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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • 16

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • 16

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EDY LAMARR PLAYS NEW TONDELAYO RED CROSS BENEFIT AT MAJESTIC THEATER 'Casablanca' at the Hollywood One of Many Thanksgiving Films mil Cargo With Hedy Lamarr at the Capitol Majestic Has Prisoner of Japan' 'Gentleman Jim at Strand 16 BROOKLYN EAGLE FRIDAY NOV 27 1942 'Great Big Doorstep Ancla Crazy House Herman Shumlin Presents a New Comedy at the Morosco Theater i By ARTHUR TOLLOCK Herman Shumlin who hu produced more Intelligent plays In recent yean than any one In the producing business la about to get into the war and last night at the Morosco he presented his last play for the duration "The Great Big Doorstep" He must have been In a hurry and couldn't wait until something better turned up "The Great Big Doorstep1 Is amusement in fv -v ont of 1U milder forms Frances Oood-rich and Hackettmade iti out of the novel setting the scenes in Louisiana where a very poor but tidy family fishes an elegant set of front steps out of the river and then dreams of finding a house to match them They are Cajuns descendants of those Arcadians Longfellow wrote about In his "Evangeline" talk a little French mingle gather on a barge and along the shore to witness what wu than an Illegal boxing bout lliou were tha days of brutal bareknuckle fighting and It wu this type of fighting that Corbett helped to refine In the count of hto career spectacular and boisterous Corbett family to represented In the film by Alan Bale and Dorothy Vaughan Fat Corbett and Ma and Marilyn Phillips the daughter Mary Fat Flaherty Harry and Jamu Favln George Jim brothers They present a rollicking picture of the turbulent Corbetts always getting into arguments which they settle in the Corbett livery stable with flats white the neighbors happily yelling "Tho Trluunor of Japan1 ProtuoM Tbtaur mar (ton uS aa slay anO liakaoa by -rairt TMCAer kill Dawmoft taul Oh an Mulosni Loti ws Snort i Suly Mart IboIos Ballay- Maul ItumsBt Menas' a B4le -fiV OBrira Jaoaaraa Radio OynaUf ft RaOlo Oparatf OtlMart kiKS HMUkOay 5Slian3 AD proceeds of thU evening's per formsnees of "Prisoner of Japan" which opened today at the Majestic Theater will bo turned ever to the Rad Cross Tho program Includm aa a second feature the pDub Roy Rogers cowboy in "Suniet Serenade" "Prtaoner of Japan" a a film to a stirring war 'drama it ta an absorbing story of events taking place la the Pacific lnvolr Ing an American girl who has been hostess at one of the Island cafes and a young American planter who meet and falls In love and then dice in order to save a United States convoy from at the hande of the Jap bombers Alan Baxter to cast the young planter who to under the dominaa tion of a Japanese agent played by Ernest Dorian Then come Gertrude Michael aa Thai the honky tonk queen oa her way to the Slates now that war haa been declared She believes Baxter to a pwty tha asptonage against hto country But ha proves hto Innocence law when upon the brutal murder by tha Jap agent of a Uttle Malayan boy ho loves he mortally wounds tha espionage chief Alan Baxter to splendid the young planter who haa lost his grip on things and' then rises to supreme heights aa the gin of the slums atlre him out of hto lethargy to perform a great deed of heraiio Oertrude Michael to superb as the girl who atones for her Ufe In this final gesture Ernest Dorian as the Jap agent to a alnbter menses smooth and disarming Corinna Mura tho noted Latin-Amerksn singer of opera tome to exoticaUy beautiful as tha Eurasian wife of the Jap who answers the can cf her Western blood and loam her life that tha American convoy may be laved PICTURES White Cargo TUX CAST TOoSalayo Harry Wliaal Tko Dae tar -UnalafO I ikippar Hroy Lamarr Pidtsua Moroaa JUcharO CarlaM lull own NMII I lavaraoO RaOartl Wllkar Atb lay TaO O-HailL -Bramwyll Platchor -Ciytls Cuok Body Lamarr to tha Tondelayo top an Tondelayoa in "White Cargo" which cams to tho Capitol Theater screen In a new vemloo yesterday Already "White Cargo" haa had considerable of a career first aa a novel by Ida Vera Blmooton then a stage play by Leon Gordon and later aa a film play This new adaptation by M-O-M ta a thorouoghly absorbing performance thanU to Walter Pldgeon as well as Hedy and the fine direction of kldiard Thorpe For those who happen to have missed learning the ilory of "White a brief synopsis may ba In er Tha scent to a rubber plantation In Africa at which periodically new recruits to tho Industry arrive and are assigned to Jobe by the resident Walter Pldgeon who haa long since lost all Illusions about tho Joys of lift In tha tropica Besides working with Pldgeon there eeems to bo a general tendency among the white men on the plan tatlon to take up with this Tondelayo a half-caste beauty who yearns for silks and banglea and to tell tha truth manages to corral quite tow Richard Carlson plays tha idle of Langford tha newt man to fry hto hand at rubber the tlmelineis of this occupation to Ignored In tin "White and Ilka hto predecessors Langford falls for Hedy He goes from bad to wbfre to practically native and marries Hedy to spite PMgeoo Things get rapidly no better tin they smooth out fit the final sea lienees But Hedy Tondelayo Which lathe real point of "White Cargo1 In what Warner Bros publicity department ealto a a sarong with allure and a bra along with plenty of suntan makeup Body to a really fetching Uttle tropical tramp Other members of tho cast include Frank Morgan si tha doctor and Henry as tba Rev Roberta JC MOTION Ha knows of a houaa warty that ha can buy for $60 and It Just fits tha big doorstep They a cent seen paper money In years Eventually they get the house and with tears in mother eyes leave tha old home 'But not before a number of things have happened A young Texan offers to lend them the money but la beaten up by a brother the day he brings it and to taken off money end all to the hospital Father who used to be a pilot on a river boat but lost hto Job by tolling asleep hu a brother still a pilot who gives them a check It bounces Finally the money cornu from a man to whom they have too elaborately paid no attention Tha last of the thru acta to the best tor by the time It arrives things have piled up enough to give It something to da Until then time Is token up mostly with whlmsey A peculiar gusty and capricious family they glvt the authors mors troiibte than to good for tha play For Mlaa Goodrich and Mr Hackett cannot quit handle them Their characterisation Is mechanical The people of tha play an never unaware of their picturesqueness or tha comical purposes for which they have been brought to a stage Louis Calhern and Dorothy Otoh play the mother and father Jeanne and live lives of simple Innocence like the Arcadians a good many other poets have sung In the present instance the dramatists have not been too successful In getting them on the state In such a manner aa to make them either credible or genuinely comical They turn out to be a "Tobacco Road" family dressed up and sent to grammar school Though their tiny shack la such a hoval that rata annoy tha younger children aa they sleep on the kitchen table the daughters look as If they might be home from boarding school for a vacation the mother of the all children to neat aa a pin and tha father who though a ditch-digger seldom works wears pants that aren't long from ths store But this to Arcadia and they ere Cajuns which to meant to explain many things but does not take tha falsettos out of the dialogue The family hu grown too Mg for the house The rent to not paid Father talks and digs no ditches MANHATTAN VERDI REQUIEM denfpit Russian wsa must TOWN HAM IIS SO ST- SATURDAY NOV By JANE CORBY "Casablanca" opened Thanksgiving at the Bollywood Theater What timing! Ths smash Allied victory In the French Moroccan capital hasn't had Urns to becotns yesterday news you may say and here's Warner Brothers tossing "Casablanca" to a news-eager and vie-tory-happy public What timing and what Incidentally what a picture! Now don't get tha idea that "Casablanca" to tha latest news reel equipped with the A and Ingrid Bergman It not a documentary affair at all It a fiction but It hu got Ingrid Bergman and It CASABLANCA Presented by Warner Brothers at tha Hollywood Theater MtasM to Mtaftsol CorlSs TSX CAST Huwphnv Basalt InsrlO Banana Paul Honrali Vlelar Laaala ClauSa Raisa COst Lsula Roaasll CsaraS VMl Malar Rtraanr RyOsay Oraasatraai Priar Lsrn SakaU MadaMnr LaBaau DosUr WUaaa-Joy Paas Jobs Gustos Lssnie Klaabar Hilaiat Dasllsa Curt Rais Mareol Dalis Carlana Mura Ludwla Btaaaal Ilka uraano Charln to Tano Prank Puslla Das sorsMur Ansi ns HnaOal Btraar Rtscbs Barns ilsr JiB Dark XUraoaaa Slnaar sir towbua Mrs touchlas Htaar MarUnto Arafc Vrnior AMul slso glvegj in suthentle picture of the FYendi lforoocsn dig and buifcto up for you the events thst lad up to ths prment American occupation "Casablanca" indeed to a brilliant example of that new type of pictun which hu been getting polished off with increasing artistry In Bollywood wall Britain during the put few month It war picture that to not about tht war ao much aa it to about people Just people who find themselves pocketed by one or another et of war circumstances Warner Brothers have done handsomely by their own little set of Rench M0-roccsn clrcunutsnces and produced a picture that to entertainment for man woman child but which also offers quick brush-up on ths facts behind the current situation in and around mvw wen worth tha attention of perloua students wen ft rank and file high school kids What the picture "Oambtonca1 hu captured Is not so much a series of war events the spirit of Franco Forever and the Fighting French The etory concern ttmlf with a Norwegian girt named Stas Lund played by Ingrid Bergman who husband a member of the eeret underground organisation that worts for freedom In an the occupied countriu of XUrope hu been cent to a Nart concentration camp Us alone in Paris an Awtoan named Rick and they fan In love The' hnlband turns up Just tha Basis take Faria and Dsa who had tolled to keep an appointment with Rick without explanation meete him tn Casablanca to which she and her husband have fled There all three in involved In International matters on which MOTION s' "THE MOON AND SIX PENCE" with Doris Dudley and Steve Geray above at Loew's Metropolitan hang tha Ilf a or death of an con' cemed Under the direction of Michael Curtis the film mows at a swift pace with never aa instant flag-glng interest Ingrid Bergman to an appealing Du Humphrey Bogart succeeds in being 3iobte without being annoying Paul Henreid Hu husband to capable Claude Rains dou an excellent Job uCapt Louis Renault Ftench police captain who too sure of hto aym pathies until tba showdown cornea when he becomes all French One of the most stirring sequences In the picture to a night club scene where German officers start sing-ing "The Watch on tha Rhine" and are drowned out by a vigorous French rendition of the "Msnel- GENTLEMAN JIM STORY OF CORBETT "Gentleman Jim" baaed on the life of Jamu Corbett the Ant great modern heavyweight champion opened yesterday at the Strand Presented by Warner Bros-and starring Errol Flynn and Alexia smith the picture to robust from start to finish punctuated with tha ring fight by which Cortett climbed to the championahlp and lightened by considerable comedy The romantic angle to only Incidental to the action oT the picture but it to 'piquant and adds its own touch 'of glamour to th dealing pugilistic proceedings Highlights of the screen drama are Corbett encounters with the great fighters of hto Jack Burke Joe Cboynskl and finally John Sullivan With the background of the over-ornate nineties to lend color the film story moves swiftly in exciting sequences The San Francisco waterfront provides the aoenee of ooe of Corbett earliest flghta when society folks and waterfront hangers-on PICTURES coewss STAGE MANHATTAN KwWAKE ISLAND" SB" ite "iwromirm on pakadc- Dotty DkaSoa Jeanette MacDouU Robert You unrsrmiN VHkli ooo Snip Awoaaa I L0XWS KOTOS fktqmk mi yiisra Ammm LOXWS ALHNK Mk Fth LOXW REDrOBD I IiHkS ammo aai Bon LOCWa BBOAOWAY mi HyrtM Am LOXWS CONEY ISLAND Lomrs GATES SoMa (an 001 LOXWS KAMO sieMsMul II LOEWS 4STH STKEET LOEWS PBIMBB Sortar Nil Loews OBIXNTAL i IN sisilssl LOXWS BORO PSRK SIM IN D-aDS PUN nr Edward Araald Aaa Itriw aid Skra DMiw "MMukl ft Aan0aJSMft "Ski TraSk" AIDS VILLI TONITE AT BORO PARR ROBERT YOUNG plays the lead with Jeanette Mac Donald in "Cairo" now at Loew's neighborhood theaters Perkins Smith end Jot Oeffen are the dainty daughters' Jack Manning to a son older toother of two amusing tow-heads played by Gerald Math Matthews and Dickie Monahan John Momy to the Texan Clay Clement the uncle with the bad check Morton Stevens the perspiring gentleman who makes tha three-set drum come true MOVIE TIME TABLE BROOKLYN "Tolra of Manhatiaa" is 4 1:10 lO JOi "UbOjtuio 11 lift ft Sift Ranaars" ISIS IS lO Sli "Tha Hiddaa Haas" ll-SS SSS I 04 Bonsai" 11:31 ISO in SIX IX: 'Trlaan-r at Japan IS I 1 1S IO METROPOLITAN ''Mooa all Slo-ponc" 1144 4 IS 1-M 11:13: 11:01 3M SIS Haw Voyasor" 13 34 3 4a 7 oa IS sa 'IJarllno Young Hu" 11:10 in S'S4 STRAND-1 'PI rlM JHfTt" 11:40 4 0 1:10 lo 'Winat tt Cbaaca- 1130 3 II I MANHATTAN ASTOR-'-fSr Ms BRg My Ool" 13:40 I 01 0:10 11:00 Caros' 1011 13:47 1:01 I 147 10:07 11:11 War Assist! Mrt HaOlay" 0 JA 3:34 1:31 llft 1:11 0:11 11:10 1:00 MUSIC "OSes Uaoa A BMoa" 10 1A 1:10 10:10: UK aha 13 DC ROXY -V I -a A Wta-t -MW LILLIAN RAYMONDI will make her debut in the role of Papogena at the Metropolitan Opera this evening MOTION PICTUU8 40 tENTUM aaaaalPaeooae'toeoaa My AND CASA tooncit naiDEgNHDpiMiJiJa MADID CITY MimCJIALL CARY OMNI 6IN8ES ROSENS MUOMaCAMfi UNCEUPONAHOlinMOOr IT rrnaua ariTi ntfir'irf tun Pin MM a ft man JL 13L I JL ML to (an al: A 1 JL Mb Mt leMaaaIssMlatanag CkaM 4-4400 TK KLU NKMKMCr ORMEiKs ASTOR KMK NJUUTML1M I0MJUKX! aNT SHOWS UOUKSI a MkfiRMU tea PAYNE CsssrMISANOA tea SOMISO HASSY JAMU AND NIS SAND "SPRINGTIME me PUnMITAMINOW UV A WAN RQXY ONOattks I nonKmu ftAKAMQUHJi FiwdUI gfej TStrsite kyWr Walsh plsv by VlBCrut LsrrraBM sn Harass SisCky bsss4 vosa tha Uts ol Josms OotbsU THl CUT Xml yiyns asnllraiso JlaT Osrkl Alnls Onlth VMtorle iVieklol Wsra Jack Csrssn Wol'sy Lawns Also halt Psk Csrkttl Joho Lsdrr WUlitsi VrawMy Missy Watssft WsrO BsaJ -MsOrMliwLt Rhys WllUsau Arthur RhMdt Dorothy VauohSR hurt Pis (Is Pol Xlohcrty Wollls Clark Msrllyo Phllllys Art Dsstoy K4in Rtsnlry Hsory CHsrs Harry Crscksy IBS CUhlM DrWftt i Delsnsy Buck Wsio aho Rhlllvsh Marry Wstsao Xsthsr Burks Mo CortNtt Ooarso Corbtll Hsrrv Corbett Judao Orar 1 Morv Corbrtt Jack Burto PtosIdOBt Melnnra Colts HuoUnoloa Ohorlss Cracky' Oorcroor Stanford Smith Sutra Prank Moyo Corl Hsrbouah PiM Kolsoy Atotu Joe Cheynakl Corbetts are at it again!" gather round to watch Jim Corbett manages to Join the swanky Olympic Club and meets Tickle Ware (Alexis Smith) wealthy society girt who resents ths brash young mini over-confidence and they quarrel throughout the picture But after Cortett has won tho championship from John Sullivan they discover that 1th been love between them an tho time Tha acting throughout tho film to excellent- and tha direction -by Raoul Walih lets a tost pace 'Forest Stays At Fox Brooklyn "The Forest Rangers" Para-mount'll im-hniiudnr drama starring Fred Macllurray Paulettq God dard and Busan Hayward currently headlining the screen show at tha Fox Brooklyn Theater to to be retained tor a aecond week beginning today lynne Overman and Albert Dekker head tha large supporting cast The eo-fMture "The Hidden Hand' a truly exciting thriller with Craig Stevens and Elisabeth Fraser in the leading roles will alio remain for a second big week MOTION PICTURES 2nd WEEK SEATS NOW! Brooklyn Fabian Ftatbwh at NdvIm I3MD 111 nmsit eama DfiB3IKIEEU0 9C' WAVfiC MUM LEE "FLYING 1 CHAUCX" BUY U7S1WAR BONDS ANO SAVINGS STAMPS PATHS FMIkit An aa 4 NMw4 at MARINI FMMna MM-XIaaa NW "MEXICAN ELEPHANT" Errai Ptyss Eassli Btsaas "DESPERATE a Jkas Artkay "TALE or THE TOWN" -SPIRIT OT iTAHrOBD" PABBAOUT PMIOaO Aa rawaaot Cory VOOUXI ML Aaa mt Aaaaaa RIALTO 4 04 LRftft "TADDOH MY RARONO" A -MIN OT IXXAW MT BARONO" asA "MEN OT Big NOWBAND Skk IfMySMhrt AatSW OP THE YANKKXA" "ARMY IWgjS AVALON Klaia raw aai Wk WU MMftay DraMay -A YANK fT011 MIDWOOD Ataaai I aai ft IHk ft BE OILIRSPIE TKIANGU KM(I IRtk SI "ACROSR TKK PACIFIC" I "GET EXP TO tQK -Oar MOW aV im owoloitn-wroMS ELSTREET AJLS Mao JaiHl MntorOCml OLOta Tkaa WMSL OlftWtft In ana raSStSO "Poaatool slap yaVw arar aaasv PM ARSEN1C AND OLD LACE with KrfcS Vao MrotoSn imaMaaata a PMSyStawtol a apart Oir a paisy stawtat a Pi PULTSR Tkaa 40 SL al Bwy 01 Mato TOH'W MB wsa IRS SHOWS (Mat aai Xvft) I WRY SUNDAY Hpaiatf bMiMHVi oiMaH WofM-TM OXOROI ASftOTT pnaaau Beat-the band siSUMN JINBV SANS HILkKS WHITINS LISTIS VISCIST Nala kv lakaay Sna Urlaa ky Saa Harlas Jr 41 STTkM-Wal BY SIMMS NS PartTIun IraJRMIIS-SaAft HMaLaSaaJIrMIil PRIZE WINNER YRAB 0M HATWIOR WUR VMS USSITT RLITHE SPIRIT HOU COWARD'S Dial CaaraCy oora 4Mb 04- a lair Rvoa Malloaaa IManat A WaAsaaSay at Dy JuaHar la aara-tlra to Wtli-TtUtnm RAY BOLGER is BT JUPITER A New RODOXUANARr jraafcailOaaifiy Caaataaaa Draay DaaaM MOORE VENUTA GRAHAM BDUBCDT SAIhWal DWay Km 0:10 illaaaa TaaiWaa aai WaAaaaOay 1:10 STSth HILARIOUS PCBPORMANCX JOHN GOLDIN paaaaMla By HOU raANKEN 4SSL lAMSiia-laalAa Tawnaa A JOHN GOU Claudia rSRSISTIh- W4i SL JOHN OOLMN praamu PAUL MUNI XLMXH RtCTS Oanedy Counselor-at-law ROYALXTtoaJSOWaf Wway RraJliSa MaUaaaa TOMW aaA WKD al Ida "By HtaUwayV aUalarAa a ML" BIAUPOSr Ckr Srt Moaltor A I toaJTTSLrt CNRY HIUISft41MCAlBm NSfO-IW MO SaaS OaaM II SaaJsMk NaMTaa'a Allan I SMWaal FaanrAIStaaoa Junior miss LVOSUH TNIA4S SL Ial SWay CM "SaayaaL SMWaaS rwH4lttaaoalrHMa oceoao VIAS CN4JSI Saa Saa Has- INI Data Taarta I Nil Saa MO SKATS ALWAYS AT SUB 2 Parfa Evtry SxaMaL Ev rHTOH ratKDLtri sraateal faaiaHaa DANNY KAYE FACE tT! By HIXURT aai DOROTHY PKM Baaay Mary Jaaa Oaral SOM) Vlalaa BAKER WAUN 0 SOON SR HSIOIR VANOS COLE PORTER SONGS IMPIRIAL aata SI laoa I aai Out SR ilk Taaal RHRCY COMCDY 410 I ear 1 AiHaaoa BMf Life with father am HBWAU LIHMAVBSMTNV STICRNSV BMPIRR Stay alSIl a Sat al IM laaalaaa ONL HaaTSH'W aaO WIO- iM a tkiatu aorta pxoDccrroH um nuxoa rrw comedy SYCAMORE Butt tor to Rabart im ULL1AN GISH STUART ERWIN GUILD TRXATRR DM SL af DWay Krca Mala Iw A TkanIIAI gft KaMn Otto St AS Data Sto aai flM NaM TOH'W IMOi OUR I PJR- Mr mi IM MY SISTER laaalaaa ML Saa My EILEEN left Ha Parf TaraMy ITS TNSA-4HS M-Wll Daw OLfrWM IVfttoL KJkaOf OR DATS UT aaetUN-lMM Ham CANADA LU hi OBRON WRLLKS Native son HAJUTIO Tkra- 44D StWJl 0aay SI MM flat fay Wa Do an Tban HEW YOU HEW IWUXXUI1 ROSALINDA Mae JMaiteHtt YrrrJaa a JMom ffrauM Oparrtfa -PlaJanaour to ORft iritMiajir Wa4 Hal-llla-KJI Taanrraa HaHaaft IMMIA HaM IN 44TH0T LA-4-4U1 UINS DISKS IN SATO ABVANOI "Myaato Gay yaw pud Alklawa riataf riMURHOPra pnaraia JESSa HALEY LOCAR DsHAKCOS HOW TIME Pproaftosa Yarlatv fksw -BBOABHHSST TNSA 4MB SI I nr (laaL Baa WAS IIM43 (SaallIMMI Hal Waft TOwt Bat MA Saa al IMS JftMa la SIR! 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