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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 15

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 15

Brooklyn, New York
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plalntgainst Abrnm H. Bristol and others, defendaj ln pursuance ot a Judgment ot foreclosurad sale made and entered In the above entli action, dated the seventeenth dav of July.i, 1 w'u at public auction to the hlghestper, by Thomns a. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at Salesrooms. No. 9 Wlllough by street, in the Bfgh of Brooklyn.

County of Kings, on the of August. 1901. at twelve o'clock noon, the Is Judgment mentioned, and therelncrlbed as follows: All that certain lot. Pleco parcel of land, with the building and lmprcents thereon, situate, lying and being in the ough of Bronklvn In the Cltv of New Yorl'rmerly Cltv of Brooklyn). Countv of Kings a tate of New ork.

bounded and described as lvs. to wit: Beginning at a point on the north side of Clifton place distant one hundred and three feet and four Inches westerly from the westerly eornr of Clifton place and Nostranjenue. running thence northerlv parallel with Irand avenue and part of the distance through Jrty wall one hundred feet, thence westerly tjlel with Clifton place sixteen feet eight lni thence southerly and parallel with Nostraivenue one hundred feet to the northerly side nlfton nlace and nnvt. erlv along Clifton ce sixteen ieet eight inches to the point or olal beginning, known as Num ber 2S7 Clifton plaJ Dated July 22. 1901 WILLIAM WALK.

Sheriff of Kings County. Albert G. AlcDfi. i iaiiiLin iiorney, zio Montague Street. pugn oi orooaivn, lork Cltv.

The following be sold as above No. 287 Cllf ton I dlaerram of the nrnnnrtv in icrlbed: 16.8) 183.4 ton Place. Ttia nnnrnTlmtitmaunt of Hens or charges to satisfy which thoove described property Is to be soid Is $3,678. interest thcreun from July 16. 1901 togeth with costs anil allowance, amounting to 5 10O, with interest thereon from 17.

lufhnd the expenses of the sale. The annroximatfoount ot taxes, assessments or other liens ifh are to be allowed to the nurcnase monev rtr nald bv the Sheriff Is and Interest. Dated July WAON. Sheriff of Kings County. .122 Ot SUPREME COfr.

KINGS COUNTY RENJA mln F. Blair, tiff, against Emma Slmls, Individually and executrix of the Inst will ot Adolph Sim deceased, defendant In pursuance of a dgment of foreclosure and sale, made and ered in the ahove entltled action, bearing da he 17th day of July, 1301, and entered in the Irs County Clerk's oflkv on the ISth day ot JuljIOl. I. the undersigned, referee in said Judgmei amed, will sell at public auction at the Brcvn Real Eslute Exchange, 1S9 Montague stree the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New oh the 16th of August. 1901, at 12 o'clq noon, by James L.

Urumley, auctioneer, the owing described premises: "All that certain pic ilece or parcel of land situate, lying and belrln the Borough of Brooklyn. County of King id State of New York, bounded and described follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner fori by the intersection of the northerly side sterling place (formerly Butler street) with the sterly side of Brooklyn avenue, and running northerly along the easterly side ot Brookljavenue two hundred and fifty five (255) feet "fen (7) Inches to the southeasterly corner of boklyn avenue anil Park place rta running thenco easterly along the soutl side of Pork place one hundred and fifty feet: thence southerly parallel with Brooklyn inuc two hundred and fifty five (255) feet seven) Inches to the northerly side of Sterling placc.nd thenco westerly along the northerly side Sterling place one hundred and fifty (150) feet the point or place of beginning. Together with the right, title and interest of of. in and to cue halt ot Brooklvn aveni Park and Stirling placeB front of and ipcent to sale premises Said premises being cated In section brock 1.243. on the land mi ot the County of kmgs.

Dated New York Jul 4, 1901. FRA.NK I. SMITH. Referee. William Andi Lockwood.

Attorney for Plaintiff. 32 Libert street. Borough of Manhattan, NTteYfornowlrii i a 'diagram of the property to be sold as dest ed above: Park Place I I I I i III i tii B'lARI) OE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 1 NOS 10 TO 21 PARK ROW. (i A If ATT A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB Hoard nf I'ublh Improvements of The city of New k.

deeming it for the public Interest ho to do. proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of York bv hanging the grade of Bav Eighth street'. be: ween Bath avenue and Benson avenue. the Borough or Brooklyn. City of New lork.

that a meeting or the hoard wid be held the office of the wild board, at Nos. 19 to 21 Park Row. Boroueh of Manhattan, on the Hth of August. 1901. at 2 o'clock P.

at which Mich nr iNfil change of grad will be considered said board: nil of which is more particularly forth and deseriberl in the following repwlutiona adopted bv raid board on the 24th day of July .1901. notice of the adoption of which is hereby given. Resolved. That the Board of Public Improvements of The citv of New York, in pursuance of provisions of section 43G of chapter 3TR, Laws deeming it for the public Interest so to propose; to niter the map or nlan of The City New York bv rhanelng the grade of Bay Eighth street, between Hath avenue and Benson avenue, the Bcr inch of Brooklyn. City of New York, more pai tfcularlv described as follows: Beginning at the intcrp rtlon of Bav Eighth street and Bath avenue, the elevation to be 2S.0 nhiiv mean high water datum as heretofore.

1. Thenc" northeasterly to a noint 2KS feel from hifrsiv top of th northwestern sld line of Uav Eighth street with the northeastern side line Bath avenue. th elevation to be 25. IS feet above nian high water datum 2. Thence northeasterly to the intersection of rV'iisnn avenue, th" elevation to he 7.

feet above mean high water datum as heretofore: Renolve.i. That this Board consider the proposed change of grade nf the above named street at meeting of this Beard tn be held in the office of this Hoard on the Hth dav of August, 1901, at I P. M. Resolved. That the perrtarv of fhte Board caus these resolution, ond a notice to nil persons af ted thereby, that the prn posed change of graaa ihe above nnind street will be considered at meeting of this bnnrd tr.

be held at the aforesaid time and place, to published in the Cltv Record corporation newspapers for ten days continuously. Sundavn and legal holidays excepted, prlotf the Hth day nf Ausruwt. Dated New York. Julv 30. mt opu Secretary.

of public NOS. 19 TO 21 PARIv ROW. nnnoir.H OK MANHATTAN. vniM i i 1 1 tt OTtTV TH THE Board 0f Publk Improvements of The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest do, proposes tn alter the map or plan of Tia City of New Ynrk hy changing the grade in Ca avenue from Ocean avenue to Flatbush avenue, in the Twentv nlnth Ward. Borough of Urcoklvn.

Cltv of New York, and that a meeting the "said Board will be held In the office of th said Board, at Nos. to 21 Park row. Borough Manhattan, on the Hth day of August. 1901. 2 o'clock P.

at which such proposed change grade will be considered by said Board; all of which is niore particularly set forth and descrlP In the following resolutions adopted by said Board on the 24th dav or July. 1901. notice of the adoption of whh. Is hereby given, Resolved, That the Board of Public Improvu raonb of (he cltv of Xew York. In pursuance of provlsnns of section Ktil.of chapter 37S, Latvs 1S97.

deeming it fnr the puhllc. interest so to do, io alter the map or plan of The City New York, by changing the erode In Caton avenue, from Ocean avenue to Flatbush avenue, the Twenty ninth Ward. Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, more particularly described follows: Beginning at the Intersection of Caton avenus and Ocean avenue, the elevation to be 53.5 feet above mean high water datum as heretofore: 1. Thence easterly to the Intersection of Ken nwe place and East Twenty first street, the elevation to be foet above mean high wa ter datum; 2.

Thence easterly to the intersection of Flat bush uveniie. the elevation to be 52.30 feet abovo mean hlch water datum as heretofore: All eleviitlnns refer to mean high water datum established the Department of Highways. BorctiKh of Brooklyn. Resolved. That this Board consider the proposed change of grade of the above named avenue at meeting of this Board to be held In the office of this Board on the Hth day of August.

1901. at 2 o'clock P. M. Resolved. That tho Secretary of this Board causa these resolutions and a notice to all persona affected thereby that the proposed change of grade the above named avenue will be considered at a meeting of this Board to he held at the aforesaid time and place to be published In the City Rec ord and cnrfioratlen newspapers for ten days continuously.

Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the Hth day of August, 1001. Dated New York, July 30. 1901. JOHN H. MOONEY.

Secretary. BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 1 NOS. TO 1 PARK ROW, BlJltOUCH OF MANHATTAN. OTP" IS HER BY 0 1 EN TH AT TH 3 Board of Public improvements of The City oC New York, deeming it for tho public Interest io to do, proposes to alter the map or plan of The citv nr New York bv the closing and discontinuing of Forty fourth, Forty seventh.

Forty elghth. Fo'rty nlmh and Fiftieth streets, from First avenue to' high water line. New York Bay, In th Eighth Ward. Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, and that a meeting of the said Board will be held in the ofilce of the said Board, at Nos.

Iii to 21 Park row. Borough of Manhattan, on tht, 21st day of August, 1901. at 2 o'clock P. at which such proposed closing and discontinuing will be considered by said Board; all of which lj more particularly set forth and doscrtbed In thaw following resolutions, adopted by said Board on.jj the 31sA day of 1901, notlco of the adaption! of which Is heretiy given, ReHolved. That the Hoard of Publio Improvements of The Citv of New York, in pursuance oi the provisions of section 436 of chapter 378, Lawi of lh97.

deeming It for thj publio intercut so do, proposes to alter tho map or plan of The Cltj of New York by tho closing and discontinuing ol Fortv fourth, Furty evenih, Forty eighth, Jrortj ninth and Fiftieth streets, from First a.V0TJU hlgh wat'T line. New York Bay, In tho EJffhtf Ward. Borough of Brooklyn, City of Now Torit more particularly described as follows. t'oriy rourtn oirwct, ji Beginning at the intersection of thft nortbenffi fllde Mne of Forty fourth street with th westerj side line of First avenue; TJ 1. Thence westerly along the nortern slde IIn of Fnriy fuurth street for 433 feet to th high water line; Thenr southerly along the high water tin the southern shle linc of Forty fourth street, eaJA southern side line Is 00 feet from and parallel 9 the northern side line of Forty fourth street: 3 Thence easterly along the southern slde Un of Forty fourth street for 503 feet to the western.

Hide liim of ElVBt avenue; 4 Them northerly along tho western alde llna of First avenue for til Ieet to the point of begln nlI'K' Fort se vent Street. Hurl lining at the intersection of the northern slde of Fortv seventh street with the western side line of First avenue; 1 Thence westerly along tfie northern slde lln of "Forty seventh strvel for 473. foot to the hlgh ThMic" southerly along the high water line to the vMinberti aide line of Forty seventh street; aid southern sidi IUe is Co feet from nnd parallel the northern sl llnc of Forty seventh street: Tie nee easterly itlotig the southern alde tlna of Vortv street for 010 et to tho western slde 'irM avenue; 1 Th nce northerly along the western rtde lln of 'First avetnm for J0 feet to the point of begm nlne. Fortv elshth htreet. Heel lining at the Intersection tho northern side line of Forty eighth street with tho wtstom lie line of First avenue; 1 Thence wost rlv along the northern tdc lln of Furiy i'iKhth Btreet for OK' I feet to tho hujh W'', T'H nVe Ih westerly along the high Hr 1(, out hern side line of Forty eighth sii said southern Hide line is 6 feet from and panlb 1 to the northern side line of Forty eighth Th" of I Vrty Side line t.

The of Kll ning. easterly along the southern aide line eighth street for Ti2.T5 feet to the western First avenue; a nuriherly along the western Hlde Iln avenue for CO feet to tho point of bein Forty ninth Street. headlining sM" of side. line ui at the in te rsert ion or mo nurwici Korty tdmh street with tho western First avenue. itm along the northern fildfr Iln Thell' of Forty ninth sire: water line; l.

Th'wwo southerly the pr.iithern slde lln font hern fdde ltne Is tiie northern Mf.lin 3. Thence eaMej ly i net for reet i tn uiga along the high water lino to of Forty ninth street; eald ji feet from and parallel to of Forty ninth street; long the southern Hide Una of feet to the western side Kort id Jit: 'list eni stern aide llnflp 4. Trie: lift ihg. i rt nlong the lor 0') feet to ho Jl lnt of begin Fifth inter tl Street, e. tlon of with the tin thft northera western Bid MeKlntil: Kid lire Of Flft line Firt iiv S.

Thenee wet of Fiftieth along the northern Wle Iln Ml.M feet to the high water 'r nee iotitherlv along ih" high water lino ta tae southern sub. 1 Ire of Flfiieth street; said n.u the i i I de line Cfi from and parallel to dd I tin of Firil tn ntreet; TheM. eaxdtTly along the suit hern Hide line of Fin for to the western iiaf Fhst Th nort rlv ong the wentern (dde lln First (or fe to the point of Dein d. That tab Hoard consider the proposed an I di' oni Inning the abovc nam'WS a Hoard to be held In. losing fill IH tie nflle I'f't.

lit th o' tiii Hoard on th 21st day of AilgruBt, 'nt 2 oVIo, I'. 1 olved Tnaf the eeietary of this Hoard cauie i ftoiu! 'iH, a 1 a notice to all persons 'iheiebv tiut the propose i cloning and of the troye nnmfrd Ktreeta will ho i. nt meeting of thlH Uoard to be held Cie af remild time and place, to be published In 'ritv Itecord and orporatlon newspapers tor li, ro itinuoiiHlv, Sundays and leal holidays i.rl the day of AuRUKt. 13 11. Kat.

'ew Yolk. AllgUJ l'ul. JOHN 11. MOONKV. lflt rn SeerMnry.

"LEGAL NOTICES. I I'bK OF TIIF. of Oo'l fr so r. Thon ntnid W. "ting.

of Hronklyi nf TATK OF NEW nn 1 Independent him M. Fottr. An ifitiT, John Foeter eat. Ami Ktch Stnte Of lately petitioned John Fi.Mer. Yo i 'ou a i ill of th unty (if Kings to instrument Anting barlnjE date of A ukum 1 re I a tin to and or oieriv.

duly proved as the last will and ie nt of VNNIK MNHHV UDPOX, the lereaieu. ri'TTorc, ea. of v. our i rotate' "iiit In i b' "I l. i.

nnd thete v. tU and u'l; iter to appear the Countv of Kings, at held 11 the Hnll Klngh. on the 10 th day et in the fore attend tie prolate of the a men; V.e have the Feal nr S'lr roga te4 'nirt to he Wit Hon. Ceorge li. Ab 'it.

'urrogate if "iir ald f'otintv. at the t'ountv Klnrsto the Kith dav of July, in thv vi jit ot our otui thousand nine hundred and one. SIIoHA KI Y. McGOLDRICK. Clerk of the Surrosate's Court.

SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY THE French Benevolent Society of the City of New York, plaintiff, against Mary H. Sproule and others, defendants. Action No. 2. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In the above entitled action, dated the Uth day of June.

1901. I will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms. No. 9 Wllloughby street, In the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 27th day of August.

1901, at twelve o'clock noon, tho lands In said ludgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situated, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, aforesaid and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Baltic streot, distant one hundred and thirty six (136) feet and seven (7) Inches easterly from tho northeasterly corner of Hoyt street and Baltic street; running thence eusterty along Baltic street nineteen (19) feet; thence northerly and parallel with Hoyt street and partly through a party wall, one hundred (100) feet; thence westerly parallel with Baltic street nineteen (,19) feet, and thence southerly and again parallel with Hoyt street and partly through a party wall one hundred (100) feet to Baltic street to the point or place of beginning. Dated, August 5. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON.

Sheriff of Kings County. Coudert Brothers. Plaintiff's Attorneys. 71 Broadway. New York Citv, X.

Y. au5 3w THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW lORK. by the grace of God free and Independent To Florence K. Brush, Man P. S.

Brush. Henry Mumford and Arthur C. Brush, send greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court, to be held at the Hall of Records. In the County of Kings, on the 2Cth day of September, 1901, at ten o'clock In tha forenoon, then and there to attend the Judicial settlement of the account of Arthur C. Brush, as executor of the last will and testament of MARY E.

BRUSH, deceased, with respect to the acts and doings of said decedent, as guardian of the prop erty oi riorence Brush ana alary p. a. Brush, infants, under the age of fourteen years: and as to the trust property which has come into hlB possession or into the possession of the said decedent as such guardian. And let the above named infants then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear ior them on said judicial settlement. In testimony whereof we havo caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed.

Witness, Hon. George 11. (L. Abbott. Surrogate of our said County.

at the County of Kings, the Cth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one. MICHAEL F. MCGOLDRICK. auS Gt th Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY ANGE la De Socarras, plaintiff, against Mary A.

Sproule and others, dofendants In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In the above entitled action, dated the 10th day of June. 1901, I will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, by Thomus A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms, No. 9 Wllloughby street, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 27th day of August.

1901. at twelve o'clock, noon, the lands In said judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: Ail that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situated, lying and being In the Borough of Brooklyn aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Baltic street distant ninety eight (93) feet and seven (7) Inches easterly from the northeasterly corner of Baltic street and Hoyt street: running thence easterly along Baltic street nineteen (19) feet; thence northerly and parallel with Hoyt street and part of the distance through a party wall one hundred (100) feet; thence westerly parallel with Baltic street nineteen (19) feet, and thence southerly and again parallel with Hoyt street one hundred (100) feet to Baltic street at the point or place of beginning. Dated August 5, 1901. WILLIAM WALTON.

Sheriff ot Kings County. Coudert Brothers. Plaintiff's Attorneys. 71 Broadwav. New Ynrk City.

N. Y. nu 1 3w th COUNTY COURT. KINGS COUNTV WILLIAM Slmis. general guardian, et plaintiffs, against Charlotte White and others, defendants In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered in tho above entitled action, dated the 15th day of July.

1901. I will sell at public auction to the Highest bidder, Dy iTomas A Kerrican. auctioneer, at the salesrooms. No. 9 Wllloughby street.

In the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 13th day of August, 1901. at twelve o'clock noon, the lands In snld Judg ment mentioned, and tnerein aescrioeo as ioiiow: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, wltii the building thereon, situate, lying and being In tho Borough of Brooklvn. Countv of Kings and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the westerly side of Throop avenue, distant southerly from the southwesterly corner of Vernon and Throon avenues thirty seven feet and six Inches; running thence westerlv at right angles to Throop avenue and through the center of a party wail ono hundred feet: thence southerly and parallel with Throon avenue elgnteen ieet ana nine incnei: thence easterly at right angles to Throop avenue and through the center of a party wall one hundred feet to Throop avenue: thence northerly along Throop avenue eighteen feet and nine Inches to the point or nlace of beginning.

Dated July 22. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. J.

H. K. Blauvelt. Plaintiffs' Attorney. 213 Broadwav.

New York. N. Y. The following Is a diagram of the property to be sold a above described: No. 26SV Throon Avenue.

Vernon Ave. fi nr 2 100 The approximate amount of liens or charges to satisfy which the above cA property Is to bo sold In J3. 102.08. with interest thereon from July 10. 1901.

together with costp and allowance, nmbuntinfr to $188.30. with Interest thereon from Julv li. 1901, and the expenses of the The approximate amount of taxes, aspeysments or other liens which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money or paid by the Sheriff Is SS0.G3 and interest. Hated July 22, 1901. WILLIAM WALTON.

Sheriff ot KiriKS County. Pt mth SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTUS OF AX EXE eution tlulv Issued out of the Supreme Court and to mt directed and delivered, I will sell at public miction, by Thomus A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at his salesrooms. No. 9 Wllloughby Btreet, in the borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the 13th day of September, 1901, at 12 o'eluck.

noon, all the right, title and interest which Hlchard A. McNeely had on the 17th day of May. 1901, or at any time thereafter, in whosesoever hands the same may he. of. In and to, all those two certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Borough of Brooklvn.

City of Xw York, hounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerlv aUU of Washington avenue, dln tant 172 feet 2 Inches southerly from the southwesterly corner of KluPhmg and Washington avenues; running thence westerly at rlKht angles to Washington avenue 100 feet; thence southerly parallel with Washington avenue fiO feet theneu easterly again at rl angles to Washington avenue 100 feet to the westerly side of Washington avenue; thence northerly along lh: westerly sldo of Washington avenue 50 feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn. August 1, 1901. WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings Count nil ftw th IN PURSUANCE OF AX ORDER OF THE Hon George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against CHARLES CORWIX, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with tho vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at Atfino nf thMr attorney.

Geo V. Brewer. 4 Court street, Borough of Brooklyn, New York City on or before the 2Sth day of November net. Dated May 22, 1901. SUSIE E.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Hoard of Public Improvements of The City of New York, deeming It for the public Interest ko to do, proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grade of Eighty third street and Eighty fourth streot, between Second avenue and Third avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, and that a meeting of the said Board will be held In the ofllco of tho said Board, at Nob. 19 to Park row Borough of Manhattan, on the 21st day of August, lam. at 2 o'clock P. at which such propused change of grade will be considered by Hi lit uoaru; n.u oi wmmi ib muii panuuiimj forth and described In the following resolutions adopted by said Board on the 31t day of July. 1901.

notice of the adoption of which Is hereby given, viz. Resolved, That the Board of Public Improvements of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 4116 of chapter 78. Eaws of lfcifi. deeming it for the public interest so to do. proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grade of Eighty third street and Eighty fourth ft reet, between Second avenue and Third avenue.

In the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, more particularly described as follows: Eighty third Street. Beginning at tho Intersection of Eighty third street and Second avenue, the elevation to be b.i feet above mean high water datum; Thence easterly to a point distant 270 fet from the eastern side line of Second avenue, the elevation to be 74. 'J feet above mean high water datum 2. Thence easterly to point distant 23f et from the previous point, the elevation to be 2 reet above mean high wnter datum.

a Thence easterly to the Intersection of Third avenue, the elevation to bo feet above mean high water datum. Eighty fourth Street. Beginning at the intersection of Kighty fourih street and Second it venue, the 'leva Hon to be 50 7.1 feet above nian high water datum; 1. Thence easterly to point dlMnnt lVj reet from the eastern side line of Seeoml avenue, the elevation to be CS.ii feet above mean high water datum Thence easterly to a point distant J80 ct from the previous point, the elevation to be 7G.12 reet above mean hlgh watr datum; 3 Tlienee easterly to the. Intersection of Third avenue, the elevation to b'r 80.0 feet above mean high water datum; Ml elevations refer to mean hisdi waier dntum as" stabllnhed by the Department of High wo ys.

Horough of Brooklyn. RHOIved. Tho this Board consider the proposed change of grade of the nbove ftrcts at a mating of this Board to be hdd In the ofilce of this Board on the 21st dny nf August, 10)1. at 2 o'eloek P. M.

It jiolved. That the Secretary oi thin Board eauno theie resolutions, and a notice to iill per sons af feted thereby that the propo. ed change of grade of the aboye named MreMH will )' ei.inddered at a meeting of this Board to held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the fjry P.eeord and corporation newspapers for ten dayr continuously, Sunday and Jeal holidays excepted, prior to the 21nt day of August, isr. JOHN ft. MOONKV.

He' rolary Dated New York, August 130L. au7 lOt ou IN PURSUANCE Or AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Cteorge B. Abbott, Surrogate of the Count Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against ELLEN GILMAB.TIN, late of the County Kings, deceased, that they aro required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at the 'office of Alvan R. Johnson, No.

189 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, of the City of New York, in the County of Kings and State of New York on or before the twentieth day of August, next. Dated February 7, 1901. JOHN J. QUINN, Executor. Alvan B.

Johnson, Attorney for Executor, No. It? Montague street. Brooklyn. N. T.

f7 fcn th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County ox A ings, uuucc is uereuy tsiveu, uucuraiufi to law, ta all persons having claims against FRANCIS E. GOODRICH, lato of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at No.

107 South Fifth street. Brooklyn Borough, New York City, on or before the 2d day of December next. Dated May 22. 1901. GEORGE GOODRICH.

Executor. James T. Lewis, 120 Broadway, Manhattan. Attorney for Executor. m23 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon.

George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against MAR ARETHA GOLDBACH, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at the office of Nicholas Dlotz, 375 S79 UUOfl street xiuruuen Ol xjrooKiyn, (Jlty or Tot, on or before the third day of October next. Dated April 1, 1991. JOSEPHINE BECK ElBrlltrlT Nicholas Dletz, A' torney for Exeoutrlx, 373 79 Fulton street, BrookWn. New York, op 6mth IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon.

George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against FANNIE L. R. WOOD, lato of the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at the office or Charles M. Stafford.

Attorney. 379 Fulton street. Borough of Brooklyn, New York City, on or before the third day of September next. Dated February 28, 1901. f28 tm th ALLEN L.

"WOOD, Exeoutor. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law. to all persons having claims against ANNA C.

EDEN, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at her place of transacting business, at the office of Alex. L. Figge, 166 Montague street, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on or before the 12th day of December next. Dated June 5, 1901. Je6 6ro th META R.

FIGGE. Administratrix. WALLACE. DAVID IN PURSUANCE OF AN order of the 'Hon. George B.

Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against DAVID WALLACE, lato of the County of Kings, debased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of Charles W. Hulst, No. 220 Broadway, In the Boroueh of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the first day of October next. Dated Brooklyn, the 19th day of March, 1901. WILLIAM H.

SHEPARD, WILLIAM EVANS. Executors. Charles W. Hulst. Attorney for Executors, 220 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

mh21 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Georso B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby (riven, according to law. to all persons havlnff claims against JOHN A. GREENE, late of the Borough of Brooklyn.

Kings County. N. deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at her place of transacting business, the office af G. G. F.

Reynolds. No. 16 Court street. Boroueh of Brooklyn. Kings Countv.

N. on or before the 20th day of January next. Dated July 17, 1901. MARGARETTE GREENE. Administratrix.

J1S 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN OKDEK OF THj Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law to all persons having claims against HANNAH M. TAYLOR, late of tho County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of Wm. Douglas Moore.

No. 149 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan, In the City of New York, on or before the tenth day of October next. Dated 2d April, 1901. CHARLES L.

TAYLOR, IDA MATILDA TAYLOR. Executors. Wm. Douglas Moore. Attorney for Executors, 149 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

ap4 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against BENJAMIN D. SILLIMAN. lato of the Borough of Brooklyn.

County of Kings, deceased, that they are require to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers at their place of transacting business, the office of William Mitchell, Attorney, 44 and 46 Wall street. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the tenth day of October next. Dated March 26. 1901: EDWARD MITCHELL, GROSVENOR S. HUBBARD.

Executors. William Mitchell. Attorney for Executors, 44 and 46 Wall street. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York.

rnh28 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against LAURA B. RENSHAW, late of the Borough of Brooklyn. Kings deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his place of transacting business, the office of Roy, Watson Naumer, attorneys, 26 Court street, Brooklyn, N.

on or before the 29th day of December next. Dated June 38. 1901. JAMES H. RENSHAW, jegO 6m th Executor of Laura B.

Renshaw. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law.

to all persons having claims against LOUISA A. ROE. late of the Borough of Brooklyn, In the Cltv of New York, deceased, that thev are re quired to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at her place of transacting business, at the office of John N. Drake. Np.

149 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. City of New xorK. on or oeiore me rourteentn aay or De cember next. uatea iew xortt.

June 13, lsui. ELIZABETH S. BEEMER. Executrix. John N.

Drake, Attorney for Executrix, 149 Broadway. Borougn or Aiannattan. kcw yorK city. Jel3 6m th NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN PURSUANCE OF an order of Bon. jonn ti.

van utten, ulster county Judge and acting Surrogate of Ulster County, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against AMBROSE M. BARBER, late of the City of Kingston, County of Ulster, doing business In the City of Brooklyn. Kings County. N. deceased Intestate, to pre Bent the same, with the vouchers In support thereof, to the undersigned, Herbert S.

Barber, the administrator of the estate of said deceased, at No. 288 Adelphl street. In the said City of Brooklyn, Kings County, N. on or before the 2Sth day of August 1901. Dated February 11, 1901.

HERBERT S. BARBER, Administrator. Frederick Stephan. Attorney for Administrator, No. 3 East Strand, City of Kingston, N.

Y. fU 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County Kings, notice is hereby given, Recording to law, all persons having claims against ELIZA late of the Borough of Brooklyn.

County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his place of transacting business, the office of Williamson Reynolds, No. 26 Court st. In the Borough of Brooklyn, on or before the first day of November next. Dated Brooklyn. Aoril 24.

1901. CORNELIUS ELDERT. Executor. Williamson Reynolds, Attorneys for Executor. 28 Court St.

Brooklyn. N. Y. a25 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B.

Abbott, Surrogate of tho County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against MARY A. TATE, late of the City of New York, Borough of Brooklyn, N. deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers at their place of transacting business, at the office of John D. Snedeker, No. 164 Montague street.

City of New York, Borough of Brooklyn. N. on or before the first day of November, 1901. Dated April 17. 1901.

ISADORA JONES, IDA L. PRICE. SExecutrlces. John J. Snedeker.

Attorney for Executrlces. No. 164 Montague street. City of New York, Borough at Brooklyn, N. Y.

6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against ALFRED BENNETT PHILLIPS, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the sub Bcrlber. at her plaoe of transacting business, No. 89 Nassau street.

Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, the office of Albert L. Phillips, her attorney, on or before the first day of October next. Dated New York. March 20. 1901.

JULIA MATILDA PHILLIPS, Executrix. Albert L. Phillips. Attorney for Executrix, 93 Nassau street. Borough of Manhattan, City of New Tort mn21 Cm th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF" THE Hon.

George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of' Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against SOPHIA A. WALLACE, born SOPHIA A. LAWRENCE, Ute of tho County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with tho vouch in thereof, to the subscriber at his place of transacting business, the offloe of Omri F. Hlb bard.

Attorney it Law, No, 149 Broadway (Room 1.016). Borough of Manhattan, In tho City of New York, on or before the 30th day of jsrm ary. 1902, next. Dated Brooklyn. N.

July 23, 1901. CHARLES A. WALLACE. Omrl F. Hlbbard.

Attorney, 149 Broadwav, New York City. J23 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the Countv of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having: claims against EDWARD or EDUARD BROSCIIE, late of tho Town of Htr rmr dor f. Austria, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his ofilce, No.

206 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. New York City, on or before the 21th day of January. 1902 next. Datod July 24. 1901.

IGNATIUS WELTNER, Administrator, with the will annexed of the goods, chattels and credits of Edward Brosche deceased, 206 New York City, Borough of Manhattan. Edward A. Alexander, Attorney for the Administrator. 2M Broadway, New York City. Bor ough of Manhattan.

J25 6m. th IN PURSUANCE OF AN OlibliK OF Xi ihi Hon. George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all poruons having clalmB against SOPHIE S.

McVEIGH. Into of the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings, deceased, that thy aro required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at the office of her attorneys, Peckhain, Miller King. No. SO Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, her place of transacting business, on or beforo the 1st day of September next.

Datod February 26, 1901. SOPHIE D. HILL. Administratrix. Peekhnm.

Miller Attorneys for Administratrix, 80 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, CUv of New York. 2S Sm th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according; to law, to all persons having claims asatnst JAMES H. SERENE, late of the Borough of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are reaulred to exhibit the some, with the vouchers thereof, to tho subscriber at her place of transacting business, at the offices of Dana Clarkson.

Temple Bar Building. N. 40 Court street. In the Borough of Brooklyn. N.

on or before the third day of February next. Dated July 31. 1901. CLARA A. SERENE.

Administratrix. Dana Clarkson, Atfys for Administratrix. aul 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law.

to all persons having claims against JOHN B. WILLIAMS, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit tho same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at Court street, Brooklyn, N. Dalley, Bell Crane, attorneys for administratrix, on or before the 17th day of September next. Dated March 1. 190L RUTH ELLA WALTON, Admx.

Dailey. Bell Crane. Attya. for 16 Court street. Brooklyn.

N. Y. mh7 tm th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against EUGENE CUNNINGHAM, late of the Borough of Brooklyn, In said County, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at her place of transacting business, at the office of Noah Tebbetts.

No. 213 Montague Btreet. Brooklyn. N. on or before the 30th day of January next.

Dated July 17, 1901. MARGARET E. CUNNINGHAM. Administratrix of Eugene J. Cunningham, deceased.

Noah Tebbetts, Attorney for Administratrix, No. 213 Montague Btreet. Brooklyn. N. Y.

J18 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law. to all persons having claims against NISAN HESS, late of the Borough of Brooklyn, Citv of New York, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his place of transacting business at No. 206 Washington Borough of Brorklyn.

New York City, on or before the 23d day of September next. Dated Borough of Brooklyn. New York City, March 13, 1901. SAMUEL N. HESS.

Executor. Edward Jacobs. Attorney for Executor, 31 Nassau Manhattan. New York City. 6m th BOORUM, WILLI AM B.

IN PURSUANCE OF an order of the Honorable George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to the law. to all persons havlns claims against WILLIAM B. BOORUM, late nf the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York County of Kings and State of New York, deceased' that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at No. lis Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, city of New York, at the office of Edward C.

Perkins their attorney, on or before the 7th day or December, 1901. Dated New York, the 5th day of June, 1901. EDWIN E. JACKSON. Jr LUCY E.

C. BOORUM, GEORGE B. GORDON, Executors. Edward C. Perkins.

Attorney for the Executors 115 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. Je6 6m th IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against JOHN D. EDEN.

late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit tho same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, Number 1,069 Bedford avenue. Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on or before the twenty fifth (25th) day of January next. Dated July 10, 1901. WILLIAM H. EDEN, Executor.

Robert M. Johnston. Attorney for Executor. 375 Fulton street. Borough of Brooklyn, New York City.

jll 6m th PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE. REAL Estate Exchange, No. 189 Montague street In pursuance of an order of the Hon, George B. Abbott. Surrogate of tho County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persona having claims against HANS P.

JACOBS, late of EphraJm. Wisconsin; PIETRO FIORENTINO. VINCE.NZO CURCIO, JOHN PRESSFELDT, RICHARD TRENKMANN, HEN'RY ECKHOFF. LEANDER CUNNINGHAM and FRIEDRICH LANGE. late of tho County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with rne vouchers therefor, to the.

subscriber, the Administrator, at his office. Room No. 515, Real Estate Exchange. No. 189 Montague street, Borough of Brooklyn.

City of New York, on or before the 30th day of August next. Dated, Kings County, February 23, 1901. WILLIAM B. DAVEX PORT, PuDllo Administrator of tbo County of Kings, Administrator. f28 6m th.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE, REAL Estate Exchange. No, 189 Montague street In pursuance of an order of the Hon. George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice 1b hereby given, according to law, to all persona having claims against CATHERINE McBRIDE, late of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; MARY MA LONE, born CROWLEY: WILLIAM SHEEHY, CATHARINE STEPHENS.

MARY M. FRANCIS, MOKU S. MATSUMOTO. BRIDGET or BRIDGET ELIZABETH QUINN and MICHAEL DOODY. late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers therefor, to the subscriber, the Administrator, at his office, Room No.

515, Real Estate Exchange, No. 189 Montague street. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on or befce the 30th day of August next. Dated, Kings Co'Jntv, February 28. lsut.

WILLIAM B. DAVENPORT, Public Administrator of the County of Kino, Administrator. f28 6m th SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY GKH 'trude Purdy, Plaintiff, against Sarah J. Dawson and others, defendants in pursuance or a luag ment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In the above entitled action, dated the 8th day of octoDer.

1900. I win sell at pudiic auction to tne highest bidder, bv Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the front door of the County Court House, In the Boroujrh of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on tne 3utn dav or August, jwi, at twelve o'clock noon, the lands In said judgment men tioned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot or parcel of land, situate In the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at tne soutnwest corner or Hamilton avenue ana Commercial (late Conover) street, and running thence southerly along the westerly side of Ham ilton avenue twenty tnree ieet and eight inones; thence westerlv at rierht nneles with Hamilton avenue forty feet: thence southwesterly and parallel with Commercial street forty six feet and one half Inch: thence northwesterlv and at right angles or nearly so with Commercial street six reet to commercial street: and tnence northeasterly along Commercial street ninety two feet and six Inches to the place of beginning.

Dated August 8. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. James P.

Philip. Plaintiff's Attorney. 26 Court Street. Brooklyn. N.

Y. au8 6t THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God free and Independent To Horace Waters, Timothy Leeds Waters, Leeds Vaughan Waters. Beade Livingston Waters, John Louis Waters, an infant over the age of fourteen years, and Merrill Knight Waters, an Infant over the age of fourteen years. Bend greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court to be held at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the eighteenth day of September, 1901, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, then and there tu attend the judicial settlement of the account of Timothy Leeds Waters as sole surviving trustee under tho last will and testament of ANNE ELIZABETH WATERS, deceased. And lot the above named Infants then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear for them on said Judicial settlement.

In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of our said County, (L. at tho County of Kings, the twenty fourth day of June, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one.

MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK, Jll 6t th Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God free and Independent To Honry A. Crehan. Brlggs E.

Crehan. William W. Crehan. Irene Rogers. Harriet Crehan.

May La.vton. Charles Crehan. William Crehan. Gilbert Crehan, William M. Crehan.

Mary Edict. Elizabeth F. Birch. J. Edward De Freest.

Jennie De Freest and Charles De Freest. Hattle Barker. Lena Townsend and Euward Blllo and to Delia White, If living, and If not living, her heirs at law, next of kin. legal reprewentatlveB. devisees or legatees, whose names or parts of whose names or place or places or residence aro unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained, and to any and all other unknown persons who are heirs at law and next of kin of said Charles E.

Crehan. deceased, whoso names or parts of whose names or place or places of residence are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained, send greeting Whereas. Amelia M. Crehan of the Borough of Brooklyn. Kings County.

City and State of New York, has lately petitioned our Surrogate's Court of the Countv of Kings, to nave a certain Instrument In writing, bearing date the twenty eighth day of November, 390O, relating to real and personal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of CHARLES E. CREHAN. late of the said Borough of Brooklyn, deceased. Wherefore, you and each of you ore hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of tho County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court, to be hold at the Hall of Records. In the said Borough of Brooklyn, on the 17th day of September.

1901. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, then and thcr to attend the probate of the said last will and testament, and that the above named Infants then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear for them on the probate of said last will and testament. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's "Court to be hereunto affixed. Witness. Hon.

George B. Abbott. Surrogate of our said County. (L. at the Boroujrh of Brooklyn, the 10th day of July, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one.

MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. John 7., Lott. Attorney for Petitioner.

213 Montague Street. Borough of Brooklyn. New York Cltv. N. Y.

311 Ot th THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW York, hy the grace of God free and independent To Ella C. Maynard, send greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to be and appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held at the Hall of Records In the County of Kings, on tho 18th day of September, In the year nineteen hundred and one (1901), at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, then and there to show cause why a decree should not fce made awarding lf tters of administration on the goods, chattels nr.d credits of SAMUEL E. MAYNAP.D, late of the Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of Nw York, deceased, to Ezeklel Maynard of said Borough of Brooklyn, the father of decedent, who has made application for some, and If no cause be shown, then said letters of administration be granted to him. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to bo hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon.

George B. Ah'jott, cur said Surrogate, at the (L. County of Kings, the 29lh day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nlno and one (1901). MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK.

CUrk of tho Surrogate's Court. John E. Bullwlnkel. Attornev for Petitioner. 271 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

aul th IN PURSUANCE OF AX ORDER OF THE Supreme Court of the State of New York, held Ir. and for the County of Kings, duly made and entered on the 31st day of July, 1901, notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all creditors of ELIZABETH HARKESS, alias ELIZABETH EARKEL, and to all other persons Interested In her estate to present their claims, with the vouchers thereof duly verified, to the subsorlber at his place of doing business, to wit: 220 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, Now York, and to name a post office address at which papers may be served on them by mall on or before the 13th day of September, 1901. Dated August 1. 1901. JAMES T.

WILLIAMSON, Committee. 220 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. Committee of the Person and Estate of Elizabeth Harkess alias Elizabeth Earkel, an Incompetont person. William J.

Nicholson, Attorney for Commltee, 220 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York, aul 6t th NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, KINGS County Susan Gorden. plaintiff, against Joseph Gorden, Llllle Allen, Grace Hoare, Martha Gorden, Fanny Gorden, William Gorden, Mabel Gorden, John Robert Gorden, Ruth Gorden, Oliver Atkinson Gorden, R. Lee Cuthbert, Susan Elizabeth Geldmacher; and Joseph Gorden, Burt D. Harrington, Stephen M. Hoye and Susan Gorden.

as trustees under the last will and testament ot William Gorden, deceased, and others, defendantsI, the undersigned, duly appointed referee by order of this court, made the Sth day of July. 1901. and entered herein on the same day. hereby require each person who, at the date of said order, had a lien upon any undivided share or Interest In the property or properties or any of them, with respect to which admeasurement of dower is sought herein, and which are hereinafter described, to appear before me on or before the 4th day or September. 1901, at 2 P.

at my office. No. 21o Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, to prove his lien and the true amount due or to become due to him by reason thereof. All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situated In the Borough ot Brooklyn, County of Kings, bounded and described as follows. Parcel Beginning on the southerly side pt Myrtle avenue, distant sixty nine feet westerly from the southwest corner of Myrtle avenue and Jay street; thence southerly parallel with jay street, one hundred feet; thence westerly parallel with Myrtle avenue, twenty two feet six Inches, thence northerly parallel with Jay street one hundred feet to Myrtle avenue: erly along the southerly side ot Myrtle avenue twenty two feet six Inches to place ot beginning, known as 54 Myrtle avenue.

Parcel 2. Beginning on the southerly side or Tlllary street fifty feet east of the ner of Tlllary and Bridge streets; thence southerlj parallel with Bridge street fifty feet; f.ans' erly parallel with Tlllary street twenty feet northerly parallel with Bridge street fifty loot, to the southerly line of Tlllary treeU thence westerly along the southerly line ot Tlllary street, twenty feet to place of beginning; known as 13S "parcelBcglnning on northerly si de of Fulton street, distant easterly ninety 't 'ncand from the northeast corner of Fulton street and Washington avenue; thence east erly along the northerly side of Fulton street, went throM. teet three Inches; thence northerly at right ang ire to Fulton street, portly through a party wall eightj eight feet eleven inches; thence northerly or nearly so with St. James place s.ven Inches; thence westerly at right anBlcs to ash Ington avenue twenty three feet seven thence southerly at right "Sles to Fulton street and partly through a party wall ehjht six feet nine inches to point of beginning, known as 9.1 Fulton street. nf Parcel 4.

Beginning on the southerly side Johnson strest. seventy five feet southwest corner of Adams and Johnson stress, thence southerly parallel with Adams et one hundred feet; thence westerly parallel with John son street forty tour feet to a lane: ence northerly along easterly side of said lane afonc feet to Johnson street; thence paaterly along southerly side of Johnson street forty four feet to place of beginning, known as 24 and 26 Johnson "'parcel 5. Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Washington Street distant seventy six feet and two inches southerly from the eJ. corner of Johnson street and running thence southerly along said wester sue. of Washington street twenty flve feet nine Inches, thence westerly parallel with Johnson street sc enty four feet and seven Inches to the easterly si dd of Fulton street: thence northerly along said easterly side of Fulton street twenty seven feet and six and one halt Inches more or less to the couthwest corner of a marble iront ones.

easterly along the southerly side of the wall of said building eighty four feet and four Inches to tho westerly side of Washington street, the point or place of beginning; the said Premises be ng known as and by the Nos. 323 and 32a Fulton "parcel 6. Beginning at the southwest corner ot Jay and Johnson streets: thence westerly along the southerly side of Johnson Btreet one hundred feet; thence southerly parallel with Jay street eighty feet: thence easterly parallel with Johnson street one hundred feet to westerly side of Jn street; thence northerly along tho westerly side of Jay street eighty feet to point of beginning, known as 70. 72, 74 Johnson street, and 322 and 321 Jay street. Parcei 7.

Beginning at the northwest corner of Brooklyn avenue and Wlnthrop street; thenco northerly along the southerly side ot Brooklyn avenue two hundred and twelve feet to the southwest corner of Brooklyn avenue and Hawthorne street: thence westerly along the southerly side ot Hawthorne street five hundred six feet to road from Bedford to Kings County Almshouse: thenco In a southeasterly direction along salil road two hundred and sixteen feet two inches to the northerly sido of Wlnthrop street: thenco easterly along tho northerly side of Wlnthrop street four hundred and sixty four feet four inches to the point of beginning. Parcel 8. Beginning at a point one hundred feet north from the corner formed oy tne imerscuou of the easterly side of East Thirty first street with th nArthorlv sldp. of Grant street: thence north erly along the easterly side of East Thirty first street one hundred and twenty feet; thenco easterly two hundred feet to the westerly side of East Tmrty secona street; tnence ti.uut, mc westerly side of East Thlrty soond street eighty feet: thence westerly one hundred feet; thence southerly forty feet; thence westerly one hundred feet to point of beginning. Parcel 9.

Beginning at the corner formed by the Intersection of the southerly line of East Broadway with the westerly line of East Thirty fourth street; running thonce westerly along the south erly line or h.ast tsroaaway two uu.iureu iefi; thence southerly along the easterly side of New York avenue one hundred and three feet ten inches: thence easterly two hundred feet to the westerly sldo ot East Thirty fourth street: thence northerly along the westerly side of East Thirty fourth street one hundred foet and three quarters of an Inch to the point ot beginning. Parcel 10. Beginning at tho covner formed by the Intersection of tho southerly line ot J' asi uroau way with the westerly side of N'ew York avenue: thence westerly along tho southerly sldo of East Eroadway one hundred and two feet six Inches; thence southerly one hundred and seven feet eleven Inches; thenco easterly ono hundred and two feet six Inches to the westerlv Bide of New York ave nue: thence northerly along tho westerly side of Now York avenue one hundred and five feet eight Inches to the Dolnt of beginning. Parcel 11 Beginning on the southerly Elde ot Fulton street, distant fifty five feet eight Inches easterlv from the southoasterlv corner of Red Hook lnne and Fulton street: running thence southerly seventy four feet nine Inches; thence easterly thlrlv two reet nve inches: tnence norm urlv frt nierht lnrhf to the South erly side of Fulton street, and thence westeily along the southerly sldo of Fulton street tnirty nnn fmt elpven Inches to thp noint or place of be ginning. Being the same premises conveyed to William Gorden by deed recorded In the office of tho rtporlntei nf the (Tountv of Klnirs in Liher 694 ot Conveyances, page CO.

and which property Is Itnown ob and by the street numDers ab ana Jl4 Fulton trpt. Parcel 12 Beginning on the southerly side of Ovington avenue, dIBtant three hundred and tnirty thrce lect nine and one quarter Inches easterly from the southeasterly corner of Ovlngton and Fifth avenues: running thence noutherlv one hundred and fifty two feet five Inches; thence easterly fifty four feet five Inches; thence northerly one hundred and fifty two feet eight Inches to the southerly side of Ovlngton avenue, and thence westerly along the southerly side of Ovlngton avenue fifty four feet five Inches to the point or place of beginning. Parcel 13 Beginning on the northerlv side of Collins street, distant two hundred and eighty six feet and one Inch easterly from the northeasterly corner of Canarsin avenue and Collins Htreet. running thence northerly at right angles with Collins street one hundred feet, thence running easterly and parallel with Collins Btreet fortv feet: thence running southerly and again at fight angles with Collins street one hundred feet to Collins street, running thence westerly along the northerly line of Collins street forty feet to the place of beginning. Together with all the right, title and Interest of.

In and to that part of the Innd In Collins street lying in front of tho land above described, being of the width of forty feet and extending to the center line of Collins street. Being a part of block or section number one. Map of Oakland. In the Town of Flatbush. Kings Countv, New York, the property of William Jnrrlp.

surveyed bv George Arb tlce. 1853. and on file In the office of the Register of Kings County. Rub.lect. however, to the action of a commission for laying out streets In Kings County by whom the line of Collins street has been changed, known as 349 Rutland road.

Dated July 17, 1901. MICHAEL FURST. Referee. MoKenzle Bcebe. Attorneys for Plaintiff.

189 Montague Street. Brooklyn Borough. N. Y. City.

William P. Pickett. Attorney for Joseph Gordon. Trustee. Frank Crooke.

Attorney for Burt D. Harrington and another. Trustees. Edward L. Somerville, Attorney for Stephen M.

Hoye, Trustee. Frank P. Blade. Attorney for R. Lee Cuthbert and others.

William G. Cooke, Guardian ad litem for Gorden Infants. John A. Qulntnrd. Guardian ad litem and At tornev for Susan E.

Geldmacher. .118 6t th SUPREME COURT, KING8 COUNTY JOHN P. Lawson, plaintiff, against Caroline Lawson, wife ot John Philip Lawson: Charles William Lawson and Louisa Lawson. his wife; Josephine Oswald and William Oswald, her husband; Louisa Lay ton and Elizabeth Lawson, defendants The undersigned, duly appointed referee In tho above action, by an order ot this court, made herein on the 13th day of June, 1901, hereby requires each and every person, not a party to this action, who at the date hereof has a lien upon any undivided share or interest In the property hereinafter described, to appear before the undersigned, on or before the Uth day of September, 19U1 at his office, No. 139 Montague street, In the Borough of Brooklyn.

New York City, to prove their said Hens and the true amount due or to become due by reason thereof; and to specify the nature of such Incumbrance and the dates thereof respectively. The premises are described in the complaint In the ahovo action as follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Twelfth Ward of the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, County of Kings, hounded and described as follows Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Conover street distant fifty two feet southerly from the southwest corner of Conover and Wolcott streets; thence running southerly along Conover street sixteen feet; thence westerly parallel with Wolcott street one hundred feet: thence northerly parallel with Conover street sixteen feet; thence easterly parallel with Wolcott street ono hundred feet to Conover street at the point or place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, N. July 13 1901.

SANDERS SHANKS. Referee. Richard A. Rendlch. Attorney for Plaintiff.

116 6w m. PUBLIC NOTICES. SUPKEMK COl'RT. KINGS IN THE matter of tho application of the Hoard of Education by the Corporation Conns1! of The City of New' York, relative to acquiring title by The City of New York to certain sttuato on the southeasterly side of Fifteenth avemic. liist and Seventy second Btreets.

in the Thirik ih Wim! of the Borough of Brooklyn, duly selected and chosen as a site for school purposes hy the School Board of the Borough of Brooklyn un.l approve. by the Board of Education under and in pursuance nf the provisions of Chapter 370 oi tin laws of 1897 and the various statutes nmnidatory thereof and other statutes relating thereto. tho undprslened. Commissioners ot i in the above entitled matter, appointed pursui tho Drovisions of the statutes rolatin; the hereby give notice to the owner or owners, lessor lessees, parties or persons respectively nr int.rPHtirt in the lands, tenements, Iwredltii montfl ntiil nremlses. title to which is sought nnnlrpd In this proceeding, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: lf First That we have complete our estimate of the loss and damaso to the respective owners.

it ml tiorKr.ns iiitereHtO'l In the lands or premises affected ly this proceeding or having anv interest therein, and have filed a true rp or 'transcript of such estimate In the othce of the Board of Education of Tne City of New ork. Park avenue and Fifty ninth street, in the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, for the Inspection of whomsoever It may conccr. Second That all parties or persona whoso nghtu may affected bv said estimate and wlw mav object to the same or any part thereof may within ten days after the first publication of this notice. July 30th.

file, their objections to such estimate, in writing, with us. at our olllce in the office of the Corporation Counsel of 1 lie t.ity c. New York, in the Borough Hail, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said city, as provld by ftatuie. and that we. the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting Ht our "ce, on the 22d day of August.

19U. 0:30 o'clock In the forenoon, ano upon auhpequent days as may be found neces BaThird That our repnrt herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York at a special term thereof for the hearing of motions, be held in the Kings County Court House in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 5th day of September, 1'J1. nt the opening of the court on that day; and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be hard thereon, a motion will he made that the said report be confirmed. Dated the Borough of Brooklvn. City of New York, duly 30, 1901.


Rlggs, clerk. nO lOtosu SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY IN THE matter of the application of the Board of Education. tho Corporation Counscy of The city of New York, relative to aequlrlng title by the Citv of New York to certain lands situate on the easterly side of Humboldt street, between Kngcrt street and Mreker avenue, in the Sevententh Ward of the Borough of Brooklyi. duly selected and chosen as a site for school purposes by the Cnknnl rteeir1 nf Im "Rnrnilcli nf Hronklvil and approved by the Board of Education under and in pursuance of the provisions nf Chapter 7S of the laws of and the various statutes amendatory thereof and ot her statutes relating thereto, we.

the undersigned. Commissioners of Estimate in the above entitled matter, appointed pursuant to the provisions of the statutes relating thereto, hereby give notice to the owner or owners, lessee or lessees, partb or persons respectively, entitled to or Interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises, title to which Is sought to he acquired in this proceeding, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: First That we have completed our estimate of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and person; interested In the lands or premises affected by this proceeding or having anv Interest therein, and have filed a true report or transcript of such estimate in the office of the Board of Education of The City of New York, at Park avenue and Fifty ninth In the Borough nf Manhattan, city of New York, for the Inspection of whomsoever it may concern. Second That all parties or persons whove rights may be affected hy the said estimate and who may object to the same or any part thereof, may within ten days after the first publication of this notice, July 30. 1001 file their objections to such estimate, in writing, with us, at our office In the ofilce of the Corporation Counsel of The Cltv or New York, in the Borough Hall, fn the Borough of Brooklyn, in said city, as provided by statute, ano mat we. tne saia ommisslonerH, will hear parties so objecting at our office, on the 6rh day of September.

19(11, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, and upon such subsequent days as may be found necessary'' Third That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New Ynrk nt a special term thereof for the hearing of motions, to be held in the Kings County court House, In tho Borough or Brooklyn, In The City of New York, on the 13th day of September. 15)01, at the opening of the court on that day: and that then and there, or as soon thereafter ns counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report bo confirmed. Dated the Borough of Brooklyn, city of New, York, July 30 1901 JOHN H. KEMBLE. 1 WILLIAM HOOK.

K'onimlsalonera. CHARLES T. VAN DOREN. George T. Rlggs.

Clerk lot osu SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY IN THE matter of the application of the Board of Education, by the Corporation CounHel of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title bv The City of New York to certain lands situate on the northwesterly side of Hicks street, between Nelson and Huntington Btreets, in the Twelfth Ward of the Borough of Brooklyn, duly selected and chosen as a SITE FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES by the School Board of the. Borough of Brooklvn and approved by the Board of Education under and In purusuance of the provisions of Chapter of the Laws of 1897 and the various statutes amendatory thereof and other statutes relating thereto. We, the undersigned. Commissioners of Estimate In the abovo entitled mattr r.

appointed pursuant to the provisions of the statutes relating thereto, hereby give notice to the owner or owners, lessee or lessees, parties or persons respectively entitled to or interested In the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises, title to which Is sought to be acquired in this proceeding, and to all others whom It may concern, to wit: First That we have completed our estimate of the loss and damage to the respect I ow tiers, lessees, parties and persons Interested in the lands or premises affected by this proceeding ur having anv interest therein, and haw died a tn lore port or transcript of such estimate In the orflco of the Board of Education of The City of New York, at Park avenue and Fifty ninth street. In the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. for the inspection of whomsoever it may cuueeru. Second That all parties or person!) whoae rights may be affected by the said estimate and who may object to the same or any part thereof, may within ten days after the first publication of this notice, July 31, U01. (He their objections nueh estimate, in writing, with us, at our ntllee In the office of the Corporation Counsel of The city of New York, in the Borough Hall, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

In paid city, as provided by statute, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hoar parties ko oblcting at our nilk uti the 22d day of August, llhJi. at oVIoik In the forenoon, and upon such sube.juent days as may be round necessary. Third That our n'put herein will be presented to the Supreme Court 'f the State of New Ynrk ut a special term ther nf lor the bearing of motions, to be held in the Kings County Court House, In the Borough of Brooklyn, in The city of New York, on the loth day of September, lsd. nt the opening of the court on that day; and that then and there, or as soon thereafter ny enimsel can Ik; heard thereon, a motion will be mad'' that the said report be cunllnned. bn ted the Borough of lirooklvn.

City of New York. July 'M. l'J'JI. JAMES W. REl'MONU 1 IJKORUE PHILLIPS.

Commissioners. WI LLIAM M. OI'EENE. George T. MlisKf.

Clerk. Kit sti DEPARTMENT STREET CLEA.MN', MAIN UEEICE, To 2: PARK ROW, BOROUGH OE MANHATTAN. PUilLIC. NOTICE. SHADED BIDS OIL nlshlng forage for th Street Cleaning In the be received at Nos.

12 ESTIMATES FOR El" ue 'd' the I eparl merit of Borough of Brooklyn. Will 21 Park row, Borough of loek M. Manhattan, until 1 WEDNESDAY Till' I ITU DAY OF A I at which time and place the said bids or estimates will bo publicly opened by the load oT the Department for the following articles: poumls Hay, or tie quality and stan bud known as prime hay. C4.CWU pound No. 1 cl' an.

long By. Straw. 613,300 ijuundH No. 1 White ClippM Oats. he bright, sound.

v. ell eleaned a rid free from other grain, weighing not le than 40 poundH to the measured bushel. loo pounds MrM (juallty Flake Hraa. pounds first quality Fine suit. 2.1)0) pounds first quality Salt.

pounds llrHt quality Oil Meal. L'OO pounds Condition Powders. The time nllowd for the enmpletlyn of the entrant Is until October .11. 1'JOI. The umviant of urlty ieiired is Three Thousand Dollars Til" person or persons making a bid or estimate scull furnish the nam" In a sealed envelope indorsed with the hie of the work for wbh the estimate is made, with his or their mime nr names, and the date of

to the bead ot the said I apartment at the said ofilce, on nr before ih day and hour a hove named, at hh time and place the ej4ilrnte received will be pob llely opened by the head rt ni (. rend and the award of ill" contract made ti lowest bidder, with adequate seeuiBy. an thereafter a pra 'tierthle. Kaeh estimate uliall contain name and pla resilience of the person making the Mam. names of all persons Interested with lilni tlo iepi, and If other person l.

iteresfe.j it 1 db'tlnct lv state that fact also thai 1. i oi.iO; without onv conneetiun with anv oth. pr.sijiij inakicg an estimate for the wiiii" ouri" utut In all rettiss ts fair and without ml lush 'T fraud: that member of the unbuoii I A i 'ejn 1 ,1 i.e;i,; of a department, deputy thereof jerk therein, 1 chi' of a. bureau or other ortl The city of1 New Wrk direct I or Indlrei tjv ere. ..,1 In or In anv of tile Work siitUo'b it i' la i en.

or In anv rortb.n ot the pt'dW thereof as Mirelv or l' i'' I 'The Mtlliinle Mia II (v he oat h. tr: writ I nr. jf nait ina long the snne h. i several matter i. iefio a.e in no true.

Bidder must utate in their Mdt or ''iiruf the priced f'r whh thej v. Ill r.rnlfh the suppl and th't lu must be written gJVen ill SO Hi Mgll'M. and Kaeh too or eMiin.n. the eonsnt. In vr.t mc uw, freeholders lit The i nr guaranty ur sui'tv rofohanv on i o.

an mir tv and tiil orlt. or n.thorfe 1 by mat i or.e.i i In Mi ter set f'Tth in li blank in of below. No bid Mm I on ld Utile lam th. III of nv th tir.ii of tin Create. Ncv York For further ta 1 1 ho hi rf j.

ouantltv the Hijiidle the nr tent of the wok r' oolrrd. 1 to the H.eeiflcatlr.nn. IMdde are rvpier nia'e blank rr imvil l.v Mnner. a copy whleji. v.

jth the In Wllffh to Ifie ihe bid. of the oiiTrnit. jn iudliiir the i.e the for ni anhi ovM bv the ri and Rho'A Ing the manner 'f the i work, can Iit obtained ui on at h' flf the ofTlee of the II IJ1 1 Ialed New York, )'J 1 Af cleaning. RU2 10t ef In and in dav bv et the of do. of in fet the of re' of a and to 131 to tnn of of at of ed the of nf in as as r.f sterling Place.

The approxlml amount of the lien or charge, to satisfy whlciho above described property is to be sold, Is thousand six hundred and twenty dollars a seven cents with interest thereon the Sth day of July, 1901, together with c3 and allowance, amounting to one hundred ar ninety seven dollars and one cent (5197.01), to her with expenses of the sale. The property be sold subject to a prior mortgage of $230, with interest thereon at per cent, per Aum from May 1. 1901. Now York. July 24, loij FRANK I.

SMITH. Referee. Jy25 7t i ernopMP ootr vrvns rOITXTY EAGLE Savings and LoS Company, plaintiff, against Lizzie Brand an Inkers, defendants In pursuance of a Judgmnl ot foreclosure and sale made and entered in hq above entitled action, dated the ISth day ofJuV. 1301, I will sell at public auction to thehlSiest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctlaecV at the salesrooms, No.

9 Wllloughby ti the Horough of Brooklyn, Countv of Kings onthe day of August, 1901, Rt lu plw o'cloc. nftm. the lands In 3ald Judg ment mentloneil.andthereln described as follows: All that certain )t. peoe or pa race! of land, situate, lying and blng the Horough of Brooklyn, City of New Yoit. Ofnty of Kings and State of New York bouned aid d.

crlbed as follows, to Beginning a joint on the southerly side of Lafavette aveue dHant forty one (41) feet and eight (9) inches from the corner formed by the intersectin of the southerly side ot Lafayette avenue vith thl easterly side of Franklin avenue; running tlienci southerly and parallel with Franklin uunue sttv clght ICS) feet: thence easterly and pnnllel win Lafayette avenue sixteen (10) (S) Inches; thence northerly and again paralel with franklin avenue sixty eight (03) feet ti the souherly side of Lafayette avenue; thence vesterly the southerly side of Lafayette av nue slxl on (16) foot eight (S) Inches to the poiit or J.lai of besinnlng; also all tho right, title nul intent! of the party of the first part thereto. In and 1, Lufayettc avenue, in front of and adjoning miilpremlscs to the center line thereor. Dat'd July 1 1901. WILLIAM WALTON. Shrlff of Kings County.

Edward M. Groit Urout. Plaintiff's Attorneys. 1S9 Montigue strst, Brooklyn. N.

Y. The following li a diugkm of the property to be sold as above 452 Lafayette avenue: I LafayetU Ave. "50 The premises are to bdsold subject to a prior mortgage of wlthlntereet thereon at 6 from January 1. 1901; alo a prior mortgage of 5300. With interest nt from March 13.

1301. The approximate amour of liens or charges to escribed property Is to satisfy which the ah be suld is $1,263.39, with lriercst thereon from July 13. 1901. together witn osts and allowance. amounting to wit interest thereon from nses of tho sale.

The July IS, 1901, and th: exj approximate amount of fithLr II on a hffh iim to taxes. asHeKHments or be allowed to the pur chaser out Ot the money or puia uy inu Sheriff is $168. ami in tens t. Dated July 22, 1901. WILLIAM WALTON.

Sleriff of Kings County. ,122 3w SUPREME COURT. K(NGS COUNTY WILL iom Ulmer, plaintiff, afilnst Fredrlcke Kolsch and otherK. defendants li pursuanco of a Judgment of foreclosure and Ban made and entered In the above entitled acMonJ dated the Sth day of July, 1901 as anvn led by an order of this court entered tho 23d day of Jjly. 1901, I will sell at public auction to tii" hlejest bidder, by Thomas A.

Kerrigan, aucti n': r. fit tho salesrooms. No. A. Kerrigan, aucir'n'M iiuuhi.i, 9 Willoughbv streot.

in th) Borough of Brooklyn County of Kings. the ath day of August. 1901 at twelve o'clock, neon. ia lands In said ludg ourougn ot vsrouiviyu. 1901, ment mentioned and thernai oescrlbed as follows: All those certain lots, rye or parcels oi, with tho buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate.

Iving ann being in the Horough of Brooklyn, County of Khgs. City anil State of New York, uounUfu iirr.i ii'aioru uh iuiiuw. iu wit: Beginning ot a pi intpn the westerly rorner nt rtntmi avftnuu uiid I imrod street: running thence southwesterly iilonglthe northwesterly sido of Imrod street un miiirea uwj reet; inence TiArtiwtoriv nnd iii rlclil angles with Imrod etreet eighty flvo (f:) feut (ind three and one half Inches to the division line between tho farms of Andrew and Abraham Stockholm; thence northeasterly along said division" line one hundred (100) feet more or less io tne muuuiwosici i.v iuu ui rAr.rri nvamift: thence soulhen ate t1 ulont? the southwestern side of Central avenue eighty seven (87) feet seven and one fourth (TVi) lnchea to the point or placo of bfglnning The above described premises will be foM subjwt to two prior mortgages for the aggP Mte sum of $9,000.00 and accrued Intpreat. Uat Julyi29. 1901.

WILLI WAU P' nntmu ui uiukb 'uhj. Moffett KraiiM Plaintiff Attorneys, 894 Broadwav. Hrook yn. N. Y.

nian SUPREME 1 1 1 1NGS COUNT TH r. French Benevolent Society or tne or sew York. nlalntlfT. against mr a. fjjrwuir others, defendants.

Action i. in pursuance of a judgment of foreclosi1 nnd sale made and eptered in the niiovf 'tiuu day of June 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the Sales Rooms. No. jt Wllloughby street in th" Borougn or urooiciyn.

county of King on the 27th day of August IE01 at o'clock, noon. the Janon in said judgment meme'lie'i, niacin er nn follows: All that ertain 101, ppce or parcel or land, with the building and Improvements thereon erected. RltunteiJ. lyinj; ano oemx in me norougn of Brooklyn aforesaid, and hounded and described follows. wit: i n'niiiiimK ii puin on inn northerly Hide of Baltic street distnnt one hundred and seventeen (117) feet uni seven (7) inches en uteris from the northeasterly corner of Hoyt street and Baltic Htreet; running thence easterly olonj; Baltic street It feet; thence northerly and parallel with Hovt street and partly through a party wall one Ire.i (100) feet; thence westerly parallel with Baltic street nineteen (IS) fet; and thenc somberly and again parallel with Hoyt street and partly tnrougn a party tvaii one hundred (WO) feet, to Hnltle street at the dnt or place of beginning.

Diitrt August 5. ISO. WILLIAM UAJ M' JMiPrm oi rwingn uuiny. Coudert Brothers pbdntift'8 attorney, Broad way, New York City. N.

Y. au5 3w.

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