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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i. VT. "rM fr FtTRNISHEB ROOMS. ATM jDYalaa af3 WiANTIiD BOOMS FURNISHED A vonnar man wishes room and. bedroom: tirst floor.

OARD 269 ADAMS ST NICELY FUR nlshed rooms, large and small terms moderate. IANTED tONE OR TWO SAIiESIjA dies in art needlework and embroidery materials. WANTED, SITUATION TO LBABN the butcher business, by a resneotablo younor man. aged 18. AddreBS BUTCHER, Eagle omefl.

ANTED SITUATION IN NEW York. In wholesale erocerr or lianor business ure erred, by a young man of 21 beat of reference. Address pt agiBomc9. ANTED SITU ATION AS A FIRST class coachman, bv a colored man. who understands hiB business reference from last place, Please call or ad areBd lor two aays, vol waveny av.

snrr ANTED SITUATION AS a JANI fjir. nt fnrnaoo oarod for in "Winter: reference oan be obtained from J. KODGKR, carpenter shop corner of South Portland and Lafayette avi. ANTED SITUATION A YOUNG rnun oimliflfMi in all branches of clothinn and tailor ing is opunfor an engagement understands the buying and Belling, manufacturing, examining, cutting, designing ot garments, the managing of help, Ac. Address CUTTEK, Eagle office.

WAN'ffED WASHINfi. C. ANTED WASHING TO TAKE home or iro out bv the dav. bv a reaneobable colored woman. Plena a call all the week at .1 Dean st, near Boer um place first lloor.

back room. 7 ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, bv a rAflnftcfable woman can stn out the first narfc of every wpo; ban pood reference. Please call at 43 Prince at. Mrs. CONKLIN.

ANTED WASHING A LADY, AS first claeg laundress. wlBhes an emrazemenb to so out by tho day. or would do family washing at her own house; bast of city references. Call at No. 723 Oatea av.

ANTED WASHING A GOODLAUN dreas wishes familv or eentlemen's washinsr at her own home, or to pro nut by the day; good city reference; Sood place for bleaching or drying. 433 Haisey st, top oor, buck room. K7ANTED WORK BY A WOMAN. TO ft go out to wash and iron or do house work, by tho day. Call for two days at 554 Court st, in the store, ANTED BY AN AMERICAN woman in first class families, house cleanina bv the day.

Kaplo office. ANTED WORK BY A SMART American woman, work bv tho day. wahins: or houseoleaning, or washing to take home; boat city refer ences. Mrs. ti.

loo aoum roruana av. U'AIVTjEO SETTIiVO. ANTED SEWING ALL KINDS OF fain lilv Knnfincr. bv the dav or week. Call evenings or address Mra.

Hudson av. WA2VTED PBOFESSIOHAIi. ANTED EVENING EMPLOYMENT, br a Toanir man of 20: cent's furnishing Dreferrod. Address 'ixair, iagie omoe. WANTED TAILORING BY A RE sneotable woman to work for a tailo bushelinflr.

etc. Call or address 494 Atlantic av, cigar store. ANTED TEACHER FIRST CLASS niano teacher: must be a sentleman. Address Box CagIo office, ANTED PUPILS FOR THE PIANO, bv a youne lady; bezinners a soecialty: terms So to $10 a quarter. Address 213 Washington av.

WANTED DRESSMAKING A COM potent dressmaker wonld like a few more engagements to go out by the day. Call or address No. 367 Lewis avenue. ANTED DRESS A I A first clans dressmaker, the work of nrivate families by the day: can furnish ten years reference. Address W.

K.t Eagle office. ANTED COMPANION A LADY a few houra eacb, week day; will ooma on trial. Address READER, Eagle ottioo, ANTED HO USEKEEPING A LADY would like a noHitinn as honsekeener In a refined familv: children no obieotinn: can irivo beat of references. AddresB A. B.

Eagle office. ANTED PUPILS TO LEARN Daintine in oil or water color, on satin clash. etc. flower painting taught from nature; leBSons given in crayon landscapes: terms liberal. 300 Dean st.

WANTED TEACHER TO INSTRUCT a boy of 11 years a few hours daily; is backward in his studies. Address, stating terms and experience. Post Office Box 3,282, New York. ANTED PUPILS A LADY HAVING atiiriinri nnflpr nminnnt, mantflm abroad winbni4 nil. pits rocal music; highest references.

Address 1TALI AJVA, Eoglo office. WANTED AMATEURS YOUNG MAN of some experience for first class company: no as sessments; professional coach. Address H. Eagle office. ANTED DRESSMAKING AN EX nerinnced dresimaker.

verv cood cutter and fitter. wishes to take more work at the houBe; work quickly done and low prices. T. Bergen at, near Flatbnah av. WANTED PUPILS ON PI A A teacher of long experience would Iffce to give piano lessons in a school during morning houra.

Reference to patrons given on application to Miss fiagle offico. ANTED PUPILS MISS G. F. HA VENS will resume her instruction on Diano and organ MONDAY. September 29.

For terms and hours address 168 Sands st, or care of F. H. CHANDLER, 172 Montague st. WANTED DRESSMAKING A COM potent dressmaker would like a few more engagements by tbe day or week: good fitter and stylish draper; terms reasonable. Addreas COMPETENT DRESSMAKER, Box 23, Eagle office WANTED DRESSMAKING A DRESS maker, of long experience, desires some engagements by the day; perfect fitting and the most recherche Btyies; good references, Address DRESSMAKER.

384 faeventeenth st. AJ ANTED COMPANION BY A LADY Sly? of experience, a position as companion with a family oomt em plating a Winter residence in Florida; unox ceptjonnhle references tfiven terms very moderate. Ad dreaa W. B. Eagle office.

ANTED PUPILS PJROFESSOB RO ATN has inKt returned from France private lessons; evening classes; thorough instruction in French. Address for circular to 250 Bridge Bt. The Fro fiEBor writeB in some weekly Parisian papers. ANTED DRESSMAKING BY COM petent lady, a few more engagements to go out by terms reasonable. Call at or address one week, Mrs, or weeK lo uu uiiin arewmaiune or uihiq huwiiik HALLEY, 78 Eleventh st, E.

D. ANTED DRESSMAKING A DRESS maker will make a few more enpatrements to so out by the day for October; experienced cutter and fitter, Taylor's eystem draping and designing a specialty; all work guaranteed; references. Miss LESLIE, Pcsb Office. AN TED PUPILS IN VOOAL CUL ture: a vounc ladv after six Years' Btudy in Milan. Italy, under the instruction of leading masters Marietta, Gazzaniga, Professor Albites and others.

Pure Italian method. Particular attention to beginners in the training of the voice. Address VOCAL MUSIC, Eagle office. ANTED SINGERS CHURC the Redeemer choir Additional voices will be re ceived on all Darts. A chorus class will be formed in October.

Apply to E. J. FITZHUGH, 238 Lafayetto av, or at the church, Fourth av, and Pacific st, after Sunday Bervioes. WANTED HOIJSE5. ANTED HOUSE TO RENT FROM November a fimall house, within twenty rufnutea' walk of bridge.

Address, with particulars. J. Eagle ANTED HOUSE ON THE HEIGHTS Pnrttv fhmiflhed or unfurnished, where the owner win Doara in part payment xorrenc dbbi oi reieronce. au dresB M. Eagle office.

WANTED HOUSE TO RENT, UN furniabed. In vicinity of from $1,200 to si.auu; witn Btame preierceu. io uauuuiii LEWIS, 773 Fulton st. TKTST ANTED HOUSE WELL LOCATED will give stoOK oi wen Known manuiactuting company in New York for equity. PORTLAND, Box 10, Eagle office WANTED HOUSES FLATS AND storoH to rent and sell in all parts of the city WILLIAM BRIDGE, No.

13 'Wlllougliby st, near Oity Hall. ANTED HOUSE TO RENT EITHER a email house or part of house, in tbe vicinity of r'rospeot rarK. Aaarees, witu mu paniouiars, a. Eoglo office. ANTED HOUSES STORES, FLATS property for sale, improved or unimproved, L.

BERGEN, Fulton at. mi fl nnartmentH for rental to sUDnlV continual ae VIST ANTED HOUSE TWO STORY AND basement; all improvement rent not to exoeod will it suitea. ivaaress naiiian DODGE, lit Nassau st, New York: TT57 AN TED HOUSE A THEEE STORY bnok honse, recently put in order, Third Ward, and mi iaI lands with haavv timber, for one or more houses whore equity is about Heights preferred. Address for tnree nayn, ru. m.

it.t ragie uuico. WAI TED J50 USES tXTIliV I SHED. WANTED HOUSE I wholly or partially; improvements; board in lieu oi rent. j. yv.

r.agie omen. W7 ANTED HOUSE FURNISHED A furnished house within walking diatnnce of wall st. and Fulton ferries, for the purpose of keeping a first class boarding house. RESPONSIBLE, Box IB, Eagle office. anted house pdr nishe hv trnntleman and wife, a furnished house, to board the owner in lien of rent, with the privilege of a faw other boara era; tao oes oi rexereuce given.

or an drese Koom 2, a juiton Bt. TSTCT ANTBU HOUSE URNISHED BY II a small family of adults, where family will board in D68t ot reierenoe. given ana requirea. Luurem Eagle office. WAIVTER PAaTS OF MOUSES.

ANTED PART of house young (nnnln with twn small children, would like a. floor nr flt. nt a nr A. rnnmB. nnar Fnltoii nr Snnth Parr rent reasonanie.

Aaareua u. n. agieomce. ANTED PART OF HOUSE UPPER part oi a nouEB tne neignnornoou ox lompKins Eagle office, stating particulars. WANTED FliATS.

WANTED FLAT A SINGLE FLAT OF live rooms, with all improvements, near Fulton Ferry rent not over $15. Address G. BOYOE, 23 Jotin Bt, rtew xoik. ANTED FLAT ON THE HILL BY nnnnla from Ofttohsr 15. flat, with modern im irovements; quiet location; $20 utmost per month.

Ad iross n. new uueuui, luuna wuuvji u. ANTED PLAT PUKNISHED cm.ll fnrai.hnri fl.f. in irnod location, convenient to ferries, by a family oi four aaulta: best ol relorenoeB. Address, stating terms, A.

Boom 86, 2. 6tat st. jnow xoric. WANTED KOOMS. WANTED EOOM UNFOBNISHED By a lady, a back parlor, with a small, atrlotly private family, within boundaries ot Fulton and Haisey ate andTJtica and Nostrand texroa moderate.

Address ANBoniA. itagio omoa. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL GON venleneea. at 28 Hanover place. "E1URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TWO luiuuiiw mums, j.

i ny raon at. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, AT 93 North Portland av. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, BED room, suitable for two men, $1: also, single room. 81.25. Apply at Ci Front Bt.

URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gentlemen only; privl bath; first Hat. 689 Bedford av, corner Greene av. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, HAND somely furnished front aloove room, suitable for two gentlemen. 233 Sklllman st, near DeKalb av. "lURNISHED ROOMS TO LET SUIT l' able for gentleman and wife, or single gentleman.

nu. io uiuuKuuy at, near ruiiion. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET FOR gentlemen only; oars pass the door. 121 Franklin avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, SEC ond floor: nart.1v fnmiahftd op tinftirntcVi A 17 Gallatin place.

Jj. URNISHED ROOMS TO LET TWO fnrnished ronmn. necond floor front ntiA larm miimm room, neatly furnished. $2 per week; small hall bedroom 83 per weolc. 1TJ High st.

FURNISHED ROOMS A PRIVATE family will let two handsomely furnished rooms oi second floor, also one on third; houee and appointment, first class. L. A. OLAUDIU3, 93 South Portland av. IURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A NEW lv furnished sanara room: also, a hall rnnmt hnt anil cold water and ample closets in both rooms family private reference exchanged.

144 Schermerhorn st. FURNISHED ROOMS 293 SOHERMER hom Bt. two newly furnished rooms, for centleman only; nrivate family: bathroom attached with hot and cold water, gas, closets, etc. 7 URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TWO JP large sunny rooms for one of two gentlemen; hot and cold water and all improvements; private family. Apply at 163 South Oxford st.

FURNISHED ROOMS LAKGE, FRONT room, furnished or unfurnished; also hall bedroom, furnished, to let, without board; boarding house second door. 487 Henry st. TjI UKNISHED ROOMS 184 LIVINGSTON JL' st, square and hal rooms; houso has all modem improvements; near Gallatin plaoe, within three minutes walk of Oity Hall. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, ONE handsomely furnished aloove room to one or two gentlemen only in private family on tho Heights. 151 Pierre pont Bt.

FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, FUR nishod or untarnished, four rooms for light housekeeping, with hot and cold water, in a brown stone house. Call at 107 Second place. BjURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, LARGE, JL nicely furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; also, a smaller room for one gentleman. 112 Law renoe st, FURNISHED ROOMSTO LET TO A gentleman, seoond floor, front hall room, at $1.25 a week; can bo seen any time. Please oall 270 Jay Bt, first floor.

FURNISHED ROOM TO LET PLEAS ant and nicely fnrnished third story front room, all improvements; bath on same tloor; family private. 188 Schermerhorn Bt. TjRNiSHED ROOM TO LET, LARGE third story front room, southern exposure: hot and cold water, ample closets; family strictly private; refer encea exchanged. 129 First place URNISHED ROOMS TWO NICELY fnrnifihed rooms, connected by sliding doors, on seoond siory of house, Oxford st, near Atlantic av, at $5 per week. Apply to THOMAS ROGERS, 44 Court st, room 63.

FURNISHED ROOM TO LET IN A Btriotly private family, a handsomely furnished room to one or two gentlemen; within easy walking distance of ferries; terms moderate. Apply at 285 Baltic st, near Court. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TO a permanent tenant, two fine front rooms, furnished or unfurnislied: brown stone: fine neighborhood; plenty of pantries; water on floor; use of bath; dirt cheap; private family; near all cars, 235 Grand av. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET A handsomely furnished baok parlor, to two gentlemen, or man and wife; also, hall bedroom and room for housekeeping; all improvements. No.

106 Franklin a venae. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, SEC ond floor of four roams, partly or fully furnished, all improvements: owner in honse; rent reasonable; to adults only. 11 Willow place, second house from or ale mon st; five minutes' of Wall st, and South ferries. FURNISHED ROOMS 80 LAFAYETTE av, corner of South Portland A private family of adults will lot nicelv furnished aloove and a square room, to gentlemen only; every convenience; terms reasonable. "IURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A PRI JL1 vate family of three adults owning their residence will let three rooms on third uoor, two connecting, and one baok hall room; only adults need apply; reference ex changed.

167 Remsen st. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A PRI vata family will let rooms with improvements, on second floor, with or without board; house is convenient and pleasantly located. 431 Tompkins av, near Haisey stree URNISHED ROOMS OR UN niched parlor floor and other largo connecting rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; parties can be accommodated with board can be seen Sundays, 442 Pacific at, noar Nevins. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET SUITA ble for gentleman nnd.wife or two single gentlemen, in private family, on the Hill, handsome aloove room, finely furnished; also square room; both on second floor, with bath room adjoining. Box 18.

Eagle office. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, HAND somely furnished rooms on second and third floor; also rooms on fourth floor, suitable for Bingle gentlemen; house first class in every particular; references given and required. 187 Columbia heights. TjURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAM 8j ily with mora rooms than required, will let them to first class parties only: breakfast if desired references exchanged. Apply at No.

161 Livingston Bt, near Gallatin place. F' URNISHED ROOM TO LET, LARGE pleasant room, meely furnished; has large closet, gaa and use of bath; In a private house; convenient to all ferries; references exchanged. At 487 State st, near Third El URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, NICELY F1 furnished large rooms in a quiet house, for light housekeeping, about five minutes to Oity Hall, fifteen to ferrieB; convenient to all car routes, 383 Bridge st. be twoon Fulton and Willoughby. URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, HAND somely furnished lare rooms, with all improvements; and location first cIsbs; references; three minutes to hall; convenient to ferries.

At 156 Lawrence st, three doors from Fulton. I BURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TWO neatly furnished rooms, site a ted corner DeKalb av. and Steuben st: suitable for gentleman and lady or two single gentlemen; with or without board; references required. Call at 387 PeKalb av. FURNISHED ROOMS HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, large and small, separately or en suite: all modern improvements; superior table board near 289 Clinton st, between Baltic and Ilarri son.

URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, NICELY furnished front parlors, with privilege of dining room, Uen, bath and laundry, oorapleto for housekeeping; pleasant home to the right party. 290 Raymond st, be tween Hanson place and Lafayette av. Tj URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A COM fortably furnished third story front room, also a large hall bedroom, to gentlemen; Iarge closets, gas and bath; private family; references exchanged. Apply at 476 Henry st. C1URNISHED ROOMS HANDSOMELY lurniBneatrontaicove, eecona uoor, ior gentlemen; homi nme freedom: also desirable room on third lloor: an ointments first class; toms moderate; location central.

76 Adelphi st, fourth house from Greene av. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, SECOND story back room, very convenient to bath room; also, back parlor with extension, furnace heat, house contains all improvements; family strictly private; terms reasonable to permanent parties; references exohanged. Call at 2U4 Dean St. FURNISHED ROOMS 154 SCHERMER horn st, near Smith, newly fnrnished rooms, with all improvements, to gentlemen only; also, large handsome back parlor and extension, witn. hot and cold water, large closets, heat, suitable for two or three gentlemen; references exchanged.

FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TWO extra large handsomely furnished rooms to gentlemen; in first olass location; on tho Heights; within five minutes of the bridge er Fulton Ferry; family striotly private; references exchanged. Address OOLB, Eagle office. HOUSES, CARRIAGES. AC. A FINE SADDLE AND CARRIAGE horse, also carriage team, for sale.

BENNETT'S, oa ireene av. ORSE WANTED A STYL ish horse for a doctor. Address lb. W. itagle OOOD ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TWO private horses to board.

M. O'ROURKE, 234 "Waverly ay, near DeKalb. RIVATE STABLE TO LET, IN WTL low place, bet. Joralemon and State all improvements, five stalls, separate carriage floor and hay fof t. Inquire of G.

K. COLYER, 2 College place, or at 17 Willow place. TWELVE GOOD WORK HORSES FOR sale, used in street sprinkling trucks; $30 to 8150; also a sidebar buggy and harness cheap. Apply to wiLKjis ffi WAisufl, Douglass ana aevms sw. SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE FINEST lot in the country thoroughly broken, bays also black trotter, 17 hands; lady can drive In 2:40, At IHNE'S, 321 Park plane.

NE BAY ETHAN ALLEN MARE FOR Xr BSie, XO.l. oyearauia trot a.uu; nainuwu iuuuu, kind and true In all harness. Oan be seen at stable, 610 Bergen st. A PERFECT ROAD HORSE, FOR SUR rey or light wagon, 15 hands high, great en duranoe, prompt, handsome, stylish, sound for sale; trota in 50; a bargain. Address Al, Eagle office GOOD, HEAVY, DRAFT HORSE, FOR Struck or cart, for sale for want of use; two ponies, one suitable for a boy to drive; all will be sold cbeap.

Call for three days at 20 Doughty Bt, or 8 Columbia heigh ta. ONE LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE FOR sale, 6 years old; also one coupe horse, three horses fit for any use; also business wagon and harness; also Bet light harness; must be sold. JOHN EEHOE, No. 223 State at, cor. Boo rum place.

"PAIRHORSE BROUGHAM HARNESS for sale; middle weight; a brown leather tandem Harness; a single Brougham harness, imported; all bras a furniture and in good order. Apply to Mo GOVERN 'a stable, Ootiage place, near Hicks st. PRIVATE PARTY OFFERS THE fnlln rinv TnnniAR fnr Rale; nair dark brown carri xre mMso IA htinrin 1 in oh rtnrfnr.tlv matohed and cood travelers. One pair road horse 6 and 7 years old, chestnut and sorrel, 15 hands, trot 3 minutes. Also two single road or carriage and 16 hands, 6 and 7 years old, bay.

All have long tails and manes, and are pound ana kind. Can be seen at any time at private fitable, Yoadarbd av. near Park plaoa. Murphy chArftCter change' rUsia. August Sobmidt.

caamrnon wrestler, of Germauy; Xhe Muse um company will also appear In a burlesque called "Excitement," ovory afternoon aud evening, GENEBALMEKTI0S. Attention is called to the announcement that the trial of voices for the Brooklyn philharmonic Chorus will be continued at Chandler's on the afternoon and evening of Monday and Wednesday of this week, preliminary to tho beginning of regular rehearsals oh October 6. Mme. Janisch is to make her first appearance before the American public in English at the New Park Theater, New York, to morrow night. She will appear in Louisa," an adaptation of SchiUer'a drama, "Love and Intrigue." The Stoddard illustrated lectures, new series, begin at the Academy of Music, on Thursday evening of this week.

In this course the lecturer will introduce the spectators and listeners to the homos of art and history in the Old World. RETURNED FROM THEIR WEDDING TOUR. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert J.

Donnelly, neo Sadie A. McDonough, returned during tho past week from their honeymoon, which was spent at Niagara Falls. They had been away since the 16th, when they were married at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Clermont avenue, iu the presence of friends so numerous that the sacred edifice was crowded. The Rev. Father Mc Callum officiated, after which a reception was held at the reeidonce of tho bride's parents, No.

83 North Portland avenue. A NEW CORPORATION. The "Waterfront Grocery Company, limited, yesterday filed articles of incorporation in the County Clerk's office. The objeot of the company is tho sale and purchase of coffee, spices and all other artioles embraced under the name of groceries. The capital stook Is $1,000, at $25 a share.

The incorporators, are John, Charles and Mary Arbuckle, and William P. Smith, of this city, and William Jameson, of Pennsylvania. Eighteen years a resident of Brooklyn, Baldwin, the Clothier, is in every way identified with the interests of the city, and assures itB residents that the retail clothing waroroozns, Baldwin Building, hold no second place, when compared with any of the lcind in America. The only complete boys1 clothing department in Brooklyn is on the second floor of the Baldwin Building. New lots Bchool and Sunday suits placed there daily.

Thousands of men's hnsiness suits. Fall overcoats, Wfld mell wool salts, kerseymere trousers, diagonals, whiDCords, etc. made and in course of construction. Prices are one third less than merchant tailors'. Tne workmanship and quality of goods are equal in every way.

If there is a man in Brooklyn that has not called at tho Baldwin Building and examined the artistic shapes in suits and Fall over coats, we extend to him a cordial invitation to do so this month. Parents are especially solicited to call and look through the boya' department. Tnoy may examine en assortment four times larger than any other in Brooklyn, and equal to any in New York. Baldwin, the Clothier. One price, C.

O. D. John L. Stoddabd at the Academy Tho course of illustrated lectures by Mr. Stoddabd at the Academy of Music to begin noxt Thursday evening, followed on successive Mondays and Thursdays, fire in number.

It promises to be of unusual interest. Mr. Stoddard has become well known by his oharming lectures upon European travel, and his plan of adding to his repertoire lectures fully illustrated on history and standard fiction should prove happy idea. The difficulties in the way of securing proper illustrations proved very great, and were only overcome by sending a speoial messenger to Europe for the purpose. One lecture is upon the sculpture in the art galleries of Europe a theme of infinite possibilities ot statement aud leproduction.

The titles of the lectures are: Versailles and Marie Paris in the Reign of Terror," "'Through England with Charles Dickens," "In Europe with Great Sculptors," and "Round tho Bay of Naple." But few articles have reached such a world wide reputation as Angostura Bitters. For over 50 years they have bean, the acknowledged standard regulators of tho digestive organs. Thoir success has incited imitations. Be sure you get the genuine article, manufac tured only by Dr. J.

G. B. Siegkrt Sons. Positive bargains in seal sacques and other furs, at F. O.

Lindeh's, manufacturing furrier. Hart's Building, Knlton at, corner Johnson, upstair. Seaisicqucs redyed equal to London dye. Silk turned on fur lined garments. Have your furs altered and repaired this month not alone will yon save money, but will be prepared when the first blasts of "Winter set in.

For further infor mation inquire at Weohsler AbbahaM's fur department. Election Ticket printing a specialty at the Brooklyn Eagle Job Printing Office. The only place in the country where tickets are folded by machinery. Fall importations of novelties in silks, satins, velvets, plushes, dress goods, wraps, mantles, costumes and millinery, now on exhibition at Hubd, Waitk Go's. Gentlemen's Hats Our Fall fashions now ready.

Balch, Price 376 and 378 Fulton st, near Smith Pabttes desiring the Sunday jEagle left at their residences can send their addresses to this office, tic they will be given to tne earner wno Bttrves uib Eaukb intheir district. Campaign Olttbs desiring printing will find the Brooklyn Eagle Jor Printing Office the most reliable place. FriceB moderate. It will well repay all who may now or later wish to purchase Furniture Coverings, Portiere or Mantel Draperies, Lace Curtains, Mats, Rugs or Druggeta, to examine the new and excellent bargains now being given by Htjrd, Watte Co. Furniture reupholstered conformably with ruling Btyies and iu the moat thorough manner; also taken on Btorage.

Mattresses and pillows to ordor, and made over at short notice. The lowest prices possible for reliable work. Hubd, Waite 4 Co. Political feinting of every description at the Brooklyn Eagle Job Printing Office; posters, tiokets, campaign documents, dodgers, at reasonable prices, GUILFOYLE LINDBERG On Wednesday the i 24th inut t. n.

tmntlal maun iu St. Peter's Church, N. by James Moiiean, John Guilfoyle, of this oity, to Mat tie m. iiiNDBE. oixvew 10m.

no utuu. KELLER BTJCHNER On Thursday, September 25. 1884, nt tho residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. J. F.

O. Hennecke, Charles Keller to Anna Emily Btjchner. all of Brooklyn. KNOWLKS GAYLOR On Monday, June 30, 1884, by thB Rev, Hiram Hutchins, John Cochran Knowles to Gladys Christun Uaylob, daughter of Charles Gaylor, both or Brooitiyn. t.ath ASKKTili On Thursday.

SeDtember 25. 1884, at the residence of Mrs. R. Farnsworth, 35G Navy by the Rev. Mr.

Reed, pastor of! Hanson place M. E. Churou, Frank L. Latham to Hattie daughter of Gtorge B. Haskell.

iLf c'mtt r.T Affiwrrr.TTrin Wofinfifidfts. September 24, by the Rev. J. M. Kiely, John G.

McNULTY. of New XOriC, AM1LX JUUflUL'i'I, Ol JOroOKlfU. MU unruB, DIED. ANDERSON On Friday, September 20, Charles ANDERSON, in the 63rd year of his ago. Funeral services at the residence of hia daughter, Mrs.

J. Van Ranst, 64 South Second st, E. D. on Monday, Beuteinber 29. 1884.

BASSET On Saturday, September 27, at the residence of her daughter, No. 210 Clermont av, widow of Notice of funeral hereafter. Tin ATCXiM A On Thursday. Santember 25. 1884.

Sarah wife of E. Henry Boardman, and daughter of George B. Mead. Funeral services will be held at herlatereiiidenco, No. 24, St.

James place, on Sunday, the 28th inst. at 4:30 P. M. BOND On Friday, September 26, in Brooklyn, after a lingering illness, Oliver Bond, in the BlBt year of Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at rue late resiaence, oo wycsoi ot, uu jnuuuaj KeTitmber29. at 2 P.

BYINGTON On Thursday. September 25, 1884, Cath erine Bxington, wife ol unanes uyington, iuo ootn year ot ner ne. no a junerai irom uer taw iwiuouub, tow JJO'. uv September 28, at 2 P. M.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. CORRIGAN On Thursday, September 25, WILLIAM E. Coruigan, son of Terence and Elizabeth Corngan, ageu a years ana au moniiia. TTuneral at the residence of his parents at Canarsie, L. I on Sunday, aepteniDer zo, aia r.

ai. GALLAGER In this oity, on Saturday. September 27, JS. JMAHTlWMUtf wiiw vi uuu youngest daughter of An and the late John H. Martin UAlatiFu anri ft ionla rtf fftTnllV.

slsO thoSB of her uncle, Andrew Martin, and her cousins, James and Henry Campbell, are requested to attend the funeral from the residence of her mother, 220 Jay st, on Tuesday, September 30, at 9 A. M. thence to St. James Cathedral, where a uotemn requiem uines win uo uuemu iu anu bouI. Interment at Calvary Cemetery.

HESS Suddenly, on Thursday, September 25, Henry Ukss. in the year oi mo age. Funeral private, from his late residence, 932 Clinton av. KNEBEL Friday morning, September 26, at her late residence, 647 aiynio corner or ranKJin, jnrs. jhab garetta Knebel, widow of the late Herman Knebel, RolAtivRR itnd friBnds are invited to attend the funeral Bervices on Sunday, 28th at 2 P.

at St. Peter'B (ierman tiutueran unurcn, corner oi uun.aiu v. uuu iu worth st. NEXSEN On Friday. September 26, William W.

HKXREN, ngea years. Tho rnfftt.fpPK nnd frinndfl RT6 invited tO attend the fullO ral from his late residence, No. 65 Johnson st, on Monday afternoon, the 29th at 4 o'clock. OLSEN September 27, 1884, Ohristew Olseh. aged ov years.

Funeral on Monday, at 2 o'clock, rombia son', residence, 36 Irving place. RONALD On Saturday, September 27. GKOBQK BoK ali. of tbis oity, in tbe 61at year OS bia ago. Notice oi funeral b.i..n' ttunriiux 33U Button 8t.

VST ANTED EXPERIENOKD HANDS ON my and steady work. Apply to Mrs, L. ROHL, 408 Seventeenth at. 7 ANTED OPERATOR ON WHEELER A Wilnon Sewlnir Machine: also, first class dress makers and an errand eirl. Apply at 671 Atlantic av, A.

M. BARNES. ANTED TO BIND PELT HATS BY machine, a girl. Apply to LONDON AlANuFAU. TUBING 60 west xweniy i mra bi, n.

x. mm uoor, elevator. ANTED LiADIBS AND MISSES i wantim home work nt nrlcfl call at 235 Fnl ton st; work sent to the country; send 10 cents for patterns and particulars, A newly furnished hall bedroom to let. ANTED LADLES TO LEARN TELE d.v nnd nvnnlnc" nractiCB obtained fnrKtnnUin nffiu. orhfln ntmlitiRd.

UNION TKLKGRAPH INSTRUCTION CO. No. 442 Fulton St. mcKiltlyn 6 farit Kow, n.Y. UonnectettDy wire ANTED LADIES OR GENTLEMEN Tnrlr.nPKnnnin tntnltM i liirht.

nnd nlnalKTlt work at their own homes; $2 to $5 a day easily and quietly made; work sent by mail; no canvassing; no stamp for reply. Please address RELIABLE MANUFACTURING rmiaueipniu ra. ANTED LADIES AT 585 FULTON Rt tolniirn rirfifls Riittinir. trimminc. drfl nine and dosigninR by Prof essor Livinaston's French square uieaB ure system; cnttina and baBtinc and cutting of patterns to order; nerfect tittioz guaranteed competent dressmakers fcentltolKrailJes, L.

KOJANOWSKI, 485 Fulton st, op nniifo Mr Ahnhnm's nfllt hnilninff. ANTED LADIES TO LEARN ROOD i HAYDEN'8 Bystom of dresa cuttinit, aimply a tailor's square of incbes. We out by actual measure thereby making a perfect fit for all forms. We teaoh bow to cut top T.mtt all), inoludine lenaons in basting, 'drapine and tailor No. 18 West .1 I A nna Want VrinkT iTourceenui Bt, Detwean eiilu nun oiwi 010, itr city.

LADIES S. T. TAYLOR'S system of dress cutting, established 1848; agency 460 Fulton st, opposite Duffield st: the only place in Brooklyn where ladies can learn to fit the figure without alteration the onlysyatem not a chart: same as used by the best tailors; system including the art of basting taught day and evening; patterns, cut to measure; costumes cut and basted; dreRsmakinc in all its branches; competent dressmakora sent out by the day. L. A.

LEESON, only authorized Brooklyn agent, 460 Fulton Bt. WANTED LADIES HAVE FOUND AT last the only place in New York where they can learn the entire art of dress cutting, trimming, draping, grading and designing without using guesswork or renttlng by the only perfect French Bquare ineaflure system ever in ventud lhat is ni a chart, and doing away entirely with the old style of suunro and sixty pieoea of pasteboard scales to draw a straight line and gues at all curves. Ladies of ability learning now will be guaranteed positions this Reason. We will open this week tho finest assortment of specialties in imported patterns ever brongbt to tbiSSOuntnr, Call at Prof. LIVINGSTON'S, 811 Uroadway, uw York.

Nurses and eamstreaaea. KTKTANTED TO MIND A BABY AND sleep home, a girl, aDOUS la. ubh Duweeu nw cioca av ov. ANTED TO MIND A BABY AND aasiatvrith light housework, a Bteady, giri, about 16; one lately landod preferred. Call Monday at 77 Fulton Bt.

ANTED TO TAKE CARE OF A TWO funk trnman wacnsamnll: will be treated aa one of tfie fumily. Apply at 300 Chiton place. Cooks WuJiiiera nnd ironora. 7CT ANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER WW nrlta fnmilv heat rMv rflfprencfea. n.U fnr turn dnvs nt.

First nlaCQ. WANTED COOK A FIKST CLASS colored cook and laundres3 to do the housework for a family of three good wages to a first class eirl with releiences. Apply at ljenerta piace. ANTED COOK AND LAUNDRESS, a D.inrf. rlftt.nrira in trio nntintrV CTOOd famllvCOOk: must he neat and make good bread.

Wanted a girl ob laundress and seamBtreBS. or laundress and chamter ninid; six in the family beside servants. Lady ean be seen from Monday noon until Tuesday nt 5 P. at 138 faeo ond ptaoo. ANTED FOR DOWNSTAIRS WORK 1 C.Milit t.l an avncirionrnH nYin nTil.

potent, willing and obliging, good wages will be paid; none others need apply; forenoon. 199 Hi. Johns place. near mgnm ay ANTED TO WASH AND IRON, BY a Swedish or German trirl in family of two. no cooking.

Mrs. A. A. RICK, 425 Gates av. ij.enern.1 ttonseworit.

WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a German or Swedish girl, in a small private family of adultB wages not to excoed $10 per month. rlease apply t. tJ. isunciliciUiiiU, ozo ueanbi. 7S7 ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOU8E work in aprivato family, to go in the country; must boo good cook and an excellent washer and ironor, with good reference.

Call on Tuesday, between 9 and 11 A. H. G. POWERS, No. 699 Fulton Bt, Beoond lloor.

Employment WANTED GIRLS NO FEE TO PAY ti.l engaaed. Mr. and Mrs. MAC'S Agency. 731 Fulton st.

near Elliott place, upstaira; A. M. to 9 P. M. N.

B. Employers receive prompt and careful attention here. Real nice girls only. ANTED SERVANTS MAN AGED BY ladien Rrnnklvu Emnlovment Bureau. 29 Concord et, near Fulton, 3 blockB below Oity Hall, bank on corner; many respectable eervantB come here wbo have never been at an office before situations ready in city or country.

TV ANTE HELP THAMES. ANTED FOR A NEW YORK OF fice, a bright, adtive boy. Apply, in own handwriting with particulars, to G. KbbIo office. ANTED EXPERIENCED BRISTLE drawers: (rood work and cood pay, at ueuuloia Brush Co.

Wewark, N. J. ANTED CANVASSERS FOR ELAS tic motion aewinff machine. Oall from 8 to 9 A.M. and 4 to 0 P.

M. at 271 Milton st. WANTED TO SELL TO OITYTBADT an active man of good character. Apply 9 A. Fulton st.

WANTED A MATS, ACCUSTOMED TO polish and varnish furniture, to do work in a private family for a fow days. Apply Monday forenoon at 619 Ureeue av, near reoscranq WT ANTED EXPERIENCED GLASS cutters; none need apply hut those oapnble of doing the finest work on table, ware. Addres Box 21121, New York Uity. WANTED TWO SMART SALESMEN of Rood adddresa for Brooklyn; first class article; good commission; deposit of $25 required for samples. Apply for two days at Pacitio st, corner Kingston av, in the forenoon.

1 1 i ANTED IN A HOUSE FURNISHING store near City Hall, a boy 16 or 17 years of nee, woll recommended and live with hiB parents', one having some knowledge of tho business preferred. Address, in own handwriting, 11., hoi iu, magieoinoe. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN telegraphy; taught dayand evening; practice obtained for Btndenta in telegraph offices when qualified. UNION TELEGRAPH INSTRUCTION 442 Fulton Bt, Brooklyn; 3 Park row, N.Y. Connected by wire.

WANTED SITUATION FE.WA.I.ES. ANTED SITUATION BY SUFERIOR niiAi nrnr infnni'fl wardrobpiH ladies line under wear anu pinin Boning Will KUaB ui, uuuoa usdudui Address T. Eagle office. Nurses mud Seam str esse. ATJTTJTi SITUATION AS A NTTRSTI1 i.

Call Monday. 402 Park av. ANTED SITUATION AS NURSE inrl tn in nrwitatrs work, hv a reHnectnblB ynunK Sri. Can be seen ax loriner employer ijy piace. ANTED SITUATION AS A NURSE nr ti Hn liffhr hotisework bv a Tonne American girl.

Call for three days 197 Ninth between Court aud ANTFVD SITUATION AS A SEAM Kt.mno or mind children or do lieht houeework. by i North German girl. Call at lusauig ay, WANTED SITUATION A iv care of children antt would do light up stairs work by a young girl, ovreae. iz i nirry emn su 1hanibermaldbR.iict Waurewsea. WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid and waitress, or to take care of a child, bj a young Norwegian girl; has good reference.

PUmso oal, lor two aayB oio arruu ai, umwtBii auu wmtm. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP c. l.a irnrV hv ronnnf tfifilA PrnifmTant olrt. come in from the couutry; wiiiins and obliging. Call for two dara at aaa hamo.

ANTED SITU ATION TO DO UP oIiu'mi wnrlf nr lirrVit. honnownrlT bv a TBBDGO table young girl latoly landed. Please oall at 76 Gra ham Bt. WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT tiniifnirM wnrlc And Re will (7. Or take Cfire Of fiTOWinflT children in a small private family by a most respectable young girl, who desires a good home.

Please call at 380 uolu 8L; no poatai carua. Coakjfe usher" and jroners. TST ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK nnd innnflrftiq or would eo aa eerrant to do eener al housework, by a relluble colored woman. Please call or address notf nuason ay, i op uoor. ANTKl) SITUATION AS A COOK.

yy washer andironer, or do general housework in a small private iamny, rosuBtmuiH pwu uiv; ence. Call at 518 Vanderbilt av, in the candy store. General liouaeworR. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a email family or aa kitchen maid, by a respeotable woman. Oall at 163 Twenty fifth street, WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework or aa cbambermrid and waitress, by a reBpectaoio young ciweaiau Rir; hhh enCOS.

Uail lor two unyo ab au uuu av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN ml UnnHOnrnrlf hv B. TABnOCtahle ffll Can DO BOBn at present employer's. Oall lor two days, at 2U6 Franklin avenue. "VST ANTED SITUATION TO MAKE Yt herself useful, by a married woman with a little girl in Bomo private larmly mere consiaerauonoiaBoou home than wages.

Call or address Mra. J. LEWIS, 163 zor EniulavHicml Affencios. TA NTED SITUATIONS MANAGED by ladies Brooklyn Employment Bureau, 29 Concord et. near Fulton, two blocks from the bridge, Servaute tne nest nelp is aeiectoa.

wetnorsea. WANTED SITUATIONS WJ ANTED SITUATION TO WORK AT anrthJDg, by a stonU fltrong roan wages no ot leot. uau on or aaaress uct ta runnun tit. AN TED SITU ATION AS JANITOK; hv married man nrst au ret arenoea or front; near City Hall or Court at. Address, with price.

ij. u.t Jiao jxaison sc. WANTED KOOM PURN I A lutTtrantaa BQonnrl ntArv itnnNM mom. w.U for nlshed, with horns prirUegvs; Soronth Ward. Address, with particulars, B.

ttaglo office. WANTED ATJTTf.n TSTTSITITSSS WfiTTI T.TtrS! to pnrebase a food photograph jrallery on Pnlton D. HAMBL, Ui Pearl st. Nevr York. AH TED FACTOR ST OR FLOOR TO rent, with steam power for mannfactoring parlor ire, u.

m. jnnuiijuB, ao uerkaip ay. HT ANTED COAL YARD, OR WILL WW tanHA n. n.nfc. of ffronnd Rtiftxhia fnr until hnoinfldH.

AqarestJiVor miiougnoy sc. WANTED ROOMS NEAR CITY HALL Two unfurnished rcme, on second floor, for ee lect dresamaiang tnu sign at door), with privilege or ugnt hnnaolrnnninir. Address. Statinir tflrmn. Hi.

Rmli Eagle office. WANTED FURNITURE PUR Abuse the furniture and enrnotR of hreo atarv house or large flat for parties iroinjr to housekeeping; must be in good order; highest price will be paid for such. Address for tnrea days MELVILLE, Eagle otBco. ANTED FUKITURETTC. ondhand furniture, carpets, pianos, mirrors, paintings, in large or smalt Quantities, for which I will pay a full, fair value in cash.

Address T. BLAND, No. 168 Myrtle av. BOAR Dines. lOARD A NICELY FURNISHED SEC I mri flnnr.

with board, finitjihln fnr of frnm four to six adults. Apply at 92 Henry St. TJOAR.D 98 HANDS ST NICE LARGE Wm frirnfohntl rooms, with nr without hnurd: also, table boarders; gentlemen only terms moderate, i hOARD 123 LAFAYETTE AV, ABOVE Oxford nt Several larire. deairahlo rnrnished roams. with first class board.

BOARD 186 RE MS EN ST A SECOND floor front room: also, rooms for single gentlemen; references. BOARD THE MOST CONVENIENT location on the Hill Handsome rooms, nicely fur niflbed. wiin goon noarn. at 417 Aoeipm Bt, near rmton. BO ARD 98 HEN RY ST, LARGE, SUNNY room aud a small room, to let, with board; a few table boarders accommodated; references given and re quirea.

ARD A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL 9 let. with first class board, twoelecant and well fur nished rooms, with hot and cold water, large olosete, etc. convenient to all cars. 364 Clermont av. "OOARD A LARGE ROOM AND HALL 9 rnr.m nn third floor.

nmnW fnrniRiRrt. with nr with ont board. 49 Smith Bt, near Schermerhorn three minutes of City Hall ton of ferries. BOARD PA KTIES CAN BE ACCOM modated with large and fimall rooms, with every convenience table first class terms reasonable to permanent parties. Apply at i uoncora st, 13 0ARD ON THE HEIGHTS PLEAS Jt) ant rooms, en suite or single; first class table; din in groom on parlor floor.

No. 17 Monroe place; references eionangca. OARD ON THE HILL 5 SOUTH EL somely furnished, with unusual closet room end hot and cold water; but few boarders taken terms moderate. OARD ON THEHTjjL NO. 61 SOUTH Oxford ut Large back parlor, handsomely furnished, with hall room connecting; all improvements; references.

BOARD SINGLE GENTLEMEN OR gentlemen and their wives can be accommodated with handsome rooms and excellent board, with private family, four blocks from ferry. 144 President st. SO ARD ON THE HEIGHTS 89 HENRY Bt; desirable family rooms on second and third a. aonthorlvexuosure: also, two Himzle rooms: dininK room in rear of parlors. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS 59 LIV fll ingBtou st, near Clinton Desirable rooms, suitable for eentleman and wife or auntie ftentlomen.

References exchanged. OARD A PRIVATE FAMILY CAN Accommodate two trentlemen or a couule with pleas ant room and board; parties in search of real home life pleaae address L. Kagle office. RDOTTHEHEIGHTS DESIRA ble second atory front roomB to let, separately or to other, nicely furnished and all conveniences: relerences, Irs. J.

R. SAOKETT. 108 Henry bt, corner Clark. BOARD TO LET, LARGE AIRY rooms with board; convenient to cars and ferries; terms moderate references exchanged, 375 President st. opposite Carroll Park.

BOARD A LARGE ROOM ON SECOND floor to let, with good board, for gentleman and wife or two single gents; everything first class; beautifully located. At 266 Clinton av. TO OARD 48 SOUTH OXFORD ST A largo hall room; also square room front on third floor to rent, with board; good sized closets erencea exchanged. BOARD 365 SACKETT ST. CAN AC oommodate gentlemen and wives, or single gentlemen with good board and nicely furnished roomB; home comforte; convenient to three car routes.

BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD TWO large roomB, with hot and oold water, gae, bath, Ac. suitable ior man and wife or two persons; references re quired. 291 Schermerrtorn et. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 122 MON taeue st. desirable rooms on sooond floor for gentle mau ana wife or gentlemen willing to room together; ref erenco exchanged.

OARD IN A SMALL PRIVATE FAM uy, iJJCeiy luriiinM ruuuiu uu luitu iiuur; mou, uaui, parlor to gentlemen only, with or without borad. 122 St. Felix st. BOARD 192 WASHINGTON ST, COR ner Concord nrge second story front room, to let also other rooms, suitable for man and wife or single gentlemen. Table boarders also taken.

BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS NO. 90 Pierre pont Bt; first class board for families: also de sierable rooms for single gentlemen; references exchanged BOALD TO LET, WITH BOARD, TWO well furnished, extra large hall rooms convenient to cars and ferries. 266 Union st, between Clinton and Court. BOARD TO LET, WITH OR WITHOUT board, comfortably furnished, very pleasant, rooms of different sizes, suitable for families and single gentlemen; table first claeg. 184 Amity Bt.

BOARD 278 HENRY ST, BETWEEN Joralemon and State ets Desirable single rooms for gentlemen; also, one double room for gentleman and wife. BOARD ONE LARGE SQUARE FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman and wife; alt improvements and home comforts; table first ciaas; terms reaaonaoie. nearntmna. BOARD TWO GOOD SIZED SQUARE rooms and hall bedroom to let, furnished or unfurnished, with good board, in a private family; house and neighborhood flrst olaso; price low. '206 tyerson st.

OARD ON THE HEIGHTS A LARGE irooi room nanuBomeiy luruwuau a umiui Luunuauio fur gentleman and wife; also, a hall room for single gentleman. 181 Joralemon st BOARD AT NO. 47 1 2 WILLOW ST A large pleasant room on second floor to let, with first class board, suitable for gentleman and wife, or two single gentlemen; reierenceB exenangea. OARD A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL JL9 let, with good board, a pleasant front and connecting hall room on second floor, or an alcove room on third floor; references exchanged. 477 Pacific st.

BO ARD ONTHE HEIGHTS A HAND some second story front room, also a single room highest references. 54 Garden place, five blocks from Willi st and South ferries and convenient to the bridge. BOARD 92 FIRST PLACE HAND some rooms, in perfect order, with superior board, to gentleman and wife or single gentlemen; desirable location and convenient to South and Wall st ferries references required. BOARD 93 NASSAU ST, CONNE Cling parlors, suitable for gentleman and wife or two gentlemen together with or without board other vacancies suitable for ladies or gentlemen good table three minutes of bridge can be eon on Sunday. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS PLEAS rfr tli.

V.r.mrtt. fiM tninnrna' tn Rnnfh nr ten to "Wall at. Ferry; table boarders accommodated. '134 Btate st, oot. mm ton ana xtenry.

BOARD AT 1,151 AND 1,153 FULTON Bt, corner of Franklin av, large and small rooms on Beoond and tbird floors; hot and cold water, large olosets; feasant location; good table and attendance; table oardera taken. BOARD A SMALL FAMILY HASNICE ly furnished large and small rooms, large closets, hot and cold water in the rooms: good boardifor gentlemen and wives or single gentlemen; handy to all ferries and oars. Oo ODOSeit st, noar BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS NO. 142 Montague at First class board for families; also, desirable rooms for singlo gentlemen; adults only; house, location and surroundings unexceptionable; references ex ohanged. OARD ON THE HILL A LARGE and neatly uirmsned room on third uoor in pnvaw family; hot and cold water, gas and ateam beat: gentleman and wile or two single gentlemen; gooa reiereueet).

vu dress tr. u. pox netr xortcuity, Tnl ARD ON PROSPECT HEIGHTS Jl Choice of throelarge handsomely furnished rooms; ample closets; hot and cold water; suitable for gentleman and wife or two gentlomen; excellent table: terms $12 per weex. ou at. juarKs av, lourinuoor rrom aixm.

OARD TO LET, ON THE HEIGHTS, nlntinnnt. rooms snit.nhln for nimrln renttamen or ffen ilnninn MnH nri cnnVnn innt, in fpvriRfl unrl bridge: cood table: home comforte: highest references; terms and ga. Hi aonarmeruornKt, OARD ON THE HEIGHTS 100 MON taaun nt: elesant. sunnv. back narlor.

with (crate tt it finmrnn uiho. two a man roonia anu a lama, uieottant. moderate prioe; refined American family; table boarders creairea. BOARD 63 LIVINGSTON ST LARGE front room, suitable for gentleman and wife hot and cold water; ample cioseu room; awo rooms surtame or single gentlemen, near Oity Hall: eight minutes walk of mree lernea; terma muuurun; (auiu yuaruwro vaa.uu. toarA and intelliirent lnstruotion mav be obtained for one or two little girls in a responsible private family at 85 per weex, or ior two Biscers.

Aooreas xbagie omco, iornve aays. OARD MANSION HOUSE, BROOK LYN HEIGHTS. X. Knltnnnr'Wnll Fnrrv. ftuneriar accommodations at reaaonaDle rates.

Beieot lamiij ana transient Hotel. au rooma. OARD ONE ROOM ON SECOND finnr Bnifjthlft for irAntlAman and wife or HinirlQ sen tlemen also, two rooms on third floor; hot and cold water inclosed in each room; boost newly furnished throughout; terms moderate convenient to oars; within 12 minutes of ooutn ana Mammon terries, no, a nimn at 1.0AED PARTIES DESIRI NO TO if make arrangements for the 'Winter can Beoure very desirable rooms, with first class board, within ten minutes of South or Hamilton Ferry and convenient to three lines of cars: house and location unexceptionable; terms from So to as; ignest reierence given: aiso, taois ooaruers oonuaodateo. Addresa HOUfl. Box 6.

Basle office. TOARD 162 WASHINGTON ST LARGE 13 and email rooms to let with board; close to the bridge and ferries; table boarders taken references. BOARD ON THE HILL LARGE AL cove room and desirable third story rooms to lot, with board, at S02 Cumberland st. fy OARD LARGE AND SMALL ROOMS, ent to cars and ferries; terms moderate. Wo.

B5C Henry st. BOARDNO. 36 FIRST PLACE DE sirable roens, suitable for gentlemen and their wives or single gentlemen: flrst class location, BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS A LARGE handsome room at 15 Cranberry st, between Willow and Columbia heightB Hon England family. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 2 VERY desirable rooms overlooking the Bay. 104 Columbia heights.

BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, a larire nlaasant front room on third floor. No. 97 Lafayette av. 1L OARD TWO GENTLEMEN OR GEN JO tleman and wife for board at 658 DeKalb will nod a good and comfbrtablo home for the winter. BOAJftD 60( HENRYS ST LARGE saasra mam ind turn hn.l rnnmH.

nirtav tnrniahatl as and good closet room; terms moderate. BOARD ON THE HILL NICELY FUR niflhod rooms, with good board; good location. 380 Adelphi at. BOARD 116 HENRY ST LARGE AND Bmall rooms: connecting, If desired five minutes to the bridge and ferries; terms very reasonable. OARD LARGE AND SMALL ROOMS to let.

with board, at moderate terms. No. 868 enry st, near South Ferry. OARD ON THE HILL 469 VANDER out nv. coruur ui ubipk; yiuasanc corner ruomson second and third floors, with tirst class table.

OARD A LARGE THIRD STORY LJ? front room, for gentleman and wife or two single gentlemen, with nrst class board. 60 Clark Bt. BOARD TWO GENTLEMEN. OR GEN tleman and wife, can be accommodated with board a Btriotly private family on the second or third floor it int. jvanress ocuun i gie omoe.

OARD ON THE HILL 269 CARLTON Jk.Jf av, corner of DeKalb A large alcove room on second floor: all improvements; also, front rooms on third floor; suitable for gentlemen references. BOARD ON THE HILL HANDS OME ly furnished rooms to let with first class board; near three lines of cars and Wall Bt. fltages, 107 Fort Greene place. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 85 PIER repont st First class accommodations in every re Bpect: references exchanged. BOARD ON THE HILL NO.

219 CUM berland st; a nicely furnished alcove room; also third story front and hall room adjoining, with first class board. References exchanged. BOARD NO. 260 PRESIDENT ST, BE tween Clinton and Court To let, with first class board, alcove room, second floor, front, all modern conve niencea; terms moderate references exchanged. BOARD ON THE HILL A LARUE room on parlor floor to let: running water; house and table first class; convenient to several car routes.

Call at No. 464 Classon ave, between Putnam and Gates, SO ARD FIRST CLASS HOUSE, BEAU ti fully furnished; good neighborhood; superior dine on parlor flour; Becond and third story rooms, '2 3 Raymond st, near Fulton. BOARD 400 VANDERBILT AV, BE tween Greene av. and Fulton handsomely furnished alcove room also, square and hall room; inclosed bed; house first class in every particular, BOARD 259 CLINTON ST, CORNER OF Warren Two large connecting rooms, three windows in each, with southern exposure will let the rooms separately or en suite, BOARD 60 SECOND PLACE HAND somely fnrnished, large, airy rooms, single or en suite; house newly painted, papered and carpeted; has all improvements and excellent table; terms moderate; with or without board. BOARD ON THE HILL 327 GREENE av, above Classon A largo socond, alcove room; also large square third story front, with hall room if desired; all have ample closets, water, Ac.

private family. First class in every respect. BOARD A PLEASANT THIRD STORY, sguare room, front or baok; a large front hall room with closet; location pleasant and convenient ferrieB five minutes to City Hall: table boarders acoom modated; reference exchanged. No. 320 State at.

BOARD TWO YOUNG MEN CAN BE accommodated in a private family; newly furnished room, all improvements, rlvo minutes' walk from the "Wil liamsbnrgh Athletic Club Roomi; terms moderate; reference required. Call on or address W. 990 Fulton at. TJ OARD PARTIES DESIRING FINE M3 roomn, elegantly furnished, everything new and fresh, in a house nrst class in all its apnointments, convenient to ail ferries, may apply at 237 Carroll at, second door from Court, fronting Carroll Park. BOARD ON THE HILL 124 SOUTH Oxford st.

newly and handsomely furnished second atory alcove; also, front hall room, with large closet, suitable for gentleman and wife or single gentlemen; location and table first class; references unexceptionanle. BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A large handsomely furnished second story room, with folding bed; also, large fourth 6tory room, for two gentlemen; convenient and desirable location; tew minutes' walk to Wall st. and South ferries. 356 Henry et. Board two large rooms, suit able for two in each, on second floor, and good hall room, all connecting, separately or together; hot and cold water; large closetB; good table; five minutes to ferries.

182 Baltic st, between Henry aud Clinton. BOARD ON THE HILL 445 FRANK lin av, near Putnam, the choice of newly furnished rooms en suite or single; water on evory floor; house, location and table first class; convenient to live lines of oars and all ferrioB; references exohanged. OARD 142 LAWRENCE ST, NEAR Folton 'Larae nlcelv furnished rooms to let. with loord. on reasonable terms, to centlemen and their wives.

or Bingle gentlemen; references; table boarders accommodated. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS NO. 33 Sohormerhorn st, between Clinton and Court Two large, beautifully furnished roams, folding beds In each, yith hot and oold water, large closets; for gentleman and wife or single gentlemen; table boarders accommodated. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS HAND omely furnished second story front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, with or without hoard; within three minutes of Wall st. and South ferries.

69 Joralemon Bt near Hicks. BOARD A LONG ISLAND LADY HAV ing an elegantly fumiBhed house would like a few first class people as boarders; table suoplfed with well cooked, home made food home made bread and pastry; table board, 223 Baltic st, near Clinton. BOARD BEST IN BROOKLYN FOR the money a large front room for two, $5 per week each; small room for one, good substantial board; xrood location; convenient to cars and ferries. No. 31 Tompains place, between narrison anu uegraw ew, OARD ON THE HILL NEAR PROS yu para; uoduouio bd.uuu uuul.

iiui.v oiwuyd buu ack room, with sood board. AddIv at 183 Berkeley mace. near Seventh av. 11 9 OARD 152 LAWRENCE ST. PLEAS JO ant rooms, with first class board for gentlemen and then wives or single gentlemen; table boarders accommo dated; references.

TTP OARD ON THE HEIGHTS NICELY 9 furnished front room on second uoor, suitable tor uflntlnman and wife or sinde eentlemen: also, two hall rooms. Apply at 28 Willow st; four minutes' walk from Folton and Wall et. femes and onage. BOARD NO. 242 CLERMONT AV, near DeKalb fjovely aloove and square room connecting, on second floor, newly furnished, hot and cold water, largo closets; suitable for gentlemen or gentlemen and their wives also back parlor; first class table.

OARD PROSPECT HILL PARTIES JJ? wishing first class boara: roomB single or en suite: Ainlncr rnnm nn nttrlor flnnr: 160 Park nlaoe. innctionof Flatbush and Seventh avs; table boarders accommo dated, OARD A LADY EXPERIENCED IN teaching, living on a farm noar a lovely village, would receive a family of children, give thorn a happr home and a mother's care, with instruction iu English urancbes if oeBiroa; pest city ami noma riurou, uuibbu ai, u. uiiAftri, oaiem, x. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS 7 WIL JLiF low st Large and small nicely zurniBnea rooms. nrithlftroB ntnnats and rnnniner water: back Darlor.

with room connecting; three minutes1 walk to Fulton Ferry or bridge; two young iaaioa Bcconunoaacea; aisa, tauio boarders: terms very low. TT OARD 462 HENRY ST, BETWEEN 9 Harrison and second atory xront room wiin hall room connection decidedly pleasant and very comfortably furnished, will let together or separately; table generously supplied with tbe beet: is desirable and convenient to either South or Wall st. Ferry. Terms low to acceptable ana permanent parties, "i OARD A REFINED AND COMFORT BP able home in a three story, high stoop, brown stone front, on Sixth av, within 15 minutes of City Hall elegant dining room on parlor floor; excellent table; gentlemen only; one seoond lloor alcove room, running water, single $11, two $15; one third floor square room single $9, two $12 two single rooms $0 each. Address PROSPECT amiimo, i agio omoe, BOARD WANTED.

BOARD WANTED A ROOM, WITH OR without board, by a lady; must be on the Hill, in a good neighborhood. Address U. icagieomoe. BOARD WANTED BY A YOUNGLADY; rooms with good hoard; between Smith st. and Kim place; within two blocks of Fulton st.

Address, tat ing terms, moucxvAim, uui opftia uuiirc, BOARD WANTED BY A YOUNG LA dy, reasonable hoard, mthin walking distance of Fal ton Ana Smith Bta. Please address, Btating forme, W. E.a 14 Smitn st. OARD WANTED BY A WIDOW WITH 39 two cmldren, aged 12 and 10, two rooms (one small) with board, between Classon and Clermont, Atlantioond DeKalb avs. Aaaress i.

io enerw piace. T6aED WANTED FOR GENTLEMAN J3and wife, on the Heights or Hid; strictly private fam ilypreferred; must be flrst class in every particular; large sunny room, plenty of closet room. Address, stating full particulars, agieoma. FURNISHED ROOMS. "El URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, DESIR able rooms; two or tnree.

connecting or separaw; pleasant neighborhood to all terries. lbO Fort Greene place, near Hanson 71 URNISHED ROOM TO LET, A NICE MJ Ir farniabed front hall room, for a gentleman all improvements. At 881 Wyckoff at, between Fourth and Fifth avs. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, A LARGE square room, nicely fnrnished; all Improvements; suitable lor one or two gentlemen; cuaveaiuuii 271 nattiest. mimNTSHTCl) ROOM TO LIST.

A HAND' Sj Boraely papered, iarge room on seoond floor, with fT.M anH hnt.h rnnm nriininillir. In first OlaflB nOUBe with owner; a strictly private fanulj; eight minutes' walk from lerry; steam neat; tanas moueram. ot avwuu miTTRNTSHRD ROOM TO LET FIF teen minutes from ferry, a fomiahed room to let, to gentlemen, with privilege of bath, with private fajBily. juunHu. THE DAILY EAGLE Is ra Its Forty Hfth year.

Bis nabliahed every afternoon on tho working days of th8 week mdon SUNDAY MORNINGS. TERMS OB1 SUBSCRIPTION. SlOper 85 for six months: 81 per month; staple topies 3 cents; Sunday edition 81.60 per year, pottage In abuUd. RATES FOR ADVERTISING. SOLID AUiTK I.NSKKTrON.

Par line. First Paire 16 o3 Becond or Fourth Page ..25 centa Local and Commercial Notices, Third or Fonrth Pago GO centa Second AmnBements, Lectures and Excursions to cents Advertisements under the follomng heads, measuring fire lines or less, seventr fiv. cents for first insertion ana City cents for each successive insertion: "For Sale, io Bt," "Wants." Fifteen cents por line fc excess of five lines. Personals. Marriaeea.

Deaths, Lost and found one dol Isrfor each insertion, when not exceeding five lines. Ke JixiouB Notices fifty cents for each insertion of five lines or Jess. Situations Wanted, males 25 conts, females lo cents. No deviation from these rates. Cash in advance in all taees.


E. D. THE KAGLK IN NEW YORK CITY. We have established agencies for tho sale of tho EAOLB at some of the principal business points in New York Oity. at follows: Astor HoUBe steDS.

C. P. Rockwood, Grand street Ferry. W. H.

Clinch, 174 South street. Folton street and Broadway, Knox Building. James Mead, Barolay street and Broadway. THE EAGLE IN EUROPE. The Eagle on be obtained at Gilllg's United States Exchange, 9 Strand, Charing Oross; American Travelers' Ueading Rooms, 4 Langham place: the American Kz ohanM, 449 Strand, and A.

B. C. Exchange Olub. 1T5 New Bond street, London. Also, at 35 Boulevard oes Capuoinesand Munroe 7 Rue Scribe, Paris, and the German Transatlantic Exohange, 78 Friednchstrasse, Barlm.


Bbooklyn Theater Bohemian Girl. Park Theater Mam'relle. Hyde fc Behman'b Theater American roar. ZlPP'8 Oabino Grand Concert. Novelty Theatbr Qaeena.

Lee Avenue Academy The Magic Queen. Standard Mubeum Novelty andSpaoialty. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. The piece to be set out to morrow night at the Grand Opera House is a wierdly thrilling and wholly li i que production. It rejoices in the not altogether unsuggestiro title of "Nobody's Claim," from which it may rightfully be inferred that it has to do with an exposition of the free and easy life of the lain camp and the Western frontier.

The play employs a number of clever people, who are named in the following cant of characters Ward Devereaux Joseph J. Dowling Hhal Alendoza Joseph F. C.ark Aiajor O'Finn McWaddigan John Dyllyn LD'ontarraf Pnipps Frank Lnwton Jabe Fred. Juliian hj.e iol Peoksetter Marc T. May nurd Jxgon Uerald Grithn Tmly Tape T.

Spencer Sands Til ante Edward Curtis rgeant Towler Thomas McMahon I.Iaiige, with sougs Sadie Hanson 1 illian Hujwood Mane Lence fdusa Jane Pecksjlter Emma. Whittle Nobody's Claim is sensationally melodramatic r.nd realistically picturesque. It ia invested with a i trony humorous element, and in one of its scenes a number of entertaining musical specialties are introduced. It crowded the house laBt season, and will undoubtedly do eo again this woelc. The usual Huutluees will take place on Wednesday and Saturday.

ENGLISH OPERA AT THE ItKOOKLYX. The avidity with which places for the Abbott season at tho Brooklyn Theater have been taken up indicates the eagerness of the public for English opera. The repertory for the forthcoming oneagenieut of Miss Abbott and her company at this houso ia certainly calculated to attract music lovers. To morrow nitfht "The Bohemian Girl" ia to be brought forward, with the following distribution of ports AvUne Emma Abbott Lizzie Auuaudale iiiaddtsus Valentino Cabrini Count Tagliapietra evilshonf Waiter Allen fiorestim Maurice Connell On Tuesday evening "Martha" is to bo suug; at tho Wednet day matinee the sparkling comic opera, Heart Hitd Hand;" Wednesday night, "Maritana Thursday, Somiratuido, tho first time in Eoglish of Itosaini'o great work; Friday, th 11 Mignon of Ambroisa Thomas; and Saturday night Verdi's "II Trovstore." Tbe principals associated with Miss Abbott are Laura PelUni, Lizzie Annandale, Fabrini aud Castle, Taglla pietra and Campobello, liroderick and Allen, and sev eral others of lesser uote but with fresh, telling voices. These will be supported by a large chorus and orchestra, under the direction of Signor To in si.

COMEDY AT THE PARK. The dramatic event of the present week is the appearance of Mile. Aimee in English comedy, which takes place at the Park Theater to morrow night. Mile. Aimee will then essay, for the first time in this vicinity, an English speaking part in a new comedy, specially writteu for herself, aud entitled Mom'zelie." In this play Aimee impersonates a Parisian, milliner and the creatlou Is spoken of in those quarters where it has been observed being dainty, fanciful and charming to a degree.

The character affords scope for the display of the vocal abilities ot tho actress, and Mile, Aimeu is accordingly to be listened to iu French, Spanish and English songs. The cast of the play is as follows Toim tte Jacotot i'leur da Lis T. Tar eton Tupper, Esq Lionel Lumie Iianc.iia Jacotot Bob I'ritchtird CJoionel Hiram Poster ttieOy Marie Aimee J. O. Barrows W.

A. Wbiteotir Lester Victor O. T. Vincent Newton Chianell A. H.

Feetey A. Anderson O'Club Charles McHlroy Mrs. LouiEa Tupper Laura Wallace Mary Caroline Weidumn Mr. Barrows has already made bis mark here as a comedian, and tho balance of the support is of more than ordinary promise, 11 Mam'zelle" is said to present Beveral unique features in dramatlo construction. The comedy will be shown at Wednesday and Saturday matinees.

The Interest awakened by Mile. Aimee'B new departure will doubtless serve to crowd the house at tvery performance. THE CASINO CONCERTS. There will appear at the Casino to morrow night, and at the subsequent concerts of tho week. Miss Marie Balinond, a cornet player whose execution is said to fully equal the marvelous facility of the renowned Levy.

Miss Ralmond Is a young American lady. Herr Ignatz Conrad whoso Tyrolean warbllngs are unexcelled, and Mile. a prime favorite with the Casino audiences, are tne vocal soloists under engagement here. Signor Conterno's band will provide the orchestral music HYDE EH HAN'S THEATER The principal features of the specialty entertainment at Hyde Behmon'a Theater. this week is the well known American Four, Messrs.

Pet ten gill, Dalley. Gale and Daly, a quartette of rare fun provokers, who will appear in something new. John M. Burke, Charlie Mitchell and Steve Taylor are to take part in a grand assault at arms the premier acrobats, Mile. Jeannette Dorina and Signor Foniera Rtjoli, will exhibit their skill and daring Sheehan and Coyne give Irish sketches the Vivian sisters eing and dance Bryant and Saville show their versatility in musical illustrations Miss Georgle Parker entertains tho audience with medleys, songs and dances, and the entire company appear in a new afterpiece called Living Cariosities." There will be the usual matinees on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon.

NOVELTY THEATER. The comedy drama of Queena," which has met withfflattering success at the Grand Opera House, 1b to be transferred to the Novelty Theater to morrow night. The cast and scenery will bo precisely the same as here, and Eastern District theatergoers may conn. dently look forward to the enjoyment of much really fine acting. Miss Louise Pomeroy and Miss Sadie Mar tinot bear the principal parts in the play.

"Queena" matinees are appointed for Wednesday and Saturday. LEE AVENUE ACADEMY. A novelty is announced at the Lee Avenue Academy in the shape of a new spectacular production called "Zozo, tho Magic Queen." Superb scenery and costumes, sensational situations, taking music and a strong array of bewitching femlmnes are calculated to constitute the piece a drawing cord. It will be shown nightly this week and at Wednesday ana Saturday matinees, tho role of the Magic Queen being taken by Miss Kate Chace, who will be supported by a compe tant acting company. STANDARD MUSEUM.

At no place of amusement in this vicinity is so much of entertainment afforded for so little money nsat the Standard Museum. troupe of Japanese jugglers and acrobats, lately tho sensation at tho Royal Crystal Palace, London, appear here this week, together with John and Lottie Baasell, Ethiopean sketch artists; Jamea Murray aud Ed Lyon. Irish aud Dutch corneal.

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