloan girl. Call for two days at 320 Facino street.

WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM borranid and waitrena. by a respeotable young girl throo oars' city reference. Cftil at 02 Amity st, second floor, naoK room. ANTED SITUATION A CHAM bermald uttd walcroas, oham bormaid and sewing in a private family, by a respectable soung girl; haflover four years' referenoa from last place. Call tor two daysat i.wa ji ton sc.

MT ANTED SITUATION AS A bormaid and waflress, or aa fteamstross and ohamber maid, by a young girl nofcleng landed; ba, no' objeotion to taking care ot growing children oan cut and fit for growing children will be found willing and obliging; Ploaso cull for two days at 85 Atlantic st. "TANTE "SITUATION AS CHAM bormaid and to tako caro of children, bjf a rcspect. abJujjirl: willing and obliging: no objeotion to go to the country for tho Bummer. Pfeaee call at 83 Amity Bt, be tweon lliokB and Henry. WANTED SITUATION AS A LADY'S maid, or companion, or to teach small ohildren.

by an American young lady; a good homo more desirable than largo. salary. Apply at 09 Cumberland Bt. WANTED SITUATION TO DO CHAM ttwwork and waiting, or housowork, in. a small private fomily, by a respectable girl.

Please call for' two at 107 Putnam av. TSTANTED SITUATION TO DO TfH with washing and ironing, by a girl. PFease call" for two days at 218 Pncitio at, near Court. WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work and waiting, or upstairs work and sew a rospoctablo young girl; best city reference. Call or address i329 Bedford av, corner Quiuoy st.

IurCH and camtrcs.L, ANTED SITUATION AS 11 and seamstroSH, by a respectable girl; good roIor oncoTrom lascpiaoe. jneaso can ior two aayB a lantic av, cor. Elliott placo. "ttXTANED SITUATION TAKE caro of children and do upstairs work, or ohamber." work and wnitinsr, by a respectable young girl. PJoaso call for two days at IDS St.

James place. ANTED SITUATION TAKE caro of childron or do li(jht upstairs work or both if requirod, by a rospoctablo young girl. Pleaso cull at 710 Dean st, bot. Vandorbilt and Undorhill avs ANTED SITUATION TAKE nnrn nf irrnw ntr fhilflrfln. or wmild do rrmiorftl UOUfie work in a nlain famiLv.

by a remiactable younc girl lately landod. Ploaso call at 503 Vauderbilt av. No attention paid to postals. General Housuivora WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework or tako care of children. Apply for two days at 141 Pearl st.

botwoan Sands and Prospeotsts. TANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral hniiRownrfc. bv a vnuntr ffirli cood roforonce can be given. Apply at 133 Plymouth st. W' ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork by a respectable young woman in a cood cook, washer and ironer; has good city reference.

Call for two days atti.7 Lafayctto a v. Wted situati6n to do gen" eral housework, by a respectable colored womnn is a good cook, washer and ironer; haa goud city reference Call for two days at 682 Atlantic av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral houBOivork, by a respectable girl iB a good plain cook, and good washer and ironor has good oily references. Call for two days at 17 4 Smith st. 7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork, by a ronnectablo nrl is a good cook, waalior and ironer; baa good reference.

Pleaso call for two days at 121 Graham st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nrnl hotmoworlf in n. fimnll familv. bv a voune cirl. fan bo soon for two days at 100 St.

James idace, near Ful ton av WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, in a nmall family, by a respectable young girl has good reference. Can he seen for two days, at 35u Classon av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork in a small private family, hy a re spcotablo young woman host oily roferenco given. Please call at 100 WycofT st, fourth lloor. w.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN Hral hoiiRfuvnrk. bv a votmtr cirl is a good cook, washer and ironer; has good city referencos OaTl for two days at 158 Navy st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork in a small family, by a noat, raspoct able young girl has throo yours' reference. Call at prcsont empfoyor's, 472 Clermont av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork, by a good Gorman girl, seven months in the country; good roforonco can ho given.

Apply at S32 Atlantic av. ANTED SITUAON TO DO GEN oral housework or chnmborwork and waiting in a small private family, by a young girl linn good city refer onces; plenso send no postal cards. Ploaso call for two days at Johnson st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork. in a small, private family, by a re spectable girl is willing to mafeo heraelf generally usoful modorate Please call nt 445 Warren st, near Bond, in the basement.

ANTI3D STfUATION TO "DO GEN eral housowork in a small private family, or to do cooking in a larijn family, by a respectablo girl will bo found good, willing and obliging has tho best of city reference. PIobbo call at 381 Hicks at. anted Situation to do gen ornl housowork in a small private family, by a ro Ppectnblo woman is a good pluin cook, washer and ironer has good city reference. Call for two days at 139 Bull or st, one door from Hoyt. lfED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a small privato family, by a young American girl; is a good plain cook and excellent washer and ironor; can give good reference Ploaso call for two days at 1D1 Nassau st, nearBridgo.

WANTED ITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork, in a small, privato family, by a ro fipoctable youni: girl is a good plain cook, nnd a lirst class washer and ironer has tho host of city roforonco. Ploaso call at 17 Cumberland st, between Park and Flushing avs. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN ornl hnimntvnrk in a Rtnr.ll nriviito fnmilv. bv ft ro spoctable girl iw au oxcollpnt washer and ironor and good plain cook nas nvo years reiorenco irom last piaco, wnoro sho can bo seon. Apply at 303 Nostrand av, corner of Putnam; no postal cartls answered ANTED SITO housework, by a young girl, 17 years of ago.

Call at 4(51 Dean st, second lloor. WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT houBawork or to tako caro of growing children city references. Call at 17U Douglass WANTED SITUATION TO DO DIGHT housework or upstairs work in a small family, by a young girl willing and obliging. Call for two days at WO Dean fit, near Carlton av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housowork in a small family, bv a rosnoctable voune girl wages moderate Call or address No.

15L Hudson avenuo. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE general housowork in a small privato family is a good plain cook, washer and ironor; has good city roferenco. Can bo seon for two days at 318 Ilonry st no postal cards nuswored. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE hoiiftnwnrk in a nicn fani'ilv. bv rciinctAhIn vonncr girl is a good cook, washer and ironor; is willing and obliging; can give the host of city roforenco.

Gall tor two days at 102 Atlantic av, first floor. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework in small privato family, by a rospect able girl is willing and obliging. Can be seon for two days at 37G 13ultio st, between Smith and Hoyt; no cards answered. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework, by a respectable young girl is a first class cook, washor and ironor; understands her business thoroughly; is willing and obliging; has city reference; no cards answered. Ploaso call for two days at No.

321 Pacific st. WANTED SITUATIONS ONE TO DO general housowork, and tho othor to do light housework or upstairs work and two respectablo young girls; have good city roforeoce. Ploaso call for two days at 384 Baltic St. betwoen Smith and Hoyt. WANTED srJT STATIONS JTIAI.E.S.

XfiJANTED SITUATION TO LEAKN TV bartonding.byayoting man; has good cityrofor once. Call at or address 420 Degraw st. time in ANTED SITUATION IN A A served his irv. bv a vountr man. vears old hai time in Ireland, and wishes to loarn cake baking.

(Jail at or address 133 Douglass st, WANTED SITUATION AS COACH man, by a colored men married, tobor, honest and obliging; can come well rocommendod with good c.ty roforoncea. Can bo scon at No. 50 Fulton Bt. WANTED PKOtFESSKOrVAr. WANTED TUTOK A COMPETENT tutor for a hoy 10 yours of age references roquirodL Address TUTOR, Box Eagle office.

WANTED PUPILS INSTKUCTION IN music andjFrench ppoken highest testimonials and references to present and formor pupils. Address MUHIG TKACIIl.U, No. 125 Lafayette avonuo, noar South Oxford street. WANTED TENOKS AND BASSES for boy choir nlso ft few boyH with good voices. Address CKOIlt MASTKR, Raglo offico.

WANTED SINGERS SIX X. ladies tosing; good aoprano nnd contralto voices required experience unnecessary. Apply at Park Theatre, between 10 and STANTED SOPHANO A SOPRANO who has boon connected with tho Italian opora for many years, is open for an engagement in a church choir, Episcopal or Catholic a ilne singer and good reader. Brooklyn choir proforied. Address Madame IilUNAHDI.

118 Cambridgo plnco ANTED DItESSMAKING A COIV? potent dressmaker wishes to make engagements with ladies in tho dull season for $1.25 a day; good littor and trimmer misses1 drosses mado in the latest style. Address COMPETENT, Box 10, Kagle office. XT ANTED OOMPAN ION BY AN IN telligent lafty, some position of trust whore sho onn earn a respectable living and have a pleasant home is capable of filling the position of housokeoper, companion, governess or nurse to an invalid. Address S. M.

Kagle ollico. WANTED HOUSEKE I AN American middle aged widow wishes a position us hnusckeopor or at ton dan on r.n invalid, or an occupation whero industry and integrity uro required. Address TRUST, Box 17, Eaglo office. WANTEP IIABIES. WANTED BABY TO WET NUKSE AT homo hy a marriod womnn.

Gall at 538 Herkimer et, near Utica av to ho seen from 1 to 0 P. M. WASHlW, Ktc. "ANTED WASHING BY ARESPEC tahlecirl: wash nr and ironinir: hest of citv rnfor. enco.

Hicks st, at tho baker's no postal cards answorcd. ANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC table woman is a first class laundress best of city roforenco wants work by tho day. Call at 432 BodforJ av. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a rospoctablo woman to go out by tho day, or will tako washing home by the weok. Mrs.

ROBERTS, 179 Clifton place. ANTED WASHING AND IRONING to xro out bv tho day or take fnmi vno i iinir hnmn has good reference. Please call all the week at BHPnoiflo streot. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a respectable young colored womau, to tako homo; oily refe ence if required; work by tho weok or by the dozen. Call at 07 Fleet placo, first floor.

NTED WSlHmYlRST CLASS laundress wishes to take in washing by the month or dozon; fluting done; tho boat of raforenoe. Call or Ad dro.M 481 Warren St. WANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC tnblo young widow, a few families' washing, to go out by the day or take it nt hor own home. Pleaso call at No. 1,702 Fulton st, noar Schonectady av.

ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, to go outby the dny's workjSO cents per day; also, families' washing aono homo conts per dozen; best roforonoos given. 0dl at 1 1 High st, rear, up ataira. by a respect title woman, to go out by tho day washing and Ironing fB a first class laundress understands fluting; has good city references. Please call at No. 350 Clas.

son av. ANTED WASHING, BY A RESPEC tablo woman to go out tho first threo days of tho week, or would take families washing at hor ownhouBo; has good reference, Pioaae ca1 at 274 Atlantic av, between Smith st and Boerum pmco, socond floor, back rooms. ANTED YV by rospoctablo colored woman, to tako to hor home, at 75 cents per dozen, or small family'a washing for $5 or per month; oan giro four year' city roferenco. Call tho week at No. 2 Fair it.

WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a respectable woman, who is a good laundress and understands the work in all its noHahiug; prices reasonnblo; fiaa good cily roforences. Please call for two days at 102 Johnson st. WANTED WORK BY A RESPECT flblo woman, washing, ironing or UouBoeleaning has good city referenoea. QalMor two days at 107 Hoyt st. WANTED WORK A NEAT, INDUS ti ious young woman desires to go nut washing or housoclonniug by tho day.

North Elliott place. WANTED WORK BY A RESPECT nblo woman, washing, ironing or houBodoaning, to go out by tho day. Call fortwo days at 24a Navy at. ANTED WORK TO GO OUT BY the nnv. wnshincr.

ironinc and houfleoloanincr. bv tho. day, or families' wtshtng to do at her ovm house has good city raf aronce. Oall for two llioka Bt. room WANTED WORK BY A YOUNG woman, tho last four days of the wook, ns first elans laundress, or would do any othot work; can jdvo first class roferenco.

Please call at 171 Smith, et. cor. Wyokaft. ANTED WORK BY A COLORED nAirtun tji an mir. hv rl.tfu la a flnif flaa.

UundroM, or would Vto waBhlnj homo: good roforence( roqalrod. ot ulojt at 8W Brida iKi'OIU'AKT TO RUBSCIUBEBS, The Eaolf. v. ill bo sent to all points of (ho United States for $10 per year, or pur month for a Ices period than six months, frco of postage, OUB SUNDAY EDITION. Tho Eaole is now published every day in ho week, Sunday included.

Order yonr currier to leave your address to this oinco. lrtco 3 AdvertisomonH for Sunday Edltiou received at thoolhc. up to 11 o'clock Saturday oveutug. "A SUS131F.B TOUR IS SCOTLAND." Kev. Professor Tliwiug will deliver tt lecture this evening on "A Suramor Tour iu Scotland," at tbo JJuffiold street Reformed Church.

Admission free. BUKXEOBY KEKOSENE. Mro Snnlim Ttlnnlt wiis Rtwtincr it tiro in her aparttuonts, at 220 First streot, E. last evonlng, with kerosouo, when it exploded and buruod hor about the loworoxtromities. Sho was treated by a physician.

SUDDKX DEATH. Guiseppi De Samiue, nu Italian nged 39 years, diod suddenly on Monday night at his residence, 81 Union street. Tho Cotoaor has been notiflod and a pust mortem will be mado. LAFAYETTE AVENUE CH KCII. Mr.

Michael Suow will deliver a lecture in aid of tho Charity fund of tho Lafayctto avenue Presbyterian Church, under tho auspices of lliblo Class number 103, to morrow evening. Tho lecture will ha illustrated with tho stereoptioon. LOCK1TT CO. B01IBE1). Francis Smith, formerly employed by Joseph XiOckttt Co.

iu their pork packing aatablfchiuMut at Ho. 73 Uaytuoud streot, was on Tuesday sent to tho Ponitoutiary for throo mouths by Justleo Courtney for stealing elovon hams from tho Messrs. Loekitt. Tho r.a nn omnlove of establishment. K011EKT EHJIET ASSOCIATION.

The anniversary of the birth of llobcrt Emmet will bo celebrated on Thursday averting. Starch 4, at tho Atheuouin, on Atlantic avenuo, under the auspices of Conipaules A and Alliance Guard. Hou. W. E.

Itoblnsou will prosido, and Counselor 1. J. O'Hanlon will deliver an oration on tho life ami character of tho groat Irish patriot. FliANKLlN (iUABB BALL. Tho twelfth animal ball of the Franklin Guard, Company D.

Fourteenth ltcgimeut, will come oil on Monday evening, February 23, at Armbruster's Gothic Hall. The Cointnltteo of Arrangements consists of Sergeant Thomas G. Smith, Chairman Corporal William J. Clark, Secretary, and Sergeant E. W.

Ciistell, Treasurer. SKItlOL'SLV IX.Jl!UEI. Yesterday, Richard Cornell, of Flushing, while crowing the highway, was kuockod down and run over by a wagon, in which there were two men, one a Mr. McUreery. He was so badly injured as to bo liolploss, aud when Dr.

Lover made an examination, ho found hiB log broken in two places. It is feared that ho is dangerously injured intornally. A HOUSE THIEF SENTENCED. Max Morgan was arrested in Pennsylvania, i. ntftcSrn Knilll, nf Flnsbinp.

for stealing a horse and wagon from Mr. Covert, of Mas peth. yesterday tho Graud Jury of Queous County indicted Morgan, and this morning ho was arraigned, Mirt niagiiiucT trniitv was sentenced to four scars and ais months imprisonment at hard labor. UeXKMT CONCERT. The University Qanrtot, of New York, gave a concert last evening in tho Bedford avenue Reformed Church, for tho benefit of the Heavenward Mission.

'The quartet comprised Miss Jennie DeWitt, soprano; Misa Ida DcWitt, contralto Mr. George II. Heifer, tenor Mr. D. Dnchanan, basso.

Tboy were assisted by Mr. Edward Hatch, xylophone Mr. .1. D. Ferris, organ aud piano; Mr.

It. Ferris, cornet, and Mr. G. Hopkins, humorist. THE CLERMONT VOCAL SOCIETY, At the concert of the Clermont Vocal Society to morrow ovening at tho Rink, the great cornet virtuoso, Mr.

J. Levy, will perform several solos, aud Mrs. Mattlo Ealch will appear in costume recital. Miss Thomasiuo Donithome, Miss Alice Waltz, MissCbvIs tinaG. Edwards, Miss Laura S.

Miss Neliie Nash, Mr. B. S. True, Mr. E.

L. T. L. Doyle and a well trained chorus of tweuty tive voices will be the attractions at the entertainment. FOUNTAIN (il'N CLl'B HOI.

At a moating held at the Long Island Hotel, Fulton street, on Monday evening, by tho members of tho Fountain Gun Club, it was resolved to hold a bop fit Oris' Academy, on Wednesday, March 3, and the following gentlemen wore appointed as a Committee of Arrangements Charles E. Fisk, Chairman Domiuick Byrne, Treasurer Charles V. Wingate and W. F. Edwards, Secretaries; John Hanloy, Hugh Goodwin, John Da Frame, ri.

Betts, m. cioavor. ACCIDENT AT BOCKAWAV BEACH. A carpsnler named George Arnold, aged years, while at work on Monday on the now hotel, at Hockaway Beach, fell down a flight of stairs and fractured his spine, causing a paralysis of the Bystem. He was brought to this city on the evening train, aud rc movod from the Long Island depot to the City Hos.

pital, whore ho lies in a critical conditioa. The uufor tnnato man came from Ohio in January to work at the hotel. VOTJBTEENTH IMENT. In pursuance to General Order No. 2.

tho imcrubors of the Fourteenth Regiment will asscmblo at their armory, iu full dress uniform, for review by the Brigade Commander, on Thursday, March 1, at eight o'clock P. M. The regimont will be reviewed by Colonel James McLeer, commanding Fifth Brigade. A rifle will como off during the evening, after which tho presentation of ninrksmnu's badges, won at Crcedmoor during the season of 1870, will take place. After a dress parade by tho regiment tho ovening will wind up with a graud hop.

SNEAK BOBBERIES. Clothing, valued at was stol.iu on Tues day from tho apartment of Johu Allen, on the fourth of No. 131 Fulton Btreot. Load pipe, valued at $2, was stolen during the rast few days from tho unoccupied house No. 277 Lincoln placo.

rpanters' tools, valued at S3, were stolen on Monday from tho new unfinished building Eighteenth street, between Sovonth and Eighth avenues. lYILMAHSIIOflll BENEVOLENT SOCIETV. The Williamsburgli Benevolent Society will a grand charity ball, in Turn Hall, til and 73 Meserolo street, Friday evening next. The officers of tho society are, H. E.

F. Volgt. President; W. Diehl, Vice President A. Dietrich, Recording Secretary; L.

Wagner, Corresponding Secretary: II. G. syerl, Treasurer, aud W. Klein, Sergeant at Arms. The seventh annual report of the society rendered on the l.t of Jan nary, showB au expenditure for rehef during the past vear of about seventeen hundred dollars.

PROSECUTING LHJCOH DEALERS. In addition to tho charges now ponding, made against the liquor dealers of New Lots, before the Excise Coinmijaiouers, by the ministers of that town, civil suits have boon commenced in the Supreme Court' by Mr. Mundy, tho ministers' counssl. The Excise Commisai'niers, without their consent, havo been mado plaintiffs in these suits. At a moiling of tho Commissioners, held ou Monday jlitfht, it was resolved that Hie secretary be ordered to notify Counselor Mundy tint the Board had granted him all the adjournments they consistently could, and that unless ho appeared on the evonlng of the 2olh iust.

to go ou with the cases they would bo dismissed. A TRANSACTION IN FURNITURE. Benpimin II. juton, of Flushing, puv chased furniture on the installment plan from a New York dealer named Magrath, to tho amount of $217. IVhon ho had paid $130.

he made up his mind n'jt to pay any more, and to Magrath's demands replied that he had the judge aud the Khoriff on his side, aud if Mograth attempted to remove the furniture, he would toe arrested for burglary. Magrath got Judgment Bouton, and oxecutiou was issuod to the Sheriff. Deputy Honco made the levy, and Benton locking all tho doora on bis departure, said ho would shoot tho first man who entered to remove the property. Hauco aud a pawl of laborers were Boon on hand, and Benton, patting his head out a window, shouted to them to keep out of range of his gun. Hancu forced tho doors opon, and speedily emptiod tho huuso of its contents.


Perry Post No. of the Grand Army of the Itcpnblic gave a dramatic and literary butalnmentforcliaritablopurposes.last evening, in'Ued lord Hall, at Tompkins avenue aud Fulton street, and there was a grand rally of its frleudfl on the occasion, tho cozy little placo being full to ropletiou. The general managers of the evening were Comrades Imiay, Keelor, Henderson, Shaw and Lockwood, and they wero ably assisted by other members of the Post. Tho performance opened with an overture, by No lan'a orchostra, which was followed by the recitation of a fanny little selection, "Sin's Little by a pretty maiden, Jiiss Florence Auld, who was recalled, and rendered Edgar Allan Too '6 poem, Tho Iiolls," In decidedly creditable manner. After this, Miss Allio A.

Harnett sang sweetly, "Johnny's 80 and Iu response to an encore, tho patrlotio air, "Flag of the Free." The second part of the programme consisted of the ps. formance of T. W. Robertson's original comedy of "Caste," In throo acts, under tho direction of William II, Friday, tho performers hclug from the Long Island Dramatic Association, Mr. Andrew Chamberlain was the Hon.

George d'Alroy, of tho comedy Old Eccles was portrayed by Mr. William H. Friday Sam. Gorridge, by Mr. CJoorgo E.

Hogg; tho Marquis do St. Maur, by Miss Kate Hunter, and Old Eccles daughters, Polly and Esther, by Ml Kato Earlo and Mrs. I. B. Ilonauld, respectively.

Tho scenery wns all that could be expected in a hall of the kind, while the several parU were filled in a manner that gave tun moat complete satisfaction. Miss Eario, Mr. Hogg and Mr. Friday, who had the fuuuy rolet, were repeatedly applauded, and their acting wan certainly enjoyable, Between the. first and Booond acts, Mrs.

Ella M. I'ash ley Bang the solo, "Queen of the Sea," and "Over the Waters I'll Wait Love for Thee." The alfair waB a fiuau clal success. Tho New York Produce Exchange is to ba 1ned on February 23, It bofng a legal holiday, WasU lujKton' LlrlWay ooourriug on Sunday this year. ALBANY. TJ Russell Bill Meets Witli What tlie Opposing Faction Objects to and TVuat the Cities Committee Begins to See Is Absurd Smyth Appear Before the Senafe ilepbnrii's Sad Expc.ieuces.

Lofcal Affairs of Some Interest. Special Coi respondouoo of the Eagle: Albany, Fobruary 17. The JtuBselTEll' has met with a check. Its riciide and advocates were pleased beyond measure at the progress they w3ro making, and promised tUem eolveB that by tho first' of March it would bo in tho Sen ate. It was to have been reported from tho Committee last weok, bnt other partloo wanting to bo heard upon if sent to Mr, Tallmadgo to procure a postponement until to day, when, according to their beliof, it was ready to come out.

But sinoo then, It has boon mado apparent to the members of tho Committoe that Mr. Silas B. Butcher and a host of other Republicans of his way of thinking are "teotolally" opposed to tho appointing powor as proposed in tho bill. Tho idea of making tho President of tho Board of Police and Excise ono of tho powers to appoiDt a successor to himself, Is most un satisfactory to this class of Re publicans and thoy have mado tiro Committee see its absurdity sufficiently at loaBt to hesitate about reporting it, until thoy get more light upon tt. Hence' It is safe to say, sinco most of the.

Republicans aro busy about tbo coming State Convontlon, that it will recolvo uo consideration uutil week after next. Possibly in tho end it will not affect tho end sought, to turn out tho Democrats but the faction of the Republican party of Kings that expected to benent by it, however, will not havo so full sway as is mipposod. Indeed, they And that in arranging matters with Worth, as it is reported hore has beon done, tho ond of their troubles has not bcon reached by any means, and that tho opposition is as groat as it over was. Indeed, the opposition they meet with, coming, as it does, from SllaB B. Dutchor, is far more formidable than any that could bo offered by Worth.

Senator Souroeder is positivo and frank in his assertions that tho Auditor shall not bo inserted as ono of the appointing power. Now that it is poasiblo that tho President of Polico aud Excise may be strickon out of tho bill, a new proposition is made, and that is, that the appointing powor shall consist of tho Mayor and Controller, and if the two shall uot agree within ten dayB, then tho Controller shall proceed to appoint. It Is difficult to porciovo what oompromlse there is in this. It fcsaid here that tho Controller really means Jourcfao, and tho faction of the Republican party which opposes the Daggett Schroedcr Jourdan ring would gain noth ing by acceding to such a proposal. What power this faction now opposlug tho Russell bill seeks to substitute for that proposed in tho bill, has uot yet beon mado known, but it Is supposed, that it will c.

first, at least, propose to substitute the Auditor for the President of Police ond Excise. Tho present fight becomes as interesting to Democrats as it can oxpocted to be since thoy aro to suffer iu the end, no matter which faction ovoutually triumphs. A flutter was created this morning by a message from tho Governor nominating Smyth to be hlsoivn succosBor as Suporlntandont of Insurance. As tho rules now stand it requires sovouteen to confirm, and from present appearancos thero are not suviwtecii who cau be per. suaded to roto for his confirmation.

Indeed I have been told that thoso aro sixteen who aro persistent in their intention to vote against him, whilo thero aro said to be throe or four moro who are moro inclinod to vote against than for him. However, tho game lain tho hands of the friends of Smyth. If tho gentlemen comprising tho Insurauco Committoo, to whom the nomination is refe rred, find that ho cannot be confirmed they can hold his name in their committee until tho adjournment of the Legislature and thon he will hold over until noxt year at all events. Whether ho bo confirmed or not he will bold hla place. The only value of Sonate action is in either tho iudorso ment or condemnation he will rocoivo from the Honuto with it3 effect upon the people of tho State.

Just at thia time, when Albany iB engaged in a gigantic kick against his local it Is at least characteristic of tho machino and machine methods to send his uame in to tho Senate. No; ouo at loaBt cau say that Conk ling, Cornell and Smyth play a timid hand in tho game of politics. HEPBURN'S TROUBLES. Tho loading candidate for the offico of Superintendent of Banks has beon A. Barton Hepburn, of St.

Lawrence County. Hepburn has been for four years a membor of Assembly. Ho was Chairman of tho Special Committee on Railroads, which hold its sessions duvlng tho Summer and Fall. Ho was a candidate before tho Republican Convention, last Fall, for Secretary of State, and under promises of aid brought his delegation over to Cornell, against tho earnest advico of Vice President Wheeler. Undor tho ploa that tho Boldlor demand for that office was too urgent to bs disregarded, ho wob set a3ido for General Carr.

It was when this had been detormined upon aud tho delegates thus sold out went whining about the wrong dono them by tho machino, that the Vice President comforted them by saying, "Yob, gentlemon, tho machino always slaughters Its captives." The machine, however, applied salve to the wounds of Hepburu, by holding out to him tho Superintendent of Banks, but they demanded that ho should send a Grant delegation from 8t. Lawrouco to the Utica Convention. Unfortuuatoly for his aspirations, tho St. Lawronce men would uot bo captured twice, so thoy llBteiied not to tho voico of the charnior, but to that of General Merrltt, the Collector of tho Port of Now York, and tho result is that St. sends a Sherman delegation.

Wheroupon, down falls tho chanco of Hepburn's success. He, however, is buoyed up with the half promlso that if Lyndo, tho St. Lawronce Senator, will voto for Smyth's confirmation, ho may got through. But Lyndo has said if ho did so, he would oxpect to bo tarred and featherod whon he wont homo. EAST SIDE LANDS.

Sonato. Murlha wontboforo tho Assembly Committoo on Cities to advocate a favorable" report upou Newman's bill providing for a sale of tho East Sido Park lands. Ho said that in his opinion it was timo that theso lands wore sold tho bonds issued for tho purchase of tho laudB, now Prospect Park, amounted to and this amount could be reduced greatly by the S3le of tbo East Sido lauds, and interest upon tho amount bo reducod woidd ceaso. Mi'. Varnum, chairman of tho comtnittco, wanted to know if tho Park Commlasionora did uot now have tho power to sell without further legislation, and Senator Murtha, iu reply, said that they could uot soil without tho consont of tho Common Council.

But, said ho, tho Commissioners do not want to sell. Ho urged that the bill bo printed so that it might bo circulated. Thon an opinion of tho measuro could bo obtained from tho people of Brooklyn. Mr. Wren hore interfered with the remark that he thought tho bill Bhould bo printed, but that his oonatit uonts wero to the bill, Newman ropliod sharply that ths residents of ths Sixteenth Ward had nothing to with the affair, aa tba property of that soo tion of tho city w.n not taxed for tho paymont of either the principal or interest of the Park bonds.

Tho bill was laid over. Mr. Newman was asked by your correspondent this morning if he had road tho Interview with Strana hau, in roforonco to tho salo of tho East Sido lands, published in tho Eaqle. Mr. Newman replied that he had, and that Mr.

Stranahan was wrong in hla assertion that tho bill omanatod from any old opposition to tho Park Commiaslonors. Tho bill was prepared in compliance with an almost unanimous sentiment of tho property oivuors living and owning property in his district. Mr. Strauahan was also inaocurate, ho said, in saying that this bill reltoves tho property ownors from assessments for park benefits. On ths contrary it provided that tho original owners, ou repurchasing tho lands formerly owned by them, should dlschargo all HenB that may havo beon laid against such property, at tho timo of tho salo.

Tho bill provided, he continued, for the paymouts of all assessments for benefits that may bo against tho property at tho timo of salo, but tho trouble was that tho payment docs not fiud its way into Mr. Rtrauahan's Park Commission. Tho statement that tho Park Commissioners merely havo control of the sale and of tho oxpenso3 of the sale aud tho C03t of improving tho property was in his mind tho Becret of tho opposition of tho Commissioners to letting It pass out of their hands. Tho proposition to restrict the property to first class Improvements reads vory well on papor, and so did Bhe Sackott streot Boulevard, at tho timo of its construction, but the system at work Bivamped nearly ovory property holder in tho 08603a ment district. NOTES.

Mr. Itussoll has iutroduced a bill ameuding tho Excise law. It is a bill drafted by Mr. Oliver Cottor, and resembles iu its provisions tho bill iutroduced by Mr. Shorldan.

Mr, Sheridan urged a favoroblo report upon his bill abollshiug prison labor boforo tho States Prison Committee. Ho called the attention of the committee to tho fact that the trades unions of the Stato had held meetings favoring this bill. Ho was supported in his views by Mr. Wren. After Sonator Sohroedor had oxplalned that his bill consolidating tho various finance departments with tho Controllor's dopartrnont, offeotod a saving of $30,000 a year and did noi loglsiato auybody out of office, tho Sonate Cities Committoo reported tho bill favorably.

Seacoal. LEWIS KING'S FUNERAL, A Solemn Scene In the Episcopal Cuurcli at Jamaica. Lewis King, the suicide, was buried iu the plot belonging to hia fathor, in the cemotery at tho rear of tho Episcopal Church in Jamaica, yo6torday afternoon. At four o'clock the church boll tolled, aud tho cortege started from tho mauslon whorolu died Ruf ns King, the statesman, and Johu King, ex Governor of this State. Only the immediate mombers and relatives 6f the family wero present at the house, ond there were no flower, nor any attempt at display of any kind.

The remains roposed in a cloth covered, chestnut oas ket, with oxidized trimmings. Ths oiidlzed plate on the lid" bore the date of his birth, September 0, 1818, and of his death, Fobruary la, 1830. Tho remainB woro borne from the house to ohnrch by bIx mechanics of tho village. Thp Rev, Mr, Smith read tho burial service of tho EplBOopM Ohuroh, tho note at tho head of. which, said, that the eorvioe should not bo read over unbaptizod or excommunicated porsonB, nor thoBe lay ing violent hands upon thomaelves.

The Rev. Mr. Smith oxplalnod that tho inhibition did not apply to, this oaso, ae the vordlot of tho Coroner's. Jury was that the deceased was Insane at the time of infllctlugtha Injury wuioh caused his death. Tho number of village poople nt tho funeral was astohlBbingly small, a for larger number being In ttendanO from this city and Now York.

Adetaohmont frpin Company Bevontb. Voglmont N. Y. S. of wltiolv tho deceased was a.

corporal, was in attendance. Tho distinguished aucetry of tho deceased mo all burled In the midst of oorteuon pcoplo southwest ot the oliurcu, nd near, the highway." Simple slabs of Vermont marble, simply tnsoribed, denote their tombs. Thaplot where Iwis King la. burled Is inclosod by chalua rnnuin through posts of white marble. In tut tTiV Bjtnti oi t)K yepr eW toW ft voi oi ploring the route and considering tlio foaslbiiiV of western canal.

In 1801' he was cimander of the" cavalry of the State, with vio rank of general, and in 1812, Iff command of thNo York militia, ho assaulted and took. Queeustown, Caftada, but was ultimately dofe tcd by tho refural of tho mllliui to go out of tho State, and rcsfgticd hU command. Ho was associated with Do Witt Clinton in the Erlo Canal onterprlse, and from 181C to bis death "was one of tho Board of Commissioners, and for fifteen years its president. Ho was again a mamfw'r "of "tho glsla turo, In 1810, asd' in 1819 was elected a of the University, and subsequently its Chancellor. In 1820 ho was Prcsfderrt of the Agricultural Board 'of fhcSIato, and lu 1821 a mo of tho Constitutional Convention.

In 1821 he established' a scientific school af Trdy, largely maintaining it by oontrlbutions from bis own wealth. In 1820 it was incorporated as tho Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He was a membor of Congress from 1822 to 1829, and hiB voto tsourod the election of JoLn (Julncy Adams as President. Tbo bond of union between tho two distinguished families of King and Van Rensselaer is very etrdng. Tho amili03 married and intermarried until it car6 to be regardod as a most uncommon thing for a scion of either bouse to form an alliance with strange blood, or outside of the established degrees of consanguinity.

GREAT MEN. Lecture Before tbe V. M. C. A.

by general It JTudHon. General R. W. Judsou lectured hist evening in tho ball of the Young Men's Christian Association, corner of Fulton street aud Gallatin placo, on "Tho Groat Characters in American History." Tho lecturo was under the auspicoa ot the association. There was fair audienco.

Mr. C. H. Dillingham introduced General Judaon, viho spoko substantially as follows Men who enjoy the blessings to day of this free and eulightoued country have too soon forgotten tho mighty deeds of their forefathers. The memories of the early statesmen of the country, said tbe lecturer, would be cherished to tho end and their glorious example would never bo forgotten.

That man was little to ba envied whoso heart did not grow warm and tender with tho memories of Lexington and Concord, Valley i'orge and Washington. These momoric Bhouid bo chorlfihed as tho richest legacies of tho nation. One of the most notod men of olden times was Stephen Hopkins. lie improved his neglected education by diligently applying himself to study, and he held oftlces from that of justice of the peace to Justice of the Supremo Court. IIo wa3 a moinber of Congress and Governor of his Stato beside holding many other important pool lions, and ho early espoused the cause of the patriots.

Ho was competert, faithful and patriotic. Ai ioug the fifty six men who signed the Declaration of Independence Stephen Hopkins alone wrote his in a trombJing hand, not through fear but because of physical weakness. He held oflice for 72 years. In signing the Immortal document his spirit was indeed willing but hia fioah was wik. Tho lecturer next spoke of ROGER SHERMAN, the most noted man of hia time in Connecticut He was born in Massachusetts, Ho waa a shoemaker at the age of 25, and a nation maker at tho age of 55.

He early set out in the plain oath of duty aud integrity, and in spite of poverty and want of education he attained the topmost round In ths ladder of fame. Ho spont every moment of his leisure time in studying useful books. Beside Biguing the declaration of Independence ho was ono of its originators, and he spout nineteen years In Congress. Ho was a plain man of few words, but of mauy good deeds. It had been said of him that he nover uttered a foolish word in all bia life, A noted Senator said of him that he had moro sense than any other man he over know.

When Mr. Sherman was iu a uistubjr who hailed from Virgiuia and who had in him Indian blood, became excited at eonio of Mr, Sherman's utterances, and twitting him with being a mechanic end a shoemaker, and asked what ho had done with his leather apron. Mr. Sherman answerod "I will tell you I mado from it moccasins for the descendant. of Pocahouta6." Judge Shermau, said tho lecturer, was a faithful and patient Chrifltiau gentleman.

IIo continued to perforin hia duty until the day of his death. Tho next character considered wa3 GENERAL ISRAEL PUTNAM, who the lecturer said was the romantic pannage of the Revolution. He was always bellicose. 'Wbother mounted on a captured cannon, with a flag in one hand and a bottlo of whisky in the othor, or In times of peace, we recognized him as tho same "old Put." He was over 67 years of ago when the Revolution broke out. He was a plain common souse farmer, and was plowing with his team of oxen when a measonger rode up on a fonm iug charger and cried out to hiin "War has commenced." Putnam responding, left hia oxen In tho field, and saddling his horse rode in haste to Cambridge, a distance of eighty eight miles forgetting even to perform tho duty of bidding his wife goodby.

Washing ton, having mado out a Major Goneral'B commission for a number of officers, had tho good senso to only deliver Putnam's. Tho word fear did not exist in Putuam'a lexicon. When a young farmer he had a desporate encounter with a wolf. The lecturer related several other woll known instances of Pntnam's bravery and darinc, and said that ho wan tho first to advance and tbo last to retreat in battle. Liko Murat, ho never took notice of opposition.

When he was in tho mountains an English oliicer was arrested as a spy aud Sir Honry Ciiuton sent a messenger with a flag of truco demanding his release. Putnam sent back tha following lucBGago: "This man was captured as a spy, tried as a spy, convicted as a spy and will be hung as a spy. P. S. Ho is hung." Loud applause.

When Putnam was challenged by an English oiVicer to fight a duel, Ue sent word that It should take 2.Jco in Lis quarters. When tho ofllcer arrived ho found Putnam seated in a chair beside a powder barrel, and ttie ofllcer was requested to tako a chair on the other side. Putnam then quietly lighted a fuso with his pipe. All went on quietly the fuse began to sputter and his3, when the British Colonel jumped from his seat and ran off, Putnam shouting aftor a coward, there's nothing in that barrel but onion seed." Laughter. Putnam was full of strategy.

To illustrate this tho lecturor related tho story of tho English officer who was wounded and takon captive by tho General, and who wished to send for another British ofticor to draw up hiB will. Putnam finally consented to this if tho ofiicor came In tho night, as ho had but small force and did not wish tho British to know his feoble aupport. Accordingly, he caused aJJ tho dwellings in Princeton to bo lighted up and ordered all the troops out with their drums. Afterward the British officer reported that Putnam had at least 5,000 troops at his command. The army, said tho ppeaker, was onco greatly oxcitcd over the appearance of a woman spy, who for a long whilo eluded capture, but who waa nt last pounced upon by Putnam, who liftod her up on his horse and started for Washington's headquarters.

Washington looking out could not refrain from laughing at the spectacle, the woman's garments streaming in the wind. This i3 tho only record of Washington laughing during tho war. General Putnam died at tho age of 62, and on his tombstone is tbo following inscription "Hero lies General Israel Putnam, a man who dared to lead where any dared to follow." Tho next character treated of by tho lecturer waa THOMAS JEFFERSON, the acknowledged peer of any Nineteenth Centurymau. Ho possessed a powerful brain and a vigorous pen. lie it was who gave the idea of independence.

How providential it was that Washington succeeded Veraon, tho pen giving place to tho sword. Hence these two characters, the writer and tho lighter, stand in American history aide by side. Washington performed with the sword what JotVersou conceived with the pen. Jefferson waB 32 years of age whon he drew up that immortal document, the Declaration of Independence. It was the most wonderful document ever given to the world.

It has produced coueequeuees greater than any othor paper overwritten by man. The honor of having written it belonged to and ho kept the original till tho timo of his death. After having occupied many important porsitions iio departed thin )tfe On the tho 4tU of July, 1820. His thoughts wero Ktill turned upon his native country for which he had boruo bo much love. Stretching his withered right hand, which had dono so much glorious work, he said llLet nothiug bo written on.

my tomb but this "Here Ho3 Thomas JefTorrfon, tho author of the Dec'arntiou of Independence and the frieud of religious liberty." And then that glorious Bplrit left its teuomeut of clay. On the same day John Adam i died. Thoso two friends who were united in life wore not separated in death. At that time (1750) when the financial credit or tho country va at a very low ebb, wheu tho time of many soldiors was nearly exhausted when treason raised its Mimy head, and when the stoutest hearts bean to fade Washington planned the storming of Stony Point. This was a rocky, almost impenetrable fortress, defended by strong garrison.

A council of war was hold, and in ono corner of tho room sat a medium sized man who took no part in tho proceedings, save to sanction everything that related to immediate action. asked this man Can you storm Stony Poiut and the answer was: 11 General Washington, you plan it and I'll Btorm I This was MAD ANTHONY WAINE. Ho selected a dark night, aud chose picked men for tho purpose. The speaker gavo a description of the storming aud proceeded: Wayno never said "tfo'it was always "como." Tow advanced the cause of liberty moro than tho man wo aro about to name, Robert Morris, tho great ttimncier of tho American Kevolutiou. The want of money caused the colonies uo small amount of trouble.

Morris cnterod Congress iu 177j, and took an active part In tho financial councils of tho nation, Thero was a great want of lead for the army. Morrla gavo fifty tons of this. It waa desired to give Boldlers a bounty of each to keep them from leaving the service as their terms expired, and Morris was written to. Ho was perploxed and distressed, but, meeting a rich Quaker, ho said, "Washington wants flO.UOO; you inuBt loan it to him." Tho Quaker replied, "Whatse curity can thoo give?" "My noto aud my honor." "Theo shall havo it," said the Quakor. Who shall say, asked tho lecturor, that Morris did not furnish tho eluowa of war? He furnished monoy aud provisions to close uu tho war at the last battle of Vorktown.

It was a singular but true fact that the credit of Morris was. greater man iuui ui ijUUKiuan i ncii, iioYc. iii i. omu waB the ingratitude of tho public that ho died In absolute want, after having suffered imprisonment for debt in Philadelphia. Charles Carroll, said tho lecturer, was born with a silver Bpoon in hla mouth.

Ho was sent to Franco at tho age of 8 to gain au education, and he romaiued thero olghteou years. So long residenco abroad, however, did not Imbuo him with a taste for tyrannical oppression. At tho timo the Declaration was slguod, Charles Carroll was tho richest man in the colonies. As an instance of his dovotion to tho patriotic cause, the lecturer roclted an anecdote of the signing of the Declaration. When Carroll was told that if tho cause failed his property would bo confiscated by tho British Government, if it could determine which Charles Carroll it was thnt signod, he boldly wroto after his "of Carrolltou." On tho 4th of July, 1828, at tho age of 91 years, ho laid the cornorstoue of the great Baltimore nnd Ohio Railway.

Iu tho Autumn of 1832 ho died, at tho age of l3 years. Washington, continued tho lecturor, said of ETHAN ALLEN that thoro was something about this Greou Mountain boy that he could not understand, but greatly admired. After relating several anecdotes about Alleu General Judfion told of his doincj tie troubles. His first wifo did not lavish much affection upon him. She waa tall and thin, with Roman nose aud auburn hair, and a decided weakness for tea.

Allen loved her boiub. Laughter. On ouo of his nocturnal visits to his BpouB hia noldiora conccivod the idea, which they put iutooffoct, of surprising aud endeavoring, to frighten lilm by personating ghosts. Allou acknowledged that ho was cornered, and said, "If men. I fear, you not; if angels, you come from tho laud to which I ought to go, and ifdovlls como down to the hoii3o, and I'll introduce you sister I married her." Laughter.l Tho lecturer fxt.

coutddorod, Benedict Axnold, and gavo a glorioua tribute to bis patrlotio ondevors, while at tho same timo deprecating his treachery. At one time tho country raug with his famo, but ho foil Uko Lucifer, Tha lecture was concluded with a beautiful apoHtropho to tiw American flag, which hung at thn roar of tho platform, and tributes to tho moaaorica of Patrick Henry, of Virginia; Bonjamln, of Philadelphia; Johi i Phu Jones, of naval ronown, the Ho v. Jacob Duchet D. Lane don and' John Withorspoon, and ha also the memory of Itobfceca Mott, Margaret Ai'tnntmno nnd Mnllln PltftVinr. The Ieoturo was listened to with, great attention, and Gonwol judsou wob rewarded: at tho ond with loud applause.

FIUK IS SUMMIT STKKKT. A firo occurred on Monday afternoon ii the second band furniture "atore of Uuy White, No. 63 Summit street, caused as supposed by the oarelesa haudUug of a.UgUtod pipe by Utt? son, 'Gcorgo WhU( who was lu bed at tho tlniOj. and who wiu. slightly burned about tlio hands mid, tody.

Tho flames wore promptly extinguished ly Gfticec Khattlgah, of the Third Precinct, and a meruit of. Engine Company No. 2, bo fora thev had done mov than $50 daoiWio tg tho Stoca Excliaufro Sales First Board NEW Yon. Fobruary 1 100 A II ILbc 1 70l) do 1 1500 LS A b3 1 laalo IKK) 6s 25UIW 4s of 1907 c.bS hiJXO ao 5001)0 US 4b ot 1907 1)3 10OO00US4WS of 1891c. 15(H) Ala Clasa A 5000 do 25(10 La 7a con sJ 2OU0 Mo 6a lyfti be Um Bus Hart 4 1st.

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lss.oxtoo, Ed mpnd McLoughlin to PatrictfOp 1 1.Q0C Xllcu wife of James Campbell to Edward Kcnna 'i "Wvckoltst.sws, 301.2 ftfuwof A ri ft Edward Kcnna to Edward Kqnna 70t Orchard st, or Union av, I 43S 4 ft. ftfOklvnr 1 5.M7 8, SO It OI W3IW, oy, u. uy, 1DO ft of Union av, 50x100; Union av, BU tt oaf India foreclosure; Gerard M. St; von to the Manhattan Life Insurance. Company; morta 00,000 Greenpoint av.

wor Provost st; roleaae' morti Oustaviis 11. aohnsidor, Phila to Jojophmo wifo of Conrad Hose, vt itiiV" JetferaonM.n 100 ft of IRahjh av, 2543ICA 13.2x31.1), to Putnam nv, xaSUx OO, TlVilham Mur, ray to Krwin Davis. North Eighth ot, 75 ft, fi eotVit at; aaxTO, hil. WUliam St aeoree.tb JohnF toaoho; mort. 'ltoiU to bt).

fti Oltev IWU ft of Wo Jl'aflA 1 22.10xlS5. 4, hil, Edward Reuna to (V Ws 1 din? and furnit wt Jiui a JWr.

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